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COUV byblos 2008



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COUV byblos 2008



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38 - 42 44 - 47

8 - 12 La Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne The Art Brut Collection, Lausanne Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne la Collezione dell’Art Brut, Lausanne la Colección del Arte Bruto, Lausanne


Art Dubaï

Museums, national & international galleries & exhibitions

Réappropriation d’un art qui fut non-officiel A re-appraisal of an art that was unofficial Wiederinbesitznahme einer Kunst, die es offiziell nicht gab Riappropriazione di un’arte che fu non-ufficiale Reapropiación de un arte que nunca fue oficial Новое появление неофициальным



Коллекция Спонтанного Искусства

50 - 54

14 - 18

Zentrum Paul Klee Vaudois painting and Marie Marie und die Waadtländer Malerei Marie e la pittura del canton Vaud Marie y la pintura valdense МАРИЯ И ВОДУАЗСКАЯ ЖИВОПИСЬ

20 - 23 Le Mamco, un musée en mouvement The Mamco, a museum in movement Das Mamco – ein Museum in Bewegung Mamco, un museo in movimento El Mamco, un museo en movimiento Ле Мамко, музей в движении

24 - 27 Fri-Art, Fribourg Fri-Art, Fribourg Fri-Art, Fribourg Fri-Art, Fribourg Fri-Art, Fribourg Ассоциация Fri-Art

28 - 31 34 - 37

Art Vieille-Ville

Eloge du froid In Praise of Coldness Loblied auf die Kälte Elogio del freddo El elogio del frío Лед искусства

56 - 60 62 - 65 66 - 69 70 - 73 74 - 78 78 - 82 84 86 88 90

John Armleder

Peter Cerutti

Fabrice Gygi


Ugo Rondinone

Olivier Zappelli

Jo Fontaine

98-99 100-104

Restaurants Hotels

IMPRESSUM Publisher & Editor Dr Joseph Yammouni Art Director Gérard Visio Layout & Infography J-Ph. Boillat, Polygraph'Studio Translation Arab: Mohamad Al-Dourobi Chinese: Tao Song English: Stephen Rifkind German: Gabi Hüttemann Italian: Francesca Campisi Russian: Denis Morozov Spanish: Jose Errea Proof-reading Arab: J. Séssine Chinese: Tao Song English: Nathalie Hill Pollmann Français: Stella Sofia Milici German: Barbara & Guido Lumina-Schönfeld Italian: Manuela & Dr William Pertoldi Spanish: José Errea Distribution Next Five Stars Hotels BASEL : GRANDHOTEL LES TROIS ROIS, RADISSON SAS, SWISSÔTEL LE PLAZA, CRANS-MONTANA: GRAND HÔTEL DU GOLF GENEVA: ANGLETERRE, ARMURES, BEAU-RIVAGE, CROWNE PLAZ, DE LA PAIX, LA RÉSERVE, SWISSÔTEL MÉTROPOLE LAUSANNE: BEAURIVAGE OUCHY, LE LAUSANNE PALACE L’ÂME DE L’AFRIQUE L’ÂME DE L’AFRIMONTREUX: ROYAL PLAZA QUE L’ ÂME DE L ’ AFRIQUE L’ÂMEGRAND DE L’AFRIQUE L’ÂME DE L’AFRIVILLARS: HÔTEL DU PARK ZURICH: BAUR EDEN AU LAC, QUE L’ ÂMEAU DELAC, L’AFRIQUE RENAISSANCE ZURICH, ZURICH MARRIOTT, THE DOLDER GRAND

Art Basel


Byblos’gallery I

And in the hotel rooms and suites of the following Hotels **** GENEVA: Auteuil Manotel, Le Bristol, Grand-Pré, NH Geneva Airport, Novotel, Le Warwick ZURICH: Central Plaza

Byblos’gallery II

Avis Aux artistes, galeries et foires nationales et internationales. Notice To artists, galleries, national and international exhibitions Hinweis Für Künstler, Galerien, nationale und internationale Messen. Avviso A tutti gli artisti, gallerie e fiere nazionali e internazionali. Opinión A los artistas, galerías y ferias nacionales e internacionales. Объявление Художникам, галереям, национальным и международным ярмаркам

In some Luxury Surgeries and about 2’500 waiting rooms: Dentists, Doctors, Barristers, Hairdressers, Spas, Art exhibitions, Art Galleries, Museums, etc… Byblos is a series of magazines that aims to be published internationally , intended for Art exhibitions, Art Galleries, Museums, rooms and suites within luxury hotels in the following cities: Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Bahrain, Barcelona, Berlin, Beyrouth & Le Liban, Bjini, Côte d’Azur, Damas, Dubaï, Hamburg , Istanbul, Jeddah, Qatar, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Milano, Mexico, Moscow, New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, St Petersburg, Singapore, Tel Aviv, Wien. Next issues:

Byblos Art, June 2009 Byblos Switzerland, July 2009

International Advertisement Office Le Byblos 11, rue de Malagny CH-1196 Gland Tel : +41 22 364 86 57 Mobile : +41 79 646 10 59 NOTE : PLEASE LEAVE THIS SAMPLE IN YOUR ROOM. NEW COPIES MAY BE OBTAINED AT RECEPTION FOR A VERY NOMINAL PRICE.




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L’ALPHABET DE LA COMMUNICATION, DES VALEURS ET DE LA PAIX Pour comprendre une langue, il est indispensable d’en apprendre l’alphabet et ensuite la grammaire. Ils en constituent la base. Il y va de même pour chaque science. Autrement, toute connaissance reste mutilée voire naine pour ne pas dire inexistante. Mais pourquoi alors, si l’on appartient à la même langue, au même milieu et si l’on maîtrise la grammaire, la communication reste souvent impossible? Probablement, les références aux valeurs ne sont pas les mêmes. Nous utilisons les mêmes signes mais pas le même signifié, et encore moins le même référé ou référant. Quelque soit la nature du dialogue et quelques soient les interlocuteurs, couples, amis ou ennemis, individus, groupes ou communautés, nations, religions ou civilisations, il est primordial d’établir des références communes. Apprendre ce que j’appelle l’alphabet des valeurs d’autrui, à travers une vraie écoute, au-delà de nos références, nos acquis et notre propre système de valeurs. Nous offrir à l’autre comme une page blanche sur laquelle il est invité à écrire comment il désire être compris. Adopter face à lui la même attitude que nous avions, bébés, face à la vie. Probablement à cette seule condition, nous pourrons retrouver au-delà de nos propres valeurs, l’alphabet de nouvelles valeurs communes et de ce fait voir pointer à l’horizon la lumière d’une sérénité personnelle et d’une vraie paix universelle, juste et durable. L’expression “dialogue des civilisations aura dès lors pris tout son sens”.

to succeed, there is an overriding need to establish common references: to learn what I call the alphabet of the values of others, through active listening, going beyond our references, knowledge and own value systems. We offer other people a tabula rasa on which they are invited to write the manner that they want to be understood. We adopt an approach to them with the same attitude towards life that we had as babies. Once again, just by doing this, we would be able to go beyond our own actual values, reacquire the alphabet of new common values and be shown the rays of light of personal serenity and genuine, universal, just and enduring peace appearing on the horizon. The expression “dialogue among civilizations” would take on full meaning. This issue of Byblos is entirely dedicated to art. Artistic expression is probably one of the first letters of this common and universal alphabet that each of us will be called on to develop.

Daniel DUFOUR (French artist): LA MARE, tryptique, 1200 cm x 1600cm; acrylique sur toile

Hafis (Swiss Lebanese Artist)

THE ALPHABET OF COMMUNICATION; THE ALPHABET OF VALUES; THE ALPHABET OF PEACE In order to understand a language, it is absolutely necessary to understand its alphabet and then its grammar. That is likewise true for each science. Otherwise, any knowledge remains mutilated in the sense of being stunted, maybe even nonexistent. However, why is it that, even when sharing the same language and same environment while fully understanding the grammar, communication is still often impossible? It is probable that the value references are not identical. We use the same symbols, but they have different meanings. Countless examples can be found at all levels. There is no need to list them. Daily life, both individual and collective, constantly reminds us of this painful fact. Whatever the nature of the dialogue and the identity of the participants, couples, friends or enemies, individuals groups, or communities, nations, religions, or civilizations, in order for communication




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DAS ALPHABET DER KOMMUNIKATION, DAS ALPHABET DER WERTE, DAS ALPHABET DES FRIEDENS Zum Verständnis einer Sprache ist es unerlässlich, ihr Alphabet und anschließend ihre Grammatik zu erlernen. Das Gleiche gilt für jede Wissenschaft. Andernfalls bleibt jedes Wissen rudimentär, winzig klein, um nicht zu sagen inexistent. Aber warum ist dann eine Kommunikation in der gleichen Sprache, dem gleichen Milieu und bei Beherrschung der Grammatik oft unmöglich? Vermutlich ist unser Verständnis der Werte unterschiedlich. Wir verwenden die gleichen Zeichen, aber mit unterschiedlicher Bedeutung. Auf allen Ebenen gibt es reichlich Beispiele, die nicht genannt werden müssen. Die täglichen, individuellen und gemeinschaftlichen Erfahrungen erinnern uns unentwegt an diese schmerzliche Feststellung. Gleich, welcher Art der Dialog ist und wer die Gesprächspartner sind – Paare, Freunde oder Feinde, Einzelne, Gruppen oder Gemeinschaften, Nationen, Religionen oder Kulturen - entscheidend ist, dass ein gemeinsames Verständnis geschaffen wird, damit der Dialog gelingt: Zu lernen, was ich das Werte-Alphabet des Anderen nenne. Durch wirkliches Zuhören, über unser Verständnis, unsere Kenntnisse und unser eigenes Wertesystem hinaus. Uns für ihn ein vollkommen unbeschriebenes Blatt reservieren, auf dem er sich so darstellen kann, wie er verstanden werden möchte. Ihm gegenüber die gleiche Einstellung annehmen, die wir als Babys gegenüber dem Leben hatten. Vermutlich werden wir nur unter dieser Bedingung noch einmal, jenseits unserer derzeitigen Werte, das Alphabet der neuen, gemeinsamen Werte wiederfinden können und dadurch am Horizont den Schimmer einer persönlichen Abgeklärtheit und eines echten, allumfassenden gerechten und dauerhaften Friedens leuchten sehen. Der Ausdruck “Dialog der Kulturen” würde seinem Sinn vollkommen gerecht. Diese Ausgabe von Byblos widmet sich vollkommen der Kunst. Der künstlerische Ausdruck wäre vermutlich einer der ersten Buchstaben dieses gemeinsamen, allumfassenden Alphabets, zu dessen Bereicherung jeder aufgerufen ist.

Jean-Louis D’Angelo (French citizenship) Acrylique et encre sur toile Hafis (Swiss Lebanese Artist)





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Per comprendere una lingua, è indispensabile conoscerne l’alfabeto e la grammatica. Vale lo stesso per ogni altra scienza. In caso contrario, qualsiasi tipo di conoscenza risulterebbe mutilata o nana, per non dire inesistente. Ma allora come ci si spiega che, pur appartenendo allo stesso gruppo linguistico e allo stesso ambiente e pur conoscendo bene la grammatica, comunicare si rivela spesso impossibile? Probabilmente perché i valori di riferimento sono diversi. Ovvero, utilizziamo gli stessi segni, ma non vi associamo lo stesso significato. Gli esempi abbondano a tutti i livelli di comunicazione e non serve affatto citarne qualcuno. L’esperienza quotidiana, individuale e collettiva, conferma di continuo questa dolorosa verità. Quali che siano la natura del dialogo e degli interlocutori - coppie, amici o nemici, singoli individui, gruppi o intere comunità, nazioni, religioni o civiltà – perché la comunicazione abbia successo è fondamentale stabilire dei concetti di riferimento comuni. Vale a dire imparare quello che io definisco l’alfabeto dei valori altrui, tramite un ascolto attento, che vada oltre i nostri concetti di riferimento, le nostre conoscenze e il nostro sistema di valori. Offrire al prossimo una pagina bianca sulla quale potrà scrivere e raccontare sé stesso, così come desidera essere percepito ai nostri occhi. Assumere nei confronti degli altri lo stesso atteggiamento aperto che avevamo da bambini di fronte alla vita. Ancora una volta, sarà questa l’unica condizione che ci permetterà di guardare oltre i nostri attuali valori, per riscoprire un alfabeto di nuovi valori comuni e in tal modo veder sorgere all’orizzonte la luce di una serenità personale e di una vera pace universale, giusta e duratura. Solo così l’espressione “dialogo tra civiltà” acquisterà pieno significato. Questo numero di Byblos è interamente dedicato all’arte. L’espressione artistica potrebbe senz’altro rappresentare una delle prime lettere di questo alfabeto comune che ognuno di noi ha il compito di arricchire.

