Point University Fine Arts Department Handbook

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The Fine Arts Handbook of Point University is updated each academic year and contains policies and procedures for fine arts students to follow in order to achieve success in Performing Groups, academic music classes, applied instruction, juries, public recitals, internships, and requirements for graduation with a music degree.


Table of Contents Applied Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Concert Choir and Signature Voices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Concert Choir Code of Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 On Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Point University Community Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Recital Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Junior Recital Requirements . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Senior Recital Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Worship Concert Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Piano Proficiency/Class Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Vocal and Instrumental Accompanist Guidelines . . . . . . . .13 Music Internships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Practice Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Music Major Course Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17 Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-37


Applied Instruction Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in applied areas in order to study privately. Class instruction is available for those advancing toward private study. Applied students in class instruction will not be required to sing or play in juries at the end of each semester, but will be required to fulfill the exam requirements indicated in the course syllabus. Students studying privately are expected to attend vocal/piano studio. Students should expect to spend $50.00 to $75.00 per semester for music for each applied area of private instruction. No photocopied music will be used after the first month of lessons. Voice students will be charged $75.00 per semester hour for work with a staff accompanist. Students may request to study in an applied area not offered by the Point University Fine Arts Faculty. A student must make his request in writing to the chair of the Fine Arts Department. The Fine Arts Department chair will, in turn, consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This process should be discussed, completed, and formalized in writing before the semester begins. Permission is limited to students seeking advanced applied music study. Additional costs associated with approved off-campus private study will be charged to the student. Students studying applied music at Point University will need to practice approximately 5-6 hours per week per semester hour of applied instruction. Students who practice in the Keyboard Lab must use headphones/ear buds. Only students studying applied music at Point University will have access to practice rooms by swipe card. Lockers for instrumental storage are available when a deposit is paid. Upon return of the key, the deposit will be returned.


Concert Choir and Signature Voices MEN 201 Point University Concert Choir Dr. Byron Cartwright, Conductor Dr. Katie Cartwright & Mr. Lanier Motes, Assisting One Semester Hour Credit – Membership (by audition) Open to entire student body – freshman through senior Performances Fall Semester: Christmas Concerts, and some chapel performances. Spring Semester: Winter Concert (late February/early March), Spring Concert, Graduation, and occasional chapel performances. Select Groups from Concert Choir Groups will be chosen from Concert Choir on the basis of ability, availability, maturity, and performance occasion. Mr. Motes, Mr. Beale, and advanced music majors will coach these groups. Not all groups will perform with a conductor. Signature Voices Singers will be chosen from current Point student body to represent the university in churches, at civic functions, high schools, banquets, and television appearances. In addition to occasional weekday performances (on-campus and off-campus), Signature Voices will average two weekends of travel per month during the fall and spring semesters. Signature Voices members may be required to participate in a week of intense rehearsals prior to fall semester and a weekend refresher retreat at the beginning of spring semester. The University provides some performance attire, travel expenses, and each Signature Voices member receives a stipend for performances. Audition Concert Choir – Each person may be required to: 1) sing melody on a familiar song, 2) vocalize throughout entire range, 3) sing a part (altos, tenors, and basses), and 4) demonstrate pitch memory. Everyone chosen for Concert Choir will purchase the required performance outfit and the cost will be added to each individual’s school bill. Women will purchase a specified dress, jewelry, and black dress shoes (moderate heels, closed-toes). Men will purchase a black single-breasted tuxedo, specified shirt and accessories, black dress shoes, and black socks.


Concert Choir Code of Behavior In order to contribute to successful rehearsals: 1. I will arrive at rehearsals on time, with my music. 2. I will go to the restroom BEFORE I come to rehearsal. 3. I will throw away gum before rehearsal starts. 4. I will turn off my cell phone, and I will not text-message during rehearsal or else I will be asked to leave rehearsal and receive an F for the day. 5. I will cultivate self-discipline concerning talking. 6. I will not leave in the middle of rehearsal, unless there is an emergency. 7. I will maintain good singing posture, holding my music up and placing both feet on the floor. 8. I will learn words outside of rehearsal. 9. I will cooperate with my section leader. 10. I will keep Dr. Cartwright informed of reasons for my absences. 11. I will not attend rehearsal if I am sick and can infect others. 12. If I will not infect others, but cannot sing, I will inform Dr. Cartwright and my section leader and give them a doctor’s excuse if necessary. 13. I will not wear a hood or a hat in rehearsals. In order to achieve excellent performances: 1. I will wear only jewelry specified for performance. 2. I will bring my own blush, lipstick, and mascara for required makeup to performances (WOMEN). 3. I will have black dress shoes and black socks (MEN), and will wear the hose and shoes approved by music faculty (WOMEN). 4. I will keep one calendar with all performance dates and personal dates. 5. I will not miss choir rehearsals the week of a performance. 6. I will keep my choir outfit clean and free of wrinkles. 7. I will put my name in all portions of my choir outfit. 8. I will not forget choir jewelry. 9. I will wear deodorant. 10. I will NOT wear cologne, perfume, body spray or any other fragrance. 11. I will be on time before concerts. 12. I will cooperate with all those in leadership: Dr. Byron Cartwright, Dr. Katie Cartwright, Mr. Lanier Motes, and section leaders. 13. I will keep hair (which will be a conventional hair color) off my face, out of my eyes, trimmed neatly, and clean for performances (MEN and WOMEN). Hair accessories and beards need approval by Dr. Byron Cartwright, Dr. Katie Cartwright, and Mr. Lanier Motes. 14. If at all possible, I will not wear glasses. Name (print): __________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________ This form is due at the end of the first week of the semester. 6 Â

