BUTTERFLYER | August 2014

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R E Y L F R E T T U B t A ug us


sle w e N 14


e u s s I | t er


TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 29 20

Table of Contents / Key Dates Greetings International Introductions Divisional Secretary Farewell Meet the District Projects Director Seattle Rally Recap ELIMINATE Recruitment Resources Key Leader July DCM Recap Summer Service Opportunities August DCM Divisional Information Butterfly Bonus Board Officer Contacts











10 11 12 13 14 15 20 24



22 23

26 27 28 29 30/ 31

1: VP Reports Due 1足2: Rally in the Valley 4: Seattle Rally 5: Secretary Reports Due 16: Eastside Rally 25: Portland Joint DCM 29足30: Kiwanis Garage Sale & DCM

G r e e t i ng s f r o m yo ur L i e u t e na nt G o v e r no r Hey, Division 44! It's crazy how quickly the summer goes by! Can you believe we're already on our final month before we're back in school? This summer has been packed with lots of spirit and service; I'm truly so proud of each and every one of you for getting the most out of this summer and devoting your time to Key Club! We've been hard at work all throughout the blazing heat of summer, and it's been fantastic to serve with such a motivated group of Key Clubbers! Within our Division itself we've had a very successful DCM! You can read all about it on pg. 14. We also had great times volunteering! One such event was our strong presence helping out the Albina Cooperative in Portland! We got our sweat on under the scorching sun and helped the people of portland get a healthy harvest! With summer coming to a close at the end of the month we are at an ideal time to recruit more members into Key Club to have another excellent year of service! Every member can help us recruit! I know I love Key Club because I get to serve my community, make new friends, and make a lasting difference! Whatever your reasons are for loving Key Club, tell your friends about it! More members means more people working towards a better and brighter tomorrow! We can work towards eliminating MNT and building new friendships! I recently returned from a District Board meeting and have learned about so many great ways to better your clubs and community. I can't wait to share everything with you at the next divisional meeting! However, if you can't wait until the end of this month or won't be able to make it, I'd love to talk to you one on one. Send me an email or Facebook message and we can schedule a video call or Key Club date over a cup of coffee! I can't wait to get to know all of you better throughout the year! By all means it's been an intense summer! We've been Proud N' Willing to serve and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer! In Caring Service,

Christina Chow PNW Division 44 Lt. Governor Key Club International LtGovernor.44@gmail.com 360足771足1755


Int'l President

Hello, Key Clubbers! My name is Maria Palazzolo, and I am so thankful to be your 2014-2015 Key Club International President! I was elected at the International Convention in Anaheim, California, about a month ago. It is a privilege to serve you and the rest of our 267,000 members. As Key Clubbers, we have a unique perspective of the world. We, as teenagers, get to make lasting impacts within our communities and throughout the world. I find it absolutely amazing that our organization is made of so many selfless individuals with one mission: to positively change the world. As your International President, one of my main goals is to make Key Club International more accessible to provide more ideas and opportunities to make your club the best it can be. This can be done through: Webinars on topics such as: >The $.50 dues increase >Grants available to fund club projects, such as the Youth Opportunities Fund {more information here: http://www.keyclub.org/service/fund/yof.aspx} >Twitter chats with International Board members >Increased interaction through social media We will also be promoting the Eliminate Project, which is the Kiwanis family’s campaign to raise $110 million by the end of 2015 to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the planet. It nears its completion at the end of the year, and we need to work tirelessly to meet our goal. I will work with our International Vice President, Kevin Zhang, and our eleven International Trustees to meet these goals to make this year a productive one for our organization. I hope to see all of you at our International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, next summer! Imagine 2,000 people who are just as focused on helping others as you are. It’s an absolutely amazing time. If you have any questions about Key Club International, International Convention, or would just like to talk to me, feel free to email me! Have a great year, and thank you for all that you do in your homes, schools, and communities! Yours in service, Maria Palazzolo Key Club International President ipmariapalazzolo@gmail.com

