Report On Philanthropy 2020-2021

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“I am currently a global health major because, while attending Pomfret, I realized how passionate I was about helping others and about social activism. As a result, I plan to pursue a research degree to do everything I can to reduce the maternal mortality rate for Black women. I am very fortunate because I have had amazing teachers and mentors.” — Jahneh Haylett ‘19


Pomfret School

398 Pomfret Street • PO Box 128 Pomfret, CT 06258-0128 860-963-6127


Garry Dow

Copy Editor Corrine King Tina Lefevre


Jordan Kempain

Contributing Photographers

Jim Gipe (Pivot Media) Lindsay Lehmann Pomfret’s Report on Philanthropy is published by Pomfret’s Communications Office © 2021


Table of Contents 04 The Impact of Your Giving 06 Total Giving Summary 07 Message from the Head of School 08 Message from the Board Treasurer & CFO 09 Revenues 10 The Pomfret Fund 14 Day of Giving 18 Honor Roll 42 Endowment & Capital Giving 52 Planned Giving 56 Volunteers 58 Top 100 Donors 60 Gifts In Memory 62 Gifts In Honor 67 Gifts In-Kind 69 Advancement Team



THE OF YOUR GIVING Your giving, at every level and in every way, supports the people, programs, and places that create the extraordinary student experience at Pomfret. In an unprecedented year of uncertainty and challenge, you — our alumni, parents, friends, and community — responded with an exceptional outpouring of generosity. In ways both large and small, your gifts made a significant impact on the success and achievement of our students and teachers.



Attended the virtual National Association of Independent Schools’ People of Color Conference where they participated in leadership training and networking to support interracial, interethnic, and intercultural strategies for people of color and allies at independent schools



Were added to the library, with over 50 of them written by diverse authors, poets, and journalists


TEACHERS Attended a three-day Humanities workshop to help realign the curriculum



Participated in an Agile Course Design Workshop which enabled them to transition to distance learning

11,887 POUNDS OF LOCAL PRODUCE Consumed in dining hall


Received financial aid


5,000 COVID-19 TESTS

Administered to the School community


TOTAL GIVING SUMMARY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 (July 1, 2020 –June 30, 2021)




















MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Philanthropy makes the Pomfret Experience possible.


our generosity is an investment in Pomfret’s present as well as its future. Pomfret is charting an aggressive course to advance teaching and learning, expand access and affordability, and enhance our community. Philanthropy, past and present, plays a vital role in making the Pomfret Experience possible and allowing us to achieve our ambitious aspirations. Throughout this report, we honor and celebrate your giving, which is providing an unparalleled experience for our students. We are grateful for your commitment to Pomfret and for the wonderful example your generosity sets for our entire community. Thank you for your support! With gratitude,

J. Timothy Richards P ‘15 Head of School 7



hanks to the generous support of our alumni, parents, and friends, Pomfret School is in a strong financial position. Your giving to the Pomfret Fund and endowment bridges the gap between net tuition, which provides about 75 percent of operating costs, and Pomfret’s total budget. Pomfret Fund gifts, which totaled a record $2.59 million in FY21, are unrestricted and provide immediate resources toward Pomfret’s comprehensive academic and community goals, including innovations in teaching and learning, faculty professional development, financial aid, and the residential community. The Pomfret endowment, which totaled a record $73.4 million as of June 30, 2021, is designed to support the people, programs, and activities of the School in perpetuity. The endowment benefited from $2.1 million in gifts and significant returns in FY21. We extend our gratitude to the Pomfret community of donors, who are supporting Pomfret’s mission, vision, and values through their generous giving. Sincerely,

Lindsay B. Paul P ‘14, P ‘17, P ‘21 Treasurer, Board of Trustees


Edward T. Griffin P ‘17, P ‘19 Chief Financial Officer




NET TUITION $16,913,000




POMFRET FUND $2,594,385


$22,478,585 TOTAL REVENUES


THE POMFRET FUND The Pomfret Fund is an annual fundraising appeal that positively impacts the lives of students and faculty every day. Pomfret Fund gifts are unrestricted and can be spent where the need is greatest to maximize the immediate impact on today’s students, faculty, and programs while also offering the flexibility to take advantage of emerging opportunities and respond to unanticipated needs and challenges.


$2,594,385 TOTAL RAISED



























































under $100





$2,594,386 13

DAY OF GIVING The Pomfret Experience is built on the individuals who collectively come together to change lives. It takes each one of us working together to make a difference at Pomfret. On April 27, 2021, this community showed the Power of One. In a 24-hour period on our Annual Day of Giving, 1,481 donors contributed nearly $675,000 — more than 25 percent of our Pomfret Fund for the year. Thank you all for giving, sharing, and joining together for the biggest Pomfret celebration on record!








1. 2. 3. 4. 5.









“The Hilltop granted me the ability to think critically about things, know how to treat others with respect, see myself as a leader, and be comfortable outside of my comfort zone.”

— HP Wackerman ‘16



HONOR ROLL The names listed on the following pages represent those who, through their generous and thoughtful gifts, have done so much to strengthen Pomfret School. Pomfret Fund donors for the time period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 are included. We extend our sincere thanks to our trustees, class agents, parent agents, and all the volunteers who devoted so much time and energy to this successful year of philanthropy.

Alumni CLASS OF 1914 † P. Blair Lee


Lucien L. Kinsolving † David C. Park

† John W. Lewis † Barton L. Mallory, Jr.






† William H. Coverdale, Jr. † Landon K. Thorne, Jr.

CLASS OF 1931 † George M. Mott


† Lovat F. Cooper-Ellis

CLASS OF 1939 † Louis L. Lorillard



* £ Theodore F. Babbitt * £ Wallace B. Goodwin II

£ Samuel F. Babbitt


Andre R. Chognard £ Robert B. Fiske, Jr. £ Peter G. McLean


A. Roger Chappelka Stephen R. Davenport, Jr. £ John O. Flender £ E. Morgan Gilbert £ J. Anthony LaPalme

£ Robert W. Pomeroy III £ Hunter M. Temple Tyler H. Thompson



£ Joan Strong Buell * Edward A. Sprague £ W. Lambert Welling

William H. O’Brien III * £ Chester K. Lasell £ William H. O’Brien III £ John A. Paine £ Bradford P. Straus £ Peter P. Tower



* £ Markley H. Boyer James C. Goodale Ashbel G. Gulliver W. Neely Mallory R. Carey McIntosh


Charles V. Henry III £ Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. £ John H. Chase William E. Griess, Jr. £ Charles V. Henry III ◊ £ Judson H. R. Morris, Jr. Stephen C. Owen, Jr. £ Theodore R. Robb


Frederick K. Gaston III Anonymous £ Philip R. Allen £ John A. Fiske £ Arthur Z. Gardiner, Jr. £ Frederick K. Gaston III £ Kendrick Harmon

John J. Huss William A. Stewart III £ W. Hardy Eshbaugh III H. Gordon Fales, Jr. * £ Michael W. Hard William K. Hoag, Jr. £ John J. Huss Z. David Patterson £ E. Brooks Robbins William A. Stewart III Ferruccio V. Turek £ Fred D. Williams III


Anthony S. Hoyt £ William F. Cameron Harry C. Groome III William B. Hoff £ Anthony S. Hoyt William J. Huffer £ Alexander H. ter Weele


Danforth P. Fales £ Thomas H. Belknap £ Peter R. Borden £ Danforth P. Fales Arthur K. Forester Peter S. Hallowell £ William C. Horn, Jr. £ B. Lee Mallory III £ Thomas S. McKeown, Jr. £ Thomas W. S. Nichols Frederick M. Pryor £ David W. Unsworth Eric Watkins Horace H. Work


Edward R. Johnson George T. Shaw Anonymous E. Davies Allan John A. Brough, Jr. Anthony Call Gordon T. Clark William S. Cox £ John R. Curtis, Jr. Marc Andre Daniel-Dreyfus £ Frederick M. Danziger £ George T. Dewey III £ Richard O. Gildersleeve £ Galen N. Griffin £ Edward R. Johnson £ Andrew W. Kerr James M. Lyon Edward P. Otocka £ George T. Shaw Hermon E. Smith III £ Samuel N. Stokes


Jeb N. Embree £ Daniel H. Cornwall £ William P. Curlee £ Robert H. E. Elliott III £ Jeb N. Embree Michael D. Grace Alan Hamerstrom £ G. Clay Hollister £ Robert M. Olmsted £ Willard R. Pope £ Norman W. Smith £ Lewis L. Taylor £ August Zinsser III


Benjamin A. Fairbank, Jr. £ Benjamin L. Chapman £ Benjamin A. Fairbank, Jr. £ Geoffrey T. Freeman £ Peter C. Munson £ John Quattrocchi III £ Judson P. Reis £ John Strawbridge III


James Carey, Jr. Stephen T. Dexter Clark Groome Richard S. Jackson, Jr. George R. Morgan George M. Walker Anonymous (2) £ Philip K. Allen, Jr. £ Howard R. Apollonio £ Charles M. Ayers Edward A. Bayne, Jr. Roger P. Blake £ Lawrence J. Braman £ Robert P. Brown, Jr. £ James Carey, Jr. £ John M. Case £ Hunter W. Corbin £ Stephen T. Dexter £ Terry B. Dick IV Eric F. Fiedler £ James R. Foster £ Clark Groome Peter C. Hughes £ Richard S. Jackson, Jr.


Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


J. Douglas Knott £ Thomas P. Marinis, Jr. £ George R. Morgan £ Richard H. Wadhams, Jr. £ Vincent B. Wickwar


I. Howell Mallory £ Ralph J. Arietta £ John R. Bockstoce £ William M. Boehme £ Waldemar G. Buschmann £ Charles S. Coit Toby Condliffe £ Michael G. Curtis £ Russell W. Fisher £ Isaac Hall, Jr. £ William E. Havemeyer £ John F. Leslie, Jr. £ I. Howell Mallory Frederic B. Mayo, Jr. £ Sherman Morss, Jr. £ Samuel O. Tilton £ David J. Watkins



Richard J. Fates John S. Griswold, Jr. Edward F. Swenson III Anonymous £ Blakeslee P. Brown £ Richard J. Fates £ Charles W. Fleischmann £ John S. Griswold, Jr. Milo C. Hamilton £ Perry A. Harvey Henry B. Hoff £ Anthony C. Lame £ Edward C. Lingenheld III £ Drew J. Otocka Daniel A. Poor £ Walter Rowson III £ Jonathan P. Russell £ Thomas Y. Simon £ Calhoun W. Wick B. Owen Williams


Peter W. Clement Charles W. Findlay III Paul D. Fowler Barbara Lazear Ascher £ Thomas C. Barbour £ McKim N. Barnes

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


£ R. Nathaniel W. Barrows Daniel C. Church £ Allen T. Cobb Mark B. Constantian £ Stephen A. Cook £ Peter S. Corbin £ John A. Dix £ Charles W. Findlay III £ George B. Foote £ Paul D. Fowler £ Frank L. Fuller IV £ Paul A. Harsch III £ William P. Henning Matthew H. Hobbs £ Peter B. Kelsey £ Donald L. Mennel * £ Francis Paine £ Charles E. Potts II Andrew Russell £ Mark Simon £ Paul T. Steege £ James L. Thomson II £ Clifford I. van Voorhees III £ David M. Woodrow


Donald S. Gibbs, Jr. Anonymous £ Frederick W. Allen Nathaniel R. Clymer £ Stephen C. Crane Arthur B. Dielhenn £ Frederick E. Findlay £ Donald S. Gibbs, Jr. £ Michael E. Glick William A. Hastings £ David S. Henkel, Jr. £ Mark L. Hildebrand £ John T. Irick £ Richard D. Johnson £ Cletus Keating III

£ Justin P. Klein Seaver W. Leslie £ W. Dean Moss, Jr. Robert D. Orr, Jr. Donald H. Robinson William G. Saunders Ted C. Seacrest James D. Seymour William J. Whipple £ Robert T. Whitman Harry Williams £ Robert J. Yudell


£ Joel A. Conn Robert W. Duncan £ James H. Goodwin Steven C. Haarmann Richard S. Hodsdon Robert B. Off £ Michael L. Schwartz £ James G. Stuart £ Lewis Turner, Jr.


Kenyon W. Clark Michael S. Petty Douglas S. Baldwin £ Miles B. Canning £ Kenyon W. Clark Calvin W. Coquillette Stephen M. Curtis £ John M. Davis £ Thomas R. Downing J. Lansing Duncan David A. Feffer Bruce B. Gordon Anthony T. Guiterman James C. Gulick

Donald E. Hard William H. Hayes £ Richard N. Hubbell William W. Jeanes, Jr. £ Ronald W. Klare £ John H. Kueffner J. Scott Lord £ Jeffrey A. Oppenheim £ Michael S. Petty £ James E. Rothman John C. Rzewski £ Charles A. Scudder £ Andrew M. Sereysky £ Andrew P. Sokobin £ John R. Viertel


Gregory W. Melville Whitney S. Bodman £ Peter G. Canby Louis C. DiNatale, Jr. Wesley M. Graff III £ David B. Greenwood £ Bradford Hastings Lowell S. Kabnick Carl D. McAulay £ Gregory W. Melville Peter A. Pease Robert W. Purvis Joel H. Rathbone Robert R. Rich Robert W. Richardson £ John Simpkins III £ Dale W. Snape £ Ruthven A. Wodell £ Eugene V. York


Richard G. Levin John M. Adams £ Peter Barnet Reginald J. Carroll £ Geoffrey B. Churchill £ Eric D. Coleman Peter Dunham, Jr. James D. Edwards George J. Feiss III £ William G. Fenley £ Bill Gallery Andrew G. Goldmark John Herron, Jr. £ Charles S. Hosley David M. Howe, Jr. Leonard S. Klein Jonathan L. LeVeen £ Richard G. Levin Robert C. Livingston, Jr. Bruce S. Oakes Thomas H. Paine, Jr. £ Jeffrey L. Purvin Curtis G. Rand £ Carl E. Rohde II Eric A. Schwartz Robert Y. Shasha Robert L. Sims Gary M. Tharler Naomi Vega-Nieves £ Peter B. Welsh £ Gordon B. Wheeler


Richard A. Bensen Anonymous (2) Thomas B. Arnold £ Richard A. Bensen John A. Bogardus III

£ Joseph N. Crary £ Marshall L. Eaton Christopher B. Fleming £ A. Carter Hinckley Stephen E. Howard £ Helen Pollari Howell £ Gilbert H. Judson £ Joseph P. Keiffer Mark A. Lipman James R. McCulloch £ Frank L. Miller IV £ Thaddeus M. Sendzimir Christopher C. Skambis, Jr. Timothy Y. Smith £ Peter Smoluchowski Hugh Whitman, Jr.


