July Newsletter

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What’s in This Newsletter!



Editors Message



Club Progress



Messages from the Board



Club Recap



Future Events



Jackrabbits On Committee!



Get To Know Your Poly DLT!



Once a Jackrabbit, Always a Jackrabbit


(c/o ‘20)



Black Lives Matter









Thank You for Reading!


EDITOR’S MESSAGE Hello Ninjackrabbits! Welcome to Poly Key Club’s first newsletter! I’m sorry that this newsletter is lacking in quality because I’m still learning, but I hope this first one is good enough. Cat and Maryland have been very supportive and patient while guiding me through the newsletter making process, so I am very grateful for them :) The coronavirus rates are increasing and businesses are closing down again, so please, please try to stay inside! I know that you are all tired of staying home, but now is more important than ever to do so. If you do go out, please make sure to properly dispose your masks and gloves if they are not reusable. Despite all of this, I hope you are all hanging in there A-OK! Our board has Our board has many things planned to provide service and virtual social events :) I miss you all and I can’t wait until we can see each other in person again! Kickin’ for Service, Audrey Song




Wellness Week

Dare Square

D13S Service Week

Dare Square

D13S Service Week

Team White Zoom Summer Social

PKC General Meeting

Team White Color a Smile and Card-Making

July DCM

Wellness Week


Hey Ninjackrabbits! Poly Key Club’s goals for this month are: ● ●

175 hours of service Attendance: 20+ members

With the Division Service Week and Wellness Service Week, we can achieve our service hour goal! It is important that everyone tries to participate so that we can work as a team and achieve the goal we’ve set. Please make sure to attend our general meetings and events so that you can learn important information regarding future events, and so that we can also see your beautiful faces! (^.^)




Maryland Heng, President What’s HOPPIN’ CHOPPIN’ guys! Its getting heated up here! I just want to say thank you guys for keeping up with us throughout this beginning quarter of the term. I hope you guys are enjoying summer break! We are planning so many new events for all of you guys and can’t wait to see you guys participate in all of them! I certainly can’t wait to see you guys enjoy this lovely term with POLY KEY CLUB as we develop and continue to sprout with PASSION! Keep up with our Instagram, remind, and DISCORD BBS! KEEP HOPPIN’ CHOPPIN’ SLICIN’ NINJACKRABBITS!

Catherine Long, Co-Vice President What's hoppin’! I hope that everyone is doing well and practicing good hygiene and social distancing during this pandemic. I’m so happy to see everyone participating in the events and meetings. Thank you to everyone who participated in our BeanBeanBean service event, Harry POtterTC, and monthly meetings. Congratulations to everyone of the TEN poly members who made it on a committee this term. Also if you didn't make it on a committee just know that you are still amazing and important to us. Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Social and Color a Smile service event to support TEAM WHITE! We can't wait to see you all in person soon and watch out for new events and news!

Dominique Cornejo, Co-Vice President Hey y’all what’s the deal, it’s your boy Dom. as the days go on, the more I want to see all of you guys. I never appreciated the time I got to spend with you guys as much as I should’ve, but I will not tarnish my drive and motivation for Key Club. With everything opening back up and everybody going out and doing whatever they want, the possibility for irl key club events keeps increasing. Stay hopeful and strong y’all, things will get better. I along with the rest of the board will try our hardest to continue to entertain you guys and help you get through this. We’re a family and that means we got each other's back regardless of anything.


Heidi Sek, Secretary HEY KEY-UTIES! Despite our current circumstances, a lot of you have been serving our community and supporting our club + division, which makes me SUPER HAPPY as I’m inputting hours for our MRF ( ˘ ³˘) ‧₊˚ I’m super stoked to see all of you when things start to get better, and as we get more opportunities to do things outside of home! Our board is working hard to come up with new ideas and to give you all an (another) amazing year in Key Club, so please continue to support us!! With another month coming close to an end, we are continuously thankful to you all for always putting 110% of your love into our club and community! ♡

Pia Hao, Treasurer What’s hoppin’ jackrabbits! My name is Pia Hao ^3^ I’m really excited to serve you this term. Got off a lil rocky but nothing we can’t pop back from. I wanna plan a lot of FUNdraisers for y’all and I just hope that I can be the best officer I can be for y’all! I know I’m a lil scary but I’m actually a fool so don’t be afraid to contact me for feedback, homework help, LITERALLY anything! Keep smilin’ y’all and above all else keep feelin’ fine. All. Of. The. Time!

Emily Nguyen, Co-Historian Hiya Ninjackrabbits!! I hope you're all doing well this summer and if you're reading this ily! please keep being active and attend any events we or the division put out for you guys! i hope you're all having a wonderful summer and don't forget to eat, stay hydrated and use sunscreen and a mask when going out! the poly key club board loves you all ❤


Audrey Song, Co-Historian HI GUYS :) Thank you for sticking with us these past few months despite what’s been going on in the world. We’ve been planning all sorts of social and service events for you guys, both during and after quarantine! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I know that boba shops and other businesses are opening up now, but please remember to stay careful! The rates for coronavirus have not died down, so please wear masks, social distance, and bring hand sanitizer wherever you go. Staying home 24/7 has been difficult for everyone, but please try to stay home anyway.

