Speaking English Like a Native
Lesson 10 DISCUSSING A DIFFICULT REQUEST Tanya is head of R&D in a laboratory for Sudsco, a company that makes shampoo. Here she meets with colleagues John and Andy to discuss a request from the marketing department. Tanya: Let me kick off this meeting with some news. Our marketing department would like us to produce a new fragrance by the end of next month. John: Oh brother,* we need this extra work like a hole in the head! What fragrance are they looking for? Tanya: Mango. Andy: Mango? Are they out of their minds? Do they know how tough that is? Tanya: Yeah, but I told them we'd take a crack at it. If we put our minds to
it, I know we can do it. Andy: I don't know. It's not going to be easy. Tanya: Let's roll up our sleeves and give it our best shot. Nothing
ventured, nothing gained. John: Well, Tanya, you certainly have a can-do attitude!
Polar English
Speaking Business
English Like a Native