The Polo Magazine MidSummer 2014

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Midsummer 2014

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What’s inside...




16 35 66 83

PABLO MACDONOUGH he goal e ber of and a ol na talk fa ily and olo

12 14 32


ON THE GRAPEVINE HPA NEWS MY FAVOURITE THINGS llie ud ore on the e e of hi r t oronation u a earance hare hi fa ourite thing

he u tralian a tain di cu e hi greate t challenge

73 86 93 112

CATA HUIDOBRO he arti t and wife of rofe ional ai e uidobro e lain how the other hal e li e


LA MARTINA AMBASSADOR he late t e ber to oin the a artina table of a ba ador i eorge underland


28 45 58

THE HIGH GOAL GUIDE ooking back at the cr e de la cr e of the ea on

25TH EDITION! elebrating the th edition of The Polo Magazine

POLO CHAMPIONS clo er look at the on or behind our great ort



40 63




How a luxury jeweller became entranced by the game of kings

INSIDER’S GUIDE the high goal circuit otogrande

o e to

ain, we how you around

GOLD RUSH ur fa hion editorial licquot old u

tyli h celebration of he eu e


THE VEUVE CLICQUOT GOLD CUP ot off the re , The Polo Magazine bring you a full re ort

THE CARTIER QUEEN’S CUP acara reigned u re e in the r t tourna ent of the high goal

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Bettws Halls exclusive collection of sporting estates hold an outstanding reputation for high birds, impressive topography and un-rivalled hospitality, combined to provide the ultimate days shooting. To arrange your bespoke shooting trip, either as an individual or as a team please call: +44 1686 650628 or email:

visit our website for more information

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he aying goe , that ti e flie when you re ha ing fun . ell, a The Polo Magazine celebrate it th edition, would de nitely ay that ring true. e ent the la t e year inter iewing o e fanta tic eo le, tra elling to incredible countrie and watching an unbelie able ort de elo . here been tre ful deadline , edge of your eat inal , the eureka o ent of di co ering great hotogra hy and lot of late night – but e ery high and low ha been worth it. orking with ick and ichenda ine on thi one of a kind ublication ha been hard work, rewarding and, ho efully ha al o gi en a little o ething back to the ort we are all addicted to. hether off inter iewing ablo ac onough at the gloriou nning ley ark ee age or the tea are re orting fro the frontline of he old u ee age , there are nu erou inch e o ent in thi drea ob. But o eti e your drea do co e true early. u t like young rofe ional , att erry and li ater on, who, with their re ecti e tea , acara and ubai not only layed the high goal, but won two of the world o t co etiti e tourna ent thi ea on. hey ay be two young en in their early twentie , but it u t how that when you are diligent, talented and focu ed you really can achie e your a iration at whate er age. t ha n t all been weet drea thi ea on though there been night are too fro tragic lo e of friend and onie , to trau atic

o inic a e inic a e .co

accident , which know a a olo co unity we are ulling together for. e know that olo i a fa t, adrenalin u ing ort art of the ri k i what any of u articularly like about laying, but we need to take recaution . on t be reckle out there – howe er uch you drea of riding off a bia o or clinching your lub goal. hil t you re taking a break fro all thi high octane olo, then of cour e do ettle down with a co y of The Polo Magazine. n thi i ue, we re celebrating the high goal, aying farewell to len il ore who i lea ing uard for a fanta tic ob at ller ton age , er uading goal erican ic oldan to a ear in our fa hion hoot at the Berk hire age and gi ing you the Insider’s Guide on where be t to ee and be een in otogrande age . ho e you e all en oyed reading and being a art of our r t i ue here to the big i e h. hat de nitely o ething to rai e a gla to.

Charley Larcombe Editor charley the olo aga he olo ag harley arco be

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Explore the world with us. ABU DHABI | DUBAI | MOROCCO | USA | GREAT BRITAIN | RUSSIA | CHINA | AUSTRALIA | MEXICO | INDIA To apply for an invitation to attend a British Polo Day please call: 01242 547 895 or email:

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Polo The


Publisher ichola ine Editor-in-Chief ichenda ine Editor harley arco be Head of Sales Ben Bovill Editorial Researcher atilda oodd Editorial Assistant o abella ine Principal Design a e organ Additional Design ony uddy Accounts ngie lark Subscriptions arah o ter Contributors igel à Bra ard a id oodd uru ei ho a layton li er re ton ichola olquhoun en er Feature Photography ony a ire

i age of

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ail ub cri tion the olo aga r online at www.the olo aga The Polo Magazine distribution: et et – all et to uro ean air ort Briti h irway t la lounge in ondon, eathrow and atwick irgin tlantic er la flight to erica erican irline Bu ine la ounge eathrow lubhou e, uard olo lub a or olo club odg on ent uinte entially ecial e ent Bar and rill, ulha oad aucho e taurant – location olo tore a artina tore – uard olo lub, o ton , , oli ta , ally o etc oworth ark otel o. adogan arden otel ondon llenborough ark otel elected ri e re entation , ri e and ocial e ent ub cri tion and

ailing li t to high, ediu atron and layer

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hether you re itch ide, ool ide or lane ide, ha e The Polo Magazine at your nger ti . ownload the of cial fro i une and ndroid now.

and low goal

ubli hed and de igned by The Polo Magazine Ltd. ll right re er ed. o art of thi ublication ay be re roduced, tored in a retrie al y te , nor co ied in any way, either digitally or echanically without the rior written con ent of The Polo Magazine Ltd. hil t e ery effort ha been ade to en ure the accuracy of infor ation at ti e of going to re , neither The Polo Magazine Ltd nor the ditor can acce t any re on ibility or lo occa ioned to any er on acting or refraining fro action a a re ult of any aterial in thi ublication, neither can they ha e any re on ibility for the accuracy of the content of the editorial, neither the content of any ad erti e ent ubli hed. he o inion of author are their own and The Polo Magazine Ltd and the ditor are not bound to agree with o inion e re ed herein. he ditor nor The Polo Magazine Ltd will not be held liable for any anu cri t , hotogra h or other aterial lo t or da aged while in their o e ion, though e ery care will be taken. ublication of acce ted article i not alway guaranteed and the ditor or The Polo Magazine Ltd re er e the right to a end any uch article a nece ary. TPM_MidSummer14_1-42.indd 10

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FOOTBALL FUTURE ini i aola wa unable to lay in he otrillo ga e at he udi nternational ay a he i currently undergoing trial at eice ter ity ootball lub. i father, arco lay for the football lub owner, the ri addhana rabha fa ily in their high goal ing ower tea .

FAMILY FORTUNES ongratulation to he one tea who won The Polo Magazine a ily ourna ent at ongdole olo lub back in une

RACING SUCCESS ukhadra , a hor e bred by lan ent and owned by heikh a dan won he cli e, a rou ne race at andown. lan bought the other, agic ree, with the intention of turning her into a olo ony, howe er a hone call to ay that the half brother wa e ce tional ro tly ut an end to her olo career, and in tead he ro ed to be an e tre ely ucce ful brood are.

POLO PRESS e were delighted to ee recent recognition of the ort in The Mail on Sunday’s You Magazine, which howca ed ladie olo. f you didn t ee a co y then you i ed catching lice i , eonora de erranti, arinthia ear on, oui a entworth tanley and crew gla ed u and talking about their lo e for the high ri k ort.

CHEF JODIE e ite not ha ing eaten udding for year and only taking u cooking three year ago after the birth of her on ndio, olo laying odel odie idd reached the nal of thi year Celebrity Masterchef. lthough it wa o hie ho on who defeated fellow celeb to take the to ri e, odie and harlie Boor an ha ily ettled for econd lace.

CALL FOR SAFETY layer are calling for the to change rule c to in i t u on afer hel et for the ea on. he ca aign de anding olo to be ore inline with other eque trian ort afety regulation , follow after o ular Bra ilian layer, uracy anto uffered a life threatening fall. ur thought are with hi fa ily.

HIGH GOAL CALL UP WEDDING BELLS goal u tralian high goal rofe ional ob rchibald i getting arried thi ugu t to rance ca u ani, re enter of Winning Post and the daughter of talian racehor e trainer, uca. e hear he off to bi a for hi tag do whil t the wedding will take lace in lorence – a truly et et nu tial .

ian all the teenage layer we here at The Polo Magazine introduced to you all in our la t i ue wa e citingly icked u by heikha aitha high goal tea . oining goaler, ablo ac onough, the tea line u reached the e i of the ueen and the uarter of the old u . ot a bad r t high goal ea on, ian

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POLO AWARDS urn to age for a full run down of the e ening, but for tho e who weren t in their black tie at uard olo lub at the beginning of the ea on, the winner were The Kent & Curwen Most Outstanding High Goal Team: acara The Royal Salute Most Outstanding High Goal Patron: yndon ea The Guards Polo Club Most Outstanding High Handicap Player: acundo iere The Tally Ho Farm Most Outstanding British Professional: a harlton The HPA oal – oal – oal – oal – oal –

Victor Ludorum Awards: a ndiana lor aden a unior ind ill ar he ter olo

The PNN Most Outstanding High Goal Pony: en o odel, owned by acundo iere The HPA Lifetime Achievement Awards: ohn ylor Brigadier rthur ougla ugent The La Martina Outstanding Contribution to World Polo Award: he late arlo racida The Thai Polo Club Gold Cup Dream Team: acundo iere a harlton o orley i on rber

ell ark are really aking a ark on the ictor udoru cene, and in all le el . well a winning he ndian ire hield goal for a econd year in a row, they ha e al o achie ed ucce in he duardo oore goal , rchie a id goal , rthur uca goal and uke of utherland goal . ell done to the Bahl en fa ily and tea ate .

ARGENTINA LINES UP he ha e announced the tea co eting for he ri le rown. with the ea on, i tea enter directly, while another i will be in qualifying ga e for ot in he urlingha en and he en at aler o. he ri le rown – the o t co eted tourna ent on the olo world li t – will begin on the rd e te ber with he ortuga en, cul inating on the th ece ber for the inal in Bueno ire of the th rgentine en. La Dolfina: dolfo a bia o , a id tirling , ablo ac onough , uan artin ero ub ebbie erlo Ellerstina: acundo iere , on alito iere , ariano guerre , icol iere La Aguada: acundo ola , uiller o a et r. , iguel o illo trada , gnacio o illo trada Alegría: ablo iere , ilario lloa , uca onte erde , red anni La Aguada Las Monjitas: uca a e , ri tian a rida , duardo o illo trada , le andro o illo trada Magual: le andro u io , gnacio occalino , arco i aola , ai e uidobro he qualifying tea are a ati idad, ao o , ndio ha aleuf , a uinta, ira ar anta ere a.

BABY BLISS! nowing your wife i i inently going into labour a you take to the itch for a old u e i inal would be quite a di traction. ortunately for ark o lin on, hi wife of a year, aura waited for hi to get to her ide and they ha e now welco ed nnali a into the world. Born at . on the th uly, he weighed . kg and i a arently a red head

ROYAL APPOINTMENT The Polo Magazine wa delighted to be a art of he oldin rou harity day at Beaufort olo lub along ide iaget and oyal alute. e on ored the u ire , laire o lin on and aci rotto, who re ided o er he uke of a bridge and rince arry in their charity atch in aid of the ou ehold a alry oundation, ri h uard eal und, n ured layer oundation and el h ugby haritable ru t.

SAVE YOUR SIGHT hil t taking art in he ueen u , llie ud ore recei ed a ball to the eye. e wa ru hed off to ho ital where he wa told that had he not been wearing hi goggle hi ight could ha e been at ri k. hankfully howe er, it u t required a cou le of titche and he wa then able to lay in ne t ga e.

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David Woodd, Chief Executive of the HPA, gives us an update on what’s been happening behind the scenes and tells us where our boys will be in action


he season is now in full swing and there appears to have been a lot of polo played at Clubs. For the first time in many years The Queen’s Cup had more entries than The Gold Cup and it was great to see the all-English Fox and Hounds team playing such good polo and congratulations to them for reaching the Quarter Finals in which they came up against Dubai. However, the winners Zacara stood out as a team and if there had been official betting I think the bookies would have taken as big a hammering as they did at Royal Ascot. The Prince of Wales’ filled a gap for teams and produced a surprise Final; congratulations to HB and La Indiana, the winners. The Warwickshire, run this year between The Queen’s Cup and Gold Cup, also saw four entries. Everyone predicted a close Final between Halcyon Gallery with four English players, and Black Bears who had been struggling to find their form. In the event, in spite of being behind at half-time, Halcyon Gallery got their act together for the second half and lifted the cup for the second year running. In amongst all the Victor Ludorum and Club tournaments, a good number of the England squad have donned an England shirt, at Cowdray for The St. Regis, at Beaufort for The Audi International against Hong Kong and in Suffolk for the Young England game against Wales. Now, as The Polo Magazine Midsummer issue goes to press, England takes on Argentina, a team that will include the two best players in the world, Facundo Pieres and Adolfo Cambiaso.

The choice for the England team selectors was almost certainly as wide as it has been in my time at the HPA. The only thing that I think everybody agrees upon is that the team faces a big challenge! Following England’s recent win at Palermo, the cathedral of polo, I am sure that both Facundo Pieres and Adolfo Cambiaso will be keen not only to put on a great display of polo, but also to put the ball between the posts as many times as they can in the 42 plus minutes of play. It is of course a great privilege for all of us that the two outstanding players of this century have agreed to play and I very much hope that you will come to support our team and the day. The morning game deserves a mention as it will see the Final of the qualifying tournament to decide who represents England in The FIP 8 Goal European Championships in Chantilly in September. With four very competitive teams entered, it is excellent to see the various family combinations. At the lower end of the scale, 10 teams entered The Assam Cup, a new 6 goal Victor Ludorum Tournament at Rutland, and congratulations to Strategic, the winners. Sadly the SUPA four chukka league struggled due to exams and other commitments but July, of course, sees the start of the Pony Club and Junior HPA, so a special thought for all those parents who are about to embark on many miles of travelling, struggling with haynets, buckets and bandages and culminating in the Championships at Cowdray. Let us hope the sun shines for the rest of the summer.

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On the open road TEN GOALER PABLO MACDONOUGH enaud orouler

ony a ire

i age of

The Argentine Open, with its Panthenon of recordbreaking, world-class players and hundreds of espectadores seated within the catedral of alermo, may be five months away, but 10 goaler, Pablo MacDonough is already on the path to recapturing The Triple Crown with his a Dolfina teammates. Editor Charley Larcombe meets the Richard Mille Ambassador to discuss his life in the upper echelons of polo – and learns that despite Pablo’s phenomenal success, a part of him still hankers after an alternative career as a golf professional. 16 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Anningsley Park, the UK high goal base for the Sheikha Maitha’s UAE team is a blueprint for how all polo yards should look. Jade green pitches as sharply trimmed as a pony’s hogged mane; light, airy barns with deep beds of straw which honestly look good enough for me to lay my deadline-weary head upon and most importantly, happy looking ponies rippling with energy and not at all like they’ve come to the end of a gruelling UK season. I’m here at this polo Eden, to meet Pablo MacDonough who will attest that this season has indeed been ta ing. i atron didn t fly o er fro ubai this summer so the team played with a substitute, an unknown (until this year) 16-year-old; then there was injury to the 9 goaler Lucas Monteverde followed by an exhausting Gold Cup campaign where a different UAE tea wa elded for each ga e. e ite thi continuou battle to retain momentum and balance for the team, Pablo still managed to lead them to the Semi Finals of The Queen’s Cup and the Quarters of The Gold Cup. “It has been a tough season,” says Pablo, sitting across from me with a dazzling white Richard Mille shirt and baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. Typically Argentine, he’s sporting long dark hair and a quarter inch of stubble and is looking a little drained. tiring and ery dif cult season for sure. As players, we are

“It was by the time that I was 18 and I was 7 goals that I saw my dream of being a professional player become a reality. I still went to University and continued to study, but when I was awarded an 8 goal handicap when I was 20, I realised I had to choose one course – and the one wa doing better in, wa olo wa playing The Open already and was travelling for seven months of the year, so the choice became obvious. I said to myself ‘this is what I really have to do for the rest of my life’ and at that point it became my career.” Notice how he said polo was what he ‘had’ to do? I think that’s quite telling of anyone talented; it chooses you, rather than the person making the decision. He describes himself as a sports fanatic and was always playing tennis and football as a child. But golf was hi great lo e – till i . y drea wa to lay ort professionally, and it was polo that I was best at, but I would still love to be a pro golfer. I think I still like it more than olo here are o e thing you look back on and wish you’d tried…” As I mentioned, today he is head-to-toe in Richard Mille, the luxury timepiece brand he is an Ambassador of. When he played with his long-term friend Prince Bahar for the UK and Sotogrande seasons, it was Bahar who introduced him to working with the brand alongside other athletes such as Rafa Nadal and Bubba Watson.

all competitive, but it is hard when you have a teammate injured and your replacements have different commitments. At the end of the day, though, when you play, you forget about everything and just do your best. Now, we look forward to next year and tri e to be the ne t tea possible.” Despite being softly spoken, with his very good English, sometimes punctuated with a ‘how, you say?’, it is very much evident that the competitive spirit which has pushed this player to 10 goals is sizzling beneath the surface. Winner of the 2010 Queen’s and Gold Cups with Dubai, multi-time victor in The Argentine Open with ller tina and a ol na there aren t any tourna ent , which don’t bear his name. e i fro a roli c olo lineage, where the fa ily tree reads like a who’s who of Argentine Open winners including Garrahans and Pieres’; his father, although only an amateur player, was a good friend of the legendary Eduardo Moore. Despite not living near Pilar, Pablo’s introduction to polo at six-years-old was still games with hi cou in – now aking u any of the be t layer in the world today. That is like the Oxbridge of polo educations. “My father would play at our farm for fun, and y brother layed too o would bene t fro the horses he passed down to me. I never had pressure to play, but my father gave me everything so I had a lot of help. I liked the game from the beginning, but I was never sure I was going to get to that top level. “I was over-rated when I was younger – I mean I was already 6 goals at 16 and in those days, to get a job abroad you had to be 5 goals and playing like a 7, o found it dif cult at the beginning. wa going up too fast.

“It is an amazing brand, which I am honoured to be a part of.” I ask him how he sees polo comparing to the other Ambassadors signed up with his company. “Polo is a different world, it’s not as popular as tennis, but it’s an amazing sport and it is a privilege to represent a brand alongside other athletes like this. “Despite being a brand which is getting bigger all the time, it is like a small family. You don’t feel like just a number, everyone knows everyone else and it feels very fun to be a art of – that i an i ortant thing for e. With the UK season behind us, Pablo is looking ahead to he ri le rown back ho e in rgentina. e r t won The Open in 2008 with Ellerstina and followed up with a second win two years later – both times beating a bia o a ol na. o it took the olo world by surprise, when for the 2011 season he swapped his winning hirt for the a ol na one – a ked hi what the reasoning was behind it: “It was the end of a cycle really. Of course it was a shame and a pity to stop playing with Ellerstina but there were different things which both ide wanted – they were going in their own direction and I decided to step aside. They have gone on and been very successful too. fter left, wa in ited to lay with a ol na it wasn’t the original idea but I talked it through with my wife, father and brother and they said I should go for it. It was a big moment in my career, going from one huge team to another. I am trying to enjoy this part of my career as much as I can and be as successful as possible in this time. So far I am happy playing with Juan Martin [Nero], Cambiaso and Pelon [Stirling].” a ol na went on to win that year en, de ite getting used to a new line-up; they lost to Ellerstina the following year, but regained the title in 2013. I wondered, what difference doe he nd with the two, behe oth set-ups? “I was very lucky to win The Triple Crown with both teams and what it takes to win is the same.

When you play, you forget about everything and just do your best

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You have to be very organised with horses, and of course ller tina are ery good at that. a ol na i lightly different as we [the players] are three smaller, separate organisations plus Cambiaso’s, which is of course a big operation. It was a huge surprise last year when Alegria reached the Final; for us, for Ellerstina, for everyone. We will see what happens this year, but it is good that new layer and tea are beating a ol na and ller tina. Ask any player – teenager starting out or seasoned professional – what they wish to win and they’ll say The Open; if they’ve already succeeded, it’s their greatest achievement, but for Pablo, it’s actually the 2005 ortuga , the r t of he ri le rown tourna ent , that he rates as his personal best. “It was the tournament I celebrated the most as I won with my brother, Matias and the two iere . t wa the r t ri le rown that had won and until that happens, you don’t know whether you can achieve a win like that. It’s not the biggest tournament, but for me that day was really important to me. I loved to play with my brother.” Naturally moments like that is what any athlete strives for but I ask Pablo how he deals with the highs and the lows of the sport. He says with honesty that he suffers the defeats, more than he enjoys the wins; when his team have clinched a Final it’s good news, but the defeats weigh heavy on his mind. “All organisations aim to win, but really if a ol na don t win he en, it a bad season. At the end of the day, that is the main goal, reaching the Final and winning that game. You have positives and negatives in each moment of your career; now the only thing that matters is winning, but you have to remember to enjoy it.” ith that ort of re ure riding on hi , nd it amazing that he can sit so laconically opposite me, easily discussing a tournament and teammates which carries with it so many expectations. He tries to stay as calm as possible but ad it to nding the week between the e i and the Finals particularly long. Pablo tells me the nerves don’t set in until a couple of days before – never more so than when Juan Martin Nero was injured last year and had to be

replaced in the Final by Sebbie Merlos. “You learn every year how to handle the pressure better. You never know when your next Final is going to be, so you have to remember to enjoy that moment as much as possible.” He met his wife, Mechi in 2007 and they were arried onth later, with their r t boy, Milo born in 2010 and Olivia two years ago – quite the whirlwind. They are a closeknit family and Pablo admits that having them with him makes his playing and his mind-set, so much better. “You are travelling o uch, that if you nd the er on you want to spend the rest of your life with, you ha e to o e quickly t the beginning of your career, you are young and living a totally different life, but now I have my family and I just feel better.” Having a boy and a girl, what are the odds on Milo becoming a professional? “ I don’t have anything against girls playing, but I would like Milo to play the most. But only if he wants to… If I had to choose between him being one of the best polo players in the world, or the best golfer, would till go for golf o really, it i u to hi what he wants to do, but I will encourage him to play sports because it is so good for you – not only for your health but entally too. nd ort one of the o t important things.” Talking to this family man about his children is the antithesis to the ruthless stereotype of a sportsman whose idea of failure is not winning the world’s most competitive tournament. It takes killer instinct to succeed at the top and here he is getting enthusiastic about his son picking up a golf club. Does his behaviour change much on pitch? “When you compete, you do everything you can – in a legal way – to win. I am a very calm person but the adrenaline means you may do things that you wouldn’t normally do.” o ni h u , we di cu hi lo e for the sport: “It takes a lot to play polo; it’s not just a few hours of your time, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a lot about the horses and being in a natural, country atmosphere. You have to be tough and talented and there are so many little things which go into the sport – I think that’s why anyone who starts playing, can’t stop. Of course, for me, it’s my job and there are aspects I don’t love – I would rather play golf than practice – but it has everything. A ball, a goal, you need to score and be aggre i e, there eed and you re on a hor e – what could be more amazing than that?” The polo world would certainly be very much the poorer if Pablo had picked up golf clubs professionally, rather than his trusty polo sticks… don’t you agree?

You have positives and negatives in each moment of your career; now the only thing that matters is winning, but you have to remember to enjoy it.


