Thursday, December 8, 2022 7:00 PM | MEMORIAL CHAPEL
Jazz Band, US Concert Band and Advanced Concert Band, US String Ensemble and Advanced String Ensemble, Concert Choir and Advanced Concert Choir, Harmonics, Blue Notes, A Cappella, Tower Singers, and Young Singers
The poet Louise-Marie Célestin described the theme of “Twa Tanbou,” her text set to music by composer Syndey Guillaume and performed tonight by the Advanced Concert Choir, in this way:
“In order for a team to reach the optimal result, each member must play his or her own part. There is no room for self-obsessed glory; this ultimately brings down the team. True leaders are those who put their team’s collective well-being before themselves.”
In “Twa Tanbou,” this philosophy is applied to three drums which eventually work together to make beautiful music. You will hear this philosophy in action tonight as our Middle and Upper School students work together to create something bigger than themselves and share their music with the community.
The Winter Concert is one of my favorite Poly events. It is an opportunity to celebrate individual growth, collective accomplishments, and the power of community-building music. Thank you for being here tonight and for supporting our music programs at Poly.
Class of ’23: Kota Demay, June Dorsch, Natasha Ellis, Leo Yihan Wang, Brianna Kwan, Cinthya Sanchez, Fiona Stephenson, Sundiata Gittens, Mia Gordon, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Kai Sergeant, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, Katie Lopez, Adrianna Neal, Beatrice Larkin, Cosmo Oliveira Evans
Class of ’24: Noah Saivetz, Jordan Millar, Zeke Wise, Genevieve Fitzpatrick, Mary Lin, Alex Xiao, Jessica Dosik, Junie Blaise, Lulu McDonald, Tristan Kelley, Jasmine Donald, Zachary Udin
Daniel Doughty Director of MusicArranged by David Shaffer
Directed by Chris Benvegna
Andrey Bakulev, Jack Bogner, Zeraun Daniel, Christopher Espinosa Nunez, Lowie Giles, Emilio Gittens, Eve Harris, Grover Howell, Konatsu Iwai, Harry Lucas, Grace Moore, Lucas Powers Wojtowicz, Jason Rodino, Owen Samra, Juliet Smith, Kenny Thompson, Gabi Winitzer
By Tim and Angela Lauer
Arranged by David Huntsinger
Directed by Daniel Doughty
Jon Balikci, Amina Diagne, Eve Furst, Dayreni Llano, Amanda Lvovsky, Esteban Mierisch, Alex Pipitone, Lily Retman, Liam Rodriguez-John, Liliana Ruiz, Abigail Vatel
Three drums are having an argument
A great Sunday morning
On their way back from Guinea
A little Kata, A little Tanbouren, A big Boula Boula declared that he can hit the loudest Boula declared, “I can hit the loudest!”
Tanbouren said “I have the most beautiful sound,” He said, “When I perform, keep quiet and listen!”
Kata, who was hearing all this, became angry. He could not comprehend how two fellows
Who are dressed in the same outfit
And are children of the same mother Are sitting around making a scandal.
One fine Mardi Gras day, Kata started to “zouk” Every single person there began to dance… Tanbouren and Boula, who were there listening
To make the party more exciting, they started a great throng That day, they all sang a song that I’ll never forget: All drums that are dispersed Let’s put our shoulders together
To make life more beautiful
Directed by Daniel DoughtyAnjali Budhram, Jasmine Donald, Tasha Ellis, Genevieve Fitzpatrick, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Stavroula Gabriel, Ryan Geisler, Isabelle Gerling, Mia Gordon, Tristan Kelley, Beatrice Larkin, Izzy Leyton, Mary Lin, Alida Lissak, Lulu McDonald, Adrianna Neal, Cosmo Oliveira Evans, Sadie Schoenberger, Kai Sergeant, Donald Shields, George Thanopoulos, Drew Waldman, Zeke Wise
Directed by Carrie Dowell. Assisted by Kristen Drymala, Andrew Hall, Audrey Lo and Robert Garcia
Marie Culmine, Kota Demay, Jasmine Grant-Phillips, Mary Howell, Jasper Inamoto, Jack Pfeifer, Amalia Rimmon, Cinthya Sanchez, Marisa Triola, Alex Xiao
Directed by Chris Benvegna Accompanied by Konatsu Iwai
June Dorsch, Sylvie Dorsch, Jessica Dossik, Justin Durso, Jen Lavagnino-Sisk, Shaza Mousa
By Lord Huron
Arranged by Katie Lopez
Faculty advisor Alexis Perez, assisted by Mariko Watt
Lulu Adefris-Yaxley, Anjali Budhram, Jasmine Donald, Catherine Ferreira, Stavroula Gabriel, Ryan Geisler, Isabelle Gerling, Madeline Gross, Esme Hort, Katie Lopez,* Emily Mansfield, Lulu McDonald, Juliet Michaelis, Adrianna Neal,* Cinthya Sanchez, Sadie Schoenberger, Fiona Stephenson, Jacqueline Tehrany, Drew Waldman, Wendy Zhou
By The Neighbourhood Arranged by Devin McNulty
Faculty Advisor: Alexis Perez
Directed by Daniel Doughty
Grif Allen, Dylan Dehnert, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Khari Freeman, Sundiata Gittens, Lucas Hunter, Tristan Kelley, Christopher Merola, Cosmo Oliviera Evans,* Luke Rizzo, William Rorech, Hank Schilling, Jedi Scott, Kai Sergeant, Donald Shields, York Song, George Thanopoulos, Zeke Wise