Megan Deseo, Graphic Designer HIYA Ninjackrabbits! I'm glad I became a part of this club as well as serve as one of your board members. I'm fairly new but I hope that I get the chance to know each and every one of you better throughout this term. I hope that the graphics I make as your graphic editor catch your eyes everytime and lure you in the events that our club does! I'm easy to talk to as well, so hit me up whenever you want to :D Don't be scared to approach me or anyone on our board as well, because we're all friendly and nice to be with (based on my experience with them of course!) Keep doing big things!



Thank you to everyone For attending and participating in all of events for the month of JUNE! It’s been a pretty difficult month with having to adjust to what’s going on in the world and taking a stand for what’s right. Even though we didn’t get to reach our goal, YOU GUYS STILL DID AMAZING! I appreciate everyone for still working their hardest :>

-Maryland Heng | President


Thank you! to everyone who participated in our Poly Key Club general meeting! Attendance was a little bit low, but that’s okay! Some of our members were responsibly distanced while walking for service hours with other members from the division. The ice-breaker from this meeting was “who drew it best?” Members would suggest the name of another member or officer and everybody would try to draw them, then the drawings were voted on. The rest of the meeting was recapping on events and announcing future events.

Hey guys! Just a reminder, don’t forget about the newsletter shoutouts! You can send in pictures and nice words about yourself or your friends. You can even send in embarrassing photos of your friends for their birthdays! You can send in shoutouts for anything! Like our historian Emily Nguyen, you can even use it to promote your business! It’s $1 for half of a page and $2 for a full page. Please stay safekey in your shoutouts! Thank you :)


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the upcycling service project through May 25th to May 29th. We saw so many cool and unique creations from you guys and we had an amazing outcome of hours and participation. I hope this kept you guys busy during quarantine and helped you clean up your rooms because you are turning your trash into useful treasure! Please try to save these items because in the near future we will hopefully do a donation day but if your family is using the items it is okay. Thank you so much for serving your community and loved ones!

-Catherine Long | Vice President


How have you guys BEAN? (LOL) To recap on how the BeanBeanBean event worked, members took easy quizzes on beanbeanbean.com. For every quiz, members could earn 21 beans, maxing out at 30 games, or 630 beans. These beans are donated to food banks to feed people in need. Thank you to everybody who participated in our BeanBeanBean service event! We had 17 members participate and a total of 35.75 hours. We are grateful for your participation :)



Starting from July 13 to July 17 is Poly Key Club’s Wellness Week! Make it Happen Monday 7/13: Recycle your unused paper and write affirmations and small notes (i.e. happy memories, jokes, positive things)! Place them in a jar and keep it for yourself or send it to a friend! Maximum: 1 filled jar Thankful Tuesday 7/14: Write or type letters to those you are thankful for! This could be a teacher/mentor, friend, coach, parent, family member, etc. Maximum: 4 letters Workout Wednesday 7/15: Download the apps: “Atlas Go” or “Charity Miles” and track your workout to raise money for a cause. 1 mile= $0.25. Maximum: 5 hours Try it Out Thursday 7/16: Try out a new hobby or craft! You can make bookmarks, paintings, or upcycle a used item into something new! These items will be donated :) Maximum: 5 items

Pause for Friday 7/17: Take this day to unplug and refresh your mind. Download the app: “Pause For” and take a break from your phone to raise money for a cause. Maximum: 5 hours


JACKRABBITS O Judging Committee



N COMMITTEE! Spirit Committee



GET TO KNOW Maryland Heng, Executive Assistant Hobbies: listening to sad songs on Spotify, watching anime, bawling my eyes out Key Club Moment: TBH, as many may know I don’t have a “key club moment” but more of a key club journey. One memorable was certainly Conclave ‘18-’19, where I was inspired to start my key club journey Interesting fact: I make weird ANIMAL NOISES when I am comfortable Favorite Subject: English Career I Want to Pursue: TBD

Pia Hao, Member Recognition Chair Hobbies: Piano, card tricks (not magic ones), Roblox Key Club Moment: D13Nouth servathon. I remember sitting at the lei making station and a few hype seniors started dancing. It really warmed my heart to see a social aspect added to service events and it really was what I imagined a high school experience to be Interesting Fact: I really like the smell of sawdust/Home Depot Favorite Subject: Math (if you ever need help help solving for x, I’m ya girl) Career I Want to Pursue: Nurse or engineer

