ECL presentation at Fischer Conference 2010

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Leading the Change

Youth, Business, Multilingualism

Presented by Paul Brad, ECL

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mohandas Gandhi

Change Game

ECL Multilingualism Professional Opportunities Investment in career

Key Topics • Introduction – Background – Fact Sheet • Presentation of ECL system – characteristics, advantages, benefits – ECL fact sheet – ECL levels within Common European Framework – Exams structure (languages, methodology, calendar) – Info sources, centres, online – Benefits for candidates • Internalization of European SME’s: how ECL helps bridge the gap – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – Youth & Mobility • An outlook for the future • Conclusion •

Background • Despite being the most educated generation ever, young people in Europe struggle to find a first job and quality employment • In times of crisis, Youth Unemployment is even higher and quality employment is at stake

… Background • What happened? • Labour markets have changed substantially in the last decades • What is needed? • Education systems providing young people with skills, knowledge and competences that allow for a smooth transition between education and the labour market and also contributing for educating young people as citizens (active citizenship)

… What is needed? • stronger partnership between education providers, employers (private and public), social partners and youth organisations • establishment of efficient guidance mechanisms from an early stage

… What is needed? • promotion and full recognition of the competences that young people can acquire through non-formal education and volunteering activities as well as through vocational training • promotion of quality internships

… in order to … • EMPOWER young people to PARTICIPATE actively in the shaping of Europe and the societies in which they live. • IMPROVE the LIVING CONDITIONS of young people as European citizens in today’s world. • Source: EUROPEAN YOUTH FORUM - made up of around 100 National Youth Councils and International Youth NGO’s

ECL – Did you say Multilingualism? • European Commission – Multilingualism: “Languages are for everybody, whatever your age and whatever your reasons for wanting to learn”. “The EU is helping to bring languages closer to its citizens, enabling them to play a greater role in a modern, multicultural Europe”. “In a multicultural Europe, with its diverse languages and institutions, it is essential to have language qualifications that are recognized by all.”

ECL - Fact Sheet • ECL Consortium was formed as a result of an ERASMUS project, LINGUA subsequently in 1992, coordinated by the Foreign Languages Centre in London. • The purpose of the Consortium was to develop a set of standardized language tests in the languages of the Member States, to be uniform, unitary and coherent. • Program Development along with ECL being taken over by the General Secretariat in PÉCS (1999), the number of the assessed languages has been constantly growing, reaching 15 European languages as we speak –Europe map coverage of 90%. • As from 2002, by virtue of equal opportunities policy for all European languages, the National ECL Centre in Romania with the University of Bucharest have been awarded the copyright for Romanian language tests.

Fact Sheet • The mission of the National ECL Centre in România is to permanwently develop the national network of exam centres. • Country Coverage: as we speak 35 ECL centres are located in Arad, Oradea, Bistrița, Brașov, București, Buzău, Cluj Napoca, Sf. Gheorghe, Deva, Iași, Tg. Mureș, Satu Mare, Timișoara. • ECL is continually improving territorial presence in order to facilitate potential candidates access to ECL certification closest to their city of residence.

Fact Sheet ECL promotion in Romania: • Campaigns in Romanian schools & universities; • Participation with stands in educational fairs, job fairs • Language teachers training sessions – ECL specific testing techniques • National & international projects (ANSIT, GTP, etc.)

Characteristics & benefits for candidates ECL certificates offer several benefits such as: • Sustaining mobility by promoting multilingualism. • ECL provides candidates with the opportunity to validate their linguistic competence in almost all European languages. • ECL offers certificates with unlimited time validity. • Certificates are recognized within the entire E.U. • Certificates are conceived following the standards and descriptors pertaining to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . • ECL certificates are an integral part of the documents pack necessary for each E. U. citizen. • Certificate holders enjoy increased employability and professional conversion opportunities. • Each of the five linguistic skills are separately assessed, thus becoming more attractive to the potential employer. • Candidates will pleasantly learn about the convenient ECL exam fees.

