2016-2017 Annual Report of Appreciation

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2016-2017 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Justin P. Klein ‘65, Chair Monique Miles ‘95, Vice-Chair William F. Wiggins ‘89, Secretary Lindsay B. Paul P ‘14, ‘17, Treasurer

Mark W. Blodgett ‘75, P ‘04, ‘06 Daryle L. Bost ‘89 Nancy Buck P ‘08 Thomas J. Campbell P ‘09 Jimmy Chan P ‘17 Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Malik S. Ducard ‘91 E. Clayton Gengras III ‘89, P ‘18, ‘21

Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Rebecca D. Henry P ‘13 Shelly Hwang P ‘17 Martha Linhares P ‘14, ‘16, ‘18 Lin Lu P ‘14 Michael Marrus Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Robert Mullarkey ‘79, P ‘10 David M. Murray ‘97

Robert M. Olmsted ‘59, P ‘89 Judson Reis ‘60, P ‘98 James E. Rothman ‘67 Archbold D. van Beuren P ‘19 George M. Wheatley III P ‘12, ‘15 David M. Woodrow ‘64 Robert J. Yudell ‘65

ADVANCEMENT STAFF Melissa Perkins Bellanceau, Honorary ‘62, ‘64 Director of Advancement & Communications mbellanceau@pomfretschool.org

Tammie LaBonte P ‘05 Director of Reunion Engagement tlabonte@pomfretschool.org

M. Vassar Pierce, Jr. Associate Director of Advancement mvpierce@pomfretschool.org

Dolph Clinton ‘92 Associate Director of Alumni Engagement

Tina Lefevre Assistant to the Director & Stewardship Coordinator tlefevre@pomfretschool.org

Debra Thurston Database Administrator dthurston@pomfretschool.org

Johanna Mawson Senior Advancement Officer jmawson@pomfretschool.org

Judith Wong P ‘11, ‘14 Director of Alumni and Parent Programming jmwong@pomfretschool.org

Beth Dow Campaign Manager bdow@pomfretschool.org Louisa Jones P ‘04 Assistant Director of Constituent Engagement ljones@pomfretschool.org

Joanne McMenemy Gifts Administrator jmcmenemy@pomfretschool.org

If you made a gift between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017, and your name does not appear or is listed incorrectly, please notify Gifts Administrator Joanne McMenemy at 860-963-6128 or by email at jmcmenemy@pomfretschool.org.


Pomfret School


From the Head of School








Top 100 Donors


Giving Societies


Honor Roll

398 Pomfret Street • PO Box 128 Pomfret, CT 06258-0128 860-963-6127 www.pomfret.org

Editor Melissa Perkins Bellanceau mbellanceau@pomfretschool.org

Writer Garry Dow

Designer Jordan Kempain




Parents of Alumni


Foundations & Corporations


Students 55





Capital & Endowment Gifts


The Pontefract Society


Gifts in Memory Of


Gifts in Honor Of


In-Kind Gifts

56 57

Grandparents Faculty & Staff 53

Corporate Matching Gifts

Photographers Jamey McSweeney Jamie Davis Jim Gipe (Pivot Media) Lindsay Lehmann Pomfret’s Annual Report is published by Pomfret’s Communications Office © 2017












am standing at my desk when two seniors walk past. They pause, eying the bowl of candy I keep near the door. As they bound into the room, they are careful to avoid stepping on my dog, a black lab sprawled across the floor. Baloo stirs briefly, cocks his head to one side, and promptly falls back to sleep. “Hello,” I say. “How are things?” The first is worried about a Spanish quiz. The second is excited about a soccer game. We laugh as we chat. I can hear the joy in their voices. When the conversation ends, they turn to leave. “Thanks, Mr. Richards,” they call out, each grabbing a handful of Snickers. The encounter lasts less than five minutes, but they are the best five minutes of my day. This kind of impromptu dialogue is no accident. Long gone are the days when students were expected to remain silent. These days, Pomfret students are speaking up. And what’s more, they are being heard. In classrooms all over campus, teachers and students are working in teams — their thinking inspired — to drive projects forward. In Chapel, seniors are delivering talks of incredible depth and candor, the terror of public speaking nowhere in evidence. At the dinner table, advisory groups are connecting like never before. The list goes on and on. Midway through my seventh year, I feel more honored than ever to serve as the voice of this remarkable institution. With your support, we are inspiring a new generation of students to add their own verse to the canon of human thought. So, on behalf of everybody at Pomfret, I thank you. Sincerely,

J. Timothy Richards P ’15 Head of School




very advisory group is different, but they all have one thing in common: they need to eat. On Monday evenings in the fall and spring, students gather around kitchen tables all over campus to share a meal. Sometimes the groups go out, but typically they stay in. Baked macaroni in one house. Chicken soup in another. Pad Thai down the street. “At Waddy’s house, we eat a lot of grilled cheese,” Julia Gengras says. “Steak and tacos, too.” Waddy, of course, is the famous Waddy Rowe, who has been hosting advisee dinners for decades.



“My father (Chip Gengras ’89) had Waddy when he was a student,” Julia says. “He was a lot more work, though,” Waddy retorts. The Rowe house, which Waddy shares with his wife, Melissa, is welcoming and comfortable. On advisory nights, students take turns cooking at the stove while music plays in the background. “Some of the kids have NO idea how to cook anything,” Waddy says. “Julia is a pretty good cook, though. Her speciality is an Annie’s Mac and Cheese grilled cheese sandwich. The group loves it.”







There is a pulse to these advisee dinners. And while the smell of simple, home-cooked food hangs in the air, everyone sits and talks — about everything and nothing — all at the same time. The table is slightly too small for so many people, and everyone is elbow to elbow. When dinner is served, they wolf it down. “It’s really fun to squish around one table while we stuff our faces and laugh for two hours,” Julia says. “My favorite nights are when everyone is involved in the conversation and the quietest member of our group is laughing at everyone’s jokes, and we all stay as late as we can.” All the while, Rowe works hard to honor the accomplishments (and sometimes failures) of his advisees the same way a parent might. “I keep an ear out,” Rowe says. “I learn a lot about the kids — whether they’re feeling angry or sad. I hear what excites them, what frustrates

them. This is downtime for them, off the record. It gives me a pretty good sense of the bigger picture.” Outside of advisory dinner, Rowe, who teaches English and coaches boys soccer and girls hockey, touches base with Julia at least once a day. “Dealing with issues face-to-face is very important to me,” he says. “I need to be able to see her, to read her. She needs to know that I am listening.” For Julia, dinner at Waddy’s has been a transformational experience: “Mr. Rowe has showed me what it means to truly care about someone. Our relationship is the meaning of support as I know it. He has taught me how to laugh, how not to fear what other people think. I graduate this year, but I know he will stay a support system in my life, no matter the distance.”




Gordie Croce ’20 and Aren Craft ’18 HOMETOWN(S): KILLINGWORTH, CT AND NORWALK, CT





n 2016, a 15-year-old freshman arrived on the Hilltop. “When I got to Pomfret, I knew this place was built for a TEDx event,” Gordie Croce says. But Gordie was new and he needed a partner. As luck would have it, he didn’t have to look very far. Down the hall, Aren Craft was just beginning his junior year as a prefect in Clement House when he bumped into Gordie for the first time. “TEDx came into the conversation casually at first,” Aren says, “then grew into something we could both see as a reality.”

In October of that year, after a month of preparation, Gordie and Aren sat down with Head of School Tim Richards and Chief Academic Officer Jamie Baker to pitch their idea. “Gordie and Aren had done their research,” Baker remembers. “They offered concrete solutions to the questions we asked...and they presented their idea with a passion that was absolutely contagious. It was an easy decision to green light TEDx Pomfret as a Grauer Institute project.”


TED began in 1984 as a conference dedicated to the convergence of three unique but interconnected fields: technology, entertainment, and design. In 2001, a media entrepreneur named Chris Anderson acquired TED through his nonprofit Sapling Foundation, and the rest is internet history. Today, TED is a worldwide phenomenon, fueled by the viral success of its



TED Talks online. To date, these videos have been viewed more than a billion times. In 2009, the organization launched TEDx “to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection.� TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, under a free license granted by TED. Since the first license, nearly 15,000 events have been held.

“ORGANIZING TEDX WAS A TON OF WORK,” GORDIE SAYS, “BUT WATCHING SOMETHING THAT WAS DESIGNED BY US, BEING VIEWED BY SO MANY PEOPLE, WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD. WE LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT.” “Organizing a high profile event for a real audience is an authentic test of both knowledge and skills,” says Baker, who served as a consultant and sounding board. “The event is a huge project that Gordie, Aren, and their team learned to produce by doing it.” Over the next five months, Gordie and Aren got to work. In short order, they assembled a team of thirty students to help them organize and promote the event. By February, the TEDxPomfretSchool team had acquired a site license and selected the conference theme This is Progress. By March, they had finalized the speaker lineup, including current student Aubrey Benzing-Plourde ’18, alumna

Cayman Macdonald ’12, Salty Girl Seafood CEO Norah Eddy, and best-selling author Matthew Dicks. “Organizing TEDx was a ton of work,” Gordie says, “but watching something that was designed by us, being viewed by so many people, was the best feeling in the world. We loved every second of it.” On April 21, six months after they first pitched the idea, Gordie and Aren stepped into the spotlight. Soon, a parade of seven spectacular TEDx speakers would take to the Hard Auditorium stage. But before they did, Gordie and Aren stood alone — living examples of the new active learning happening at Pomfret. Their opening remarks sum it up well: “Welcome to TEDx, everybody... This is progress.”






The Future of Design THINKING IN 3D WITH XINTONG “EVA” QI ’20


ike a snowflake, Eva Qi’s ideas start from almost nothing at all — a speck of dust, a wisp of cloud, a drop of rain. “I’m fascinated by the way the physical world intersects with the digital,” she says. The process of creating threedimensional objects from digital files dates back to 1986 when the first 3D printing patent was issued to the American engineer Chuck Hull. Today, 3D printers have taken the world by storm, revolutionizing the way everyday objects are made. Stoneware vases. Bicycle parts. Cheeseburgers. Nothing is off limits.

For the past ten years, engineers and designers have used 3D printers to make cheap prototypes before embarking on the real thing, but that is quickly changing. By the year 2020, many experts believe the use of 3D printers could account for 50 percent or more of all finished products. In principle, 3D printing works much the same way as traditional inkjet printing. If you were to print over the same page a few thousand times, a three dimensional model of each letter would eventually emerge. Though modern 3D printers have improved upon


that concept considerably, the idea is basically the same. The nexus of the 3D revolution at Pomfret is the Digital Arts, Technology, and Design Department. Housed in the duPont Library and chaired by Sarah-Anne Wildgoose, the program focuses on design, media, photography, film, and




sound. Before becoming the chair of the department, Wildgoose was an adjunct professor at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence, one of the best design schools in the country. “Eva is insatiably curious,” Wildgoose says. “She sees the world from an entirely different perspective.” As a student in Wildgoose’s Design Build class, Eva fell in love with the magic of 3D printing. Before long, she had embarked on a string of successful design projects, each more ambitious than the last. The first assignment was a snowflake. To start, Eva cut several designs by hand. “Computers are great, but I prefer to start with paper and pencil.” After scanning her favorite design concept into the computer, she used a program called SolidWorks to further develop her idea, slowly turning a 2D image into a 3D model.

After four weeks of work, she was finally ready to hit print. And just like that, the machine whirred to life, its print head moving slowly (really slowly) back and forth across the build platform, laying down one intricate layer of material after the next. Eighteen hours later, the snowflake was ready. “It takes a long time,” she says, “but is definitely worth the wait.” As a sophomore, Eva’s future is bright. She already has a full roster of projects in her print queue, including a trio of models with movable joints. “By the end of the spring term, I am hoping to build a person, a wolf, and a bird,” she says. “If I can imagine it, I can make it.”

18 hours





ust inside Clark Memorial Chapel, a quote by the Swiss moral philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel is inscribed on the wall. “Life is short and we never have enough time to gladden the hearts of those who make the journey with us. O, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind.” Twice each week, on Monday and Friday mornings, the assembled Pomfret community shuffles by these words, voices hushed, to hear the week’s senior chapel talks. The good challenge for each member of the senior class is to give expression to something personal and meaningful.



“Through the telling of stories and the sharing of insights, chapel talks raise our community up,” says Chaplain Bobby Fisher, who oversees the program. It reminds us of what it means to be part of the human family. It challenges us to be our truest and best selves.” On this particular day, it is Leslie Rosario-Olivo’s turn to speak. Close your eyes. It is December 25th, and you are sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor of the apartment you share with your grandmother and your mom. The wooden floors

“You are not wrong for existing in more than one world, two worlds, five worlds even, because you exist in the gray areas of every place you’ve ever stepped foot in.” 19

Leslie Rosario-Olivo ’18 HOMETOWN: BRONX, NY



are older than you are. Your small hands are feeling the scars wandering-furniture has left on them over the years. The air seeping in through the cracks where the radiator meets the floor sends chills up your back. You can smell your mom’s perfume. It dances its way around you. The idea for a senior chapel program was first raised in 1972 by former headmaster Brad Hastings ’68. Hastings wanted to create a rite of passage for members of the senior class. Over the years, chapel talks have become a significant and beloved part of school culture. Unlike many other schools with similar programs, Pomfret requires every student to deliver a talk before they can graduate. Each senior develops his or her speech in conjunction with a faculty advisor and the school chaplain. During senior chapel, three seniors typically speak for six to eight minutes each. “Chapel talks are a way for students to illuminate and celebrate the human spirit,” Fisher says. “They exist at the the intersections of the sacred and ordinary, the holy and the human. And through the development and delivery of

these talks, seniors like Leslie often uncover significant personal beliefs, experiences, hopes, and convictions in the process.” Status is starting to make sense to you. You are quickly realizing you are not the American girl you thought you could become if you tried hard enough. The world will learn to say Galifianakis, Pawlowski, even Kravtsov correctly, but they will most likely stumble on the R’s and accent in Rosario-Olivo. You may dress like them, but you are shaped like the women of the island you are quickly forgetting. It has taken you so long to realize it, but you are not wrong for existing in more than one world, two worlds, five worlds even, because you exist in the gray areas of every place you’ve ever stepped foot in, and you wouldn’t wanna be anyone else.






Income (Millions)

Annual Giving, $2.2, 11% Net Tuition, $15.0, 76% Endowment Draw, $1.9, 10% Other Revenue, $0.6, 3%

Net tuition of $15.0 million accounted for 76% of the School's total operating revenue of $19.8 million.



Administrative, $3.3, 17%

Expenses (Millions)

Institutional, $3.9, 20% Plant, $4.0, 20%

Educational, $4.1, 21% Student Support Services, $3.3, 16% Debt Services, $1.2, 6%



2,063 Donors 1,337







60 176


(includes faculty, staff, vendors, students & bequests)




22* 26

FUND 2016-2017











*Does not include Foundation gifts credited to other categories. **Includes corporate matching gifts totaling $23,507.




Scale of Gifts # OF DONORS





$50,000 +




































UNDER $100









24 HOURS 600+ DONORS $242,305+ 27




e are enormously grateful to the many individuals who have generously volunteered their time and efforts to encourage engagement with Pomfret during the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cech ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett ’17 Ms. Tracey M. Elliott P ’14, ’17 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Enelow ‘83, ‘83, P ‘16, ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Hatfield P ’13, ’15, ’17 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hayward P ’14, ’15, ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maxwell P ’17 Mr. Edward McCarthy & Ms. M. Robin Davis P ’17 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shehan P ’15, ’17



Ms. Kendall S. Smith P ’17, ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Soutter P ’17


Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ferrara P ’15, ’18, ’20 Ms. Justina Juvonen-Dodge P ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Linhares P ’14, ’16, ’18 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara P ’13, ’15, ’16, ’18, ’20 Mrs. Lisa Winick P ’18 Mrs. Elise Wolcott P ’18


Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Beall ’79, P ’19 Mrs. Nancy W. Huckaby P ’19


Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ferrara P ’15, ’18, ’20 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara P ’13, ’15, ’16, ’18, ’20


Ms. Rebecca Brooks

REUNION COMMITTEE Charles V. Henry III ’52 Peter T. Fairchild ’57 Danforth P. Fales ’57 B. Lee Mallory ’57 Eric Watkins ’57 Horace H. Work ’57 I. Howell Mallory ’62 Douglas S. Baldwin ’67 Kenyon W. Clark ’67 David A. Feffer ’67 J. Scott Lord ’67 Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ’67 Michael S. Petty ‘67 Andrew M. Sereysky ’67 Paul G. Rathe ’72 Roger van der Horst ’72 David B. Warner ’72 John B. Leeming II ’77 Joan Huberman Walmsley ’77 Luis Cruz ’82 Johanna M. Moffitt ’82 Michael J. Zurbrigen ’82 Scott C. Baker ’87 Katharine B. Cowperthwait ’87 Vincent E. Gallagher, Jr. ’87 Jonathan L. Hart ’87

Christopher J. Kriz ’87 Laura Church Wilmerding ’87 Adolphus B. Clinton II ’92 Diane Heide ’92 Lauren A. Jerr ’02 Rachel Schoppe Rogers ’02 Julia deVeaux Field ’07 Christopher P. Golden ’07 Else S. Ross ’07 Rayheann-Nadejda D. Collins ’12 Katrina W. Goddard ’12 Moira M. MacArthur ’12 Cayman K. Macdonald ’12 Julia S. Oswald ’12 Georgia W. Paige ’12

FREE AGENTS Edward K. McCagg II ’53 William H. O’Brien III ’54 John J. Huss ’55 William A. Stewart III ’55 I. Howell Mallory ’62 Charles W. Findlay III ’64 Paul D. Fowler ’64 Gregory W. Melville ’68 Milton L. Butts, Jr. ’72

John B. Leeming II ’77 Elwood Leonard III ’77 Timothy T. Robinson ’83 Daniel B. Levin ’94 Joanna Kontoudakis ’97 Hadley R.P.W. Rosen ’97 Livia Skelly-Dorn Roustan ’98 Kelly L. Wentworth ’99

CLASS SECRETARIES J. Anthony LaPalme ’49 E. Brooks Robbins ’55 Charles W. Fleischmann ’63 Bradley R. Painter ‘79 Martha K. Murphy ’80 Sarah Armstron Scheide ’80 Caroline E. Waterlow ’91 Maurice P. Kane ’97 Wheeler Simmons Griffith ’97 Kyle V. Ritchie ’97

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS George Santiago, Jr. ’75, President Laura Keeler Pierce ’03, Vice President Daniel J. Thompson III ’95, Vice President Laura F. Dunn ’05, Secretary

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Frederick W. Allen ’65 John T. Irick ’65 James D. Seymour ’65 Robert T. Whitman ’65 Richard G. Levin ’69 Charles C. Boak ’75 George Santiago, Jr. ’75 Luis Cruz ’82 Johanna M. Moffitt ’82

James P. Snyder ’82 Robert V. Banker ’86 Toby E. Metcalf ’89 Rachel D. Baime ’90 Caroline E. Waterlow ’91 Lalan K. Shrikam ’93 Daniel J. Thompson III ’95 Olutoyin D. Moses ’98 Daniel M. Bayly ’99 Michaela R. Brown-Jones ’99 Katherine M. Duglin ’01 Christina Galanti Dickson ’02 Jo Anna Galanti Fellon ’02 Michael J. Krents ’02 Rachel Schoppe Rogers ’02 William R. Wentworth, Jr. ’02 Peyton A. Ladt ’03 Laura Keeler Pierce ’03 MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini ’03 Laura Dunn Cona ’05 Kathryn S. Nelson ’06 Christopher P. Golden ’07 Else S. Ross ’07 Margaret R. Hecker ’10 Samantha A. Slotnick ’10 Raymond R. Zeek III ’11 Hayden M. Clarkin ’13






TOP 100 DONORS his list acknowledges those donors who made cash gifts to the Pomfret Fund, capital projects or an endowed fund that results in them ranking in the Top 100 donors of the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

The Allen Family Foundation Nicholas E. Allen ‘92 Anonymous (5) Joshua D. Bank ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bernal Mark W. Blodgett ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Daryle L. Bost ‘89 Dr. David A. Brush Harrison & Nancy Buck Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Mr. J. Christopher Burch Mr. & Mrs. Tobin R. Calvert Susan Cole Campbell ‘71 & Mr. John C.E. Campbell Mr. Thomas J. Campbell W. P. Carey Foundation, Inc. Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Mr. Jimmy Chan & Ms. Sherry Pan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Colleen Murray Coggins ‘79 Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Cranshaw Corporation

Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79 Edmund A. DeNapoli ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Diaz ‘78 The Dillon Fund James M. Enelow ‘83 Wendy Reeder Enelow ‘83 Danforth P. Fales ‘57 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Frost ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Furman The Furtherance Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Weston Garrett Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras III ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gewirz The Edward S. Gordon Foundation Ms. Robin Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Grauer Anthony T. Guiterman ‘67 David S. Hall ‘70 Estate of Mrs. Dorrance H. Hamilton Mr. Raymond Hannigan & Ms. Tobin Heminway Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00

Ms. Rebecca Henry & Mr. Harry S. Gruner Ms. Shelly Hwang & Mr. Hasung Song Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. G. Ix Lisa Noble Kaneb ‘86 & Mr. Chris Kaneb Mr. Hyun Woo Kim & Ms. YoungJin Lee Mr. Kevin Kim & Ms. Eun Ju Kang Dr. & Mrs. James Kittrell Justin P. Klein ‘65 John H. Kueffner ‘67 Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Lim Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Linhares Ms. Lin Lu Benjamin L. Lubin ‘52 Mr. Michael Marrus Mr. Edward McCarthy & Ms. M. Robin Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McDevitt Gregory W. Melville ‘68 Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 & Mr. Charles R. Miesmer

Motulsky Family Foundation Mr. John Motulsky & Ms. Wendy Nacht Mr. Robert Mullarkey ‘79 & Ms. Nina Ritter David M. Murray ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Olmsted ‘59 Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paul William K. Plumb ‘85 Marina Shields Purcell ‘89 Judson P. Reis ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reynal Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Richards Mr. & Mrs. Damian P. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. David C. Saunders The Bern Schwartz Family Foundation Eric A. Schwartz ‘69 (EAS Fund at Marin Community Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Schwartz ‘66 (Michael & Susan Schwartz Fund at Marin Community Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. James D. Seymour ‘65

Mr. Min Sha & Ms. Yu Du Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shehan Bradford P. Straus ‘54 Estate of Henry ‘41 & Malan S. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Q. Sylvester IV Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Todd & Family Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Toub Joseph H. Twichell ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren (van Beuren Charitable Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Walker David J. Watkins ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wheatley III William F. Wiggins ‘89 David M. Woodrow ’64 Mr. Tiejun Yang & Ms. Zhiwei Wang Robert J. Yudell ‘65 Mr. Huimin Zhang & Ms. Bing Xi Mr. Hongfeng Zhi & Ms. Yun Qiu August Zinsser III ‘59





he giving levels below allow us to recognize the leaders among our Pomfret Fund donors. Graduates of the last nine years may join any giving society by making a gift of one-half the minimum level of that society.


