Muckheap 2013 Marketing Pack

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201 13 M MAR RKETTING G PA ACK 27a Crom mwell Road SSouth Yarra Victoria V 3141 Australia tel +61 3 8060 4680 4 / info@ /

AB BOUT POLYG GLOT THEATR RE enowned creeator of interactive and e experiential ttheatre for cchildren aged d Polyglot Theatrre is an interrnationally re up to 12 years.. At Polyglot,, theatre is child’s play. Insspired by thee artwork and ideas of ch hildren, Polygglot’s performances feature active paarticipation ffrom audience me embers throu ugh touch, p play and enco ounter. Our aartistic workks respond to o the childhoood need for experiencess thaat encouragee free artisticc expression and an imagginative interpretation off the world. We seek to cchallenge, to o fosster curiosityy and to inspire. We speccialise in pupppet theatre,, interactive installation w work and participatory wo orkshop proggrams. For over 30 yeaars, Polyglot has been re ecognised on e of Australiia’s leading cchildren’s theeatre compa anies, and in reccent years th he company has been in demand inteernationally, playing to over 60 000 cchildren annu ually on fourr continents. Reccent perform mance highligghts internattionally inclu ude performing Tangle att the Lincoln Center in Neew York and the Siingapore Artts Festival; an nd We Built This City in A Auckland, Ne ew Zealand, TTexas, Arkan nsas and Ariizona, USA and Busan, Ko orea. Australia inclu ude Sticky M Maze and Wee Built This Ciity at the Outt of the Box Festival in Polyglot’s recent tours in A Briisbane, Tang gle at the Syd dney Festivall and the Darrwin Festivall, and Paper Planet at Syddney’s Way Out West Fesstival for Chiildren. Polyglot ignitess children’s imaginationss everywheree from tiny A Australian country townss to the world d’s leading arts cen ntres. AB BOUT MUCKH HEAP Funny, physicaal and fantasttically messyy, Muckheapp is a tale off two people trying to cleean out theirr house for the eir big move. In the proccess of packing and sortinng they find all their hoarded junk tooo interestingg, useful or ttoo full of memoriees to throw aaway. As a way of cop ping, the chaaracters thro ow themselvees into a story, made up on the spot and illustratted with wh hatever comees to hand. W What emerge es is the storry of ‘Jacky aand the Bean nstalk’… withh a twist thatt parallels theeir ow wn situation. Fro om throwingg out junk to creating cha aracters withh consummate ease, this show displaays the awesome power o of the e puppeteer. It invites ch hildren to become their oown story maakers and en ncourages im maginative play through wh hatever you h have at hand d. Mu uckheap is driven by Polyyglot’s philossophy of inveentive play, cchildren as ccreators and the idea tha at the simplest of materials can make for ffantastic worrlds, with im agination an nd confidence. An n Internation nal Creative P Process The history of tthis perform mance is rich. One of Polyyglot’s best kknown and lo ongest runniing shows, M Muckheap emiered in 22001 and con ntinues to be e as relevant and entertaining today a as when it w was first creatted. The pre oriiginal producction toured nationally and internatioonally to the e Esplanade T Theatres Singgapore (2002), Victorian Artts Centre, Gaasworks Artss Park and Ge eelong Perfoorming Arts C Centre (2002 2), Sydney Oppera House ((2003) and Briisbane Poweerhouse (200 04). In 2011, to celeebrate the teenth anniverrsary of the pproduction, aa brand new version of M Muckheap wa as created thrrough an inteernational co ollaboration with artists from across Australia, New Zealand aand China. It premiered at the e prestigiouss National Ceenter for the Performing Arts, Beijingg in May 2011, where it w was performed in Mandaarin and then again n in Shanghaii at the Mala an Flower Th eatre in Shanghai. The E English languuage premierre of the new w Pagge 2

pro oduction was performed d at the Segerstrom Cent er for the Pe erforming Arts in the Unitted States in n October 20 011. We e also updateed the produ uction to feature bilinguaal performan nce in both E English and A Auslan (sign language). TThis fully accessiblee production toured Victo orian metroppolitan and rregional deaff schools andd schools witth deaf faccilities in March and April of 2012. The work has b been touringg for over ten n years, whe re it has perfformed to ovver 95 000 chhildren in three languagees in ffour countriees.