Jacques P. Bailhé Susan Cole Campbell £ Peter H. Castle Alfred W. Gardner, Jr. P. Alexander Gibney Harold M. Hine £ Linda Bartley Kittler £ Henry R. Palmer III R. Otis Read III Steven P. Shwartz John D. Sigel Eric N. Waldron


Milton L. Butts, Jr. Anonymous James M. Bergantz Michelle S. Bourgeois Milton L. Butts, Jr. James A. Corwin Louis Cossutta Mary Valentine Feathers

“Interacting with people from all over the world gave me a different perspective and helped shape me into someone who is more outgoing, courageous, and excited by opportunities to go outside my comfort zone.” — Amy Diaz ‘10


£ Lindsey Cole Miesmer £ William G. Norwich Eric Parssinen Paul G. Rathe £ Roger van der Horst £ Robert D. Vatz £ David B. Warner


Peter A. de Treville John C. Matthews Andrew R. Teichner £ Ilse D. Bailey Allison Bayer Peter A. de Treville John C. Matthews £ Robert M. Michaels £ Charles W. Reyburn £ David A. Rosen £ Michael A. Solis £ Christopher M. Stockdale £ John C. Stockman, Jr. £ John Winer


David D. Dixon Anne M. DeBevoise £ Margaret A. Lamb Alan C. Reynolds Nicholas H. Ryan


Andre B. Burgess £ Mark W. Blodgett £ Andre B. Burgess


£ Daniel C. K. Chow Edward C. Chow £ Charles D. Cole, Jr. £ Teodulo A. Henriquez £ Timothy S. Matthews £ Karen Corwin Mook £ Philip B. Rettger £ George Santiago, Jr. Cynthia Shearer Henry L. Strong Donald F. Wolf


Anonymous (2) £ Walter M. Frankenberger III £ Kathryn E. Geissinger £ John M. Groton III Thomas M. Haberle £ L. Alexander Hamilton III Barbara Van Haagen Herbert £ Scott W. Maker £ Matthew J. Mees £ Mark A. Semmelrock


John B. Leeming II Nina R. Lederman £ John B. Leeming II £ Stephen Woodruff


Mark S. Breen £ Wyatt S. Daentl £ Sarah P. Dewey £ Arthur C. Diaz Charles W. Rosenfield ◊ Laura Mosczynski Rush Susan M. Smiga


Bradley R. Painter £ Andrew L. Beall £ Samuel W. Cargill £ Colleen Murray Coggins Matthew T. Freund Loser J. Lane David M. Meade £ Robert K. Mullarkey Bradley R. Painter £ Sonya C. Park Toby Kamen Taylor


Rachel M. Kamen Robert B. Diaz £ Monique Lowery Foster £ Mary-McLean Bancroft Jones Rachel M. Kamen A. Sara MacDonald £ Elke V. Muller William H. Porter, M.D. £ Kimberley Van Auken £ Jeffrey J. Wong


Eric L. Foster William R. Cole £ Eric L. Foster • Timothy G. Johnson William B. Martin, Jr. Susan R. Mead Reginald R. Paige, Sr. John A. Steffian, Jr.


Luis Cruz Johanna M. Moffitt £ Merritt Ashmead-Robinson £ James C. Baker £ Mark A. Cohen £ Luis Cruz £ Jeffrey P. Dennis £ Michael Gary Charles Hollerith Charles E. Leeming John N. Lobley £ Jeffrey E. McCartney £ Johanna M. Moffitt Caroline Hofe Nowak Sean C. Skaggs £ James P. Snyder £ Michael J. Zurbrigen


Wendy Reeder Enelow Timothy T. Robinson Carolyn V. Bartholet £ Jessica Slosberg Benjamin £ Linda Bryan Brenske £ Ingrid Black Burnell £ Alexander B. Coxe

£ Mara E. Cushwa £ Anne Ramsey Cutler £ James M. Enelow £ Wendy Reeder Enelow £ Timothy W. Eustis John N. Gilbert III £ Nathaniel H. Hallowell £ Amy R. Hare • Allyn Harvey, Jr. Julie A. Johnson Susan F. Killenberg Steven F. Kingsbury £ Alexander R. McLean £ Lucinda Nalle John J. Nelson, Jr. Timothy T. Robinson £ Christopher G. Scott £ Peter J. Southam £ Jane S. Speyer Albert S. Washco David M. Watstein Lisa R. Wood


Jeffrey P. Curran Marc L. Archambault £ Heather Richardson Bonner £ Adam D. Carpenter £ Jordan F. Clark Corey E. Collins £ Jeffrey P. Curran Robert J. DeFreitas £ William F. Mitchell Christopher S. Renkert Eugenie McPherson Trevor £ William K. White


Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor



Christopher N. Berl Anonymous £ Christopher N. Berl £ Derek C. Johnston £ Heather Julian John G. Lameyer £ David H. Lefferts • Alexander A. Pena William K. Plumb Jessie C. Stone William F. Thornton £ Mark A. Tillinghast £ James L. Van Alen, Jr. William M. Walker


John P. Anderson James S. Brodsky Thomas M. Bryan Cynthia L. Carroll W. Todd Coffin Pamela H. Greenho £ David H. Haffenreffer, Jr. Merrill M. Joy


£ Lisa Noble Kaneb Molly L. Meyers James A. Nickerson Christopher D. Richardson John H. Scribner £ Elisabeth E. Sloat Mark P. Styles Anna Bryan Sullivan Brooke A. Toni Adam R. Waldman £ Jeremy R. Wintersteen


Katharine B. Cowperthwait Anonymous (3) Scott C. Baker Telena Bolding £ Brooke Rorer Brown £ Nancy Hall Bunting £ Katharine B. Cowperthwait Stephen H. Greer • Marc J. Harrigan £ William D. James David H. Kohnen £ Christopher J. Kriz

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


Tanja A. Kurz Alexandra Boardman Reynolds Julia Fischoeder Schelter Frederic W. Thomas McCoy D. Weymouth £ Monique Kapitulik Wolanin


Caitlin L. Hills Anonymous (3) £ Jane S. Amos Remy Taylor Burke Elizabeth M. Busby Katherine Woods Callender • James D. Campbell £ Finn M. W. Caspersen, Jr. Alexis Brinkley Collins David J. Diaz Peter T. Fairchild Maria Prado Forney £ Adam W. Foulke Roger W. Gill Caitlin L. Hills £ Philip T. Jurgeleit Leslie Embree Kelly • Damon C. Kimes Beverly Goodman Kirkpatrick Lily Winthrop Malcom Dana Donley Morton George W. Noble Shane R. Nolan Sheila Tellier Nottebohm Christopher E. Peter Katherine Scott Pilkington Allison A. Regan Adair Byers Scott £ Elizabeth Shaw Kleinbeck Kathryn Evans Smith

£ Baldwin Smith III Edward W. Staunton Elana V. Toscano Kevin T. Traskos Benjamin B. Tucker £ Elizabeth Tilt Weiner Lela I. Williams


Catherine Moriarty Whittier Anonymous £ Daryle L. Bost £ Edmund A. DeNapoli £ E. Clayton Gengras III £ Laurence A. Horvath £ Thomas R. Kopf Andrew S. Kriz Emily C. Mallory £ James F. Newbold £ Katharine H. Olmsted Nathaniel M. Peirce Tara Peters Peterson £ Marina Shields Purcell Richman T. Reinauer Kelsey Hubbard Rollinson £ Adam P. Schmidt Allison Hopper Skinner £ Susan Durfee Smalley £ Brian W. Smalley £ Andrew L. Smith David M. Tillinghast Melanie Thorne Wagner £ Catherine Moriarty Whittier £ William F. Wiggins


Rachel D. Baime Anonymous (2) £ Rachel D. Baime Paige Baldwin Maren Feltz Boothby Jessica B. Buchanan £ Laura H. Cowperthwait Paul C. DeNapoli £ Jonathan G. Gengras A. Hardin Gray £ Amy H. Henderson Robin Tarleton Hengerer David G. Kell • Nikolai D. Kirkham Amy Veek Lennon Christina Paumgarten Derek W. Pratt £ Sarah Bartholomew Wilkinson ◊ £ Hallie K. Ziesmer


Anonymous (2) Catherine Hartz Allen Whitney Cooley Bellingham £ James D. Breen, Jr. Jeremy B. Button £ Samuel M. W. Caspersen Malik S. Ducard £ David E. Farnum £ Margaret K. Feltz Daniel J. Good £ Laurence N. Hale £ Juliana Keyser Harris Elizabeth Blabey Janiga Alexander P. Jones £ Jesse S. Lawrence £ Jay F. Luchs

Frances R. Lumpkin-Webster £ Courtney Hallock McGinnis Nicole van Weel Merriman Samantha Jones O’Brien Katharina Grenfell O’Connor ◊ £ Jaime A. Ramirez £ Philipp U. Rasi de Mel £ Abigail Gardiner Silk Jesse B. Silverman Sarah Torres Svindland Jefferson M. VanDerzee Christopher M. Victory Saranne Burnham Warner Frances R. Lumpkin-Webster Thomas D. Webster £ Willard S. Yankus James A. Zahansky, Jr.


Adolphus B. Clinton II Anonymous (2) £ Nicholas E. Allen ◊ Melissa Samuel Boryk Adolphus B. Clinton II Patrick M. Donnelly Gregory T. Duncan £ Diana Heide Fredericks £ Alfred H. Geary £ Samuel L. Goldworm • Sharon Fernandes Gooding £ Lide Banks Goodwin R. Alexander Hulse £ Alexandra Levit Kovacevich Alyson E. McKnight £ Winston G. Miller Adrienne Biggert Morrell £ Joshua E. Petty John S. Post Allyson Ouzts Purcell

£ £ £ £

Kate Green Ripple Benjamin C. Rubenstein Dacque E. Tirado D. Wyatt Wartels


Elisabeth T. Costa de Beauregard £ Elisabeth T. Costa de Beauregard Grant F. DeNapoli £ Mary Ann Hoff-Vandenberg Jack Howard-Potter £ Richard T. Lieberman Todd S. Smith £ Bonnie Watson Underwood


Karrie M. Amsler Daniel B. Levin Edward W. Wartels £ Karrie M. Amsler Elizabeth C. Fowler £ Wendy C. Gibbons £ John N. Huss £ Peter G. Lehman Daniel B. Levin Henry J. Park Peter T. Post Catherine T. Ridder £ Nathaniel S. Russell £ Yuichi Shigeie £ Timothy L. Whipple


Carson T. Baker Whitney A. Cook Allison Glasmann Reiner Robert E. Thebault Daniel J. Thompson III Anonymous (4) Mikko Auvinen Carson T. Baker David G. Castagnetti • Dale O. Chase Whitney A. Cook Washington A. Duke Caroline Koons Forrest £ Brendon P. Giblin Ian N. Gumprecht £ Kyle P. Kahuda David H. Leavitt Elizabeth Materne McNamara £ Nicholas D. Mettler Monique Jennings Miles Victoria Verity Nellen Patrick R. Perez £ Allison Glasmann Reiner Laura G. Sasser-Cuff £ Derek W. Seto £ Andrew F. Sloat N. Fedor Smith IV £ Daniel J. Thompson III • Marie Rentschler Webel


M. Anderson Bottomy Hillary H. Lewis Michael A. Newton Rebecca Holt Squires Anonymous (2) £ Lisa Boris Boshnack £ M. Anderson Bottomy £ Chandler H. Cooper

Michael A. DeCarli John A. Dix, Jr. Kiina Thompson Dordoni Samuel R. Dwyer Matthew B. Eccleston Luis R. Fagundes • David S. Gargill Thomas G. Garrison Robert S. Huss Mark D. Ippoliti Patrick J. Lefebvre £ Hillary H. Lewis £ Daniel T. Manchester, Jr. £ Michael A. Newton, Jr. Timothy C. Petrycki Kate Mullen Ringier Elizabeth Chartier Rudzinski

£ Amanda Holt Shipley Selena Skelly-Dorn £ Rebecca Holt Squires


Miriam Jamron Baskies Wheeler Simmons Griffith Katharine Carnes Petrycki Hadley Weiss Rosen Anonymous £ Miriam Jamron Baskies Henry C. Cashen William J. Drake £ Wheeler Simmons Griffith John B. Hewetson Evan Jahn



◊ Joanna Kontoudakis £ Lindsay R. Larsen Braden N. Long Mofolasayo Ogundiran Martin Jessica Ferwerda Martin £ David M. Murray Katharine Carnes Petrycki


Katherine P. Richardson £ Hadley Weiss Rosen Abby G. Soriero-Durand Thomas C. Tischer

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


John E. Evans Christopher R. Hale Olutoyin D. Moses Livia Skelly-Dorn Roustan Anonymous (5) Alexander E. Andrews £ Polly Carter Antol Shawn L. Bacot Treverne R. Brown-Thomas David J. Carlson £ Susanne Harris Dalehite • Myeicka Dudley-Gittens £ John E. Evans III Susan Ortega Fernald £ Christopher B. Gumprecht £ Christopher R. F. Hale Anna T. Hastings £ Matthew M. Konon £ Gregory M. Kops ◊ Hollie Stephens Marinecz £ Olutoyin D. Moses Stacy Durbin Nieuwoudt • Robert W. Olah £ Jada Phillips £ Trevor M. Rees £ Justin D. Rogers ◊ £ Livia Skelly-Dorn Roustan £ Sarah L. Smith • Samuel W. Stuart ◊ Emily J. Sweet £ Angela Hill Tabb £ Ken Takeyama Caroline Dix Templeton £ Thayer P. Whipple


Lindsey Boardman Duerr Timothy A. Patrick Anonymous (2) Steven G. Aubuchon £ Daniel M. Bayly £ Lindsey Boardman Duerr £ Joseph P. Horton Elizabeth M. Leder Sabo Garfield H. Miller Mariana Munoz Timothy A. Patrick, Jr. £ Alysa Hill Paul Tahlia Naumburg Sayers Katrin I. Urban Brett C. Woodis


Hilary Gerson Axtmayer Anonymous £ Hilary Gerson Axtmayer Erin Gould Besler Graham C. Boardman Young-Eun Choo £ Amber C. Darigan £ Heather A. Farrell £ Juan H. Feliciano £ Meredith Graham Hanson John W. Ingle • Kevin K. Mabry £ John C. Martin £ Jonathan P. Murphy Marisa Azzone Olszewski £ Princess Iseghohi Payne £ Rebecca Castle Richard £ Stephanie J. Schuetz Amy Takazaki Sinclair Bennett R. Stapleton