The Sundial Society recognizes those individuals who contribute $50,000 or more to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Mr. Thomas J. Campbell Mr. Jimmy Chan & Ms. Sherry Pan Lisa Noble Kaneb ‘86 & Mr. Chris Kaneb Mr. John Motulsky & Ms. Wendy Nacht

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Olmsted ‘59 Marina Shields Purcell ‘89 Judson P. Reis ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren Robert J. Yudell ‘65


The Pomfret Benefactor’s Society recognizes those individuals who contribute between $25,000 and $49,999 or more to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Nicholas E. Allen ‘92 Ms. Rebecca Henry & Mr. Harry S. Gruner Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. G. Ix



Mr. Kevin Kim & Ms. Eun Ju Kang Justin P. Klein ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Linhares Robert K. Mullarkey ‘79 & Ms. Nina Ritter Mr. & Mrs. David C. Saunders Bradford P. Straus ‘54 Mr. Huimin Zhang & Ms. Bing Xi Mr. Hongfeng Zhi & Ms. Yun Qiu


The Headmaster’s Society recognizes those individuals who contribute between $10,000 and $24,999 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Anonymous (3) Joshua D. Bank ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bernal

Mark W. Blodgett ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Daryle L. Bost ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. N. Harrison Buck Mr. & Mrs. Tobin R. Calvert Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79 Edmund A. DeNapoli ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Diaz ‘78 James M. Enelow ‘83 Wendy Reeder Enelow ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Furman Mr. & Mrs. Weston Garrett Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras III ‘89 Ms. Robin Gordon David S. Hall ‘70 Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Ms. Shelly Hwang & Mr. Hasung Song Mr. Hyun Woo Kim & Ms. YoungJin Lee Dr. & Mrs. James Kittrell Ms. Lin Lu

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marrus Mr. Edward McCarthy & Ms. M. Robin Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McDevitt Gregory W. Melville ‘68 David M. Murray ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paul Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reynal Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Richards Mr. & Mrs. James D. Seymour ‘65 Mr. Min Sha & Ms. Yu Du Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Todd & Family Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Toub Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Walker Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wheatley III David M. Woodrow ‘64 Mr. Tiejun Yang & Ms. Zhiwei Wang


The Peck Society named in honor of William E. Peck, founder of Pomfret School, recognizes those individuals who contribute between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Anonymous (3) Nancy Hall Bunting ‘87 & Mr. Jeffrey G. Bunting Cynthia L. Carroll ‘86 Mrs. Erin T. Chace Jeffrey P. Curran ‘84 Malik S. Ducard ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Findlay III ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gewirz Brendon P. Giblin ‘95 Laurence N. Hale ‘91 & The Rev. Jane C. Hale Mr. Raymond Hannigan & Ms. Tobin Heminway Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Mr. Man Kit Lee & Ms. Ho Yan Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Lim Mr. Guandong Liu & Ms. Yingyi Han Benjamin L. Lubin ‘52 Mr. Brian Morris & Ms. Cynthia Coudert Edward C. Otocka ‘02 Molly Shuster Otocka ‘03 William K. Plumb ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pommer III Mrs. Wendy Richards Mr. & Mrs. Damian P. Riordan Benjamin C. Rubenstein ‘92

George Santiago, Jr. ‘75 Eric A. Schwartz ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Schwartz ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shehan Mr. & Mrs. David N. Sherr Mark Simon ‘64 Mrs. Virginia Soutter Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Q. Sylvester IV William F. Wiggins ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Wilson Michael J. Zurbrigen ‘82


The 1894 Society recognizes individuals who contribute between $1,894 and $4,999 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Anonymous (4) Melissa Bellanceau, Honorary ‘62, ‘64 & Ralph Bellanceau James M. Bergantz ‘72 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bieser, Jr. William M. Boehme ‘62 John A. Bogardus, Jr. ‘45 Dr. David A. Brush Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Finn M. W. Caspersen, Jr. ‘88 Peter H. Castle ‘71 Mr. Zhili Chen & Ms. Linjuan Ji Colleen Murray Coggins ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Conway

Mr. Craig Corona & Ms. Gretchen Cole Timothy H. Crawford ‘59 Mr. R. Richard Croce & Ms. Margaret Strange John R. Curtis, Jr. ‘58 Wyatt S. Daentl ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. William Dunning Ms. Tracey M. Elliott Danforth P. Fales ‘57 Richard J. Fates ‘63 Jo Anna Galanti Fellon ‘02 & Mr. Brian Fellon Frederick E. Findlay ‘65 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Galusza Mr. & Mrs. John A. Goodrich Galen N. Griffin ‘58 Christopher B. Gumprecht ‘98 Ian N.H. Gumprecht ‘95 L. Alexander Hamilton III ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Hatfield David S. Henkel, Jr. ‘65 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 & Ms. Julia Moore Mrs. Pamela Howard Jack R. Howard-Potter ‘93 Mr. Tao Ji & Ms. Lixia Cao Waldo C. M. Johnston, Jr. ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kellogg Linda Bartley Kittler ‘71 Mr. Lei Liang & Ms. Lifeng Cheng Dr. Byoung Kak Lim & Ms. Mi Hyang Park Mr. Chi Chong Lo & Ms. Yan Ge Chau Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Maffucci Mr. & Mrs. Seth Mankin Ms. Melissa K. McKeithen Mrs. Nancy W. McKelvy

Nicholas D. Mettler ‘95 Mrs. Linda Mintz Ashley B. Newhall ‘11 Mr. King Shun Ng & Ms. Yuet Siu Samuel H. Ordway III ‘48 Eben Ostby ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. J. Geddes Parsons Jessie G. Parsons ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. Mike P. Poor Mr. & Mrs. Jacques R. Sardas Stephanie Schuetz ‘00 Christopher G. Scott ‘83 Ms. Kendall S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Soutter Daniel J. Thompson III ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Toulmin Roger van der Horst ‘72 Mr. Zhongjie Wang & Ms. Jiewen Ren Eric Watkins ‘57 Elizabeth Tilt Weiner ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Wikman Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Wilmerding Ruthven A. Wodell ‘68 August Zinsser III ‘59


The Olmsted Society, named in honor of William Beach Olmsted, revered headmaster of Pomfret School from 1897 through 1929, recognizes individuals who contribute between $1,000 and $1,893 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Adams Alexandra Parsons Andrews ‘07 Anonymous (2) Jacques P. Bailhé ‘71 Mr. George R. Baldwin Matthew G. Baldwin ‘18 Vincent C. Banker ‘49 Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Barrett & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bartkus Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Beall ‘79 John R. Bockstoce ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Bohan, Jr. Mrs. Joan R. Bolling Mrs. Kathy M. Bourque Robert P. Brown, Jr. ‘61 Ms. Annteera Burapachaisri Andre B. Burgess ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell Winfield S. Carrick ‘49 Samuel M. W. Caspersen ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Catalano Benjamin L. Chapman ‘60 Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. ‘52 Dr. Sarah Chase & Mr. Thomas Chase



Mr. & Mrs. Homer D. W. Chisholm Mr. & Mrs. Warren Clark III Mr. & Mrs. Langdon P. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Sackett Cook Katharine B. Cowperthwait ‘87 Geoffrey S. Cragin ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Cunningham Mara E. Cushwa ‘83 & Mr. John P. Batt Frederick M. Danziger ‘58 Christina Galanti Dickson ‘02 & Mr. Timothy R. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Donze Lammot du Pont III ‘50 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Duglin W. Hardy Eshbaugh III ‘55 John E. Evans III ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Facon Robert B. Fiske, Jr. ‘48 Charles W. Fleischmann ‘63 Eric L. Foster ‘81 Mrs. Hunter Foster Monique Lowery Foster ‘80 David K. Ganek ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gary ‘82 Alfred H. Geary ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Jonathan G. Gengras ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gewirz Samuel L. Goldworm ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Graham Elliot L. Green ‘09 Stephen H. Greer ‘87 Wheeler Simmons Griffith ‘97 John S. Griswold, Jr. ‘63



Mrs. Newell D. Hale Mr. & Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton, Jr. Amy Hare ‘83 Kendrick Harmon ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Hastings ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hirschey Mr. & Mrs. John Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Helmut R. Jahn Derek C. Johnston ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kittrell Alexis Barnett Knott ‘88 Lindsay R. Larsen ‘97 Bruce Lee ‘49 Charles E. Leeming ‘82 John F. Leslie, Jr. ‘62 Richard T. Lieberman ‘93 Mrs. Kate C. Lindsey Jay F. Luchs ‘91 James M. Lyon ‘58 Scott W. Maker ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Constantine G. Marousis David W. Mason ‘58 Mr. Rolf Mathies Mrs. Robin J. Mayor Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. McCoy Courtney Hallock McGinnis ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. McGraw, Jr. Mr. Ben Meng & Ms. Jasmin Foo Donald L. Mennel ‘64 Monique Jennings Miles ‘95 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Park ‘94 Charles B. Parsons ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Paskevich Mr. Anthony Pawlowski & Ms. Antoinette Preudhomme Ridley Pearson ‘71 Mr. Jianhui Peng & Ms. Liangping Wu Mrs. Sandra S. Pershing Tara Peters Peterson ‘89 Laura Keeler Pierce ‘03 & Mr. Matthew V. Pierce, Jr. Dr. Mingming Qi & Ms. Yongxia Liu Joshua W. Rich ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ridder, Jr. Theodore R. Robb ‘52 Mrs. Katharine H. Robinson Simeon H. Rollinson III ‘57 Elisabeth Costa de Beauregard Rose ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rosenbaum James E. Rothman ‘67 Dr. Andrew Satin & Dr. Gail Seiken Ted C. Seacrest ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Simeone Alexandra Vanneck Smith ‘84 Mr. H.C. Bowen Smith Dale W. Snape ‘68 Mrs. Margaret Speranza Foye F. Staniford, Jr. ‘49 Scott L. Steele ‘71 John C. Stockman, Jr. ‘73 Mr. Todd S. Thomson Cai Von Rumohr ‘62 Richard H. Wadhams, Jr. ‘61

George M. Walker ‘61 Mr. Xin Wei & Ms. Yi Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Eliot E. Weisman Mr. Marc Wells Robert T. Whitman ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott III Mr. Rob G. Woodard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wright


The Lefferts Society, named in honor of Halleck Lefferts, beloved headmaster of Pomfret School from 1930 through 1942, recognizes individuals who contribute between $500 and $999 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Samuel P. Abernethy ‘05 Philip K. Allen, Jr. ‘61 Philip R. Allen ‘53 Sarah Collins Allenby ‘92 & Mr. Daniel E. Allenby Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alofsin Peter Y. Alworth ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Andrea Anonymous Marc F. Appleton ‘63 Matthew J. Atwood ‘99 Samuel F. Babbitt ‘46 Mr. John R. Bacon Carson T. Baker ‘95 Gerry R. Benoit ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Louis Bonavita, Jr.

Lorenzo L. Borghese ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Brambil Brooke Rorer Brown ‘87 & Mr. Eric C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Browne, Jr. Mrs. Jean E. Burdick Ms. Lynn E. Burdick Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Cappo Samuel W. Cargill ‘79 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cech Mr. & Mrs. Scott Childs Matthew H. Clayton ‘15 Ms. Barbara Close & Mr. Paul Swirbul Richard D. Cobb ‘61 Stephen A. Cook ‘64 Peter S. Corbin ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait William S. Cox, Jr. ‘58 Stephen C. Crane ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Croce Luis Cruz ‘82 John P. Curtis ‘56 Caroline McLoughlin Davis ‘06 Christopher D. Dawson ‘90 Dr. John Day & Dr. Jane Doyle Peter B. de Neufville ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Dempsey Stephen T. Dexter ‘61 Mr. Art Dodge & Ms. Justina Juvonen-Dodge Thomas R. Downing ‘67 Gregory T. Duncan ‘92 Mr. E. Bruce Dunn Jeb N. Embree ‘59 Benjamin A. Fairbank, Jr. ‘60 Michael G. Farina ‘93

Mary Valentine Feathers ‘72 Russell W. Fisher ‘62 Brian M. Flynn ‘07 Geoffrey T. Freeman ‘60 Mr. Mario J. Gabelli Bill Gallery ‘69 Alfred W. Gardner, Jr. ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Gardner III Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gentile, Jr. Ralph I. Goodwin, Jr. ‘47 Mr. Robert Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Green Selden K. Griffen III ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Griffin Harry C. Groome III ‘56 David H. Haffenreffer, Jr. ‘86 Michael W. Hard ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hare Perry A. Harvey ‘63 Charles V. Henry III ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horst Anthony S. Hoyt ‘56 Madeleine R. Hutchins ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Gilbert H. Judson ‘70 Cletus Keating III ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Colin J. Keeler Joseph P. Keiffer ‘70 Thomas R. Kopf ‘89 John H. Kueffner ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Lane, Jr. Richard G. Levin ‘69 Mr. Suradech Liaowongphuthorn Mr. & Mrs. John Curtis Lyon III Mr. & Mrs. James L. Manning Mr. & Mrs. David C. Marshall

William B. Martin, Jr. ‘81 Timothy S. Matthews ‘75 Tracy H. Maxwell-Snyder ‘79 Peter G. McLean ‘48 John P. Michnya ‘71 Adair Miller, Jr. ‘63 Joseph K. Milnor, Honorary ‘73 Guilherme Missaka ‘17 Susan M. Moseley ‘76 James F. Newbold ‘89 Ms. Kai Newkirk & Mr. Chris Haskins Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan Mrs. Kathleen Shotmeyer O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Ostrander Edward P. Otocka ‘58 Mr. Gustavo Passarelli & Ms. Rosemarie Solano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Perry Jada Phillips ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Pious Rev. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Porter Ms. Margaret B. Pritchard Joel H. Rathbone ‘68 Mr. Paul J. Regan, Jr. Kate Green Ripple ‘92 Mrs. Alice S. Ritchie Ms. Mary Roickle & Ms. Martha Carter Mr. Jean Rondeau & Mrs. Christine Chartrand Walter Rowson III ‘63 Nathaniel S. Russell ‘94 H. Livingston Schwartz III ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. S. Buford Scott

Robert Y. Shasha ‘69 Yuichi Shigeie ‘94 John D. Sigel ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Slater Brian W. Smalley ‘89 Susan Durfee Smalley ‘89 Baldwin Smith III ‘88 Timothy Y. Smith ‘70 Peter Smoluchowski ‘70 Michael A. Solis ‘73 Paul T. Steege ‘64 William A. Stewart III ‘55 Adair Bonsal Stifel ‘85 John Strawbridge III ‘60 Anna Bryan Sullivan ’86 Benjamin R. Tarlow ‘08 Lewis L. Taylor ‘59 Robert E. Thebault ‘95 Gordon G. Thorne ‘59 Samuel Thoron ‘57 Joseph H. Twichell ‘67 James L. Van Alen, Jr. ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vincent Christopher J. Watkins ‘02 McCoy D. Weymouth ‘87 Catherine Moriarty Whittier ‘89 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams Laura Church Wilmerding ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Wong ‘80 Willard S. Yankus ‘91 Hallie K. Ziesmer ‘90


The Strong Society, named in honor of Dexter K. Strong, headmaster from 1942 to 1951, recognizes individuals who contribute between $250 and $499 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Jane S. Amos ‘88 Anonymous Polly Carter Antol ‘98 Howard R. Apollonio ‘61 Mrs. Mary S. Ashmead Mr. Stephen Atkinson & Dr. Katherine Atkinson James C. Baker ‘82 Peter Barnet ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Barrett Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett Philip R. Baylor ‘03 Daniel M. Bayly ‘99 Jessica Slosberg Benjamin ‘83 Richard A. Bensen ‘70 Ms. Barbara J. Bernhart Oliver C. W. Blodgett ‘04 Charles C. Boak ‘75 Heather Richardson Bonner ‘84 & Mr. Sean P. Bonner Atty. & Mrs. Thomas A. Borner Markley H. Boyer ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Braff, Sr. James D. Breen, Jr. ‘91 Linda Bryan Brenske ‘83 Ms. Mellanie Brown

Henry R. Buck ‘08 Mrs. Kathleen Budick-LaChance & Mr. Raymond A. LaChance Jeremy B. Button ‘91 Peter G. Canby ‘68 Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Daniel C. K. Chow ‘75 Edward C. Chow ‘75 Mrs. Elizabeth Clark Jordan F. Clark ‘84 Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Mr. Robert B. Cleary, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Cole, Jr. ‘75 Laura Dunn Cona ‘05 Peter H. Conze III ‘89 Calvin W. Coquillette ‘67 Catherine Carpenter Cox ‘93 Michael G. Curtis ‘62 James K. Cushing ‘03 Edward de Coppet ‘50 Mr. Denny E. Dean Anne M. DeBevoise ‘74 Mr. E. Thomas Detmer & Ms. Marguerite Childs Joseph B. Dickson ‘01 Mr. Eric Dobi Mr. Bradley P. Dorman Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Driscoll Charles F. Elliott III ‘91 Linnea Corwin Elrington ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. John T. Fallon III Margaret K. Feltz ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. Francis Figliola Sarah M. Flournoy ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Foote, Jr. ‘64


GIVING SOCIETIES Adam W. Foulke ‘88 Walter M. Frankenberger III ‘76 Diana Heide Fredericks ‘92 Vincent E. Gallagher, Jr. ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Garrison Frederick K. Gaston III ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Gerew Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gibbons Donald S. Gibbs, Jr. ‘65 P. Alexander Gibney ‘71 Richard O. Gildersleeve ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Giovannoli Christopher P. Golden ‘07 Andrew G. Goldmark ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman Lide Banks Goodwin ‘92 Wallace B. Goodwin II ‘45 J. Brewster Grace ‘57 Mrs. Mary Jean S. Gulden Christopher R. F. Hale ‘98 Nathaniel H. Hallowell ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hayward William G. Heckendorf ‘02 Teodulo A. Henriquez ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Hinchman A. Carter Hinckley ‘70 David M. Howe, Jr. ‘69 Richard N. Hubbell ‘67 William J. Huffer ‘56 R. Alexander Hulse ‘92 John J. Huss ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Thayne D. Hutchins, Jr. Richard S. Jackson, Jr. ‘61 Michael L. Jacobs ‘62 William D. James ‘87 Elizabeth Blabey Janiga ‘91 Gregory Johnson ‘71 Alexander P. Jones ‘91 Heather Julian ‘85



Ian T. Kazanowski ‘98 Mrs. Barbara Ketchum Leonard S. Klein ‘69 Janet Arvonen Kniffin ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kral Ms. Katherine W. Krents Mr. & Mrs. John K. LaBonte Margaret A. Lamb ‘74 Anthony C. Lame ‘63 Erin C. Lau ‘87 Jesse S. Lawrence ‘91 David Hall Leavitt ‘95 Dale S. Ledbetter, Jr. ‘02 Nina R. Lederman ‘77 Dr. Byung Wook Lee & Ms. Jung Ah Choi John B. Leeming II ‘77 David H. Lefferts ‘85 Peter G. Lehman ‘94 Robert H. LeSage, Jr. Alexandra B. Levit Kovacevich ‘92 John P. Lindsey ‘02 Holly A. Lorms ‘07 Patrick A. Loughlin ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. Heinz W. Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Mackie Mrs. Gail A. MacNeil B. Lee Mallory ‘57 Julie Better Masterson ‘82 Ms. Deirdre McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Hollis S. McLoughlin Mr. & Mrs. James E. McMerriman Frank L. Miller IV ‘70 Garfield H. Miller III ‘99 Dr. Harold A. Mitty Mrs. Alexandra Moore Olutoyin D. Moses ‘98 David T. Mscisz ‘14

Fitzhugh Mullan ‘60 Peter C. Munson ‘60 Donald W. Nelson ‘52 Michael A. Newton, Jr. ‘96 Dr. Olatunde Olusesi & Ms. Lorraine Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Orr, Jr. ‘65 Georgia W. Paige ‘12 Thomas H. Paine, Jr. ‘69 Bradley R. Painter ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Paquette Dr. & Mrs. Sowhey Park Princess Iseghohi Payne ‘00 Mr. Luis Pena & Ms. Esther Soriano Roswell B. Perkins ‘43 Jaime A. Ramirez ‘91 Philipp U. Rasi de Mel ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rees Alexandra Boardman Reynolds ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Ring Douglas G. Roach ‘79 Sean Roberts ‘02 David A. Rosen ‘73 Ms. Rebecca Sar John T. Sargent, Jr. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Saunders William G. Saunders ‘65 Mr. Scott Scharer & Ms. Margaret Talcott Mr. Paul C. Schlickmann Adam P. Schmidt ‘89 Charles A. Scudder ‘67 Mark A. Semmelrock ‘76 Thomas C. Sesin ‘08 James D. Seymour ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sheehan

Mr. Hyun Joo Shin & Ms. Kyung Hei Lee *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sloat Mr. & Mrs. Il Ho Son Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Stielau David T. Still ‘05 David K. Storrs ‘62 H. Fletcher Street ‘59 William O. Sumner ‘50 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Taylor Toby Kamen Taylor ‘79 Margaret H. Thompson ‘11 Mr. Scott Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. L. Timpson Peter P. Tower ‘54 Lewis Turner, Jr. ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ufland Bonnie Watson Underwood ‘93 & Mr. Julian R. Underwood Sarah Vaillancourt ‘04 Mr. Lizardo Vargas & Ms. Ileana Pacheco John R. Viertel ‘67 Jared R. Vincent ‘01 Kristen Brush Vincent ‘00 D. Wyatt Wartels ‘92 Caroline E. Waterlow ‘91 Charles J. Wheatley ‘12 Timothy L. Whipple ‘94 Mrs. Katherine S. White Nicole Horne White ‘90 Hugh Whitman, Jr. ‘70 Vincent B. Wickwar ‘61 Warden M. Williams ‘54 Mrs. Kerry Winer Horace H. Work ‘57 Eugene V. York ‘68 Raymond R. Zeek III ‘11


The Century Club recognizes those individuals who contribute between $100 and $249 to the Pomfret Fund during the fiscal year or the equivalent in contribution and matching gift. Marcus W. Acheson V ‘90 Abdul-Aziz R. Ahmed ‘02 Shawna A. Altdorf ‘08 Dr. & Mrs. Frederic P. Anderson Alexander E. Andrews ‘98 Sarah B. Annicelli ‘08 Anonymous (11) Meredith C. Anthoine ‘13 Ms. Cynthia K. Antos Samuel A. Appleton ‘02 Marc L. Archambault ‘84 Ralph J. Arietta ‘62 Sarah Chappell Armentrout ‘88 Mr. Richard C. Armstrong Mr. Jeremy B. Asher Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Aubuchon Hilary Gerson Axtmayer ‘00 Theodore F. Babbitt ‘42 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock Mary J. Babcock ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bacon Ilse D. Bailey ‘73 Rachel D. Baime ‘90 Mrs. Jamie Feild Baker Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Baker Scott C. Baker ‘87 Mrs. Marion Ballard

Mrs. Mary Sibley M. Banks McKim N. Barnes ‘64 David A. Barrett, Jr. ‘03 R. Nathaniel Barrows ‘64 Catherine A. Begaye ‘94 Robert E. Belknap III ‘56 Thomas H. Belknap ‘57 Thomas H. Belknap, Jr. ‘87 Jennie K. Bellonio ‘06 Dr. John Bergendahl & Dr. Kimberly Bergendahl Christopher N. Berl ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Blake Natasha B. Blodgett ‘06 Scott R. Boeing ‘75 John A. Bogardus III ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Boland Telena Bolding ‘87 Peter R. Borden ‘57 Lisa Boris Boshnack ‘96 Ms. Robin L. Boss Anderson Bottomy ‘96 Mrs. Jane E. Bourette Mr. Patrick Boyd Natasha MacNaughton Bradley ‘87 Lawrence J. Braman ‘61 Douglas L. Brand ‘60 Capt. & Mrs. William R. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Brennan Mr. David T. Brewster Jr. Sheldon Stout Bright ‘92 Blakeslee P. Brown ‘63 Michaela R. Brown-Jones ‘99 Thomas M. Bryan ‘86 Catherine Bell Bues ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Bullied Mrs. Lorraine M. Burke Waldemar G. Buschmann ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Butler

Colin P. Cahill ‘13 Timothy W. Calabrese ‘99 Mr. John Cameron James Carey, Jr. ‘61 Stephen W. Cargill ‘08 Catherine Welch Carrington ‘01 Reginald J. Carroll ‘69 John M. Case ‘61 William E. Castagna ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Castle Mrs. Kathe Cech Alyson J. Chase ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Chase John H. Chase ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. O. Stuart Chase Mr. Min Cheng & Ms. Wenping Ke Clara S. Chisholm ‘10 Sung-Min Choo ‘04 Daniel C. Church ‘64 Mrs. Kathryn Davies Clark Robert B. Cleary III ‘14 Peter W. Clement ‘64 Kathaline Phrasavath Clements ‘07 Adolphus B. Clinton II ‘92 Mrs. Marcia Close Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Cohen Charles S. Coit ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Conroy Parker A. Cook ‘06 Chandler H. Cooper ‘96 Hunter W. Corbin ‘61 Daniel H. Cornwall ‘59 Louis Cossutta ‘72 Dr. Douglas A. Cotanche Alexander B. Coxe ‘83 Joseph N. Crary ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Cunningham William P. Curlee ‘59 Stephen C. Dagle ‘78 Peter J. D’Agostino ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dana Dr. & Mrs. Garfield W. Danenhower III Marc Andre Daniel-Dreyfus ‘58 Amber C. Darigan ‘00 Stephen R. Davenport, Jr. ‘49 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Davis Adrianna L. Day ‘92 Mrs. Sandra A. Dean Michael A. DeCarli ‘96 Robert J. DeFreitas ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. DeLuca Jeffrey P. Dennis ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Desrochers Sarah P. Dewey ‘78 David J. Diaz ‘88 Robert B. Diaz ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Peter DiBiaso Terry B. Dick IV ‘61 Mrs. Sara I. DiIorio Molly E. Dimeo ‘12 Michael G. Dio ‘04 John A. Dix ‘64 Mrs. Elise Dobi Patrick M. Donnelly ‘92 John S. Dooling ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Garry Dow Mrs. Sally Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dubitsky Lindsey Boardman Duerr ‘99 Katherine M. Duglin ‘01 Robert W. Duncan ‘66 Emma J. Dunn ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dunphy Shane P. Dunphy ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Durand Samuel R. Dwyer ‘96 Allan F. P. Eakin ‘04 Evan J. Eastman ‘03 Matthew B. Eccleston ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. David Egan Corbin Eissler ‘67 Akinwale Elegbe ‘95 Robert H. E. Elliott III ‘59 Kenneth Elmore ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. English Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Ettinger Mr. & Mrs. Vilmar D. Fagundes H. Gordon Fales, Jr. ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fales David E. Farnum ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Sean Farrell Stephen G. Feathers ‘05 George J. Feiss III ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Greene Fenley III Mr. David Ferraiuolo & Ms. Lisa Papa Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ferrara Christopher J. Fisher ‘09 Robert B. Fleck ‘57 John O. Flender ‘49 Laura Moyer Floyd-Tucker ‘74 Christian T. Ford ‘04 Mr. Stephen Ford & Ms. Patricia Pahucki Howard C. Foster III ‘88 James R. Foster ‘61 Andrea Gaines ‘76 Mr. Robert F. Ganley, Sr. Arthur Z. Gardiner, Jr. ‘53

