Polina Volkova Professional Portfolio

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POLI NAVOLKOVA 29.01.1993 v . pol i n. v @gmai l . com Ky i v ,Ukr ai ne 09. 2010-02. 2015 KYI VUNI VERSI TYOFCONSTUCTI ONANDARCHI TECTURE BECHELOROFARCHI TECTURE(wi t hhonor s)


14-19. 04. 2017 Bol ogna,I t al y

Al eadi ngcompani esi nt hepr oduct i onofpor cel ai nt i l es LaFabr i cca,Fi andr e,Nov aBel l ,I t al gr ani t i Gr oups howed t he s t r uct ur e of manuf act ur e, s howr ooms ; ar quai nt anced wi t ht he new pr oduct st hatwi l lbe pr es ent ed on CERSAI E 2017;made a wor ks hop on s t acki ngl ar ges cal es l abs .

03. 2015 HI STORI CALMEETSCONTEMPORARY HONORABLEMENTI ON r edes i gni ngaUNESCOher i t ageAr tNouv eaubui l di ngt os ui tt heneedsof t oday ’ spubl i ci ns t i t ut i on.

1719. 11. 2015 PARASI TI CARCHI TECTURE adapt at i oni nUkr ai neunderi nf l uenceofhi s t or i cal economi cands oci al f eat ur es

09. 2015-09. 2015 I MSyst ems cr eat i ngofacol l aps i bl es y s t emst hateas i l yf or medi nt oel ement sofi ndus t r i al des i gnwi t houtappl y i ngaddi t i onal har dwar eandf r amewor ks .

10. 2014-11. 2014 CONTEXTBASEDDESI GN " des i gnt aki ngi nt oaccountofcont ex t "ai medt oper cept i ont hei mpor t anceof quar t erdi s t r i cts t r eet sasas i ngl ewhol e.


POLI NAVOLKOVA 29.01.1993 v . pol i n. v @gmai l . com Ky i v ,Ukr ai ne 09. 2010-02. 2015 KYI VUNI VERSI TYOFCONSTUCTI ONANDARCHI TECTURE BECHELOROFARCHI TECTURE(wi t hhonor s)


A l eadi ng compani es i nt he pr oduct i on of por cel ai nt i l es LaFabr i cca,Fi andr e,Nov aBel l ,I t al gr ani t iGr oup s howed t he s t r uct ur eofmanuf act ur e,s howr ooms ;ar quai nt anced wi t ht he newpr oduct st hatwi l l bepr es ent edonCERSAI E2017; madeawor ks hopons t acki ngl ar ges cal es l abs . Mai s on&Obj et

03. 2015 HI STORI CALMEETSCONTEMPORARY HONORABLEMENTI ON r edes i gni ngaUNESCOher i t ageAr tNouv eaubui l di ngt os ui tt heneedsof t oday ’ spubl i ci ns t i t ut i on.


1719. 11. 2015 PARASI TI CARCHI TECTURE adapt at i oni nUkr ai neunderi nf l uenceofhi s t or i cal economi cands oci al f eat ur es

09. 2015-09. 2015 I MSyst ems cr eat i ngofacol l aps i bl es y s t emst hateas i l yf or medi nt oel ement sofi ndus t r i al des i gnwi t houtappl y i ngaddi t i onal har dwar eandf r amewor ks .

10. 2014-11. 2014 CONTEXTBASEDDESI GN " des i gnt aki ngi nt oaccountofcont ex t "ai medt oper cept i ont hei mpor t anceof quar t erdi s t r i cts t r eet sasas i ngl ewhol e.


CASANORI Ther es t aur anti sonl y70s eat sandqui t edi s cr eet :t he i nt er i orhasal ar genumberofpl ai ns ur f aces ,ands l eek f ur ni t ur e made ofnat ur alwood,does notat t r act ex ces s i v e at t ent i on,hav i ng Hav i ng v i s i t or st or es t , r at hert hant r y i ngt omat cht hear t s yat mos pher e. Ont hef i r s tf l oor ,neart hebar ,s etuphi ght abl esand chai r s .Asi nVeni ce,i ncas e,i f s uddenl yt hewat err i s es . Ont hes econdf l oori sanopenk i t chen.I f y ouwant ,y ou canchoos eat abl eoppos i t e,wat chi ngt hef as ci nat i ng pr oces s .




DRAGOMI ROVA Thecompl ex i t yoft hedes i gnwast hats omepos i t i ons had al r eady been pur chas ed, and t he pl anni ng deci s i on had al r eady been made.We want ed t o max i mal l y" f i t "ands uppl ement eachex i s t i ngobj ect wi t h newf ur ni t ur eandcov er i ngs . The cus t omer ' sl ov et ot he col d and r ough was emphas i z ed byus i ngofl ar gebl ackpl anes ,mar bl e, s t one,gr ayt ones ,butbal ancedwi t ht obaccocol or ed woodandopenwar dr obeswi t hwar ml i ght i ng.

SEMI FREDDO Becaus et he r es t aur anti sl ocat ed oppos i t et oT r ai n St at i on,mos tofi t sv i s i t or sar et i r edaf t eraj our ney ;t hey need t or el ax ,r es tand r ecov er ,t hey s houl df eel t hems el v esl i k e athome -t hi si nf l uenced t he mai n concept . I ti sex pr es s edi ns uchwar m mat er i al sasabr i ck ,an as ht r ee ar r ay ,a br own l i nen.Whi ch r ev ealmor e coz i nes sont hecont r as twi t hwhi t et i l esandmar bl e. Abr as s ,acor r ugat edgl as swi t hawar m back l i ghtbr i ng i naf eas tandwel l bei ng.

STONESERVI CE Theowner soft heof f i ces el l andpr oces st hes t one,s o t hi spl aces houl dbei dent i f i edwi t ht hei rpr oduct sand cr af t s mans hi p.Andt her oundwal l i nmar bl eofs peci al pr oces s i ngwi l l demons t r at ei tnev erbet t er .Bl ackmat t e mar bl ef l oor ,bl ackmet als l at satanangl eandi nt wo di r ect i onsf ori ncompl et ef enci ngoft hek i t chen,l eat her f ur ni t ur eofdar kt onesar ecompl ement edt hewal l . Becaus eofs uchas mal lbutcompl exs pacewi t ha di f f er enceof hei ght s-t hes t epsar emadeof gl as sona met al f r amet of aci l i t at et hi ss hapes .Cons equent l y ,t he gr eeni ns i dei ss i mi l art oagr eenhous e.

v. pol i n. v@gmai l . com POLI NAVOLKOVA|

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