EL ALFABETO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, EL ALFABETO DE LOS VALORES Y EL ALFABETO DE LA PAZ. Para comprender una lengua, es indispensable aprender su alfabeto y a continuación su gramática. Este principio es igualmente válido para las ciencias; en caso contrario, el conocimiento queda mutilado, menoscabado, por no decir que desaparece. Pero, entonces, ¿por qué a veces, a pesar de hablar la misma lengua, vivir en el mismo medio y dominar la gramática, sigue siendo imposible la comunicación? Probablemente, porque las referencias a los valores son diferentes. Utilizamos los mismos signos pero éstos tienen significados distintos para unos y otros. Existen innumerables ejemplos de ello a todos los niveles. No es preciso citarlos; la experiencia cotidiana, individual y colectiva se empeña en recordarnos continuamente esta dolorosa constatación. Independientemente de cuál sea la naturaleza del diálogo y de quiénes sean los interlocutores, parejas, amigos o enemigos, individuos, grupos o comunidades, naciones, religiones o civilizaciones, es fundamental establecer referencias comunes para que la comunicación se lleve a cabo con éxito. Aprender lo que he llamado el alfabeto de los valores de los demás, a través de una escucha auténtica, más allá de nuestras referencias, nuestros condicionantes y nuestro propio sistema de valores. Mostrarnos al otro como una página en blanco, sobre la que podrá escribir en la forma en que desee ser entendido. Adoptar ante la otra persona la misma actitud que teníamos ante la vida cuando éramos unos recién nacidos.

Joseph Matar (Lebanese artist) Inez Züst-Gericke (Swiss artist) 27 days in Barcelona 600 cm x 9 cm silk thread on nylon gauze hand-embroidered, 2007

Una vez más, con esta única condición, podremos encontrar más allá de nuestros propios valores actuales el alfabeto de unos nuevos valores comunes para, así, divisar en el horizonte la luz de una serenidad personal y de una auténtica paz universal justa y duradera. En ese momento, la expresión “diálogo de las civilizaciones” habrá adquirido un sentido pleno. El presente número de Byblos está dedicado íntegramente al arte. La expresión artística sería, probablemente, una de las primeras letras de este alfabeto común y universal que cada persona está llamada a enriquecer.




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АЛФАВИТ ОБЩЕНИЯ, АЛФАВИТ ЦЕННОСТЕЙ, АЛФАВИТ МИРА Чтобы понимать язык, необходимо сначала выучить алфавит, а потом грамматику. Они составляют основу. Так же обстоит дело и с любой наукой. Иначе любое знание исказится и ценность его снизится, а то и вовсе исчезнет. Так почему же тогда общение часто становится невозможным – ведь мы говорим на одном языке, находимся в одних условиях, мы знаем грамматику. Вероятно, у нас разные представления о ценностях. Мы употребляем одни и те же знаки, но с разным смыслом, обозначение не совпадает с обозначаемым. Какой бы ни была природа диалога и кем бы ни были собеседники, перво-наперво следует установить общие правила. Нужно выучить то, что я называю алфавитом ценностей другого человека, нужно научиться слушать и понимать его, несмотря на разные обозначения, разный опыт и разные системы ценностей. Нужно дать собеседнику чистый лист бумаги и предложить ему написать на нем все, что нужно для его понимания. Нужно относиться к нему так же, как мы относились к жизни, когда были младенцами. Возможно, что это единственное условие, которое даст нам еще один шанс найти наш алфавит общих ценностей, преодолевая разницу ценностей нынешних. Только тогда на горизонте забрезжит свет справедливого и прочного мира.

Edith Dora Rey (Swiss-Canadian citizenship): Mount Royal Midnight, 8x8x1.5” Oil on wood panel (birch) Claude Wira (Swiss French artist) “La Naissance du Monde Nouveau” Peter Cerutti (Swiss American citizenship), Church Windows 6, 140 x 100 cm, huile/acrylic Paul Russo (American artist)





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Mme Lucienne Peiry Directrice / Director © Photo : Magali König





Inaugurée en 1976, la Collection de l’Art Brut est située dans le Château de Beaulieu à Lausanne. Elle présente des oeuvres de créateurs autodidactes ayant échappé pour diverses raisons au conditionnement culturel et au conformisme social. Marginaux retranchés dans une position rebelle ou imperméables aux normes et valeurs collectives, les auteurs d’Art Brut comptent des détenus, des pensionnaires d’hôpitaux psychiatriques, des originaux, des solitaires et des réprouvés. Ils travaillent dans la solitude, le secret et le silence, sans se préoccuper ni de la critique du public, ni du regard d’autrui. Leurs oeuvres indemnes des influences de la tradition artistique, mettent en application des modes de figuration singulières, créées de toutes pièces. Les auteurs conçoivent en effet leur propre technique avec des moyens et des matériaux souvent inédits. Jean Dubuffet, découvreur et théoricien de l’Art Brut, a mené ses premières recherches en Suisse à partir de 1945. Le peintre français s’est immédiatement passionné pour ces créations marginales dans lesquelles il reconnaissait “l’opération artistique toute pure, brute, réinventée dans l’entier de toutes les phases par son auteur, à partir seulement de ses propres impulsions”. Dubuffet est à l’origine de ce musée puisque c’est grâce à son importante donation d’oeuvres à la Ville de Lausanne, en 1971, que la Collection de l’Art Brut a pu voir le jour. La Collection de l’Art Brut, qui compte à ce jour près de 35'000 pièces, est visitée par un public croissant. Près de 40'000 visiteurs en provenance d’Europe, des Etats-Unis et du Japon viennent chaque année y découvrir des oeuvres originales et subversives. Parallèlement à la collection permanente, elle met sur pied plusieurs expositions temporaires consacrées à des thèmes (la Foule ou l’Ecriture) et à des créateurs (Aloïse, Walla, Wölfli). La Collection de l’Art Brut organise également des concerts et des spectacles de théâtre ou de danse, ainsi que de nombreuses animations destinées au jeune public.

Established in 1976, the Art Brut Collection is located in the Château de Beaulieu in Lausanne. It presents the works of self-taught creative artists who, for various reasons, have escaped cultural conditioning and social conformism. People at society's edge determined to rebel or impermeable to the collective norms and values, the artists of Art Brut include prisoners, people living in psychiatric hospitals, eccentrics, loners and the condemned. They work in seclusion, secrecy and silence, without worrying about either public criticism or the views of others. Their works, free of the influences of the artistic tradition, involve the application of unusual methods of representation, made of any and all material. Indeed, the artists conceive their own technique using often unheard of methods and material. Jean Dubuffet, discoverer and theoretician of Art Brut, began his first forays in the field in Switzerland starting in 1945. The French painter felt an immediate passion for these creations on the edge in which he recognizes "the completely pure, raw, artistic process, completely reinvented in all of its phases by the artist, using only his or her own impulses." Dubuffet helped spark this museum through his significant donation of works to the City of Lausanne in 1971, which allowed the Art Brut Collection to open its doors. The Art Brut Collection, comprising currently some 35,000 pieces, is visited by a growing public. More than 40,000 visitors, coming from Europe, the United States and Japan, come every year to discover these original and subversive works. Concurrent to the permanent collection, it presents many temporary exhibitions dedicated to specific themes (the Crowd or Writing) and artists (Aloïse, Walla, Wölfli). The Art Brut Collection also organizes concerts as well as theatre and dance performances in addition to numerous child-oriented activities.

Aloïse Dans le manteau de Lüther l’herbe fleurie, après 1959 crayon de couleur sur papier 120 x 74 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Coll. de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

August Walla Vater unser, s.d. mine de plomb et crayon de couleur sur papier 40 x 30 cm Photo : Pierre Battistolo. Coll. de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.




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Adolf Wölfli La sainte trinité dans la ville géante de Chant-Saint-Adolf, 1922 crayon de couleur sur papier 51 x 51 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Henry Darger sans titre, entre 1930 et 1972 décalque et aquarelle sur papier 61,7 x 94,5 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.


Helga Goetze Mensch werde wesentlich, s.d. broderie 88 x 86 cm Photo: Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.




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Joseph Giavarini Vengo-sulla-tribuna-presto, entre 1928 et 1934 technique mixte haut.: 158 cm Photo : Arnaud Conne. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne. Augustin Lesage Les grands oeuvres ne s’élaborent que dans le recueillement et le silence, entre 1923 et 1925 huile sur toile 192 x 133 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Yuji Tsuji Ma ville vue par le coeur, 2005 stylo sur papier 41,2 x 59,7 cm

Photo : Nobuo Onishi. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Paul Amar La femme animale, 2002 coquillages peints 75 x 35 x 44 cm

Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.




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Carlo sans titre, 1964 gouache sur papier 70 x 50 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne. Takashi Shuji Grue, s.d. pastel sur carton 54 x 37,6 cm Photo : Nobuo Onishi. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne. Shinichi Sawada sans titre, entre 2005 et 2006 terre et émail 21 x 29,5 x 9,8 cm Photo : Nobuo Onishi. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Die 1976 eröffnete Collection de l’Art Brut befindet sich im Château Beaulieu in Lausanne. Sie zeigt Werke autodidaktischer Künstler, die aus den verschiedensten Gründen der kulturellen Konditionierung und dem sozialen Konformismus entkommen sind. Die Art Brut-Künstler sind ausgeschlossene Außenseiter mit einer rebellischen Haltung oder Personen, die unempfänglich für gemeinschaftliche Normen und Werte sind. Zu ihnen gehören Häftlinge, Patienten psychiatrischer Kliniken, Eigenbrötler, Einzelgänger und Ausgestoßene. Sie arbeiten abgeschieden, insgeheim und still, ohne sich um die Kritik des Publikums oder den Blick anderer zu sorgen. Ihre vom Einfluss der künstlerischen Tradition unbehelligten Werke wenden einzigartige bildliche Darstellungen an, die aus allen möglichen Bestandteilen erschaffen werden. Die Schöpfer entwerfen tatsächlich ihre eigene Technik mit häufig vollkommen neuen Mitteln und Materialien. Der Entdecker und Theoretiker der Art Brut, Jean Dubuffet, begann seine ersten Forschungen in der Schweiz im Jahr 1945. Der französische Maler begeisterte sich sofort für diese Schöpfungen von Randgruppen, in denen er „den reinen, rohen, im Ganzen in all seinen Phasen von seinem Erschaffer und nur aufgrund seiner eigenen Impulse neu erfundenen künstlerischen Vorgang“ erkannte. Die Entstehung dieses Museums ist auf Dubuffet zurückzuführen, da die Collection de l’Art Brut dank seiner großen Schenkung von Kunstwerken an die Stadt Lausanne im Jahr 1971 entstehen konnte. Die Collection de l’Art Brut, die bis heute fast 35.000 Werke zählt, verzeichnet eine wachsende Zahl von Besuchern. Fast 40.000 Besucher aus Europa, den USA und Japan kommen jedes Jahr, um dort originelle und subversive Werke zu entdecken. Parallel zur ständigen Ausstellung organisiert sie mehrere zeitlich begrenzte Ausstellungen, die themenbezogen (La Foule oder L’Écriture) oder Künstlern gewidmet sind (Aloïse, Walla, Wölfli). Die Collection de l’Art Brut organisiert auch Konzerte und Theater- oder Tanzvorstellungen, sowie zahlreiche Veranstaltungen für junge Besucher.

LA COLLECTION DE L’ART BRUT, LAUSANNE Inaugurata nel 1976, la Collezione dell’Art Brut ha sede nel Castello di Beaulieu a Losanna e presenta opere di artisti autodidatti che, per varie ragioni, sono sfuggiti al condizionamento culturale e al conformismo sociale. Emarginati trincerati dietro maschere da ribelli o refrattari a norme e valori collettivi, gli autori dell’Art Brut comprendono detenuti, pazienti di ospedali psichiatrici, individui originali, solitari e reietti. Lavorano in solitudine, segreto e silenzio, senza preoccuparsi né delle critiche del pubblico né degli sguardi altrui. Le loro opere esulano dalle influenze della tradizione artistica e applicano modalità di rappresentazione singolari, create di sana pianta. Gli autori infatti elaborano la propria tecnica a partire da mezzi e materiali spesso inediti. Jean Dubuffet, scopritore e teorico dell’Art Brut, conduce le sue prime ricerche in Svizzera, a partire dal 1945. Il pittore francese si appassiona immediatamente a queste creazioni marginali nelle quali riconosce «l’operazione artistica allo stato puro, grezzo, interamente reinventata dall’autore in ogni sua fase, partendo soltanto dai propri impulsi». Dubuffet si colloca all’origine del museo perché è grazie alla sua importante donazione di opere a favore della città di Losanna, nel 1971, che la Collezione dell’Art Brut ha potuto vedere la luce. La Collezione dell’Art Brut, che ad oggi conta circa 35.000 pezzi, attira un pubblico sempre crescente. Quasi 40.000 visitatori provenienti da tutta Europa, dagli Stati uniti e dal Giappone vi

giungono ogni anno per scoprire le sue opere originali e sovversive. Accanto alla collezione permanente sono allestite diverse mostre temporanee dedicate a particolari tematiche (la Folla o la Scrittura) o autori (Aloïse, Walla, Wölfli). Il museo dell’Art Brut organizza inoltre concerti e spettacoli di teatro o danza, così come numerose attività destinate al pubblico più giovane.