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Vital Stats at a Glance: What: The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup When: 20th July Where: Cowdray Park Polo Club Who: Dubai King Power Rashid Albwardy (2) Aiyawatt ‘Top’ Srivaddhanaprabha (0) Ali Paterson (3) Pablo Llorente (5) Diego Cavanagh (7) Gonzalito Pieres (10) Adolfo Cambiaso (10) Marcos Di Paola (7) 22 22 Winners: Dubai Worthy! The Peter Holman prize for the Most Valuable Player = Adolfo Cambiaso Well done! Best Playing Pony = Adolfo Cambiaso’s Primicia World beating: The Veuve Clicquot Saddle for Top Goal Scorer = Gonzalito Pieres

2014’s Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup Final was very much a case of the old taking on the new. Ali Albwardy’s Dubai team is not only one of the most established organisations here in the UK, but is also the most successful team in today’s English high goal, having previously won three Briti h en and e ueen Cups. Their King Power opposition however, represented the other end of the scale – new on the high goal block, as a team, they only e erienced their r t ta te of goal competition earlier this season. Dubai has familiarity, experience; they know how sweet victory tastes – and how bitter is the fla our of di a oint ent. hey under tand the horsepower needed, the skill that’s required and the importance of team play. However, the Final was never regarded as a walk in the park by the Dubai team tent, as Cambiaso explains; “It is really good to have won before, but it doesn’t ake it ea ier – if anything, it getting harder as I’m getting older!” King Power as a team, were there for the r t ti e, but they weren t without their own not-so-secret weapons. Fielding Gonzalito Pieres with his string of Ellerstina-bred ponies meant that the team could draw on his past experience of winning The Gold Cup with Francois Decaux’s La Bamba back in 2009. Playing the high goal and reaching the Final, may’ve been new to them, but they weren’t short on talent or precocious determination. Whatever the re ult when the nal whi tle wa blown, they had achieved more than they could have wished for in a debut season of high goal polo. Nevertheless, this didn’t mean that either team had an easy route to victory, and neither wa re ared to acri ce their chance of winning gold. Adolfo Cambiaso and the familiar green and white striped shirts of Dubai were returning to Cowdray Park’s pristine Lawns II

for their seventh time on Final’s day, in pursuit of their fourth Gold Cup title, where victory would make them the most successful team in the tournament for the last decade – certainly an achie e ent worth ghting for. Dubai had suffered a hard-to-take defeat in 2013 against the seemingly unbeatable Zacara at this exact point last year: “It wasn’t a good feeling,” remembers patron Rashid Albwardy. Returning with a revised line-up in which we saw young Brit Ali Paterson and 7 goaler Diego Cavanagh welcomed to the 2014 mix, the Cambiaso-Albwardy duo were adamant not to settle for second place. “Adolfo and I decided we didn’t want that feeling again this year,” Albwardy explains of the line-up decision. On the opposite side of the line-out were Aiyawatt ‘Top’ Srivaddhanaprabha, Pablo Llorente, Marcos Di Paola and Gonzalito Pieres – four men equally determined to claim King ower r t title. lthough new to the English polo circuit, patron Srivaddhanaprabha proved he knows a thing or two about the game; if he was going to be able to compete with the world’s best, he knew he would need to have the best, and with Gonzalito Pieres as his man in charge, he had just that. The season started off reasonably slowly for these two Finalists – neither side got further than the uarter inal in he artier ueen u . owe er, he old u ro ed to suit their style and became a completely different story; with both King Power and Dubai reaching the Final without suffering defeat. Dubai saw off tough competition in the uarter and e i inal again t and Halcyon Gallery, winning both games by just one goal. King Power on the other hand had a slightly smoother ride, beating Jerome Wirth’s Enigma and John Muse’s Lucchese by a two and four goal margin respectively. MidSummer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 23

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There were consequently suspicions that Dubai may have had to dig deeper into their horse power than their opposition, yet from the word ‘play’, it was e ident that thi wa not the ca e. he r t half of the game was slightly penalty-heavy, with Cambiaso and Pieres controlling the play. Consequently, neither tea wa able to lay o en or flowing olo a the spectators may have liked. But The Gold Cup Final is not a place where players aim to entertain the crowd – there was only one thing on their mind, and that was victory. With the half time score reading 7-5 in Dubai’s favour, their quest for a fourth Gold Cup title was going to plan. With a two-goal advantage, Dubai returned to the eld the ore con dent of the two tea , with the fourth chukka featuring further displays of Dubai conviction. However, extending their lead to 10-6 seemed to give King Power the kick that they needed, not the response Dubai would have been hoping for. Suddenly, the possession had changed hands and Dubai were reduced to simply watching as Gonzalito produced a display of his individual 10 goal talent. Within four minutes Pieres had successfully found the ot a any ti e , whil t al o nding the ti e to change his pony. The game had become more exciting and the result no longer looked so secure. Then reappeared Adolfo Cambiaso, the player who responds so well to pressure, proving to the polo world that, at 39, he is still very much in his prime. Another effortless goal followed by a faultless penalty, courtesy of Cavanagh gave Dubai the edge they needed. A last minute effort from King Power’s Pablo Llorente made no difference to the result. Dubai had won this year’s Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup 13-11, a igni cant ictory for lbwardy and hi tea . 24 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Most Valuable Player of the Final, and the man responsible for Dubai’s continuous success, Cambiaso explains the importance of good teammates and why winning a major title never gets boring: “I have played with Ali for 15 years and Rashid since he was young. When you are comfortable playing with somebody, it gives you an edge. “The feeling of winning a tournament like The Gold Cup doesn’t get less over time. And just because we’ve won it before, it doesn’t mean that we know we’re going to do well again – like last year, we reached the Final but we lost on that day.” Rashid reveals the reasons behind Dubai’s success: “It feels very good to win The Gold Cup; we worked really hard for it this season, starting in January and we managed it towards the end. King Power were a strong team, especially as it was their r t year. hey were really well ounted o they were tough opposition. “It is always good to play with Cambiaso; he inspires you to play better. Especially when you are down on goals during a game like we were today – we had to come back quickly and playing with someone like Adolfo allows you to do that.” Ali Paterson explains how it feels to win The old u for the r t ti e, the re ure of being involved in such a successful team, as well as laying along ide one of the ort o t influential individuals:

“Winning is amazing, although to be honest it hasn’t sunk in yet. I have never thought about something like this ever becoming a reality. Obviously these guys [Dubai] have a big expectation, this team is always expected to get places. We obviously didn’t do that in The Queen’s Cup but we found a bit of form in The Gold Cup as the tournament suited us a little better… Playing with Adolfo was unbelievable, Diego was key to the season’s success with his penalties and Rashid is great to play with. “There was pressure at the beginning of the season…you know, I had the job, but I wasn’t so sure if I was going to be up to it. And then Adolfo says ‘I like the way you play’ and things started to work. “I’ve learnt to get the horses going a bit better by getting into them a bit more. Obviously watching and playing with these guys everyday, you pick up little thing , you try it and nd out whether tho e tricks work for you or not. “Playing for Dubai, I am mounted up to my eyeballs, so that’s been an incredible experience too. I think going from this sort of organisation to something else, you’re really going to notice the difference e layed a cou le of y onie during the tournament although they sadly didn’t make the short list today. One called Aiken George from Will Healy who has helped me out a lot. Will and Robert Graham have both been amazing, I probably wouldn’t be here without them.”

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✍ Tilda Woodd

Another high goal season has come to an end, and although there will be no new team names engraved onto the trophies, 2014 was a season full of success. It was one with a strong British impact, eight different Semi Finalists, and as always, some of the best horses the game has ever seen. Sadly we didn’t see high goal regulars Sumaya, Les Lions, La Bamba de Areco, Emlor or Salkeld return to thi year goal. owe er, with lo e ca e bene t and we welco ed the e citing arri al of King Power, Sifani, Fox & Hounds, El Rosario and Halcyon Gallery to the 2014 line-up; ensuring that there was no shortness of teams or competition – and how competitive it was. With eight different Semi Finalists across the two tournaments, there was no ‘one team to watch’ thi year. acara returned with their well known flair and fluidity in he artier ueen u , clai ing their third consecutive UK title. The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup however saw them unable to maintain their unbeaten record, with their quest for a second 2014 victory put to an end by no-other than Paul Green’s all-British Halcyon Gallery side, who were making their Gold Cup debut. he real tar of the ea on were newco er ing ower. n their r t e er ea on of high goal, patron Top Srivaddhanaprabha not only showcased what a talented player he is, but also that his King Power squad are one of the toughest opponents at 22 goal level. Never before has a team won a a or goal title in their r t year of entering the high goal, and thi ide could not ha e got clo er. With this year’s UK season done and dusted and Dubai and Zacara crowned as the champions, patrons and players will already be trying to secure the best combinations for 2015. With murmurings of co letely new line u and igni cant tea change , we already look forward to what will undoubtedly be another exhilarating season.

1 2 3

YOUNG TALENT The Queen’s Cup Semi Finals were full of young talent. With Matt Perry playing for Zacara, Santi Stirling for Talandracas, Ollie Cudmore and Kian Hall for UAE and Chris Mackenzie for Enigma, these young professionals illustrated that they are more than capable of competing with the best. HOME GROWN CLASS Halcyon Gallery followed all-Brit team Fox & Hounds’ lead, with both teams proving that an all-English line-up can succeed and compete with the best. Fox & Hounds successfully reached the Quarter Finals of The Queen’s Cup whilst their fellow countrymen, Halcyon Gallery, went one further, reaching the Semi Finals of The Gold Cup – the furthest any Brit line-up has reached for some time. ARRIVED WITH A BANG ‘Top’ Srivaddhanaprabha has been a key member of his King Power team throughout The Gold Cup, scoring an impressive 14 goals which as far as goal count goes, puts his tally, far and above any other amateur player in the tournament, also winning the MVP Amateur player.

4 5

STAR OF THE SEMI FINALS Although Mark Tomlinson’s Halcyon Gallery team narrowly missed out on a place in the Gold Cup Final to Dubai, Mark Tomlinson picked up every other prize available on the day. As well as being awarded Most Valuable Player, Mark’s pony Marmite, a 16-year-old bay mare won the Retrained Racehorse prize. Mark says, “She’s just got everything, good speed, and she can double chukka.” TWO OUT OF TWO Facundo’s horse power is often something that is admired and this year’s Queen’s Cup Final was no exception. As well as being awarded Most Valuable Player, Facundo’s Open Galactica also won Best Playing Pony in The Cartier Queen’s Cup for the second consecutive year.

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THE VITAL INGREDIENT Following Gold Cup victory, Adolfo Cambiaso was presented with the Most Valuable Player Award. However, as everyone knows, players wouldn’t be able to play their best without incredible horses – rightly so his pony Primicia was awarded the Best Playing Pony prize. TALANDRACAS’ TOP MAN In The Cartier Queen’s Cup Final, Polito Pieres successfully scored every single one of Talandracas’ goals. Although it wasn’t enough to defeat Zacara, his tally is a seriously impressive individual effort for the Talandracas Number One. COMMON DENOMINATOR Both The Queen’s and Gold Cup winning teams included a similar component. Along with the unsurprising Argentine rofe ional , both acara and ubai elded a young professional, most importantly a British one. Congratulations to Matt Perry and Ali Paterson on their outstanding high goal performances.

9 10

SECOND ATTEMPT AND SO CLOSE John Muse entered his Lucchese team into The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup for the second time this year. Led by England Captain, Luke Tomlinson, the American’s side reached the Semi Finals of The Gold Cup – pretty impressive for a patron who is relatively new to English polo. PIERES’ LEAD THE WAY Facundo and Gonzalito Pieres were the top goal scorers in The Queen’s and Gold Cup respectively. Facundo scored 58 goals for Zacara whilst Gonzalito scored 48 goals to help his King Power team reach The Gold Cup Final, consequently being awarded The Veuve Clicquot Saddle for the tournament’s top goal scorer.

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2014 Line-up 1. Rashid Albwardy 2. Ali Paterson 3. Diego Cavanagh 4. Adolfo Cambiaso

Name of Patron: Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha 2 3 7 10 22

DUBAI Polo Team


Name of Patron Ali Albwardy

2014 Line-up 1. Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha 0 2. Pablo Llorente 5 3. Gonzalo Pieres 10 4. Marcos di Paola 7 22

Team base Dubai, Windsor

Team base Billingbear Park, Berkshire

Manager Martin Valent

Manger Peter McCormack

Playing Queen’s and Gold Cups

Playing Queen’s and Gold Cups

Wins: 11 Losses: 1 Success Rate: 92% Top Goal Scorer: Diego Cavanagh

Wins: 8 Losses: 3 Success Rate: 73% Top Goal Scorer: Gonzalito Pieres

2014 Form Each year, Dubai are a team to be reckoned with, mainly due to the presence of their regular professional, Adolfo Cambiaso. Their Queen’s Cup campaign was going well until the Quarter Finals, where they were knocked out by eventual Finalists Talandracas. owe er, co e he old u and their re ult were igni cantly improved. Winning all of their league games, Dubai faced tough opposition in UAE and Halcyon Gallery in the Quarter and Semi Finals, but a one goal victory, in both circumstances, was all they needed in order to reach their seventh Gold Cup Final where they defeated King Power 13-11.

2014 Form 2014 saw King Power taking part in the UK high goal for the r t ti e. aturally, it took the tea ti e to gel and he artier Queen’s Cup wasn’t hugely successful for them; only winning two out of the four league games. However, by the time The Gold Cup was underway, it was evident that King Power had become one of the toughest teams to beat. Maintaining an unbeaten record throughout the league games, before going on to defeat their Quarter and Semi Final opposition, King Power secured a place in their r t high goal inal, he old u . ere they faced one of the sport’s most established organisations, Dubai and although they were unable to lift the title this year, we hear that their pursuit for a UK high goal trophy is set to continue next season.



Name of Patron Edouard Carmignac

Name of Patron Lyndon Lea

2014 Line-up 1. Edouard Carmignac 2. Santi Stirling 3. Polito Pieres 4. Juan Martin Nero

2014 Line-up 1. Matt Perry 2. Lyndon Lea 3. Gonzalo Deltour 4. Facundo Pieres

0 4 8 10 22

Z 4 1 7 10 22


Team base Witley Farm, Hampshire

Team base Zacara Polo Farm, Shurlock Row, Berkshire

Manager Santiago Gaztambide

Manager Andrew Hine

Playing Queen’s and Gold Cups

Playing Queen’s and Gold Cups

Wins: 6 Losses: 5 Success Rate: 55% Top Goal Scorer: Polito Pieres

Wins: 10 Losses: 2 Success Rate: 83% Top Goal Scorer: Facundo Pieres

2014 Form This season, Edouard Carmignac welcomed two new professionals to his Talandracas team, and this new line-up was one that got the polo people talking. Juan Martin Nero was once again his man in charge, but with Santiago Stirling and Polito Pieres as his teammates, Talandracas positioned themselves as one of the teams to watch throughout The Cartier Queen’s Cup. As the tournament went on, this line up got stronger and stronger, eventually earning them a place in the Final. Sadly for Talandracas it was their opposition, Zacara, who went on to take this year’s title. With The Gold Cup their next challenge, Talandracas never seemed to quite bring the a e flair that they had hown earlier in the ea on and failed to qualify for a place in the Quarter Finals.

2014 Form Last season we watched as Zacara dominated the UK high goal, lifting both The Queen’s and Gold Cups without losing a game – but it was obviously going to be tough to repeat that 2013 success. Zacara returned to the UK with 75% of last year’s line up, and consequently they were the team to beat. The Queen’s Cup came, and Zacara proved that they still very much had their magic, winning the tournament whilst maintaining their clean sheet. The Gold Cup however was a sadder story. Zacara suffered a loss to Dubai in their last league game, which showed a gap in the Zacara armour. Despite qualifying for the Quarter Finals, Zacara went no further and it wa at thi oint that alcyon allery nally ended Lyndon’s UK domination.

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FAVOURITE Ollie Cudmore

4 goal professional Ollie is the fourth member of the England team playing against Argentina for The Coronation Cup as we go to press. At only 24-years-old, he has had a career many players would covet – from high goal runs with Dubai and Zacara, to beating Argentina with his England teammates in the ‘Catherdral of polo’, aler o n the eve of his first Coronation Cup, he talks to The Polo Magazine about his favourite things.

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Favourite photo which sums up your life:

Favourite thing about polo: The horses


This photo represents the two most important families to me in my life. My own family, for obvious reasons, are amazing and the Hanbury family ha e been o influential in o any ways both in and away from polo. The photo obviously needed to have a polo theme and maybe an emphasis on my competitive spirit with a trophy in there also! (1)


Favourite pony from your string: Mask, a gelding I bought from Ellerston; he has played every high goal ga e with e in e ea on

Favourite piece of polo gear: My lucky pink socks from


Tilda and Tabba Woodd

Favourite car ever owned:

Favourite guilty pleasure: Having a Fernet and Coke with Charlie Hanbury 4

Favourite celebrity crush:

It has to be my Argentine car, a Fiat Punto, which I bought from James Beim. I like it despite the outrageous price I had to pay! (7)

Favourite material possession: My Granny recently

Mila Kunis... maybe we can invite her to The Coronation Cup?! (2)

Favourite restaurant:

gave me grandfather, Peter Cudmore’s gold pin from when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame Polo in Australia. I’m sure if he was still alive he would now be a proud England supporter though! (8)


Soushi in Cirencester

Favourite place to go on a night out: Friday nights at the Royal

Favourite party ever attended: Dave and Dani Miller’s

George pub in Birdlip with live music!

Favourite movie:

wedding party (9)

Remember the Titans

Favourite place to go and escape polo: The beach in


Favourite drink: Coffee


Favourite food: Sushi (3)

Mooloolaba, Queensland Australia (10)

Favourite band:

Favourite polo tournament to play in: The Gold Cup here in

The Rolling

Stones (11)

the UK (4) 9

Favourite polo teammates: Rob Archibald, ALWAYS good fun and we seem to win together (5)

11 10

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n 2011, a seemingly innocuous check up and a vanity removal of a skin mole found on his neck, led to Glen Gilmore being presented with the very real fact that he faced a 40% risk of dying from skin cancer within 10 years. Having played polo all around the world, following the sun from his homeland of Australia and days spent out on polo pitches turned yellow by drought and harsh rays, his skin was now susceptible to the dangers of a disease, which claims lives. When discussing this time in his life, the ever-charming and easy-going Glen is very matter-of-fact about the situation. “It all happened very quickly,” he tells me whilst we sit in the Guards Clubhouse. “I was referred to a specialist within 24 hours who ga e e o e cold hard fact and didn t try to flower u the prognosis and then I was off to an operation shortly after. When I came around they told me that it went well and that they managed to save the nerves in my right arm.” For many professional players, the potential result of losing feeling in the arm which is a mere extension of the polo stick, would be a disaster, but for Glen he was more focussed on the alternati e – lo ing hi life. didn t e er think about the possibility of not playing again; it wasn’t a priority, it was simply a case of getting on and dealing with it.” And Glen is all about getting on with the situation. In 1999, when he was 8 goals, he broke his ankle whilst stick and balling before The Queen’s Cup and six weeks later was meant to be playing in front of a packed crowd for the then Cartier International. He was given a six-month recovery period. Instead he found a rehabilitation specialist, strapped up his leg and played anyway.


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Glen has clearly never been afraid of the challenge – whether that was leading Australia to victory in an International, or taking on the role of Guards Polo Club Manager or, the challenge of his next career step, as heading up James Packer’s Ellerston in New South Wales. For him, returning to Australia is like coming full circle. At 15, he and his family moved to Ellerston where his father struck up a deal with the late Kerry Packer to put Glen through school and later help with his University fee . nlike any layer – e ecially tho e with uch a high handica – he tudied and didn t turn rofe ional until he was 23. As an unknown 2 goaler, Memo Gracida invited him to the UK; within two years he was playing with Ali Albwardy and Dubai in the medium goal. In that ea on hi handica went u fro to goal , followed by hi r t tint in the high goal with ubai and then the long-standing polo relationship with Isabelle Hayen of the Groeninghe team, which he was a part of for 15 years. Ask him about his highlights from these solely playing days though, and he won’t refer to individual glories or the usual high goal seasons. For him, his greatest achievements are representing his country. He recalls playing and winning a Test match with his father in South Africa, and in 2005, playing at Guards for The Coronation Cup. “I’d played as part of a Commonwealth team before, but riding out on to the pitch as Captain of Australia was a fantastic memory. We won and I was named MVP – it was a day to remember.” His teammate from that day, Rob Archibald commented; “Glen is a very calm player and always seems to have a lot of time on the eld he ha the ability to get everyone around him playing well. A great team man.” At 8 goals he was a formidable presence on the pitch and tough opposition, but Glen is hugely well liked amongst the polo community. Malcolm Borwick greatly admires a player who reached such a high handicap despite being outside of the usual South American gene pool. “Glen was a massive contributor to my polo and helped me enormously when I was playing in Australia where I stayed with him and his family for two winters after Uni. Having played with him for several years, he was a great tea a tain – and there are de nitely i ilaritie between our styles, which I have adopted from him.” Glen still plays and is part of the national team, but his career took a different path two years ago. When Ollie Ellis left Guards after many years as Manager, for any there wa only one er on who could ll hi hoe . “I was asked by a couple of members to put forward my CV although I was a bit like ‘I’ve never run a polo Club before’ and wasn’t sure really how to approach it. he re ly fro uard wa that wa a erfect t ha ing been around the Club forever as a player, being on the Board for 10 years and being Chief Umpire. I thought I was too soft for the role, but amazingly I had this chance to do it and I’ve loved it.”

Having accepted the job, Glen and his family and the polo world were hit with the news that the cancer had returned at the beginning of last year. “It’s important to start making people more aware – when it’s sunny you’ll always see me with my big Stetson on and a long sleeve shirt – it’s just being sensible. I wasn’t expecting to have to go through it once, let alone a second time, but it just shows you have to be constantly vigilant and get yourself checked out. A lot of the guys are here in the UK, off to Argentina, then to Aus’; they’re never out of the sun. People need to take care of themselves.” In his typical stoic fashion, he once again dealt with the second melanoma, pushing himself through radiotherapy and arrived in the UK at the start of the 2013 Queen’s Cup. Having battled cancer for a second time, has it changed him? “I don’t think so. I’m a happy go lucky person who sees the cheerful side of things where possible. I just love being a people person, helping when I can. Being surrounded by a good atmosphere is really important to me. Still is.” I ask whether he was concerned about coping with the struggles of a new job whilst recuperating. “I didn’t have a chance to think about it, I just launched y elf into it. till nd y elf ery lethargic and even though my day isn’t about physical work – although I still play as much as I can – I get to the end of it and I can be utterly knackered. I haven’t felt at any point that I couldn’t do the best I possibly could for the job though and maybe there’s only been one day when I’ve thought, ‘I’m not enjoying this’. “And I’ve learnt so much – about the organisation of the Club, what it takes to make a place like Guards run, how much work is put in by the groundstaff – and I’ve learnt a lot about myself too. I didn’t think I would be able to cope with everything, but it’s been a great experience. “None of it would have happened without Emma ei a who i unbelie able in the olo of ce. here no possible way I could have done it without her, hands down. Also our groundsman, Peter Svoboda, who I’ve had a lot of fun with, and Neil [Hobday, Chief Executive] has also been very good to me, but really the whole team have been great to work with.” he uard of ce ha e had a antra of work hard, play hard and anyone who knows Glen can attest that he is quick with a joke. “If you don’t make it fun, then you can’t enjoy it. And that’s what I’ve wanted to do at the Club, make it all as enjoyable as possible. That goes for the of ce, but al o the layer and the atron too – those guys pay a lot of money to play polo for fun so I wanted to make sure they enjoyed playing at Guards.” Then, this season, it was announced that Glen had been offered the dream job of managing Ellerston in u tralia. e di cu ed it with hi fa ily – hi ngli h wife, Karen and their two children Lachie and Lucia – and ha o ted for another challenge.


