i c
Table of contents Regione Piemonte’s innovation clusters
p. 6
The ICT Innovation Cluster
p. 7
The ICT Innovation Cluster for companies
p. 10
How to join
p. 12
p. 12
The ICT Innovation Cluster team
p. 13
The projects of ICT innovation Cluster
p. 15
Large Enterprises
p. 85
Small and Medium Enterprises
p. 107
Research Bodies
p. 231
p. 243
Guiding companies towards the most promising areas of development, turning ideas into innovative projects, energising the network with opportunities for companies to meet with the hope of creating new partnerships and stimulating business, cooperating in synergy with Piedmont’s innovation clusters: these are just some of the commitments that we continue to support in running the ICT Innovation Cluster. In this, its third year of activity, it has once again proved itself to be a vital and productive organisation, capable of attracting the best elements to stimulate innovation in our region. With the 2012 Yearbook, our first intention is to provide a detailed description of the results the ICT Innovation Cluster has achieved in three years of work. In fact, we present all the research and development projects and all the technical feasibility studies that attracted grants, the result of cooperation between companies and research bodies that were capable of contributing skills and expertise, thanks also to the support provided by the Torino Wireless team. What’s new this year is the section on completed projects, where we highlight the results achieved and, more importantly, the positive consequences that the project teams noted in terms of research work development and capitalisation. Of course, the yearbook also contains profiles of all our affiliated companies – from large corporations to SMEs – who highlight their technological expertise, skills, key products and the markets they operate in. There are also details on participating universities and research centres with whom we have a consolidated relationship of cooperation and technological exchange, allowing us to access the best expertise in the field of Information & Communication Technology. The information contained in the Yearbook is not limited to the printed page. In fact, the same details are also available on our official website – www.poloinnovazioneict.org – and starting this year it can be accessed on the move with a mobile app developed for all iOS and Android devices. One of the ICT Cluster’s priorities is its position on the international scene and this is why this publication has been produced in Italian and English and will be distributed throughout the year to a target audience of sector companies, public authorities, regional development agencies and the national and international research organisations that the ICT Cluster comes into contact with during its daily partnership and promotional activities. I’d like to thank all our members for having contributed proactively to the production of this publication and I hope you enjoy reading it.
Laura Morgagni, Director of The Torino Wireless Foundation 5
Regione Piemonte’s innovation clusters Innovation clusters were set up in 2009 by Regione Piemonte, Piedmont’s governing body, as associations bringing together independent companies (small, medium and large) and research bodies that focus on specific sectors and are coordinated by a managing institution. In bringing together the different players in the innovation process, clusters aim to stimulate cooperative work, the common use of installations and the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and they are asked to contribute proactively to ensure that technologies are exchanged and that information is made available and publicised between companies. Clusters interpret the technological needs of companies so as to guide regional schemes supporting research and innovation. Innovation clusters are a regional measure for allocating special grants as part of POR-FESR 2007-2013: a longterm programme that funds research and innovation projects (process and product), feasibility studies and services.
Regional areas of importance by technological sector Canavese e Vercellese
Biotechnology and Biomedicine (bioPmed - Bioindustry Park del Canavese)
Textiles (Città Studi)
Plant design, Systems and Components for Renewable Energy (Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore)
Torinese e Canavese Novarese
ICT - Information & Communication Technology (Fondazione Torino Wireless)
Sustainable Chemistry (Consorzio Ibis)
Torinese Digital Creativity and Multimedia (VRMMP - Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park) Sustainable Architecture and Hydrogen (Polight - Environment Park) Mechatronics and Advanced Production Systems (Mesap - Centro Servizi Industrie)
Vercellese Renewable Energy and Mini-hydro (Enermhy - Consorzio UN.I.VER)
Tortonese Cuneese e Astigiano
Food and agriculture (Tecnogranda)
New Materials (Consorzio Proplast)
Renewable Energy and Biofuels (Polo del Lago Maggiore - PST)
The ICT Innovation Cluster Members: companies and research organisations The ICT Innovation Cluster is a network of excellence with 148 members, coordinated by the Torino Wireless Foundation in its role as a managing institution. Members belong to three different categories: companies, including both large benchmark organisations for the ICT sector and the region, as well as SMEs capable of demonstrating enormous innovative vitality and interest in investing in development strategies; universities and research institutes, with the direct participation of all Piedmont’s universities and those private research institutes that are benchmarks in ICT technology; key players supporting innovation in the ICT sector from the creation of technological companies to technology and infrastructure for moving and processing data.
Members by category
Universities and Research Bodies
Large corporations
Medium-sized companies
Small businesses
To date, our membership is made up of 138 companies (113 small, 11 medium and 14 large) and 10 research organisations and centres, but the ICT Cluster is a dynamic organisation in constant growth. Since its foundation, it has demonstrated its enormous ability to attract and join together. Thanks to its ability to interpret the needs of its members and the wide range of services offered, the cluster has successfully maintained its growth momentum.
Increase in no. of members 148
150 140
120 100
80 60
40 20 July 2009
July 2010
March 2011
March 2012 7
Advanced technological expertise The ICT Cluster’s companies operate in a wide range of fields of expertise that cover most Information & Communication Technology areas: • Business Process Management, Business Intelligence (management systems, CRM, workflow, document management systems, decision-making support, data mining) • Internet of Things (identification technology, specific network technology, hardware and embedded systems, localisation in the network) • Cloud Computing (virtualisation technology, network resource management technology, interoperability between Cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and open data) • Multimedia, visualisation systems, evolved interfaces and usability (virtual environments, 3D, visualisation in real time, emersive environments, augmented reality, interoperability between devices, IVR) • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnology • Security (physical and logical) • Mobile technology (operating systems, interfaces, applications, hardware) • Internet technology (evolved websites, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, semantics) • Telecommunications, Wi-Fi, wireless broadband, local networks • System Integration and consultancy • Industrial automation and monitoring • Precise positioning and physical localisation
ICT for… The products, services and solutions offered by the ICT Cluster’s affiliated companies span a wide range of markets, grouped as a supply chain on applications with strategic importance for the region: • Health, social inclusion and access for those with disabilities • Energy (smart grid, smart building, energy efficiency systems, electric vehicles) • ITS and logistics (smart systems for transporting people and goods - logistics) • Finance (banks and insurance companies) • Tourism, cultural heritage and education • e-Gov, PA, environmental monitoring and managing emergency services • Food and agriculture • Manufacturing (systems and production processes) • Automotive industry • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Retailing (managing points of sale) and mass distribution • Aerospace and defence 8
The ICT Cluster’s managing institution: the Torino Wireless Foundation The Torino Wireless Foundation is the non-profit organisation appointed by Piedmontese institutions and the MIUR (the Department of Education, Universities and Research) to coordinate and drive Piedmont’s ICT District. Active since 2003, the Foundation has set up contacts with over 900 companies and supplied more than 1,250 services supporting SMEs with a view to accelerating their development, both from a technological and a managerial point of view. Torino Wireless offers companies such services as: Information and guidance on securing public grants: help with participating in calls for proposals and funded projects (regional, national or EU measures); the provision of tools and methods for development and administration of growth and innovation strategies; contacts and partnerships between companies, both in terms of joint projects and in terms of building supply chains; access to venture capital for start-ups in the technological sector. Since March 2009 the Foundation has also been the ICT Innovation Cluster’s managing institution: defining areas for development in accordance with members encouraging cooperation between members, contributing regional resources for the growth of the entire cluster acting as a mediator with Regione Piemonte when negotiating the annual plan of activities that identifies projects, services and development activities taking onboard the needs of its members and analysing future development strategies, supporting Regione Piemonte in its work when guiding policies encouraging innovation in the region. For more details, visit:
The ICT Innovation Cluster for companies The ICT Cluster is an opportunity, made available to companies, to develop the best partnerships for their growth. The cluster is particularly active in supporting companies as they develop projects and skills, it encourages the creation of new industrial partnerships and sets up opportunities for members to meet with a view to creating partnerships or developing intellectual capital, offering promotion and marketing services, promoting the network in Italy and abroad and working in a European context to seize the best opportunities available in the EU. Moreover, the ICT Innovation Cluster works hand in glove with other Piedmontese innovation clusters. In fact, ICT technology can be applied to develop innovation in all industrial sectors, such as the food and agriculture industry, biomedicine, multimedia, sustainable construction, plant design for renewable energy sources, mechatronics and the textile industry.
Project development and requests for services Whether it’s projects or services for innovation, affiliated companies are guided through every stage of production, from the initial idea to the project’s completion. In particular, the Torino Wireless Foundation carries out the following activities: help in structuring the proposal by organising special working groups; • preliminary evaluation through - among other things - specially created external committees; • presentation of the proposal, included in the cluster’s annual plan of activities; • supervision and verification of a service or a project’s progress; • helping companies to produce statements of accounts; dissemination of results and Torino Wireless works alongside companies to develop projects looking for new opportunities.
Projects and services funded by the innovation cluster regional measure Types of projects • technical feasibility studies • industrial research and/or experimental development projects • product/process innovation projects • product/process innovation through interaction with users The ICT Innovation Cluster has developed 60 projects: p. 15
Types of services • intellectual property rights management • technology intelligence services • assistance in the conception of new products or services and their introduction to the market • assistance in using design • assistance supplied to new innovating companies • access to international knowledge networks (Open Innovation) • services encouraging the mobility of qualified personnel To date, 20 members of the cluster have benefited from 36 services, worth approximately euro 1.5 million.
POR FESR 2007-2013
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Networking and the development of intellectual capital The ICT Innovation Cluster encourages mutual understanding among its members in order to develop new partnerships and share skills with experts in the field, and to do this it organises opportunities to meet and exchange views:: corporate meeting: meetings between ICT Cluster companies to encourage mutual understanding and the development of new partnerships; technological seminars: organised to share knowledge among affiliated universities and research centres and companies, stimulating ideas for projects; working groups: informal meetings to share proposals and ideas for projects with a view to forming industrial and project partnerships; camp tematici: inter-cluster events focusing on specific technological trends, where topics to be discussed are proposed and presented by the participants themselves and members have a chance to interact with companies from other sectors.
A businessman presents his company to other cluster members at a corporate meeting
Promoting its members The ICT Cluster carries out marketing and communication activities directed at other Piedmontese clusters, at Italian and foreign technological districts and national as well as international markets. Activities include: compiling profiles of members and forming groups in sectors of greatest strategic interest, with the proposal of a ‘regional range of goods and services’ for supply chains; analysing local ICT needs in order to develop supply chains of high potential on vertical markets; the preparation of promotional materials and support: the yearbook, brochures and institutional presentations as well as the website www.poloinnovazioneict.org, "Polo ICT" mobile app; introducing the ICT Cluster to companies, other innovation clusters, public authorities, regional development agencies and research organisations, both on a national and international scale, in close partnership with important local organisations (Chambers of Commerce and the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism). 11
Developing opportunities in Europe The ICT innovation Cluster is strongly geared towards EU strategies and – thanks to an agreement with Turin’s Chamber of Commerce and the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism – it provides specific support services for developing the local skills necessary to participate successfully in European projects:
Seminars designed to acquire practical skills for European programmes and project development, in partnership with other regional institutions (Chambers of Commerce and the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism); Meetings with development organisations from Italian regions and abroad designed to encourage cooperation among companies, the exchange of expertise and project development; Guidance on participating in European grant proposals, together with regional institutions. Moreover, the ICT Innovation Cluster promotes framework agreements that aim to secure special benefits for its members. To this end, it has set up a partnership with Eurofidi to facilitate access to credit through the reduction of financial risk. Finally, the ICT Cluster actively works with the managing institutions of other Piedmontese innovation clusters and with many players working in regional and national development who safeguard areas that are of strategic interest to members, such as: Turin’s Chamber of Commerce, the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism, Confindustria Piemonte, CSI Piemonte, DITNE (the National Energy Technology Cluster in Brindisi), DARe (Puglia’s regional food and agriculture technological district), MEDIS (Puglia’s regional mechatronics district), Microsoft, Oracle, SIIT (the Liguria Technological District on Integrated Smart Systems and Technology in Genoa) and Unioncamere Piemonte.
How to join
Companies with offices in Piedmont or with plans to locate to the area can join the ICT Innovation Cluster by signing the ICT Cluster’s Syndicate Agreement.
The ICT Innovation Cluster Fondazione Torino Wireless, via Morosini 19, 10128 Torino
info@poloinnovazioneict.org www.poloinnovazioneict.org 12
The ICT Innovation Cluster team
In running the ICT Innovation Cluster, the Torino Wireless Foundation has identified professionals with solid experience in handling relations with public funding organisations among its members of staff. The ICT Innovation Cluster’s close-knit and dynamic team is made up of motivated people open to sharing skills, know-how and strategies, but most of all ideas and solutions. The diversity of their backgrounds, combined with a common vision to support members, makes them capable of providing concrete answers to the needs of all the cluster’s affiliated companies. Gianmarco Piola, ICT Innovation Cluster Manager
Chiara Ferroni, Project Development and Innovation Services
Marco Passarella, Events and Communication
Max Romero, B2B and relations with members
Results and expectations
Here at the ICT Innovation Cluster, we believe the members’ yearbook is a chance to take stock and review the work done up to now as well as draft guidelines for future strategies. The plan of activities for the last two-year period stemmed from the experience we gained during our first three years finalising the ICT Cluster’s programme, making the most of what had been learned from managing it and including the recommendations and advice received from our members. The final balance of these three years of work rewards the efforts made by each and every one of us in developing new projects and successfully integrating them with innovating services. To date, 60 research projects generating a value of € 25.2 million in the region have received funding through the ICT Innovation Cluster, and this places us among the top regional clusters in terms of the capacity to attract resources. One of the results that makes us particularly proud is the sweep of companies benefiting from funding this year, as ever: the percentage of companies awarded grants in the ICT Cluster’s various activities is 77%, for a total of 216 ICT partners involved in its various different projects. One of the aims that we have always considered to be strategic for establishing the position of our cluster in the Piedmont area is cooperation with other regional innovation clusters. The excellent results achieved in terms of joint projects and completed schemes encourage us even more to consolidate inter-cluster relations so as to offer new business opportunities to our members and encourage the adoption of ICT technology for the development of innovation in all industrial sectors. This is also why the ICT Innovation Cluster’s diary of events will continue to feature many opportunities to meet and share, ranging from technological seminars to B2B meetings verticalised among different sectors that prioritise the development of project, industrial and commercial partnerships. The consequences of this extensive cooperation are clear from the state of inter-cluster project development that, with the approval of the third annual plan, amounts to 22 projects funded jointly with most of the other innovation clusters. Alongside the progress being made in our region, there is another important goal that we continue to strive for: the strategic positioning of the ICT Innovation Cluster on a European level in order to offer new project funding opportunities for our members and to develop partnerships that go beyond regional borders. Thus all those activities designed to promote our work in Europe will continue through networking with foreign clusters. We will do this thanks to the many EU programmes passed on by Regione Piemonte, but also thanks to all those schemes designed to inform and involve companies in European programmes: on the one hand, helping them structure proposals and, on the other hand, organising seminars and providing them with the IT tools we have available to help them search for technological and commercial partners, thanks to the close working relationship we have with Turin’s Chamber of Commerce and the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism. First and foremost, special thanks go to our members for their daily cooperation and their participation in our activities. Then I’d like to thank our cluster’s team for their commitment and dedication in working together, work which we will continue to support with vigour and enthusiasm and that we are certain will continue to be worthwhile in times to come.
Gianmarco Piola, ICT Innovation Cluster manager 14
Funded projects
Financed Projects
This section of our yearbook presents the research projects and feasibility studies launched by the ICT Innovation Cluster over the past three years of activity. Project development is one of the ICT Cluster’s most important activities and commits all those involved to contributing ideas, technology and skills, creating the best forms of cooperation and, most of all, investing in human capital. This commitment is renewed every year in response to a specific Call for Proposals issued by Regione Piemonte, Piedmont’s governing body, which requires that each of the 12 clusters submit their annual plan of activities, a document that contains requests for funding in order to develop innovation research projects.
The ICT Innovation Cluster’s three annual plans consist of 60 funded projects that bring in €25,2 million to the region, placing it in the forefront of regional clusters due to its capacity to attract resources. The projects involve 216 partners in all, with 70% of participants securing at least one grant. This is a significant outcome which has been achieved not only by involving participants in working groups that stimulate cooperation and the development of conceptual ideas that are in line with the ICT Innovation Cluster’s strategies, but also through the effective support provided to partnerships that helps turn ideas into quality projects.
funded projects million euro
60 25,2 partner 216 companies funded 70% members
Projects funded since 2010 25,2 18,8 13,5 11,1
Co-funding by ICT Companies
10 5,9
Public funding
first year 26 projects
second year 19 projects
third year 15 projects
ICT and innovation in other sectors: inter-cluster projects The ICT Innovation Cluster develops many partnerships with other Piedmontese innovation clusters in a strategic way. In fact, the opportunity for creating inter-cluster projects is absolutely essential, as ICT technology finds applications in all industrial sectors across the board. Inter-cluster cooperation provides ICT companies with project partners that can, on the one hand, voice user requirements and, on the other, participate in testing results. Moreover, cooperation with companies from other clusters can provide ICT companies with up-to-date knowledge of processes that are typical of other sectors, knowledge that is fundamental if they wish to propose process innovation. The ICT Innovation Cluster has developed a method for working in partnership with other clusters which ensures that companies affiliated to other clusters will be able to develop their projects by presenting them on the annual plan of the cluster that best suits them in terms of technological strategies, completion objectives and consequences. Today the ICT Innovation Cluster is contributing – both as a project leader and as a contributor – to a total of 22 projects, working in partnership with most of the region’s clusters:
Food and farming (2 projects)
Mechatronics and advanced production systems (7 projects)
Biotechnology and biomedicine (2 projects)
Digital creativity and multimedia (5 projects)
Renewable energy and mini-hydroelectric power (1 project) Sustainable architecture and hydrogen (3 projects)
Textiles (2 projects)
These inter-cluster projects account for 36% of all the projects and feasibility studies funded at the ICT Innovation Cluster, confirming its fundamental role when it comes to intersectorial cooperation on a regional level. 17
Financed Projects
What research? Project strategies The ICT Innovation Cluster’s strategies are targeted research areas that can involve a large number of companies and encourage cooperation and the use and acquisition of intersectorial knowledge (technological, process, industry-specific knowledge), even outside its own field of expertise. These strategies are identified and validated using a specific procedure that involves the region’s companies and research organisations. The development of strategies occurs in response to evolutionary trends that characterise the industrial, environmental and social sectors, and in line with development policies on a regional, national and European level. Furthermore, the topics chosen ensure the possibility of launching inter-cluster projects and partnerships, making the most of potential synergy and ICT needs in the region’s different manufacturing sectors. Initially identified as Business Process Management (BPM), Business Intelligence (BI) and Terminalistics (the evolution of terminals and their respective application interfaces), these strategies evolved over time in response to European directives, technical evaluations made by the public funding body and economic changes in the fabric of local businesses. Today the technological strategies identified – which are the basis for project development – are the following:
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Today this is one of the most important technological trends and business trends in the field of ICT and it is the result of a process of increasing industrialisation affecting the IT sector and of the standardisation of technologies such as virtualisation, SOA architectures and Web 2.0. Such technology has stimulated the growing use of the Internet and corporate Intranet as reliable tools for supplying pervasive and cost-effective business services. Cloud computing has changed the paradigm of supplied IT services, which is acting in response to the growing level of interest – encouraged by the current instability of the economic climate – in solutions that offer greater flexibility and agility and at the same time lower costs and risks. Cloud computing infrastructure consists of five fundamental features: a self-service, on-demand approach, access through the Internet, the pooling of resources, flexibility and service monitoring.
Internet of Things
The fundamental idea that lies at the heart of the Internet of Things is that any of Things physical object or person can become a terminal connected to the Internet, capable of interacting independently with other entities on the network. The Internet of Things will allow people and objects to be connected at any time, in any place and with anyone, ideally taking advantage of whatever type of connection is available and within any type of service or business activity. Identification, network, software, hardware and embedded system technologies, data processing and data sharing technology, research and localisation technology and energy management technology have key roles for the future of this field. The fields of application range from the industrial sector (logistics, manufacturing, banking, support for commercial transactions) to the social sector (e-inclusion applications, services assisting the population) and environmental services (energy management, environmental sustainability, environmental protection and the prevention of natural disasters). 18
Business Process Management - Business Intelligence
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
This strategy merged two of those included in the ICT Innovation Cluster’s first annual plan: Business Process Management and Business Intelligence. In a market scenario characterised by instability and complexity, the main ingredients necessary to stand out and create a competitive advantage are dynamism, cost control and innovation. The flexible organisation of processes, the resolving of inefficiencies and the identification of possible areas for improvement and development become essential aims for a company that wants to maintain a high level of competitiveness on the market.
In order to achieve this result, business applications must take into account As Is data and apply it to To Be scenarios. BI technology for the analysis of the past and current state of a company, combined with BPM technology for the design and ongoing correction of processes, can pursue this aim.
ICT for production systems
ICT for energy
ICT for agri-food
ICT for textile
ICT for multimedia
ICT for .......
...sinergy wtih other Innovation Clusters
Cloud computing
Internet of Things
As well as technological strategies that apply across the board (Cloud Computing, IoT, BPM/BI), this illustration highlights vertical technological strategies, oriented towards specific market needs and identified in close partnership with other Innovation clusters in Piedmont (e-health, ICT for production systems, ICT for energy, etc.). 19
Financed Projects
Topics in focus: ICT in action As well as technological strategies, five topics for investigation were identified and developed in order to encourage regional companies towards strategic technological fields of importance, both from the point of view of market growth and from the point of view of the innovative and revolutionary impact on the transformations they are bringing to the digital world: • Embedded Systems • Green e Smart Manufacturing • Mobile • Multimedia • Energy Efficient Buildings This organised system of information was made available to companies participating in the ICT Innovation Cluster as guidelines supporting project development.
Embedded Systems
Embedded systems
Embedded systems are one of the technologies that underlie the Internet of Things and all ICT strategies in general. They have entered all economic sectors and are one of the main drivers of the entire electronics industry. The introduction of wireless connectivity technology and its continuing progress in terms of response times, bandwidth, energy consumption, costs and standardisation has opened up new scenarios for applications where embedded systems are connected to each other, without the need for wires, and in corporated into networks. Embedded systems allow a better use of resources, reducing waste and pollution, supplying more information and better information as well as more accurate monitoring and control in several different fields of application: the aeronautical industry, the automobile industry, manufacturing, traffic management applications, logistics, energy management and health care. It is expected that embedded systems will see an evolution from specific sector requirements (homes, offices and factories) to forms of collective optimisation in line with the key concepts of the Smart City, Smart Factory and Smart Society.
Green e Smart Manufacturing In line with the European Factory of the Future (FoF) programme, which is part of the European Economic Recovery Plan launched at the end of 2008 in response to the global economic crisis, Smart Manufacturing summarises how information and communication technologies can make factories smarter and therefore production more efficient and flexible. The efficiency and sustainability of manufacturing systems should not be simply interpreted in terms of economic savings but also in terms emissions reduction (Green Manufacturing). To this end, among the most important areas of research and development in this field, we have identified: • Sensor technology applications (particularly WSN) and IoT (Internet of Things); • Simulation systems: the possibility of designing new processes and production sites virtually; • The introduction of wireless communication in factories; • Robotised systems, augmented vision and reality; • Cloud computing applied to automation; • Energy savings from the controlled shutting off (or stand-by) of devices. 20
Green e smart manufacturing
Today the mobile sector is one of the most important and revolutionary technological and business trends in the field of ICT and it is the result of a process of increasing evolution and convergence between the IT sector and that of telecommunications networks. The technological progress made on networks and the evolution of mobile phones into devices equipped with processing and application capabilities, such as smartphones and tablets, have recently stimulated the growing use of the Internet as a tool for supplying services and applications on the move. The mobile sector has contributed to popularising a user-centric approach and has encouraged the explosion of various categories of applications, the development of new, concrete opportunities for ICT and non-ICT companies, multichannel systems and the development of the Application Store concept. The mobile sector applies to many of our project development strategies, introducing new ways of collecting and using data/information through the use of smart devices that work as nodes or sensors in a network of objects and provide access to cloud computing services in a mobile ecosystem. The types of ICT technology that support mobile systems include a combination of devices, embedded systems, application software, middleware and network architecture (WLAN, mesh, WWAN) that provide opportunities for personalisation, context-awareness, connectivity and pervasiveness. There are many potential fields of application linked to the development of mobile technology, applications that can be applied across the board to the most diverse industries: from the manufacturing industry (logistics, manufacturing, asset management, natural resources, facilities, civil engineering and construction) to finance (banking, insurance), from sales (retail, support for sales transactions, utilities, property, field service) to social and health care services (public administration, transport, health care, public safety, armed forces, policing) and environmental services (agriculture, forestry).
The term multimedia is associated with the tools, applications and all the digital content that merge images, videos, graphics, text and sound. The main technological trends that have supported interest in and the development of multimedia systems and applications are mobility and wireless communication, the identification of recognised standards when producing content, innovation in man-machine interfaces and the widespread use of the Internet, which is a potential distribution channel for multimedia data. The potential identifiable in the main fields of application and the actual interest that can be gauged in the European Community has highlighted the strategic value of particular aspects of research and development, such as immersive and interactive man-machine technology, production, analysis and management of multimedia content technology and distribution platforms for digital content. The use of ICT technology for the production of multimedia content and experiences affects all sectors, not just the creative industries that are directly focused on producing multimedia content, but many other sectors that could benefit from multimedia to raise the quality of their products and services (i.e. industrial manufacturing, health care, education and training, environmental monitoring and energy monitoring).
Financed Projects
Energy Efficient Buildings
efficient Given the energy efficiency objectives that the European Union intends to reach buildings by 2020 and given the main projects involving Green Buildings on a European level, ICT technology and particularly the Internet of Things are considered to be of strategic importance in order to promote the practice of environmental sustainability in this sector, contributing to significant energy savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions (a reduction of up to 15.2% of current emissions) and at the same time guaranteeing an improvement in home comfort and safety. In fact, the application of IoT technology would allow the creation of smart buildings (green buildings, smart homes) where networks of sensors and actuators monitor and check environmental data (i.e. temperature, humidity, lighting) and energy consumption in real time and monitor the safety of the people inside these buildings. In line with the Internet of Things, the following aspects concerning the development of technology that will support applications in an Energy Efficient Building context have been identified: • Wireless sensor networks (for the storage, use and production of energy; sensors, actuators, monitoring systems that interface with energy consumption management systems) • Automation and monitoring systems (predictive monitoring systems, smart HVAC systems, smart lighting systems, ICT systems for energy micro-generation and storage) • Energy consumption monitoring (smart metering, intuitive feedback on consumption levels sent to users).
completed projects
Completed Projects
Artistic Environment QUestion Answering
Feasibility study
Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
This project evaluated the feasibility of a technological platform that allows museums to improve their visitors’ experience, offering interactive ‘edutainment’ services that take advantage of the integration of wireless technology and mobile devices.
Result and consequences The team conducted an investigation in this field with museums that represent best practices on a European and international scale, such as the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Paris Immigration Museum, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and, on a local level, the Fondazione Torino Musei. What emerged are the main requirements that ICT technology needs to meet: the encouragement of customer loyalty in an audience that already visits museums, an understanding of the general public’s behaviour, an increase in involvement and the supply of integrated services and innovative educational approaches. The study concentrated on museum visits and particularly on augmented reality solutions and the adoption of terminals to take advantage of the content that can improve a visitor’s experience. During the investigative phase, three main target groups were also identified that the study should focus on: teenagers (14-19 years of age), children (8-14 years of age) and people with disabilities. The mapping of the needs of these three target groups with reference to the different phases of the ‘user experience’ (pre-visit, visit, post-visit) allowed us to focus the feasibility study on two types of technological solutions, both of which support the visiting phase, available in a prototype form: • a solution for simplifying museums for those with cognitive disabilities (using devices owned by users themselves or provided by the museum)
Technological Path Partner Leader: E-Mentor (SME) Vertigotech (SME)
Duration 8 months (August 2010 - April 2011)
Total value 64,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2010
• an augmented reality application for tablets, PCs and smartphones for teenagers based on modern cross-device technology for outdoor environments (such as ecomuseums, etc.) • the IMSEK multimedia system which offers a personal guided tour around a display area for a wider audience (launched at the DNA Italia exhibition in 2010) The know-how acquired was useful in building and consolidating a cooperative relationship with museums in the area, aimed at finalising research and development projects that are now in the project funding phase.
APM-Bank Public Multimedia Apparatus
Goals Envisaging debit cards as physical terminals for carrying out bank transactions begun on the phone or on the Internet, like an app. A debit card that recognises us from a mere touch and allows us to ask for help from an operator we can talk to faceto-face on screen, without the need for an ultra-fast data network. This is the vision that led the APM-Bank team during their feasibility study. The aim was to identify – through direct contact with banks and clients – the needs that today’s banking industry considers to be priorities in its ongoing modernisation, in order to evaluate what kinds of avant-garde technology can be made available.
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: New Amuser (ME) Green Bit (SME) Olivetti (LE) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Result and consequences
The study managed to identify the hardware and functional requirements of the APM of the future, in consultation with the biggest players in the area. The study also confirmed how the evolution of current ATM devices can be achieved by applying the types of technology possessed by the project’s partners: • biometric data • vocal interaction • avatars • sophisticated printing
6 months (December 2010 - June 2011)
Total value 112,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Completed Projects
Common Application Layer Extended Banking System
Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals This project was set up to develop, on the one hand, a basic application system or CAL (a Common Application Layer) which will offer integration services for the evolution of new vertical applications or ‘legacy’ type applications, and on the other hand, a complete banking IT system or XBS (eXtended Banking System), as a prototype demonstrating the feasibility and usefulness of the abovementioned system.
Business Process Management
Partner Leader: Finance Evolution (SME) Dylog Italia (LE) PRC Multimedia (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Duration 18 months (March 2010 - September 2011)
Total value 419,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Result and consequences During the project, prototypes of the planned systems were developed. It is currently possible to use CAL to manage real data flows as well as in many other test situations in the project’s head company, Finance Evolution. Such middleware – designed for users such as analysts as well as technicians – can solve most of the market’s most common problems in a parameterised way using innovative and efficient technology. At the moment, CAL is already a concrete basis for future development which will lead to the creation of a true industrial product after the necessary adjustments are completed. In order to achieve this result, it will be necessary to invest further in medium to long-term work, work which is expected to have significant consequences. The XBS IT banking system, both as far as its ‘legacy’ and ‘new application’ aspects are concerned, has been improved with the CAL services that have already been tried and tested.
XBS has a market in the finance industry, which is Finance Evolution’s core business. However on a business level, it will be necessary to wait for improvements to CAL in order to achieve the actual merging of the two XBS and CAL systems. The development of prototypes also allowed the companies involved to enjoy immediate benefits in terms of know-how. Experiments in Web services and their orchestration, for example, led to an improvement in products as well as in company solutions based on such technology, not to mention pre-existing in-house processes. The approach and techniques used to organise the functions enabled the development of new skills, improved further by the academic experiments carried out by the university.
DORP Distributed Open Resource Planning
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management
Goals This feasibility study was set up to verify the start-up conditions for designing an ERP Distributed Open Source framework (DORP) by a network of public and private bodies that were to be involved in future development and implementation work. Thus, in all its phases and in the aims that characterised it, the DORP study intended to verify the technical and financial conditions for designing an ERP application platform based on Enterprise 2.0 and Business Process Management logic, so compatible with Cloud Computing technology as to be provided in Software-as-a-Service mode.
Partner Leader: Zero11 (SME) Teleservizi (SME) Università degli Studi di Torino (RB)
Duration 7 months (October 2010 - May 2011)
Total value 42,000 euro
Result and consequences
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
The study led to conclusions and recommendations on the project’s possible launch with advice that could help guide its priorities, courses of action, strategies and working methods. These characteristics are all described in a summary document that describes the following points: • preparatory and context analyses • technical feasibility • financial sustainability • economic and social cost-effectiveness • verification of procedures • sensitivity and risk analyses The results highlighted significant problems that had to be taken into account if the project were to be developed further, providing the players involved with an evaluation tool to help them decide whether to continue or abandon the DORP project. The study’s final result, therefore, consists of a series of conclusions and considerations on the possible completion of the DORP project. In the light of the analyses completed, these considerations advise parties involved not to launch the project.
Completed Projects
FAst REading
Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path
Goals This project is designed for all organisations involved in the catering industry that use food vouchers, with the aim of analysing in detail the business process and developing a technological infrastructure that can eliminate the effects of fraud, theft and accounting errors as well as result in a drastic reduction in administrative costs.
Business Process Management
Partner Leader: Finsoft (SME) Dynamic Fun (SME) Project (SME)
Duration 12 months (September 2010 - September 2011) importo da risquotere
Total value generazione e display QR code
invio richiesta di autorizzazione a Centro Servizi
lettura QR code tramite fotocamera SmartPhone
OK pagato
OK a pagare
OK pagato
invio richiesta di autorizzazione a Centro Servizi
processo di validazione, autorizzazione e contabilizzazione
Result and consequences An in-depth analysis of the lifecycle of a food voucher led to the outlining of a process that allows the thorough streamlining of its criteria of use. The project’s central idea is that it is possible to manage a digitisation procedure – while maintaining the paper form of these vouchers – at the time of payment where they are accepted (at a catering facility), which at the same time would verify their validity and 28
205,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
authenticity by communicating with a remote exchange. The first effective result of this process concerns the phases where vouchers are issued and distributed, attained by acquiring the details of the vouchers used as payment and supplying ID of the players involved (issuing company, employers, employees), so as to guarantee the availability and traceability of the voucher. However, the most innovative part of the project is the radical change in payment procedures: this can take place in a more traditional form that still uses paper vouchers but reads them and validates them using IT systems or in a form that uses mobile solutions, particularly payment using a QR code generator located at the catering facility and interfacing with applications made available on the consumer’s own smartphone. In both cases, catering facilities enjoy a noticeable improvement in efficiency levels, lowering the risk of fraud, theft and loss but most of all drastically reducing accounting time and costs.
Internet Services for Mobile
Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals The project developed a software platform that makes the fast development of services accessible from many different kinds of mobile terminals possible. The aim was to overcome the limitations of current technological fragmentation, obtaining the chance to re-use the code and reduce the time necessary for porting software set up on various different technological platforms. The is4.mobi platform standardises the APIs for accessing mobile device functions (sensors, telephone functions, personal data, etc.) and offers a uniform interface for network communication with remote services, optimising communication on mobile devices and proving to be bandwidth-efficient and resistant to disconnection.
Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Ooros (SME) Aton (SME) Telecom Italia (LE) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 18 months (March 2010 - September 2011)
Total value 861,000 euro
Result and consequences
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
The project’s testing ground involved the creation of two application prototypes. The first, consumer-oriented one, plans to interact with the access of a user in a particular area. By taking advantage of the location-based functions of terminals, it permits one to set up contextual navigation systems connected to third party services. The second, more business-oriented prototype, involves the creation of a merchandising management system. The project’s partners expect the following results: • by building on the results of the project, the turning of the prototype into a solid infrastructure for the rapid development of applications and services • the expansion of the range of products, services, technology and know-how possessed by project partners • affiliation to international schemes funded by Telecom Italia and open source projects launched by the developer community that are complementary to these international schemes The Is4.mobi platform has already been used by some partners to develop applications related to their product portfolio and for commissioned applications. Furthermore, it has been used as a technology basis for the “ICT Pole” mobile app.
Completed Projects
MusICT ICT applied to intelligent devices, designed for the education and teaching sector
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management
Goals The main aim of this study – set up to verify the feasibility of an e-learning platform in the music sector – was to identify the educational needs of music teaching for children of school age. The basic idea was to provide multimedia music courses with an interactive virtual assistant, i.e. an innovative device able to use physical and multi-dimensional communication.
Result and consequences
Total value
The study validated the feasibility of the system, demonstrating the effectiveness of a virtual assistant able to express those emotional aspects that are fundamental for teaching musical language. After the feasibility study, the company decided to invest its own resources to continue the project, tackling the system’s research, development and production phases. The resulting product was the Canta Con Me mobile app, a voice tuner able to perceive voice quality and to report any errors in intonation. The app is also an interactive metronome and as well as voices it also recognises the beats forming a rhythm, helping people to improve their singing skills. The interface is based on play and entertainment and focuses on feelings to activate the learning process in a light-hearted and pleasant way. The application isn’t limited to singing and can capture any kind of musical performance, providing the performer with the sequence of notes produced, even with musical instruments, and thus providing valid support for one’s own evaluation of the progress made in his or her musical studies. Canta Con Me was made available through the biggest app stores in mid-2012, thus turning the initial innovative idea into concrete reality.
18,000 euro
PRC Multimedia (SME)
Duration 6 months (February 2010 - August 2010)
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Powerless Target Oriented Radio
Feasibility study
Technological Path
Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative
To evaluate the feasibility of an energy-efficient network node equipped with wireless communication interface that doesn’t require the use of an electric power source (batteries, electricity grid). The project’s concept was inspired by a specific scenario: the application of electronic labels to shelving in small to medium-sized distribution, particularly pharmacies.
applicative platforms
Partner Leader: VertigoTech (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Result and consequences Starting with existing network protocols and solutions (an analysis of the state of the art), the most suitable standard for node specifications was identified and innovative solutions were explored for hardware and communication protocol so as to reduce energy consumption to a minimum. The best solution for collecting and storing the energy necessary for communications was also studied (energy harvesting). The study found that the product is feasible and that the sector taken into consideration is preparing itself to become of strategic importance. The next step could be a research project that develops the implementation characteristics in greater detail: • Choice of platforms • Identification of specifications • Preparation of a prototype
Unità di Energy Harvesting
Unità di Energy Storage
Duration 6 months (March 2010 - September 2010)
Total value 47,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Sensori, Attuatori
Power Management Framework, O.S.
Piattaforma Radio
Front-end RF, Antenna
Completed Projects
Services à la carte
Project of industrial research
Technological Path
This project was set up to develop a platform that can offer Web users the chance to become ‘digital media entrepreneurs’, combining and offering high added value aggregated services using basic services (for example, mash-up of advertising/content, locating, status reports, profiling, etc.), supplied by one or more platforms.
Business intelligence
& experimental development
Partner Leader: Cedeo (SME) Commit World (SME) Università di Torino (RB)
Result and consequences During the entire duration of the project, it focused on the technology available to achieve the stated aims: the managing of events, tag application, mash-up, negotiation protocols, digital contracts and rich media interfaces. SALC also implemented and validated a demonstration prototype (accessible on http://research.cedeo.net:8181/salcweb/) that allows users to register for the system, upload videos to be put on sale, see the list of videos for sale, negotiate a contract for selling a video, receive notices concerning the use of the video sold, label and describe a video and see the video bought on a downloadable widget when the purchase has been completed. The prototype was presented during Fiat’s conference in Turin in October 2011 and during the 100th MPEG meeting which took place in Geneva in April 2012, and it is a valid tool for demonstrating the potential of the technology developed.
Duration 18 months (July 2010 - January 2012)
Total value 259,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
SIRIO The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Business Process Management
Goals This project was set up to create an integrated environment of management software development, which would help eliminate the divide separating process analysis and software development: one integrated environment of analysis and production, based on an automatic engine that interprets and translates operational models of mapped processes in the corresponding software procedures supporting such processes. The project’s aim was to develop and validate a prototype of the SIRIO system.
Partner Leader: Delta Progetti 2000 (LE) e.Magine (SME) Finance Evolution (SME) Petra (SME) Pro Logic Informatica (SME)
Duration 16 months (July 2010 - July 2011)
Total value 1,023,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
The development of the SIRIO prototype was achieved through four phases which took place in sequence and were closely integrated:
2 The theoretical integration of data, processes and activities in a metamodel that could identify its structure and the corresponding repository. While the meaning of the models has an absolute value, what was involved was the identification of the most cost-effective representation for the particular infrastructure chosen
4 The project focused on a fundamental feature, the Process Manager, boasting innovative integration with company and collaboration management data, based on Web services. This experimental development is positioned in the field of management software production and essentially competes with C, JAVA, ORACLE, DOTNET, SAP/ABAP, etc.
modello applicativo espresso in linguaggio LOGICO-FORMALE (modello Remmert)
automa SIRIO (CODER)
analista SIRIO output input
3 The successful operation of the approach proposed using the study and design of code exporting and generation tools, which will lead to the software applications that will make up the actual IT system
faglia linguistica
1 The setting up of the IT system’s executive platform and the development environment through the choice of suitable open-source components, keeping in mind their state of development and the reciprocal elements of incompatibility
Starting with an innovative design approach previously studied and validated in academia (in Turin’s polytechnic and university), SIRIO renders the translation of deliverables of the analysis and design phases of IT management applications automatic, in a code that is immediately executable and interpretable.
validazione logica espressa in linguaggio LOGICO-FORMALE (modello Remmert) input
codice eseguibile espresso in linguaggio MACCHINA input
Result and consequences
validazione del codice espresso in linguaggio LOGICO-FORMALE (modello Remmert)
Completed Projects
smCms Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business intelligence
Goals This study concerned a semantic, geo-referenced, multichannel platform for the tourism industry, able to combine, classify and question content produced by users, in order to define a regional integrated system that could promote the values of a geographic area.
Result and consequences Thanks to a comparison with state-of-the-art tourism solutions, the feasibility study allowed us to identify the functional requirements of a content management system that would be bottom-up, semantic and geo-referenced, placing it in the wider context of a Destination Management System. Moreover, the semantic technology currently being tried in the tourism industry was studied, analysed and tested and the types of technology that best classify and combine their content automatically, making it easily accessible, were selected. What emerged is that the technology is ready to be used in a business context. An analysis of tour operators and their actual skills also led to the identification of a representation of the content that, though based on the needs of tourists, takes into account the actual capabilities and possibilities of operators, thus guaranteeing the smooth management of content on their part. The project’s partners have already enjoyed benefits from the study: Bludocks has continued the study of interfaces and plans to produce a product for the online sale of incoming packets. Trim and the Polytechnic of Turin are continuing their cooperation on semantic technology; the company in particular has decided to focus on semantics, which is now one of the two main strands for relaunching its IT range, even in fields other than tourism. Sinerga is continuing its analysis of the tourism industry and has begun important partnerships that identify it as a supplier of know-how to large companies. The GVS group is now carrying out a study to relaunch the interfaces of some of its key products.
Partner Leader: Trim (SME) Bludocks (SME) G.V.S. (SME) Sinerga (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Duration 12 months (January 2011 - January 2012)
Total value 203,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2010
STORIES Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative
Goals This research was undertaken with the aim of making it easier for consumers to participate in energy saving schemes and in the intelligent management of energy distribution in the home, identifying the requirements that ‘smart metering’ systems should have from the point of view of the end user.
applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Experientia (SME) Telecom Italia (LE) CSP - Innovazione nelle ICT (RB)
Result and consequences The research identified the most promising areas for planning a product/service system that can meet the obvious and imperceptible needs of users in an effective way and promote
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Duration 12 months (April 2011 - April 2012)
Total value 172,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2010
a future change in daily behaviour when it comes to energy consumption. On the basis of this research, a service that can involve users in the intelligent management of domestic energy consumption is made available through an informed choice of resources, intuitive monitoring of consumption and a comparison with other users and industry experts. The system’s key feature is similar to a smartphone application, which during this study was introduced as an interactive prototype.
Completed Projects
TWINKLE Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments
Goals TWINKLE deals with a network of toys (media objects) and terminals that can increase existing long-distance communication and interaction opportunities using Internet and wireless technology in order to establish criteria and scenarios where such communication can take place using secure and reliable procedures that are conducive to consolidating the network of relationships of trust that a child has. A favourite toy can comfort a child in distress. For example, not only do children in hospital need to be reassured by their families but they can also benefit from a link to their home environment. A toy could provide this link by communicating familiar sensations.
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Experientia (SME) Concept Reply (LE) PRC Multimedia (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Università di Torino (RB)
Duration 6 months (May 2010 - October 2010)
Total value 94,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale Imagine that a child has a magic white board, a white board that can share his latest illustrations & visual messages with his father who is away on a business trip and also with his mother downstairs preparing dinner.
Result and consequences In the ecosystem that is the Internet of Things, the study highlighted the technological opportunity for embarking upon new partnerships in order to study and develop digital applications for children that guarantee safety, usability and data protection in changing usage circumstances. As part of the ‘Internet of the Future’ it is necessary to identify a new benchmark model for the reliability of millions of recognisable objects, using models that focus on the needs of people, particularly children, keeping in mind their behaviour and cultural identity. A future aim of research in this field will be to produce prototypes that will verify the validity, reproducibility and repeatability of the identified model in other sectors. 36
What if a toy could enhance a child’s social interaction with another person? A child’s beloved object can facilitate communication between the child and his friend, relative, or teacher through a series of simple gestures.
What if a toy can become a companion that helps the child through simple situations or answers questions that occur every day? It becomes a sort of ‘helping hand’ that can assist the child in simple tasks like discovering a definition or translating a word.
UMG general practice unit
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Business Process Management
Goals This study verified the feasibility of a Web-based, multi-channel, interoperable, usable and accessible IT system that can be offered as an infrastructural support to doctors in general practice, organised in General Practice Units (Unità di Medicina Generale or UMGs), based in Groups of Primary Care (Gruppi di Cure Primarie or GCPs - as required in 2007-2010 PSSR regional social/health plans) or, in general, so as to promote proactive health care and the integrated management of treatments. The system’s general architecture intends to be an aid for doctors when planning, designing, managing and testing new proactive health care services that they are required to offer the region’s population, in a harmonious and integrated way with existing ondemand services.
Partner Leader: Telecom Italia (LE) A. & C. Servizi (SME) Kelyan (LE) Nash (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 6 months (June 2010 - December 2010)
Total value 91,000 euro
Result and consequences The study undertook a technological assessment of doctors in general practice, recording the IT needs expressed by different types of organisations. In particular, it focused on the functions required of a GCP: • tools for cooperation and for organising activities • the management of clinical files • tele-medicine • access to information on the move • services that are interoperable with regional systems • services for patients A scouting programme was carried out on the technology, the commercial systems currently available and the relevant
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
regulations, as well as an analysis of the market associated with the organisational evolution of the country’s health care. The results of the feasibility study, including the functional requirements, system specifications, SW architecture and instructions on set-up methods, allow us to maximise the chance of success of any future project, in a systematic approach with other schemes that are evolving in regional and national health care.
Financed Projects
VANACA Video and Audio Navigation and Automatic Content Analyis
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management
Goals The development of a multimedia business intelligence platform which offers the automatic cataloguing of audio and video material.
