March Newsletter 2022

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HIII-YAA Ninjackrabbits… :(... It’s time. Even though I could’ve done so much more than I did for y’all, I’m proud to be leaving the family in the state and hands that it's in. At the beginning of the term I didn’t think I was gonna be that great of a President but many of you have made sure that I was aware of our impact and for that I’m so grateful. I’m so proud that we, the board and my fellow seniors, were able to create the same growth-inducing and character-developing environment that our upperclassmen did for us. I feel like I’m speaking for everyone when I say this, but I think we can rightfully say that we’ve successfully paid the favor forward (it’s up to y’all to keep the cycle going >;D). My overarching term goal was creating a familial bond within PKC and overall developing member relations; looking back to when our meetings were in the small gym, and seeing now how I feel so much warmth and welcome within Mr. Kawai’s classroom every Tuesday, I’m overjoyed with the progress we’ve made. The amount of times I say this will never convey the intensity of its truth, but I could not have done it without all of you; your dedication, all the upperclassmen’s determination to establish inclusivity, and the board’s passion (y’all were freaking INTEGRAL. I N T E G R A L. BIG SHOUT OUT AND THANKS, I LOVE Y’ALL GIRLIES SO MUCH <33). Like the powerpuff girls, these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect lil PKC. It’s now up to you all to add the chemical x to make the club combat the forces which tend to undermine the institutions eVEN MORE!! And I have no doubt of your abilities to do so! I’ve had the pleasure of speaking, even if just a little bit, to every single one of you and you all have such a brightness to your characters and potential to do B R I L L I A N T things for our community. Even if not in Key Club (but I hope it is), I hope all of keep advancing and growing so that you can cultivate your

dream lives like I kNOW you're capable of d ultimately I just want all of us to be so great life’s butt (in the best way possible)!! This has gotten wAY too long, so last officially hand off the club to the breath-ta board! Nisha’s got a wonderful vision for the historically gets. Things. dONE! So get mAD the ‘22-’23 term hehe. Literally insane how s board is, so excited to continue stalking the keeping updated with all the amazing plan store >:D I’m always one DM or text away if help with ANYTHING or just wanna say hi lov without further ado, I hope y’all continue to home, school, and communities; serve you WORLD; but above all else, keep feeling fin time! Thank you for letting me be President wonderful club. WATERFALL! shhhhhhh hh

President ‘21-’22

doing; t that we kick

tlyyy I aking new e club and hyped for stacked the e insta and ns y’all got in f you need velies. So o build your ur nation and ne all of the of such a


sigh it’s my final goodbye.. jk not jk </3 I just wanna say thank you for being the most amazing, loud, spirited, kindhearted, caring, and loving club I have ever been in and had the honor of leaving. You all mean the world to me and I know you will mean the world to your new board as well. As a ninjackrabbit you all have the responsibility of keeping the club awesome so I hope to see that this upcoming term. I love you all so much and I cannot wait to serve you next year, this time as your LTG :) keep up the poly key club name and I hope to see everyone being better than ever next term :) go to banquet, keep up the good work my loves.. I can’t wait to see you next term <3 for the last time, this is Sierianna Chea, your Poly Key Club Vice President for the 2021-2022 term, signing off and passing the torch :) treat your new board well as I hope they treat you the same, maybe even better.

Vice President ‘21-’22

06| BOARD GOODBYES hey y’all. So, I guess this is my retirement letter. Uh so, I never liked any of you, I’m so glad to be leaving…. JUST KIDDING! SWEAR IM KIDDING!! This past term has honestly been so monumental in my life and will be something I’ll always remember from my high school career. I’ve learned so much from every person here and yes it took me so long to learn yalls names but I WILL REMEMBER YOU FOREVER. I’m acting like I won’t see you like next week HAHAHA. I’m so excited to see what our next board will do (and ofc my child Evelyn hehehe) and how all of you will grow next term. Being VP was such a great experience. I’ll miss our wetland warrior hang outs and constantly talking about gravity water. Also yelling at everyone to turn in cans for FRS <3 such a fun time. You have all been so kind and wonderful little children. I hope In the coming months you continue to serve and stay committed to our Key club family. I’m always around so feel free to say hi or talk to me. Hopefully I’ll remember your guys names… just kidding I will hehe. Okie bye now, Ryann out <3