Comparison between ECL and CEFR Common European Framework


C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1

Proficient User

Independent User

Basic User







Higher Intermediate






Intermediate 1st 550











Parallel between ECL and CEFR

The previous chart demonstrates that: • The ECL certificate is based on CEF descriptors and standards. • ECL certificates is distinct for having reduced the 6 descriptors to 4 as a result of linguistic reality (levels A1 and C2 representing the extremes of linguistic competence).

Comparison between ECL and ECDL • It is easier to understand the core efficiency of ECL certificates if compared to European Computer Driving Licenses • Both offer two out of the three mandatory European citizenship dimensions: linguistic competence, IT competence & vocational competence. • It becomes clear that the ECL type of certification by emphasizing its communicative approach, will stand for a very useful tool to any user, irrespective of age or professional path.

ECL Exams - structure, methodology, calendar • Examined languages ECL – 15 as we speak - EN, DE, IT, ES, RO, PL, HR, SK, HU etc. • Exam levels A2, B1, B2, C1 (CECR). • Exam types: – Complex • 4 skills: reading and listening comprehension, writing & speaking • Award - Complex ECL Certificate. – Written • 2 skills (reading comprehension & writing) • Award - Writing ECL Certificate. – Oral • 2 skills (listening comprehension & speaking) • Award - Oral ECL Certificate.

ECL Exams - structure, methodology, calendar

• Points – 25 points/skill – Accepted average • 60% / exam • 40% / skill.

• Exam calendar – 5 sessions/year – 2 sessions/year all languages(…) – Possibility to organize extraordinary sessions.

Information • • Exam centres • Online tests

ECL & Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Bridging a Gap

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.mp4

What is the overall EYE objective? “.. to facilitate exchange of experiences, learning and networking for new EU entrepreneurs through periods spent at SMEs of experienced entrepreneurs in other EU Member States.�

What is the specific objective? Fostering of

• Entrepreneurship • Internationalisation • Competitiveness of start-up entrepreneurs and newly established SMEs in the EU

European Commission in cooperation with a European level Support Office (SO) over 100 intermediary organisations (IOs) at national / regional level coordination support quality matching induction

New entrepreneurs

1 – 6 months stay

Host entrepreneurs in another EU Member State

Exchange of experiences, market access, networking, learning on the job

Process model

Main Actors • • • • • •

New entrepreneurs (NE) Host entrepreneurs (HE) Intermediary organisations (IO) European Partnerships (EP) European level Support Office (SO) European Commission (COM)

 Relationships

The potential benefits for NEs • • • • •

Obtain a wider business experience from an established business; Develop international connections and knowledge about foreign markets; Benefit from possible co-venturing opportunities and the development of cross-border markets; Gain insights into a different cultural and organisational setting/workplace; Understand the regulatory framework in another EU country.

The potential benefits for HEs •

Work with a NE who has strong analytical and strategic skills

Access new skills and innovative knowledge in the NE that an SME often does not have

Work with a young fresh mind contributing new ideas and views

Gain knowledge and intelligence about the foreign markets and an opportunity to internationalise the business;

Explore an expansion of the business to a new country;

Network with the other HEs as part of a dynamic European network of successful entrepreneurs.

Relationship between IO, NE & HE Country A



Country B



Paul Brad – Host Entrepreneur

ECL meets EYE in Brussels • • • •

Who?: A Romanian HE and A Slovak NE When? 6 months during 2010-2011 What? EYE match – ECL certification GOAL: to develop intercultural awareness and language skills finalized with ECL certification for staff of two consulting companies in RO & SK

An outlook for the future • The contribution of languages to the Lisbon Strategy • “Education and Training 2010” - the education and training contribution to the Lisbon Strategy. • Education and Training 2010 sets out benchmarks for assessing the progress of Member States and also prioritizes three areas that will benefit from the exchange of experience: • methods and ways of organizing the teaching of languages • early language learning • ways of promoting the learning and practice of foreign languages • The EC Conclusions on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020“ - May 2009), build on progress made under the previous Education and Training work program and set four strategic objectives: making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.

Conclusion • Languages are one of the key features of cultural identity. • The European Union's motto "Unity in diversity" is a reflection of the multilingualism which lies at the heart of the EU. • Choosing ECL for several languages certification means integrating with the flow of change.



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