Mrs. Katharine B. Garfield Meghan Kelly Gefaell ‘95 Kathryn E. Geissinger ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Geissinger Nathan C. Gentile ‘18 Wendy C. Gibbons ‘94 Ms. Catherine Gibbs-Darwin E. Morgan Gilbert ‘49 John N. Gilbert III ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Gingras Corey A. Gingras ‘09 Jordan P. Ginsberg ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Giovannoli Michael E. Glick ‘65 Matthew D. Goldblatt ‘00 James C. Goodale ‘51 Angus G. Goodbody ‘89 Winthrop P. G. Goodrich ‘05 James H. Goodwin ‘66 Liza T. Gorham ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. Andy R. Graham Joseph F. Grandone ‘03 Ms. Jane Greenspan David B. Greenwood ‘68 Kingsley Day Gregory ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. George D. Groom Anthony T. Guiterman ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Erik O. Hage Ms. Valerie Haggerty Ben-Ali Haggin ‘52 Young Hoon Hahn ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hall Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Hamilton, Jr. Eric R. Hansen, Jr. ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Hanson Kenneth B. Hard ‘45 Emily P. Hardej ‘04 Steven A. Harkey ‘08


GIVING SOCIETIES Edgar N. Harland, Jr. ‘53 Lindsay R. Harrington ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris Juliana Keyser Harris ‘91 Anna T. Hastings ‘98 William E. Havemeyer ‘62 Stephen Heartt ‘49 Margaret R. Hecker ‘10 William P. Henning ‘64 Joseph Hewes ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Higgins Mark L. Hildebrand ‘65 Harold M. Hine II ‘71 William K. Hoag, Jr. ‘55 G. Stewart Hoagland ‘41 Mr. Nhat Hoang & Ms. Linh Lam Mary Ann Hoff-Vandenberg ‘93 G. Clay Hollister ‘59 Sidney S. Holmes ‘59 William C. Horn, Jr. ‘57 Joseph P. Horton ‘99 Laurence A. Horvath ‘89 Charles S. Hosley ‘69 Dr. Charles Houmard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Howard ‘70 Sarah K. Howie ‘09 Dr. & Mrs. John S. Howland III Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Huckaby Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hunnewell *Charles E. Huntington ‘37 John N. Huss ‘94 Henry W. Ijams ‘80 Mark D. Ippoliti ‘96 Mr. Mark Jaffe & Mrs. Marcia Glassman-Jaffe



Lauren A. Jerr ‘02 Richard D. Johnson ‘65 Alexander W. Jones ‘04 David W. Jones ‘70 Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Mary-McLean Bancroft Jones ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Jordan, Sr. Ryan J. Joyce ‘06 Illya I. H. Kagan ‘87 Mr. Peter L. Kamford Hyung Mo P. Kang ‘07 Alan Kardon ‘61 William J. Keeler ‘08 David G. Kell ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Jr. Margaret Moore Kelly ‘90 Peter B. Kelsey ‘64 Justin K. Kemmerer ‘06 Andrew W. Kerr ‘58 Susan Diaz Killenberg ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan H. Kist Dr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Klare ‘67 Elizabeth Shaw Kleinbeck ‘88 Graham T. Klemm ‘92 Matthew M. Konon ‘98 Olivia Gray Konrath ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Y. Kopf, Jr. Gregory M. Kops ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Geert C. Kortlandt Ms. Linda L. Kosinski Mr. James Krall & Ms. Maryellen Donnelly Kathryn M. Kramer ‘09 Dr. & Mrs. William B. Kremer Christopher J. Kriz ‘87 Kevin P. Krupinski ‘09 Tanja A. Kurz ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Chip G. Lamb

Stephen R. Lanzit III ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Leon Lapierre Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Larrabee Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Laskowski Katherine Simshauser Lavin ‘85 Joel T. Lazarus ‘60 Ms. Nga Le Ms. Kelsey D. Leachman Mrs. Lindsay Shaw Lehmann Amy Veek Lennon ‘90 Jamie Leonoff ‘11 Jonathan L. LeVeen ‘69 Edward G. Liggett ‘12 Elizabeth T. Lincoln ‘82 Edward C. Lingenheld III ‘63 Emily B. Linhares ‘16 Jane E. Linhares ‘14 Mr. Jianmin Liu & Dr. Xuejun Zeng Dr. & Mrs. John P. Looney Peter M. Lownds ‘62 Evan W. Lozier ‘10 Karoline E. Lozier ‘13 Mr. Peter Lu & Ms. Jessica Xing Ms. Elizabeth Lugar Lanning Macfarland, Jr. ‘44 Christopher W. MacKay ‘10 Morgan W. MacKay ‘07 Mrs. Diane Glasmann MacLaren Mr. & Mrs. Doug MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Macleod Mr. & Mrs. John D. MacVarish IV Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas E. Madahuar Daniel T. Manchester, Jr. ‘96 Glenn C. Mandigo ‘83 Thomas P. Marinis, Jr. ‘61 John C. Martin ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Marzilli, Jr.

Harvey B. Matthews III ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maxwell Frederic B. Mayo, Jr. ‘62 Mr. Jerome McArdle & Ms. Margot Larkin Jeffrey E. McCartney ‘82 Shawn P. McCloud ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. William P. McCloud Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. McGannon Daniel F. McGloine ‘04 R. Carey McIntosh ‘51 Thomas S. McKeown, Jr. ‘57 Adam E. McLane ‘56 Elizabeth Materne McNamara ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. McPadden Thomas S. McPheeters III ‘59 David M. Meade ‘79 Edward O. Mears ‘03 Matthew J. Mees ‘76 George R. Metcalf III ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Toby E. Metcalf ‘89 Robert M. Michaels ‘73 Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 Mrs. Hillary B. Miller Laurence G. Miller ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Miller Mariah J. Mills ‘07 Susannah P. Miragliuolo ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mitchell, Jr. Charles A. Modica ‘06 Johanna M. Moffitt ‘82 Karen Corwin Mook ‘75 George R. Morgan ‘61 Adrienne Biggert Morrell ‘92

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Morrison Sherman Morss, Jr. ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Moseley III Ms. Lainey W. Moseley Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Mosher W. Dean Moss, Jr. ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Samir Moubayed Jonathan P. Murphy ‘00 Lucinda Nalle ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Narracci, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Narracci Ms. Dorothy Nick Stacy Durbin Nieuwoudt ‘98 Caroline Hofe Nowak ‘82 & Mr. Matthew R. Nowak William H. O’Brien III ‘54 Mrs. Patricia Octeau Robert B. Off ‘66 Dylan G. O’Hara ‘13 Keith C. O’Hara ‘15 Rhone I. O’Hara ‘16 Marisa Azzone Olszewski ‘00 Mr. Emmanuel Onwuzuligbo & Ms. Nkechi Onwudinjo Mr. & Mrs. Osagie A. Orobator Drew J. Otocka ‘63 Francis Paine ‘64 John A. Paine ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pantera Sonya C. Park ‘79 Edward C. Parker, Jr. ‘54 Sumner Parker ‘45 Z. David Patterson ‘55 Alysa Hill Paul ‘99 Dr. & Mrs. Howard F. Pease Mr. & Mrs. William S. Peebles IV Mr. & Mrs. David Perez

Mrs. Frances M. Periu Joshua E. Petty ‘92 Christopher G. Pike ‘03 Robert W. Pomeroy III ‘53 Mr. Ricardo Ponce Gutierrez & Ms. Maria Acevedo Macari Willard R. Pope ‘59 William H. Porter ‘80 John S. Post ‘92 Charles E. Potts II ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Powell Nathaniel H. Proctor ‘07 Frederick M. Pryor ‘57 John Quattrocchi III ‘60 Connor H. Quinn ‘11 Jose A. Ramos ‘74 Paul G. Rathe ‘72 David A. Raymond ‘66 William W. Reitz ‘04 Brendan P. Rempel ‘09 Christopher S. Renkert ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. Guy F. Renkert Elizabeth Scribner Repetto ‘89 Philip B. Rettger ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Eric N. Rice Rebecca Castle Richard ‘00 Robert W. Richardson ‘68 Colton A. Riley ‘02 Mr. Peter C. Rimkus E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 Merritt Ashmead Robinson ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Rodman Justin D. Rogers ‘98 Rachel Schoppe Rogers ‘02 Else S. Ross ‘07 Mrs. Michelle Ross Hugh M. Rossi ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rossi

Ms. Katherine Rossolimo Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rothfeld Jameson T. Rothmann ‘08 Livia Skelly-Dorn Roustan ‘98 Robert A. Rubenstein ‘69 Mrs. Mary L. Ryus Daniel Salvas ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Samociuk Dillon S. Sawyer ‘09 Wendell Smith Scarisbrick ‘01 Sarah Armstrong Scheide ‘81 Christopher Schimmel ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr. Götz A Schreiber ‘63 Alexandra Sweet Sciambi ‘01 Lucille Day Scott ‘90 Mr. F. Agustus Seamans John L. Seibel ‘72 Atty. & Mrs. Barry F. Selig Thaddeus M. Sendzimir ‘70 Andrew M. Sereysky ‘67 Derek W. Seto ‘95 George T. Shaw ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shepherd Amanda Holt Shipley ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Shuster Abigail Gardiner Silk ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Joel Silver John Simpkins III ‘68 Sean C. Skaggs ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Allan Slotnick Susan M. Smiga ‘78 Andrew L. Smith ‘89 Norman W. Smith ‘59 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith Russell A. Smith ‘02 Sarah Welch Smith ‘98 Andrew P. Sokobin ‘67

MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini ‘03 Mr. Jack Speranza Jane S. Speyer ‘83 Edward A. Sprague ‘50 Paul J. Staab ‘02 Christopher M. Stockdale ‘73 Jessie C. Stone ‘85 Rev. & Mrs. Lewis S. Stone Mrs. Louisa H. Stone Henry L. Strong ‘75 James G. Stuart ‘66 Mark P. Styles ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Jr. Edward B. Surdam ‘58 Emily J. Sweet ‘98 Ken Takeyama ‘98 Theodore R. Tauchert ‘53 Elyse E. Taylor ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taylor James A. Taylor, Jr. ‘52 Alexander H. ter Weele ‘56 Jan C. ter Weele ‘53 Margaret S. Therrien ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. G. Brinton Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Thompson, Jr. James L. Thomson II ‘64 Ms. Debra K. Thurston Mark A. Tillinghast ‘85 Samuel O. Tilton ‘62 Mr. John B. Tracey Corbin M. Treacy ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Trowbridge Mrs. Sheryl A. Turney David W. Unsworth ‘57 Kimberley Van Auken ‘80 Clifford I. van Voorhees III ‘64 Etienne J. Vazquez ‘04

Sarah Ortiz-Elejalde Vazquez ‘03 Roberto Vega ‘01 Naomi Vega-Nieves ‘69 Amelia K. Vogler ‘98 Mr. Truong Giang Vu & Ms. Van Anh Nguyen Ms. Carolyn Wagner Eric N. Waldron ‘71 Anthony Walker ‘58 Edward C. Walker ‘11 Joan Huberman Walmsley ‘77 Mr. Wu Wang & Ms. Daqi Chen Yian Wang ‘18 David M. Watstein ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Weichselbaumer Michelle E. Weisman ‘06 Mr. Noble Welch Sophia G. Welch ‘08 W. Lambert Welling ‘50 Peter B. Welsh ‘69 Thomas D. Wheatley ‘15 Gordon B. Wheeler ‘69 William K. White ‘84 Calhoun W. Wick ‘63 Sohan M. Wickramasinghe ‘91 Hugh L. Wilde ‘51 Fred D. Williams II ‘55 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Winick Jeremy R. Wintersteen ‘86 Monique Kapitulik Wolanin ‘87 & Mr. Bruce Wolanin Dylan W. Wolchesky ‘04 Erin A. Wolchesky ‘06 Oliver Wolcott IV ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Mrs. Lucy H. Wong Ashley Joy Wood ‘89 Lisa R. Wood ‘83 William W. Woodruff ‘73 William K. Woods ‘58 Peter D. Wormser ‘71 Robert C. Wrigley ‘52 Cathleen Patton Wyman ‘73 Ms. Mary Yokum & Mr. Edward Zucca Hyun-Yi Yoo ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zawacki Kaitlin L. Zeek ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Zeek Mr. Lixing Zhang & Ms. Chen Kan Mr. Qiaoke Zhang & Ms. Xicro Ming Huang Mrs. Kimberly J. Zimmerman Sunny Kneissl Zweig ‘01





he names listed on the following pages represent those who, through their generous and thoughtful gifts, have done so much to strengthen Pomfret School. Pomfret Fund donors, for the time period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 are included. We extend our sincere thanks to our Trustees, Class Agents, Free Agents, members of the Parent Agents, and all the volunteers who devoted so much time and energy to this successful campaign.

Pomfret School appreciates all those who have contributed so thoughtfully to the School. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled any names. Please advise us of any error so we may correct our records.

ALUMNI CLASS OF 1914 †P. Blair Lee


†John W. Lewis †Barton L. Mallory, Jr.


†William H. Coverdale, Jr.


†Landon K. Thorne, Jr.

CLASS OF 1931 †George M. Mott


Seth B. French, Jr. Charles B. Ferguson *Charles E. Huntington




†Lovat F. Cooper-Ellis

£ Theodore F. Babbitt



†Louis L. Lorillard

£ David M. Gillespie £ Roswell B. Perkins

£ John A. Bogardus, Jr. £ Wallace B. Goodwin II Kenneth B. Hard £ Sumner Parker £ Charles M. Smith, Jr.

†David C. Park




*Wheaton B. Byers Lanning Macfarland, Jr.


£ G. Stewart Hoagland

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased



Robert H. Brunker £ Samuel F. Babbitt £ Chester Bowles, Jr.

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor

†Roger L. Bull †Andrew L. Riker III †John S. Williams, Jr.

CLASS OF 1947 £ Donald K. Brush *£ Sydney P. Clark, Jr. £ Ralph I. Goodwin, Jr.

CLASS OF 1948 Robert B. Fiske, Jr. £ Peter G. McLean Samuel H. Ordway III †Jon A. Stone


Stuart J. Bracken £ Vincent C. Banker *£ George Blagden £ Winfield S. Carrick £ Stephen R. Davenport, Jr. £ John O. Flender £ E. Morgan Gilbert £ Stephen Heartt £ J. Anthony LaPalme £ Bruce Lee £ Foye F. Staniford, Jr.


William O. Sumner £ Joan Strong Buell Edward de Coppet £ Lammot du Pont III Hanson S. Reynolds £ Edward A. Sprague £ William O. Sumner £ W. Lambert Welling


Rolfe Floyd III £ Markley H. Boyer £ James C. Goodale Ashbel G. Gulliver, Jr. £ W. Neely Mallory £ R. Carey McIntosh £ Peter Millard £ Hugh L. Wilde



Chester K. Lasell £ Chester K. Lasell £ William H. O’Brien III £ John A. Paine Edward C. Parker, Jr. H. Livingston Schwartz III £ Bradford P. Straus £ Peter P. Tower £ Warden M. Williams

Charles V. Henry III £ Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. £ John H. Chase Ben-Ali Haggin £ Charles V. Henry III £ Benjamin L. Lubin £ ◊ Judson H. R. Morris, Jr. £ Donald W. Nelson £ Theodore R. Robb £ James A. Taylor, Jr. £ Robert C. Wrigley




Frederick K. Gaston III £ Philip R. Allen £ John A. Fiske £ Arthur Z. Gardiner, Jr. £ Frederick K. Gaston III £ Edgar N. Harland, Jr. £ Kendrick Harmon *£ Edward K. McCagg II £ Robert W. Pomeroy III £ James D. Seymour £ Theodore R. Tauchert £ Hunter M. Temple £ Jan C. ter Weele Tyler H. Thompson

£ W. Hardy Eshbaugh III £ H. Gordon Fales, Jr. £ Michael W. Hard William K. Hoag, Jr. £ John J. Huss George R. Metcalf III £ Z. David Patterson £ E. Brooks Robbins £ William A. Stewart III £ Fred D. Williams III Anthony S. Hoyt Robert E. Belknap III William F. Cameron John P. Curtis Harry C. Groome III £ Anthony S. Hoyt £ William J. Huffer o Adam E. McLane £ Alexander H. ter Weele


Danforth P. Fales Horace H. Work £ Thomas H. Belknap Peter R. Borden £ Peter T. Fairchild £ Danforth P. Fales Robert B. Fleck J. Brewster Grace Joseph Hewes £ William C. Horn, Jr. B. Lee Mallory Thomas S. McKeown, Jr. £ Thomas W. S. Nichols Frederick M. Pryor, Esq. £ Simeon H. Rollinson III Jan Rozendaal Samuel Thoron £ David W. Unsworth Eric Watkins £ Horace H. Work


Galen N. Griffin £ John A. Brough, Jr. £ Anthony Call William S. Cox, Jr. £ John R. Curtis, Jr. £ Marc Andre Daniel-Dreyfus £ Frederick M. Danziger £ George T. Dewey III £ John S. Dooling £ Richard O. Gildersleeve £ Galen N. Griffin £ Edward R. Johnson £ Andrew W. Kerr James M. Lyon £ David W. Mason

Edward P. Otocka £ George T. Shaw £ Samuel N. Stokes £ Edward B. Surdam £ Anthony Walker £ William K. Woods


Jeb N. Embree Daniel H. Cornwall Timothy H. Crawford £ William P. Curlee £ Robert H. E. Elliott III £ Jeb N. Embree £ G. Clay Hollister Sidney S. Holmes Thomas S. McPheeters III £ Robert M. Olmsted £ Willard R. Pope £ Norman W. Smith £ H. Fletcher Street £ Lewis L. Taylor Gordon G. Thorne £ August Zinsser III


Benjamin A. Fairbank, Jr. Douglas L. Brand £ Benjamin L. Chapman £ Benjamin A. Fairbank, Jr. £ Geoffrey T. Freeman Eric R. Hansen, Jr. £ Waldo C. M. Johnston, Jr. Joel T. Lazarus £ Fitzhugh Mullan £ Peter C. Munson John Quattrocchi III £ Judson P. Reis £ John Strawbridge III



George M. Walker £ Philip K. Allen, Jr. £ Howard R. Apollonio £ Charles M. Ayers £ Lawrence J. Braman £ Robert P. Brown, Jr. £ James Carey, Jr. £ John M. Case £ Richard D. Cobb £ Hunter W. Corbin £ Stephen T. Dexter £ Terry B. Dick IV £ James R. Foster £ Clark Groome £ Richard S. Jackson, Jr. Alan Kardon £ Thomas P. Marinis, Jr. £ George R. Morgan £ Richard H. Wadhams, Jr. £ George M. Walker £ Vincent B. Wickwar

CLASS OF 1962 £ Ralph J. Arietta John R. Bockstoce £ William M. Boehme £ Waldemar G. Buschmann Charles S. Coit £ Toby Condliffe £ Michael G. Curtis †Thomas A. Fairchild £ Russell W. Fisher Isaac Hall, Jr. £ William E. Havemeyer Michael L. Jacobs



£ John F. Leslie, Jr. Peter M. Lownds £ I. Howell Mallory £ Frederic B. Mayo, Jr. £ Sherman Morss, Jr. *Pietro S. Nivola David S. Richardson £ David K. Storrs £ Samuel O. Tilton £ Cai Von Rumohr £ David J. Watkins


Charles W. Fleischmann Anthony C. Lame Marc F. Appleton £ Blakeslee P. Brown £ John L. Burch £ Richard J. Fates £ Charles W. Fleischmann Seth B. French III £ John S. Griswold, Jr. £ Milo C. Hamilton £ Perry A. Harvey £ Anthony C. Lame £ Edward C. Lingenheld III £ Adair Miller, Jr. £ Drew J. Otocka £ Daniel A. Poor £ Walter Rowson III £ Jonathan P. Russell £ Götz A Schreiber £ Thomas Y. Simon £ Calhoun W. Wick £ B. Owen Williams


Peter W. Clement £ W. Meredith Bacon £ Thomas C. Barbour £ McKim N. Barnes R. Nathaniel Barrows Daniel C. Church Peter W. Clement Allen T. Cobb £ Stephen A. Cook £ Peter S. Corbin £ John A. Dix £ Charles W. Findlay III £ George B. Foote, Jr. £ Paul D. Fowler £ Frank L. Fuller IV Paul A. Harsch III £ William P. Henning £ Matthew H. Hobbs £ Peter B. Kelsey £ Donald L. Mennel £ Francis Paine £ Charles E. Potts II £ Mark Simon £ Paul T. Steege £ James L. Thomson II £ Clifford I. van Voorhees III £ David M. Woodrow

CLASS OF 1965 £ Frederick W. Allen Anonymous Nathaniel R. Clymer £ William J. Cotter £ Stephen C. Crane £ Frederick E. Findlay £ Donald S. Gibbs, Jr.

£ Michael E. Glick £ William A. Hastings £ David S. Henkel, Jr. Mark L. Hildebrand Richard D. Johnson £ Cletus Keating III £ Justin P. Klein £ Seaver W. Leslie Harvey B. Matthews III £ W. Dean Moss, Jr. Robert D. Orr, Jr. Tolbert N. Richardson III £ William G. Saunders Ted C. Seacrest £ James D. Seymour £ Robert T. Whitman Harry D. Williams III £ Robert J. Yudell

CLASS OF 1966 £ Timothy D. Bates £ Joel A. Conn Robert W. Duncan £ James H. Goodwin William M. Lockwood, Jr. John P. Merriam Robert B. Off David A. Raymond John H. Sargent £ Michael L. Schwartz £ James G. Stuart £ Lewis Turner, Jr.


Michael S. Petty Douglas S. Baldwin Fracois Belet Miles B. Canning £ Kenyon W. Clark £ Calvin W. Coquillette £ John M. Davis £ Thomas R. Downing J. Lansing Duncan £ Corbin Eissler £ David A. Feffer Jeremy Frost Bruce B. Gordon £ Selden K. Griffen III Anthony T. Guiterman £ William H. Hayes £ ◊ Richard N. Hubbell £ Ronald W. Klare £ John H. Kueffner J. Scott Lord Laurence G. Miller £ Jeffrey A. Oppenheim £ Michael S. Petty £ James E. Rothman £ John C. Rzewski £ Charles A. Scudder £ Andrew M. Sereysky Andrew P. Sokobin *£ Joseph H. Twichell John R. Viertel


Robert R. Rich £ Peter G. Canby Wesley M. Graff III £ David B. Greenwood £ Bradford Hastings Steven W. Hirsch £ Gregory W. Melville £ Peter A. Pease Joel H. Rathbone £ Robert W. Richardson £ John Simpkins III £ Dale W. Snape £ Ruthven A. Wodell £ Eugene Wick York


Richard G. Levin £ John M. Adams, Esq. £ Peter Barnet William D. Bramhall, Jr. Reginald J. Carroll £ Geoffrey B. Churchill Stephen H. Cole Eric D. Coleman £ George J. Feiss III £ William G. Fenley £ Bill Gallery Andrew G. Goldmark £ John Herron, Jr. £ Charles S. Hosley

£ David M. Howe, Jr. Leonard S. Klein £ Jonathan L. LeVeen £ Richard G. Levin Robert C. Livingston, Jr. £ Thomas H. Paine, Jr. Jeffrey L. Purvin £ Curtis G. Rand Carl E. Rohde II £ Robert A. Rubenstein £ Eric A. Schwartz £ Robert Y. Shasha £ Gary M. Tharler Naomi Vega-Nieves £ Peter B. Welsh Gordon B. Wheeler


Richard A. Bensen Thomas B. Arnold o Jeffrey H. Baker £ Richard A. Bensen £ John A. Bogardus III Thomas K. Boyd Joseph N. Crary £ Marshall L. Eaton David S. Hall £ A. Carter Hinckley Stephen E. Howard £ Helen Pollari Howell £ David W. Jones

£ Gilbert H. Judson £ Joseph P. Keiffer £ Janet Arvonen Kniffin Frank L. Miller IV Thaddeus M. Sendzimir £ Timothy Y. Smith £ Peter Smoluchowski Hugh Whitman, Jr.


