THE BUTTERFLYER April 2015 Newsletter

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The Butterflyer The Official Newsletter of Division 44 of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International

March 2015 │ Volume 1 Issue 1

Mountain View │Union │Heritage │ Evergreen │ HeLa Fort Vancouver │ Camas

Table of Contents 03- About Division 44 04- Farewells 05 -Greetings from the Lt. G 06- Key Club 101 07- The Eliminate Project 08- DCON Recap 09- March DCM Recap 10- Meet the Div. Team 11- Distinguished Members 12-15- Meet the District Board 16- Goals and Dates 17- Butterfly Bonus Board 18-19- Preferred Charities 20-21- Contact Information

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Division 44 Mascot: Beastly Butterflies

Color: Clubs: • • • • • • •

Mountain View Union Camas Fort Vancouver Heritage Evergreen HeLa

Current Divisional Officers: Lieutenant Governor- Stuart Sardo Divisional Communications Director- Chemay Shola Divisional Spirit CoordinatorAvegail Avila

Social Media: TWITTER: @Division44PNW Facebook Group: Division 44 of the Pacific Northwest Key Club District

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Art by Susan Zou


44 Farewells- Leaving the Cocoon Dear Beastly Butterflies, When Stuart asked me to write a final farewell for his first newsletter I tried putting if it off for as long as possible. (I can already tell how amazing of an Lieutenant Governor Stuart will be by his persistent and polite reminders) Whenever I tried to write this it would bring back bittersweet memories-- ones that I will treasure forever and miss like crazy. I feel like I can't find the words to really capture what an incredible year I've had by serving our division. What I can say is that DCON 2015 was the best way to celebrate the accomplishments of all PNW Key Clubs and welcome in the new term. I really hope everyone had a great time learning to lead with service. If you weren't able to attend then I strongly encourage you to visit an area rally over the summer. I met the sweetest and most hardworking people along the journey and am extremely gratified to have become great friends with these inspiring people. Although I must move on and graduate (again, bittersweet!) I know Division 44 is in good hands. I can already see each club growing with fresh-faced officers and excited new officers. I've had the pleasure of working with Stuart along my side as Divisional Secretary and have the highest confidence that he will take Division 44 to the next level. Once again, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to serve the best beastly butterflies in the world. Your hard work and commitment to service has made this an amazing experience that I will never forget. In Caring and Service, Christina Chow IP Lieutenant Governor of Division 44

Anav Gagneja (IP District Com. Director)~ When you join Key Club they throw a lot of numbers at you—270,000 members, 33 countries, blah, blah, blah. I heard these at my first meeting and they really didn’t mean much. Since then I’ve gotten into crazy spirit battles, served countless hours, met many amazing people and truly discovered all of the doors that Key Club has unlocked. While I’m sad to be done I can’t wait to see what the future will for the Pacific NorthBEST District of Key Club!

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Anav and Christina at Spring Board 2k14


Greetings From the Lt. G!

Hello Butterflies, I cannot explain through any choice of fancy rhetoric or flowery diction how honored I am to be your new Lt. G, and how excited I am to serve and improve our Division over the next year. I love volunteering and helping people in general. Key Club is home to thousands of amazing people who are incredibly enthusiastic and welcoming of everyone, and I am ecstatic to get to know you over the next year.

In caring and service,

Stuart Sardo The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Mildly Interesting Facts About Me: • • •

My initials are S.A.S. (in other words, I am sass) I can crack my wrists really loud I can make a sound that sounds like a platypus/predator


MNT is a disease that affects newborn babies and their mothers, and is extremely painful, and even fatal.

What are the statistics? 9 160

A baby dies every 11 minutes from MNT 134 babies die every day from MNT $1.80 can save a mother and all her future children from MNT


Currently $87,000 (Wow!)

24 countries remain at high risk for MNT

PNW Goal $50,000

District Convention Recap

The Butterflyer │ April 2015


March DCM Recap Thank you to everyone who came to my March DCM, it was a blast and I feel like we all got to know each other much better through games and icebreakers, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for future DCMs!


Tammy’s spirit is on point

Honey, will you please smile?