Sue Giles w with Megan Cameron an nd Sarah Krieegler

Sue Giles

Kathryn Spproul

Dirrected by

Sett & Costumee Design by

Puppet Design and Creation by

Graeme Daavis

Original Set and Puppet Deesign by

Paul Newccombe

Ligghting Design n by Mu usic by

Original Music by

Bronwyn PPringle

Jim Fultonn

Cosmo Cossmolino

REVIEWS he Polyglott Players dissplayed defftness of ha nd as well a as minds, as monsters were fashiioned out off "Th old d watering cans and litttle girls ou ut of newsp apers. Ene rgetic throu ughout, thee... (show) d drew squea ls of delight and d peals of la aughter ‐ prroof that thhe highly‐deemanding yyoung audieence was th horoughly haila Sulaim man, The Stra aits Times, Siingapore. sa tisfied." Suh "(M Muckheap) is funny, si lly and endearing to itts young au udience. And best of alll, the transsformationa al styyle of puppeetry it uses is the kind that childreen can easiily experime ent with at home… ma aybe even in n theeir own sheed…The resu ult is the bbest possiblee way" Chris Thompsonn, Lowdown..

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MA ARKETING M MATERIAL Ma arket Segmeent Mu uckheap is deesigned for cchildren aged d 4 to 12 yeaars and theirr families. Other target m markets include: • Schools nability actio on groups • Sustain • Environmental com mmittees • Local ccouncil ‐ enviironment gro oups • Community action groups • Dramaa courses • Puppett courses • Acting students • Parentt associationss • Rotaryy groups Mu uckheap is a perfect adju unct to any school curricuulum exploring themes o of recycling aand sustainab bility. mory, family, the power of imaginative play, the transformattion of the orrdinary into tthe Other themes include: mem exttraordinary, children as sstory tellers, change, andd the transfo ormative pow wer of live thheatre. Arttwork We e have created high reso olution materrials for you to download d directly fro om our webs ite: htttp://www.po These are: ‐ 3x High resolu ution publicity images ‐ Show Logo ‐ Polyglot Logo o ‐ Polyglot Partn ner Logos Vid deo Footagee An n 8‐minute hiighlights videeo featuring footage of M Muckheap is available forr promotionaal purposes ‐ htttp:// G‐iY. There is also a 4‐minute vid deo with com mmentary froom Sue Giless, Artistic Dirrector, whichh is also available for pro omotional pu urposes ‐ htttp:// W0PQ e recommen nd you embed these YouT Tube link on your websitte. If needed d, we can proovide you the footage in a We diffferent formaat so that yo ou can create e your own loocally producced TVC. Me edia and Pub blicity Polyglot will seend you a staandard media a release on ce it is drafte ed. We e trust that yyou will havee strong relattionships witth your local media. You u can contactt our publicisst, TS Publicity, if yyou have anyy publicity‐reelated questiions. For moore information, please ccontact Amayya Courtis (T TS Publicity) o on 03 9419 8837 o or by email tto ease send us copies of all media clipp pings from yoour local area relating to this tour of Muckheap. Please scan tthe Ple clip ppings at hi‐resolution and email to Pagge 4