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His uncle, Jim will still oversee Ellerston’s international tournaments and team, but Glen is going home to manage the set up. It’s an exciting prospect, but it means for us here in the UK, we’re going to miss the jokes and the familiar twang as he commentates at Smith’s Lawn. “Glen has been a huge asset to our team at Smith’s Lawn,” Jock Green-Armytage, Chairman of Guards tells me. “Working so hard to build up the polo at all levels over the past two years and continuing with his earlier work as Chief Umpire to bring more stability to the game. Flemish Farm comes on track in early August and his involvement in this extensive project, working closely with James Neighbour and our groundstaff, has ensured that our new grounds will be ready to welcome the very best players and ponies. In addition, Glen has also breathed some new life into our commentary team and we will miss his wry asides, spoken from a hugely experienced perspective. Glen’s family, Karen, Lachlan and Lucia, are also very much part of the ‘Guards family’ and we will be sorry to see them all leave. The Ellerston appointment really is the ‘dream job’ and we are delighted that Glen is returning home to such a prestigious role.” For anyone who has seen the Ellerston homestead it really is, as Jock aptly puts it, a ‘dream job’. With polo pitches as far as the eye can see, a nigh on village for visiting players and of course, some of the most beautiful and talented horses in the world, it is perhaps no surprise that anyone would leap at the opportunity. Glen is looking forward to getting back to playing more and working with the ponies, having not really had the ti e in the la t two year – e i ed it like hell – but when I ask him what he’s looking to change or improve there, he’s quick to reply; “To try and better something as good as Ellerston will be almost impossible. I think the main thing is to go and not stuff it up! I don’t feel any pressure, as I just want to get into their way of life, get to know the horses and really en oy the e erience. ller ton ha the be t eld in the world, the best breeding in the world, so my job is to maintain that reputation.” Looking back, it’s clear to see Glen has thrown his all into the different stages of his career, something that will undoubtedly be extended to his new role. He’s learnt a lot along the way too and is ready for another challenge. “I still love playing. I captained an Australian team last year at a Test Match and I would love to keep doing that for as long as possible. Obviously there are kids coming through who will overtake me and I can’t wait to help them if I can and pass on all the things I’ve learnt about being a professional. “The role at Guards has helped me really understand that I can talk to anyone about polo and it has helped my con dence. ha e been ery lucky, e worked hard at thi life and I enjoy it. I do have a great love for the sport, which I think comes over in my commentating or when I’m talking to people. “As polo people, we’re nomadic and travel a lot, which I love, but I will be sad to leave England. We will come back though as we have so many friends and good memories here. There’s nowhere better than England on a nice summer’s day But a looking forward to what i ne t in tore.

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PIAGET IN POLO FIT FOR THE GAME OF KINGS Courtesy of Piaget, LILA PHOTO & the Museum of Polo


s we go to press with this, our Midsummer edition of The Polo Magazine, Piaget, the watch and jewellery Maison/company will be toasting their collaboration with one of the biggest days in the UK polo calendar. As spectators at The Audi International for The Coronation Cup wriggle to the edge of their seats, Pimm’s forgotten, to watch two great teams play for the pride of their polo playing nations, they will turn to the clock to see how many crucial seconds of the chukka are left to play. This dial, tick-tocking its way to either the call for celebration or the death knell of a tremendous lo , will be on ored by iaget, the day f cial Time Piece Partner. It’s a sign of the brand’s resurging connection to polo. In 1979, Yves G Piaget, a keen supporter of all equine sports, turned his attentions towards polo seeing the opportunity to pair the promotion of his family’s watch and jewellery Maison/company with his other passion. The now legendary Piaget Polo collection of watches was launched and the Maison pioneered the sponsorship of polo. The innovative range created a streamlined design and seamless integration of the case, bezel and bracelet and was an instantly recognisable revolution in watch design. Unsurprisingly, a luxury brand focused on high performance saw an instant link with the high-risk yet highly glamorous world of polo. In the affluent area of al Beach, lorida, the ort wa flouri hing and the brand u orted the recently opened International Polo Club Palm Beach through The World Cup and sponsoring teams of players including Gonzalo Pieres Snr and Ernesto Trotz. 40 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Ernesto Trotz for Piaget with Paul Roldan for Glen Levitt

The 1983 Piaget World Cup at International Polo Club, Palm Beach

1980s Piaget team members including Gonzalo Pieres, Juan Bollini & Ernesto Trotz at the Palm Beach Polo & Country Club

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The 2013 Ellerstina Piaget Triple Crown team, L~R: Nico & Gonzalito Pieres, Mariano Aguerre & Facundo Pieres

Piaget Polo FortyFive Chronograph

Those were the glamorous, halcyon days of polo when Bond girls like Dr. No’s Ursula Andress mingled with the movie and TV stars of the Piaget-sponsored Chukkers for Charity team, who caused much fanfare when they rode their ponies down New York’s 5th Avenue in the mid-eighties. There have been collaborations with The Deauville Gold Cup in France’s casino-orientated beach-side retreat, an exciting venue for teaming style, polo and prestige. There’s been the Aspen Snow Polo tournament at Wagner Park featuring Facundo and Gonzalito Pieres and Nacho Figueras and alongside equally high-end names such as St. Regis. arry Boland, re ident of iaget orth erica reflected after the e ent e are roud to be re enting he iaget orld now olo ha ion hi It was an exciting day of polo in one of the most picturesque settings in America.” Over time, Piaget has continued its association, most notably with their sponsorship of the Ellerstina team for the Argentine season, choice players such as the 8 goaler Jeff Hall and Marcos Heguy of the famous polo family, and tournament relations with he iaget old u , art of the goal ea on till held to thi day at the International Polo Club. This year, Piaget highlighted their commitment to one particular member of the Ellerstina Piaget team; Facundo Pieres. For his wedding to childhood friend, Agustina, the Maison presented two beautiful wedding bands to the couple, showing a life-long bond to one of the best polo players in the world.

A packed grandstand at International Polo Club, Palm Beach in the ‘80s

In 2009, for the Piaget Polo collection’s 30th birthday, the Maison reinterpreted the original designs with the Piaget Polo FortyFive models. Again, polo was a a or influence with touche uch a the dia eter of the ca e alluding to the average minutes of an entire polo match. With unexpected materials such as a moulded rubber strap and a sapphire case-back revealing the movements, the pieces show a ‘sporty chic’ meaning that they are both stunning and practical for the on-the-road polo player. Last season, the designs were enhanced again using u le alligator leather and ct ink gold, adding flair to a ti ele de ign. The Piaget name has been associated with the game of kings for many seasons, all across the globe, with the UK being the natural next stop on the polo carousel. With its involvement in the 2014 Audi International for The Coronation Cup, the brand is timely showing its continued commitment to the promotion of our great sport and the brand’s integrity. “We are delighted to be part of the 2014 Audi International Coronation Cup,” comments Piaget’s UK Brand director, Lorenza Cavalli. “Piaget celebrates its 140th anniversary this year and to mark this historic occa ion, it ee ed be tting to honour a ort which i art of our Maison’s heritage.”

Today Piaget sponsors The USPA Gold Cup, one of the three goal tourna ent in the tate

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‘The British Brand With Heritage For The Life You Live’

Freddie Parker.indd 1 TPM_MidSummer14_43-91.indd 43

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SPECIALISTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT OF HORSES The Com pany provides a professional and friendly service styled to suit your individual needs. We have m any years of experience in shipping all types of horse from top class com petition horses to fam ily pets. Charter and schedule service worldwide.

Address: Estate Office, Westerlands, Graffham, Petworth, West Sussex GU28 0QJ Tel: 01798 867301 Fax: 01798 867257 Email: Web: 44 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Regular highlights not to forget:

Young player profile

On the

erry Matt P

Tony Ramirez/ & Dominic James



Brilliant news for Zahra and Will Lucas who have announced they are expecting their first baby together in August.

Congratulations to Dani Watson and Dave Miller who got married on 22nd February in New Zealand. With a high number of the polo contingent having made the trip across for their big day, we have heard it was quite the celebration.


CONGRATULATIONS Great news for Malcolm and Alix Borwick – they have welcomed baby Lucas into the world to join their brood. Congratulations from us all on having a baby brother for Ines and Jaime.

We’re delighted to hear the news that England professional Mark Tomlinson and his Olympic medal winning wife, Laura are expecting their first baby in August!

HANDICAP CHANGES IN ARGENTINA Both Pelon Stirling and Miguel Novillo Astrada were awarded the impressive 10 goal handicap, whilst Alegria’s Polito Pieres and Fred Mannix were put up to 9 after their spectacular performance in The Open. Other players who saw their handicap increase following their successful seasons were Ignacio Toccalino, Diego Cavanagh, Nachi Du Plessis, Guillermo Terrera, Matt Lodder and Alec White.

Amanda Gauntlett who is in charge of Development, Coaching and Passports at the HPA, and her husband Nick welcomed their first child, Henry William George Gauntlett into the world on 16 February weighing 9 pounds 1 and measuring an impressive 61 centimetres. Congratulations to you both.



First winners of The Polo Magazine Most Valuable Player 2014 Series were awarded at the Women’s National Arena Tournament at Ascot Park. The talented winners were Livi Alderman (-1 – 0 goal), Luci Surridge (1 – 2 goal) & Sarah Wiseman (3 – 4 goal). Congratulations ladies.

Photograph by Brian Tyler

stics Vital Stati

Once again, we will see an England side in action for the Copa de Naciones tournament. Under the captaincy of Luke Tomlinson, Mark Tomlinson, James Beim and Ollie Cudmore will take on teams from Argentina and Brazil with the fourth team not yet being announced.

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Basically, I first began to ride as soon as I could walk and got given a hairy Shetland when I was three. Although I’m the only one to play polo in my family, I have come from a horsey background. My mum is a dressage trainer and competes at Prix St Georges level with one of her horses. Growing up, I did a bit of all the Pony Club events but mainly competed in mounted games. Now it’s just polo, polo, polo! I started actually playing when I was about ten years old, after going to a Pony Club rally put on by Cambridge & Newmarket Polo Club. Jeremy Allen was my instructor and he has encouraged me and has helped me ever since. He is Manager at Suffolk Polo Club, of which I am a member – it’s a really great club that makes polo affordable to many people: there’s a great atmosphere and everyone enjoys coming to both chukkas and tournaments. The downside is that Suffolk is a long way from the big clubs; we are out on a bit of a limb. This does mean quite a bit of travelling and although I like to think I concentrate on my schoolwork, I seem to spend more time on the motorway! However, driving around the country has meant I’ve played on some great grounds. My favourite this season was playing the Langford Qualifier on the Black Bear’s ground at Thameside – that was just incredible. I love polo mainly because of the game itself; the skill involved is incredible, when you get it right you can get a real buzz. Horsemanship is an essential part of the game, you just can’t underestimate how important that is too, again when you get it right it gives a real added kick. Of course, the other parts are great too… like the glamour… and the girls… and the parties… of course that all adds up to make it even more enjoyable! At the moment, I’m studying for my A-levels at Stowupland High School. I’m taking Psychology, Philosophy, Business and Geography but I’m not sure how this is going to progress to Uni. I really want to pursue polo as much as I can, but if it doesn’t work out then I may go back to Uni later in life – although I don’t know if that has to be kept under wraps from Mum! Sorry Mum! I really aspire to become as highly handicapped as


Age: 17 a push! hoping 5’8 at Height: 5’7, 1 Handicap: Blue Eye colour: C Player Umpire Grade:ent: Langford Most Promising Best Achievem

Photograph by Richard Unger



Grapevine ong before anybody el e, we brought you the be t rintable bit of olo go i . t a ha e that we can t rint everything we know TPM_Spring14_1-44.indd 8

28/03/2014 09:1

oung layer rofiles hey are young, they are talented, they are otted by The Polo Magazine and go on to great thing . att erry i u t one of the u and co ing layer who ha e ro ed u right

Back in , on the e e of the old u , we launched The Polo Magazine. e wanted our new ublication to be e erything that olo wa – fun, action acked and, although hate the word e y too. olo i all of the e thing and we felt there wa the need for a aga ine that reflected thi world we all lo e o uch. ith uch an array of character in ol ed, there were o any intere ting torie to be told, a lethora of o inion to be aired and thou and of icture , that in the el e each e re ed a thou and word . ooking back through the i ue to include in thi celebratory round u , the harde t thing wa to air the a t nu ber of feature down to u t two er i ue. n behalf of the tea here, ho e that you will ha e a uch fun looking at the be t of the la t i ue and that it will rai e a ile or two. ith olo a a ort growing at a heno enal rate around the world, we are o ti i tic about the future of both the ort and The Polo Magazine. he tea here are looking forward to the ne t i ue , and beyond. o doubt acco anied by ore tre induced grey hair here at the of ce, but al o wonderful olo torie , awe in iring onie , fanta tically eccentric character and a illion inter iew que tion begging to be an wered.

Summer 08 Arnaud Bamberger n i re i e tart ur r t inter iew for our launch at the old u a one of the rare frog that ha been acce ted by the roa t beef Most Valuable Player Series n our erie of award , we recogni ed and continue to recogni e, the be t of the be t o t aluable layer . ot with a bottle of chea , but with a bag of branded u goodie , holiday and freebie to ake e en the o t di cerning olo winner happy

Travel ro being flown by ri ate et to t orit by it organi er , to being ade o welco e by ir harle illia in Barbado and the an i in al Beach – and to o any other ho t around the world, who all know who they are hank you for the ho itality, the good ti e , the friend hi and abo e all el e, the torie

Dog of the Month Feather Skye (Skyzee) Cooper Blue Heeler

High Society Jamie Morrison

When? 28th March Where? Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club Why? We simply cannot turn down an invite from British Polo Day Wearing? Stylish & chic Who? HRH Sheikh Shakboot bin Nahyan al Nahyan, HH Sheikha Maitha, Mohammed Al Habtoor, Ben Vestey, Ed Olver, Tom Hudson, Jeremy Hackett, Hugo Taylor, Uma Ghosh, George Meyrick, The Hon Nicholas Soames & Jamie Morrison

Age: Veteran at 13

Why the name? Because of my gentle nature and the white tip of my tail which my mistress can see in the dark.

Which Club are you a member of? Age: About New seven Zealand Wanstead,

Breed: Ex-racing greyhound

Why do you like being at polo?

Sam Churchill

Nicholas Soames

As the polo circuit moves around the world during the English winter, we thought we would catch up with a Kiwi canine. When we heard about the lovely Skye we were gearing up for our usual Debs delight. It turns out Skye is a bit of a possum-hating brawler.

Name: Feather Cooper (and boyfriend William joined in a Name: Skye (Skyzee) bit too) Blue Heeler Breed:

Fighting. Nothing a good dog Gentle, fight and then restful Describe yourselfbeats in three words: patient, a snooze under the lorry ramp to recover

Call us biased, but we can’t think of a better place to spend a Friday than at Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club with the British Polo Day crowd. We were spirited to the Club from our hotel in air-con chauffer-driven Range Rovers – the only way we travel nowadays – and quenched our thirst with glasses of Taittinger, before having a giggle over the Hackett Camel Polo Match. We’re quite tempted to give camel racing a go too you know. Despite the Dubai heat and a select bunch of the coolest VIPs in the area to talk to, we anaged to eat quite a lot at lunch and till nd space for the quintessential English tea later in the afternoon. His Highness Sheikh Shakboot bin Nahyan al Nahyan presented the prizes to Mohammed Al Habtoor,, the winner of the day’s big match for The Land Rover Thesiger Trophy, before the evening’s festivities got into full swing. Lots of beautiful dresses by designer Zaeem Jamal were showcased in the Club’s beautifully lit courtyard, before it was time to pile back into our Range Rovers to the head to the VIP after party at XL Beach Club, Dubai’s hottest nightspot.

What do you like about polo? It’s very good looking, like me, and I love to race in Cirencester Park.

Best night out? Possum shooting Tell us what you are up to at the moment: Having

removed all the cushions from the drawing room sofa, particularly one that says, ‘Love me, love my Labrador’, I am Favourite snack: now stretched Mutton chop out on it, asleep. Do you have a boyfriend? I suppose it’s William who is a Who doapplause you most admire? complete junkie.

My boss, Lochie

Siblin g Speak

If you had a choice on a Saturday night would your preferred hang-out be at The Box with the HRH’s Dark or blonde guys? that are still available or staying at home with a Not hot guys hot. What really like goodbothered, DVD? William, who’sare a frightful snob,I would prefer the is motorbikes; when atthey cruise house,Journey. former. I prefer staying home withpast The the Incredible

Hugo Taylor

I bark at them all day. I love hanging out on our

Do you have a party trick? times own bike chasing cattle. YouRacing can’t 10 beat it round our lawn, jinxing past everyone as though I’m in the Waterloo Cup.

Do have any tips on how you keep in Mostyou embarrassing moment? I embarrass my mistress by rollingfettle? in badger droppings and leaning against her when she’s fine just offoftodrinking a signingmatched session. by hard work. I also like Lots to plunge myself into water troughs after helping

What is your best feature? My lovely toothy smile to out chasing stock, it’s good for the circulation welcome visitors. Haveknow you ever Yes, when my We thatbeen youbroken guard hearted? your boss’ cruel trainer chucked me out of a your car with a muzzle on in the beach house; who’s been scariest middle of winter and I wasn’t rescued for three weeks.

opponent? The thatlikened come round If yougirls were to a celebrity which would you

be most like? I’d like to think, Frankel, who’s just won the £2,000 Guineas. I’m faster… Ultimate ambition?

Longer legs would always come in handy

be There must

something es.

Photo: Judy Zatonski Shoot location: The Lawn at home, Gloucestershire Owner: Jilly Cooper

in the

Confessions? I love eating the cat’s chicken.


is sponsored by Dog Rocks

Summer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 93

Polo Voyeur f it a olo arty, it in our age . ro t orit to andbank , aler o to al Beach, owdray to hina we ha e the arty ic TPM_Summer14_93-112.indd 93


(Before the Barrett/Dearden Memorial 12 goal Final helping the boss prepare for the game) Owner: Lochie Hunter

15/05/2014 12:41

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0 /05/2011 16:3

Dog of the Month ur o t o er ub cribed age. a ered olo ooche a lenty ha e graced the e age . illy oo er eather wa a articular of ce fa ourite

Beim gen

capped have bred 3 national and Kate Beim Parents Dusan impressive really. on the rugby offspring – pretty from polo and gained success even scored a Tom took a break for England and was capped twice intimidating) Jonah Lomu in pitch where he very legendary (and since. try against the England player handicap matched by an is playing off a 1998, a feat not aka Beimy. He his belt for Then there is James, regular, with 25 caps under the England also just won of six and is an squad. He has at this and the senior Professional award Young England Outstanding British Apes Hill Most sister, their Awards. know, that year’s Audi Polo the on the polo circuit Not many people level and was awarded that at international an injury Lucie, played hockey side just before she sustained out of three Wales captaincy of the Three internationals to her career. at play. called an end serious genetics get a straight kids – that’s some and James and found it hard to mates We met with Tom we asked; they are clearly great them tick. question answer to any about what makes They tell us a little who are ‘tight’.

The Beim brothers James and Tom Beim head up the r t of our erie of ibling eak interviews with Nina and Tamara e tey al o being featured in thi r t i ue



One peace? If youwish… had oneworld wish, what would it be? It would be thatPhoto: Maggie Simcox all Greyhounds loving homes after they finished racing. World peace? found No way… Shoot location: Wanstead Polo Club of the I’d wish to be young again

Jeremy Hackett


Photos courtesy


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of Zahra Hanbury

| SUMMER 2008

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25th Edition Celebration

Autumn 08

Spring 09 Christopher Hanbury The recently retired Chairman of the HPA talks frankly about how polo has impacted on his life and his aspirations for its future: “It would be fantastic to see polo as an Olympic sport”

David Woodd he hief ecuti e here were three thing an of cer should never be involved with: buggery, morris dancing and show jumping.” We’re glad polo wasn’t on the list

Westchester Wonder In depth on the ground reporting from us at the historic English victory over the USA at Palm Beach. England Coach, the late Javier Novillo Astrada: “I am so proud of the players. They really came together on the pitch and played better as a team than the Americans”

Harald Link Thai Polo’s high goal patron on the success of his Thai Polo operation and support of the HPA “My hope is that the Thai Polo Club will become a winter destination for players from all over the world”

Summer 09

Midsummer 09

Sir Charles Williams We were fortunate enough to interview ‘Cow’ at home in Barbados after his Apes Hill sponsored team won the 2009 Queen’s Cup. From humble beginnings his incredible vigour has led to great success and the accolade of Knight Bachelor, the oldest Knighthood in the Realm: “I learned that a job title means nothing, work is work”

Marc Ganzi We went on to interview Marc and his wife Melissa in the Midsummer ‘14 issue, but our spotlight was originally turned on this Palm Beach-based patron as he won the 2009 US Open with his Audi team

Richard Le Poer The then 21 year-old four goaler was fresh from his victory at the World Cup Polo on Snow 2009 tournament. He told us about his big break with Ellerston, how horsepower is so important and his hopes for the future: “Choosing polo was probably the greatest decision of my life”

With the three Pieres boys her, playing toget ng we were maki history


| 111

Young Player Profile

r Profile Young Playe

Nicholas Colquhoun-Denvers The then HPA Chairman, longstanding Chairman of Ham Polo Club and walking polo encyclopaedia on his passion for polo around the world: “Apparently I upset Bubbles Jaipur because I swore at him and evidently one certainly did not do that – although he did cross me very badly”

tistics Vital Sta Age: 21 4 Handicap: Blue : Eye Colour

Best ents… so Achievem far: UK: 2004 Winner of: ham Cup & The Chelten Cup 2004 & 2007 n ley The Harriso Wentworth-Stan The James Cup 2007 – lost in extra Memorial s Cup Final 2007 Queen’ Ellerston with Facundo for time playing Pieres to in extra time and Gonzali White Final – lost 2007 Holden John Cowdray Cup) the after the Gold Winner of Match (played and Young England won in 2007, 2008 and ed Captain again in 2009 in 2008 with Atlantic Captained the Tyro Cup Cup with mer Winner of the Midsum Winner of rina in 2009 La Goland World: ry Rest of the Silver Cup Subsidia the Winner of a 2006 in Argentin rne Cup the Melbou Winner of ) 2006 on Snow (with Ellerston Cartier Polo Winner of 2009 in St Moritz

Hanbury courtesy of Zahra Photography at www.macp of & Joe McInally by kind permission Archive pictures Richard le Poer

er Richard le Po




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46 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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21/07/2014 17:31

25th Edition Celebration

I was 15 and we had our first number one Autumn 09

Claire and Emma Tomlinson he Beaufort ba ed other and daughter ga e u a unique in ight into their relation hi , how onie and olo ha e ha ed their li e . a e ay be out oken at ti e but together we retty uch agree about o t thing