Vice President ‘21-’22

|07 Hiiiii Poly Key Club! I would say “happy end of the term” but I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty sad to say good bye :( that said! The ‘21-’22 term has been so incredible. I’ve loved working with all of you. Thank you for your kindness, spirit, and service. I am so happy for the new board and am so pleased that our club will be in good hands for the coming term. Losing our seniors is pretty heart-wrenching, but you and I know that they’re going on to greener pastures. I can’t wait for them to succeed. I’m so happy that I got to see all of you grow this term, whether you’re new or a veteran, all of your Key Club journeys have been so inspiring. Honestly, being a secretary was a tough job. What kept me going was seeing our service hours quietly tick up through the months. My monthly writing reports on the club got longer and easier. I’m so grateful for all of you. Another highlight of my term was getting to be on the Spirit Team! It was so fun to lead all of you in cheers and really see the comradery grow through spirit. I’m looking forward to an even more spirited ‘22-’23 and seeing some new Key Clubbers step into leadership (be on the lookout for that DLT interest form!!). Happy new term. I love you all and I will miss all of you who are leaving so very much. Best of luck to the new board and to us all! Oh, btw, D13S is taking FRS this term! Much love, your exhausted IP secretary, Natalie <3

Secretary ‘21-’22

08| BOARD GOODBYES Hello Ninjackrabbits !! Time goes by so fast, and this whole term has gone by so fast D: You have all been so amazing this year, and I wish the best for you all in the future. The smiles and fun moments I’ve had from this year, I’ll never forget. To the seniors, it’s so odd saying goodbye. I wish you all the best of luck with college and whichever endeavors you decide to take :,, Poly Key Club will definitely miss you, and hopefully we can reunite even years later! You all are so cool, and I just want to let you know I appreciate you so much for being there and being such great people. Especially, my PUBS LOVES Ryann and Catherine, thank you (for giving me rides first off LOL) and being such great friends and nice people, you deserve the best and I seriously love you both. I’d also like to thank the holy trinity of role models Pia, Maryland, and Sieri especially! Pia thank you for taking on such a big role as President and going above and beyond, Maryland thank you for being a great LTG and taking care of each club in our division, and to the lovely golden Sieri, one of the coolest VP’s and EA’s, and D13S LTG AH, seriously our division and club is in great hands next term! I have so much love for our old and new term <3 and I will definitely miss you all :((. I’m so proud of how much we’ve grown from the start to end. It feels so weird saying goodbye and it may take time to adjust, but I am sure with the next board all the members will be in great hands. I’m proud to be passing this role onto Clairose !! an officer I’ve worked with and had many great moments with. You’ll all do so well, and I look forward to seeing what everyone does next term! To PKC, Thank you for letting me be your treasurer, and see you next year <3:-D

Treasurer ‘21-’22

HI NINJACKRABBITS!!! I can’t belie am so grateful to have served as gonna miss interacting with y’all i stories! I know you’ll all love Nata her as my successor and I’m look her accomplishments in this upco I am so proud of how this club ha blossomed upon returning to in-p have had this opportunity to wor caring, creative individuals; this b make this term amazing and it’s r never forget my time on Spirit Tea screaming at y’all during spirit ses crazy to see u guys get over that became comfortable with cheer Jaena and Joseph during banqu clubussy into making cheers and spirit and pride in both Poly Key C continue to carry on! I’m seriously gonna miss everyone seniors, i’m so happy to see all of remember when I joined sophom about how we’ve all changed a already set on your paths for the the underclassmen, especially th are some of the sweetest people amazing things!! i’m gonna miss u to hmu anytime u guys want to ra getting into college, idk literally a the best for this new term and be y’all, kaera <3

Webmaster ‘2

eve this term is already over… :( I s your webmaster this year, I’m in instagram comments or alie Kim; I am so happy to have king forward to hearing about oming term :) as evolved and how we’ve person events. I feel so lucky to rk alongside the most talented, board has worked so hard to really paid off! I especially will am this year. I had so much fun ssions lmaoo—seriously it was t quarantine shyness as y’all ring. PLEASE show some love to uet, they put their whole key d will forever leave a legacy of Club and D13S that I hope y’all

e :(( to my fellow graduating f you embark on your futures. I more year and it’s crazy to think and how some of you are future! i love y’all so much <3 to hose on our board this term, y’all e and are gonna achieve such u guys so much i swear feel free ant, math help, advice on anything? Anyways, I wish you all eyond! bye everyone and love


|09 HEY NINJACKRABBITS >:D ! As our new board members for the 22’-23’ term have just been selected, the old board has come to the end of its era :,). I would like to thank all of you for giving us an amazing last term that has influenced who I am today and provided me with cherished memories :)). Especially my 21’-22’ board whom I’ve grown with as a key clubber and have found a key club family in :,). Key club has introduced me to new values and environments that I would have never encountered without it—from bond-building service events to the lively atmosphere of RTC, I loved every moment of it. I’m glad that I was able to witness the club grow from the little general meetings on zoom to our high-spirited meetings at school. And with that, our next meeting will be run by Poly Key Club’s new board members, so make sure to support them and cheer them on !!

Graphic Editor ‘21-’22

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