E‐N News and W Website Polyglot will bee utilising our email lists of approxim ately 6,500 p people to promote Muckkheap througghout its tou ur. ease let us kn now if you haave any ticke et giveawayss you would like to use ass promotion , or if there a are other loccal Ple sto ories relatingg to the tour which we ca an include in our social m media. Social Media By engaging in social mediaa, Polyglot aiims to: 1. Be a leeader in our ffield within a a communityy consisting o of our audien nces, patron s, staff, artissts, and the wider aarts industryy; 2. Increasse brand awaareness and deepen assoociations witth our vision,, mission andd values; and d 3. Increasse our audience and follo owers througgh the succe essful implem mentation of f the above. Likke our page o on Facebookk (http://www w.facebook.ccom/P0lygl0 0tTheatre @P PolyglotTheaatre ) and folllow us on twitter (https:/// m/PolyglotTh heatre @PolyyglotTheatre e). We ask yo ou to please tag us in you ur promotion ns so that we mayy also incorp porate these ‘bits’ into ouur wider com mmunications. We also innvite feedbacck via social edia and welcome you to o create yourr own hash ttags to collatte ideas eg. # #muckheapchhina or #WB BTCalbury. me Bro oadly speaking, Twitter p posts should be a snapshhot of the “right now”, eliciting an im mmediate response, in ord der to make it hearrd amongst tthe constantt stream of oour followerss’ Twitter fee eds. Twitter pposts can be e quite frequeent witthout too mu uch trouble. Facebook is better for pposts that forrm part of a conversationn, and that e encourage oth her users / your friends tto comment,, give feedbaack or re‐share with theirr friends. Bio ographies Sue Giles – Dirrector and co o‐Writer Sue was appoin nted Artistic Director of Polyglot Theeatre in 2000 0. Sue’s uniqu ue child‐centtred creative e processes have been the subject of m masterclassess and forumss nationally aand internationally (incluuding key ind dustry eventss in Sw weden, Londo on, Singapore and USA). Her works h ave been pe erformed in tten countriess on five con ntinents in fivve diffferent langu uages, and haave been pre esented by M Melbourne, SSydney and D Darwin Festivvals and the world’s lead ding artts centres (Keennedy Centter, Lincoln C Center, Natioonal Theatres of London,, Korea, Chinna, Singapore e and Taiwan n, Syd dney Opera House, Arts Centre Melb bourne). The Big Game (M Melbourne In nternational Arts Festiva al, Singapore Artts Festival, A Awesome Artts Festival), C Check Out! (M Melbourne Internationall Comedy Fesstival, National Theatre o of Korea, Hong Ko ong International Arts Ca arnival, winnner Excellent Production A Award at Shaanghai International Children's Theaatre Festival)) Headhunte er (UNIMA in ternational p puppetry fesstival, ASSITEEJ internation nal festival in n Ad delaide). Her iconic conceeptual work W We Built Thi s City has toured continu ually for ten yyears including to MIAF, Kennedy Centeer Washingto on, Act3 Festtival Singapoore and throu ugh England,, Ireland andd Scotland, to o Taiwan, Okkinawa, USA and Korea. Other conceptual works Tangle and SSticky Maze,, are also touuring worldw wide after Syd dney Festivaal, Singapore Arts Festival and Out Off The Box Fesstival in Brisb bane. In 20033, she was th he Australian n rep presentativee at the International Dire ector’s Forum m hosted by ASSITEJ Germany. In 20004 she was tthe Victorian n Representativee on the Natiional Board o of YPAA (Youung People aand the Arts, Australia) Inn 2009, Sue w was the Puppetry Direcctor of the Australian pro oduction of tthe Broadway musical, Avvenue Q. In 22011 Sue wa as one of a panel of leadin ng Australian arts organissations for thhe ASSITEJ In nternational Children’s Thheatre Festivval and Congress in Deenmark and SSweden and she is a keynnote speakerr for the YPA AA National SSymposium in Sydney 20 012. Sarah Kriegler – Co‐writer TBA Me egan Camero on – Co‐writter Me egan Camero on is one of A Australia’s le eading and m most experienced and divverse Puppetteers. She grraduated from V.C C.A SCHOOL OF DRAMA aas an actor in 1989 and hhas toured p productions tthroughout A Australia, Europe, Asia an nd Pagge 5

