Visionnaire mo2012 interior

Page 1

INDEX XENIOS entrance - p.04 ALICE livingroom - p.1 4 ESMERALDA diningroom - p.24 EDWARD bedroom - p.30 L es t er l i v i n g r o o m - p . 3 8 DIPLOMATE livingroom - p.46 GINEVRA livingroom - p.52 BORGIA diningroom - p.54 CHRISTOPHER livingroom - p.72 PORFIRIO bedroom - p.80 BRAMANTE livingroom - p.84 TECHNICAL book - p.93

P.2 Visionnaire M&O 2012



Xenios desk • Little John plafoniera/ceiling light

P.4 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Alice panca alta doppia/double high bench • Esmeralda piantana/floor lamp Art Gallery Scarabei by Michael Serie Scarabei/Scarabei series: Dall’alto a sinistra in senso orario/From the top left side clockwise:

numero 4/numero 1/numero 2/numero 3 dettaglio/close up numero 4

P.6 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Alice panca alta doppia/double high bench • Esmeralda dettaglio piantana/close up floor lamp

P.8 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Art Gallery Gothic Dreaming Ceramics by La Conca • Prima fila a sinistra partendo dall’alto/First line left side starting from the top:

Saturday night/Three keys/Stone flower/Cross Keys/Pyramids black

Seconda fila a destra partendo dall’alto/second line right side starting from the top:

In the mist/Secret Thoughts/Dream on/Handwriting/Owl

P.10 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Art Gallery Gothic Dreaming Ceramics by La Conca • Prima fila a sinistra partendo dall’alto/First line left side starting from the top:

Handwriting/Piano Keys/Welcome/On the Hook/Of Heart

Seconda fila a destra partendo dall’alto/second line right side starting from the top:

Twin Sisters/Maze/Coat of arms/Skull and flower/Pyramids white

P.12 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.14 Visionnaire M&O 2012



Alice divano e poltrona/sofa and armchair • Doyle cantonale/cabinet Iring specchiera /mirror Solstice tavolo basso/low table Stevens vassoio/tray Holly plafoniera/ceiling lamp Nibelung fruttiera/fruit bowl Buckingham borsa Small in pitone lavanda Small lavender color python hand bag P.16 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Alice divano/sofa • Doyle cantonale/cabinet Iring specchiera/mirror

P.18 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Stevens vassoio con supporto/tray with stand • Esmeralda diffusore profumo/pomander Buckingham borsa Small in pitone lavanda Small lavender color python hand bag

P.20 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Alice dettaglio piede anteriore/close up front feet •

P.22 Visionnaire M&O 2012




Esmeralda tavolo pranzo/dining table • Esmeralda sedia e capotavola/chair and head of the table Lilium tappet/carpet Esmeralda lampadario/ceiling lamp Roland madia/cupboard Coliseum specchiera/mirror Nibelung vaso/vase

P.24 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Esmeralda tavolo pranzo con top in onice rosa/dining table with onix rose top • Esmeralda sedia e capotavola/chair and head of the table Esmeralda lampadario/ceiling lamp Lilium tappet/carpet Roland madia/cupboard Coliseum specchiera/mirror Nibelung vaso/vase Buckingham borse/hand bags P.26 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Roland madia/cupboard • Coliseum specchiera/mirror Esmeralda applique Buckingham borsa Voyage in pitone lavanda Voyage lavender color python hand bag Buckingham borsa Small in pitone indaco Small indigo color python hand bag P.28 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.30 Visionnaire M&O 2012



Edward letto/bed • Nottingham comodino/bedside table Dagonet lampada da tavolo/table lamp Quicksilver specchiera/mirror Thoth lampadario e applique/ceiling lamp and appliques Stuart copriletto/bedspread Klipper pouf cane/dog pouf Buckingham borsa Large in pitone nocciola Large hazel color python hand bag P.32 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Prospero mobile basso/low cabinet • Esmeralda lampada da tavolo/table lamp Nibelung vaso con collo/vase with neck Art Gallery Dittico Serpente by Michael/Diptych Snake by Michael Buckingham borsa Medium in pitone ametista Medium amethyst python hand bag Buckingham I Pad cover in pitone ametista I Pad amethyst color python cover P.34 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Alice chaise longue • Esmeralda lampada da tavolo/table lamp Prospero mobile basso/low cabinet Art Gallery Dittico Serpente by Michael/Diptych Snake by Michael

P.36 Visionnaire M&O 2012




Art Gallery Gothic Dreaming Ceramics by La Conca • Lester divano/sofa Ruis tavolo basso in onice/onix low table Harold lampadario/ceiling lamp Alley specchiera/mirror Ophris-1 tappeto/carpet Helmut vaso cristallo/crystal vase Passy cofanetto/case

P.38 Visionnaire M&O 2012


P.40 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Randall tavolo basso/low table • Alley specchiera/mirror Lester poltrona/armchair

P.42 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Harold lampadario/ceiling lamp • Alley specchiera/mirror

P.44 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.46 Visionnaire M&O 2012



Diplomate divano con lampade/sofa with table lamps • Diplomate tavolo contenitore/case table Evelake capitone’ poltrona/armchair Kudrun specchiera /mirror Sunshine lampadario/ceiling lamp Speyer colonna librearia/column library Helmut vaso cristallo/crystal vase P.48 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Evelake capitone’ poltrona/armchair • Buckingham borsa Small in pitone rosso rubino Small red rubin color python hand bag

P.50 Visionnaire M&O 2012




Ginevra divano/sofa • Acer tavolo basso/low table Dagonet tripode piantana/floor lamp Hubertus applique Mizar lampadario/ceiling lamp Helmut vaso cristallo/crystal vase

P.52 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.54 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.56 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Borgia tavolo pranzo/dining room • Bismarck sedia/chair - Jakata tappeto/carpet Diamond specchiera/mirror - Metropolis madia/cupboard Benson lampada da tavolo e applique/table lamp and applique Udolpho piatti e bicchieri/plates and glass Cheron posate/cutlery Saille tovaglietta in inox ed oro/silver and gold placemat Nibelung ciotola/bowl - Joska coppa/cup P.58 Visionnaire M&O 2012


BISMARCK sedia con opzione catena/chair with option chain • Borgia tavolo pranzo/dining table Jakata tappeto/carpet Joska coppa/cup

P.60 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Art Gallery Warrior/2012 by Hyena • Pag 62 a sinistra-left side Still life 2 Pag 62 a destra-right side Still life 5 Pag 63 dall’alto verso il basso-from the top to the bottom P.62 Visionnaire M&O 2012