Maria Palazolo with International Vice President, Kevin Zhang


Int'l Trustee

Hey, Pacific Northwest! My name is Tashrima Hossain, and I’d like to introduce myself as the new International Trustee for your district. It is such an honor to be in your service, primarily by ensuring that your voices are heard at the international level during the upcoming year. I’m excited to join the PNW moose; I’ve already received so much enthusiasm from the Board, I’ve heard many great things about PNW, and I can’t wait to see all the great achievements your district has in store. To let you know a little about myself, I am from Cypress, Texas, which is a suburban area adjacent to the Houston border. In addition to Key Club, I devote much of my time to debate and Student Council— which often leaves with very little time for sleep! As a result, I’m a bit of a grandma, and I like spending much of my free time sleeping, reading, or just hanging out with friends. For those of you who would like to know more about my duties as International Trustee, I have a few basic responsibilities: attending International Board meetings, participating in a maximum of two district visits, and acting as a representative of the international level of Key Club. In addition, Governor Lisa and I completed a Governor-Trustee agreement, which identified the main expectations Lisa has of me, as your district’s Trustee; many of said goals revolve around constant communication and building positive Sister District relations—all of which are means to ensure that I effectively represent your views on the international level. Additionally, I serve with Jenalee Beazley, Rip Livingston, Liz Moore, and Nicole Lema on the Growth and Communications Committee. There, we predominantly focus on fostering a connection between advisors and Kiwanis clubs, making Key Club a school-wide name, creating a “cool factor” for Key Club, empowering local clubs to publicize their work, creating a strategic growth plan for KCI, and creating an annual club census. We already have a very specific set of goals and action steps for the first quarter; I plan to update you all with any progress in that arena. During my term, I will stay committed to the goals I campaigned with, but more than that, I intend to actively serve as a resource for you all. If you have questions about amendments, elections, service, or general Key Club knowledge, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here as a resource, friend, and assistant in any way you may need. Call me, email me, Facebook me— I’m always ready to lend a hand.

Tashrima Hossain International TrusteeGeorgia, KIWIN'S, & Pacific-Northwest tashrima.hossain.kc@gmail.com 713-505-2252

F a r e w e l l f r o m yo ur

Divisional Secretary Dear Key Clubbers of Division 44,

Hopefully everyone has been having an exciting summer packed with service and fun! I myself have had quite an eventful summer. The day after school started, I went on a one-month adventure to Vietnam with Camas High School Key Club’s Corresponding Secretary, Tammy Chan. We did plenty of exploring and sightseeing, while also volunteering at an orphanage and an English school. This is what I consider the first part to my summer and also the reason why you have not seen me at any rallies or DCMs. The second part is... I am moving! Where? England! Unfortunately, it is nowhere near Division 44, so I am here to inform you that the position of Divisional Secretary is now open for the 2014-2015 year. Usually officer positions are decided before DCON, so if you missed out earlier and if you have the skills and passion, I encourage you to run! I was looking forward to an exciting year, but I am very thankful for the time spent as Divisional Secretary and for the time with Division 44, of course. Though I will be quite a bit away, I am sure I will here plenty of what you guys will be up to, so I wish you all a fantastic year! Make it special. Now I am on to my next quest: is there a Key Club in my new school? I sure hope so. In Caring and Service,

Amara Le Please congratulate Stuart Sardo for being the newly appointed Divisional Secretary! After receiving applications from many qualified and passionate Key Clubbers, I had a tough decision to make. Thank you so much to everyone who applied; though you weren't chosen for this specific position, there will be plenty of other opportunities for you to increase your involvement with Key Club and share your wonderful talents with Division 44 !

Anav G. & Stuart S. (Outtie & Innie)

Meet the New

D i s t r i c t Pr o j e c t D i r e c t o r

Click to read Spring District Newsletter!

< < R EC A P < < Seattle Rally took place on a hot monday, August 4th, at Auburn Mountainview Highschool. Key clubbers from all corners of the PNW district came to celebrate service and combat MNT! Our own division along with others from the Portland metro area woke up bright and early to take a bus ride together to a magical world of service! We had the great honor of listening to the previous International President of Kiwanis, Sylvester Neal! He gave us insight into the impact that one person's dedication can truly have, Sylvester Neal's story was one of humble origins and reaching out to the community, and will be a goal that we should all strive for. The rally was not only inspirational, but a great bonding experience for all; we met so many dedicated Key Clubbers and got to see those we met at Tacoma Rally again! Although there wasn't any zumba during this rally, we still had a great time with other workshops ranging from the officer training to Ice breaker and Improv workshops!