Dana E. Strom Joy Losee Vacca £ Kristen Brush Vincent


Caitlin Rogers Connelly William C. Hastings Wendell Smith Scarisbrick Anonymous (3) Jay C. Alberts Christin Hammer Arbor Alexandra T. Arguimbau Thomas B. Babcock Lilly Rand Barnett Jamie Calabrese Brätt Brett D. Burns £ Catherine Welch Carrington Caitlin Rogers Connelly Ryan E. Conroy Joseph B. Dickson £ Katherine M. Duglin Nathan J. Farrell £ William C. Hastings Anthony D. Luckino Ashley Howard McKinley Rory L. Pillsbury Sean T. Regan Gabriela Grinblat Rifkin Emily K. Rosenfield £ Wendell Smith Scarisbrick Kelly Larsen Shannon • Eric W. Speer • Joseph A. St. Hilaire-Bona £ Alexandra C. Sweet £ Roberto Vega £ Jared R. Vincent Elizabeth A. Wood Sunny Kneissl Zweig


Christina Galanti Dickson Jo Anna Galanti Fellon John P. Lindsey Colton A. Riley Christopher J. Watkins William R. Wentworth Anonymous £ Abdul-Aziz R. Ahmed £ Samuel A. Appleton Anne Kiely Connors Nicholas S. Connors Christina Galanti Dickson £ Jo Anna Galanti Fellon £ Tamotsu G. Hirai Karl A. Koenigsbauer £ Michael J. Krents Michael D. Morrison Mia Wiessner Olney Melissa E. Padala Julia M. Proctor £ Sean Roberts £ Rachel Schoppe Rogers Ethan O. Selfridge Russell A. Smith £ Paul J. Staab Christopher J. Watkins £ William R. Wentworth, Jr. Summer C. Wosu


Muhammed-Saleem R. Ahmed Chelsea Weiss Baum Laura Keeler Pierce Christopher G. Pike MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini Suparatch Watchara-Amphaiwan

Anonymous £ Muhammed-Saleem R. Ahmed £ Stephen J. Atwood £ Chelsea Weiss Baum £ Philip R. Baylor Catherine Bell Bues £ Amanda Gill-David William J. Hollingsworth Seung H. Lim £ Edward O. Mears £ Gregory A. Osborne £ Laura Keeler Pierce £ Christopher G. Pike Michael A. Polsonetti MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini Catherine D. Townsend Peter F. Varner-Howland £ Sarah Ortiz-Elejalde Vazquez Robert M. Weintraub


Robert M. Saunders Etienne J. Vazquez Anonymous (2) £ Mark L. Abroms £ Oliver C. W. Blodgett Kyle F. Borner £ Sung-Min Choo Rebecca L. Coakley Jeanna M. Cook £ Michael G. Dio £ Allan F. P. Eakin £ Christian T. Ford Alexander R. Funnell Nicholas G. Gaube Lauren A. Goethals £ Emily P. Hardej

£ Alexander W. Jones Daniel F. McGloine £ Luke C. Paskevich Harrison Pious Robert M. Saunders £ Kristina A. Shiroka Christopher D. Syrek £ Etienne J. Vazquez £ Angela Malerba Werry Kristina Doot Whatley Benjamin P. Whatley Joshua M. Wildes £ Dylan W. Wolchesky


Laura Dunn Cona Timothy J. Deary Alysia LaBonte-Campbell Joshua W. Rich Davinia Buckley Selfridge Hyun-Yi Yoo Camille G. Byars £ Laura Dunn Cona £ Timothy J. Deary £ Stephen G. Feathers Elizabeth Poulos Fuller £ Winthrop P. G. Goodrich Edward F. Granara Paul H. Healy Thomas G. R. Hollingsworth £ Alysia LaBonte-Campbell Stephen R. Lanzit III John D. MacVarish Andrew K. McGloine Allison K. Ruschp Davinia Buckley Selfridge £ Mallory Jaffe Sorkin ◊ £ David T. Still Sarah E. Sweet



Michelle Gilmore Castiglione Hillary Ross Charalambous Caroline McLoughlin Davis Young Hoon Hahn Maryam A. Hayatu-Deen Gregory E. Jones Katherine Winogradow Munno James E. Pinkham Erin Wolchesky Schnare Anonymous (2) £ Natasha B. Blodgett £ Elisabeth M. Brubaker £ Michelle Gilmore Castiglione £ Parker A. Cook Edward G. Cooke £ Caroline McLoughlin Davis £ Sean P. Driscoll Brittany Nelson Granara Brady P. Griffin £ Amy Smith Hernández Gamboa £ Young Hoon Hahn Kyung-Ho Jeong £ Gregory E. Jones, Jr. Ryan J. Joyce Justin K. Kemmerer Richard B. Mable £ Laura Poulin Mair Jennie Bellonio Male Tamara Ferreira Marcella Hollis Taylor Meshkinpour Charles A. Modica Brian P. Mott Katherine Winogradow Munno


£ Charles B. Parsons £ James E. Pinkham Michael C. Sullivan Michelle E. Weisman Peter C. Wisotzkey


Christopher P. Golden Else Ross Griffin Travis J. Holloway Holly A. Lorms Shawn P. McCloud Melissa Stuart Rogalski Darren A. Small Emily Detmer Taylor £ Kathaline Phrasavath Clements £ Peter J. D’Agostino £ Julia Field Driscoll £ Christopher P. Golden £ Else Ross Griffin ◊ Caroline M. Haines Hunter C. D. Hollingsworth Travis J. Holloway £ Ryan A. Levesque £ Holly A. Lorms £ Morgan W. MacKay Natalie Kingeter MacVarish £ Nathaniel H. Proctor Melissa Stuart Rogalski Darren A. Small £ Emily Detmer Taylor £ Kaitlin L. Zeek


Alexandra M. D’Agostino Steven A. Harkey Emily F. Johnson Joanna Gaube Nemeskal Anonymous (5) £ Sarah B. Annicelli • Elizabeth G. Army £ Henry R. Buck William C. Cook £ Alexandra M. D’Agostino Ryan C. Davenport Sarah H. Evans £ Steven A. Harkey Lauren E. Hatch £ Emily F. Johnson £ William J. Keeler Darren T. Mable Mark W. Pepe £ Charles H. Sullivan Meredith Colwell Swisher £ Benjamin R. Tarlow Sophia G. Welch


Molly K. Downey Kathryn M. Kramer Samantha L. St. Lawrence Anonymous (6) Thomas M. Atwood Calvin J. Brown • Ian F. Cleaves Benjamin E. Coulthard Molly K. Downey Daniel J. Feller Alexandra Reineman Gibbons

£ Corey A. Gingras £ Zachary J. Golden Lindsey K. Harris Sarah K. Howie £ Kathryn M. Kramer Kevin P. Krupinski Kent E. Lorenz Patrick A. Loughlin Tadao J. Okamoto Madison A. Perry Marcus A. Sesin Christopher M. Turney Conor M. Wolchesky


Maura J. Hall Kathryn G. Sheehan Samantha Slotnick Stanton Ryan C. Wainwright Anonymous • Kimberly R. Derosier £ Amy E. Diaz £ Clara S. Chisholm Samantha R. Dutra Brittany Zulkiewicz Gingras Jack A. Goldstein £ Maura J. Hall Margaret R. Hecker Ryan C. Johnson Zenab Keita £ Christopher W. MacKay Samuel F. Paige £ Katherine A. Peverada £ Samantha Slotnick Stanton £ Elyse E. Taylor Dalton S. Weinstein Jelani K. Williams


Matthew D. Bourdeau Carlos H. Ferre Daniel R. Palumbo Margaret Thompson Stevens Raymond R. Zeek Morgan A. Adams Muhammed-Jamil R. Ahmed Leonid Ashner Matthew D. Bourdeau £ William E. Castagna £ Shane P. Dunphy Carlos H. Ferre Isabel C. Gallant Alexander P. Gristina Gray P. R. Hamilton £ Lindsay R. Harrington Nicholas M. Lane £ Kyle T. Lasewicz Brian J. Lawler Garrett D. D. Lawson £ Hannah P. Leo Daniel M. Metzgar Hamilton G. Morley Ashley B. Newhall Andrew O. Orobator Daniel R. Palumbo Chang Hyun Park Noel Ingalls Rahm £ Margaret Thompson Stevens Margaret S. Therrien £ Edward C. Walker Holly N. Williams £ Raymond R. Zeek III


Elizabeth A. Bohan Helen E. Day Moira M. MacArthur Jack W. Nicholson Julia S. Oswald Georgia W. Paige Sorrel M. Perka Anonymous (3) William P. Beirnes Alida M. Bernhart £ Elizabeth A. Bohan Helen E. Day Molly E. Dimeo £ Shay M. Gingras Katrina W. Goddard Olivia J. Hamilton Elena Irick John-Alexander Kourkoulis Ronald M. LaBeef, Jr. Jacob I. Lans Edward G. Liggett £ Moira M. MacArthur Tucker W. MacDonald Cayman K. Macdonald £ Oliver C. Nihan £ Julia S. Oswald £ Georgia W. Paige Jonathan R. Pate


Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor



Alexandra R. Adams Lindsay M. Barber Alyson J. Chase Hayden M. Clarkin Jordan P. Ginsberg Alexis Gulino Daniel D. Kellaway Dylan G. O’Hara Izabel M. Tropnasse Anonymous (6) Alexandra R. Adams Ashley C. Anctil Meredith C. Anthoine Harrison W. Chase £ Hayden M. Clarkin John M. Cunningham Keith W. Ducharme • Susannah M. Ellis • James E. Farrell IV Alexis Gulino Miles N. P. Hamilton Sophie K. Hatch Jeremy P. Hatfield Alison E. Horst


£ Daniel D. Kellaway Robert S. Kelsey Karoline E. Lozier William F. Mackie Palmer A. McGraw Andrea L. Nicholson £ Peter W. Reimer £ Harrison J. Schroder £ Geoffrey B. Short


Isaiah Henderson Meghan J. MacArthur Annie J. Zalon Anonymous (3) Jay Barry Gabriella M. Criscuolo Dana M. Diaz Mae M. Hanson Zachary Higgins Katherine B. Holt £ Madeleine R. Hutchins Jeffrey E. Iyalekhue Nathaniel T. Kremer

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


£ Hallie L. Leo Jane E. Linhares £ Meghan J. MacArthur £ Kelli K. Mackey Hollis T. McLoughlin Katherine A. McNaughton £ Katherine W. Pearson £ Annie J. E. Zalon


Keith C. O’Hara Anonymous £ Alexander S. Chase £ Matthew H. Clayton £ Nicole L. Derosier Madeline E. Ferrara Talia A. Gulino £ Abbey M. Haggerty Edwin P. Hollingsworth £ Abigail K. Horst £ Emily Hupalo £ Grace Keenan £ Amanda C. Kewer • Cody R. Maynard Makenna N. Newkirk £ Keith C. O’Hara £ Victoria W. Read £ Lucy D. Richards £ Madeleine J. West £ John Weston Thomas D. Wheatley £ Caitlin G. Wood


Madison A. Dean Abigail H. McThomas Thomas Meggs Sofia Melian-Morse Rhone I. O’Hara Chloe E. Saad David W. Samberg Samuel F. Skinner Anonymous (2) £ Madison A. Dean £ Henry D. Enelow £ JoonKi Hong £ Eliza W. Hunnewell £ Kyung Mo Koo £ Emily B. Linhares £ Abigail H. McThomas £ Rhone I. O’Hara £ William H. T. Scharer £ Zoe Sewell £ Slade W. Vincent £ Anh T. Vu £ Remy M. Wells


Olivia K. Kremer Mallory C. McArdle Brandon W. Mitchell Sophie P. Nick Anonymous (4) £ Khia G. Beeles £ Jonathan G. Beniers £ Lucas P. Bonavita £ Andrew G. Brown £ Melissa S. Browne £ Rebecca A. Bullied £ Margaret L. Calvert £ Kailey E. Castle

£ Alex S. Cech £ Davis H. Chase £ Adinai Chonweerawong £ Elisabeth M. Clagett £ Emma L. Clark-Christie £ Hailey M. Coudert-Morris £ Evan J. Cunningham £ Sydney Fisher £ Hayden Garrett £ Malcom B. Gewirz £ Monroe M. Gray £ Kevin T. Griffin Amanda R. Hatfield £ Jessica Hua £ William G. Jarvis £ Harold R. Khoo Alexander Kravtsov Olivia K. Kremer £ Joshua M. Labonte £ Yuxin Lan £ Kathleen A. LeFebre £ Shu Liao Amanda M. Lim £ Polina Lipskaya Jackson C. Lyon £ Mallory C. McArdle £ Fan Qian Meng £ Dale E. Miller, Jr. £ Guilherme V. Missaka £ Brandon W. Mitchell £ Sophie P. Nick £ Fayoni K. Olusesi Michael Pantera £ Ava M. Pawlowski £ Jiaman Peng £ Tucker A. Powell £ Gregory B. Rice £ Philip E. Satin

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Colton B. Saunders Charles L. Shehan Peter A. Simeone Minkeun Song Christopher D. Soutter Nicholas G. Speranza Julie W. Sullivan Athiwat Thoopthong Mikael Toikka II Abigail R. Trivella Clayton E. L. Voges Kunath Vorasadhit Thomas C. Wickham II Rachel M. Wikman Christopher W. Wright Jungmi Yoon


Abigail S. Conway Taylor M. Ettore Henry J. Linhares Naiara Medina Orrantia Anonymous (2) Talibah L. Alexander Claire E. Anderson Christina S. Bacon Jared A. Beniers Aubrey J. Benzing-Plourde Trisha L. Berk Chad W. Bernal Lila C. Bertsch Aiden D. Bourke Mariella R. Catalano Abigail S. Conway Catherine D. Corona Aren C. Craft Alexandra G. DiBiaso

Uyen H. Dinh Michael Dorfman Taylor M. Ettore Olivia C. Ferrara Berkeley A. Gardner Julia O. Gengras Christine E. Giovannoli Alexsa M. Jack Tobias R. Ketchum Khanh B. Le Yujia Ma Alisyn M. Narracci Duun M. O’Hara Mary Elizabeth Ostrander Linh D. Phan Henry A. Pommer John M. Poulson Laura Ramos Alonso Liam K. Riordan Bailey D. Riva Alexandre Rondeau Leslie Rosario-Olivo Francesca M. M. Salerno Corbin Schneider Austin T. Schwartz Zeyu Sha Abigail T. Stone Kaela J. Thomson Calvin H. Todd Christo Toub Linzee P. Tracey Bryce H. J. Voges Jiahui Wang £ Yian Wang Jordan L. Winer Lyndsey J. Winick

£ Oliver Wolcott IV Elli T. Xiao Yicheng Yang Chase A. Zimmerman


Komi V. Alasse Jahneh M. Haylett Madeline Metcalf Rory M. Schauder George Thomas Caroline Woodard Sawyer J. Zimmerman Anonymous Komi V. Alasse Charles P. Beall • Won L. Cho Madison Fisher Brandon E. Griffin • Gillian T. Horst £ Benjamin D. Huckaby • Yongwoo Lim Robert W. Macleod II David A. Marshall Garrett J. McMerriman • Anna B. Mendenhall Olivia R. Passarelli Tucker P. Sheehan • Maria Tews George Thomas


Tyler M. Bourque Nisan Korkmaz Colin T. Kroll Trina F. Madziwa Sarah S. Miller Teagan S. O’Hara Marcus A. von Recklinghausen Napath Vorasadhit Anonymous Thomas G. Bergendahl Sydney Dubitsky Jessica G. Farrell • Lillian R. R. Fernsell Helen C. Hale

• Ian Haley Gunnar C. Hanson • Jonathan M. Kazor Hendrik A. Kist Colin T. Kroll • Minh A. Le Sarah S. Miller Teagan S. O’Hara • Henry Reynal Dorsey-Camila M. Salerno Emily Sherr Isabella S. M. Wilson





76.7% 10 - 44



CLASS AGENTS James Carey, Jr., Stephen T. Dexter, Clark Groome, Richard S. Jackson, Jr., George R. Morgan, George M. Walker


The Morgan Wing Bowl Given in memory of Morgan Wing, Jr. ’29, The Morgan Wing Bowl is awarded annually in three categories to those Class Agents and Classes with ten or more living members achieving the highest percentage of participation in the Pomfret Fund.


