Coalbed Gas in B.C.

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Coalbed Gas Produced Water Regulations in British Columbia

Les McDonald, RP Bio Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

Regulatory Agencies 

B.C. Oil And Gas Commission (OGC) - Lead agency for regulation of oil and gas industry, including coalbed gas.

Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection develops authorizations to discharge (codes of practice or permits) under Environmental Management Act.

OGC carries out audits, inspection, compliance and enforcement, in cooperation with WLAP.

Environmental Management Act 

CBG produced water defined as waste, must have authorization to discharge.

Authorizations: regulations, permits, Codes of Practice (Minister’s regulation).

Codes of Practice:  

Consistent across province Reduces paperwork for multiple discharges of the same waste type. Some of the flexibility of permits.

Two choices for discharge of CBG Produced Water: 1.

Deep-well injection under Oil and Gas Waste Regulation (same as for conventional oil and gas).


Surface discharge under Code of Practice for Discharge of Produced Water from Coalbed Gas Operations.

CBG Produced Water Code of Practice 

In effect July 1, 2005.

Currently only authorizes discharge to perennial and seasonal streams or to ground – other receiving environments or uses will require a permit (e.g. irrigation, coastal marine).

Can apply to substitute a different requirement/standard from one in the Code. Must be accompanied by scientific rationale.

Discharge to Perennial Streams (protection of aquatic life and sensitive water uses) 

Minimum of 10:1 dilution for entire discharge, at all times. Standards: TDS Chloride Dissolved Oxygen RT 96hr bioassay D. magna 48hr bioassay Temperature

≤ 4000 mg/L ≤ 1500 mg/L ≥ 3.0 mg/L < 50% mortalities < 50% mortalities < 5° C over BG to 20°

Discharge to Seasonal Streams (protection of riparian vegetation and aquatic life)

Standards: TDS

≤ 2000 mg/L

Chloride Boron Dissolved Oxygen RT 96hr bioassay D. magna 48hr bioassay Temperature

≤ 400 mg/L ≤ 1.0 mg/L ≥ 3.0 mg/L (dilution) < 50% mortalities < 50% mortalities < 5° C over BG to 20°

Discharge to Ground (protection of shallow aquifers)

Standards/Requirements: TDS ≤ 2x that of underlying aquifer and ≤ 4000 mg/L TSS ≤ 25 mg/L  Must

use system for ground infiltration  Discharge + direct ppt must not exceed system capacity.

Monitoring Requirements  Receiving

environment baseline: water, biota, riparian vegetation for a minimum of one year prior to discharge. Leads to ongoing receiving environment program.

 Discharge

characterization (elemental scan, BTEX, PAH, VPH, radionuclides).

 Compliance  Special

and assessment.

assessments (proximity to drinking water and irrigation withdrawals/wells).

Additional Information? WLAP web page ( ► Environmental Protection Division ► Environmental Management Branch ► Coalbed Gas

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