$1.80 Can save a

mother and all her future children from Maternal Neonatal Tetanus

Merchandisonesale at rallies!


Tanks & T足shirts


ORDER ONE TODAY BY MESSAGING CHRISTINA CHOW OR YOUR PRESIDENT! Merchandise will no longer be passed out to clubs so you must order merchandise before and come to a Divisional Council Meeting to receive it

Protect the Connection

Learn More @ facebook.com/ TheEliminateProject

$5 Lanyards



Register today at Key­leader.org!

Portland Area Oct 24­26, 2014 Camp Collins, Gresham

Seattle Area Nov 7­9, 2014 Camp Sambica, Bellevue

COST: ­ $200 for 2 days of lodging, food, activities, and lectures ­ First 1,000 Key Clubbers that register receive $25 off ­ $115 for student facilitators (must have previously attended)


­ Leadership growth opportunities ­ Challenging group activities ­ Ropes courses ­ Delicious food

A ug us t D C M

Kiwanis Garage Sale




16807 NE Fourth Plain Rd, Vancouver, WA

If an officer doesn't attend and doesn't not give me a valid reason for their absence beforehand, their club will not earn any Butterfly Bonuses under the DCM attendance category.

Kiwanians help Key Clubbers with so many things足 providing rides to events, WHY? chaperons, life advice, and the list goes on. Kiwanis is Key Club's best friend. From the very beginning they are helping us as they are the ones who pay for the Key Club charter and dues of a new club's first year. This event is a fun and great way to not only give back to the Kiwanis that has helped us out so much but also get to know the Kiwanians who make the magic happen!


Attendance to this fun Amazing Race styled photo challenge (organized courtesy of Divsions 62,64, 65, & 66) is not mandatory however is a great way to expand your horizons by meeting more Key Clubbers! I've definitely noticed at other inter足divisional events that the Portland Divisions have a contagious spirit fever and passion for service. If you attended any rallies or DCON, this DCM is a an awesome opportunity to reconnect with friends you made in the past! I really want everyone who wants to go, to be able to go, so if transportation is an issue, message me so I can work out a carpooling system!

J u l y D C M : R EC A P

Ice Cream Social!



C Present

Thank you so much to all the Beastly Butterflies that attended my DCM to socialize over ice cream & discuss the recent and upcoming Key Club events. As promised, since we raised over $50 during the Miracle Minute to fundraise for the Eliminate Project, I was transformed in to a sundae with the left over ice cream and toppings! It was a pleasure listening to your summer stories and I'm always proud of what you guys can achieve in a summer足 and in a minute!


Ice C Flavors


.8r 5the $5ed0fo

Rais Eliminate Project!

! N U F E H T L L friends! A r u S o S y I e it M v in T ' & DONin us at our August DCM Jo

Summer Service

O P P O R T U N I T I ES IDEAS: EVENTS: Monday Aug 18th, 9AM­ 3PM @ Camp WaRiKi Nature Explore Camp Guide More Info >>> Aug 29­30th, 7AM­ 5PM @ Church of the Nazarene Kiwanis Garage Sale Event page coming soon! >>> Sept 13, 9AM­ 12PM @ Camp Wa­Ri­Ki Camp Clean Up Work Party!


Food bank, Soup kitchen, Marathon/Charity run, Animal shelter, Library, Retirement home, Hospital


A lemonade stand, bake sale, garage sale, cans/bottles recycle refund, carwash


Park/beach clean up, Poster making for recruitment, club officer meeting to regroup



P U ? s ' E S t I L a F WhSTLY BUT TER BE AS

D I V I SI O N 4 4 H A P P EN I N G S

1. Mt. View HS and Union HS Key Clubbers working up a sweat weeding at Albina's sustainable garden in Portland. From left to right: Christ Xue, Waverley He, Christina Chow, Josiah McMillan, Gene He, Stuart Sardo, and Birkley Ramberg 2. PNW Communications Director, Anav Gagneja, and D44's Lt G, Christina Chow, visited the location of the September DCM, Camp Wa足Ri足Ki!

Club Newsletters! Click on a cover to see what's up in fellow D44 Key Clubs! Great job editors!









