Speaking English Like a Native EXAMPLE: Don't complain about the boss while we're in the office. Remember, the walls have ears!
(to) think twice to think more carefully before doing something in the future; to not repeat a mistake one has made EXAMPLE: Jane didn't even thank you for your Christmas gift? You should
think twice before giving her a gift next year! Chill out! Relax! Don't worry! EXAMPLE: Chill out! Your presentation to the CEO will go fine.
likely story that's not true; I find that hard to believe EXAMPLE: When Jim and Jenny were caught kissing each other in the conference room, they said it would never happen again. That's a likely story!
I wasn't born yesterday! I'm not stupid; I'm not naive EXAMPLE: I just got an e-mail from a company promising to send me $10 million next year if I send them $10,000 now. Too bad for them I wasn't
born yesterday!
Choose the most appropriate response to the following: 1) We'd better be careful what we say in the office. a) That's right. The walls have ears. b) Likely story! c) Right, I wasn't born yesterday.
Polar English
Speaking Business
English Like a Native