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29 1.2 Vein: Life Community

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41 1.3 Concealment

41 1.3 Concealment

1.2 Vein: Life Community

Future Urban Design of Qiushui Lake, Yilong


Teamwork Project Role in Project: Data Analysis, Paramatical Design, Sturctural Design, Digital Modeling and Diagram Drawing Instructor: Chibiao Hao October 2017

With the developing od scale and required function, the defects of traditional way in designing modern city become more obvious as well as serious. This project is aim at finding a new method about organizing urban spatial order based on natural landscape such as Karst landform in Guizhou, China. The research of the design methodology might provide designer a sustainable development method for residents and governments.

Yilong new district is a national new area with high hopes from government, and it is also a special site with extremely complicated geographical and culture environment. Based on its distinctive humanistic features and reflections on contemporary urban design, the main task of this project is to explore and summary the possibility of future urban how to express the local culture by form.

The special landform and villages' texture of Yilong are the sources our concept. The dense river system as well as characteristic landform are the basics of generating urban space. And the new spatial order will connect people with landscape and the city in an organic way, which is similar to vein. Simultaneously, is also embodies the traditional culture influence, which allow the new space approaches local lifestyle. The new city will become a "live" city.


The site is in Yilong Experimental Area, where is famous for Karst landform. On the site, the height difference is 83.1 meters, low-lying district is in the south.

Flood Level

Based on the DEM, divided the flood level into two parts: normal level and partial flooding. When the flood line is over 25 meters, south and east district would be submerged.


Based on the landform, simulated the catchment lines of the site. According to the diagram, we can find that the catchment zones are distributed on the site averagely.


Most districts of the site area flat. The districts near the rivers and Quishui Lake are flatter than others. Especially in the northeast area, the slop is the steepest on the site.

Research of Villages' Spatial Patterns

Based on the design site, divide it into three different scales and research how original dwellings are organized in this different scale. The three main spatial sequence are family, community and county. Extract the activities and the spatial linkage between different scale. The three originally spatial types are enclosure, parallel and linear.

Grid Generation

Initially, divide the design site into regular triangle grids. By controlling of parameters, the triangle cells will adapt to the site's context.


One revetment cell will be divided into seven regular hexagon cells, these cells are the based unit of wetland landscape.

Road Network

The road network system includes three parts: traffic system, walkway system and landscape system. The system scale is decrease stepwise.

Grid Rebuild

Because the hexagon cells are similar to the villages' spatial forms, combining six triangle cells into one hexagon cell for building planning.

Main Road System

Another group of cells are controlled by route. Based on the demand, the cells will be scaled in different level.

Building System

Based on different function, buildings are divided into different groups: dwellings group and commercial building group.

Ecological Reserve Area

Divided the cells close to river into two parts: revetment group and landscape group. Ecological reserve area is planned based on this.


According to the distant between hexagon cells' centres and route system, the cells will be scaled into three different level.

Future Urban

Route system and building system combine with each other become one system. A prototype of future urban is generated.

Topography Parameteric Design Method

The traditional method to plan dwellings in Yilong area are usually based on the topography. Thus, the new method to design urban is also following the same principle. The diagrams illustrate the parameteric design method and how different parameters will influence the final result.

Urban Functional Planning

According to the topography of the design site as well as hydrology, dividing the demand function into different part. The whole area is divided into three parts: living area, ecological reserve area and landscape area. The flattest area is for living area, where playground and farm is planned for residents' daily activities. Hill area design as landscape area, where paths for walking are constructed. In the area that is inappropriate for construction is designed as ecological reserve area.

Urban Functional Planning

According to the topography of the design site as well as hydrology, dividing the demand function into different part. The whole area is divided into three parts: living area, ecological reserve area and landscape area. The flattest area is for living area, where playground and farm is planned for residents' daily activities. Hill area design as landscape area, where paths for walking are constructed. In the area that is inappropriate for construction is designed as ecological reserve area.

Local Climate

The climate of Yilong is mild all over the year. However, the relative humidity is in a high level, all year round is wet. The high humidity as well as cloudy will let the ground acquire less direct normal radiation.

Residents' Life Style

The research of residents' lifestyle includes two parts: activities and timeline. Understanding the necessary space demand for daily activities of dwelling by analysing the residents’ lifestyles of different generations. The proportion for different function area of the dwelling is generated based on the analysis result.

Dwelling Plans

In order to prevent the high humidity, decrease the indoor comfortable level, the building is built on stilts, and the basement is used for cattle breeding. The third floor is used for drying food, which is one of the local traditional customs.

Summer Passive Strategy

The cooling south wind will bring away the hot air inside the house, which could lower the indoor temperature effectively. Rain storeroom will collect rain, which can recycle the water.

Winter Passive Strategy

Warm sunshine will heat the indoor space of the building, which could reduce the usage of energy for room heating. Cold and dry north wind will be obstructed by clay wall.


Steel is a part of the foundation for strengthen the building.


Concrete wall is waterproof structure for the rain storage room.

Double glazing

Double glazing is soundproof and could keep warm in winter.


The quality of local log is good enough that could be used directly.


The chipboard is produced by using local wood resource.


Main plant of local ecosystem, it’s used in different ways.


The cultural symbolize of local building, which is productive locally.


Using traditional way to build clay wall, which could reduce the cost.

Structure and Materials

The whole dwelling is built by locally traditional construction technique as well as local resources, which could decrease the cost and energy consumption as much as possible.

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