On Point On Point is an auditioned men’s barbershop quartet. The group is chosen from the current Point student body. This group will be chosen on the basis of ability, availability, and maturity. On Point will represent Point University in musical performances related to the Fine Arts Department, as well as performances related to university public relations, and selected church performances throughout the school year. Each member selected will be required to sign, commit to, and adhere to a code of conduct.

Point University Community Band

The Point University Community Band is a traditional wind ensemble. The band is open to Point University Students for credit, and to community musicians grade 7 through adults. A minimum of three concerts are performed each year, including the annual Christmas Concerts. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday night with a pep-band sessions starting at 6:00pm and a concert band session starting at 7:15 and ending at 8:30. University students who receive credit are required to play in both ensemble sessions.


Recital Guidelines* All music students will perform either a one-hour worship concert or recitals in order to graduate. (Two/three students may present these on the same program, if the Fine Arts faculty approves.) Not all recitals can be scheduled in the evenings. Junior recitals are generally scheduled at 4:00 pm on Tuesday. Fine Arts for the recital must be memorized for a hearing before the Fine Arts faculty one month prior to the public recital. The Fine Arts faculty has the right to cancel a recital which is not memorized or not prepared to proper performance standards. The student’s applied instructor will schedule the date for the recital in consultation with the student. Student recital responsibilities include: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Preparation of printed recital program and program notes must be approved by the applied instructor and submitted at the hearing. Songs in foreign language must be translated and included in the program notes. Program notes should be digitally submitted. Invitations and publicity for the recital. Ushers Securing someone to record (audio and video) the program. One copy of the recording will be filed in the Fine Arts Office. Reception following the program (optional). If there is a reception, it will be held in the Collaborative Area in the Fine Arts Center.

Students who choose the performance/pedagogy emphasis in the music degree must also perform a 50-minute senior recital. The student recital requirements for a senior recital are the same as those for the junior recital. A student must register for MAP 38_ (Junior Recital) or MAP 48_ (Senior Recital) the semester the recital is performed. Students are expected to pay their accompanists for rehearsal and performances. (See Accompanist Guidelines) Applied teachers will approve recital attire. Strapless dresses for women are not permissible. Very short or very tight dresses must be avoided. Menu and decorations for the reception must also be approved. *Further recital guidelines and details are included in the course objectives for recitals.


Junior Recital Requirements Repertoire: 1. The total length of music must be 25 minutes. 2. At least three/four different styles/period/genres of music must be represented. 3. Singers must perform in at least two different languages. Those students who are pursuing a performance/pedagogy specialization should include at least three languages. Deadlines: (submitted in writing to applied instructor by the second week of the semester) 1. Recital date (approved/suggested by Fine Arts faculty). 2. All appropriate forms filled out and submitted to the Fine Arts Office by the third week of the semester. 3. Recital hearing date (No public recital will be given until a successful hearing has been performed – music memorized and performed in attire approved by applied instructor about one month before the desired public performance). 4. Program notes must be approved by applied instructor and submitted at the time of the hearing. Program notes should be submitted by hard copy and digitally. 5. All sound, recording, and ushering personnel selected and verified. 6. Instrumentalists/accompanists who will be paid must be compensated by the public performance date. Program Notes: Program notes help the audience know the origin of the piece/song and understand the context for what is being communicated. Notes must not be too long: approximately two paragraphs per piece/song. Research for program notes is time-consuming, but can greatly increase the performer’s expression of the music. Ample time is necessary for the research/draft/edit/rewrite process between student and applied instructor. Program notes should include birth/death dates of each composer and pertinent biographical information. It is important for singers to indicate the author of the text, source of the text, especially when from a larger work, and a translation of texts in foreign languages. Arrangers should be noted, and in some cases are more important than composers. Information about the musical genre and historical period should be included in program notes. Students must research using numerous sources, not just the internet! Use of Wikipedia as a source is discouraged. Research can begin with Groves’ Dictionary of Music and Musicians and other library reference works. Students are encouraged to use a formal, not casual writing style, and they should put ideas in their own words. Personal statements about one’s individual feelings concerning certain pieces/songs should not be included. Information about contemporary authors/composers/arrangers (especially those in the Christian field) may be more difficult to discover. Allow for plenty of time to contact publishing companies and agents. In some cases, a performer may be able to have an interview (by phone, internet or in writing) with a composer. Such information always adds to the performing experience. Students are encouraged to be resourceful in finding information and start early!


