Personal Development Plan Dounia Bourjila S092488 B2.1
First, visit my recent showcase to read about my vision and identity: Showcase B1.2
Flashback on B1.1 and B1.2 In short - About me - Goals for this semester
= ID week = Assignments = Project
Flashback on B1.1 & B1.2 All activities
DG607+ DG401
DG502 + DG220
DG300+ DG104 DPJ16
September 2009
July 2010
B1.1 (activities) DPG15 Birth Box (Health Care) DG000 Introducing competency centered learning DG607 Materials in Design DG401 Trends cockpit
B1.2 DPJ16 Make The Robot Move Me (Robotics & Social Humanoids) DG502 NPD Modeling: Medical Systems DG220 Introducing Electronics DG300 UFP Basics DG104 Panamarenko
My first project focused on Ideas & Concepts and had therefore no specifications of what knowledge will be needed. That’s why I chose assignments based on what interested me the most and not on which will support my project.
I chose Electronics for theoretical support since my project focuses a lot on Integrating Technology. DG502 and DG300 were compulsory. And to end this year open-minded, I chose Panamarenko.
Flashback first year I planned my first year in a way that I would experience the most competency area’s by choosing projects that include a variety of them, but also with a focus on one important competency area. I did this for myself so I get to know the different fields and competencies better in practice. In B1.1 I picked a project that interested me and that I wanted to try out. In B1.2 I analyzed my progress and wanted to ‘fill gaps’ in my competency development by doing a project that will fill them. At the end of B1.2 I reached awareness in almost every competency area (according to my reflections, and the assessor and coaches judgments). This gives me the space to plan the second year with finding my field of interest by trying out projects, in order to develop my vision further so I can set more precise goals for the third year. I chose assignments that were ‘parallel’ to the project, in order to give me support and more knowledge about a certain subject.
Flashback on B1.1 & B1.2
Most important learning points General Thanks to the conceptual project I did in B1.1 I learned to deal with freedom, selecting ideas, and planning my time. It was quite hard sometimes, because of the fact that there was little guidance, it took me a long time to learn from my mistakes. My B1.2 project was the opposite of the previous one; very strict, clear and bounded. Just what I needed to set more direction in to know what I want, and especially to learn how to process everything I learned. From these two projects, this one contributed the most to my growth. Skills, knowledge and experience I made a start with designprograms such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash (CS4) in which I have developed the last one the best. I learned to work with Arduino, and to program it. I have a base in electronics (theoretically and in practice). For knowledge and experience, everything is explained in my recent showcase.
Personal In B1.2 I started focusing more in my teamwork and communication. B1.1 was mostly focused on the result of the project and understanding competency centered learning. I learned a lot about myself, and translated that immediately to a change of behavior during teamwork and personal work. I had difficulties with my energy and perfectionism, I was very enthusiastic and energetic, but also unfocused and impatient. I know now that I have to train my perseverance in order to finish things I start, and to allow myself to make mistakes. For my teamwork I delegated a little bit more during the last project which worked out quite well for our teamwork.
Flashback on B1.1 & B1.2
Showcase - Design process After viewing my two showcases of last semester, I realized that I visualize a lot. I have maps and images of everything in my head. When I start making a showcase, the first thing I do is drawing and structuring the whole educational system from my view, and filling it with everything I did within it. It’s too bad that when these ‘maps’ are realized, they do not always turn out to be the same as I was imagining, so the message doesn’t always get clear for an outsider (as in my last showcase B1.2).
Showcase B1.1 Showcase B1.2
Something I still can’t figure out is what my exact style is in my showcase. I have a specific taste in many other things, and people can see that. But I feel it still doesn’t really come forward in my showcase. My showcases were very personal though according to assessors and coaches. That might be true, but what I see till now is that it is very playful, simple and symbolic. Maybe because my thinking is very complicated and all wrangled, I find rest in presenting things as simple as possible?
