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Theme 9: The role of the Police and Crime Panel

The Hamphire Police and Crime Panel (PCP) is responsible for scrutinising and supporting the PCC for Hampshire. The PCP is made up of representatives from each of the local authorities in the Hampshire policing area. This includes the unitary authorities of Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight, the 11 Hampshire borough and district Councils and Hampshire County Council. To better meet the balanced appointment objective, three additional local authority members have been co-opted to the PCP following agreement from the Home Secretary. Two non-political members of the PCP are also appointed to add to the collective spread of experience and knowledge.

The PCP’s current Chairman is Councillor David Stewart (Isle of Wight Council).



Meeting formally around four times per year, the PCP examines and makes recommendations on various aspects of the PCC’s activity. In particular, responsibilities and powers include:

To review the draft Police and Crime Plan or any variation of it To review and scrutinise decisions and actions by the PCC To review (and have the power to veto) the PCC’s proposed Council Tax Precept levels by a 2/3 majority. To review and scrutinise the PCC’s Annual Report, and to make any recommendations on it to the PCC

Require a PCC or relevant senior staff to attend before the Panel to answer any question To confirm (and have the power to veto) the appointment of the Chief Constable To confirm senior officer (Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer) and political roles (Deputy PCC) in the PCC’s office To review the conduct of the PCC and to suspend him/her if charged with an offence which carries a term of imprisonment exceeding two or more years (the Panel cannot remove the PCC) To confirm the appointment of an acting PCC, if required To forward complaints alleging criminal conduct against the PCC onto the IOPC to investigate

Further information on the Panel, including role and responsibilities, membership, meetings and minutes, panel news, can be found at:


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