Jacques P. Bailhé £ Jacques P. Bailhé Susan Cole Campbell £ Peter H. Castle £ J. Wesley Eaton Alfred W. Gardner, Jr. £ P. Alexander Gibney £ Harold M. Hine II Gregory Johnson £ Linda Bartley Kittler £ John P. Michnya £ Henry R. Palmer III £ Ridley Pearson R. Otis Read III £ Steven P. Shwartz £ John D. Sigel £ Scott L. Steele Eric N. Waldron Peter D. Wormser £ Peter H. Wright

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased


James M. Bergantz £ James M. Bergantz Louis Cossutta £ Mary Valentine Feathers £ Henry J. Fisher II *£ Robert A. Greenman £ Lindsey Cole Miesmer William G. Norwich o Paul G. Rathe John L. Seibel £ Roger van der Horst £ Robert D. Vatz £ David B. Warner


David A. Rosen £ Ilse D. Bailey Peter Kirkaldy £ Robert M. Michaels Eben Ostby £ Charles W. Reyburn £ David A. Rosen £ Michael A. Solis £ Christopher M. Stockdale £ John C. Stockman, Jr. John Winer William W. Woodruff Cathleen Patton Wyman


David D. Dixon £ Anne M. DeBevoise Laura Moyer Floyd-Tucker £ Margaret A. Lamb ◊ Jose A. Ramos Daniel Rubin


Andre B. Burgess Timothy S. Matthews £ Mark W. Blodgett Charles C. Boak Scott R. Boeing £ ◊ Andre B. Burgess Daniel C. K. Chow £ Edward C. Chow Charles D. Cole, Jr. Sterling A. Hayes, Sr. £ Teodulo A. Henriquez Timothy S. Matthews £ Karen Corwin Mook £ Philip B. Rettger £ George Santiago, Jr. John T. Sargent, Jr. Cynthia Shearer Haskell Simpkins Henry L. Strong Donald F. Wolf

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor



Richard S. Cody Michael R. Nelson Gerry R. Benoit £ Walter M. Frankenberger III £ Andrea Gaines £ Kathryn E. Geissinger £ John M. Groton III £ L. Alexander Hamilton III Barbara Van Haagen Herbert £ Scott W. Maker £ Matthew J. Mees ◊ Susan M. Moseley £ Mark A. Semmelrock


John B. Leeming II £ Sandra A. Bonomo Nina R. Lederman £ John B. Leeming II £ Elwood E. Leonard III Corrin Trowbridge Joan Huberman Walmsley £ ◊ Stephen Woodruff


Mark S. Breen Mark S. Breen David S. Bunge £ Wyatt S. Daentl Stephen C. Dagle

£ Sarah P. Dewey £ Arthur C. Diaz David E. Garten Sarah Hambrick £ Charles W. Rosenfield †Karl M. Senecal Susan M. Smiga

CLASS OF 1979 £ Andrew L. Beall £ Samuel W. Cargill £ Colleen Murray Coggins Amy Salerno DeGruchy Tracy H. Maxwell-Snyder David M. Meade £ Robert K. Mullarkey Bradley R. Painter £ Sonya C. Park Robin DuCharme Pastore Douglas G. Roach Daniel Salvas Christopher Schimmel Toby Kamen Taylor


Linnea Corwin Elrington Peter Y. Alworth Kimberly Carlson Benner £ Robert B. Diaz £ Linnea Corwin Elrington Andrew W. Faulkner

£ Monique Lowery Foster Henry W. Ijams Mary-McLean Bancroft Jones Rachel M. Kamen Elke Muller £ William H. Porter Kimberley Van Auken £ Jeffrey J. Wong


Eric L. Foster William R. Cole £ Kenneth Elmore £ Eric L. Foster David K. Ganek William B. Martin, Jr. Thomas J.C. Russell Sarah Armstrong Scheide


Luis Cruz Johanna M. Moffitt £ James C. Baker £ Mark A. Cohen £ ◊ Luis Cruz £ Jeffrey P. Dennis £ Michael Gary £ Charles E. Leeming Ronald A. Levene Elizabeth T. Lincoln Julie Better Masterson

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased



Jeffrey E. McCartney Lakecia Footman Miller £ Johanna M. Moffitt ◊ Caroline Hofe Nowak £ Merritt Ashmead Robinson Sean C. Skaggs James P. Snyder S. Whitney Welch Michael J. Zurbrigen


Wendy Reeder Enelow Anonymous £ Jessica Slosberg Benjamin £ Linda Bryan Brenske £ Ingrid Black Burnell Alexander B. Coxe £ Mara E. Cushwa £ Anne Ramsey Cutler £James M. Enelow £Wendy Reeder Enelow £ Timothy W. Eustis John N. Gilbert III £ Nathaniel H. Hallowell £ ◊ Amy Hare Susan Diaz Killenberg Glenn C. Mandigo £ Alexander R. McLean Lucinda Nalle £ Christopher G. Scott £ Peter J. Southam

£Jane S. Speyer £ ◊ Albert S. Washco David M. Watstein


Jeffrey P. Curran Alexis Rosenthal Proceller Nathaniel S. Reeder £ Marc L. Archambault £ Heather Richardson Bonner Adam D. Carpenter Jordan F. Clark £ Jeffrey P. Curran £ Robert J. DeFreitas £ William F. Mitchell Christopher S. Renkert William B. Russell, Jr. £ Alexandra Vanneck Smith Eugenie McPherson Trevor £ William K. White


Heather Julian £ Christopher N. Berl £ Derek C. Johnston £ Heather Julian Katherine Simshauser Lavin £ David H. Lefferts £ ◊ William K. Plumb £ Adair Bonsal Stifel

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor

Jessie C. Stone Elizabeth Thompson Thomas £ Mark A. Tillinghast £ James L. Van Alen, Jr.

Tanja A. Kurz Erin C. Lau £ Alexandra Boardman Reynolds Julia Fischoeder Schelter McCoy D. Weymouth Laura Church Wilmerding £ Monique Kapitulik Wolanin


Jeffrey H. Connor £ Joshua D. Bank Thomas M. Bryan £ Cynthia L. Carroll £ David H. Haffenreffer, Jr. A. Elisabeth Harrington £ Lisa Noble Kaneb Elisabeth E. Sloat ◊ Mark P. Styles £ Anna Bryan Sullivan £ Jeremy R. Wintersteen


Elizabeth Tilt Weiner Anonymous Jane S. Amos £ Sarah Chappell Armentrout Finn M. W. Caspersen, Jr. David J. Diaz £ Peter T. Fairchild, Jr. Howard C. Foster III £ Adam W. Foulke £ Philip T. Jurgeleit £ Elizabeth Shaw Kleinbeck Alexis Barnett Knott £ Baldwin Smith III £ Elizabeth Tilt Weiner


Katharine B. Cowperthwait Jody L. Anastasio Scott C. Baker Daniel F. Becker Thomas H. Belknap, Jr. Telena Bolding £ Natasha MacNaughton Bradley £ Brooke Rorer Brown £ Nancy Hall Bunting £ Katharine B. Cowperthwait ◊ Geoffrey S. Cragin Peter B. de Neufville Vincent E. Gallagher, Jr. Stephen H. Greer £ William D. James £ Illya I. H. Kagan £ Christopher J. Kriz


Nathaniel M. Peirce Catherine Moriarty Whittier £ Daryle L. Bost £ Peter H. Conze III £ Edmund A. DeNapoli £ E. Clayton Gengras III £ William R. Gerdsen £ Curtis L. Gooch Angus G. Goodbody Kingsley Day Gregory

£ ◊ Laurence A. Horvath £ Thomas R. Kopf Emily C. Mallory Toby E. Metcalf £ James F. Newbold £ Katharine H. Olmsted Joanna T. Parson £ Nathaniel M. Peirce £ Tara Peters Peterson £ Marina Shields Purcell Elizabeth Scribner Repetto K. Kelsey Hubbard Rollinson Adam P. Schmidt Allison Hopper Skinner Brian W. Smalley Susan Durfee Smalley Andrew L. Smith £ Catherine Moriarty Whittier £ William F. Wiggins £ Ashley Joy Wood


Marcus W. Acheson V Rachel D. Baime Laura H. Cowperthwait Jonathan G. Gengras £ Marcus W. Acheson V £ Rachel D. Baime Jessica Buchanan £ Laura H. Cowperthwait Christopher D. Dawson Robert H. Fay £ Jonathan G. Gengras £ Amy H. Henderson James D. Hunt David G. Kell £ Margaret Moore Kelly

£ Amy Veek Lennon £ Lucille Day Scott Nicole Horne White £ Sarah Bartholomew Wilkinson £ ◊ Hallie K. Ziesmer


Laurence N. Hale Abigail Gardiner Silk Lorenzo L. Borghese £ James D. Breen, Jr. £ Jeremy B. Button £ Samuel M. W. Caspersen £ Joan Fiore Collins £ ◊ Malik S. Ducard Charles F. Elliott III £ David E. Farnum £ Margaret K. Feltz £ Laurence N. Hale £ Juliana Keyser Harris Elizabeth Blabey Janiga Alexander P. Jones £ Jesse S. Lawrence £ Jay F. Luchs £ Courtney Hallock McGinnis £ ◊ Jaime A. Ramirez £ Philipp U. Rasi de Mel £ Abigail Gardiner Silk Caroline E. Waterlow Susan Rankin Weber £ Sohan M. Wickramasinghe £ Willard S. Yankus


Diana Heide Fredericks D. Wyatt Wartels Nicholas E. Allen Sarah Collins Allenby Sheldon Stout Bright £ Adolphus B. Clinton II Adrianna L. Day Patrick M. Donnelly Gregory T. Duncan £ Diana Heide Fredericks £ Alfred H. Geary £ Samuel L. Goldworm £ Lide Banks Goodwin £ R. Alexander Hulse Graham T. Klemm Alexandra B. Levit Kovacevich £ Winston G. Miller Elizabeth Downing Monte £ Adrienne Biggert Morrell Joshua E. Petty John S. Post £ Kate Green Ripple £ Benjamin C. Rubenstein Jason T. Smith £ Dacque E. Tirado £ D. Wyatt Wartels


Michael G. Farina Sarah M. Flournoy Anonymous £ Catherine Carpenter Cox Michael G. Farina £ Sarah M. Flournoy £ Mary Ann Hoff-Vandenberg £ Jack R. Howard-Potter


HONOR ROLL £ Richard T. Lieberman £ Elisabeth Costa de Beauregard Rose £ Bonnie Watson Underwood


Karrie M. Amsler Edward W. Wartels Timothy L. Whipple £ Karrie M. Amsler Catherine A. Begaye £ Wendy C. Gibbons £ John N. Huss £ Peter G. Lehman £ Daniel B. Levin ◊ Henry J. Park £ Nathaniel S. Russell Yuichi Shigeie Edward W. Wartels £ Timothy L. Whipple


Carson T. Baker Whitney A. Cook Nicholas D. Mettler Allison Glasmann Reiner Robert E. Thebault Daniel J. Thompson III Anonymous Mikko Auvinen £ Carson T. Baker Akinwale Elegbe Meghan Kelly Gefaell £ Brendon P. Giblin £ Ian N.H. Gumprecht £ Kyle P. Kahuda David Hall Leavitt



Elizabeth Materne McNamara £ Nicholas D. Mettler Monique Jennings Miles £ Allison Glasmann Reiner Laura Sasser-Cuff Derek W. Seto £ Andrew F. Sloat £ Robert E. Thebault £ Daniel J. Thompson III


M. Anderson Bottomy Hillary Lewis Fryer Michael A. Newton, Jr. Rebecca Holt Squires Lisa Boris Boshnack £ M. Anderson Bottomy Chandler H. Cooper Michael A. DeCarli Samuel R. Dwyer Matthew B. Eccleston £ Hillary Lewis Fryer Mark D. Ippoliti Daniel T. Manchester, Jr. £ Michael A. Newton, Jr. Timothy C. Petrycki Amanda Holt Shipley £ Rebecca Holt Squires


Miriam Jamron Baskies Lindsay Larsen Anonymous (2) Hilary Spitz Arens Miriam Jamron Baskies £ Wheeler Simmons Griffith

£ Lindsay R. Larsen £ David M. Murray Katharine Carnes Petrycki £ Hadley R.P.W. Rosen


John E. Evans Christopher R. F. Hale Olutoyin D. Moses Stacy Durbin Nieuwoudt Sarah L. Welch Thayer P. Whipple Alexander E. Andrews Anonymous £ Polly Carter Antol £ Shawn L. Bacot Treverne R. Brown-Thomas David J. Carlson John E. Evans III Paula C. Glasmann Anna Swain Grenier £ Christopher B. Gumprecht £ Christopher R. F. Hale £ Susanne W. Harris Anna T. Hastings Ian T. Kazanowski £ Matthew M. Konon Gregory M. Kops £ Olutoyin D. Moses £ Stacy Durbin Nieuwoudt Jay M. O’Brien Conor H. O’Malley Jada Phillips £ Trevor M. Rees £ Justin D. Rogers £ Livia Skelly-Dorn Roustan £ Sarah Welch Smith

Emily J. Sweet £ Angela Hill Tabb Ken Takeyama o Amelia K. Vogler £ Thayer P. Whipple


Lindsey Boardman Duerr Timothy A. Patrick Alysa Hill Paul Katrin I. Urban Matthew J. Atwood £ Steven G. Aubuchon £ Daniel M. Bayly £ Michaela R. Brown-Jones £ Timothy W. Calabrese £ Lindsey Boardman Duerr Brian D. Gemelli £ Joseph P. Horton Brent E. Kahuda John C. Lorenz Garfield H. Miller III £ Alysa Hill Paul Tahlia Naumburg Sayers £ Corbin M. Treacy Kelly L. Wentworth


Hilary Gerson Axtmayer £ Hilary M. Gerson Axtmayer Amber C. Darigan Maura Puliafico Drake Jessica Graziano Elder Heather A. Farrell £ Juan H. Feliciano Matthew D. Goldblatt £ Meredith Graham Hanson

£ John C. Martin Susannah P. Miragliuolo £ Jonathan P. Murphy £ Marisa Azzone Olszewski Princess Iseghohi Payne £ Timothy R. Peck Rebecca Castle Richard £ Stephanie Schuetz Bennett R. Stapleton £ Kristen Brush Vincent


Caitlin Rogers Connelly Wendell Smith Scarisbrick £ Catherine Welch Carrington Ryan E. Conroy Joseph B. Dickson Katherine M. Duglin Nathan J. Farrell William C. Hastings Wendell Smith Scarisbrick £ Alexandra Sweet Sciambi Roberto Vega £ Jared R. Vincent Sunny Kneissl Zweig


Christina Galanti Dickson Jo Anna Galanti Fellon Michael J. Krents John P. Lindsey William E. Walker II Christopher J. Watkins William R. Wentworth, Jr. £ Abdul-Aziz R. Ahmed Anonymous (2) £ Samuel A. Appleton Scott J. Brady

£ Christina Galanti Dickson £ Jo Anna Galanti Fellon £ William G. Heckendorf £ Tamotsu G. Hirai £ Gardiner R. Holland Lauren A. Jerr £ Dale S. Ledbetter, Jr. Robert P. Lemelin £ John P. Lindsey Michael D. Morrison Ndidi I. E. Okobi Edward C. Otocka £ Colton A. Riley £ Sean Roberts ◊ Mariana Black Rogerino £ Rachel Schoppe Rogers Russell A. Smith Paul J. Staab £ Jesse J. Walker £ Christopher J. Watkins £ William R. Wentworth, Jr.


Muhammed-Saleem R. Ahmed Chelsea Weiss Baum Peyton A. Ladt Laura Keeler Pierce Christopher G. Pike MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini Suparatch Watchara-Amphaiwan

£ Muhammed-Saleem R. Ahmed £ Stephen J. Atwood Mary J. Babcock David A. Barrett, Jr. Chelsea Weiss Baum £ Philip R. Baylor Colin Beauvais Catherine Bell Bues Stacy A. Collins £ James K. Cushing Ryan P. Donahue Evan J. Eastman Michael S. Gideon £ Amanda M. Gill-David Joseph F. Grandone £ Peyton A. Ladt Seung H. Lim Edward O. Mears £ Gregory A. Osborne Molly Shuster Otocka £ Laura Keeler Pierce £ Christopher G. Pike £ MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini Cara E. Sullivan £ Kendra Seaward Sumner £ Catherine D. Townsend £ Sarah Ortiz-Elejalde Vazquez Melissa J. Wigmore


Sung Min Choo Christian T. Ford Robert M. Saunders Etienne J. Vazquez £ Mark L. Abroms £ Margaret W. Baird ◊ Oliver C. W. Blodgett o Elizabeth D. Burch £ Sung-Min Choo £ Rebecca L. Coakley Jeanna M. Cook £ Michael G. Dio Allan F. P. Eakin £ Christian T. Ford Alexander R. Funnell Emily P. Hardej o Nicolas H. Isham £ Alexander W. Jones Daniel F. McGloine £ Luke C. Paskevich o William W. Reitz Kristina A. Shiroka Sarah Vaillancourt £ Etienne J. Vazquez £ Angela Malerba Werry Dylan W. Wolchesky

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased


Davinia G. M. Buckley Timothy J. Deary Laura F. Dunn Alysia L. LaBonte-Campbell Joshua W. Rich Hyun-Yi Yoo Samuel P. Abernethy Lillian A. Barrett Camille G. Byars £ Laura Dunn Cona £ Timothy J. Deary £ Ann D. Dickson Stephen G. Feathers Elizabeth Poulos Fuller £ Winthrop P. G. Goodrich o Edward F. Granara Mallory R. Jaffe £ Alysia L. LaBonte-Campbell Stephen R. Lanzit III ◊ Anila N. Mahadeo Jonathan S. McCooey Andrew K. McGloine Joshua W. Rich ◊ David T. Still Hyun-Yi Yoo


Michelle Gilmore Castiglione Hillary Ross Charalambous Caroline McLoughlin Davis Young Hoon Hahn Maryam A. Hayatu-Deen Gregory E. Jones, Jr. Olivia Gray Konrath Katherine Winogradow Munno Caitlin M. Neiduski Kathryn S. Nelson James E. Pinkham Erin A. Wolchesky o Jennie K. Bellonio Natasha B. Blodgett £ Elisabeth M. Brubaker £ Michelle Gilmore Castiglione £ Parker A. Cook £ Caroline McLoughlin Davis £ Sean P. Driscoll Emily Humes Durst Brittany Nelson Granara Brady P. Griffin Young Hoon Hahn Amy Smith Hernández Gamboa £ Gregory E. Jones, Jr. Ryan J. Joyce £ Justin K. Kemmerer Olivia Gray Konrath Micaela J. Long Richard B. Mable

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor


HONOR ROLL Laura Poulin Mair Charles A. Modica Charles B. Parsons £ James E. Pinkham Trevor C. Reid £ Michelle E. Weisman Erin A. Wolchesky


Meredith Gagnon Burbank Emily H. Detmer Julia deVeaux Field Christopher P. Golden Holly A. Lorms Shawn P. McCloud Nathaniel H. Proctor Else S. Ross Darren A. Small Melissa A. Stuart £ Alexandra Parsons Andrews Kathaline Phrasavath Clements £ Peter J. D’Agostino £ Emily H. Detmer Rosamond J. Dunn Elise F. Fargnoli £ Julia deVeaux Field o Brian M. Flynn £ Christopher P. Golden Hyung Mo P. Kang £ Ryan A. Levesque £ Holly A. Lorms

£ Morgan W. MacKay Shawn P. McCloud £ Mariah J. Mills o Benjamin W. Olsson £ Nathaniel H. Proctor £ Else S. Ross Melissa A. Stuart Emily Eastman Wiesman £ Kaitlin L. Zeek


Alexandra M. D’Agostino Joanna A. Gaube Steven A. Harkey Georgina L. Heasman Emily F. Johnson Nicole A. Shirley Charles H. Sullivan Sophia G. Welch Shawna A. Altdorf Sarah B. Annicelli Henry R. Buck Stephen W. Cargill Alexandra P. Crean Alexandra M. D’Agostino Sarah-Elizabeth P. Gately Steven A. Harkey £ Emily F. Johnson £ William J. Keeler Andrea M. Micci £ Felice D. Mueller

Daniel C. Peck o Emma D. Pellerin Jameson T. Rothman Thomas C. Sesin £ Charles H. Sullivan £ Benjamin R. Tarlow Sophia G. Welch

Patrick A. Loughlin Darcy K. McDonough £ Jessie G. Parsons Brendan P. Rempel Dillon S. Sawyer £ Rebecca Smith Sosik


Gabriella W. Bucci Mackenzie C. Deary Maura J. Hall Ryan C. Johnson Kathryn G. Sheehan Samantha A. Slotnick Ryan C. Wainwright o Conor F. Barrett £ Clara S. Chisholm £ Amy E. Diaz Maura J. Hall £ Margaret R. Hecker o Evan W. Lozier £ Christopher W. MacKay Katherine A. Peverada Kathryn G. Sheehan o William C. Simonds £ Samantha A. Slotnick Elyse E. Taylor Kirsten S. Therrien Brittany A. Zulkiewicz

Thomas M. Atwood Molly K. Downey Zachary J. Golden Kathryn M. Kramer Haley A. Mitchell Edward T. Ross Rebecca Smith Sosik Samantha L. St. Lawrence Ryan J. Anderson Anonymous £ Thomas M. Atwood Elizabeth A. Barrett Alexandra R. Campione Molly K. Downey Christopher J. Fisher £ Corey A. Gingras £ Zachary J. Golden o Liza T. Gorham £ Elliot L. Green Sarah K. Howie Kathryn M. Kramer Kevin P. Krupinski

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased





Muhammed-Jamil R. Ahmed Matthew D. Bourdeau Carlos H. Ferre Lilah T. Fones Czarina N. Hutchins Hannah P. Leo Aidan P. McGloine Hamilton G. Morley Daniel R. Palumbo Margaret H. Thompson Raymond R. Zeek III o Leonid Ashner Matthew D. Bourdeau £ William E. Castagna Shane P. Dunphy Lilah T. Fones Lindsay R. Harrington Czarina N. Hutchins Nicholas M. Lane £ Kyle T. Lasewicz £ Hannah P. Leo Jaimie Leonoff £ Aidan P. McGloine £ Hamilton G. Morley £ Ashley B. Newhall £ Daniel R. Palumbo o Connor H. Quinn Margaret S. Therrien £ Margaret H. Thompson Edward C. Walker

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor

Reanne M. Wong £◊ Raymond R. Zeek III


Elizabeth A. Bohan Ian J. Crouse Helen E. Day Sean P. Fitzpatrick Caroline N. Hayssen Margaret Juna Kim Moira M. MacArthur Jack W. Nicholson Georgia W. Paige Sagar A. Patel Sorrel M. Perka Biying Zhang o William P. Beirnes Alida M. Bernhart Elizabeth A. Bohan o Zachary L. Bonavita o Declan M. Brennan Lydia P. Brents o Diego A. Briones o Rayheann-Nadejda D. Collins o William D. Dana II Helen E. Day o Alexander C. Diaz £ Molly E. Dimeo o Mackenzie C. Dunphy £ Sean P. Fitzpatrick £ Shay M. Gingras Katrina W. Goddard

o Caroline N. Hayssen o William N. Hull o Elena Irick o Sabrina M. Kortlandt John H. Landenberger Jacob I. Lans Edward G. Liggett £ Moira M. MacArthur Cayman K. Macdonald o Oliver C. Nihan £ Julia S. Oswald Georgia W Paige £ Sorrel M. Perka Cole R. Spivak Charles J. Wheatley Sam D. Zuckerman

Emma J. Dunn Jordan P. Ginsberg o Charles H. Gruner o Timothy H. Haggerty Sophie K. Hatch Jeremy P. Hatfield Alison E. Horst Daniel D. Kellaway Morgan K. Lasewicz o Karoline E. Lozier £ Sean M. McMerriman Dylan G. O’Hara Peter W. Reimer £ Harrison J. Schroder Geoffrey B. Short Izabel M. Tropnasse



