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Center of excellence PoliMaT CE PoliMaT is a nonprofit Center of Excellence for Polymer Materials and Technologies established in 2010 by a group of industries and academic institutions. By the end of 2013, CE PoliMaT successfully finalized the programme of 2010–2013. CE PoliMaT successfully finalized the programme of 2010–2013. 75 innovations, 35 prototypes and one spin-off – MikroCaps, were developed. Mateja Dermastia, MSc, Director, CE PoliMaT

CE PoliMaT has developed a new business model that integrates industry and academia along the value chain, creates new cross-sector interconnections, supports cross-industry clusters, and successfully facilitates international partnerships, networks and new investments. CE PoliMaT established a cutting edge R&D infrastructure which includes state of the art R&D equipment and own laboratory at Technology Park Ljubljana. The needs of industry, markets and global challenges are the basis of PoliMaT work as they increase usefulness, decrease complexity, and optimize costs of

CE PoliMaT has brought together the scattered R&D

public and private users of its solutions. Researchers are focused on real applications to development problems, and

potential in the field

public sector closely cooperates with industry. CE PoliMaT created innovative

of polymer science and

environment in which research continues up to the development of proto-

business in Slovenia and

types, allows ideas to be tested in practice and leads to the transfer of tech-

created the conditions for speeding up the transformation of knowledge into products and services

nology to the industrial phase. CE PoliMaT cooperates with global centers of knowledge and leads the Global Biopolymer Network, which brings together scientific and technological expertise of Europe, USA, and Africa. Various international partnerships have been established. CE PoliMaT is a member of the Biobased Industries Consor-

in high tech market niches

tium (BIC) and member of the EU Expert Group for Biomaterials. The APIC™

in order to create new jobs

partnership with Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, Ohio, USA, continues

and new high tech industries.

to provide leadership in translating biopolymers into health care products. CE

It has also restored the close cooperation between industry and R&D groups, bringing together the logic

PoliMaT works closely with the Jomo Kenyatta University for Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya in building the African Biopolymer Center of Excellence. CE PoliMaT is cooperating with the American Chemical Society within the ACS Sci-Mind™ programme. All of this, together with the development of new services around R&D, plays

of the global marketplace,

an important role in the exploitation of research results. CE PoliMaT has proved

the needs of industry and the

that investments of European structural funds are an efficient tool to support

competencies of science.


From 2010-2013 over 100

In the coming years, CE PoliMaT will continue its mission of ensuring the trans-

experts have worked at

formation of research excellence into products and services in high-tech

CE PoliMaT and over half of these and half of all researchers are women.

niche markets. CE PoliMaT will further strengthen cooperation with industry and academia, cooperation with the centers of excellence and clusters in Europe and globally, support entrepreneurs and young talents to bolster development of bio-based industry and transformation to a low carbon society.

Bojan Kos,

Prof. Majda Žigon, PhD,

Pres ident of the Board

Pres ident of the Board of Exper ts

CE PoliMaT, Akripol

CE PoliMaT

The strategic goals of CE PoliMaT (Center of Excellence in Polymeric Materials and Technology) were very bold and, after four years of effort and a lot of hard work, all of them have been achieved. CE PoliMaT has filled the perceived gap between science and industry in the field of polymers and become a connecting link in the field of polymer materials and technology. Thus, it has been a key player at the nexus of science and industry and it has played a key role in opening up horizons to all who have worked with and been linked to CE PoliMaT through its breakthrough ideas, innovations and global ambitions. CE PoliMaT has also recognized the potential of the Slovenian polymer industry and connected our industry to global networks and trends through its activities. CE PoliMaT has invested a tremendous amount of effort into generating new knowledge, internationalization, into knowledge transfer from the laboratory environment to industry, as well as a into creating connections and asserting Slovenian scientific excellence in international business and academic arenas. CE PoliMaT has become a developmental partner who is enmeshed in global business and scientific networks and trends. CE PoliMaT has supported Slovenian companies in a number of ways: it has allowed many companies to undertake new research and development up to the level of industrial prototypes with its high level and state-of-the-art equipment, it has allowed research teams in companies to develop visionary projects that are important for the future of the companies, and given strong scientific support to companies for such projects. CE PoliMaT has opened the door to markets in the US, Brazil and Africa for many companies. Its exceptional dynamism, élan and energy have led the CE PoliMaT team to develop new business models and prove that creative thinking is an integral part of everything, not just scientific projects. With both pride and certainty, I can state that CE PoliMaT has raised the competitiveness of the Slovenian companies it works with, created new jobs, and shifted viewpoints to encourage people to believe in and live at the interface of scientific and business excellence through its intensive, goal-oriented and successful work.