Feedback My first showcase will be used as example for other students according to Henri in ‘t Groen. And from my second one, the structure on my vision was found very interesting by my assessor. It was also very personal and well visualized, but somehow the structure had become a little bit vague. One thing is sure: I will continue drawing maps and visualize complexity during the showcase building process, because that’s the only way I can measure my growth.
Flashback on B1.1 & B1.2
Me –in short
3 good things about me
3 negative things
- Inspiring (to others) - Visualizing (drawing) - Open-minded
- Don’t have enough patience - Sometimes too much of a perfectionist - Building prototypes (only mechanical part)
My current state ID week
My top three of project choices: 1. ID’X Dutch Design Week (Realities) 2. Designing baby manikin (Health Care) 3. Shoafrtd (Wearable Senses) Since I’m exploring now my field of interest, I adjusted the chosen projects on what I think that attracts me:
First choice I have always enjoyed arranging spaces and putting stuff in order. Especially in first project, I had the most fun in setting up our stand for the exhibition and thinking of a way to let the visitors experience our prototype instead of just looking at it. We succeeded in giving the visitor a nice experience, but sometimes with a wrong idea of our project (The stand contained maybe too much context). Second Before I chose to study Industrial Design, I wanted to study Dentistry but I wasn’t admitted. The medical world had always fascinated me, therefore I want to explore that field to see whether Design & Medica is something for me.
Goals for B2.1 1. Finding my field of interest (see above) I’m not focusing on developing certain competency areas in the first semester of the year. I’m starting with a new scoreboard, and I want to measure my improvement begin new semester. 2. Working with a client I chose projects with clients, because I want to learn how to work within their demands, and how to communicate and present your product to them. 3. Prototyping Last year I had difficulties with building and making prototypes. The electronics part was no problem for me, but the mechanical was. I still don’t have enough skill to build a reliable prototype or an example to show. Therefore I hope I can find assignments or workshops in Vertigo (learn machines), or something like cardboard modeling. 4. Drawing (professional) One of my hobbies is drawing. But I draw natural things and face portraits, not products. I want to improve my 3D drawing skills, and perspective drawings by following assignments. 5. Design programs I made a start last year in Photoshop and Illustrator, but I want to improve those skills. I learn the most from fellowstudents, and just by doing it. And ofcourse I want to develop my other skills better, such as electronics, programming, presenting.
Other ambitions I would like to set these too as a goal, but I don’t think I will have time for them: - Learning Spanish and improving my French to gain a good base in languages - Follow Honors Program to broaden my perspective (Developing my vision)
End of B2.1- Reached goals or not? 1. Finding my field of interest (see above) I liked working on Exhibition Design (project ID’X @ DDW), but I’m not sure whether it is my passion. I enjoyed doing the Design Rides, I worked on it with my heart and soul because the concept was completely my idea. I still want to know whether I will like Medical Design, and I need to do research on internships and different companies.
Still developing..
2. Working with a client ID’X @ DDW and Designrides were both with “clients”, especially Design Rides with Dutch Design Week as client. But I still want to work with other clients that have more specific demands as concepts.
3. Prototyping Design Rides demanded A LOT of technical and mechanical knowledge, so I learned many things. Rapid Prototyping was more theoretical, and the rest did not include Integrating Technology.
4. Drawing (professional) I followed two drawing assignments, which means that I have drawn for one whole semester. I have grown very hard! I can see a clear change in my way of drawing, and it made me even more passionate to do!
5. Design programs I gained awareness and I worked with the next designprograms: Flash Catalyst, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Solidworks. But I still need to learn more, especially modeling programs.