The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Photo cred to Brandon San


Meet Your Divisional Team! Hello fellow Key Clubbers, my name is Chemay Shola. I am currently a sophomore at Camas High School. This year I am your divisional communications director (divcom for short). I'm so excited to be your divcom and what lays ahead for our wonderful division! Go beastly butterflies! Chemay SholaCommunications Director

Hi, my name is Avegail Avila. I was born in the Philippines and moved here when I was 3 (I visit back every 2 years or so). Key Club is a very big deal for me because I’ve been in a third world country and my family there struggles every day so I want to help those who cant help themselves. I enjoy playing soccer, tennis, and watching Netflix. My favorite pass time is reading and arts and crafts. I’m so excited to be a bigger part of key club and spread spirit around 44! The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Avegail Avila- Spirit Coordinator


Distinguished Members Ellie is a senior at Union High School, and what distinguished her is her amazing amount of spirit and dedication to her division. She not only regularly dresses in Eliminate and Key Club gear, but is also incredibly kind and welcoming, and embodies the true Key Clubber.

Ellie TranUnion

That sign is LEGIT.

Castine CruzFort Vancouver

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Castine is the new president at Fort Vancouver. Her school hosted the Hoopin' with Heroes service project and the loser of their class competition didn't show up to get pied in the face, so Castine stepped up to the plate and took the pie herself. What a team player. Castine exemplifies the exact kind of self sacrifice it takes to serve your community.


Key Club

In the Pacific Northwest District

Motto: "Proud 'N' Willing to Serve!“ Mascot: Mortimer Moose

Color: Fuchsia Pink Hashtags: #pnwkeyclub #elimin8 #FUUUCHSIAAA FACEBOOK: Pacific Northwest District Key Club TWITTER: @pnwkeyclub INSTAGRAM: @pnwkeyclub ASK.FM: mortymoose The PNW includes over 300 clubs that operate under 45 divisions, and is geographically the largest District in KC International.

The Butterflyer │ April 2015


Meet the District Board Hey Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers! My name is Tyler Bosser and I am both honored and beyond grateful to have the opportunity to serve you as your District Governor for the 2015-2016 term. I look forward to working alongside such caring and passionate leaders like you. I am certain this year will be one of the best the Pacific Northwest has seen. In this upcoming year, I want to focus on providing the district with what it needs to strive. That is aiding you- the members, in any problems that you may face throughout your terms. I’d like to leave you with one thing to remember: the District Board is here to serve the Tyler Bosser-District members, so please do not feel intimidated by a title. I look Governor forward to meeting you all and if you ever have any questions or would simply like to talk, feel free to contact me tylerbosser.pnwgov@g at any time via email, Facebook message, or phone! In love and service,

Tyler Bosser

Hey hey hey, PNW Key Clubbers!

Words cannot adequately describe my excitement to serve you as District Secretary for the 2015-16 term. I'm eager to see what we as a district can accomplish this year, from membership growth to funds raised for the Eliminate Project. I know that through our continuous efforts, from club to district level, pouring endless hours into giving back to our community, we can hit many new milestones, and our achievements will definitely soar. I'm excited to meet you all! Feel free to contact me anytime, whether it be about Secretary reports, tips on improving club attendance at meetings, or if you just want to conversate-- I'm always available as a resource and as a friend. In caring service, Tran Hoang

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

Tran Hoang- District Secretary tranhoang.pnwsec@gm


Meet the District Board Hey Key Clubbers!

My name is Suvir Copparam and I am your incoming District Treasurer. I am incredibly excited and thankful to serve you all for the coming year and am confident in what we can accomplish. This year, I plan to effectively educate club treasurers with detailed resources, monitor district spending with our first budget, grow district membership, and ultimately help all of you improve your clubs, so we can have a larger impact as a district. I am available to all of you as a resource, but also as a friend. Please contact me anytime if you have questions about your club, or even if you just want to chat! I look forward to working with you all this year. In Caring & Service, Suvir Copparam

Suvir CopparamDistrict Treasurer copparam.suvir@gmai

Hello PNW Key Clubbers! I’m truly honored to be serving all you this year as your new District Editor for the 2015-2016 term. I'm so excited to get started on everything that I planned on doing and I'm confident in what we are able to do this year. During my term I plan on making sure editors have the proper training to make newsletters through either workshops, videos or one-on-one help. I also want to try and focus on connecting the club and district level a bit more while also being able to give you guys more news on a more frequent basis. If you guys have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to contact me! I'd love to get to know you guys as much as I can throughout my term. In love and service,

JoJo Saunders

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

JoJo SaundersDistrict Editor jojosaunders.pnwedito


Meet the District Board I’m Ryan Miura and I will be serving as your 2015-2016 District Convention Chair. I am so excited to be planning DCON 2016! There are a lot of great things that will come this year, so be on the lookout for updates and videos during our time before DCON. I hope we all take this year to better ourselves as student leaders, and that we are able to live up to our greatest potential as Key Clubbers. Thank you everyone, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all throughout this year! In love and service, Ryan Miura

Ryan Miura- District Convention Chair pnwconventionchair@

The rest of the District Board (Appointed Positions) have yet to be chosen.