Result and consequences An advanced prototype was developed that allows users to navigate multimedia content such as video footage or audio recordings. Video recordings of council meetings at Regione Valle d’Aosta were used during the experimentation phase. These meetings can last several hours, making it very difficult to recover the information contained in the recordings quickly and efficiently. The prototype allows users to identify precise clips, such as a particular speech by a councillor on a topic of interest and to start the video exactly at the chosen moment. It is also possible to navigate among the different topics raised during the meetings, identifying, for example, how many speeches were made on a particular issue (decrees, etc.). The prototype is an example of how it could be used in the video information research sector, currently growing both on a professional and consumer level. In fact, the use of video recordings of meetings, conferences, lessons, technical and commercial presentations is becoming more and more popular in the professional market, while services that handle both user-generated content, such as YouTube, and professionally produced material (such as news and sports channels) are increasingly widespread in the consumer sector.
Partner Leader: Planet (SME) Intellisemantic (SME)
Duration 6 months (March 2011 - September 2010)
Total value 65,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2010
Intercluster Project
Verve Virtualisation process supporting textile design and presentation activities
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Tecnologica Tessile (TESS-TRA), Linea
Goals This study verified the technical feasibility of a research project that aimed to identify the technical and process solutions necessary for the subsequent development of a system of collaborative design and 3D virtual imaging of a semifinished product and/or sample (yarn and/or fabric) and a finished item of clothing as worn.
di Sviluppo Nuovi Processi (NEW-PRO)
Partner Leader: Fratelli Piacenza Spa Domina (SME)
Intercluster Partner Marchi & Fildi Spa
This system will have to be supported by an interactive process capable of graphically simulating its look, its quality characteristics and their mechanical behaviour on the basis of different shapes of human body, the type of material used, the colour, the structure, the pattern, the cut and the production and textile ennobling processes chosen.
Herno Spa Lanificio Zignone Spa (po.in.tex - Textile Innovation Cluster)
Duration 6 months (June 2010 - December 2010)
The feasibility study will also have to verify the existence and availability of the expertise and technical solutions necessary for this project so as to involve all the players and stakeholders in the supply chain, from the initial design of semi-finished products up to the preparation of the finished product and its presentation to the market (fashion houses/distributors).
ICT’s role Domina’s role was to evaluate and identify the technical and functional feasibility of the IT solutions that will be used for collaborative design and simulation and to achieve adequate integration with company CAD and ERP design systems.
on going projects
Financed Projects
A feasibility study for product/process innovation in health service procedures that interact with patients for the management of PDTA (Percorsi Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziali - diagnostic therapeutic care paths) and PIC (Profili Integrati di Cura integrated profiles of care) integrated healthcare systems
Feasibility study
Leader: Pentasoft (SME) SIC (SME) SistemItaly (SME) Politecnico di Torino (DISPEA) (RB) Università di Torino (Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Dipartimento di Discipline Medico Chirurgiche) (RB)
This research intends to verify the conditions necessary to create online health records containing all health information regarding the population: an innovative instrument encouraging interaction between patients and doctors, offering people a chance to participate in the processes that
Technological Path Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
manage their healthcare.
Duration 12 months
Project summary
Startup November 2011
The fundamental idea is to offer patients a structured Web file designed to gather data concerning their health, information
Total value
validated by Italy’s national health service: the Servizio
185,000 euro
Sanitario Nazionale (SSN).
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2011
The file will contain all records including case histories, problems, specialists, health centres, operations, treatments, efficacy, addresses, references and links: a personal file of information that a patient can use when meeting doctors and specialists in order to query specific issues with the SSN and that can provide useful information to authorised third parties as well (carers, relatives, etc.). Moreover, the file can be made accessible (anonymously) to the entire population through the Internet and will be useful to those who are searching the Internet for information on how to manage their health problems. These files will be viewable using data previously defined and structured by an avantgarde search engine.
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
Anti Money Laundering Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Tool
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals
Business Process Management
This project aims to develop a system that analyses the bank details of clients subject to investigation as per anti-money laundering legislation.
Partner Leader: A&G (SME) Petra (SME) Step Ricerche (SME)
Project summary An innovative business intelligence application that will have to interface with the data stored in bank IT systems: both data concerning the handling of customers and transactions as well as data stored in the Archivio Unico Informatico (the centralised computer archive that is obligatory for banks and of the same importance, as per anti-money laundering legislation). Using the most innovative data-mining technology, the system will not stop at detecting cases for investigation, but it will also forecast the risk of possible illegal actions of clients that are not among those cases reported for investigation. More specifically, the system will use the concept of automatic learning (machine learning) whereby it will be able to learn previously unknown causal relationships between the statistical distribution of data and the possible risks connected to money laundering, as well as take advantage of the relative heuristic algorithms and artificial intelligence, mainly based on the use of neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM).
Università di Torino (Dip. Informatica) (RB)
Duration 18 months
Startup May 2012
Total value 459,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Business Process Management
In terms of the data that will be handled, the system will use data on relationships and transactions, accounts, funds and occasional transactions, reporting problems and analogies concerning a customer’s identity, the actual account holder (in the case of companies), companies owned by trust companies or foreign companies, identifying those transactions that could be considered split operations. The project’s concept stems from an actual shortfall in the bank industry, where checks on customers are done manually, without the help of a specialised system and are only geared towards detecting problems, rather than preventing them. . 43
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
ASIU Active Steering Input Unit: product/process integrated designing/prototype development
Goals This project has the twofold aim of developing an advanced prototype of an Active Steering Input Unit (or ASIU) and identifying a pilot production line able to test Steer-by-wire (SBW) electronic power steering systems, technology that is currently in expansion. The vehicles that today could benefit most from this technology are buses, combine harvesters, backhoe loaders and vehicles for shifting containers, but most of all farm tractors. Comfort, advanced functions (GPS, repetitive or automatic manoeuvres…) and safety (at high speed on roads or in steep areas) are the features that will encourage a shift from hydraulic ‘Steer by pipe’ to SBW. One of the market leaders in the agricultural industry is already producing its own specific solution. A fundamental feature of SBW systems is the electronic steering command unit. There are many different kinds offering conventional performance that are already used in many different fields and are quickly becoming popular. Existing units usually provide two angle signals and in some cases are able to give the driver passive feedback. In the ASIU project, the team involved the Polytechnic of Turin for methodological support and for a study of the electromechanical architecture that is best suited to carrying out this function, as well as a qualified group of Piedmontese companies (Bylogix, Corona, Effegi Elettronica, ELECTROPARTS and Teseo), able to provide the project with the right technology.
ICT’s role The ICT partner’s role in this project (Bylogix) involved the identification of software specifications for the ASIU, the creation of the embedded application and the identification and production of end-of-line embedded software.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Smart products - Linea di Sviluppo: Smart Mecha
Partner Leader: SKF Industrie Bylogix (SME)
Intercluster Partner Corona Teseo Electro-Parts Effegi Elettronica Politecnico di Torino (Dip. Meccanica) (Mesap - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Startup August 2011
Valore totale 1,500,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2010
AUTUMN (AUTomotive hUMan Net)
New interface metaphors between vehicles and their drivers for the automotive sector
Project of industrial research
Development of terminals, interfaces
& experimental development
Technological Path and relative applicative platforms
his project aims to develop a prototype able to use new interface paradigms for man-machine interaction in the
automotive sector.
Leader: Akhela (LE)
The car’s driver will have access to more intuitive and
Experientia (SME)
functional devices such as a touchscreen with multitouch
SSB Progetti (SME)
interface or graphic tools such as widgets.
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 30 months
Project summary Concepts such as desktops and icons that are normally used in PCs were not designed to be used by a driver or a user sitting in a vehicle. The project’s aim is to identify new interfaces and methods of interaction using devices inside the vehicle. Tools and devices that are more intuitive and functional to
Startup April 2010
Total value 1,426,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
use, such as touchscreens with multitouch interface and their relative gestures or graphic tools such as widgets will be developed and evaluated, tools that as well as allowing the complete modularity and configurability of the graphic interface provide users with useful information at a glance.
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Later, special attention will be paid to developing software for connectivity to the outside world. This will provide us with Internet services, weather reports, traffic reports and many other kinds of information in real time, all designed to make life easier.
Financed Projects
AUTUMN 2 AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals To rethink the way we experience travel and bring the consumer closer to distant destinations, people and content: this is the vision that brings together vehicles and mobile devices and this is the vision of AUTUMN2. The project’s main aim is to identify and develop instruments that allow us to combine cars, mobile technology and the Web. AUTUMN2 stems from the results of the AUTUMN project that created all the instruments necessary to set up interaction between the driver or the passenger with the car. On the basis of such tools, AUTUMN2 expands the concept, highlighting the relationship with the outside environment through the use of mobile technology.
Project summary In AUTUMN2 mobile technology has a central role. It has two purposes: to equip the car with new interactive tools (for example: maintenance information) and to supply access to the Internet in order to be able to use innovative services (such as social navigators, tourist and weather services, telediagnostics, car sharing, etc.). To this end, new mobile/vehicle interface devices – able to connect to the car’s diagnostics system and to present the data in different ways depending on the user or the environment where they are viewed – will be developed on the one hand and applications for mobile, Web and social interoperability will be developed on the other. The kinds of technology that can integrate and aggregate sources of information found on the Web – such as social network platforms, services supplied by operators (such as mapping and routing functions) and sector portals – will be of fundamental importance. In order to validate the technology, software and devices developed during the course of the project, three possible application scenarios have been identified: Social Scenario, Intelligent Transport System and Remote Diagnostic Monitoring. An example of how these scenarios could be developed would be if the car could find its nearest dealership or garage, suggest its own maintenance programme, make the most of, and contribute to, traffic information and so forth. 46
Internet of Things
Partner Leader: Akhela (LE) Experientia (SME) SSB Progetti (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup April 2012
Total value 754,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
CloudCEM Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals Electromagnetic modelling (EM) is found in many industrial and scientific organisations and is used in various fields such as aeroplane, satellite, ship and car design. Due to the complexity of the structures analysed, EM software requires enormous computer resources, both in terms of memory and computation, resulting in long lead times for developing simulations, lead times that are not compatible with the time available in the industry for design and analysis. The Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling (CloudCEM) project intends to take advantage of the benefits resulting from the adoption of a Cloud Computing model for solving EM problems so as to reduce the time necessary for processing data, limiting the cost and optimising computation resources.
Development of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Pirelli Industrie Pneumatici (LE) Exemplar (SME) Global Business Solution (SME) Lan Service (SME) SHT (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup Project summary The project intends to create a Cloud Computing infrastructure that permits the rapid and cost-effective creation of simulations of electromagnetic effects on very complex structures. The model used will have to be a kind of hybrid in order to take advantage of the potential of both public and private Cloud Computing. Cloud infrastructure monitoring and metering tools will be examined and implemented, tools that will allow us to know exactly what proportion of computational resources are used. The most interesting aspect concerns the monitoring of applications and computing resources that will work on different (private-public) Clouds.
June 2012
Total value 875,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Cloud Computing
An algorithm that is both innovative and efficient from a computational point of view will be implemented for the solution of Maxwell equations, a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) platform based on innovative algorithms for pre- and post-processing (meshing, visualisation) will be created to prepare the geometrical structures to be analysed, and finally a Web Graphic User Interface (GUI), both intuitive and easy to use, will be developed that will allow even inexperienced users to process their models in Cloud Computing easily and automatically, without the need for IT or electromagnetic expertise. 47
Financed Projects
DCNC Distributed CNC
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Goals This project aims to bring about progress in the field of metrology instruments, particularly in Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM machines), using smart sensors. The aim is to integrate CCM in a company’s network, incorporating the machine in a Smart Factory scenario.
Technological Path Internet of Things
Partner Leader: Coord 3 Industries (SME) E.X.A. (SME) Politecnico di Torino (DELEN) (RB)
Project summary The CMMs currently on the market work thanks to a controller located near the machine and connected via electric and data cables. The concept of this project is to develop a remote controller based on wireless communication: an important innovation in the field of measurement instruments because, while the last decade has seen enormous improvements in terms of the level of precision of such measurements and their software interface, they have – until now – basically kept their original functional structure. A remote wireless controller would allow us to take the first step towards the ‘Factory of the Future’ scenario, where various different kinds of devices are connected to a company network and work independently with the option of remote control. The structure of this controller could potentially be applied to other kinds of machine tools, widely used in the manufacturing industry. Moreover this solution allows us to reduce the number of cables on the machine significantly, eliminating a CMM part that is particularly subject to wear and tear. At the same time, a reduction in the number of cables will allow us to save miles of copper cable for each machine, resulting in significant savings both from an environmental and an economic point of view. This result would lead to achieving the project’s three main aims: the improvement of a company’s environmental performance, the improvement of the product’s quality and technological value and the reduction of production costs.
Duration 24 months
Startup June 2012
Total value 349,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
Intercluster Project
e-Lab A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours
Goals The e-LAB project aims to produce an integrated diagnostic system equipped with connectivity which will allow users to carry out diagnostic tests, even in national point-of-care centres, as well as conduct the remote processing of data for the early diagnosis of biological samples.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Development of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Olivetti (LE) Lamp (SME) Telecom Italia (LE) While1 (SME) Università degli Studi di Torino (Department of Oncological Sciences) (RB)
Intercluster Partner Project summary
Biodiversity Spa (BioPmed - Biotechnology and biomedical Innovation Cluster)
The system will feature a low-cost analysis platform that is easy
to use, highly miniaturised and automated, able to provide quick
36 months
and reliable results, even in non-hospital environments such as national point-of-care centres (pharmacies, doctors’ surgeries etc) or in the patient’s own home. The proposed demonstration system will focus on the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours – a disease with a high social
Startup November 2010
Total value 1,284,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
impact – and their post-treatment. It will consist of a miniature laboratory (a ‘Lab-on-Chip’) where reactions that identify the tumour will take place. The Lab-on-chip will be part of an automated detection and communication diagnostic system, based on a remote service
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Financed Projects
ERGOS EneRgy GOvernance System
Goals ERGOS will evaluate which indicators can be identified to increase the efficiency of electricity generation plants and combined heat and power (CHP) plants, improving maintenance procedures. The innovative use of Business Intelligence (B.I.) techniques, that until now have not been applied to this sector, will be introduced.
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
Partner Leader: Net Surfing (SME) Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa (SME)
Project summary
At the moment, the energy production industry does not offer management solutions that can be sustained by small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover the use of performance indicators is not so widespread, not even in large production companies, due to the lack of a culture of data analysis or B.I. applied to operating sectors.
8 months
This research aims to provide a model that can be used to aid the optimal management of an electricity production plant that will channel plant maintenance needs and can estimate the cost effectiveness of maintenance procedures, comparing the cost of such work with the reduction in the economic performance of the system. The project’s innovative value consists in applying B.I. technology to an industrial sector that is currently not familiar with such solutions. The benchmark market for the feasibility study was that of SMEs operating in the field of electricity plant management and CHP plants, as well as companies that supply professional or technological assistance to industries and utilities.
Startup November 2011
Total value 75,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2011
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
An integrated home automation Fall Prevention/Fall Detection system that will prove highly acceptable to its target user
Project of industrial research
Internet of Things
The aim of the FaPre project is to develop a home-based infrastructure for the elderly that will allow the monitoring and prevention of falls using Internet of Things-based technology. The infrastructure will be designed to be easily accepted by the elderly, as the aim of the project is to prolong their active lives in the home, minimising the risks and consequences of falling over.
& experimental development
Technological Path Partner Leader: Concept Reply (LE) C System (SME) Dynamic Fun (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration Project summary The approach chosen for the FaPre project is to equip the home with a network of smart sensors that can identify a person’s location, a fall or lack of balance and their posture. The following systems will be used:
24 months
Startup June 2012
• Accelerometers placed on the patient
Total value
• Pressure sensors on the floor, on furniture and on clothing
741,000 euro
• Volumetric sensors that measure infrared radiation emitted by the surface of the body or that detect reflected ultrasonic waves
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Thanks to contact sensors on doors, for example, it will be possible to identify the user’s position, while floor sensors will supply more precise location data. It will be possible to monitor various body positions (standing, tilted or stretched out) using a mercury-free level sensor vial or a multi-axis accelerometer. These instruments are able to identify the body’s angle, the speed of rotation and acceleration, detecting any falls. In addition, videocameras placed in strategic parts of the house will allow us to monitor and analyse the patient’s movements (privacy will be guaranteed by blurring the image and studying only the outline of the user’s body).
Internet of Things
The elderly target user’s acceptance of the FaPre solution will be planned, measured and adapted during the entire duration of the project, involving real users right from the first stages identifying project requirements up until field tests are carried out.
Financed Projects
FAST Financial Advisor Support Technologies
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Goals This project aims to come up with an innovative tool for the custom analysis, evaluation and monitoring of financial instruments, able to support independent financial consultancy services adequately.
Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
Partner Leader: E.Magine (SME)
Project summary This study aims to identify criteria for the development of a service that can support financial consultancy services in every way: from client profiling and the evaluation of financial instruments, the evaluation of the suitability of an investment given the identified client profile, to monitoring the investment over time and risk management. Companies, institutional investors and private individuals find it increasingly important to identify sophisticated tools that: • allow them to evaluate financial instruments in their entirety (on several levels, including actual costs, taxation, cash flow and not just in terms of returns); • allow them to make a custom evaluation (on the basis of actual data available to the client); • make the service accessible to small and medium-sized operators as well, currently prevented by the high cost. Evaluation and analysis algorithms will be examined that take into account not just the official performance of a product but most of all the ‘personal’ situation of the investor: the costs he or she has actually had to pay out for the transaction (which in actual fact can vary from one operator to another), the risk taken on compared to total assets, cash flow requirements and investment timescale. Eventually, the study aims to glean recommendations for a future software prototype which could also be used via the Web and which would allow users the option of checking each investment regularly and monitoring its performance over time, proving to be a valuable decision-making aid.
Petra (SME)
Duration 8 months
Startup November 2011
Total value 60,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2011
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
Intercluster Project
Forecast Guru Credit Rating Decision Support System and Forecast Guru
Goals This project aims to evaluate the feasibility of an innovative rating model that can produce summarised evaluations of a company’s ability to pay its debts. IT standardisation and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) will make the service economically viable for Italian SMEs, making them more aware of their own financial standing..
Project summary In a general macro-economic climate of crisis, where one of the biggest problems facing companies is the difficulty in getting access to credit, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses, financial intermediaries, public authorities and institutions to have access to avant-garde tools that allow them to overcome current ‘rating models’, introducing new evaluation methods for judging the solvency of different market players and their ability to pay their debts. The Forecast Guru study aims to: • improve on the backdated rating approach, developing a ‘prospective rating’ as well as a ‘past rating’ that can provide advice on where to invest; • develop an innovative service, thanks to IT standardisation and SaaS, that is economically viable for Italian SMEs even independently of each other, so that they will no longer be ignorant of their own financial standing and the future they are probably facing.
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
Partner Leader: A&G (PMI) Step Ricerche (SME)
Intercluster Partner Ceris-CNR (Digital Creativity and Multimedia Innovation Cluster)
Duration 6 months
Startup November 2011
Total value 92,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 2011
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
The study will investigate the development and creation of a Software-as-a-Service prototype called Forecast Guru, which can be accessed using the Web, able to provide companies with a complete credit on merit profile, thus becoming a valuable decision-making aid, both in terms of credit for channelling funding and resources towards more virtuous companies as well as in terms of decision-making.
Financed Projects
Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID
Project of industrial research
Development of terminals, interfaces
& experimental development
Technological Path and relative applicative platforms
This project aims to set up an integrated geolocation platform in buildings or in limited areas that can be used to locate
people – supported by a system that controls access and
Leader: C System (SME)
checks the number of people present – and objects.
Microntel (SME) Omicron Consulting (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Project summary
The project’s aim is to construct an integrated, low-cost
18 months
platform (a prototype) for the geolocation, surveillance, control and tracing of people and objects in particular areas using different kinds of RFID and WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) detection technology.
Startup September 2010
Total value
An open system will be set up that will supply information
315,000 euro
from terminals to surveillance, control and management
Financied by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
applications in a virtual way. This platform will allow users to find the solution that offers the best cost/performance ratio, based on existing circumstances and the needs of the building, plant, area or the specific environment where the platform is applied. During the planning stage, special attention will be paid to ensuring that the platform remains open to new WSN platforms and technology and such like that will be developed over the next few years.
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Intercluster Project
Golden Infra
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
Goals This project intends to innovate how salt, grit and other materials are spread on roads to prevent the formation of ice, using navigation and communications technology onboard gritting vehicles connected to the road infrastructure control centre. The goal is to streamline the decision-making process controlling and directing these vehicles using the information gathered: data concerning previous gritting efforts and weather report data.
Partner Leader: SAET (SME) BEPS Engineering (SME) Mobi-Service (SME) Tecnositaf (LE) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Intercluster Partner Giletta Spa (MESAP - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Project summary During the winter season, suitable maintenance services
Startup May 2011
designed to prevent the formation of ice and the removal of snow are put into action in order to guarantee that roads and
Total value
motorways remain safe and clear, even during bad weather
876,000 euro
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
At the moment, road gritting procedures are not optimised because they have an environmental impact (salt pollutes groundwater and crops grown along the roadside) and they reduce road safety (salt wears down the road surface).
Internet of Things
The GOLDEN-INFRA project develops the existing monitoring system based on EGNOS and Galileo, with the aim of managing gritting parameters in real time. This development is based on an Internet of Things approach to information gleaned from winter maintenance, from weather reports on ice formation and data supplied by vehicles, information which is then processed by the road control system as input when gritting lorries are sent out in advance.
Financed Projects
HPC CloudPills The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC applications in cloud computing environments
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals This project intends to explore how Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
technology can be used to reduce costs and complications
associated with the creation, maintenance and management
Leader: NICE (SME)
of IT infrastructure for high performance computing. The aim
Aethia (SME)
is to render high performance computing accessible to
Simularia (SME)
groups that are currently unable to afford the initial high costs
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
and management costs.
Duration 18 months
Project summary High Performance Computing (HPC) is a valuable tool in
Startup May 2011
many sectors of scientific research and industrial manufacturing. Nevertheless, due its high cost, its use is often limited to large research centres or middle-to-largescale industrial organisations. This project involves the study and creation of a number of
Total value 621,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
technological systems that, when combined, will render the installation and supply of on-demand HPC applications in cloud environments both simple and cost effective: both technology for the dynamic (on-demand) creation of virtual cluster HPC on Cloud Computing infrastructure, as well as standards for the packaging and distribution of HPC applications. Once the project achieves these aims, they will be the basis for further interesting future developments, such as the creation of real app-stores designed for HPC applications, which will make way for the implementation of a revolutionary approach to their distribution, because they will be downloaded and installed on an IT infrastructure with the same ease and speed with which we download and install apps for mobile devices today.
Cloud Computing
Intercluster Project
INCA INteractive Content Architecture
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path L4 mediation solutions in a multimedia context. Development approach: L4.1- the innovative distribution of content on non-standard channels
The INCA project’s aim is to develop and test a combination of types of technology necessary to support the lifecycle of transmedia content through the following phases: • the authoring and fruition of transmedia and 3D content, with the management and protection of copyright and user-generated descriptions • archiving and questioning based on knowledge of user characteristics and of their social network • transmission in streaming for Web, IPTV, mobile and broadcast distribution environments.
Partner Leader: Eurix Cedeo (SME) Synarea Consultants (SME) Università degli Studi di Torino (Dip. Informatica) (RB)
Intercluster Partner CSP-Innovazione nelle ICT (Mesap - Mechatronic Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Startup August 2011
Total value 818,000 euro
ICT’s role
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3
The role of the three ICT partners consists of: • new forms of content distribution with the wim.tv platform (Cedeo) • the design and development of applications geared towards real time 3D (Synarea Consultants) • services for advanced searches on transmedia content, using knowledge of user characteristics and of their social network (University of Turin).
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
IoT_I_ToI Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
Goals This project tackles the problems affecting the management of road traffic and urban pollution. The solution is achieved through the gathering and processing of data distributed from vehicles and infrastructure, both essential parts of the same network according to the Internet of Things paradigm, in order
Partner Leader: Magneti Marelli (LE) Capetti Elettronica (SME) C System (SME) Hicare Research (SME) Ivrea Sistemi (SME) Politecnico di Torino (Dept. Electronics) (RB)
to set up a decision-making process that can take action to
Intercluster Partner
correct traffic problems.
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Mesap - Mechatronic Innovation Cluster)
Duration Project summary The ‘Internet of Things road-Traffic over Internet (IoT_|_ToI)’
24 months
Startup April 2011
project proposal tackles the problems of traffic and pollution in a unified way through the collection and processing of distributed data. In this case, we believe that the vehicles themselves – and certain strategic fixed nodes of infrastructure – can act as IoT nodes for the collection of
Total value 1,352,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
monitoring data and in order to trigger the decision-making process, designed to take action to correct traffic problems. The 5T - Tecnologie Telematiche Trasporti Traffico Torino organisation is also taking part in the project in order to control traffic lights and public transport in the city of Turin, while Mizar Automazione is participating by supporting project partners in recovering traffic data from the test area, located near the Polytechnic of Turin.
Internet of Things
Iprocess Bank operations process management
Tipology Project of product/project innovation
Technological Path Goals This project is developing an experimental prototype of a BPA (Business Process Analysis) tool applied to the banking sector. Starting with the mapping and analysis of paperwork processes, this tool re-engineers how process and paperwork compliance is managed and, above all, provides an in-house search engine offering vertical and horizontal searches for documents and individual processes.
Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
Partner Leader: Omicron Consulting (SME) Zero11 (SME)
Duration Project summary Optimised management of paperwork circulation and processes for compliance purposes is one of the goals that all banks and financial institutions share. The BPA tool developed by Iprocess will make the creation of optimised and controlled workflows for the production, handling and retrieval of forms necessary in bank transactions possible. The prototype will provide a Web-based platform, hosted in a cloud computing environment, for the exchange and integration of all data and paperwork originating from different sources and players in one single repository, using Web 2.0 collaborative logic. The platform envisaged will allow the integration of checking processes with the flow of data, optimising work done to create, manage, exchange and share information both in a digital and paper format. Every player, from the humblest employee or branch manager up to the director of transactions on a corporate level, will be able to manage information regarding the compliance of single processes with regulations.
12 months
Startup May 2011
Total value 259,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
The success of such experiments in the financial sector could prove the value of this project and lead to the application of this prototype to all organisations where compliance is imposed by regulations: for example, the food industry and companies committed to quality standards.
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
LIS4ALL Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information
Goals The LIS4ALL project aims to launch the large-scale experimental phase of a new LIS (Italian Sign Language) visualisation service for information and messages geared towards the deaf on mobile terminals. In particular, the plan is to consider as its field of application all the notices and announcements (both voice and visual) that are usually made in a railway station. In fact, inside the station itself it will be possible to receive a notice in real time – for example through the vibration of a mobile terminal – saying that a new message/announcement is available, which can be immediately viewed on the mobile terminal itself through a virtual actor. The project also aims to install a large number of screens in the station that will display the subtitles of voice announcements as they are made over the loudspeaker and
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path L1- Interactive 3D Applications/interfaces. Linea di sviluppo L1.2 -Design di Interfacce Innovative
Partner Leader: Politecnico d Torino (Dip. Automatica e Informatica) (RB) BEPS Engineering (SME) Regola (SME)
Intercluster Partner Università degli Studi di Torino (Dip. Informatica) CSP - Innovazione nelle ICT TEX97 (Digital Creativity and Multimedia Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
the Italian Sign Language virtual actor view of the same
Total value
message simultaneously. Moreover, several information
603,000 euro
points will be set up for the interactive demonstration of
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3
how the new service works.
ICT’s role BEPS is responsible for the communication interface, the interpretation of rendering for the virtual actor and its application to mobile devices, while Regola is developing the central platform for handling messages and data, event statistics and usage timing. Moreover, Regola, in partnership with the other partners, is working on the system’s design, the integration of modules and the installation of the software components in a test environment.
MASP Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies
Goals This project tackles innovative issues such as the management and optimisation of WSN networks, workflow techniques and data analysis, particularly in environmental monitoring procedures and eco-sustainability assessments.
Project summary
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Business Intelligence
Partner Leader: Punto Qualità (SME) CNR-IEIIT (RB) CSP Innovazione nelle ICT (RB) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (DAUIN and DELEN) (RB) Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” (RB) Università di Torino (RB)
The project will develop a distributed intelligence sensory/IT
system, based on a cooperative network of fixed and mobile
24 months
components (which can even be installed on public transport vehicles) that take measurements on site, designed to help acquire parameters that are critical for environmental
Startup September 2010
monitoring online.
Total value
The quantity of information generated by such a network will
876,000 euro
be validated, collected and channelled using a unique data
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
acquisition and workflow management engine, whose parameters can be set according to predefinable procedural flows that can be adjusted and aligned according to the different environmental policies that will determine the measurement chain performed on site every time. As an additional aid, there are also plans to study and
Business Intelligence
experimentally produce an environmental DSS (Decision Support System), also based on balance scorecard approaches in order to allow for innovative IT analysis and synthesis processes in the environmental sector, featuring ‘balanced’ multilevel and multi-dimensional evaluations of the data acquired.
Financed Projects
MoMa Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP
Goals This project proposes the experimental development of software architecture for the modelling, design and supply of IT processes that can be supplied ‘over IP’ (Internet Protocol), allowing mobile users to access existing IT systems that up to now have been designed to be accessed from PCs, thanks to new digital services that offer data retrieval, organisation, synthesis and presentation (mashup).
Project summary The project will develop software architecture which will allow the identification of services for mobile users using data collection, mashup and automatic GUI (Graphical User Interface) rendering systems, without the need to install any business logic on single devices. The architecture will be designed to be installable on company and institutional servers (clients) or ASPs (Application Service Providers for access via SaaS mode). By setting up standard interfaces, the architecture will integrate and expand the capability of existing software components held by project partners, for a later extension to new third party functions and services. In particular, the added capability supporting GIS (Geographic Information System) and BI (Business Intelligence) functions, the integration with sensors and digital voicing services will allow the identification and supply of complex multimodal, multimedia and proximity services, thus extending the number of potential future uses of this solution. The project also aims to test the architecture using three prototypes in three specific environments, chosen for their diversity and functional complexity: • Museum-based tourism with emphasis on WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) experimentation to support LBS (Location Based Services) processes for tourists • Integrated home-based healthcare and social services with an emphasis on experimenting GIS functions for operators • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) processes for on-site technical assistance with an emphasis on mobile BI experimentation for blue-collar workers and management.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative applicative platforms
Partner Leader: Koiné Sistemi (SME) bMooble (SME) Hicare Research (SME) Novus Sistemi Informativi (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup September 2010
Total value 973,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Intercluster Project
Multi-Radio Multi-Radio solution for industrial and aerospace applications
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
Goals This project aims to identify a multi-radio communication platform able to use different kinds of wireless communication technologies in a cognitive and opportunistic way for monitoring and controlling complex systems in the industrial and aerospace industries.
Partner Leader: Aviospace (SME) Ivrea Sistemi (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (LACE) (RB)
Intercluster Partner Project summary Monitoring and control systems are strategic elements for the true optimisation of processes in terms of production efficiency and reliability and sustainable energy. To date, the majority of such systems are equipped with sensors and actuators and are based on cabled solutions that place enormous limitations on the option of reconfiguring the product environment. Radio technology, able to deliver flexibility to monitoring and control systems, is a valid alternative to cabled systems. The proposed communication platform consists of multi-radio nodes that cooperate in order to identify a network intelligence able to promote the opportunistic use of wireless technology with complementary characteristics in terms of data rate, latency, resilience to the radio channel’s conditions, energy consumption and the ability to organise into independent networks. The final aim is to:
Corona Spea (Mesap - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
Duration 20 months
Startup June 2012
Total value 783,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
• meet the various requirements posed by different sensors and actuators • identify networks that are more flexible, reliable, resilient and able to adapt to application requirements as they change over time • to support the energy efficiency of processes and of the monitoring/control system itself. A prototype made up of multi-radio nodes equipped with special sensors and actuators chosen by the project’s end users will be developed. The multi-radio platform will also be tested in a controlled environment first and then later in situ.
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
NeuroVirtual 3D The design, development and evaluation of a multiplatform 3D simulation system for applications in the fields of psychology and neuro rehabilitation
Goals The main aim of the NeuroVirtual 3D project is to create the most complete and integrated virtual reality platform possible for applications in the fields of psychology and neuro rehabilitation, of those available today, using inexpensive hardware and software devices in order to guarantee the most widespread use of the instrument on a national and international scale, with the hope of succeeding in making this instrument the leading platform in the world cyber therapy market. NeuroVirtual 3D has two main aims: a) to design, develop and test a virtual reality platform for applications in clinical and research fields; b) to design, develop and test new protocols and environments for applications of the platform in the fields of neuro rehabilitation and mental health. The platform will be developed by extending the features of NeuroVr 2.0 (www.neurovr.org/neurovr2) software to these functional areas: • the development of interfaces to integrate input/output hardware devices in the NeuroVR virtual reality platform for neuro rehabilitation applications (es. dataglove, haptic devices, Kinect) • integration of eye-tracking devices • development of multi-user interaction and communication modes using avatars • development of players that can handle 3D content on mobile devices (Android, iPhone/iPad) • development of an online repository of 3D scenes to share environments among software users
ICT’s role The ICT partner (Regola) operates in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality with its own platform. It has experience in projects in the health care and rehabilitation sectors and has already set up regional networks on specific medical areas such as Child Neuropsychiatry and Physiatry. For NeuroVirtual 3D, Regola will develop the integration interfaces of the advanced peripheral devices, such as Kinect, Data Glove and eye tracking.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path T1 Interactive Human/User Applications/Interfaces - L1.1 Applicazioni Virtual Reality
Partner Leader: Istituto Auxologico Italiano Regola (SME)
Intercluster Partner NoReal Partner&Partners (Digital Creativity and Multimedia Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Startup May 2012
Total value 168,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Intercluster Project
Nuvola3D Technology for 3D Cloud Computing
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals The Nuvola3D project aims to create a Cloud Computing infrastructure for interactive 3D applications that will become usable in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. Among the applications affected, there are instruments for visualising scientific data, CAD software, 3D modelling systems used in medical, artistic and technical fields and so forth.
Cloud Computing
Partner Leader: Nice (SME) Dofware (SME) Politecnico di Torino (DAUIN) (RB)
Intercluster Partner S.I. Engineering (Mesap - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
Project summary
The project’s work will focus on the development of a group of technologies that, opportunely integrated together, will allow the creation of a new type of Cloud – 3D Cloud – capable of hosting interactive 3D applications. The technologies used will then be integrated in a prototype that will allow us to evaluate the quality and performance of the results obtained, involving real users.
24 months
The project will focus on three main technological issues: solutions for the remote visualisation of 3D applications, optimising their performance even on networks with limited broadband and high latency; technology for visualising and sharing the graphics processing unit (GPU) which will permit the execution of accelerated 3D applications in virtual machines; and systems for managing interactive 3D sessions within Cloud Computing infrastructures.
Startup June 2012
Total value 532,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Cloud Computing
The results anticipated contain unique elements of total innovation and could prove to be of enormous interest to companies. SMEs could have access to expensive 3D graphics applications in a pay-per-use mode, cutting the costs of acquiring software licences and hardware, while large corporations could consolidate 3D applications at company data centres, obtaining significant benefits from the reduction in CAPEX and operating costs (lowering maintenance costs, optimising the use of licences, lowering energy consumption, etc.).
Financed Projects
Project of industrial research & experimental development
Goals This project aims to develop an experimental prototype that, starting with the mapping and analysis of processes, will allow the re-engineering and optimisation of work in the human resources sector.
Technological Path Business Process Management
Partner Leader: Omicron Consulting (SME) Vieweb.it (SME) Zero11 (SME)
Project summary The optimised management of flows and processes in the human resources sector is one of the aims that all companies and organisations share, regardless of their size and complexity.
The system affected by the experiment will adopt Web 2.0 collaborative logic among the different players that work in the sector, in order to supply them with a Web-based platform – made available through cloud computing – for the exchange and integration into one sole repository of all kinds of information and documents (suitably standardised and compiled) concerning personnel, sent from different data sources and players.
Such a platform will allow the integration of supervision processes and the flow of information, optimising activities of data creation, management, exchange and sharing both in digital format and on paper. It will be possible to digitise documents and possibly integrate them with metadata, in order to improve the efficacy and efficiency of a company’s management and data retrieval processes, even on an environmental level. The platform will integrate a messaging service for checking workflow and a videoconferencing solution designed to improve efficiency while offering cost savings as well as less environmental impact. With this platform, every player - whether he or she is just an employee, a company manager or a consultant - will be able to see or handle data, if properly authorised, concerning an individual’s work or the work of the entire company organisation.
12 months
September 2010
Total value 185,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Business Process Management
P-MOSP Platform for Monitoring Personal Health
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals With the P-MOSP project, we intend to develop a personalised health solution that can tackle the growing needs of chronic disease management and preventative and predictive medicine, fundamental – among other things – for managing the social/health care of the elderly.
Internet of Things
Partner Leader: Consoft Sistemi (SME) eGlue Technologies (SME) Pentasoft (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Project summary
This platform will allow patients undergoing treatment at home to check their own vital signs and personal health. They will be given multimedia applications that work with functions typical of the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing them to interact with medical personnel remotely, who will be able to make a ‘tele-diagnosis’. This will clear the way for a new way of activating local health care services, lessening the need to hospitalise patients and incentivising planned and preventative health care in the home of the person being treated.
24 months
One of the most important research trends in the field of electronic health care is the shift from tele-medical solutions to those focusing on personalised health care (PHS - Personal Health Systems), clearing the way for a new concept of medicine that allows the resident/patient to really manage their own health care.
Startup May 2012
Total value 703,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
The project aims to study and develop a prototype of a personal health care solution that focuses on innovative research elements and includes peripheral devices that analyse data to provide patients and doctors with biofeedback; facilities to construct services in a scaleable way according to the disease that needs treating; support for decisions taken on preventative and predictive medicine; and the continuous monitoring of patients within a network and using various different kinds of detection instruments. P-MOSP will provide evidence of the financial sustainability of the solution developed which will finally be tested in the field under normal working conditions. 67
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
RAILWAVES Onboard train monitoring based on the Wireless Sensors Network
Goals The aim of this project is to create a railway monitoring system made up of a network of wireless sensors (WSN – the Wireless Sensor Network) distributed along the length of a train. The data detected by the sensors will be managed in an integrated way in order to diagnose conditions of mechanical stress, potential breakages and identify the correct timing for maintenance work in advance. In the railway industry, rolling stock is constructed around bearings that take most of the mechanical strain. By measuring the working temperature of the bearings, as well as analysing the vibrations, one can anticipate potential breakage conditions in advance. In the past, the opportunity of monitoring this size of object has come across the problems and the complexity inherent in installing and maintaining cables. Railwaves eliminates the cables, transferring all the intelligence necessary to acquire, process and transfer the data near to the sensors, implementing distributed architecture. The project calls for the installation of a prototype on a train (or a similar system) to test it under normal working conditions.
ICT’s role Our partner, C-Labs, which patented and developed the innovative short-range wireless communication (WINE) technology, will identify the wireless communication support system. Thanks to its expertise in antennas, ISMB will be responsible for designing and creating a prototype of the antenna which will be placed near the bearings on the axes of the train’s wheels. Finally, Bylogix will analyse the HW and SW characteristics required for the safety of the wireless system, supporting development work to integrate such requirements.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path T1 Smart products - L2: SMART-MECHa (Mechatronics Automation) - Testing and advanced mechatronics for SMART products
Partner Leader: SKF Industrie Bylogix (SME) C-Labs (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Intercluster Partner Corep LACE Effegi Elettronica LCA Ballauri (Mesap - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Startup May 2012
Total value 234,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation
Project of industrial research
Development of terminals, interfaces
A research project which aims to create a memory rehabilitation protocol based on spatial awareness tasks undertaken in a virtual reality environment and which aims to see a clinical pilot scheme tried on a limited number of patients with acquired cerebral lesions (head injuries or strokes).
and relative applicative platforms
& experimental development
Technological Path
Partner Leader: Brainer (SME) Regola (SME) Synarea Consultants (SME)
Project summary An experimental project designed to create cognitive rehabilitating simulations in virtual reality, capable of restoring space-time awareness functions in patients with congenital or acquired brain damage. Every simulation developed will involve the construction of rehabilitation programmes that will be highly tailored to chosen patients and their personal experience, and will allow medical staff to check, review and analyse data. Once this research and experimentation is completed, it will allow us to identify the best features for an innovative VR (Virtual Reality) hardware and software rehabilitation platform for use by patients and specialists. The project presented here aims to achieve the following goals and carry out the following activities: • to investigate which tools and what kind of technology could be successfully used in the cognitive and psychological rehabilitation of patients with congenital and acquired brain damage limited to spatial awareness and time perception faculties, faculties that are damaged in a high number of brain diseases; • to design and create an innovative Web-oriented virtual reality platform that allows users to access rehabilitation programmes based on the use of highly realistic virtual scenarios that can be personalised and contextualised in line with a patient’s personal experience;
Università di Torino (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup September 2010
Total value 380,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
• to provide medical staff with suitable tools for monitoring, reviewing and analysing the results reached during rehabilitation in order to facilitate the sharing and comparison of these results with those reached in other locations; • to experiment and evaluate in practice the effectiveness of the prototypes constructed when used as an integral part of the physical rehabilitation procedures carried out in health centres specialising in treating patients with brain damage. 69
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
SIX-SENSOR Wi-Fi-IPv6 sensors for construction monitoring
Goals The project aims to study the different kinds of inexpensive urban sensors (SIXSENSOR), based on the future IPv6 protocol, that should be self-configurable in public and private
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path ES4 Eco-efficiency in the construction process - ES4.1 Support for the energy-environmental analysis of buildings
Partner Leader: Monet Prologic Informatica (SME)
Wi-Fi areas. These sensors will allow us to measure and share data on the energy/environmental parameters of buildings in our cities. This solution will also allow us to create an open metropolitan data network (MOEDA: Metropolitan Open Energy DAta), to encourage new approaches towards the responsible use of
Intercluster Partner CSP-Innovazione nelle ICT Smart-E (POLIGHT) Bitron (Mesap - Mechatronics Innovation Cluster)
energy sources: from raising awareness among residents to
public authority resource planning and the supervision of
24 months
manufacturing and distribution companies. All of this starts
with the knowledge and sharing of important data concerning
June 2012
the urban network. New ‘SMART-CITY’ projects – currently being examined by European and international governments, committees and organisations – will have the primary aim of optimising and streamlining energy resources and reducing polluting emissions, in order to improve the quality of life in our large urban centres.
ICT’s role Pro Logic Informatica will be responsible for designing and producing a software system for SIXSENSOR modules. In particular, it will design and develop the high-level embedded software both for the self-powered environmental module and the powered energy module. Moreover it will share the Sensor’s HW and SW design phase with Monet and share the Sensor’s initial configuration and testing phase with Smart-e.
Total value 128,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Intercluster Project
SMILE-O Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
The SMILE-O project intends to create a framework that will optimise electricity consumption and production, based on a forecasting model. The context is a website where electricity produced from renewable energy sources, users and energy consuming sites are all present at the same time.
Capofila: Akhela (LE) Concept Reply (LE) Vastalla (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino – DAUIN (RB)
Energy production and consumption data will be detected and acquired using the Internet, and will be compared with environmental data, such as weather forecasts, that can noticeably modify the forecast result.
Intercluster Partner e-Olicar Capetti Elettronica (POLIGHT - Green-building & Hydrogen Innovation Cluster)
Duration Project summary
24 months
Compared to the usual smart-metering systems used by electricity distributors, the advantages offered by a framework of optimisation like the one proposed in the SMILE-O project are the extreme configurability of the data to be collected, the possibility of offering it to users and the use of the Internet to collect data, which allows such data to be combined with different kinds of information that cannot be directly collected on a local level.
The forecast model that will be created will be able to process energy forecast indicators that can be viewed by users in order to plan an increase or reduction of consumption on the basis of energy production. This will allow an increase in the percentage of exchange in practice or aid possible cost factors, such as off-peak rates. The model will be tested on a mini-windfarm connected to an industrial estate of small businesses in order to select the production processes that should be activated on the basis of forecasts regarding energy produced from renewable sources.
June 2011
Total value 1,367,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
SRT LOCUPS An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic and local Real-Time Locating System, with secure identification and communications
Goals This project will tackle the problems of ultra-precise positioning through the synergy of all today’s state-of-the-art technology in the field of locating. The aim is to create a device able to calculate its own position accurately, that can be used to check vehicles used to transport high value goods and that can generally be used to automate procedures where the ultra-precise location of an object is essential.
Project summary The solution to the problem of ultra-precise locating aims to meet three very important requirements: reliability, a guarantee of service and precision. The device that this project intends to create will meet these requirements by combining two different kinds of technology: satellite locating and RTLS (Real-time Locating System) locating, using sensors based on UWB (Ultra WideBand) systems. SRT LOCUPS will create a system able to take advantage of both types of technology and to send data concerning position in real time to a control system, using the appropriate communication channels. The project will not only analyse the requirements and study the most suitable locating algorithms, but most of all it will produce prototypes of receivers for satellite locating and locating sensors. In following the Internet of Things paradigm and approach, the two locating systems will work together and the transition from one to the other will take place in a controlled and managed way, but most of all in a totally automatic and transparent way for the end user.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
Partner Leader: LAN Service (SME) SSB Progetti (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (DELEN, DAUIN) (RB)
Intercluster Partner Prima Electronics (Mesap - Mechatronic Innovation Cluster)
Duration 24 months
Startup June 2011
Total value 1,102,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
SUAP Feasibility study for a one-stop shop in borough councils for manufacturing companies
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
The project aims to evaluate the feasibility of a BPM (Business Process Management) application based on Cloud Computing technology that will implement the ‘Regulations for the reorganisation and simplification of one-stop shops’ in line with what is stated in Article 19 paragraph 1 and Article 20
Partner Leader:Blue Sof Consulting (SME) Cloudea (SME)
paragraph 4 of Law no. 241 of 1990.
Duration Project summary The system should allow interaction between borough councils, affected external organisations and all other beneficiaries (private citizens or companies) who request
5 months
Startup May 2012
action from the council regarding manufacturing business or services.