57.8% 45 - 74



CLASS AGENT Donald S. Gibbs, Jr.



48.5% 75+



CLASS AGENTS Olivia K. Kremer, Mallory C. McArdle, Brandon W. Mitchell, Sophie P. Nick


The Alumni Association Cup The Alumni Association Cup is given annually to those Class Agents and Class with ten or more living members achieving the greatest improvement in participation. CLASS OF




(FROM 13.1% TO 44%)

The Headmaster’s Cup The Headmaster’s Cup is given annually to those Class Agents and Class among the youngest ten classes achieving the highest percentage of participation in the Pomfret Fund. CLASS OF





Olivia K. Kremer, Mallory C. McArdle, Brandon W. Mitchell, Sophie P. Nick


Caitlin L. Hills


Current Students CLASS OF 2021

• Svea H. Anderson • Joseph A. Cantelmo Maxwell B. Freeman Emmy R. Gengras • Talaya E. Guirantes • Abby D. Gurevitch Brennan E. Holmes • Shoshana J. Lebo • Alexandra A. Lee • Cooper M. Lee Robert Leslie • Juan C. Mutis Caicedo Rose-Michaela Nsubuga John G. Partilla • Jasper Pearman Olivia Riley • Grace Rosow Patricia T. Rueckert Keegan T. Rybacki • Phineas W. Schmidt Bailey E. Sheehan • Amaya M. Smith • Cameran P. Steiger Molly E. Sullivan • Taylor B. Thomas • Mingyao Wang • Ziming Wang Clementine E. H. Wilson Yubing Yang Blake A. Zahansky


• Quron Zene Guangda Zhang • Shengyun Zhu


Eleanor T. Ahn • Javier A. Alonso Valcarcel • Jake Backman Isabella Canavan • Colin W. Chomas • Kaitlyn Curley Shelby K. Dubitsky • Grace Falci • Tian Yu Feng Tatum Fisher Cathryn M. Gallagher • Benjamin Gordon • Claudia Hanenberger • Bridget A. Horst • Kaya S. Horvath • Ever Hyman • Emilio Justo • Daphne J. L. Li Carter Lockwood Marikate M. Marshall • Alexander Navarro • Alba Samu Rodriguez • Eli M. Sherman Brooke A. Zahansky


Meredith T. Bergendahl • Maya C. Bullied • Aaron Chen • Preston W. Day • Zoey A. Diakite • Bingrong Dong Bridget A. Fallon Maya H. Gerum

Ross G. Gramley Alexandra Hendrickson Grace K. Long • Alexander O. Nemec Ellis L. Perryman • Shiyi Zeng Robert Zyskowski


Anonymous • Lucas R. Canavan • Van A. Horvath • Joshua E. Long • Lucas Q. Mancini • Anson Meerbergen • Fleming Newbold • Zhoutong Qi • Casey Richmond • Alexandra K. Schwartz • Adam C. Tillinghast

Current Parents CLASS OF 2021

Anonymous (5) ◊ Todd & Annette Adams James & Yueh-Miao Anderson • Matthew & Trang Aronian Paige Baldwin ‘90 Cedric & Teressa Butler John & Debbie Cantelmo William & Malin Clyde

David & Kathryn Cour Inigo De Zabala & Eva Dalda Anthony DeChellis Sara I. DiIorio Scott & Danielle Edwardson Genie Egerton-Warburton Thomas W. & Ellen L. Eglin Ross & Beth Freeman Jun Gao & Runhong Xu £ E. Clayton III ‘89 & Ashley R. Gengras Earl & Wendy Gurevitch Donald III & Erica Hager Brian & Robyn Handly Jay & Elizabeth Henderson Craig & Heather Kelsey Avery A. Kessler Matthew Lebo & Pamela Block £ Tina Lefevre John & Heather Leslie ◊ Joshua B. & Jennifer Levine • Kooi & Silvina Lim Tiankun Liu & Xiufeng Yu Kenneth & Linda Lovett Alice M. Madaza • Sandra Mazier David Parry & Sally Casey John Partilla III & Carol Anne Riddell Karla Partilla Peter & Amanda Pearman J.D. & Kathy Rehm Ernst & Joy Renner Donald J. & Tracy T. Rueckert • Eduardo Salazar & Patricia Caicedo Adam P. ‘89 & Kelly Schmidt Benjamin Segal & Jacqueline Mahal

• Anish & Diane Shah £ Jonathan & Kathryn Sheehan Thomas & Rachelle Smith • Laurie Steiger Debbi S. Tenaglia • Hongtao Wang Erik & Michele van Steveninck Kai Wang & Haiyan Ji Jeffrey & Christina Watson Xiaoyan Wei Murray & Katheryn Wilson Wen Yang & Hui Peng James A., Jr. ‘91 & Melissa A. Zahansky Yundong Zhang & Shiping Qin Wenjiong Zhu & Jia Shen


Anonymous (3) • Alberto Alonso & Maria Valcarcel • Adam & Lori Backman Richard R. Bassett • John & Tamara Beauton Thomas C. & Rusudan M. Beck Juliette L. Blake Bingliang Chen & Huiping Yu ◊ David & Natasha Chomas • James Curley • Krista Curley £ Richard W. Canavan & Anouk de Ruiter Chaeles Bi-Chuen Xue & Wei Ding Doug & Maarita Dubitsky Raymond & Tina Falci Ping Feng & Lin Zhang Paul & Jennifer Ferrucci £ Robert & Erin Fisher

• Victor Fok & Min Deng ◊ Venton & Monica Forbes ◊ Peter & Jennifer Gallagher £ Brian & Sharon Geyer • Brian & Jessica Goldman Jeffrey Gordon & Lisa Canter Frank & Melissa Hanenberger £ Arthur & Martha Horst £ Laurence A. ‘89 & Angelique Horvath Marc & Cherub Hyman • Emilio & Allison Justo Mila Kelmenson Patrick & Leslie Kendig Chanshik Kim & Hyunjoo Chang Young Woo Kim & Eunjung Lee • Peter & Anne Konstantino Serge & Marie-Josee Lamarre Wei Lan & Hong Pan • Jayson & Rebecca Levy Robert & Joan Lockwood Christopher & Elizabeth Madison Ms. Kathleen T. Marshall Erik & Jodi Maurer Kirk & Aileen McDonough • Franz-Stefan Meissel & Irene Faber Albert & Christina Murphy Pisa • Kenneth & Helen Pittman £ Brian Rice • Laura Rojas William Rugg • Sergey Shchetinin & Elena Shchetinina ◊ M. Andrew & Marci Sherman John Stafford & Nancy Curtin Xiaofan Sun & Qin Ma Arnoldo & Tania Wald • Bryan & Shanin Wilburn Lela I. Williams ‘88

£ Monique Kapitulik Wolanin ‘87 & Bruce Wolanin Jianjun Xia & Rongrong Zhao Chaeles Bi-Chuen Xue & Wei Ding • Jancy Yang James A., Jr. ‘91 & Melissa A. Zahansky Zhenyu Zhang & Haiqing Lu


Anonymous (5) Todd & Annette Adams John & Kimberly Bergendahl Stephen & Jessica Brook • William & Cheryl Bundy • Rastko & Maija Cekic • Charles & Kara Cella Ke Chen & Lijun Shi • Ming-Chung Chen & Jin-Huei Lin • Christopher & Erica Cheney • Peter Collins & Rupinder Sura-Collins Anne Day • Ziqiang Dong & Yongmei Guo Mark P. & Jennifer Fallon David & Michele Ferrucci • Walter & Amy Gorman • Shuoyi Fan & Jing Guo Thomas & Julia Haley Martin & Lisa Hart Steve Heroux • Kyungmo Hong & Hoi Jin Kim Christopher & Rachella Johnston • Robert & Susan Kravitz • Yeu Choi Lee & Laksaya Leelasumpan

• Alan Litchman & Laura Trust Doug Litowitz & Katie Forrestal • James & Julie Long • Brian & Bryan Lynch • Samantha Moro • Timofei Nazarov & Aleksandra Nazarova Brett Perryman Jonathan R. Perryman • Adam & Stephanie Rowbotham Andrey Pak & Elena Ruzanova Matthew & Lisa Sloan • Susan Smiley ◊ Karla & Timothy Valas Bonny & Cheryl Walcott Haibo Wang & Lili Huang ◊ Laura Ward Jeffrey & Christina Watson • Guenther & Dana Weinkopf Eric & Jennifer Weissmann • Brian C. Wille & Robin A. Remick Jun Zeng & Qing Wang Robert R. & Lori Zyskowski

Grant F. ‘93 & Kimberly A. DeNapoli • William H. & Stephanie R. Ditenhafer • David Finley & Jennifer Stableford • Jianguang Gao & Ms. Yuhan Dong £ Jonathan G. ‘90 & Robyn Gengras £ Brendon P. ‘95 & Robin Giblin • Merritt & Sarah Green • Elizabeth Guidone • Henry R. III & Jennifer Hague • Jack L. & Melissa Heinberg Caitlin L. Hills ‘88 & Carlos Castro £ Laurence A. ‘89 & Angelique Horvath • Jun Huang & Yun Zhou • John & Stephanie Kodweis Adam & Lindsay Lehmann • Jayson & Rebecca Levy • Huaxing Lian & Xia Yang • Boyang Liu & Na Zhang • Jay & Melissa Long • Adam & Lorena Mancini

◊ Hollie Stephens Marinecz ‘98 & Christopher Marinecz • Jonas & Melissa McCray • Brook & Peyson Meerbergen £ James F. Newbold ‘89 • Jongwoo Park & Eunjung Kim • Ralph Pothel • Yue Qi & Zhuoxuan Zhou • Matthew & April Richmond • Milton & Lisa Rogers • Timothy & Tracy Stuart £ Mark A. ‘85 & Lynda L. Tillinghast • Jeremy Trylch & Zhen Jiao Haibo Wang & Lili Huang Geoffrey L. Webster Lucy A. Webster • Michelle Williams • Rong Zeng & Lilan Zhu • Qunwei Zhang & Gumeng Cheng


Anonymous (2) • Michael & Amanda Benard • Bruce & Sharon Bousquet Jeremy B. ‘91 & Jennifer B. Button Richard W. Canavan & Anouk de Ruiter • Serafin Canchola & Susan Hunt Xin Dai & Xufang Wang • Richard Davis & Julie Schnobrich-Davis


Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


Grandparents Anonymous (3) Nancy Allen £ Frederic P. & Anita E. Anderson • Barbara Blinn John J. & Suzanne Borland David E. & Arlene Brook £ Jean E. Burdick • Gloria Caldwell • Robert B. Chapman £ Cynthia Clark Patricia Curley Robert A. & Paulette DeNapoli • Maarten & Johanna de Ruiter Robert & Heidi Ely Judith D. Falci £ E. Clayton, Jr. & Edith P. Gengras • Howard & Fanchon Hallam £ Donald & Ann Hare Richard & Mary Ellen Keyser Gordon & Linda Kolb Anne C. Kremer Virginia Leighten John & Susan Leslie • Marv & Susan Levinson £ Robert W. & Barbara W. Macleod • Brenda Marshall • Richard & Constance Morrone Peter & Joy Nagle Sowhey Park Joan R. Reynolds Donald & Genie Rice David, Sr. & Jeanne Rosow £ Michelle M. Ross • Suzanne Sass


Helmut & Frances Schmale £ F. Agustus Seamans Virginia Soutter • Joseph & Mary Jane Tavolacci William A. & Stasia M. Tenaglia Andrew & Elaine Tillinghast £ Benjamin D. Williams £ Lucy H. Wong

Parents of Alumni Anonymous (6) William B. & Deanna D. Aldenberg Denise B. Archambault Richard & Cecilia Armstrong Thomas & Virginia Army £ Jeremy B. Asher £ Daniel & Mary Atwood Joel T. Ayau & Chen-Yin I. Lin £ Bruce & Anne Babcock Richard & Barbara Baker £ Mary Sibley M. Banks David & Laurie Barrett £ Jon & Maureen Barrett & Family James R. Barry & Subha Barry Edith McBride Bass Peter & Trish Baylor John & Kimberly Bergendahl Barbara J. Bernhart Karen Birdsall

John D. & Susan P. Boland Thomas & Katalin Borner £ Jane E. Bourette £ Kathy M. Bourque Douglas P., Sr. & Meg Braff £ Edward C., Jr. & Ellen S. Browne Joseph A. & Laura L. Browne £ David A. Brush Wayne R. Buchanan & Laura T. Noyes £ N. Harrison & Nancy B. Buck James J. III & Susan Byrnes £ Elizabeth W. Byram £ Robert A. & Meg Campbell £ Virginia K. Cargill Bruce A. Carver & Pamela Skelly £ Thomas & Sarah Chase £ Scott Childs £ Homer D. W. & Gertrude Chisholm £ Gordon & Andrea Clagett £ Warren III & Johanna Clark William & Gail Coakley Theodore & Eileen Colwell Edward & Kathleen Conroy £ Langdon & Lyn Cook Neil Ryan & Sharon Costa de Beauregard £ Douglas A. Cotanche £ Richard & Jocelyn Cunningham £ Garfield & Sylvia Danenhower John Day & Jane Doyle Denny E. Dean Polly J. Dean Martha E. Deegan Paul & Joann Desrochers