LA COLLECTION DE L’ART BRUT, LAUSANNE Inaugurada en 1976, la Colección del Arte Bruto se encuentra alojada en el castillo de Beaulieu, en Lausana. Esta colección presenta obras de creadores autodidactas que, por diversas razones, huyeron del condicionamiento cultural y del conformismo social. Marginados atrincherados en una posición rebelde o impermeables a las normas y valores colectivos, los autores de Arte Bruto son personas que han sido detenidas, huéspedes de hospitales psiquiátricos, personas solitarias, gente original y apartada. Trabajan en soledad, en secreto y en silencio, sin preocuparse de las críticas del público ni de la visión ajena. Sus obras, inmunes a las influencias de la tradición artística, aplican singulares modos figurativos creados con todo tipo de piezas. Los autores, en efecto, conciben su propia técnica empleando medios y materiales a menudo inéditos. Jean Dubuffet, descubridor y teórico del Arte Bruto, realizó sus primeras investigaciones en Suiza a partir de 1945. Este pintor francés mostró muy pronto un gran entusiasmo por las creaciones marginales en las que reconocía “el acto artístico bruto, en estado puro, reinventado por el autor en todas sus fases, exclusivamente a partir de sus propios impulsos”. Dubuffet es el responsable de la existencia misma del museo, ya que la colección del Arte Bruto vio la luz gracias a la importante donación de obras que realizó a la ciudad de Lausana en 1971. Un creciente número de personas visita la colección del Arte Bruto, que cuenta en la actualidad con cerca de 35.000 obras. Unos 40.000 visitantes provenientes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Japón acuden a ella cada año para descubrir obras originales y subversivas. Paralelamente a esta colección permanente, se realizan varias exposiciones temporales dedicadas a ciertos temas (la multitud, la escritura) y escritores (Aloïse, Walla o Wölfli). La colección organiza asimismo conciertos y espectáculos de teatro o danza, así como numerosos eventos dirigidos al público juvenil.





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Коллекция Спонтанного Искусства, расположенная в замке Болье в Лозанне, существует с 1976 года. На ней представлены произведения самоучек, которые по разным причинам избежали культурного воздействия и социального конформизма. Авторы спонтанного искусства – люди вне общества, поставленные в положение невосприимчивости к коллективным нормам и ценностям. Среди них есть заключенные, пациенты психиатрических лечебниц, чудаки, одиночки и изгои. Они работают в одиночестве, тишине и скрытности, не заботясь ни об общественной критике, ни о мнении других. Их произведения, созданные из разных предметов, не знают влияния художественной традиции и прибегает к особым способам наглядного изображения. В самом деле, авторы создают свою собственную технику из совершенно новых средств и материалов. Жан Дюбюфе, первооткрыватель и теоретик спонтанного искусства, проводил свои первые исследования в Швейцарии с 1945 года. Французский художник сразу же увлекся этими маргинальными произведениями, в которых он находил «абсолютно чистую художественную манеру, спонтанную, заново изобретенную во всей целостности, со всеми фазами автором, исходящим только из собственных импульсов». Дюбюфе стоит у истоков этого музея, ведь это благодаря его крупному пожертвованию произведений городу Лозанее в 1971 году Коллекция Спонтанного искусства смогла увидеть свет. Количество посетителей Коллекции Спонтанного искусства, насчитывающей сегодня около 35 000 единиц, постоянно растет. Каждый год около 40 тысяч посетителей из Европы, Соединенных Штатов и Японии приезжают, чтобы открыть для себя эти оригинальные и непривычные произведения. Одновременно с постоянной выставкой устраиваются временные экспозиции, посвященные определенной теме (Толпа или Письменность) и создателям (Алоиз, Валла, Вельфи). Коллекция Спонтанного искусства также организует концерты и театральные или танцевальные спектакли, а также многочисленные анимации, адресованные юной публике.


Marguerite Sirvins sans titre, entre 1944 et 1957 dentelle exécutée à l’aiguille haut. : 95 cm Photo : Henri Germond. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Judith Scott sans titre, ca 1998 assemblage de fil et de matériaux divers 94 x 73,7 x 83,8 cm Photo : Leon Borensztein. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.

Madge Gill Union Jack, s.d. encre de Chine sur calicot 79 x 178 cm Photo : Claude Bornand. Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.




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Dr. Juri Steiner Directeur / Director



ZENTRUM PAUL KLEE Le Zentrum Paul Klee est entièrement dédié à la personne, la vie et l’?uvre de Paul Klee (1879–1940). Ce musicien, pédagogue et poète compte parmi les artistes les plus importants du XXe siècle. Parmi les 10'000 créations que compte son oeuvre, 40 % a pu être rassemblé : soit 4'000 tableaux, aquarelles et dessins ainsi que du matériel d’archives et des documents biographiques. Les fonds du Centre sont considérés comme la plus grande collection monographique au monde d’un artiste de renommée mondiale. Pour ce Centre entièrement voué à Paul Klee, Renzo Piano, architecte italien de renommée internationale et lauréat de plusieurs prix, a conçu un musée non conventionnel. Après une étude très approfondie de ce projet de construction complexe et du terrain à la périphérie est de la ville de Berne, Renzo Piano a opté pour la création d’un vaste îlot de verdure dont le bâtiment formé de trois collines est pensé comme une articulation à la topographie naturelle du site. Ce qu’il est désormais coutume d’appeler la sculpture paysagère deviendra une destination culturelle à part entière. Le programme du Centre basé sur l’interdisciplinarité est réparti sur les trois collines d’acier et de verre. Dans cette perspective, le Musée se compose de très belles salles d’exposition, d’une salle de concert et de manifestations culturelles équipée d’une infrastructure de pointe destinée aux programmes du Centre et aux ensembles invités. ll occupe aussi un musée des enfants que l’on peut visiter dès l’âge de 4 ans et accéder ainsi à l’art par l’intermédiaire d’activités créatives. De plus, il y a une artère de passage multifonctionnelle équipée de nombreux postes de communication, de salles plénières dotées d’une infrastructure ultra moderne et de salles de séminaire pour les congrès nationaux et internationaux. Arts plastiques, musique, théâtre, danse, littérature, sciences de l’art et médiation de l’art ne se contentent pas de se côtoyer. Elles peuvent – au grand bonheur du public – générer en interaction des formes d’expression sans cesse renouvelées.

ZENTRUM PAUL KLEE At the heart of the “Zentrum Paul Klee” is life and work of the artist (1879–1940. Today Paul Klee, who was also a musician, teacher and poet, ranks as one of the 20th century’s most significant artists. Of the 10,000 or so works that make up Paul Klee’s oeuvre, a good 40 per cent, that is to say around 4,000 paintings, watercolours and drawings as well as archives and biographical material, has been brought together at the “Zentrum Paul Klee”. The Centre’s collections are considered as the largest collection of a single artist of world renown. For this centre of excellence on all matters relating to Paul Klee a traditional museum is not what the

renowned, award-winning Italian architect Renzo Piano had in mind. Renzo Piano's in-depth involvement with the complex project commission and the terrain on the eastern outskirts of Bern gave him the idea of creating a spacious island of green from which the architecture would emerge in the form of three undulating waves. In its entirety the Landscape Sculpture created as a result, a cultural destination. The three hills of steel and glass are divided up into a programmatic structure characterised by an interdisciplinary approach. Indeed, besides generous exhibition space, the premises also include a state-of-the-art music and performance venue for the Centre’s own programs and for guest ensembles, a children’s museum for anyone aged 4 and over keen to gain access to art through their own creative output, a multifunctional promenade with a multitude of communication installations, and plenary halls and seminar rooms with the very latest infrastructure for staging national and international conventions. The fine arts, music, theatre, dance, literature, art science and art mediation therefore not merely co-exist side by side; they give rise to new forms of expression through a form of artistic cross-pollination – for the sole benefit of the public’s enjoyment.

Paul Klee in his workshop in Berne Paul Klee, dieser Stern lehrt beugen, 1940, 344 Paul Klee, Insula dulcamara, 1938, 481




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ZENTRUM PAUL KLEE Im Mittelpunkt des Zentrum Paul Klee stehen Person, Leben und Werk des Künstlers (1879– 1940). Der auch als Musiker, Pädagoge und Dichter wirkende Klee zählt heute zu den bedeutendsten Künstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Von Paul Klees fast 10'000 Werke umfassenden Gesamtoeuvre konnten gut 40 Prozent, das heisst rund 4'000 Gemälde, Aquarelle und Zeichnungen sowie Archivalien und biografische Materialien zusammengeführt werden. Die Bestände des Zentrums gelten als die grösste Sammlung eines einzigen Künstlers von Weltformat. Für dieses Paul Klee gewidmete Zentrum hat der renommierte und mehrfach preisgekrönte italienische Architekt Renzo Piano kein traditionelles Museum gebaut. Die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem komplexen Projektauftrag und dem Gelände am Ostrand der Stadt Bern führten ihn zur Idee, eine grosszügige grüne Insel zu schaffen, aus der sich die Architektur als Terrainartikulation in Form dreier Wellen erhebt. Die so entstandene Landschaftsskulptur wird in ihrer Gesamtheit zur Kulturdestination. Die drei Hügel aus Stahl und Glas teilen sich in das Programm, das sich durch seinen interdisziplinären Ansatz auszeichnet. Zu diesem Zweck stehen nebst grosszügigen Ausstellungsräumlichkeiten auch ein best ausgerüsteter Musik- und Veranstaltungssaal für eigene Programme und Gastensembles zur Verfügung, ein Kindermuseum für Menschen ab 4 Jahren, die den Zugang zur Kunst über das eigene kreative Wirken suchen, eine multifunktionale Flaniermeile mit zahlreichen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten sowie mit modernster Infrastruktur ausgerüstete Plenarsäle und Seminarräume für nationale und internationale Kongresse. Bildende Kunst, Musik, Theater, Tanz, Literatur, Kunstwissenschaft und Kunstvermittlung existieren somit nicht nur nebeneinander, sondern sollen – zum Genuss des Publikums – in der gegenseitigen Auseinandersetzung immer neue Ausdrucksformen finden.

Theatre performance at the Zentrum Paul Klee

Zentrum Paul Klee Zentrum Paul Klee Modern dance at the Zentrum Paul Klee The Paul Klee Ensemble in the auditorium of the Zentrum Paul Klee





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Il Zentrum Paul Klee è interamente dedicato alla persona, alla vita e alle opere di Paul Klee (1879–1940). Il pittore, che fu anche musicista, pedagogo e poeta, si annovera tra gli artisti più rinomati del XX secolo. Dell’opera completa di Paul Klee, che conta quasi 10.000 creazioni, è stato raccolto il 40 per cento, di cui fanno parte 4.000 dipinti, acquerelli e disegni, nonché materiale d’archivio e documenti biografici. I pezzi custoditi dal Centro rappresentano la più grande collezione monografica esistente delle opere di questo artista di fama mondiale. Per il Centro Paul Klee, l’architetto di fama internazionale Renzo Piano, vincitore di numerosi premi, ha ideato un museo anticonvenzionale. Dopo aver esaminato in profondità la complessità del progetto di costruzione e il terreno alla periferia della città di Berna, Piano ha optato per la creazione di un ampio isolotto di vegetazione da cui emerge l’edificio, formato da tre colline che si inseriscono in maniera articolata nella topografia naturale del sito. Una scultura paesaggistica, come abitualmente la si definisce, che diventerà una meta culturale a pieno titolo. Il programma del Centro si fonda sull’interdisciplinarietà e si svolge all’interno delle tre colline di vetro e acciaio. In questa prospettiva, il Museo si compone di tre belle sale espositive, cui si aggiungono una sala per concerti e manifestazioni culturali con infrastruttura all’avanguardia destinata ai programmi del Centro e agli ensemble ospiti del Museo, un museo dedicato ai bambini dai 4 anni in su dove ciascuno di loro può accostarsi all’arte attraverso le attività creative, un’ arteria di passaggio multifunzionale dotata di numerose postazioni comunicative e infine sale plenarie con infrastrutture ultramoderne e sale conferenze per i congressi nazionali e internazionali. Arti plastiche, musica, teatro, danza, letteratura, scienze dell’arte e mediazione artistica, dunque, non solo vivranno fianco a fianco, ma – per la gioia del pubblico – potranno interattivamente generare forme d’espressione in costante evoluzione.

años de edad y en el que todo el mundo puede tener acceso al arte por medio de actividades creativas, además de con una arteria de paso multifuncional equipada con numerosos puestos de comunicación, salas plenarias dotadas de una infraestructura ultramoderna y salas de seminarios para congresos nacionales e internacionales. Artes plásticas, música, teatro, danza, literatura, ciencias del arte y mediación del arte no irán únicamente juntas sino que podrán interactuar para generar para gozo del público- formas de expresión en constante renovación.