the e American ccontinent forr, HANDSPAN N, BLACK HO OLE, TERRIPIN N, BACK TO B BACK, SKYLA ARK, ARTS KA ATHERINE, PLA AYBOX, POLYYGLOT, DRAM MATIC EDGE E, DJILPIN AR RTS, ILLBIJERRI and SNUFF PUPPETS. M Megan is co‐‐ cre eator/produccer/performer of the 200 07 Fringe aw ward‐winningg SHITT FAMILY PUPPET SSHOW. He er television aand film worrk includes D Doris the pig in LIFT OFF 2 2, Horace in HORACE AN D TINA, and Bunyip in SHAPE! SHAPEE! SHAPE! TTHE MICALLEF PROGRAM M, the Warne er Bros film W WHERE THE W WILD THINGSS ARE Directed by Spike Jonze and MY STR RANGE PET by Academy aaward nomin nated Anthony Lucas. Me egan also devises, writess and perform ms her own ssolo puppetrry performan nces. She hass performed her own wo ork acrross Australia and Singap pore. . She w was invited inn 2008 to perrform two off her works: A KWISE and FIN ANDY CLOCK at 3 Festivals in n Czech Repu ublic. Megan n now works and perform ms with the P Prague Theattre Companyy DIVADLO NPU in Czech Republic an nd Australia. AN Kathryn Sproul – Designer Katthryn design ns nationally for theatre, dance and laarge arts eve ents. A gradu uate in Stagee Design from m NIDA, Katthryn was Reesident Desiggner for Maggpie Theatree and State Theatre Co off SA from 19888 – 1993. Event designss incclude the meemorable Flamma Flamm ma: The Fire R Requiem, wh hich opened the 1998 Addelaide Festivval of Arts, Click! The Milleennium Even nt, SA’s 1999 New Year’s Eve Celebration and Eve ent Developm ment and De esign for Centenary of Federation SA A in 2001. Ka athryn has w worked with aa variety of ccompanies inncluding Win ndmill Performing Artts, Leigh Warrren and Dan ncers, Hothoouse, Melbou urne Theatre e Co, Playboxx, Chamber M Made Opera,, Leggs on the Waall, Riverina TTheatre Co, Hothouse Thheatre Co, & Darwin Theatre Companny. Maajor festival p projects include: Event D Designer, Adeelaide Cabarret Festival 2005 – 2011; Event & Parrade Designeer, Ad delaide Fringee 2006, & Deesign/Makingg Team Fringge Parade 20 009‐2011; Production Deesigner Chartters Towers: the e Musical, Queensland M Music Festiva al 2005; Prodduction Desiggner Paradise e: the Musiccal, and Coorparoo Sk8, Briisbane Festivval 2006. Oth her major fesstival work inncludes Even nt Designer ffor Adelaide Festival Centre’s OzAsia Fesstival & Moo on Lantern Parade 2007‐2012 & Adel aide Internaational Guitar Festival 20007, 2008, 20 010 & 2012. Theatre design ns include: Co ostume Design for State Theatre SA’ss productions of Noises O Off, Uncle Va anya, & Haamlet. Second to None, a collaboratio on between Kurruru Youth & Vitalsta atistix in 20088; True Westt, Flying Penguin Productions 2010;; Melrose Un nder the Big TTop, for Cou untry Arts SA & the comm munity of Me elrose,SA: Seet De esign for The Production Company, M Melbourne, foor the musiccals 42nd Stre eet, Damn Yaankees, Crazzy For You, & & The King & I. Costume Desiigner Maria d de Buenos A Aires, for Leiggh Warren & Dancers & TThe State Op pera of SA. Katthryn also deesigned Mucckheap in Sha anghai for Poolyglot Pupp pet Companyy. ed, which wo on Best Overrall Show, Ad delaide Fringe Recent designss include: Sons & Motherrs, for No Strrings Attache 2012; and was Venue Manager for Que een’s Theatree, winner Be est Venue Ad delaide Fringee 2012. Kath hryn also designed The FFlood, presen nted by Finucane & Smit h, & Critical Stages, curre ently touringg nationally. Graeme Davis – Puppet De esign and Cre eation Graeme receivved a Post Grraduate Diplo oma in Fine A Arts Sculpture and has a history of acctivities cove ering performance aart, exund scu ulpture, insta allation workk and paintin ng exhibition ns. Most receently he has entered the wo orld of puppeetry, beginning with a wo ork Deus Ex M Machina in P Polyglots Ard dent Shorts. SSince then h he has design ned a sset for the Bo oomerang Club for the Th heatre of Diffference. He e became thee puppet maker for Krinkkl Theatre annd performed d the music ffor their show w White Cra ane presenteed at the Next Waave Festival. He has workked extensiveely for Polygglot Puppet T Theatre; makking the charracter Hiba fo or Higgh Rise and ssome digital illustrative w work for prom motional maaterials. He e made pupp pets for Polygglot's producction of Bagggy Pants and Echo and ha as rebuilt botth the puppe ets and set fro om Muckhea ap ‐ also creating the thea atre design aadditions.