£ E. Thomas Detmer & Marguerite H. Childs £ Lesley D. DeVoe £ Joseph & Keri Donze James & Cindy Douglas £ Martin & Nancy Driscoll £ Sally Driscoll £ David & Susan Duglin William J. & Mary Lee Dunn £ Edward & Lisa Dunphy £ J. Roderick & Florence Eaton Emily J. Eisenlohr Lawrence & Kathleen Feltz £ Bette-Burr Fenley Mark & Carolyn Ferrara David & Michele Ferrucci Francis & Jackie Figliola £ Stephen Ford & Patricia Pahucki Vincent & Irene Gallagher Robert & Eleanor Galusza Edward III & Berkeley Gardner £ Richard & Louisa Garrison Michael & Sharon Gaudreau £ James & Judith Gibbons £ Donald S. III & Lesley Gibbs Carolyn C. Goodman Richard & Susan Gould Peter T. & Laura Grauer £ Edward T. & Lauren Griffin £ Louis E., Sr. & Wendy Griffith George & Sandra Groom £ Harry S. Gruner & Rebecca D. Henry Erik & Elizabeth Hage £ Valerie Haggerty Timothy & Christine Hall

£ S. Matthews V., Jr. & Anne Hamilton Raymond Hannigan & Tobin Heminway Eric & Tracy Hanson £ Donald & Ann Hare £ Jeffrey & Lucille Harris £ Andrew & Holly Hatch Scott & Danielle Hatfield Edward & Michael Hauser Constance T. Haydock £ Richard Higgins £ Walter & Ann Hinchman Raymond A. LaChance & Kathleen Burdick-LaChance Nhat Hoang & Linh Lam Leslie R. Holland £ Henry II & Suzanne Howard £ John S. III & Susan Howland John & Christina Hurley William Hutchinson & Victoria Valentine £ Mark Jaffe & Marcia Glassman-Jaffe *Helmut & Deborah Jahn £ Jeremiah W. & Louisa G. Jones £ Abbe Karmen Robert & Suzanne Kay Gerrit & Marion Keator £ Colin J. & Helen Keeler Carl O. & Sally B. Keil Jeffrey & Susan Kemmerer Kevin Kim & Eun Ju Kang Paula M. Konon-Golden £ Robert Y. Jr. & Susan Kopf Linda L. Kosinski James Krall & Maryellen Donnelly £ Joseph & Julie Kremer

£ Katherine W. Krents Jeffrey & Mary Kroll £ John K. & Tammie L. LaBonte £ Chip & Susan Lamb Bart Landenberger & Jennie McAvoy £ Stephen & Anne Lanzit £ Leon & Susan Lapierre Margot E. Larkin Stephen & Marka Larrabee Rachel M. Lewis £ Eric & Marie Lim £ Kate C. Lindsey £ Joseph M. & Martha Linhares Kathleen K. Lozier Heinz & Renate Ludwig £ Keith & Elizabeth Mackie Diane Glasmann MacLaren John D. & Elizabeth L. MacVarish Seth & Tara Mankin William A. Martin £ William T. & Janet Martin Angela R. Santini Martino Rolf Mathies £ Robin J. Mayor Deirdre McCarthy £ Edward C. McCarthy & M. Robin Davis £ Mary Ellen McGloine Hollis & Caroline McLoughlin £ James & Kathy McMerriman Phyliss P. Meaders • Franz-Stefan Meissel & Irene Faber Alexandre & Daniela Mendonca £ Anne Miller Donald & Evelyn Miller £ Robert & Louisa Miller £ Yajuan Min

£ Joseph & Madeleine Miragliuolo £ Alexandra Moore £ Toye Moses & Alma Robinson Keith & Margery Mosher John Motulsky & Wendy Nacht Allison S. Murray £ Kathleen Shotmeyer O’Brien Keith A. O’Hara & Dena Cocozza O’Hara Yvonne O’Neal Osagie A. Orobator Michael & Janet Pantera £ J. Geddes & Kathryn Parsons £ Gustavo Passarelli & Rosemarie Solano £ Jeffrey & Lindsay Paul Howard & Katherine Pease £ Albert & Andrea Peck Wayne & Cindy Penn £ Stephen & Andrea Perry £ Charles & Stephanie Pious Nicholas & Dorothy Porter Robert & Encarnita Quinlan £ James M. & Diane S. Rees Paul J. Regan, Jr. Eric N. & Anne B. Rice £ J. Timothy & Anne K. Richards Eric & Catherine Ridder Winfield F. & Victoria S. Robinson, Jr. £ Matthew J. & Deanna Rodman £ Mary Roickle & Martha Carter Leslie E. Samuel Michael & Ruth Sangree Rebecca Sar

£ Scott Scharer & Margaret Talcott Paul Schauder & Darcy Mayers Cory Scott & Julie DeVoe J. Sebastian & Barbara Scripps Timothy & Dorinda Seamans Bradford & Mary Lou Seaward Barry F. Selig £ Jonathan & Kathryn Sheehan James & Susan Shehan David & Holly Sherr Anna B. Slater Caroline F. Sloat Dawn J. Smith Malcolm & Samantha Smith £ Paul & Judy Smith £ Margaret M. Speranza £ Stephen & Elizabeth Stoner £ Benjamin & Charlotte Sullivan £ John & Emily Taylor G. Brinton & Laura Thomas £ Ralph & Sondra Thompson Andrew & Elaine Tillinghast £ Robert & Peregrine Timpson Ryan & Joanna Todd £ Henry & Julia Toulmin £ James & Catherine Trowbridge £ Sheryl A. Turney John & Laura Ufland Karla & Timothy Valas Archbold & Helene van Beuren Noreen Vincent William E. Walker Geoffrey L. Webster James & Nancy Weiss £ Noble Welch Nancy B. Whipple

£ Katherine S. White Andrew F. Wiessner £ Frederick & Marcia Williams £ Charles T. & Anne Wilmerding Jeffrey & Lisa Winick Krzysztof & Anna Wolak £ Oliver III & Elise Wolcott £ Lucy H. Wong £ Gage F. Woodard William & Lynn Wright £ Richard & Jane Zawacki £ Raymond & Maria Zeek

Friends Anonymous (9) • Douglas & Susan Allbee James & Donna Andrychowski Cynthia K. Antos Christine M. Ashe Kathleen L. Atwood Deborah Baldwin

Timothy D. Baldyga Deborah Y. Beers-Jones Mary S. Belknap Joan R. Bolling • Myrhia Brewer Kelliann R. Carroll Elizabeth Clark Kathryn Davies Clark • Paul & Audrey Clawson Ellen D. C. Curtis • Laura Dawley • Diane M. Daych • Johna Dela Cruz Richard K. Dempsey • Lisa M. Dodd • Paul & Marylin Glover • David Graham Bruce Griffin Porter Hayes & Elizabeth L. Dean • Alexandra Holt • Susan Jansen • Paul & Joanne Johnson • Richard Jolie • Eliza Jones • Rachel Joyner


Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


Louise Kapopo Madaliso Kapopo • Kevin Lesmeister • Walter & Mabel Liang William E. Lingard James & Lindsey Madaza Lydia Mann £ Michael & Lauren Marrus Peter & Fair Alice McCormick Joanne A. McMenemy J. William Mees Elise Miller Elizabeth B. Morin John W. & Louise P. Moses • Parker G. Nixon • William R. & Elizabeth Noyes • Kim Pagnoni Lois B. Petty


Katharine A. Powell • Barbara Pyles • Christopher Richards Maxwell & Diana Richards Molly C. Richards • Stanley M. Rinehart & Carolyn Watson • Megan Rocha • Adrian W. Rose Tim & Quinn Rose Wallace H. IV & Melissa Rowe • Holly E. Setzer Douglas & Patricia Shattuck • CC Stockly Jean L. Storrs • Justin Walcott Ralph & Jane Walker Katie Wells & Katy Field • John & Francoise Williams

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor



Faculty & Staff Anonymous (5) Mariam Aghayan £ Patrick Boyd £ Edward C. Browne, Jr. £ Ellen S. Browne £ Kathleen Burdick-LaChance £ Patrick Burke Ryan Burns £ Thomas S. Chase £ Sarah A. Chase Aijha Clark Gwyneth Connell Deborah Daigle £ Micaela Dangelo £ Anouk de Ruiter £ Timothy J. Deary ‘05 Jackie Deojay


£ Beth W. Dow £ Garry F. Dow £ Katherine M. Duglin ‘01 £ Shane P. Dunphy ‘11 £ Erin Fisher £ Robert A. Fisher £ Jillian Forgue Katie Forrestal Dan Freije Jenny Gaudet Sarah Gawronski Mary Georgis Berlynda Geragotelis £ Brian Geyer £ Donald S. Gibbs III Kenadeed Gilmore Ashley Goethals

Names of class agents appear in boldface above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased £ Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund • First-time donor


£ Matthew Goethals Amy Graham Andy R. Graham Rebecca Grassi £ Edward T. Griffin £ Lauren Griffin Monique Griffin William Harrington £ Walter Hinchman £ Arthur M. Horst £ Martha Horst £ Elizabeth Beriau Jacquet £ Jean-Paul Jacquet £ Lauren Jarominski Wesley Jenkins Nina Joly £ Jeremiah W. Jones £ Louisa G. Jones £ Jordan Kempain £ Joseph Kremer £ Julie K. Kremer £ Olinda A. LaBeef £ Tammie L. LaBonte £ Joshua Lake £ Chip Lamb £ Susan Lamb Christine M. Lamothe

£ Tina Lefevre £ Lindsay Shaw Lehmann Doug Litowitz £ Doug MacLeod £ Sarah MacLeod £ Jonathan Malinoski Joanne Mann £ Karen L. Marshall £ William T. Martin Todd Matthew £ Johanna Mawson £ Mary Ellen McGloine Haley McInerney Charlotte McMahon Quinn McMahon £ Yajuan Min • David A. Misiaszek £ William F. Mitchell ‘84 £ Pablo Montoro Alonso £ Matthew V. Pierce, Jr. Sabrina Putnam £ Brian Rice £ Anne K. Richards £ J. Timothy Richards £ David W. Ring £ Matthew J. Rodman

£ Gregory Rossolimo Mary Screen £ Jonathan D. Sheehan £ Kathryn O. Sheehan Debbi S. Tenaglia £ Debra K. Thurston Rob Toste £ Caroline J. Wardlow £ William C. Watkins IV Joshua M. Wildes ‘04 £ Bruce Wolanin £ Judith M. Wong £ Sheridan Zimmer Larisa Zukic-Halilovic

Foundations & Corporations £ AmazonSmile Foundation £ American Endowment Foundation Arthur Tarlow Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation BAE Systems £ Bank of America Charitable Foundation William Blair and Company Charitable Matching Gifts Fund £ Bristol-Myers Squibb Chrysopolae Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Memphis CorePlus Federal Credit Union-Norwich • Critical Mass Delaware Community Foundation • Dolby Laboratories, Inc. E. Clayton & Edith P. Gengras, Jr. Foundation, Inc Essex County Community Foundation £ Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation £ The Furtherance Fund Google Matching Gift Program Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company £ Hamilton Family Foundation £ Hewlett Packard Enterprise Aruba Networks IBM Corporation Janus Henderson Foundation KKR & Co. L.P. £ Lubrano Family Charitable Foundation • Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. £ Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc

£ Marin Community Foundation £ McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation MFS Investment Management Microsoft Matching Gifts Program £ The Murray Family Charitable Foundation £ The NY Community Trust Otter Island Foundation £ The Pacer Foundation £ Pacific Gas & Electric Company Parsons Corp Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Pitney Bowes Foundation Prudential Financial, Inc. PruVista Capital LLC Renaissance Charitable Foundation £ The Rhode Island Foundation Rosow Family Foundation £ Schwab Charitable Gift Fund Sire Foundation US Charitable Gift Trust £ van Beuren Charitable Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program


ENDOWMENT & CAPITAL GIVING Built over many decades and nurtured by donors, the Pomfret endowment is the financial bedrock that provides an essential foundation to support the School’s people, programs, and activities in perpetuity.



$73.4 M

FY 20

$55.4 M

FY 19

$52.9 M

FY 18

$50.8 M

FY 17

$46.0 M

FY 16

$40.6 M

FY 15

$41.2 M

FY 14

$40.5 M



6.4% FY 14

Endowment draw divided by the average gross endowment value for that year.

5.2% FY 15

4.7% FY 16

4.5% FY 17

With prudent investing and budgeting, and increased giving, the effective spending rate has decreased from 6.4–3.4 percent over the past 8 years.


4.0% FY 18

3.8% FY 20

3.7% FY 19

3.4% FY 21

INFLOWS & OUTFLOWS The following table summarizes the Pomfret endowment’s inflows and outflows for fiscal years 2014 through 2021 while providing the fiscal year investment return and a benchmark return.

FY 14

FY 15

FY 16

FY 17

FY 18

FY 19

FY 20

FY 21
































































* A benchmark showing the average investment return of 223 Independent Schools from the Common Fund Benchmarks Study.











CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT GIFTS The following list reflects cash gifts made during fiscal year 2020-2021 and does not include pledges.