Paul Klee, Vorhaben, 1938, 125

Paul Klee, Zerstörtes Labyrinth, 1939, 346 Paul Klee, Uebermut, 1939, 1251

ZENTRUM PAUL KLEE El Zentrum Paul Klee está dedicado íntegramente a la persona, la vida y la obra de Paul Klee (18791940). Este músico, pedagogo y poeta es uno de los artistas más importantes del siglo XX. De las casi 10.000 creaciones que forman parte de la obra de Paul Klee se ha podido reunir el 40%, es decir, 4.000 cuadros, acuarelas y dibujos así como material de archivo y documentos biográficos. Los fondos del centro están considerados como la mayor colección monográfica del mundo de un artista de prestigio internacional. Renzo Piano, arquitecto italiano mundialmente célebre y ganador de varios premios, ha creado un museo poco convencional para este centro totalmente dedicado a Paul Klee. Tras un profundo estudio de este proyecto de construcción compleja, así como del terreno que lo circunda y de la ciudad de Berna, Renzo Piano ha optado por la creación de un islote de verdor en el que el edificio, formado por tres colinas, está pensado como una articulación de la topografía natural del lugar. Lo que se ha dado en llamar escultura paisajística se convertirá en un destino totalmente cultural. El programa del centro, basado en la interdisciplinariedad, se reparte por las tres colinas de acero y cristal. Desde esta perspectiva, el museo se compone de tres preciosas salas de exposición y de una sala de conciertos y exposiciones culturales equipada con una infraestructura muy avanzada destinada a los programas del centro y a los grupos invitados al museo. El centro cuenta asimismo con un museo infantil para todo aquel que ya haya cumplido los 4




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Центр Пауля Клее целиком посвящен личности, жизни и творчеству Пауля Клее (1879 – 1940). Этот человек, бывший также музыкантом, педагогом и поэтом, является одним из самых значительных художников XX века. Из 10 000 работ, составляющих творчество Пауля Клее, 40 процентов, то есть 4 000 картин, акварелей и рисунков, а также архивных материалов и биографических документов, собраны в Центре. Его фонды считаются самой большой монографической коллекцией в мире, принадлежащей художнику с мировым реноме. Ренцо Пьяно, итальянский архитектор с международным признанием и лауреат многочисленных премий, разработал для Центра Пауля Клее не знающий равных музей. После углубленного изучения проекта со сложными строениями на площадке, находящейся неподалеку от города Берна, Ренцо Пьяно высказался за создание большого островка из зелени. Три холма, составляющих здание Центра, задуманы как часть естественной топографии местности. То, что с этих пор будет принято называть пейзажной скульптурой, станет полноправным достижением культуры. Программа Центра основана на междисциплинарном подходе. Она разделена по трем корпусам в виде холмов из стекла и стали. С этой точки зрения Музей состоит из трех великолепных выставочных залов, а также из зала для концертов и культурных событий, оснащенного самой современной инфраструктурой, предназначенной для программ Центра и для ансамблей, приглашаемых Музеем. Здесь же находится детский музей, открытый для всех, начиная с 4 лет. В нем каждый может попробовать свои силы в творчестве. Здесь есть и многофункциональный переход, оснащенный многочисленными пунктами связи, а также пленарные залы, оснащенные ультрасовременной инфраструктурой, и залы для семинаров, в которых проводятся национальные и международные конгрессы. Пластическое искусство, музыка, театр, танец, литература, науки об искусстве и медиация не только соседствуют бок о бок, но и к великой радости публики могут порождать взаимодействие различных форм выразительности, обновляемых постоянно.

Paul Klee, Paukenspieler, 1940, 270 Zentrum Paul Klee





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Paul Klee, Puppen theater, 1923, 21 Paul Klee, Monument im Fruchtland, 1929, 41 Paul Klee, das licht und die Sch채rfen, 1935, 102




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AVIS AUX ARTISTES, GALERIES ET FOIRES NATIONALES ET INTERNATIONALES. NOTICE TO ARTISTS, GALLERIES, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS Byblos est un magazine dédié exclusivement à l’art et spécialement à l’art contemporain. Il se veut une tribune internationale et, à travers ses 8 langues, aime atteindre l’amateur d’art dans sa langue maternelle. La rédaction est ouverte à toute suggestion. A priori, aucun artiste, galeriste, thème ou idée ne seront exclus. Le lecteur sera le seul juge. Byblos privilégie cependant l’élan artistique engagé au service de la paix. Des thèmes appropriés sont proposés deux ans à l’avance. Pour les intéressés, il y a un “vernissage Byblo” collectif. Nous espérons que galeries et foires, nationales et internationales feront la même chose. S’il est vrai que la grandeur d’un artiste ne se mesure pas au sujet de son inspiration, son élan créateur ne sera pas amoindri s’il est mis au service du monde qui l’entoure. Plutôt que d’exprimer des pulsions névrotiques, qui puissent trouver écho dans l’esprit d’une multitude de contemporains, acteurs de ce monde, il sera plus valorisant de participer à la création d’un lendemain lumineux. Thèmes pour 2009 : L’art, sauvera-t-il le monde & La soif dans le monde. Thèmes pour 2010 : La faim dans le monde & Dialogue ou confrontation des civilisations. ?

Byblos aims to be a magazine exclusively dedicated to art and especially contemporary art. It aims to be an international voice through its 8 languages, directly reaching art lovers in their native language. The editor is open to any form of suggestion and proposition. A priori, no artist, gallery, theme or idea will be excluded. The reader will be the sole judge. Nevertheless, Byblos will give priority to the artistic spirit dedicated to the service of peace. Appropriate themes are submitted two years in advance. For those who so desire, there will be general Byblos grand opening. We hope that galleries and exhibits, national and international, will do the same. Indeed, if it is true that the greatness of artists is not measured by the subject of their inspiration, it is still better to serve the world than to express neurotic impulses, even if this expression finds an echo in the souls of many of their contemporaries, although the latter may be the players of this world. Themes for 2009 Art – will it save the world? & Thirst in the world. Themes for 2010 Hunger in the world & Dialogue or the confrontation of civilizations

Byblos möchte ein Magazin sein, das sich ausschließlich der Kunst und insbesondere der zeitgenössischen Kunst widmet. Es möchte durch seine 8 Sprachen ein internationales Forum sein, das den Kunstliebhaber direkt in seiner Sprache erreicht. Die Redaktion ist für jede Art Anregung oder Vorschlag offen. Grundsätzlich sind kein Künstler, kein Galerist sowie kein Thema und keine Idee ausgeschlossen. Der Leser allein entscheidet darüber. Künstlerischer Einsatz im Dienste des Friedens wird von Byblos jedoch bevorzugt behandelt. Geeignete Themen werden zwei Jahre im Voraus vorgeschlagen. Für diejenigen, die es wünschen, würde es eine gemeinsame “Byblos Vernissage” geben.

Wir hoffen, dass nationale und internationale Galerien und Messen es genauso machen. Wenn es wirklich stimmt, dass die Größe eines Künstlers nicht am Thema seiner Inspiration zu messen ist, wäre es dennoch besser, seiner Welt zu dienen, als seine neurotischen Regungen auszudrücken, auch wenn dieser Ausdruck bei vielen der Zeitgenossen großen Anklang findet, die selber aktiv zu dieser Welt beigetragen haben. Themen für 2009 Wird die Kunst die Welt retten? & Der Durst in der Welt. Themen für 2010 Der Hunger in der Welt & Dialog oder Konfrontation der Kulturen.

Byblos è una rivista esclusivamente dedicata all’arte e in particolare all’arte contemporanea. Attraverso le sue 8 lingue rappresenta una tribuna internazionale, che si rivolge all’appassionato d’arte direttamente nella sua lingua madre. La redazione è pronta ad accogliere qualsiasi genere di suggerimento e di proposta. Nessun artista, nessun gallerista e nessuna tematica o idea verranno esclusi a priori. Il lettore sarà l’unico a giudicare. Tuttavia Byblos darà preferenza al fervore artistico impegnato al servizio della pace. I temi più adatti vengono proposti due anni prima della pubblicazione. Per chi lo desideri, ci sarà inoltre un “vernissage Byblos” collettivo. Confidiamo che gallerie e fiere d’arte, nazionali e internazionali, facciano lo stesso. È vero, infatti, che la grandezza di un artista non si misura in base all’oggetto della sua ispirazione, ma è comunque meglio mettersi al servizio del mondo piuttosto che esprimere le proprie pulsioni nevrotiche e anziché fare eco con tale forma di espressione allo spirito di una moltitudine di artisti contemporanei, fossero anche gli attori protagonisti di questo mondo. Temi per il 2009 L’arte: salverà il mondo? & La sete nel mondo. Tei per il 2010 La fame nel mondo & Dialogo o confronto tra civiltà.

Byblos pretende ser una revista dedicada exclusivamente al arte y especialmente al arte contemporáneo. Su propósito es ofrecer una visión internacional a través de las ocho lenguas en las que se presenta, llegando directamente al aficionado al arte en su lengua materna. La redacción está abierta a todo tipo de sugerencias y propuestas, no se excluirá a priori a ningún artista ni galerista, no se rechazará ningún tema o idea. Los lectores serán los únicos que nos juzguen. No obstante, Byblos dará preferencia al impulso artístico comprometido con la paz. Se proponen temas apropiados con dos años de antelación. Habrá, para quienes lo deseen, una “inauguración Byblos” colectiva. Nos gustaría que galerías y ferias, tanto nacionales como internacionales, hicieran lo propio. Si se da por cierto que la grandeza de un artista no se mide a través del motivo de su inspiración, sería preferible en todo caso mostrar su mundo interior que expresar sus pulsiones neuróticas, aunque esta expresión se vea reflejada en el espíritu de una gran multitud de sus contemporáneos, siendo estos últimos los actores de este mundo. Temas para 2009 ¿Salvará el arte al mundo? & La sed en el mundo. Temas para 2010 El hambre en el mundo & Diálogo o confrontación de civilizaciones.

Библос считает себя журналом, целиком посвященным искусству, в особенности современному. Он хотел бы стать международной трибуной на восьми языках, доступной любителю искусства на его родном языке. Его редакция открыта для любых идей и предложений всех видов. Априори, ни один художник, ни один владелец картинной галереи, ни одна идея или тема не останутся без внимания. Только читатель будет судить о них. Тем не менее Библос отдаст предпочтение художественным движениям, направленным на сохранение мира. Соответствующие темы предложены уже на 2 года вперед. Для всех желающих состоится коллективный «вернисаж Библоса». Мы надеемся, что национальные и международные галереи и ярмарки последуют нашему примеру. В самом деле, если верно, что величие художника не зависит от вдохновляющих его сюжетов, то лучше уж служить нашему миру, чем выражать свои невротические фантазии, даже если такое выражение и находит отклик у большинства современников, кстати, также живущих в нашем мире. Темы 2009 года: 1. Спасет ли искусство мир? 2. Жажда в мире. Темы 2010 года: 1. Голод в мире 2. Цивилизации: диалог или конфронтация?




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ZURICH, Mitterrand + Sanz Tel: +41 43 817 68 70 Fax: +41 43 817 68 71




NATIONAL MUSEUMS NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES & ART FAIRS NATIONAL MUSEUMS BASEL Historisches Museum Steinenberg 4 Tel: +41 61 205 86 00 Kunst Raum Riehen Baselstrasse 71 CH-4125 Riehen Tel. +41 61 641 20 29 BERN, Zentrum Paul Klee Monument im Fruchtland 3 031 359 01 01, DAVOS, Kirchner Museum Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Platz, Tel: 0041 81 410 63 00 FRIBOURG, Fri Art, Centre d’art de Fribourg Kunsthalle Freiburg Petites-Rames 22 Tel: +41 26 323 23 51 art contemporain GENEVE Ariana Avenue de la Paix 10 T el. +41 (0)22 418 54 50 GENEVE Centre d’Art Contemporain rue des Vieux-Grenadiers, 10 Tel. +41 22 329 18 42 Art Contemporain Musée d’art et d’histoire Rue Charles-Galland 2 Tel. +41 22 418 26 00 Rath Place Neuve Tel. +41 22 418 33 40 LAUSANNE, Collection de l’Art Brut Av. des Bergières 11 Tel : +41 21 315 2584

MUDAC Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains Pl. Cathédrale 6 tel. +41 21 315 25 30 www.mudac.chCantonal des Beaux-Arts Palais de Rumine Place Riponne 6 Tel: +41 21 316 34 45 ROMONT VITROMUSEE ROMONT Au Château Tel. 026 652 10 85. Collections de vitraux du Moyen Age à nos jours, d’outils de peintre-verrier et de peintures sous verre. SION, MUSÉE D’ART Place de la Majorie Parking La Cible 027 606 46 70 Art lié au Valais en particulier et à la montagne en général, du 18e siècle à nos jours. ZURICH Graphische Sammlung der ETH Rämistrasse 101 Tel : 044 632 40 46 Old masters and contemporary art are displayed in five exhibitions per year. Kunsthaus Zürich Heimplatz 1 Tel. +41 44 253 84 84 Giacometti, sculptures et tableaux du moyen âge, peintures du baroque néerlandais et italien, peinture suisse des 19ème et 20ème siècles, ( Johann Heinrich Füssli et de Ferdinand Hodle, Richard Paul Lohse, artiste du mouvement de l’art concret, et les artistes suisses contemporains Pipilotti Rist et Peter Fischli / David Weis). Edvard Munch, Picasso, Kokoschka, Beckmann et Corinth, Claude Monet, Rothko, Merz, Twombly, Beuys, Bacon et Baselitz.