In the four years of its existence, CE PoliMaT has successfully carried out the planned R&D tasks for the development of new and improved polymer materials and technological procedures in close cooperation with research groups, research organizations and R&D groups at both SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and large companies. In the four thematic areas: technical products for novel uses and energy, coatings and adhesives, polymers from renewable resources, and polymers for health and biomedical applications, we have prepared a number of new or improved polymers and/or polymer materials as well as published results in international scientific journals, particularly from the first quartile of the research fields. Through innovations, patent applications and prototypes, we have protected: new polymer nanocomposites with various inorganic nanofillers, polymer adhesives with a low content of volatile compounds, polyurethane and dispersion adhesives using polyester on the basis of wood biomass, polymers, polymer materials and fuels on the basis of liquefied wood, various microencapsulated compounds with polymer membranes, PVD coatings for protecting polymeric materials from degradation, systems for protecting archival cellulose documents against oxidation, macroporous monolithic lattice polymer carriers for separating macromolecules, while for biomedical applications we have protected: the preparation of multilayered bandages for wounds, invented procedures for the modification or functionalization of the surface of polymers, new bioassociated and biodegradable porous polymers, and new biodegradable monofunctional branched PEG reagents for conjugating to proteins or peptides. In addition to all of the abovementioned activities, CE PoliMaT has been active in disseminating knowledge by organizing seminars, workshops, the TalentCamp, a Coaching Station, CE PoliMaT Strategy Days, and the ASPM 2013 international conference, by networking and coordinating with related organizations (PCCL– Austria, Akron Global Business Accelerator, ABIA and the University of Akron – USA, JKUAT – Kenya etc.), as well as by technology transfer and other activities, which have all led to the successful realization of the program.

The work of PoliMaT has resulted in 75 innovations, 6 international patents applications have been submitted, 33 prototypes have been developed, one spin-off company is working, and 101 scientific contributions have been published, of which 56 are in the first quartile of the citation index. CE PoliMaT has three trademarks and four awards for innovation, among which is the “Technovation for Best Innovation in the Area of Green Technology” (PODIM 2012).


MikroCaps deals with microencapsulation, a process through which various chemicals can be enclosed within a polymer membrane without changing their chemistry and thus protecting them from external effects, controlling their release and lowering their toxicity or volatility. We work in various fields of the chemical industry, mostly the coatin-

gs, textiles, paper and detergent industries, as well as in the field of protection and safety of plants, to create products like microencapsulated scents, catalysts, additives, phase change materials and pesticides. Cooperation with CE PoliMaT began in the preparation phase, which took place within the Belinka Perkemija company. The MikroCaps company was then founded and brought together the technology of CE PoliMaT and Belinka Perkemia and employed six people. In cooperation with CE PoliMaT, we developed an eco-friendly membrane for fertilizer, for which we also won the Technovation 2012 prize. Cooperation in the field of microencapsulation of essential oils and biopesticides is also ongoing. The goal of the latter is to develop a completely biode-

gradable membrane in which to enclose essential oils, which work as pesticides or repellents and could replace traditional pesticides. The scientific excellence and recognition of CE PoliMaT have helped us to bring our products onto the global market. Dejan Štefanec, PhD, MikroCaps

Educell is a research synergy with CE PoliMaT in the field of cell biology research, which is then applied for therapeutic purposes and in the testing of biomaterials. CE PoliMaT develops materials for medical uses and Educell tests these materials to determine their potential for further use. We have cooperated on the APIC project and developed a two-model system: a skin model and a bone model for testing materials that could be used for bone implants. The results of both projects are good and the added value of the methods, which are patentable, is that they allow the testing of new materials and new drugs in orthopedics and other branches of medicine. Miomir Knežević, PhD, Educell

