Police Life AUTUMN 2020

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Through their simple and significant acts of kindness, police played an important part in the recovery and healing process for people who had lost homes, possessions, farms and livestock. Constable Ebony Nixon, who is usually based at Boronia Police Station, was originally rostered to be on leave in mid-January but put her hand up to help with the policing effort in fire-affected areas. She was deployed to Corryong in the state’s north east and was struck by the attitudes and resilience of the community. “Policing teaches you that there are some incredible people out here, but nothing I’ve seen could ever equate to what I saw up there,” Const Nixon said.

They worked long shifts to keep the community safe through the bushfire crisis, but it was the off-duty efforts of police that made some of the longest lasting impacts.

“The people there have strength that I don’t think I could ever have.” Wanting to give back to the people of Corryong who had so warmly welcomed the police and emergency services, Const Nixon was part of a team of police who organised cricket and basketball matches for the community and emergency services to play together. Const Nixon said the “Corryong Clash” helped strengthen the community spirit and connection with the police and emergency workers. “It was nice for the locals to be able to forget all that happened for a couple of hours and just have fun with the emergency services,” Const Nixon said.



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