Senior Recital Requirements Repertoire: 1. The total length of music must be 50 minutes. 2. At least four/five different styles/period/genres of music must be represented. 3. Singers must perform in at least three different languages. Those students who are pursuing a performance/pedagogy specialization should perform about 15-25 minutes of music in at least three languages during the senior recital. Counting junior and senior voice recitals, performance/pedagogy students should demonstrate competence in a least four languages out of the following six: Italian, German, French, Spanish, Latin, and English. Students pursuing the performance/pedagogy specialization in the B.A. degree must perform about 15 minutes of the senior recital in the language studied for the B.A. degree requirements. Deadlines: (submitted in writing to applied teacher by the second week of the semester) 1. Recital date (approved/suggested by Fine Arts faculty). 2. All appropriate forms filled out and submitted to the Fine Arts Office by the third week of the semester. 3. Recital hearing date (No public recital will be given until a successful hearing has been performed – music memorized and performed in attire approved by applied instructor about one month before the desired public performance). 4. Final draft of program notes must be approved by applied instructor and submitted at the time of the hearing. Program notes should be submitted by hard copy and digitally. 5. All sound, recording, and ushering personnel selected and verified. 6. Instrumentalists/accompanists who will be paid must be compensated by the public performance date. Program Notes: Program notes help the audience know the origin of the piece/song and understand the context for what is being communicated. Notes must not be too long: approximately two paragraphs per piece/song. Research for program notes is time-consuming, but can greatly increase the performer’s expression of the music. Ample time is necessary for the research/draft/edit/rewrite process between student and applied instructor. Program notes should include birth/death dates of each composer and pertinent biographical information. It is important for singers to indicate the author of the text, source of the text, especially when from a larger work, and a translation of texts in foreign languages. Arrangers should be noted, and in some cases are more important than composers. Information about the musical genre and historical period should be included in program notes. Students must research using numerous sources, not just the internet! Use of Wikipedia as a source is discouraged. Research can begin with Groves’ Dictionary of Music and Musicians and other library reference works. Students are encouraged to use a formal, not casual writing style, and they should put ideas in their own words. Personal statements about one’s individual feelings concerning certain pieces/songs should not be included. Information about contemporary authors/composers/arrangers (especially those in the Christian field) may be more difficult to discover. Allow for plenty of time to contact publishing companies and agents. In some cases, a performer may be able to have an interview (by phone, internet or in writing) with a composer. Such information always adds to the performing experience. Students are encouraged to be resourceful in finding information and start early!


Worship Concert Guidelines  MAP 470 Worship/Concert Project – 2 hours Dr. Byron Cartwright (0) 706-385-1057 Email: Byron.Cartwright@point.edu This course will cover the aspects of planning and implementation for a worship service or concert. Attention will be given to selection of a unifying theme/idea, enlisting and rehearsing participants, choice of music/materials to be presented, coordination of technical aspects, printed program, and logistical considerations. Public presentation of the worship service or concert will represent completion of course requirements. (The course may be taken one semester before the actual worship service or concert is presented.) A grade will be assigned following the public presentation. Prerequisite: senior standing and permission Goals and Objectives: The student who successfully completes this course should be able to: 1. Construct the program for a one-hour concert or worship service. 2. Develop a timeline for deadlines for concert/worship service. 3. Enlist and rehearse program participants and support personnel. 4. Define the theme/unifying concept for such a presentation. 5. Articulate logistical detail to be addressed. Course Requirements/Grading: 1. The student will meet with the professor at designated time to report progress. Progress reports will be submitted in writing. 2. A calendar of deadlines will be determined and submitted at the second class meeting. The calendar will include: 1) date/place for public presentation and forms to be completed; 2) dates for hearing one month prior to public presentation and one additional rehearsal attended by professor; 3) date for deadline of printed program materials (including program notes); 4) date by which type of program to be decided (include possible participants); 5) date by which unifying theme/idea to be firm; 6) date by which all music, spoken aspects, personnel to be firm; 7) date by which all support personnel firm (lights, sound, PowerPoint, ushers, stage workers, videotaping, etc.); 8) list of specific needs to be addressed for this concert/worship service; and 9) teardown and event follow-up. This calendar, once approved, becomes the binding timeline for public presentation. Preparation of the calendar should be as detailed as possible and will count 30% of the grade. 3. The actual concert/worship event concept should be detailed in writing (including specific musical selections and times) and specify target audience, primary/secondary goals (such as worship, education, evangelism, community outreach, entertainment, holiday, etc.). Give a rationale for each selection included in the program. The concert/worship event should be conceived as suitable for a church service, but more exceptional in form and content. Include visual and logistical goals. The written account counts 20% of the grade. 4. The professor will attend one full rehearsal in addition to the hearing. Public presentation of the event will count 50% of the course grade.