Kenney Jones ock n oll royalty, he for ed the ace with onnie ood, then di co ered olo and founded the urtwook ark olo lub and beca e an teward. n unu ual i for ure and the ba i for an intere ting inter iew ery roud to be o in ol ed in the ort and take it ery eriou ly

Spring 10

mma are off to team members Match here The four English play an International New Zealand to be cheering on lucky enough to in February. Those see James Beim, and ‘Our Boys’ will Malcolm Borwick Mark Tomlinson, home another aiming to bring Luke Tomlinson Go England go! he does every English victory. be returning as Dave Allen will and Kiki Polo Week the playing is year and Open. The New Zealand

the end no time at all between seen Leaving almost Tom Morley was for the of the English season, best whilst playing Open doing what he does Club in The Beijing Riverlands Polo stop, to his usual winter before heading New Zealand. all the local He will be playing alongside will also appear tournaments but to play the 28 goal, Ross Ainsley Open in the New Zealand ahead, team. If plans go Rodd & Gunn at Apes Hill in Barbados Tom hopes to play returning home. after this before

h na

John Paul,

Brits Abroad ur light hearted look at where our layer were etting off to for the winter ea on. rgentina, u tralia, hina, hailand you na e the lace, they were going there

s al a

where she will

e ealan



Sentebale e are the of cial edia artner to thi i ortant charity co founded by rince arry to hel the light of the children of e otho. e tra elled to Barbado Kenney in concert for the entebale olo u – the r t of any atche around the world co ered by u ince

be working

Hawkes Bay and playing farm is taking a trip to will be mainly grooming in one of the local Hazel Jackson Although Hazel to play for Lochie Hunter. very happy if she got the chance be chukkas, she would Scotland to all the way from tournaments. be catching a plane Parrott - undoubtedly Jesse Dukes will Island with Andrew than helping lifestyle. Other stay on the North the New Zealand New Zealand to work on the a few things about involved in some he will be learning will also be getting so for sure he will Jesse is sure he matches most weekends with the horses, there are Club Jesse for farm. Luckily charge these. Powell to take good number of has allowed Oli be featuring in a their learning player, Will Lucas in each aspect of Former England too with young horses, we hope are not will be working a few falls, which is so on his farm. Oli which of course for sure experiencing knowledge of horses, stages. Other than with an improved nasty, Oli will return player. polo important for any



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e rit .indd 2 W ere re t

SPRING 2010 52 |





Carter Photography courtesy of Vanessa Taylor & Lauren Carter

Polo WAGS or PWAGS are certainly not cut of the same cloth as the orange-tanned, acrylic-taloned footballer contingent. As every Argentine lovely on the arm of the 10 goalers so effortlessly display, less is very much more when it comes to show on the polo circuit. We meet Lauren Carter AKA soon-to-be Mrs James Beim, the epitome of understated cool, wearing a print dress – a change from her usual effortless skinny jeans and t-shirt – and of-the-moment tan leather sandals, Lauren, or Lozza, looks like she could give the Argentine girlfriends a run for their money. Not a spray tan or slap of cheap foundation in sight – in fact her skin is so peach-like and perfect it sparked a conversation amongst us girls here in The Polo Magazine office – jealous? Us? Not just a pretty face, she forged a successful career making other faces pretty too as a MAC make-up artist – her work on the big glossies as well as fashion weeks in New York and Sydney is creative and polished. Working mainly in her home-land of Australia, when she made the decision to down make-up brushes to travel with Beimy around the world and become freelance, she had to make the difficult decision to put her career second to his – like many of the polo wives and girlfriends have to do.

Astrid Harrisson Photography art of an ongoing erie looking at the fanta tic work of olo and equine hotogra her fro around the world, we feature hotogra h fro an 40 | THE POLO MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2010 e traordinary election age| MIDSUMMER 2010 6 8 | THE Pof OLO iMAGAZINE PM_

er2010_3-54.indd 40

She grew up in Sydney with her mum, Margaret, an artist and David, her father, a singer/songwriter who used to be in a rock and roll band – it’s clear to see where the creativity came from. She is the baby of the family with two older siblings; Alex, a Marine Biologist on the Barrier Reef who has just made Lauren an auntie for the second time and her brother, Cameron, who works in IT. Holidays were spent at her godmother’s farm, where she kept a pony that she would hack out on when she was there – horses were a big part of her early years. After studying she worked with horses in Queensland at Cape Tribulation for a while, guiding trail rides through the rainforest and down onto the beach, before flying to England and working as a polo groom. For her first summer she groomed for the Britten-Longs and then after a winter spent working for MAC returned to the pony lines to work for Rob Archibald. It was during that summer that she met James or, as pretty much everyone else knows him, Beimy. She talks to The Polo Magazine about her career, the hardships of never enduring a full British winter, worrying about Beimy on the pitch and missing her family and dogs, Trip and Dax, who she sees less and less of in Australia.

a half time bell, before the crowd Just seconds ladies in the the of the young giggling, was heartbeats the first match Williams amongst much deck after lunch, begun to settle Prince Harry hit the af s and C. O. Immediately as fall Williams Industrie d match, audible gasps Speaking about the d. it wa played between was a closely conteste z and It pony stumble d, “I’m a bit sore but Construction. Nacho Gonzale Industries in the favourites Harry explaine it was worthwhile with Williams th so that saw Brit out in force, good cause, explain that he hadn’t 6½. le to Jamie Le Hardy winners 9 goals to but on thrown, The Senteba He went the of the day: running out anger at getting le a sizea big match and his stick in Then to the between Sentebale have lost Senteba my stick that he may played nt was well why I threw Cup, to be The Brit contingegoal England “The reason nice businessman a $ Almond Resorts. Prince Harry, 7 met this Gemmell with because I offered me and George s night who represented, packed, the Tomlinson the previou horse... His stands were the banks stalwart Mark if I fell off my bit harsh, y players. The Sentebale a and gne fizzed amongst the said: ‘That’s on.’ And h atmosphere the champa round and away. The 0 if he stays fell off, I band played, clear I him $100,00 aphers snappedlooking around, it was in that. So when waste o of photogr When the deal on to make polo : ‘What a was truly buzzing.Williams’ ambition shouted had n and stick attractio Cow with myself. and tourist to see that I was furious this extremely gen a major event Barbados Minister Fortunately to fruition. and tol the Prime come by touch d in ’ been certainly execute rath Cow Williams has already From the throw-in on, out of horse fell over, clear that the happy to honou s, David Thomps closely matched scores.of of of Barbado he was it was a game a whisker ahead five off it, so Mercedes, more than goals from What a star!” failed to get ent of Princ even play and the Each team As if the excitem le who lifted so that despite the others, it was Senteba eight players, it was close. out of the trophy – but magnificent

| 11


High Goal Head Boy



Eduardo Heguy u o i con idered a one of the be t back in the ga e and layed in, and reached the inal of he rgentine en for the r t ti e in at the tender age of , along ide hi father. n thi inter iew he e lain how hi rioritie ha e changed to be focu ed on both fa ily and hor e a a hor e collector really, ne er want to let any of the go


MidSummer 10

Summer 10


Charlie Sainsbur

Valuable Player Taylor) The Most by Howard Worthy: os on (chosen Pony = Tommy, Bruin, “Barbad = Mark Tomlins and 4) of Tom de Polo Cup The Best Playing chukkas 3 l places in Sentebale n the words Well Done: de Bruin (in parts of most beautifu who can Lucy Taylor) What: The January 2010 Tom s is one of the – and (Chosen by played by When: 31st Hill Polo Club, Barbado to play polo” sat in the stands by Kent Cole. the world Apes and owned Sentebale him? As we Where: Jeff Evelyn Apes Hill Resorts Vs 6 goals to disagree with Who Else? Jamie Le Hardy and Club at the an ty, Who: Almond – They won = stunning Polo skies of the Caribbe Sentebale Tourist Authori Umpires at the truly blue Barbados sentially Winners: clear the The : of 51½ the ’ and Quintes Wonga Resort, with brilliant emerald seemed, Resorts Almond Resorts National Bank s ecting the Almond (0) Barbados almost refl drizzly England l sponsor polo field, the principa Chick Legh Sentebale (1) were ll (1) away. pin-in-paper a million miles another 1,400 George Gemme (5) Prince Harry s (3) l thankfully, e and the inaugura Tom de Bruin Teddy William (5) The Polo Magazin to witness le on (7) were gathered CEO of the Senteba Guy Watson Mark Tomlins s (2) 11 spectators le Polo Cup; annual polo Stephen William 13 annual SentebaMartin explains, “This in different charity, Kedge the world, being hosted for the ss tour event will and awarene raise funds orphans and a month countries to le and its work with been here feel like I have dance move charity Senteba Lesotho.” ing trip – I beyond a children in ‘Cow’ t “An exhaust Obviously not tired vulnerable Benefit Concer that Sir Charles host to not two days”. Harry attended a Haiti his calypso dancing And so it was, and Barbados played g Hill le, attractin . or two, Prince funds by showingtelevision viewers Williams, Apes is patron of Senteba world. increased who the ns from where he Prince Harry press from around e to donatio spent respons the in Harry of talents the focus 2004, Prince AIDS nted later, horrors gap year in ked, He comme to remind you of the During his , a land-loc . So taken urs in Haiti. in Lesotho “I hardly need Kingdom eight weeks your neighbo of rly the -stricken African that have befallenespecially the children and poverty of the people, and particula ed and thoughts and he was compell The people with the plight much in our be one of life’s Harry, that so are Prince ’s to land that seems children was charity with Lesotho this time. It d the natural disaster or prayers at to co-foun that when in Haiti, cruellest ironies r it be earthquake in Sesotho in Prince Seeiso. e-not’ AIDS le strikes – whethe and ravaging by HIV le, Meaning ‘forget-m ), the Senteba national language two Princes to most vulnerab years of drought (Lesotho’s by the is always the the children, who are dedicated ’ unstinting Lesotho, it y charity was of their late mothers less, normall ies the most help”. the defence the memor children. and needing work with of Cow Williams left exposed charitable day of his visit, enthusiasm He tells us, le On the third The dynamic of the event. The Senteba saw Apes the hosting Apes Hill hosted glittering affair, that match when was behind h a truly g a charity at Cowort Barbados Polo Cup, “It was followin Sentebale last year the good of ed their cause the great and to support Hill support I learnt more about force that Polo Cup turn out in appeal. their in the UK, Haiti launch “The and the them to s the story, Sentebale and invited e, hosted by Martin continue well as the A VIP marque provided here”. Kedge timing of this offer, as it and s, meant that Quintessentially, dings for generosity in Barbado s in 2010. surroun polo scene in Barbado provide a the ideal Bajan lunch and plenty prominent a to iate to launch causes by speeches, was appropr created by the charity; of the s to the worthypolo field was of donation ss of the plight n The event Along the and awarene the Forgotte the 400 guests. clubhouse, a further regular income often called the Lesotho – and around Harry fans children of and Prince Harry attended 1,000 polo two matches Kingdom”. day visit, Prince witness the gathered to Over a three on the island, visiting s on the pristine ents Barbado l and The to be played official engagem Elizabeth Hospita which Prince Harry Apes Hill turf. after The Queen Bridgetown, tour of the island as, in Museum stop his whistledescribed


Along with spending Christmas will not only be Nina Clarkin be playing here but she will also in New Zealand, after watching April. She returns from February to a newly-formed St Moritz with John Paul play in Drai, of Saeed Bin team consisting and Rob Archibald. Glen Gilmore

courtesy of

ance ts at a Gl Vital Sta


Media Partne

her 8 goal husband,

Hill have at Apes ation that we satisfying as the destin ted e! Totally world map tely deligh ! Unbelievabl firmly on the ed We feel absolu Exhilarating place Barbados ill and depriv quences. to ding conse lives of many been able most rewar have changed the and Haiti. with the o bash! this we in Lesoth . What a children that in doing What a crowd game. s polo What a Cow William

The le SentePboloaCup Photgraphy

Vital Stats at a Glance: Age: 19 Handicap: 4 Height: 5’8” Eyes: Brown





MAX 34 |




Max Routledge e r t hone the otlight on a at the tender age of , but already he had been icked u by the ighty ller ton at u t he be t ad ice ha e e er recei ed i when u ed to get tired and fru trated and u would ay if it wa ea y then e erybody would do it , it i o true

Lauren Carter r Bei on being o uch ore and the ad u t ent fro being a ake u arti t to full ti e olo wife. ince then, otherhood ha added another di en ion to her aried life tory o far t i dif cult trying to uggle a career at the a e ti e a being on the olo circuit with your an MIDSUMMER 2010 | THE POLO MAGAZINE | 6 9

11/05/2010 13:4

MidSummer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 47

TPM_MidSummer14_43-91.indd 47

21/07/2014 17:26

25th Edition Celebration Autumn 10

Spring 11 Chris Hyde rena goal

Friends of ours who don’t know about it will say, ‘so what? You chase a little ball around?’ and they don’t understand at all. So I’m so pleased that we share this together - even our children are bored by us!

ae tro on hi winter reign


Tom Morley off for Tom is Argentina First winter stop before goal tournaments to play two 24 hangout, New going onto his winter 8 and 12 goal has got Zealand. Tom an the Arbers plus with his patrons, Horse work on his Young opportunity to Peter Hewett. Programme alongside

Tamara Vestey Zealand in December T arrives in New her sister, Nina and time to see her before John Paul Clarkin for brother-in-law, Australia in January crossing over to James Beim’s wedding.

Alice Gipps Alice is in to work and Argentina, both at where Cañuelas, firstly to Puesto Viejo, to play. Based in in before she headed Estancia Don Manuel Eastwood and Heloise Lorentzen she is going to Aurora . On top of that she played with Ladies Tournamentwhich she is helping to organise. The La Aguada Heguy tournament, World Polo Tour, which was play The Miriam on the Women’s at all the big polo She’ll also be working as snapping away this year as well some very launched earlier undoubtedly be taking what will fixtures out there impressive pictures. George Meyrick is Already out in Argentina has based who George Meyrick, only Lolo and one the himself with a real one to watch, El Castagnola. As playing the 20 goal George has been has got lots of polo Presidente and – after stay in Argentina lined up for his place to play polo, all it is the best polo, polo.

sea of South is diving into the in schooling and Dom Heywood Getting some polo New to learn about the he off traveling in the American culture, whilst out in Argentina, before he goes is out in Australia breaking of young horses as to whether Year, Rupert Lewis Gibbs who is a bit but is unsure Corin would love to play working for the or not. Park during the that is on the cards based at Cirencester summer.


Brits around the world ur hearted THElight POLO MAGAZINE | AUTUMNlook 2010 at winter olo lan

22 |

n with Jasper Chamberlai Alex Mains, along many other gap the footsteps of young are following in will be helping with year students and with clients at as playing chukkas horses, as well Argentina this winter El Remanso in

Argentina for two is heading off to Hazel Jackson be staying with the winter. She’ll months during undoubtedly in Pilar and will Cristian Chaves medium goal skills by playing improve her polo some 12 goal as well as doing chukkas everyday tournaments. couple of ladies matches and a







n2010_ ir t.indd 22 P




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of Zahra Hanbury Photography courtesy Charley Larcombe Reporting by

Photography courtesy of Gillian Hughes Interview by Richenda Hine & Charley Larcombe

OK, interviewing polo players in the depths of a dreary January day next to a drizzly arena is not what this job is about. It’s grey, not glam; it’s scarves and gloves and definitely not shorts and suncream. But then in walks Chris Hyde, and The Proph’ (Prophesy – he was born on Christmas Day) instantly relaxes into easy chat about his life and polo. Interspersed with jokes and the odd self-deprecating comment, he talks through his time starting out with John Horswell, how he built up a 22 goal set-up with Talacrest’s John Collins and how he manages to juggle a couple of Clubhouse, post-match beers and make it home in time for supper with his wife ‘to be’ Maggie and four sons.


polo is also off to ‘the Henry Amor where he’ll be capital of the world’ Graham helping staying with Robert and hopefully also make young ponies polo. playing some decent



playing George Gemmell over in Argentina George is already where he’ll be until matches and chukkas heads to South Africa to he Borwick December, before Evans, Malcolm play with Gareth Gareth’s new father-inand Bob Crossley, lucky guy is off to New on, the and Kit law. From then up with Tom Hunt we’re Zealand to catch horses – them with their Brooks – he’s will be involved. sure a few Tooheys


Chris and Clare Mathias he uard atron hu band and wife duo on their oint olo a ion. lare thought that a hri wa getting caught u in the ort, wa either in or out. decided would e ade a ery bad olo widow.

EbeiThde Falcons



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Alex Ebeid he iconic alcon atron on fond olo e orie and tro hie galore P

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18/11/2010 14:2

Summer 11


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11/03/2011 12:33

Midsummer 11

Clare Milford Haven olo layer, writer, aeger e oultre ba ador and ucce ful fundrai er

Maria Cambiaso ucce ful odel, de igner, of three – certainly ot u t


re enter, other a bia o

NOT JUST MRS CAMBIASO but horses in particular, hunted, e I was younger and to Gloucestershir “ I’d ridden when until we moved and a part of our life tenth wedding anniversary certainly weren’t and put in 2001 it was our for a boozy lunch from London. Back and I had just returned And we got it! my husband, Paddy just outside of Tetbury. but it didn’t have any a bid in to this house Hipwood, it from Howard – at that We actually bought Not that it mattered was just the house. polo facilities, it about polo whatsoever. I blame know anything on an off chance. point we didn’t came into our lives “Polo effectively fill the space Ruth Baldwin entirely! day asking whether Freddie would consider that She called up one Club. When you team for the Pony tiny 11.2 called in a Handley Cross and his pony, a held a polo stick Polly wasn’t the Freddie had never pitch it was amazing, been on a polo Polly, had never to it immediately. and Freddie took into doing the Pony least bit head shy knew, it we launched [the Beaufort]. “So, before we at Down Farm had a few lessons Club and Freddie


Jon Zammett ead of for udi , in our word he nice guy with the groo y gla e who ha beco e art Sof the furniture on the UMMER 2011 | THE POLO MAGAZINE | 13 odiu with the boy in the ngland hirt THE POLO MAGAZINE SUMMER 2011 |

TPM_ n

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Janie and Freddie Dear he other and on duo behind tea ache on fa ily, olo and tea dyna ic


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now. lives were based was where our That has meant last three years. hunting, it really helping us for the play myself. Tyrone has been enjoy the polo and family and not had more time to time with your that I’ve actually that you spend It can consume It is really important hunting or polo. I can do – whether that’s things so well that just with the horses to – Tyrone has organizedfocus on polo, you really have your entire life and family. so much interest both. And with of the rest of the because if to the detriment family members make sure it’s not make unfair on the other if you’re going to Polo can be really you don’t know and get, so it’s you enter a tournament or how far you are going to and I’m really the Semis the quarters or hard on the family anything. That’s impossible to plan conscious of that.

to play in Claire a go and started people too would have game basically for I then thought I Polo – it’s a three-aside the major plunge into Tomlinson’s County to take whether they want who are unsure and way to get started. holiday to Argentina after polo. It was a great we took a family was “Then in 2006, onto the end. It a bit of a polo holiday slowly arriving. We were Chile and tagged started totally the polo ponies ignorant but were that holiday that to the game, completely for me is playing with completely new best thing started and the was playing with involved. We all for fun-ness games of my ‘Top Five’ the family. One polo Max the and as work Freddie, Bella though were hard “Those early seasons spend all of my time, driving lorries, seemed to Paddy hated it. increased and I running around. time. Bella was grooming and generally years ago we moved down full the move just made “Then about three Beaudesert and spends a lot and Max was at life and Paddy still at Marlborough the polo and big shift from London sense. It was a here at school and with the children of time there, but



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| The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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25th Edition Celebration Winter 11/12

Spring 12

18 |



WINTER 2011/12


The Pailloncys The French, self-managed brothers behind HB Polo and their love for the sport. Ludovic: “We’re into polo, not polo-tics.”




