Analysis of body posture of a child

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Environment Psychology- A case study on body posture

Environment Psychology is the scientific study of environmental processes and behavior in humans. Environment Psychology provides us with a sophisticated framework for understanding the complex interactions between biological, behavioral, cognitive and socio-cultural factors that influence thought, emotions, postural attitudes, posture and behavior.

The position and postural attitudes of a child The position and postural attitudes of a child is different in different sequence of time. This study was carried out within 10 minutes, but the interesting thing is that, the child took more than 25 postures, which clearly defines about her mood influences, which played the most important role to maintain the postural attitudes of her body. Here, the child body is related with her psychology and behavior to attend the position like that. It’s a very difficult to understand someone’s mind and mood, but observation shows that, whatever we do any work or play or do something, it’s the mood influences muscle tone, energy level, one’s internal sense of well being and the current state of mind, play a important role to change the behavior and pattern of doing something. The main thing depends on anger, sadness, and disgust are by far the most recognized body postures that are indicative of emotions. Although, the perception of emotion in a child is an important social skill, very little is known about how emotion is determined from.

The sequence of the photograph are enlisted to define the body posture of a child which was found to be taken during photograph and to understand the psychological behavior of the child itself.

(picture 1-2-3-4)

(picture 5-6-7-8)

(picture 9-10-11-12)

(picture 13-14-15-16)

(picture 17-18-19-20-21)

Analysis of body posture of a child While describing about the postural attitudes of a child, the surrounding environment also play an important role to define the mood of a child with emotional activites like anger, happy, sadness, muscle movement with biological, behavioral, cognitive and socio-cultural perspectives. As we know that posture is defined as the way we hold our body when we are standing, sitting or lying down, whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose. To analyse the postural attitudes of the child, it is quite much difficult to understand the child emotions, but also to understand the important social factor, we can determine by describing the mood and emotion which the child posses within the time captured in the camera. Convincing a child is the difficult job, in the name of chocholate and jelly, this study was carried out The picture 1 describes about her standing position where there is a movement of the body parts took place. The hand was stretched upward and next to the wall. Both the hand was moved, body and the leg was also stretched. It seems as if she is trying to move her hand and she is looking to the ceiling. There is also the movement of head and observing the condition of a position of child, here we can see that for a child it is very difficult to maintain good posture. The mood influence of a child is happy and the facial expression of a child seems she love to play ownself and do any kind of activities what she posses. The time taken to stood up like this is upto 30 second. The 2nd picture describes the same thing but the body parts has already changed from the first one. Here is a muscle movement of hand, leg and the body or the abdominal parts incomparison to the first one. The facial expression has changed from happy to next silent mood as if she is thinking that there is no one to play with her and mood influences is somewhat sad behavior. It tooks just 10 second to stay in this posture. The 3rd picture describes completely change of the body movement from standing to lying position of the postural attitudes of a child. Here the movement of a body is completely changed. The child is at rest position and the leg and arm are stretched and the body is taking a bad posture

which may cause pain and spinal irregularities. There is a movement of finger, bend in position of bodily postures and the muscle itself. The mood of the child is quite sleepy. The fourth picture describes that there is a whole body movement from head to leg and her mood activity shows that she is trying to jump and stay in the bed. Here the child is spending her time doing such kind of activities to entertain herself. The 5th picture describes that she is having fun and enjoying her day with smile and moving the muscles of the body postures, which is opposite of Y shaped postural attitudes. The hand is straight and the leg are in opposite V position and the spinal cord is straight with muscular movement. The mood is happy and the facial expression changes into laughter, and murmering few words like abcd. The time is just about 15 second, which was known by camera date and time recording. The 6th picture is same like the 5th picture. The position is same but the movement of body structure is changed. The child has moved her head little bit down facing to the floor by bending her body postures and hand pressed to the floor. The mood influences is happy with glow in her face, expressing that she likes to do all sort of activities. The time to be in such position is 15 second. The child stay with smile. The 7th picture is much different from the other pictures. There is a change in the child behavior and immediately running from one room to another room. The muscular movement is here and the whole body parts was changed and the most interesting is that state of mind of child is unpredicatble. What the child like to do, no one knows. There is a difficulties while clicking all those due to mischivious nature of the child, but also the time was recorded and the body posture which was changed from stretched to running position to jump in the bed is almost 1 minute. The reaction is immediate and the mood is happy. The next picture (picture no.08) describes again the body movement. The child is doing acrobatics in the bed by bending her upper body parts. Here the muscles of hand and leg was mostly changed and the abdominal part was also changed. The mood is silent and the facial expression is not clearly seen which shows as if she feels shy while convincing her to see in the camera. Picture 9 describes about her changed in postures from bed to the floor. The child sat on the floor and looking to the next room, and the muscular movement took place. The leg was stretched, hand moved, neck facing to the south. The facial expression has changed. The mood influence is happy. Overall the time long last till 20 second. The child is murmering alphabets. Picture 10 describes again the change in bodily postures. From the sitting position, she again ran to the next room by taking her ipad to play the game, where the body movement took place. The child posture is on sleeping style, and the mood is shy. Movement of hand, leg, and body muscles took place.