Museum of Design Museum für Gestaltung Zürich Ausstellungsstrasse 60 Tel: +41 (0)43 446 67 67 Online Collections: Exhibitions on design, visual communication, architecture and new media / Poster Collection, Design Collection, Applied Art Collection, Graphics Collection Museum Bellerive Höschgasse 3 Tel. +41 (0)43 446 44 69 Ein Haus des Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

SWISS GALLERIES BASEL, BEYELER Tel. 0041 61 206 97 00 BASEL, Gisèle Linder Tel. 061 272 83 77 BASEL, Karin Sutter Tel. +41 61 271 88 51 BERN, Bischoff & Partner Tel: +41 (0) 31 312 06 66 Fax:+41 (0) 31 312 06 66 GENEVA, Bel-Air fine Art Tél : +41 22 310 16 67 m GENEVA, BFAS Blondeau Tel. +41 22 544 9595 GENEVA, Daniel Besseiche Tel: +41 22 310 65 41

GENEVA, Blancpain Art Cotemporain 63 rue des Maraîchers, 1205 Genève Tel : +41 22 328 38 02 GENEVA, Boyer-Labarre Galerie Tel : +41 22 311 75 76 GENEVA, Interart SA Tel: +41 22 312 24 60 GENEVA, LedaFletcher 4 rue du Pont Neuf, Carouge CH- 1227 Geneve T/F : +41 22-342 48 88 Art chinois contemporain GENEVA, Mitterrand + Cramer Fine Art Tel : 41 22 800 27 27 GENEVA, S K O P I A Tel +41 22 321 61 61 LAUSANNE, Lucy Mackintosh Tel : +41 (0)21 601 88 88 LAUSANNE, Viceversa Tel : +41/21 323 96 34 MONTREUX, Galerie du marché prestige Tel. +41 2 1963 05 17 MORGES, ESPACIO Tel/Fax 0041 21 803 59 23 NEUCHATEL, Arts-Anciens Pierre-Yves Gabus Tel : +41 32 835 17 76 VEVEY, CLEMENT Tel: +41 21 922 26 22 Art Aborigène Australien

Amsterdam BMB Tel: +31 20 622 99 63 Athens Gallery Bernier/Eliades Tel: +30 210 3413936-7 Athens kalfayan Tel: +30 210 7217679 www.kalfayangalleries.c om m Beijing, Art Seasons Tel: +86 10 6431 1900 Beijing, Contrasts Gallery Tel: +86 (8621) 6323 1989 Beirut, Agial Art Gallery Beirut Sfeir-Semler Tel +49 40 37 51 99 40 Berlin, Barbara Weiss Tel: (030) 262 42 84

Chicago, K N Gallery Tel: +1 312.640.5550 Dubai The Third Line Tel: +9714 341 1367 Frankfurt Aurika Hamburg, Vera Munro Tel: 0049 40 47 47 46 Helsinki Forsblom Tel:+358 9 680 3700

Madrid, Soledad Lorenzo

Miami, Diana Lowenstein

Köln Luis Campaña Tel:| +49 221 256712

Milano, Giò Marconi

Lisboa, Cristina Guerra Tel: +351 213 959 559 Lisboa, Filomena Soares London Bernard Jacobson Tel: 0207 734 3431 London Greengrassi Tel: +44 (0)20 7840 9101

London, Rossi + Rossi Tel: +44 (0)20 7734 6487

Berlin, Praz-Delavallade Tel: +49 (30) 247 818 38

London, Stock Tel: +44 207 729 9467

Bruxelles Greta Meert Tel : +32 2 219 37 21

Madrid, Gaudi Tel: + 34 91 702 03 36

Köln, Christian Nagel Tel. 0221-2570591

Berlin, Max Hetzler Tel+4930 229 24 37

Beverly Hills, Michael Tel: +1 310 273 3377

Madrid, Distrito Cu4tro Tel: +34 91 308 34 83

Mexico City Enrique Guerrero

London, Richard Green Tel: +44 (0) 20 7499 5553 jonathangreen@

Beverly Hills, Anderson Tel: +1 310.965.1387

Los Angeles Regen Projects Tel 310 276 5424

Innsbruck, Sailer Tel: +43 512 582 857

Berlin, Esther Schipper Tel: +49 (0)30 28390139

Berlin-Stockholm, Nordenhake Tel: +49 30 206 1483

London Victoria Miro Tel: +44 20 7336 8109 nowshowing London, White Cube Tel: +44 20 7930 5373 Los Angeles Couturier Tel: 323.933.5557 Los Angeles, Jonathan Novak Tel: 310.277.4997 Los Angeles Leslie Sacks Fine Art Tel: 310.820.9448

Milano, Tega Tel. +39 02 7600 6473 Milano, Zero Moscow Aidan Gallery Tel: +7 495 228 1158 Moscow XL Phone: + 7 495 7758373 Munchen, Susanne Albrecht www.galeriesusanne München, Renate Bender Tel.: 089 / 30 72 81 07 New Delhi, Espace Tel: +91 11 26922947 New York, David Zwirner Tel: +1 212 727 2070 New York, Henoch Tel: +1 917.305.0003 New York, J. Cacciola Tel: +1 212.462.4646 New York, L & M Arts Tel: +1 212-861-0020




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New York, Leonard Hutton Tel: (212) 751-7373 www.leonardhutton gallery@leonardhutton New York, Lio Malca TEL: +1 212 966 8854 New York, Luhring Augustine Tel: 1-212-206-9100 New York , Mary Boone info@ New York, Stock Tel: +1 212-219-7520 Oslo, Riis Tel. +47 22 94 40 40 Paris, Air de Paris Tel : +33 (1) 44 23 02 77 Paris, Baudoin Lebon tel : +33 Paris, Praz-Delavallade Tel: +33 (0)1 45 86 20 00 www.PrazDelavallade .com info@PrazDelavallade .com Paris, Emmanuel Perrotin Tel :+33 (1) 42 16 79 79 Paris, Lahumière +33 (1) 42 77 27 74 galerie.lahumiere@ Roma, De Nisi Roma, Il Ponte Contemporanea Tel : +39 06 68 80 13 51 Salzburg Weihergut Tel +43-662 87 91 19 San Francisco, ADLER Tel: 415.445.9900 San Francisco, Paul Thiebaud Tel: +1 415.434.1350 Santa Fe, Bellas Artes Tel: +1 505.983.2745


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São Paulo, Luisa Strina Tel: +55 11 . 3088.2471 www.galerialuisastrina. candeloro@ Seoul SUN Gallery Tel: +82 2 720 5789 m Stockholm Wetterling Tel: 46.8.101009 Tehran Silk Road Gallery Tel: +9821 2272 7010 Tel-Aviv Sommer Tokyo Shugoarts Toronto Corkin Tunis, El Marsa Tel : +216 71 74 05 72 Wien, Christine König Tel: +43 (1) 585 74 74 office@

Wien, Ulysses Tel +43-1-587 12 26 Wien, UNGART Tel +43-1-214 05 81 Wien, VIKTOR BUCHER Tel +43-1-212 69 30 Wien, WIDDER Tel +43-1-512 46 51 Wien, WOKA Tel +43-1-5132912

CONTEMPORARY ART FAIRS NATIONAL EXHIBITIONS Art Basel CH-4021 Basel Tel: +41 61 686 20 20 Art Basel Miami Beach Art International Zürich Tel. +41 76 332 24 36

Wien, FREY Tel +43-1-513 82 83

Design Miami/Basel Call +41 61 685 94 98

Wien, Georg Kargl T +43 1 585 41 99

EUROP’ART Tel. +41 22 761 11 11

Wien, Hubert Winter Tel +43-1-524 09 76 Wien, KRINZINGER Tel +43-1-513 30 06 Wien, Kro Art Wien, LEON WILNITSKY Tel +43-1-513 79 18 Wien, Mario Mauroner Tel +43-1-904 20 04 Wien, PLANK Tel + 43-1-523-22 29-0 Wien, Regina Stari Wien, Steinek Tel +43-512 87 59

Kunst Zurich Tel: +41 44 381 00 52 LISTE The Young Art Fair Tel: +41 61 692 20 21 MAG SCOPE Basel Tel. 001 212 268 1522 VOLTAshow c/o ULTRA BRAG Tel: +41 61 322 1270

INTERNATIONAL FAIRS Athen Biennale T: +30 210 5232.222 Barcelona, LOOP Video Art Tel.: +34 93 215 52 60

Barcelona , Swab Berlin Phaenomenale Science & Art Festival T + 49 (0) 53 61 – 67 4 22 Bologne, Arte Fiera Tel. +39.051.282111 www.artefiera. Brussels ART Tel. +32 (0)2 740 10 20 artbrussels Buenos Aires, arteBA Caracas Fia Feria Iberoamericana de Arte Tel : + 58-212-9930127 Chicago Art Dakar, Dak’Art Biennale de l’art africain contemporain Tel : +221 (33) 823 09 18 Dubai Art Düsseldorf Dc Contemporary Tel :+49 (40) 6690 6900 Firenze, Biennale Internazionale Tel. +39 055 3249173 http://www.florence Frankfurt Fine Art Fair Tel: +49 (0)69 7575 6664 Istanbul, Contemporary Art Fair Tel: +90 212 244 7171 (ext.144) www.contemporary info@contemporary Köln, Art.Fair Tel: +49 (221) 420 39 30 London Art +44 (20) 7259 9399 London Art Fair Tel: 020 7288 6482 London, british Art Fair +44 (0) 20 8742 1611

London, Olympia Fine Art & Antiques Tel. +44 20 7370 8234 / 8212

New York Scope, Art Fair Tel: +1 212.268.1522

Washington, artDC Tel :+1 (212) 246-6515

New York, PULSE

Wien, Viennafair Tel: +43 (0)1 72720 - 224

Lyon, Docks Art Fair Tel : (+33) 01 47 00 90 85

New York, The Art Show Tel: 212 488 5550

Madrid ARCO Tel : (+34) 91 722 30 00

Palm Beach America’s Tel : +1. 561. 209. 1300

Madrid, PhotoEspaña T. +34 91 360 13 20

Paris Photo Tel : + 33(1) 47 56 64 77

Manchester International Festival T +44 (0)161 238 7300

Paris Fiac Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 72 60 01

Melbourne Art Tel: 02 9331 7507 iaind@singlemarketevents. Miami , AIPAD Photography Show Tel : +1 202 367 1158 Miami Beach, arteaméricas Tel: 305-854-3050 Miami, PULSE contemporary art fair Cf. PULSE New York Milano fiera MiArt Tel : +39 0248550.484 Montréal en Art, FIMA Tel :+1 (514) 522-4646 Moscow Art T/F: +7 495 238 0953 238 4500 Moscow World Fine Art Fair Phone: +41 22 906 15 20/22/26 Fax: +41 22 906 15 88 sixtine.crutchfield@art München, Mutec München, Kunst-Messe International Tel.: ++49 (0)89 15 77 349 www.kunstmesse office@kunstmesse New York City, Aaf Contemporary Art Fair Tel: 212 255 2003

Paris, Show off, Prague Art Art Prague Centrum, s. r. o. Tel :+420 (602) 277210 ROME Contemporary Art Fair Tel. 39 011546284 Rotterdam BV Art T00 - 31 - 30 2410011 Salzburg Kunst Messe Tel.&.Fax: +43(0)766672 98 SANTA FE ART Tel: +1 505 988 8883 Santa Monica, Los Angeles Art Show T el : +1 310 822 9145 INFO@LAARTSHOW.COM Shangai Art Fair Tel: +86 21-628 335 04 Strasbourg, St’Art Tel: +33 (0)3 88 37 21 21 Sydney Art TOKYO ART FAIR Toronto International Art Fair Tel: +1 604 925 0330 Turin Artissima Tel: +39 011 197 441 06

Wien VIENNALE Tel +43 1 526 59 47




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MA PHILOSOPHIE CULINAIRE MY CULINARY PHILOSOPHY “Je trouve l’inspiration pour ma cuisine et mes nouvelles créations dans les produits de saison que je découvre sur les marchés, dans les champs et les jardins potagers du Sud, au cours de mes voyages en Ligurie, sur la Riviera italienne, à Nice et dans tout endroit ensoleillé aux parfums de Méditerranée…. J’aime les produits au goût intense et je considère comme nécessaire et logique de leur laisser leur véritable goût lorsque je les cuisine, à l’instar des poissons, tels que loup de mer de ligne ou Saint Pierre. Toutefois, j’ai également une certaine prédilection pour l’agneau, typique des pays méditerranéens. J’utilise exclusivement des produits de saison de premier choix provenant de mon réseau de fournisseurs et de petits producteurs proches de la nature. Je mise également sur l’huile d’olive de Ligurie, douce et élégante, ou de Sicile, plus fruitée, pour magnifier leurs saveurs. Quelques plats?..... Dorade basque à la plancha, cèpes farcis de jabugo…. Fleurs de courgette farcies, jus de coquillages au basilic et tomate…. Carré d’agneau frotté de thym, petits farcis de légumes confits… Ma cuisine repose essentiellement sur la qualité des produits et le respect que j’éprouve pour eux. Le rôle de l’artisan-cuisinier est de rendre encore meilleures les bonnes et belles choses de la nature. En substance, l’essentiel est de préserver autant que possible les saveurs naturelles d’origine!”