WINTER 2011/12




WINTER 2011/12




ion Smoking ACuctp Arena Gold

half of the two Pailloncy, one says Ludovic of European polo not polo-tics,” through the ranks “We’re into their way up the game.” who are making people and enjoy French brothers promises polo with good sport know the want to play great involved in the polo. “We just say that the but any of us t – many would All well and good, itself. polo establishmen the game of polo dealing with the to navigate than to enjoy and pitfalls in board is far harder (Seba) are determinedstorms or polo-tical chess Ludo and Sebastien to any political But the Pailloncys, polo and pay no attention their improve grapevine. polo game, the on the polo a little and mutterings they took up the whisperings in a town the French coast, Deauville on But, naturally Hailing from professional/patrons. it wasn’t long before they usual young the world than by the and polo later are surrounded around the racing the that is centred Club whose grounds their team achieved players at the HB levels, in 2003 became regular up through the Cups in Deauville. Gold and Developing racetrack. both The Silver and Bénédicte feat of winning names, Hugues extraordinary after their parent’s team is called – and Polo – as the name for themselves but get quite the – was a success. Polo Club, beginning to ly at Beaufort too, In the UK, they’re predominant and Cowdray reasons. Based down at Guards tackling for lots of good familiar faces and 18 goal and becoming increasingly two seasons playing 15 a whistle stop the last It’s been quite they’ve spent away from e Cup at Cirencester. recently stepped The Warwickshir who really only brothers tour for the two play rather than goal polo in Europe. playing medium eyebrows when, in raised a few the high goal They recently decided on doing new, improve haunts they at their usual to try somewhere play “We simply wanted go to the best places and Sotogrande. to what we Seba. “You have and that’s exactly our polo,” says improve to players feeling.” against the best to cause bad the Pailloncys no intention did. There was Deauville towards ill feeling from regarded as two If there is any players are widely deals believe it as these Renauldon who we can scarcely In fact, Pascual bias as guys on the circuit. (but who also admits to slight of the nicest opinion. “They relations at Deauville with the popular with the press agrees arrogant. I his daughter) polite and never Seba is dating past six or nice guys, always polo over the are both very a improving their the game with have seen them they always address seven years and professionalism.” high level or Sotogrande during them out in everyone When I meet Copa d’Oro, are games for the their league professionals manager to their has from the polo Tomlinson who praises. Mark past eight singing their and off for the on Pailloncys in the right played with the play the game both the boys never been years says that with and there’s are great to play a very good has Seba spirit. “They with HB. Ludo whilst playing side backhand. a dull moment a viscious near at and he can hit the horse and, eye for the ball very tidy on charming who always looks Both boys are is a good jockey plenty of goals. are both a lot he usually scores everywhere and number one, all the dayanywhere and in absolutely ‘boss’ as he organises team! They gents who fit definitely the of the field Seba is say is the chef of fun. Off the Ludo I would possible throughout of HB, whilst good polo as to-day affairs play as much their own level well, trying to to try and raise far organise things step is probably done badly so I think their next they have not the year and summers further. And most of their of the team even they would spend and the level three years ago considering only team. England on the continent!” member of the jobs, playing 12 goal from a long-serving about their day d hour to talk they High praise indeed the best polo spare a laughter-fille want to play The brothers how they simply the sport and their love of they can. can – wherever

Gillian Hughes

a Glance: Vital Stats at Gold Cup What: The Arena ‘12 When: 25th February Where: RCBPC Who:

Cold Smoke Michael Bickford Max Charlton Roddy Williams


Ocho Rios-Altyo Simon Holley Oli Hipwood Chris Hyde

(1) (7) (9) 17

(2) (6) (7) 15

Smoke = Chris Hyde Winners: Cold Valuable Player Magazine’s Most Worthy: The Polo

| 63



62 |


Max Charlton Once again we featured one of England’s most talented young players as his polo career was in true ascendency: “There are pros and cons to this lifestyle, I think everyone in polo would agree with that”

Jim Gilmore The legend behind Ellerston, the modern sport’s pioneering polo set-up: “I’ve always been big on breeding, it’s the horses that I really love over the game”


-10 .indd 63

Arena Gold Cup Always keen to keep the spotlight on UK soil during the winter the best of the Arena Tournaments are the stalwarts of our Spring issues. 2012 was the turn of Cold Smoke to lift the Arena Gold Cup

of the to the limelight n may be used Smoke who just Ocho Rios-Altyo Bickford’s Cold Simon Holley’s but it was Michael Arena Gold Cup. big Arena finals the 2012 to the post for pipped them Final, it was year’s major Arena the Gold numbers for this espite depleted face to face for teams who came and his Ocho Rios-Altyon still two excellent is an arena regular, Hyde, his right Cup. Simon Holley line up. Chris be found in the England in the captaining shirts can often winter, was has had a busy Their third player a leading player hand man and the summer season. he’d and preparing for season – although Arena Test Match a blinding winter Christmas. who has played his handicap before Oli Hipwood has steadily been controversy regarding Michael Bickford experienced a little to the high American patron, that he’s looking Cold Smoke’s popular we’ve even heard Gold Cup battle in polo circles – peeled. For the making his mark and keep your eyes Roddy Williams few seasons so goal in the next Cold Smoke teammate, going to cringe at him long-term we know he’s he had alongside a 15goal Max Charlton – As pro, 14. page young him on dazzlingly brilliant interview with a two-goal please read our Smoke received that comment but opposition, Cold game. to their 17 goal space during the team compared a good breathing was to give them advantage, which



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05/04/2012 16:15


Midsummer 12

Summer 12

Luke Tomlinson Winner of The Gold and Queen’s Cups, England Captain, It’s a small world Westchester Cup wins both at have to Guards and and Palmyou Beach… the list goes on for this straight. Beaufortshoot born powerhouse: “It is still a huge compliment to get the call up to play for England”

Nic Roldan American 8 goaler, winner of the US Open, model, Brand Ambassador for Piaget and all round good guy, on polo in the UK: “Professionally, England is one of the big three seasons… I am very excited to be part of it” g



George Meyrick ‘Gorgeous George’ who was spotted at 16 years old by Adolfo Cambiaso, winner of the Queen’s cup, The FIP European Championships and England International: “I never wanted to do anything else; in fact I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t playing TPM_


Man that up from The personal call team. players get a his high goal to be part of Not many polo a , asking them Meyrick, now is Adolfo Cambiaso 16. But for George happened. It up that call aged exactly what Even less pick of 24, that is being grand old age on his path to 5 goaler at the t, which set him around voltage jump-star He’s played all was the high future stars. from most promising along the way, silverware one of the UK’s of Monjitas picked up plenty Cup with Las the world and to The Silver of the Cup here at Guards ship and a Final Champion The Queen’s – with a FIP European Argentina to his name too. in Sotogrande in Open Juvenile cating but don’t’ notoriously difficult quiet and self-depre ambitious and players, he’s he’s also As with many and quiet exterior beneath this handicap ratings be deceived; his way up the he imagined being well on he’s behind where tough. Despite been age, self critically for himself. Having like at such a young he’s set out grand scheme is finally feeling himself in the seasons, George the season in the last few from him about beset with injury We hear more all cylinders. at full throttle. come to he’s firing on things he’s aiming at ahead and how by horses and grew up surrounded he in him, Tony before ike many a player in polo. His grandfather family’s interest at Kirtlington influenced by his sport. As Polo Manager fun whilst real love of the for particular had a with friends and his he played mainly But George credits for many years, his serious passion. there the Bicester was game and remembers his hunting with he took up the – just waiting to the main reason about the house grandfather as being sticks and boots always being polo play by beginning to be used. usual polo route Again, he took the and then on to first with the Hursley with the Pony Club, Claire Tomlinson. the guidance of the Beaufort under at the beginning a big help to me “She really was everything,” understanding, y a – with teaching, “She was undoubtedl remembers George. career. “ on my early polo the major influence Richard Le Poer, Teaming up with levels of the Pony the all pair played through about Pony Club was to Club. However fry in comparison to look very small team. George’s next playing doing his GCSEs, At just 15, whilst by the HPA to George was picked James Beim and join Tom Morley, the of as part Antony Fanshawe “The polo was FIP European team. but serious more getting more and the catalyst that that was probably going to be a meant polo was for me. I never very real career else; in wanted to do anything do if I what I’d fact I don’t know wasn’t playing.”

SUMMER 2012 Charley Larcombe Ramirez imagesofpo Alice Gipps & Tony

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Jodie Kidd ne ti e u e to arl ager eld, odel, race car dri er, TV presenter, mother and polo playing 6 foot blonde Jodie on life, love and polo passion. “Ever since I was a little girl I would draw my perfect [polo] yard” MMIDIDSUMMER SUMmer 2012 | THE POLO MAGAZINE | 13

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25th Edition Celebration

Winter 12/13

Spring 13 John Paul Clarkin New Zealand’s highest rated player on polo, why the UK is his second home and on pitch competition with his 4 goal wife: “I love polo, the horses, the life, the game and if we can keep doing it for as long as we can then I think we are doing pretty well”

Laura Bechtolsheimer On winning Olympic Gold and her increasing connection with polo: “Polo isn’t just fast paced on the pitch, there is always another game to watch, another patron to talk to” La time Ellerstina and So, for the seventh from their in gladiatorial style Dolfina marched across the to face each other designated ends, green and Palermo is perfect vast expanse of polo world true jewel in the do battle for the aloft The honour of holding crown to win the

m/ Tony Ramirez com esphotography. ✍ Charley Larcombe


Cup. Argentine Open Pablo MacDonough From the outset, it seemed an early lead, but gave La Dolfina Ellerstina were the first chukka that right from Gonzalito their mark, with determined to make then Nico three minutes later, Pieres equalizing to Ellerstina at score to 2 – 1 Pieres taking the to call. chukka. Too close the end of the first of the third chukka, conclusion the By and their determination La Dolfina showed converting with Cambiaso fighting spirit, his stick. Not of flourish usual penalties with the then ensured Facundo Pieres to be outdone, all. The fourth levelled at five that the score from the with it more magic chukka brought flag on flies the Argentine man who always goals giving Cambiaso more his hat with two 5 lead. La Dolfina a 7 – had once Facundo Pieres By half time, win, to his determination again demonstrated shot through under the neck scoring with an a marginal lead La Dolfina only a crowd, giving half of a upon the second as they embarked seemed to quite incredibly, game which then, pace as the momentum and gather even more themselves completely Men in Black proved

Argentine Open News from Argentina through our winter is, of course always on our radar, and particularly when Ellerstina beat a 40 goal side 28 |



WINTER 2012/13





WINTER 2012/13



cold, grey day we meet on a on the rise. When Clubhouse), it’s ack Hyde is a teenager a roaring fire in the Berkshire by Jack is dressed (thankfully improved the Arena Nationals. his success in askew looking and sandy hair mere weeks after inviting with his tie lopsided the Clubhouse’s straight from school We’re joined on godfather of Just William. McDonald, Jack’s like a teenage version Manager, ‘Skinny’ best arena Berkshire Polo – arguably the leather sofas by ‘The Prof’ Hyde Arena Gold Cup his dad, Chris have finished their Jonny Good and trips UK. The professionals the forthcoming weeks, juggling players in the for this is an discussing the plans home. For Jack, practices and are games here at of the chillier 15 goal players in and out to Dubai and slightly with 5 goal plus polo activity, playing a dream for any be post-school would average chukkas in 12 and 15 goal arena. Participating run of the mill. be forgiven but for Jack it’s from birth, you’d mad schoolboy, took up by all things polo In fact, he only toddler. a Having been surrounded as a stick to polo. Jack was wielding peers, he’s new for thinking that Compared to his period four years ago. 12 goal in a short the sport in earnest -1 and playing the to a sought-after polo trajectory. stratospheric Going from green potentially young player’s of time shows this polo stick were of picking up a The early stages Oaks farm. As Chris’ Holley’s Twelve young the spent at Simon that it was natural long-time patron, time there and a great deal of Jack would spend son, Charlie. friends with Simon’s he became great together, first of began to play polo The two of them going on to play in chukkas, before all with their dads Despite both players ranks of Pony Club. polo up through the and medium level regularly in low now appearing than playing together. enjoy nothing more line-ups, they still he started playing,” Jack since before to support “I have known “It has been a pleasure remembers Simon. develop. and watch him him from the beginning


Jack Hyde Chip off the Hyde block, this young player was spotted by us at 0 goals, and we are delighted to have seen him go up to 2 and represent England at the Bryan Morrison Test Match in 2014


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Age: 15 Handicap: -1

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Summer 13

talent and hand-to-eye his father’s innate attacking flare, Clearly he has with a naturally an and combined co-ordination one. He has become even the an excellent number he will make teenager, can handle and for a young goal team accomplished rider that one day, a high pro horses. I hope big stage.” most demanding a chance on the talent and give him has undoubtedly will recognise this ion polo player father’s Being a second-generat up the ranks. His in Jack’s ascension steer clear been instrumental helped him to and advice has find on the guidance, knowledge less fortunate may a pitfalls that those here, Jack isn’t clear of the many polo be . But let’s to expend path to polo professionalism at the Berkshire blasé and playing taking this pitchside polo brat, 15, he’s already energy; at just too much adolescent viewpoint. been Horswell and has sport with a professional’s lessons with John with He religiously has He loves his tutorials last three years. he’s heard the advice doing so for the like a admitting that sometimes John – sheepishly his words of wisdom – and soaks up their should continue from his dad already that all young players tells to improve and sponge. He is adamant continue to like John aided new. Just as John lessons with someone in learning something being instrumental me that he’s always of his career, he’s And Jack is already Chris at the beginning player status too. forging Jack’s professional played much reaping the benefits. for summer, he school was out competing in Last season, once Shalimar. From Kassem Shafi’s Polo Club’s of the 8 goal with White to Guards the UK competitive Holden the notoriously he stormed through The Archie David, him a one-to-watch. premier 8 goal, proclaimed having at the sidelines season and many the Guards Clubhouse, too. no stranger to Mathias He’s definitely Clare and Chris he Clarita shirts for to play with. And also played in the pleasure a and committed; “Jack is skillful, fast Praise indeed. Mathias enthuses. Eagles successful Black likes winning,” Clare with the supremely He won He also played Guards and Cowdray. Munro Ford at Jonathan, shirts alongside patron, Jonathan His 10 goal in the black Guards’ Social Cup player, Rob Archibald. the Aussie high goal his position within Jonny Good and was has already retained Mr Munro Ford stellar performance 2013 season. in British team for the approachingone of the best young players “Jack is background. clearly impressed. call him for some we when us tells polo,” Jonathan


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The Family

unstoppable. converted penalties Four chukkas, several and of missed, blocked and a later (a couple by Cambaiso) Pieres questioned penalties scored by Gonzalito spectacular goal down the ball 250 yards after carrying the end of the and the Ellerstina length of the field with a jubilant celebrations pitch broke into Dolfina. 12 – 10 over La close victory of point when those It was at this particular stands were truly the Ellerstina of us seated in Facundo one of the fitness able to appreciate the winning fully embraced to the Pieres as he by promptly stripping ‘sportsman style’, ed shirt and his sweat-drench waist and flinging which I am cheering crowd… gloves into the of, but sadly to say I was part completely happy catcher. not the winning lifting the silverware, Alongside Ellerstina Goal Scorer named ‘Top Cambiaso was Polo Pony and the Argentine of the Match’ a blue blanket presented Breeders’ Association at the Open’ Argentine Bred by to the ‘Best Polo owned and bred to ‘Open Guillermina’ Pieres. ridden by Nico Ellerstina SA and

WINTER 2012/13



It Runs In

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12/04/2013 12:52

Facundo Pieres he then year old goaler on hi trato heric olo tra ectory t i ery dif cult to get to the top, but harder still to maintain yourself at the peak of your game”

High Goal Not that you would normally get away with wearing your underwear on the terrace at Ham Polo Club, our super sexy shoot continues our series of polo inspired designer fashion shoots

ZACARA Zacara on Fire Our spotlight turns onto the Zacara Team as their winning streak starts with their US Open win. We have followed their success in every issue since

Vital Stats at a Glance: th US Open What: The 109 Maserati st When: 21 April ‘13 Club Palm Beach Where: International Polo Who: Zacara Magoo Laprida Lyndon Lea Facundo Pieres Mike Azzaro

(8) (1) (10) (7) 26

Valiente (A) Bob Jornayvaz (10) Pelon Stirling Adolfo Cambiaso (10) (6) Santi Torres 26

Winners: Zacara = Facundo Pieres Worthy: Most Valuable Player by Pony = Medallion owned Well done! Best Playing by Pelon Stirling Bob Jornayvaz and played

Ali Paterson Another rising superstar who caught our eye early. Following his interview Ali has gone on to win the Sotogrande Gold Cup with Ellerston and has now added the Gold Cup British Open with Dubai. “It’s tough but worth ghting for . o li go


Months spent in preparation, game days of watching endless plays footage, hours spent discussing to two hours and tactics all boiled down clouds on a perfect pitch with glowering Palm Beach when threatening rain over Wellington met Valiente in two polo super powers, Zacara US Open. the Final of The Maserati of electricity running through There is always a charge take to the pitch – and never the crowd when superstars Pieres ride out. Even in the and more so when Cambiaso storm when they are warming pre game, calm before the thrill amongst the spectators. up, you can feel a definite at the to witness the game of polo They know they’re about excitement is palpable. absolute top level and the knows Polo Club Palm Beach really It helps also that International most beautiful only is it possibly one of the how to put on a show. Not dusty pink hued with its emerald pitches and polo locations in the world Veuve Clicquot capacity; not only because grandstand filled to a bursting simply because as jets fly over head and not flows freely at half time and white and into a riot of colour as red, turned is sky the rings the final bell culmination into carnival. It is also the blue streamers turn the ground It is no doubt of high goal in Palm Beach. but of a long and tough season assassins, playing polo these tough mark of that The US Open is the The USPA Piaget The C.V Whitney Cup and they’ve struggled through – so they’ve managed a win over Zacara Gold Cup – where Valiente practice. had more than enough target Mark Crislip www.pitchblackpo Charley Larcombe Reports



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25th Edition Celebration

Winter 13/14

Spring 14 It’s a real rollercoaster of a career, but I don’t regret anything for a second.

Henry Brett Former 8-goaler on high goal and high water as he tells all about his amazing trans-Atlantic rowing adventure: “I was interested to see how I would cope in an extreme situation and it’s good to challenge yourself

Malcolm Borwick We focus on this consummate professional, England squad stalwart, Royal Salute and La Martina Ambassador. “Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I still love playing for my country; I have loved it from that r t ti e


T nerX Dle hu

JuMP eD Polo has inTo chin a T wall The Grea ✍ Tilda Woodd Courtesy of Tianjin

China focus Always topical, we drill down to the detail on 12 | THE POLO MAGAZINE | WINTER 2013/14 the emerging polo scene in China

n Polo Club, Royal

Goldin Metropolita British Polo Day

Salute &

relations at Chinese-English Flying the flag for Times Polo Day, Sunny the 2013 British China Polo Club, Beijing,

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The Big


St Moritz As always we travel the world to bring our readers the best stories, best imagery and best options. This time it was the turn of the iconic World Cup Polo on Snow as it celebrated its 30th anniversary

WINTER 2013/14







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MidSummer 14

Nacho Figueras The 6 goaler St. Regis and Sentebale Ambassador and Ralph Lauren model on how life in front of the camera allowed a polo career: “I was this young guy who was having a good time, whilst making a little bit of money that allowed me to buy better horses”

Pablo MacDonough 25 issues on and 10 goaler Pablo tells us why his plans for the Argentine Open are already underway and how he sometimes hankers for his alternative career path as a pro golfer: “I l i ke sp o r t a l o t a n d p o l o w a s t h e o n e I co u l d d o b e st , b u t i f yo u a ske d m e t o d a y I w o u l d l o ve t o b e a p r o f e si o n a l g o l f e r ”



Ferrari’s at Maranello, the engineers new Spring 2014 and preview of the Fast forward to at the private look of for the pulses to race the design and on the market Italian HQ, caused almost every angle, are many supercars from. mate. Modena. From owadays, there buyer to chose glorious stable California T in its former, and addict and discerning Lawns 1 echoes back to die-hard petrol Lawn or Cowdray’s the new Ferrari Guards’ Smith’s none, and even glossier than Parked alongside are second to exotic cars, looking be numerous the exterior aesthetics to play with demure, yet there will invariably with Pininfarina As ever with Ferrari, classic drop-heads, of ponies. From turbo engine GT, whilst Team have collaborated a guttural twin an Ellerstina string the Ferrari Styling of the front engine raw sound of the classic lines the car is famous ensigns on, retain alluring, to the and Face countless are provocatively sleekness. proportions d muscles, there bonnet sidelines at polo. rear and aerodynamic back in a sleek with bulging carbon-bodie all vying for attention on the adding a muscular grille which leans and the sunlight, the headlights by a typically Ferrari which glint in dominated incorporate which and muscular wings the most eye-catching emphasising the air from the engine. stallion still remains to dissipate hot Yet, Ferrari’s prancing the vents used in the paddock. still at Ferrari evocative horsepower clearly not stood however, have when to appeal with innovation wa back in the Design and technology also of the alifornia T is literally brimming iconic arque the wheel, but he r t incarnation – the latest California to co bine the power behind wa roduced client who relishes it wa the lunging the errari to the discerning eat racticality of a Grand Tourer. ortine with four cosseted comfort move. The original ubiquitou appreciates the and it was a winning ollywood lights of somewhat, round for any the classic bronco tamed ode of tran ort rear, features one of the and is the cho en sporty, powerful acts as a spoiler today i arguably alifornia wa Its distinctively the boot which a intage odel tags flow tudie con equently trailing edge of stratospheric price tail – whil t air leading en – which frame the the planet with ual height of the motorcars on ini i e the i impinge on drag. most highly-prized de igned to force doesn’t irability. rarity and de high level of down reflecting their have shown the



WILD RIDE. S US FOR A ORNIA T TAKE Courtesy of Ferrari



Glen Gilmore LIFTING Australia’s polo Captain and E polo’s Mr ONNice Guy on TH LID managing Guards Polo Club, his newly announced OTORSPORT M move to Ellerston and life’s unexpected challenges: “I have been very lucky, I have worked hard at this life and I enjoy it” Available Test



4th August: Brands 8th September:

Summer 2014

| The Polo Magazine










the situation. he he was 8 goals, In 1999, when balling whilst stick and broke his ankle Cup and six before The Queen’s meant to be playing weeks later was crowd for the in front of a packed al. He was then Cartier Internation recovery period. six-month a given n a rehabilitatio Instead he found up his leg specialist, strapped and played anyway.


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inclusiv of Club and its tackling some Racing Drivers in our series, The Ginetta going full throttle soon have you circuits. the UK’s finest

MidSummer 2014


CALL 0113 385

15/05/2014 14:16


Silverst 6th October:

swap the office d in 2015 and Break the moul wheel of your suit behind the gear for a race legal race car. very own roade tuition will

13:06 TPM_Summer14

Charley Larcombe removal up and a vanity innocuous check being n 2011, a seemingly led to Glen Gilmore found on his neck, a 40% risk of a skin mole that he faced the very real fact played polo presented with 10 years. Having of skin cancer within his homeland of dying from the sun from by world, following turned yellow all around the on polo pitches days spent out to the Australia and now susceptible rays, his skin was drought and harsh which claims lives. ing and dangers of a disease, life, the ever-charm this time in his situation. “It all When discussing act about the is very matter-of-f sit in the Guards easy-going Glen me whilst we who quickly,” he tells within 24 hours happened very specialist a was referred to to flower u Clubhouse. “I and didn t try cold hard fact ga e e o e off to an operation and then I was it the prognosis they told me that I came around shortly after. When to save the nerves that they managed went well and l players, the For many professiona in my right arm.” in the arm which of losing feeling result potential would be a of the polo stick, is a mere extension focussed on the Glen he was more disaster, but for didn t e er think ing hi life. alternati e – lo again; of not playing of about the possibility case a it was simply it wasn’t a priority, dealing with it.” getting on and on with about getting And Glen is all


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available of test drives With a number call out the year, on track through the Ginetta G40 nce today to experie inner unleash your Club Car and racing driver.

2014 | Magazine Summer 44 | The Polo

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28/03/2014 09:1 TPM_Spring1

Ferrari Up Close e like the ner thing in life and feature ‘alternative horsepower’. This issue it was the turn of our Publisher Nick Hine to travel to Modena for the launch of the Ferrari 14 | The PoloT Magazine | Summer 2014 California

| 15


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Summer 14

Art Photographer

of the 30th anniversary Moritz. 2014 marks the on Snow in St World Cup Polo what makes this the at polo We take a look glamorous snow best and most the world. destination in



03/12/2013 16:21


Alexandre, Fine

4171 | EMAIL



om | WEB ginetta.




| The Polo Magazine

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by Garry Fuller dd 35


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Tony Ramirez/ & Klearpics photography –

Vital Stats at a Glance: What: The Cartier Queen’s Cup When: 15th June ‘14 Where: Smith’s Lawn, Guards Polo Club Who: Zacara Vs Talandracas

Zacara Facundo Pieres Lyndon Lea Gonzalo Deltour Matt Perry

(10) (1) (7) (4) 22

Talandracas Polito Pieres (8) Santi Sterling (4) Juan Martin Nero (10) Edouard Carmignac (0) 22

Winners: Zacara Worthy! Most Valuable Player: Facundo Pieres Well done! Best Playing Pony: Galactica owned and played by Facundo Pieres

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“There are many things which make Zacara different,” said Cartier Queen’s Cup winning patron, Lyndon Lea during his team’s press conference post their 20th unbeaten match of two UK high goal seasons. “I think one of them is the chemistry between us, off and on the pitch. We’re a great team; we get along well, even beyond the results. I’ve had the most fun ever playing polo with these guys.” Whatever the secret ingredient is, which makes Zacara the team to beat, it’s safe to say it’s a winning formula. Perhaps it’s the unyielding talent of Facundo Pieres, the 28-year-old who vies with Cambiaso for the world’s number one top spot; maybe it’s the precocious talent of Matt Perry who is playing an incredible season off 4 goals. Undoubtedly the input from a dedicated, professional and passionate patron such as Lea is a contributing factor, as is the team’s ability to pick a strong fourth player (last year with the Brazilian Andrade, for the 2014 season it’s the dynamic Deltour). Arguably, for this summer’s Queen’s Cup the main difference between the tournament’s runners up, Talandracas and the mighty Zacara, was pony power. Despite the Teutonic displays of the sole Talandracas goalscorer Polito Pieres continuously on the attack paired with the quiet experience of Juanma Nero, many plays were down to a horserace. Even Polito’s Westchester Best Playing Pony of last year’s Audi International Test Match, Rolinga was barely a match for his cousin, Facu’s Galactica, Top Model and Moscu. In fact, so dazzling was Facu’s string, that he was awarded Best Playing ony for alactica for the econd year in a row t dif cult to choose one [favourite], because I have many good horses, but Galactica worked really well.” In what wasn’t the most sparkling of Finals, it was the horsepower in particular which shone. he tourna ent uarter and e i inal quali er earlier in the week however, had caused quite a buzz. From the all-British, all-pro Fox & Hounds team who had really captured the polo crowd’s support before missing out on Semi Final placings, to Edouard Carmignac’s side – previous Queen’s Cup winners – ur ri ingly trouncing a a bia o led ubai tea , the tournament was providing ample examples of polo at its best. During the Semis, Zacara romped home to a fairly easy 11-8 win over Enigma with plenty of displays of Pieres’ genius, whilst Talandracas had a tougher route to the Final by winning a bloody ght again t the ac onough and onte erde aired UAE side. Sadly, scrappy and tactical plays on a grey and gloomy Finals day on Smith’s Lawn at Guards, led to a stop-start game which didn’t always echo the tournament’s earlier excitement. Edouard Carmingac’s Talandracas showed great tenacity at the start, attempting to shut down Facundo Pieres, and it was the grey and pink shirts of the Frenchman’s team who held a lead at the end of the r t chukka. n the ne t, only one goal was scored, proving again how Talandracas were keeping the opposition at bay. Sure enough, there weren’t too many of the acrobatic plays and ball skills spectators had come to expect from the 10 goaler Pieres, but in his calm and collected manner, he was still able to coax the ball away from his opposition. During the third chukka, Zacara stamped down their authority, leaping into a comfortable four-goal lead and halted Talandracas’ early hopes of victory.