Access & Affordability John M. Adams ‘69 James Andrychowski Thomas B. Arnold ‘70 Christine M. Ashe Deborah Y. Beers-Jones Richard A.’70 & Pamela B. Bensen John D. & Susan P. Boland John A. Bogardus III ‘70 Thomas J. Campbell Reginald J. Carroll ‘69 Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Eric D. Coleman ‘69 Toby Condliffe ‘62 Parker A. Cook ‘06 Stephen A. Cook ‘64 John & Mary Dickson Marshall L. ‘70 & Virginia S. Eaton Matthew B. Eccleston ‘96

James D. Edwards ‘69 Jeb N. Embree ‘59 William G. Fenley ‘69 Bill Gallery ‘69 Michael & Sharon Gaudreau E. Clayton, Jr. & Edith P. Gengras Jonathan G. ‘90 & Robyn Gengras Andrew G. Goldmark ‘69 James C. Gulick ‘67 Alice E. Hale John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Richard S. Hodsdon ‘66 David M. Howe, Jr. ‘69 Helen Pollari Howell ‘70 Jeremiah W. & Louisa G. Jones Gilbert H. Judson ‘70 A. Carter Hinckley ‘70 Leonard S. Klein ‘69 *Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Seaver W. Leslie ‘65 Jonathan L. LeVeen ‘69 Richard G. Levin ‘69 William E. Lingard

Mark A. Lipman ‘70 Diane Glasmann MacLaren Peter & Fair Alice McCormick Frank L. Miller IV ‘70 Florence F. Moffitt Johanna M. Moffitt ‘82 Elizabeth B. Morin Robert K. Mullarkey ‘79 & Nina Ritter Paul & Joy Nelson Bruce S. Oakes ‘69 Thomas H. Paine, Jr. ‘69 Bruce E. Paro & Patricia A. Mulcahy Daniel A. Poor ‘63 Curtis G. Rand ‘69 Judson P. Reis ‘60 Eric N. & Anne B. Rice Robert W. Richardson ‘68 Timothy T. Robinson ‘83 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 James E. Rothman ‘67 Patricia A. Shattuck Greig J. Shearer ‘70

Peter Smoluchowski ‘70 Dale W. Snape ‘68 Robert J. & Bonnie M. Stapleton Gary M. Tharler ‘69 Peter P. Tower ‘54 Naomi Vega-Nieves ‘69 Alexander D. Walsh Gordon B. Wheeler ‘69 William F. Wiggins ‘89 B. Owen Williams ‘63

General Operations James P. Snyder ‘82 Christopher & Maureen K. Soutter Virginia Soutter


Student Experience Ilse D. Bailey ‘73 James M. Bergantz ‘72 Whitney S. Bodman ‘68 Telena Bolding ‘87 Elizabeth Clark Colleen Murray Coggins ‘79 Louis C. DiNatale, Jr. ‘68 John O. Flender ‘49 Stephen H. Greer ‘87 James C. Gulick ‘67 Joel H. Rathbone ‘68 Robert W. Richardson ‘68 Thaddeus M. Sendzimir ‘70 Virginia Soutter

Teaching & Learning Daryle L. ‘89 & Alison P. Bost John A. Brough, Jr. ‘58 Anthony Call ‘58 Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Calvin W. Coquillette ‘67

Stephen C. Crane ‘65 George T. Dewey III ‘58 Robert W. Duncan ‘66 Peter Dunham, Jr. ‘69 Danforth P. Fales ‘57 George J. Feiss III ‘69 William G. Fenley ‘69 Bill Gallery ‘69 E. Clayton III ‘89 & Ashley R. Gengras Bruce B. Gordon ‘67 Peter T. & Laura Grauer William H. Hayes ‘67 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Charles S. Hosley ‘69 Justin P. Klein ‘65 Jonathan L. LeVeen ‘69 Richard G. Levin ‘69 Robert C. Livingston, Jr. ‘69 W. Dean Moss, Jr. ‘65 Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ‘67 Daniel A. Poor ‘63 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 Thomas O. & Darlene Ryder John C. Rzewski ‘67 Eric A. Schwartz ‘69 Charles A. Scudder ‘67 Robert Y. Shasha ‘69 John Simpkins III ‘68 Robert L. Sims ‘69 Gary M. Tharler ‘69

Health & Wellness Center Gregory W. Melville ‘68

Academic Center for Science, Engineering, Technology and Design

Unrestricted Support Richard R. Bassett Estate of Markley H. Boyer ‘51 Jun Gao & Runhong Xu Harry S. Gruner & Rebecca D. Henry Robert M. ‘59 & Stephanie Olmsted Stephanie J. Schuetz ‘00 Michael J. Zurbrigen ‘85

Other Anonymous Barrett & Catherine Brown Daniel Christovich & Lisa Kazor Clifford I. van Voorhees III ‘64 Michael J. Zurbrigen ‘85

William M. Boehme ‘62 *Helmut & Deborah Jahn David M. Murray ‘97

* Indicates deceased



“Pomfret helped to ignite my curiosity about the world that I hope I will never lose.”

— Chris Golden ‘07



PLANNED GIVING The Pontefract Society honors all those who have taken the special step of including Pomfret School in their long-term plans through a bequest provision, life-income gift, or other deferred giving arrangement. Members of the Pontefract Society have demonstrated a loyalty, foresight, and generosity that will benefit Pomfret and contribute to its excellence for generations to come.


* Indicates deceased

THE PONTEFRACT SOCIETY Anonymous (27) E. Davies Allan ‘58 Jacques P. Bailhé ‘71 Richard A. Bensen ‘70 Carswell R. Berlin ‘71 Whitney S. Bodman ‘68 William M. Boehme ‘62 *John A. Bogardus, Jr. ‘45 Mary Lela Bogardus Peter H. Borgemeister ‘69 Brooke Rorer Brown ‘87 Peter B. Burnham, Jr. ‘79 Peter G. Canby ‘68 Virginia K. Cargill Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. ‘52 Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 *William H. Clark ‘46 David L. Craven ‘61 John R., Jr. ‘58 & Julia B. Curtis Celenia Delsol John A. ‘64 & Constance S. Dix Herbert Drake, Jr. ‘61

Lammot du Pont III ‘50 Jeb N. Embree ‘59 Richard J. Fates ‘63 David A. Feffer ‘67 Frederick E. Findlay ‘65 Henry J. Fisher II ‘72 Robert B. Fiske, Jr. ‘48 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 George M. Galpin ‘65 *Wyatt Garfield ‘43 Andrew G. Goldmark ‘69 Galen N. ‘58 & Patty Griffin John S. Griswold, Jr. ‘63 Alice E. Hale *Newell D. Hale Alan Hamerstrom ‘59 Kendrick Harmon ‘53 William H. Hayes ‘67 Charles V. Henry III ‘52 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Jennifer M. Hoben-Williams ‘78 Kirk Hollingsworth ‘45

Anthony S. Hoyt ‘56 John T. Hoyt, Jr. ‘49 Richard S. Jackson, Jr. ‘61 Peter B. Kelsey ‘64 Justin P. Klein ‘65 *Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Ronald A. Levene ‘82 Kate C. Lindsey Scott W. ‘76 & Susanna Maker James D. Makowsky ‘63 David W. Mason ‘58 J. William Mees *Frank Melville III ‘40 Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Francis ‘64 & Frederica Paine John A. Paine ‘54 Ridley Pearson ‘71 *Roswell B. Perkins ‘43 Daniel A. Poor ‘63 Rachel E. Prentiss ‘77 Philip B. Rettger ‘75 Theodore R. Robb ‘52

E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 *Arthur K. Salomon ‘53 James D. Seymour ‘65 Robert L. Sims ‘69 Samuel N. Stokes ‘58 Bradford P. ‘54 & Diane Straus *Charles C. Townsend, Jr. ‘45 *Louise M. Warner David J. Watkins ‘62 Gordon B. Wheeler ‘69 William F. Whitehouse, Jr. ‘34 Robert T. Whitman ‘65 Robert J. Yudell ‘65


“Pomfret has been an important part of our family for two generations. As students, alumni, and members of the Board, we have stayed connected and given back to Pomfret for the many gifts it has given us. With our planned gift, we will continue to support Pomfret for future generations of students.” — Virginia Cargill P ‘08 Former Trustee 54


VOLUNTEERS We are enormously grateful to the many individuals who have generously volunteered their time and efforts to encourage engagement with Pomfret during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Board of Trustees Justin P. Klein ‘65, Chair Monique Jennings Miles ‘95, Vice-Chair Lindsay B. Paul P ‘14, ‘17, ‘21, Treasurer Stephanie Schuetz ’00, Secretary Daryle L. Bost ‘89 Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Tiffany Ding P ‘21, ‘22 T. Wilson Eglin P ‘21 Trina Gary Brendon Giblin ‘95 P ‘24 Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Rebecca D. Henry P ‘13 Jay F. Luchs ‘91 Scott W. Maker ‘76 Michael Marrus Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Nicholas D. Mettler ‘95 Robert K. Mullarkey ‘79, P ‘10 David M. Murray ‘97 Dena Cocozza O’Hara P ‘13, ‘15, ‘16, ‘18, ‘20 Robert M. Olmsted ‘59, P ‘89 Esezele Payne ‘00


Hui Peng P ‘21 Christina Murphy Pisa P ‘22 Judson P. Reis ‘60, P ‘98 Arnoldo Wald P ‘22 Katheryn E. Wilson P ‘20, ‘21 Robert J. Yudell ‘65 Laura Keeler Pierce ‘03, Ex-Officio Sarah K. Howie ‘09, Ad Hoc James D Seymour ‘65, Ad Hoc

Alumni Association Executive Council Laura Keeler Pierce ‘03, President Sarah K. Howie ‘09, Vice President James D. Seymour ‘65, Vice President Etienne J. Vazquez ‘04, Secretary

Frederick W. Allen ‘65 John T. Irick ‘65 Robert T. Whitman ‘65 Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ‘67 Richard G. Levin ‘69 Robert L. Sims ‘69 Richard A. Bensen ‘70 A. Carter Hinckley ‘70 Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 Charles C. Boak ‘75 Luis Cruz ‘82 James P. Snyder ‘82 Michael J. Zurbrigen ‘82 Adam W. Foulke ‘88 Rachel D. Baime ‘90 Hillary H. Lewis ‘96 Michael A. Newton, Jr. ‘96 Hadley Weiss Rosen ‘97 Olutoyin D. Moses ‘98 Katherine M. Duglin ‘01 Timothy J. Deary ‘05 Steven A. Harkey ‘08 Kathryn M. Kramer ‘09 Margaret R. Hecker ‘10 Kathryn G. Sheehan ‘10 Hayden M. Clarkin ‘13

Class Secretaries J. Anthony LaPalme ‘49 E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 Edward R. Johnson ‘58

Parent Executive Council

Mark & Jennifer Fallon P ‘23 Venton & Monica Forbes P ‘22 Ross & Beth Freeman P ‘21 Peter & Jennifer Gallagher P ‘22 Walter Gramley & Mary Jane Goode P ‘23 Donald & Erica Hager P ‘21 Frank & Melissa Hanenberger P ‘22 Laurence ‘89 & Angelique Horvath P ‘22, ‘24 Joshua & Jennifer Levine P ‘21 Robert & Joan Lockwood P ‘22 Alice Madaza P ‘21 Kirk & Aileen McDonough P ‘22 Karla Partilla P ‘21 John Partilla & Carol Anne Riddell P ‘21 Brett Perryman P ‘23 Albert & Christina Pisa P ‘22 John Stafford & Nancy Curtin P ‘22 Bonny & Cheryl Walcott P ‘23 Jancy Yang P ‘22 James ‘91 & Melissa Zahansky P ‘21, ‘22 Robert & Lori Zyskowski P ‘23

Doug & Maarita Dubitsky P ‘20, ‘22, Chair John & Heather Leslie P ‘21, Chair Todd & Annette Adams P ‘21, ‘23 Juliette Blake P ‘22 William & Malin Clyde P ‘21


TOP 100 DONORS This list acknowledges those donors who made cash gifts to the Pomfret Fund,

capital projects, or an endowed fund that resulted in them ranking in the Top 100 donors of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Richard R. Bassett William M. Boehme ‘62 Daryle L. Bost ‘89 & Alison Raney Bost Estate of Markley H. Boyer Barrett & Catherine Brown Thomas J. Campbell Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Ke Chen & Lijun Shi David & Natasha Chomas William & Malin Clyde Colleen Murray Coggins ‘79 Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Hunter W. Corbin ‘61 John R., Jr. ‘58 & Julia B. Curtis Anthony DeChellis Edmund A. DeNapoli ‘89 Malik S. Ducard ‘91 Scott & Danielle Edwardson Thomas W. & Ellen L. Eglin W. Hardy Eshbaugh III ‘55 Raymond & Tina Falci Shuoyi Fan & Jing Guo Ping Feng & Lin Zhang Jun Gao & Runhong Xu Jianguang Gao & Ms. Yuhan Dong E. Clayton III ‘89 & Ashley R. Gengras


Brendon P. ‘95 & Robin Giblin Peter T. & Laura Grauer Harry S. Gruner & Rebecca D. Henry Alice E. Hale Gray P. R. Hamilton ‘11 Miles N. P. Hamilton ‘13 Frank & Melissa Hanenberger Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Jack L. & Melissa Heinberg Kyungmo Hong & Hoi Jin Kim *Helmut & Deborah Jahn Gilbert H. Judson ‘70 Lisa Noble Kaneb ‘86 & Chris Kaneb Richard & Mary Ellen Keyser Chanshik Kim & Hyunjoo Chang Kevin Kim & Eun Ju Kang Justin P. Klein ‘65 Gordon & Linda Kolb *Chester K. Lasell ‘54 John & Heather Leslie Mark A. Lipman ‘70 Alan Litchman & Laura Trust Tiankun Liu & Xiufeng Yu Robert C. Livingston, Jr. ‘69 Jay F. Luchs ‘91 Michael Marrus

Edward C. McCarthy & M. Robin Davis Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Robert K. Mullarkey ‘79 & Nina Ritter Albert & Christina Murphy Pisa David M. Murray ‘97 James F. Newbold ‘89 Katharine H. Olmsted ‘89 Robert M. Olmsted ‘59 Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ‘67 Jongwoo Park & Eunjung Kim J. Geddes & Kathryn Parsons Jeffrey & Lindsay Paul Christina Paumgarten ‘90 Marina Shields Purcell ‘89 Judson P. Reis ‘60 J. Timothy & Anne K. Richards James E. Rothman ‘67 Thomas O. & Darlene Ryder Stephanie J. Schuetz ‘00 Eric A. Schwartz ‘69 Michael L. ‘66 & Susan Schwartz Benjamin Segal & Jacqueline Mahal James D. Seymour ‘65 M. Andrew & Marci Sherman John D. Sigel ‘71

* Indicates deceased

Mark Simon ‘64 John Simpkins III ‘68 Virginia Soutter John Stafford & Nancy Curtin Bradford P. Straus ‘54 Timothy & Tracy Stuart Xiaofan Sun & Qin Ma Daniel J. Thompson III ‘95 Archbold & Helene van Beuren *Arnoldo & Tania Wald Hugh Whitman, Jr. ‘70 Brian C. Wille & Robin A. Remick Murray J. & Katheryn E. Wilson David M. Woodrow ‘64 Chaeles Bi-Chuen Xue & Wei Ding Wen Yang & Hui Peng Robert J. Yudell ‘65 Jun Zeng & Qing Wang Yundong Zhang & Shiping Qin Wenjiong Zhu & Jia Shen August Zinsser III ‘59 Michael J. Zurbrigen ‘82 Robert R. & Lori Zyskowski

“Our family has been involved with Pomfret in numerous ways and for multiple generations and recognizes the incredible opportunities that Pomfret offers students. We support financial aid because this investment yields benefits beyond the recipients — it enriches the Pomfret School community, improves the northeastern Connecticut community and produces well-rounded global citizens.” — Laurence Hale ‘91 P’20 Former Trustee