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Graeme made puppets for the Women n's Circus, Areena Theatre,, Terrapin Pu uppet Theatrre's production of Fraankenstein and Vox Band dicoots Kungg Fu Da Pu foor the comed dy festival. He e made a maarionette forr Walking witth Din nosaurs Live and is working on Tadpo ole for Philipp Millar exhib bition. Sin nce then he h has made pu uppets for Sammy J and R Randy for the e production ns "Forest of f Dreams" wh hich won thee Forest Women n's Associatio on Critics Aw ward, as well as Bin Night and The Inheritance at tthe Melbourne Fringe Fesstivals. He e is currently working tow wards an exh hibition of puuppets. Jim m Fulton ‐ Co omposer Jim m has been p performing and recordingg with the Bigg Muffin Serrious Band since co‐foundding in 1984. In that timee, he has perform med extensivvely around N New Zealandd, and also acccidentally in n Japan, Britaain, France a and Melbourne. ut have also iinvolved tou uring multime edia shows aaround schoo ols and Performances are primarilyy musical, bu conducting unu usual musicaal workshopss. Use of the ukulele has been the disstinguishing ffactor in botth live nd he presenntly compose es music on a and for ukuleele. Predominantly performance aand recordingg of music an music is recorrded with the Serious Ukkulele Ensem mble and Gou ulash Archipeelago. The latter involvess insstrumental m entirely originaal music from m Eastern Europe. He is aalso involved d in teaching g ukulele, connstructing hu umorous and compil ing a large re esource of playable musiic for ukulele e learners. tuition videos ((see www.m Bro onwyn Pringgle – Lightingg Design Bro onwyn is a frreelance ligh hting designe er and techniician who haas worked around Austraalia with com mpanies such as Maalthouse Theeatre, Ballaraat Arts Acade emy, Arts Proojects Austraalia, Stuck Pigs Squealingg and more. Projects shee has worked on range from large festiva als to small ddevelopmenttal pieces in vvenues that include The Segerstrom ornia, a wareehouse in Bu uenos Aires, aa disused flat, a park in S Swan Hill andd a woolshed d in Glencoe,, Centre in Califo plu us many morre conventional and non‐‐conventionaal theatre sp paces. Last year Bronwynn toured extensively thrrough Asia w with Polyglot’’s We Built this City and tto California with Muckh heap and Wee Built This City. Teaching creditts include VC CA, NMIT, VU UT, The Wo omen’s Circu us and Monaash University. De esign highligh hts include The Flood (Fin nucane & Sm mith), Lloyd B Beckman, Beekeeper(Sou ulArt), The Haatpin (BAA), In Other Words, Cabaret (BAA), The Time is nott yet Ripe (H Here Theatre), Source/Sauce, Serial Bloggeer (X:Machin ne – GRAA No omination), C Catalpa, Aviaary (La Mama a – GRAA No omination), TTopsy (Here TTheatre), Artt for Puppets’ Sake (VCA), 4x Beeckett (Stuck Pigs Girl Vs Capta ain Brap Squealing), Battboy, Horse G (Laa Mama) All o of Which aree American D Dreams (Th heatre in Deccay), Filch (La Mama) and d Angry Eddie. Bro onwyn has w won Green Room Awardss for nimals (Heree Theatre/SR Lettters from An RWT 2007) and Alias Gracee (Malthousee Theatre 20 005), and Fringe festival design awards for Anach hronisticity (co o‐design with h Richard Vabre) and Uninvited Gu uests (design Collaboratio on award witth Clare Waatson and Marg Horwell)). Pagge 7