+25 Officer Reports on time VP Due 1st of month Sec Due 5th of month Club/Member Spotlight None Newsletters



Pictures of club activity (25 Max)



5 25





20 110 30 10 100

355 25 181 2 301 179 168 505 25 206 2 436 304 338

Communication Comment box submission, email, share or post on D44 FB page Per DCM attendee This Month's Special Mission! Per Rally Attendee

+100 Design Winning DCON Logo足足 Congrats Eric Hou! First club to submit full WhenIsGood form for Officer Training planning

O F F I C ER I N F O RM A T I O N / / F O RT V A N C O U V ER :

Baochau Tran President: Laura Martinez Vice President: Holly Ta Secretary Wendy Hsei Treasurer: Bulletin Editor: May Carol Cruz足Diaz Nicole Hannum Faculty Advisor: Steve Hecker Kiwanis Advisor:

CAMAS: keyclubcamas@gmail.com Emily Joy President: Joy.sunny.emily@gmail.com Nolan Rose Vice President: Nolanrose3@gmail.com Tammy Chan Corresponding Secretary: Tammy9498@gmail.com Shannon Ahearn Recording Secretary: Shannon.ahearn13@gmail.com Kenzie Nohr Treasurer: Kenzie.nohr@gmail.com Amanda Lebowsky Historian: AmandaLebowsky@yahoo.com Bilal Manzar Editor: bilalmanzer@gmail.com Becky Coyle Faculty Advisor: rebecca.coyle@camas.wednet.edu John Neumann Kiwanis Advisor: bombbombluigi@gmail.com

M O UN T A I N V I EW : mvhskeyclub @gmail.com

President: Vice President: Secretary Treasurer: Bulletin Editor: Upperclassmen Director: Underclassmen Director: Faculty Advisor: Faculty Advisor: Kiwanis Advisor: Kiwanis Advisor: Kiwanis Advisor:

Chris Xue Stacie Tao Jillian Chumbley Gene He Patrice Huang Birkley RambErg Karen Gong Kathy Last Joyce Vierck Patty Downey Michael Downey Clyde Holloway

UNION: unionkeyclub@gmail.com President: Vice President: Secretary: Editor: Treasurer: Webmaster: Member Growth Director: Fundraising Director: Faculty Advisor: Kiwanis Advisor:

Daniel Rodricks Charity Young Josiah McMillan Susan Zou Victor Chang Ellie Tran Haeun JUng Zhengyi Chen Justin Tanner Jeanie Harman

H ER I T A G E President: Vice President: Secretary Treasurer: Ambassador: Ambassador: Ambassador: Faculty Advisor: Kiwanis Advisor:

amanda.mar@outlook.com, Amanda Mar jeffrey.wu2@gmail.com, Jeffrey Wu s.musician@gmail.com Sooah Choi bhatch96@gmail.com, Brandon Hatch Christine Ngyuen christinenguyen90@yahoo.com, josfrazi001@gmail.com, Josh Frazier striker.cusanelli14@gmail.com, Liz Cusanelli Michelle E. Vawter Michelle.E.Vawter@gmail.com CindyMael@comcast.net Cindy Mael


HeL a

Lucy Davidson President: Vice President: Gabby Brody足 Heim Christianne Verzosa Secretary Ioana Mihalascu Treasurer: James Conrad Faculty Advisor: Patty Downey Kiwanis Advisor:

EV ER G R EEN Lucy Lo' Re President: Cindy Nguyen Vice President: Vivian Chong Secretary/Editor: Chelsea Wilhite Treasurer: Faculty Advisor: Richard Reinhardt Cindy Swanson Kiwanis Advisor:

Thank you for reading! Stay Key足nected! Division 44 LtGovernor.44@gmail.com Facebook.com/44PnwKeyClub PNW District Facebook.com/pnwkeyclub Pnwkeyclub.weebly.com District Board

District Governor Lisa Antonio Division 28 lisaantonio.dgov @gmail.com

District Secretary Ik Hoon Jung Division 65 ijungpnwsec @gmail.com

District Treasurer Aneesh Pappu Division 56 apappu97 @gmail.com

District Editor Jenny Zhang Division 32 editorjennyzhang @gmail.com

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