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A message from the Chief Commissioner

It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed as the 23rd Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police.

Having joined Victoria Police as a cadet in 1978, I have predominantly worked in investigative and operational roles across my career and in more recent years, as Deputy Commissioner of both the Regional and Specialist Operations portfolios, I have managed many significant Victorian emergency management responses.

Leading Victoria Police through this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been an experience like no other.

When the State of Emergency was declared on 16 March 2020, we activated the State Police Operations Centre (SPOC) to coordinate Victoria Police’s state-wide response. The SPOC has now broken a record, having been in continuous operation for the longest period in our organisation’s history, a record we were not seeking.

I am proud of all Victoria Police officers, Protective Services Officers, Police Custody Officers, forensics officers and all Victorian Public Service employees for their continued and extraordinary efforts to support the COVID-19 pandemic response, and overall commitment to protect the Victorian community.

In this edition of Police Life, I have shared my vision for the future of our Victoria Police force. It is a clear message where community safety is, and will always be, our key focus. I am also excited to highlight the increased capability to our Police Air Wing and Water Police fleet, and the important work we are doing to expand roadside drug testing in rural Victoria.

2020 has been a particularly challenging year and I commend our workforce for their resilience. At this year’s National Police Remembrance Day, Victoria Police and the community remembered Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Constable Glen Humphris, Senior Constable Kevin King and Constable Josh Prestney who lost their lives in the tragic incident on 22 April 2020, as well as the many officers who have died serving their community.

I want to reassure you that a fitting memorial service will be held at an appropriate time to honour our four members.

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