GIFTS IN MEMORY James A. Birdsall Christopher S. Renkert ‘84 Ishmael N. Brown ‘99 Calvin J. Brown ‘09 Judy M. Brush Bradley R. Painter ‘79 Richard M. Burdick Jean E. Burdick William B. Cargill ‘74 Virginia K. Cargill John B. Charnay ‘67 William H. Hayes ‘67 Alison C. Church ‘85 Anonymous Jessica Benjamin ‘83 Christopher N. Berl ‘85 Katharine B. Cowperthwait ‘87 Anne Cutler ‘83 William F. Thornton ‘85 Jeremy B. Clark ‘63 Kathryn Davies Clark


Sydney P. Clark, Jr. ‘47 Jordan F. Clark ‘84 Charles D. Cole ‘56 Charles D. Cole, Jr. ‘75 William R. Cole ‘81 Danforth P. Fales ‘57 Cynthia W. Cole Charles D. Cole, Jr. ‘75 William R. Cole ‘81 John Day, Jr. & Jane Doyle R. Duane Daentl Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72 Wyatt S. Daentl ‘78 Heather Julian ‘85 James P. Snyder ‘82 Brian Dennehy Keith A. O’Hara & Dena Cocozza O’Hara Alice W. Dunbar ‘91 Ilse D. Bailey ‘73 Kimberley Van Auken ‘80 Donald L. Eccleston Roger W. Gill, Jr. ‘88 McCoy D. Weymouth ‘87

B. Eve Geissinger ‘72 Michelle S. Bourgeois ‘72 Kathryn E. Geissinger ‘76 Warren Geissinger ‘64 Anonymous John M. Davis ‘67 Peter A. de Treville ‘73 George T. Dewey III ‘58 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Kathryn E. Geissinger ‘76 Michael D. Grace ‘59 Clark Groome ‘61 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Louisa & Jeremiah Jones Margaret A. Lamb ‘74

Kenneth B. Hard ‘45 Donald E. Hard ‘67

Adair Miller, Jr. ‘63 Elise M. Miller

Michael W. Hard ‘55 W. Hardy Eshbaugh III ‘55 William A. Stewart III ‘55 Hunter M. Temple ‘53

Benjamin B. Morgan ‘53 Anonymous (2) Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72 John A. Fiske ‘53 Braden N. Long ‘97

Jeffrey Hardy ‘73 John Winer ‘73 Carl T. Herman ‘63 Daniel A. Poor ‘63 William C. Hrasky John C. Matthews ‘73

Robert E. Glenn III John & Mary Dickson

Heather V. Hubbard ‘94 Joanna Kontoudakis ‘97

Kress A. Goldstein ‘13 Hamilton G. Morley ‘11 Peter W. Reimer ‘13 Geoffrey B. Short ‘13

Myron Kellogg ‘69 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Robert L. Sims ‘69

Zachary P. Gottfried ‘98 Sarah L. Smith ‘98 John H. Gulden ‘64 Frank L. Fuller IV ‘64

Corbin Eissler ‘67 William H. Hayes ‘67 John H. Kueffner ‘67

Michael I. Gulden ‘57 Anthony S. Hoyt ‘56 B. Lee Mallory III ‘57

Timothy J. Fleming ‘64 William P. Henning ‘64 Mark Simon ‘64

Thomas L. Hanson, Jr. Bruce S. Oakes ‘69 Robert L. Sims ‘69

John P. King, Jr. ‘67 Bruce B. Gordon ‘67 Thomas Lumbard ‘53 John A. Fiske ‘53 Mannie & Priscilla Mansfield I. Howell Mallory ‘62 Gerald B. Mathews ‘68 Robert W. Purvis ‘68 Douglas O. McClure Stephen T. Dexter ‘61

William T. Murbach Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72 William L. Nields ‘57 Peter R. Borden ‘57 Joseph C. Noyes V ‘19 Anonymous (2) Komi V. Alasse ‘19 Douglas, Susan, & Isabella Allbee Merritt Ashmead-Robinson ‘82 Andrew L. ‘79 & Eileen Beall Charles P. Beall ‘19 Aiden D. Bourke ‘18 Kelliann R. Carroll Mariella R. Catalano ‘18 Won L. Cho ‘19 Elisabeth M. Clagett ‘17 Paul & Audrey Clawson CorePlus Federal Credit Union, Norwich Diane M. Daych Olivia C. Ferrara ‘18 Edward III & Berkeley Gardner The family of E. Clayton Gengras III ‘89 Julia O. Gengras ‘18 Paul III & Marylin Glover

Benjamin D. Huckaby ‘19 Susan Jansen J.McLaughlin Corporate Richard Jolie Louisa & Jeremiah Jones Tobias R. Ketchum ‘18 Linda L. Kosinski Alexandra A. Lee ‘21 Doug & Sarah MacLeod Robert W. Macleod II ‘19 Lydia Mann William R. & Elizabeth Noyes Olivia R. Passarelli ‘19 John M. Poulson ‘18 Barbara Pyles Stanley M. Rinehart III & Carolyn Watson David W. Ring Cory Scott & Julie DeVoe Jonathan & Kathryn Sheehan Tucker P. Sheehan ‘19 Henry & Julia Toulmin The Williams Family Oliver Wolcott IV ‘18 Sheridan Zimmer

Judith Gascoigne Pashoian ‘83 Carolyn V. Bartholet ‘83 Jessica Benjamin ‘83 Ingrid H. Burnell ‘83 Alexander B. Coxe ‘83 Mara E. Cushwa ‘83 James M. Enelow ‘83 Wendy R. Enelow ‘83 Timothy W. Eustis ‘83 Nathaniel H. Hallowell ‘83 Allyn Harvey, Jr. ‘83 Julie A. Johnson ‘83 Susan F. Killenberg ‘83 Steven F. Kingsbury ‘83 Jane S. Speyer ‘83

J. Philip O’Hara The O’Hara Grandchildren

Peter Richardson ‘56 Danforth P. Fales ‘57

William S. Parquette ‘57 Peter S. Hallowell ‘57 J. Douglas Knott ‘61

Joseph Robichaud ‘15 Anonymous JoonKi Hong ‘16 Caitlin G. Wood ‘15

Henry L. Petty ‘61 Lois B. Petty George M. Walker ‘61 Per-Jan Ranhoff ‘65 Daniel A. Poor ‘63 Lillian W. Reich Robert R. Rich ‘68

Zak S. Schwartzapfel ‘10 Hamilton G. Morley ‘11

W. Andrew Shea ‘83 Carolyn V. Bartholet ‘83 Ingrid H. Burnell ‘83 Alexander B. Coxe ‘83 Mara E. Cushwa ‘83 James M. Enelow ‘83 Wendy R. Enelow ‘83 Timothy W. Eustis ‘83 Nathaniel H. Hallowell ‘83 Allyn Harvey, Jr. ‘83 Susan F. Killenberg ‘83 Steven F. Kingsbury ‘83 Robert E. Sloat Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Chip & Susan Lamb Elisabeth E. Sloat ‘86 Andrew F. Sloat ‘95 Jeffrey J. ‘80 & Judith M. Wong Summer C. Wosu ‘02 Foye F. Staniford, Jr. ‘49 *Wallace B. Goodwin II ‘45 Cameron D. Stebbins ‘95 Andrew F. Sloat ‘95 Scott L. Steele ‘71 Linda Kittler ‘71 Zachary K. Stolarek ‘21 Anonymous John & Kimberly Bergendahl

Aijha Clark Preston W. Day ‘23 Timothy J. Deary ‘05 Madison Fisher ‘19 Sydney Fisher ‘17 Tatum Fisher ‘22 Cathryn M. Gallagher ‘22 Martin & Lisa Hart Brennan E. Holmes ‘21 Edward A. Holmes, Jr. Bridget A. Horst ‘22 Louisa G. Jones Grace Rosow ‘21 Patricia T. Rueckert ‘21 Bailey E. Sheehan ‘21 Jonathan & Kathryn Sheehan The Sherman Family Molly E. Sullivan ‘21 Debbi S. Tenaglia Richard S. Storrs, Jr. ‘56 Jean L. Storrs ‘56 David C. Twichell ‘62 Danforth P. Fales ‘57 Luis C. Villanueva ‘96 Anonymous Mark D. Ippoliti ‘96

Michael P. Wolak ‘12 Cayman K. Macdonald ‘12 Krzysztof & Anna Wolak Christopher J. Wolfe ‘83 Luis Cruz ‘82 James P. Snyder ‘82 Michael B. Wood ‘70 Stephen E. Howard ‘70 Louisa G. Jones Patrick D. Wood ’01 Jamie Calabrese Brätt ‘01 Stephen E. ‘70 & Elizabeth H. Howard Louisa & Jeremiah Jones Anthony D. Luckino ‘01 Wendell Smith Scarisbrick ‘01 Alexandra C. Sweet ‘01 Bonnie Watson Underwood ‘93 Elizabeth A. Wood ‘01 Stephen Woodruff ‘77 Douglas Woodruff ‘77 Stephen Woodruff ‘77

John S. Williams, Jr. ‘46 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 David A. Wilson III ‘01 Wendell W. Scarisbrick ‘01


GIFTS IN HONOR Ntiamoa Adarkwa Dale E. Miller, Jr. ‘17 Mikael Toikka II ‘17 E. Davies Allan ‘58 Anonymous Javier A. Alonso Valcarcel Alberto Alonso Javier Alvarez Benjamin E. Coulthard ‘09 Shawn L. Bacot ‘98 Dena Cocozza O’Hara Jack M. Bass Edith M. Bass Richard A. Bensen ‘70 Deborah Baldwin Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 Nicholas R. Birdsall ‘06 James E. Pinkham ‘06 Oliver C. W. Blodgett ‘04 Michael G. Dio ‘04


Daryle L Bost ‘89 Dena Cocozza O’Hara Laura E. Bourette ‘06 Jane E. Bourette Delia J. Bousquet ‘24 Bruce F. Bousquet, Jr. Jamie A. Brätt ‘01 Louisa G.Jones Rebecca Brooks Catherine D. Corona ‘18 Sydney Fisher ‘17 Alexsa M. Jack ‘18 Ellen S. Browne Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Mark A. Tillinghast ‘85 Harrison L. Browne Joseph A. & Laura L. Browne Brenda L. Bullied Jillian Forgue Patrick Burke Christina S. Bacon ‘18 John M. Cunningham ‘13 Olivia K. Kremer ‘17 Austin T. Schwartz ‘18 Ethan M. Canchola Anonymous Thomas S. & Sarah A. Chase David A. Brush

Thomas S. Chase Paul H. Healy ‘05 Alexander W. Jones ‘04 Shu Liao ‘17 Charles A. Modica ‘06 Adolphus B. Clinton II ‘92 Elisabeth M. Brubaker ‘06 Catherine D. Corona ‘18 Robert & Erin Fisher Sydney Fisher ‘17 Alexsa M. Jack ‘18 Ava M. Pawlowski ‘17 Lyndsey J. Winick ‘18

Deborah L. Davis Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Steven A. Davis Dena Cocozza O’Hara Aren C. Craft ‘18 Fayoni K. Olusesi ‘17 Calvin H. Todd ‘18 Preston W. Day ‘23 Anne Day Leire De Zabala ‘21 Inigo De Zabala & Eva Dalda

Robert T. Clyde ‘21 Robert & Heidi Ely

Hannah Dean ‘20 Anonymous

Dena Cocozza O’Hara Keith A. O’Hara Olutoyin D. Moses ‘98

Madison A. Dean ‘16 Anonymous

Rebecca Coleman Eric D. Coleman ‘69 Gwyneth Connell Tian Yu Feng ‘22 Kaitlyn Curley ‘22 James Curley Krista Curley Phyllis A. D’Alleva Karla & Timothy Valas Bradley C. & Deborah L. Davis Keith & Margery Mosher

Michael G. Dio ‘04 Oliver C. W. Blodgett ‘04 Anonymous Kayla Doan ‘21 Matthew & Trang Aronian Katherine M. Duglin ‘01 Mallory C. McArdle ‘17 Mackenzie C. Dunphy ‘12 Edward & Lisa Dunphy Shane P. Dunphy ‘11 Edward & Lisa Dunphy Holly E. Setzer

Mackenzie C. Deary ‘10 Samantha Slotnick Stanton ‘10

J. Roderick Eaton Florence Eaton Young Hoon Hahn ‘06 John D. & Elizabeth L. MacVarish Charles B. Parsons ‘06 Christopher D. Soutter ‘17

Timothy J. Deary ‘05 Robert & Erin Fisher Brian & Bryan Lynch John D. MacVarish V ‘05

Marshall L. ‘70 & Virginia S. Eaton Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Dacque E. Tirado ‘92

Sory Diakite Zoey A. Diakite ‘23

Virginia S. Eaton Elisabeth M. Brubaker ‘06

Arthur C. Diaz ‘78 Louisa G.Jones Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Meghan J. MacArthur ‘14

Andrew Edwardson ‘21 Anonymous John E. Evans III ‘98 Martha E. Deegan

Grace Falci ‘22 Raymond & Tina Falci

Julia O. Gengras ‘18 Edith P. Gengras

Fantasia Hanmer Gregory Rossolimo

Michael K. Farr Thomas M. Bryan ‘86

Mary P. Gengras ‘24 Edith P. Gengras

Gunnar C. Hanson ‘20 Joseph & Mary Jane Tavolacci

Erin Fisher Olivia C. Ferrara ‘18

Donald S. Gibbs, Jr. ‘65 W. Dean Moss, Jr. ‘65

Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Anonymous

Robert & Erin Fisher Mark & Jodi Rumley

Jeffrey R. Gibbs ‘20 Donald S. III, & Lesley Gibbs

Kale B. Hart ‘23 Martin & Lisa Hart

Charles Fok ‘22 Victor Fok & Min Deng

Brittany Zulkiewicz Gingras ‘10 Samantha Slotnick Stanton ‘10

Bradford Hastings ‘68 William C. Hastings ‘01

Jillian Forgue Alexander Kravtsov ‘17 Gregory B. Rice ‘17 Gregory Rossolimo Julie W. Sullivan ‘17 Jungmi Yoon ‘17

Matthew Goethals Jonathan G. Beniers ‘17 Brandon W. Mitchell ‘17

Amy Smith Hernández Gamboa ‘06 Anonymous

Isabella Goldman ‘22 Brian & Jessica Goldman

Katherine Williams Hoffer ‘70 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69

William P. Hurley ‘14 Phyliss P. Meaders

Maxwell B. Freeman ‘21 Ross & Beth Freeman

Lide Banks Goodwin ‘92 Mary Sibley M. Banks

Ever Hyman ‘22 Marc & Cherub Hyman

Michael Fura Jungmi Yoon ‘17

Robert Gordon Jordan L. Winer ‘18

Brennan E. Holmes ‘21 Edward A. Holmes, Jr. Debbi S. Tenaglia William A. & Stasia M. Tenaglia