“L’ispirazione per la mia cucina e le mie nuove creazioni nasce dai prodotti di stagione che trovo nei mercati, nei campi e negli orti del Sud durante i miei viaggi in Liguria, lungo le coste italiane, a Nizza e in qualsiasi altra località soleggiata che profumi di Mediterraneo… amo i prodotti dal gusto intenso, come il pesce, ad esempio la spigola o il sampietro, e ritengo sia necessario e logico mantenerne il vero sapore mentre li cucino. Tuttavia, nutro anche una certa predilezione per l’agnello, tipico dei paesi mediterranei. Scelgo esclusivamente prodotti di stagione provenienti dalla mie rete di fornitori di prima categoria e da piccoli produttori vicini alla natura, e punto sull’olio d’oliva ligure, dolce ed elegante, o della Sicilia, più fruttato, per esaltarne i sapori. Qualche piatto?... Orata basca alla plancha, porcini farciti di prosciutto jabugo… Fiori di zucca ripieni, brodo di frutti di mare al pomodoro e basilico… Carré d’agnello al timo, verdure farcite… La mia cucina si basa essenzialmente sulla qualità dei prodotti e sul rispetto che nutro per essi. Il compito del cuoco-artigiano è quello di rendere ancora più appetitosi i frutti buoni e belli della natura. In sostanza, la cosa fondamentale per me è preservare per quanto possibile i sapori naturali e originali!”

“I find the inspiration for my cooking and new creations in the seasonal products that I discover in the markets, fields and kitchen gardens of the South, during trips to Liguria, on the Italian Riviera, to Nice, and any sunny spot bathed by the aromas of the Mediterranean... I like products that have an intense taste and consider it necessary and logical to preserve each one's real flavor when I cook it, as exemplified by fish such as hand-caught sea bass or Saint Pierre (John Dory). At the same time, I also have a certain fondness for lamb, typical of Mediterranean countries. I use only seasonal products coming from my network of first-quality suppliers as well as small natural producers and placed in olive oil from Liguria, soft and elegant or from Sicily, more fruity, to enhance their flavors. Some dishes?... Basque sea bream à la plancha (Grilled with very little oil), mushrooms stuffed with jabugo ham, stuffed zucchini flowers, shellfish juice with sweet basil and tomatoes… a rack of lamb rubbed with thyme, little fillings of vegetable confit… My cooking is based essentially on the quality of the ingredients and the respect I have for them. The role of the artisan-cook is to further improve the good and wonderful gifts of nature. In practice, the essential for me is to preserve as much as possible the natural and original flavors!”

“Mi cocina y mis nuevas creaciones están inspiradas en los productos de temporada que encuentro en los mercados, en los campos y en los huertos del sur a lo largo de mis viajes por Liguria, en la Riviera italiana, por Niza y por cualquier lugar soleado con olor a Mediterráneo… Amo los productos con gusto intenso y me parece lógico y necesario hacer que mantengan su verdadero sabor en el momento de cocinarlos, como sucede con los pescados como la lubina de caña o el pez de san Pedro. Albergo también, no obstante, una clara predilección por el cordero, típico de los países mediterráneos. Utilizo exclusivamente productos de temporada que consigo a través de mi red de proveedores de primera categoría y de pequeños productores cercanos a la naturaleza, y en conserva de aceite de oliva de Liguria, suave y elegante, o de Sicilia, que es más afrutado, para magnificar los sabores. ¿Algunos ejemplos de mis platos? Dorada vasca a la plancha, setas rellenas de jamón de Jabugo… calabacín relleno, caldo de marisco con albahaca y tomate… jarrete de cordero rebozado en tomillo, nidos de verduras confitadas… Mi cocina se basa fundamentalmente en la calidad de los productos y en el respeto que siento por ellos. El papel del cocinero consiste en convertir las cosas tan buenas y bellas que ofrece la naturaleza en productos aún mejores. Para mí es fundamental, en definitiva, preservar en la medida de lo posible los sabores naturales y originales”.

“Die Inspiration für meine Küche und meine neuen Kreationen finde ich bei den saisonalen Produkten, die ich auf den Märkten, Feldern und in den Gemüsegärten des Südens bei meinen Reisen nach Ligurien, an die italienische Riviera, nach Nizza und in alle Sonnengebiete mit dem Duft des Mittelmeeres entdecke. Ich liebe Produkte mit intensivem Geschmack, beispielsweise Fisch wie Loup de mer de ligne oder Petersfisch und betrachte es als unerlässlich und logisch, den Geschmack jeden Produkts zu erhalten, wenn ich es zubereite. Allerdings habe ich eine gewisse Vorliebe für Lammfleisch, das typisch für das Mittelmeergebiet ist. Ich verwende ausschließlich Produkte der Saison, die aus meinem Netzwerk erstklassiger Lieferanten und von kleinen naturnahen Erzeugern stammen. Außerdem verwende ich das milde, elegante Olivenöl aus Ligurien oder das fruchtigere aus Sizilien zur Veredelung des Geschmacks. Welche Gerichte? Baskische Goldbrasse à la plancha, mit Jabugo gefüllte Steinpilze … gefüllte Zucchiniblüten, Muscheljus mit Basilikum und Tomate … mit Thymian eingeriebener Lammrücken, kleines gefülltes, eingelegtes Gemüse … Meine Küche basiert vor allem auf der Qualität der Produkte und auf dem Respekt, den ich ihnen entgegenbringe. Die Rolle des Kochkünstlers besteht darin, die guten und schönen Gaben der Natur noch besser zu machen. Im Grunde ist es für mich das Wichtigste, den natürlichen Originalgeschmack so gut wie möglich zu erhalten!“

“Я нахожу вдохновение для кулинарии и моих новых блюд в сезонных продуктах, которые я встречаю на рынках, в полях и огородах Юга, во время моих путешествий по Лигурии, по итальянской Ривьере, в Ницце и в любом месте, где есть солнце и запахи Средиземного моря… я люблю продукты с ярким вкусом и считаю логичным и необходимым оставлять каждому его настоящий вкус, когда я готовлю его, например, рыбе – такой как морской волк или сен-пьер. Все же я отдаю некоторое предпочтение ягненку, типичному для средиземноморских стран. Я использую исключительно сезонные продукты своей собственной сети поставщиков первой категории и мелких производителей, близких к природе. Эти продукты помещаются в оливковое масло Лигурии, нежное и утонченное, или Сицилии, лучше хранящее вкус, чтобы усилить их запах. Мои блюда?... Дорада по-баскски а ля планча, белые грибы, фаршированные ветчиной хабуго… фаршированные кабачки, сок ракушек в базилике и томате… спинка ягненка, натертая тимьяном, разные фарши из маринованных овощей… Моя кухня основана главным образом на качестве продуктов и уважении, которое я к ним питаю. Задача повара-мастера заключается в том, чтобы вкусные и красивые произведения природы сделать еще лучше. По существу, главное для меня – сохранить, насколько возможно, естественный и оригинальный вкус!”




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RESTAURANT TAKUMI 2, rue de Candolle 1205 Genève

RESTAURANTS La Rotonde 17, pl. du Port 1000 Lausanne 6 021 613 33 30 Le Mazarin Grand Hôtel du Parc 1884 Villars 024 496 28 28

Cuisine chinoise Asian Place 1, Talackerstrasse 8152 Glattbrugg 044 874 50 00 Tsé Fung 301, route de Lausanne 1293 Bellevue 022 959 58 88 Cuisine espagnole El Faro 5, rue de Fribourg 1201 Genève 022 732 21 98 Cuisine française Auberge d’Hermance 12 rue du Midi 1248 Hermance 022 751 13 68 Auberge du Lion d’Or 5, pl. Pierre Gautier 1223 Cologny / GE 022 736 44 32 Buffet de la Gare des Eaux-Vives Av. Gare-des-Eaux-Vives 7 1207 Genève/GE 022 840 44 30 Côté Jardin 19, rue de Zurich 1201 Genève 022 909 90 00 La Cigogne 17, pl. Longemalle 1204 Genève 022 818 40 13 La Table du Palace 7-9 Rue du Grand Chêne 1002 Lausanne Tel 021 331 31 31

Le Pavillon Talstrasse 1 8022 Zürich 044 220 50 70 Le Windows 17 Quai du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 906 55 14

Le Relais Bristol 10 rue du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 716 57 58

Rive Gauche Talstrasse 1 8022 Zürich 044 220 50 60 Cuisine Provençale

Cuisine internationale

Le Grand Quai 34, quai Général-Guisan 1204 Genève 022 318 34 63

Castel 3963 Crans 027 485 42 42 Cheval Blanc Blumenrain 8 4001 Basel 061 260 50 50 King’s Cave Central 1 8001 Zürich 044 256 55 55 Le Provence Messeplatz 25 4005 Basel 061 555 33 33 Parkview Neumühlequai, 42 8001 Zürich 044 360 70 70 Vertig’O 11, quai du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 909 60 00 Widder Restaurant 7, Rennweg 8001 Zürich 044 224 25 26 Cuisine italienne Da Paolo 3, rue du lac 127 Genève 022 736 30 49 Le Loti 301, rte de Lausanne 1293 Genève-Bellevue 022 959 59 79 Roberto 10, rue Pierre-Fatio 1204 Genève 022 311 80 33 Cuisine japonaise

Le Chat Botté 13, quai du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 716 69 20

Inagiku 14, rue de Lausanne 1201 Genève 022 716 82 82

Le Relais 3962 Crans-Montana 027 485 42 42

Cuisine libanaise

Parc des Eaux-Vives Quai Gustave Ador 82 1211 Genève 65 022 849 7575

Le Cèdre Badenerstrasse 78 8004 Zürich Tel. 044 / 241 42 72

Philippe Rochat 1, rue d’Yverdon 1223 Crissier 021 634 05 05

Le Diwane 6, rue de Zurich 1201 Genève 022 732 73 91

Cuisine gastronomique

Cuisine Méditerranéenne

Eden 45, Utoquai 8008 Zurich 044-266 25 25

L’Olivo 26, voie-de-Maëns 1218 Genève 022 747 04 00

La Croisette Grand-Rue 97 1820 Montreux Tel. 021 962 50 51

Le Papillon 21, av. de Mantegnin 1217 Genève-Meyrin 022 989 95 24


Tel : 022 321 25 25

Cuisine suisse La Taverne Grand Hôtel du Parc 1884 Villars 024 496 28 28

“In the heart of the city center of Geneva, near the University, theatre, and the conservatory, close to the old city and the banking and business district, the Takumi restaurant in the unquestioned address for Japanese cuisine in Geneva. A cuisine as traditional as it is modern, served in a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere. A Robata-yaki (Charcoaled cooking) unique in Switzerland.”

THE NIRVANA 11, rue du Rhône 1204 Genève 022 31013 00

Les Armures 1, r. des Puits de St-Pierre 1204 Genève 022 310 34 42 Cuisine traditionnelle Le Relais de Chambésy 8, pl. de Chambésy 1292 Chambésy 022 758 11 05 Hôtel-Restaurant Le St-Christophe Route de Lavey 1880 Bex/VD 024 485 29 77 024 485 24 45 saintchristophe@ reception@ Steinenpick Steinentorstrasse 25 4001 Basel 061 227 29 90 The parkhuus PARK HYATT ZURICH Beethoven - Strasse 21 8002 Zürich +41 43 883 1005 +41 43 883 1020 Brasseries Brasserie 1, Talackerstrasse 8152 Glattbrugg 044 874 50 00 Café Brasserie Rive Droite 41, rue de Lausanne 1201 Genève 022 906 14 60 Le Café du Beau-Rivage 17, pl. du Port 1000 Lausanne 6 021 613 33 30

Located in the heart of Geneva, the Nirvana seduces through the fineness of its cuisine and the charm of its decor. Whether you are dining with a special person, your family, or your business associates, this place will leave you with a wonderful memory. On the banks of the Rhône, a magnificent terrace has just been added to the magic.