Mitol, together with CE PoliMaT, has developed single-component polyurethane adhesives for demanding materials such as metals and composite materials. We have also expanded into the field of bio-based materials use. We have tested products based on liquefied wood and recycled PET and determined that the polyester from recycled PET can be used as a replacement for classical plasticizers. Polyester from liquefied wood has also been shown to be a good plasticizer for the pre-

paration of water –based adhesives for parquet flooring. Polyester from waste PET has also been used as the raw material for the synthesis of single-component polyurethane adhesives and in the preparation of two-component polyurethane systems in combination with castor oil. At the end of our study, we also developed a range of eco-friendly adhesives for use in the construction industry. Dolores Kukanja, PhD, Mitol

In cooperation with the research group of Dr. Aleš Doliška, CE PoliMaT has developed a completely new form of modern dressing for wounds, which, in addition to the basic characteristics of modern dressings, also has a drug carrier capacity. This innovative multi-functional product is based on a biodegradable alginate matrix and the final product degrades in a short time period. The joint development of the new dressing involved the combination of natural highly absorptive alginate fibers and non-steroid anti-inflammatory active ingredients, which soothe the long-lasting pain of patients with chronic wounds, as well as the pain that occurs with the changing of the dressings themselves. The fast and highquality transfer of information, experience and good practices has allowed our researchindustrial collaboration to make this breakthrough in the field of wound care. The first result, the alginate dressing with a longer-lasting release of painkilling medication, is just the beginning of a series of new products that will follow from this successful interaction of science and industry. Andrej Zabret, B.S., Tosama

In April 2013, CE PoliMaT initiated the Global Polymer Network, which includes eminent institutions from the USA, Europe and Africa, at Bled, Slovenia, with the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor present.

CE PoliMaT is an innovative example of good practices that bring together goal-oriented group work in the scientific and economic spheres in Slovenia and abroad. Helios was therefore very motivated to cooperate with CE PoliMaT on a number of different development challenges. We successfully studied the process of synthesizing acrylic polymers with high solids content with the aim of optimizing the timing and product application for coatings for metal foundations.

The Kolektor Group, a producer of commutators for electric motors, has improved the electrical characteristics of the surface of polymers via modification of the surface of these polymers through treatment through a highly dissociated plasma (oxygen plasma). With the help of CE PoliMaT and partners at Jozef

Dr. Jernej Pikalo, Minister for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, Mateja Dermastija, M.S., CE PoliMaT and Urban Krajcar, M.S., Director, Science Directorate, Minister for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia

We have also developed waterbased acrylic polymers, which are being used more and more since water-based technologies in coatings are in demand due to the newest EU environmental legislation. We have also cooperated in the creation of a spin-off company, whose technology is already being used in the development of coatings for decorative purposes. In cooperation with one research group, we have evaluated, both from a technological and economic point of view ,the technology of the synthesis of nZnO and analyzed the use of this material in coatings and other polymer composites for various functional characteristics. Our common goal has been to develop technology to an industrial level and to use nZnO in coatings for long-term UV protection and antibacterial functionality. Bogdan Znoj, PhD, Helios Domžale Inc.

Stefan Institute, we have achieved all of our goals. The samples whose surfaces were treated with the oxygen plasma have much better electrical characteristics than untreated materials. This represents a major advantage for our customers, the users of instruments and products with built-in motors, since it leads to a longer lifetime for our products. Our goal is to simplify the current production process for the most-demanding commutators, produced on the basis of a two-component injection molding process, and to offer buyers suitable quality for a low price and, through this, to improve the competitiveness of the total production chain. Peter Kernel, B.S., Kolektor Group

“Biopolymers for human wellbeing” partnership with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi, Kenya, for a new generation of applications for the agro-food industry, health, the environment and the innovative use of natural resources.