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At half time, Cartier’s VIP guests swarmed onto Smith’s Lawn to mingle, whilst players with a rare afternoon off swapped thoughts on the ponies and the commentators championed the sportsmanship of the players on the pitch. Several occasions, including Pieres waiting for Martin Nero to remount and sticks being picked up, showed that despite the stakes, the players were still playing a clean game of polo. The fourth chukka saw a return to the tight marking of Pieres, with Zacara scoring one goal to their opposition’s two, but it wa at the end of the fth when acundo anaged to hake off his shackles and provide the spectators with excitement. At breakneck speed and an almost inconceivable angle, Pieres played a backhand which sailed through the posts, taking his team to 9 goals to 4 and sending the crowd into spontaneous a lau e. eld goal and two enaltie ea ily con erted by Polito gave a glimmer of hope to Talandracas supporters, but yet again, acundo and hi ony ower – thi ti e, the flea bitten grey o cu – flew down the itch to clinch the tenth goal and Zacara’s second consecutive win of The Cartier Queen’s Cup. It seems Zacara + polo = unbeatable.

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VERSATILE AND ACCESSIBLE FARM fifield maidenhead Windsor 4.5 miles, Central London 28 miles Modern 4 bedroom farmhouse  conveniently located to Guards and RCBPC  traditional farm buildings  extensive range of modern farm buildings incorporating a range of internal stables  circular canter track  stick and ball pitch  pasture  EPC=C

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Polo is enjoying its turn in the limelight with some of the world’s super brands. From luxurious hotel chains which would definitely ensure us of sweet dreams after a gruelling high goal season, to wallet-ectomy jewellery houses which would cheer even the most jaded of polo widows, many companies are adding more glamour to our exhilarating sport. We meet the familiar faces behind polo’s most iconic brands.

rif th

AUDI Jon Zammett Head of PR, Audi UK

Why does the Audi brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? Polo, as a sport is progressive and sophisticated; much like the Audi brand. When we were planning our collaboration with the sport, not only wa it the erfect ocio econo ic t, but our a ociation eant that we could build our image whilst improving our awareness to a hard-to-reach audience. Over the years, we’ve had some incredible moments with polo from Audi England winning The Westchester Cup, to supporting our charities through our close relationship with the royal family and the time they dedicate to our events.

How would you describe polo to the uninitiated? ra elling at h, trying to hit a cricket ball t i incredible how all who attend our polo events, are totally converted to the sport. What ite s would you always take to polo with you? My RM Williams stockman boots as they’re smart enough for our exclusive areas, but able to cope with, shall we say, the inclement English weather. Also my access-all-areas pass – I need to see all our guests from the Audi Enclosure to the Royal Box and get down to the team tent to congratulate the Audi England team. What is the greatest aspect of polo? The protagonists are amazing. The sheer quality of the players and their skill is breath-taking.

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CARTIER Arnaud Bamberger Executive Chairman

Why does the artier brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? Maison Cartier is grounded on the principles of passion, elegance and beauty and the revered sport of polo attracts the same qualities. It is an exacting sport and it ties in strongly with us, as polo is the game of kings and of course Cartier is known as the ‘jeweller of kings and king of jewellers’. What has been a particularly memorable polo occasion for you in artier’s year involve ent? One of the standout moments was in 1997 when The Westchester Cup wa layed for at artier nternational ay, it wa the r t ti e ince 1914 that England won on home soil. I remember watching with HM The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh and getting so excited about the victory. Another special time was when HM The Queen celebrated her 80th birthday in 2006 and I arranged a special cake for her in the Royal Box after the match. I have a fabulous picture of her cutting the cake. It was something I was very excited to be a part of. What ite s would you always take to polo with you? My favourite watch the Cartier Tank Normale, a light jacket and a Cartier umbrella, as English weather never ceases to surprise. What is the greatest aspect of polo? The true beauty of the sport is that whilst it opens up to larger crowds of people, the actual game will always resemble polo games of the past. Fundamental changes have been few; the essential elements have resisted change. The game has been, and always will be, played by men and women who possess a zest for adventure and challenge. More importantly, polo is characterized by the power and beauty of the horse. This element of tradition is one very close to our Maison.

JAEGER-LECOULTRE Zahra Kassim-Lakha Director UK Market & Global Strategy

Why does the aeger e oultre brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? Jaeger-LeCoultre’s link to polo is a result of a watch designed in 1931 in India, for English polo players who wanted ‘an elegant watch capable of surviving polo’. The Reverso has over 80 year’s of watch making history and has become an icon of not only horology but also polo. There is real legitimacy behind our involvement in the sport and as a brand we have had a long-term commitment to polo. In 2002, our polo sponsorships started in the UK and for the past e en year we ha e been the of cial ti ekee er of owdray ark olo lub. al o ark our ten-year anniversary of working with one of our Ambassadors, Clare Milford Haven. What has been a particularly memorable polo occasion for you in Jaeger-LeCoultre’s years of involve ent? I’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating matches during The Jaeger-LeCoultre Trippetts Challenge Cup. The tournament is also an emotional one – it is a special bond between Jaeger-LeCoultre and the Clare ilford a en who created the hallenge to bene t the a e entworth tanley e orial und in honour and memory of her son and a cause that is very close to home. How would you describe polo to the uninitiated? en i e hilarating nd o t of all, addicti e What attributes does it share with the aeger e oultre brand? The sport is based on incredible teamwork, heritage, precision, and technical excellence, all aspects that are true to the creation of our timepieces.

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LA MARTINA Lando Simonetti Founder

Why does the a Martina brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? We are the world’s leading polo gear manufacturer and have as such, become a synonym for polo. We have been in the industry for 30 years now, working to assist the polo player both on and off the eld. he brand wa born fro the ort and for the players, who were then taking the brand to the streets. La Martina represents their lifestyle, on the pitch, at the farm, the Clubhouse and the city. What has been a particularly memorable polo occasion for you in a Martina’s any years of involve ent? It was an honour when Guards Polo Club called us back in 2008 to run their Pro Shop. We had been working with Guards as their f cial it and lothing u lier for a few year , but when they asked us to take over the shop it was a sign that we were doing the right job. My most memorable occasion came when Guards called us to say that HM The Queen would be cutting the ribbon at the La Martina store opening. How has polo benefitted fro its involve ent with a Martina? This is our industry and we really work hard to make the best for the ort. ur focu i olo it i in our . ur r t and unique contribution has been the development of the players’ equipment. We have done an unprecedented investment to produce the best gear for the player’s safety and comfort. Hats are now made from a carbon kevlar shell offering a stronger but lighter protection, our boots come with shock absorption, kneepads have friction control and protective glasses are made from military-standard polycarbonate. We are also working constantly promoting the sport through Polo Management Group, La Martina’s sister company. PMG’s mission is to promote the sport around the world and has even taken polo to places where it hasn’t been played for decades; such as the Brioni Islands in Croatia, Nassau and China – just to name a few. At the moment we support over 100 tournaments all over the globe. What is the greatest aspect of polo? I believe the greatest aspect of polo is its community. You can be anywhere in the world, even at the most remote places, but the o ent you nd a olo club, you ee eo le that hare thi same unique passion.

PIAGET Lorenza Cavalli UK Brand Director

How has polo affected the iaget brand? Has it inspired any designs or guided how the brand is arketed? Absolutely. 1979 was the key year in our history when the Piaget Polo watch was born. With an integrated bracelet, bezel and dial all in gold, it became THE must-have watch among the international jet-set. Today, the collection has expanded and now features versions with high complications such as the Tourbillon Rélatif, diamonds and leather straps. It’s a versatile collection, which beautifully showcases Piaget’s many skills.

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ROYAL SALUTE Neil MacDonald Global Brand Director

Why does the oyal alute brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? Polo played at the highest level is an incredible spectacle, requiring the heart of a gladiator and the wits of a che layer. hi co bination of ower and grace erfectly reflect the character of our whi ky. cotch whi ky ay not be the r t ty e of brand you would a ociate with olo, but when you under tand the courage and skill at the heart of this noble sport; it somehow feels the perfect match. What has been a particularly memorable polo occasion for you in Royal Salute’s years of involve ent? What I love about polo is that every event around the world has its own character and traditions from the majestic setting of Jodhpur in the royal state of Rajasthan, to reborn enthusiasm for an ancient sport at Tang Polo Club in Beijing. Two events particularly come to mind: First of all the passion and focus of all involved in the Sentebale charity polo matches where the patrons, Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso show their unwavering commitment to help many of Lesotho’s most vulnerable children. Secondly the atmosphere at The Argentine en where , fan roclai their a ion for olo. t wa there had the ri ilege to r t witne Facundo Pieres lead the Ellerstina team to victory in 2012. It has been a pleasure to have his support for Royal Salute since that day. His humble dedication to the sport continually reminds me that polo is not a sport about the elite, but a game that demands incredible athleticism, focus and a desire to win. How has polo benefitted fro its involve ent with oyal alute? I have learned that polo is a sport that values its supporters – sponsors, players and spectators all carry a love of the game that we want to bring to a wider audience. So I am proud that Royal Salute has participated at all levels of the game. For me one of the most enjoyable aspects is inviting everyone to join us in a Royal Salute toast at most tournaments we are involved in. To enjoy a dram of Royal Salute creates a memorable moment of conviviality that puts a smile of your face and celebrates the bond we share in supporting polo.

What items would you always take to polo with you? An authoritative voice on the sport – preferably Malcolm Borwick, but a copy of The Polo Magazine is always a good alternative; a bottle of Royal Salute Polo Batch to enjoy and share at the game; but most of all, a newcomer to polo so that they can enjoy an introduction to this amazing sport.

Why does the iaget brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? The essence of Piaget is timeless elegance, glamour and precision which is mirrored very well in the world of polo with the player’s constant pursuit for perfection, the beautifully reared ponies, and the natural sense of style surrounding this world. How would you describe polo to the uninitiated? t i a ur ri ingly fa t ga e t i incredible to watch the eed of the horses while the players hit the ball with such power and precision. It is exhilarating to watch even for the new enthusiast. I think Piaget and polo share the values of being audacious, whilst always maintaining high standards and faultless accuracy. Piaget goes by the philosophy of technical achievement at the service of creativity, which aligns nicely with polo too. They both make technical skills look effortless and so very elegant. What ite s would you always take to polo with you? Panama hat, a Piaget Polo watch and a good friend to hare the o ent with.

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How has polo affected the t egis lifestyle brand, if at all? Has it inspired any designs or guided how the brand is arketed? We love to provide our guests with a memorable experience at St. Regis polo matches, bringing to life signature rituals enjoyed at each of our hotel around the world. or t. egi , olo tie in erfectly with afternoon tea. Our founder, John Jacob Astor IV took inspiration from his mother Caroline, ‘The’ Mrs Astor – a grande dame of New York society, and created an afternoon tea experience in the hotel that lives on today. n addition, we welco e gue t to our arquee with a Bloody Mary – or as they were originally named ‘Red Snappers’ – invented by Fernand Petiot in 1934 at The St. Regis New York’s King Cole Bar. This spicy concoction has stood the test of time and to this day is a welcome libation at the start of our polo matches.

ST. REGIS Paul James Global Brand Leader

Why does the t egis brand fit so intrinsically well with polo? We have long been associated with the sport of polo and the lifestyle that surrounds it, beginning at the turn of century at The St. Regis ew ork. Back then, irited olo atche between ar y of cer played on Manhattan’s Governors Island were the highlight of the New York social calendar, and St. Regis’ founding family, the Astors, were pre-eminent patrons of the sport. Over the years St. Regis has become a compelling voice in the world of polo and continues to share its passion for the ‘game of kings’ today, providing guests with access to polo experiences throughout the year and around the world.

What ite s would you always take to polo with you? I have been known to bring a St. Regis umbrella with me to polo; last time I used it was in a pre-match ahead of The Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup match in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2012. The heavens opened, right when our t. egi tea war u atch had ni hed, and o ent before wa to ha e y r t olo le on with acho iguera and o e alil. alway ake ure any fe ale gue t are aware of the bene t of wearing flat or wedge to olo – treading in i one of the o t ociable a ect of the afternoon. What is the greatest aspect of polo? “A polo handicap is a passport to the world” said Winston Churchill, and tend to agree with that iconic tate ent t o ularity i growing quickly around the world and I am thrilled to see so many philanthropic causes being supported – from Sentebale to Robin Hood – through this elegant sport. Who is the ideal t egis custo er? We welcome guests from all over the world, but if I had to personify our guest, I would say that [6 goal professional and St. Regis Connoisseur] acho iguera t thi de cri tion erfectly. e fully a reciate our signature butler service, signature rituals and attention to detail. I would ay he truly e bodie the t. egi gue t a well tra eled fa ily an who loves to call St. Regis his ‘home away from home’.

VEUVE CLICQUOT Elsa Corbineau Marketing Manager Champagnes, Moet Hennessy UK

What has been a particularly e orable polo occasion for you in euve lic uot’s involve ent? I have enjoyed each and every year that I have attended The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup Final. I am especially fascinated by the atmosphere at the annual Draw for the tournament, watching the patrons and players react as the draw unfolds is a fascinating insight into the passion and dedication of those involved in the sport. How has polo affected the euve lic uot brand? Has it inspired any designs or guided how the brand is arketed? Veuve Clicquot is a long-established brand, which values heritage and authenticity. Its relationship with polo started at Cowdray Park 20 years ago and the quality of the polo played at The Gold Cup and the history of Cowdray Park is entirely synonymous with its brand values. Polo has affected the Veuve Clicquot brand in that where the UK has led, other countries have followed – we have sponsored polo events in the USA, Australia, Asia and Europe. What ite s would you always take to polo with you? One of our panama hats, my yellow Clicquot sunglasses and a bottle of chilled Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label.

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SOTOGRANDE WHERE TO EAT, DRINK, POLO, REPEAT ON THE COSTA DEL SOL Tony Ramirez/ an you believe the high goal is already over? It really does flash by at the speed of one of uan Martin ero’s passes down to goal. So now it’s all quick change and heading out to Spain for the onth of August polo, paella and plenty of beach ti e With Ellerston, Ayala, Halcyon Gallery and Las Monjitas based out there for the entire month, Sotogrande really is the place to be. Whether you’re headed there for work – you lucky thing, you bagged yourself a place on a team – or just to watch the pros hard at it, our Insider’s Guide can ensure you’re part of the in crowd faster than you can say Gracias. De nada.

Boat Life We quite like the idea of sailing into the port of Sotogrande in our Breton stripes, with the wind in our hair. We also like the idea of luxury when we dro anchor though o we ay o t for a fla h otor crui er. he Packers own a huge icebreaker (actual not hyperbole) which sometimes resides just outside the harbour for the summer – those staying on that can just catch a fast rib to go from yacht-side to dock-side in moments.

. HOW TO GET THERE… Pay the poor grooms a huge Euros bonus to drive the hot, long way down to the coast, whilst you arrive in style. Private Jet If you (AKA your patron) can, then do, otherwise you’re going to ha e to co e with budget airline flight into alaga air ort. f the Package Holiday posse doesn’t put you off, invariably you’ll have to pay so much in extra luggage charges that you may as well have forked out for your own plane.

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Whether you snap up a villa in the hills or along the rio or go for the co forts of roo somewhere to store your sunscreen and sticks.

service, find

The Marbella Club Although you wish to dip your toes in the polo pool, you’re actually hoping for a real holiday so we’d suggest heading back up the coast towards Puerto Banús (home of the super yacht) to stay at the Prince Alfonso-founded Marbella Club. Since the 1950s, it ha been one of the o t e clu i e lace to tay on the editerranean – you either had to know the owner or be Mick Jagger to get a bed for the night. Now, the Club, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary, is a little more inclusive, but for those of you wi hing to e ca e rying eye , look at renting illa del ar – hand wo en ilk car et , private spa therapist, sea views from eight terraces; you could easily forget that polo is even happening up the A7 coast road. Also the new Kids’ Club by Minimec has just started, so it means you don’t have to be bothered by raucous little ones either. Bliss.

Club Maritimo Overlooking the port and with the added bonus of a very good cocktail and Moët & Chandon bar called Terassa, Maritimo is s 41-room boutique hotel offering the best beds in Soto. We suggest opting for one of the penthouse suites and situating yourself on the balcony for a little yacht spotting. Cool, peaceful and contemporary, this is the perfect location to recharge after a rigorous UK season.

Cortijo El Rute Set in 100 acres of private Spanish campo and surrounded by beautiful mature gardens, Cortijo El Rute is a true oasis only a stone’s throw away from the private polo grounds of Ayala. There is also the option of hiring polo-playing owner and Leith’strained chef, Sophie Stanek who can rustle up a patron-pleasing asado and salads grown from the garden. Sensational. 0034 603 475 668 or


Long lazy lunches and late, raucous suppers are the main activities for a relaxed holiday; these places are perfect for your palette.

Chambao The ultimate holiday beach bar. Found on the Torreguadiaro beach (to the left of the Sotogrande port), this quaint restaurant serves crisp rosé – although we recommend not giving the ‘house’ plonk a go – either at rustic tables or on the white day beds. fter a cou le of hour of un bathing and wi ing, order lunch – ake ure you book a table – and pick the freshly caught sardines which have been grilled on the barbeque coal et u in an old hing boat.

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For some of us, two hours by the pool reading the latest Wilbur Smith is torture so grab your gear sticks, lubs or rac uets and head on out

The Polo The area is teeming with polo, with the main hub of competitive polo ha ening at anta aria olo lub. t i here that he Bron e, il er and old Cups are played at three levels – low (great, we can all have a go), medium (best take advantage of the Veuve Clicquot champagne Dutch Courage) and high (think we’ll leave it to the Novillo Astradas). Head on up to the pristine itche late afternoon for o e re olo ho ing before itting eld ide in your sponsor’s private terrace. Other top Clubs are the Zobel family’s Ayala, where many of the high goal teams are based during August and Dos Lunas, which is a green oasis where you play polo next to the citrus tree orchards.,, Golf The Costa del Sol is almost like one long fairway, with golf courses aplenty in the Andalucian hills or putting up to the sandy beaches. One of the favourites appears to be the San Roque Club, which offers two courses that are as challenging as they are beautiful. Formerly the home of the Domecq sherry family, the Clubhouse is situated in the old mansion with ancient ork ak do inating the land ca e. ruly gol ng aradi e.

Cancha II Situated overlooking Ayala Polo Club’s number two ground, a mere 10 minute drive out of Sotogrande, Cancha II is one of the area’s most stunning restaurants. A traditional, wooden beamed barn, this place serves mouth-watering steaks cooked on the o en re a la asadores and velvet red wines. On stunning evenings, all the windows are opened, bringing the outside, inside so it truly feels like dining al fre co. de nite u t go.

Dancing ead to ueblo eu o, a few inute dri e out of the ort for i eria to fuel an evening’s-worth of dancing at Moon, the current local Club. These do tend to change names and locations at least once a season, but just follow the sound of Rhianna and bossa nova pouring out into the night and you ll nd it Alternatively there is always a polo party on at the Santa Maria Los Pinos grounds. Usually they’re for players and their guests, but you can also buy tickets on the door. White leather sofas, bar staff generous with the Bacardi and great , ean an e ening here u ually ni he with breakfa t. Some people may mention Club Nautica to you… don’t be led astray. We don’t want to explain, just don’t go…without your up to date shots and consent from your other half.

KE This café, bar, restaurant, general hive of activity is in the centre of the port; in fact if you were any closer to the water, you’d be swimming in it. For coffee meetings, a lunch of alad and chee e and bacon baguette , hbowl i ed gla e of odka n coke or Fernet Branca or paella big enough to share between a high goal team, the Ke is the place to sit and while away the hours. Be careful; the staff are charming and will greet you like an old friend so time ceases to exist here and you will lose hours as well as several Euros.

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HUIDOBRO HOW THE OTHER HALVES LIVE Courtesy of Raul Araya, Chino Tocalino & Cata Huidobro Charley Larcombe

To many non-polo addicted people, just scraping the surface of what a polo professional’s life is like, it would seem that games, gains and globe-trotting is all there was to it. And for the wives and girlfriends of these players, it must mean a life of idle luxury. But dig a little deeper and you’ll understand the work ethic and competitive determination of the players; and learn that, although the other halves do tend to follow the polo seasons too, this by no way means that they’re just window dressing for the main exhibition. Take 8 goal Chilean high goal player Jaime Huidobro’s wife, Cata. You cannot fail to notice her at polo. She is knife-edge slim, with tumbling ombré locks and a sense of style which makes Kate Moss look passé. She may have the appearance of a model, but she doesn’t just sit there on the ideline ga ing into the middle distance, cheekbones catching the light – oh no, when Jaime’s playing with Karan Thapar’s ra ali, he i crea ing and shouting, leaping up and keeping an eye on the match through layed nger . “Actually I don’t like to watch ai e lay – it too uch , ay Cata when I catch up with her for tea in the Cowdray Farm Shop. “But I love the sport. The beauty of the game, the horses are spectacular, the places where they play are beautiful – just look at Cowdray where you play polo in the shadows of the ruin . t i a a ing to ee all that i behind the ort. As a wife, you are able to spend a lot of time with your hu band a hi ob i n t a regular of ce and you get to know wonderful people. Although I don’t always enjoy watching Jamie play, it’s everything that I love. A polo ga e only take an hour or o – you ha e to be able to

ll u the other hour of the day with a little bit of glitter to ake it thi life tyle. ou ay rai e an eyebrow at adding glitter to olo, but Cata is an artist and surrounds herself and her family with beauty. Whether it’s creating her works of art and installations in galleries around the world, or designing a player’s barn for his string of Argentine ponies, e erything i beautiful a well a functional. rowing u in an aesthetic household (her father was an architect, her mother an artist), where she was taken to museums rather than days at a sporting event, she has always focussed on making her lifestyle beautiful. She translates it into all aspects of the life, which she shares with her husband. ata r t et ai e at ho e in Chile when she was 14. Although she knew of polo, it wasn’t seen as the profession it was in the neighbouring Argentina; in Santiago people played for fun, not as a career. “I fell in love with ai e i ediately arently he always told his friends that I would be the one e en though they aid was too young and too skinny. He told the to wait a few year didn t ee him for a long time after that, but I still have my diary covered with hearts and hi na e written all o er it e wa travelling, playing polo and I was just starting University to study Art and History of Art, when we re-met and that was it. We have been together for 15 years now. “Because polo is nothing too serious in Chile, didn t ha e an idea what the olo life would be like. eryone thought wa cra y for dating a ort an. t wa dif cult when wa trying to focu on y tudie and he was off travelling, but we made it work. I studied in Barcelona for a year, so I was closer to Jaime when he was playing in the UK and I sort of got a clue how life

But I love the sport. The beauty of the game, the horses are spectacular, the places where they play are beautiful – just look at Cowdray where you play polo in the shadows of the ruins.

