The barking fox 6

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The Barking Fox

Churchill - Cottage Grove- Creswell - Elmira - Harrisburg - Marist - North Eugene Roseburg - Sheldon - South Eugene

Volume II Issue VI: September Edition Division 74

Hello from your LTG Hello once again Division 74! School has officially started again, and with it so has another exciting year of Key Club. I know many of you are busy keeping up with your classes, I know I am! That’s why I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to serve your community. Key Club is what you make of it, service can be and usually is a fun event, so with dues season and membership registration in full swing, encourage your friends to get involved, the larger your club is, the more opportunities you will have to do fun things! Never stop serving Division 74!

Maisey Schering 509-396-1420

Table of Contents Page 3: PCM recap

Page 4: Meet the Presidents Page 5-6: Sites to Know Page 7: Division 74 facts Page 8: Bi-Weekly emails Page 9-12: Executive Board Bios Page 13: Membership Goal Page 14: Key Club 101 Page 15: Join the Alumni network! Page 16: 10 Reasons to join Key Club Page 17: YOF Page 18: Membership Campaign Overview Page 19-20: Ideas for your first meeting Page 21-22: Partnership Overview Page 23-24: K-Kids Page 25: PNWOF Page 26: Kiwanis Family Page 27: PNW Social Media Page 28: Trick or treat for UNICEF box orders

PCM Recap

On August 27, the presidents of various clubs in division 74 meet for the first time in the current fiscal year of PNW Key Club. Along with meeting each we discussed topics such as gaining members and divisional awareness! Thankyou to all those in attendance and I hope to meet more of you at the next PCM which should happen within this next month!

Meet the Presidents! Cottage Grove:

President Hayle Maitia Vice President Keely Galbreath


President Natalie Campbell Vice President Kelsey Kuhnhausen


President Awbrie Ammons-Jackson


President Dylan Parsons

Vice President Steviz Davissa North Eugene:

President Lauren Mayer Vice President Samantha Moesta


President Michael Dangerfield Vice President Isabell Webber


President Natalie White

Vice President Daisy Chen South Eugene:

President Taya Cody Vice President Thu Le

Sites To

Division Facebook: Key Clu Instagram: pnw.d74

PNW webpage: pnwkeyc

International page: keyclu

o Know

ub Division 74

About Division 74 Our mascot is the fox. it was the Wolf until April when immediate past lieutenant governor Kai Hollenberg held a vote to change it in April of this year.

Division 74 currently has 298 members, an increase of 100 members over the last two years!

Join the bi-weekly email The PNW executive team now sends out emails every other week containing useful information such as the MUC, PNWOF, district updates, and more! Sign up by going to The PNW home page at

Hello, PNW! My name is Dmitri Saberi, and I am so honored and excited to be serving as your 2017-2018 District Governor. Key Club is an organization that is not just capable of creating incredible opportunities- it is capable of changing lives. I have definitely had a life-changing three years of service, and am looking forward to another amazing year! Through my experience as a member, Lieutenant Governor, and now, a District Governor, I have gotten the opportunity to see Key Club from several different angles. What all those perspectives had in common was their focus: making a positive impact on those around us. My core plan as District Governor is centered around that, and I hope that we can create that impact as a District this year. But throughout my term, please keep in my mind that I am also a member just like you. Never hesitate to shoot me a text, email, or message with questions, concerns, or if you just want to talk! I am always here for you all, and one of the most rewarding parts of Key Club for me is connecting with you guys. Thanks so much, and I look forward to seeing you, talking to you, and working with you throughout the year! In love and service, Dmitri Saberi District Governor Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

Hello Pacific Northwest! My name is Kaho Otake (Yes, it does start with K, just like Key Club) and I am beyond honored and humbled to be serving as your 2017-2018 District Editor! While I may not be a familiar face to everyone, I, along with rest of the Executive Board, am Proud N’ Willing to Serve each and every one of you. For the past three years, Key Club has been a central part of my life: it taught me the value of service, perseverance through obstacles, and commitment to a cause. This year, my goal is to connect I, myself, to U, through inviting, informing, inspiring, and uniting all members. I can't wait give the attention and publicity that the Espresso deserves, and I hope you are just as excited. You can usually find me at Key Club events, camera in hand so, don’t hesitate to say hi! Thank you! In Love and Service,

Kaho Otake District Editor Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

p: (425) 221-7269 | e:

Hello hello, PNW! My name is Ashley Villanueva and I am both humbled and honored to be serving as your District Secretary for the 2017-2018 service year. Key Club has given hundreds of thousands of high schoolers across the globe the opportunity to be a part of a something much greater than they thought—the largest student-led service organization in the world. Because of this, we have all been impacted through the power of service. And this is what motivates me to not only serve you as a District Board member, but to connect, assist, and relate to you in any way possible! As I am entering my last year in Key Club, I hope to utilize my past experiences as club vice president and lieutenant governor, to the best of my ability while serving as District Secretary by increasing the bonds, communication, and voices heard around the district, while simultaneously being the support system to secretaries and ultimately the members. It may seem daunting to think about the “Executive Board” and the hierarchy of Key Club, but honestly, no title or position will define how we are all a part of the 270,000+ members in Key Club International. Keeping this in mind, you will hear or see this a lot by supposed “higher-ups”, but we really do mean it when we say to not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Reach me through text, email, social media, or snail mail! Thank you for reading! I look forward to working with the rest of the District Board to ensure that you have a fun and successful service year.

In Caring and Service,

Ashley Villanueva District Secretary Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

Hello PNW District Key Clubbers! My name is Brian Nguyen and I am thrilled to be serving as your District Treasurer for the 2017-2018 Key Club term. I can’t wait to connect with all of you and bring our district to greater heights! Some of my goals for this term is to continue serving our communities and increase communication with you, the members, to ensure financial transparency. I hope to educate and update you all through my quarterly Treasurer Snapshots, which will have information that will help you increase your club’s financial success. This will be my fourth and final year in Key Club. Before serving as District Treasurer, I was honored to have the opportunity to serve as a Lieutenant Governor and Divisional Executive Assistant. The most important thing I’ve learned during my Key Club journey is that the members are the core of our district, and assisting you in any way possible will continue to keep us as the Pacific NorthBEST! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk, feel free to contact me at any time. In the end, I’m just another Key Clubber who’s eager to serve the community and meet new people! In care and service, Brian Nguyen Key Club International Pacific Northwest District

District Treasurer E-mail: Phone: (503) 954-5855


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