COMMUNITY VOICES Looking at the Impact of European Migration on Communities in Edinburgh Holyrood Room, John McIntyre Conference Centre, 18 Holyrood Park Road Edinburgh EH16 5AY Tuesday 3 February 2015, 17:00 – 19:00 (followed by a reception) Although there are more than 2.3 million non-British EU citizens living, studying and working in the UK, very little accurate demographic information exists about this important segment of the population. With debates about the impact of migration dominating mainstream media and public discourse, it is often hard to separate fact from fiction. CSV, the UK’s leading volunteering and social action charity, is teaming up with New Europeans, an association championing the rights of European citizens, to deliver Community Voices, a European Commission funded initiative that seeks to explore the impact of European migrants on communities across the UK, and to promote dialogue between community actors and EU migrants. Community Voices comprises a programme of six seminars in six local communities designed to examine the impact of European migrants on local services and develop a report on that impact, offering a space for discussion between community actors and EU migrants in the process. The seminar in Edinburgh will mark the start of this initiative. SEMINAR PROGRAMME 17:00 – 17:10
Welcome and Introductions Oonagh Aitken, Chief Executive, CSV Tamara Flanagan, Director of Programmes, New Europeans
17:10 – 17:20
The Impact of European Migration on Edinburgh: An Academic Perspective Dr Michael Rosie, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Edinburgh
17:20 – 17:30
The Impact of European Migration on Edinburgh: A Local Authority Perspective Greg Ward, Director of Economic Development, Edinburgh City Council
17:30 – 17:40
The Impact of European Migration on Edinburgh: A Community Organisation Perspective John Busby, Project Organiser, Welcoming Association
17:40 – 18:40
Roundtable Discussions: The Impact of European Migration on Local Services Facilitated by representatives from: Department of Education, Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Service (TBC) and Prospect Housing Association
18:40 – 19:00
Summary of Roundtable Discussions and Closing Remarks
19:00 – 20:00
Canapés and drinks reception
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