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wa going to be – but by then wa too in lo e alway say I didn’t marry a polo player, I married Jaime and becau e of what he doe , ha e to be ad u table to t in with hi life tyle. Their lifestyle is like something from the pages of a glo y ociety aga ine. Bueno ire i where they call home, city living rather than the usual polo player set-up in the middle of the country. It’s another point, which marks them out from the regular crowd. “Jaime is a polo player but he is also a man with a lot of other interests. When we decided to live in Buenos Aires, I think he did that because of me and he knew I would be happy and my happiness, is his happiness but it was a sensible decision. He travels an hour to Pilar everyday to his barn and then I go to work at my studio, but every night we can do something different; we can go to the theatre or see our friends who are not related to polo, which is a nice break for both of us. We have our own bubble, our own world. Cata is the city girl and ercely inde endent. She travels with Jaime because it is easier for her to leave her pieces or work wherever they lay their polo hat – e cannot lea e hi onie if lea e y art, they are not going to die if don t feed the – but he ha choreographed her career so that wherever she is in the world, she too is creating, working on projects, meeting with galleries researching new exhibitions. “The majority of my work I produce in Argentina because it’s easier and I like it, but I aim to put my schedule to match the polo schedule. I try to make sure I have an exhibition here or there – between having an idea, developing it, creating it, it can be nearly a year before it becomes real so I can be fle ible. i o e thing , thi year i ed one of Jaime’s games at Palermo but sometimes that is the way, you ha e to ha e rioritie . he too tra el for her ob – uni ia i one of her fa ourite lace – and o ai e al o

follow her. tra el ore than he doe now t i a art I really enjoy, as I am a curious person and Jaime will join me when he can. He has always been supportive and the one who has challenged me to do better with my art – his mother owns a gallery so he understands the art world. He is very generous, a true gentleman and he likes me being an independent woman. Polo is Jaime’s job and art is my job. We enjoy one another’s lives – I love going to watch him playing a game and I will be there cheering on the sidelines, but it is just his job. Now I don’t think of myself as living in one place, I am a citi en of the world. Next stop on Cata’s world tour, is Paris, where she has just launched a yoga Club, Le Tigre with a friend, Charlene Charloux. Yoga is another great a ion of ata – which quickly e lain her long, lean body – which means she has been able to assist with the overall design and look of the Club. It’s more about a lifestyle than just some place you go to sweat for a Bikram yoga class. “It has been going for six months and is going very well – we are already looking at expanding to different locations and planning on opening a mini igre lub for children. he al o worked on hou e and interiors for people within the polo world, using her great eye and love of design to produce stunning homes. “I didn’t plan to do that, I was just approached by players and people who had been to our home. I think my love for creating means that rather than crafting an installation for a gallery, I’m out sourcing pieces for a home or liaising with groundsmen on pitches. It’s been challenging but it’s been a really nice link between y life and ai e . In short, there’s always some project on, some idea to develop.

Now I don’t think of myself as living in one place, I am a citizen of the world.

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How does the polo life work though? In and out of airports and immersing yourselves into a new country, how do they have a semblance of regular life? “Jaime and I are similar in that we are passionate about something; obviously for him it is polo, whilst mine is my art. I enjoy olo, but don t ride – the hor e are hi a et . think we complement each other, because although we are very connected, we have these two different aspects of our lives. “Someone once told me that polo people are no ad but think we are tran ad – we ay tra el a lot but we always come back to the same places. You get to know lots of different friends and it is very interesting for anyone involved; the English get to come to Argentina and they are fascinated by the gauchos and the asados, and then for us, we come to England, Spain and France, there are things that surprise us. I think you have to be very open though and notice that you could be a part of this polo world, not just a spectator. I’m not a spectator of Jaime’s career, I’m not looking at it, I am working on it with hi and that i ery i ortant feel. / art / yoga / studio 70 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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John Hine & Company in association with Shaw Gibbs accountants and business advisers With over 30 years of polo experience we focus on providing polo accountancy services and tax advice to players, clubs and patrons. We understand the intricacies of the polo business. • Are your accounts and tax affairs up to date? • Are you getting appropriate tax reliefs for polo? • Will you have a saleable polo business?

Please contact Sarah Gardener or John Hine, former polo player and patron of the successful Langley Priors team.

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Kawasaki Mule 4010. 4WD. YOM: 2011. 530 hrs. Tipping Body. Excellent utility vehicle. £7900

Wessex Sweeper. Can be used for paddocks or yard sweeping. Fantastic condition, As New. £3750 Also, selection of Nicholson Paddock Sweepers available – fully reconditioned. Call for more details.

For full listings and more equipment visit: Selection of Used Wide Area Roller Mowers. Ideal for sport pitches & General Maintenance. From 12ft – 20ft cutting width available from £4000

Kubota L3200 Compact Tractor. YOM: 2007. Very low hours, very nice condition, 4WD, turf tyres. 32hp. Choice of 3 machines.

Specialists in groundcare & used equipment supply. TPM_MidSummer14_43-91.indd 72

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Groundsman’s iew Thomas Clayton of Greenheaths, imparts his words of wisdom Q. How long should it take my contractor to mow my polo field and what should he be charging e? A. ow big i your eld? ow long i the gra ? oe the eld ha e boards? How big is his equipment (… you know what I mean…)? It’s a tricky one to answer with such little info. Rule of thumb, though; if the gra i under control, then with a decent out t, ay a ft ower etc, he hould be able to do e acre er hour ea y. ow much you should be charged, depends on what he is doing, but again as a guideline, a man, a tractor and a mower with his diesel should be anything between £50-65 per hour. Obviously if you have lots of grounds, economies of scale kick in, and if you supplied diesel, you could di count thi by er hour. You must remember speed of cutting depends entirely on ground conditions, grass conditions and time of year. Don’t expect the same amount to be billed every month. During good growing times, getting the grass cut three times a week would be quite the norm, but if we get long dry eriod you ay nd that one cut e ery day would be uf cient. I must also add; have you stipulated that the ground be cut with cylinder mowers? Expect to get the occasional damages bill for horseshoes etc – those cylinder mowers don’t like horseshoes…


the driver CPC courses. Best advice would be to email the DVLA and get a written answer; with the changes in the law, there are likely to be lots of VOSA inspections post September. Q. We have lots of bare bits in our paddocks from the winter and I have been told to over-seed now. What does this mean and how do I do it? A. If you don’t have irrigation, then you are likely to be wasting your time to be honest. Over-seeding needs to be done in early spring or autumn. Basically, it’s the application of seeds – usually through an air drill harrow or a reader – into the e i ting turf, in tead of ploughing up and re-drilling the whole lot. It’s a very good thing to do a hor e are awful gra er and tend to atch gra e lea ing art bald and others lush. If you do decide to do it at this time of year, ray for rain e ery night and un e ery day and you will be ne. Happy days.

Q. I have a 7.5 tonne lorry for my horses and I was pulled over by VOSA [The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency] the other day and they asked to see my tachometer reading. It took some negotiation, as my lorry’s tachometer wasn’t working; what actually is this and do I really need one? A. On this occasion, I write the answer on behalf of our Transport Manager. A tachometer records the drivers’ hours in accordance with EU driving regulations. If you are moving horses for no hire or reward, then you do not need a tachometer card reading, but it is good practice to have one. The law changes on drivers this September and it’s a grey area for those with driving licenses if they need to attend

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Maya Jacket by Sorapol Shirt by Helmut Lang at Start London Necklace by Jolita Shorts by Andrew Majtenyi Watch by Jaeger-LeCoultre Shoes by Lele PyP Nic Polo shirt, Polo Gear USA Trousers by alph auren olo Watch by Piaget Polo Collection

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GOLD RUSH IN STYLISH CELEBRATION OF THE VEUVE CLICQUOT GOLD CUP Luru Wei With thanks to the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club & Nic Roldan

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Maya Dress by Korlekie Nic Linen shirt by Dundas London Watch by Piaget Polo Collection

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Maya Dress by Ralph Lauren Broach by VickiSarge Nic Linen shirt by Dundas London Watch by Piaget Polo Collection Jeans, Nic’s own

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Crop top by BasharatyanV Lace skirt by DeMasi London Necklace by VickiSarge Watches by Piaget Polo Collection

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Photographer: Luru Wei Stylist: Emma Pulbrook Make Up Artist: li abeth ita www.eli ing i arle hu e ura Hair Stylist: Takanori Yamaguchi Using Bumble and Bumble Photographer’s Assistant: Jason Joseph Retoucher: artin er og at reati e ed Models: Maya at Models 1 & Nic Roldan ith thank to ie ladwell Location: The Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club, ounded in by the late Bryan orri on anager and agent of bands such as Pink Floyd and The Jam), The Berkshire has always strived to welcome everyone from all walks of life to experience polo. From the speed and excitement of the high goal Prince of Wales Trophy, to the tough and competitive arena polo; from the world-class coaches offering lessons to beginners, to the inviting Clubhouse, there is much that appeals at The Berkshire. For further information, call ith thank to eather odder The Polo Magazine would also like to thank Nico San Roman for all his help with ponies and grooms

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Maya Dress by DeMasi London Bracelet & earrings by VickiSarge Shoes by Lele PyP Nic Shirt by Mr Start Trousers by Maison Martin Margiela at Start London Watch by Piaget Polo Collection

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eorge Spencer Churchill, the Earl of Sunderland, is the heir to Blenheim Palace, one of the country’s greatest and most beautiful estates. He’s just arrived to his interview with The Polo Magazine after passing his personal pilots exam and is a walking advertisement for polo brands. He’s driving an exceptionally sporty Audi S3, has a Cartier bangle glistening on his wrist alongside the usual early-twenties bracelet paraphernalia and wears a sharp La Martina t-shirt courtesy of his association with the iconic polo company. He is the latest to join the recognisable faces of La Martina alongside Malcolm Borwick, Oli Hipwood and Carolina Beresford. As with many luxury brands, ambassadors are chosen on the basis that they represent the lifestyle and promote the range through appearances and interacting directly with the market. Alongside advertising and editorial in re iu ublication – uch a your truly – a ba ador talk about and research the brand, feeding back information and presenting the complete ‘polo ideal’ to those looking to not only wear the best polo equipment, but also look the part o t atch. a artina truly t thi bill and they re looking for spokesmen to mirror their brand. Having started his polo passion whilst at school at Harrow, following in the footsteps of England squad member, Jack Richardson, to School a tain – tho e were large boot to ll – eorge ha been laying on the itche of r t irtlington, and ore recently Cirencester Park Polo Club, for several ea on . chool wa where r t tarted to lay, recall eorge during our inter iew in the tate f ce with Blenheim Palace basking in the sunshine just outside the window. “I participated in the Eton v Harrow day at uard , tourna ent and ar ity ga e again t ill eld, which were always lots of fun. We also went on polo tours with school, staying at the Monteverde’s estancia in Argentina, which was a real learning cur e.

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His polo education may have come from school, but his ‘Just William’ looks and a family history that dates back to the connection to polo goes back a little further. His grandfather, th entury when the r t uke of arlborough wa gifted the uke of arlborough wa art of the eace ee ing orce Blenhei for hi ictorie o er the rench, eorge a ear to be re on ible for couring the earth, nding a i to take back for what they’re looking for. the Nuremberg Trials during and post World War II. When he “Our wish was to have an Ambassador representing the brand wa n t ending hound – literally – after for er itler follower , in each of the ain lub , e lain ando i onetti, founder he could be found at uard laying at the then recently o ened of a artina. eorge wa highly reco ended by irence ter lub. e had been taught to lay by the fa ou inclair ill – the ark , i eyte. e wa already ery clo e to the brand fro the Australian 10 goaler who taught Prince Charles – and when his time when he was Captain of the Harrow Polo Team, an institution son, the Marquess of Blandford travelled we are f cial u lier of o we to the southern hemisphere to spend instantly thought of him as the perfect time as a ‘jackaroo’, and play some atch for the a artina brand. QUICK FIRE ROUND farm polo, it was again Sinclair Hill who nlike the e i ting a ba ador he Age: 21 taught him the rudiments of the game. is not immersed in the sport of polo, he Handicap: 0 eorge father re e ber inclair ill plays and enjoys the game, but is quick Three words to describe yourself? Fun, retort ot another o to educate to say that it is his mother and the polo relaxed, easy-going had to teach your father to play polo and manager, Sebastian Chiavlo who have a avourite fil ? Your Highness now ll ha e to hel you. real af nity with the hor e currently One thing you never travel without? eorge father ay only ha e stabled at Blenheim. “My mum has a A jumper played farm polo, but hidden away in great eye for nding good hor e he Most rock ‘n’ roll story? Hitch hiking a forgotten corner of Blenheim, there gets most of them off the track as she all the way around Lake Como after a are still piles of his grandfather’s sticks, has many links in racing. And Sebastian night out battered and bent. Although hunting trains them – he is incredible. We’ve had What’s on your iPod? House wa eorge r t lo e, it ee he a couple go to the high goal this season, iggest isconception people have caught the polo bug just as his which i retty good e al o ha e a about you? That I’m shy forbears had. all breeding ro ect running but all of Town or country? Both laying at irtlington, near hi ho e this is mainly Sebastian and my mum’s Favourite holiday destination? of Woodstock out of term time from thing. My Dad supports me a great deal Mykonos chool and later, ni er ity ity ondon, and they are all very encouraging of We will never see you wearing? A vest meant he picked up a lot of polo, often y olo. You’re totally addicted to… cheese with goaler ico ontanarro a and hi After a season of low goal and a The one thing you want to do before patron, but it was making the leap to second shot at retaining The County you’re 50 is… sky dive Cirencester with the higher handicap Cup, as well as welcoming over 200,000 layer you’d ost like to play with olo, which really te ted eorge. eo le to the a e air held in the Cambiaso irtlington i a great lub for the ground of Blenhei , eorge lan to One thing you’d like to be known for… lower levels, but you see a lot of people head to Washington DC for internships being successful who then move on to Cirencester for within the political inner circle. He’ll have higher and faster polo. Having the a break in Verbier to pursue another opportunity to play with John Paul and Nina Clarkin last year for passion, skiing, as well as continuing his new found love for the goal ounty u wa a de nite highlight – e ecially a flying. ith o any other intere t , it clear he ee olo a an we won – and a great tourna ent to lay at the lub. exciting sport as opposed to a professional career move, but for It was through his connection to Cirencester that the the time being he’s looking to work closely with furthering ambassadorial role at La Martina came about. Having seen a gap La Martina’s story. in their marketing, the brand wanted to extend their reach to “Not many polo brands mix fashion with technical equipment ro incial lub out ide of the uard and owdray catch ent, – and La Martina prides itself on its innovation and being and were looking for the right person to join their team. A call different. I appreciate that. At the moment, it’s early days in my wa ut through to the lub anager, i eyte and eorge involvement, but I am looking forward to promoting the label name came up for discussion. At 0 goals, with sandy haired through y olo and continuing the relation hi .

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ENGLAND Vs ARGENTINA A POLO HISTORY With 2014 seeing the Coronation Cup being played for the fifth time between England and Argentina Nigel à Brassard reviews an insight into the history of polo competition between the two nations.

olo wa r t layed in Britain at lder hot in 1869 and in Argentina at Caballito, (later the site of the Buenos Aires Polo Club), in the early 1870s.

Polo is no longer played at London’s Hurlingham Club, although in recent years, an event known as “Polo in the ark ha been staged on what was the Club’s Number One ground. Hurlingham in Argentina was set up in 1888 as a sport and social Club. Polo continues to be played at the Club and it still hosts the Hurlingham Open which is the second most important tournament, after the Argentine Open.

There are Hurlingham Clubs in London and Buenos Aires. The London club was formed in 1869, originally as a pigeon shooting club. In 1874, polo was r t layed at urlingha . he urlingha lub olo o ittee went on to beco e the o erning body of the ort in Britain and around the world and was the forerunner of the Hurlingham Polo Association.

Representative teams from Britain and Argentina played in a polo match in 1908 at the Hurlingham Club in Argentina between teams of Argentine and British ar y of cer . he conte t wa won by the British – by four goals to one.

he r t e er nternational olo atch was played between Britain and America at Newport, Rhode Island in


The British team won both games in the series. Asociacion Argentina de Polo, is the sport’s governing body which was formed in 1922 when the Polo Association of the River Plate and the Argentine olo ederation merged.


The first International polo match played by Argentina was in when a group of Englishmen, resident in Argentina, went to Chile to play some cricket matches against members of the English community in Valparaiso. Apart from cricket, it was decided to play football, tennis, billiards and polo. The team from Buenos Aires won all three cricket matches, but the polo was won by the Valparaiso team by 9-3.

reat Britain ha layed polo against Argentina in two ly ic a e , in Paris in 1924 and in Berlin in 1936. On both occasions, Argentina won and were awarded the old edal. Britain won Bron e in and il er in 1936.

1924 Olympics Argentine Team





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At the 1936 Olympics, the Argentine team were given an oak sapling from the Black Forest; this was taken back and planted behind the main stand at Palermo and the tiny sapling has grown into the mighty oak that still stands today.

In Britain, there are approximately


polo players that are members of the Hurlingham Polo Association. In Argentina, there are estimated to be over

10,000 players.

In the Olympic Medals table for olo, Britain i in r t lace with three old, four il er and two Bron e, co ared to rgentina in econd lace with their two old .

Britain has around 80 polo clubs, compared to approximately 250 in Argentina.

erald Balding, the last English 10 goal player, who passed away in 1957 Britain ha not had a goal handica layer ince erald Balding in 1939. Since 1939, Argentina has had over forty 10-goal handicap players.

An original score-sheet from the 1953 Coronation Cup clash which saw the nal core re ting at for England with Argentina victorious with 9.

England has played against Argentina for The Coronation Cup in 1953, 1995, 2000 and 2009. Argentina has won on all occasions.

Argentina won The Coronation Cup for a second time in 1995 with the line up of uan a eleta, Ben a in raya, o a ernande lorente and a ton aulhe.

The victorious 2009 Coronation u rgentine tea of u ta o andi aga, artin alent, Adolfo Cambiaso and acundo iere , beat ngland 12 goals to 5.

Argentina hold The Coronation Cup aloft again in 2000, having narrowly secured a 10-9 victory in a 7th chukka. MidSummer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 87

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ENGLAND Vs ARGENTINA In the International Polo ederation goal orld u , rgentina ha won the old on four occasions, a Silver and a Bron e. ngland ha won il er on three occa ion and one Bron e.

The victorious 2011 World Cup Argentinian team – this was the fourth time Argentina had won the tournament.

On the recent occasions that England has played Argentina, the English team beat Argentina 12-6 at Palermo in April 2013 as part of a tri-nation series with South Africa and earlier this year, England beat Argentina 10-9 and won the ‘Copa de las Naciones’ at Palermo.

In the World Polo Tour rankings, nine of the top ten players are from Argentina. Of today’s players, Adolfo Cambiaso is ranked number one and acundo iere nu ber two. Of the British players playing today Ollie Cudmore is ranked 45, James Beim 48, Mark Tomlinson 64 and Luke Tomlinson 91. Julio Ruggeri and ranci co Belau tegui are not-ranked.

39 year-old Adolfo Cambiaso is playing in today’s Coronation Cup for Argentina, he is rated 10 goals and has been since he was 17 – an impressive 22 consecutive years.

ectacularly, there i no ga e like olo none o fa t, o full of change, so exciting, so rich in visible beauty. To watch polo on a ne day i to be in bli and our i itor , hu an and equine, can count on a ery hearty welco e when they take to the eld. olo atche ha e alway been ne e a le of the highe t tandard of good sportsmanship. Whatever the result today let us hope both teams will thank each other for making them play the best polo of their lives and will heed the great Westchester Cup competitor o y itchcock ad ice

LOSE AS IF YOU LIKE IT, AND WIN AS IF YOU WERE USED TO IT. Note on the author: Nigel à Brassard is a London based investment banker. He played polo at irence ter ark and wa atron of the ourtenay and Band of y y polo teams and captains the Buck’s Club polo team. He is a regular contributor to olo aga ine and ha written book about olo. e i an ba ador of and i on the inance and rant o ittee of the urlingha olo ociation. Acknowledg ent Much of the information for this article has been taken from orace affaye recently ubli hed olo in rgentina – i tory . Photography: ourte y of ony a ire www.i age of , he urlingha Association archive, Blacklock Books and Nigel à Brassard.

The same line up as today’s England team won the Copa de las Naciones in May thi year. ro left to right uke o lin on, a e Bei , ark o lin on and Ollie Cudmore 88 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Picture research: raha enni , Blacklock olo Book e ail blacklock . olo


rint .

Reproduced from The Audi International at Guards Programme 2014.

21/07/2014 13:06

By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen Manufacturers of Synthetic Riding Surfaces Martin Collins Enterprises Limited Berkshire

By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen Manufacturers of Synthetic Riding Surfaces Martin Collins Enterprises Limited Berkshire

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Polo Times 2012 half page.indd 1

19/03/2012 12:26

PJ’s Bar & Grill, Chelsea’s perennial favourite, was opened in 1990 by restaurateur Brian Stein as a tribute to his love of great food and the sport of polo. PJ’s plays proud host to the legendary ‘PJ’s Polo Party’ held annually to celebrate the start of the UK polo season. International dining seven days a week. Casually sophisticated.



