pol gorezje
digital portfolio
pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje pol gorezje
Pol Gorezje (Zaragoza -Spain- 1976) is an emerging artist who lives in Barcelona with a significant presence in Madrid's artistic scope. Basically self-taught, his paintings began to be exhibited in 2009 and since then, his artistic inroads extend to the field of photography, writing and audiovisual.
In his paintings, Gorezje uses as support images taken from fashion magazines. The force of his brush transforms them into a parallel reality, criticizing the stereotypical beauty around us.
His men and women are ambiguous, they let discover us another kind of beauty, sometimes grotesque, sometimes impossible, but always with an aesthetic and beautiful background. Gorezje leads us into a game of appearance, archetypes and everything that is not apparent to the naked eye. Â
DAY USE Room Art Fair #3 Madrid 2013
DAY USE Room Art Fair #3 Madrid 2013
DAY USE Room Art Fair #3 Madrid 2013
UNTHINKABLE FILMS Obuxofest 2013 Javierrelatre (Huesca)
UNTHINKABLE FILMS Obuxofest 2013 Javierrelatre (Huesca)
EXPO DE UNA NOCHE DE VERANO LaCasaFranca Ca単a & Come Madrid 2013
Mulafest Madrid 2013
FRANQUEADOS 0.13 LaCasaFranca Madrid 2013
JAPON 400 FactorĂa de Arte y Desarrollo Madrid 2013
GalerĂa Liebre Madrid 2012
MICROARTE GalerĂa Liebre Madrid 2012
INVULNERABLES Barcelona 2011
Restaurante Oibar Barcelona 2011
oto shoot: Daniel Maya Noguez Barcelona 2013
EXPO DE UNA NOCHE DE VERANO LaCasaFranca Ca単a & Come Madrid 2013
Photo shoot: Pedro Paricio Barcelona 2012
Photo shoot: Dre Moss Los Angeles 2012
Photo shoot: Gokhan Bagisoglu HeARTtoexplain Madrid 2012
Photo shoot: Georgius Saevarsson Barcelona 2012
Still photo: Walkie Talkie teaser directed by Rubén Pérez Barrena Zaragoza 2011
Still photo: Julián Villagrán and Marta Larralde Walkie Talkie short film directed by Rubén Pérez Barrena Zaragoza 2012
Still photo: Julián Villagrán Walkie Talkie short film directed by Rubén Pérez Barrena Zaragoza 2012
The lovers (Barcelona 2014) short film https://vimeo.com/84081646
Reproches vacĂos (Barcelona 2013) short film https://vimeo.com/82419379
Respira (Barcelona 2013) Subtravelling Festival Roda a TMB
Pedro Paricio Diary of an artist Halcyon Gallery-London (Barcelona 2012) https://vimeo.com/49539532
CUTe (Barcelona 2012) Asvoff Festival Internacional cine y moda Madrid/Barcelona https://vimeo.com/34872562
Aditros (Barcelona 2011) Subtravelling Festival secci贸n Roda a TMB
2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2009 2003
DAY USE Room Art Fair #3 Madrid (collective) Unthinkable films Obuxofest 2013 Javierrelatre (Huesca) (solo) Expo de una noche de verano LaCasaFranca Caña & Come Madrid (collective) Emotional dreams without gods Le patrón Madrid (solo) Todos somos Rita MulaFest 2013 LaCasaFranca Ifema Madrid (collective) gReysKin Restaurante El refugi de Sant Gervasi Barcelona (solo) Franqueados 0.13 Madrid (collective) JAPÓN 400 Factoría de Arte y Desarrollo Madrid (collective) Microarte: El tamaño sí importa Galería Liebre Madrid (collective) polgorezje Restaurante Oibar Barcelona (solo) Mirades crues Restaurante Oibar Barcelona (solo) Illustration for magazine Lunas vivas Lleida (solo)
2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011
Expo de una noche de verano LaCasaFranca Caña & Come Madrid (collective) Photo shoot: hairstylist Daniel Maya Noguez Barcelona Photo shoot: american singer Dre Moss Los Ángeles (California) Photo shoot: painter Pedro Paricio Barcelona Photo shoot: performance artist Georgius Saevarsson Barcelona Still photo: Walkie Talkie short film (Rubén Pérez Barrena) Zaragoza Still photo: Walkie talkie teaser (Rubén Pérez Barrena) Zaragoza
visual artist
2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011
The lovers (Barcelona) short film Reproches vacíos (Barcelona) short film Respira (Barcelona) Subtravelling Festival sección Roda a TMB Trailer Pedro Paricio Diary of an artist Halcyon Gallery-London (Barcelona) CUTe (Madrid/Barcelona) Asvoff Barcelona Festival Internacional cine y moda Aditros (Barcelona) Subtravelling Festival sección Roda a TMB
www.polgorezje.com polgorezje@gmail.com (+34) 699 201 910
Barcelona 2014