Total value
Some large borough councils have been running ‘one-stop
49,000 euro
shops’ for years now. In all cases (Rome, Milan, Genoa, Turin,
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Florence, Bologna, Mantua and Bari) this has involved ad-hoc development projects strongly coloured by their local context and therefore difficult to export and/or ‘reuse’. Moreover the more interesting examples have involved investment worth hundreds of thousands of euros, an amount that borough councils can no longer afford. The innovation offered by the SUAP project consists in the use of Cloud Computing. An application based on a Cloud platform that implements the one-stop shop for borough
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
councils would be the first ‘low-cost’ product made available to councils in the form of a customisable package. The study will produce an initial estimate of the functions that should be included in the project and the opportunities for customising it that borough councils will be offered. The combination of these studies will allow us to decide whether or not to continue to the next step, which would see the completion of the SUAP project. 73
Financed Projects
Smart Video Assistant
Project of industrial research
Evolution of terminals, interfaces
This project aims to acquire and develop new understanding in order to achieve an experimental prototype of an intelligent system able to analyse video footage and provide data on its content in a completely automatic way.
and relative applicative platforms
& experimental development
Technological Path
Partner Leader: Altesys ALTO Sistemi (SME) C System (SME)
Project summary An experimental prototype will be developed for a software and hardware platform, which can be supplied in SaaS mode, able to analyse a series of video images automatically. The aim is to extract summary data on the content of videos from video cameras placed in particularly interesting locations, in order to develop intelligent systems of video analysis. The output of this system could be used to simplify the work of human operators, or to guarantee the execution of combinations of operations in a totally automatic way. During an initial phase, two main planning activities will be carried out: • the gathering of functional, non-functional and architectural requirements in text form; • the identification of requirements using UML (Unified Modelling Language) use case diagrams, ER models (entity-relationship models) and User eXperience diagrams (UX). Then the algorithms necessary to identify people in an environment will be developed, which are necessary for tracking figures as they move and for movement recognition. Moreover the Artificial Intelligence component that will be housed in the system’s central server will be designed and produced. The aim will be to identify a solution that is as scaleable as possible, so as to allow the re-use of algorithms even in operating conditions that are very different from each other, thanks to the identification in declarative form (taxonomy, classes, models…) of the domain and context information that the algorithms will work on, keeping the algorithms as flexible and versatile as possible 74
Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup January 2011
Total value 279,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Intercluster Project
SVPP Smart Virtual Power Plant
Goals The project will verify if and how the creation of a ‘smart grid’ can improve efficiency in the supply of power from renewable energy sources: distributed and non-distributed power generation plants, solar power, mini-hydro and CHP. In particular, the aim is to verify the economic impact of the introduction of a small-scale smart grid where energy can come from a large distributor outside the network as well as from small producers inside the network (such as solar panels, mini hydro and biomass). To this end, a software model will be built first which will allow us to visualise a standard smart grid. This will be used to configure a real system and then identify the best way of using renewable energy sources so as to reduce our dependence on energy from outside the network. For example, the model could answer questions such as: how many ‘batteries’ do we need to include? How many solar panels should we really install? The model will also take into account economic and financial aspects, calculating when the smart grid becomes costeffective (i.e. at what power production levels and in what operating conditions). Thus it will provide concrete information to potential grid managers: current energy producers or plant managers, as well as industrial zones, technological parks and universities.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path TP Plant and operations integration of energy providers for the improvement of efficiency and the reduction of investment costs LS The integration of supplies from renewable energy sources with power-consuming plants and the increase in energy efficiency
Partner LeaderEcostudio Emisfera Società Cooperativa (SME)
Intercluster Partner Atena Hal Service Politecnico di Torino (ENERMHY Cluster)
Duration 30 months
June 2012 Total value 138,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
ICT’s role Emisfera will be mainly responsible for creating the software model, thanks to its experience in software applications for companies specialising in energy production plants and its expertise derived from the creation, in its role as supplier, of the ENERMHY cluster’s SG-MODEL and SG-SENSOR services.
Financed Projects
TA_SL Enabling technologies for work safety
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Internet of Things
Goals This project tackles the problem of construction site safety using pervasive technology capable of dynamically identifying the presence of people, vehicles and tools, locating and referencing the position of workers constantly, measuring safety parameters in real time, on site, and modelling the working environment being monitored.
Project summary The TA_SL project intends to study and develop an innovative and original integrated technological, methodological and operative architecture to a prototype level, with special hardware and software components, that permits the supervision and surveillance of construction sites and provides assistance in identifying and managing risk scenarios. The technological paradigm proposed includes the system’s ability to perceive the environment in real time: the presence of and interaction between things and people, the location of resources, the tracing of movements and the measurement of environmental and human variables and parameters on site. Furthermore, the system will be able to perceive the conditions of resources and of the environment where it is operating, dynamically adapting itself to them. An awareness in real time of one’s own working environment and the possibility of implementing procedures and processes to evaluate risk as well as activating prevention and emergency measures will allow the system to implement risk mitigation and management scenarios.
Partner Leader: En.F.A.P. Piemonte (SME) Concept Reply (LE) CSdomotica (SME) Petra (SME) Punto Qualità (SME) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB) Politecnico di Torino (Dept. Electronics) (RB) Università di Torino (Dept. Computer Sciences) (RB)
Duration 24 months
Startup July 2011
Total value 849,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
Internet of Things
Intercluster Project
TRA.QUA.S. wine A regional platform for the development of new kinds of technology for tracing the quality and safety of fine Piedmontese wines
Goals The aim of the TRAQUAS wine project is to identify a new approach for the study of how to trace wines made solely from Nebbiolo grapes, through chemotyping, genotyping and the processing of data using avant-garde chemometric techniques and Artificial Intelligence.
ICT’s role The role of 3a Srl was to propose a new traceability system
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Partner Leader: Tenuta Carretta 3a (SME) Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” (Dip. Informatica) (RB)
Intercluster Partner Renato Ratti Rovellotti viticoltori in Ghemme Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” (Dip. Scienze Chimiche, Alimentari, Farmaceutiche e Farmacologiche) (Polo Agroalimentare)
Duration 24 months
for production information based on climate and environmental
parameters that can integrate agri-meteorological information
August 2011
with chemical and physical analyses of the quality of grapes. The monitoring model generated will be able to evaluate factors that influence the grape and wine’s chemotype and, thus, their traceability.
Total value 203,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research team at UNIPMN’s IT department will contribute to identifying suitable techniques and IT models able to support the analysis and the intelligent interpretation of the data collected and produced. .
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
WA (Wearable Antennas) Wearable antennas designed to increase work safety and efficiency
Goals This project aims to study, research and experiment with different types of RF antennas incorporated in clothes or protective headgear worn by employees who usually use two-way radio during their working day. This is a joint project involving the PoloICT Innovation Cluster and Biella’s po.in.tex Textile Innovation Cluste.
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative application platforms
Partner Leader: Mastersoft (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Intercluster Partner Tessitura F.lli Ballesio (Po.In.Tex - Textile Innovation Cluster)
Project summary The project aims to expand the secure and reliable capability of future professional wireless systems that will be developed for communication between groups of people and their coordination, possibly without the support of fixed infrastructure. Such systems will lead to greater efficiency in the work of emergency service groups and teams. The work of civil defence workers, public safety workers, medical staff and paramedics will be improved even in difficult emergency situations. Even safety on construction sites could be improved with enormous social impact. Finally, the opportunities for the passive geo-referencing and locating of missing persons, victims of avalanches etc are also interesting. In many sectors, safety equipment worn by personnel already includes the requirement of wearing reflective headgear and jackets. These surfaces are an interesting resource that can be used to reduce the need for traditional antennas with the added advantages of reducing bulk, lowering energy consumption and improving efficiency in receiving and emitting signals close to the theoretical maximum. One of the project’s aims is an awareness of the importance of reducing a person’s exposure to electromagnetic fields (particularly the more sensitive parts of the body). For this reason, a particular layout of antennas will be studied in an effort to maximise the emissions radiated towards the outside of the body, protecting the body from exposure to such emissions (possibly in an omni-directional way) without impeding movement. . 78
Duration 24 months
Startup December 2010
Total value 332,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
Intercluster Project
WASGO A Workflow Management System for digital production
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals
Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
The WASGO project aims to construct a workflow
management solution for digital production, by identifying
Leader: E.magine (SME) NICE (SME)
a process production and management standard and the construction of a software platform prototype to support the innovative process designed.
Intercluster Partner
Project summary
Animoka CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT (Digital Creativity and Multimedia Innovation Cluster)
The WASGO project is a concrete answer to the needs of structuring, quality and competitiveness that companies
Duration 18 months
working in the field of digital content production face (on a local, national and European level) when dealing with more
famous and technologically avant-garde North American
May 2011
production houses.
Total value
The project will lead to methodological and process
845,000 euro
innovations but it will also tackle unexplored technological
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Secono Programma Annuale
problems and will have positive effects for companies operating in this industry, for project partners and for Piedmont’s regional system. The project’s team boasts highly complementary skills: from design to the definition of complex corporate processes, from the development of avant-garde software for BPM to the creation and management of sophisticated distributed computing and storage systems, from the creation of innovative technology for remote 3D visualisation up to the
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
production of highest quality digital content production. .
Financed Projects Intercluster Project
Web Intelligence
Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals
Business Process Management / Business Intelligence
Web-BI intends to extract potentially useful information in the
field of regenerative medicine from the Web and analyse it
Leader: Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa (SME) Intellisemantic (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
using Business Intelligence techniques.
Intercluster Partner Project summary
Aethia Procelltech (BioPMed - Biomedical Innovation Cluster)
This project intends to supply an innovative service that can be accessed via the Web to hospital management, public and
private research institutes, cell factories and public and private
18 months
biobanks that use adult stem cells in the field of regenerative
medicine, a service capable of grouping and aggregating
March 2012
information from the Internet in real time. The Web has an enormous amount of data that could be analysed to extract information useful for the purposes of regenerative medicine. The process of extracting,
Total value 459,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Secondo Programma Annuale
transforming and loading data in a Business Intelligence system (known as ETL systems) normally uses data that has already been structured, or partially structured, stored in a company’s IT system. However, when information is sourced from the Web, it is not structured and it is definitely not reliable. In order to extract information from the Web, it is therefore necessary to identify algorithms that will allow us to determine the level of reliability of a website and load unstructured information to a data warehouse. The project aims to define such algorithms, implement them and experiment their use for the analysis of information found on the Internet.
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
Intercluster Project
WSAN-M&C Wireless Sensor & Actuator Network for indoor environmental Monitoring and Controlling
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Partner Goals The WSAN-M&C project aims to develop an integrated environmental monitoring and regulation of air conditioning system that combines the power of flexibility and precision of a wireless monitoring system with the potential for extensive temperature regulation done on single terminals. In the context of energy savings in buildings, we are witnessing the spread of ‘energy service’ contracts that have as their central principle the reduction of energy consumption. To avoid this becoming detrimental to the comfort of the occupants, this type of contract requires that contractually established indoor environmental conditions be adhered to. In most cases, however, the testing of indoor temperatures occurs only when residents complain, with spot measurements that are unable to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the service because they relate to a period of time that is too short. Another key aspect behind the project is the necessity to have temperature regulation systems that act on a network of single terminals to ensure the high performance of indoor heating quality. Finally, the last in the range of considerations that underlie the project when it comes to air conditioning energy consumption is the size of existing buildings and therefore the need for temperature regulation systems which use wireless technology to reduce implementation costs and the difficulties often introduced by cables.
Capofila: Onleco (POLIGHT) C-Labs (SME)
Intercluster Partner Giacomini Capetti Elettronica Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento di Energetica) (POLIGHT)
Duration 24 months
Total value 460,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3
ICT’s role The ICT partner developed the WINE short-range wireless communication technology and will undertake to evolve the network of sensors (WSN, or Wireless Sensor Network) so that it can also transfer orders, settings and implementation, creating a network of sensors and actuators (WSAN, or Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network) that is solid, efficient and reliable.
Financed Projects
WUIT Web User Interest Tracking
Tipology Feasibility study
Technological Path Business Process Management /
Business Intelligence
The WUIT project aims to carry out preliminary tests on the creation of a system for collecting statistical data on the interests of Internet users and website page navigation habits.
Partner Leader: Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa (SME) Net Surfing (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Project summary This study is part of an approach that traces the movement of
a mouse and the clicks on a page. In fact it has been proven
6 months
that the attention of a user as he or she navigates a website is strictly linked to mouse movements. In short, the eye follows the mouse’s pointer. Nevertheless, given the unstoppable
Startup November 2011
process of convergence between mobile and landline communications and the growing number of users who access the Internet from mobile terminals of all kinds, the
Total value
study will also take into account mobile access, identifying
92,000 euro
more specifically strategies that are more suited to the
Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - AttivitĂ I.1.3 Prima Call Intermedia 201
integration or adaptation of the analysis paradigm based on mouse-clicks for devices able to offer alternative man-machine interaction techniques (for example, based on the use of touch and scroll, zoom movements etc. for touchscreen and multi-touch devices). At the moment there are foreign companies that are not taking into account the peculiarities of mobile navigation despite supplying some of these services. Moreover, these companies mainly use their systems in usability studies on websites rather than for marketing analysis. In contrast, the WUIT system could become an advanced Web-marketing tool which would offer integration with existing Web analytics frameworks, marketing analysis and advertisement tools as an added value, thus integrating current state-of-the-art technology significantly.
Business Process Management Business Intelligence
The development of food inspection technology
Project of industrial research
Evolution of terminals, interfaces and relative
The project will verify the potential of T and X-ray technology (possibly combined) to increase our ability to identify ‘unsuitable’ characteristics in the products handled in food or pharmaceutical production processes, such as the presence of foreign bodies or other unsuitable characteristics relating to shape.
& experimental development
Technological Path application platforms
Partner Leader: Rayonics Italia (SME) NTT New Tera Technology (SME) Sirio Automazione (SME) Politecnico di Torino (RB)
Project summary
The project aims to develop a non-commercial prototype system capable of carrying out functional simulation nondestructive inspection tests for the food and pharmaceutical industries.
33 months
The identification of foreign bodies and other substances should be of the NDT (Non Destructive Testing) type and carried out in harmony with the manufacturing process, i.e. without affecting the pace of manufacturing. In particular, this research will focus on making the most of the typical properties of TeraHertz frequencies (or T-rays) and combining them with existing imaging technology used in visible light and X-ray frequencies. Technological efforts will aim to: • identify applications where the physical properties of T-rays offer an advantage when compared to existing viewing technology and those where they offer results that were previously unfeasible;
Startup March 2010
Total value 511,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Primo Programma Annuale
Evoluzione di terminali e interfacce
• develop artificial viewing algorithms suitable for the needs of new technology, developing existing ones in view of possible future combinations of T-ray, X-ray and visible light; • adjust T-ray generating and detecting equipment to the standards of environmental difficulty (temperature, moisture, dust, etc.) and reliability typical of food and pharmaceutical manufacturing processes; • integrate new sensors, algorithms and analysis methods with the working methods of the existing platform used in the field of industrial NDT.
μCloud Micro Cloud
Tipology Project of industrial research & experimental development
Technological Path Goals This project is part of an avant-garde technological trend that aims at cloud computing convergence with embedded systems, recognised by large companies of the calibre of Microsoft and Google and research centres such as Boston’s MIT as the future of IT. The project aims to innovate products and processes in the industrial and manufacturing sector in order to solve problems concerning the management, monitoring and improvement of embedded terminals working in a number of different fields: industry, smart mobility, energy saving, smart metering and smart building.
Cloud Computing
Partner Leader: BEPS Engineering (SME) Saet (SME) Tierra (LE) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (RB)
Duration 24 months
Project summary The μCloud system will integrate embedded terminals, currently at the centre of many systems, with a technologically avantgarde platform for managing processes and product lifecycles, done in cloud computing. μCloud will make it possible to collect data on the working status of terminals and their need for maintenance, as well as gather information useful for planning the development of new functions. In this way we will achieve the smart management of terminals which will reduce running costs, especially after-sales costs. More specifically, the idea intends to evolve the hardware and operating system of current embedded systems in order to gear them towards connecting with Cloud services. In order to do this, an embedded level of functions will be created that project participants have called Device to Cloud (D2C). The data collected and aggregated by the μCloud platform could lead to the identification of new business models thanks to the connection with the data marketplaces that complete what cloud computing offers. With this in mind, the project will suggest important directions for innovation, such as the possibility of considering devices not just as objects with specific functions, but also as generators of information with their own intrinsic business value. This scenario constitutes a new paradigm – that project partners have identified as Device as a Service (DaaS) – according to which the cost of embedded terminals will be largely compensated by the value of the data they can generate . 84
Inizio June 2012
Total value 528,000 euro Financed by: POR FESR 2007/2013 - Asse I - Attività I.1.3 Terzo Programma Annuale
Cloud Computing
Large Enterprises
Large Enterprises
Akhela Akhela professional services: Information Technology (IT) and Embedded Systems services development and management Akhela is an innovative company in rapid growth that has become a major player in the Italian IT market and is also emerging in the international market. Akhela has been running the IT systems of major companies, developing a wealth of methods, skills and procedures for the management and supervision of mission-critical environments and services. This experience and a close contact with customers and partners enable Akhela to successfully respond to challenging demands on highly complex systems and seize new opportunities while maintaining the highest levels of quality and flexibility.
Skills Networks and ICT infrastructures planning and management; ad hoc software solutions for oil & gas processes; industrial and physical security solutions; finance business intelligence systems; HPC services; engine control systems; telephony, radio, navigators and iPod integration in cars; GUI/HMI and touch screen interfaces; embedded systems for industrial automation; industrial SCADA systems security, protection of closed areas, access controls; mobile applications development (iOS, Android, Bada, Windows Phone 7).
Products and services • Logical and physical security: services covering the operational cycle of enterprise security, starting from systems and applications release to audits and security assessments, management of physical security systems in industrial plants (SCADA, video surveillance, perimeter security, access control). • ICT Infrastructures management & Datacenter Automation: planning, implementation and optimized management of complex ICT infrastructures, virtualization and consolidation, change & configuration management, provisioning & capacity planning, compliance to regulations and standards. • Business Intelligence: planning and carrying out of complex business intelligence systems • HPC Services: high quality services for clusters and HPC (High Performance Computing) calculation systems • Software Integration & Maintenance: development, integration, application solutions customization. • Linux Embedded: real time applications development based on Linux/Open Source for Embedded (Amakha). • HMI (Human Machine Interface): planning and development of advanced user interfaces • Hybrid Automotive Powertrain Applications 86
Research and Special Projects Akhela innovates through the cooperation with Italian and European Universities, taking part in research projects at regional, Italian and European level and the synergy with selected international partners that complete and bring further added value to Akhela’s offer. The company research department is focused on long, medium and short term objectives and starts self-financed projects carried out in its laboratories. AkheLab, Akhela’s laboratory, whose aim to develop new competences and technologies in areas that are considered strategic for the company, has developed HIPPO (High Performance Prototyping Orchestration), an efficient development platform with a functional software architecture which streamlines Apps development cycle for the different mobile operating systems.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Security • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference • HPC • Embedded systems
Markets and Applications • • • • •
Energy Banking and insurance Automotive Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting Aerospace and defence
Technology used HIPPO is divided in a few by-products: MobHippo: for client software development (smartphone, tablet, etc.). ServHippo: for server-side software development (Intelligent Portal) which facilitates the design of distributed infrastructures, both hardware and software, in order to enable mobile devices and generic browser access to infinite resources in terms of space, storage and computing capacity. Through the mobile terminal, users can access an infinite amount of information, data, and last but not least, remote applications. As for the basic infrastructure to be used, at the portal side, there are two keywords: Linux and Cloud-computing. Linux because it is the safe and reliable operating system par excellence. Cloud-computing, in order to guarantee an infrastructure always up to the real needs. Calculation power, as well as storage capacity, varies in relationship with the number of requests (on demand power). The absence of overload or underload periods means costs reduction and efficiency. HippoGadget: for hardware planning of gadgets (objects) to be connected to the mobile device. HippoEmbedded: allows the applications porting on embedded and automotive, domotics and industrial platforms.
• • • • •
Linux embedded, VxWorks, Windows CE RFID, Wi-Fi CAN, MOST HMI for Automotive Assembly C/C++ programming for embedded • iOS, Bada, Android
Activity • R&D and Design
Financed Projects • New interface metaphors between vehicle and driver for the automotive sector pag. 45 • AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2 pag. 46 • Smart Metering for Local Energy Optimization pag. 71
Akhela srl Corso Svizzera,185 10149 Torino antonio.solinas@akhela.com www.akhela.com 87
Large Enterprises
Infogroup IT solutions for financial and industrial sectors, oil companies and mass retailers Infogroup was set up in 1985 and it has become a
Online Payment Processing Services
company of Intesa Sanpaolo bank group since January
Infogroup is the Technical Delegated Structure for Intesa
2008. With its 470 human resources and its turnover
Sanpaolo bank group.
of 81.31 million euros, Infogroup is an important Italian
It has been working in the development of Loyalty
ICT player.
Programs since 1991. Solutions for banks, mass retailers and oil companies have been produced.
The company operates both within Intesa Sanpaolo bank group providing new services with the mission to fill the gap between businesses and the bank and in the external market developing projects and services.
SAP Competence Center Infogroup has set up its in-house SAP Competence Center since 2009, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and SAP. It is a hub of resources and best practices to manage SAP solutions designed to embrace the whole
life-cycle of IT projects.
• Finance: online payment processing, eBanking and finance
e-Government services Within the organization of the Public Sector, Infogroup is
• Public Sector: electronic invoicing, electronic
developing products and providing services to support
archival systems complying with legal requirements
e-Government evolutions: simplifying procedures and
(for Public Sector and for Public Sector vs businesses)
granting easier and secure accesses to all users.
and eTicketing External Services • Services for businesses: e-invoicing, electronic
Infogroup provides connectivity services to connect
archival systems complying with legal requirements,
Banks with Businesses (financial institutions, corporate
Content Management, Loyalty Programs, outsourcing
and small businesses, public sector) and cross industry
for Data Centers
services (financial services, electronic invoicing, electronic archival systems complying with legal requirements, content management, portals)
Products and services
Outsosurcing Services
Infogroup Data Center grants excellence in results as
Thanks to its twenty five-yaer long experience,
specialized structure for Facility and Application
Infogroup has acquired total knowledge of the Italian
Management of e.finance and e.banking applications
banking system where it stands as a leading provider.
in mission critical environments.
PAYMENT GATEWAY FOR CBI CONSORTIUM (Customer to Business Interaction) Infogroup is collaborating in the development of the payment gateway solution of the CBI Consortium for the Public Sector: it is a technological platform aimed to spread the advantages of the corporate banking structure to renew the organization of the Public Sector.
ELECTRONIC INVOICING Infogroup is providing the service of electronic invoicing offered by Intesa Sanpaolo.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Security • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Mass Retailing
Technology used LOYALTY PROGRAM Infogroup has developed its own loyalty program platform which is currently used by several oil companies.
• Programming languages for web applications • Programming languages for server applications
Activity BANCASSURANCE Infogroup is providing eBAAS Vita e Danni, its dynamic dashboard for bancassurance operators in life and casualty property business. eBAC is the product to configurate dataflows and can be either integrated in eBAAS or provided separately.
CARTA ESPERIENZA 150 Infogroup has developed the card launched by Intesa Sanpaolo to help tourists visiting Italy in 2011 within all events to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Italian Unity.
• • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Infogroup C.so Unione Sovietica, 121 10134 Torino info@infogroup.it www.infogroup.it 89
Magneti Marelli Advanced systems and components for the automotive industry Magneti Marelli is an international leader in design and production of advanced systems and components for the automotive industry, whose headquarter is based in Italy.
Infotainment & Telematics Magneti Marelli Infotainment and Telematics mainly operates in the areas of infotainment, navigation and telematics applied to Original Equipment and to After Market.
With its 77 production plants, 11 R&D centers and 26 application centers in 18 countries, about 33,000 employees and a turnover of 5.4 billion Euros in 2010, (Italia, France, Germania, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, US, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, China, Japan, India, Malaysia, South Africa), the group supplies all the leading carmakers in Europe, North and South America and the Far East.
Motorsport The Motorsport Department of Magneti Marelli is committed to the development, production and commercialization of technical support for a complete range of hardware and software components and products dedicated to racing and motorbike competition applications.
Skills Inside its mission of automotive equipment supplier at global level, Magneti Marelli aims to valorize, thanks to a constant innovation process, the know-how and the electronic transversal skills to develop intelligent systems for active and passive vehicles’ safety, the on board quality of life and the technologies related to powertrain.
Products and services Electronics Magneti Marelli Electronics is specialized in automotive electronics, in particular dedicated to instrument clusters and displays. Exhaust Systems Magneti Marelli Exhaust Systems develops and produces exhaust systems for motor vehicles for advanced technologies as for performances and quality.
Powertrain Magneti Marelli Powertrain is the business line dedicated to the production of motors and gears components for automobiles, motorcycles and light vehicles.
Multimedia Navigation system and Climate Control system for Alfa Romeo Giulietta
Technology areas
Technology Areas
Electronics • HMI • High performance displays, touchscreens, Passive Technology, Monochrom TFT, Color TFT from 3,5” up to 12,3”, HW, SW, Mechanics and Backlighting expertise • Reconfigurable displays with 2D and 3D objects and widgets visualization
• Multimedia, visualization systems,
Exhaust Systems • Fabricated Manifolds: Tubular, Stamped • Catalytic Converters: Tourniquet, Stuffed, Stamped, Spinformed • Diesel Particulate Filters (Dpf): Tourniquet, Stuffed, Stamped • Mufflers: Rolled, Stamped • Complete Exhaust Lines: Hot-Ends, Cold-Ends
advanced interfaces and usability • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • Automotive
Activity • R&D and Design
Infotainment & Telematics • Mobile telephone systems (GSM, GPRS, UMTS), Localization (GPS, Galileo), Firmware programming languages (C++,C, Assembler) • SO: Windows CE, Windows Auto, VxWorks Motorsport • Engine/Vehicle control units, DST - Telemetry systems, Data loggers, Analog Inputs Acquisition Modules, SW tools, Dashboards and displays • Alternators, Voltage regulators, Inductive revolution sensors, Accelerometers, Ignition coils • Fuel injectors, Fuel pumps, Fuel pressure regulators, Hydraulic gearbox control systems, Semi automatic gearbox control systems Powertrain • GASOLINE: ECUs, Injectors, Throttle bodies, Intake manifolds, Fuel rails, Multifuel systems, GDI pumps • DIESEL: ECUs, Low pressure parts, Mechatronic throttle bodies, Intake manifolds with variable swirl control • TRANSMISSIONS: Freechoice AMT, ECUs, Hydraulic power units, DTC
• Manufacturing • Marketing
Financed project • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet
pag. 58
Audi A4 instrument cluster
Magneti Marelli spa Viale Carlo Emanuele II, 150 10078 Venaria Reale (Torino) piero.delapierre@magnetimarelli.com www.magnetimarelli.com
Large Enterprises
Nuance Communications Broadest, deepest, highest-quality set of platform technologies for speech & imaging, covering technologies such as: Speech recognition, Voice identification, Predictive text,Text to speech, Optical character recognition Document conversion and workflow • Nuance maintains one of the world’s largest libraries of speech data • Nuance has won awards for its solutions in every major product family • The 8 largest handset and 10 largest auto makers use Nuance solutions • Nuance solutions have shipped in more than 5 billion mobile phones and 70 million cars • There are more than 22 million registered users of Nuance desktop solutions • Millions of mobile consumers have downloaded our Dragon Mobile Apps • More than 3,000 hospitals in the U.S. use Nuance healthcare solutions • More than 150,000 doctors and caregivers use Dragon Medical
Skills • 6000 dipendenti in 35 uffici in tutto il mondo • 1000 dipendenti in Europa in oltre 15 uffici • Soluzioni vocali Nuance supportano più di 60 lingue e dialetti • Nove dei dieci principali produttori di stampanti multifunzione (MFP) e quattro dei cinque principali produttori di scanner collaborano con Nuance per offrire soluzioni per l'elaborazione delle immagini • Un team di 400 esperti di tecnologie vocali e ricercatori che guidano l’innovazione • Un team di assistenza professionale di oltre 1400 esperti sovrintende alle implementazioni delle tecnologie sul linguaggio.
Opportunities for Innovation and Cost Savings • Increase automation through improved self-service design and innovative technology • Proactively contact members to reduce inbound calls and meet their expectations for service • Determine why callers are calling you by letting them use their own words • Personalize treatment over the phone through strategic planning based on best-in class benchmarks • Deliver the promise of a consistent customer experience through a well integrated contact center • Use multi-factor authentication to improve security, usability and self-service success. 92
Automation of Call Centers, Contact Centers and Help Desks for Telecommunication and Service Provider Nuance provides tailored, phone-based customer service solutions that are helping leading companies and service providers to deliver great service experiences that serve to differentiate their businesses in the midst of heightened emphasis on customer retention, deriving more revenue and pressure to reduce costs and improve profitability..
Solutions for Banking and Trading Nuance is helping 14 of the top 15 banks achieve these goals. Together we are keeping financial services at the leading edge of innovative and cost effective customer care. There is a push towards improving the customer experience by providing value-added services and making customer touch-points more uniform and transparent. This can be accomplished by optimizing contact center operations and implementing integrated customer-facing solutions. There are opportunities to differentiate through unique approaches to personalization, enhancing security of interactions and investing in creative strategies to meet the needs of today’s mobile consumers.
Utilities Nuance is working with leading Energy Utilities companies to accomplish a number of goals: decrease costs in the call center, integrate backend systems, make agents more productive, improve customer satisfaction scores and proactively reach out to consumers with relevant and timely information.
Better Way to Help Citizens and Government Nuance provides a host of technologies, solutions and services to government agencies. Our customer service solutions can help you raise levels of efficiency in your agency and transform the way you execute your mission and connect with citizens, Nuance provides tailored, phone-based customer service solutions and speech-driven agency directory applications that that are helping government offices and agencies deliver costeffective and differentiated service in the midst of budget constraints, staffing shortfalls and increasing citizen and constituent expectations.
Vertical Industry Focus For over 20 years Nuance has been providing customer interaction solutions to state, local and federal governments, property and casualty insurance, life and retirement services, retail and travel and hospitality companies. Each industry manages unique customer demands. Nuance can help you exceed expectations and differentiate your service cost effectively.
Customer Service Solutions for Healthcare and Insurance: Promote Wellness and Convenience While Controlling Costs Nuance is working with leading health insurance providers to differentiate through unique approaches to personalization, enhancing security of interactions and investing in creative strategies to meet the needs of today’s mobile consumers. Health insurance providers face a number of challenges. Data must be accessed through multiple systems. Regulations around security and privacy must be addressed. And consumer expectations for access to information are surpassing what most providers are delivering today. Technology investments are driving down costs – increasing agent productivity and empowering members and providers to self-serve effectively. There is a push towards improving the member experience by providing value-added services and making customer touch-points more uniform and transparent.
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Security • Mobile
Markets and Applications • • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL ITS & Logistics Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • TTS • ASR • VB • Platforms
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
Transform Your Customers’ Experience Over the Phone Through Uniquely Personalized, Highly Secure Interactions Nuance draws on its understanding of the way in which consumers want to communicate and balances those dynamics with your unique business goals to deliver differentiated service cost effectively. Whether it’s providing claims information proactively, easing travel with clear, informative communications, or taking advantage of the mobile phone for retail shoppers – Nuance keeps you competitive with innovative and cost-effective customer care.
Loquendo spa a Nuance Company Via A. Olivetti, 6 10148 Torino www.nuance.com 93
Large Enterprises
Olivetti Leader in IT sector: more than one hundred years of activity in Research, Development and Industrial Innovation, together with a strong commercial worldwide presence Olivetti is a Business Unit of the Telecom Italia Group,
Biochip optical reader
one of the largest European telecom companies. The Group includes activities in wireline and wireless communications, innovative consumer products and services and systems for professional market.
Bio-chip casing
Olivetti is the unique European company, and one of the four worldwide industries, which owns intellectual property in ink jet printing technology. Olivetti maintains a whole chain of competences and solutions for flexible industrial printing. Bio-chip inlet: liquid loading
Products and services The commercial organization of Olivetti is present in 83 countries, and Services, R&D and Manufacturing facilities are located in Ivrea (Torino), Arnad (Aosta), Carsoli (Aquila) and Yverdon (Switzerland). Optical reader bio-chip holder
The industrial offer of Olivetti includes Office Products, like netbooks, notebooks, internet data cards, printers, copiers, fax, and printing cartridges, and Professional Products, like special printers for banking, retails, post offices, shop automation, ticketing, gaming and transport ticket emission and and Software Solution Products, like the document hub.
Bio-chip and ELISA assay The Olivetti optical reader is an instrument designed to
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies
analyze ELISA assay on a Bio-chip, devoted to cancer early detection, by a chemiluminescence reaction.
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL
The reader reveals the presence of biomarkers in human blood by the antigen-antibody mechanism. Anti-biomarker arrays are ink-jet spotted on the bio-chip surface by a patented technology. Optical reader works only with
• Agricultural and food
Technology used • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee)
specifically designed disposable bio-chip equipped with a reagents kit.
Bio-chip disposability, together with complete absence of
• R&D and Design
potentially hazardous liquid waste (reagents used during the
• Manufacturing
biological protocol are trapped inside the bio-chip casing
• Marketing
by a highly absorbent material), ensure no contamination.
• Maintenance & customer care
A proprietary software recognizes and analyses images
Financed projects
acquired by a cooled CCD camera; optical intensity value
• Public Multimedia Apparatus • A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours
results, for each biomarker, are quantified (AU/ml) by a comparison with a calibration curve stored
pag. 25 pag. 49
inside the instrument. CCD acquired image analysis
Olivetti spa Via Jervis, 77 10015 Ivrea (Torino) r.sirio@olivetti.com www.olivetti.com 95
Large Enterprises
The Telecom Italia Group Italy’s leading ICT enterprise active in fixed-line and mobile IToday, Telecom Italia offers infrastructures and technological platforms that allow voice and datato be transformed into advanced telecommunications services as well as leadingedge media and ICT solutions. These tools cater for the Group’s as well as the country’s growth. Telecom Italia, TIM, Virgilio, La7 and MTV Italia, Olivetti are the Group’s main brands; they are well-known by consumers and are a guarantee of reliability and competence. In addition to its domestic leading position, the Group has a significant presence in Latin America, a market with large growth potential. Being close to customers and technological innovation are the hallmarks of the Group,characterized by a streamlined organization that focuses on the quality of service, simple offers, attention to contact with customers and constant research activities in TILab laboratories. Telecom Italia’s domestic leadership - over 14.7 million retail network connections, of which 7.1 million retail broadband accesses, 32.2 million mobile lines – is the result of an all-round telecommunications offer that is transforming traditional communication into the new digital communication. Ubiquity, interactivity, dynamic participative services are available to all, on fixed and mobile lines, through a wide range of devices: from mobile to fixed telephones, from PCs to TVs, including smartphones, tablet computers and TV set-top decoders. The new reality is assured by the availability of broadband, which Telecom Italia provides today through Adsl on 97% of Italy’s territory with the commitment to bring it to 98% by 2012- , and through mobile broadband. For Italy’s wide entrepreneurial sector, Telecom Italia can provide integrated and tailored solutions. Its portfolio comprises convergent fixed and mobile tariff plans, IP communications and high-speed connectivity, a wide range of applications such as data management and storage, security, video-surveillance and management of power consumption. Moreover, Telecom Italia offers an advanced cloud computing platform that allows enterprises and government bodies to virtualize IT infrastructure and applications. Abroad Group’s focus is on Latin America. It operates in Argentina and Paraguay, providing fixed and mobile telephony services and internet through Telecom Argentina group. In Brazil, TIM Brasil, with 64.1 million mobile lines and a 26.5% market share, is the second player in the country. 96
2011 Group’s key numbers • 32.2 million TIM lines in Italy, 64.1 million TIM Brasil customers • 9.1 million broadband accesses in Italy, of which 7.1 million retail customers • 14.7 million retail connections to the fixed network in Italy • 4.1 million fixed lines, 1.5 million broaband accesses, 18.2 million mobile customers in Argentina • 2 million mobile lines in Paraguay (at September 2011) • 3.85 % daily average audience share by La7 • 84,154 employees, of whom 56,878 in Italy • 6,095 million € industrial investments • 29,958 million € revenues • 12,246 million € EBITDA
Business offerings Telecom Italia business portfolio: integrated F-M solutions for communications over IP, high speed connectivity, corporate data protection, data management applications, video surveillance services, and high quality videoconferencing services. Specialist applications for banking, healthcare, insurance and other industries: • Impresa Semplice portfolio offers turnkey solutions that cater to the broadest range of SME needs, including the benefit of TIM mobile offerings and Olivetti’s widespread sales and technical help network • Nuvola Italiana is Telecom Italia cloud computing platform to allow enterprises and government bodies to virtualize IT infrastructure and applications
Telecom Italia Lab Within the Telecom Italia group, Telecom Italia Lab (TILab, previously CSELT) carries out research and development activites. The innovations centre was funded in 1964 in Torino. Since then, its researchers are working in and promoting the innovation for the fixed and mobile networks aiming at the development, prototyping and development of new services and platforms. These actions are conducted keeping in mind requirements of end users and enterprises. Among the several innovation activities, it is worth to mention: mobile communications, from 4G systems to mobile cloud computing; innovation of the fixed network for the fruition of high quality ultrabroadband content; Internet of Things and the world of social networks, as well as new services in e-health, e-tourism, e-ducational, entertainment, infomobility, telework, and mobile payment domains. In a close relationship with prestigious Universities and National and International research Centres and the Industry, Telecom Italia builds and makes closer the future with advanced services for the home and the enterprise guaranteeing quality and security.
LAP (Laboratorio Accreditato Prove)
LAP (Laboratorio Accreditato Prove) activities started in the early 90s in Torino - TILab, the innovation center of Telecom Italia, offering testing services on ICT equipment and platforms. Using advanced labs and test plant infrastructure, LAP works both for the internal departments of Telecom Italia and for external companies in ICT sector, offering testing services from different typologies ranging from hardware to functional aspects, from fixed to mobile terminals, from PABX to optical systems, from ICT safety to interoperability with Telecom Italia network, fully emulated in our test plants.
Labs and test plant
Mains labs are: fixed and mobile access, core and metro network, fixed CPE and IPTV, mobile terminals, Value Added Service (VAS) and Specific Abortion Rate (SAR), VAS platform & vertical IT solution, energy, WiFi, electrical safety and protection, mechanical and quality of materials, EMC, calibration and instrumentation management, usability and service stability evaluation, electroacoustic, networking e interworking with Telecom Italia network. Test plant, covering an area of about 3000 m2 hosting more than 600 equipment, reproducing fixed and mobile network of Telecom Italia in all different functionalities: fixed and mobile access, OPM, backbone OPB, transport, service POP, VAS, IMS etc.
Accreditation and certification
Testing Labs, as a part of Technology department of Telecom Italia, is certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 from CSQ and LAP are accredited in accordance with EN17025 standard from Accredia (Dipartimento Laboratori e Dipartimento Tarature) and from Ministero per Sviluppo Economico; we can provide accredited reports on specific reference standards national and international (see web site), moreover we are a calibration center and we act as Notified Body in Electromagnetic compatibility.
Financied projects
• Internet Services for Mobile pag. 29 • Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably pag. 35 • General practice unit pag. 37 • A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours pag. 49
Competence LAP competence comes from Testing Labs department of TILab ranging in all sector of fixed and mobile telecommunication: from technological aspect such as powering, electromagnetic compatibility, instrumentation calibration, SAR, electroacoustic measurement, software aspects, and networking.
Prodotti e servizi Different service typologies are offered, depending from customer needs, ranging from conformance testing to standards, to availability in outsourcing of test plants and labs, to consultancy in new products development, instrumentation utilization and testing configuration of equipment.
Telecom Italia SpA TILab Laboratorio Accreditato Prove Via Reiss Romoli 274 - 10148 Torino lap@telecomitalia.it www.lap.telecomitalia.it
Large Enterprises
Concept Reply ICT company focused on the delivery of System Integration, Business Process Outsourcing, Business Consulting Concept Reply is a company of the Reply group.
Skills • Vertical solutions on the Healthcare and Public Autorities market • Competence center machine to machine
Products and services The main areas of development of the company are related to the domain of Internet of Things and in particular the design and manufacturing of products and solutions for Machine-toMachine (M2M). Reply Santer focuses its development areas on: • Quality of Life: Health, Nutrition and Quality Care: integrated home telecare, telemedicine, telemonitoring of continuous parameters and environmental health, integrated domiciliary disadvantaged • Quality of food: certification of production chains, tracking • Innovative Banking: automatic payment systems, micropayments, mobile Historical areas of offering are those related to the market of healthcare and local public area.
Technology Areas • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Mobile • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Technology used • Programming languages: Application, web, firmware, SO • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee) • Mobile protocols (GSM, GPRS, UMTS) • Location (GPS, Galileo)
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Financed projects • Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments • Fall Prevention / Fall Detection • Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization • Enabling technologies for work safety
Concept Reply Via Cardinal Massaia, 83 10147 Torino info@reply.eu www.reply.it 98
pag. 36 pag. 51 pag. 71 pag. 76
Delta Progetti 2000 Business Process Management (Analysis and re-engineering) Delta Progetti 2000 is the consulting & IT services company of Comdata, which is leader in Italy in Solution and Management of Business Process Outsourcing. The strength of Delta Progetti is to realize IT System to create efficiency and cost saving int the operative management of the core business. Delta Progetti 2000, is present in several area in Italy with 160 resources.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills The Enterprise Content Management, Business Process Automation, Business Intelligence, System Management, Web e Multimedia are the main competences of Delta Progetti 2000. Delta Progetti 2000 also offers to customers and partners a deep vertical knowledge of several markets like Telco, Finance, Insurance, etc.
Products and services The offer of Delta Progetti 2000 answers in a complete and integrated way to the needs of its customers creating value for medium and large companies, developing system in open source technology and designing custom solutions. Products and Solutions:
• Banking and insurance • Tourism, culture and education
Technology used • Oracle, J2EE,'C', .Net, Microsoft CCF, Eclipse, Hibernate, Spring • Oracle, MySQL • Alfresco, Filenet, Liferay
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed projects • The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis pag. 33
• Enterprise Content Management (Alfresco, Liferay, C.Box, C.Flow) • Business Process Automation (Business Service Portal, Service Dispatch, Intelligent IVR, Dashboard Console) • Business Intelligence (Qlikview) • System Management • Web & Multimedia (Web content management, Web-marketing, Hospitality, E-learning)
Delta Progetti 2000 srl Viale Carlo Alberto, 22/A 10123 Torino info@dp2000.it www.dp2000.it 99
Large Enterprises
Dylog Italia SpA Management software solutions for enterprises and commercial and image processing Dylog Italia achieved excellence in Italian IT market through constant innovation and research. For over thirty years Dylog set milestones in terms of quality and reliability, always one step ahead in foreseeing markets expectations, so to become the essential IT partner for thousands business owners and professionals. Since 1980 Dylog has experienced constant growth and sought higher efficiency through industrialization and organization. The reliability of Dylog solutions and a sound industrial development system led to many important takeovers of companies such as Alpisoft, CDS, Prassi, Omega Data; Dagep, Komec, each one a leader in their respective market. In 2005 Dylog acquired the majority of Gruppo Buffetti from Telecom Italia Media. Gruppo Buffetti is based in Rome and controls over 900 points of sales in Italy. Gruppo Buffetti is the Italian leading company for office supplies and IT solutions. In 2006 Seasoft, a software developer specialized in ERP solutions for Public Accountants, became part of the Dylog Group and, in 2007, Dylog completed the takeover of Cronos, Access and Attendance Control solutions provider. The total turnover of the Dylog Group companies is currently around 150 million euros per year.
Technology Areas
Technological innovation granted Dylog a leading position in the following sectors: • ERP applications • Image Processing and Digital Video Security • X Ray Quality Control • Access and Attendance Control
• Manufacturing
Products and services Today, Dylog can boast one of the richest collection of applications with hundreds of IT solutions for: • ERP for Certified Public Accountants, Small Firms, Medium and Large Companies • Hotels and Real Estate Property Management • Hotels and Chains Booking Systems • Restaurants and Retail Shops Management • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Management Systems • Payroll and Attendance Control • Driving School Management • Automotive Workshop Management • Food and Drugs X Ray Quality Control • Video Security and Licence Plates Recognition Each of the many thousands Dylog applications users receives direct support from the largest IT call centre in Italy. Over 700 certified dealers and trainers provide local technical support. 100
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence
Markets and Applications • Mass Retailing
Technology used • x-ray technology • Rfid • Application development in Microsoft Visual C# 2005 (Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0) WindowsForms type multi-tier database Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008
• Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
Financed projects • Common Application Layer Extended Banking System
DYLOG ITALIA spa Corso Bramante 53 10126 Torino info@dylog.it www.dylog.it
pag. 26
Kelyan Presents a service range that goes from ERP applications to documental processing management, Enterprise Content Management, security until infrastructures Kelyan, one of Comdata Group companies, was born from a strategic agreement between Kelyan SMC and A&C Holding, Italian leading companies in the IT field, offers the opportunity to simplify complicated technology in order to enable customer use and insight, having great business benefits. Kelyan’s aim is to become a leader in the Italian IT field through ERP activity’s integration, IT security and documental processing management.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Security • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills • Knows business process and optimizes it through the most innovative technology
• • • •
ITS & Logistics Agricultural and food Manufacturing Mass Retailing
Technology used
• Knows and plays the IT technologic scenario and its development, its risks
• Microsoft Dynamics • Oracle • IBM • Check point • Openwork
• She’s learned in specific vertical fields
• Meets companies’ needs and enables plannning in order to support business h24
• R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services Operates in different business areas with a wide range of products either of third party or owns (*), which are:
Financed projects • General practice unit
pag. 37
• in the ERP area, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Dynamics CRM and K-Practor*, Arca Evolution and SigmaX • in the IDM area, K-Files* and MyDOCS* (electronic document management suite and legal archive) • in the Security and Networking areas (K-Audit*, MyAudit*, MySecurity, K-Desk*, MyDESK*, Safe Recovery, K-Risk, Disaster Recovery and Consolidation) • in the ECM area (Alfresco and Sharepoint market products)
KELYAN srl Via Legnano, 45 10129 Torino marketing@kelyan.it www.kelyan.it 101
Large Enterprises
Pirelli Tyre manufacturing
Pirelli is the fifth tyre manufacturer worldwide and is world market leader in the "premium" segment, including high performance and ultra high performance tyres. Founded in 1872, today Pirelli counts 20 tyre industrial plants, in four continents, operating through a widespread sales network in
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Industrial automation
over 160 countries around the world.
Markets and Applications Skills
• Manufacturing
Infomobility, smart-connected mobility.