Our goal was to produce a coextruded filament layer that would adhere well to both the acrylic sheet and the polyamide reinforcement. We achieved this with a polymeric mixture of styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) and polyamide (PA). Our testing shows improved mechanical properties of the composite PMMA/PA 6/66/

In cooperation with CE PoliMaT and Dr. Matjaz Kunaver from the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, we prepared a number of prototypes on the basis of liquefied biomass, among others: a polyurethane foam containing liquefied wood and waste glycerol from the production of biodiesel, a polyurethane foam for flower arrangements, and a glued gray cardboard, which was made

APIC partnership with Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron (ABIA), Ohio, USA, in the area of polymers and biopolymer materials in medicine, one of the first institutional programs between the Slovenian R&D sphere and the USA.

SMA sheet. The project was begun at the end of 2012 and the modified product was in serial production at Akripol from June 2013. The fast progress of the project was the result of the good synergy between CE PoliMaT and Akripol. The results of our work were an international patent application and an article published in the Polymer Composites Journal. The advantages of this new filament are its better mechanical properties and unlimited time of use, as well as that it is possible to use high temperatures post-polymerization in the making of PMMA sheets and because there is no waste, there is no need for additional processing of the filaments. Nuša Janžekovič, B.S., Akripol

from waste paper and whose use is wide-ranging and competitive with the present drywall (plasterboard). We also made insulation panels, which were composed of particleboard or plywood with polyurethane foam in between. We also made a particleboard where the adhesive was a combination of a melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin and liquefied wood – this prototype was tested and prepared for industrial production. Liquefied wood also has great potential for the cogeneration of electrical energy and heat. CE PoliMaT recognized this potential for the market in Brazil, where very concrete discussions are ongoing regarding the transfer of technology there for liquefying waste from sugar cane and eucalyptus.

Founders of CE PoliMaT

CE PoliMaT explores the transformative power of biopolymers and bio-based materials. CE PoliMaT solutions reduce CO 2 emissions, create a global perspective on the use of resources (water, land, energy), protect the environment and boost the development of bio-based industry in Europe. This ambitious plan requires new forms of international science and technology collaboration for industries, clusters, SMEs and entrepreneurs to explore radically new bio based business solutions.

Frenk Kovač, Gozdno gospodarstvo Postojna

Opening of the Innovation Office at the Akron Global Business Accelerator in Akron, Ohio, USA, October 2012

Early talks on the transfer of technology for liquefying sugar cane and eucalyptus waste in the town of Uberada, Brazil.


Silvo Bolka, MSc, was actively involved in the

Aleš Doliška, PhD, was the head of Task 9 in the RRP4

RRP2 R&D project in tasks for the Akripol company.

R&D project and was actively involved in the making of

The result of his work was an industrial prototype

the industrial prototype of an alginate patch with drug

PMMA sheet with a coextruded black monofila-

carrying capacity for industrial partner Tosama Ltd. The

ment. This work is detailed in his master’s thesis

main advantage of the patch is the lower amount of the

entitled: “The effect of external layers of modified

active drug ingredient needed per application in com-

thermoplastic on the mechanical properties of

parison with the oral dose needed to obtain the same

coextruded polyamide monofilaments,” which he

effect, as well as that the method of release has fewer

defended August 29, 2013. He is the co-author of

side effects. Dr. Doliška is the coauthor of six innovations,

four innovations and one patent application.

two patent applications and two prototypes.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Members of the Board of CE

Materials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University

PoliMaT for their constructive work, support and cooperation.

of Maribor; Dr. Silva Roncelli Vaupot, PhD, Polymer

The members of the Board of CE PoliMaT are: Bojan Kos, Akripol;

Technology College, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia

Mojca Tancer, M.S., University of Maribor; Dr. Aleš Hančič, PhD,

• Representatives of Business and Industry: Dr. Mojca

TECOS, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Center; Prof.

