Poverty alleviation

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Poverty Alleviation


Poverty is the state of human beings who are poor

Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money

Absolute poverty refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. Relative poverty is defined contextually as economic inequality in the location or society in which people live.

People living in slums and a squatter settlement squatter settlement-2007

National Situation Poverty Profile

Nepal’s Poverty is explained by many factors- high illetracy, poor health and low sanitation,low food grain productivity, high child malnutrition, poor access to basic services and inequities resulting from the tradition-driven social structure

Among the population groups, poverty is the highest among of the people so called “lower” castes and indigenous groups

According to the NLSS in 1995/96 the poverty line people are 42%, it was highest – as high as 72 percent-in the far western hill and mountain regions. but comparing at 2003/04 there is a decrease by 11% and came to 31% , which shows reduction to poverty incidence.

Poverty Profile


It also showed higher poverty levels in rural areas. However the rural-urban disparities are still alarming. NLSS 2003/04 reported rural poverty at 35 percent, compared to 10 percent in urban areas (only 3% in urban areas of Kathmandu valley). By development region, the incidence of the poverty is lowest in the central development region(27%) and highest in the mid-western development region (45%)


There are smaller proportion of population below the poverty line in the Tarai and more in the hill and the mountain regions.

Traditional strucure of the society is the main responsible to create poverty

Main reason of Poverty incidence •

High illetracy


No land to cultivate and survive

Joint family with poor income source

Damage of development Infrastructure

Low private sector Investment

Slow government spending on development

Mergers and closures of financial, industrial and service establishments,

Disruption of work of I/NGOs, community organizations and other development partners

Disruption of production, trade and transport by frequent closures, and

General insecurity in both urban and rural areas.

Political Instability and the resulting protest and general stikes (bandhas, chakka jam)


And people’s behaviour in context of Kathmandu valley oriented

Poverty Reduction Measures • Community participation for the development • Irrigation • Promotion of co-operative and contract farming • Lease hold forestry programs • Improving access to education • Focus to public health programs and sanitation • Inclusion in rural watersupply and sanitation • Skill oriented training • Program offering income generating oppurtunities • Food for work program • Improving the local area by developing market centres, industries and trade centers. • Institutional reforms and governance • Decentralization • Corruption control • Resource need and aid harmonization • Poverty monitoring and analysis system • National Living Standard Survey and The Nepal Demographic and Health Survey should be done each at 2 years, so to find the result based datas

People living within the jungle due to poverty In the name of their house, they only have their boat from 7 years which his grandfather build it to catch fish and eat to survive moments. Interesting thing is that- They don’t even have their homes to live. They are living from the begining in that boat . place:--- Congo/supported by : National geographic channel.

If you have any queries please feel free to: pokhrelamit2003@yahoo.com skype: amit.pokhrel2

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