Dominique Cornejo, DCM Coordinator Hobbies: Hiking, Boogie Boarding, Being the king of these streets Key Club Moment: The region 8 tree planting last year in September, it was my first key club event and I immediately felt welcome and I had so much fun. interesting Fact: I am multilingual Favorite Subject: Anything involving science Career I Want to Pursue: Wildlife Biologist


YOUR POLY DLT! Ny Danh, Head Spirit Coordinator Hobbies: Listening to music, playing Roblox, Key Club, playing ukulele, cooking, working out Key club Moment: The second time I went to an event which is tree planting. I went with my friend and didn't know what tree planting was. I've interacted with lots of people during the event and found the worst dirt to dig since it was very dry. After that, I hung out with Remy and Colby so we went to Lakewood mall and played bowling and became the first people I made friends with who's in key club which was memorable. Favorite Subject: Math, I understand it more than other subjects Interesting Fact: As a Vietnamese person, I actually dislike the food, Pho. Career I Want to Pursue: N/A I still don’t know yet

Joseph DeCastro, Head Spirit Coordinator Hobbies: Listening to music, driving, playing the drums Key Club Moment: RTC and every spirit session we had last term, because of the energy Spirit Team and Remy/Colby were able to bring was contagious Favorite Subject: History Interesting Fact: I listen to KPOP Career I Want to Pursue: Something in Psychology or nursing


ONCE A JACKRABBIT, Mirabella Angeo, PKC President ‘19-’20 “It would be an understatement to say that my Key Club experience was amazing. Key Club is, without a doubt, one of the best aspects of my high school career. It has taught me even the simplest of skills, like writing a good email, to even greater skills like working well with people. Key Club has given me a myriad of incredible people and friendships. I’m super excited for the new board to guide you all through this unpredictable term. They are wonderful leaders and I can’t wait to see how Poly Key Club will grow. Good luck throughout this next term!”

Nathan Song, PKC Vice President ‘19-’20 “My biggest regret during high school is that I didn’t become a truly active member until this past senior year. I had always gone to a little bit more than the “required-for-FRS” amount of service hours. This year, I almost quadrupled my service hours and I found that Key club had become a significantly more fun and enjoyable experience. Thank you 13 South for an amazing year, and sorry for neglecting you for the first three.”

Mirabella Angeo UC Berkeley Major: Microbial Biology


Nathan Song UC Santa Cruz Major: Film and Media Studies

ALWAYS A JACKRABBIT Bradley Sien, PKC Historian ‘19-’20 “If you put your heart and soul into key club, it will reward you with love and a home.”

Jerome Liwanag, PKC Treasurer ‘19-’20 “Key Club has influenced me to become involved with my community while building upon my leadership and social skills simultaneously. My four years in Key Club were filled with memories I will never forget.”

Kenny Lam, D13S EA ‘19-20 “Key club is what you make of it.”

Bradley Sien UC Irvine Major: Computer Science

Jerome Liwanag LB City College Major: Computer Science

Kenny Lam Cal Poly SLO Major: Mechanical Engineering


Poly Key Club stands with the Black Lives Matter Movement, and advocates for social justice and equality for the Black community. Racism against Black people in this country is a deeply rooted issue that brutally oppresses and serves as a social and economic disability. The murder of George Floyd in May has reignited the BLM movement and the topic of racism nationwide. Since then, racist attacks and actions against the Black community have increased and resurfaced. However, very few of these victims have received justice. In honor of the Black Lives Matter movement and who and what it stands for, we would like to take a moment to remember the names of the victims of police brutality. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Natasha McKenna, Walter Scott, Samuel DuBose, Christian Taylor, Kimani Gray, Kendrec McDade, Kenneth Chamberlain, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Sandra Bland, Tanisha Anderson, Bettie Jones, Yvette Smith, Michael Brown, Mario Woods, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Yuvette Henderson, and Breonna Taylor among countless others. As the younger generation, we must fight for the justice and equality for Black Americans and build a new society where racism isn’t a debate. Whether that means registering or pre-registering to vote, or educating yourself and/or others, we must make our voices heard and amplify those who are oppressed.


If you want to help, many organizations that support the Black Lives Matter are still in need of funding. You can go to the link: where-to-donate-for-black-lives-matter.html and choose an organization to donate to. If you don’t have extra money to donate, there are playlists on Youtube that donate all of the ad revenue to the BLM movement. You can just stream the video on your phone and set it aside while you do something else. Below, we have linked a couple of examples of videos and playlists on Youtube that you can watch, as well as the BLM Los Angeles page on Instagram to stay updated.



CONTACTS Maryland Heng

Pia Hao



Instagram: @meryleno

Instagram: @p_hao_

Catherine Long

Emily Nguyen



Instagram: @catklong

Instagram: @emilyhanhn

Dominic Cornejo

Audrey Song



Instagram: @dominic.damour

Instagram: @aujuso

Heidi Sek

Megan Deseo



Instagram: @sekheidi

Instagram: @mgndseo

LTG: Vyanh Tran d13s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Instagram: @0.vyanh.0





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