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The Last Shift

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L The Last Shift

For the full version of The Last Shift, go to PASAweb at www.pasa.asn.au

Andrew Curtis Grant Garritty Glyn Jones Brian Mattner

Sergeant Glyn Jones

Drug Testing Unit 35 years’ service Last Day: 05.10.22


“I thank the Police Association for its support over all those years.

“I worked at Para Hills patrols, Surveillance (SAPOL and NCA), Salisbury patrols, Elizabeth patrols (sergeant), Elizabeth Traffic (sergeant), Road Policing Section – North (both as a Tactical and Response sergeant) and, finally, Drug Testing Unit sergeant.

“During my service, I have worked with many outstanding SAPOL members. It has truly been an honour and a privilege to have served with those members, especially in the Northern District.

“Remain strong, continue to strive for what is right and always lead by example. Continue to excel at what you do. ”

Senior Sergeant 1C Brian Mattner

EMES 42 years’ service Last Day: 26.10.22


“I don’t think any of us at the start of our careers looked at figures of 20, 30 or 40 years of service, but that is where we find ourselves now.

“I am very grateful to the forwardthinking members who, from years gone past, started the association, created the health fund and credit union, and worked hard for the old pension scheme.

“Those decisions, hard work and planning have enabled members to be really well supported over our working lives and into the future.

“To all members: be safe, enjoy your careers, and don’t forget that family and friends are what you have at the end. ”

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Detective Senior Sergeant 1C Grant Garritty APM

Serious & Organised Crime 45 years’ service Last Day: 16.11.22


“I sincerely thank past and present association staff and delegates for the outstanding service provided to association members.

“It has been a privilege to have served with SAPOL over the past 45 years, the majority of time within Crime Service.

“I have had the opportunity to work alongside truly inspirational and dedicated sworn members and non-sworn staff over the years. I have been very fortunate to have served under so many exceptional leaders and work/life mentors.

“I wish all current SAPOL staff all the best for the future and implore the association to continue the good fight for pay and conditions for those still serving.

“Having sadly lost so many colleagues to suicide over the journey, I respectfully suggest mental health should remain a significant association and SAPOL priority. ”

Sergeant Andrew Curtis

Mount Barker 45 years’ service Last Day: 31.08.22


“I thank the Police Association both past and present for its ongoing support of its membership.

“Having spent my entire career as a front-line operational member I have experienced the highs and lows that policing the streets brings.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, working with some great people over these years.

“To those who continue to fight the good fight, stay strong to your beliefs.

“My last seven years were spent at Mt Barker patrols where I had a patrol team of young and not-so-young patrol officers who went about their duties with zest and vigour. I thank all of them for carrying me through those last few years.

“My time was well and truly up, and I knew this because my tolerance with the people that police deal with on a regular basis was gone. ”

done differently.

CEO Brett Schatto, former SA police officer and Police Association member (11 years).

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