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Piano Proficiency/Class Piano All music majors are required to meet four piano proficiency requirements before graduation. Music majors and minors are required to enroll in the appropriate music theory/functional skills the same semester they are enrolled in piano class. A detailed explanation of the piano proficiency requirements (as they relate to music theory and functional skills) is available from Dr. Katie Cartwright. The student who passes the piano proficiencies requirements may exempt required class piano hours; however, the academic hours required in applied piano must be achieved by taking other music electives. The Fine Arts community strongly encourages such a student to study private piano. Piano majors who are placed in private piano study because of advanced skill level will also meet the requirements of the piano proficiencies with the applied teacher. Beginning Piano Class Level One and Intermediate Piano Class Level Three are offered in the fall semester. Beginning Piano Class Level Two and Advanced Piano Class Level Four are offered in the spring semester. The piano proficiency requirements must be met in order to graduate.



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Vocal and Instrumental Accompanist Guidelines A staff accompanist will be available for the weekly studio vocal studio. The accompanist fee of $75.00 per credit hour*, which you pay directly to the university at registration, will include the following: 1. Vocal studio accompanist (when applicable). 2. Vocal/Instrumental jury accompanist. 3. 15 minutes per week per semester hour of instruction.

Rehearsal The vocalist is strongly encouraged to schedule regular additional rehearsal times with the accompanist, and the REHEARSAL FEE will be $8.00 per 15 m inutes. In order to be fair to the accom panist and the other perform ers, if you fail to com e to your appointm ent or are late for you appointm ent, you m ust reschedule your appointm ent and fees are due for the m issed appointm ent.

Recital Whenever possible, the accompanist will accompany junior/senior vocal recitals at the request of the student. The recital fee will include the performance and two-run-throughs. The recital fee for the Junior Recital is $100.00. The recital fee for the Senior Recital or Worship Concert is $200.00. Rehearsal (including accompaniment during voice lessons) will be at the standard rehearsal rate. All fees should be paid to the accompanist no later than the date of the performance. Contact M r. Lanier M otes – Lanier.Motes@point.edu

Instrumental accompanying will be coordinated through Dr. Katie Cartw right Email – Katie.Cartwright@point.edu *This fee is subject to change without notice. Thank you for your cooperation, clear and effective communication, and commitment to our teamwork and success!


Music Internships Students must submit the required forms to the college for applications into an approved internship experience. Internships will normally last one to two semesters or an entire summer. Music students may intern at churches, schools, or other organizations where music is pursued. The Fine Arts Department chair will approve internships for music degree students. All interns will report directly to Dr. Katie Cartwright. Music Internships requirements include: 1.

A typed description of the internship, including place, address, phone, field supervisor, job responsibilities, and signatures of field supervisor and intern (due at the beginning of the semester for which the student registers for the internship). See the Internship Application Form in the FORMS section for more information.

2. Ten reflective essays must be submitted on line every week for ten weeks. They are to be submitted to Katie.cartwright@point.edu. 3. An evaluation of the intern by the field supervisor (due the last day of semester classes). This evaluation must include a recommended grade for the intern and the supervisor’s signature. It should be sent directly to the Dr. Katie Cartwright, Fine Arts Department. Grades for internships are either pass or fail. 4. Students may receive 2-4 hours credit per semester. Each worship/music major must complete two hours of internship credit in order to complete the degree. Additional internship credit may be counted as music elective hours (see degree requirements sheet). Internships are optional for performance/pedagogy majors. Students should be classified as junior or senior to fulfill internship requirements.

Dr. Katie Cartw right coordinates all M US 497 internships.


Practice Rooms/Policies  Practice rooms in the Fine Arts Center are available by swipe card access. Do not move the instruments without permission from the Fine Arts faculty. Please report all problems concerning cleaning and temperature, in writing, to the Fine Arts Office.

Students will not let others use their cards to gain access to practice rooms. If anyone is caught doing so they may be fined and/or lose privileges. Access to practice rooms is recorded on the computer in the Student Development Office.

Music students will be given access to the Fine Arts Center after it is locked each day. Practice in the choral or band rooms must be cleared through Dr. B. Cartwright. Students who practice in the keyboard lab must use headphones or ear buds.

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Music Major Course Sequence for Students Entering Fall Semester Students declaring music (worship ministry or performance/pedagogy) in the fall semester each academic year. They do not have to declare worship ministry or performance/pedagogy until the end of their sophomore year. Freshman Year Fall Semester Spring Semester Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours MUS 103 Music Theory I 3 MUS 104 Music Theory II 3 Co-requisites MUS 103L Functional Skills I 1 Co-requisites MUS 104L Functional Skills II 1 MAP 113-01 Piano Class I 1 MAP 123-02 Piano Class II 1 (unless piano major) MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 1 Applied Major 1 MUS 102 (3 hours) Music Appreciation should be taken one of these two semesters Sophomore Year Fall Semester Spring Semester Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours MUS 205 Music Theory III 3 MUS 206 Music Theory IV 3 Co-requisites Co-requisites MUS 205L Functional Skills III 1 MUS 206L Functional Skills IV 1 MAP 233-202 Piano Class III 1 MAP 253-202 Piano Class IV 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 1 or 2 Applied Major 1 or 2 Start Applied Minor no later than sophomore year MUS 216 Music Technology (3 hours) should be taken of these two semesters Junior Year Fall Semester Spring Semester Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 MUS 301 Music History I 3 MUS 302 Music History II 3 Applied Major 2 Applied Major 2 Ministry or Pedagogy Electives th Applied Recital either one of these semesters (during 8 semester credit hour) Philosophy of Music (3 hours) fall semester of either Junior Worship Leadership (2 hours) spring semester of either or Senior year Junior or Senior year Conducting (2 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year Senior Year Fall Semester Spring Semester Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours Pre-requisites Course #/Name Hours MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 2 Applied Major 2 Ministry or Pedagogy Electives Senior Recital (2 hours) or Worship Concert (2 hours) during one of their last two semesters Philosophy of Music (3 hours) fall semester of either Junior Worship Leadership (2 hours) spring semester of either or Senior year Junior or Senior year Conducting (2 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year

