the world of waterlilies. It was no different for 2020, as we had a diverse group of entries for the competition. The categories were expanded to separate intersubgeneric (ISG) into both Hardy ISG and Tropical ISG. The entries were judged by a diverse Nymphaea ‘Pixie Dust’
Nymphaea ‘Tida Sawana’
Nymphaea ‘Chompu Korakot’
group of professionals, ranging from beginners to experts and from waterlily enthusiasts to commercial growers. The added challenge for NWC 2020 was the COVID-19 outbreak across the world, which caused some interruptions in the delivery of entries to the NWC host growing site, Naples March/April 2021
Botanical Gardens (Florida, USA). But overall, the competition was able to proceed successfully. For the 2020 competition, a total of 21 entries from waterlily hybridizers around the world were grown successfully at Naples Botanical Gardens under the supervision of Aquatic Areas Manager Danny Cox. The NWC 2020 judging panel consisted of the following 16 judges: CuiWei Yu (Zhejiang Humanities Landscape Co Ltd, China) Dave Brigante (Hughes Water Gardens, USA) Gianluca Bonomo (Piante d’Acqua, Italy) Iain MacGregor (Water Garden Life, Australia) James Allison (Aquapic, UK) James Knock (hybridiser, UK) Javier Tarillo Egner (Vivero Acuático Naturalia, Argentina) Joe Summers (Chalily, USA) John Loggins (Lone Star Aquatic Nursery, USA) Julien Baussay (Pepinieres de l’eau – Les filles du vent, France) Larry Nau (Bergen Water Gardens, USA) Richard Gallehawk (Dorset Water Lily Co, UK) Sander Dekker (The Netherlands) Séverine Lyssens-Danneboom (Agua, Belgium) Tim Jennings (Longwood Gardens, USA) Tomas Escribano (Spain) The winners for the IWGS 2020 New Waterlily Competition are:
2020 IWGS Best Overall New Waterlily
Nymphaea ‘Puttaraksa’ by Pairote Thongnum (Thailand)
2020 IWGS Best New Hardy Waterlily
1st Place Nymphaea ‘Puttaraksa’ by Pairote Thongnum (Thailand) 2nd Place Nymphaea ‘Sriwipa’ by Wipawan Sriuram (Thailand)
LOTUS More than 400 varieties, proudly grown, harvested, and packed in the United States.
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To Licensed Vendors Contact Laura Bancroft 334-726-2492
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