Still life 1/Still life 3/Still life 4/Still life 6


P.64 Visionnaire M&O 2012

Bismarck sedia con opzione catena/chair with option chain • Jataka tappeto/carpet Metropolis madia-cupboard Diamond specchiera/mirror Benson lampada da tavolo/table lamp Nibelung ciotola/bowl Buckingham borsa Medium in pitone nocciola Medium hazel color python hand bag Buckingham borsa Small in pitone lavanda Small lavender color python hand bag


P.66 Visionnaire M&O 2012


P.68 Visionnaire M&O 2012

BISMARCK sedia/chair • Benson lampada da tavolo e applique/table lamp and applique Metropolis madia/cupboard Diamond specchiera/mirror Nibelung ciotola/bowl Jataka tappeto/carpet Buckingham borsa Medium in pitone nocciola Medium hazel color python hand bag Buckingham borsa Small in pitone lavanda Small lavender color python hand bag


Tudor madia/cupboard • Benson applique Bismarck sedia/chair Art Gallery Trofeo Cervo by Michael/Trophy Deer by Michael

P.70 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.72 Visionnaire M&O 2012



P.74 Visionnaire M&O 2012


P.76 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Christopher divano/sofa • Costance poltroncina/armchair Willy tavolo basso/low table Barnum specchiera/mirror Tuileries lampadario/ceiling lamp Flaminio tappeto/carpet Ironside mobile basso/consolle Irma scatola cristallo/crystal box Tazio posacenere/ashtray Nibelung vaso/vase Art Gallery Gothic Dreaming Ceramics by La Conca Da sinistra a destra-from left to right Of Heart/Stone flower/Skull and crown P.78 Visionnaire M&O 2012




Monroe poltroncina/armchair • Porfirio letto/bed Thalita lampadario e applique/ceiling lamp and applique Florie comodini/bed table Stuart copriletto/bedspread Kuma 2 centrotavola/centre-piece Barnum specchiera/mirror P.80 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Florie cassettiera/dresser • Nibelung vaso/vase Art Gallery Trofeo Bisonte by Michael/Trophy Bison by Michael

P.82 Visionnaire M&O 2012




Bramante divano/sofa • Oberto tavolo basso/low table Tuileries lampadario/ceiling lamp Barnum specchiera/mirror Flint piatto centrotavola/centre-piece plate Catene tappeto/carpet

P.84 Visionnaire M&O 2012


P.86 Visionnaire M&O 2012

Bramante divano/sofa •


Bramante dettagli sui piedi e bracciolo/close up feet and arms sofa •

P.88 Visionnaire M&O 2012


Oberto tavolo basso/low table • Flint piatto centrotavola/centre-piece plate

P.90 Visionnaire M&O 2012


technical book

Art Gallery Gothic Dreaming Ceramics by La Conca •

P.92 Visionnaire M&O 2012





Poltrona cm.83x89 H.112 schienale Armchair 83x89 H 112 cm with capitonné gambe anteriori con capitonne' back - front legs with oval inserto fregio con ovali e placca con decorations and Visionnaire logo in logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato golden lacquered steel oro


Rectangular pouff 65x55 H. 46 cm Pouff rettangolare cm. 65x55 H. 46 front legs with oval decorations and gambe anteriori con inserto fregio con ovali e placca con logo Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered Visionnaire in acciaio laccato oro steel BISMARCK





P.94 technical book

Divano cm.250x95 H.117 schienale Sofa cm.250x95 H.117 with capitonné gambe anteriori con capitonné back front legs with oval inserto fregio con ovali e placca con decorations and Visionnaire logo in logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato golden lacquered steel oro (we suggest 5 loose cushions) (si consigliano 5 cuscini)

Double high back bench cm.165x60 H.161 with capitonné back front legs with oval decoration and Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered steel

Panca alta doppia cm.165x60 H.161 schienale capitonné gambe anteriori con inserto fregio con ovali e placca con logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato oro


Single high back bench cm.89x60 Panca alta singola cm.89x60 H.161 H.161 schienale capitonné gambe anteriori with capitonné back front legs with con inserto fregio con ovali e placca con logo oval decoration and Visionnaire logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato oro in golden lacquered steel


Chaise-longue (DX o SX) Chaise-longue (right or left) cm.144x83 H.112 schienale cm.144x83 H.112 with capitonné capitonné gambe anteriori con back front legs with oval decoration inserto fregio con ovali e placca con and Visionnaire logo in golden logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato lacquered steel oro

Visionnaire coat of arms embroidered on back and loose cushions

Ricamo stemma araldico Visionnaire su schienali e cuscini volanti

Upholstered chair cm. 47x62 h.99

Sedia imbottita cm. 47x62 h.99

Option: decorative chain

Opzine catena decorativa


Divano cm.250x102 H.103 Sofa cm.250x102 H.103 Struttura in midollino di rattan Structure in painted rattan wicker (in tinto (nei colori di serie) standard colours) arms and feet decorazione braccioli e piedi in decorations in gold enamelled metal metallo smaltato oro (we suggest 4 loose cushions (si consigliano 4 cuscini cm.45x45) cm.45x45) Opzione finitura bicolore Option: bicolour finishing


Armchair cm.130x102 H.103 Structure in painted rattan wicker (in standard colours) arms and feet decorations in gold enamelled metal (we suggest 2 loose cushions cm.45x45) Option: bicolour finishing

Poltrona cm.130x102 H.103 Struttura in midollino di rattan tinto (nei colori di serie) decorazione braccioli e piedi in metallo smaltato oro (si consigliano 2 cuscini 45x45) Opzione finitura bicolore


Loose cushions cm. 45x45 with piping

Cuscino cm. 45x45 con filetto


Option: Visionnaire embroidered coat of arms

Opzione: ricamo stemma araldico Visionnaire


Sofa cm.310x122 H.73 base in steel padding and upholstery of the back with pipe quilting Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Divano cm.310x122 H.73 zoccolo in acciaio imbottitura e tappezzeria dello schienale a cannelloni -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407

Divano cm.228x95 H.117 schienale Sofa cm.228x95 H.117 capitonné gambe anteriori con with capitonné back front legs with inserto fregio con ovali e placca con decorations and Visionnaire logo in logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato golden lacquered steel oro (we suggest 4 loose cushions) (si consigliano 4 cuscini)

Divano cm.200x95 H.117 schienale Sofa cm.200x95 H.117 with capitonné gambe anteriori con capitonné back front legs with oval decorations inserto fregio con ovali e placca con and Visionnaire logo in golden logo Visionnaire in acciaio laccato lacquered steel oro (we suggest 3 loose cushions) (si consigliano 4 cuscini)

loose cushion cm. 45x45 with piping cuscino volante cm. 40x40 con filetti

Sofa cm.280x122 H.73 base in steel Divano cm.280x122 H.73 zoccolo in padding and upholstery of the back acciaio imbottitura e tappezzeria with pipe quilting Option: dello schienale a cannelloni CHRISTOPHER "scoubidou" pipings in Opzione: filetti scoubidou leather Nabuk 24127 in pelle Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407) varianti 3405 e 3407