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M usic M ajor Course Sequence for Students Entering Spring Sem ester Students entering Spring Semester should take Concert Choir and a course in their Applied area and begin the Theory/Piano/Functional Skills sequence in the Fall.

Freshman Year Fall Semester Pre-requisites

Spring Semester

Course #/Name



Course #/Name MEN 201 Concert Choir Applied Major MUS 102 Music Appreciation

Hours 1 1 3

Freshman/Sophomore Year Fall Semester Pre-requisites Co-requisites

Spring Semester

Course #/Name MUS 103 Music Theory I MUS 103L Functional Skills I MAP 113-01 Piano Class I (unless piano major) MEN 201 Concert Choir Applied Major

Hours 3 1 1 1 1

Pre-requisites Co-requisites

Course #/Name MUS 104 Music Theory II MUS 104L Functional Skills II MAP 123-02 Piano Class II

Hours 3 1 1

MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 1 or 2 Start Applied Minor no later than sophomore year MUS 216 Music Technology (3 hours) should be taken one of the two semesters of Sophomore year

Sophomore/Junior Year Fall Semester

Spring Semester


Course #/Name Hours MUS 205 Music Theory III 3 Co-requisites MUS 205L Functional Skills III 1 MAP 233-202 Piano Class III 1 MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 1 or 2 Start Applied Minor no later than sophomore year MUS 216 Music Technology (3 hours) should be taken one of the two semesters of Sophomore year

Pre-requisites Co-requisites

Course #/Name MUS 206 Music Theory IV MUS 206L Functional Skills IV MAP 253-202 Piano Class IV MEN 201 Concert Choir Applied Major

Hours 3 1 1 1 1 or 2

Applied Recital either one of the semesters of Junior year th (during 8 semester credit hour)

Junior/Senior Year Fall Semester Pre-requisites

Course #/Name MEN 201 Concert Choir MUS 301 Music History I Applied Major

Spring Semester Hours 1 3 2


Course #/Name MEN 201 Concert Choir MUS 302 Music History II Applied Major

Hours 1 3 2

Ministry or Pedagogy Electives Philosophy of Music (3 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year Conducting (2 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year Applied Recital either one of the semesters of Junior year th (during 8 semester credit hour)

Worship Leadership (2 hours) spring semester of either Junior or Senior year Senior Recital (2 hours) or Worship Concert (2 hours) during one of the two semesters of their Senior year

Senior Year Fall Semester

Spring Semester


Course #/Name Hours MEN 201 Concert Choir 1 Applied Major 2 Ministry or Pedagogy Electives Philosophy of Music (3 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year Conducting (2 hours) fall semester of either Junior or Senior year Senior Recital (2 hours) or Worship Concert (2 hours) during one of the two semesters of their Senior year

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Course #/Name


Forms Students are responsible for printing forms are needed. Some forms have more than one page. Please be sure that you print all the pages for each form that you need. Choir Placement Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Junior Recital Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Senior Recital Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Worship/Concert Project Sponsor Information Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Worship Concert Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Reception Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Weekly Vocal Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Practice Sheets for Piano Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-28 Applied Music Repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Piano Recital Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31 Vocal Recital Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Concert Choir Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Junior Recital Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Worship Service Analysis/Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Music Internship Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Music Internship Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37


Concert Choir Placement Information Name ________________________________ Major _______________________________ Local or Campus Address ______________________________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________________ Campus Email _________________________ Parent/Family Information (to send concert information) Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _________________________________ State __________ Zip Code _________________ Summarize your musical experience:

Have you sung in a choir before? _________________________ Do you read music? __________________________________ What instruments do you play? ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What instruments do you have access to/own? ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Any other musical experience? ____________________________________________ What else do Drs. Cartwright and Mr. Motes need to know? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Please do not write below this line


Junior Recital Checklist for: ____________________________________________________________________ (please print all students participating in the recital) Deadlines:

Requirement: 1.