Picture 11 describes about the activites which was carried out by the child. The position is same but the movement of leg took place, more stretched and bend. The hand was tied near the body parts and the facial expression was not seen so closely, but it seems she is not feeling same like before, the mood is sad at that time. The child reacted badly as if i am harming her by clicking lots of photographs and not buying the chocholate and jelly for her.

Similarly the next picture describe that the child likes to play a game in her ipad and the body parts like hand, abdominal, spinal cord and leg was moved from one position to another position. The eye was not in ipad, but at me. The mood is happy and facial expression. It tooks 2 minute for her to stay in the same positions. Picture 13 describes the child nature of changing the positions from one place to another. Here the child again changed her postures from one room to another room and the position is sitting postures. The muscles was moved. The body possessing a good postures this time. The movement of leg, and arms are here. The mood influences is good and in silent position and there is no glow in her facial expression. The facial expression is quite distinguishing from the last pictures. The time is around till 1 minutes, murmering alphabets abcde. Picture 14 describes the child postural attitudes and behavior here, which is same like picture 13, but only the difference is the child has put her finger in her mouth with same body movement. The mood is silent and the facial expression is sad and the position of her leg is interesting as like a seniors do while sitting in the chair. Time taken for the position is around 55 second. Picture 15 describes about the child looking up and facing the face to camera. the body was bend and lying on the carpet. muscular movement took place. Movement of hand, leg and spinal cord took place and the facial expression is good and the mood influences is happy in nature. Picture 16 describes, the mood is happy and the facial expression shows some glow. The child is in standing position with one finger in mouth. Looking somwhere at side to something. The body is straight and movement of hand took place there. She stands till 39 second and again the stae of her mind changes into next bodily postures with her psychological behavior. Picture 17 describes that the child again went changing her body postures doing acrobatics in the bed by moving her body muscles which was made change by biological needs. The body postures was changes frequently as we know it is much difficult to understand the child behavior and is much un predicatable like other age group of people. The child again posses the same position which she posses at the earlier time. The mood influences and the facial expression was similar in sad and silent position. While staying at that positions she is feeling ok

Picture 18 describes that when a child changes her position or postural attitudes, its hard to believe all that and makes more eager to know about their mood and emotional behavior. Here in this picture, what came in her mind, she asked mother to change her dress and taking pencil and note book, she went on studying and writing in note book. The position is different than the other posture studied till this period. There is a muscular movement of the body parts. The finger and hand was moved many times while writing alphabets in the notebook , and similarly the legs are moved up and down as if she likes to swim. The mood influences is happy and the facial expression is glow and bright. The time took to be in this body postures is around 3 minutes and the reaction was quite shocking, that she went for writing and her eye expression was at the camera. Picture 19 describes about the same position , but the image of camera was clickec by revolving techniques which the camera posses. The child is in the same position with the same body movements and here we see that the child is trying to bite the pencil putting the pencil in the mouth. The mood influences and the facial expression is good and laughter face. Picture 20 describes again there is a change in the bodily activities, from the lying position from the bed, the child stood up and at the standing position near the bed. The dress was also changed and she is standing still looking at the camera. The mood is silent and the facial expression is sad. Picture 21 describes that, there is a change in the body postures and in the hair portion too. The child is wearing a ribbon in her head and the current position of a child is sitting in the high blanket at the next room and eye infront to the television. The body movement took place many times here and now it seems that there was again change in the posture of the body. The mood and facial expression is silent here and there is a few awkward reaction while clicking many pictures from the very begining. This overall pictures clearly defines that whenever we like to study about the postural attitudes of the body, there we should have a knowledge to anlayse this kinds of problems by doing a research work or knowing to understand the emotional and psychological behavior of a person what he/she like to do, what are the state of mind and directly study of human’s behavior

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