*22–23 President
Directed by Daniel Doughty and Maddy Wyatt
Phoebe Allen, Isa Anderson, Charlotte Arzouian, Samara Charles, Logan Chaudoir, Magnus Coleman, Caleb Cuti, Levi Drucker Mann, Lila Dubin, Lucy Fleishhacker, Kiana Freeman, Mackenzie Grant-Hinckson, Hart Hicks, Lalitha Jayaram, Bodhi Kehoe, Avery Kelly, Anissa LeBlanc, Lucas McKenzie, Alex Mezhburd, Nyla Moise, Caroline Nemeth, Luke Shannon, Gabby Pipitone, Anisah Rahman, Kara Shum, Genevieve Simmons, Stella Taendler, Micha Thomas, Aviva Treister, Mick Waldman, Desmond Weber
Nicolette Avdeychik, Runa Bhandari, Celia Camara, Olivia Chu, Charlie Garner, Othello Ghartey, Cate Goldschmid, Jordan Greenberg, Kailynn Hernandez, Charles Jaffe, Felix James, Lulu Kenney, Miro Kubica, Emma Lattinelli, Sasha Londoner, Annie Lopez, Nili Maltzman, Momo Mandelbaum-Quiroga, Sydney McFarlane, John Miller, Julian Miravete, Emmanuel Nikitiades, Soleil Pena, Jess Rogers, Téa Sabbagh, Lester Shamos, Adelaide Swartz, Annabelle Thompson, Spencer Udin
Concerto in B minor for Four Violins, Op. 3., No. 10
By Antonio Vivaldi
Arranged by Ralph Matesky
Directed by Carrie Dowell
Kota Demay, Jasper Inamoto, Amalia Rimmon, Cinthya Sanchez, Alex Xiao
By Billy Joel
Arranged by Kirby Shaw
Directed by Maddy Wyatt
Griffin Allen, Junie Blaise, Jasmine Donald, Catherine Ferreira, Genevieve Fitzpatrick, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Stavroula Gabriel, Ryan Geisler, Mia Gordon,* Tristan Kelley, Brianna Kwan, Mary Lin, Katie Lopez, Donald Shields, Jacqueline Tehrany, Leo Yihan Wang,* Ezekiel Wise, Wendy Zhou *22–23 Co-presidents
Nigerian Christmas Carols
Arranged by Babatunde Olatunji and Wendall Whalum
Directed by Daniel Doughty
Accompanied by Simone Ferraresi and Niko Thanopolous, member of Collaborative Piano Skills
Lulu Adefris-Yaxley, Alex Amorosino, Abdul Barrie, Henry Crowley, Sebastian Ferre, Jacob Gil, Briyana Hart, Esme Hort, Christopher Howell, Holyn Karp, Landon Lipton, Piper Lipton, Zoe McCullough, Leo Mullin, Reese Roaman, Felipe Santiago, Kerry Song, York Song, Sam Swartz
by Greg GilpinTraditional
Arranged by Bob Turner
Directed by Dr. Orrin Wilson
Eshaan Dangayach .......................................................................................................... Guitar
Jen Sisk-Lavagnino Alto Saxophone
Katie Lopez ............................................................................................... Electric Bass Guitar Maximillian Mackler Vibraphone Zachary Ramseur ..................................................................................................Double Bass
Noah Saivetz ................................................................................................ Tenor Saxophone Kai Sergeant Drums Zachary Udin ....................................................................................................................... Piano
Audrius Barzdukas P’20
Head of School
Michal Hershkovitz P’16, ’18
Assistant Head of School, Academics
Sarah Bates
Head of Upper School
André Del Valle, P’29, ’33 Head of Middle School
Michael S. Robinson Head of Arts
The members of the Performing Arts faculty, the Engagement & Communications Department, the Poly Prep IT Staff, the Facilities and Maintenance Department, Security Staff, Kitchen Staff, and the MS and US Deans.
Please follow our new Poly Prep ARTS social media pages on Facebook and Instagram for all-things-art at Poly featuring students Nursery–Grade 12.
Grades 3 and 4 Winter Concert
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 | 6:30 PM | lower school
Middle School Play: The Pushcart War
Thursday, December 15, 2022 | 7:00 PM | richard perry theatre
Poly Conservatory Winter Recital
Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 5:00 PM | location tbd
Afternoon of Student Choreography
Sunday, January 29, 2023 | 3:00 PM | richard perry theatre
Advanced Concert Choir Tour to New Orleans
Saturday–Tuesday, February 4–7, 2023
Upper School Musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Book, Additional Lyrics by Rupert Holmes, Music, Additional Lyrics by John Kander, Lyrics by Fred Ebb, Original Book and Concept by Peter Stone
Thursday–Saturday, March 2–4, 2023 | 7:00 PM | richard perry theatre Sunday, March 5, 2023 | 2:00 PM | richard perry theatre
Spring Dance Concert
Friday & Saturday, April 14 & 15, 2023 SAVE THE DATES! More information to follow.
Spring Arts Festival Vocal Music Concert
Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 7:00 PM | memorial chapel
Arts Festival & Instrumental Music Concert
Thursday, April 27, 2023 | 7:00 PM | memorial chapel
Poly Conservatory Spring Recitals
Wednesday & Thursday, May 17 & 18, 2023, More information to follow.
Grade 4 Spring Dance and Music Concert
Thursday, May 25, 2023 | 6:30 PM | lower school
Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming events!