Alexandra R. Adams Lindsay M. Barber Roxane J. Barbera Alyson J. Chase Hayden M. Clarkin Jordan P. Ginsberg Alexis Gulino Daniel D. Kellaway Maximillian P. King William F. Mackie Dylan G. O'Hara Izabel M. Tropnasse Meredith C. Anthoine £ Tamerlane B. G. Asher Colin P. Cahill Alyson J. Chase £ Hayden M. Clarkin Keith W. Ducharme

Bridget D. Bohan Gabriella M. Criscuolo Isaiah Henderson Ryan S. R. Jackson Hallie L. Leo Meghan J. MacArthur Annie J. E. Zalon Elise M. Zender Anonymous Bridget D. Bohan Eric R. Boyda Robert B. Cleary III Gabriella M. Criscuolo Jing Guo Mae M. Hanson Madeleine R. Hutchins Hallie L. Leo Jane E. Linhares Meghan J. MacArthur Kelli K. Mackey

o Hollis T. McLoughlin o David T. Mscisz Katherine W. Pearson William F. Wong Annie J. E. Zalon


Kailey A. Cox Nickolas F. Fulchino Rachel K. Godfrey Keith C. O'Hara Thomas D. Wheatley Ross Ackeifi Abdulla A. Alharmoodi Gabriella M. Araya Jeffrey T. Austin Elisabeth Q. R. Bartkus Matthew J. Bonavita Bailey Mae Bone Jonathan G. Bray Colby S. Breault Ian C. P. Buckley Nicholas R. Burdick-Chapel Abigail W. Byrnes Brandon J. Caffrey Emanuel H. Calmar Jake E. Canepari Alexander S. Chase Daniel W. Chung Sophia H. Clarke Matthew H. Clayton James M. Collins William S. Collins Kailey A. Cox Taylor H. Crompton Chelsea E. Cutler Rider A. Daily Nicole L. Derosier

Carl M. Ellerkamp Alexandra R. Finley India B. Finley Devin M. Frisby It Fufuengsin Nickolas F. Fulchino Austin R. Galusza Joshua W. Genovese Cameron M. Giles Rachel K. Godfrey Abbey M. Haggerty Sarah L. Hatfield Edwin P. Hollingsworth Abigail K. Horst Emily Hupalo Evan Jaccodine Christopher W. Jackson Henry J. Karmen-Tuohy Christopher R. Kattak Grace Keenan Amanda C. Kewer Rohan Khatu Genevieve O. LaBeef Cherie E. Langlois Lawand D. Lateef Seungwoo Lee Joshua S. Liebhaber Jeremiah J. Lim Wil J. Loughborough Andres E. Mannil Paolini Cameron J. McGuire William L. McNabola Mary-Louise A. Mellon Melanie J. Murphy Makenna N. Newkirk Weston J. Nolan Timothy O. Offei-Addo Keith C. O'Hara


HONOR ROLL Obim Okeke Shawn O'Loughlin Pelumi S. Onabanjo Matthew F. Ouellet Poojan P. Patel Pavel S. Pylaev Christopher J. Rackey Victoria W. Read Lucy D. Richards Harrison D. Robinson John P. Ross Molly M. Schroder Nana A. Sekyere Connor J. Shea Anneka C. Sheppard Darren I. Singh-Estrada Kyra N. Smith Joshua Solomon Summer Staff Edward J. Staten Joseph J. Staten John C. Sullivan Peter S. Tallas Kant Tantasathien Carlin D. Testa Lizardo J. Vargas Pacheco Dorian D. M. Weekes Zackery D. Weimer Madeleine J. West John Weston Thomas D. Wheatley Caitlin G. Wood Xinwen Zhang Yihe Zhang




Madison A. Dean Abigail H. McThomas Thomas Meggs Sofia Melian-Morse Chloe E. Saad David W. Samberg Grace A. Sandercox Samuel F. Skinner Lauren C. Allen Khalifa K. Almheiri Alisa Alperovich David S. Altman Charlotte R. Apuzzo Kaylee M. Arzt Jack A. Bacon Michael S. Belden Elisabeth M. Berard Gerald Blount Douglas P. Braff, Jr. Emily V. Buell Brittany A. Cameron Thomas R. Castle Sirui Cheng Brody M. Childs Dylan M. Clarkin Evan M. Clarkin Thomas C. Clay Kenneth L. Colombe Vincent Conn Alyzae A. Davis Madison A. Dean Benjamin I. DiIorio Andrew J.W. Douglas John J. Duffy II Caroline Dunn-Packer Henry D. Enelow Lauren E. Ferraiuolo

Christian A. Figliola Austin S. Fink Alex D. Foley Max A. Goldstein Gianna F. Gonzalez Noah Grimeh Raphael J. Guillebon Christopher M. Hicks, Jr. JoonKi Hong Eliza W. Hunnewell Remington v. L. Hutchins Matthew W. Kenyon Keun Young Kim Bradley D. Kittrell Kyung Mo Koo Arseniy Koshelev Tanapol Kosolwattana Mohammad Labadi Olivia K. Leachman Jun Beom Lee Eliza H. Levin Emily B. Linhares Breana T. Lohbusch John P. Long Lauren K. MacMaster Riley M. MacNeil Hassan Makiya Jesse Martinez Nicholas S. Mazzarella Aidan S. McGannon Abigail H. McThomas Thomas Meggs Sofia Melian-Morse Carter Miller William B. Miney Alessandra E. Montero Katharine E. Moran Eduardo Munoz-Alonso Merigo

Michelle A. Nivar Rhone I. O'Hara Hanna W. Ohaus Rosemary E. Osborne Matthew G. Parent Rebecca L. Pempek Kyle R. Penn Phoebe Pliakas-Smith Timothy P. Quimby Joseph M. Ranaldi Michael Rodriguez Cristiano D. Rovero Jacob A. Ruzecki Chloe E. Saad David W. Samberg Grace A. Sandercox Jacob M. Scanlon William H. T. Scharer Christina A. Schiavone George W. Schmidt Yaw Sekyere Zoe Sewell Andrew J. Shields Samuel F. Skinner Eun Kyung Son Edmund Q. Sylvester V Jared R. Taintor Anna G. Tarplin Preston C. Teller Ruoyu Tian Ngoc Tran Annie L. Vance Jadan D. Villaruel Slade W. Vincent Anh T. Vu Hugh P. Wackerman Alexandra S. L. Wallin

Ruohang Wang Ravisara Wattana Benson N. Weed Remy M. Wells Molly P. Wicker Cameron W. Winston Weizhi Wu Sera N. Yanik Ekin S. Yazici Andrew R. Youngman Sarah Youngman Michai Zlatopolsky

STUDENTS CLASS OF 2017 o Khia G. Beeles o Jonathan G. Beniers o Lucas P. Bonavita Andrew G. Brown o Melissa S. Browne o Rebecca A. Bullied o Margaret L. Calvert o Kailey E. Castle o Alex S. Cech o Davis H. Chase o Adinai Chonweerawong o Elisabeth M. Clagett o Emma L. Clark-Christie o Hailey M. Coudert-Morris o Evan J. Cunningham o George R. Enelow o Sydney Fisher o Hayden Garrett o Malcom B. Gewirz o Monroe M. Gray o Kevin T. Griffin

o Amanda R. Hatfield o Jessica Hua o William G. Jarvis o Harold R. Khoo o Alexander Kravtsov o Olivia K. Kremer o Joshua M. Labonte o Yuxin Lan o Kathleen A. LeFebre o Shu Liao o Amanda M. Lim o Polina Lipskaya o Mallory C. McArdle o Elizabeth K. McCarthy o Fan Qian Meng o Dale E. Miller, Jr. o Guilherme Missaka o Brandon W. Mitchell o Sophie P. Nick Fayoni K. Olusesi o Ava M. Pawlowski Jiaman Peng Tucker A. Powell o Gregory B. Rice o Hugh M. Rossi o Philip E. Satin o Colton B. Saunders o Charles L. Shehan o Bristol M. Shields o Peter A. Simeone

o Minkeun Song o Christopher D. Soutter o Nicholas G. Speranza o Julie W. Sullivan o Athiwat Thoopthong o Mikael Toikka II o Abigail R. Trivella o Clayton E. L. Voges Kunath Vorasadhit o Thomas C. Wickham II o Rachel M. Wikman o Christopher W. Wright o Jungmi Yoon

CLASS OF 2018 oMatthew G. Baldwin Nathan C. Gentile Yian Wang Oliver Wolcott IV

CLASS OF 2019 o Benjamin D. Huckaby

CLASS OF 2020 o Kyle P. Graber


Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alofsin o Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Blake £ Dr. & Mrs. Louis Bonavita, Jr. £ Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Browne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Bullied Ms. Annteera Burapachaisri Mr. & Mrs. Tobin R. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Cappo Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Castle Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cech Mr. Jimmy Chan & Ms. Sherry Pan £ Dr. Sarah Chase & Mr. Thomas Chase Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett Ms. Allison Clark Mr. & Mrs. Warren Clark III Mr. Robert B. Cleary, Jr. Ms. Barbara Close & Paul Swirbul Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Donze £ Ms. Tracey M. Elliott £ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Enelow ’83, ’83 ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Weston Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gewirz

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased

o Ms. Catherine Gibbs-Darwin Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Griffin ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Hatfield £ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hayward Ms. Shelly Hwang & Mr. Hasung Song Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. G. Ix Mr. Hyun Woo Kim & Ms. YoungJin Lee o Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kral £ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Leonard o Mr. Suradech Liaowongphuthorn £ Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Lim £ Mr. & Mrs. John Curtis Lyon III Dr. & Mrs. Constantine G. Marousis o Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Marzilli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maxwell Mr. Jerome McArdle & Ms. Margot Larkin Mr. Edward McCarthy & Ms. M. Robin Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McDevitt o Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. McPadden o Mr. Ben Meng & Ms. Jasmin Foo Mrs. Hillary B. Miller £ Ms. Yajuan Min

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mitchell, Jr. o Mr. Brian Morris & Ms. Cynthia Coudert o Ms. Kai Newkirk & Mr. Chris Haskins Ms. Dorothy Nick Dr. Olatunde Olusesi & Ms. Lorraine Stephens o Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pantera £ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paul ◊ Mr. Anthony Pawlowski & Ms. Antoinette Preudhomme Mr. Jianhui Peng & Ms. Liangping Wu Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Powell Mr. & Mrs. Guy F. Renkert Dr. & Mrs. Eric N. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rossi o Dr. Andrew Satin & Dr. Gail Seiken Mr. & Mrs. David C. Saunders £ Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shehan o Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Simeone Ms. Kendall S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Soutter Mr. Jack Speranza Mrs. Margaret Speranza o Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Jr.

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor


HONOR ROLL £ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Wikman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wright


Anonymous (3) Mr. John R. Bacon Mr. George R. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bernal ◊ Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bieser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Catalano Mrs. Erin T. Chace £ Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Conway Mr. Craig Corona & Ms. Gretchen Cole Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Craft Dr. Amy Salerno DeGruchy ’79 & Mr. Glenn DeGruchy o Mr. & Mrs. Peter DiBiaso Mr. Art Dodge & Ms. Justina Juvonen-Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Sean Farrell £ Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ferrara £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Galusza Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Gardner III £ Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras III ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gentile, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Giovannoli Ms. Robin Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Clayton S. Ketchum Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Lane, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. LeSage, Jr. £ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Linhares Mr. & Mrs. James L. Manning Ms. Melissa K. McKeithen o Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Narracci £ ◊ Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara o Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Ostrander Mr. & Mrs. David Perez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pommer III Rev. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Porter o Mr. & Mrs. Eric Poulson ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Damian P. Riordan o Mr. Jean Rondeau & Mrs. Christine Chartrand Mr. Min Sha & Ms. Yu Du Ms. Kendall S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Stone Mr. Todd S. Thomson o Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Todd Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Toub

Mr. John B. Tracey Dr. Bridget H. Tsemo o Mr. Truong Giang Vu & Ms. Van Anh Nguyen Mr. Zhongjie Wang & Ms. Jiewen Ren Mrs. Kerry Winer o Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Winick Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott III Mr. Tiejun Yang & Ms. Zhiwei Wang o Mrs. Kimberly J. Zimmerman


o Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Andrea Anonymous (2) Mr. Stephen Atkinson & Dr. Katherine Atkinson £ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Beall ’79 o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Brambil o Ms. Mellanie Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Cappo Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Castle Mrs. Sara I. DiIorio o Mrs. Elise Dobi o Mr. Eric Dobi Mr. & Mrs. William Dunning

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased



Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Durand Mr. & Mrs. Francois Facon o ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Furman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Geyer Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Griffin o Mr. Raymond Hannigan & Ms. Tobin Heminway £ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horst Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Huckaby o Mr. & Mrs. John Hurley Mr. Tao Ji & Ms. Lixia Cao ◊ Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kittrell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Lane, Jr. o Mr. Man Kit Lee & Ms. Ho Yan o Mr. Lei Liang & Ms. Lifeng Cheng Dr. Byoung Kak Lim & Ms. Mi Hyang Park o Mr. Chi Chong Lo & Ms. Yan Ge Chau Ms. Elizabeth Lugar Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Maffucci Mr. & Mrs. David C. Marshall o Ms. Deirdre McCarthy o Ms. Karen McGuinness £ Mr. & Mrs. James E. McMerriman

Mr. & Mrs. Toby E. Metcalf ’89 o Mrs. Linda Mintz Ms. Lainey W. Moseley o Mr. John Motulsky & Ms. Wendy Nacht Mr. King Shun Ng & Ms. Yuet Siu Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Paquette Mr. Gustavo Passarelli & Ms. Rosemarie Solano o Mr. Ricardo Ponce Gutierrez & Ms. Maria Acevedo Macari o Ms. Margaret B. Pritchard £ Ms. Merritt Robinson ’82 Ms. Rebecca Sar o Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Saunders o Mr. Cory Scott & Ms. Julie DeVoe £ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sheehan o Mr. & Mrs. G. Brinton Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Toulmin o Mr. & Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren £ Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Walker

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor

Mr. Xin Wei & Ms. Yi Zhang o Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Weichselbaumer Mrs. Gage F. Woodard Mr. Rob G. Woodard, Jr. o Mr. Hongfeng Zhi & Ms. Yun Qiu o Mrs. Kimberly J. Zimmerman


Anonymous o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Arsenault o Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Barrett o Dr. John Bergendahl & Dr. Kimberly Bergendahl Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bernal Mr. & Mrs. Finn M. W. Caspersen, Jr. ’88 o Mr. Zhili Chen & Ms. Linjuan Ji o Mr. R. Richard Croce & Ms. Margaret Strange o ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Davis Mr. Denny E. Dean Mrs. Sandra A. Dean Mr. Art Dodge & Ms. Justina Juvonen-Dodge o Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dubitsky o Mr. & Mrs. David Egan o Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fales Mr. & Mrs. Sean Farrell £ Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ferrara o Mr. & Mrs. Erik O. Hage £ Mr. Laurence N. Hale ’91 & The Rev. Jane C. Hale £ Mr. John Herron, Jr. ’69 & Ms. Julia Moore

o Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hirschey o Mr. Kevin Kim & Ms. Eun Ju Kang o Mr. & Mrs. Stefan H. Kist o Ms. Linda L. Kosinski £ Ms. Kelsey D. Leachman o Mr. Guandong Liu & Ms. Yingyi Han o Mr. & Mrs. Seth Mankin o Ms. Allison S. Murray £ ◊ Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara o Mr. Emmanuel Onwuzuligbo & Ms. Nkechi Onwudinjo o Dr. Mingming Qi & Ms. Yongxia Liu o Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reynal o Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Sangree o Mr. & Mrs. David N. Sherr Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Stewart o Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Stielau o Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Wilson o Mr. Huimin Zhang & Ms. Bing Xi

GRANDPARENTS Dr. & Mrs. Frederic P. Anderson £ Mrs. Mary S. Ashmead Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bacon Mrs. Marion Ballard £ Mrs. Jean E. Burdick o Mrs. Lorraine M. Burke o Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Butler £ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell

Mrs. Kathe Cech £ Mr. & Mrs. O. Stuart Chase £ Mrs. Cynthia Clark Mrs. Marcia Close Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Sackett Cook o Mr. & Mrs. Robert Croce £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. DeLuca o Mrs. Alice-Marie V. Dill £ Mr. & Mrs. William Doggett Mr. & Mrs. Jack Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ferrara o Mrs. Hunter Foster Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gewirz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Giovannoli Mr. Robert Gordon Mrs. Newell D. Hale o Ms. Ellena Huckaby & Diane Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Jordan, Sr. Mrs. Barbara Ketchum Dr. & Mrs. James Kittrell £ Dr. & Mrs. William B. Kremer £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Macleod Mr. & Mrs. Edward Massey Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. McCoy £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. McGannon Mrs. Nancy W. McKelvy o Dr. Harold A. Mitty o Mr. & Mrs. Samir Moubayed o Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Narracci, Sr.

Mrs. Patricia Octeau £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip O’Hara Dr. & Mrs. Sowhey Park Mr. & Mrs. Mike P. Poor Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Poulson, Jr. Mrs. Wendy Richards Mrs. Alice S. Ritchie Mrs. Katharine H. Robinson o Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rosenbaum o Mrs. Michelle Ross Mr. & Mrs. Jacques R. Sardas Mr. & Mrs. S. Buford Scott £ Mr. F. Agustus Seamans Mr. & Mrs. Allan Slotnick Mr. H.C. Bowen Smith Mrs. Virginia Soutter Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Talbot £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taylor Mr. Scott Thomson Mr. Benjamin D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

PARENTS OF ALUMNI £ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Adams Mr. Ahmed A. Alharmoodi Anonymous (5) Mr. Richard C. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Evans Arnold £ Mr. Jeremy B. Asher £ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Aubuchon Mr. & Mrs. John F. Azzone Mr. & Mrs. Nico Baader

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Baker £ Mrs. Mary Sibley M. Banks £ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett £ Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Barrett £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bartkus £ Mrs. Edith M. Bass Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Beliveau Ms. Barbara J. Bernhart £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Bohan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Boland £ Atty. & Mrs. Thomas A. Borner £ Ms. Robin L. Boss £ Mr. & Mrs. Roger V. Bourdeau Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Bourdon £ Mrs. Jane E. Bourette Mrs. Kathy M. Bourque £ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Braff, Sr. Capt. & Mrs. William R. Bray £ Dr. David A. Brush £ Mr. & Mrs. N. Harrison Buck £ Ms. Lynn E. Burdick £ Mrs. Kathleen Burdick LaChance & Mr. Raymond A. LaChance £ Mrs. Elizabeth W. Byram Mr. John Cameron £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Campbell £ Mr. Thomas J. Campbell £ Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill £ Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Chase Mr. Min Cheng & Ms. Wenping Ke ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Scott Childs


HONOR ROLL £ Mr. & Mrs. Homer D. W. Chisholm Mr. Yunsik Chung & Ms. Young Ju Hwang £ Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Conroy £ Mr. & Mrs. Langdon P. Cook £ Dr. Douglas A. Cotanche Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dana Dr. & Mrs. Garfield W. Danenhower III Dr. John Day & Dr. Jane Doyle £ Mrs. Polly J. Dean Mr. Matthew Dery & Ms. Cynthia Pliakas-Dery Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Desrochers £ Mr. E. Thomas Detmer & Ms. Marguerite Childs £ Mrs. Lesley D. DeVoe Mr. Bradley P. Dorman £ Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Driscoll £ Mrs. Sally Driscoll £ Mr. & Mrs. David W. Duglin Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dunphy £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Roderick Eaton Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Ettinger £ Mr. & Mrs. Vilmar D. Fagundes £ Dr. & Mrs. John T. Fallon III £ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan K. Farnum £ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Feltz £ Mr. & Mrs. Greene Fenley III



£ Mr. David Ferraiuolo & Ms. Lisa Papa Mr. & Mrs. Francis Figliola £ Mr. Stephen Ford & Ms. Patricia Pahucki Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Gallagher £ Mr. Robert F. Ganley, Sr. £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Warren Geissinger £◊ Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Gerew £ Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gibbons £ Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Gingras Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman £ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Graham £ Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Green £ Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Griffith, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George D. Groom Mrs. Mary Jean S. Gulden Mr. Qian Guo & Ms. Changying Zhu £ Ms. Valerie Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hall Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Hamilton, Jr. £ Mr. & Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Hanson £ Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hare Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris £ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Hatch £ Mrs. Constance T. Haydock £ Ms. Rebecca Henry & Mr. Harry S. Gruner £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Higgins

£ Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Hinchman £ Mr. Nhat Hoang & Ms. Linh Lam Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Holland £ Mr. & Mrs. L. Emmett Holt IV ◊ Mr. & Mrs. Henry Howard II Dr. & Mrs. John S. Howland III £ Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hunnewell Mr. & Mrs. Thayne D. Hutchins, Jr. Mr. Mark Jaffe & Mrs. Marcia Glassman-Jaffe £ Mr. & Mrs. Helmut R. Jahn Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Johnson £ Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Ms. Virgie D. Jones Mr. Peter L. Kamford £ Ms. Abbe Karmen Mr. & Mrs. Colin J. Keeler Mr. & Mrs. Shunichi Kokubo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Y. Kopf, Jr. £ Mr. & Mrs. Geert C. Kortlandt Mr. James Krall & Ms. Maryellen Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Kramarz £ Ms. Katherine W. Krents Mr. Mohannad Labadi & Ms. Taghreed Ileiwat £ Mr. & Mrs. John K. LaBonte £ Mr. & Mrs. Chip G. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Lanzit Mr. & Mrs. Leon Lapierre Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Larrabee

Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Laskowski Ms. Nga Le Dr. Byung Wook Lee & Ms. Jung Ah Choi Mr. & Mrs. Man Hee Lee £ Mr. John B. Leeming, Sr. Mrs. Rachel M. Lewis Mr. Geoffrey L. Liggett Mrs. Kate C. Lindsey Mr. Jianmin Liu & Dr. Xuejun Zeng Mr. Tangzhi Liu & Ms. Wenxin Zhong Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Long Dr. & Mrs. John P. Looney o Mr. Javier Lopez-Balcells & Ms. Cristina Pont £ Ms. Lin Lu o Mr. Peter Lu & Ms. Jessica Xing Mr. & Mrs. Heinz W. Ludwig £ Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Bill MacLaren £ Mrs. Gail A. MacNeil Mr. & Mrs. John D. MacVarish IV Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas E. Madahuar £ Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mandigo £ Mr. & Mrs. William T. Martin Mr. Rolf Mathies £ Mrs. Robin J. Mayor £ Mr. & Mrs. William P. McCloud Mrs. Mary Ellen McGloine £ Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. McGraw, Jr.