Keyue Gao ‘21 Jun Gao & Runhong Xu

Monique Griffin Tammie L. LaBonte

Thomas G. Garrison ‘96 Louisa & Jeremiah Jones

Rebecca B. Hague ‘24 Anonymous Henry R. III & Jennifer Hague

Michael ‘82 & Trina Gary Dacque E. Tirado ‘92 Emmy R. Gengras ‘21 Edith P. Gengras

Samuel S. Haley ‘23 Thomas & Julia Haley

Alison E. Horst ‘13 Arthur M. & Martha Horst Arthur M. Horst Elisabeth M. Clagett ‘17 Mark P. & Jennifer Fallon

Martha Horst Claire E. Anderson ‘18 Rebecca A. Bullied ‘17 Bridget A. Fallon ‘23 Jessica Hua ‘17 Alexander Kravtsov ‘17 Khanh B. Le ‘18 Minkeun Song ‘17 Julie W. Sullivan ‘17 Chase A. Zimmerman ‘18 Charles Houmard Keith C. O’Hara ‘15 Zeyu Sha ‘18 Elli T. Xiao ‘18 Georgianna Hunt Jiaman Peng ‘17

Jean-Paul Jacquet Alexsa M. Jack ‘18 Shu Liao ‘17 Wesley Jenkins M. Andrew & Marci Sherman Owen C. Johnston ‘23 Christopher & Rachella Johnston Nina Joly Polina Lipskaya ‘17

Alexander W. Jones ‘04 Louisa & Jeremiah Jones Louisa G. Jones Elizabeth G. Army ‘08 Thomas & Virginia Army Katharine B. Cowperthwait ‘87 Michael & Sharon Gaudreau Brian & Nancy Gingras Shay M. Gingras ‘12 Louis, Sr. & Wendy Griffith Eric & Tracy Hanson Paul H. Healy ‘05 Ryan J. Joyce ‘06 Polina Lipskaya ‘17 Charles A. Modica ‘06 Duun M. O’Hara ‘18 Rhone I. O’Hara ‘16 Quinn Rose Bradford & Marylou Seaward Philip K. Jones Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72 Emilio Justo ‘22 Emilio & Allison Justo Austin J. Kendig ‘22 Patrick & Leslie Kendig Robin Kennedy Lisa Noble Kaneb ‘86 Sarah E. Kern ‘06 Mary Roickle & Martha Carter Charlotte H. Kessler ‘21 Avery A. Kessler


Joseph Kravitz ‘24 Robert & Susan Kravitz Philip Kravitz ‘23 Robert & Susan Kravitz Samuel Kravitz ‘24 Robert & Susan Kravitz Joseph E. Kremer Anonymous Gunnar C. Hanson ‘20 Olinda A. LaBeef Margaret L. Calvert ‘17 Kailey E. Castle ‘17 Fan Qian Meng ‘17 Abigail R. Trivella ‘17 Rachel M. Wikman ‘17 Joshua Lake Anonymous Tobias R. Ketchum ‘18 Chip Lamb Madeleine R. Hutchins ‘14 Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Amanda M. Lim ‘17 Keith C. O’Hara ‘15 Julie W. Sullivan ‘17 Chase A. Zimmerman ‘18 Shoshana J. Lebo ‘21 Matthew Lebo & Pamela Block Cooper M. Lee ‘21 Anonymous


Lawydra L. Leelasumpan ‘23 Yeu Choi Lee & Laksaya Leelasumpan Lindsay Shaw Lehmann Trisha L. Berk ‘18 William Hutchinson & Victoria Valentine Ava M. Pawlowski ‘17 Brooke A. Zahansky ‘22 Hannah P. Leo ‘11 Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Robert Leslie ‘21 John & Heather Leslie Ralph & Jane Walker Geoffrey L. Liggett Joanne A. McMenemy Xinpeng Liu ‘21 Tiankun Liu & Xiufeng Yu Robert C. Livingston, Jr. ‘69 George J. Feiss III ‘69 Charles S. Hosley ‘69 Jonathan L. LeVeen ‘69 Richard G. Levin ‘69 Gary M. Tharler ‘69 Doug MacLeod Craig & Heather Kelsey John M. Poulson ‘18 Laura Ramos Alonso ‘18 Blake A. Zahansky ‘21 Chase A. Zimmerman ‘18

Sarah MacLeod Craig & Heather Kelsey

Haley McInerney Keegan T. Rybacki ‘21

Trina F. Madziwa ‘20 Gregory Rossolimo

Garrett J. McMerriman ‘19 Laura Dawley James & Kathy McMerriman

Emily C. Mallory ‘89 B. Lee Mallory III ‘57 Lucas Q. Mancini ‘24 Adam & Lorena Mancini Juliet E. Mankin ‘20 Erik & Elizabeth Hage Seth & Tara Mankin Chloe Marblestone ‘24 Anonymous William T. Martin Young Hoon Hahn ‘06 Yuxin Lan ‘17 Shu Liao ‘17 Jiaman Peng ‘17 Jiahui Wang ‘18 Chase A. Zimmerman ‘18 Grant J. Maurer ‘22 Erik & Jodi Maurer

Sean M. McMerriman ‘13 Laura Dawley James & Kathy McMerriman James A. McSweeney Kaela J. Thomson ‘18 Martha E. Mead ‘14 Douglas A. Cotanche Anson Meerbergen ‘24 Anonymous Hagop M. Merjian ‘75 Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72 Thaddeus M. Sendzimir ‘70 Calhoun W. Wick ‘63 Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 Paul G. Rathe ‘72

Sarah J. Mayor ‘05 Robin J. Mayor

Joseph K. Milnor Danforth P. Fales ‘57 J. William Mees E. Brooks Robbins ‘55

Carl D. McAulay ‘68 Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Peter A. Pease ‘68

Pablo Montoro Alonso Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Gregory Rossolimo

Shane P. McDonough ‘22 Peter & Joy Nagle

Emily C. Mooney ‘10 Samantha Slotnick Stanton ‘10

Olutoyin D. Moses ‘98 Dena Cocozza O’Hara Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Toye Moses & Alma Robinson Juan C. Mutis Caicedo ‘21 Eduardo Salazar & Patricia Caicedo Artem Nazarov ‘23 Timofei Nazarov & Aleksandra Nazarova Rose-Michaela Nsubuga ‘21 Anonymous Rachel Joyner Louise Kapopo Madaliso Kapopo Alice M. Madaza Rosemary Madaza Megan Rocha Bruce S. Oakes ‘69 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69 Gregory A. Osborne ‘03 Brandon W. Mitchell ‘17 Oliver Wolcott IV ‘18 Annie O’Sullivan Linzee P. Tracey ‘18 Jordan L. Winer ‘18 Hannah Park ‘24 Jongwoo Park & Eunjung Kim Linda Parquette ‘64 Olivia Riley ‘21

Luke C. Paskevich ‘04 Anthony & Claire Paskevich

Tucker Prudden David & Michele Ferrucci

Jason Roche ‘21 Sandra Mazier

Olivia R. Passarelli ‘19 Gustavo Passarelli & Rosemarie Solano

Robert W. Purvis ‘68 Carl E. Rohde II ‘69

Matthew J. Rodman Kunath Vorasadhit ‘17

Paul G. Rathe ‘72 Milton L. Butts, Jr. ‘72

Eumir E. Rodriguez Rojas ‘22 Laura Rojas

James M. Rees John G. Lameyer ‘85 William R. Wentworth, Jr. ‘02 Chase A. Zimmerman ‘18

Quinn Rose Abigail S. Conway ‘18 Kathleen A. LeFebre ‘17

Jasper Pearman ‘21 Peter & Amanda Pearman Kyle R. Penn ‘16 Wayne & Cindy Penn Katherine A. Peverada ‘10 Elyse E. Taylor ‘10 Laura Keeler Pierce ‘03 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Matthew V. Pierce, Jr. Mariam Aghayan Myrhia Brewer Bryce Plourde Aubrey J. Benzing-Plourde ‘18 Pomfret School Anonymous Pomfret School Faculty Mariella R. Catalano ‘18 William & Cheryl Bundy Pomfret School Faculty & Staff Richard K. Dempsey Anastasia M. Porter ‘18 Nicholas & Dorothy Porter

Warren I. Reid Dena Cocozza O’Hara

Tim Rose Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Bailey D. Riva ‘18

Brian Rice Alisyn M. Narracci ‘18

Deja C. Ross ‘17 Michelle M. Ross

Anne K. Richards Margaret L. Calvert ‘17 Lucy D. Richards ‘15 Maxwell & Diana Richards

Gregory Rossolimo Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Shu Liao ‘17 Yujia Ma ‘18 Sophie P. Nick ‘17 Mary Elizabeth Ostrander ‘18

Mary Screen Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Brennan E. Holmes ‘21 Laura Ramos Alonso ‘18

Wallace H. Rowe IV Melissa S. Browne ‘17 Malcom B. Gewirz ‘17 Corbin Schneider ‘18 Austin T. Schwartz ‘18

Sarah Segesdy Laura Ramos Alonso ‘18

J. Timothy Richards Richard K. Dempsey Lucy D. Richards ‘15 Maxwell & Diana Richards Lucy D. Richards ‘15 J. Timothy & Anne K. Richards Maxwell & Diana Richards Casey Richmond ‘24 Matthew & April Richmond

Keegan T. Rybacki ‘21 Tina Lefevre Rory M. Schauder ‘19 Paul Schauder & Darcy Mayers

Derek Segesdy Austin T. Schwartz ‘18

Jonathan D. Sheehan John M. Cunningham ‘13 Kathryn O. Sheehan Hailey M. Coudert-Morris ‘17 Mark P. & Jennifer Fallon

Amanda Holt Shipley ‘96 Laura Dawley Angela R. Santini Martino Amy Takazaki Sinclair ‘00 Amy Sinclair ‘00 Caroline F. Sloat Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Chip G. Lamb Susan Lamb Andrew N. Slotnick ‘14 Samantha Slotnick Stanton ‘10


Marzhan A. Smiley ‘23 Anonymous Susan Smiley Emerson M. T. Smith ‘20 Malcolm & Samantha Smith Judy Smith Amy Smith Hernández Gamboa ‘06 Marcus B. Smith ‘89 Guilherme V. D. M. Missaka ‘17 Tucker A. Powell ‘17 Colton B. Saunders ‘17 Charles L. Shehan ‘17 Mikael Toikka II ‘17 Thomas C. Wickham II ‘17 Paul B. Smith Amy Smith Hernández Gamboa ‘06 Mallory Jaffe Sorkin ‘05 Mark Jaffe & Marcia Glassman-Jaffe Rebecca Smith Sosik ‘09 Paul & Judy Smith Christopher D. Soutter ‘17 Virginia Soutter


Nicholas G. Speranza ‘17 Margaret M. Speranza Rebecca Holt Squires ‘96 Laura Dawley Angela R. Santini Martino Samantha Slotnick Stanton ‘10 Sophie P. Nick ‘17 Charles H. Sullivan ‘08 Mark W. Pepe ‘08 Molly E. Sullivan ‘21 John & Elyse Sullivan Meredith A. Colwell Swisher ‘08 Theodore & Eileen Colwell Elyse E. Taylor ‘10 Katherine A. Peverada ‘10

Bridget H. Tsemo Rebecca A. Bullied ‘17 Dena Cocozza O’Hara Christopher M. Turney ‘09 Sheryl A. Turney Devin J. Walcott ‘23 Johna Dela Cruz David Graham Bonny & Cheryl Walcott Justin Walcott Ziming Wang ‘21 Kevin Lesmeister Hongtao Wang Xiaoyan Wei Catherine Washburn Lisa Noble Kaneb ‘86

Josephine E. Topham ‘24 Anonymous

Katie Wells Alexandra G. DiBiaso ‘18 Berkeley A. Gardner ‘18 Hayden Garrett ‘17 Christine E. Giovannoli ‘18 Jiaman Peng ‘17 Jungmi Yoon ‘17

Philomena M. Topham ‘23 Anonymous

Claire A. Wille ‘23 Barbara Blinn

Matthew Taylor Jiaman Peng ‘17

Peter P. Tower ‘54 Alexandra Holt

Coco-Noel G. Williams ‘22 Juliette L. Blake

Blake A. Zahansky ‘21 Brenda Marshall

William S. Wiquist, Jr. Mark A. Tillinghast ‘85

Brooke A. Zahansky ‘22 Brenda Marshall

Bruce Wolanin John M. Cunningham ‘13

Kaitlin L. Zeek ‘07 Raymond & Maria Zeek

Calvin L. Wolanin Bruce & Monique Kapitulik Wolanin ‘87

Raymond R. Zeek III ‘11 Raymond & Maria Zeek

Ian B. Wolanin Bruce & Monique Kapitulik Wolanin ‘87 Monique Kapitulik Wolanin ‘87 Daniel R. Palumbo ‘11 Oliver Wolcott IV ‘18 Oliver III & Elise Wolcott Christopher W. Wright ‘17 William & Lynn Wright Melissa Wyse Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Fan Qian Meng ‘17 Mary K. Yokum Trisha L. Berk ‘18

Sheridan Zimmer Trisha L. Berk ‘18 Donald J. Hager III

GIFTS IN-KIND Kathleen L. Atwood John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Paul & Joanne Johnson Carl O. & Sally B. Keil Makenna N. Newkirk ‘15 Richard A. Otto ‘80 Alexander H. ter Weele ‘56 Samuel O. Tilton ‘62



ADVANCEMENT TEAM Pomfret’s Report on Philanthropy demonstrates the commitment that our alumni, parents, and friends have shown the School during fiscal year 2021. We are grateful for your investment in enhancing the Pomfret Experience and for your loyal and sustaining support. Mariam Aghayan Major Gifts Officer (860) 963-6150

Monique Griffin Assistant to the Director of Advancement (860) 963-6127

Debbi Tenaglia P ’21 Gifts Administrator (860) 963-6128

Kerry Anderson Stewardship and Donor Relations Manager (860) 963-6131

Louisa Gebelein Jones P ’04 Director of Constituent Engagement (860) 963-5295

Debby Thurston Database Administrator and Advancement Assistant (860) 963-6129

Beth Dow Director of Advancement Operations (860) 963-5993

Johanna Mawson Director of Annual Giving and Constituent Programs (860) 963-5960

Ashley Goethals Associate Director of Advancement (860) 963-6167

Will Mitchell ‘84 Director of Advancement (860) 963-5957

The Advancement Office strives to ensure the information within this report is accurate and complete. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our sincerest apologies and contact Gifts Administrator Debbi Tenaglia at so we can correct our records. 69

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