Sofa cm.250x122 H.73 base in steel padding and upholstery of the back with pipe quilting Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Divano cm.250x122 H.73 zoccolo in acciaio imbottitura e tappezzeria dello schienale a cannelloni -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407




Armchair cm.89x75 H.75 quilted back - swivel base

Cuscino volante cm. 40x40 con fascia e filetti DIPLOMATE

Candyholder bowl in Frappuccino marble with Visionnaire logo Ă˜ cm.14 H.6

Ciotola portacaramelle in marmo frappuccino con incisione logo Visionnaire Ă˜ cm.14 H.6


Table - Pouff with container cm.160x80 H.42 - bevelled mirror top - decorative handles in chromed turned aluminium - internal space for bottles and glass holder covered with lining

Tavolo - Pouff con contenitore cm.160x80 H.42 - top specchio bisellato - maniglie decorative in alluminio tornito finitura cromo - vano interno rivestito in fodera per bottiglie e portabicchieri


Padded chair cm.52x68 H.98 (legs with crossbar) Option: bronze or gold lacquered legs

Sedia imbottita cm.52x68 H.98 (gambe con traverse) Opzione: gambe laccate bronzo o oro


Padded armchair cm.61x68 H.98 (legs with crossbar) Option: bronze or gold lacquered legs

Sedia imbottita CON BRACCIOLI cm.61x68 H.98 (gambe con traverse) Opzione: gambe laccate bronzo o oro


Padded chair cm.52x68 H.98 (legs without crossbar) Option: bronze or gold lacquered legs

Sedia imbottita cm.52x68 H.98 (gambe senza traverse) Opzione: gambe laccate bronzo o oro


Padded armchair cm.61x68 H.98 (legs without crossbar) Option: bronze or gold lacquered legs

Sedia imbottita CON BRACCIOLI cm.61x68 H.98 (gambe senza traverse) Opzione: gambe laccate bronzo o oro


Padded chair cm.52x68 H.98 Legs in mat lacquered wood

Sedia imbottita cm.52x68 H.98 Gambe in legno laccato opaco


Padded armchair cm.61x68 H.98 Legs in mat lacquered wood

Sedia imbottita CON BRACCIOLI cm.61x68 H.98 Gambe in legno laccato opaco

Poltroncina cm.89x75 H.75 schienale con finitura trapuntata base girevole a tronco-cono


Sofa cm.285x107 H.96 (we suggest 8 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Divano cm.285x107 H.96 (si consigliano 8 cuscini cm.40x40) - scudo in acciaio con logo Visionnaire sui braccioli - piedi in acciaio inox lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407


Sofa cm.265x107 H.96 (we suggest 7 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Divano cm.265x107 H.96 (si consigliano 7 cuscini cm.40x40) - scudo in acciaio con logo Visionnaire sui braccioli - piedi in acciaio inox lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407

Sofa cm.240x107 H.96 (we suggest 6 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Divano cm.240x107 H.96 (si consigliano 6 cuscini cm.40x40) - scudo in acciaio con logo Visionnaire sui braccioli - piedi in acciaio inox lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407


Armchair 115x107 H.96 cm (we suggest 2 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407)

Poltrona cm.115x107 H.96 (si consigliano 2 cuscini cm.40x40) - scudo in acciaio con logo Visionnaire sui braccioli - piedi in acciaio inox lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407


Loose cushion cm. 40x40

Cuscino volante cm. 40x40


Lamp for arm with support in turned aluminium and lampshade covered with leather or fabric


P.96 technical book

Loose cushion cm. 40x40 with band and pipings

Lampada per bracciolo con stelo in alluminio tornito e paralume rivestito in pelle o tessuto



P.98 technical book



Armchair 95x100 H.68 cm (back cushions included) with handle on the back A - pointed B - truncated

Poltrona cm.95x100 H.68 cuscini schienale inclusi con maniglia posteriore A - a punta B - tronca


Bed with interwoven headboard 325x25 H.127 cm bedbase 220x214 H.33 cm (for mat.200x200 cm)

Letto con testata ad intreccio cm.325x25 H.127 sommier cm.220x214 H.33 (per Materasso cm.200x200)


Pouff "Dog" 85x40 h.65 cm. - cover wool mongolia white - cover wool mongolia grey

Pouff soggetto "Cane" cm.85x40 H.65 - riv. lana mongolia bianco - riv. lana mongolia grigio


Bed with interwoven headboard 325x25 H.127 cm bedbase 200x214 H.33 cm (for mat.180x200 cm)

Letto con testata ad intreccio cm.325x25 H.127 sommier cm.200x214 H.33 (per Materasso cm.180x200)


Sofa cm.285x115 H.91 (we suggest 7 loose cushions cm.45x45 and 4 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric)

Divano cm.285x115 H.91 (si consigliano: 7 cuscini cm.45x45 e 4 cm.30x30 NON inclusi) Opzione rivestimento sfoderabile (solo in tessuto)


Bedside table with door cm.70x45 H.55 covered with mirror - lacquered wooden frame top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel

Comodino con antina cm.70x45 H.55 rivestimento a specchi in cornice di legno laccato profili top e base in acciaio inox lucido


Sofa cm.260x115 H.91 (we suggest 6 loose cushions cm.45x45 and 3 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric)

Divano cm.260x115 H.91 (si consigliano: 6 cuscini cm.45x45 e 3 cm.30x30 NON inclusi) Opzione rivestimento sfoderabile (solo in tessuto)


Sofa cm.235x115 H.91 (we suggest 5 loose cushions cm.45x45 and 2 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric)

Divano cm.235x115 H.91 (si consigliano: 5 cuscini cm.45x45 e 2 cm.30x30 NON inclusi) Opzione rivestimento sfoderabile (solo in tessuto)


Armchair 115x115 H.91 cm (we suggest 2 loose cushions 30x30) feet in shiny aluminium Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric)

Poltrona cm.115x115 H.91 (si consigliano: 2 cuscini cm.30x30 NON inclusi) Opzione rivestimento sfoderabile (solo in tessuto)


Loose cushion cm.45x45 feather mixture

Cuscino cm.45x45 misto piuma


Loose cushion cm.30x30 feather mixture

Cuscino cm.30x30 misto piuma


Padded armchair cm. 63x67 H.71 fully upholstered capitonnè finishing

Poltroncina imbottita cm. 63x67 H.71 interamente tappezzata lavorazione capitonnè

Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. Structure in wood: - external perimeter upholstered in leather of fabric - niche and one drawer upholstered in microfiber NOTTINGHAM - Brass lily handle: (silver or golden finishing) - top in ONYX MARBLE - top IN GLASS OR MIRROR Option: Visionnaire handle


comodino Ø 48 H.50 cm. Struttura in legno: - perimetro esterno tappezzato in pelle o tessuto - vano a giorno e cassetto rivestiti in microfibra - Maniglia Giglio ottone: (finitura oro o argento) - con top MARMO ONICE - con top VETRO o SPECCHIO - OPZIONE: Maniglia con Scudo Visionnaire


Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. Structure in wood: - external totally upholstered in leather of fabric - niche and one drawer upholstered in microfiber - top in TRANSPARENT GLASS - Option: Visionnaire handle

Comodino Ø 48 h.50 cm. Struttura in legno: - esterno interamente tappezzato in pelle o tessuto - vano a giorno e cassetto rivestiti in microfibra - top in vetro trasparente a protezione (in appoggio) OPZIONE: Maniglia con Scudo Visionnaire


Bed cm.254x240 H.128 (for mat. cm 180x200) Headboard and bedframe with pipe quilting base and headboard bands in shiny lacquered wood -Option: Scooby-doo pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 colours 3405 e 3407

Letto cm.254x240 H.128 (per MR 180x200) Imbottitura testata e sommier a cannelloni ad ampiezze diverse base e fasce di testata in legno laccato lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407


Bed cm.274x240 H.128 (for mat. cm 200x200) Headboard and bedframe with pipe quilting base and headboard bands in shiny lacquered wood -Option: Scooby-doo pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 colours 3405 e 3407

Letto cm.274x240 H.128 (per MR 200x200) Imbottitura testata e sommier a cannelloni ad ampiezze diverse base e fasce di testata in legno laccato lucido -Opzione: filetti scoubidou in pelle Nabuk 24127 varianti 3405 e 3407


LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES - CONSOLES Low table 45x45 h.41 cm. Top in plexiglass with Swarovski microcrystals decoration legs in shiny laser cut stainless steel RANDALL Tavolo basso 45x45 h.41 cm. Top in plexiglass con decoro microcristalli Swarovsky gambe acciaio inox taglio laser lucido BORGIA Dining table 273x110 H.78 cm. Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic SHINY PLATINUM or GOLD

Dining table 273x110 H.78 cm. Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic WHITE or BLACK ENAMEL

Tavolo pranzo 273x110 H.78 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox top in vetro retrolaccato da mm.10 ad incasso fasce perimetrali in ceramica bugnata LUSTRO PLATINO oppure ORO

Tavolo pranzo 273x110 H.78 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox top in vetro retrolaccato da mm.10 ad incasso fasce perimetrali in ceramica bugnata SMALTO BIANCO oppure NERO Opzione: water proof basin cm. 49x39 H.35 in plexiglass and Gotech handles (max. 2 pcs.)

RUIS Table cm. 180x110 H.35 (internal basin in mirror - base in shiny laminate) In NUVOLATO ONYX marble BORGIA

Dining table 251x110 H.78 cm. Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic SHINY PLATINUM or GOLD

Dining table 251x110 H.78 cm. Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic WHITE or BLACK ENAMEL

Tavolo pranzo 251x110 H.78 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox top in vetro retrolaccato da mm.10 ad incasso fasce perimetrali in ceramica bugnata LUSTRO PLATINO oppure ORO

Tavolo pranzo 251x110 H.78 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox top in vetro retrolaccato da mm.10 ad incasso fasce perimetrali in ceramica bugnata SMALTO BIANCO oppure NERO

Tavolo cm. 180x110 H.35 (vasca interna a specchio base in laminato lucido) rivestimento in marmo ONICE NUVOLATO

Opzione: vaschetta water proof cm. 49x39 H.35 in plexiglass e maniglie Gotech (max. 2 pezzi)

Low table Ø 120 H.44 cm. structure in steel top in tempered glass mm.15 SOLSTICE Tavolo basso Ø 120 H.44 cm. struttura in acciaio top in vetro temperato mm.15

ESMERALDA Dining table cm. 250x100 H.77 structure in stainless steel LACQUERED WHITE/GOLD/BRONZE gold/bronze lacquered decorations top in HONEY ONYX marble

Dining table cm. 250x100 H.77 structure in stainless steel LACQUERED WHITE/GOLD/BRONZE gold/bronze lacquered decorations top in PINK ONYX marble

Tavolo pranzo cm. 250x100 H.77 Struttura acciaio inox LACCATO Tavolo pranzo cm. 250x100 H.77 Struttura acciaio inox LACCATO BIANCO/ORO/BRONZO decorazioni con finitura laccata BIANCO/ORO/BRONZO decorazioni con finitura laccata oro/bronzo oro/bronzo top marmo ONICE MIELE top marmo ONICE PINK





Tray 70x50 cm. pliable support (60x50x50) covered in leather (sqmt 2,00) with surface in transparent glass handles in aluminium with GOLD/BRONZE lacquering

Tray 70x50x6 cm. covered in leather (sqmtr 1,40) handles in aluminium with GOLD/BRONZE lacquering Chromed aluminium handles: - A with points - B truncated

Vassoio 70x50 cm. Con supporto piegevole (60x50x50) rivestito in pelle (mq. 2,00) con vetro di protezione trasparente maniglie LACCATE ORO/BRONZO

Vassoio 70x50x6 cm. Rivestito in pelle (mq. 1,40) maniglie LACCATE ORO/BRONZO

OBERTO Low table Ø 126 H.42 cm. structure in rattan wicker - top in lacquered glass mm.15 - top in Iron Red marble mm. 20

Oval low table cm. 196x102 H.42 structure in rattan wicker - top in lacquered glass mm.15 - top in Labrador Antique marble mm.20

Tavolo basso Ø 126 H.42 cm. struttura in midollino di rattan - top in vetro mm.15 retrolaccato - top in marmo Iron Red da mm. 20

Tavolo basso Ovale cm. 196x102 H.42 struttura in midollino di rattan - top in vetro mm.15 retrolaccato - top in marmo Labrador Antique da mm.20

Bedside table Ø 48 h.50 cm. Wood upholstered structure transparent protection glass top with Visionnaire handle in leather


Low table cm.110x190 H.38 top in shiny lacquered wood mm.12 legs in shiny steel

Tavolo basso cm.110x190 H.38 top legno cm.12 laccato lucido con 6 gambe in acciaio lucido


Low table cm.120x120 H.38 top in shiny lacquered wood mm.12 legs in shiny steel

NOTTINGHAM Comodino Ø 48 h.50 cm. Struttura in legno tutta rivestita top in vetro trasparente a protezione con maniglie Visionnaire in pelle

P.100 technical book

Tavolo basso cm.120x120 H.38 top legno cm.12 laccato lucido con 4 gambe in acciaio lucido



Angle cabinet H.220 - cm.115x55 two doors in mirror glass with shield handles feet in laser cut stainless steel OPTIONAL: inside LED lighting