£ Mr. & Mrs. Hollis S. McLoughlin Ms. Phyliss P. Meaders £ Ms. Anne Miller £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Miller Mr. Joseph K. Milnor £ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miragliuolo £ Mrs. Alexandra Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Morrison £ Dr. Toye Moses & Ms. Alma Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Mosher Mr. & Mrs. Thuy V. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan £ Mrs. Kathleen Shotmeyer O’Brien Ms. Yvonne O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Osagie A. Orobator Mrs. Sheila A. Osborne £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Geddes Parsons £ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Paskevich Dr. & Mrs. Howard F. Pease £ Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Peck £ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Pempek Mr. Luis Pena & Ms. Esther Soriano o Mrs. Frances M. Periu £ Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perreten £ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Perry Mrs. Sandra S. Pershing £ Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Pious

£ Mr. David Rackey & Ms. Emily Eisenlohr £ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rees Mr. Paul J. Regan, Jr. £ Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Richards Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ridder, Jr. Mr. Peter C. Rimkus Mr. Rafael Rivero & Ms. Virginia Bojorquez £ Mr. & Mrs. Winfield F. Robinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rodrigues £ Ms. Mary Roickle & Ms. Martha Carter £ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Samociuk Mr. Scott Scharer & Ms. Margaret Talcott Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Seamans Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Seaward Atty. & Mrs. Barry F. Selig Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shepherd Mr. Hyun Joo Shin & Ms. Kyung Hei Lee Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Shuster £ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Slater *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sloat

£ Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Il Ho Son £ Rev. & Mrs. Lewis S. Stone £ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Stoner £ Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Q. Sylvester IV Mr. & Mrs. John M. Taylor £ Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Thompson, Jr. £ Mrs. Sheila A. Tighe Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. L. Timpson £ Mr. & Mrs. James P. Trowbridge Mrs. Sheryl A. Turney Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ufland Mr. Lizardo Vargas & Ms. Ileana Pacheco Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Vaughan £ Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vincent Ms. Susanah E. Wade £ Dr. William E. Walker Mr. Wu Wang & Ms. Daqi Chen £ Mr. & Mrs. Eliot E. Weisman Mr. Noble Welch Mr. Marc Wells

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Weston £ Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wheatley III £ Mrs. Katherine S. White Mr. Andrew F. Wiessner Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Williams £ Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Wilmerding £ Mr. & Mrs. William S. Wiquist, Jr. £ Mrs. Lucy H. Wong £ Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Osman Yanik £ Ms. Mary Yokum & Mr. Edward Zucca £ Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zawacki £ Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Zeek Mr. Li Wen Zhang & Ms. Li Miao

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased

£ Mr. Lixing Zhang & Ms. Chen Kan Mr. Qiaoke Zhang & Ms. Xicro Ming Huang

FRIENDS Anonymous (2) Ms. Madeleine Bensen Mrs. Joan R. Bolling oMr. David T. Brewster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Caspar Mrs. Elizabeth Clark £Mrs. Kathryn Davies Clark Class of 2016 o Ms. Samantha Crimmins Mr. E. Bruce Dunn Ms. Elizabeth D. Eden Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. English Mr. Mario J. Gabelli Mrs. Katharine B. Garfield Ms. Jane Greenspan Miss Bridget Horst Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelley, Jr. Ms. Martha Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marrus Mr. & Mrs. James A. McSweeney

Ms. Dorothy L. Meyer Ms. Eloise Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Moseley £Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moses Mr. & Mrs. William S. Peebles IV Ms. Katharine A. Powell Mr. & Mrs. William M. Reilly Ms. Katherine Rossolimo Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rothfeld Mrs. Mary L. Ryus Mr. Paul C. Schlickmann Mr. & Mrs. Joel Silver Mrs. Louisa H. Stone UCONN Womens Club Hockey Mr. Benjamin Woodruff Mr. Bradley Woodruff

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor



FACULTY & STAFF oMr. Marvin Aguilar Anonymous (6) £Ms. Cynthia K. Antos Mrs. Jamie Feild Baker Mr. Timothy D. Baldyga Mr. & Mrs. John Becker £Mrs. Melissa Perkins Bellanceau, Honorary ‘62, ‘64 £Mr. Patrick Boyd £Mrs. Diana M. Brennan £Ms. Rebecca Brooks £Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Browne, Jr. oMs. Cassandra Brumback £Dr. David A. Brush Mrs. Brenda L. Bullied £Ms. Lynn E. Burdick £Mrs. Kathleen Burdick-LaChance £Mr. Patrick Burke £Dr. Sarah Chase & Mr. Thomas Chase £Mr. Adolphus B. Clinton II ‘92 Mrs. Micaela Dangelo £Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Davis

Ms. Anouk de Ruiter Mrs. Sandra A. Dean £Mr. Timothy J. Deary ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Dempsey Mr. Ryan S. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Garry Dow £Ms. Jillian Forgue oMr. Anthony Foronda £Ms. Shanique Garcia oMr. Ryan Gendreau Mr. Brian Geyer £Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Gibbs III oMr. & Mrs. Andy R. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Griffin £Mrs. Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 £Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horst £Dr. Charles Houmard Mrs. Lauren Jarominski oMs. Nina Joly £Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Mr. Jordan Kempain £Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Kremer £Mrs. Tammie L. LaBonte £Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Lake £Mr. & Mrs. Chip G. Lamb Ms. Tina Lefevre

£Mrs. Lindsay Shaw Lehmann Mr. & Mrs. Doug MacLeod £Mr. Jonathan Malinoski Ms. Lydia Mann Mr. & Mrs. David C. Marshall £Mr. & Mrs. William T. Martin Ms. Johanna C. Mawson £Mr. Aidan P. McGloine ‘11 Mrs. Mary Ellen McGloine £Mrs. Joanne A. McMenemy oMr. James A. McSweeney £Ms. Yajuan Min £Mr. Pablo Montoro Alonso Ms. Annie O’Sullivan Mrs. Mariona Perez Oliva £Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Osborne ‘03 £Mr. Timothy R. Peck ‘00 Mr. Matthew V. Pierce, Jr. £Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rees £Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rice £Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Richards £Mr. & Mrs. David W. Ring Mr. Matthew J. Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Rose £Mr. Gregory Rossolimo

LEGEND Names of class agents appear in bold face above the listing of donors Names in italics denote class members who made a gift to a capital fund in lieu of the Pomfret Fund * Indicates deceased



£Mr. & Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe IV oMs. Mary Screen oMr. & Mrs. Derek Segesdy £Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sheehan £Ms. Smanatha A. Slotnick ‘10 £Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith £Ms. Debra K. Thurston Dr. Bridget H. Tsemo £Ms. Carolyn Wagner oMs. Caroline Wardlow Mr. & Mrs. William C. Watkins IV Ms. Sarah-Anne Wildgoose £Mr. Bruce Wolanin £Mrs. Judith M. Wong £Ms. Mary Yokum Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zimmer

FOUNDATIONS & CORPORATIONS The Allen Family Foundation AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous (2)

American Endowment Foundation The Austin Memorial Foundation ASTEX The Blauvelt-Demarest Foundation, Inc. Castle Family Foundation £The Chrysopolae Foundation Cloven Rock Fund - Essex County Community Foundation Frederic R. Coudert Foundation £Cranshaw Corporation Delaware Community Foundation £Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc. The Dillon Fund Tim Doherty Photography £Employees Charity Organization (ECHO) of Northrop Grumman £ENGPAC Northrop Grumman

Made a gift to the Pomfret Fund for five or more consecutive years ◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer † Perpetual annual gift funded through the Annual Giving Endowment Fund o First time donor

Feather Foundation, Inc. (as requested by Kathryn & Weston Garrett) £Fidelity Charitable The Furtherance Fund, Inc. The Ganek Family Foundation The Edward S. Gordon Foundation Grumpy’s Restaurant £The Haffenreffer Family Fund £Newell D. Hale Foundation £Hamilton Family Foundation £The Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation £Health Net Inc. The Elizabeth W. Henderson Charitable Foundation Raymond James Charitable £Jewish Communal Fund Kent Van Alen Fund Ketchum Family Fund of Berks County Community Foundation KSE Inc. Lubrano Family Charitable Foundation Maffucci Family Foundation, Inc. £Marin Community Foundation £McCarthy-Bjorklund Foundation McCoy Family Charitable Foundation George Mead, Jr. Foundation The Meek Family Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Motulsky Family Foundation £The New York Community Trust

The Pacer Foundation £The PHFFoundation, Inc. The Powell Family Charitable Trust Princeton Area Community Foundation, Inc. Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Risor Foundation Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors The Rorer Foundation, Inc. The Ryder Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation Susan Bailey & Sidney Buford Scott Endowment Trust £Schwab Charitable £The Bern Schwartz Family Foundation UBS Donor Advised Fund £U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Van Beuren Charitable Foundation Vanguard Charitable

CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Ares Operations, LLC Mr. Anthony Pawlowski & Ms. Antoinette Preudhomme

Bank of America Geoffrey S. Cragin ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Damian P. Riordan Hallie K. Ziesmer ‘90 Barclays Educational Gift Matching Program Raymond R. Zeek III ’11 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Mr. & Mrs. Judson H. R. Morris ‘52 CA Technologies Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Gerew Chubb & Son, Inc. Anonymous Ms. Audrey Brenya Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Furman Ms. Flor Pfannschmidt Mr. Kurt Rebori Mr. James Shand Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Caroline F. Nowak ‘82 & Mr. Matthew R. Nowak Follett Corporation Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara

Aruba Networks/Hewlett Packard Enterprise Mr. & Mrs. Scott Childs

GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Albert S. Washco ‘83

AXA Foundation Jose A. Ramos ‘74

Goldman, Sachs & Company Mr. & Mrs. James B. Kellogg

Google Gift Matching Program Malik S. Ducard ‘91 HBO Mariana C. Rogerino ‘02 Healthy Living Market & Café Mr. & Mrs. Henry Howard II ING Financial Services Corporation Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bieser, Jr. KKR & Co. L.P. David T. Still ‘05 Legg Mason & Co., LLC Anila N. Mahadeo ‘05 Marathon Oil Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Davis Marsh & McLennan Companies William K. Plumb ‘85

PG&E Corporation Foundation Susan M. Moseley ‘76 Pitney Bowes, Inc. Amy R. Hare ‘83 Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. Anonymous U.S. Trust Company of New York Stephen Woodruff ‘77 Verizon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Hatfield Wellington Management Co., LLP Anonymous Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Weston Garrett

Morgan Stanley Richard N. Hubbell ‘67 Mark P. Styles ‘86 Northrop Grumman Corporation Andre B. Burgess ‘75 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Luis Cruz ‘82 Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Park ‘94



CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT GIFTS The following list reflects payments or cash gifts made during fiscal year 2016-2017 and does not include pledges.


The following individuals made gifts directed towards building projects, restricted capital projects, general endowment and unrestricted capital support. Anonymous Mr. Charles C. Alexander Douglas S. Baldwin ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Beall ‘79 Melanie Bone, M.D. Peter R. Borden ‘57 Lawrence J. Braman ‘61 Ms. Alexandra Burch Elizabeth D. Burch ‘04 Mr. J. Christopher Burch Ms. Louisa Burch Susan Cole Campbell ‘71 & Mr. John C. E. Campbell Mr. Thomas J. Campbell Miles B. Canning ‘67



Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Cole, Jr. ‘75 Mr. Christopher Cole Miss Mirabelle Cole Miss Sophie Cole Mr. Walker Cole Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cole ‘81 Calvin W. Coquillette ‘67 Rev. J. Kathryn Costas John M. Davis ‘67 Timothy J. Deary ‘05 The Dillon Fund Thomas R. Downing ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doyle J. Lansing Duncan ‘67 Mrs. Barbara Fargo Andrew W. Faulkner ‘80 David A. Feffer ‘67 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Frost ‘67 Mrs. Katharine B. Garfield

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gewirz Mr. Eugene E. Gill Bruce B. Gordon ‘67 Mrs. Jane C. Graves Anthony T. Guiterman ‘67 Mrs. Mary Jean S. Gulden Michael W. Hard ’55 Mrs. Stephanie Hartka-Miesmer Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Hastings ‘68 William K. Hoag, Jr. ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Huss ‘55 John N. Huss ‘94 Robert S. Huss ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Mr. Gerrit M. Keator & Rev. Marnie K. Keator Matthew M. Keator ‘84 Samuel K. Keator ‘89 William C. Keator ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Kingeter Mrs. Monique Kosar John H. Kueffner ‘67 Seaver W. Leslie ‘65

Alexandra B. Levit Kovacevich ‘92 J. Scott Lord ‘67 B. Lee Mallory III ‘57 Mr. J. William Mees Ms. Lily Miesmer Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 & Mr. Charles R. Miesmer Mr. Sam Miesmer Mr. William Miesmer Frank L. Miller IV ‘70 ◊Mr. & Mrs. Judson H. R. Morris, Jr. ‘52 Thomas W. S. Nichols ‘57 William G. Norwich ‘72 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara Jeffrey A. Oppenheim ‘67 Ridley Pearson ‘71 Michael S. Petty ‘67 Charles E. Potts II ‘64 Mrs. Jane Pratt Judson P. Reis ‘60

Charles W. Reyburn ‘73 E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 William B. Russell, Jr. ‘84 John C. Rzewski ‘67 Charles A. Scudder ‘67 Andrew M. Sereysky ‘67 Mark Simon ‘64 *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sloat Timothy Y. Smith ‘70 Foye F. Staniford, Jr. ‘49 Bradford P. Straus ‘54 Toby Kamen Taylor ‘79 Hunter M. Temple ‘53 Samuel O. Tilton ‘62 22Squared Joseph H. Twichell ‘67 Roger van der Horst ‘72 Catherine Moriarty Whittier ‘89 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams ◊Stephen Woodruff ‘77

◊ Indicates gift was matched by employer


The following individuals remembered Pomfret School in their estate plans and their generosity provided valuable support for Pomfret during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Estate of Hugh W. ‘42 & Anne M. Adams Estate of Loring M. Bailey, Sr. Estate of Mrs. Dorrance H. Hamilton Estate of Paul F. Perkins, Jr. ‘41 Estate of Benjamin M. Rowland ‘61 Estate of Henry ‘41 & Malan S. Strong


The Benjamin B. Morgan 1953 Endowed Chair in Science Fund Thomas K. Boyd ‘70

The Edith P. Gengras Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Jonathan G. Gengras ‘90

Per-Jan Ranhoff Teacher Enrichment Fund Edward C. Lingenheld III ‘63 Daniel A. Poor ‘63

Carl T. Herman 1963 Memorial Scholarship Fund Toby Condliffe ‘62 Daniel A. Poor ‘63 B. Owen Williams ‘63


The following named endowed funds were developed to support our faculty. David A. Brush Award for Distinguished Teaching in the Social Science and Humanities Dr. David A. Brush Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79 Class of 1957 Endowed Fund for Faculty Danforth P. Fales ‘57 Jan Rozendaal ‘57 Class of 1958 Endowed Fund for Faculty Anthony Call ‘58 John R. Curtis, Jr. ‘58 George T. Dewey III ‘58 Brad 1968 and Betsy Hastings Fund for Faculty Enrichment John Simpkins III ‘68


The following named endowed funds were developed to support Student Financial Aid. Class of 1959 Endowed Merit Scholarship Fund Jeb N. Embree ‘59 H. Fletcher Street ‘59 August Zinsser III ‘59 Peter T. Cook 1960 Memorial Scholarship Fund Parker A. Cook ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Cook ‘64 Donald L. Eccleston Memorial Scholarship Fund William F. Wiggins ‘89

The Lasell Family Scholarship Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Kathryn E. Maloney 1981 Memorial Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gilman D. Blake III ◊Ms. Audrey Brenya Chubb & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cotter ‘65 Keevily Spero Whitelaw Insurance Services, Inc. Mrs. Maureen A. Leddy Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George J. Malouf Masters Coverage Corporation Frieda L. Max, D.M.D. ◊Ms. Flor Pfannschmid

◊Mr. Kurt Rebori The Riordan Group LLC Sarah Armstrong Scheide ‘81 ◊Mr. James Shand Summit Coverages, LTD The Winston School York International Agency LLC Wendell D. Mansfield Memorial Scholarship Fund Peter P. Tower ‘54 The Moffitt Family Scholarship Fund Johanna M. Moffitt ‘82 Junius ‘Jay’ L. Powell ‘43 Memorial Scholarship Fund The Powell Family Charitable Trust (Ms. Katharine A. Powell) Donald W. Smith, Jr. 1956 Memorial Scholarship Fund William F. Cameron ‘56 The Stapleton Family Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stapleton



The Patrick D. Wood 2001 Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Christine M. Ashe Ms. Deborah Y. Beers-Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Mr. Robert Wood & Ms. Marie Rimer


Miscellaneous named endowed funds Loring M. Bailey, Jr. 1963 Endowed Fund Estate of Mr. Loring M. Bailey, Sr. The W. P. Carey 1948 Fund for Excellence in Admissions W. P. Carey Foundation, Inc. The W. P. Carey 1948 Fund for Excellence in College Counseling W. P. Carey Foundation, Inc. Chapel Endowment Fund Ms. Erin G. Atkinson Ms. Margaret Bekeny Ms. Lois M. Casey

* Indicates deceased



Ms. Catherine Ciemier Mrs. Elizabeth Clark *Dr. & Mrs. Sydney P. Clark, Jr. ‘47 Mr. Michael J. Crivello Ms. Alicia Davis Ms. Chelsea Dodge Mr. & Mrs. John Hall Mr. Dustin N. Laro Mr. & Mrs. George H. McLaughlin II Ms. Lorna Molina Ms. Joan Shaver Ms. Joan J. Stone Ms. Bertha Tiano Ms. Elizabeth R. Tiano Ms. Roxanne Turekian Ms. Carol A. Ursini Class of 1962 Head of School Discretionary Fund Ralph J. Arietta ‘62 Waldemar G. Buschmann ‘62 I. Howell Mallory ‘62 Samuel O. Tilton ‘62 David J. Watkins ‘62

Class of 1965 Endowment Fund Frederick W. Allen ‘65 Stephen C. Crane ‘65 Donald S. Gibbs, Jr. ‘65 William A. Hastings ‘65 David S. Henkel, Jr. ‘65 W. Dean Moss, Jr. ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Orr, Jr. ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Seymour ‘65 The Class of 1966 Endowed Student Experience Fund Timothy D. Bates ‘66 Robert W. Duncan ‘66 James H. Goodwin ‘66 William M. Lockwood, Jr. ‘66 John P. Merriam ‘66 John H. Sargent ‘66 Alice W. Dunbar Visiting Artist Fund Ilse D. Bailey ‘73 Thomas K. Boyd ‘70 William H. Hayes ‘67

The Virginia Eaton Multicultural Resource Center Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Eaton ‘70 Endowed Annual Giving Chester Bowles, Jr. ‘46 The Grauer Family Institute for Excellence and Innovation in Education Mr. & Mrs. N. Harrison Buck Mark A. Cohen ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras III ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Grauer Justin P. Klein ‘65 Robert Mullarkey ‘79 & Ms. Nina Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren van Beuren Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wheatley III Joseph Mannas 1972 Memorial Drama Fund James M. Bergantz ‘72

The Benjamin B. Morgan 1953 Endowed Fund for Astronomy and the Manual Arts Isle D. Bailey ‘73 Thomas K. Boyd ‘70 Charles W. Rosenfield ‘78 John Simpkins III ‘68 Milton M. Morse, Jr. 1948 Prize Fund John O. Flender ‘49 The Proctor Sundial Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Archibald A. Smith III The Dorsey and Robert Salerno Family Fund for World Languages Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79 Cameron Duke Stebbins 1995 Memorial Fund Mr. Don A. Smith


Named Endowment Funds Faculty Support

The following named endowed funds were developed to support our faculty. DAVID A. BRUSH AWARD FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES With gratitude to the generosity of Dr. David A. Brush, this award recognizes the work of a devoted and innovative teacher who routinely goes beyond the required to help students grow in scholarship and who is also a highly regarded member of the School community because of his/her commitment and service to students. The award can be given to any teacher in the fine or performing arts, English, history or religion who has worked at Pomfret full time for three or more years or who has worked part-time for five or more years. WILLIAM POLK CAREY 1948 CHAIR IN MATHEMATICS Established in 1985 by Mr. Carey to support the department chair. THE SOOHO CHO 1974 FACULTY AWARD Created in 2008 in honor of Sooho Cho ‘74, loyal alumnus and trustee, The Sooho Cho ‘74 Endowed Fund was established to recognize and reward a faculty member who has demonstrated particular dedication to his/her work and exemplifies an active interest in the growth of Pomfret students. This award is designed to enable the faculty member to take graduate courses, travel as part of their research, attend professional conferences, or procure materials and/or technology for their classroom. The Dean of Faculty and Head of School will be responsible for selecting the award winner each year.

CLASS OF 1957 ENDOWED FUND FOR FACULTY Established in 2007 by the members of the Class of 1957 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, in appreciation of the dedication and work of the faculty who provided a positive educational experience during their time at Pomfret School. Proceeds from the Fund shall support faculty enrichment programs including continuing study, research and summer study/travel. CLASS OF 1958 ENDOWED FUND FOR FACULTY Established in 2008 by the members of the Class of 1958 and the “Griffin ‘58 Fund” on the occasion of their 50th Reunion/ The Fund shall be a permanent endowment, the income from which shall be used to attract and retain faculty at Pomfret School by making funds available for their professional development. CLASS OF 1989 FACULTY ENDOWMENT FUND Created by parents of the Class of 1989 to honor their graduation. Income supports faculty salaries. CLASS OF 1990 FUND Created by parents of the Class of 1990 to honor their graduation. Income used to provide scholarships and to support faculty salaries. THE COLLEEN MURRAY COGGINS 1979 ENDOWED FUND Established in 2002 by Colleen Murray Coggins 1979. Income to provide support each year for the professional development of faculty with a preference for female faculty members.


Review the list of donors for named endowed gifts during fiscal year 2016-2017 on page 59

EDWARD S. DAVIS 1949 FACULTY FUND Created in 2007 by Mr. Davis. The income is used to develop, enrich and reward members of the Pomfret faculty through such programs as the pursuit of advanced degrees, sabbatical periods away from Pomfret, other professional development programs, and other faculty activities which enhance the academic or civic life at Pomfret. CHARLES E. DUNLAP 1906 FACULTY ENDOWMENT FUND Created in 1966 through Mr. Dunlap’s bequest. THOMAS C. EASTMAN 1904 CHAIR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Created in 1966 through Mr. Eastman’s bequest to support the Chair of the English Department. E. E. FORD FOUNDATION FACULTY FUND Grant from the E. E. Ford Foundation in 1989.


THE MELVILLE FUND FOR FACULTY Given in honor of Pomfret School faculty members Eugene Gill, Walter Hinchman, Donald Hinman and William Parquette, with fondness and gratitude by Carswell R. Berlin 1971, Greg Melville 1968 and Timothy Y. Smith 1970. The fund, created in 2007, supports faculty salaries and professional development. THE BENJAMIN B. MORGAN 1953 ENDOWED CHAIR IN SCIENCE FUND Established in 2003 with enormous gratitude to Benjamin B. Morgan 1953 for his generous bequest. The income from which shall be used to support a senior faculty member in the sciences who demonstrates excellence in teaching. TERRY MURBACH FUND FOR FACULTY RECOGNITION Created in1998 by his former students and friends. Proceeds from the fund to be designated annually to award a stipend to a faculty member who best exemplifies the attributes for which Terry is so fondly remembered.

THE HENRY F. “NICK” HARRIS 1947 ENDOWED CHAIR IN LITERATURE Established in 2007 with enormous gratitude to Henry F. “Nick” Harris 1947 for his consistent and generous support of Pomfret School. The income from this generous bequest shall be used to support a senior faculty member of the English department who demonstrates excellence in teaching literature.

THE PRIZE FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE IN MATH, SCIENCE & FOREIGN LANGUAGE Created in 1998 by Michael T. Chambers 1951 in honor of Carl P. Swinnerton (Science 1944-63); Albert M. Nagy (Mathematics 1942-62); and Philip A. Toomey (French/ Spanish 1935-42; 1945-51). Prize to be given to the teacher who has demonstrated outstanding teaching excellence. (Not necessarily awarded each year.)

BRAD 1968 AND BETSY HASTINGS FUND FOR FACULTY ENRICHMENT Established in 2008 by the class of 1968 to honor Brad and Betsy’s service to Pomfret School. The Fund will help support Pomfret faculty members pursue opportunities to enhance their subject knowledge and teaching ability while at Pomfret School.

PER-JAN RANHOFF TEACHER ENRICHMENT FUND Established in 1988 by Danforth P. Holley 1934 to honor the longtime faculty member Income funds grants to members of the teaching faculty for further study and/or research to enrich their classroom teaching.

HOWARD S. KNIFFIN 1926 MEMORIAL FACULTY FUND Established in 1990 by his widow, Mrs. Barbara Lapp. Income supports faculty enrichment programs, including sabbaticals.

BERNARD LEE SCHWARTZ CHAIR FOR DEAN OF STUDENTS Established in 1985 by Michael Schwartz 1966, Eric Schwartz 1969, and their mother in memory of Mr. Schwartz to fund the Chair for the dean of students.

HALLECK LEFFERTS FACULTY FUND Created in 1986 in memory of former headmaster Halleck Lefferts. Income funds grants to faculty for continuing study, research, and summer study/travel.

THE SCRIPPS CHAIR FOR FINE ARTS FUND Established in 2003 by Samuel and Louise Scripps. The income from which shall be used to support the faculty chair for Fine Arts.


TEACHING DEVELOPMENT FUND Created in 1987 by an anonymous donor to be used to support good teaching.

WILLIAM POLK CAREY 1948 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1973 by Mr. Carey.

Student Financial Aid

THE MALCOLM G. CHACE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2013 by Malcolm G. Chace and Malcolm G. Chace ‘13. Provides scholarship assistance to worthy students demonstrating financial need. The income from this gift will be given with preference to residents of Rhode Island.

The following named endowed funds were developed to support Student Financial Aid. VINCENT C. BANKER 1949 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1987 by Mr. Banker for students with scholastic and athletic achievement and character. CHARLES R. BEATTIE, JR. 1947 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 2008 to honor Charlie Beattie for his many years of service, loyalty and dedication to Pomfret School. The income will provide scholarship assistance to a worthy student demonstrating financial need.

CLASS OF 1940 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1983 by members of the Class of 1940 in memory of deceased classmates. Income to support scholarship program. CLASS OF 1947 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by members of the Class of 1947 in memory of deceased classmates. CLASS OF 1959 ENDOWED MERIT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established by the members of the Class of 1959 in commemoration of their 50th Reunion. The income from which shall be used to provide financial aid for a student whose scholarly performance and demonstrated personal attributes merit additional aid over and above the average financial aid award.

GALEN L. BLODGETT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1991 in memory of their infant son by Helen Watson Blodgett and Mark W. Blodgett ‘75, and grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Watson.