4, Chemin des Sellières 1219 Aïre-Le Lignon Genève Tél. : 022 796 23 23

A place you must visit in Geneva. You yourself grill your own meat or fish at your own table in the genuine atmosphere of a 40 year old Swiss chalet founded by Mr. Schmidt in 1976. With your family, friends, or just to mark your passage through Geneva, come and place your signature in the Golden Book of the Chalet next to the signatures of famous people from throughout the world: presidents, ministers, princes, ambassadors, actors, and international artists. Reserved parking for 40 cars / Open seven days a week

RESTAURANT KHAYYAM Avenue Louis-Casaï 1216 Cointrin Genève

Tél. 0041 22 734 86 00 Fax 0041 22 734 89 04

Carlights 26, voie-de-Maëns 1218 Genève 022 747 02 47 Le Grand-Chêne 7-9 Rue du Grand Chêne 1002 Lausanne Tel 021 331 31 31 Le Pavillon Pl. des Bergues 1201 Genève 022 908 70 60

The top Iranian restaurant in Geneva. Sophisticated Iranian cuisine. Rooms for groups . Home delivery An oriental, elegant, and welcoming atmosphere. Reserved parking for 30 cars Under the management of Mr. Karim Farshidi




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LE SENS DE L’HÔTELLERIE PRIVÉE AU XXIÈME SIÈCLE THE HOTEL MANNER OF WELCOMING, AN ART AND A PHILOSOPHY L’accueil. Un mot empli de symboles forts, de signification ; il est le reflet de l’art de vivre selon l’hôtellerie de luxe. Cet art de vivre aspire “à l’excellence, à la beauté et au rêve à travers des inspirations variées et ludiques réunies sous le signe du raffinement, de la gastronomie, de la détente, de l’évasion et de la découverte de toutes les cultures, tendances et loisirs d’exception”. Et ceci, de manière simple et naturelle, en parfaite osmose avec les désirs et attentes de l’ensemble de la clientèle. Que ce soit pour un long ou court séjour, un évènement particulier, ou tout simplement l’espace d’un déjeuner, d’un dîner ou d’un café, toute l’attention est apportée au client, qui est d’ailleurs en droit de l’exiger. En toutes circonstances, à toute heure du jour ou de la nuit, ses demandes sont à satisfaire, avec le professionnalisme et l’efficacité auxquels il s’attend. L’accueil est le reflet de chaque employé, de tout l’établissement. Toutes ces attentions font que chaque client est reçu comme un invité de marque. Ces moments d’exception et de raffinement discret font que le client aspire à les renouveler. C’est du moins ce que nous nous efforçons de faire ici à La Réserve.

Accoglienza. Una parola dalla simbologia forte e piena di significato che rispecchia l’arte di vivere, secondo l’hotellerie di lusso. Un’arte di vivere che aspira « all’eccellenza, alla bellezza e al sogno tramite ispirazioni varie e ludiche riunite sotto il segno della raffinatezza, della gastronomia, del relax, dell’evasione e della scoperta di culture, tendenze e momenti di svago d’eccezione». Il tutto in maniera semplice e naturale, in perfetta osmosi con i desideri e le aspettative della clientela nel suo insieme.Che si trattenga per un lungo o breve soggiorno, per un evento particolare, o semplicemente per il tempo di un pranzo, una cena o un caffé, l’attenzione è interamente rivolta al cliente, il quale, del resto, ha tutto il diritto di esigerla. In qualsiasi circostanza e a qualsiasi ora del giorno e della notte, le richieste del cliente vengono soddisfatte con la professionalità e l’efficienza che ci si aspetta. L’accoglienza si rispecchia in ogni impiegato, in ogni angolo della struttura. Tutte le attenzioni rivolte al cliente fanno sì che possa sentirsi un ospite di riguardo. I momenti d’eccezione e raffinatezza discreta fanno sì che il cliente desideri riviverli. Questo, per lo meno, è ciò cui mirano i nostri sforzi qui a La Réserve.

To make welcome. A phrase filled with powerful symbols and meaning; it is the reflection of the art of living according to the luxury hotel business. This art of living aspires to excellence, beauty and dreams through various playful inspirations brought together under the sign of refinement, gourmet cooking, relaxation, escape and the discovery of all cultures, styles and exceptional pleasures. This, in a most simple and natural manner, is in a perfect state of osmosis with the desires and expectations of each and every customer. Whether it is for a long or short stay, a particular event or very simply the time for a lunch, dinner or a coffee, the entire focus is placed on the customer, who by right is entitled to demand it. Under any circumstances, at any hours of the day or night, the customer's demands must be met with the professionalism and efficiency that she or he expects. To make welcome is the reflection of each employee and of the whole establishment. All this attention makes sure that each customer is received like a VIP. These moments of feeling exceptional and enjoying discrete refinement make the customer want to experience it again. That is at least what we strive for here at La Réserve.

Acogida. Se trata de una palabra llena de poderosos símbolos y dotada de un significado enorme; bajo el punto de vista de la hostelería de lujo, se trata del reflejo del arte de vivir. Este arte de vivir aspira “a la excelencia, a la belleza y al sueño por medio de inspiraciones variadas y lúdicas reunidas bajo el signo del refinamiento, la gastronomía, la relajación, la evasión y el descubrimiento de todas las culturas, tendencias y distracciones de excepción”. Y todo ello de un modo simple y natural, atendiendo perfectamente los deseos y cumpliendo las expectativas de toda la clientela. Bien sea durante una estancia prolongada o breve, con ocasión de un acontecimiento concreto o simplemente con motivo de una comida, una cena o un café, todo el interés se centra en la atención al cliente, que por otro lado tiene todo el derecho a exigirla. En cualquier situación, a cualquier hora del día o de la noche, sus solicitudes se satisfacen con la profesionalidad y la eficacia que se esperan. La acogida que se brinda al cliente es el reflejo de cada empleado, de todo el establecimiento. Todo se centra en recibir a cada cliente como a un invitado especial. Son estos momentos refinados los que hacen que el cliente desee repetir. Al menos, esta es nuestra meta aquí, en La Reserva.

Der Empfang. Ein Wort voller starker Symbole und voller Bedeutung der Spiegel der Lebenskunst der Luxushotels. Diese Lebenskunst strebt nach “Exzellenz, Schönheit und Träumen durch vielfältige, spielerische, im Zeichen der Raffinesse, der Gastronomie, der Entspannung, des Ausbrechens und der Entdeckung aller Kulturen, der Trends und außergewöhnlichen Mußestunden vereinten Inspirationen.” Und dies auf einfache und natürliche Art, in perfekter gegenseitiger Durchdringung mit den Wünschen und Erwartungen der gesamten Kundschaft. Ob für einen kurzen oder langen Aufenthalt, anlässlich eines besonderen Ereignisses oder einfach nur als Ort für ein Frühstück, ein Abendessen oder einen Kaffee - dem Kunden wird die volle Aufmerksamkeit entgegengebracht, der diese übrigens zu fordern berechtigt ist. Unter allen Umständen, zu jeder Tages- oder Nachtzeit sind seine Wünsche mit der Professionalität und dem Resultat, das er erwartet, zu erfüllen. Der Empfang ist das Spiegelbild jedes Angestellten, jedes Hauses. All diese Aufmerksamkeiten sorgen dafür, dass jeder Kunde wie ein hoher Gast empfangen wird. Diese Ausnahmemomente voller diskreter Raffinesse wecken im Kunden den Wunsch, diese erneut zu erleben. Das ist zumindest das, worum wir uns hier in La Réserve bemühen.

Прием. Слово, наполненное глубоким и символическим смыслом – оно отражает искусство хорошей жизни применительно к отелям класса “люкс”. Искусство хорошей жизни стремится к “совершенству, красоте и мечте через разнообразные и игривые вдохновения, соединенные под знаком изысканности, гастрономии, расслабления, отвлеченности и открытия всех культур, тенденций и эксклюзивного времяпрепровождения”. И все это происходит легко и естественно, при взаимном влиянии с желаниями и ожиданиями самых разных клиентов. Идет ли речь о длинном или коротком пребывании, особом событии, или просто о завтраке, обеде, ужине, чашке кофе – все внимание уделяется клиенту, который, впрочем, вправе этого требовать. При любых обстоятельствах, в любой час дня и ночи его запросы должны быть удовлетворены с эффективностью и профессионализмом, которых он ожидает. Прием – это отражение каждого служащего всего заведения. Их внимание создает впечатление, что каждого клиента принимают, как почетного гостя. Эксклюзивность и неброская изысканность ведут к тому, что клиент стремится вновь испытать их. По крайней мере, это именно то, что мы стараемся осуществить у себя, в отеле Ля Резерв.




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17, quai du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève



022 906 55 55 022 906 55 56

The following hotels put the Byblos at the disposal of their guests in their rooms and suites. We thank the respective directors for their trust and loyalty. Les Hôtels suivants placent Byblos dans leurs chambres et suites. Nous remercions les directions respectives de leur fidélité.

LES ARMURES 1, Puits-Saint-Pierre 1204 Genève


***** 022 310 91 72 022 310 98 46

CIGOGNE 17, pl. Longemalle 1204 Genève

022 818 40 40 022 818 40 50

Les Armures, Unique hotel located in the heart of Geneva’s Old Town, this cluster of four buildings dating back of 13th and 16th centuries has been lovingly transformed into an extraordinary luxury hotel. “Les Armures”, with 32 rooms and suites only, is run personally by the Borgeat-Granges family. Guests will sleep within walls steeped in history, close beside the adjoining St. Pierre Cathedral. Guestrooms are all air-conditioned, lavishly furnished, provided with marble baths and thick bathrobes while fitted with the latest technology. For those that share the interior designer Philippe Michiels conception (known for mix old and new), ask for one of the recently refurbished contemporary room. Les Armures has been a magnet for foreign dignitaries wishing to discover the true soul of this otherwise international city and Les Armures has welcome such famous guests as presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and John F. Kennedy.

Situated in one of the most fashionable areas of Geneva, at the base of the old town and beside the business district, the “Hotel de la Cigogne” is a charm for all its guests. An affiliate of the prestigious “Relais et Chateaux” network since 1989, La Cigogne is a unique place with serene surroundings that offers the elegant and pleasant atmosphere typical to a luxury hotel.

Ideally situated at the edge of Lake Geneva this magnificent deluxe hotel sits in Geneva's shopping and financial districts. It is just fifteen minutes from the airport, 5 minutes from the main railway station and no more than an hour's drive from superb Alpine skiing. With its 45 sumptuously decorated rooms and suites it offers a highly discreet and personalised service. Lunch, dinner or afternoon tea as well as breakfast can be enjoyed overlooking the lake and the Mont Blanc. For cocktails, snacks and live music in an exotic atmosphere, the Leopard Bar is open every evening.



13, quai du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 716 66 66 022 716 60 60

Built in 1865, the very private Beau-Rivage still plays host to those who shape our world. Charm and discretion combine with efficient service, modern comfort and amenities, making this unique hotel one of the most distinguished addresses in Switzerland. It boasts views of the lake and the Alps and it is just a stroll away from the shopping and business district. In the heart of the city center, it faces the lakes and Mont-Blanc and is close to the United Nations. International Airport (Geneva Cointrin): 3 miles/5km, 15 minutes.



34, route François-Peyrot 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex Genève 022 747 02 02 022 747 03 03

With 500 cosy air-conditioned rooms all equipped with ADSL, the Hotel Crowne Plaza Geneva offers unique conference facilities: a plenary room without pillars and a gala hall with daylight of 1000 seats each, 18 rooms from 57 sqm to 253 sqm and 10 break-out rooms. To suit our guests comfort, 2 contemporary restaurants, an open-air summer terrace, 2 bars and a cigar lounge complete our assets. Situated 500m from the airport, 50m from GENEVA PALEXPO and 3,5 km from the city centre, the Crowne Plaza also has a 1500 sqm fitness anda 800 sqm wellness centre with Jacuzzi. Both have sauna, steam baths, solarium and indoor swimming pools.


PAIX 11, quai du Mont-Blanc 1211 Genève 1

***** 022 909 60 00 022 909 60 01

With redesigned spaces, and new materials, sensations and flavours, the Hotel de la Paix has preserved its rich history and sense of tradition while proudly embarking upon its third century with style. Your stay at the Hotel de la Paix will resemble a marvellous fairy tale; surpassing matters of time and reality. Come and experience the charm and elegance of this hotel situated on the banks of Lake Geneva.

LA RÉSERVE 301, route de Lausanne 1293 Genève

***** 022 959 59 59 022 959 85 88

After having undergone a complete renovation and refurbishment by the brilliant and talented decorator, Jacques Garcia, over the past two years, La Réserve has reopened its doors. Definitely elegant, but slightly extravagant too, it is a unique spot in Geneva. Set in a 10-acre park, on the Leman lakeside, La Réserve offers the perfect surroundings, for a relaxing visit. Most 85 rooms and 17 suites, all decorated and converted with taste, have a terrace with views over the gardens and the lake. Its magnificent Spa and Wellness Center, "Une Autre Histoire" offers a complete programme of health, fitness and beauty. It comprises 17 private massage and treatment rooms as well as the most upto-date cardiovascular equipment, an indoor and an outdoor pool, sauna, steam bath, a hair salon and two tennis courts. Young children will be welcomed and well entertained in our childcare center whilst the grown up pamper themselves.