• Automotive
Products and services The business of Pirelli Tyre consists of two main segments: Consumer (about 70% of total revenues) deals with tyres
Technology used • Wireless protocols
for motor vehicles, sports utility vehicles (SUVs), light commercial vehicles and motorbikes; and Industrial (about
30% of revenues), which means tyres for buses, heavy
• R&D and Design
trucks, agricultural machinery and steelcord,
• Manufacturing
the fundamental strengthening element for radial tyres. These businesses are in turn focussed on two different sales
Financed projects
channels: original fit, directly focussed on manufacturers,
• Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling
and replacements, replacement tyres for vehicles already on
pag. 47
the road. Pirelli's technological skills and innovative approach have allowed it to consolidate agreements with the most prestigious motor vehicle and motorbike manufacturers in the world.
Pirelli Industrie Pneumatici srl Via Brescia, 8 10036 Settimo Torinese (Torino) www.pirelli.com 102
Tecnositaf Integrated Systems for Road Safety Integrated engineering company specializing in design and development of systems for security and control of road mobility. Tecnositaf plays for road managers the function to transform operational needs and the potential offered by the suppliers of technology into solutions concrete and effective.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
TDesigns, develops, builds, installs and manages systems and tools for the mobility control and road, rail and industrial safety.
• ITS & Logistics • Automotive
Products and services • Fire Detector: a road and rail system which is able to analyse real time thermal external heavy trucks surface and it can provide alarm signal in case of problems • Road Management Tools: a system aimed at the supervision, control and management of road and highway infrastructures, which implements and integrates the technological systems installed along roads and highways • Automatic Incident Detection AID or Traffic Monitoring™: products dedicated to video surveillance systems and alarms automatic systems
• Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Security • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference
Technology used • Sensors • Electronic and electro-optical technologies • WEB Technologies
Activity • R&D and Desig • Manufacturing • Maintenance & customer care
Financed Projects • Golden Infra
pag. 55
Tecnositaf spa Via Fabbrica da Fer, 1 10053 Bussoleno (Torino) info@tecnositaf.it www.tecnositaf.it 103
Large Enterprises
Tierra SpA A complete telematics solution to automate two of the largest manufacturing industries in the world: construction and agriculture Tierra is a joint venture company established by Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. (TPS) and Divitech S.p.A., with the goal of developing a telematics information management system that maximizes management, efficiency, safety and profits.
Technology Areas • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications Skills Tierra is a leading company for telematics and remote diagnostics in the fields of agriculture, construction and surveying. Tierra develops and customizes the telematic application to fit customers’ needs. A complete tailored solution from hardware to front-end.
Products and services Tierra delivers a reliable, easy-to-use remote asset tracking and information management solution that provides clear visibility to remote assets 24/7 anywhere in the world. The Tierra solution consists of: • A communication and localization device installed on the machine • Bidirectional, proprietary protocol between device and web site
• Agricultural and food • Automotive
Technology used • • • • • • •
CAN bus GPS, GPS+, Glonass, Galileo, GNSS, G3 RTK Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2G, 3G, LTE Sistemi DB enterprise Mapping and Cartography
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care
Financed projects • Micro Cloud
• Web application for HCI • API set for the integration of third-party ERP software Among the services: • Geolocalization 24/7 • Machine alerts via SMS & email • Remote firmware update & device configuration • Remote diagnostics • Real-time statistics • Full customization
Tierra spa Via Lombardone, 223 10040 Leini (Torino) www.tierraservice.com
pag. 84
Vodafone Italia Vodafone Italy is part of Vodafone Group, a leading mobile communications group in the world Vodafone Italy is part of the Vodafone Group, a leading mobile communications group in the world, with about 398 million customers, represented in 30 countries and around other 40 with Partner Networks. In 2008, Vodafone Italy has launched its fixed telephony services and broadband, firmly established as a total communications operator to meet all communication needs of customers. The company has about 8000 employees, 8 Competence Centers around the country and more than 7000 retail outlets.
Technology Areas • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks
Technology used • GSM • GPRS • UMTS • LTE • Web
Skills Vodafone Italy has set itself the goal of being the most admired telecom brand in the country, confirming its leadership in the market of voice, messaging and mobile data, and strengthening its position as the reference alternative operator for voice and data services on the fixed network.
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing
Products and services Vodafone Italy is a "total" telephony operator, with a convergent products and services offer ranging from mobile phones to fixed line. Since 2006, Vodafone Italy has launched its first mobile broadband services (HSDPA), covering more than 89% of the population. In September 2011, Vodafone Italy has participated in the auction held by the Ministry of Economic Development for 4G frequency allocation, winning lots in the spectrum 800, 1800 and 2600 Mhz. In 2008, Vodafone Italy has launched its fixed telephony services and broadband, firmly established as a total communications operator to meet all communication needs of customers. In December 2011 Vodafone Italy has registered 2.762 million fixed line customers, up 11, 9% compared to 2010.
Vodafone Omnitel N.V. Via Jervis, 13 10015 Ivrea (Torino) ufficio.stampa@mail.vodafone.it www.vodafone.it 105
Small and Medium Enterprises
Small and Medium Enterprises
3A ICT solutions for managing information along the production chains, starting from the primary sector, agriculture, and arriving to the final consumer 3a srl is an SME operating since 1997 in the agrifood chain sector. The company was created thanks to a combined group of managers and technicians operating in the agricultural and agrifood sector with specific skills and experience in the wine, fruit and vegetable production chain. The company has 9 employees with interdisciplinary skills in the field of agronomics, meteorology applied to agriculture and information technology. The company’s mission is focused on providing advanced technological solutions and services to promote quality production, with particular attention on agricultural raw materials.
Skills • Suitability studies of agricultural areas using advanced physical-mathematical models • Agrometeorological monitoring of land for cultivation • Bioclimatic analysis of harvests (relationship between the climate and crop quality) • Geostatistics applied to farm data on the ground, climate and crop • Crop traceability systems • Web-based services to transmit information on agrifood chains • Mobile QR-Code applications for agrifood produce
Products and services TRAD: digital model of the incident solar energy on hills and vineyards Model for estimating the suitability of vineyards (zonation) based on the accumulation of solar energy on the rows: allows organising the harvest with objective criteria and defining the oenological objectives in advance. GPMETEO: technology and web service for monitoring the environment Allows taking and transmitting meteorological and hydrological measurements from agricultural plots, irrigation canals, torrents, landfills, ports and hydroelectric plants. The information is displayed using the GPMETEO Web application. SIVA: web application for the authentication of food products of agricultural origin The solution developed, a sort of electronic ID card for foods of agricultural origin, provides access to tracking information in a Webbased management system by reading an RFID tag from a mobile device and fixed station (totem). TRACE: web application for QR Code Management Trace is a Web platform that generates QR Codes and multimedia content on the Internet that can be read with Smartphones for the implementation of mobile-marketing campaigns with the best results in terms of functionality and readability. It is provided in SaaS “white label” mode and can be personalised for the distributor. Multimedia monitor for the promotion of food products and the territory at fairs and events Displays multimedia content on a touch-screen monitor in a Windows 7 environment. The presentation is divided into 4 thematic areas: a product sheet, a virtual flight over the territory of origin of the agricultural ingredients, a photo gallery of the company and its products and an institutional video. The product is selected directly on the touch-screen monitor or by reading the QR Code on the packaging.
Technology Areas • Mobile
Markets and Applications • Energy • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food
Technology used • Programming linguages C # , Java Silverlight, API Google for web applications • GPRS for monitoring using remote electronic stations • GPS for localization of farm machines
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • A regional platform for the development of new kinds of technology for tracing the quality and safety of fine Piedmontese wines pag. 77
3A srl Via Le Chiuse, 68 10144 Torino 3a@green-planet.it www.sivaitaly.com
A. & C. Servizi IT Solutions for professionals: business consultants, employment consultants, notaries and lawyers A. & C. Servizi Srl is a company of Group A. & C. Holding company with offices in various Italian regions and in constant expansion. A. & C. Servizi Srl identified in the customer care and constant attention to improving its services, the focus for its development and for its consolidation in the territory. A. & C. Servizi Srl has always worked on computerization in the professional: Accountants, Consultants Jobs, Notaries, Legal Studies and offices.
Technology Areas • Mobile • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Technology used • RFID
Skills Accredited technical hardware and software certified professionals with years of experience, they carry out their activities in A. & C. Servizi Srl for many years resulting in a turnover equal to zero. Hardware and software engineers, all driven by historical members, guarantee a constant presence in the company by providing a help desk system and application tier punctual and professional.
• Web • Wi-Fi
Activity • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services Founded in 1980, A. & C. Servizi Srl has developed its core business as a dealer near OSRA, Iitalia leading manufacturer of software for tax and consultancy work. He created a department dedicated to notary and legal distributing the software or systems, leader in Italy in the production of solutions for those professionals. In recent years the two software companies have become part of global giant Wolter Kluwers and A. & C. Servizi Srl could continue in complete autonomy and continue its task began many years. A. & C. Servizi Srl. distributes and assists professional hardware such as IBM, Lenovo, HP, Minolta, Cisco, 3Com and many others, designs and implements solutions in a local network, install security systems, Internet, and has considerable experience with server consolidation and disaster recovery, virtualization servers and secure connections between remote locations.
Financed Projects • General practice unit
pag. 37
A. & C. Servizi srl Via della Magnina, 1 12100 Cuneo info@aecservizi.it www.aec-group.it 109
Small and Medium Enterprises
A&G Organizational and management consulting firm A & G is an organizational and management consulting firm which engages in actions: • diagnosis aimed at identifying problems and opportunities related • focusing solution • implementation of change bringing the skills of analysis, management, realization and governance of the project, provisionally necessary to the client.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence
Markets and Applications • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food
Skills A & G has management, financial, business and computer technology skills with advanced generalized and details of the banking sector and banking sectors and services.
• Manufacturing • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Activity • Advisory
Products and services A & G provides its customers with the ability and experience to the following service lines / areas: • Strategy: Applying a structured methodology to identify the vision, mission, strategy, defining a path made with the quantification of the economic, financial and organizational; • Sales / Marketing: Analysis of market scenarios and industry, consumer behavior, products and services, segmentation and definition of the models offer / placement; • Organization: Analysis of business logic, key activities, media information, people and skills involved, evaluation of results, organizational redesign as a function of expected results;
Financed Projects • Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Tool • Credit Rating Decision Support System and Forecast Guru
• Risk Management: Knowledge and risk measurement of business and operational model construction and evaluation; organizational models in accordance with the D. Legislative Decree 231/2001; • Corporate Restructuring: diagnosis and restructuring of industrial enterprises under performing and rebalancing of the financial situation; •Technology Area: Check up systems and software selection, construction of tools: process integration and design and construction portal for small and medium enterprises.
A & G srl Corso Stati Uniti, 57 10129 Torino segreteria@a-e-g.it www.a-e-g.it
pag. 43 pag. 53
Aethia Products, solutions and services for High Performance Computing (HPC) Aethia has been operating since 2000 on the Italian market in the High Performance Computing sector, where it became one of the first companies to propose the cluster computing technology. It specialises in the realisation of complete and ready to use systems, offering flexible support services during all phases of system deployment and using, including parallel applications development.
Skills • Software design and development • Networks design, implementation and management • System administration • Web development • SEO/SEM (Search engine optimization / marketing) • High Availability and Load Balancing solutions • Supercomputing and parallel programming • Bioinformatics
Products and services Aethia HPC Suite Aethia HPC Suite is a complete software platform for cluster computing. It is fully equipped with all the necessary instruments to use with success Linux based systems. Beolive Beolive is the Aethia cross-platform management software that makes cluster technology easy to use. Cluster HPC The Aethia High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters are ready-to-use multiprocessing systems including all the necessary software. Cluster HA I cluster Aethia per High Availability (HA) sono sistemi server in grado di aumentare la continuità dei servizi di rete con l’impiego di tecniche di ridondanza. Cluster LB The Aethia load Balancing (LB) clusters are server systems able to increase the performances of your network services by sharing the work load on several computers. Server The Aethia servers are able to cover all the main requirements of small and medium size companies, offering an excellent price/quality ratio thanks to open source software use. Storage The Aethia storage solutions are thought to be able to manage in a reliable and secure way a huge amount of data, keeping high performances. Workstation The Aethia workstations are Linux and open-source based, therefore they are flexible, reliable with an excellent price/quality ratio.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing
Technology used • Linux • C++ • Python • PHP • Web 2.0
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC applications in cloud computing environments pag. 56
Aethia srl Via Ribes, 5 10010 Colleretto Giacosa (Torino) info@aethia.com www.aethia.com 111
Small and Medium Enterprises
ALTO sistemi ICT solutions and innovative multimedia technologies for the business processes optimization
a Teoresi Group company
Technology Areas ALTO sistemi started its activity in 2002 as a spinoff from CSPInnovation in ICT and with the operative support from Teoresi, an engineering company operative from 1987. Right now, it’s an ideal partner in choosing the right technologies for the business processes optimization. In 2008 ALTO sistemi joined the Teoresi Group, this choice allows ALTO sistemi to expand its portfolio, while maintaining its core skills in ICT technologies.
Skills ALTO sistemi has a history of innovation to resolve the challenges of new technologies. With expertise ranging from areas related to Business Process Management to the technologies of the multimedia telecommunications (audio/ video streaming, VoIP, DTT, satellite communication) and in advanced telephone systems (voice recognition and synthesis).
Products and services ALTO sistemi delivers solutions and services based on a planning approach, with the aim to contribute to bridging the “digital divide” of companies, government agencies, Telco operators and end users. Innovation, flexibility, and integration between technologies are the distinguishing features of each project. Consulting services and solutions “turnkey” proposals may include:
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • • • •
V&VoIP & IP Telephony (H.323,SIP) Digital Satellite Communication (DVB-S) Streaming & Multimedia Digital TV (DVB-T, DVBMHP)
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Advisory
Financed Projects • Smart Video Assistant
• technologies related to the field of data communications protocols over IP; • Custom ICT solutions aimed at optimizing complex business processes through innovation, flexibility and integration between different technologies. Proposing “simple” solutions even though high-tech, with the objective of turning process optimization in a competitive factor for the company, improving efficiency and achieving significant cost-saving; • Strategic/executive consulting aiming to support in choices concerning the technological evolution. Customer satisfaction and efficiency are the guideline principles of research activities of Alto sistemi that, since 2004, has a certificated quality system. Today ALTO sistemi, as all the Teoresi Group’s Italian companies, is certificated comply with the requirements of the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. 112
Alto Sistemi srl Via Perugia, 24 10152 Torino info@altosistemi.it www.altosistemi.it
pag. 74
Atena Informatica Advanced Products and ICT solutions, WEB 2.0, System integration ATENA Informatica, was founded in 1994 as a software enterpris who develops applications on demand , being able today to project, build, support and manage highly customizable and complete solutions, using the newest technologies and infrastructures. We are always in touch with our clients, always available for their demands in order to obtain, at the end of the project, extremely efficient applications.
Skills Specialized Web-oriented platforms developed by SaaS standards standards and half-processed softwares which can be customized on specific demands: • CRM (active operations, analysis , simulations) • Advanced editorial software, event planner and marketing activities • CMS creation for specific targets
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Energy • Tourism, culture and education • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • HTML, Ajax, JavaScript, Jquery, VBScript, Asp.Net, VB.Net, C#, Java, XML, PHP, SQL, Transact-SQL, C, C++ • Client-server Architecture, Web, FrameWork 2.0, 3.5 • MS SQLServer 2005/2008, mySql • Cable and wireless LAN, HD and SW Linux-based Security, TCP/IP, IIS
Activity Products and services QuickCRM: operational activities, analytical and commercials, always under control. Web-based platform, developed by SaaS standards for an elaboration and a parametrical analysis of data, created to offer different perspectives for activity planning. Interfaces able to communicate with integrated modules. Installation, as an optional module, of the Vocal Platform TEMPEST.
• • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
QuickSegre: accounting management software for small and medium-sized enterprises QuickMaga: software created to support warehouse activities QuickCMS: ones possibility to manage his own web spaces using advanced software for editing. QuickUtility: Web-based platform, developed by SaaS standards for the support of the utility-suppliers consultants. Simulation of the production cycle. QuickTEMPEST-HOTEL: software binding mobile communication and infrastructure with Atena’s applications, using the voice platform Tempest. Optimized communication between reception services and the rest of the staff using virtual operators and web services. Check-in and check-out, Booking, Front-office and Back-office.
Atena Informatica sas Via Giovanni Cravero, 12 10154 Torino servizi@atenainfo.it www.atenainfo.it 113
Small and Medium Enterprises
ATON Solutions and services for Enterprise Mobility, RFID, Sales Force Automation, Work Force Automation, Warehouse Management Leading company in the Enterprise Mobility and RFID Technology market, Aton help organizations to make their systems dialogue with computerized solutions for the mobile workforce across all the supply chain: sales, production, logistics, distribution, tracking of goods and after sales.
Skills Analysis, design, software development, roll-out and consultancy & maintenance services for mobile computing complete management (security & device mngt., peripheral & synchronization databases, communication and wireless networking).
Technology Areas • Mobile • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • Precise positioning and georeference • Internet of things
Markets and Applications • • • • • •
ITS & Logistics Agricultural and food Manufacturing Mass Retailing Energy e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Technology used Products and services Their offer assures our customers control and efficiency improvement of their mobile work force through performance monitoring by means of outsourcing managed services and technical assistance provided by our multilanguage Service Desk for over 30 countries all over the world. • Solutions: Sales Force Automation, Work Force Automation, RFID & Warehouse Management. SFA e WFA solutions developed also for tablet e smartphone ( iOS, Android, Windows) • Services: Consultancy Services, Project Services, Managed Services
• • • • •
RFID Wireless Protocol (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ...) GSM, GPRS, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA Localization (GPS, Galileo) Web-based solutions (TCP/IP)
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Internet Services for Mobile
• Consultancy Services: Analysis and Design, Radio Frequency Environment Analysis, Proof of Concept, Software Documentation Provision • Project Services: Software Development, Project Management, Data Interfacing Support, Hardware Configuration, Pilot Project , Installation, Training • Managed Services: Service Management, Service Desk I Level: User Support, Service Desk II Level: Application Support, Service Desk III Level: Application Maintenance, Hardware Maintenance, On-site Technical Assistance
ATON spa Strada del Drosso, 33/8 10135 Torino info@aton.eu www.aton.eu 114
pag. 29
Aviospace srl Design and development of Space Transportation and Exploration systems Aviospace is an aerospace company created in 2004.
Technology Areas
In January 2010, Aviospace has been acquired by EADS
• Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Astrium, although remaining an Italian registered company with Italian management and personnel.
Markets and Applications Skills Main fields of Aviospace activities are design and development od Space Trasportation and Exploration system (ST&E).
• Aerospace and defence
Technology used • RTM
Activity • R&D and Design
Products and services
Financed Projects
Design, R&D and consultancy in the aerospace field.
• Multi-Radio
pag. 63
Aviospace srl Via Pier Carlo Boggio, 59/61 10138 Torino contact@aviospace.com www.aviospace.com 115
Small and Medium Enterprises
AXIS - automation for industrial systems Design and production of vehicular localizators and inertial micro systems for automotive and avionic applications AXIS s.r.l. Company of design and production founded in 1990 by a group of engineers incoming from electronic companies operating in the automotive and military fields. Activities:
Technology Areas
• Industrial Field (CN and PLC)
• Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Precise positioning and georeference
• Design and production of localization and navigation devices for the management of professional vehicles fleets
Markets and Applications
• Design and Production of inertial systems based both on MEMS both on traditional technologies
• ITS & Logistics • Aerospace and defence
Skills • Electronic signals Management and conditioning • Interfaces Management (Serial lines, CAN, WiFi, digital and analog I/O, USB, VGA,ecc) • GPS and EGNOS signal analysis and conditioning • Analysis and computation of data incoming from inertial sensors (Kalman Filter, Complementar Filter) • Integration of inertial data and GPS data (Dead Reckoning and Data Fusion)
Products and services
Technology used • MEMS inertial and magnetic sensors • Localization (GPS, GPS/EGNOS receivers) • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi) • Mobile phone protocols (Gsm, Gprs) • Modelling and Simulation (MATLAB, Simulink)
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
Localizator and Navigator of different complexity and computation capabilities for vehicles fleets management (bus, trucks, law enforcement, ...) • I-NEW • I-NEW Int • I-MOD Nav E • I-MOD R Inertial System to determine attitude and heading during the navigation of UAV, ULM and special vehicles • AIS 403 GPS/EGNOS aided AHRS • AIS 301 AHRS Inertial System to determine Raylways Geometry • AIS 202 High Level IMU
AXIS Automazione srl Via Cardinal Massaia, 83 10147 Torino e.autelli@axisautomazione.it www.axisautomazione.it 116
Beps engineering Design and realization of embedded solutions BEPS offers its customers embedded products and solutions. Most of our engineers have more than 25 years of experience. They have been Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner from 1998. On September 2007 Microsoft Embedded Group promoted them to “Silver Partner”.
Skills BEPS is a System Integrator for any Embedded Solution, from driver and BSP developing to application development up to finished products.
Products and services OPEN BEPS, in collaboration with LTT, offers an access control “product line” named “OPEN” and based on RFID technology. OPEN LIGHT: Open Light is the entry level solution for a realtime centralized management of the complete system. The head of the system is a embedded PC with the ACE Light software, accessible via HTTP.
Technology Areas • Mobile • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Manufacturing • Automotive
Technology used • • • • •
All Microsoft Embedded features Visual Studio 2005/08/10 RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee PSTN, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, GPS & Mobile devices
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Golden Infra pag. 55 • Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information pag. 60 • Micro Cloud pag. 84
OPEN ALL: Open All adds to the Open Light configuration an advanced and complete software that permits to manage additional information as personal data of users, more company profiles, offices data.
Beps engineering srl Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino info@bepseng.it www.bepseng.it 117
Small and Medium Enterprises
Bludocks Development of high emotional impact interactive multimedia project Since 2000 Bludocks’ team offers multimedia solutions aimed to the evaluation and visualisation on line of tourist accomodations and localities. Furthermore Bludocks develops high impact visual projects interfaced with complex data bases.
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education
Skills Multimedia project development with Flash technology, html, Java platforms development, creation of on-line competitions and multimedia video.
Technology used • Flash / Flex • Java • PHP • HTML 5
Products and services
Virtual Tour It allows to visit online any environment as it was filmed with a video camera by the user. By means of the VRTour application, it is possible to visualize a real 360° panoramic view that gives the user the chance to interact with the scenery (simply moving the mouse in the desired direction) and to zoom in on details within the image. Besides the possibility to place entry “gates” on the panoramic image giving access into the adjacent areas, an interactive map allows the visitor to have direct access into the desired areas.
• Manufacturing
Financed Projects • Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution
Virtual Desk - “Reception on-line” It is an easy to use tool, both for the user and for the operator which allows to make a direct contact between a potential customer and your on line operator responsible for sales, assistance or promotion of your tourist accomodations and additional services. The system simply needs an internet connection and a shared application.
Bludocks srl Via Valprato, 68 10155 Torino amigliaccio@bludocks.com www.bludocks.com 118
pag. 34
Blue Sof Consulting High level service quality for both large and medium-sized contexts Blue Sof Consulting operates in the ICT sector since 1997, has offices in Turin, Milan and Rome and is characterized by the provision of high quality professional services for organizational and technology consulting. Thanks to its flexibility, Blue Sof Consulting is able to guarantee high level service quality for both large and medium-sized contexts, always adjusting its approach to the real needs of the customer.
Skills • SAP and Microsoft Based ERP and CRM Projects and Solutions • Business Intelligence Projects and Solutions • Application Management Services, SaaS and Cloud Computing • E-Business and Collaboration Web Applications • Technology services (architecture/ system design and implementation)
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing • Automotive
Technology used • • • • •
ERP and CRM systems (SAP, Microsoft) Programming Languages ( Java, Microsoft) RDBMS (Microsoft, Oracle, Open Source) Business Intelligence (Microsoft, SAS, BO) Sharepoint
• Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Activity Products and services Blue Sof Consulting has activated in 2010 the Microsoft Demo Center called bluEMP (Experience Microsoft Productivity by Blue Sof); bluEMP sessions can be attended in Turin and Milan. bluEMP shows all the features of the Microsoft last generation products in an innovative way: the focus is on Collaboration, Productivity, Unified Communications, and Business Intelligence.
• Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • SUAP
pag. 73
bluEMP is like a Test Drive: it helps clients in the decision of purchase Microsoft products. Moreover, bluEMP shows how to use at best the Microsoft products clients already own. Attendants can have an active role in the business scenario used to show the characteristics of Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010, Lync 2010 Server, Visio 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2 and Windows Phone 7. Two facilitators, experts in Business Productivity, lead the bluEMP sessions. The sessions take place in a special meeting room equipped with a laptop, a headset, and a webcam for each attendant, and a Polycom Roundtable. For more information, visit the website www.bluemp.it.
Blue Sof Consulting spa Via Andrea Doria, 7 10123 Torino segreteria@gruppoblueteam.it www.gruppoblueteam.it 119
Small and Medium Enterprises
bMooble Design, enhance and deploy your own apps on any device We at bMooble develop enabling technologies for the deployment of a variety of mobile services that bring together information and services from different sources by connecting all kinds of devices, such as mobile phones, smart phones, palm handhelds and tablet PCs.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Mobile • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications Skills bMooble based in I3P http://www.i3p.it/imprese/114 develops a middleware for data mash-up over IP and supports its business partners building mobile applications for their own customers.
• • • • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy ITS & Logistics Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing Mass Retailing
Technology used Products and services We work in the areas of B2B, B2C and Government2Citizen. Our customers are businesses, local administrations and institutions who want to deliver added-value mobile services to their end users, whether professionals or consumers who require mobility while away from their offices and homes. One Click: ease of use from a cell phone implies that existing information processes can be properly reconfigured through bMooble technology without changing the original system. Only essential data will be deployed to the mobile user. Heterogeneous data sources will be automatically integrated eliminating cumbersome data navigation to the information you need like an ATM terminal.
• • • • •
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. 62
Anywhere at any time: information for mobile users has to be readily available anywhere, anytime, and requires precision, speed and low costs. bMooble connects over an IP from any cell net or any access point to guarantee geographical coverage. Optimized bandwidth usage for any available connection based on bMooble patented technology guaranties appropriate response time and limited bandwidth consumption.
bMooble srl C.so Castelfidardo, 30/a 10129 Torino info@bmooble.com www.bmooble.com 120
Brainer Multimedia interactive station for the mental gymnastics and cognitive rehabilitation BRAINER Srl intends to propose their owns products to elderly care facilities, professionals in speech therapy,
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability
rehabilitation and end-users cognitively compromised, for use at home.
Markets and Applications Skills
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Skills of neurology and collaboration with undergraduate specialist in neuroscience with strong propensity for clinical research.
Technology used • embedded software
Products and services • Workstation with 17” and 19” LCD Touchscreen video
with Brainer embedded Software for the stimulation
• Manufacturing
and cognitive rehabilitation
• Marketing
• Tablet PC workstation 10.4” Touchscreen with Brainer embedded software for the stimulation and cognitive rehabilitation • Brainer Vox software for the augmentative and alternative communication
Financed Projects • The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation pag. 69
Brainer srl VC.so Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino info@brainer.it www.brainer.it 121
Small and Medium Enterprises
Business Process eXperts Team Analysis, modeling and reengineering business processes BPEX Team is a company oriented to the construction, optimization and validation of business processes. We propose alternative solutions (To Be) and the creation of functional and organizational models to achieve the best possible result in effectiveness terms and operational efficiency.
Skills • Strategic advice and direction • BPM n 2.0 - Analysis and software implementations • ERP (Implementation e Consolidation) • Quality Processes Management • Asset Management • Industrial and Control Automation • Radio Frequency Systems • Connectivity and VoIP • Stores Management and Logistics • Privacy and Implementation D.L.231and Compliance
Products and services We can offer customized solutions with the development of highly customized software based on the needs supplementing with high levels of expertise in electronics, automotive and logistics according to the highest standards of quality and reliability. We operate through commercial products and open source. We perform process analysis in the continuous improvement logic. Risk Assessment and the most innovative methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma and BPM are the cultural resources available to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business innovation. Some products that we represent: • ARXivar - Document Management • iGrafx Enterprise - Management processes • Quarta - quality analysis, construction and validation processes • Paramatrix warehouse management systems highly-serialized • Nedap - radio frequency identification to 120kHz, 13.56 MHz and 2.45 GHz (short, middle and long distance for objects, people and things and vehicular identification) • NTS Business - ERP for small, medium and large businesses 122
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Security • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • • • •
Energy ITS & Logistics Tourism, culture and education e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing
Technology used • Nedap RFID • iGrafx for process analisys • Wireless protocols wifi and mobile
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Advisory
Business Process eXperts Team srl Via Albenga, 6 10134 Torino info@bpexteam.it www.bpexteam.it
Bylogix Embedded HW and SW design, control systems, acquisition, testing and monitoring systems. System integrator Bylogix S.r.l. is an engineering company, composed of professional engineers from different sectors who have worked both in research and in industry.
Skills • Embedded software and hardware design • Study of reliability and recovery • Electro-hydraulic and electromechanical systems • Acquisition systems • Testing and validation • Modelling and simulation • Time-Triggered / Safety critical systems • Control systems and RealTime OS
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Manufacturing • Automotive
Technology used
Products and services
• C/C++ firmware and software • Simulation, modelling and code generation (MATLAB, Simulink) • Labview • CAN BUS, Flexray • Safety analysis, FMEA, Hazard Analisys, Verification and validation, IEC 61508
Bylogix S.r.l. can develop for its customers in outsourcing, and designs autonomously integrated technology systems.
Automotive • Steer- and brake-by-wire system for vehicles • Real-time control system for brushless motors • Hardware- and Software-in-the-loop systems • Linux or Windows CE multimedia applications
Financed Projects
Mobile • Mobile localization application, based on Google Android • Mobile banking application, based on Google Android
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• Active Steering Input Unit: product/process integrated designing/prototype development pag. 44 • Railwaves pag. 68
Industrial • Control systems for safety critical processes • Test benches for analysis and trial of mechatronics components Rail • Analysis and reliability study for station systems Monitoring • Real time structural monitoring
Bylogix srl Via Rosta, 5bis 10143 Torino info@bylogix.it www.bylogix.it 123
Small and Medium Enterprises
C SYSTEM Software and Hardware Design From over twenty years, C System projects develops and maintains software and hardware systems with special attention to business processes automation, office automation and ebusiness, using Web and Wireless technologies.
Skills C System owns a remarkable know-how in the development of: • Platform for video surveillance, intrusion detection, fire detection and access control • Firmware applications for embedded systems
Product and Services SECURITY SCS allows the supervision and the control of complex systems, integrating: • video surveillance • intrusion alarms • fire detection systems • access control • intelligent video analysis FOOD CHAIN TRACEABILITY CsgTrack is an application that furnishes a great help in the management of issues related to traceability in food farming sector: • It manages all information related to agricultural food chain • It is a multi-company product able to manage the entire food chain • It is a solution scalable from a single portion of the food chain to a multi-food-chain context • It is based on SaaS (Software as a Service) model • It can acquire information from instrumentations and from applications (Erp) already present in companies • It can be accessed from pocket PCs for the acquisition and the sending of production orders • It allows the use of mobile phones to access to information related to traceability PRODUCTION (M.E.S.) The software, developed with Microsoft technology, is made up by several modules that allow to simplify the production management: • products, machine and production orders management • resources planning and scheduling • data transmission from and to machines • production progress control • SPC statistical process control 124
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Security • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Agricultural and food • Manufacturing
Technology used • C/C++/C#/Java/JSP/ HTML/JavaScript/ ASPX/ Visual Basic • WML/PHP/XML – XSL –XSD • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee,…) • Assembler INTEL – HITACHI – MOTOROLA – NEC
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Fall Prevention / Fall Detection • Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet • Smart Video Assistant
C SYSTEM srl Via Ivrea, 42 10019 Strambino (TO) info@csystem.it www.csystem.it
pag. 51 pag. 54 pag. 58 pag. 74
C SYSTEM GLOBAL Web Solution Provider
Since year 2000 C System Global commercializes, projects, and develops software and hardware systems using Web and Wireless technologies.
Skills C System Global Team has acquired a remarkable experience in the development of Health Applications and E-business Portals using Microsoft and Java J2EE technology.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing
Products and services
Technology used
HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT A DB Driven system that allows the dynamic control of hospital departments: • Hospitalization management • Operating theatre • Clinical pathways • Emergency and acceptance department management • Unified booking centre-cashier
• Programming Languages:: C / C++/ C# / Java JSP / HTML / JavaScript ASPX / Visual Basic / WML / PHP / ML – XSL –XSD / Cold Fusion / Delphi / UML Assembler INTEL – HITACHI – MOTOROLA – NEC • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee,…) • Mobile protocols (GSM, GPRS, UMTS) • Location (GPS, Galileo)
E-BUSINESS An integrated family of Web Based applications based on Microsoft and Java J2EE technology that manage: • Internet portals on Liferay Enterprise Portal and on Joomla • Companies information flows • Internet/Intranet systems for B2C and B2B relationship management
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
C System Global srl Via Ivrea, 42 10019 Strambino (Torino) info@csystemglobal.it www.csystemglobal.it 125
Small and Medium Enterprises
Capetti Elettronica Design and manufacture of electronic equipment, wireless sensor monitoring & control solutions for specific low cost and low power applications Capetti Elettronica established in 1973 as a consulting enterprise for the design of industry electronic equipments with high and medium contents. It has gradually developed into a designing and manufacturing enterprise that now employs 30 people.
Skills • HW and FW Design and production • Case and enclosures design • From design to production process management • Technological innovation, continuous R&D in collaboration with research centers
Products and services The skills and experience in electronics, with special reference to the wireless communications and precision measurements, have allowed the creation of two different lines of products comprising a platform for monitoring of physical parameters typical of the environment and energy sectors. WEOLO (Wireless Energy & Environment On line Logger) Line: • Data Storage Gateway: Unit for collecting and export data through Internet browsers. Main functions: memory up to 200,000 data per sensor, tables and charts of measured values, remote connection via LAN, GSM, GPRS / UMTS • Wireless Data Loggers for Temperature, Temp&Humidity, CO2, etc. • Wireless Routers battery operated (5years)
Technology Areas • Internet of things • Cloud Computing • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Mobile • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Energy • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food • Automotive
Technology used • WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK SOLUTIONS (WINE, standard IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee compliant, Bluetooth) • Gateways - Routers - Sensors COTS & DOTS • Wireless Sensors - Probes e Data Loggers • M2M Solutions (GSM, GPRS, UMTS)
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
Financed Projects • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet
WINECAP (WIreless NEtwork for Custom APplication) Line: • Wireless Sensor for Temperature, emp&Humidity, CO2, etc. • Wireless module for electrical and thermal meters • WLI (Wireless Local Interface) to connect the WSN to other systems • RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) with interfaces such as: RS232-485, USB, LAN, WLAN, GSM/GPRS, EDGE/UMTS
Capetti Elettronica srl Via Dante Alighieri, 19 10090 Castiglione Torinese (Torino) sabino.lamarca@capetti.it www.capetti.it 126
pag. 58
Casper Technology Secure Voice and Data communications over mobile and landline networks Caspertech Srl offers the most advanced systems to protect phone calls through voice and data encryption over landline and mobile networks. A dynamic company, that collects international expertise and high level skills in a facility dedicated to research and development of communication security. The Cryptech® system, Caspertech leading-edge product, was designed and patented to ensure maximum protection against any kind of wiretapping.
Skills Caspertech owns deep expertise in the field of information security and communications. In particular, the company is able to develop secure and reliable hardware and software for various mobile platforms (Windows Mobile, Symbian, Linux, BlackBerry, Android, iPhone) adapting quickly to upcoming products.
Products and services Caspertech provides applications, hardware and protocols for encryption of voice calls and SMS messages, as well as data, on GSM, GPRS, UMTS, IP networks. The architecture, in general, consists of a software application running on the phone and a hardware security token, which implements all the security features and protects all critical information. The security token is provided in the form of a micro SD card that contains a cryptographic chip with EAL5+ classification, Smart Card certified according to Common Criteria ISO/IEC15408. Caspertech also provides tools and services for custom encryption algorithm for government and military applications. It also offers integrated solutions for encrypted networking communications between mobile phones, phones and faxes. Caspertech also provides a centralized system for remote management of mobile devices. The system enables the generation of encryption keys, dispatched in encrypted form via SMS to the remote devices, and the wiping of lost or stolen devices, as well as the geographic remote location of the managed devices. The communication security is guaranteed by algorithms such as AES 256, Twofish or custom ones developed on request by the customer. The audio coding is performed through efficient, low bandwidth consumption algorithms.
Technology Areas • Security • Mobile • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks
Markets and Applications • • • •
Energy Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Programming Languages for mobile applications, PC and embedded devices, firmware and Operating Systems • Mobile protocols (GSM,CSD,GPRS,UMTS) • Voice and data transmission encoding algorithms • Data encryption algorithms and protocols • Communication protocols over IP, PSTN, CSD
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing
Caspertech srl Via Cardinal Massaia, 83 10147 Torino paolo.dalchecco@cryptech.com www.caspertech.com 127
Small and Medium Enterprises
Cedeo Technology and strategy consultant on digital media CEDEO’s goal is to open a new phase in the digital media
Technology Areas
business in which the relevant communication technologies behind the technologies.
• • • •
Markets and Applications
• In-depth knowledge of multimedia technologies
• Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
• Understanding of context to forecast strategic market
Technology used
are standard and the differentiation lies in the intelligence
development • Ability to design, develop and operate innovative
Multimedia, visualization and usability Mobile Web technologies System Integration and advisory
• Digital Signal Processing • Middleware • XML e Web Service
multimedia systems
Activity Products and services
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• Strategic, technology and market consulting in the field of digital media • Technologies and solutions for digital rights management, micro payments applied to digital media and audio-video compression
Financed Projects • Services à la carte • INteractive Content Architecture
• Platforms enabling the creation of value chains for digital media
Cedeo sas Via Borgionera, 103 10040 Villar Dora (Torino) info@cedeo.net www.cedeo.net 128
pag. 32 pag. 57
Ciampi and Partners Technology and organization for the sales force and the operational marketing The culture in IT and business processes and implementation of effective marketing plans have enabled the Ciampi & Partners to grow at a rate high, since the year 2001, year of establishment. This allows the creation of a robust, cutting edge and always able to respond effectively to market demands and the implementation of projects agreed with its customers. This approach has inevitably led Ciampi & Partners acquisition of specific skills that today are the “Core Business” of the company.
Skills Ciampi & Partners wants to be a strategic partner company by providing not only IT skills but, through an approach of “business marketing”, giving full opportunity for all use of corporate resources in various areas of expertise (Administration, marketing, Sales, Technical).
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing
Technology used • Business Intelligence Platforms (SAP Business Objects, Oracle, Microstrategy, Microsoft Analysis Services) • Programming languages (Java, Net Framework, PLSQL, C++) • RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2)
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services IT services are completed by specialist in production process management, e-business, communications and marketing. Particular attention is given to the various training programs for customers and their employees, which constitute an offer effective training and updated annually.
Ciampi and Partners srl Viale Rimembranza, 28 12068 Narzole (Cuneo) info@mailciampi.com www.ciampipartners.com 129
Small and Medium Enterprises
C-Labs Ultra-Low Power Wireless Technologies C-Labs has developed and patented a technology for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks.
Technology used • C Language • Linux • Wireless
Skills Ultra-Low Power Hardware design, Embedded Software design, Embedded Linux System design.
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Products and services C-Labs provides an integrated mix of hardware and software solutions in Embedded Systems (mainly based on TI products, as 3rd Party Program Member), both on C-Labs Proprietary Software Architecture (for 16 bits cores) and Linux OS (ARM). WINE (Wireless Intelligent NEtwork), is the patented technology that C-Labs can license.
Financed Projects • Railwaves pag. 68 • Wireless Sensor & Actuator Network for indoor environmental Monitoring and Controlling pag. 81
C-Labs srl Via Livorno, 58/60 10144 Torino info@c-labs.it www.c-labs-wt.com 130
Cloudea Services of consulting, assistance and training to companies using cloud computing We offer consulting, assistance and training to help company and businesses in using the best technology “cloud computing” to increase productivity. Our qualified staff can assist organizations in the project to improve productivity. A consulting company that offers subscription services exactly as requested by the actual market.
Skills Business processes, public cloud for productivity, sales cycle, marketing, collaboration, communication, management reporting and BI.
Products and services • Assistance, consulting and training on: - Microsoft Office 365 - IBM Lotus Live
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • • •
Energy Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Microsoft Online Services • Microsoft Office 365 • IBM Lotus Live • Google Apps • Dynamics CRM online
Activity • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
- Goggle Apps - Nuvola italiana • Consulting on marketing and business and CRM instruments
Financed Projects • SUAP
pag. 73
Cloudea srl Corso Montevecchio, 50 10129 Torino cloudea@cloudea.it www.cloudea.it 131
Small and Medium Enterprises
Clustin Clustering Innovation: working with companies determining strategies, planning processes and technologies in order to make them competitive in the global market Clustin stands for “Clustering Innovation” refers to the creation of business networks that have as their common denominator the “innovation”.
Technology Areas
The company works as active part of the innovation projects, shares risks and strategies for ambitious projects to reach innovation leadership in every field of application.
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications
Clustin is NetSuite Solution Provider and Select Member of the SuiteCloud Developer Network.
• Banking and insurance • Manufacturing • Mass Retailing
They study strategies, development of partnerships and alliances, organize business processes, define methods and processes of CRM, outsourcing of processes and technologies.
Products and services Clustin Cloud Solutions: Technology Solutions from our factory (Clustin Lab) Insurance Center, Dealer One, Dealer Center, Car Business, DigitInCloud, NetSuite Italian Accounting Localisation Bundle
Technology used • Programming languages: .Net, C#, NetSuite Suite
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Cloud Computing: Cloud Platform e Web Framework Netsuite, Netsuite CRM+, Netsuite Ecommerce, Netsuite Ecommerce Back, Netsuite Services, Netsuite Software, Netsuite SRP, Netsuite W/D, Netsuite Mfg, Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-Premise and On-Demand Solutions Microsoft Dynamics CRM Strategies: research and development of strategies focused on tangible objectives Partnerships and Alliances: we are active in the creation of business networks and finding business partners internationally Business Process Management: organize and reorganize key business processes by focusing on high value added activities Cloud Services: we select platform for Cloud Computing, highlighting the effective contribution to the objectives of innovation Innovation management: analyze the ideas, technologies, processes and skills in order to co-design industry leadership Customer Relationship Management: define methods and processes for identifying customer needs and create value in the relationship beyond the traditional supply relationship Business Process Outsourcing: to achieve high performance, enabling the outsourcing of processes, technologies, or both 132
Clustin srl Via Alba Narzole, 4 12055 Diano d’Alba info@clustin.com www.clustin.com
CommIT World Design and realization of Business Intelligence, Digital Media and System Integration solutions CommIT World, founded in 1998, take part to the EURIXGROUP company network. The offer includes: • Knowledge Discovery Database • DataWareHousing • Business Intelligence (BI) • Data Mining • Systems & Data Base Administration • Digital Media Solutions and Metadata Enrichment • Enterprise Information Integration (EII) • SOA Solutions Commit World introduces BI-Lab, an “Excellence Center” dedicated to the Business Intelligence and Enterprise Performance Management technologies.
Skills Skills cover the typical components of a solution EII: Data Modelling, Data Quality, BI Portals, Knowledge Discovery. Particularly: • creation of logical-physical architectures in Web Portals and Cross Media Applications Area • Design of Analysis and Control models and Indicators Systems • Design of Business Intelligence System and Media Content Management System
Products and services CommitWorld designs and implements software solutions modulated on Customers’ needs. The highly qualified staff is able to follow each aspect of the services integration, platforms and languages with legacy systems. • Feasibility Studies and Analysis Check of technical feasibility of a project through tools agreed with the Customer to find the best solution in terms of quality and quantity • Software Prototyping and Modelling Once defined the feasibility of a project, there is the proposal of a creation of an “evolutionary prototype” in “agile (XP SCRUM) software environment” and interaction models for an immediate understanding of the chosen solution • Development of Applications and Software Integrations Services The adopted methodology to develop applications follows “best practices” related to software engineering, adapting them to the type of project being developed. The Applications are realized through a qualitative process following the main methodologies of Project Management • Education CommitWorld Education Services include: training ad hoc on products developed and on used technologies, and “training on the job”
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Energy • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Business Intelligence Tools (Business Objects, Oracle, Microstrategy, Microsoft) • Programming Languages (Java, .Net Framework, PLSQL, C++) • RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2) • DBMS columnar
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Advisory
Financed Projects • Services à la carte
pag. 32
Commit World srl Via Carcano, 26 10153 Torino info@commitworld.it www.commitworld.it 133
Small and Medium Enterprises
Consoft Sistemi Design and implementation of integrated ICT solutions. System and application Management Consoft Sistemi is an Italian company active in the ICT market with offices in Torino, Milano, Genova, Roma and Tunis, 300 employees and a turnover of 22 million €. Along with Consoft Sistemi, there are: Consoft Consulting, strategic and technological consulting for SAP; CSDomotica, specialized in building automation and structured cabling; Consoft Sistemi MEA, expanding Consoft Telecom offering in MEA; Caretek, solutions for elderly people monitoring; CS InIT, for software products distribution.
Skills Design and implementation of integrated ICT solutions. System and application Management.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Mobile • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used Products and services Consoft Sistemi has focused its offering on 7 areas in which it is able to create “end to end” solutions for its Customers through consultancy, training, system integration and managed services: • IT Governance & Management, for the alignment and optimization of IT services to company needs • Business Intelligence & Enterprise Performance Management for the management of information which contributes to value generation for companies • Business Integration, to make ICT components dynamically adaptable to business • Enterprise Content Management, for the management of document processing and complete support for dematerialization
• WEB Technolgies: java/JEE, .NET, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, Javascript, ..... • Mobile protocols: GSM, GPRS, UMTS • OS: Android, Ios, Unix/Linux, MS • Telecommunication: wi-fi, zigbee, bluetooth, POF (Plastic Optical Fiber) • Business Intelligence: BO, Hyperion, SAS, Oracle, MS, SalesForce, .....