CLASS OF 1988 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by parents of the Class of 1988 to honor their graduation.

JOHN FRANCIS BOYER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1958 by Mrs. M. Troy Jones in memory of her son.

CLASS OF 1991 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by parents of the Class of 1991 to honor their graduation.

LUDLOW S. BULL 1903 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1954 through Mr. Bull’s bequest.

CLASS OF 1992 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by the parents of the Class of 1992 to honor their graduation.

JOHN CABOT III 1929 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1982 through Mr. Cabot’s bequest.

CLASS OF 1993 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by the parents of the Class of 1993 to honor their graduation.


Review the list of donors for named endowed gifts during fiscal year 2016-2017 on page 59

CLASS OF 1997 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by the parents of the Class of 1997 to honor their graduation.

GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Exact date of creation uncertain. Income supports scholarships.

ELLIOT COBB, JR. 1942 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1965 through a bequest of Beatrice Wallace in memory of her son.

THE EDITH P. GENGRAS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2003 by E. Clayton “Chip” Gengras III 1989 and Jonathan G. Gengras 1990 to honor their mother in recognition of her philosophy that education and philanthropy are of paramount importance. The income will provide scholarship assistance to a boarding student demonstrating financial need, with preference first to students from the Greater Hartford area, then from all of Connecticut.

PETER T. COOK 1960 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1998 by brother Stephen A. Cook 1964, with gifts from family, classmates, and friends. JEROME L. DEJUR 1948 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1966 by Harry DeJur as a memorial to his son. HENRY B. DU PONT 1916 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by the Board of Trustees in 1970 after the death of this longtime trustee and benefactor of the School. DONALD L. ECCLESTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1994 in his memory by colleagues, family and friends. WILLIAM H. ESHBAUGH, JR. 1931 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1966 by Mrs. Eshbaugh in memory of her husband. SETH B. FRENCH 1907 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1961 by DeCourcy L. Hard 1907 in memory of his classmate. JOHN W. & JEANNETTE M. GAHAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1986 by Mr. Gahan’s mother, Beatrice Delaney, to provide scholarship assistance to qualified students from Windham County. EDWARD MCCRADY GAILLARD, JR. 1941 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1945 by his father after the son’s death in World War II.

ROBERT E. GLENN III SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1990 by an anonymous donor. Income provides scholarship assistance with preference to graduates from Pomfret Community School, next to students from the town of Pomfret, and then to students from Windham County. JONATHAN DEWITT GROUT 1936 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1947 by Mrs. Frank C. Hunt in memory of her son. Income purchases books for scholarship prizes. LAURENCE N. & JANET D. HALE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1989 by Mr. & Mrs. Newell D. Hale in memory of Mr. Hale’s parents. Income provides scholarship assistance with preference first to students from Pomfret, then to students of Windham County, then to all others. THE NEWELL & BETTY HALE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 2002 by Mr. & Mrs. Newell D. Hale. Income used to provide financial aid to worthy students with preference given to students residing in Pomfret and/or Windham County, CT THE DECOURCY L. HARD 1907 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1984 through his widow’s bequest in memory of her husband. CARL T. HERMAN 1963 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1963 by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Herman.



BENJAMIN B. HINMAN 1936 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by the Board of Trustees in 1974 following the death of this longtime board member. GEORGE H. HYDE 1941 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1988 by Mr. Hyde. GERRIT & MARNIE KEATOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1989. Income provides scholarship assistance with preference to urban students of color from Connecticut, then to other students of color from Connecticut, then to all others. JOHN P. KING 1967 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Conceived in 1968 by his mother Harriet Lidgerwood and aunt and uncle Katharine and Wyatt Garfield 1943. THE LASELL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Created in 2005 by Chester K. Lasell 1954. The income from this fund will provide scholarship assistance to worthy students demonstrating financial need. P. BLAIR LEE 1914 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1984 by his family, including E. Brooke Lee III 1966, and family companies. GEORGE H. MACAULEY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1953 by his widow. Preference is given to students from either Connecticut or Pennsylvania. ROBERT I. MACDONALD 1945 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created by Mr. MacDonald in 1988. KATHRYN E. MALONEY 1981 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1981 after her death, by members of the Pomfret family.

WENDELL D. MANSFIELD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1985 by his former students and Pomfret friends. Income supports students on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, character, and participation in sports. THE MEES FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Created in 1996 by the Mees family in memory of Frank J. Mees. Scholarship to be awarded to Fifth or Sixth Form students in financial need demonstrating outstanding athletic ability in football, hockey, baseball, or crew. THE MELVILLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND This scholarship was established in June 2007 to provide financial assistance to students of need. It is given to honor Frank Melville 1940, dedicated trustee, loyal alumnus and generous friend of Pomfret School, by family members and friends. THE MOFFITT FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1975 as a memorial scholarship for David 1940 by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Moffitt and brother, Peter M. Moffitt 1944. This fund was renamed in 2003 after Peter’s death to recognize both brothers. THOMAS F. OAKES 1919 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1966 by the Board of Trustees after the death of this longtime member. GEORGE PEABODY 1909 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1959 by his widow. JUNIUS ‘JAY’ L. POWELL ‘43 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 2015 through the generosity of Mr. Powell’s estate plan, to fund a scholarship for students of color; with preference being given to students of Native American heritage.


Review the list of donors for named endowed gifts during fiscal year 2016-2017 on page 59

GEORGE T. PURVES, JR. 1944 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1946 as a memorial by his father after the son’s death in World War II.

WILLIAM H. P. TOWNSEND, JR. 1942 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1949 by his uncle, Charles C. Townsend 1920.

ENSIGN CURTIS S. READ 1914 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1959 by his brother, William Read 1913 and Richard Croft 1919.

MORGAN WING, JR. 1929 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1975 by the board for the benefit of descendants of Pomfret alumni.

READER’S DIGEST ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1974 by the DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund. Income used for scholarships.

THE PATRICK D. WOOD 2001 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Awarded to a talented eighth-grade student from Windham County who is matriculating at Pomfret School. The scholarship is given by his family, friends, and classmates, to honor Pat Wood, a scholar and kind friend of many, who died before his time.

BARCLAY ROBINSON, JR. 1952 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created through a bequest from Barclay Robinson, Jr. 1952, the income from this fund to be used for scholarship. HORACE SEELY-BROWN, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1983 by Mrs. Seely-Brown and their children. Priority to be given first to eligible candidates from the town of Pomfret, then to those from towns surrounding Pomfret, then to all other towns. DONALD W. SMITH, JR. 1956 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1969 by his parents in memory of their son who died in 1957. William F. Cameron ‘56 THE STAPLETON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2007 by Robert and Bonnie Stapleton, along with their son Ben ‘00, the income from this fund will provide scholarship assistance to a boarding studentathlete, preferably of color, who will bring character and leadership to the Pomfret School community. THE THORNE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2002 by Edwin Thorne 1931. Income used to provide financial aid to worthy students with demonstrated need.



WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1945 with gifts from members of the Pomfret family. WSH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Created in 1986 by an anonymous donor. Income provides scholarships with preference given to students from California or the West Coast.


Miscellaneous named endowed funds LORING M. BAILEY, JR. 1963 ENDOWED FUND Established in 2011 by the Board of Trustees with gratitude to Loring M. Bailey, for his generous bequest in memory of his son. The income from which shall be used for the general and unrestricted use of the School. LUDLOW S. BULL 1903 CONFERENCE FUND Created in 1956 by Mr. Bull’s family. Income brings personalities, concerts and programs to the School for intellectual stimulation of students and faculty. THE W. P. CAREY 1948 FUND FOR EXCELLENCE IN ADMISSIONS Established by the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with gratitude to the W. P. Carey Foundation for their generous gift, to be a fund within the School’s permanent endowment. This fund is used to increase awareness of Pomfret School in select marketplaces. The income earned is utilized by the Director of Admissions and his/ her team to build new relationships with prospective families and secondary school placement personnel, both domestically and abroad. THE W. P. CAREY 1948 FUND FOR EXCELLENCE IN COLLEGE COUNSELING Established and merged in 2014 with the W. P. Carey Lectures Fund, originally established in 2009, by the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with gratitude to the W. P. Carey Foundation for their generous gift, to be a fund within the School’s permanent endowment. The purpose of this fund is to expand the reach of Pomfret’s College Counseling Department. Income generated by the fund will be used by the department for the purpose of travel in order to build and expand relationships between Pomfret’s College Counseling staff and college admissions teams across the country and the globe.

CHAPEL ENDOWMENT FUND Created in 1955 by Mrs. Frances B. Stoddard, sister of Sydney P. Clark 1910. Income used for the maintenance of Clark Chapel. GEORGE CHENEY 1937 LIBRARY FUND Created in 1953 by the father of George Cheney 1937. Income purchases library books. CLASS OF 1948 FUND Created by members of the Class of 1948 to support and enhance the School’s College Counseling Department. CLASS OF 1962 HEAD OF SCHOOL DISCRETIONARY FUND Established in 2012 by the members of the Class of 1962 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion. The income from which shall be used for the purpose of providing the Head of School with funds to cover unanticipated expenses during the school year. CLASS OF 1965 ENDOWMENT FUND Established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1965 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion. Income generated by the Fund shall be used to support the work of the Grauer Institute for Excellence in Innovation and Education at Pomfret School, with a specific focus on academic innovation and global experiences for students and faculty. Preference will be given, whenever possible, to travel focused on emerging market countries. If immediate preferences cannot be met, proceeds from the fund shall be used to support academic innovation at Pomfret School.


Review the list of donors for named endowed gifts during fiscal year 2016-2017 on page 59

THE CLASS OF 1966 ENDOWED STUDENT EXPERIENCE FUND That the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with gratitude to the class of 1966, does hereby establish The Class of 1966 Endowed Student Experience Fund to be a fund within the School’s permanent endowment. Established by the members of the Class of 1966 in commemoration of their 50th Reunion. The “Expand the Experience” Fund shall be a permanently-restricted endowment fund within the School’s endowment portfolio. The Fund will specifically support the work of the Grauer Institute for Excellence in Innovation and Education and will be used to support domestic off-campus student civic and cultural experiences, such as attending a Broadway play, building a house through Habitat for Humanity or volunteering for a political campaign or other civic or cultural initiatives as identified by the school. EDWARD S. DAVIS, JR. 1982 MEMORIAL FUND Created in 1992 by his father Edward S. Davis 1949, mother Edith K. Davis, sister Martha, and family friends. The income is to be used by the faculty and staff to enhance academic life at the School. CAROL ANN DEBLOIS 1982 MEMORIAL FUND Created in 1982 in memory of Carol Ann by her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeBlois. The income is used to enhance student life by bringing programs of entertainment and/or intellectual enrichment. THE DILLON FAMILY FUND FOR ENDOWMENT Established in 2006 by Nicholas Allen 1992, Gretchen Bryan 1996 and Joan and Jeremy Frost 1967. ALICE W. DUNBAR VISITING ARTIST FUND Created in 1991 to honor Alice Dunbar on her retirement from the Pomfret faculty. Income funds a visiting artist-in-residence program. HENRY B. DU PONT 1916 ENDOWMENT FUND Created in 1970 through Mr. du Pont’s bequest.



THE VIRGINIA EATON MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE CENTER Created in 2015 through the generosity of Bradford P. Straus ’54 in celebration of the longstanding work of Mrs. Virginia Eaton and her work with Pomfret students. Funds to be used for diversity initiatives to improve the quality of student life and student education. The purpose of the Center is to serve, support, and empower faculty, staff, students and other constituents of the greater Pomfret School and local community. ENDOWED ANNUAL GIVING Created in 1984 through a bequest from P. Blair Lee 1914. Income is used for general purposes of the School. ENDOWMENT FOR BOOKS FUND Established in 1969. Income used to purchase library books. THE BENNETT L. FISHER 1960 FUND Established in 2002 by his family and friends for his many years of service to Pomfret School as part of the School’s permanent endowment. Income to be used for the general purposes of the School. FUND FOR MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE Created in 1959 through an original gift from Chester H. Lasell 1926, DeCourcy L. Hard 1907 and Edmund C. Monell 1931. Income is used to stimulate the study of mathematics and science. THE GILBERT FAMILY FUND FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Established in 1999 by the parents of John Gilbert 1983. Income used to promote and enhance the environmental science curriculum at Pomfret. THE GRAUER FAMILY INSTITUTE FOR EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION Established in 2014 by the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with enormous gratitude to the Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer Foundation for their generous gift, to be a permanently-restricted endowment fund within the School’s permanent endowment. Income generated by the fund will

support, in perpetuity, the “Grauer Family Institute for Excellence and Innovation in Education” (the “Institute”). Established to help the School successfully pursue the vision of the graduate outlined in the Strategic Plan, adopted April 20, 2013, the Institute serves as the incubator of bold and innovative initiatives which distinguish Pomfret as the boarding school that best prepares students for college and for the rigors of life beyond education. The Institute builds upon the School’s current strengths to research, design, and deliver exceptional programs designed to promote the knowledge, skills, and character traits needed for Pomfret’s students to make a meaningful difference in a diverse and increasingly interconnected world, and drives cutting-edge and cost-cutting initiatives and change at Pomfret, specifically as it relates to faculty professional development in best practices in educating the whole child.

JOSEPH MANNAS 1972 MEMORIAL DRAMA FUND Created in 1994 after his death. Income funds a book prize for students who have made valuable contributions to the theater program.

GRISWOLD FAMILY FUND Created in 1989 by John S. Griswold, Jr. 1963, Charles A. Griswold 1970, and their father, John S. Griswold, Sr. The income supports athletic programs.

MILTON M. MORSE, JR. 1948 PRIZE FUND Created in 1982 in his memory by Barbara Van Cleaves as a memorial to her brother. Income funds an annual prize to a student in crafts.

GERRIT M. & MARNIE K. KEATOR FUND Created in 1988 through gifts from members of the Pomfret family. Income supports the chaplaincy and chapel programs.

WILLIAM LEE NIELDS 1957 MEMORIAL FUND Established in 1965 by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Nields. Income used for special projects.

THE LASELL VISITING ALUMNI FUND Established in 2001 through a gift from Chester K. Lasell 1954, the purpose of this program is to each year invite one or two alumni who have achieved a certain degree of success and/or distinction in their chosen profession to return to Pomfret School to work with our faculty and students.

ROBERT PEARSON SHORT FICTION AWARD In recognition of their father’s belief in a strong educational foundation and his unwavering belief in their individual writing talents Brad Pearson 1965 and Ridley Pearson 1971 established an endowed prize to honor their father, Robert Pearson. This prize is their way to pass along the encouragement that has been at the roots of their own success. The Award is given annually for the best short story written by a Pomfret Senior.

BARTON L. MALLORY, JR. 1924 MEMORIAL FUND FOR ATHLETICS Created in 1989 by his family, including B. Lee Mallory III 1957, and I. Howell Mallory 1962. The income supports programs administered by the Director of Athletics. THE MALLORY BASEBALL FIELD ENDOWMENT FUND Established in 2016 through the generous support of W. Neely Mallory ’51. The income supports the maintenance of the Mallory Baseball Field.

THE BENJAMIN B. MORGAN 1953 ENDOWED FUND FOR ASTRONOMY AND THE MANUAL ARTS That the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School does establish The Benjamin B. Morgan 1953 Endowed Fund for Astronomy and the Manual Arts, formerly known as the Simpkins Family Fund; this was established in 1997 by the Simpkins family, to honor Ben’s life-long dedication to Pomfret School, and to support his desire that students learn to develop the creative power of their hands as well as that of their minds. Re-named after Ben’s death in 2002.

THE POMFRET SCHOOL WRITERS’ STUDIO Created in 2001-02 with funding provided initially through a grant from the E.E. Ford Foundation. The income from this fund will be used to support the Writers’ Studio at the direction of the Headmaster and Chair of the English Department.


Review the list of donors for named endowed gifts during fiscal year 2016-2017 on page 59

THE PROCTOR SUNDIAL ENDOWMENT FUND Established in 2001 by members of the Proctor family. Income used to support the maintenance of the Proctor Sundial on the Pomfret campus. THE RICHARD H. RANDALL, JR. 1944 AWARD Created by Mrs. Lillian M. Randall to fund a prize in memory of her husband Richard H. Randall, Jr. 1944 to be awarded to a student for outstanding achievement in a cultural discipline PAUL M. ROSENFIELD 1967 AWARD Established in 1996 by his class in memory of Paul M. Rosenfield 1967. Income funds an award presented to the member of the Sixth Form who best exemplifies strength of character through courage and humor. THE DORSEY AND ROBERT SALERNO FAMILY FUND FOR WORLD LANGUAGES That the Board of Trustees of Pomfret School, with gratitude to the generosity of Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79, does hereby establish The Dorsey and Robert Salerno Family Fund for World Languages at Pomfret School. The Dorsey and Robert Salerno Family Fund for World Languages will provide Pomfret School faculty members in the World Languages Department the opportunity to participate in meaningful and enriching professional development opportunities on an annual basis. These experiences will provide language teachers the chance to engage with, and learn from, leaders in their field in order to bring innovative practices to campus, and to encourage Pomfret students to develop greater fluency and a deeper understanding of the role of language in an increasingly diverse and interconnected society. The Fund will specifically support the work of the Grauer Institute for Excellence in Innovation and Education and will be used to provide faculty professional development for the World Languages Department.



THE THOMAS G. ‘28 AND THOMAS D. ‘51 SOUTTER FUND Established in 2016 within the School’s permanent endowment with gratitude to the trust of Thomas D. Soutter ‘51. The net income from this Fund is to be dispensed for the benefit of Pomfret School and its Chapel. CAMERON DUKE STEBBINS 1995 MEMORIAL FUND Established in 1999 by family and friends of Cameron Duke Stebbins 1995, income from which shall be used to support programs in the arts at Pomfret School. C. RUSSELL STRINGER MEMORIAL PRIZE FUND Established in 1990 by his former colleagues in memory of this emeritus faculty member. The income is used to award a prize in the Foreign Language Department. THE WBVC/HARDY RECORDING STUDIO ENDOWMENT FUND Established in 2004 within the School’s permanent endowment, the income which shall be used for the operational costs of and any improvements to the WBVC Radio Station and the Jeff Hardy 1973 Recording Studio, or, failing the same or a similar facility at Pomfret School at any time in the future, for the general operational costs of the School. JONATHAN A. WILLIAMS 1969 MEMORIAL FUND Established in 1968 by his parents, faculty members John and Mary Williams in their son’s memory. Income supports community service projects, etc. THE DAVID A. WILSON III 2001 MEMORIAL PRIZE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Given to the student who has shown a depth of interest and intellectual passion for computer science. This award was established in February, 2005 by his parents, David & Ann Wilson.












Endowment funds are an investment in the future. When you make a gift to the endowment, you are helping us to keep tuition affordable, grow financial aid, develop new programs, recruit top-notch faculty, make capital improvements, and keep up with technology — all of which pay dividends for the School. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ENDOWNMENT GIFTS Please contact Melissa Bellanceau, Director of Advancement and Communications, at 860.963.5957.





he Pontefract Society honors alumni, parents and friends who with generosity and foresight have included Pomfret School in their estate plans through bequest provisions, life income gifts, charitable trusts, gifts of insurance and other planned giving arrangements. The School is pleased to recognize their commitment to its future and would welcome additional members at any time.

Anonymous (33) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Abke Marcus W. Acheson IV ‘62 E. Davies Allan ‘58 Jacques P. Bailhé ‘71 Mrs. Edith McBride Bass Richard A. Bensen ‘70 Carswell R. Berlin ‘71 William M. Boehme ‘62 John A. Bogardus, Jr. ‘45 Mrs. Mary Lela Bogardus Jeremiah M. Bogert, Jr. ‘85 Brooke Rorer Brown ‘87 Robert P. Brown, Jr. ‘61 Peter B. Burnham, Jr. ‘79 Benjamin L. Chapman ‘60 Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. ‘52 Kenyon W. Clark ‘67



William H. Clark III ‘46 David L. Craven ‘61 Ms. Celenia DelSol John A. ‘64 & Constance S. Dix Herbert Drake, Jr. ‘61 Lammot du Pont III ‘50 Jeb N. Embree ‘59 Richard J. Fates ‘63 Mary Valentine Feathers ‘72 David A. Feffer ‘67 Henry J. Fisher II ‘72 Robert B. Fiske, Jr. ‘48 Eric L. Foster ‘81 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Seth B. French, Jr. ‘37 George M. Galpin ‘65 *Wyatt Garfield ‘43

*John R. Gibb ‘40 Galen N. ’58 & Patricia P. Griffin John S. Griswold, Jr. ‘63 Mrs. Newell D. Hale *Mr. Newell D. Hale Alan Hamerstrom ‘59 *John T. Hamilton II ‘29 Kendrick Harmon ‘53 *Benjamin P. Harris III ‘54 William H. Hayes ‘67 John Herron, Jr. ‘69 Jennifer M. Hoben-Williams ‘78 Kirk Hollingsworth ‘45 Anthony S. Hoyt ‘56 John T. Hoyt, Jr. ‘49 Richard S. Jackson, Jr. ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones

Peter B. Kelsey ‘64 Justin P. Klein ‘65 Janet Arvonen Kniffin ‘70 Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Ronald A. Levene ‘82 *John W. Lewis, Jr. ‘24 Mrs. Kate C. Lindsey Scott W. ‘76 & Susanna Maker James D. Makowsky ‘63 David W. Mason ‘58 R. Carey McIntosh ‘51 Mr. J. William Mees *Frank Melville III ‘40 Francis ‘64 & Frederica Paine John A. Paine ‘54 Ridley Pearson ‘71 Roswell B. Perkins ‘43

Daniel A. Poor ‘63 *Mrs. Daniel S. Poor Rachel E. Prentiss ‘77 Philip B. Rettger ‘75 *Bruce M. Ridgway ‘32 *James R. Riker ‘51 Theodore R. Robb ‘52 E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 *Douglas B. Robinson ‘31 *William P. Rowland ‘39 *Arthur K. Salomon ‘53 James D. Seymour ‘65 George T. Shaw ‘58 Edward A. Sprague ‘50 Samuel N. Stokes ‘58 Bradford P. ‘54 & Diane Straus Jan C. ter Weele ‘53 *Charles C. Townsend, Jr. ‘45 Lewis Turner, Jr. ‘66 Joseph H. Twichell ‘67 *Mrs. Louise M. Warner David J. Watkins ‘62 *William F. Whitehouse, Jr. ‘34 Robert T. Whitman ‘65 Robert J. Yudell ‘65

The following individuals remembered Pomfret School in their estate plans and their generosity continues to provide valuable support for Pomfret. Anonymous (4) Hugh W. ‘42 & Anne M. Adams Mr. Loring M. Bailey David S. Baker, Jr. ‘34 John H. Bartlett II ‘47 Anson M. Beard ‘28 Charles R. Beattie, Jr. ‘47 Howard S. Bergman ‘56 Richard B. Bulkeley, Jr. ‘30 George R. Bunker ‘42 Mrs. Delia Cheek Donald M. Chisholm ‘20 Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Mrs. Denise W. Clarke S. Prescott B. Clement ‘40 Mrs. Harmony Twichell Clement Henry M. Colvin ‘37 Mr. Richard F. Cooper William H. Coverdale, Jr. ‘29 Edward S. Davis,’49 Mrs. Anne Dielhenn Richard L. English ‘54 Francis C. Farwell II ‘40 Bennett L. Fisher ‘60 Ralph T. Gerstle ‘44

Barclay F. Gordon ‘52 Henry S. Grant ‘55 Mr. Charles Gulden Eric R. Hansen ‘37 Mrs. Marjorie Work Hard Stephen B. Hard ‘34 Henry F. Harris ‘47 Mrs. Alison P. Henning Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Herman William Heyburn II ‘43 Dwight A. Horne ‘29 Mrs. Elinor D. Johnston Mr. Waldo C. M. Johnston Charles King, Jr. ‘38 Howard S. Kniffin ‘26 John T. Lawrence ‘40 P. Blair Lee ‘14 Ms. Cynthia C. Lefferts Mr. Halleck Lefferts John W. Livermore ‘23 Louis L. Lorillard ‘39 James L. Lowery, Jr. ‘50 Barton L. Mallory, Jr. ‘24 Mr. Wendell D. Mansfield, Honorary ‘48 Robert K. Massey, Jr. ‘59 Buckingham P. Merriman ‘06 Peter M. Moffitt ‘44 Benjamin B. Morgan ‘53 George M. Mott ‘31 Mrs. Louise M. Olmsted