Cantonale H.220 - cm.115x55 due ante in vetro specchio con maniglie scudo piedi acciaio inox taglio laser OPTIONAL: illuminazione interna con luci LED

Low cabinet with 4 doors cm.248x55 H.70 covered with gold leaf - base in steel

Low cabinet with 4 doors - cm.248x55 H.70 shiny lacquered - base in steel perimeter band in leather (leather need sqm. 2,50)

Mobile basso 4 ante cm.248x55 H.70 rivestimento foglia oro - zoccolo in acciaio

Mobile basso 4 ante - cm.248x55 H.70 laccatura lucida - zoccolo in acciaio fascia perimetrale in pelle (pelle occ.te mq. 2,50)

Low cabinet cm.248x55 H.65 4 doors upholstered in Soft Leather with ovals decoration in velvet. Shiny lacquered structure - base in steel

High cabinet cm.248x55 H.109 4 doors upholstered in Soft Leather with ovals decoration in velvet. Shiny lacquered structure - base in steel

PROSPERO IRONSIDE TV unit 250x51 H.56 cm in stainless steel with lacquered glass top and two central doors with Visionnaire logo Mobile porta TV cm. 250x51 H.56 in acciaio inox con top in vetro retrolaccato con 2 ante decorate con logo Visionnaire

TV unit cm. 250x51 H.56 in stainless steel also in the back top in lacquered glass with 2 doors with Visionnaire logo Mobile porta TV cm. 250x51 H.56 in acciaio inox anche nel retroschienale top in vetro retrolaccato con 2 ante decorate con logo Visionnaire

Mobile basso cm.248x55 H.65 4 ante tappezzate in Soft Leather con Madia alta cm.248x55 H.109 4 ante tappezzate in Soft Leather con decorazione motivo ovali in velluto. Corpo laccato lucido - zoccolo in decorazione motivo ovali in velluto. Corpo laccato lucido - zoccolo in acciaio acciaio Cabinet cm.248x55 H.110. 4 doors with rectangular tiles in shiny bevelled wood - plinth in steel ROLAND Madia cm.248x55 H.110. 4 ante con formelle rettangolari in legno bisellato laccato - zoccolo in acciaio

FLORIE Bedside table with door cm.70x45 H.55 covered with mirror - frame Chest with 4 drawers cm.160x50 H.89 covered with mirror - frame in in lacquered wood top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel lacquered wood top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel Comodino con antina cm.70x45 H.55 rivestimento a specchi in cornice di legno laccato profili top e base in acciaio inox lucido

Cassettiera con 4 cassetti cm.160x50 H.89 rivestimento a specchi in cornice di legno laccato profili top e base in acciaio inox lucido


Low cabinet cm.248x55 H.65. 4 doors with rectangular tiles in shiny bevelled wood - plinth in steel Mobile basso cm.248x55 H.65 4 ante con formelle rettangolari in legno bisellato laccato - zoccolo in acciaio

Bookshelf column cm. 61x35 H.239 in mirror bevelled glass Desk with flap mirror 160x55 H.80 cm front and drawers poliester polished lacquered wood upholstered external structure



Secretaire-trucco cm.160x55 H.80 fronte e cassetti laccati poliestere lucido struttura tappezzata

Colonna libreria cm. 61x35 H.239 rivestimento specchio

Cabinet with 4 doors cm.140x47 H.143 upholstered doors - Visionnaire logo in stainless steel TUDOR METROPOLIS High cabinet cm.248x55 H.110 4 doors in shiny lacquered "diamond High cabinet cm.248x55 H.110 4 doors in shiny lacquered "diamond cut" wood shiny lacquering also in the back perimeter band in leather - base in steel cut" wood perimeter band in leather base in steel

Mobile a 4 ante cm.140x47 H.143 ante tappezzate - logo Visionnaire in acciaio inox

Madia alta cm.248x55 H.110 4 ante in legno lavorazione a diamante Madia alta cm.248x55 H.110 4 ante in legno lavorazione a diamante laccatura lucida anche sul retro fascia perimetrale in pelle - zoccolo laccatura lucida - zoccolo in acciaio fascia perimetrale in pelle in acciaio

P.102 technical book



BENSON Ceiling light 86x61 H.42 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickelwith 8 amber painted crystals

Wall lamp 70x50 H.35 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel with 5 amber painted crystals

Plafoniera 86x61 H.42 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox - nickel spazzolatocon 8 cristalli verniciati col. Ambra

Applique 70x50 H.35 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox - nickel spazzolato con 5 cristalli verniciati col. Ambra


Floor lamp cm. 46x43 H.165 Chandelier cm. 93x84 H.96 Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal lampshade lampshade in black silk - inside in gold in black silk - inside in gold Lampada da tavolo cm. 46x43 H.86 Tige tronco cono in cristallo Applique cm. 47x34 H.79 Tige tronco cono in cristallo sfaccettato sfaccettato minuteria e particolari in metallo finitura oro paralune seta nera- minuteria e particolari in metallo finitura oro paralune seta nerainterno oro interno oro

Table lamp 45x23 H.22 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel with 5 amber painted crystals BENSON Lampada da tavolo 45x23 H.22 cm. Struttura in acciaio inox nickel spazzolato con 5 cristalli verniciati col. Ambra

TRIPODE - Tripod-floor lamp Ø 50 H.200 cm. DAGONET

HAROLD TRIPODE - Piantana treppiede Ø 50 h.200 cm.

SMALL Table lamp cm. 15x30 H. 34 Lampshade in SILK - shiny chromed stainless steel base - gold/bronze lacquered base

SMALL Table lamp 15x30 h.34 cm. Lampshade in Kid tortora leather - shiny chromed stainless steel base - gold/bronze lacquered base

SMALL Lampada da tavolo cm. 15x30 H. 34 Paralume SETA - versione inox LUCIDO/CROMO - versione LACCATO ORO/BRONZO

Lampada SMALL 15x30 h.34 cm. Paralume in pelle Kid tortora - versione inox LUCIDO/CROMO - versione LACCATO ORO/BRONZO


Oval chandelier cm. 140x70 H.129 structure in steel with aluminium turning

Oval chandelier cm. 100x70 H.129 structure in steel with aluminium turning

Lampadario ovale cm. 140x70 H.129 struttura in acciaio con tornerie in alluminio

Lampadario ovale cm. 100x70 H.129 struttura in acciaio con tornerie in alluminio

Oval chandelier cm. 60x70 H.129 structure in steel with aluminium turning HAROLD Lampadario ovale cm. 60x70 H.129 struttura in acciaio con tornerie in alluminio

Deer-shaped wall lamp 74x55 H.108 cm. in chromed aluminium fusion HUBERTUS Applique trofeo cervo cm.74x55 H.108 in fusione alluminio finitura cromo


