2 minute read
Retrospective Tom Konyves Retrospektive Tom Konyves
The Canadian writer, poet, video poet, and theorist of video poetry Tom Konyves is our guest of honor this year. His career began in Montreal in the late 1970s. In 1978 he coined the term “Videopoetry” to describe his first interdisciplinary work, “Sympathies of War.” Konyves is considered one of the pioneers of this art form. Der kanadische Schriftsteller, Dichter, Videopoet und Theoretiker der Videopoesie Tom Konyves ist in diesem Jahr unser Ehrengast. Seine Karriere begann in den späten 1970er Jahren in Montreal. 1978 prägte er den Begriff „Videopoetry“, um seine erste interdisziplinäre Arbeit „Sympathies of War“ zu beschreiben. Konyves gilt als einer der Pioniere dieser Kunstform.
Interview mit Tom Konyves (2019)

Sympathies of War: A Postscript (1978) Yellow Light Blues (1980) No Parking (1982) Quebecause (1982) Sympathies of War (1978)

See Saw (1978) Ubu‘s Blues (1979)

And Once They Have Tasted Freedom (1982)

Instead of describing his shorts in tiny synopses, Tom Konyves introduced his experimental films in a detailed way. You can read his introductions and the manifesto on videopoetry on:
Thus Spoke Tzarathustra (1983)

Hopscotch (1993)

Poem for the Rivers Project (2004) Parallel Lanes on the Human Highway (2008) ow(n)ed (2014) Sign Language (1985)

Percussion (1993)

Beware of Dog (2008) All This Day Is Good For (2010)

Anstatt seine Filme in kurzen Synopsen zu beschreiben, hat Tom Konyves auf ausführliche Weise in seine Filme eingeführt. Seine Einführungen zusammen mit seinem Manifest über Videopoesie stehen unter: