【Who Cares?】 #006 我們倡議信息設計 We advocate usable, accessible and comprehensible information design

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Image: Ahho 這套導向系統的目的,是針對空間的不同位置,以圖象為本,調度視覺和文本信息,為大樓的訪客、學生及員工提供有效的尋路資訊,並為機構建立獨有的身份。 The wayshowing system aims to provide effective support for visitors, students, and staff to find their ways around the building, through graphic form and manipulation of location-specific visual and textual information. It also provides the institution with a distinct identity.


Our everyday lives are surrounded by visual


elements. Designers are not only concerned with

和使用者習慣的關係。理大設計學院的信息設 計研究室(Information Design Lab,下簡稱

aesthetics, but also the relationships between language, context, lifestyles, and user habits. The Information Design Lab (IDL) at PolyU


Design provides design research and consultancy


services. Using a user-centered approach, the

服務。研究室以用者為研究的核心對象,探索 如何能夠更清楚、有效和具吸引力地傳達視覺

IDL team explores how visual information can be communicated more clearly, readily, effectively, and attractively in the fields of wayshowing,

資訊。 最 近 , 研 究 室 更 開 始 探 索 本 地 的 傳 意

typesetting, typography, and information design.


More recently, the team has also begun to

視覺是媒體,是擔當起傳意責任的工具。」 主理研究室的理大設計助理教授郭斯恆(Brian

explore local communication design histories. “As we are moving forward in our knowledgea medium, and a communication tool,” said the


PolyU Design Assistant Professor Brian Kwok,


who directs the IDL. Brian is a veteran of visual design and advertising. He is heartened by the recent observation that students care more


about corporate social responsibility and product


positioning, in addition to design and aesthetics.

識,還強調設計研究,讓用家體驗、參與設計過 程、共同設計,彼此有意見交流。」

信息設計研究室 Information Design Lab

based society, the visual is increasingly used as

Kwok) ,從事視覺設計、廣告行業多年,發現 美感外,也留意機構 /客戶的社會責任、產品

Creative Matters

They also understand that user experience is not just about designing interfaces and their functionality, it is first and foremost about human needs. “Graphic design knowledge forms the foundation of the Communication Design curriculum, yet design research experience, user engagement, co-creation, and interaction are equally indispensable.”

成立於2011年1月,主理信息設計研究和顧問工 作,關注設計如何令信息有效地傳達。研究室主 力發掘用者如何理解、應用、記憶和學習不同類型 的資訊,透過用者為本的研究方法,確保設計方案 是實用、清晰且具吸引力。其研究範圍包括不同媒 體、各類型用家和日常使用層面。 Established in January 2011, the Lab is a research and consultancy unit at PolyU Design dedicated to investigating what makes the design of information accessible and easy to understand. The IDL’s primarily focuses on the design processes that influence how people recognise, make sense of, process, remember and learn from various types of information. The Lab adopts user-centered research methods to ensure that solutions are accessible, usable, understandable, as well as attractive for the intended users. The research spans across all media, types of users and contexts of use. www.infodesignlab.org



Engaging the Public with Information

信息設計研究室於 2011 年成立,曾經舉辦學

The Information Design Lab was founded in

information design on medicine packs. Students


2011. The IDL team has organised international

experimented with different label prototypes

conferences and invited diverse overseas guest

and also added icons and other visual cues for

speakers to Hong Kong. In collaboration with the

senior citizens who are illiterate.” In health

Hong Kong Design Centre, the Lab also worked

information design, the most important concern

計,也是由 IDL、學生和外國專門負責導向系統

on the designing of design-focussed travel

is not aesthetics, but legibility and readability,


guidebooks for Wan Chai, Central, and Tsim Sha

which can only be achieved through extensive

Tsui. With the construction of the Jockey Club

research and collaboration between designers

Innovation Tower at PolyU, the Lab was involved

and users. The healthcare system is inherently

in the designing, testing, and implementing of

complex, where designers need to coordinate


the wayshowing signage system of the entire

with different stakeholders, at the same time


building. The system was jointly developed by

ensuring that safety issues will not be jeopardised.

the IDL, design students, and a foreign firm that

Although this is only an experimental project,

specialises in wayshowing.

students benefited greatly as they develop



堂習作,聯同老人中心、聖雅各福群會等,讓學 生跟長者進行訪談、設計、用家測試,尋找改善

greater visual sensitivity and empathy.


“Packaging usually comes with the necessary


information design, specifically packaging that

識字的長者使用,又嘗試把藥丸儲存盒與水樽結 合、設計寶盒形狀的貯藥箱等。每個都是與用家

requires medicine labels, nutrition labels, or warning messages such as those on cigarette packs. The complex visual presentation of


information on medicine labels has proven


difficult for senior citizens to comprehend,

作,並作深入的用者研究。醫療體制涉及多個政 府部門的協調,設備及服務更新,人命攸關。計

which frequently leads to incorrect medication

Image: Ahho


administration. The Lab has collaborated with elderly homes and St. James’ Settlement where


the team as well as Communication Design


students could interview and work with Hong Kong’s elderly, exploring new possibilities for

信息設計研究室製作的設計旅遊指南「灣仔設計 X 文化導覽」。 Design travel guidebook “Wanchai Design X Culture Navigator” by IDL.


Hong Kong Neon Signs Visual Culture


While Information Design is pivotal to

Seeing the IDL projects so far, we come to


packaging, it also serves as a cultural vector in

understand that the work of graphic designers

the urban space. An example of such a vector

is not just about poster or logo design. Their

is the patchwork of neon signs for which Hong

role is to improve every aspect of our daily lives

Kong is famous for. Due to changes in laws and

through in-depth studies of and with users,


regulations, many of the colourful and uniquely

the public, and society. Graphic designers offer

捐贈一批多達 1,000 份的霓虹招牌手稿,作為

local neon signs that once dotted Hong Kong’s

research-based solutions and collaboration

streetscape are being removed. The IDL team

opportunities for the public.

告招牌條例,令充滿香港地道風格、五光十色 的霓虹招牌因而面臨清拆、消失的命運。IDL 數

收藏和未來研究用途。這家霓虹招牌製作公司 創辦於 1953 年,歷史悠久,更是全港少數自設

has visited Nam Wah Neonlight & Electrical Mfy, Ltd., which was founded in 1953, at various


occasions a few years ago. It is one of the


last-remaining factories of its kind in Hong

和分析,才能梳理出當中的文化故事和歷史。我 們一面記錄、整理手稿,一面希望可以在未來籌

Kong. The Factory has donated a collection of 1,000 neon sign artworks to the Lab for archiving and future research. “Some of these neon sign


artworks are 50 years old, archival research


and analysis is required so that their stories,

學生拍照、記錄的進度還要快,油尖旺一帶的霓 虹招牌,數量已剩餘無幾。

historical contexts, and cultural histories can be understood. We are documenting and archiving the artworks in hopes of exhibiting and publishing about them one day. At the same

看罷 IDL 正在研究的項目,你大抵會意識到平 面設計師的工作,並不只是設計海報、商標, 更可以深入到日常生活範疇,為不同用家、大

time, student assistants have researched across the Kowloon peninsula to photo-document still-existing neon signs before they permanently disappear.” Unfortunately, many signs have


already been taken down. Those still hanging


in the Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mongkok districts are becoming increasingly rare.

霓虹招牌研究的宗旨是收集本地霓虹招牌數據、資料,從歷史、字型和 視覺文化角度切入研究。 The Hong Kong neon signs project aims to build a database of currently still-existing neon signs and it involves perspectives on their history, typography and visual culture.



Wayshowing in the Innovation Tower

Zaha Hadid 設計的理大賽馬會創新樓,建築物

PolyU’s Jockey Club Innovation Tower has been


designed by Zaha Hadid. The building’s fluid

膽的線條空間。為了讓使用者容易覓路、不迷 失且合乎整體美感,信息設計研究室與各方單

and bold form is punctuated by horizontal dynamics, which are interestingly different at each level. From the exterior to the interior,


the space is a daring articulation of sleek lines,


within which occupants can flow effortlessly.

圖、信息、空間視覺、媒介等均有細緻考量。 設計不張揚,也不是單一的設計品,注重整體 和連貫的視覺思維規則。

In order to guide users to their destinations without disturbing the important architectural detail, the Information Design Lab collaborated with different parties throughout the years, producing a tailor-made wayshowing system. The system took into account users’ input and the results of user testing, and was developed after meticulous consideration of direction, symbols, maps, information, visual space, and medium. It resulted in low-key and multiple sets of wayshowing work that serve their purpose by means of their intuitive and

Images: Ahho

consistent visual logic.


Typesetting and Colours


After much deliberation, the font XinGothic,


designed by Hong Kong typographer Sammy

設計的信黑體;英文採用由字體設計師 Irene Vlachou 與 Keith Tam 合作的理大漆咸體,字體

Chatham, designed by Irene Vlachou and Keith Tam, was chosen for English. The proportionality


and legibility of these fonts are excellent.


The colours and choice of materials reflect


minimalist design. For example, the information is presented in black and indigo, and maps and icons are simple and clean.

Sketch of the font PolyU Chatham (provided by Keith Tam)

A School Tradition Continues 理大設計學院的名牌設計,採用了白底白字的視覺風格,與舊校舍學 院名牌互相呼應。 The wayshowing system of PolyU Design adopted a white on white visual style, which is a continuation and tribute paid to the old signage before the School moved to the Innovation Tower.

Or, was chosen for Chinese and the font PolyU

Actual Size Proportion 設計團隊嘗試印製了多個原大尺寸的設計原型,測試可讀性、比例和 各種視覺系統。 The design team used many actual-size-printout prototypes, which are tested for legibility, proportion, and the visual system.

Designing with Space 創新樓每層空間各異,最考功夫的字體排列就是名牌設計,設計師必須 依據實地空間、環境和牆面斜度決定字體的擺設和排列方式。 Every level of the Innovation Tower is different in layout. For this reason, designing a signage system for different units requires working in the actual environment, as the curvature of the space influences how the typesetting will be presented.

Paper Model 獨立指示牌必須要經過一比一紙版模型實地測試,以用者為本原則, 了解各字體、標示、比例是否與空間配合。 Stand-alone signage must go through on-site testing with 1:1 paper modelling. It has to conform to the principles of usercentered design so that typesetting, marking, and proportion work harmoniously with the architectural space.

Issue #006

Field Testing 空間導視系統與大樓建築工程平行進行,設計團隊於工地考察空間、 尋找合適的指示位置和設計系統。 The wayshowing system was developed in parallel with the Tower’s construction. The design team visited the construction site, which helped them perfect the system and find the most fitting locations for signage.

PolyU Design

Editorial: SD PRESS | Text: Ire Tsui | Images: provided by Information Design Lab | Translation: Alan Chan www.polyudesign.com | Facebook: HK PolyU School of Design ©2017 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. All rights reserved.

User Feedback 團隊找來設計學院的用家為導向系統進行場地測試,收集意見改良 設計。 The team brought together users to conduct on-site testing for the effectiveness of the wayshowing system. The users’ feedback would then be used to improve the System’s design.

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