Table lamp cm. 46x43 H.86 Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal lampshade in black silk - inside in gold

Wall lamp cm. 47x34 H.79 Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal lampshade in black silk - inside in gold

Lampada da tavolo cm. 46x43 H.86 Tige tronco cono in cristallo Applique cm. 47x34 H.79 Tige tronco cono in cristallo sfaccettato sfaccettato minuteria e particolari in metallo finitura oro paralune seta nera- minuteria e particolari in metallo finitura oro paralune seta nerainterno oro interno oro LITTLE JOHN

P.104 technical book

Ceiling light Ø 100 H.120 cm. with 5 golden chains circles 21 alogene bulbs G9 (max 40 watt)

Wall lamp Ø 40 depth 20 H.62 cm. - golden chains 3 alogene bulbs G9 (max 40 watt)

Plafoniera Ø 100 H.120 cm. a 5 cerchi catena oro 21 luci G9 alogene (max 40 watt)

Applique Ø 40 prof.20 H.62 cm. - catene oro 3 luci G9 alogene (max 40 watt)


LAMPS Ceiling light Ø 140 H.120 cm. with 5 golden chains circles 28 alogene bulbs G9 (max 40 watt) LITTLE JOHN Plafoniera Ø 140 H.120 cm. a 5 cerchi catena oro 28 luci G9 alogene (max 40 watt) THOTH Chandelier Ø 120 H.130 cm. Structure in steel covered with silk central column in crystal- candelholders and chain in gold dipped brass pendants in Bohemia crystal ambra colour + 100 cm.metal chain


Lampadario Ø 120 H.130 cm. Struttura in acciaio rivestita in seta colonna centrale in cristallo copricandele e catenelle in ottone bagno oro -gocce in cristallo boemia colore ambra + 100 cm. Catena

Oval chandelier cm. 68x28x16 ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame

Oval chandelier cm. 90x33x20 ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame

Lampadario ovale cm. 68x28x16 schegge vetro ghiaccio su telaio in acciaio e stagno

Lampadario ovale cm. 90x33x20 schegge vetro ghiaccio su telaio in acciaio e stagno

Oval wall lamp cm. 58x24x14 ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame THOTH Applique ovale cm. 58x24x14 schegge vetro ghiaccio su telaio in acciaio e stagno

H.450 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.400 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.380 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.350 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.300 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.280 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.250 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.200 cm. (12 bulbs G.9)


Ceiling light Ø 40 Chromed chain and crystals DIAM 22 mm with halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) TUILERIES

Plafoniera Ø 40 catene finitura cromo e cristalli ottagonali da mm.22 luci G9 alogene (max 40 watt cad.)

Ceiling light Ø 40 Chromed chain and crystals DIAM 14 mm with halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) HOLLY/14 Plafoniera Ø 40 catene finitura cromo e cristalli ottagonali da mm.14 luci G9 alogene (max 40 watt cad.)

H.450 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.400 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.380 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) H.350 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.300 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.280 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.250 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) H.200 cm. (12 bulbs G.9)

Oval chandelier cm.160x76 H.110/170 20 bulbs E/14 max 60 watt each lampshades in white blown glass with vertical "Rigadin" effect structure in chromed steel

Chandelier Ø 125 H.130 cm. 18 bulbs E/14 max 60 watt each lampshades in white blown glass with vertical "Rigadin" effect structure in chromed steel

Lampadario ovale cm.160x76 H.110/170 20 luci E/14 max 60 watt cad. paralumi in vetro soffiato bianco incamiciato effetto rigadin verticale struttura in acciaio cromato

Lampadario Ø 125 H.130 cm. 18 luci E/14 max 60 watt cad. paralumi in vetro soffiato bianco incamiciato effetto rigadin verticale struttura in acciaio cromato

Chandelier Ø cm.135 H.110 structure in chromed steel 13 lampshades Ø 41 cm. H.21 covered with eco-leather with chromed nickel studs 13 bulbs E/27 SUNSHINE Lampadario Ø cm.135 H.110 struttura in acciaio cromato 13 paralumi Ø 41 cm. H.21 rivestiti in ecopelle con decorazione borchie finitura nichel cromo 13 luci E/27


Chandelier 18 bulbs Ø 110 H.120 cm. structure in chromed brass Lampshades in white Kid leather

Wall lamp cm.38x24 H.56 upright arms and rectangular plate Lampshades in white Kid leather

Lampadario 18 luci Ø 110 H.120 cm. struttura ottone cromato Paralumi pelle KID bianco

Applique a due luci cm.38x24 H.56 braccia a montante e placca rettangolare Paralumi in pelle KID bianco

P.106 technical book




Oval mirror with floor support H.207 cm. - cm.100x65 - shiny stainless steel - GOLD/BRONZE stainless steel

Oval frame in stainless steel double support with turned parts and cone tip

Specchio ovale con supporto a pavimento H.207 cm. - cm.100x65 - versione inox lucido - versione inox laccato oro/bronzo

Cornice in profilato d'accio inox ovale supporti a "2 vie" con torneria e puntale "pigna"


Shaped designed carpet 250x150 cm. silk and hand-knotted Tibetan wool

250x150 cm. seta e lana tibetana annodate a mano


Shaped designed carpet 300x180 cm. silk and hand-knotted Tibetan wool

300x180 cm. seta e lana tibetana annodate a mano


Square 300x300 cm. hand turned wool and silk

Tappeto cm.300x300 lana ritorta a mano e seta


Round mirror Ø 162 cm. th. 6 cm. Internal and external profiles in shiny stainless steel frame in 4 parts with quilted upholstery - version in shiny stainless steel - version in gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel BARNUM Specchiera rotonda Ø 162 cm. spessore 6 cm. Profilatura interna ed esterna in acciaio inox cornice in 4 parti con rivestimento trapuntato - versione inox lucido - versione inox laccato oro/bronzo



Mirror 202x87x2 cm. in wood with diamond pattern brushed polyester lacquered

Mirror 232x87x2 cm. in wood with diamond pattern brushed polyester lacquered

Specchiera cm. 202x87x2 in legno bugnato laccato poliestere spazzolato a mano

Specchiera cm. 232x87x2 in legno bugnato laccato poliestere spazzolato a mano


Rectangular 350x250 cm. Rettangolare 350x250 in black lapin with oval cm. in lapin nero con inlays intarsi ovali in volpe nera in black fox

Oval with mould 300X400 cm. approx. (knotted by hand)

Ovale con sagomatura 300X400 cm. circa (annodato a mano)

Mirror 262x87x2 cm. in wood with diamond pattern brushed polyester lacquered COLISEUM Specchiera cm. 262x87x2 in legno bugnato laccato poliestere spazzolato a mano