Repertoire approved by applied instructor

2. Recital date selected (approved/suggested by Fine Arts faculty) ________________ 3. Recital hearing date selected No public recital will be given until a successful hearing has been performed – music memorized and performed in attire approved by applied instructor one month before the desired public performance. _______________________ 4. Program notes turned in (hard copy and digitally). This should include any acknowledgements. 5. Dress rehearsal date selected ____________________ 6. First draft of program notes submitted to applied instructor (6 weeks prior to hearing). 7. Final draft of program notes must be approved by applied instructor and submitted to Fine Arts Coordinator. 8. All sound, recording, and ushering personnel selected and verified. 9. Reception menu approved by Fine Arts Department. 10. Instrumentalist/accompanists who will be paid must be compensated by the public performance date. Division of Responsibilities: Note who is responsible for selection as well as personnel. _____ Selection of Instrumentalists:

_____ Selection of ushers/recording/sound:







_____ Selection of additional vocalists/ instrumentalists:

_____ Reception food & decorations:








Senior Recital Checklist for _____________________________________ Deadlines:

Requirement: 1.

Repertoire approved by applied instructor

2. Recital date selected (approved/suggested by Fine Arts faculty) ________________ 3. Recital hearing date selected No public recital will be given until a successful hearing has been performed – music memorized and performed in attire approved by applied instructor one month before the desired public performance. _______________________ 4. Program notes turned in (hard copy and digitally). This should include any acknowledgements. 5. Dress rehearsal date selected ____________________ 6. First draft of program notes submitted to applied instructor (6 weeks prior to hearing) 7. Final draft of program notes must be approved by applied instructor and submitted to Fine Arts Coordinator. 8. All sound, recording, and ushering personnel selected and verified. 9. Reception menu approved by Fine Arts Department. 10. Instrumentalist/accompanists who will be paid must be compensated by the public performance date. Personnel: (Submit this list, along with your program notes, to the Fine Arts Office) Instrumentalists: ___________________________________

Ushers/recording/sound: ___________________________________





Additional vocalists/instrumentalists: ___________________________________

Reception food & decorations: ___________________________________






M AP 470 Worship/Concert Project Sponsor Information Sheet Discuss with sponsor, complete and give to Dr. B. Cartwright by the second week of the semester. Today’s Date: _____________________ Worship/Concert Presenter: ________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name: _____________________________________ Date of Worship/Concert: ___________________________ Location of Worship/Concert Presentation: _____________________________ Date of Dress Rehearsal: ____________________________ Time Frame for Dress Rehearsal (for events taking place in the Performance Hall, the time frame will be two hours on a weekday evening, either 6-8 pm or 8-10 pm; or on a Saturday, usually 10 am – noon). Date and time must be cleared with Dr. B. Cartwright: ______________ Lead Sound/Lighting Technician (Point U personnel must be used if event is given on campus): _______________________ Will you be having a reception following your event? YES _____ NO _____ If yes, who will be coordinating the reception? ________________________________ What semester/year will you be officially registering for the worship/concert? ______________ (The sponsor will receive academic credit/pay the semester that the presenter registers for the two hours of semester credit received – the semester of registration may/may not be the same semester of public performance.) General Understanding of Sponsor’s Role The sponsor for this worship/concert event will be spending 7 hours with the presenter apart from public presentation of the event. The seven hours include two rehearsals (one must be the dress rehearsal). Program ideas, repertoire, and personnel are to be discussed with the sponsor. The presenter may need coaching on repertoire outside private applied instruction. The sponsor is responsible for supervising printed program preparation according to deadlines and guidelines. The sponsor and Dr. B. Cartwright will assign the grade for the two hours of credit for the worship/concert following public presentation of the event (see grading details on syllabus). Repertoire performed by the presenter must be worked on in applied lessons and performed in vocal studio (consult and schedule with Mr. Beale). The signature below indicates the sponsor and presenter have discussed the above information and have begun working together. Signature of Sponsor: ________________________________ Date: _______________


W orship Concert Checklist for _________________________________ Sponsor __________________________________________ Date, Place and Tim e of Program __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ __________ Deadlines:

Requirem ent: 1.

Select a sponsor.

2. Date and place for public presentation & form s needed (approved by sponsor). 3. Date for hearing (one m onth prior to public presentation). 4. Printed program m aterials due to Fine Arts Office (include acknowledgements) – publicity posted. 5. Rehearsal to be attended by professor. 6. Type of program selected – include participants. 7. Unifying theme/idea selected. 8. Music, spoken aspects selected. 9. Support personnel selected (sound, lighting, PowerPoint, ushers, stage workers, video recording, etc.). 10. List of specific needs to be addressed. 11. Teardown and event follow -up.

