What's wrong with inequality

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Er. Amit Pokhrel


What’s wrong with Inequality?

Inequality concerns persisting and widespread disparities among the resources available for people to sustain themselves and their families in secure and healthy ways, to make adequate provision for their old age, to take advantage of amenities beyond bare subsistence, to participate in political or community affairs, to engage in volunteer activities, and to pursue valued long-term goals such as succeeding in their occupations or developing talents (as for artistic enjoyment and creation or engagement in hobbies or sports). The contrast is a social ideal where, as several political philosophers conceive of it, distribution of resources is sufficient for everyone to have realistic a chance of leading a meaningful, satisfying, or happy life. Later in the paper some complications in this working definition will be noted. Now, reasons for concern over the large and growing inequalities in Nepal, as elsewhere, will be given. An even more dramatic case could be made by comparing wealth as well as income, including such things as real estate, stocks, and savings. Also, the report does not throw into relief the most grotesque of disparities since the top 10% of incomes includes both families earning Rs 240,000 a year and the millionaires. The condition is so weak that , the government of Nepal can’t assure merchants or private organization to have a safe environment in investing their money in Infrastructure developments. The present condition delivers a statement of weak What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 2

WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY economy and lacking of judgement and unstable government which may become one of the main reason which leads the failure of economy in Nepal. Besides their are many challenges, our country is facing day by day with political unarrangement, lack of decision makers by bureocrats, industrialist, traders, private sectors, social sectors; moral ground zero, political unability, failure of stable government, unrest, federal democratic issues relating to the overall development of Infrastructures, load shedding, strategies of foreign policy and affairs and the industrial sustainability with unemployment reasons. The mandate which was given for the constitution was been delayed due to more crowded people in assembly which created many rise in problems in the case of economic development, border security, Infrastructure development, equal access and equality. Due to the statement given by the top leaders again for new constitution assembly election, is quite unfair for all the people living in the country with disparities issues which should have been addressed right now before having more isues and unstable in the coming future. Instead, the intellectuals, for the most part, accepted the findings and reacted to them by complaining that reversing the trend would require socialistic state interference with market forces. A theme running through the critical reactions was that nobody has grounds for objection to growing income disparities as long as the worst off are no worse off than they had been earlier. It was never been proven assumption that ballooning income of the rich is a central cause of economic growth (rather than being made possible by growth, which has other origins). The situational outcomes is quite disturbing facts that our economical and status is more unsustainable competitative with our SAARC region country and more What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 3

WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY vulnerable situation infront international bodies being in the middle of developing countries with econmic sustainability. The lack of complete form of decisions, poor maturity in strategies and policies, lack of future oriented decisions, unemploment, lack of team dynamics and knowledge sharing, and lack of addressing national level agendas to the local citizens of Nepal for overall developments and national security. Cities, regions, states (federal democratic situation of Nepal), and other publics face a multitude of problems common to all their members, ranging from meeting subsistence needs to the provision of cultural amenities, the deployment and containment of technology, and, as is now generally recognized with justified alarm, confronting environmental challenges local issues, political disparities and stable government with constitution. Publics are not homogenous and may include groups with conflicting interests, but the problems they face are common to all their members, and they call for collective action to be addressed effectively. Dewey persuasively argued that a democratically organized public is essential for meeting problems collectively and that recognition by people that they are members of a common public is necessary for effective democratic action. Only when people see that, despite their differences, they are “in the same boat” with respect to overriding problems — retrieving a sustainable environment, meeting energy needs safely, addressing problems of urban sprawl and crime, preserving farm lands and green spaces, strengthening education to meet the needs of a sophisticated world, and other challenges — will they act together to keep this boat a float.

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WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY Inequalities of the magnitude, we see in this Nation are unsolved matters which inhibit the development and functioning of a public welfare in Nepal in the following ways: •

Economic gap:

We know that from the very begining, the traditional stucture is much more responsible to create a disturbance regarding rich and poor issues which is one of the biggest threat for the societies in current market price, which is more difficult to sustain lives. With sufficient wealth, children can be educated in private schools, walled in homes and country estates afford escape from urban blight. Chauffeurs can ease some of the discomfort of commuting to work, or one can chose not to work at all. All this creates two publics — one primarily concerned with making ends meet and trying to maintain a tolerable lifestyle; the other focused on keeping and enhancing its wealth by such measures as reducing its taxes and avoiding constraining government regulations. •

Resources for addressing problems:

The accelerating disparity in Nepali incomes was largely made possible by agriculture developments and remittance, resulting in reduced socialeconomic services that greatly diminished the availability of public resources required to address common problems. Not only does this affect the potential for public action in the face of these problems, but it also demoralizes people and leads them to give up on collective action •

People became beggars:

A consequence of reduced resources for public services is that the charity of the rich must increasingly be relied on. One effect of this is that their priorities get What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 5

WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY privileged attention. Throughout in our country, for example, one finds business schools much better funded from private sources than student residences or physical infrastructures. Perhaps more pernicious is that the need to cater to the wealthy to sustain essential public services defines the latter not as rights but as privileges conferred by a minority of the population as they see fit. This is not a situation conducive to nurturing a sense that we are all members of a common public. The rise in market price of the needy things makes us beggar in comparison with the dream perceived by the political leaders to sustain our lives in rise in economy with employment features.