Still developing…
Things done until now
B2.2: New Goals 1. Finding my field of interest (see above) Where lies my passion, and what do I love the most? Until now I have been really interested in the psychological/ interaction part of design, and the aesthetical (form & Senses). But I still can’t name or categorize it. This has also a direct connection with minor research, If I know what I want, I can go straight to it without losing time. But to know what I want, I have to try different things by doing other extra curricular activities for example. 2. Minor (3.1) research Preparation for internship/exchange/minor, I still don’t have a clear image about the possibilities. So I want to make appointments with companies for example, and meanwhile work on my portfolio. 3. Prototyping/ Integrating Technology This part of design is my weakest, I don’t like to do it, and I tend to leave problems aside and search for alternatives. While I actually need to push myself to solve those problems. If I succeed at doing that, attacking my weakest point, than I will feel I have reached my “top”. 4.Business process design I realized each semester I actually don’t develop this competency area very well. I do some activities that have to do with it, but I still don’t know that much about business and design. And I’m actually very curious to go to design companies to see how it goes in practice. The financial and business side is so important in design, so I need to know more about it. 5. Design programs Solidworks (go beyond awareness) Flash CS4 (reach awareness) Photoshop CS4 (go into Depth) Illustrator CS4 (go into Depth) InDesign CS4 (go beyond awareness) Premiere Pro CS4 (awareness)
B2.2 ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Finding my field of interest (see above) I found my interest in experience design, user focus, social cultural awareness , brand awareness within the context of fashion which requires also form & senses in presentations. 2. Minor (3.1) research two things: I would like to do an exchange to develop my prototyping skills. Second thing is to get experience in a big company setting. I chose for the second thing so now I’m contacting fashion companies, where I want to find my place as a Industrial Designer who explores the combination of interaction, technology and fashion. 3. Prototyping/ Integrating Technology I developed this a lot this semester: my open project allowed me to explore by means of small iterations. My assignments also allowed me to translate experiences into small prototypes. I became aware of the fact that I should follow my intuition more during uncertain moments, and to be able to have a focused view in complexity by making choices between relevant and irrelevant things. 4.Business process design The business assignment was interesting, and gave more theoretical awareness. I didn’t win the UPS contest so I couldn’t develop myself more in this competency area. Yet I hope to do in the future a project which requires to deliver a finished concept with product. 5. Design programs Solidworks (not used) Flash CS4 (not used Photoshop CS4 (developed towards depth) Illustrator CS4 (developed a lot towards depth) InDesign CS4 (DEPTH Premiere Pro CS4(not used) I hope to develop all these programs towards depth more.
B3.1: Goals 1. Finish portfolio, develop vision, write minor proposal I have developed my ideas for next year during this semester, but I haven’t ordered them yet. Applying for an internship at a big company requires to be focused and clear about my goals and my expectations of that company. I want to talk to some coaches (with knowledge about the fashion world) to help me developing my vision and getting feedback on my portfolio before applying. 2. Complete designprocess Maybe for my FBP I want to do a project that includes concept development from begin to product, just to develop Business Process Design. Hopefullly I gain knowledge during my internship about the companysettings so I can use that in B3.2 3. Learn more about Experience Design By doing more assignments that help me analyzing and understanding experiences. Hopefully I gain also some experience in an international environment during internship which can also develop my Social Cultural awareness by actual experience. And ofcourse learning to follow my intuition!
June, 2011
B3.1: New Goals 1. Internship What I tried to focus on is an internship which includes international experience (languages), at a big company, which fits my vision and passion (fashion). The one that hired me was the famous denimbrand G-star RAW C.V in Amsterdam, but was cancelled at the last moment. I really liked this company, because they offered me a project which includes experience design in their flagshipstore. It included user focus and perspective, and translating the company’s philosophy into interiors/designs and a lot more.. Other things that I hope to learn or get are extending my network (of people), getting close to the ‘real’ life of a designer, to understand how it is to run a business/designcompany. 2. Develop Business Process Design My main focus is on this competency area, since it is not well developed compared to the other ones. There are two ways of developing it during my internship: - In a big company, to get to know about the overall structure - In a small company, to really get close to all the paperwork/ contact with clients/ taking responsibility etc And as an extra I ordered the book “Business modeling generation”, which I want to read this semester. 2. Social cultural awareness 3. Business process design 4.Teamwork and communication
3. Write a reflection about my internship-search process I have started one year before with preparations, but how come it went wrong at the last minute? 4. Work on the next skills if possible: Adobe premiere pro develop a skill in my field of interest