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SWISSÔTEL MÉTROPOLE ***** 34, quai Général Guisan 1211 Genève 3

022 318 32 00 022 318 33 00


LE BRISTOL 10, rue du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève




022 716 57 00 022 738 90 39

NH GENEVA AIRPORT ***** 21, av. de Mantegnin 1217 Genève-Meyrin


022 989 90 00 022 989 99 99


14, rue de Lausanne 1201 Genève 022 716 80 00 022 716 80 01 res.geneva@ The Hotel Warwick Geneva is a four-star hotel ideally located in the very heart of Geneva, ten minutes away from the airport (by train), and close to the Leman Lake. The Hotel offers personalised services within 167 air-conditioned rooms and suites with an array of hotel amenities, as well as free public transportation pass and free unlimited use of two off-site fitness centres. The "Téséo” restaurant invites you to discover its new decor of graceful elegance in a contemporary and subtle setting. The Italian - Mediterranean cuisine with accentuated flavours is an absolute delight to experience. The trendy bar “Téséo” with its harmonious and cosy atmosphere is the perfect place to relax. The perfect venue for your Geneva event, the Hotel offers eight multi-purpose and versatile conference rooms, that can accommodate between 5 to 200 guests for receptions, seminars, banquets or cocktail parties.

Built in 1854 on the city’s ancient fortifications, the Swissôtel Métropole Geneva, overlooking the lake, is ideally located in the heart of the business and shopping districts. The 111 rooms and 16 suites of this landmark hotel have been entirely renovated and offer the latest equipments and amenities. The conference rooms have also been refurbished and the 2 rooms located on the 5th floor offer direct access to the panoramic terrace. The Swissôtel Métropole Geneva includes a business center, an Amrita fitness center, two restaurants (International cuisine and five star sandwiches) and the Mirror Bar. Details about the hotel can be found on


A four-star hotel with five-star quality. The Bristol is an exclusive charming hotel. From the moment you enter the exquisite lobby you will begin to experience the intimacy of life at Bristol. Superbly located in the heart of Geneva a few steps from the lake. 100 spacious rooms of exceptional grace and comfort offer a mix of antic furniture and modern tasteful design. The restaurant Relais Bristol is famous for its refined Mediterranean cuisine. Every morning, the buffet breakfast is served by the sound of the harpe. The hotel health club, free of charge, invites its guests for a workout in the fitness room or simply to relax in a bubbly jacuzzi, sauna or steam bath. The Bristol is the place to meet and celebrate. A banquet or less formel luncheon, business meeting or conference, private party. From 5 up to 200 people.


The 4 star NH Geneva Airport hotel is completely renovated into the latest design of NH Hoteles. Our rooms are designed for the corporate traveller with a lot of taste and comfort. The hotel is ideally located near the airport, the Palexpo congress center and the Meyrin industrial estate. We offer 190 fully soundproofed and air-conditioned rooms, as well as 4 conference rooms with daylight. All our bedrooms and public areas are equipped with the new wireless Internet system.


33, rue de Lausanne 1201 Genève

35, rue du Grand-Pré 1202 Genève

19, rue de Zürich 1201 Genève 1

BEAU RIVAGE OUCHY Pl. du Port 17-19 1006 Lausanne 6 Ouchy

***** 022 544 22 22 022 544 22 99

***** 022 918 11 11 022 734 76 91

***** 022 909 90 00 022 909 90 01

***** 021 613 33 33 021 613 33 34

Natural lines, design furniture, contemporary style… After 6 months of complete renovation, the Hotel Auteuil has become a new, decidedly modern place, comfortable in its city and in its era. Fans of new trends and soft atmospheres will discover a place where they can feel at home, situated in the city-centre, 2 minutes from the lake and the train station. You will be filled with enthusiasm by the decor, the design of the lobby and bar area, and the sun-soaked glasscanopied breakfast room. The 104 rooms also benefit from a contemporary design and style whilst offering the best in modern comfort: air conditioning, minibar, Pay TV, modem socket, fax machine. A conference room, a business centre and covered parking are also available.

The Hotel Grand-Pré is located in a quiet neighbourhood, convenient to all International Organizations, close to the railway station, the airport and the Conference Center of Geneva. Offering you tranquillity and personal service, the Hotel Grand-Pré has 80 rooms, 8 junior suites and 2 Suites, all specially designed to provide you with a comfortable and enjoyable stay. All rooms have: direct dial telephone, fax and modem connection, international radio, satellite TV with more than 250 channels and Pay TV, and tea/coffee making facilities. All rooms are air-conditioned and have personal safety box. A “Business Corner” is at your disposal. The Hotel Grand-Pré is equipped with Wireless LAN Internet and full video controlled security system.

Novotel Geneva centre is ideally located in the heart of Geneva, just 2 minutes from the Lake Leman, 5 minutes from Cornavin station, 10 minutes from the banking district and 15 minutes from Geneva Cointrin International Airport. 206 Refurbished Rooms and Suites on Novation Style with free High Speed internet access. 140 non-smoking rooms. Hotel offers the latest equipments and amenities. WIFI free of charge available on the Lobby, the bar and the hall of the hotel. Restaurant, bar, 6 meeting rooms and underground parking. A beautiful newly opened Fitness & SPA of 200 sqm including Fitness, sauna, Hammam, relaxation room, rain shower, solarium and massage on reservation. Our professional and friendly team will be delighted to welcome you in Novotel Geneva Centre.

"La Tradition en Mouvement"… A place where every detail counts, where a friendly face will greet you and pamper you, an oasis of tranquility with the modern touch needed to satisfy today’s contemporary traveler… The Beau-Rivage Palace is the ideal destination whether you are traveling on business or on leisure. Located in Lausanne, an establish city with a new vibe, this sumptuous property sits on a 10-acre private garden and offers breathtaking views of Lake Geneva and the Alps beyond. It is conveniently adjacent to the Olympic Museum and its unique park.




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7-9, Grand-Chêne 1002 Lausanne


97, Grand'Rue 1820 Montreux


021 331 31 33 021 323 18 29

021 962 50 50 021 962 51 51

Located in the heart of the Olympic Capital, commanding a magnificent view over the Geneva Lake and the Alps, the Lausanne Palace & Spa is only a stone’s throw from the most elegant shopping streets and the picturesque old city. The entire property has been renovated over the past years, thus creating a unique atmosphere, combining luxury and refinement, well-being and savoir-vivre. 150 luxurious rooms and suites, 3 restaurants, 3 trendy bars, a private night club, conference facilities and the CBE Concept Spa, 2100 sqm of relaxation. AVEDA Beauty Spa & Fitness Centre. Parking and Limousine service available upon request.

A unique lakeside location. An outstanding hotel ! The Royal Plaza is the only five star hotel located directly on the shores of Lake Geneva. It offers 147 elegantly appointed rooms and suites as well as three restaurants and two bars, with spectacular panoramas on the lake and the mountaintops. Recreational facilities include a heated indoor pool, fitness centre, saunas, steam rooms and solarium as well as a function centre that can cater for all business and private needs.




route des Hôtels 1884 Villars

3962 Crans-Montana

***** 027 485 42 42 027 485 42 43

024 496 28 28 024 495 33 63

The best location in Crans-Montana, tradition, elegance, quality. The leading Hotel in Crans-Montana since 1914. An exceptional site next to the European Masters Golf Course and Cross Country ski trails. Panoramic view. Golf, Ski, Conference Package, Lounge with fireplace, Piano-Bar, Grill Restaurant, Indoor Pool, Spa and Beauty Center.

The only 5 star hotel in Switzerland directly beside ski slopes, with two private ski lifts in the park and a horse riding school on its own grounds.

BAUR AU LAC Talstrasse 1 8001 Zurich


***** 044 220 50 20 044 220 50 44


Thurgauerstrasse 101 8152 Zürich-Glattpark Tel 044 874 50 00 Fax 044 874 50 01

Renaissance Zurich Hotel – meet with your senses! A rendezvous with tradition and lifestyle! Stylish ambience combined with warm hospitality! Easily accessible, the hotel is located quietly and conveniently between the international airport, downtown Zurich and in direct proximity to the fair grounds. Spacious and elegantly furnished rooms as well as luxurious suits assure a pleasant and comfortable stay, be it for leisure or business travel.

A mere stone’s throw from the Paradeplatz, Zurich’s bustling financial district, the Baur au Lac serenely commands a privileged position in its own landscaped park, between the lake and the small river Schanzengraben. The hotel has been owned by the same family for over 160 years. Only recently, every room was thoroughly renovated, each one lovingly and uniquely crafted to combine superlative creature comforts with classical elegance and every conceivable technical convenience. Its two restaurants are internationally renowned for superior cuisine and outstanding wines. From the summer terrace and the adjoining park there is an enchanting view of Lake Zurich and the Alps.A mere stone’s throw from the Paradeplatz, Zurich’s bustling financial district, the Baur au Lac serenely commands a privileged position in its own landscaped park, between the lake and the small river Schanzengraben. The hotel has been owned by the same family for over 160 years. Only recently, every room was thoroughly renovated, each one lovingly and uniquely crafted to combine superlative creature comforts with classical elegance and every conceivable technical convenience. Its two restaurants are internationally renowned for superior cuisine and outstanding wines. From the summer terrace and the adjoining park there is an enchanting view of Lake Zurich and the Alps.

EDEN AU LAC Utoquai 45 8008 Zürich


Kurhausstrasse 65 8032 Zürich Tel +41 44 456 60 00 Fax +41 44 456 60 01

***** 044 266 25 25 044 266 25 00


For almost a century, the luxury Hotel EDEN AU LAC in Zurich has been welcoming aninternational and discerning clientele to Switzerland's largest city. Located on the scenicshores of Lake Zurich with fine views of the city and distant Alps, the hotel comprises 50 individually-designed rooms and suites offering the ultimate in elegance, modern comfortand old-world charm. The Restaurant EDEN (15 points GaultMillau) can accommodate up to 80 guests in aselect and spacious setting. French Executive Chef Ludovic Pitrel is renowned for hisseasonal dishes, created with more than a touch of Mediterranean magic. The “EDEN Bar”– a popular meeting point among jazzlovers – serves delicious drinks and specialitysnacks in an easy-going setting. The Baroque and Miroir rooms as well as the RestaurantEDEN are ideal venues for festive banquets, successful conferences and a wide range ofexclusive events. The EDEN AU LAC is located only a few steps from the internationally acclaimed Zurich Opera House, is close to the city centre and an ideal departure point from which to discover the delights of Zurich and its scenic surroundings.

After a construction phase lasting four years, Zurich celebrates the return of one of its most prominent landmarks. The luxury-class city resort reopened with 173 luxurious rooms and suites, a spa covering some 4,000 square metres, two restaurants and banqueting facilities.





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Neumühlequai, 42 8001 Zürich



Messeplatz 25 4005 Basel

044 360 70 70 044 360 77 77

061 555 33 33 061 555 39 70

In the heart of the city, situated on the banks of the Limmat river, lies the elegant Zurich Marriott Hotel. Just a short journey from the international airport or an easy stroll from the main train station, the Zurich Marriott Hotel ensures a relaxing stay when your wellbeing becomes our concern. Whether on business, for your meeting or merely for pleasure, the Zurich Marriott Hotel offers extensive services, comprehensive infrastructure and the elegance of a first-class business hotel.

A traveller’s haven, Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel is the largest five star hotel in the city and the greater Basel area. Large rooms, a business center, video conference facility, a restaurant, a bar and the Amrita Fitness serve to make sure that our guests feel most comfortable. Being right in the city centre and sharing the same roof with the Congress Center Basel, Swissôtel Le Plaza Basel is perfect for meetings (up to 3000 persons) and a great vantage point for exploring the sights, museums and galleries that make this city so special.



Central 1 8001 Zürich 044 256 56 56 044 256 56 57

The 101 new designed, fashionable and cosy guest rooms and suites are all climate-controlled and sound-proofed. Most rooms have a river view. Modern fitness room on lobby level, free of charge.

GRANDHOTEL LES TROIS ROIS Blumenrain 8 4001 Basel

***** S 061 260 50 50 061 260 50 60 The “Grandhotel Les Trois Rois Basel” is one of the oldest hotels in Europe. It reopened in March 2006 after a full renovation and extension. Its 101 rooms and suites hark back to a time of extravagant luxury reflecting authentic period detail, carefully decorated with exquisite materials and offering the latest in-room technology to fulfil the needs of modern travellers. Its location on the river Rhine in the old town is unique. Enjoy the different dining choices with terraces and breathtaking views: the gourmet restaurant “Cheval Blanc” (1 Michelin star, 17 points GaultMillau), the Brasserie, and the nearby “Chez Donati”. Time passes in an instant in the Bar - the crackling open fire makes a superb setting for an entertaining tête-à-tête.

RADISSON SAS Steinentorstrasse 25 4001 Basel

***** 061 227 27 27 061 227 28 28 The Radisson SAS Hotel in Basel is ideally located for business travellers and tourists and most of the 205 modern rooms look out on the landscaped courtyard. The Steinenpick restaurant is renowned for its wide selection of fish, meat, seasonal speciality dishes and its sumptuous salad buffet. It also has its own bar, as does the Kaffi Mühli restaurant, which serves snacks, coffee, cake and a wide choice of pastries throughout the day. Guests can unwind at the hotel’s Pool Inn Club, with its own bar, an indoor heated swimming pool (8 x 20 m), Finnish sauna, bio-sauna, solarium, steam room and massage facilities. We would be only too delighted to offer you professional organisation with our catering and to ensure that you get just what you were looking for, all served up with our “Yes I Can” brand of service.

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