Rectangular 350x270 cm. Tappeto cm. 350x270 in wood with silk base lana, decori in seta decorations annodato a mano hand-knotted

Mirror 248X116x3,5 cm. Shiny hlack lacquered DIAMOND


Rectangular 300x400 cm. lilie design black/violet

Tappeto cm.300x400 motivo gigli nero/viola


Shaped designed carpet 350x270 cm. 1 white orchid

Tappeto 350x270 cm. 1 orchidea bianca


Rectangular 350x270 cm. 3 white orchids

Tappeto 350x270 cm. 3 orchidee bianche


Rectangular 300X400 cm. approx. (knotted by hand) PURPLE tonality

Rettangolare 300X400 cm. circa (annodato a mano) tonalità VIOLA

Specchiera 248X116x3,5 cm. Laccata nero lucido

Mirror 240x100 cm. - carved double frame white or black IRING Specchiera 240x100 cm. - doppia cornice intarsiata laccatura bianca o nera


Mirror 230x116x6 cm. Upholstered frame - shiny stainless steel structure (cover not included) Specchiera 230x116x6 cm. Cornice tappezzata - telaio acciaio inox lucido (escluso rivestimento) Mirror cm. 220X110 Frame in steel with decorative studs on the perimeter

QUICKSILVER Specchiera cm. 220X110 cornice in acciaio con borchie decorative sulla fascia perimetrale

P.108 technical book




Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire SMALL-handbag logo. Two external pockets with cover: cm.21x14 H.17 - front: cover with magnet lock and safety (+handles cm.13) lock and shield detail in leather with indicative sizes Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; in SOFT-LEATHER - back: simple cover with magnet lock and in leather ARIZONA safety lock. Internal pocket with zip and two in leather mobile holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval ANGUILLA pattern. White gold metal accessories.

MEDIUM-handbag cm.35x17 H.27 (+ handles cm.15) indicative sizes in SOFT-LEATHER in leather ARIZONA in leather ANGUILLA

SMALL-handbag cm.21x14 H.17 (+manici cm.13) misure indicative Pelle SOFTLEATHER Pelle ARIZONA Pelle ANGUILLA

Borsa a due manici + tracolla Apertura superiore con cerniera lampo e cursore con logo Visionnaire. Due tasche esterne con pattina: - fronte: pattina con chiusura a magnete con sicura e dettaglio scudo in pelle con stemma araldico Visionnaire in metallo dorato; - retro: pattina semplice con chiusura a magnete con sicura. Tasca interna con cerniera e due tasche (portacellulare). Fodera con disegno ovali Visionnaire. Accessori metallici bagno oro bianco

Borsa a due manici + tracolla Apertura superiore con cerniera lampo e Handbag with two handles + strap cursore con logo Visionnaire. Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire MEDIUM-handbag Due tasche esterne con pattina: logo. cm.35x17 H.27 - fronte: pattina con chiusura ad aggancio Two external pockets with cover: (+manici cm.15) - front: cover with easy closing lock rapido e dettaglio scudo in pelle con stemma misure indicative and shield detail in leather araldico Visionnaire in metallo dorato; Pelle SOFTwith Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; - retro: pattina semplice con chiusura ad LEATHER - back: simple cover with easy closing aggancio rapido. Pelle ARIZONA lock.Internal pocket with zip and two mobile Tasca interna con cerniera e due tasche Pelle ANGUILLA holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. (portacellulare). White gold metal accessories. Fodera con disegno ovali Visionnaire. Accessori metallici bagno oro bianco

B3/Big wallet cm.20x10 (open cm.20x20) in Soft-Leather

Vertical wallet with internal pockets. Business and credit card holders. Internal decoration with gold brass chain mail. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal.

B4/Small wallet cm.10x8 (open cm.10x15,5) in Soft-Leather

Wallet with internal pockets. Business and credit card holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal.

B4/Portafoglio piccolo cm.10x8 (aperto cm.10x15,5) Pelle Soft-Leather

Portafoglio con tasche interne. Porta bigliettini da visita e porta card. Fodera interna con ovali Visionnaire. Logo Visionnaire in metallo dorato

B5/Card and coin holder cm.10x8 in Soft-Leather

Business and credit card holder. Central pocket for coins. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal.

B5/Porta card e monete cm.10x8 Pelle Soft-Leather

Porta biglietti da visita e porta card. Taschina centrale per monete Fodera interna ovali Visionnaire. Logo Visionnaire in metallo dorato

Belt in eel leather

A- Men H. mm.35 B- Women H. mm.30

Cintura in pelle anguilla

A- Uomo H. mm.35 B- Donna H. mm.30




BUCKINGHAM BUCKINGHAM Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire logo. LARGE-handbag Two external pockets with cover: cm.42x25 H.29 - front: cover with button lock (+ handles cm.15) and shield detail in leather indicative sizes in SOFT-LEATHER with Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; - back: simple cover with button lock. in leather ARIZONA Internal pocket with zip and two mobile in leather holders. ANGUILLA Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Gold metal accessories

LARGE-handbag cm.42x25 H.29 (+manici cm.15) misure indicative Pelle SOFTLEATHER Pelle ARIZONA Pelle ANGUILLA

Borsa a due manici + tracolla Apertura superiore con cerniera lampo e cursore con logo Visionnaire. Due tasche esterne con pattina: - fronte: pattina con chiusura a pulsante e dettaglio scudo in pelle con stemma araldico Visionnaire in metallo dorato; - retro: pattina semplice con chiusura a pulsante. Tasca interna con cerniera e due tasche (portacellulare). Fodera con disegno ovali Visionnaire. Accessori metallici oro

Portafoglio verticale con tasche interne. B3/Portafoglio Porta bigliettini da visita e porta card. grande cm.20x10 (aperto Decorazione interna in maglia ottone dorato. Fodera interna con ovali Visionnaire cm.20x20) Logo Visionnaire in metallo dorato Pelle Soft-Leather

Diffusore con profumo

Parfume diffuser

ESMERALDA ELIOS - men colour honey or black


ELIOS - uomo colore miele o nero

Occhiale con abbellitore in argento microfuso con scritta in altorilievo. Lenti CR39 sfumate - antiriflesso

Eyeglasses with detail in casting silver with SELENE - donna lily and logo. Inner writing. colore miele o nero Coloured lens CR39 - antiglare

Occhiale con abbellitore in argento microfuso con giglio e logo. Scritta interna. Lenti CR39 sfumate - antiriflesso

Eyeglass with detail in casting silver with high-relief writing. Coloured lens CR39 - antiglare


VOYAGE-handbag cm.52x28 H.33 (+ handles cm.13) indicative sizes in SOFT-LEATHER in leather ARIZONA in leather ANGUILLA