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Herbert Spencer 1929 – 2014

Nicholas Colquhoun-Denvers remembers a dear friend


Herbert Spencer was a very special person to all those in the polo world who were lucky enough to know him. He had never played the game, I am not sure if he had ever even sat on a horse, yet for almost 50 years he used his journalistic and communication talents to bene t the ort and he robably knew ore about the sport’s governance, history and its shortcomings than anyone else with the exception of the legendary Horace Laffaye. Most players will have a copy of Herbert’s stunning pictorial essay on polo that he published in the early 1970s entitled `Chakkar – Polo Around the World’ tucked away somewhere under their coffee table or on a bookshelf. Sadly, few may have actually read Herbert’s perspicacious forward to the book. If you still have a copy may I suggest that as a tribute to Herbert you re-read his words which were penned almost 45 years ago. His grasp of the game, its shortcomings in governance, its latent potential and his clarion call to arms over the lack of promotion of our wonderful sport still rings true to this very day. Prior to Herbert’s passion for polo as an author, publisher, correspondent, PR Consultant and ad i or he had er ed a a foreign corre ondent for the erican nited re co ering a or e ent in uro e, frica ia, e entually a he ut it, eciali ing in inti ate and in de th ro le of ro inent er onalitie in how bu ine and then ariou royal indi idual uch a ing on tantine of reece, rince nne arie of en ark, ing u ein of ordan, rince ainier rince race of onaco and nally rince uan arlo of ain rior to hi a cen ion to the ani h throne. n the death of ranco, ing uan arlo e loyed erbert to work for the oyal ou e and ini try of nfor ation to highlight the new ing role in building a de ocratic ain and roducing the r t l ortrait of the ing a well a a book, ana ierta on dent ain . erbert fondly recalled how, any year later, ing uan arlo aid hi the greate t of co li ent by aying encer, you taught e o uch about edia back then. Herbert will be fondly remembered by all those he advised during his periods in various and aried role a irector of o unication for the , edia on ultant for and the and in hi role a con dential ad i or to any of the enior gure in olo go ernance. n he recei ed the age ward for ro oting olo and in he wa ade a ife e ber of the HPA at the HPA Audi Awards Dinner. He is survived by his loving wife, Judith who assisted him so much in his writing and journalistic endeavours and his two daughters, Tatiana and Antonia and their families.

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Javier Novillo Astrada 1975 - 2014

Javier Novillo Astrada died in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Friday 23 May, aged 38. Throughout his life, Javier was widely regarded as one of the most genuine and respected people in the sport of polo. A 9-goal player and also a former Argentine Open winner, Javier will be remembered as one of the most talented polo players of his generation. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 3 December 1975, Javier was the third on of duardo aio o illo trada and eronica e oto and brother to Eduardo, Miguel, Ignacio and Alejandro. Born into a family with a passion for both horses and polo, Javier naturally inherited this same love. a ier tarted to ride at u t two year old hi lo e for long ride with his mother illustrated his early connection with the animals that he would go on to become so involved with. With Javier’s natural hor e an hi e ident fro hi early year , the r t hint of hi future polo superstardom followed shortly after. In 1987, at the age of 11, he won the highly respected children’s tournament, Copa Potrillos along ide hi brother iguel, le andro i tone and el n ranga. Three years later Javier won The Copa Republica, one of the most competitive tournaments in Argentina with his brothers, Miguel and Eduardo and his father Taio and in doing so, Javier made history. At just 14 years of age, he had become the youngest player to win the tournament, securing his place as a future star on the Argentine polo scene. After his Open success, Javier saw his career headed in only one direction, positively upwards. With his handicap continuing to i ro e, a ier wa elected to re re ent rgentina in he orld ha ion hi in t orit where the tea narrowly lo t to Bra il in the inal. By now Javier had secured his place as one of the best players in the world, and naturally the next tournament on his agenda was the most prestigious in the polo calendar, The Argentine Open. Javier played in the tournament 17 ti e , reaching the nal on three occa ion . howe er wa the year that he achie ed the win of all win a far as the polo world is concerned. With Miguel, Eduardo and Ignacio as his La Aguada teammates, the Novillo Astrada quartet ade hi tory. n achie ing rgentine ri le rown glory, they beca e the r t tea of four brother to do o. t wa n t u t at ho e that a ier achie ed olo ucce . u tralia erry acker wa the an to introduce a ier to the high goal, igning hi to lay for hi ller ton tea . a ier went on to lift he ueen u for acker ller ton in a well a he old u with abegorce in and twice ore with Black Bear in and . Two years later, in 2008, Javier agreed to take on the role as Coach of the England team and consequently became in ol ed with the ort fro a lightly different angle. nder a ier direction, the ngland tea achie ed flawle results, winning The Coronation Cup in 2008 and the prestigious Westchester Cup the following year. Just two months after Westchester Cup victory, Javier was diagnosed with a brain tumour, which was later discovered to be terminal. a ier ade an a a ing co eback to lay in the rgentine en with hi erfor ance an illu tration of hi ure courage and inner strength. a ier clo e friend ila ear on de cribe , a ier wa a ery ecial er on. ike arlo racida he wa one of the few true gentlemen of modern polo. How sad to lose them both in the space of a couple of months. He was not only an exceptional player winning many tournaments all over the world and especially The Argentine Open with three of his brothers, but a very gentle person, with a wonderful smile for everyone and a loyal friend. He wa a great fa ily an with a beautiful wife el na and four lo ely children. e tayed trong and o iti e until the ery end, carrying on laying olo a uch a o ible and li ing hi life . Javier’s life was full of success and triumph. Not only did he secure a place in polo history but he will always be remembered as one of the most inspirational players of his generation. a ier legacy will li e on through hi wife el na and their four children, anuel, i on, ina and lara.

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Creators of amazing events worldwide

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Mariano Gracida

g n i r e b m e m Re Carlos When? 24th June Where? Cowdray Park Polo Club Why? A celebration of the life of the late Carlos Gracida Wearing? Sun cream. It was a typically gloriously sunny day at Cowdray Who? Charles & Lila Pearson, Carmen, Carlitos & Mariano Gracida, Peter Barfoot, Clare Milford Haven, Robin & Carolyn Butler, Ossama Aboughazale & Harald Link Clive Bennett

Clare Milford Haven

Carmen Gracida What better way to celebrate a true legend of polo, than with the opening match of The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup? Charles and Lila Pearson had commissioned a stunning memorial trophy in honour of the late Carlos Gracida, which was played for by Zacara and Harald Link’s Thai Polo in glorious Cowdray sunshine. It was a true family affair with Carmen, Carlitos and Mariano Gracida flying o er fro the States to be at Lawns 2 for the inaugural re entation. ollowing the atch – another acara ictory – new owdray ark hair an, Peter Barfoot invited all of us to a drinks party in the Member’s Enclosure. We toasted the Mexican Maestro with cocktails of Excellia Tequila, which had been aged in Cognac barrels in France. Thank you to Boutique Brands and the sunshine for the light heads that evening and the heavy hangovers the next day.

Peter Barfoot

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Charlie Wooldridge

Veuve Clicquot All Round When? 20th July Where? Cowdray Park Polo Club Why? Who would want to miss the Final of The Gold Cup? little a o ible – it wa corchio Wearing? Who? -2 to 10 goalers, plus celebrities aplenty Tony Ramirez/ & Charley Larcombe

Charles Beresford

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Jamie Le Hardy

Whether you went super-smart and accepted the Veuve Clicquot super-exclusive invitation for lunch alongside Alexa Chung and Jodie Kidd or instead opted for pitch-side picnics – the Enigma and King Power gazebos looked particularly fun – we bet you had a good day at The Gold Cup. The select few in the VC hospitality enjoyed Tinie Tempah’s pre-match DJ set. The music pumped out of the speakers and reverberated round Lawns 2 – who needs the Rocky theme tune to prepare you for one of the biggest games of your career, when you’ve got Tinie’s live music instead? ing ower ut u a great ght again t Dubai, and despite a lot of support coming from the Cowdray Members’ Bar, they’ll have to wait another year to pop the Yellow Label corks. Another perfectly sunny day in polo paradise.

Jaime Huidobro

Tommy Beresford

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Claire Tomlinson

Beaufort Birthday

Heidi Callon-Hine Simon Tomlinson

When? 19th July Where? Beaufort Polo Club Why? Celebrating the 25th anniversary of a very special Club Wearing? Long, short; black tie, no tie Who? Family Tomlinson en masse, Bobby Dundas, Andrea Vianini, Paddy, Janie & Freddie Dear, plus the Hutchinson & Boyd clan in suitably large numbers Charley Larcombe

Andrea Vianini

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Stephen Hutchinson

Peter West

It was a particularly touching start to the ball, when Emma Tomlinson gave a speech praising her parents, Claire and Simon for all their hard work developing the Beaufort Polo Club over the last 25 years. Having suitably embarrassed Claire with acclaim, the Club unveiled a beautiful commemorative Cotswold stone plaque destined for the main entrance. A reason to raise our flutes of champagne if ever there was one. Almost 300 people sat down for a dinner of perfectly pink lamb cutlets by go-to caterers Calcot Kitchen, which meant we were fully-fuelled for dancing. If there’s one thing the Beaufort crowd like, it’s hitting the dancefloor. Like Cinderella, The Polo Magazine staff left at midnight with the Gold Cup the next day and work to do, but we’ve heard stories that the party continued until sun-up. Happy birthday, Beaufort. Here’s to another fabulous 25 years.

Milly Hodges

Toby Clowes

Camilla Beresford

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21/07/2014 11:16

Lyndon Lea

t h g i N ’s a r a c a Z

Will Beresford

Pia Kussrow

When? 19th May Where? Guards Polo Club Why? To congratulate those who had swept the board in 2013 Wearing? Black tie for the most part; although there are always a few rock stars who sneak through the sartorial net Who? Lyndon Lea, Facu & Agustina Pieres, Eduardo Novillo Astrada, the Atlantic Polo Team, Malcolm Borwick, Carlitos Gracida, Charlie Wooldridge, Andrew Hine, Nic Roldan & Lupe Valent Tony Ramirez/

Romilla Arber

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21/07/2014 11:17

Matt Perry

Anuschka Bahlsen

It was a smaller, more exclusive affair for the 9th annual Polo Awards, this year held at one of the homes of polo, Guards Clubhouse. The conversation was mostly about everyone’s polo plans for the ea on – we were all eye ing the Victor Ludorum trophies and imagining our names inscribed on the il erware – and deciding how uch Royal Salute whisky we could drink without it affecting our chukkas the following day. Hamish McLachlan did a fabulous job as ever of entertaining us for the evening as well as getting even the quietest players to say a few words. Unsurprisingly, after the success of the 2013 season, the evening belonged to Lyndon Lea and his Zacara team who had won both The Cartier Queen’s Cup and The Veuve Clicquot Gold Cup. Other special mentions of the night were the HPA Lifetime Achievement Awards to Arthur Douglas-Nugent and John Tylor and a specially touching tribute to the late Carlos Gracida which was accepted by his son Carlitos who had flown o er fro the tate e ecially. Post a whites-busting supper by Pink catering, we disappeared to the bar and the dancefloor where the Atlantic Polo Team in particular were throwing some shapes for the DJ and Sax Man aka Ben Barnett, the saxophonist. See Grapevine for a full listing of the winners.

David Woodd

Carlitos Gracida

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Rich Varga

Freddie Windsor

Star Spangled Polo When? 31st May Where? Will Rogers Polo Club, California Why? British Polo Day has gone Stateside Wearing? Panamas to keep that Los Angeles sun out of our eyes Who? Freddie Windsor & Sophie Winkleman, Ben Vestey, Elon Musk, Tristan Phillimore, Olivier de Givenchy, Talulah Riley & Ebe Seivwright Sam Churchill

Rosie Kempson

Sophie Gardner

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21/07/2014 11:18

Sasha Howard

Torquhil Campbell

Californian sunshine, polo and quintessential British brands? It could only be Ed Olver and Tom Hudson’s inaugural British Polo Day in LA. As ever this meant rivers of Taittinger champagne (and fortunately being chauffered around in glossy Land Rovers) and a three-course lunch paired with Justerini & Brooks wines. Which resulted in us all being more than ready to put our hands into our deep pockets and bid on some exciting auction lots in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital and local foundation Homeboy Industries. Sadly we i ed out on the e night tay at the Maldives’ Sixth Senses Laamu – we’re going to try and buddy up with that bidder for sure – and actress Talulah Riley snapped up the 38-year-old Royal Salute whisky. Next time, we’re going to bid, big. When we weren’t trying to chat up local Hollywood Directors – we’d love to be the ne t eira nightley – we watched the Hackett Eton and The London’s Southern California polo teams take the spoils of the polo war of the afternoon.

Nicole Simone

David Walton

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Bobby Dundas

British Polo Day

Maharajah of Jodhpur

When? 28th June Where? Black Bears, Henley-on-Thames Why? For another British Polo Day extravaganza Wearing? We had to dodge rainclouds, but the BPD crowd is a stylish one Who? Anyone lucky enough to get a beautiful green Grosvenor Stationary Company invite Sam Churchill

Chloe Vestey

Christian Barker

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Nina Clarkin

Per Wimmer

Shuai Yu

Undoubtedly the English leg of the British Polo Day world tour is one of the most hotly anticipated polo days of the summer. Brilliant displays of the game of kings, luxurious brands, a chic crowd and a lunch by famous chef and restaurateur Theo Randall is enough for anyone to head to the Schwarzenbach’s polo estate in Shiplake. Big highlight of the day – other than the InterContinental London Park Lane created afternoon tea and seeing Max Gottschalk receive the Holland & Holland shot of the day – was the money raised for the charities. An incredible auction including concert tickets to Elton John and a week for two at Richard Branson’s Necker Island, saw an incredible US$310,504 gifted to the Head Injury Through Sport, James Wentworth Stanley Memorial Fund, Eve Branson Foundation, Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Brooke and the British Red Cross charities. We had a great time; but more importantly we all contributed to great causes.

Max Gottschalk

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21/07/2014 13:44

t o c s A In t h ig N y e Rac

Jamie Le Hardy

When? 15th June Where? Rocksalt & Club 1, Ascot Why? Royston Prisk’s idea to warm us all up post a chilly day at The Queen’s Cup Wearing? It’s a polo party so anything goes Who? Facundo Pieres, Zac Hagedoorn, Tom Morley, Henry Brett, Jamie Le Hardy, Tom Hunt, Andrew Blake-Thomas, Amy Guy, Ed Hitchman, Fede Von-Potobski, Matt Perry, Anuschka Bahlsen & Ross Ainsley Georgia Sweeney

Tom Hunt

After watching Zacara dominate The Cartier Queen’s Cup Final, we either headed off to patron Lyndon Lea’s barn for an asado with the team and the grooms or made a bee-line straight for cocktails at Rocksalt on Ascot High Street. Freshly made Mojitos and (more) champagne seemed to be the drinks of choice – quite frankly, when are they not? – and Rocksalt Polo Burgers and skinny fries helped refuel us for a long night of dancing ahead. The Argentine World Cup game was screened to keep everyone on a sporting high (Argentina, AKA 50% of the party contingent, won, which was good news) before at around midnight we trotted over to Club 1 and the dancefloor. Big crowd, big night, big celebration.

Zac Hagedoorn Ellie Pearce-Thomas TPM_MidSummer14_92-112.indd 104

21/07/2014 11:29

Mandy Scammell

t h g i N s ’ l o o h Sc Paul Clisby

When? 6th June Where? n niti arquee, he hire olo lub Why? To relive our school days with a little polo party fancy dress Wearing? Our hemlines as high as our handicaps & striped school ties Who? The entire Cheshire contingent; they never miss a party Mark R.Heath How we hated our scratchy and hot school uniforms when we actually had to wear them; but oh, how we love to dig them out for a party. As usual, the Cheshire crowd didn’t do anything by halves and there were more school emblem blazers, badly knotted ties and cheerleader outfits than you could shake a pom-pom at. Unlike our school days, we were freely allowed to have lots of alcoholic drinks – Estrada beer early in the evening, vodka shots later on – and our fish ‘n’ chips school dinners by Olive Tree Catering, canteen-style got top marks. the e ening wore on – no curfew for u – we danced to the Hipswing Band and maybe snuck out to smoke a cheeky cigarette behind the marquee (we still don’t want to be caught doing that). This party was much better than any of the school discos we remember.

rn Martin Kidd

Jason Warren MidSummer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 105

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21/07/2014 11:21

Roger Daltrey

Rockin’ Out With The Jones’

Jane Seymour

When? 14th June Where? Hurtwood Park Polo Club Why? Supporting Kenney Jones’ event in aid of Prostate Cancer UK Wearing? Sunglasses one moment, wellies the next Who? Jane Seymour, Jeff Beck, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend, Mike Rutherford, George Pearson, Bobby Dundas, Henry Brett, James Glasson, George & Clare Milford Haven & Ruby Wax Nick Harvey & John Periam, Photojournalist 01243 584718

Jayne Jones

Will Carling

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Kenney Jones

Paul Young

Jeff Beck

When drummer with The Who and the Small Faces, Kenney Jones had a cancer scare last year, he wanted to raise awareness and money for the Prostate Cancer UK charity charity. And what better way to do so than to throw a charity polo match and rock concert in his backyard of Hurtwood Park Polo Club? And when we say rock concert, we mean the set list read like an issue of Rolling Stone – eff Beck, ete own end, oger altrey, Mick Hucknall, Paul Young and of course, Kenney himself took to the drums too. Rock n roll royalty. The rain had tried to threaten our fun; but winners of the big game, the Atlantic Polo Team had faced tougher conditions than a raincloud or two after their tremendous row across the Atlantic earlier this year and what would a concert be without a bit of mud? ? So we ignored the weather, got stuck into some Bloom Gin cocktails and brandished our backstage passes to meet the musicians in person. A rockin’ day out topped off by nearly £100,000 being raised for Prostate Cancer UK (

Tigs Southwell

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21/07/2014 11:22

s e t a r b e l e C Cartier Urs Schwarzenbach

When? 16th June Where? Guards Polo Club Why? To celebrate the climax of Guards’ high goal season Wearing? Cartier baubles if your pockets were deep enough Who? Arnaud Bamberger, Bianca Jagger, Mark & Laura Tomlinson, Eduardo Novillo Astrada & Astrid Muùoz, Charlie Hanbury, Kristen Davis, Boris Becker, Jilly Cooper, Michelle Dockery & Neil Hobday Courtesy of Cartier & Tony Ramirez/

Bianca Jagger

Arnaud Bamberger

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Gonzalo Pieres Snr

Whether you were sipping on Cartier champagne with Arnaud Bamberger, toasting the jewellery brand’s 30 years in polo, or one of the 500 who sat down for lunch in the Guards Clubhouse, we know you had a good time at this year’s Cartier Queen’s Cup. The skies may’ve turned black with threatening rain cloud and a di tinct chill did ruffle the beautiful Beulah dresses worn by the VIPs but fortunately cheering on your chosen team seemed to keep most of us warm. HM The Queen arrived at half time in order to watch Lyndon Lea’s Zacara storm to their second consecutive win and present the prizes to the team in front of a 5,000-strong crowd. Some meandered back for afternoon tea by Mosimann in the white-picket-fenced Cartier enclosure, whilst others sipped Pommery with Tom Morley and Louisa Dawnay or headed back with Facundo Pieres to an asado at Zacara. And then there was more than a little talk of heading to Royston Prisk’s after party in Ascot.

Carolina Beresford

Jock Green-Armytage Michelle Dockery

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21/07/2014 11:23

Jack Kidd

Ricky Cooper

Beach Life When? 11th & 12th July Where? Sandbanks, Bournemouth Why? To get dressed up for The Asahi British Beach Polo Championships Wearing? The only polo place where stilettos not polo boots are the favoured footwear Who? 10,000 people rolled into town so we had more than a few friends Photography by © 2014 Some beach polo down at Sandbanks – the most valuable piece of real estate on the coast of the UK – has become a bit of an institution on the polo party circuit so we put on our suncream and headed down to catch the Clogau Wales team beat Asahi Scotland side. Away from the polo, we rather raucously cheered on the Oakley Sand Slam volleyball teams – those guys and gals can certainly pull off the Lycra look – and placed our bids on the silent auction in aid of children’s charity Variety. We then dined like sandy kings on seafood by Beales Gourmet before preparing for the parties. Friday night, supported by Coco Loco, we shook our champagne sparklers with the toast of the Sandbanks scene to Gorgon City, but kept a little in reserve for the Finals afterparty on the Saturday too. Bringing a little of the West End to the West coast beach, we ditched our heels and danced with the sand between our toes before the ones with real stamina amongst us moved onto Aruba to truly ni h off the weekend. Fortunately we had a polo-free Sunday to simply don our swimming trunks and relax. Out partied.

Johnny Wheeler

Martyn Young

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Seb Pailloncy

r e w o P y n o P Ferrari Royston Prisk

When? 14th June Where? Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club Why? To toast the winners of The Prince of Wales high goal Wearing? British summertime garb i.e. boots & coats Who? Greta Morrison, Memo Gracida, John Collins, James Beim, Seb & Ludo Pailloncy, Matt & Heather Lodder & Sebbie Merlos Courtesy of RCBPC

Jamie Morrison

For several seasons the Berkshire’s high goal tournament, The Prince of Wales has been the sister tournament for those knocked out from The Queen’s Cup, but this year it was its own stand-alone event. Michael Bickford’s La Indiana – featuring England pro James Beim – beat the Pailloncy’s HB for the silverware before we all got down to the important task of drinking champagne from the trophy. It was a very relaxed day – no cornered off areas for VIPs – so we could just mingle, enjoy the polo and ogle at the £20million worth of Talacrest Ferraris on display. We couldn’t decide on which one we wanted, so we think we’ll go for seven – one for each day of the week. Having ‘spent’ most of our money on fast cars, we opted for cocktails and lunch from the grill where the Ascot restaurant, Rocksalt looked after us very well. As with all Berkshire parties, the day did not end with the culmination of polo, but instead went on late into the night when we decamped into the Clubhouse. A princely party.

Memo Gracida MidSummer 2014 | The Polo Magazine | 111

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21/07/2014 11:24

Dog of the Month Sherlock Tomlinson Irish Terrier

Age: 11 Why the name? I am very clever and an expert detective. Describe yourself in three words? and o e, distinguished, loyal. Do you prefer polo or dressage? Which is more fun to go and watch? For dressage I usually have to keep my paws crossed fro the lorry a y u , aura i the one in the ring, but olo i cool a when watch, can u ually run around and lo e guarding ark tea tent. Any confessions? I get ginger rage and I can sometimes lose control, but I have seen Mark struggle with the same problems when on the eld o think it . What are your thoughts on your new ‘Dad’, Mark? Are you still the apple of Laura’s eye? wa the only witne when they got engaged and I was ring bearer at the wedding so its pretty cool, he treat e with the re ect de er e and it nice to ha e a man around, especially once a month! Do you have a party trick? u and ha e been doing ilate together for many years so my core strength is impeccable; I can sit on my bum and beg for a long time without falling over. Do you have a girlfriend? Is she a ‘stick chick’? Mark has a Lurcher bitch called Balla who I tend to ignore, but I don’t like anyone el e to co e near her either. he i de nitely a tick chick and a complete Daddy’s girl. What is your best feature? My moustache. If you were likened to a celebrity, who would it be? Sherlock Holmes of course! How do you feel about the new ‘baby’ addition to the Tomlinson-Bechtolscheimer household? It’s so exciting. Annalisa has only just arrived, so I guess it is too early to say how things are going to change around here. I was frantic with worry when Mum went in to labour – it didn’t look much fun for her, but it’s all smiles now which ake e ha y too. If you had one wish, what would it be? Beeeeeeef! On tap, every day! Any secrets about your owner, you wish to divulge? If he ha a day off he like to lee in ery late and i not ery nice to Mark if he tries to wake her up; luckily I am the same. Mark screams in his sleep quite regularly, sometimes in English, sometimes Spanish…it’s weird because the three of us share a roo Balla lee down tair in the kitchen where he belong 112 | The Polo Magazine | MidSummer 2014

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Owner: Laura Tomlinson Location: Gloucestershire Watch out for Sherlock at The Audi International Test Match, Guards Polo Club, when his Dad, Mark takes to the pitch with the Audi England team against Argentina.

21/07/2014 11:24

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30/07/2014 11:56


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Official Timekeeper of Cowdray Park Polo Club

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