Inequalities foster elitism and resentment:

A common right-wing allegation is that people who are not rich are jealous of those who are and that this is the origin of pro-equality thinking. At odds with this perspective is that those who do well as a result of their own hard work typically are not resented. Negative attitudes enter the picture when people are well off through no effort of their own but due to inheritance or when large income hikes are given to already rich executives based, not on their merits, but just on their ability to unilaterally raise their own salaries, or when the amounts of wealth in question are obscenely high. These circumstances often prompt resentment. Meanwhile, many of the rich come to see their wealth as signs of their superiority. Though publics are not the same thing as communities, where everyone shares values and see each other as friends, they still require a certain level of mutual respect in order to take common actions. Resentment and elitism are not conducive to mutual respect. What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 6


Gross inequalities are part of a culture of possessive individualism: An alternative to resenting great wealth is aspiring to it as a main goal of life. This is a component of what the political philosopher called “possessive individualism,” which referred to a culture where people value each other and themselves in terms of how much they possess and think of their possessions and even of their own talents as private property.

The contrasting culture is one where people aim to develop their talents in cooperation with one another and see themselves as trustees of their possessions and abilities, rather than as their private owners. That is, they try to use their possessions and talents in ways beneficial to others, including future generations.

Public action in a society dominated by a possessive-individualist culture is motivated by self-interested calculations, which is a shaky foundation at best for maintaining a vibrant public. In a society where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, its possession comes to be depicted as the goal of a meaningful life, thus reinforcing a possessive-individualist culture.

Inequality is an enemy of democracy: Public exist in democratic societies. While citizens of an officially undemocratic state, that is, an autocracy, face common problems, they lack

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WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY the ability to take collective action to address them. The result is harmful to public spirit, since people understand themselves to be politically impotent and are accordingly demoralized. As a society begins to contain significant inequalities, it also begins to resemble an autocracy, despite still possessing the formal markings of a democracy.

Political equality — one person, one vote — is essential to a democracy, but if money can determine for whom one is able to vote (by financing political parties and election campaigns) and can dictate limits on what representatives can actually do once elected no matter what their promises (due to threatened removal of personal or corporate support), understandable cynicism about democratic processes results and, with it, the weakening of public commitment. Inequalities also impede local and informal democracy. The differences of agendas between the rich and the rest, attitudes of elitism and resentment, and possessive individualism inhibit the development of workplace democracy or inclusive community activities.

Nobody in Nepal need, or should, face destitution. But beyond this, all should have available to them decent places to live, education, health and sanitation, respire, employment , and other such basics which will help to sustain the daily life with peace and security. The traditional structure of Nepal which was a reform of 5 development region should be decentralized in order to fulfill the gap of inequality in the different What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 8

WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY sectors which has created this kind of disorders and creating many problems from the grass root level. There are many things which should be addressed to configure the overall structure of geographical, economical, political and weaker economy- with rise in economics,







industrialization, ability to sustain trade, moral ground, changing the traditional taxation into new form, public private partnership with advantage to government policy, reforming new trade policy, foreign-affair policy , legal process of nation policy, improving the management of human resouces, improving the quality of regulation, catalytic-steering rather than rowing, empowering rather than serving, competitive, mission-driven, strict rules and law to sustain peace, security and services,






government from hierarchy to participation. The social impacts caused the rise of Maoist which created many threats and disturbances in past 12 years, which destroyed the economical status of country along with many of the Industrialist, traders, oppurtunist and some leaders, today repeating the same things here ,which is collapsing our status infront of Internationals and due to lack of decision makers, being in the middle of the India and China, we are far behind to accelerate econmical development in our country, which direclty links that we lacks morality with strong decisions as well as lack strong foreign policy which would help our country rise in economic as well as to form a stable government. Conclusion Financial bodies are indispensable factor for any productive sector in order to reform the economy of the world. But in context of Nepal, it lacks many things What’s wrong with Inequality-By: Er. Amit PokhrelPage 9

WHAT’S WRONG WITH INEQUALITY which don’t have any clear cut vision for development of region, cities and urban form. The old patterns should be modified for the new federal position to develop the nation, by finding the real cause and sustaining for the future to make rise in economical growth with Infrastructure developments creating many opportunites for employment and investment security with capable information and competiting with the international markets. Nepal is rich in different resources, culture, art and craft, heritage with the highest peaks and rich in water resources, but due to lack of manpower and equipment needed to developed, facing critical problem as well as due to international counter attacking by pressuring our so called leaders, the resources are in waste and again due to interfere by neighbouring country so called Indians, Nepal is facing poor status due to open border with criminal activities and failure in economy. Though it mostly depends upon the Nepali leaders to judge, but due to lack of morality and slave nature, our country day by day is in the way to slavery, and this kind of inequality remains intact if we do not start thinking from today to make our country status rise by developing national economy with social unity, employment, security with stable governments and strong foreign affair policy with legal management with constitution Investment is not a constraint to growth, it is the lack of visionary and determined leadership, and prolonged transition with increasing political instability are detrimental factors to economic development in Nepal.

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Bibliography www.wikipedia.com www.americanjournal.org www.nationaleconomy.com/Nepal www.adb.org

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