John C. Parsons ‘18 Paul F. Perkins, Jr. ‘41 Mrs. Frederick J. Platt, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Potter Junius L. Powell, Jr. ‘43 David S. Proctor ‘45 Waldron W. Proctor ‘40 William R. Proctor, Jr. ‘39 Frederick C. Pullman ‘45 Richard H. Randall, Jr. ‘44 Mrs. Esther Roberts Barclay Robinson, Jr. ‘52 Benjamin M. Rowland ‘61 Mrs. Rosalie Seely-Brown Cheston Simmons, Jr. ‘47 Mrs. Phyllis M. Smith Thomas D. Soutter ‘51 L. Prather Stack, Jr. ‘39 Richard S. Storrs, Jr. ‘56 Henry ‘41 & Malan S. Strong John I. Tappen ‘47 Mrs. Nancy O. Thayer Bogart Fenn Thompson ‘35 Charles C. Townsend ‘20 Mr. David C. Twichell, Honorary ‘62, P ‘67 Mrs. Barbara R. H. Ullyot Jeffrey P. Walker ‘40 Thomas Wallace ‘34 Charles A. Willard ‘62

* Indicates deceased



GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Gordon Wasley Austin ‘74 Jose A. Ramos ‘74 Mrs. Mary Beall Mr. & Mrs. William S. Peebles IV Mrs. Judy M. Brush Anonymous Susannah P. Miragliuolo ‘00 Kristen J. Vincent ‘00 Jared R. Vincent ‘01 Roger L. Bull ‘46 Chester Bowles, Jr. ‘46 Mr. Richard M. Burdick Mrs. Jean E. Burdick Mrs. Kathleen M. Burdick-LaChance & Mr. Raymond A. LaChance Ms. Lynn E. Burdick William B. Cargill ‘74 Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mrs. Barbara M. Caspersen Samuel M. W. Caspersen ‘91 & Dr. Shannon G. Caspersen Jeremy B. Clark ‘63 Mrs. Kathryn Davies Clark

Sydney P. Clark, Jr. ‘47 Ms. Margaret Bekeny Ms. Lois M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. John Hall Mr. & Mrs. George H. McLaughlin II Ms. Joan Shaver Ms. Joan J. Stone Ms. Bertha Tiano Ms. Elizabeth R. Tiano Ms. Roxanne Turekian Ms. Carol A. Ursini Mr. Charles D. Cole, Honorary ‘56 Mr. Charles C. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Beall ‘79 Peter R. Borden ‘57 Lawrence J. Braman ‘61 Ms. Rebecca Brooks Dr. David A. Brush Ms. Alexandra Burch Elizabeth D. Burch ‘04 Mr. J. Christopher Burch Ms. Louisa Burch Susan Cole Campbell ‘71 & Mr. John C.E. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Cole, Jr. ‘75 Mr. Christopher Cole Miss Mirabelle Cole Miss Sophie Cole Mr. Walker Cole

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cole ‘81 Rev. J. Kathryn Costas Anne Ramsey Cutler ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doyle Mrs. Barbara Fargo Andrew W. Faulkner ‘80 Robert H. Fay ‘90 Mrs. Katharine B. Garfield Mr. Eugene E. Gill Mrs. Jane C. Graves Wheeler Simmons Griffith ‘97 Mrs. Mary Jean S. Gulden Michael W. Hard ‘55 Mrs. Stephanie Hartka-Miesmer Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Hastings ‘68 Barbara Van Haagen Herbert ‘76 William K. Hoag ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Huss ‘55 John N. Huss ‘94 Robert S. Huss ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit M. Keator Matthew M. Keator ‘84 Samuel K. Keator ‘89 William C. Keator ‘82 Mrs. Monique Kosar Alexandra B. Levit Kovacevich ‘92 B. Lee Mallory III ‘57 Mr. J. William Mees Ms. Lily Miesmer

Lindsey Cole Miesmer ‘72 & Mr. Charles R. Miesmer Mr. Sam Miesmer Mr. William Miesmer ◊Mr. & Mrs. Judson H. R. Morris ‘52 Thomas W. S. Nichols ‘57 William G. Norwich ‘72 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara Ridley Pearson ‘71 Mrs. Jane Pratt Charles W. Reyburn ‘73 E. Brooks Robbins ‘55 William B. Russell, Jr. ‘84 Mark Simon ‘64 *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sloat Timothy Y. Smith ‘70 Peter Smoluchowski ‘70 Foye F. Staniford ‘49 Bradford P. Straus ‘54 Toby Kamen Taylor ‘79 Hunter M. Temple ‘53 Samuel O. Tilton ‘62 Eugenie McPherson Trevor ‘84 22Squared Roger van der Horst ‘72 Joan Huberman Walmsley ‘77 Catherine Moriarty Whittier ‘89 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams

* Indicates deceased



Jeffrey D. Corzine ‘02 Mrs. Melissa Perkins Bellanceau, Honorary ’62, ’64 Michael D. Morrison ’02 Mr. R. Duane Daentl Heather Julian ‘85 Carol Ann DeBlois ‘82 Alexander B. Coxe ‘83 Edward B. du Pont ‘52 Mr. E. Bruce Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. English Ben-Ali Haggin ‘52 Charles V. Henry III ‘52 Chester K. Lasell ‘54 Benjamin L. Lubin ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. McCoy Ms. Dorothy L. Meyer Donald W. Nelson ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Reilly Theodore R. Robb ‘52 Bennett L. Fisher ‘60 Henry J. Fisher II ‘72 Mr. Peter J. Fitzpatrick William P. Beirnes ‘12 Alida M. Bernhart ‘12 Elizabeth A. Bohan ‘12 Zachary L. Bonavita ‘12 William D. Dana II ‘12 Katrina W. Goddard ‘12 Caroline N. Hayssen ‘12 Sabrina M. Kortland ‘12 John H. Landenberger ‘12 Moira M. MacArthur ‘12

Oliver C. Nihan ‘12 Julia S. Oswald ‘12 Georgia W. Paige ‘12 Sorrel M. Perka ‘12 Cole R. Spivak ‘12 Charles J. Wheatley ‘12 B. Eve Geissinger ’72 Kathryn E. Geissinger ‘76 Kress A. Goldstein ‘13 Noah Grimeh ‘16 Hamilton G. Morley ‘11 Peter W. Reimer ‘13

Bryan Kirkpatrick ‘68 William H. Hayes ‘67

Richard Osborne ‘38 Rosemary E. Osborne ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Lazarus Joel T. Lazarus ‘60

Paul F. Perkins, Jr. ‘41 Edward K. McCagg II ‘53 Mrs. Nancy W. McKelvy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Moseley III Roswell B. Perkins ‘43 Mrs. Mary L. Ryus Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Anne & Kelly Lorms Holly A. Lorms ‘07 Mr. Douglas O. McClure Stephen T. Dexter ‘61

Mrs. Winnifred McDonough Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gilman D. Blake III Zachary P. Gottfried ‘98 Ms. Audrey Brenya Sarah Welch Smith ‘98 Chubb Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cotter ‘65 John H. Gulden ‘64 Keevily Spero Whitelaw Insurance Charles E. Potts II ‘64 Services, Inc. Mrs. Maureen A. Leddy Michael I. Gulden ‘57 Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc. Mrs. Mary Jean S. Gulden Mr. & Mrs. George J. Malouf Anthony S. Hoyt ‘56 Masters Coverage Corporation Frieda L. Max, D.M.D. Christopher L. Hardin ‘99 ◊Ms. Flor Pfannschmid Timothy W. Calabrese ‘99 ◊Mr. Kurt Rebori The Riordan Group LLC Joseph C. & Anne Wood Harsch ◊Mr. James Shand Paul A. Harsch III ‘64 Summit Coverages LTD The Winston School Alfred Jaretzki IV ‘64 York International Agency LLC McKim N. Barnes ‘64 Benjamin B. Morgan ‘53 Mrs. Carolyn A. Jones William R. Gerdsen ‘89 Mrs. Joanne A. McMenemy William G. Heckendorf ‘02

Henry L. Petty ‘61 Terry B. Dick IV ‘61 Dr. Laura Reid Louis Cossutta ‘72 Andrew L. Riker III ‘46 Chester Bowles, Jr. ‘46 Joseph Robichaud ’15 Ross Ackeifi ‘15 Abdulla A. Alharmoodi ‘15 Anonymous Gabriella M. Araya ‘15 Jeffrey T. Austin ‘15 Elisabeth Q. R. Bartkus ‘15 Matthew J. Bonavita ‘15 Bailey Mae Bone ‘15 Eric R. Boyda ‘14 Jonathan G. Bray ‘15 Colby S. Breault ‘15 Ian C. P. Buckley ‘15 Nicholas R. Burdick-Chapel ‘15 Abigail W. Byrnes ‘15 Brandon J. Caffrey ‘15



Joseph Robichaud ’15 (Continued) Emanuel H. Calmar ‘15 Jake E. Canepari ‘15 Alexander S. Chase ‘15 Daniel W. Chung ‘15 Sophia H. Clarke ‘15 Matthew H. Clayton ‘15 James M. Collins ‘15 William S. Collins ‘15 Kailey A. Cox ‘15 Taylor H. Crompton ‘15 Chelsea E. Cutler ‘15 Rider A. Daily ‘15 Nicole L. Derosier ‘15 Carl M. Ellerkamp ‘15 Alexandra R. Finley ‘15 India B. Finley ‘15 Devin M. Frisby ‘15 It Fufuengsin ‘15 Nickolas F. Fulchino ‘15 Austin R. Galusza ‘15 Joshua W. Genovese ‘15 Cameron M. Giles ‘15 Rachel K. Godfrey ‘15 Abbey M. Haggerty ‘15 Sarah L. Hatfield ‘15 Edwin P. Hollingsworth ‘15 JoonKi Hong ‘16 Abigail K. Horst ‘15 Emily Hupalo ‘15 Evan Jaccodine ‘15

Christopher W. Jackson ‘15 Henry J. Karmen-Tuohy ‘15 Christopher R. Kattak ‘15 Grace Keenan ‘15 Amanda C. Kewer ‘15 Rohan Khatu ‘15 Mohammad Labadi ‘16 Genevieve O. LaBeef ‘15 Cherie E. Langlois ‘15 Lawand D. Lateef ‘15 Seungwoo Lee ‘15 Joshua S. Liebhaber ‘15 Jeremiah J. Lim ‘15 Wil J. Loughborough ‘15 Andres E. Mannil Paolini ‘15 Cameron J. McGuire ‘15 William L. McNabola ‘15 Thomas Meggs ‘16 Mary-Louise A. Mellon ‘15 Melanie J. Murphy ‘15 Makenna N. Newkirk ‘15 Weston J. Nolan ‘15 Timothy O. Offei-Addo ‘15 Keith C. O’Hara ‘15 Obim Okeke ‘15 Shawn O’Loughlin ‘15 Pelumi S. Onabanjo ‘15 Matthew F. Ouellet ‘15 Matthew G. Parent ‘16 Poojan P. Patel ‘15 Pavel S. Pylaev ‘15 Christopher J. Rackey ‘15 Victoria W. Read ‘15 Lucy D. Richards ‘15

Harrison D. Robinson ‘15 John P. Ross ‘15 Molly M. Schroder ‘15 Nana A. Sekyere ‘15 Connor J. Shea ‘15 Anneka C. Sheppard ‘15 Darren I. Singh-Estrada ‘15 Samuel F. Skinner ‘16 Kyra N. Smith ‘15 Joshua Solomon ‘15 Summer Staff ‘15 Edward J. Staten ‘15 Joseph J. Staten ‘15 John C. Sullivan ‘15 Peter S. Tallas ‘15 Kant Tantasathien ‘15 Carlin D. Testa ‘15 Lizardo J. Vargas Pacheco ‘15 Dorian D. M. Weekes ‘15 Zackery D. Weimer ‘15 John Weston ‘15 Thomas D. Wheatley ‘15 Caitlin G. Wood ‘15 Ekin S. Yazici ‘16 Xinwen Zhang ‘15 Yihe Zhang ‘15

Mr. Matthew R. Simmons Wheeler Simmons Griffith ‘97

Mrs. Gladys Mauney Robinson Dr. Toye Moses & Ms. Alma Robinson

Douglas Woodruff ‘77 Stephen Woodruff ‘77

Zak S. Schwartzapfel ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rothfeld Hamilton G. Morley ‘11 Emily T. Scott ‘10 Hayden M. Clarkin ‘13



Cameron D. Stebbins ‘95 Andrew F. Sloat ’95 Emerson L. Stone ‘45 Mrs. Louisa H. Stone Charles H. Storrow ‘44 Mrs. Katharine B. Garfield David C. Twichell, Honorary ‘62 Joseph H. Twichell ‘67 Mrs. Louise M. Warner David B. Warner ‘72 John S. Williams, Jr. ‘46 Chester Bowles, Jr. ‘46 Christopher J. Wolfe ‘83 Jane S. Speyer ‘83 Patrick D. Wood ‘01 Alexandra Sweet Sciambi ‘01



GIFTS IN HONOR OF Mr. Ntiamoa Adarkwa George R. Enelow ‘17 Dale E. Miller, Jr. ‘17 Mikael Toikka II ‘17 Mr. John Becker Amanda M. Lim ‘17 Jiaman Peng ‘17 Rachel M. Wikman ‘17 Richard A. Bensen ‘70 Ms. Madeleine Bensen Mr. David T. Brewster, Jr. Thomas G. Bergendahl ‘20 Dr. John Bergendahl & Dr. Kimberly Bergendahl Oliver C. W. Blodgett ‘04 Michael G. Dio ‘04 Bailey Mae Bone ‘15 Melanie Bone, M.D. Mr. Patrick Boyd Dylan M. Clarkin ‘16 Hugh P. Wackerman ‘16 Ms. Rebecca Brooks Sydney Fisher ‘17



Dr. David A. Brush Ms. Cynthia K. Antos Michaela R. Brown-Jones ‘99 Amy Salerno DeGruchy ‘79 Mary-McLean Jones ‘80 Mrs. Lindsay Lehmann Mr. Doug MacLeod Hassan Makiya ‘16 Alexander R. McLean ‘83 Bradley R. Painter ‘79 Samantha A. Slotnick ‘10 Ken Takeyama ‘98

Kenyon W. Clark ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones

Mr. Steven A. Davis Fayoni K. Olusesi ‘17

Class of 2017 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett Mr. Jack Speranza

Mr. Richard Dempsey Dylan M. Clarkin ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maxwell

Christopher M. Cleary ‘17 Ms. Tracey M. Elliott

Mr. Arthur C. Diaz ‘78 Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Meghan J. MacArthur ‘14

Mr. Keith Buehler Michael S. Belden ‘16

Mr. Adolphus B. Clinton II ‘92 Lauren E. Ferraiuolo ‘16 Sydney Fisher ‘17 Ava M. Pawlowski ‘17

Elizabeth D. Burch ‘04 Mr. J. Christopher Burch Mr. Patrick Burke Olivia K. Kremer ‘17 Alex S. Cech ‘17 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cech Mr. & Mrs. S. Buford Scott Dr. Sarah A. Chase Emma L. Clark-Christie ‘17 Mr. Thomas S. Chase Shu Liao ‘17

Robert B. Cleary III ‘14 Ms. Tracey M. Elliott

The Charles D. Cole Family Frank L. Miller IV ‘70

Ms. Katherine M. Duglin ‘01 Mallory C. McArdle ‘17 Mr. J. Roderick Eaton Kailey A. Cox ’15 Mr. & Mrs. John D. MacVarish IV Christopher D. Soutter ‘17 William F. Wong ‘14

Katharine B. Cowperthwait ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones

Mr. Marshall L. Eaton ‘70 Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Hugh Whitman, Jr. ‘70

Mr. Bradley C. Davis Henry D. Enelow ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Mosher

Mrs. Virginia Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Davis Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06

Mrs. Deborah L. Davis Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Jesse Martinez ‘16 Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Mosher

Sydney Fisher ‘17 Anonymous

Brian M. Flynn ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Ms. Jillian Forgue Khia G. Beeles ‘17 Alexander Kravtsov ‘17 Gregory B. Rice ‘17 Julie W. Sullivan ‘17 Jungmi Yoon ‘17

Mr. Bradford Hastings ‘68 Edward G. Liggett ‘12 Mr. Geoffrey L. Liggett

Mr. Jean-Paul Jacquet Chelsea Weiss Baum ‘03 Shu Liao ‘17

Amy Smith Hernandez Gamboa ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith

Ms. Nina Joly Polina Lipskaya ‘17

Abigail K. Horst ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horst

Mrs. Louisa G. Jones Samuel A. Appleton ‘02 Michelle Gilmore Castiglione ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Gingras Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hunnewell Polina Lipskaya ‘17 Ms. Mary A. Roickle & Ms. Martha Carter

Mr. Michael Fura Jungmi Yoon ‘17

Alison E. Horst ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Horst

Ms. Shanique Garcia Lauren C. Allen ‘16 Michelle A. Nivar ‘16

Mr. Arthur M. Horst Elisabeth M. Clagett ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maxwell

Julia O. Gengras ‘18 Mr. & Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras, Jr.

Mrs. Martha Horst Rebecca A. Bullied ‘17 Jessica Hua ‘17 Alexander Kravtsov ‘17 Minkeun Song ‘17 Julie W. Sullivan ‘17

Mr. Brian Geyer James E. Pinkham ‘06 Mr. Matthew Goethals Jonathan G. Beniers ‘17 Brandon W. Mitchell ‘17 Christopher W. Wright ‘17 Lide Banks Goodwin ‘92 Mrs. Mary Sibley M. Banks Kevin T. Griffin ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Griffin Meredith Graham Hanson ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Graham

Dr. Charles Houmard Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Benjamin D. Huckaby ‘19 Ms. Ellena Huckaby & Ms. Diane Wolfe Ms. Georgianna Hunt Jiaman Peng ‘17 Julian U. Igwebuike ‘20 Mr. Emmanuel Onwuzuligbo & Ms. Nkechi Onwudinjo

Henry J. Karmen-Tuohy ‘15 Ms. Abbe Karmen Justin P. Klein ‘65 Ms. Jane Greenspan Mr. & Mrs. Joel Silver Julia G. Klok ‘20 Ms. Allison S. Murray The Kremer Family Kenneth L. Colombe ‘16 Mr. Joseph E. Kremer Vincent Conn ‘16 John P. Long ‘16 Mohammad Labadi ‘16 Jacob M. Scanlon ‘16

Mrs. Olinda A. LaBeef Margaret L. Calvert ‘17 Kailey E. Castle ‘17 Fan Qian Meng ‘17 Bristol M. Shields ‘17 Abigail R. Trivella ‘17 Rachel M. Wikman ‘17 Sera N. Yanik ‘16 Mrs. Tammie L. LaBonte Ms. Tina Lefevre Mr. Joshua Lake Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gentile, Jr. Mr. Chip G. Lamb Charlotte R. Apuzzo ‘16 Madeleine R. Hutchins ‘14 Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Amanda M. Lim ‘17 Julie W. Sullivan ‘17 Annie L. Vance ‘16 William F. Wong ‘14 Mrs. Lindsay Shaw Lehmann Ava M. Pawlowski ‘17 Hannah P. Leo ‘11 Hallie L. Leo ‘14 Mr. William T. Martin Yuxin Lan ‘17 Shu Liao ‘17 Jiaman Peng ‘17



Owen C. McDevitt ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McDevitt Garrett J. McMerriman ‘19 Mr. & Mrs. James E. McMerriman Martha E. Mead ‘14 Dr. Douglas A. Cotanche Mr. Hagop M. Merjian, Honorary ‘75 James D. Seymour ‘65 Mr. Joseph K. Milnor, Honorary ‘73 Mrs. Tammie L. LaBonte Felice D. Mueller ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Taylor Ms. P. A. Mulcahy David W. Samberg ‘16 Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara Brittany A. Cameron ‘16

Pomfret School Faculty & Staff Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Dempsey Pomfret School Griffins Mr. & Mrs. Toby E. Metcalf ‘89 Mr. James M. Rees Dylan M. Clarkin ‘16 Hadley R. P. W. Rosen ‘97 Mr. Brian Rice Shawn P. McCloud ‘07 Gregory B. Rice ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Butler Mrs. Anne K. Richards Margaret L. Calvert ‘17 Bristol M. Shields ‘17

Mr. Gregory A. Osborne Matthew W. Kenyon ‘16 Brandon W. Mitchell ‘17

Lucy D. Richards ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Richards

Katherine A. Peverada ‘10 Elyse E. Taylor ‘10

Mr. Matthew J. Rodman Kunath Vorasadhit ‘17

Mr. S. Mitchell Pinkowski Edward G. Liggett ‘12

Mrs. Quinn Brueggemann Rose Elisabeth M. Berard ‘16 Kathleen A. LeFebre ‘17

Pomfret School Mrs. Nancy W. McKelvy


Pomfret School Boys & Girls Ice Hockey Caroline Dunn-Packer ‘16 Kaitlin L. Zeek ‘07


Deja C. Ross ‘17 Mrs. Michelle Ross

Mr. Gregory Rossolimo Shu Liao ‘17 Sophie P. Nick ‘17 Ms. Katherine Rossolimo Jacob A. Ruzecki ‘16 Jared R. Taintor ‘16 Mr. Wallace H. Rowe IV Melissa S. Browne ‘17 Caroline Dunn-Packer ‘16 Malcom B. Gewirz ‘17 Brent E. Kahuda ‘99 Shawn P. McCloud ‘07 Matthew I. Scanlan ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sheehan & Family Shawn P. McCloud ‘07 Mrs. Kathryn O. Sheehan Hailey M. Coudert-Morris ‘17

Samantha A. Slotnick ‘10 Sophie P. Nick ‘17 Brittany A. Zulkiewicz ‘10 Mr. Marcus B. Smith Harold R. Khoo ‘17 Guilherme V. D. M. Missaka ‘17 Tucker A. Powell ‘17 Colton B. Saunders ‘17 Charles L. Shehan ‘17 Mikael Toikka II ‘17 Thomas C. Wickham II ‘17 Rebecca Smith Sosik ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith Christopher D. Soutter ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Soutter MacLean Pilsbury Spadaccini ‘03 Dr. & Mrs. M John T. Fallon III

Emily Sherr ‘20 Mr. & Mrs. David N. Sherr

Nicholas G. Speranza ‘17 Mr. Jack Speranza Mrs. Margaret Speranza

The Simeone Family Peter A. Simeone ‘17

Elyse E. Taylor ‘10 Katherine A. Peverada ‘10

Mrs. Caroline F. Sloat Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06

Mr. Matt Taylor Jiaman Peng ‘17

*Mr. Robert E. Sloat Gregory E. Jones, Jr. ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Chip G. Lamb Christopher S. Renkert ‘84

Dr. Bridget H. Tsemo Rebecca A. Bullied ‘17 Emma L. Clark-Christie ‘17

Kelsanah A. Wade ‘09 Ms. Susanah E. Wade Cathy & Andy Washburn Elizabeth H. Repetto ‘89 Zackery D. Weimer ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Massey Ms. Katie Wells Hayden Garrett ‘17 Jiaman Peng ‘17 Madeleine J. West ‘15 Jungmi Yoon ‘17 Holly N. Williams ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Williams Jordan L. Winer ‘18 Mrs. Kerry Winer Ms. Melissa Wyse Fan Qian Meng ‘17 Ms. Becky Zavisza Meghan J. MacArthur ‘14 Kelli K. Mackey ‘14

IN KIND GIFTS James C. Baker ‘82 Andre B. Burgess ‘75 Peter H. Castle ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clagett Edmund A. DeNapoli ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Diaz ‘78 Christina Galanti Dickson ‘02 & Mr. Timothy R. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Eaton ‘70 Kenneth Elmore ‘81 Richard J. Fates ‘63 Jo Anna Galanti Fellon ‘02 & Mr. Brian Fellon Monique Lowery Foster ‘80 Paul D. Fowler ‘64 Vincent E. Gallagher ‘87 Richard O. Gildersleeve ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Hatfield Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Kramarz Jaimie Leonoff ‘11 Micaela J. Long ‘06

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Long Johanna M. Moffitt ‘82 Mr. Keith O’Hara & Ms. Dena Cocozza O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Olmsted ‘59 Bradley R. Painter ‘79 Henry R. Palmer III ‘71 Ridley Pearson ‘71 Mrs. Sarah Reineman Robert Mullarkey ‘79 & Ms. Nina Ritter Stephanie J. Schuetz ‘00 Daniel J. Thompson III ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Toulmin Sarah Vaillancourt ‘04 Mrs. Katherine S. White Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Wolcott III Mr. Robert Wood & Ms. Marie Rimer Eugene V. York ‘68


398 Pomfret Street PO Box 128 Pomfret, CT 06258- 0128 www.pomfret.org



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