Japelj Fir, PhD, Medis, Ltd., Dr. Alexis Zrimec, PhD, Zaria

Janko Jamnik, PhD, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia;

Ltd.; Assistant Prof. Blaž Nardin, PhD, Gorenje Toolmaking

Prof. Irena Drevenšek Olenik, PhD, University of Ljubljana; Prof. Miran Mozetič, PhD, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; Dr. Jasna Malešič, PhD, National and University Library of Slovenia; Assistant Prof. Peter Venturini, PhD, HELIOS, TBLUS ltd.; Boštjan Zdravje, Anteja ECG Ltd.; Dr. Matjaž Oven, Lek Pharmaceutical Company Inc.; Urban Krajcar, M.S., Ministry for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia; Dr. Dolores Kukanja, employee representative; Mateja Mešl,

Ltd.; Dr. Vojko Flis, M.D./PhD, University Clinical Center Maribor, Slovenia • International experts in the field of polymer materials: Prof. Gerhard Wegner, PhD, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Institute for Microtechnology Mainz, Germany; Prof. Neil R. Cameron, PhD, Department of Chemistry, Durham University, UK.

M.S., representative of the interested public. Great appreciation goes to the Working group of Global We would also like to thank the Members of the Expert Board of CE PoliMaT for their professional direction and coordination of R&D projects. The Expert Board of CE PoliMaT is made up of:








Science, Technology and Globalization Project at Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, USA; Prof. Dr. Frank Douglas, Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, USA; Dr. Gerd Meier

• Coordinators in the area of research: Dr. Zorica Crnjak

zu Köcker, VDI/VDE + IT, Berlin, Germany; Martin Payer,

Orel, PhD, Laboratory for Spectroscopic Materials,

Polymer Competenz Center Leoben, Austria; Prof. Dr. Mabel

National Institute of Chemistry, Sloveni a; Dr. Bogdan

Imbuga, Jomo Kenyatta University for Agriculture and

Znoj, PhD, Helios Domžale Inc.; Janez Navodnik, B.S.,

Technology, Nairobi, Kenya; and to Dr. Fernando Quezada,

Technology Center Poli-Eko; Prof. Karin Stana-Kleinschek,

Executive Director of the Biotechnology Center of Excellence

PhD, Laboratory for Processing and Testing Polymer

Corporation, Boston, USA.

ACHIEVED GOALS AND INDICATORS Indicators and Goals Achieved by CE PoliMaT:


I. CONCENTRATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE FIELD Concentration of knowledge Full Time Equivalents (FTE)


Researchers in the program 1


Percentage of women in the program


Graduate students in the program: doctoral, masters, specialization


Post-doc researchers in the program


Doctorates on industrial projects


Strengthening the transfer to and use of knowledge in industry R&D projects in collaboration with companies (RRPs)


Partnerships with the private sector (founders, others)


Spin-off companies


Researchers from industry


Researchers from the public sector




Number of shorter seminars for industry


International patent applications


Number of innovations


Domestic events within the CE organization


International events within the CE organization (also with foreign participants)


International conference


New training/educational programs


Seminars for supporting science


Students in CE PoliMaT projects


Students in training programs


Researchers in training programs


II. INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE Increasing recognition Articles in the 1st quartile


Articles with an Impact Factor (IF) 5 –10


Articles with an IF above 10


PoliMaT events with foreign experts


Cooperation with CE and similar foreign institutions


Inclusion in international projects and programs New international programs

7 Plastice, APIC, Biopolymers for Human Wellbeing

Increase in mobility of researchers Guest foreign researchers and lecturers


Extent of cooperation with R&D personnel abroad (more than one week)


Extent of cooperation with R&D personnel abroad (less than one week)


III. HORIZONTAL GOALS Innovations contributing to a low-carbon society


We would like to thank the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of RS for its cooperation, which has made the achievement of all of the goals and indicators of CE PoliMaT possible.

Tehnološki park 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 (0) 59081273, Fax: +386 (0) 59081279 E:, I:

The operations of CE PoliMaT are partially financed by the European Union through the European Fund for Regional Development – budget item 6944 Competitiveness of Companies and Research Excellence- ESRR- 07-13-EU, accounts 4120 and 4310. 15% of the authorized funds are earmarked funds of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia – budget item 9406 Competitiveness of Companies and Research Excellence - ESRR- 07-13-Slovenian participation, accounts 4120 and 4310, NRP-No. 3211- 09- 0012.

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