PO OLYGLOT STY YLE GUIDE Du ue to the con ntractual obliigations with h Polyglot’s ffunders, all m marketing ma aterials (meddia releases, advertisements, flyers, possters, invitatiions etc) creaated by the Presenter that relate to M Muckheap m must include e form set ouut in this Guiide. High‐ressolution logoos can be dow wnloaded fro om loggo and text aacknowledgeements in the ww nloads ‐ plea ase only use the high‐resolution versions, as the oones found in this document will not be of sufficient quality for professsional‐lookiing materialss. We e request thaat all artwork for marketting materialls created byy the Presentter be approvved by Polygglot prior to priinting. They sshould be su ubmitted to Please alllow at least two workingg days turrnaround tim me for approval. aming Standaards Na [Prese enter’s Nam e] presents Polyglot The eatre’s

Po olyglot Logo SSpecification ns The Polyglot lo ogo must nott be reproduced any smaaller than 40 mm (w) x 10 0 mm (h) andd include the e clear spacee as own in diagrram 1.0. The reverse verssion of the loogo shown in n diagram 2.0 0 is to be useed when placced on a blacck sho or dark backgro ound as illusstrated. Diagra am 1.0

Diagraam 2.0

Pagge 8

Po olyglot Partner Acknowle edgments The logos in diaagram 3.0 m must be repro oduced in thee following o order on all m marketing m aterials. Diaagram 3.0 The following aadditional teext must be p printed alongg with the ab bove logos: Po olyglot Theattre is assisted by the Ausstralian Fedeeral Governm ment through Playing Auustralia, the Victorian Go overnment th hrough Arts Victoria, the e City of Mellbourne and d the City of S Stonningtonn. No o alterations or distortion ns can be ma ade to Polygllot or any partner logos. The above cconditions ap pply unless approved in ad dvance by Po olyglot Theattre.

VALUATION EV Polyglot has a large evaluattion program m included ass part of ourr acclaimed F Feed The Art critical apprraisal model. Read more abo out this model at: http:/// eed_the_art. We e will providee feedback fforms for the e audience (ddifferent one es for adults and for childdren) after each performance. The feedback forms, pens and box tto contain th he completed d surveys willl be provided by Polyglo ot. e ask for the assistance o of your FOH sstaff where ppossible to d distribute the e surveys as audiences exxit the spacee We following the p performancee, and we askk that you prrovide a highly visible spa ace in the foyyer for audie ences to ur Stage Man nager will colllect the survveys at the end of the seaason. complete theirr surveys. Ou Wh here appropriate, we maay also distrib bute tax‐dedductible donaation forms tto encouragee audiences to join Polyglot’s Amb bassadors’ Circle so that w we can contiinue to make e high quality work. We e will also seend you, the Presenter, an evaluativee survey follo owing the completion of tthe season a and we ask that you fill this outt and return it to us prom mptly. Thank you! Ple ease see stattistics inform mation overle eaf.

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STA ATISTICS Bo ox Office To calculate ro oyalties and ffor our own sstatistical puurposes, we aask that you send Polygloot a copy of the gross bo ox wn) and audience numbeers for each p performance e at the end oof the season. A table off offfice (with price breakdow exaample data ccan be found d below. Date & Time

Full price tix sold $24.50*

Child tix Groups 10+ tix sold $16.50* sold $13.50*

SSpecial ddeal tix ssold $$16.50*

Co omp tixx giiven $0 0

Tota al Tick kets

% off Houuse capaacity

otal To Am mount ($)

e.g. 14/04/11, 34 2pm






86% %

$1 1,657.50

15/04/11, 42 10am






88% %

$2 2,409.00

*Please indicate reelevant tickett prices for eeach category. Patron Data Wh here possiblee (in line with Privacy Law ws), we wouuld like your Box Office sttaff to ask eaach Patron if they allow the eir data to bee passed on to Polyglot. Where this iis recorded, we then ask you to sendd us a spread sheet of thee Mu uckheap patrron data with names, contact inform mation, and d details of boo okings. Pleasse contact uss to discuss th his if yyou have anyy concerns. W We will use this patron d ata in line w with Polyglot’s own privaccy policy (ava ailable at htttp://www.po acy_policy) tto keep them m informed w with upcominng shows and activities.

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