7 minute read

Paddock Power: Prevention is Better

Photography courtesy of Paddock Power Paddock power provides vitamins & minerals to help your horse through winter

Prevention is Better Than Cure Equipping your horses for winter weather


The weather has suddenly gone from Indian Summer to full-on winter and may have caught many on the hop with polo ponies and other competition horses now turned out for a winter break. The autumnal flush of grass is deceptive because it gives the impression that horses will be able to get all that they need from it, however whilst fibre is a crucial part of a horse’s diet it is important not to overlook the fact that they still benefit from vitamins and minerals – especially as the nutritional value of the grass starts to tail off even further as we get into November and December. To ensure our horses stay healthy so that they can combat the difficult winter months we should be aiming to build up their defences in preparation.

Not only that, there are certain elements that are scarce in the soil across the country such as copper (extremely important for its antibacterial properties and immune support) and some that are not in the diet at all – such as Biotin which you need for healthy foot and hair growth. When you combine this with the added need for B vitamins and elements like Zinc, then you start to see the gaps in what’s available from grass-based diets. Traditionally we only start to supplement when the problem is already there. It is proven that it takes six plus weeks for vitamins and minerals to balance in the body and some of these take longer so you need to start now.

Preparation = Prevention

More traditional feeding methods require hard feeding which can be the perfect way to teach our horse to be aggressive and fight! How many times do we find ourselves feeding the one or two horses that do not need it in a group whilst the ones that do get chased off? And then you have the added irritation of wasted money as the feed gets trampled into the ground. Paddock Power helps alleviate these problems as it’s available all the time. Horses treat it the same as a water trough, so everyone gets a turn. How can Paddock Power help: • Protein, Biotin, Soya Oil, Vitamins B, A,

D & E, and Zinc: As your horse changes it’s sleek summer coat to a warm winter duvet it needs these essential components to help improve the overall skin condition, lustre and quality. • Zinc, Copper and Biotin: Key to combating mud fever, foot abscesses and rain scald. After having shoes removed for the winter, hooves need six months to recover and regrow healthy foot for the new season. Hooves are 90% protein, made up of a substance called Keratin. Biotin, a vitamin B-complex is essential for the proper Keratin formation of the hoof wall. The supplementation of Zinc helps the production of Keratin, the addition of Copper (especially protected sources) is a cofactor in the production of Elastin, the connective tissue that binds the Keratin together, this strengthens and improves hoof integrity. • Selenium: Needed for healthy muscle tissue and aiding reproductive function, this works alongside Vitamin E as an antioxidant and is particularly important for the immune system. • Protein: Soya and Potato Protein provide two different high-quality protein sources with different amino acid profiles. The most important source is Potato Protein representing 78% of the protein in Paddock

Power. This provides 18 amino acids to include the essential amino acids Lysine,

Methionine and Isoleucine, Threonine, and

Phenylalanine. This source of protein is one of the most bioavailable sources of proteins for horses (and humans) which helps avoid digestive upset and aids in muscle growth, recovery and reparation for heavy exercise and exertion. • Fibre: Fibre is an important part of a healthy balanced diet and can also improve digestive health. • Salt: Improves palatability and is needed for absorption of minerals and vitamins, it also acts as a regulator of feed intakes. • Calcium: Assists with healthy bone structure in developing foals and young stock and maintaining heathy bones in mature animals • Magnesium: Essential for promoting a calm temperament and helps balance deficiencies in pasture particularly in autumn and spring. Also important in helping reduce laminitis, and key for proper muscle function

Horses will selfregulate their intake & share between themselves

“I was introduced to Paddock Power by one of my friends who is an avid fan. I now use it on my young ponies and playing string alike. I feel they are better set to work and recuperate with the support of Paddock Power. One less thing for me to worry about or leave to chance.”

Ed Hitchman

Potassium Iodide: This has antibiotic properties, as well as being anti-fibrotic (tends to resist the development of scar tissue). Helps aid healthy tissue regrowth Protected Copper: Maintains muscle structure and healthy growth. Improves pigmentation of hair in deficient horses. Also works in conjunction with Zinc to produce healthy hooves. Protected Zinc: Essential for hoof health and hair quality. Phosphorus: You need Phosphorus to keep your bones strong and healthy, to help create energy, and to move muscles. It also aids: o kidney function o growth, maintenance, and repair of tissue and cells o production of DNA and RNA (the body’s genetic building blocks) o helps balance and use vitamins such as vitamins B and D, as well as other minerals like iodine, magnesium, and zinc o important in the maintenance of a healthy heart o facilitates nerve function Cobalt: A trace element important for

“This is my ponies third winter on Paddock Power and it’s interesting to see how much better they wintered when they started on Paddock Power as they went out to grass. Starting early gives them time to rebalance their system before the bad weather hits and like this year when the rain has started already my ponies are enjoying the extra boost!”

Tom Morley

“We have been using Paddock Power for a couple of years now. The breeding stock have year-round access, while the playing horses are given licks immediately when they are turned away. I have found that this regime has helped prepare the horses in maintaining body score and general health. Last winter was without doubt one of the wettest and mildest we have had. With access to Paddock Power I really noticed a big improvement in hoof wall structure, which combined with regular trimming has resulted in far less foot abscesses, and the general improvement of coat condition.”

Catriona Baker, Sumaya Polo Team

blood cell formation helps maintain a healthy digestive system, particularly the cecum and large intestine. Cobalt is essential for the synthesis of Vitamin B12. This vitamin is then used in conjunction with Iron and Copper in the formation and maintenance of blood cells. Manganese: Needed for correct and healthy bone formation, disease resistance and fertility. Selenium: Needed for healthy muscle tissue and aiding reproductive function. Selenium works alongside Vitamin E as an antioxidant which is particularly important for the immune system. Vitamin A: Promotes healthy skin and coat, crucial for good vision as well as bone and muscle growth. Vitamin D3: Aids immune system and general emotional disposition. Essential to supplement during winter months and supports the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin E: As alpha-tocopherol, vitamin E’s major function is as an antioxidant. Thus, vitamin E is notably a key for the proper function of the reproductive, muscular, nervous, circulatory, and immune systems. It is essential to replace this vitamin in the diet during winter months. Vitamin K: Aids blood clotting and bone metabolism and heart health. B Vitamin Complex: For maximum health and vigour, essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A blood

tonic and pick me up. • Omega-3 and 6: Horses cannot make their own Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, so it is imperative that they are obtainable through their diet. They are important as they help regulate the immune system, develop and maintain the central nervous system and is key in oxygen transfer and cell membrane stability.

Paddock Power costs as little as 45p per day or less in bulk, which makes economic sense when considering the benefits and also the savings on vet bills for dealing with problems such as rain scald or mud fever, or injuries caused by horses squabbling over feed.

Across all the news and various social media platforms we are being told that we should all be taking extra vitamins this winter (particularly Vit D and C to help prepare our immune systems for the common cold, flu or Covid 19). Don’t be overweight, get fit, eat healthily and yet many of us do not apply these same principles when it comes to the wellbeing of our horses…

Prepare for winter properly and give your horses a boost by treating them to Paddock Power Original.

“We have already stocked up on Paddock Power as we are not yet adding hard feed to their grass diet – without Paddock Power, it would be the perfect storm for our string to lose condition now that the grass is slowing down and the weather is getting colder.”

Polo Times string

www.paddockpower.co.uk 07909 090000 info@paddockpower.co.uk

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