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Chapter 7: Discussion and Results
Chapter 7: Discussion and Results
This session is a discussion space which provides recommendations for reaching the market needs on the macro level of national strategy.
Taking in consideration that thesis initiated by arguing the need for new accommodation structures, identifying alternative means to reach those needs and coherently present principles for further design projects, who would offer a diligent approach during design project, farther the chaotic way of building currently in Albania, three main opportunities are presented further.
Source 1: Enhancing the old villages (as a continuation of the Project” 100 Villages) _Following the Albergo Diffuso Concept
The recommendations presented in this level are considered valuable and in synchronization with the project “100 villages” of the Government of Albania, nevertheless is considered a continuation of this strategic, long-term investment The program of 100 villages and the creation of the Albanian agritourism network The newest government program for the villages of Albania, is the Integrated Rural Development Program (ARDP) - The program of 100 villages that aims to create for the first time the model of success in the integrated rural development of the country, according to the best European standards.
The integrated approach to rural development will target measurable rural development objectives, through a centralized focus (integrated and coordinated programming) of public, donor and private investment, in the well-defined space of 100 villages, with high potentials of socio-economic development, agro-tourism and rural tourism, nature and environment as well as cultural heritage.
Agritourism and rural tourism are activities which have a high impact and potential for rural areas and already in many villages of Albania have started operating farms that provide services in agritourism and have achieved in a short time very good economic results and social (Thethi, Voskopoja, Dardha etc.).
Within the program of 100 villages will be supported with financial and fiscal instruments the creation of a network of agritourism farms, which meet the defined criteria and standards, which will be the basis of the Albanian agritourism network. Support to create a critical mass of the number of agritourism enterprises in Albania will serve to increase employment in rural areas, create a special destination and "brand" of agritourism in Albania, along with other tourist offers, as well as for preservation of the cultural heritage and traditional values of the Albanian village.
Source 2: Revitalizing / readapting the inherited hotels
The Communist Hotels, contains a prosperous opportunity in and of itself, not just for the heritage values that they contain, due to its historic development and worldwide curiosity for communism period, but for the possibility to be revitalized in a context of architectural heritage that can be lived.
The example of Countries like Croatia and Bulgaria, can be a wise choice to understand, not just two different models of communist manifestation regarding the architectural and construction processes, but also two different strategies, in assessing and re-using this heritage by creating a market value in tourism industry. The Case of Croatia coast, as a pioneer in the absorption of new architectural movements and Bulgaria, considered as the “closet Soviet Union Satellite in the cold era” have undertaken two important steps, from which the post-communist Albania can learn.
First, investing in the coastal tourism during communism, by comprehending and accepting its relevance to the country’s development, while after the regime’s fall the two countries followed different approaches towards the remodeling of the ownership concept, which resulted in two different strategies for the revivificationof these national patrimony. The process included in the second phase, were assessment, spatial organization, intervention in architecture and structure. The definition of the ownership
was an essential concept which configured the successful or not, future of the revitalization of these structures.
Source 3: Designing new hotels (principles)
In the process of designing new hotels, the general conditions have to be extended to the principles of design and not just in standardization of spaces, units or services. Considering the world globalization requirements considering tourism, the components to be taken into account for developing a guideline could be configured following the components:
✓ Designing a storytelling through the development of the hotel concept ✓ Developing the attributes of creating an experience ✓ Prioritizing and enforcing the connection with the context ✓ Emphasizing the core areas, like entrance, common areas etc. ✓ Selection and re-interpretation of identity features of the site or region ✓ Use of local materials, ✓ Searching for the “wow” effect