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Advisory
Financed Projects • P-MOSP
• Customer Relationship Management, for a complete support of marketing, sales e service dept, in cloud configuration • Extended Enterprise, to increase the ability of the enterprises to interoperate with its Customers, Suppliers and Partners • Telecomunicazioni, to support TLC sector companies in create innovative, value added services
Consoft Sistemi spa Via Pio VII, 127 10127 Torino cs.segre@consoft.it www.gruppoconsoft.com
pag. 67
Coord 3 Industries Design, production and sales of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) Since 1973, the Coord3 name is synonymous with measuring machines of superior mechanical construction, serviced by an efficient organization that can ensure assistance and technical support. Coord3 Industries designs, builds and distributes directly the entire range of Coord3 measuring machines, from small bridge systems to the large gantry systems.
Skills Coord3 measurement system are built using the most advanced tecnologies and can set different probes (point to point, continuous scanning and laser) and different heads, both manual and automatic. A total of over 3.000 measuring systems installed all over the world is proof of our position of excellence in Italian CMM production.
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Mobile • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing • Automotive • Aerospace and defence
Products and services
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
BRIDGE CMM The perfect CMM for the small-to-medium size applications. The bridge system is the optimal solution for smaller volumes, guaranteeing an excellent cost/performance ratio with the undisputed advantage of the incorporated work surface. COORD3 offers a complete range of bridge CMMs, from the compact ARES NT to the extra large KRONOS NT series.
Financed Projects
GANTRY CMM The main structure (pillars and longitudinal guideways) remains stationary and fixed to the foundation basement, while only the main carriage moves. Gantry CMMs are ideal precision tools for the aeronautical, aerospace and automotive sectors.Coord3 Industries offers a complete range of Gantry CMMs, based on three product lines, each designed to guarantee the best price/performance ratio. HORIZONTAL CMM Horizontal arm CMMs are the ideal solution to measure thin-walled components, such as car bodies, panels, doors, vehicle glass, dashboards and for the inspection of mechanical parts such as engine blocks, gearboxes, casts, and aeronautical and automotive components. All horizontal arm systems are available both in single and dual arm versions.
• Distributed CNC
pag. 48
Coord 3 Industries srl Strada Statale 25, 3 10050 Bruzolo (Torino) info@coord3.it www.coord3.com 135
Small and Medium Enterprises
Core Informatica Provisioning and maintenance of IT infrastructures Core Informatics follows the entire life cycle of IT infrastructure, providing customers a single interface
Technology Areas • System Integration and advisory
to design and manage the key elements of their technology assets.
Markets and Applications Skills
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Server and storage systems, networking, Windows and Linux operating systems, IT consultancy service.
Technology used • Windows
Products and services
• Linux
Core informatica sell products form the major IT brands. For all products have been achieved the relevant technical certifications: HP, IBM, Dell, Microsoft, VMware, Cisco,
Extreme Networks, Juniper, WebSense, Bluecoat, Fortinet.
• Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
Core Informatica is also offering consultancy services for
• Advisory
desinging and planning of IT assets and structures, prepare technical documents in answer of tender notices. Core Informatica delivers outsourcing and housing services for part or the entire IT infrastructure: Help Desk, remote support of first and second level, competence center, data center management, on-site technical support.
Core Informatica srl Via Di Vittorio, 14 10015 Ivrea (Torino) commerciale@coreinformatica.it www.coreinformatica.it 136
CriticalCase Internet services supply and management: hosting, housing, colocation, server management and maintenance, virtual server (VPS) CriticalCase S.r.l is focused on business continuity services and outsourcing companies. Their mission is to offer and manage products and services that meet the needs of ICT Companies. Their server farm has reached the highest levels of excellence in terms of technological infrastructure, systems and network, and competence of the operators. Is unique in CriticalCase than any other competitor in the market that its success is our vision consulting, based on a value added both in terms of technology but also human, who has taken to obtain the trust of important clients and an important position in the Italian corporate market ICT infrastructure services.
Technology Areas
The cases of application where CriticalCase has established a proven track record in over ten years: • Collaboration services, a comprehensive and efficient business communication that improves the productivity and quality. • Services for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery by replicating data and applications for greater security and reliability of business. • Services for streaming and distribution of multimedia intensive commitment of bandwidth, for handling live events of great importance.
• Cloud Computing
Technology used • Windows • Linux • Networking • Apache
Activity • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services CriticalCase provides the following services: • Firewall: the firewall service CriticalCase, made from fully redundant equipment, is completely customizable to specific needs. • Flow of firewall: the solution used by Fortinet CriticalCase identifies and removes viruses, worms and spyware in realtime traffic passing through it. Analyze the traffic of incoming and outgoing email on all standard protocols (smtp, pop3, imap) and all traffic ftp, http web without degrading performance or prolong the latency of transactions. The Fortinet filters can identify and eliminate 100% of SQL injection attacks SQL traffic in the network thus making it unnecessary to control the application, eliminating costly security problems. • SMS delivery: sending standard SMS text (160 characters); multiple SMS sending (up to 640 characters); flash sms (messages that appear on the screen of receiver automatically without any intervention); receiving notifications; personalization of the message sender; customize SMS text varies depending on the recipient; delayed sending sms: schedule a delivery date and time defined. • Advanced services: autoresponder service; forward sms service (mailing list); sms2email service; customizable auto replies on identifiable key. • IDS, VPN, REVERSE PROXY, incremental backups, Server Monitoring, APC and load balancers.
CriticalCase srl Corso Peschiera, 205 10139 Torino luca@criticalcase.com www.criticalcase.com 137
Small and Medium Enterprises
CSdomotica Building automation, structured cabling, remote assistance and monitoring CSdomotica was created by Consoft Sistemi in 2003 as an investment in the building automation sector. Because of its innovative characteristics, CSdomotica was invited to be part of the Incubator of innovative Enterprises of Turin Politecnico (I3P). The original idea was based on wireless technologies applied to building automation: afterwards we applied the same technologies to remote assistance and monitoring of human being. In addition the Company distributes products and solutions based on Polymeric Optical Fiber technology.
Skills Structured Cabling, IP Networking, Building Automation, Security Solutions, WiFi Applications, Telephone Switchboards. Remote Assistance and Monitoring of human being.
Products and services CSdomotica offers a wide variety of services, from Consultancy to Project Development, to Outsourcing. Telephone Switchboard: CSdomotica helps its customers in the selection of the hardware (switchboard) and the most useful services, from the traditional analogic/digital switchboards to the newest Voice over IP softswitchs. IP Networking: the Company offers solutions for any specific needs: • Switchboard • NAT, VPN and QoS configurations • Correct SAN, NAS and Virtual Storage sizing • Unix, Linux and Windows servers • AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) management Security and Building Automation Solutions: CSdomotica supports its customers, both companies and consumers, offering best of breed technologies: • Remote surveillance • Fire and smoke detection • Access control • Wireless Solutions: CSdomotica offers mobile devices that access services without the need of an infrastructure Remote Assistance and Monitoring of human being. 138
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Security • Mobile • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Technology used • Wireless protocols • Firmware programming
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Enabling technologies for work safety
CSdomotica srl Via Pio VII, 127 10127 Torino cs.segre@csdomotica.it www.csdomotica.it
pag. 76
Dofware Serving Software and Services. Simply Dofware provide services and technology to research and development dynamic systems. We offer our know-how in physical modeling, simulation and optimization, modelbased control design, validation & verification. Dofware offer Modelica-based solutions for a large range of applications. Our customers based in Italy and in EU represent a variety of application areas like automotive, aerospace, defence, energy, industrial equipment, and process industries.
Skills • Plant Design and Simulation • Modeling and Simulation solution for automotive and aerospace industries • Design specific domain modelica libraries • Automatic model and software validation and verification • Human Machine Interaction Design • Embedded Software development • Software and Hardware integration
Products and services SERVICES Do you need to understand how to improve your products, but you do not want to invest in own simulation resources? We can provide SIMULATION SERVICE. Do you need to quickly strengthen your engineering capabilities with simulation and/or optimization? We can help you on several levels INTRODUCING OR EXTENDING THE USE OF SIMULATION in your company. Do you need to expand the capabilities of your engineering teams? We can help by supplying you with extra RESOURCES either on- or off-site, or by TRAINING, both for new employees and experienced users.
Technology Areas • • • • •
Internet of things Cloud Computing Multimedia, visualization and usability System Integration and advisory Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • • • • •
Energy ITS & Logistics Manufacturing Automotive Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Modeling and simulation tools (dymola, modelica,simulink) • Test automation tools (silver, testweaver, veristand, labview) • Languages (C, C++, c#,Java, Pyton, PHP, modelica) • Human Machine Interaction (QT, spectraworks, altia) • Operating system (linux, windows, Qnx, Vxworks)
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • 3D Cloud Technologies
pag. 65
PRODUCTS Dofware product: • FMI add-on for NI Veristand Third-party products: • Dassault Systèmes: - Dymola - Reqtify - Controlbuild - Autosar builder - Catia V6 System Engineering • Monotype Imaging: - Spectraworks suite • Qtronic: - Silver - Testweaver
Dofware srl C.so Lombardia, 75 10099 San Mauro Torinese (Torino) info@dofware.com www.dofware.com 139
Small and Medium Enterprises
Domina Design, development and implementation of IT systems for the textile industry Domina is specialised in the conceiving, development and implementation of information systems for textile industries, proposing services, products and solutions specifically studied for this sector. Domina strategy is focused on product and process innovation as success key factors, exploiting IT solutions as an essential tool. Since 1998 DOMINA has been developing complete and integrated procedures to manage the various industrial factories of T/C (Textile/Clothing).
Skills Through specific T/C experience professionalism and a background of more than 300 man/years, Domina has helped textile industries to improve their operational efficacy and efficiency. It had strengthened its offer following constantly technology and programming language evolution. Passing from Clipper X-Base to visual programming languages exploiting GRID technology, RFid, ModaML.
Products and services DoT – Domina Textile started as a structured software environment based on the following applications: • DOT.ERP: integrated ERP application specifically designed for yarn and fabric production • DOT.CAD: conceived as a CAD software integrated with virtual fabric prototyping, to support collaborative virtual design between wool mills and clothing producers • DOT.ARCH: management passive financial cycle, from passive invoices to all the products and services purchased and/or managed in a textile firm • DOT.COST: cost accounting software specifically design for yarn, fabric and clothing production and open to integration with other DOT applications Domina’s offer also includes many secondary software modules to improve firm’s automation: • DOT. MARG: solution specializing in corporate controller of variable and fixed costs • DOT.MAPPER: data transfer among different information systems, based on MODA-ML standard • DOT.BRI: Web based data acquisition from customers and suppliers, based MODA-ML standard • DOT.EXPO: fully integrated ERP application that puts an interface between the firm and the world of sales • DOT.B.I.: software web module, structured with five analysis coordinates summarizing the conditions for business success. It is based on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite 140
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing
Technology used • Visual Basic 6 • Dot.Net • C-Sharp • VB.Net • ASP.Net • Java • Jsp • Ajax • JQuery • SOA (Web Services Orchestration)
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Virtualisation process supporting textile design and presentation activities pag. 39
Domina srl Sede Operativa - Via B. Galliari, 10 13811 Andorno Micca (Biella) domina.info@dobi.it www.dobi.it
Dynamic Fun Projects, content and applications for mobile, smartphone, pocket pc, web and digital TV Dynamic Fun is a Mobile Company dedicated to providing cutting edge mobile technologies for wireless entertainment and business projects. Dynamic Fun has developed a solid infrastructure that can deliver and manage mobile services and contents internationally, offering its Clients turn-key solutions to deploy mobility projects based on wireless connectivity. Dynamic Fun, has just launched platforms for m-site and m-commerce with excellent returns worldwide.
Technology Areas
Technology used
Dynamic Fun is focused on mobile solution developing and provisioning both for B2B and B2C: we can deliver and manage complex multichannel connection through a central proprietary platform to the mobile devices (smartphones, pda, …) on the field. Our projects usually also include web&wireless or IVR or call-center services integrated in the overall system architecture.
• Mobile protocols: GPRS, UMTS • Wireless protocols: Bluetooth • Web based applications • Programming languages: java, j2me, c#, dotnet, php, perl, objective c • Location based services (GPS)
• Mobile
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Mass Retailing
• DLog, DLog, last link for the supply chain used to get real time proof of delivery
• • • • •
• DReport, wireless business intelligence for the retail marketing
Financed Projects
• Fedele, teleassistance via mobile for elderly people
• FAst REading • Fall Prevention / Fall Detection
Products and services
• Movylo, platform for m-site creation, with 5.000+ sites supported worldwide (about 30% USA, 10% each Italia-Cina-India-UK, the remaining in more than 50 Countries)
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
pag. 28 pag. 51
• Help Donna, teleassistance via mobile for women in danger in Turin area • MovyloShop, m-commerce solution currently in launch phase with international agreements with national partrners Dynamic Fun won the “best Italian mobile game award” in 2003 and it is Vodafone Italy official partner. Among the main clients, DHL, Barilla Group, Ferrero Group, CartaSi, MasterCard.
Dynamic Fun srl Via Cardinal Massaia, 83 10147 Torino info@dynamicfun.com www.dynamicfun.com 141
Small and Medium Enterprises
E.MAGINE Your company to the next level e.MAGINE designs and develops technological high value added solutions and it is specialized in implementing complete, integrable, scalable and reliable infrastructures e.MAGINE relies on the experience and the know-how of its specialized people in order to give support and help its client to find and implement the best technological solution, adapting it to the specific reality of their firm and making it operate within the deadline and the predicted costs.
Technology Areas
Technology used
Our people have an excellent technological/functional know-how about the most known information technologies in the market: Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle Developer, DB Administration and Tuning, Java, J2EE, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, SOA, etc.
• • • •
Products and services
Implementation • Program Management • Gap Analysis • Configuration • Data migration • Support to customers in rolling out of technological projects (Go-Live) Customizing • Requirements analysis • Development and implementation of personalized applications • Integration of application developed with legacy system or of third parties Upgrade / revamping • Upgrade impact analysis • Upgrade • Data consolidation Support • In roll out phase • Support for optimization of platform utilization • Data Migration management • System Administration, Tuning and Patching Special Services • Testing and regression test • Portfolio Analysis • Best practices Consulting Services • Business Process Analysis • ERP Assessment & Health Check • Software / platform selection • Project planning • Drafting of specification
• • • • •
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Banking and insurance • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
RDBMS Oracle PL/SQL and Java languages J2EE Architecture Oracle and Sjebel ERP system
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis pag. 33 • Financial Advisor Support Technologies pag. 52 • A Workflow Management System for digital production pag. 79
E.MAGINE srl Corso Stati Uniti, 57 10129 Torino info@emagine.it www.emagine.it
e-Mentor e-learning, edutainment, web 2.0 Company works in ICT sector applied to e-learning and edutainment world.
Technology used • php - java - j2me - c - c++ ajax - actionscript
• software engineering
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• media interaction design • instructional design
Products and services • ce-learning courses • simulations and serious game • mobile utility • web 2.0 projects
Financed Projects • Artistic Environment QUestion Answering
pag. 24
e-Mentor srl C.so Massimo D’Azeglio, 60 10126 Torino info@e-mentor.it www.e-mentor.it 143
Small and Medium Enterprises
E.X.A. Electronic equipments manufacturing Our company’s founders have over 30 years of work in the electronics industry with experience in production engineering aimed to optimize the production. Indeed we produce more than 1100 different codes of electronic circuit boards in small and medium series. We have next generation machinery of assembly and testing.
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing
Skills Production of cards in own work, production engineering, start-up of manufacturing processes, materials selection, development of pre-series
• Automotive
Technology used • Firmware
Activity Products and services
• Manufacturing
Our clients range from civil to industrial electronic, to telephony, to production for security systems, power electronics, automotive racing industry. Being present in many categories considered the volume and variety of Boards, it was necessary to forge agreements with other companies
Financed Projects
in order to increase the productive potential of EXA and cover
• Distributed CNC
a wider range of customers.
E.X.A. srl Via Alberto Picco, 1 bis 10017 Montanaro (Torino) info@exasrl.it www.exasrl.it 144
pag. 48
E++ Technology for renewable energy since 1925 E++ was born in 2008 from the experience of a group of companies and professionals that had operated in the energy, electro technical and electro mechanical sector for years. The company caters to businesses, individuals and public entities proposing plants fed by renewable sources capable of providing small and medium powers, and to integrate different technologies depending on the characteristics of the installation site.
Skills E++ is a rapidly expanding reality, operating in the different sectors of renewable energy: from hydroelectrics to photovoltaic, from research and development to technicaleconomic consultancy, from energy audits to green design and energy modeling services.
Technology Areas • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Energy
Technology used • Zigbee
Activity • R&D and Design
Products and services • HYDROELETRIC POWER PLANTS: design and construction of new hydroelectric plants and revamping of existing power plants. • PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANTS: design and realization of photovoltaic system for privates and companies. • OFF-GRID POWER SUPPLY: turnkey solutions and kits for the electrification of: remote sites in mountain areas, rural areas in developing countries, water pumping system, street lighting and power base stations. • ENERGY EFFICIENCY: products for measuring the energy consumption (EnergyCloud web platform). • IES: software for analysis of the environmental performance of buildings. • GREEN DESIGN: innovative tools and strategies validated by LEED CERTIFICATION.
E++ srl Via F.lli Ceirano, 9 12100 Cuneo - Madonna dell’Olmo info@eplusplus.net www.eplusplus.net 145
Small and Medium Enterprises
eGlue Technologies Turnkey Software solutions to both public institutions and private companies eGlue Technologies was founded in 2008 by three engineers graduated at the Politecnico di Torino who earned a lot of experience both in the university and in the industry. They owned the roles of researchers, senior analysts and project managers and they finally decided to join their technical and management skills in order to cope with the challenges of the market by themselves. The collaboration with major research centers such as the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella or the Politecnico di Torino and the agreements with successful companies make eGlue the ideal partner to work with for high technology projects.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
eGlue designs and develops innovative platforms for the monitoring, the energy saving, the process automation, the business intelligence and the multimedia applications. In addition eGlue provides an electrical monitoring system easy to install and use. eGlue offers these solutions to both public institutions and private companies. The main feature of such systems is the user friendliness and the plug and play function obtained by using the Web 2.0 paradigms and the non-invasive wireless technologies. eGlue takes care of customer needs and therefore its solutions can be easily customized and its products can be quickly modified to be integrated into the corporate systems. Additionally eGlue offers consulting services for studying and developing “turnkey” projects.
Technology used
Products and services eGlue thanks to his outstanding experience in the ICT sector develops custom solutions with high technological content. eGlue is focused on the fields described below. Energy saving To make the technology effective for the majority of the people is the key factor to meet the international goal that aims to reduce the energy consumption by 20% within 2020. eGlue developed a proprietary electrical monitoring system called youMeter and is offering specific consulting to both industrial and service provider customers. Sensor network The sensor networks are the key element of the monitoring systems. eGlue provides solutions based on innovative wireless sensor networks and implements flexible applications to better meet the customer needs. Multimedia eGlue designs and deploys custom solutions for the advertising, the infotainment, the gaming, the security, the video surveillance and the media content sharing market. Web Solutions The need of integration of heterogeneous systems to make them easy to use and the demand for efficient analysis tools to improve the performances of the production process is a common requirement. eGlue faces these problems by providing advanced web solutions of content management and business intelligence. 146
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • Web technologies • Industrial automation
• Energy • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive
• WEB technologies • Sensor network • Wireless protocol
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Financed Projects • P-MOSP
eGlue Technologies srl Corso Unione Sovietica, 612/3A 10135 Torino info@egluetechnologies.com www.egluetechnologies.com
pag. 67
Emisfera Società Cooperativa Information factory Emisfera is the Italian leader in the field of software applications for Job Agencies. Emisfera is also a research laboratory officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Research and has participated in international research projects.
Skills • software design and development in Windows with .NET and C++ programming languages
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks
Markets and Applications • Mass Retailing
• database design, development and management
Technology used
• wireless networks
• Programming languages C++, VB.NET, VB6 • Database Oracle, SQL Server • Citrix • Wireless protocols (wi-fi)
• digital cinema • scientific ICT research
Products and services
Emisfera produces and distributes WhiteNet, the most used information system by Italian Job Agencies, and W2Net, a web application for the management of the Agency’s customers and workers. The services offered by Emisfera include the design and implementation of:
Financed Projects
• MS Windows .Net applications based on EmiLibrary, that allows for source code standardization, ease of customizations and maintenaince
• • • •
• R&D and Design • Advisory
EneRgy GOvernance System Smart Virtual Power Plant Web Intelligence Web User Interest Tracking
pag. pag. pag. pag.
50 75 80 82
• MS SQL and Oracle, databases, even in complex configurations (Cluster, RAC and DATA GUARD) • systems for electronic management of documents based on the ArchiFlow tool, by S.I.A.V • network infrastructures based on Microsoft Windows Server platform • e-mail systems based on Microsoft Exchange • back up solutions, also for remote working stations • security policies for local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) • wireless network infrastructures
Emisfera Società Cooperativa Via 42 Martiri, 165 28924 Verbania emisfera@emisfera.it www.emisfera.it 147
Small and Medium Enterprises
En.F.A.P. PIEMONTE Research, training and ICT innovation EnFAP Piemonte is the ideal partner for firms that intend to encompass innovative solutions, since it aims at offering high-value services. It is a technical and scientific body operating in the field of research, technological experimentation and verification, consultancy, customer support, postgraduate vocational training, dissemination and documentation as concerns prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, security in the workplace and workplace and private health preservation.
Technology Areas • Security • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Energy
Technology used
• Legislation and operational procedures as concerns safety and security in the workplace • Management of logistics flow • Training methodological innovation • Technological development and transfer • Wireless technologies and Information System • Radio Frequency Identification Technology - RFID
• Machine language for web applications:
Products and services
• R&D and Design
The organization offers specific consultancy as concerns safety and security in the workplace, training and HR development, process control and logistics planning, implementation of information systems and web application. It promotes experimentation plans and test runs, through the support of its research lab, which aim at identifying technologies suitable for granting security and safety in the workplace. It offers innovative methods and tools which aim at being put in practise in the field of ergonomics in the workplace. This by working out management models for the scientific and technical approach aimed at improving the orientation towards the work posts/processes plan with positive outcomes in many fields of the industrial organization. It facilitates the connection between the e-business solutions offer and SME demand by enabling the evolution and the modernization of internal ICT systems. It promotes the adoption of ICT Mobile, Wireless and RFID solutions which aim at improving, also in terms of efficiency, the arrangement of primary business processes. In addition to this, it favours in-house training through the analysis of training requirements, the planning and mechanization of training activities. This by using advanced systems and technologies (FAD, Problem Solving, Learning by doing, etc.) in order to contribute in the human resources management and develop the skills and competence background. 148
JAVA, PHP, ASP.NET • RFID • Wireless protocols: Wi-fi
Activity • Advisory
Financed Projects • Enabling technologies for work safety
En.F.A.P. PIEMONTE Corso Allamano,126/A 10095 Grugliasco (Torino) enfap.to@enfap.piemonte.it www.enfap-piemonte.it
pag. 76
Ennova Innovative, Mobile Technology Enabled Customer Relationship Models Ennova develops innovative relationship models combining technological research with process innovation. Ennova has a R&D center located inside the incubator of ‘Politecnico di Torino’ - I3P. Our solutions are a combination of technology, processes, skills and people: models. Ennova has focused on the field of smartphones and tablet PCs. Ennova qualifies as a partner for ‘Technology in Motion’ and proposes mobile enabled caring models for Communications, Utilities and Automotive markets.
Skills Process Analysis: background in BPO e BPR with focus on customer care e telco. IT Development Skills: our people are specialized in mobile technology (PhoneGap, Celsius, RealVNC). Skills in technical assistance on mobile devices: our technical operators are expert in troubleshooting and configuration on iPhone, BB, Nokia e Android).
Products and services
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
Energy ITS & Logistics Banking and insurance Automotive
Technology used • • • •
Java Javascript PhoneGap RealVNC
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care
Ennova has developed and is operating for an important Italian telco: • MyHD, a mobile self-care platform thanks to which a mobile user can request and receive technical assistance on his smartphone from a remote operator. • MyHD is currently available on Android, BB & Nokia OSs. A simplified version of the platform is available on iOS. • MyHD has been developed using the following tools: Celsius, PhoneGap and RealVNC with components based on java and javascript.
Ennova srl Via Pier Carlo Boggio, 59 10138 Torino info@ennova.it www.ennova.it 149
Small and Medium Enterprises
Erplan Solution for industrial production and logistic. ICT Consultants, System Integration and development of industrial solution to improve processes performances ERPLAN S.r.l. spawn from the experience of a group of consultants which operates in the ICT and consultant services from years. The aim of the company is to deliver qualified professional services to provide our customers with industrial solution to improve processes performances. ERPLAN focus its effort in supporting medium size companies with innovative solution for industrial production and logistic. Furthermore, ERPLAN is one of the founding members of Mosaico consortium.
Skills Our team of experts can provide consultancy, development and training in the following areas: • ERP systems • MES systems and finite capacity scheduling • Auto-ID and tracing systems • Cold Chain Management solutions for the supply chain • RFID enabled solutions for logistics and supply chain • Business Intelligence for decision support systems
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL ITS & Logistics Agricultural and food Manufacturing
Technology used • WEB technologies • Wireless Local Networks • RFID / Barcode Technologies
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
• Asset tracing and maintenance solutions
Products and services ERPlan is very focused in anticipating the market scouting new technologies and provide its customers with best of breed solutions: Suite Atomos Advanced solutions to control and manage productive processes and related services Web Order & Cold Chain Cold Chain management with continuous data logging and web based result reporting based on fixed and mobile data acquisition solutions Logistic & Supply chain RFID enabled solutions for logistic and supply chain management with ability to perform automated operations Asset management RFID / Barcode based solutions for asset management, tracing and maintenance cycle control 150
Erplan srl Via Sansovino, 243/65L 10151 Torino www.erplan.eu
ESYTEC Innovative technological solutions for Enterprise Content management, Social Enterprise, Knowledge Management, Process & Performance (BPM) Management, Compliance Management, CRM ESYTEC is a company founded in 1988 by a group of professionals with many years experience in Information Technology. Founded as a company specialized in developing application solutions management, ESYTEC has evolved in providing services and innovative technological solutions in the ‘Enterprise Content Management, Social Enterprise, Knowledge Management, Process & Performance (BPM) Management, Compliance Management, Custom Relationship Management.
Skills ESYTEC offers a range of services for the introduction, the setting and the implementation of a project in all its phases. Our Professional services are geared to the following areas: • Enterprise Information Portals • Application and Document Workflow System Management • Business Intelligence, Business Performance and KPI • Applicazioni Wireless and Mobile Application
Products and services ESYTEC has developed a variety of professional standard solutions characterized by a continuous technological and functional update. The solutions are offered to customers preconfigured, in use license or “Saas (Software as a Service)”, are accompanied by specific training for users and technicians, technical documentation and operating manuals. The solutions are: • Keystone BPM: Business Process Management Solution aimed at managing the process of company documentation, analysis and measurement of performance of activities through KPIs (Key Performance Indicator).
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • C#, Java, RPG/400, XHTML strict, XML, XSL • NET Framework, J2EE, MS Workflow Foundation • Oracle -IBM DB2 - SQLServer -MySQL • Microsoft Windows 200X, Unix, Linux, OS/400 • Gsm Gprs, Umts, Gps, Contact Id
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
• Keystone HR: solutions for human resources management and the definition of the business organization - Training - CV. • PortalBuilder ECMS: Enterprise Content Management System solution EIP (Enterprise Information Portal) for the creation and management, collaborative and independent, of information in order to make simple and reliable the processes for creating and administering a web portal. ESYTEC provides in a single solution all the necessary tools for the manage.
ESYTEC srl Via Ganio Vecchiolino, 2 10016 Montalto Dora (Torino) info@esytec-group.com www.esytec-group.com 151
Small and Medium Enterprises
ET99 Static conversion technologies for electric energy Spin-off of Politecnico di Torino, ET99 intends to license its
Technology Areas
developed and patented technologies within the field of static
• Electronics, microelectronics
conversion for electric energy.
and nanotechnologies
Markets and Applications • Energy
Skills Inverter, electric machines, industrial automation control systems and automotive electric traction techniques; control software development and testing.
Technology used • ISE Foundation Xilinx • Modelsim Mentor
Activity • R&D and Design
Products and services
• Manufacturing
The ET99’s offering consists of a patent portfolio being - so far - applied to a first 20 kW three-phase inverter prototype for photovoltaic applications. A broader scope prototyping will follow including different power sizes and market applications.
ET99 srl Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino antonino.fratta@polito.it www.et99.it 152
Etica Prodotti e Servizi per l’ICT
ETICA was founded in 1993 by a team of software designers with many years of common experience in building important corporate logistic, production planning and control and factory automation industrial IT systems for major manufacturers.
Skills ETICA offers solutions to better respond to arising company needs and to turn market changes into concrete opportunities for new developments. Our aim is to establish relationships with our customers that go beyond the typical customersupplier concept to form a partnership for optimising the company business process as a whole.
Technology Areas • • • •
Mobile Web technologies System Integration and advisory Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing Automotive
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Products and services ETICA’s core business includes software applications and products, as well as specific software-related services: customization and verticalization of solutions, training and consultancy. ETICA products aim at meeting customers’ needs and optimizing the whole business process of a company. They are the result of studies and research in technical issues, and they rely on the most cutting-edge concepts of the IT scenario. ETICA offers products in the following main areas: • Logistics and production control • Energy and environment • Health
Etica srl Corso Unione Sovietica, 612/3 A 10135 Torino servizigenerali@eticasrl.com www.eticasrl.com 153
Small and Medium Enterprises
Exemplar Developing software for computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation Exemplar supplies solutions in the field of Process Integration Design Exploration & Optimization (PIDEO) and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) with a high added value, developing software and methodologies based on customer specific requirements.
Technology Areas • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills
• Manufacturing
Exemplar’s deep knowledge about CAE applications, software development and computer systems, allow us to address a dedicated solution able to meet your business needs and requirements
• Automotive • Aerospace and defence
Activity • R&D and Design
Products and services • Exemplar’s approach is to provide a complete portfolio of computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation software for structural, thermal, electromagnetic, multi-body, computational fluid-dynamics, acoustic and durability. • Dedicated knowledge and experience in simulation process automation for design optimization and to reduce design cycle time.
• Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling
• We offer regularly CAE public seminars as well as training courses at customer sites. • Supports for your engineering service needs with innovative CAE methods.
Exemplar srl Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 161 10139 Torino http://exemplar.com 154
pag. 47
Experientia Analysis and design of human experiences Experientia is an international experience design consultancy that practices research-based and people-centred design: we help companies and organisations conceive and innovate products, services and processes, through a qualitative understanding of people, their needs and their behaviours.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • Web technologies
Markets and Applications Skills Envisioning (development of people-centred innovation scenarios); Understanding (in-depth analysis through qualitative research); Design (strategy, concept and design development); Prototyping (iterative prototype development); Testing (comprehensive user testing).
Products and services Experientia helps companies to understand how their target markets really live their lives, now and in the future, and to design new products and services that address these insights. Our core differentiating factor is the way we thoroughly integrate the deep user and context understanding that comes from our research activities into our design and prototyping work. The result is valuable user experiences, which take people’s real needs and behaviours as key reference points, and consistently merge qualitative research insights, usability and design expertise. Experientia was founded by four partners, each with over twenty years of professional experience. Our team further consists of experts in experience modelling, design, technology and usability, with particular expertise in anthropology, sociology, cognitive psychology, information architecture, interaction design, industrial design, and computer science, and with skills in over 16 languages.
• Energy • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • Tourism, culture and education • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Mass Retailing • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency, • e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Technology used • software prototyping
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Financed Projects • Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably pag. 35 • Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments pag. 36 • New interface metaphors between vehicle and driver for the automotive sector pag. 45 • AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2 pag. 46
Experientia srl Via Cesare Battisti, 15 10123 Torino info@experientia.com www.experientia.com 155
Small and Medium Enterprises
Finance Evolution S.p.A. ICT and consulting for financial market Finance Evolution is an important Italian player focused on solutions, services, Information Technology products and Financial Processes consulting. The company has significant expertise and experience available to its customers and Finance vertical market.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Security • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Banking and Insurance Area
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
• Projects/Products Technical Area
Technology used
• Microsoft, Java, Ingres, Mainframe, AS400
Products and services • GTWAY - Connection oriented system on Microsoft .NET platform, for connecting and integrating different systems with different protocol/standards, managing and transforming messages, events monitoring • RMT Risk Management & Tesoreria - Innovative system for real time monitoring risk and performance of financial portfolios and treasury integrated activities managem • K+ WAY - System for integration and information exchange among Kondor Plus (K+) front-office and back-office • PRISMA - System for statistical reports and supervisors for OICR and the SGR
• Mainframe COBOL/CICS/DB2 • Microsoft .NET ASP, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, AJAX, SQL Server • JAVA/J2EE, JSP, HTML, SQL Server, MySQL, JBoss, Tomcat • INGRES / OPEN ROAD • AS400, RPG
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Common Application Layer Extended Banking System pag. 26 • The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis pag 33
• XBS eXtended Banking System - Core banking system based on open source technologies; XBS is the right solution for management of banking activities in small banks • RECON TOOL - System for reconciliation of incoming files and data from two different sources • HRM Human Resources Management - Attendance data, expenses data entry and report system
Finance Evolution spa Via Alfieri, 17 10121 Torino direzione.staff@finance-evolution.com www.finance-evolution.com 156
Finsoft Added Value Solutions and Services Finsoft is an italian consulting firm mainly focused on ICT and
Technology Areas
Engineering sectors. Finsoft, founded in 1983, is based in
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Torino and has two offices in Milano and Bologna.
Skills • ICT • SW Engineering • Process and Logistics Engineering - RAMS • Integration and Testing - V&V
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive
Technology used Products and services • Consulting
• Mainframe COBOL / CICS / DB2 • Microsoft .NET ASP, C#, Visual Basic, Javascript, AJAX, SQL Server • JAVA / J2EE, JSP, HTML, SQL Server, MySQL, JBoss, Tomcat
• Project Management • Quality Assurance (progetti Safety Related)
• System Integration
• Advisory
• Solution and Application Development • Application Management
Financed Projects
• System Diagnostic
• FAst REading
pag. 28
• Safety Related Applications • Integration & Testing
Finsoft srl Corso Svizzera, 185 bis 10149 Torino to@finsoft.it www.finsoft.it 157
Small and Medium Enterprises
Global Business Solution Transversal approach to IT solutions. ERP Solutions, Document Management, Developing, Hardware solutions, IT consulting We are specialized in dealing with any situation with a holistic approach to business customer, approaching each task in the role of “Technology Partners” through a balanced team of experts, balancing logistics and computer skills, providing flexible solutions and quality, tailored on customer’s business. Treat the customer’s needs as if they were our own, is what we do every day for more than ten years.
Skills Networking, server and desktop management. Development, design, implementation, applications. Web Solutions, design, development, communication and positioning. ERP, CRM, BI, Document Management, storage management, digital signatures and biometrics. Competencies in Security, video surveillance, access control, attendance management, intrusion detection, home and building automation.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Security • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Banking and insurance • Tourism, culture and education • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Mass Retailing
Technology used • • • • •
Microsoft Java PHP Joomla Sharepoint
Activity Products and services • Networking, server and desktop management, hardware supplies (Dell, HP, IBM, Toshiba) • DB Administration, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Filemaker • Development, design and implementation of applications and mobile apps (Microsoft, Java, PHP, ERP, Dynamics NAV, iOs, Android, Esperto, MySIPA)
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling
pag. 47
• Web e New Media Development, SEO and Social SEO, Social Media Marketing, advertising strategies • ERP, CRM, BI, Document Management, Paperless and biometric solutions (Kartha, Softpro, XYZMO) • Security, video surveillance (Mobotix, Samsung, Voyager) • Access Control Systems (equipment and software) • Time and presence management, intrusion detection systems • Home and Building automation
Global Business Solution srl Corso Svizzera, 185 10149 Torino info@gbsweb.it www.gbsweb.it 158
Glowest Srl We convert management obstacles into opportunities Glowest is a new generation Company of IT Services and IT Consulting. It was born from the consulting skills and market needs, that require more and more technology implementation, process innovation and efficient professionals in change support.
Technology used • Cloud Computing • NetSuite
Activity • R&D and Design
Skills Glowest is able to provide support to companies in policy relating to a new and innovative business model and subsequent implementation of operational processes, identifying all areas of business improvement in relation to main management problems, with reference to the duties and processes.
• Manufacturing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services Implementation of new process technologies inevitably involves the daily work of company resources and therefore often requires the acquisition of a new consciousness in the way of working: For this reason Glowest alongside people and directions through consultancy and training activities, thus ensuring a real process efficiency. The flexibility of this business model, combined with a specific methodological approach, allows you to customize the service for any type of activity, through a feasibility study project, which provides tools, knowledge and business culture.
Glowest srl Via Alba Narzole, 4 12055 Diano d’Alba (Cuneo) info@glowest.it www.glowest.it 159
Small and Medium Enterprises
Green Bit Solutions for people recognition based on fingerprint biometric technologies Green Bit activity is completely focused on biometric identification systems; differing from the majority of the companies, Green Bit does not integrate third party technologies, but designs and produces proprietary biometric products and solutions, based on fingerprint acquisition and recognition. Moreover Green Bit modular product design, contributing to a fast product design cycle, guarantees a flexible and fast customization according to customer needs and demands.
Skills • Biometric products and solutions (fingerprint) • Advanced hardware and software competence • Modular product design / product customization • Automated Palm and Fingerprint Identification Systems (APFIS), compliant with the IAFIS-IQS • Products and solutions for Public Authorities, Police Forces, Solutions • Provider and System Integrators
Products and services LAW ENFORCEMENT Green Bit offer is based on 6 products, all FBI IAFIS-IQS Appendix F certified: • MultiScan1000, the most advanced 5”x 5” single platen livescanner at 1000 dpi • Multiscan500, a 5”x 5” single platen live-scanner at 500 dpi • PoliScan2 and VisaScan3, based on 2 separate live-scanners at 500 dpi, to acquire all the fingerprints, flat and rolled, and palm • DactyScan84, a 3.2”x 3.0” scanner for 10-fingerprints flat and rolled acquisition • DactyScan40, a 1.6”x 1.6” scanner for 2-fingerprints flat and single rolled acquisition CIVIL ID FOR PUBLIC AUTHORITIES For the Public Authorities market segment, addressing the issuing and control of the new e-Documents, Green Bit offer is based on: • DactyScan26 and DactyScan26i, single fingerprint scanners 1”x 1” • DactyScan40 and DactyScan84, multiple fingers live scanners Besides these standard products, Green Bit designs “custom products” according to specific customer requests combining the Fingerprint Scanner with other peripherals. Examples of this approach are: • Scan-IDe40 offering a 1.6”x 1.6” rolled fingerprint optical scanner, an A6 Colour Photo Scanner for photo and signature acquisition, a contact and contact-less smartcard module • Scan-CIE DTS_F, Scan-PASS DTS_26 offering the same features, but integrating a 1”x 1” flat fingerprint optical scanner. As for the “standard products”, also these “custom products” are FBI PIV and Appendix F certified 160
Technology Areas • Security
Markets and Applications • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
Technology used • Biometrics for fingerprint recognition • Software for acquisition and recognition of the fingerprint • Optical scanner for biometric applications
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care
Financed Projects • Public Multimedia Apparatus
Green Bit spa Via Rivalta, 9 10095 Grugliasco (Torino) info@greenbit.com www.greenbit.com
pag. 25
GVS Srl Software Solutions for Professional Studies, Public Accommodations, Business, Enterprise and Handicrafts Shops GVS was established from the integration between companies of national importance in their respective market segments. The company’s growth was based on a large commercial development and an efficient service, training and advice to clients. GVS is one of the founders of ITCluster, who is convinced that the creation of new business model, characterized by aggregation, clustering and networking between firms allow compete on a level of excellence and has become a synonym for success.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Manufacturing • Mass Retailing
Technology used Skills GVS companies have appeared on the national market soon distinguished for its dynamism and expertise and putting himself since the early years of the highest levels in their respective markets through the development of specific software solutions for Professional Studies, Public Accommodations, Business, Handicraft Enterprises and shops.
Products and services Implementation of Software Solutions for Professional Studies, Public Accommodations, Business, Enterprise and Handicrafts Shops. Implementation, based on its solutions are produced, verticalizations highly specialized software applications such as under the Projects “Telematizzazione Accise” and “EMCS” - computerized procedures for the movement of products subject to excise duty in the European Union - Agency Customs with integration between ERP and Electronic Customs Service.
• Visual Studio • .NET • RPG
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution
pag. 34
GVS srl C.so Vittorio Emanuele II, 108 10121 Torino sercli@gruppogvs.com www.gruppogvs.com 161
Small and Medium Enterprises
Hicare Research High Performance Business Intelligence Technology Lilith is the platform to create any type of application for business planning, simulation and forecasting. Hicare is having several awards: - IDC’s vendor watchlist profile: “Hicare Research, business insight in data discovery for a new generation of Decision Makers” - selection of Hicare Research among the top innovative Italian companies to take part the Shanghai Expo 2010 by the Italian Government. Lilith Touch BI™ was exposed in the Italian Pavilion - Nomination as “Technology Pioneer 2011 Candidate” by the World Economic Forum.
Skills By Lilith you can build complex models of management control and budgeting with Dashboards for business and marketing analysis, and for financial monitoring in all industrial sectors.
Products and services Lilith is a revolutionary Decision Support System based on an italian brand new Data Management Technology: HCR® was invented by the Phd. Roberto Marchisio in 1996. To provide the Decision makers with consistent information aimed to take the right decisions, a data transformation process is needed to convey the data in the most suitable way to be immediately informative. As a Decision Support System, Lilith helps an organization’s Management to figure out, on a real-time basis, sound and consistent Information out of internal and external data sources. Transforming raw data into semantically meaningful information is a complex and elaborate process, involving seven steps that can be seen in sequence: data cleansing, data collection, data staging, data calculation, simulation, reporting and broadcasting. Lilith achieves those seven steps seamlessly, operating at the decision level just like Enterprise Resource Planners (ERP) do at the transaction level. Moreover, a deployed Business Model should provide Decision Makers with immediate answers to all unpredicted questions without waiting time. For that reason, a brand new technology at the database level was designed: the HCR® database (Hierarchical, Cartesian, Relational). The Decision Makers can query Lilith even without technical skills. 162
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • Mass Retailing
Technology used • C++ • Lilith
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet pag. 58 • Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. 62
Hicare Research srl Via Livorno, 60 10144 Torino info@hicare.com www.hicare.it
IN.PRO Technical and financial application for construction market – UNI GL13 IN.PRO. is an Engineering Company which works in the Building sector employing technological innovation tools. Its main activities are centred on Building Processes Engineering whose practical application occurs through specialized information systems of our own production, together with professional services supplied by our own qualified technical staff.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Banking and insurance • Manufacturing
IN.PRO. aims at developing its own competence in the Building-Finance field, offering its own Public and Private customers a voluntary “quality certification” by applying UNI standards.
Technology used
Products and services
IN.PRO. supplies data processing systems (software systems) which allow to collect, classify, arrange and assess in a modern and innovative way all technical-planning and economic-financial documents concerning Building Projects and Real Estate management. We offer “Project Advising” services which are provided in “Financing Contracts” and more generally in carrying out a “Database Project” of the Private and Public Customer. The benefit which can be expected from combining Products-Services is the knowledge and the availability in real time of the Building Projects information and data, particularly those concerning the Economic-Financial area, besides the assured handling of the agreement made between Company-Developer and Bank in the various stages of the building financing. The Business develops in two ways: 1. on order, (services+ products) 2. software licences of the product. The target market is made up of: a) Public Entities b) Private Companies (Developer / Building enterprise) c) Credit Institutions (Banks and Insurance Companies) and ABI Association.
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Advisory
• Microsoft Visual Studio • Microsoft .NET Framework • Java • Oracle Database 9i Enterprise Edition
IN.PRO. srl Corso Siracusa, 99 10137 Torino
Small and Medium Enterprises
IntelliSemantic Document search engine and Semantic Solutions IntelliSemantic provides user friendly and powerful search engines for enterprise repositories and sites; semantic is used for aggregating similar documents. IntelliSemantic provides also workshops and consulting in semantic applications and technologies and can develop semantic custom projects.
Technology Areas • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing
Skills High-tech: • semantic technologies • knowledge data bases Specialistic: • information retrieval • open source Apache (Solr) Baseline: • web applications and services • java and PHP programming
• Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • programming languages: Java, PHP • web applications • web services • knowledge data bases: OWL, RDF • open source Apache solutions: Solr
Activity Products and services • IntelliFacet is a user friendly and powerful enterprise text and “facet” search engine, for enterprise documents, portals and e-commerce sites. Includes the possibility to cluster and find documents by topics. It is provided also as a web service easy to integrated into third party platforms and applications, as CMS • IntelliLegal IntelliFacet to legal documents, by integrating a sector specific taxonomy
• R&D and Design • Marketing • Advisory
Financed Projects • Video and Audio Navigation and Automatic Content Analyis • Web Intelligence
• IntelliClassify allows to classify documents according to their content. It can be used for classifying mail, papers, reports • TraceSense is a semantic categorizer for multimedia socially tagged content: it can be used for example for associating suitable advertisements to socially contribuited videos • IntelliPatent 4.3 is an internet service that allow you to monitor new patents applied to any technological domain • Semantic seminars and consulting to help managers and developers to evaluate business opportunities and technical challenges and projects involving its specific know-how in semantics 164
IntelliSemantic Via Giaglione, 1-7 10126 Torino info@intellisemantic.com www.intellisemantic.com
pag. 38 pag. 80
Ivrea Sistemi Hardware and software solutions research and development Ivrea Sistemi s.r.l is an engineering company working on research and development in the telecommunication, industrial automation and information technology areas, since 1984. The company is ISO 9001/2000 Aenor agency’s certified. Since 2008, Ivrea Sistemi is a Renesas Technology Europe Platinum Partner. The company develops projects and advanced electronic and information technology applications adopting the new available technologies and solutions.
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Security • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications Skills
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Tourism, culture and education
The following are the main project areas:
Technology used
• Industrial automation
• Cash registers
• C standard programming language • RFID • GSM GPRS • PHP WEB programming language
• Telephone and telecommunication
• Distributed information and access control
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• ATM and printers
• Domotic and security • Wireless solutions
Products and services
Financed Projects • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet • Multi-Radio
pag. 58 pag. 63
• Stadium, park and meeting access control • Customized TAG-RFID readers • TAG- RFID lockers • Wired and wireless security devices alarm systems Hardware and Software development • uCLINUX, LINUX MMU, Windows CE e XP Embedded based applications • EVB Evaluation Board on specific CPU based design • Embedded CPU BOOT LOADER design
Ivrea Sistemi srl Corso Vercelli, 332/L 10015 Ivrea (Torino) praz@ivreasistemi.it www.ivreasistemi.it 165
Small and Medium Enterprises
IxmaSoft Software Quality Assurance & Control IxmaSoft was born from a specialists team having a long and strong experience in the Software Quality Assurance & Control field. All the experiences accumulated working with international Companies and Organisations make the Software Quality Assurance services provided by IxmaSoft applicable not only for specific business, on the contrary they are covering a large set of domains.