Borsa a due manici + tracolla Handbag with two handles + strap Apertura superiore con cerniera lampo e Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire cursore con logo Visionnaire. logo. Due tasche esterne con pattina: VOYAGE-handbag Two external pockets with cover: - fronte: pattina con chiusura a pulsante cm.52x28 H.33 - front: cover with button lock and shield e dettaglio scudo in pelle con stemma (+manici cm.13) araldico Visionnaire in metallo dorato e detail in leather with Visionnaire coat of arms misure indicative chiusura sicurezza con chiusura a pulsante; Pelle SOFTin gold metal and safety lock with button; - retro: pattina semplice con chiusura a LEATHER - back: simple cover with button lock. pulsante. Pelle ARIZONA Internal pocket with zip and two mobile Tasca interna con cerniera e due tasche Pelle ANGUILLA holders. (portacellulare). Lining with Visionnaire coat of arms. Fodera con disegno ovali Visionnaire. White gold metal accessories. Accessori metallici bagno oro bianco

SELENE - women colour honey or black EYEWEAR


B1/Document holder cm.24x13 (open cm. 24x13) in Soft-Leather

Vertical document holder with internal pockets. Business and credit card holders. Visionnaire logo in gold metal

B2/Big wallet cm.20x10 (open cm.20x20) in Soft-Leather

Horizontal wallet with internal pockets. Business and credit card holders. Internal pocket with zip and leather slide. Visionnaire logo in gold metal.

B1/Portadocumenti Portadocumenti verticale con tasche interne. cm.24x13 Porta bigliettini da visita e porta card. (aperto cm. 24x13) Logo Visionnaire in metallo dorato Pelle Soft-Leather

BUCKINGHAM B2/Portafoglio grande cm.20x10 (aperto cm.20x20) Pelle Soft-Leather

Portafoglio orizzontale con tasche interne. Porta bigliettini da visita e porta card. Tasca interna con cerniera lampo e cursore in pelle. Logo Visionnaire in metallo dorato


P.110 technical book





GOTHIC DREAMING - artistic ceramic collection

Fruit bowl in ceramic Ø 37 x H.23 cm.

Fruttiera in ceramica Ø 37 H.23 cm.

Simple vase Ø 38 x H.35 cm. ceramic "diamond" design

Vaso semplice Ø 38 H.35 cm. in ceramica a disegno "diamante"


Bowl Ø 38 x H.17 cm. ceramic "diamond" design

Ciotola Ø 38 H.17 cm. in ceramica a disegno "diamante"



2) Three keys

3) Maze

4) Owl

5) On the Hook

6) Secret Thoughts

7) Dream on

8) Twin Sisters

9) Welcome

10) Saturday Night

11) Piano Keys

12) Skull and flower

13) Cross keys

14) Of Heart

15) Coat of arms

16) Skull and crown

Vase with neck Ø 38 x H.44 Vaso con collo Ø 38 H.44 cm. in ceramica a disegno cm. "diamante" ceramic "diamond" design



1) In the mist

Piatto centrotavola Ø 53 H.8 cm. con maniglie bamboo e logo Visionnaire

Piatto centrotavola Ø 53 H.8 cm. con maniglie bamboo e logo Visionnaire

Oval plate for console cm.86x43 H.10 with truncated handles and Visionnaire logo

Piatto ovale da consolle cm.86x43 H.10 con maniglie bamboo e logo Visionnaire

Box 12x11 H.12 cm. black cover with shiny carved in pure Crystal Visionnaire logo

Scatola 12x11 h.12 cm. coperchio nero con logo Visionnaire inciso lucido

Ceramic tile cm.15x18x1,5

17) Stone flower

18) Pyramids platinum, white or black

19) Handwriting

Support in plexiglass for ceramic tiles cm.10x12 H.14

P.112 technical book




Still-life 1 (picture HYENA cm.40x20)


Artistic pictures from the Foto artistiche della serie "Vanitas" series "Vanitas" stampate su Still-life 2 printed on Baritata carta Baritata (picture HYENA Hanhemulhe 300 gr paper Hanhemulhe 300 gr in cm.20x40) tiratura limitata, firmate in limited edition, signed dall'artista by the artist.







Artistic pictures from the Foto artistiche della serie "Vanitas" series "Vanitas" stampate su Still-life 5 printed on Baritata carta Baritata (picture HYENA Hanhemulhe 300 gr paper Hanhemulhe 300 gr in cm.20x40) tiratura limitata, firmate in limited edition, signed dall'artista by the artist


P.114 technical book

Leptinotarsa Decemlineata

Copris Lunaris (male) cm. 60x80

Still-life 4 (picture HYENA cm.40x20)


Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on cm. 60x80 plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Lucanus Cervus Frame in shiny stainless steel (male) (Michael) cm. 60x80

cm. 60x80

Still-life 3 (picture HYENA cm.40x20)



Protaetia Aeruginosa (male)


cm. 110x110


cm. 110x110

Opera realizzata su base fotografica elaborata e stampata direttamente su plexiglass con inserti in vetro artistico e cristalli Swarovski Cornice in acciaio inox lucido (Michael)

Opera realizzata su base fotografica elaborata e stampata direttamente su plexiglass con inserti in vetro artistico e cristalli Swarovski Cornice in acciaio inox lucido (Michael)

Opera realizzata su base fotografica elaborata e stampata direttamente su plexiglass con inserti in vetro artistico e cristalli Swarovski Cornice in acciaio inox lucido (Michael)

Diptych 1 (left) + 2 (right) Dittico 1 (sx) + 2 (dx)

Still-life 6 (picture HYENA cm.40x20)


Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael)

Opera realizzata su base fotografica elaborata e stampata direttamente su plexiglass con inserti in vetro artistico e cristalli Swarovski Cornice in acciaio inox lucido (Michael)

formato cm. 180x150

Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael)

Opera realizzata su base fotografica elaborata e stampata direttamente su plexiglass con inserti in vetro artistico e cristalli Swarovski Cornice in acciaio inox lucido (Michael)


Produced by ŠIPE SRL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The IPE srl Logo and Advertising Images are Proprietary to IPE srl as such, any utilisation of the logo or adaptation of these images is stricly forbidden without IPE srl’s prior approval and, in any case, the images must be used in such a way that there can be no doubt what so ever that they used belong to IPE srl and refer to IPE srl products. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. FEBBRUARY 2012 PROJECT DIRECTOR Eleonore Cavalli GRAPHIC DESIGN Sixeleven TECHNICAL BOOK Andrea Mazzanti

Tutti i colori dei rivestimenti, pelli e tessuti, delle lacche e dei tappeti non possono essere considerati come riferimento colore. All colors of leather or fabric's covers, lacquered wood and carpets can't be considered as color references. I.P.E. S.r.l. Via Mattei 1 - 40069 Zola Predosa (Bo) Italy tel. +39 051 6186311 fax +39 051 6186310 |

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