Personnel: Sound: (must be Point personnel)












DVD Recording:



Stage Hands:








Reception Checklist for _____________________________________ Receptions following recitals and worship concerts are optional, but recommended. If you choose to have a reception, the menu and decorations must be approved by the Fine Arts Department one month before the presentation. You must have other people who will be responsible for all set up. You will not have the time, or the presence of mind, to be thinking about setting up a reception. Last minute changes will not be allowed. Food and decorations should be simple. Your goal is to provide an atmosphere for conversation with the presenter. The focus is on the presentation, not the reception. Person in charge of your reception: _________________________________ Phone number: __________________________ Reception menu:

Reception decorations:









Approved – signature required

Approved – signature required





Begin Time

End Time

Begin Time

End Time

Begin Time

End Time

Begin Time

End Time


Begin Time

End Time


Begin Time

End Time

Begin Time

End Time

Vocal Exercises

Vocal Exercises

Vocal Exercises

Vocal Exercises

Vocal Exercises

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Repertoire Work

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Physical Warm-­‐ups

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Bonus Time

Total time for the week: Hours ______________ Minutes _____________

Goals: Notes for next session:


Goals: Notes for next session:

Goals: Notes for next session:


Goals: Notes for next session:


Vocal Exercises

Vocal Exercises

Total Time

Total Time

Total Time

Total Time

Total Time

Total Time

Total Time

Goals: Notes for next session:


Goals: Notes for next session:


Name ____________________________

Goals: Notes for next session:

Weekly Vocal Practice Checklist

POINT UNIVERSITY Beginning Piano Level Two – Non-­‐Majors Practice Sheets for Piano Classes

Date: _______________ to _______________ Name: _____________________________________________ Indicate specific assignments designated in syllabus and in class. BE SPECIFIC WITH PAGE NUMBERS. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Total for the Week: _______________________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________ 26

POINT UNIVERSITY Private Piano Instruction – MAP 363 Practice Sheet Date: _______________ to _______________ Name: _______________________________________________ Indicate specific assignments designated in syllabus and in class. BE SPECIFIC WITH PAGE NUMBERS: 1. Technique 2. Note Reading 3. Piano by Ear 4. Improvisation RECORD PRACTICE BELOW, BE SPECIFIC WITH PAGE NUMBERS: MONDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

TUESDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

WEDNESDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

(Continued on next page)


Private Piano Instruction – M AP 363 Practice Sheet Page 2 THURSDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

FRIDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

SATURDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

SUNDAY Technique Note Reading Piano by Ear Improvisation

Weekly Total:

Technique _______________

Note Reading _______________

Piano by Ear _______________ Improvisation _______________ GRAND TOTAL FOR THE WEEK __________________

Signed ________________________________ Date __________________


Applied Music Repertoire Name: ______________________________________ Year____________



(Circle one) Applied Area of Instruction: _________________________________ Instructor: _____________________________________ Semester Hours Credit (circle): 1


The selections below have been prepared with the guidance of the applied instructor. Indicate whether each piece was: P – Performed in public M – Memorized J – Performed for Semester Jury Title

Com poser





2. __________________________________



3. __________________________________



4. __________________________________



5. __________________________________



6. __________________________________



7. __________________________________



8. __________________________________



9. __________________________________



10. __________________________________



11. __________________________________



12. __________________________________



13. __________________________________



14. __________________________________





Piano Recital Perform ance Evaluation Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Semester: ___________ Mid-term


Semester Hours:



Instructor: __________________________________________________ Repertoire: (Indicate memorized pieces with an *) Composer/Name of Composition 1.


2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ Stylistic Interpretation: 10: The entire piece is played appropriately for the time period in which it was written. 5: Most of the piece is played appropriately for the time period in which it was written. 0: The piece is not played appropriately. Comments:

Pedaling: 10: The pedal is used appropriately throughout the entire piece. 5: The pedal is sometimes used appropriately. 0: The pedal is not used appropriately. Comments:

Technique: 10: All technical passages are played carefully, cleanly, rhythmically secure. 5: Most technical passages are played carefully, cleanly, rhythmically secure. 0: The technical passages are not played carefully, cleanly, rhythmically secure. Comments:

(Continued on next page)

30 Â

Piano Recital Performance Evaluation Page 2 Dynam ics: 10: Dynamic contrasts are carefully executed and well thought out. 5: There is little dynamic contrast. 0: There is no dynamic contrast. Comments:

Phrasing: 10: There is a musical line to each phrase – each phrase is doing something musically. 5: There is a musical line to some phrases. 0: Musical phrasing and line is not evident. Comments:

Rhythm ic Security: 10: The piece is played with a steady rhythm at an appropriate tempo. 5: Rhythm is steady throughout most of the piece. 0: There is not a steady tempo. Comments:

M em orization: (if applicable) 10: Music is well prepared. Memory lapses, if any, are controlled. Performer is able to keep on going with minimal interruption to the musical event. 5: There are several memory lapses, yet they are controlled. 0: Music is not ready to be played from memory. Comments:

Total Points earned: _________________________________________

31 Â

Vocal Recital Perform ance Evaluation Name: ________________________________________________ Instructor: _____________________________________________ Freshman





Semesters of Private Voice _______






2. ___________________________________


3. ___________________________________


4. ___________________________________


5. ___________________________________


6. ___________________________________


Evaluation Scale: 1 – Excellent 2 – Good 3 – Acceptable 4 – Needs Improvement 5 – Poor Appearance









Memorization Breathing Pitch Tone Phrasing Pronunciation Diction Style Accompaniment