Skills The core team is made up of professionals having different background like Test Management, Software Engineering, Complex Websites e Web Applications Testing, Web Production & Editorial Management.
Products and services IxmaSoft is supporting the Organizations at every Test Maturity level, with the aim to ensure the best possible Quality for their systems and services. In order to ensure the best Software Quality IxmaSoft differentiates its own offer based on the different Clients’ needs:
Technology Areas • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • • • • •
MS Test Manager 2010 TestLink JMeter Selenium Fitnesse
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
• Consulting Services for: - Test Strategy definition - Test Plan definition - Test Environments management - Test Processes implementation - Test Automation - Release Management & Bug Tracking - Reporting implementation • Software Testing Outsourcing, and specifically the planning, implementation and execution of: - Functional Testing > Module Test > Integration Test > System Test > Regression Test > User Acceptance Test Both automated and manual. - Non-Functional Testing > Performance, Load & Stress Test > Usability Test > Compatibility Test Providing all the needed documentation: Test Plan, Test Suites, Test Cases and Test Reports. 166
IxmaSoft Via Chiomonte, 26 10141 Torino info@ixmasoft.it www.ixmasoft.it
Koiné Sistemi Definition, implementation and deployment of IT projects dealing with integration and data managing platforms Koiné Sistemi is working in IT since 1981, today has more the 300 public and private customers. Its 35 employees manage IT projects starting from initial analysis of needs going through the realization of software products and ending up with the operative management. Koiné Sistemi operates as a “global integrator” in small realities but also in large customers where application interoperability is a must. Typical activities are: workflow analysis and definition, integration of preexistent solutions.
Skills Koinè Sistemi gives great importance to training its personnel and has great knowhow on integration technologies and SW services on the WEB using: • DB: Postrgres, Caché, Oracle, SQLserver • Languages: Jscript, XML, PHP, CSP, JSP, PERL • OS: Linux, Aix, VMWare, MSWin • Networking methods: AJAX, WEBServices (SOA) • Middleware: EAI, ESB Koinè Sistemi offers remote IT services for maintenance and management of information systems.
Products and services KS Expert platform A SW platform Koinè Sistemi has defined for different implementations. It is built on structures of data classes containing methods for their treatment and general abstract classes for specific activity implementation. The platform also comprehends a geo reference system (Ksvgis),a generalized query system (Kquery),a text mining and data mining system (Kdbtext) and integration systems (EAI and ESB). It is a “solid and raw” structure easily usable to implement and deploy data flows and repositories. Koinè Sistemi manages IT projects for custom information systems (in healthcare and in other sectors) where resources of the “expert platform” and preexistent ERP modules are combined with a particular attention toward the reduction of “physical” SW distribution (license logic) and a greater diffusion and use of WEB portals (ASP and SaaS logic). Follows is a list of other trademarked products Koinè Sistemi deals with: • Kdbtext®: text mining and data mining system with direct text classification • Kdbgis: geo reference of data bases: the class system put in relationship with multidimensional special elements • Kmpi-Anagu: integration system of local anagrafic data on healthcare information systems (HIS) and centralized regional or multiregional anagrafic databases (AURA for the Piedmont Region) • KSgap: complete management of political assemblies • Votronico® Verbamanent® VoKSit®: used for organization management of political meetings and for accounting and managing events
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Mobile • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Agricultural and food • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • data base (caché, postgres, oracle, SQLsrv) • ESB (glassfish), EAI (Ensemble) • languages (Jscript, CSP, PHP, C++, XML, AJAX) • application cooperation (Web Services, SOAP)
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. 62
Koiné Sistemi srl C.so Regina Margherita, 153 10122 Torino koine@koinesistemi.it www.koinesistemi.it 167
Small and Medium Enterprises
Lachesi Environmental and Structural Monitoring LACHESI SYSTEMS DIVISION develops methodologies and probes wireless technology based for the environmental and structural monitoring (as example bridges, dams and metallic structures) and for the analysis of the physical phenomena connected to the risk situations (as example alluviums and landslides).
Technology Areas
LACHESI POWER DIVISION operates in the field of the energetic saving and the renewable sources carrying out activity of research, development and design of alternative energetic systems.
• System Integration and advisory
• Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Security
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education
Skills LACHESI is involved in activities of research and development and it is a promoter of annual scientific programs finalized to study new solutions and applications, in partnership with prestigious research institutes like Politecnico of Turin, the University of Turin and the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.
Technology used • Wi-Fi • RFID • Zigbee • MEMS
Products and services
LACHESI products are targeted towards two application areas: modern architectural structures and works of high artistic and historical interest.
Activity • R&D and Design
Lachesi srl Via Gropello, 9 10138 Torino domenico.lopreiato@lachesi.com www.lachesi.com 168
Lamp Molding, machining and assembly of implantable medical device components Since 1975 LAMP has been operating in the field of the mechanical precision and thermo-plastic moulding in clean room too. The possibility to run the complete processing cycle within the same company, from design to mechanical construction and maintenance, from the mould to thermoplastic moulding, also in controlled environment is the best quality offered by LAMP.
Skills LAMP has been operating in the field of the mechanical precision and thermo-plastic moulding. The possibility to run the complete processing cycle within the same company, from design to mechanical construction and maintenance; from the mould to thermoplastic moulding, also in controlled environment; from mass production on workstations and lathes to quality control. Parts made of a wide variety of materials are manufactured in a dedicated environment through the co-moulding of thermoplastic parts and functional units with special inserts. Subsequently, parts subject to more delicate processes are completed in the Assembly Department (in clean room as well).
Technology Areas • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Manufacturing
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
Financed Projects • A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours
pag. 49
Products and services LAMP is able to satisfy the most varied needs – in the medical, IT and banking sectors – offering reduced delivery times, high precision processing and competitive cost.
Lamp srl Via Romano, 33 10010 Scarmagno (Torino) mail@lampgroup.it www.lampgroup.it 169
Small and Medium Enterprises
Lan Service Network Infrastructure Design and implementation. Management and Security services Lan Service was founded in 1991, our head office is based in Piedmont. It operates in the ICT sector with emphasis on development, technical support and security of network based distributed systems and specialized in Management and Consolidation of complex and critical architectures. Our staff of over 40 employees, the ISO9001:2000 Quality Certification and our experience enables Lan Service to offer itself to other companies as a trusted partner for Information System development.
Skills • INFRASTRUCTURE: Local and Wide Area Network in wired and wireless technology • CONVERGENCE: Unified Communication systems, Voip and IP Telephony technology • CONSOLIDATION: Storage and Data Center using Virtualization technology for private and public Cloud • SECURITY: Our knowledge of systems and networks allows us to optimize security infrastructure
Products and services LAN Service sells and integrates technology of world leading vendors, including Microsoft, Cisco, EMC2,VMware, Symantec, HP adding value-added services: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING - Design - Implementation
Technology Areas • • • •
Cloud Computing Security Web technologies Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Mass Retailing • Aerospace and defence
Technology used
• Cloud Computing & Business Continuity: EMC2, WMware, Microsoft • IT Security: Symantec, Cisco • System Integration: Microsoft, Cisco, EMC2, VMware, Symantec, HP • Business Intelligence: QlikView • TLC: WiMax, HyperLAN
• R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling pag. 47 • An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic and local Real-Time Locating System, with secure pag. 72 identification and communications
SUPPORT SERVICES - Net Support - Help Desk - System Replacement - Network Operating Center: Our 24x 365days NOC provides full service real-time monitoring and SLA based management MANAGEMENT SERVICES - Outsourcing ISP - Hosting - Virtual Server Housing - Mail & Communication Services
Lan Service srl
TLC - Access services, data and voice with Wireless and Fiber Optics technologies
Via Brodolini, 80 15033 Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) info@lanservice.it www.lanservice.it
Master Soft Design solutions for authentication, firewall, VoIP PBX, network management Master Soft S.r.l. is a software house founded in 1991 in Italy, with the aim of providing the world market with advanced networking and telecommunication solutions. Today Master Soft ranks among those leading world software manufacturers whose core business is designing, developing and implementing software applications for managing remote accesses and security. Over the years, Master Soft has gained ever-growing experience and know-how which make it possible to offer Integrated and ready-to-go solutions, customized according to customers’ real needs. Master Soft can also offer its expertise for: • Strong Authentication for remote access (dial-up, VPN, Portal sign-on) • Strong Authentication based on digital signature and token hardware • Telephone systems and gateway VoIP • Unified messenging system
Skills Server systems, networking, VoIP system, Windows and Linux operating systems, design of IT architectures.
Products and services DialWays 3.0 Enterprise Edition DialWays 3.0 Enterprise Edition, evolution of the DialWays products, is a scalable software for managing remote access services, ranging from large business environments offering remote access to the network, to Service Providers and Carrier Class telecom operators. DialWays is a centralized application for the control and management of remote accesses to the network, through the use of RADIUS and TACACS+ standard protocols. DialWays fully implements the AAA model (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting). Serbox© UM SerboxUM is our solution to easily connect Company’s networks to the Internet,with most advanced security features. Some of Serbox UM services:
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Security • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Banking and insurance • Manufacturing
Technology used • • • • •
Linux, Win, Proxmox, VmWare Python, PHP, C, C++, Clarion Sql, MySql Radius, Tacas++ Protocols for electronic signature
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Wearable antennas designed to increase work safety and efficiency
• Firewall
Master Soft srl
• VPN manager
Piazzale Lombardia, 10 28100 Novara info@mastersoft.it www.mastersoft.it
• eMail filtering and managing • Unified Messenging with VoIP telephone system
pag. 78
Small and Medium Enterprises
Medea Informatica Medea Informatica is specialized in selling computer products and hardware, management software and consumables Medea Informatica was founded in 1999 by a group of local private and a team of professionals in information technology and business processes. The implementation of management software development Medea ranging from software for the professional than for SMEs in the manufacturing sector. Creates custom software for customers who request it.
Skills C # Programmers, PHP Programmers, C + + Programmers, Analysts, Functional Consultants, System Administrators Server area, Networking Systems engineers, IP-Telephony Systems engineers.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Manufacturing • Automotive
Products and services Medea Informatica is specialized in selling computer products and computer hardware, software and consumables management solutions and offers a park varied: from small workstation (workstation) to the rack and tower servers, from micro to large companies, Medea Informatica provides technology solutions and management .
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
The implementation of management software from Medea ranging from software for the professional than for SMEs in the manufacturing sector. Among the leading products of company include online catalogs and management software are programs that automate the management of individual companies, such as: • Applications for the warehouse • Applications Management Budget • Applications for Financial Analysis • Applications of accounting with their typical functions such as management of the writing in the first note, and print reclassification of the budget accounting, records management and liquidation of VAT • Applications for the production with their classical forms such as: management of production launches, data collection and bill • Data storage applications
Medea Informatica srl
• Applications for the sharing of information, especially sensitive
Corso Canale, 4/1 12051 Alba (Cuneo) info@medeainformatica.com www.medeainformatica.com
• Applications for E-commerce 172
Media Buyer Technologies applied to communication Media Buyer is a media agency specialized in on-line and
Technology Areas
off-line communication with a remarkable disposition towards
• Mobile
innovation and exploitation of technologies applied to
• Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
• Automotive
Strategy - Planning - Buying are the fields of interest of
• Mass Retailing
Media Buyer applied to off-line, on-line and mobile media.
Technology used • Php, Objective-C
Activity Products and services There are three main areas: the first one is specialized in
• Marketing • Advisory
traditional media such as Out of home, Print media, Radio, TV. The second one is New media oriented: Web & Mobile marketing, Qr Code, Text and Dem, mobile applications. The third area integrates, combines, plans and guarantees effective media mix.
Media Buyer srl Via Polonghera, 25 10138 Torino info@mediabuyer.it www.mediabuyer.it 173
Small and Medium Enterprises
mediaKi.it Web Social Media Design Agency mediaKi.it is a young web and communication agency, rapidly growing thanks to the network of important partnerships it has built with IT realities, leaders in Italy and all over the world, for the development of web-oriented applications and solutions. Based in Turin and with a large number of partners all over Europe.
Skills mediaKi.it puts itself as a Partner in the service of communication, creativity and innovation, developing web-oriented solutions and offering its own skills to design and make applications and dynamical systems to manage web sites and portals, Business To Business web applications in the field of the Communication Strategies, Innovative Marketing.
Products and services mediaKi.it is a leading agency in developing high technological services, making technology a tool in the service of communication, innovation and corporate marketing strategies. mediaKi.it develops websites and portals, creative and social projects for any kind of business and marketing strategies, technological applications and solutions, SEO/SEM analysis, as well as ADV campaigns and Customer Relationship Management [CRM] and Content Management System [CMS].
Technology Areas • • • • •
Internet of things Multimedia, visualization and usability Mobile Web technologies System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Agricultural and food • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Framework .NET
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
mediaKi.it srl Corso Grosseto, 465/A 10151 Torino info@mediaki.it www.mediaki.it 174
Medit Enterprise software solutions MEDIT designs and develops innovative software solutions in
Technology Areas
the areas of corporate finance, investment planning and food
• Business Process Management /
quality control.
Business Intelligence • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Skills Technical expertise in software design for administrative processes, financial and food security: • Microsoft .NET, C + +, Visual Basic • Database design (MS SQL) • iPhone / iPad • Web based applications
Markets and Applications • Energy • Banking and insurance • Agricultural and food • Manufacturing
Technology used • Programming languages: C, C++, Objective-C, SQL, mySQL
Activity Products and services
• R&D and Design • Advisory
Customized solutions with particular reference to: • Administrative processes, Business planning, Management Control; • Treasury management and financial planning; • Quality control and food-label management; • Web Solutions and SaaS platforms; • iPhone and iPad Apps.
MEDIT sas Via Bruni, 5 12100 Cuneo software@meditaly.net www.meditaly.net 175
Small and Medium Enterprises
Microntel Access Control, Time and Attendance, Shop Floor Data Collection Systems Microntel designs, manufactures and supplies Access Control and Security, Time and Attendance and Shop Floor Data Collection Systems. Founded in Torino in 1986, Microntel is based in San Mauro Torinese and includes subsidiaries in Milan, Perugia and Madrid. The company, certified ISO 9001:2000, relies on a network of regional partners in Italy to meet the requirements of over 3500 customers, and is cooperating with organizations to reach foreign markets.
Technology Areas • Security
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Banking and insurance
Technology used • RFID
• Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi)
Full in-house design and development of the hardware, software and firmware systems. Possibility of solution customization according to the customer’s requirements and needs. 24 years of experience in the data collection realm.
• Web-based applications (TCP/IP) • Real time software systems
Activity • R&D and Design
Products and services Microntel develops access control, time and attendance and shop floor data capture systems. The solutions are composed of hardware panels, data acquisition software and applicative software. The added value of the Microntel systems coincides with the versatility of the hardware terminals for both connection standards to central systems (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Serial, GPRS) and reading technology (magnetic, RFID, biometric), the flexibility of the software, which can be interfaced with anti-burglary systems, building automation, payroll software, ERP’s, the possibility to customize the solution in relation to each customer’s requests. All combined with top-notch service and support and the quality of the Made in Italy design.
• Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care
Financed Projects • Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID
Microntel spa Via Umbria, 13 10099 San Mauro T.se (Torino) commerciale@microntel.com www.microntel.com 176
pag. 54
Mobi-Service Solutions and services for mobility Mobi-Service is an engineering company that supplies mobility solutions and services in the transport sector.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
The core competencies of Mobi-Service are:
• ITS & Logistics
• Management of the transportation infrastructure • Electronic Toll Collection systems
• System Integration and advisory
Technology used • RFID
• Road and tunnel safety
• WiFi
• Infomobility
• Electronic Ticketing, smart card
• Wired and wireless communication system
• R&D and Design
• Highway roadside systems
• Advisory
Products and services Mobi-Service supplies engineering services in compliance with evolution of standards and execution modes of infrastructural transport networks. • Feasibility studies, as well as studies conducted on economic, transport and financial issues
Financed Projects • Golden Infra
pag. 55
• Analysis and coordination support for project financing initiatives • Maintenance and monitoring programs • Safety, lighting and ventilation in the tunnel • Road infrastructure • Marketing support
Mobi-Service srl Via Collodi, 16 10090 Rosta (Torino) g.bellino@mobi-service.it www.mobi-service.it 177
Small and Medium Enterprises
MTM Tech was founded in 2010, a company dedicated to the management consulting to organizations and companies. The MTM Tech offer is oriented in consulting services to corporate organizations, supporting them with needs analysis. Among the predominant activities include the identification of the sources, the creation of documentation, organizational consulting, whether directional or process, all aimed at improving performance.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Banking and insurance
Skills MTM Tech provides expertise, experience focus to achieve results. The main areas are: • Organization • Project Management • Change Management • Integrated Communication
• Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
• Empowerment and Training • Information Technology • Project Monitoring and • Supervision Quality
Products and services ALPI CUP: is a web tool for the management of intramural in health care. This modular system allows the management of the administrative activities of licensed professionals to serve the same agendas and appointments. The system allows full control of the activity of doctors in intramural following the rules of law. The system is made of open-source platform.
MTM-Tech srl Corso Bramante, 61 10126 Torino
Nash Analisys, design and development of web-based enterprise level applications The company’s mission is to create a network of
Technology Areas
professionals that share knowledge and project activities
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
otherwise out of reach for a single one.
Skills Nash gathers experienced professionals in web applications, portals, vocal and multichannel applications, mail servers and ERPs in complex IT systems of different industries: TLC, finance, insurance, automotive and PA.
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing
Technology used Products and services Analisys, Design and Development: quality is a must in order to realize secure, efficient and reliable web applications. In
• Programming languages for: application, web, database • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee) • JEE, .NET
Nash quality is pervasive during the application’s lifecycle.
The will and capability to address every project while adopting
• R&D and Design • Advisory
the best the ICT market can offer in terms of technologies, frameworks and products, leveraging on Open Source, is one of the best added value Nash can offer. The resulting product while addressing completely business requirements is also
Financed Projects • General practice unit
pag. 37
modular, scalable, easily maintainable and open to integration scenarios. Nash is a unified and qualified group that comprises professionals with specific skills in project management, problem solving, development, system integration, business and system analysis. Nash offers professional services and acts, when necessary, as an agency in staffing resources to respond at the best do your needs.
Nash srl Piazza Carlo Felice, 30 10121 Torino info@nashds.com www.nashsrl.com 179
Small and Medium Enterprises
Net Surfing Asset management Web Solutions Net Surfing is a software house founded in 1995 in Ivrea, Italy. It has a multidisciplinary team of specialists in innovation, interaction design and software engineering. Small company specialized in software engineering and development. Providing advanced Internet services. Specific competence on Enterprise Asset management and maintenance engineering. Currently focused on Infor EAM.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills Specialists in: • Infor EAM • Infor BAAN • ERP solutions • MS SQL • ORACLE • MySQL • Operating Systems: Microsoft and Linux • JAVA EE/ TOMCAT/JBOSS
Products and services Net Surfing invests around the 10% of the turnover to Research & Development. We are offer capabilities in developing applications and consultancy in the following areas: • Asset Management • E-commerce applications • Content Management System • Drivers development for specialized peripherals. • Project specific development
• Enrergy • Tourism, culture and education • Manufacturing
Technology used • • • • •
WEB programming languages and tools WEB2 Driver/applications development Maintenance engineering RFID
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • EneRgy GOvernance System • Web User Interest Tracking
The main assets are our technical competence in developing applications and the ability to handle critical situations. In Italy we have an excellent reputation for our technical problemsolving capacity. We developed and offer some Infor EAM Extensions Modules: • Document & Knowledge Management: Doc+ • Safety at Work (compliant with Italian L.81), “Work Permits” management • Bar-Code generation and printing on local printer • Assets and WorkOrders on Google Map and Microsoft Virtual Earth 180
Net Surfing srl Corso Vercelli, 332/P 10015 Ivrea (Torino) netsurf@netsurf.it www.netsurf.it
pag. 50 pag. 82
New Amuser Multi-media solutions for enterprises and public administration New Amuser is a leading provider of multimedia and multimodal solutions. Amuser’s portfolio includes high-quality multimedia (voice, sms/mms, video, wap, web, fax, mail) and multimodal solutions for Large Enterprises, Telcos and Media companies. New Amuser is headquartered in Rome, Italy, with offices in Turin and Milan.
Skills New Amuser core competences are focused on Document Management and Document Delivery systems, Business Process Management and Customer Management. New Amuser has a large know-how and a rich portfolio of solutions in the field of Telcos business processes.
Products and services Amuser is leader in three Business area: a)The market of the large and medium private and public companies: Local and Central Administration, Health, Finance, Utilities, Automotive and Home Automation. In this context, New Amuser has developed its own multichannel platform (SMS, Voice, Fax, email) for service delivery for: • Digital Marketing (Outbound campaign, Voting, Survey, Instant winning) • Customer Management (Automatic Customer Caring, Alerting Systems…)
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Automotive
Technology used • Automatic Speech Recognition & Synthesis • Languages for Embedded device: C# • Languages C/C++, ASP, JSP, HTML • Human Centered Design
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Advisory
Financed Projects • Public Multimedia Apparatus
pag. 25
• Business Process Management (Document Management (capture, archive, search), workflow management, OCR, semantic understanding of the text, automatic document formatting) b)The fixed and mobile telecommunications market c)The market of Content & Media Provider and Broadcaster. In this case New Amuser plays the role of service provider implementing the required procedures for the access to fixed and mobile network services according to telecom authority rules
New Amuser spa Largo Borgaro, 27 10149 Torino info@amuser.it www.amuser.it 181
Small and Medium Enterprises
NICE HPC & Grid & Cloud Computing Solutions NICE delivers comprehensive HPC, Grid and Cloud Solutions for companies and institutions, increasing user productivity to access applications and computing resources.
Skills NICE has a dedicated, experienced team of experts that can assist throughout the deployment life-cycle, from software planning, implementation and testing stages, to performance tuning, and support in the production stage. NICE consulting services incorporate over 14 years of experience and best practices developed implementing production Grids and HPC infrastructures around the world.
Products and services NICE develops the industry-leading EnginFrame Grid & Cloud Portal, providing a user-friendly, highly customizable access to applications, data and computing resources. Our product portfolio empowers Grid & Cloud infrastructures by increasing usability and user-friendliness, without sacrificing flexibility and control. EnginFrame enables efficient Inter/Intranet access to Grid&Cloud enabled infrastructures. Compute farms (HPC, Grids, Clouds), data, licenses, batch & interactive applications can be accessed by any client using a standard web browser. Based on technologies like Java, XML and Web Services, EnginFrame facilitates the deployment of user-friendly, application and data-oriented portals. NICE delivers an innovative visualization solution called EnginFrame Views that leverages server-side hardware acceleration (GPU’s) and remote visualization protocols optimized for low bandwidth LAN/WAN networks. Users can access to remote 2D&3D interactive applications in different application areas (automotive, aerospace, life sciences, energy, manufacturing, etc.) and share sessions with collaborators around the world.
Technology Areas • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Banking and insurance Manufacturing Automotive Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Web-based programming languages (java, .NET, xml, web services, javascript, XSL, etc.) • Technologies for High Performance Computing (Platform Computing LSF and OCS, Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008, Sun GridEngine, UnivaUD UniCluster, IBM LoadLeveler, Altair PBS/Pro and OpenPBS, Torque, Condor, gLite/Globus-based toolkits, etc.) • Virtualization technologies (kvm, vmware, xen, etc.) • 2D/3D visualization technologies (realVNC, virtualGL, DCV, etc.) • Cloud computing technologies (Platform, Univa, Adaptive, OpenNebula, EC2, etc.)
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC app. in cloud computing environments pag. 56 • 3D Cloud Technologies pag. 65 • A Workflow Management System for digital production pag. 79
Nice srl Via Milliavacca, 9 14100 Asti sales@nice-software.com www.nice-software.com
Novus Sistemi informativi Implementing ERP systems for the SME market Novus started in 1994 as Solution Provider and Business Partner IBM; over the years Novus gained a wide expertise in several vertical sectors, implementing business systems for the needs of SMB market companies. In 2002 Novus became Microsoft Gold Partner and the offering embraces the ERP solution Microsoft Navision (nowadays known as Microsoft Dynamics), achieving several important projects in some case on a international scale.
Technology Areas
Technology used
Novus deals with and manages all the phases of an ERP project bases on Microsoft Dynamics:
• Microsoft Dynamics • Microsoft .NET • Microsoft Share Point • Microsoft SQL Server • Qlikview
• Analysis and business process re-engineering • Implementation and customization
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence
Markets and Applications • • • •
Energy Agricultural and food Manufacturing Mass Retailing
• Training and operation support • Maintenance and tuning
Products and services
• Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a flexible, integrated solution for managing all business activities, from financial processes and customer relationship management to supply chain and production processes.
Financed Projects • Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. 62
Novus Sistemi informativi srl Via Giolitti, 15 10132 Torino info@novus.it www.novus.it 183
Small and Medium Enterprises
NTT New Tera Technology Detection, inspection and communication systems based on TeraHertz technology NTT focuses its activities in the design and build systems for detection of illicit substances and for high throughput communication, with an industrial laboratory to setting up prototypes. It has many experiences in THz field, collaborating
Technology used • Programming languages (FIRMWARE, IMAGE PROCESSING)
with the Academic Institutions in Italy and in Europe.
Activity Skills
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• Design devices • Design image detection System • Design chemical detection System • Design communication System
Products and services Not only a system integrator, NTT designs the THz devices that uses into the prototypes. For this reasons in THz field, NTT is producing the first industrial QCL and is starting to industrialize the detector. In this way, the technology, that is the base of its systems, is in its hands and doesn’t depend
Financed projects • The development of food inspection technologies
pag. 83
from other supplier. Using the most advanced technologies in the THz generation and detection, NTT can modify the characteristic of the radiations to obtain a more powerful source that allows to detect, also in stand-off detection, objects concealed under the clothes. But not only, changing QCL frequency to detect a particular substance, the system designed by NTT is able to recognize the nature of the substance also in stand-off detection. NTT is developing a machine to detect illicit materials concealed into packages and freights, to be used on-field to prevent illicit traffics.
NTT New Tera Technology srl Via Cuneo, 12 10028 Trofarello (Torino) info@newteratech.com 184
Omicron Consulting System integration
Omicron Consulting is an ICT company specialized in product development ad information system solutions, in technical assistance, in business consulting an in professional training, located in Torino, Milano, Padova, Parma, Roma.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
System Integration, ICT Project Developing,Optical document management, legal electronic documents filing, electronic invoicing, access control and time/attendance management, ICT consulting, networks , ERP (SAP, JDE, MS NAV).
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Security • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Banking and insurance • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Aerospace and defence
Technology used Products and services • Optical document management: legal electronic documents filing WEB and client server solutions for all kinds of documents management as: document filing, protocol, work flow, record management, electronic invoicing. • Access control and time/attendance management, HR: modular and fully scalable Web solution based on Oracle for a complete offer finalized to answer to customer needs and all aspect of access control and Time and attendance (expenses list, travel planning, external operators), Payroll.
• • • •
Mainframe systems microsoft open/java ERP
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID • Bank operations process management • Process@People
pag. 54 pag. 59 pag. 66
• SAP solution for Local Public Transportation management (TPL): complete and integrated solution made for the management of companies operating in the public transportation sector. This solution is based on SAP R/3 standard. • ICT Project developing and Consulting.
Omicron Consulting srl Lungo Dora Pietro Colletta, 81 10153 Torino info@omicronconsulting.it www.omicronconsulting.it 185
Small and Medium Enterprises
Ooros Information when needed: mobile applications and social networks “Information when needed” is the mission of Ooros. The company was founded in 2008 with the goal of building a real time communication platform for mobile applications and services. With its extensible mobile client, Ooros supplies a wide range of services, starting from simple messaging to payments, direct communication and interaction with the customer.
Skills Mobile multi-platform development (JavaME, iPhone, Android, Symbian), federated architectures for real time messaging and presence (via XMPP), secure and reliable mobile transactions for payments or mission critical tasks, Web 2.0, mobile SaaS, NFC.
Products and services Ooros delivers a portfolio of solutions centered on mobile communication and interaction with the end user. • Glider: extensible multi-platform Instant Messaging client with multimedia features, news reader, real time push, group communication, encrypted and secure transactions, mini browser of server side services (SaaS support), access to public or ad-hoc social networks, georeferencing. • Moneiro: mobile payment authorization platform, which can handle multiple wallets, such as credit and debit cards, bank accounts, any pre-paid wallet. It is available via Glider or most mobile web browsers. • Hermod: multichannel messaging platform. Hermod allows massive campaigns of e-mail or SMS and supports an integrated connector toward Instant Messaging networks. Glider has a strong integration with this solution and transform a mobile terminal into an active platform supporting a real-time, interactive and bidirectional communication channel. • Vanadis: fidelity card management, integrated with web 2.0 tools and modules for building viral marketing applications through social networks and mobile messaging. • Niels: solution for pushing real-time contents on mobile terminals; contents can be retrieved from standard sources (such as RSS/Atom feeds), and can be tagged based on content and enriched with “actions” allowing the user to interact with the content received. 186
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Mobile • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Mass Retailing
Technology used • Software development on mobile devices (JavaME, iPhone, Android, WindowsCE) • Web software development (Java2EE, Python) • New Technologies (XMPP, CouchDB, Social Applications) • Social Networks (Facebooks, Twitter, Instant & Realtime Messaging, MSN, XMPP, Jabber) • Wireless Technologies (RFID, Bluetooth, NFC) and distributed systems (Cloud Computing)
Activity • R&D and Design
Financed Projects • Internet Services for Mobile
Ooros srl Via Santa Teresa, 23 10121 Torino info@ooros.com www.ooros.com
pag. 29
Over Payment Systems, Telecomunication, Self-Service, EPP OVER s.r.l. is an operating company since February 1998. Offers direct technical structure and agreements with suppliers HW, SW and Services. Operates in different fields: Encriypting PinPad, Electronic Payment systems, Communications Technology, Self-service and Multimedia Kiosk.
Technology Areas • Internet of things • Security • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills
• Banking and insurance • Mass Retailing
Experience in hardware and software design, project management, application development.
Technology used
Products and services • Telecommunications equipment with functions of concentration, protocol conversion, optimization of WAN-LAN, PAD, dynamic routing. Knowledge of all protocols.
• Linux • Windows & WES • C++ • Java
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing
• Design HW and SW of kiosks for Banks, Universities, Transportation, Public Administration, also with payment functions. • Design and implementation of solutions of electronic payment for GDO and for self-service. • Production of OVER EPP (Encrypting Pin Pad), certified in according to PCI PED 2.0 requirements. Is an OEM PIN Keyboard for indoor/outdoor use in self-service solutions for banking applications and bank account management.
Over srl Lungo Dora Colletta, 67/E 10153 Torino info@overtorino.it www.overtorino.it 187
Small and Medium Enterprises
PAR di Paolo Rossini & C.
Analysis, design and support for ICT product development and prototyping PAR’s partners matured in almost 20 years their professional experience. A strong capability to manage electronics products design, prototyping and production of complex hardware/software systems. A wide view within the ICT domain in the international markets, makes PAR the partner to support the project development for low enterprise risk, and business oriented development track.
Skills Continuous presence in South East Asia gives to PAR the ability to offer to its Clients an effective link both towards markets and towards excellence manufacturing districts already validated for specific productions and prototyping such as SD, microSD and miniature RF systems both on board standard cards and embedded systems.
Technology Areas • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Manufacturing e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Aerospace and defense
Technology used • Mobile protocols (GSM, UMTS) • Firmware & Software (Linux, Mac OS, proprietary) • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Zigbee) • Embedded systems (USB, SD, microSD) • Full silicon integration
Activity Products and services PAR design and development support capability can be a strategic element toward fast and effective product development process.
• R&D and Design • Marketing • Advisory
PAR deliverables can be a significant contribution to the project, both in the design and in the production phase of prototypes and products. This giving the reference on ICT market both of the requirements analysis and in the HW/SW system architecture definition. A strong specialization in the development and manufacturing management of “micro-systems” such as SD, microSD, RF miniature systems (WiFi, WiMAX, ZigBee) developed on board standard cards and specific embedded systems. To complete its offering, PAR distributes the products of Spectec Computer Co Ltd. (Taiwan). For such products PAR delivers support and integration services.
PAR di Paolo Rossini & C. Via Montevecchio, 5 10128 Torino paolo.rossini@par-italy.it
Pentasoft ICT Products and Services
The Company PENTASOFT Srl was founded by a group of software designers coming from a common experience in a company that was a recognized benchmark on the market for the implementation of data collection systems and, more generally, for its ability to intervene at the organizational and technological level in creating mobile solutions.
Skills • Project Management • Knowledge of Healthcare industry and Telemedicine solutions • Design and implementation skills of Web based systems, B2B and B2C portal development • Experience in integration of Information Systems • Design and implementation of technological infrastructure (installation and maintenance) • Monitoring capabilities and experience of user support
Products and services PENTASOFT has recently further increased its Mobile Computing expertise by deepening the knowledge on the systems offered by technological evolution. That let PENTASOFT identify the most appropriate solution to the abovementioned areas in terms of methodological standards of assistance and implementation. Through both their own products and products of partner companies, PENTASOFT develops customized solutions for an integrated management of the company’s Supply Chain and it’s able to design and implement software systems dedicated to specific customer needs using the latest computer technology both in local area networks (Intranet ) and in wide area networks (Internet and Extranet). This approach has enabled the establishment of a customer relationship that goes beyond the concept of customer-supplier relationship to form a partnership aimed at optimizing the entire business process. PENTASOFT has recently acquired skills in the field of social welfare, through the collaboration with the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) in Turin for the testing of a tele-assistance and tele-monitoring platform. PENTASOFT contributed to the design and development of the Service Center of the project, which performs the operation of tele-assistance service and allows the operator to obtain environmental information about the user to better handle the request for intervention. Since December 2003 the ETICA has become sole shareholder of the company PENTASOFT.
Technology Areas • • • •
Security Mobile System Integration and advisory Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Tourism, culture and education Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Programming languages for: firmware, software, web • Mobile protocols: GSM, GPRS, UMTS • Wireless protocols: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, RFID • GPS Localization
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
Financed Projects • @Care
pag. 42
pag. 67
Pentasoft srl Corso Unione Sovietica, 612/3A 10135 Torino brosio@eticasrl.com www.pentasoft.biz 189
Small and Medium Enterprises
Petra Maintenance, evolution and ditribution of Remmert-Epitteto Method: a technology-independent methodology aimed to manage the whole life-cycle of complex enterprise web-based applications Recently set-up, vertical and innovative Small Company,
Technology Areas
based on high-level human capital and theoretical knowledge,
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
wholly applied to research and engineer methods and practices devoted to finally industralise design, development and maintenance of new-generation enterprise business software.
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing
Technology used Skills Classical Logics theory, modern math theory / methods / practices, topology, numerical theory, group theory, formal languages theory, knowledge representation & management, Petri’s nets, modeling paradigm event & process-based.
• Java / J2EE for development of web-based business software • J-Boss suite as industrial “de facto” standard in Open Source Middleware Software arena • PETRA’s methodology is fully independent from technological framework of implementation
Activity • R&D and Design
Financed Projects Products and services Field direct appliance and/or third-parties distribution & support of REMMERT-EPITTETO METHOD.
• The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis pag. 33 • Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Tool pag. 43 • Financial Advisor Support Technologies pag. 52 • Enabling technologies for work safety pag. 76
Petra srl Via Reiss Romoli, 137 10148 Torino amministrazione@petraweb.it 190
Planet Multimedia Video Streaming & Asset Managements Planet vision is all about giving control to the viewer control over what they watch, when they watch it and how they pay for it. We believe that broadband can transform television and take it into a new era. PLANET s.r.l. was founded in 1996 from the initiative of four young people that had matured years of experience in networking. From 1999, PLANET s.r.l. becomes a R&D laboratory where technology and experience is mixed based on customer needs.
Skills Planet is a leading provider of networked multimedia applications since 1996, distributing many brand leaders worldwide in IPTV technology. Planet services include installation, integration and support of IPTV, WEBTV, Corporate TV, Outdoor TV, IP streaming, and IP conferencing technologies.
Technology used • Digital Asset Managements, WebTV • Corporate TV, IPTV, Digital Signage • Live streaming, Telepresence, Videosourviliance • Broadcasting DVB-T, MHP, Webconference
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Advisory
Products and services Today’s new digital technology means managing TV services on IP networks - a new scenario for modern Television service horizons. Garavot IPTV offers a production system and broadcast content distribution on an IP network by managing all production processes from programming to service delivery and use by Set Top Box STB Digital Decoders, an ultimate generation system with easy-to-use features. Garavot IPTV means implementing attractive and innovative services, such as Videos on Demand and Interactive Advertising Management. The platform is conceived as a flexible and modular system assuring scalability and high reliability with the possibility of increasing the number of individual architectural elements relevant to performance required. Broadband availability and up-to-date tools and technologies enable low cost Internet TV viewing. Garavot WebTV enables producing TV programmes on the Internet organizing live video contents or recording true programmes with tailored formats. The service is offered through a standard browser, an easy and simple system for all users. Garavot WebTV enables greater communication with the public, without geographical borders to virtually endless targets. Garavot WebTV is the proper tool to optimize multimedia assets and the communication of any company, an appealing system to establish a faithful Customer basis in a new and targeted way.
Financed Projects • Video and Audio Navigation and Automatic Content Analyis
pag. 38
Planet srl Via Ribes, 79 10010 Samone (Torino) ugob@planetsite.it www.planetsite.it 191
Small and Medium Enterprises
Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia Leaders in the field of management and document printing
Technology Areas
To offset coil-coil, PRT has added over time:
• Business process Management /
• variable data printing (black / white and color)
Business Intelligence
• treatment and management of correspondence required (business communication)
• System Integration and advisory
• treatment and management of mailings (direct mail)
Markets and Applications
• Inbound document management (document composition and formatting data customers)
• Banking and insurance
• outbound document management (electronic filing, and substitution)
• Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
• managing the process of dematerialization of communication (e-substitution)
• Automotive
• Manufacturing
Products and services • Company Communication: - PRT offers all services related to business communication and Transpromo • Document Management: - PRT offers a full service document management, up to substitutive storage valid for tax purposes • Direct Mailing: - In addition to managing data flows, PRT also offers the direct mail service • Promotional printed: - PRT can print advertisements of any kind of format and design • Special Publications: - PRT is able to print custom forms with any layout, size and graphics • Continuous forms: - The production of continuous forms is one of our core business
Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia spa Via frejus, 5 10043 Beinasco (Torino) www.roggeroetortia.it 192
PRC Multimedia Software communication
PRC Multimedia di Torino, founded in 2004 as a result of Galileo Ferraris Prize for “innovative business ideas” of the Polytechnic of Turin, is one of the most qualified Italian companies in the field of communication software. In 2006 PRC Multimedia won the Grand Prix Möbius International Multimedia and in 2007 received a special mention E-content Award Italy Politecnico di Milano. Since 2006 he has developed considerable expertise in the design and development of applications for mobile phones and is now present on OVI Store, Apple Store and Android.
Skills A great capacity for analysis and design creativity, allowing the implementation of appropriate electronic communication tools via the web, mobile, cd, dvd. The expertise gained in creating educational tools of mass makes it even more systematic and comprehensive the company’s selling proposition. Winners of the 2006 Grand Prix Mobius Inernational (Switzerland), in 2007e-Content Award Mention by Polytechnic of Milan, in 2012 selected by the Apps4Italy contest.
Products and services • Books: established software house just as dedicated to the training world, PRC Multimedia is characterized by the development of solutions for technical requirements and communication through digital media, conceived as extensions of publishing products (cd rom, dvd).
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Flash and Adobe Flashlite for web & mobile applications • Java for mobile applications • C++ for mobile application • php for web
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Advisory
Financed Projects • Common Application Layer Extended Banking System pag. 26 • MusICT pag. 30 • Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments pag. 36
• Web: web sites, e-learning platforms, Brain & Music games. • Mobile: the company since 2005 with the first pilot project “Mobile School”, has increased their skills in the mobile field and is now present on the main stores dedicated to apps for smartphones and tablets. The registered trademark MoLe (Mobile to Learn), was created from this experience and confirms the company’s interest to invest in this area. The main development environments are IOS, Android, Symbian / WIndows. Among the most successful apps: “Swimtime” for Nabaiji Decathlon, “Food and Wine Guide” AUDI, Dierre, Arenaways, “Win a Dream” Speedo, “Ready2Go” ACI, Menu schools, “Sing with me”. • Bluetooth marketing: dedicated service to the communication of advertising, promotion and exhibition schedules particularly suitable in areas, airports, market place, theaters, sports centers.
PRC Multimedia Via Palma di Cesnola, 25 10127 Torino info@prcmultimedia.it www.prcmultimedia.it 193
Small and Medium Enterprises
Pro Logic Informatica Design and implementation of IT solutions for the Local Public Administration and the private sector Since 1996, Pro Logic is a global partner in innovation to its customers, offering software solutions with the complete of technological infrastructure. Pro Logic offers consulting, training and is a reliable partner in monitoring actions and software updating for different typologies and platforms. By outsourcing or insourcing their ICT services, Pro Logic customers focus attention on their own core business.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Cloud Computing • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
In the last years experience areas in which Pro Logic has refined its own expertise are:
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
• System Integration
Technology used
• Enterprise Content Management
• Programming languages: C#,ASP.NET, C++, JAVA, Perl, PHP • S.O. UNIX/Linux, Windows, Windows CE • Data Base Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server
• Project Quality Management
Products and services
• • • • •
• Software Testing • Embedded Software
Products • EduMeter: for the evaluation of didactics for Universities • EleWeb: to collect and publish election results for large municipalities and prefectures • Websites: for companies, the P.A., Universities and sports associations
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis pag. 33 • SIX-Sensor pag. 70
• DoQui: management and sharing of electronic administrative documentation and projects • CUP Recall: the system manages automatically activities of RECALL of booked patients waiting for service Services • Consulting and design turnkey ICT • Software testing • Quality and security • Outsourcing and insourcing • Hardware assistance
PRO LOGIC INFORMATICA srl Via Arnaldo da Brescia, 9 10134 Torino info@pro-logic.it www.pro-logic.it
PRO3 Consultancy company for engineering and product design Pro3 s.r.l. was founded in 2000 with the aim to offer services, connected with the world of Information Technology, and
Technology Areas • System Integration and advisory
especially design, used with extremely advanced 3D Cad systems (ProE, CATIA. UG NX).
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing
Skills Due to the proliferation of CAD systems, being able to handle their clients’ and suppliers’ mathematical models and drawings (UG, PROE, CATIA V4 V5, etc.) in a reliable way, that has become, for all the companies working
• Automotive • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Computer Aided Design
in engineering, a priority which must be handled
• Computer Aided Manufactuiring
with professionalism and competence.
• Product data Management
Activity Products and services
• R&D and Design
• Human resources for modeling and drafting
• Advisory
with different CAD tools • In-house and co-location development • Data exchange • CAD Automation and programming
PRO3 srl Via Bertolotti, 7 10121 Torino v.maccantelli@pro3.it 195
Small and Medium Enterprises
Project System-level software, firmware and real-time applications. Windows CE driver & BSP development PROJECT is a small company developing system-level software, firmware and real-time applications, with a solid experience in using innovative technologies. Since 1984 it has participated in embedded system, automotive, industrial control, safety and telecommunication projects. PROJECT is a Windows Embedded Partner since 2002 and started doing Windows CE platform development in 1999.
Technology Areas • Internet of things • Mobile • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Automotive
Technology used Skills Embedded systems, Windows CE, Android OS, drivers, BSPs, real-time applications.
• Windows Embedded CE platform development • Android OS - platform developmentActivity
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Products and services • Embedded OS Porting to custom platforms
Financed Projects • FAst REading
• BSP, driver and firmware development • Embedded systems consulting and training
Project sas Via Madama Cristina, 9 10125 Torino info@projectsas.it www.projectsas.it 196
pag. 28
Punto Qualità Solution Provider and R&D Laboratory in the ICT Sector Punto Qualità offers solutions for the business that are the result of two complementary approaches: the innovative aspect, result of the search activity & development, and that more properly strategic one, characterized from choices ration them, methodological and measurable. Two separate distances that carry to an only goal, Punto Qualità is a brand that countersign which Solution Provider and Search & Development Laboratory in the field of ICT Sector.
Skills • transform the cognitive and informative patrimony in real added value for the business • analyze the company informative processes • identify the managerial areas • operate in terms of performance and workflow to optimization and correct use of business resources • manage AIDC systems tracking and objects movement survey with RFId technologies
Products and services Punto Qualità represents for its customers a technological reference for innovation the IT business strategies and production processes inside the company. In particular: • Qbase, Integrated management system quality/emergency and atmosphere • SPC (Statistic Business Control)
Technology Areas
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Security • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food • Manufacturing • Automotive
Technology used
• RFId Technologies for access control, factory and supply chain automation • Arxivar, Document & Content Management • Qbase, Gestione Integrata Sistema Qualità/ Sicurezza e Ambiente • Work-Flow systems • Manage AIDC systems tracking and objects movement survey with RFId technologies • URBIS NET
• R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects
• Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies pag. 61 • Enabling technologies for work safety pag. 76
• MyQuipu, Workflow systems • Business process and performance management • Arxivar, Document & content management • AIDC Systems (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) • Tracking and survey objects with RFId Technology • IT analysis • Teaching and coaching
Punto Qualità srl Via Tiziano Lanza, 31 10095 Grugliasco (Torino) info@puntoqualita.eu www.puntoqualita.eu 197
Small and Medium Enterprises
RAYONICS Italia On line quality control systems, standard and taylor made on customer needs We are a team with proven and deep experience in X-Ray inspection systems for quality control of food product manufacturing lines: from R&D to manufacturing, to marketing.