The Butterflyer │ April 2015


Goals and Dates Dear Division 44, Over the course of my term, I want to bring all 7 of our clubs together, and help sow the division into a cohesive whole. To do this well I also plan to grow our smaller clubs, which can’t happen without the help and encouragement of our larger clubs. As Lieutenant Governor, I do not in fact have magical powers. However magic does happen, and it is because of all of you, the members. All of you have more of an impact on your community and those within it than most of you realize. Key Clubbers can make a difference. I also think that as a division, we can spread awareness and ELMINATE Maternal-Neonatal Tetanus, but to do that we need to strengthen our division so that it can perform to its full potential. I have seen Key Clubbers do amazing things with their communities, and I have no doubt that we can do this! In caring and service,

Stuart Sardo Key Dates in April 1.VP Reports 4. Easter Egg Hunt for Autism Awareness 5. EASTER, also Secretary Reports 11.April Joint 44/45 DCM 19.Div. 65 DCM 21.Camas Officer Installation Night

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

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Butterfly Bonus Board MVHS







Point Break-Down You may be asking yourself, “Hey, what's that empty table above this thing I’m reading”. That ladies and gents, is the Butterfly Bonus Board. This is a running chart of how many points each school has collected so far, with the ultimate goal of a food related prize, that is still being determined (rest assured, it is food). So get out there, and rack up those points!

The Butterflyer │ April 2015

• +5 for Officer Reports on time • +25 for Key Club Chant videos • +5 for particularly impressive enthusiasm • +10 per DCM attendee • +15 per rally attendee • +20 per DCON attendee • +5 for member of the month award • +5 per new member • +2 if you hug someone on the Division Board. If it’s a good hug. • +10 for selfie w/someone from another school • +20 for selfie w/someone from a different division • +50 for fundraiser/service for the District Project


Preferred Charities Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN Hospitals contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay.

The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of Dimes was founded by our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the fight against polio. After the discovery of the polio vaccine, March of Dimes focused their efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers.

Preferred Charities UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children, works with other United Nations bodies, governments and nongovernmental organizations to assist in children’s needs through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries. UNICEF shares the Kiwanis family’s global commitment to children and has provided its extensive resources and leadership to assist in the Worldwide Service Project to virtually eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) from the globe.

Contact Information Division: Lieutenant Governor: Stuart Sardo- Communications Director: Chemay Shola- Spirit Coordinator: Avegail Avila-

Mountain View: President: Stacie Tao- Vice President: Karen Gong- Treasurer: Max Deng- Secretary: Michael Suk- Editor: Annie Lu- Upperclassmen Director: Alex Kuhn- Underclassmen Director: Sabrina Wang-

Union: President: Haeun Jung- Vice President: Melody Gao- Treasurer: Jace Curtin- Secretary: Kareena Editor: Elysha Fu- Underclassmen Director: Calvin Chu-

Camas: President: Tammy Chan- Vice President: Bilal Manzer- Treasurer: Ella Neumann- Secretary: Claire Bauer- Secretary: Leah Aspinwall- Editor: Anish Prasad- Historian: Erin Coats-

The Butterflyer │ April 2015


Heritage: President: Amanda Mar- Vice President: Jeffrey Wu- Treasurer: Brandon Hatch- Secretary: Sooah Choi- Editor: Kaitlyn Segura- Ambassadors: Liz Cusanelli, Christine Nguyen, Joshua Lee Frazier

Evergreen: President: Daloun Inthathirath- Vice President: Jenna Krause- Treasurer: Oksana Leksunkin- Secretary: Madelynn Sagendorf-

Fort Vancouver: President: Castine Cruz- Vice President: Andrea Brici- Treasurer/Secretary: Alyssa Libak- Editor: Jonah Benavente-

HeLa: President: N/A Vice President: N/A Treasurer: N/A Secretary: N/A Editor: N/A

The Butterflyer │ April 2015


Thanks for reading! Jace Curtin and his little buddy Jace was an amazing volunteer at the Easter Egg hunt this past weekend, and was super enthusiastic, as you can tell by the stickers.

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be� ~ William Shakespeare

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