General Comments

Jury Grade: _________________ Signed: ___________________________________________


Concert Choir Evaluation Using the scale: 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = marginal, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree (circle one number for each question), please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following:


Expectations for rehearsals were clearly set forth in the syllabus. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

2. Expectations for performances were clearly set forth in the syllabus. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

3. Upperclassmen provided good musical leadership. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

4. Upperclassmen provided good examples in non-musical behavior. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

5. I have grown in my musical contribution to choir this semester. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

6. I have grown in my social contribution to choir this semester. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

7. Section Leaders provided appropriate leadership musically and socially. Comments:

0 1 2 3 4

8. New choir members were open to leadership from experienced choir members. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments:


33 Â

Junior Recital Assessment Name of Performer _______________________ Check One: Faculty ____ Peer ____ Using the scale: 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = marginal, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree (circle one number for each question), please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following: 1. The performer demonstrated proper recital decorum (entering/exiting the stage, bowing, acknowledging the accompanist). 0 1 2 3 4 Comments: 2. The performer communicated well with the audience visually. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments: 3. The performer performed a variety of musical selections. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments: 4. The performer used proper musical technique for the repertoire performed. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments: 5. The performer was dressed appropriately for the performance. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments: 6. The performer’s program/notes were helpful to the audience. 0 1 2 3 4 Comments:


Worship Service Analysis/Evaluation Evaluator Name ______________________________Phone _________________ Service Date _______________ Time _____________ Location __________________________ Type of Service _________________________________________________________________

Please rate the service on a scale of 1 – 5 1 – Excellent 2 – Very Good 3 – Acceptable 4 – Needs Improvement 5 - Unacceptable 1.

The worship service was well planned.

1 2 3 4 5

2. The worship service was Christ-centered.

1 2 3 4 5

3. The service moved smoothly (flow).

1 2 3 4 5

4. There was a theme/thought progression.

1 2 3 4 5

5. There were various forms of communication.

1 2 3 4 5

6. There was good verbal communication.

1 2 3 4 5

7. It targeted a multi-generational audience.

1 2 3 4 5

8. Musical leadership was effective.

1 2 3 4 5

9. Artistic communication (beside music) was effective.

1 2 3 4 5

10. The service demonstrated integration of all members of the team.

1 2 3 4 5

11. There was good participation by all of the worshippers.

1 2 3 4 5

12. The service was well rehearsed.

1 2 3 4 5

13. The service contained both intellectual and emotional aspects.

1 2 3 4 5

14. The worship leader demonstrated skill and sensitivity.

1 2 3 4 5

Comment on overall strengths:

Comment on areas that needed attention.


Music Internship Application This form must be signed and returned to Dr. Katie Cartwright no later than one week into the internship. Student’s Name: __________________________________ Phone(s): _____________________ Organization sponsoring the internship: _____________________________________________ Organization’s address: __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s name and title: _______________________________________________________ Organization/Supervisor phone number(s): ___________________________________________ Please attach a complete description of required internship activities. It is reasonable for the intern to spend 5 – 6 hours per week for each semester hour of internship. Students may receive internship credit for one or two semester hours credit each semester. A minimum of two semester hours credit is required for all music degrees. Additional semester hours of internship credit may be approved by Dr. Byron Cartwright. Starting date of internship: ____________________ Concluding date: ____________________ (There should be 14-16 total weeks for internship credit.) Distance from Point University campus to internship location: __________________________ What financial remuneration and/or mileage will the intern receive during the internship? ___________________________________________ The signatures below indicate that Dr. Katie Cartwright, the intern, and the internship sponsor are in agreement concerning the length and requirements of the music internship. The internship supervisor must fill out an evaluation form (including a recommended grade) and submit it to Dr. Katie Cartwright at the end of each internship semester. Dr. Katie Cartwright __________________________________________________ Student Intern _______________________________________________________ Internship Supervisor _________________________________________________


Music Internship Evaluation - MUS 497 Name, address, and phone number of supervisor:

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Please return this form by mail/fax/email to: Dr. Katie Cartwright c/o Point University th 507 West 10 Street West Point, GA 31833

FAX: 706-645-9461 Email: Katie.cartwright@point.edu

By the following date: ____________________________________________ Name of Music Intern: ____________________________________________ Please rate the intern on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 – excellent, 2 – very good, 3 – acceptable, 4 – needs improvement, 5 – unacceptable The intern was punctual The intern worked well with people The intern carried out responsibilities assigned The quality of work performed was . . . The intern dressed appropriately The intern conducted himself/herself in an appropriate manner publicly The intern’s organization skills were . . . The intern’s verbal communication skills were . . . The intern’s written communication skills were . . . Evaluate the intern’s overall musical skills The intern demonstrated a sense of ministry The intern demonstrated respect for authority The intern managed time well

12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345

Please specify the main responsibilities of the intern: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Indicate three strengths:

1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________

Indicate areas the intern should devote more attention to: _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments and your grade (pass/fail) for the internship period:


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