Technology Areas • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications • Agricultural and food
Skills • Quality control on manufacturing lines
Technology used • Artificial vision • X-Ray based inspection
• Artificial vision systems • X-Ray applications
in manufacturing lines
Activity • R&D and Design
• Manufacturing quality automatic processes
• Manufacturing
Products and services X-Ray systems detect the presence of a vast range of magnetic and not magnetic foreign bodies: iron and steel, lead, copper, aluminum, ceramics, cement, stones, fragments of glass, bones of various type, shells, rubber and plastics according to their density. Furthermore, X-Ray inspection allows to verify the completeness and the shape of the product, defects of the container, filling level, mechanical closure.
Financed Projects • The development of food inspection technologies
pag. 83
Rayonics X-ray applications
RAYONICS Italia srl Str. Nizza, 48 10040 La Loggia (Torino) amministrzione@rayonics.it - commerciale@rayonics.it www.rayonics.it 198
Regola IT Solutions for Emergency Management and Telemedicine Regola is a company which has been active for over fifteen years in medical systems implementation, especially in the emergency sector, using advanced technologies. Thanks to its wide-ranging skills in both the IT and media industries, Regola is able to offer integrated solutions for highly complex projects. Originally established in Piemonte, the company is now extending its sphere of activity to other areas of the country, always keeping a careful eye on the international scene. Regola is a founder of the emerging Consortium Mosaico, in which participate actively and with a starring role. Mosaico is the only example in Italy for the organizational model, turnover and technological specializations.
Skills Regola’s most important dimension is the area of computer solutions in the medical and health sector. With the use of computer systems based on the latest architectures, Regola has projected management systems for remote transmission of images, films and diagnostic information, networks for specific pathologies, emergencies management, Low Codes systems, collecting health documents (IHE-XDS).
Products and services • Regola provides the management of the whole 118 Health Emergency Service for the Piedmont Region through the SaveOnLine, an advanced software solution ensuring communication among all facilities involved in the Emergency Dispatch process
Technology Areas • • • • •
Internet of things Cloud Computing Multimedia, visualization and usability Web technologies Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Microsoft .Net • Computer Aided Dispatch • DataBase Design & Administration
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information pag. 60 • NeuroVirtual 3D pag. 64 • The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation pag. 69
• TEMPORE platform, Regola supports the teleconsulting network in some Italian regions, allowing realtime exchange of diagnostic data, virtual dummies and diagnostic images over wide geographical systems Besides medical solutions, it is worth mentioning Regola’s WatchOnLine, and ActOnLine, software applications specifically conceived to be employed by the Municipal Police and Civil Protection and allowing to efficiently manage events and resources (i.e. teams, vehicles, tools, …). Due to the integration of diverse state-of-the art technologies and protocols (including TETRA communication standards), the systems represent the best solution within any operational settings requiring monitoring activities, which explains why the software was recently installed at Turin’s new Single Operations Center and chosen to support tool with regard to all services to be provided during the 2006 Winter Olympics.
Regola S.r.l. Corso Turati, 15/H 10128 Torino info@regola.it www.regola.it 199
Small and Medium Enterprises
RepubLit Design of software for information retrieval within digital sources in the Humanities field RepubLit s.r.l. is an academic spin-off of the University of Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogadro’. The company mission is to develop new techniques of information retrieval from unstructured data, especially in order to extract bibliographic citations from humanities-focused documents available on the web.
Technology Areas • Web technologies
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used Skills • academic background in the Humanities Computing • design of bibliographic search engines
• Programming languages for WEB
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
• design of faceted search-based GUIs
• Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Products and services RepubLit develops innovative technologies that can significantly strengthen the bibliographic research provided by existing tools, by integrating various types of data sources (web, OPAC, Open Archives), through features, specifically developed for the humanities, for entity recognition (automatic recognition of the “facets” whom resources belong to, since its content and its metadata), feature extraction (identification of metadata), web scraping (identification of the relevant portions of web pages). The product is distinguished by newly designed user interface, with large opportunity for refinement and navigation within the results, based on a faceted search-architecture that is much more detailed than existing solutions.
RepubLit srl Via Manzoni, 8 13100 Vercelli filippo.chiocchetti@lett.unipmn.it 200
RW Consulting Corporate Reorganization, Business Intelligence and Human Resources Training At the side of Italian companies since 1991.
Technology Areas
Professionals who work alongside entrepreneurs, managers
• Business process Management /
and corporate staff, with the goal of bringing real and tangible developments to companies and their business. Through
Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
various actions, analysis, optimization, organization and planning, we seek to formulate and undertake strategic
Markets and Applications
operational choices always keeping a clear, single goal in
• Banking and insurance
mind: doing what’s good for the company.
• Agricultural and food • Manufacturing • Automotive
• Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting • Mass Retailing
Consulting and Training for Businesses, Public Administration, Healthcare.
Technology used • Microsoft Business Intelligence • CRM: Netsuite.com
Products and services Organization, Planning and Control
Activity • Advisory
• Business Plan, Development Plans • Management Controlling • E-Commerce: management • Corporate Reorganization Business Intelligence and CRM • Business Intelligence • CRM and e-Mail Marketing • ERP Systems Management Development and Training • Human Resources Consulting, Coaching, Special Courses • Training • Web tools for learning management
RW Consulting srl Via Vivaro, 25 12051 Alba (Cuneo) info@rwc.it www.rwc.it 201
Small and Medium Enterprises
SAET Design and production of custom tailored electronics Since 1990 SAET challenges the electronic market, initially as a supplier for telecommunications companies. Through the years we enhanced our know-how in many different fields, like GPS, GPRS, Embedded Operating Systems. Now we propose ourselves as a strong partner to bring customer from the idea to the supply of the complete electric and electronic system.
Skills Electronic design, up to complex multilayers with analogical, digital and power components. Microcontrollers 8 to 32 bit, ARM9 with embedded OS like Win-CE, Linux. Navigation systems, GPS + GSM connection. Updatable circuits by USB or CAN ports. Payment systems, hoppers, money acceptors, cash dispensers (via wired internet line). We manage internally PCB design and materials logistics.
Technology Areas • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Manufacturing Automotive Mass Retailing
Technology used • Microcontroller 8/16/32 bit, ARM9 • Win CE, Linux - application sw development • Sensors and control systems management • C, C++, Assembler
Activity Products and services Our expertise can bring customer from the idea to the final design and the supply of the whole electric and electronic components. HW and SW development, all dedicated and optimized to the customer’s application. Vehicles fleet management, with GPS+GPRS connected to and controlled by an operations center. Operating machinery controls, industrial applications.
• R&D and Design • Advisory
Financed Projects • Golden Infra • Micro Cloud
SAET srl Via Po, 13 12022 Busca (Cuneo) www.saetsrl.com 202
pag. 55 pag. 84
Salt & Lemon Srl Production of high quality documentaries and movies for industry and public entities Salt & Lemon is born from professionals and technical people specialized in video and movie productions. Main activity is the production of video material for documentaries, advertising and brand promotion. Salt & Lemon also rents production and post-production materials and offer professionals for the movie industry.
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used
Salt & Lemon has acquired competencies in 4k workflow productions based on the new RED Digital Camera and 3D movie shooting. For less expensive productions the company offer a wide range of solutions among the others the Canon 5D camera.
• Apple • RED digital cinema
Activity • Manufacturing • Marketing • Advisory
Products and services Salt & Lemon offers production and post-production services for documentaries, commercials and fiction. The company also rents production and post-production equipment and offer professionals for the movie industry.
Salt & Lemon Srl via G. Di Vittorio, 14 10015 Ivrea (Torino) info@saltlemon.eu www.saltlemon.eu 203
Small and Medium Enterprises
sht Systems management, software implementation, hardware and connectivity, remote assistance SHT was established in Turin in 1980 by a group of professionals with experience in the IT industry and the automatic data processing. In 2000 the firm started an expansion of its structure by opening branch offices in Milan and Rome. The project was driven by the need to meet the needs of customers whose activity is spread all over the country. In recent years SHT has structured a branch dealing with consulting projects.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications
The company has focused its expertise on areas such as information system design, development of geographic networks, acquisition and processing of complex data, creation of websites and Web-based applications, software development and distribution of after-sales services.
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL
Products and services The services provided by SHT cover a broad spectrum of those needed in the IT business: Internet connectivity, with supply of Telecom lines, creation of corporate LANs and systems consulting. In addition, remote support is provided by the company own call center. SHT develops websites and web applications with a wide range of possibilities: from small business websites to big firms’ portals, to web-based vertical applications customized on the client’s needs. About products, SHT resells hardware from all major brands on the market, and specifically HP (client PCs, servers and storage devices), Cisco (networking equipment), EMC2 (storage devices), Intermec and Motorola (handhelds and printers for barcode projects), Xerox (printing environments and document management). All these firms recognize SHT as a certified partner.
• ITS & Logistics • Tourism, culture and education • Automotive • Mass Retailing
Activity • R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling
sht srl Via del Pino, 8 10040 La Cassa (Torino) info@shtsrl.it www.shtsrl.it 204
pag. 47
SIC Design and implementation of collaborative solutions in health’s field The establishment of SIC SaS has given life to a business venture that could improve competences and capabilities to design innovative solutions in the field of health care. SIC teams up continuously with several universities, especially with Politecnico of Milan and Turin, and Astir Srl for projects of health care in Lombardia.
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Skills Strategy, Technology and Operative Consulting, based on analytical, re-designing and process optimization’s skills. Supporting design and development of technological solutions and system integration of networking tools.
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • ITS & Logistics
Technology used Products and services EUOL EUOL (Emergency OnLine) is a technological and applicative platform that enables communications of different key actors for the supporting of ambulances’ routing by the emergency coordination center (CO118). Coordinators can see real time availability of critical resources reserved for emergency cases in the hospitals connected to this network, located on the territory of relevance. NeoTS NeoTS (Neonatal Transfer Service) is an application that supports the management of emergency transportation of newborns and mothers from Spoke to Hub centers in obstetric-neonatal networks (Monza, Lecco, Milano). The system allows: • sharing of transportation protocols for STAM (assisted maternal transportation service) and STEN (transport service in neonatal emergency); • drafting and sharing of medical records of patients between hospitals. Teleconsultation System to support the sharing of diagnostic images (DICOM of CT scan, x-ray, MRI) from sender hospitals to reference centers that can give opinions on emergency cases. GISA (integrated management of subacute structures) GISA supports the patient’s transfer in order to maintain the continuity of care and correct information’s flows; the process covers the stabilization of patients in hospital wards for acute pain treatment and their transfer to intermediate structures or structures with low intensity of care. This application allows operative and managing activities for the government of the system for the local healthcare authority (ASL). SIC provides the products of Astir Srl.
• Java
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Financed Projects • @Care
pag. 42
SIC sas Via Nicola Fabrizi, 136 10145 Torino gilli.giulio@gmail.com 205
Small and Medium Enterprises
Simularia Environment modeling services Simularia is an environmental services company specialized in the atmospheric dispersion modelling. Established in Torino, Italy in 2010 by combining the different skills of the founders, gained both in the private and in the public sector.
Technology Areas
Markets and Applications
Definition and modeling of the emissions of industrial, civil, construction and traffic sources. Development of modeling algorithm of transport, transformation and dispersion of pollutants.
Products and services
• Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Cloud Computing • System Integration and advisory
• Energy • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
Technology used • Modelling and simulation algorithm • CFD • GIS
Simularia offers an integrated approach to the analysis of the environmental issues, specifically related to the renewable energies and sustainable mobility programs, through investigations aimed to assess the environmental benefits both at global scale, such as reduction of greenhouse gases, and at local scale, such as the improvement of air quality and the reduction of acoustic impact.
Financed Projects
Simularia provides support to public administrations and private companies about:
• The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC applications in cloud computing environments pag. 56
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
• Simulation of atmospheric transport and dispersion of pollutants emitted by industrial and civil sources, and road traffic; • Simulation of odour dispersion from areal or point-like sources; • Execution of studies related to the atmospheric component of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures; • Collection, analysis and post processing of information to compile and update emission inventories; • Elaboration of tools to support policy makers through the analysis of different emission scenarios; • Analysis and post processing of experimental site specific data and their interpretation with the support of simulation models data.
Simularia srl Via Principe Tommaso, 39 10125 Torino info@simularia.it www.simularia.it
Sinerga Management consulting Sinerga is a knowledge firm which orientate entrepreneurs and businesses to innovation and sustainable change process through a multidisciplinary and integrated approach.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies
Skills Sales management unit, operative marketing, strategic marketing, communication. Furthermore: technological competences and the boost to technological innovation.
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • Manufacturing
Products and services Sinerga develop their services on five main assets:
Activity • Advisory
Listening to the firm. Orientate to the market. Sinerga provides firms with knowledge and competences implying a multidisciplinary approach: • consulting service of management and orientation • business design • organisation of business plans • project management
Financed Projects • Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution
pag. 34
• consulting service of enabling technologies • support to acquisitions and/or mergers and start ups Interpret the change. Sustain innovation. Sinerga draw together with the firm articulated strategies. Communicate the value. Sinerga assist and direct their clients within the following areas: • corporate & brand identity • marketing & communication • CRM projects • web marketing • social networking • web tv/new media • events, seminars and academy
Sinerga srl Corso Montevecchio, 46 10129 Torino info@sinergagroup.it www.sinergagroup.it 207
Small and Medium Enterprises
Sirio Automazione Design, development and production of digitial and analog electronic boards. Design and development of software and firmware products Sirio is a pool of engineers and technicians with engineering
Technology Areas
expertise in the fields of industrial automation, banking and
• Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
money handling, and in general in the development of products where the electronic component is predominant.
Markets and Applications • ITS & Logistics • Agricultural and food
Skills High speed acquisition systems, FPGA, USB and USB2 systems.
Technology used • Programming languages for: application, web, database • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee)
Activity Products and services
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing
Turn-key solutions, from the propositive contribution to the definition of technical specifications, to complete product
Financed Projects
design, certification and assistance to series production.
• The development of food inspection technologies
Sirio Automazione srl Via Simioli, 70 10098 Rivoli (Torino) sirio@sirioautomazione.it www.sirioautomazione.it 208
pag. 83
Sisge Informatica The right but simple way
We are the Italian trusted provider of solutions and services. Our offerings are built on a 30-year history of trust and reliability established by serving the IT needs of Italian Government, civil agencies, law enforcement, border management agencies, commercial businesses and banks. Our headquarter is located in Rivoli (Turin) where we have also our R&D center dedicated to technological research and development. Our other office for business support and development is located in Milan.
Skills We implemented and maintain a quality management system which fulfils the requirements of the standard UNI EN ISO 9001 for the following field of activities: - Design, development and maintenance of software applications; - Designing, delivery of IT services, consulting and training.
Products and services ID document validation: our solution allows the authentication of identity documents in a fast, accurate and reliable way. It recognizes any type of document and it integrates seamlessly with existing information systems;
Technology Areas • System Integration and advisory • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks
Markets and Applications • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Energy • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • Biometrics • Computer vision
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Energy and Environment: we design and create solutions for collecting, aggregating, monitoring and publishing of the values of environmental organizations, public and private, combined with web sites for the promotion and adoption of eco-efficient pipelines; Identity verification: we are experts on authentication and identification through biometric techniques as facial recognition and hand geometry. Our products are simple but powerful tools that simplify access control, video surveillance and investigation activities; Anti-counterfeiting: Our new solution allows big brands owners to manage in a simple and secure way the whole process of labels assigning to authorized licensees; Workplace safety: we design and build it systems for the prevention and control of operational risk in the production of manufacturing companies. Our solutions are for the real-time monitoring of ergonomic hazards according with the plant type; Services: Hardware and software support, specialist technical consultancy, software development, network management, security.
Sisge Informatica spa Via Cuorgnè, 53/a 10098 Rivoli (Torino) contatti@sisgeinformatica.it www.sisgeinformatica.it 209
Small and Medium Enterprises
SistemItaly Developing web and Windows applications Microsoft SISTEMITALY is a software house company and an ICT
Technology Areas
consulting. SISTEMITALY is now able to interpret customer
• Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Internet of things • Mobile • System Integration and advisory • Precise positioning and georeference
requirements and provide the proper support, both in ICT technology services in the ICT consulting business.
Markets and Applications Skills Management planning, implementation and management of institutional websites and mini-product sites, re-styling of web 2.0 websites. Projects on technology, proprietary or open source (especially Microsoft .Net, Microsoft Share Point Portal, Joomla). Implementation projects with RFID technology. Implementation projects with Mobile technology.
Products and services Trouble Ticketing Software, Windows Mobile Solutions, CMS Solutions, RFID Solutions for Asset Tracking and RFID solutions in health care, structural monitoring platforms, software to support management decision-making processes,
• Ee-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Automotive • Mass Retailing
Technology used • Mobile Solution • Web Base Application 6 Windows Base Application • Program Application • Microsoft .NET, ASP, C#, VB, Javascript, Ajax, SQL Server, • Java/J2EE, jsp, HTML, Sql Server , My Sql, Jboss, Tomcat • Oracle DB • RFID Solution
Activity • R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Solutions WMS Solutions based on Microsoft SharePoint /.Net.
Financed Projects
• MisterWolf: trouble ticketing solution
• @Care
• FlexyMos: mobile solution for the management of the attempted sale, delivery of flows of goods, payment (POS, CC cash, checks), returns management and promotions
SistemItaly srl Via Sansovino, 217 10151 Torino info@sistemitaly.it www.sistemitaly.com 210
pag. 42
So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi Software development, cartography and maps, photovoltaic plants and geothermal plants Since 1982, SO.FI.HA Collaudi s.r.l deals in 3D models, numeric cartography and maps (Digital Terrain Elevation Models and Digital 3D Models of Buildings, Architectural 3D Models), software (for numeric cartography, for PDA and smartphones, CMS, web services and servlet, for 3D navigation in real time) and editorial products. The line of work traditionally addressed to technologic-industrial plants, is now dedicated to the development of photovoltaic and geothermal plants.
Skills In the fields mentioned above (maps, software and plants), we can attend our client in the planning and development of its project, up to the prototype/product (for software or maps) or to the test (for plants).
Products and services • Cartography: format and coordinate conversions, 3D terrain models (DTM and raster models), use of soil models (CLUTTER), 3D models of buildings (vector and raster), 3D architectural models, maps, numeric cartography (photogrammetric restitution of stereoscopic pairs); product on demand and catalog of products for Italy (main city coverage, 3D buildings and terrain models, street graph and numbers).
Technology Areas • • • •
Multimedia, visualization and usability Mobile Web technologies Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • C++, C#, .NET, Java SE, Jav3D, Javascript, Ajax, ASP, PHP, Java EE. • NET CF, Java ME, Symbian C++, Objective C • MySql, MS SQL • GPS, RFID • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Advisory
• Software: map-based applications, stand alone and web-based, servlet and web services, applications for mobile devices and smartphone (managiung sensors, GPS, Wi-Fi, Photocamera), applications for cartographic format and coordinate convertions. • Fotovoltaic and geothermal plants: map-based applications, stand alone and web-based, servlet and web services, applications for mobile devices and smartphone (managing sensors, GPS, Wi-Fi, photocamera), applications for cartographic format and coordinate conversions. • Technical plants for non-residential buildings: plants for telephony and mobile communication (central, POP, radio bridges, radio-base stations), electrical system (exchanges, distribution substations, electrical boxes, UPS, wiring), mechanical equipment; plants and systems related to renovations or building construction (like sheds, offices, non-residential buildings); desing, site management and installation.
So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi srl Via Piffetti, 35 10143 Torino info@sofihacollaudi.it www.sofihacollaudi.it 211
Small and Medium Enterprises
SSB Progetti Innovation and experience to ensure your business SSB Progetti is an ICT company specialized in design and development of state of the art software solutions. Founded in the mid eighties, it has always sought to combine its knowledge of innovative technologies with the expertise and approach of a team of ICT professionals.
Skills • Web 2.0 technologies for Internet and Mobile • Java EE, .NET platforms and the main open source alternatives • BPMS, CMS, DMS • Digital Signage • Multimedia streaming technologies • Identity and Access Management • Network protection and security
Products and services SSB Progetti provides turnkey projects, consulting services and solutions. They can become your reference partner, offering: • expertise in managing the whole project life cycle • ability to design software solutions based on the modern service oriented architectures • in depth knowledge of Internet based technologies and new communication paradigms based on social networking and Web 2.0 SSB Progetti works in all major ICT sectors, particularly in banking industry, where they have implemented strategic projects for several leading Italian groups. It has developed services and solutions in the following areas: Finance • Multichannel applications providing trading services and financial information • Middleware distributing real time financial market data • Integration with international Infoproviders Information security • Security Assessment • Infrastructure hardening • Solutions for systems and networks protection, access control Digital Media • Video streaming (live and on demand) • Web and mobile multimedia applications • Digital Signage products 212
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Security • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • Platforms: Java EE, .NET, LAMP • System integration: SOA, Web services, EAI, ESB • Networking: VPN, HA networks, Wireless • Security: Firewall, IDS, NAC, Security Assessment, Identity Management • Digital Media: Streaming, Digital Signage, Video Conference
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • New interface metaphors between vehicle and driver for the automotive sector pag. 45 • AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2 pag. 46 • An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic and local Real-Time Locating System, with secure pag. 72 identification and communications
SSB Progetti srl Corso Turati, 13 bis/F 10128 Torino info@ssbprogetti.it www.ssbprogetti.it
Step Ricerche STEP is a company that deals in applied economics, specialized in advising companies and public organizations Step Ricerche is a research company in applied economics. Operating since 1991 as a professional association, is currently Ltd. During its life, STEP has provided solutions for enterprises, public, international organizations and associations and is specialized in advising companies and public organizations.
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence
Activity • Advisory
Skills STEP produces models and processes knowledge to businesses and public institutions: • it is a research company specialized in applied economics • it has developed an expertise in creating proprietary quantitative models • it has designed and built REGOLO, the first calculator of economic impacts based on SaaS technology
Financed Projects • Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Tool • Credit Rating Decision Support System and Forecast Guru
pag. 43 pag. 53
Products and services STEP was founded as a partnership quantitative economists and has specialized in advising companies and public organizations. Our services consist of 5 lines: • Forecasts (It is the application of quantitative techniques to forecast both variables of scenario, as for example demand for a market, and internal variables of the client organizations, as the demand for client services) • Assessments and impact analysis (STEP offers a range of professional services to maximize public, private or mixed projects, considering both the efficiency produced, in terms of cost compared with alternatives, and the effectiveness of interventions) • REGOLO, the first calculator of economic impacts based on a fully Web-based technology. It is addressed to public, private organizations and companies • Research and observatories (STEP carries out studies of industry economic at the request of its clients. The observatories use a mix of quantitative techniques including statistical analysis of time series, surveys, multivariate statistics) • Market Research
Step Ricerche srl Via Assarotti, 4 10122 Torino info@step.to.it www.stepricerche.it 213
Small and Medium Enterprises
SynArea Consultants Creation of interactive 3D contents and animations in real time and management of visual know-how SynArea Consultants for over 25 years developing distributed information systems to improve the efficiency of business processes, both intranet-extranet and client / server technology. In recent years has invested heavily in R&D activities and owns a multimedia SW innovative platform for creating interactive explorable 3D animations in real-time called 3DOORS Framework.
Skills • Human machine interaction in virtual environment • 3D format conversion & optimization • Large scale environment rendering experience • Advanced shader-based rendering techniques • Advanced data modeling & management (Oracle Partners) • Decades of experience in IT Consulting and access to major international network of knowledge • Strategic support and formulation of innovation and re-engineering projects • Experience in managing research projects at public or private funding
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Manufacturing • Aerospace and defence
Technology used • • • • •
O.S.: UNIX/Linux, Windows, Windows Mobile Languages: C, C++, C#, JAVA, Perl, PHP DB: Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server Localization: GPS, Galileo, EGNOS Wireless Protocols: Zigbee, Wi-Fi
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Financed Projects • INteractive Content Architecture pag. 57 • The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation pag. 69
Products and services SynArea Consultants presents 3DOORS Framework, the innovative SW platform that makes more efficient the process of creating, updating and visualization of realtime 3D content from existing models (CATIA, Unigraphics, AutoCAD, 3DS, Maya, Blender). 3DOORS Builder allows easy and rapid development of interactive 3D applications for manuals, product communication, presentations, training, active learning, edutainment. Reduces costs and development time and is also oriented to non-expert users. 3DOORS Viewer is also available as 3DOORS Player Web plug-in. 214
SynArea Consultants srl Corso Tortona, 17 10153 Torino marketing@synarea.com www.synarea.com
Syscons Solutions for Enterprise Design and implementation of ERP/SCM solutions in global manufacturing and supply chain contexts The mission of Syscons is to create value in the supply chain scenario through leading edge solutions and processes on a global scale. Since more than 20 years, their distinctive features are excellence in competencies, consulting approach and ERP / Supply Chain / BI background. Syscons focuses on local customers with its global experiences.
Skills • SAP ERP • SAP SCM-APO • Business Intelligence • Sustainability • Integrated Mobile • CRM
Products and services Syscons creates value for its clients with a service portfolio based on two main areas: High Value Consulting and System Integration. High Value Consulting Area The area entails two service lines:
Technology Areas • Business Process Management 7 Business Intelligence • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • • • •
Energy Banking and insurance Agricultural and food Manufacturing Automotive Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • SAP ERP • SAP APO • ABAP
Activity • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
• Advisory- composed by offerings on Supply Chain Diagnostics, Supply Chain Process Design, Business Case Management, SCM Software Selection e Feasibility Study) • HPIC (High Profile IT Consulting) with the IT Governance and Program Mgmt offerings. Area System Integration The area entails three service lines: • Enterprise Solutions with the Business Transformation, Process Optimization and Application Rationalization offerings • Application Services with the Application Management, Application Governance and Customer Service offerings • Custom & Tech with the Software Factory, Systems & Network Management and Rehosting offerings
Syscons srl Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 12 10123 Torino info@syscons.it www.syscons.it 215
Small and Medium Enterprises
Tecnogranda Scientific and technological agro-industry park of the Piedmont Region. Agro-food innovation cluster Tecnogranda, private company supported by both public funds and private shareholders, is a technological innovation and consulting service center for the enterprises. Tecnogranda works in collaboration with University, Polytechnic and other centers of search on the territory. The main fields of activity are: R&D, technological transfer, services to the enterprises and laboratory tests. From 2009 Tecnogranda SpA is the subject manager of the agri-food innovation cluster of the Piedmont Region.
Technology used • RFID • Hiperlan • GPS • Sensors
Activity • R&D and Design • Advisory
Skills Developing of IT architectures and databases, planning of circuits and electromagnetic compatibility tests, RFID, traceability, designing of broadband networks with wireless and cable technologies.
Products and services Tecnogranda supports companies during the development of traceability systems, complex computer architectures and systems. It holds an internal server farm with connections up to 100 Mb. Tecnogranda SpA offers hosting and housing services. It has a platform of streaming video to WebTV, Corporate TV, IP TV, Videoconferences and e-Learning. Tecnogranda has a laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) accredited by ACRREDIA and develops RFID-based systems.
Tecnogranda spa Via G.B. Conte, 19 12025 Dronero (Cuneo) info@tecnogranda.it www.tecnogranda.it 216
Teklook Industrial design. Design, engineering and mass production of parts or machines to customer specifications Teklook is a company specializing in laser technology and
Technology Areas
product development, aimed at prototyping and series
• Electronics, microelectronics
production of parts and complex machines. Customer specification to develop products that take account
and nanotechnologies • Industrial automation
of a particular design or specific target price. Teklook also supply the finished product.
Markets and Applications • Manufacturing • Automotive • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
• Aerospace and defence
Specialists in the study of style, design, engineering,
Technology used
cost analysis finalized abatement cost product.
• Laser technology 2D/3D
Specialists in laser technology and applications, laser cutting two-dimensional, three-dimensional laser cutting, bending control, laser welding, TIG / MIG welding, assembly and finishing.
• Bending machine • Welding • Laser welding
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Advisory
Products and services • Studio Style • Design • Engineering • 2D/3D Laser Technology • Bending • Assembly and welding • Machining • Management of the finished product
TEKLOOK srl Via Luigi Galvani, 11 10040 Leinì (Torino) info@teklook.it www.teklook.it 217
Small and Medium Enterprises
Teleservizi System Integrator operating in the supply chain and materials management, automatic identification, EDI applications and services, WEB-oriented solutions Teleservizi designs and implements integrated solutions for
Technology Areas
the following areas:
• • • •
• Manufacturing • Logistics • Retail • Traceability • E-Commerce, Web sites, Internet Solutions • E.D.I. (Electronic Document Interchange)
Internet of things Mobile Web technologies Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks
Markets and Applications • • • • •
ITS & Logistics Manufacturing Automotive Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting Mass Retailing
Technology used Skills • Bar Code • RFID • WLAN-PAN-WAN-GPS • EDI • Mobile computers • Hand held, fixed and special scanners • Label and tags printers • Voice recognition
• Programming languages (firmware/web): c/c++, html, visual basic, java script, php, ASP • Programming languages (Mobile computers): c++, visual basic.net, c# • Voice recognition (logistic solutions) • RFID • Wireless protocols
Activity • • • • •
R&D and Design Manufacturing Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
• Web-based developments
Financed Projects Products and services
• Distributed Open Resource Planning
Teleservizi offers integrated solutions HW and SW for: • Voice recognition • Data collection • Mobile computing • Electronic Document Interchange Teleservizi offers projects and Web services: • Own CMS • CMS based on open source platforms
Teleservizi srl Via Ippolito Nievo, 25 10153 Torino marketing@teleservizi.it www.teleservizi.it 218
pag. 27
Terramatica IWMS Integrated Workplace Management Systems Design TERRAMATICA IWMS provides consulting on the management processes of the workplace and makes software projects for the integrated management of the Workplace. Provides enterprise solutions that integrate four key components of management: Project Management, Property Management, Facility Management and Operations Management. The solutions are built on technology-based TRIRIGA completely web-based, customized with a powerful workflow engine, equipped with integrated document management.
Skills • re-engineering of business processes to increase control, performance and automation • IWMS platform deployment on the Italian market • consolidation of internal information systems with the deployment of an IWMS platform • introduction of energy efficient processes in companies or public / museum, interfacing with BAS or IBS
Technology Areas • Business Process Management / Business Intelligence • Security • Web technologies • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • • •
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy Banking and insurance Tourism, culture and education Manufacturing
Technology used • • • • •
IWMS Platform: Tririga, Archibus ESB, SOA Java, T-SQL, PL-SQL Oracle, Sql Server, Mysql, Jboss, Weblogic ZigBee, Knx, BacNet
Activity • • • •
R&D and Design Marketing Maintenance & customer care Advisory
Products and services TERRAMATICA IWMS belongs to the qualified international network of TRIRIGA - the global leader in Integrated Workplace Management - and is going to assist clients in the licensing process and to support TRIRIGA products on the Italian market. TERRAMATICA IWMS also guarantees a complete service which encompasses installation, analysis, deployment, assistance and training.
Terramatica IWMS srl Via Vassalli Eandi, 10 10138 Torino info@terramatica.it www.terramatica.it 219
Small and Medium Enterprises
TRIM Design and Development Enterprise Web Application TRIM S.r.l. was established in 1999 and is one of the first industries coming from the Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino (known as I3P). We are a dynamic and solid company made of a team of 20 engineers. Working with a proprietary methodology, we design and realize web applications and document management solutions using Java and .NET technology in a quick and efficient way.
Technology used • Java • .NET
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
• Advisory
The successful and on-time delivery of all projects, respecting the cost, time and quality goals has made TRIM one of the most strategic supplier of web applications for various industrial realities. This reliability got TRIM to be a technological partner of many IT companies, who commission the complete creation of software solutions. Trim is highly competitive in projects that involve document management, supply chain integration & work-flow in the banking, automotive and utility environments.
Financed Projects • Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution
Products and services Creating web applications is their job. They have a lot of experience in medium size projects (around 4 engineers for 6 months) where the Project Manager also needs to have a deep technical knowledge and know-how.
TRIM srl Corso Montevecchio, 46 10129 Torino info@trim.it www.trim.it 220
pag. 34
Urmet Engineering Integrated security system solutions and renewable energy The company’s mission is to provide high added value products and services for all the most technologically advanced sectors in the field of security and renewable energy. Urmet Engineering offers the best integrated security solutions for protecting properties and people in the most demanding sectors: building automation, Emergency and Security Systems and video surveillance Systems.
Technology Areas • Security • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • Energy
Skills The strength of Urmet Engineering springs from their ability to successfully deal with all design development cycle phase, analyze basic needs, study feasibility, draw up technical projects, choose the best applicable technologies and select the right products to be installed in the field.
• e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
Technology used • IP • Optical fiber • GPRS/UMTS
Products and services
Sentinel: ideal solution offering citizens prompt intervention in the event of an emergency. By simply pressing a button, the person calling for help is connected to a call center operator. At the same time the system sends live pictures and recorded pictures of the event. The operator takes the necessary actions by providing useful advice and sending the police or an ambulance. It can be installed in public or private areas (bus stops, parks, parking).
• R&D and Design • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Security and renewable energy: design, realization, maintenance of integrated security systems, photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric plants.
Urmet Engineering srl Via Bologna, 188/C 10154 Torino info@urmetengineering.it www.urmetengineering.it 221
Small and Medium Enterprises
Vastalla Engineering, IT and process consulting services. System Integrator Vastalla is a engineering and ICT company that offers engineering, IT and process consulting services and that acts as a System Integrator. Vastalla develops continuously its skills by carrying on R&D activities that allow Vastalla to offer value-rich consulting.
Technology Areas • Internet of things • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications Skills Vastalla has skills in the design of complex systems and processes, characterized by a very high grade of innovation. Vastalla, conducting R&D activities aimed at the development of subsystems and components in ICT, mechatronics and transports sectors in the aerospace, terrestrial and naval field, has the necessary skills to manage and solve complex problems.
• • • • •
ITS & Logistics Energy Manufacturing Automotive Aerospace and defence
Technology used • • • • •
Java, C, C++programming languages Databases (RDBMS) and MicroDB Model-driven architecture (MDA) and UML Wireless technologies Data exchange platforms
Products and services
Vastalla offers engineering, IT and process consulting services and acts as a System Integrator. Among its services it is worth to mention also the design of dedicated devices and software development.
• R&D and Design • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
Financed Projects • Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization
Vastalla srl Corso Giulio Cesare, 338/26 10154 Torino info@vastalla.com www.vastalla.com 222
pag. 71
Vertigotech Solutions with high technical content for the pharmacies and for small and medium retailers VertigoTech is a company for the design and the production of innovative products and solutions for the ICT market, covering inside all stages of the production process. The continuous professional update of the members and their ability to innovate allows the development of products using the latest technology and respecting the environmental policies.
Skills • hardware and software development
Technology used • Programming languages: Application, web, firmware, SO • RFId • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee)
Activity • R&D and Design
• hardware boards engineering
• Manufacturing
• development of printed circuit board and custom hardware
• Advisory
• high and low level software, operating system unix/linux/windows • embedded application development
Products and services in@Farma is a bulletin board placed outside the shop, which replaces the old Board of the Turns of pharmacies, offering an automatic management of the service and integrating other management functionality, communication and information to the customer. In particular eliminates the yearning manual management of the opening shift, allows it to offer service more qualified and rich in information when the pharmacy is closed, allows the communication between users, Pharmacies on duty and Emergency Numbers and becomes an advertising medium to make known offers and services of the pharmacy.
Financed Projects • Artistic Environment QUestion Answering • Powerless Target Oriented Radio
pag. 24 pag. 31
Vertigotech srl Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino info@vertigotech.com www.vertigotech.com 223
Small and Medium Enterprises
Vieweb.it Web-meetings, web-conferences, live events streaming Vieweb.it is a start-up part of Turin's Politecnico Incubator for Innovative Ideas.
Technology used • AT&T Connect webconferencing engine
Vieweb.it provides web-meeting & web-conferencing
services, allowing 10, 100, 1000 of users to
• R&D and Design
collaborate & communicate, at their desk, simply requiring and Internet connection.
Products and services • Vieweb meet: The complete platform to manage your distance meetings • Vieweb teach: Meet your students online exploiting several interactive tools to improve your teaching/learning experience
Financed Projects • Vieweb conference: Your conferences and seminars,
• Process@People
ready to reach hundreds of users • Vieweb live interpreter: Meet, with full live interaction, your prospects, clients, suppliers, speaking your own language. A live professional interpreter, sitting at his desk, will help you translating, helping you reach your peers and conduct your marketing/sales campaign across the world
Vieweb.it srl Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino info@vieweb.it www.vieweb.it 224
pag. 66
WAYCOM Speech technologies and Computer Telephony An Italian SME, specialized in integrations and applications of advanced speech technologies.
Skills Waycom’s core competency is to provide advanced voiceenabled solutions. With almost 10 years of R&D and a steady experience in global speech technology, Waycom developed its core product, a software platform called Tempest.
Technology Areas • Multimedia, visualization and usability
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency
Products and services
Technology used
Tempest integrates the most advanced speech recognition technologies like:
• C, C++, JAVA, .NET
• speaker independent feature
• barge-in capability of the ASR engine to start the recognition process if the user speaks above an already spoken word
• Voice Over IP
• R&D and Design
• reliable recognizes even in the noisiest environments such as wireless Tempest platform has been integrated into a variety of end products like Speech Portal IVR (an Interactive Voice Response with graphical user interface), Auto Attendant, Call Center, Automatic Dialer, E-mail Reader, multi-modal interface for mobile phones and others voice-enabled solutions.
WAYCOM srl C.so Massimo D’Azeglio, 60 10126 Torino info@waycom.it www.waycom.it 225
Small and Medium Enterprises
While 1 SW development of ad hoc projects from kernel level (including drivers and protocols) to application with specialization on automotive and telecommunication The company operates in software development since 1995 on european and US market. It has two offices in Italy (Torino and Ivrea) and one in USA (Menlo Park - California).
Technology Areas • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation
Markets and Applications Skills
• Automotive
Most of the people working in While 1 have at least 15 years experience and they can offer an uncommon experience in base software (and in general in all the kinds of software development).
Technology used
Products and services The business is focused on: • Base software (kernel, driver, firmware, BIOS, etc),
• Operating systems (kernel, drivers, protocols and so on) • Dedicated applications development in technical/scientific environment (from assembler to Java languages) • Telecommunication tools • All levels protocols including development of dedicated ones
• Communications (standard and propietary protocols, WEB and client/server applications with connectivity/distribution involvements, router configurators, SNMP poller and so on)
• R&D and Design • Advisory
• Special mission critical projects (porting of applications with operating system or platform emulations, network applications, board configurators, etc.).
Financed Projects • A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours pag. 49
The While 1 skills cover standard operating systems (Microsoft all flavors, Linux, SunSolaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SCO Unix , Unix At&T) on which they develop any kind of applications, drivers, protocols, kernel components. Moreover they ported some of these OS on different hardware platforms. While 1 customers are both European and American companies. In USA: Motorola, Adaptec, Western Digital, American Megatrends, Phoenix, 3Ware, Z-Force, Attune, Fusion IO. In Europe: Fiat Auto, Telecom Italia TILAB, Maserati, Iveco, CNH, Galileo Avionica, Comdata, ST Microelectronics, Tattile, TIM, Intesa San Paolo, Unicredit, SEPA, Avio, Varian, Marconi, Getronics, Lottomatica, Sun It. 226
While 1 srl Via Livorno, 60 10143 Torino info@while1.com www.while1.com
Wiicom Technology company that designs ultra low power Wi-Fi module for battery sensitive embedded Wi-Fi applications Wiicom S.r.l. is an innovative company in the field of Internet of Things, which produces compact and powerful electronic module to enable systems, equipment and products on the Internet.
Skills Wiicom Srl has vertical expertise in the design and industrialization of electronic microprocessor modules with integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, with on-board firmware for immediate use and configurability.
Products and services COMPACT KEY: compact, powerful and certified boards to offer a fast, easy and economical way to add Wi-Fi capability to devices, equipment and products. The module allows the integration of the application field through a proprietary port called USDB.
Technology Areas • Internet of Things • Cloud Computing • Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies • Security • Mobile • Web technologies • Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks • System Integration and advisory • Industrial automation • Precise positioning and georeference
Markets and Applications • e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Energy • ITS & Logistics • Banking and insurance • Tourism, culture and education • e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency • Agricultural and food • Manufacturing • Automotive • Mass Retailing
Technology used
PERFORMANCE: Advanced small card with a WiFi interface. In combination with the expansion card behaves like a true Linux computer and can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions for any application. The board can therefore be expected to implement functions of communication, networking, extended web page interface, database and USDB communication.
• Firmware & Software (Open Source, Commercial) • Wireless protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IPv6) • Cellular protocols (GSM, 3G, 4G) • Localization Services (Wi-Fi, GPS, Galileo) • Web based applications • Smartphone and Tablet Apps • Microprocessor embedded systems, USDB
ACCESSORIES: flexible modules with USDB port to interface the application field with to compact and performance modules and add Wi-Fi functions at more technological systems such as sensors, actuators, GPS modules, CMOS cameras, modems, UMTS / EDGE networks.
The USDB port is a proprietary solution (patent pending) that allows you to connect the modules, COMPACT KEY and PERFORMANCE, to electrical signals coming from the application field (analog, digital, data networks).
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
WIICOM srl C.so Castelfidardo, 30 10129 Torino board@wiicom.it www.wiicom.it/eu 227
Small and Medium Enterprises
WSC Word System Consulting Society of Strategic Consultancy and of Information & Communication Technology, specialized in the RFID COMPETENCE CENTER WSC, RFID COMPETENCE CENTER, with strong acknowledgment in Tourism, Industry and Services. Always oriented to the Innovation and to the Systems Integration, in the RFID field, using the technologies UHF and NFC , WSC realized application platforms now became “Case History” in the world. Since the 2003 WSC has its own Quality System Certified ISO 9001 Vision 2008, with special regulations dedicated to the Design of Innovative ICT Solutions.
Skills Solutions based on RFID architecture, for management of the Supply Chain , of the Security, of the asset administration, of the access control and localization of goods vehicles and people, in the anti-forgery and for systems of e-money services and client retention. Develops and e integrates building systems and home automation and it is particularly interested in LED products and systems.
Technology Areas • • • • •
Cloud Computing Security Mobile Web technologies System Integration and advisory
Markets and Applications • • • • •
Energy ITS & Logistics Tourism, culture and education Automotive Mass Retailing
Technology used • RFID,UHF,NFC,WIFI,GSM,GPRS,WIFI • S.O.: WINDOWS, LINUX, IOS, ANDROID • Dot.Net, Delphi, LabView , Assembler, SCADA , C++ ,VBA • Profibus,TCP/IP ,Modbus, CAN BUS, Konnex, LonMark ,ZigBee • MobilePhone : Windows, MAC, Apple Iphone, Ipad, BlackBerry, Google Android
Activity Products and services QuickPay, a suite of applications that allows you to eliminate the traditional use of paper money for your payments, managing debits and credits in real time and with maximum security.
• R&D and Design • Manufacturing • Marketing • Maintenance & customer care • Advisory
QuickRigel, acquisition of orders at the table with RFID card reader and WiFi wireless infrastructure to charge immediately in external structures. QuickFM application suite consists of several modules to enable the planning and management activities within the Facility Management Industry and Tourism. The Suite is developed as SaaS, granting the complete and centralized “control” of the entire cycle of work. QuickFolder (identification and tracking of paper documents) Based on RFID technology. It allows to follow the practice in all its stages, from the creation till its completion, with the possibility to follow its progression in multi-channel mode (Internet, email, sms). QuickAccess “hands free” Identification of persons and goods in transit , RFID middleware reader multi HF, LF, UHF, web loggers RS485, RS232, Ethernet. Quick-Domotic Systems Home automation system with numerous communication protocols. RS 232, RS 485, Ethernet, programmable I / O, DALI and DMX protocols. 228
WSC Word System Consulting srl Via Torino, 118/l 10036 Settimo Torinese (Torino) info@wscgroup.it www.wscgroup.it
Xenialab Web and Mobile Communication and Collaboration Company Xenialab is a dynamic company born in the Turin Technology Campus for Innovation in 2007. It specializes in providing real-time communications over the Web. The company’s flagship application, the HAND4SHAKE suite, provides four key innovative communication components: • Voice over Web Widget
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Multimedia, visualization and usability • Mobile • Web technologies
• XCally: the Asterisk Contact Center Suite
Markets and Applications
• Social Voice
• • • • • •
• GoMobile iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone Applications
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Energy ITS & Logistics Banking and insurance Manufacturing Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
• Apple iPhone iPad Developer Program
Technology used
• Google Android Develop
• • • • •
• Asterisk and OpenSIPs integration • XML: XMPP and VXML design • Open CMS: WordPress and Drupal
iPhone, iPad and Android API VoIP Asterisk and Kamailio solutions Oracle and MySQL DB Flex Builder and Flash php language
• VoIP and Unified Communication Design
• Unified Collaboration and Enterprise 2.0
• R&D and Design
• Oracle DBA and Oracle Applications • Inbound and Outbound IVRs • CRM and URM: VTiger and SugarCRM
Products and services • Voice over Web Widget • Webform and Mail to Call • xNow Social Voice: the Unified Collaboration and Communication Suite • XCALLY: the Asterisk Contact Center Suite • H4S GoMobile: professional apps for communications over iPhone, iPad and Android
Xenialab srl Corso Castelfidardo, 30 10129 Torino h4s@xenialab.it www.xenialab.com 229
Small and Medium Enterprises
Zero 11 Online software-as-a-service company for business Zero11 is an online software as a service company. Zero11 provides software over the internet to manage key drivers in every day business: time, relationship and communications. Access one, use everywhere.
leading information
Technology Areas • Business process Management / Business Intelligence • Web technologies
Markets and Applications Skills • SaaS Services • Software development and project management • RIA • J2EE Portals • ERP/CRM integration • Business Intelligence/Data Integration • Business Process and Workflow Management • Simulation techniques • Web Design/Search engine optimization (SEO)
• e-Health, inclusion and AAL • Manufacturing • Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting
Technology used • J2EE • Adobe Flex/AIR • Hibernate (con Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL) • iOS, Android • PHP
Activity • R&D and Design • Manufacturing
Products and services Information in everyday business moves along three dimensions: time, communication and relationship. Joongla is a suite of online services, developed for companies and professionals that want to easily and effectively manage these three dimensions in order to increase efficiency and productivity.
Financed Projects • Distributed Open Resource Planning • Bank operations process management • Process@People
The suite is composed by: • Social CRM • Document e content management • Groupware e collaboration Zero11’s mission is to connect the dots in everyday business, linking together the right information at the right time.
Zero11 srl Via Druento, 280 10078 Venaria Reale (Torino) info@zero11.it www.zero11.it 230
pag. 27 pag. 59 pag. 66
Research Bodies
Research Bodies
Consorzio TOP-IX TOP-IX (TOrino Piemonte Internet eXchange) is a non-profit consortium set up in 2002 with the aim of creating and managing a NAP (Neutral Access Point, otherwise known as Internet Exchange - IX) for the exchange of Internet traffic in North West Italy.
Skills • Networking • Business development • Data center managment • Streaming platform • Software developing
Technologies Routing BGP, transport level 2 (ethernet) Virtualization Technologies Cloud and grid computing
Activity, products and services TOP-IX offers members access to distributed Internet eXchange layer 2 infrastructure in order to implement Internet peering agreements with bodies, organizations, associations and companies connected to its broadband backbone. The DP works at the level of infrastructure (i.e. band, server, hosting, housing, etc.) and sets out to support the testing and trialling - at a pre-competitive stage - of technologies, services, operational and business models as well as to support innovative initiatives that use broadband Internet as a main tool. The extraordinary growth in the spread of Internet over the last few years has led to considerable changes to models of social and economic interaction and Internet is now acknowledged as the technological paradigm of reference for the development of an economic system in a global framework. The financial and legal set-up of the Consortium and its technological approach is such that whether from a commercial point of view or from the point of view of potential use of the interconnection infrastructure - a widely varying range of bodies have decided to become involved in the initiative. TOP-IX objectives are linked to the development of productivity in the Piedmont region and all over the North West by using ICT as a key to increase the efficiency of processes and stimulate new business ventures in the sector. The following action lines seek to help achieve the above objectives: INTERNET EXCHANGE: • Manages the technological infrastructure where 232
Internet operators can exchange "Internet Protocol (IP)" traffic according to uniform public "peering" regulations. • Supply of services, technical assistance, maintenance and any other requirements to enable data interchange (website, statistics, periodical meetings, etc.) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: • Develops and promotes innovation projects for services and technologies to support the use of broadband Internet (the Development Program) • Promote and increases the use of Internet and, in particular, broadband. • Participates in projects, draws up agreements with companies, consortiums, associations and bodies in line with the institutional goals of the Consortium TOP-IX objectives are integrated with WI-PIE (www.wipie.org) program guidelines promoted and supported by the Piedmont Regional Administration for the diffusion of broadband throughout the Piedmont region. TOP-IX is one of the program actuators. All Consortium lines of action (Internet Exchange, Development Program and involvement in the WI-PIE program) act in synergy to promote growth throughout the territory.
Laboratories The Consortium manages the maintenance and development of the NAP service offered to members. It also manages the distributed server farm in the nodes of the network that provides to the startup companies joining the Development Program access to infrastructure and technical skills necessary for their operation.
Consorzio TOP-IX Via Bogino, 9 10123 Torino www.top-ix.org
CSP - Innovazione nelle ICT CSP is the regional research body in the field of information and communications technology. It operates on a local, national and international level, performing experimental development and industrial research in accordance with the European norms on Innovation and R&D. Its stakeholders are: Regione Piemonte, CSIPiemonte, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Comune di Torino, Unione Industriale di Torino, SISVEL S.p.A. and IREN Energia S.p.A. CSP is a research laboratory accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, with UNIEN ISO 9001:2000 certification.
Laboratori • DTVLab – Digital Television Laboratory • INLab – Integrated Networks Laboratory • SecureLab – ICT Security Laboratory • W3Lab – World Wide Web Laboratory • EmsysLab - Embedded Systems laboratory
Skills Experimental development, industrial research, technology transfer, living labs.
Activity, products and services CSP’s main areas of activity are: • new generation broadband wireless infrastructures of public utility; • innovative multimedia applications (3D TV, digital radio, interactive screens, natural user interfaces); • intelligent, connected and “invisible” objects for area management and new industrial and social products and services. CSP has always been committed to bringing innovation and research to the Piedmont region. To date in Piedmont 16 projects have been completed or are still in progress (from the Orco and Soana Valleys to Novara, from Borgofranco d’Ivrea to Alba), establishing Living Labs and fostering the demand for innovation from individuals, communities and companies. With companies CSP works in industrial research and experimental development projects on sustainable mobility, agrifood sector, cognitive systems, personalised health and wellbeing systems, digital creativity, energy. In particular, these activities could be described as follows: • Collaborative project co-financed with European, Italian and regional funds; • Technological transfer thanks to Innovation4Business programme, addressed to local companies; • Technical advice on research and development activities or prototypes development (till preindustrial step); • Living Labs in collaboration with final users and local companies
Financed Projects • Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably pag. • INteractive Content Architecture pag. • Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information pag. • Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance pag. • Wi-Fi-IPv6 sensors for construction monitoring pag. • A Workflow Management System for digital production pag.
35 57 60 61 70 79
CSP - Innovazione nelle ICT s.c a r.l. Via Nizza, 150 10126 Torino innovazione@csp.it www.csp.it 233
I3P I3P mission is to promote and support the creation of hi-tech enterprises, building on the innovative potential developed in research institutions across the territory I3P, the Innovative Enterprise Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, is a non-profit joint-stock consortium (S.c.p.a.) constituted by the Politecnico di Torino, the Province of Torino, the Chamber of Commerce of Torino, Finpiemonte, Torino Wireless Foundation, and the City of Torino.
I3P was established to promote and support the creation of hi-tech enterprises, building on the innovative potential developed in research institutions across the territory.
I3P Statistics
Activity, products and services • Selects business ideas with a high potential for growth, offers assistance free of charge to aspiring entrepreneurs with a knowledge-based business ideas, and supports start-up enterprises in the their first delicate years of life. • Offers investors on the lookout for innovative businesses with a rich, exclusive portfolio of opportunities, assisting them in their investment decisions while guaranteeing the confidentiality of negotiations. • Offers managers and professionals the opportunity to build contacts and work with businesses with attractive prospects for growth.
• 138 innovative start ups supported • 77 start ups successfully out • 37 start ups currently hosted
I3P’s activities fall within the greater global framework of strategies for the Piedmont region, aimed at promoting research, technological innovation and new entrepreneurship.
• 600 new job places created • 6 M€ the investments seed from 2009 done by VC or BA • 1480 business ideas evaluated • 473 business ideas coached to the business plans (last update: 31/03/2012)
I3P scpa Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A 10129 Torino info@i3p.it www.i3p.it 234
IEIIT - CNR Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering IEIIT (Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering) is a research structure of CNR, the Italian National Council of Research, established on 12 October 2001. IEIIT carries out advanced scientific and technological researches in the areas of computer and systems engineering, telecommunications and electronics in cooperation with several national and international research institutions and academia.
Skills IEIIT has six territorial sites: Bologna, Genova, Milano, Padova, Pisa and the headquarter in Torino. Advanced researches at IEIIT are based on experience and know-how developed by its staff in more than 20 years of scientific activity carried out in the ICT domain. Most researches are performed in the framework of scientific programmes and projects supported by national and international academic institutions, public and private organizations and medium and large enterprises, and involve the cooperation of a significant number of professors and researchers working with universities where the Institute sites are located.
Activity, products and services The IEIIT is part of the Information, Technology, and Communications (ICT) Department of CNR. It has a strong expertise in Information Engineering and in particular: Computer Science, Signal Processing, Communications, System Engineering, Automatic Controls, Applied Electromagnetics, Electronics, and Fotonics. The IEIIT contributes in the research domains of telematic network, wireless communication systems, industrial networks, real time systems, network security, distributed and parallel computing, artificial vision, microwave devices and simulation tools, characterization of propagation channels, laser sources, micro- and nano-electronic technologies, control systems, robotics, complex systems, and automated learning.
Laboratories • Microwave laboratory equipped with devices working up to 110 GHz • Mechanical Workshop • Free-space measurement setup for antennas • Electronic technology laboratory equipped with scanning electron microscope, field effect electronics, electron beam evaporator • Two-axes measurement setup • Tools for performance evaluations of industrial ethernet networks and wireless networks • Telecommunication laboratory equipped with signal sources, spectrum analyzers, and noise generators • Cluster computing • Stereo vision systems with structured light, and active stereo-vision
Financed Projects • Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies pag. 61
IEIIT - CNR C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino www.ieiit.cnr.it 235
Research Bodies
INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica The Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) is a public body under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. INRIM is focused on the study of the science of measurements and on materials research; furthermore it works on developing innovative technologies and devices. On 1st January 2006, the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale "Galileo Ferraris" (IEN) and the Istituto di Metrologia "Gustavo Colonnetti" (IMGC - CNR) merged to establish this Institute.
Activity, products and services Principal ICT areas of interest: • time metrology for ICT • quantum communication (and more in general quantum technologies) • metamaterials in a frequency field ranging from microwaves to far infrared
Laboratories Principal ICT laboratories of interest:
• atomic frequency standards
As primary metrological Institute, INRIM
• algorithms and time scales
• realises the primary standards for the basic and derived units of the International System of units (SI)
• quantum information
• assures the maintenance of such standards and their international comparison
• metamaterials in a frequency field ranging from microwaves to far infrared
• provides traceability of the Italian measurements to the SI • represents Italy in international metrological bodies INRIM supports local and European technological innovation for industry, participates in EU research programmes (e.g. it’s partner in the Galileo project as for time metrology), collaborates for the accreditation of the calibration laboratories in Italy, provides technical certification and consultancy services, promotes research and circulates the results of its activity through the scientific literature, in the productive sectors and in the society.
INRIM Time and Frequency Laboratory: UTC(IT) Italian national time scale generation, synchronization, dissemination and monitoring systems
The main research activities concern • the fundamental physical constants (e.g. Avogadro and Boltzmann constants) • new primary standards • innovative materials and nanotechnology • quantum technologies (quantum information, imaging and metrology) • metrology for chemistry • computer vision 236
INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica Strada delle Cacce, 91 10135 Torino inrim@inrim.it www.inrim.it
ISMB Istituto Superiore Mario Boella Istituto Superiore Mario Boella is an applied research center operating in the development and application of ICT solutions for creating innovation opportunities in partnership with industries and the Public Administration. Founded in 2000 by Compagnia di San Paolo and Politecnico di Torino, today ISMB relies on high ranked competences on technologies and processes of around 150 researchers.
Skills Thanks to a proven capacity to attract young talents, ISMB can express a wide range of competences within information and telecommunication technologies. Key competences are: software development for embedded systems, design of real-time applications, cloud computing; broadband and vehicular communications; design and development of mobile application for the main platforms (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone); development of algorithms for signal and data processing; development of new visualization strategies; usability; sensors and pervasive systems; simulation and technological scouting. In addition to technological skills, ISMB has a wide experience in drafting and managing national and European projects as well as in studying and analyzing new business models.
Financed Projects • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Activity, products and services
The Institute activities and operations’ goal is not limited to creating innovation, but also to supporting the prototype implementation in close cooperation with industries. This approach defines a new model of applied research: ISMB receives from its partners the requirements for product / process / service innovationevaluating the different technological opportunities with the industry, and it shares its competences in finding financial resources at national and international level. In this sense, ISMB’s work is driven by the innovation requirements of the enterprises (both large scale and SMEs) through several cooperations which create a concrete value and a significant impact in terms of economic return for the territory and all the partners involved.
• • • • • • •
Public Multimedia Apparatus pag. Internet Services for Mobile pag. Powerless Target Oriented Radio pag. Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably pag. Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments pag. General practice unit pag. New interface metaphors between vehicles and their drivers for the automotive sector pag. AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2 pag. Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling pag. An integrated home automation Fall Prevention/ Fall Detection system pag. Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID pag. Golden Infra pag. The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC appl. in cloud computing environments pag. Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet pag. Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance pag. Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. Multi-Radio pag. Platform for Monitoring Personal Health pag. Railwaves pag. Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization pag. An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic and local Real-Time Locating System pag. Enabling technologies for work safety pag. Micro Cloud pag.
25 29 31 35 36 37 45 46 47 51 54 55 56 58 61 62 63 67 68 71 72 76 84
Laboratories The Institute is organized in Research Areas focused on core sectors of ICT: satellite navigation technologies, photonics, pervasive systems, wireless communications and electromagnetic simulation, information systems and new paradigms for Information management. ISMB has recently extended its activities to the area of process innovation, in compliance with the priority themes defined by the European agenda. Such evolution aims at exploiting the technological competences and the results obtained by the Research Areas within three Strategic Programs, interdisciplinary by nature. Smart Energy, Smart City and Smart Health are the strategic programs currently defined by ISMB, the first step of a broader action aimed at highvalue social projects.
ISMB Via P. C. Boggio, 61 10138 Torino info@ismb.it www.ismb.it 237
Research Bodies
Politecnico di Torino The Politecnico di Torino is furthermore a leading public university at international level in education and research concerning engineering and architectural domain. Created a century and a half ago, the Politecnico enumerates today four Engineering and two Architecture Schools, a School of Doctorate, about 2500 employees promote and carry out institutional research activities and about 30.000 students. Thanks to its highquality research, performed in its laboratories and scientific departments, the Politecnico di Torino stipulates every year more than 600 research and consultancy contracts with enterprises and public/private institutions and participates in a significant number of European, national and regional projects for around € 40M. To further support the internal research laboratories, the Innovation Front End has been set up, an initiative intended to promote and increase industrial collaborations with a single entry point dedicated to companies. An e-mail to innovazione@polito.it allows companies to access the rich portfolio of skills available at Politecnico, which can meet their need to solve complex issues. Research and consultancy services are provided with a multidisciplinary, multiservice and customer-oriented approach. It also represents an easily accessible channel to partner with the Politecnico within granted projects.
Departments involved Politecnico di Torino manages committed activities and support education and training activities for the didactical structures. It is an ideal partner for enterprises looking for high-level skills and know-how aimed at developments in the ICT sector, design and implementation of innovative products and process solutions. • Department of Computer and Control Engineering: it manages fundamental and applied research with a very concrete impact on both social and industrial systems both at the regional, national and international level, as evidenced by the large number of research projects founded by leading public and private companies. Research is related to three main scientific areas: Automation, Computer Engineering, Operating Research. • Department of Electronics and Telecommunications: it has research interests in all ICT fields, ranging from higher-level systems (telecommunications networks, electronic systems and equipment) to the circuit and device level. It also includes related areas, such as bioengineering. The coexistence of both academic research carried out as part of national and international projects and applied research, often linked to the needs of industry, gives the Department a technological edge. Laboratories of the Department of Computer and Control Engineering DAUIN has various research Labs (see http://www.dauin.polito.it/it/strutture_interne) 238
Laboratories of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications DET has various research Labs (see http://www.det.polito.it/en/labs_centers_spinoffs)
Financed Projects • Common Application Layer Extended Banking System pag. 26 • Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution pag. 34 • Smart TOols to Reduce our Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably pag. 35 • @Care pag. 42 • Active Steering Input Unit: product/process integrated designing/prototype development pag. 44 • Distributed CNC pag. 48 • Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet pag. 58 • Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information pag. 60 • Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive pag. 61 and protected areas at long distance • Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP pag. 62 • Multi-Radio pag. 63 • Technology for 3D Cloud Computing pag. 65 • Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization pag. 71 • An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic pag. 72 and local Real-Time Locating System • Smart Video Assistant pag. 74 • Smart Virtual Power Plant pag. 75 • Enabling technologies for work safety pag. 76 • Wearable antennas designed to increase work safety and efficiency pag. 78 • Web intelligence pag. 80 • Wireless Sensor & Actuator Network for indoor environmental Monitoring and Controlling pag. 81 pag. 82 • Web User Interest Tracking • Development of food inspection technologies pag. 83
Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino www.polito.it
Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche The University of Gastronomic Sciences, founded
in 2004, is a ministerially recognized, private non-profit institution. Its goal is to create an international research and education center for those working on renewing farming methods, protecting biodiversity, and building an organic relationship between gastronomy and agricultural science. The result is a new professional figure - the gastronome - skilled in production, distribution, promotion, and communication of high-quality foods.
• Laboratory of communication The Laboratory of Communication started its activities in 2008 as project of an experimental environment where studying communicative phenomena, with a peculiar attention to food communication and to the different modalities of mediatization of the wide domain of gastronomy. • Sensory laboratory
Gastronomes are the next generation of educators
The Sensory Laboratory offers specialized sensory
and innovators, editors and multimedia broadcasters,
testing facilities. A fully equipped kitchen for food
marketers of fine products, and managers of consortia,
sample preparation and storage and a testing room
businesses, and tourism companies.
with 25 sensory booths are available. Sensory booths are equipped with computers for automatic collection of data that happens, quickly and easily through the use of management software used
by the most important centers of sensory analysis
University of Gastronomic Sciences.
in the world.
Università degli studi di Scienze Gastronomiche Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 9, fraz. Pollenzo 12042 Bra (Cuneo) info@unisg.it http://www.unisg.it 239
Research Bodies
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogadro’ The Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, established in 1998, provides a wide educational and research offer throughout its area of reference (the towns of Alessandria, Vercelli and Novara). The University has major facilities, in order to provide suitable opportunities to both students and professors: standard as well computer-based teaching rooms, and modern and technological labs. The activity takes place, in addition to the three main headquarters Alessandria, Vercelli and Novara, also in several other educational sites: Alba-Bra, Asti, Biella, Casale Monferrato, Fossano, Tortona and Verbania. The University has 7 Faculties or Schools: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine, Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences, Political Sciences. In addition, research activity takes place in 11 Departments.
• Computer Security and Computer Forensics: Protocols for computer security and for the management of digital attacks, Methods for the management of digital evidence The research activity is in general performed through national as well as international partnerships, by means of institutionally funded projects.
Laboratories • Technology Enhanced Learning Lab (TEL) • Distributed Computing Lab • Digital Forensics Lab • Home Automation Lab • Adaptive Systems Lab • Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (LIS)
Financed Projects Departments involved The Computer Science Department (www.di.unipmn.it), located in Alessandria, is the University reference for the Polo ICT. The Computer Science Department has been established in 2002. The research activity is organized around 4 main areas, where specific and different topics are dealt with:
• Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies pag. 61 • A regional platform for the development of new kinds of technology for tracing the quality and safety of fine Piedmontese wines pag. 77
• Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Knowledge Rapresentation and Reasoning, Medical Informatics and AI • Computer Systems and Networks: Formal methods for performance evaluation and reliability, Distributed Systems, Quality of service networks; Programming languages for web and network services • Multimedia Systems and Web Algorithmics: Coding, compression, syncronization and transmition of multimedia data over the Internet, Digital Archives management 240
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogadro’ Via Duomo, 6 13100 Vercelli www.unipmn.it
Università degli Studi di Torino The University of Torino is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities. Established in the year 1404, it has about 70,000 students, 4,000 academic, administrative and technical staff, 1,800 post-graduate and post-doctoral students and 120 buildings in different parts of Torino and in key places of Piemonte; the University of Torino can be considered as a “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing/creating, research, innovation, training and employment. The University of Torino is today one of the largest Italian Universities, open to an international perspective both in the fields of research and training. It carries out scientific research and organizes courses in all disciplines, except Engineering and Architecture. The 13 Faculties of the University of Torino cover virtually every field of knowledge. The University of Torino has a remarkable tradition of research in traditional subjects such as history, philosophy, law, economics and medicine but it is actually branching out into modern and important sectors, such as food science, social politics, IT, performing arts and communication sciences.
Departments involved The University of Torino considers the ICT Innovation Pole as the opportunity for developing new collaborations among SME and Research Centers toward the growth of Human capital and the promotion of partnerships for the proposal of successful projects. The participation to the activities of the ICT Innovation Pole involves 7 Departments (Management and Business Administration, Computer Science, Clinical and Biological Sciences, Economics and Public Finance, Legal Sciences, Products Sciences, and Social Sciences) and is coordinated by the Computer Science Department which plays an active role within the Animation Program. The Department of Computer Science at the University of Torino has been established in 1984 as the transformation of the previous Information Science Institute that was founded in 1971. The Department hosts all the researchers of the University of Torino that are active in the Computer Science field and is the main supporter of the curriculum in Computer Science that is offered by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences. Its internationally recognized research activity covers a wide spectrum of topics, included several inter-disciplinary fields, which allow the Department to participate in several PhD Programs. The Computer Science Department is located within the business center "Piero della Francesca". It consists of offices, meeting rooms, lecture halls, a specialized library and laboratories.
Five computer equipped teaching laboratories: • Windows Labs Computer room dedicated to A. Turing Computer room dedicated to J. L. von Neumann Computer room riserve for the preparation of graduation tesi and dedicated to J. Postel • Unix Labs Computer room dedicated to E. W. Dijkstra High Quality lab dedicated to C. Babbage One Computing and Networking Infrastructure laboratory.
Financed Projects • Distributed Open Resource Planning pag. 27 • Services à la carte pag. 32 • Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments pag. 36 • @Care pag. 42 • Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Toolr pag. 43 • A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumoursr pag. 49 • INteractive Content Architecture pag. 57 • Italian sign language for large-scale access to localised information pag. 60 • Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies pag. 61 • The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation pag. 69 • Enabling technologies for work safety pag. 76
Laboratories Six research laboratories: • Data Base and Information Systems • Signal and Image Processing • Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction • Programming Languages • Distributed Systems and Computer Networks • Teaching Support Technologies
Università degli Studi di Torino Corso Svizzera, 185 10149 Torino segreteria@di.unito.it www.unito.it 241
Members directory C System Global p. 125
GVS p. 161
Capetti Elettronica p. 126
Hicare Research p. 162
Casper Technology p. 127
IN.PRO p. 163
Cedeo p. 128
IntelliSemantic p. 164
Ciampi and Partners p. 129
Ivrea Sistemi p. 165
C-Labs p. 130
IxmaSoft p. 166
Cloudea p. 131
KoinĂŠ Sistemi p. 167
Clustin p. 132
Lachesi p. 168
CommIT World p. 133
Lamp p. 169
Consoft Sistemi p. 134
Lan Service p. 170
Coord3 Industries p. 135
Master Soft p. 171
Core Informatica p. 136
Medea Informatica p. 172
CriticalCase p. 137
Media Buyer p. 173
CSdomotica p. 138
MediaKi.it p. 174
Dofware p. 139
Medit p. 175
Domina p. 140
Microntel p. 176
Dynamic Fun p. 141
Mobi-Service p. 177
E.Magine p. 142
MTM-Tech p. 178
e-Mentor p. 143
Nash p. 179
3A p. 108
E.X.A. p. 144
Net Surfing p. 180
A. & C. Servizi p. 109
E++ p. 145
New Amuser p. 181
A & G p. 110
eGlue Technologies p. 146
Nice p. 182
Aethia p. 111
Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa p. 147
Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183
ALTO sistemi p. 112
En.F.A.P. Piemonte p. 148
NTT New Tera Technology p. 184
Atena Informatica p. 113
Ennova p. 149
Omicron Consulting p. 185
Aton p. 114
Erplan p. 150
Ooros p. 186
Aviospace p. 115
Esytec p. 151
Over p. 187
Axis p. 116
ET99 p. 152
Par p. 188
Beps engineering p. 117
Etica p. 153
Pentasoft p. 189
Bludocks p. 118
Exemplar p. 154
Petra p. 190
Blue Sof Consulting p. 119
Experientia p. 155
Planet p. 191
bMooble p. 120
Finance Evolution p. 156
Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192
Brainer p. 121
Finsoft p. 157
PRC Multimedia p. 193
Business Process eXperts Team p. 122
Global Business Solution p. 158
Pro Logic Informatica p. 194
Bylogix p. 123
Glowest p. 159
Pro3 p. 195
C System p. 124
Green Bit p. 160
Project p. 196
Large Enterprises Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Magneti Marelli p. 90 Nuance Communications p. 92 Olivetti p. 94 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 Dylog Italia p. 100 Kelyan p. 101 Pirelli p. 102 Tecnositaf p. 103 Tierra p. 104 Vodafone Italia p. 105
Small and Medium Enterprises
Punto Qualità p. 197 Rayonics Italia p. 198 Regola p. 199
Research Bodies
RepubLit p. 200
Consorzio TOP-IX p. 232
RW Consulting p. 201
CSP - Innovazione nelle ICT p. 233
SAET p. 202 Salt & Lemon p. 203
I3P p. 234
Sht p. 204
IEIIT - CNR p. 235
SIC p. 205
INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica p. 236
Simularia p. 206 Sinerga p. 207 Sirio Automazione p. 208
ISMB Istituto Superiore Mario Boella p. 237
Sisge Informatica p. 209
Politecnico di Torino p. 238
SistemItaly p. 210 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 SSB Progetti p. 212 Step Ricerche p. 213 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215
Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche p. 239 Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogadro’ p. 240 Università degli Studi di Torino p. 241
Tecnogranda p. 216 Teklook p. 217 Teleservizi p. 218 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Trim p. 220 Urmet Engineering p. 221 Vastalla p. 222 Vertigotech p. 223 Vieweb.it p. 224 Waycom p. 225 While 1 p. 226 WIICOM p. 227 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230
Companies directory by technologies Business process Management/ Business Intelligence
Koiné Sistemi p. 167
MTM-Tech p. 178
Bylogix p. 123
Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Telecom Italia p. 96 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 Dylog Italia p. 100 Kelyan p. 101 A & G p. 110 Aethia p. 111
C System p. 124
ALTO sistemi p. 112
Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192
Capetti Elettronica p. 126
Atena Informatica p. 113
Pro Logic Informatica p. 194
Coord3 Industries p. 135
Blue Sof Consulting p. 119
Punto Qualità p. 197
Dofware p. 139
bMooble p. 120
RW Consulting p. 201
Domina p. 140
Business Process eXperts Team p. 122
Sht p. 204
E.X.A. p. 144
C System p. 124
SIC p. 205
eGlue Technologies p. 146
C System Global p. 125
Simularia p. 206
Etica p. 153
Ciampi and Partners p. 129
Sinerga p. 207
Finsoft p. 157
Cloudea p. 131
SistemItaly p. 210
Ivrea Sistemi p. 165
Clustin p. 132
SSB Progetti p. 212
Lamp p. 169
CommIT World p. 133
Step Ricerche p. 213
Master Soft p. 171
Consoft Sistemi p. 134
Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215
Nash p. 179
CSdomotica p. 138
Pentasoft p. 189
Teleservizi p. 218
Domina p. 140
Petra p. 190
E.Magine p. 142
Pro Logic Informatica p. 194
eGlue Technologies p. 146
Project p. 196
Emisfera Società Cooperativa p. 147
Punto Qualità p. 197
Ennova p. 149
Rayonics Italia p. 198
Erplan p. 150
SAET p. 202
Esytec p. 151
Sirio Automazione p. 208
Experientia p. 155
Akhela p. 86
Teklook p. 217
Finance Evolution p. 156
Nuance Communications p. 92
While 1 p. 226
Finsoft p. 157
Telecom Italia p. 96
Global Business Solution p. 158
Concept Reply p. 98
GVS p. 161
Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99
Hicare Research p. 162
Kelyan p. 101
IN.PRO p. 163
ALTO sistemi p. 112
Industrial automation Akhela p. 86 Telecom Italia p. 96 Pirelli p. 102 Tecnositaf p. 103 Tierra p. 104 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Beps engineering p. 117 bMooble p. 120 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122
Lachesi p. 168 Master Soft p. 171 Medea Informatica p. 172 Medit p. 175 Nash p. 179 Net Surfing p. 180 New Amuser p. 181 Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Ooros p. 186 Petra p. 190
Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230
Cloud Computing
bMooble p. 120
Ivrea Sistemi p. 167
bMooble p. 120
Capetti Elettronica p. 126
SAET p. 202
Capetti Elettronica p. 126
Ciampi and Partners p. 129
Sirio Automazione p. 208
Casper Technology p. 127
Cloudea p. 131
Teklook p. 217
Cedeo p. 128
Clustin p. 132 CriticalCase p. 137 Dofware p. 139 Ennova p. 149 Exemplar p. 154 Global Business Solution p. 158 IN.PRO p. 163 Koiné Sistemi p. 167 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 171 Net Surfing p. 180 New Amuser p. 181 Nice p. 182 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Regola p. 199 Simularia p. 206 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228
Electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies Magneti Marelli p. 90
Consoft Sistemi p. 134
Internet of things
Coord3 Industries p. 135
Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Aton p. 114 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Dofware p. 139 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Erplan p. 150 Experientia p. 155 Master Soft p. 171 MediaKi.it p. 174 Ooros p. 186 Over p. 187 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Punto Qualità p. 194 Regola p. 199 Sht p. 204 SistemItaly p. 210 Teleservizi p. 218 Vastalla p. 230
eGlue Technologies p. 146
CSdomotica p. 138 Dynamic Fun p. 141 Ennova p. 149 Etica p. 153 Experientia p. 155 Koiné Sistemi p. 167 Media Buyer p. 173 MediaKi.it p. 174 Medit p. 175 Nash p. 84 Net Surfing p. 180 Ooros p. 186 Pentasoft p. 189 Project p. 196 PRC Multimedia p. 193 SistemItaly p. 210 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 Teleservizi p. 218 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229
Olivetti p. 94 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Tecnositaf p. 103 Aviospace p. 115 Axis p. 116 Bylogix p. 123 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Coord3 Industries p. 135 CSdomotica p. 138 E.X.A. p. 144 ET99 p. 152
Mobile Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 3A p. 108 A. & C. Servizi p. 109 Aton p. 114
Multimedia, visualization and usability Akhela p. 86 Magneti Marelli p. 90 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 247
ALTO sistemi p. 112 Atena Informatica p. 113 Bludocks p. 118 Brainer p. 121 Cedeo p. 128 Dofware p. 139 Domina p. 140 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Exemplar p. 154 Experientia p. 155 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 Master Soft p. 171 MediaKi.it p. 174 New Amuser p. 181 Nice p. 182 PRC Multimedia p. 193 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Regola p. 199 Salt & Lemon p. 203 Sht p. 204 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 SSB Progetti p. 212 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Waycom p. 225 Xenialab p. 229
Precise positioning and georeference Akhela p. 86 Magneti Marelli p. 90 Telecom Italia p. 96 Tecnositaf p. 103 Aton p. 114 Axis p. 116 Coord3 Industries p. 135 Punto Qualità p. 197 Regola p. 199 SistemItaly p. 210 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 248
Security Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Kelyan p. 101 Tecnositaf p. 103 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 C System p. 124 Casper Technology p. 127 CSdomotica p. 138 En.F.A.P. Piemonte p. 148 Finance Evolution p. 156 Global Business Solution p. 158 Green Bit p. 160 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 Lachesi p. 168 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 171 Microntel p. 176 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Over p. 187 Pentasoft p. 189 Punto Qualità p. 197 SSB Progetti p. 212 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Urmet Engineering p. 221 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228
System Integration and advisory Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 Kelyan p. 101 A. & C. Servizi p. 109 Aethia p. 111
ALTO sistemi p. 112 Atena Informatica p. 113 Aviospace p. 115 Beps engineering p. 117 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 bMooble p. 120 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 Bylogix p. 123 C System p. 124 C System Global p. 125 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Cedeo p. 128 Cloudea p. 131 Clustin p. 132 CommIT World p. 133 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 Core Informatica p. 136 CSdomotica p. 138 Dofware p. 139 Domina p. 140 E.Magine p. 142 E++ p. 145 En.F.A.P. Piemonte p. 148 Ennova p. 149 Erplan p. 150 Etica p. 153 Exemplar p. 154 Finance Evolution p. 156 Finsoft p. 157 Global Business Solution p. 158 Hicare Research p. 162 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 IxmaSoft p. 166 Koiné Sistemi p. 167 Lachesi p. 168 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 171 Medea Informatica p. 172 MediaKi.it p. 174 Medit p. 175 Mobi-Service p. 177 MTM-Tech p. 178
Nash p. 179 Net Surfing p. 180 New Amuser p. 181 Nice p. 182 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Ooros p. 186 Over p. 187 Par p. 188 Pentasoft p. 189 Petra p. 190 Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Pro3 p. 195 Project p. 196 RW Consulting p. 201 Salt & Lemon p. 203 Sht p. 204 SIC p. 205 Simularia p. 206 Sirio Automazione p. 208 SistemItaly p. 210 SSB Progetti p. 212 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Urmet Engineering p. 221 Vastalla p. 222 While 1 p. 226 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229
Web technologies Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Telecom Italia p. 96 Kelyan p. 101 Aethia p. 111 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Atena Informatica p. 113 Bludocks p. 118
C System Global p. 125 Cedeo p. 128 Clustin p. 132 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 Domina p. 140 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa p. 147 Ennova p. 149 Erplan p. 150 Etica p. 153 Esytec p. 151 Experientia p. 155 Finance Evolution p. 156 Global Business Solution p. 158 IN.PRO p. 163 IntelliSemantic p. 164 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 171 Media Buyer p. 173 MediaKi.it p. 174 Medit p. 175 Nash p. 179 Net Surfing p. 180 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Ooros p. 186 PRC Multimedia p. 193 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Regola p. 199 RepubLit p. 200 SIC p. 205 Sinerga p. 207 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 SSB Progetti p. 212 Teleservizi p. 218 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Vastalla p. 222 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230
Telecommunications, wi-fi, broadband wireless, local networks Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Kelyan p. 101 Tierra p. 104 Vodafone Italia p.105 A. & C. Servizi p. 109 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Aton p. 114 Aviospace p. 115 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 Casper Technology p. 127 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 CSdomotica p. 138 Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa p. 147 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 171 Medea Informatica p. 172 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Over p. 187 Par p. 188 Sht p. 204 SSB Progetti p. 212 Teleservizi p. 218 Urmet Engineering p. 221 Vastalla p. 222 While 1 p.226
Companies directory by target markets and applications Aerospace and defence Akhela p. 86 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Aviospace p. 115 Axis p. 116 Casper Technology p. 127 Coord3 Industries p. 135 Dofware p. 139 Exemplar p. 154 IntelliSemantic p. 164 Lan Service p. 170 Nice p. 182 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Par p. 188 Pro3 p. 195 Sirio Automazione p. 208 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Teklook p. 217 Vastalla p. 222
Agricultural and food Olivetti p. 94 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Kelyan p. 101 Tierra p. 104 3A p. 108 A & G p. 110 Aton p. 114 C System p. 124 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Erplan p. 150 Koiné Sistemi p. 167 MediaKi.it p. 174 Medit p. 175 MTM-Tech p. 178 Nice p. 182 Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183 Punto Qualità p. 197 250
Rayonics Italia p. 198 RW Consulting p. 201 Sirio Automazione p. 208 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215
Automotive Akhela p. 86 Magneti Marelli p. 90 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Pirelli p. 102 Tecnositaf p. 103 Tierra p. 104 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Beps engineering p. 117 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 Bylogix p. 123 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 CommIT World p. 133 Coord3 Industries p. 135 Dofware p. 139 Dynamic Fun p. 141 E.X.A. p. 144 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Ennova p. 149 Etica p. 153 Exemplar p. 154 Experientia p. 155 Finsoft p. 157 Lan Service p. 170 Medea Informatica p. 172 Media Buyer p. 173 New Amuser p. 181 Nice p. 182 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192 Pro3 p. 195 Project p. 196 Punto Qualità p. 197 RW Consulting p. 201 SAET p. 202 Sht p. 204 Sirio Automazione p. 208 SistemItaly p. 210
Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Teklook p. 217 Teleservizi p. 218 Vastalla p. 222 While 1 p. 226 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228
Publishing, entertainment and broadcasting Akhela p. 86 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 A & G p. 110 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Atena Informatica p. 113 Cedeo p. 128 Cloudea p. 131 CommIT World p. 133 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 Dynamic Fun p. 141 E.Magine p. 142 Esytec p. 151 Experientia p. 155 Global Business Solution p. 158 IntelliSemantic p. 164 IxmaSoft p. 166 Koiné Sistemi p. 167 Lan Service p. 170 MediaKi.it p. 174 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192 PRC Multimedia p. 193 Regola p. 199 RepubLit p. 200 RW Consulting p. 201 Salt & Lemon p. 203 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 SSB Progetti p. 212 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Teklook p. 217 Teleservizi p. 218 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230
e-Gov, public administration, environmental monitoring and emergency Infogroup p. 88 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 3A p. 108 A & G p. 110 ALTO sistemi p. 112 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 C System Global p. 125 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 CommIT World p. 133 Dynamic Fun p. 141 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Esytec p. 151 Finance Evolution p. 156 Finsoft p. 157 Green Bit p. 160 IxmaSoft p. 166 Lan Service p. 170 Media Buyer p. 173 MTM-Tech p. 178 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Ooros p. 186 Petra p. 190 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Punto QualitĂ p. 197 Simularia p. 206 SistemItaly p. 210 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 211 SSB Progetti p. 212 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Urmet Engineering p. 221 Waycom p. 225
Energy Akhela p. 86 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 3A p. 108 Aethia p. 111 ALTO sistemi p. 112 bMooble p. 120
Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 Bylogix p. 123 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Casper Technology p. 127 Cloudea p. 131 CommIT World p. 133 Dofware p. 139 E++ p. 145 eGlue Technologies p. 146 Emisfera SocietĂ Cooperativa p. 147 Ennova p. 149 ET99 p. 152 Experientia p. 155 Medit p. 175 Net Surfing p. 180 Nice p. 182 Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183 Pentasoft p. 189 SAET p. 202 Simularia p. 206 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Urmet Engineering p. 221 Vastalla p. 222 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229
Banking and insurance Akhela p. 86 Infogroup p. 88 Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Delta Progetti 2000 p. 99 A & G p. 110 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 bMooble p. 120 Casper Technology p. 127 Cloudea p. 131 Clustin p. 132 CommIT World p. 133 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 E.Magine p. 142 Ennova p. 149 Experientia p. 155 Finance Evolution p. 156 Finsoft p. 157 Global Business Solution p. 158
Hicare Research p. 162 IN.PRO p. 163 IxmaSoft p. 166 Master Soft p. 171 Medit p. 175 Microntel p. 176 MTM-Tech p. 178 Nash p. 179 Nice p. 182 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Over p. 187 Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia p. 192 RW Consulting p. 201 SSB Progetti p. 212 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Waycom p. 225 Xenialab p. 229
ITS & Logistics Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Kelyan p. 101 Tecnositaf p. 103 Aton p. 114 Axis p. 116 Beps engineering p.117 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 bMooble p. 120 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 Bylogix p. 123 Dofware p. 139 Dynamic Fun p. 141 Ennova p. 149 Erplan p. 150 Experientia p. 155 Finsoft p. 157 Medea Informatica p. 172 Mobi-Service p. 177 Sirio Automazione p. 208 Sht p. 204 SIC p. 205 Teleservizi p. 218 Vastalla p. 222 Waycom p. 225 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228 Xenialab p. 229 251
Manufacturing Telecom Italia p. 96 Kelyan p. 101 Pirelli p. 102 A & G p. 110 Aethia p. 111 Atena Informatica p. 113 Aton p. 114 Beps engineering p. 117 Blue Sof Consulting p. 119 bMooble p. 120 Business Process eXperts Team p. 122 Bylogix p. 123 C System p. 124 C System Global p. 125 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Ciampi and Partners p. 129 Cloudea p. 131 Clustin p. 132 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 Coord3 Industries p. 135 Dofware p. 139 Domina p. 140 E.X.A. p. 144 Erplan p. 150 Etica p. 153 Exemplar p. 154 GVS p. 161 IN.PRO p. 163 IntelliSemantic p. 164 Lamp p. 169 Lan Service p. 170 Master Soft p. 80 Medea Informatica p. 172 Medit p. 175 Nash p. 179 Net Surfing p. 180 Nice p. 182 Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183 Omicron Consulting p. 185 Pentasoft p. 189 Petra p. 190 Pro3 p. 195 Punto Qualità p. 197 RW Consulting p. 201 SAET p. 202 Sinerga p. 207 SynArea Consultants p. 214 Syscons Solutions for Enterprise p. 215 Teklook p. 217 Teleservizi p. 218 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Vastalla p. 222 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230 252
e-Health, inclusion and AAL Nuance Communications p. 92 Olivetti p. 94 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Aethia p. 111 ALTO sistemi p. 112 bMooble p. 120 Brainer p. 121 C System Global p. 125 Consoft Sistemi p. 134 Core Informatica p. 136 CSdomotica p. 138 Erplan p. 150 Etica p. 153 Finance Evolution p. 156 Global Business Solution p. 158 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 IxmaSoft p. 166 Lamp p. 169 Lan Service p. 170 Microntel p. 176 MTM-Tech p. 178 Nash p. 179 Pentasoft p. 189 Petra p. 190 Pro Logic Informatica p. 194 Punto Qualità p. 197 Regola p. 199 SAET p. 202 Sht p. 204 SIC p. 205 SSB Progetti p. 212 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Waycom p. 225 While 1 p. 226 Xenialab p. 229 Zero 11 p. 230
Tourism, culture and education Nuance Communications p. 92 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 3A p. 108 Atena Informatica p. 113 Bludocks p. 118 bMooble p. 120 Capetti Elettronica p. 126 Casper Technology p. 127 Cloudea p. 131
En.F.A.P. Piemonte p. 148 Esytec p. 151 Etica p. 153 Experientia p. 155 Global Business Solution p. 158 GVS p. 161 Ivrea Sistemi p. 165 IxmaSoft p. 166 Lachesi p. 168 Media Buyer p. 173 MediaKi.it p. 174 MTM-Tech p. 178 Nash p. 179 Net Surfing p. 180 New Amuser p. 181 Pentasoft p. 189 PRC Multimedia p. 193 RepubLit p. 200 Salt & Lemon p. 203 Sht p. 204 Sinerga p. 207 So.Fi.Ha. Collaudi p. 113 SSB Progetti p. 114 SynArea Consultants p. 115 Terramatica IWMS p. 219 Waycom p. 125 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228
Mass Retailing Infogroup p. 88 Telecom Italia p. 96 Concept Reply p. 98 Dylog Italia p. 100 Kelyan p. 101 Aton p. 114 bMooble p. 120 Clustin p. 132 Dynamic Fun p. 141 Emisfera Società Cooperativa p. 147 Experientia p. 155 Global Business Solution p. 158 GVS p. 161 Lan Service p. 170 Media Buyer p. 173 Novus Sistemi informativi p. 183 Ooros p. 186 Over p. 187 SAET p. 202 Sht p. 204 SistemItaly p. 210 Teleservizi p. 218 WSC Word System Consulting p. 228
Funded projects Completed projects AEQUA Artistic Environment QUestion Answering p. 24 APM-Bank Public Multimedia Apparatus p. 25 CAL-XBS Common Application Layer Extended Banking System p. 26 DORP Distributed Open Resource Planning p. 27 FA.RE. FAst REading p. 28
TWINKLE Trusted Worlds as INteractive Kid Learning Environments p. 36 UMG general practice unit p. 37 VANACA Video and Audio Navigation and Automatic Content Analyis p. 38 Verve Virtualisation process supporting textile design and presentation activities p. 39
On going projects
MusICT ICT applied to intelligent devices, designed for the education and teaching sector p. 30
@Care A feasibility study for product/process innovation in health service procedures that interact with patients for the management of PDTA (diagnostic therapeutic care paths) and PIC (integrated profiles of care) integrated healthcare systems p. 42
PleTORa Powerless Target Oriented Radio p. 31
Anti Money Laundering Early Warning Anti Money Laundering Tool p. 43
SALC Services Ă la carte p. 32
ASIU Active Steering Input Unit: product/ process integrated designing/ prototype development p. 44
is4.mobi Internet Services for Mobile p. 29
SIRIO The design, development and maintenance of management software based on a model/process analysis p. 33 smCms Semantic Mobile Content Management Solution p. 34 STORIES Smart TOols to Reduour Impact on the Environment and live more Sustainably p. 35
DCNC Distributed CNC p. 48 e-Lab A miniature laboratory for the early diagnosis of colorectal tumours pag. 49 ERGOS EneRgy GOvernance System p. 50 FaPre An integrated home automation Fall Prevention/Fall Detection system that will prove highly acceptable to its target user p. 51 FAST Financial Advisor Support Technologies p. 52 Forecast Guru Credit Rating Decision Support System and Forecast Guru p. 53 GA-RF-WSN Tracking of people and objects in buildings through RFID p. 54 Golden Infra p. 55 HPC CloudPills The deployment and on-demand supply of HPC applications in cloud computing environments p. 56 INCA INteractive Content Architecture p. 57
AUTUMN (AUTomotive hUMan Net) New interface metaphors between vehicles and their drivers for the automotive sector p. 45
IoT_I_ToI Internet of Things: road-Traffic over Internet p. 58
AUTUMN 2 AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2 pa. 46
Iprocess Bank operations process management p. 59
CloudCEM Cloud Fast Scalable EM Modeling p. 47
LIS4ALL Italian sign languagefor large-scale access to localised information p. 60 253
MASP Experimental research and development of a system for monitoring sensitive and protected areas at long distance, aimed at supplying innovative services geared towards the cognitive and implementative monitoring of environmental policies p. 61 MoMa Intelligent HUB for Mobile Mash-up over IP p. 62 Multi-Radio Multi-Radio solution for industrial and aerospace applications p. 63 NeuroVirtual 3D The design, development and evaluation of a multiplatform 3D simulation system for applications in the fields of psychology and neuro rehabilitation p. 64 Nuvola3D Technology for 3D Cloud Computing p. 65 P@P Process@People p. 66 P-MOSP Platform for Monitoring Personal Heath p. 67 RAILWAVES Onboard train monitoring based on the Wireless Sensors Network p. 68 RICCAmente The rehabilitation of congenital and acquired brain damage using virtual reality techniques and simulation p. 69 SIX-SENSOR Wi-Fi-IPv6 sensors for construction monitoring p. 70 256
SMILE-O Smart MeterIng for Local Energy Optimization p. 71 SRT LOCUPS An innovative, embedded, ultra-precise geographic and local Real-Time Locating System, with secure identification and communications p. 72 SUAP Feasibility study for a one-stop shop in borough councils for manufacturing companies p. 73 SVA Smart Video Assistant p. 74 SVPP Smart Virtual Power Plant p. 75 TA-SL Enabling technologies for work safety p. 76 TRA.QUA.S. wine A regional platform for the development of new kinds of technology for tracing the quality and safety of fine Piedmontese wines p. 77 WA (Wearable Antennas) Wearable antennas designed to increase work safety and efficiency p. 78 WASGO A Workflow Management System for digital production p. 79 Web-BI Web Intelligence p. 80 WSAN-M&C Wireless Sensor & Actuator Network for indoor environmental Monitoring and Controlling p. 81
WUIT Web User Interest Tracking p. 82 Xtera-food The development of food inspection technology p. 83 ÎźCloud Micro Cloud p. 84
Closing Note In intercluster projects where the ICT Cluster is not the leader, but a contributor, the total value of the project refers only to the ICT component.
Printed in June 2012 Graphic Design: DREAM via Marco Polo, 1 10129 Torino Printed by: Tipografia AGI Via Saluzzo, 64 10125 Torino
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