Point Pleasant WV - The Way We Were

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Point Pleasant The Way We Were

Coupola in middle distance is the courthouse. Early 1900s.

Early 1900s Main Street

Early 1900s. Awnings on east side of Main Street to protect against sun, woman in bonnet on right.

1918 Main Street. Note street light top middle, woman on balcony on left, buggy on right.

1920s Main Street looking south from above post office. Street light can be seen faintly in the middle.

Main Street north from 9th Street.

Fort Randolph in what is now Tu-Endie-Wei park. The battle monument was not erected until 1909.

Viand north from the K&M railroad bridge

The Barbee Block. The Silver Bridge was later constructed to the left of this building

The AA VanGilder drug store and Western Union

Ben Franklin shoe store

Beale’s Hall

The Bickle Block

DS Snyder Grocery

Equity Milling

Filson Bros. Hardware

The Hein Building

HG Nease Store

Hoof’s Opera House

JW Friedman Clothes and Shoes

JW Rhoades Hardware

The Kisar Block

Mason County Jail

Mercy Hospital

Mutual Realty, builders of the Spencer Hotel, later renamed the Lowe Hotel

The Phoenix Hotel

Swisher Grocery

The “Mansion House” in Tu-Endie-Wei Park

The Spencer Hotel, the Lowe Hotel beginning in 1929

Malleable Iron Works

Point Pleasant Ice Plant

Point Pleasant Water and Light

Point Pleasant town lockup and hose house for fire hoses


Heights at left with Point Pleasant Development Association land to the right.

Main Street, Early 1950s

1913 Flood. The white cupola at right is the Mason County Court House

Flooded Main Street

Flooded Main Street, 1947

1947 flood Viand Street looking south

Flooded Main Street

High water almost to the top of the Lowe Hotel fireplace, close to the mezzanine floor

House or “shanty” boat on the south side of the Kanawha near the Ohio River

Packet “Kanawha”, K&M railroad bridge in background

Busy river and docks

Boat Builders 1916 – 1970s

WV Ordnance Works

Photo sources: - Ruth and Russ Finley - Steve Shaluta - The Point Pleasant River Museum - Point Pleasant Restoration Foundation - Point Pleasant Register Supplement 1922

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