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+ Established: October 1989. Celebrating 23 years of publishing history! PUBLISHED FRIDAY 7 JUNE.

ARCH HILL RESIDENTS SAY NO TO BUNNINGS: Is something rotten in the

JUNE 2013 www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

city of Auckland that needs rooting out?

GREY LYNN 2030’s PIPPA COOM: Our local sustainability champion with positive vision and practical action.

69,000 READERS PER MONTH (Nielsen The WorldMedia) Belongs to the Dissatisfied



2 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Above P86: A training session in Western Springs, THE NZ FALCONS, a newly formed gay rugby team , who will be playing for the Bingham Trophy in August next year. Above P127: The clock on the wall of the Grand Mosque Baiturrahman fell down indicating when the earthquake struck Indonesia. Artist ROZANA LEE, who was born in Aceh, lost her mother in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. The artist showed her paintings in the cells at Ponsonby’s Artstation last month.











PONSONBY NEWS+ is published monthly, excluding January by ALCHEMY MEDIA LIMITED, 11/386 RICHMOND ROAD, GREY LYNN POSTAL: P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. www.ponsonbynews.co.nz T: 09 378 8553 or 09 361 3356 Editor/Publisher Associate Publisher & Ad Manager Deputy Editor Operations Manager Contributing Fashion Editor Contributing Editor Contributing Editor Proof Reader Layout Designer Designer


MARTIN LEACH; M: 021 771 147; E: martinleach@xtra.co.nz or martin@ponsonbynews.co.nz JO BARRETT; M: 021 324 510; E: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz JAY PLATT; M: 021 771 146; E: jayplatt@xtra.co.nz or jay@ponsonbynews.co.nz GWYNNE DAVENPORT; M: 021 150 4095; E: ponsonbynews@xtra.co.nz JULIE ROULSTON; M: 027 211 7169; E: julie@ponsonbynews.co.nz DEIRDRE TOHILL; M: 021 261 8439; E: deir42@vodafone.co.nz PRINTED BY JOHN ELLIOTT; M: 021 879 054; E: johnelliott@ihug.co.nz WEBSTAR, AUCKLAND. RICHARD GRAVENOR ISSN 1177-3987 ANYA VERYASKINA; E: pn4anya@gmail.com MELISSA PAYNTER; E: melissapaynter@me.com


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4 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


photography: Martin Leach

photography: Robert Barry


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




PLEASE SEND LETTERS TO info@ponsonbynews.co.nz

STOP FACTORY FARMING I wanted to congratulate you for your campaign in PN to stop factory farming. It’s very distressing indeed and in fact, I haven’t eaten pork for years! I’ve just donated to the WSPA for caged bears in Romania, which is so sad. I read an article in the paper recently about a barrister working for PETA on the same subject – thank goodness there are good people like you out there to let the public know what’s going on! ANNE HOLMAN, by email PROSPERITY AND SUSTAINABILITY GO HAND IN HAND Well done Ponsonby News for calling on Nikki Kaye’s support on animal welfare. I wouldn’t stop there; Nikki’s silence has been deafening while her fellow ministers Gerry Brownlee and Nick Smith (both South Islanders, and we know what South Islanders think about Aucklanders) run rough shod over our elected councillors and attempt to dictate transport and urban development policy on our city. And I wouldn’t stop there, how about this Government’s: anti-environmental policy; withdrawal from Kyoto; scuppering of the Ross Sea marine sanctuary; blindness to the ever widening equality gap; obsession with roads dictated by freighting companies; opposition to public transport and rail; cuts to DOC and weakening of the Resource Management Act; disregard for the democratic process (for example, seven bills are currently being rushed through Parliament under urgency allowing no time for consultation); asset sales, opposition to capital gains tax (and surely Dr Smith knows this is helping destroy the dreams of first home buyers in Auckland, and not our council’s opposition to LA style urban sprawl as this minister disingenuously claims); obsession with growth and immigration; fixation on fossil fuels; delusional belief in environmentally friendly mining; free trade agreements, rather than fair trade; complete lack of vision; and what about charter schools? Hopefully New Zealanders will reach a collective epiphany by election time next year and realise that prosperity and sustainability go hand in hand. Selling New Zealand to the highest bidder is not the New Zealand way. New Zealand is not a corporation and besides, there are other values beside monetary. Just ask Maori (and by that I don’t mean party). We can look forward to being proud to say we are New Zealanders again after October 2014 when the current Government is removed from office. Is that a prediction? No…it’s a prayer. GLENN WHITE, Freemans Bay JOHN ELLIOTT’S SOAP BOX EDITORIALS It may just be me but John Elliot’s last couple of ‘Soapbox’ articles have been uncharacteristically lacking in balance and hard facts. They have also contained unwarranted personal attacks that expose a rather nasty personal bias, which in my opinion pretty much negates any relevancy his views usually hold. It may surprise John that his view on the Unitary Plan is not embraced by everyone and in fact there are some very vociferous bodies of unconvinced people who are already looking at galvanising what is reasonably widespread discontent - to blame this lack of support on the Government or more exactly in John’s case the National Party is disingenuous at best and his cheap shot at Nikki Kaye regarding her inability to attend the launch was petty and unnecessary. Nikki very graciously set him straight but an apology would be appropriate. I think everyone agrees things have to change, and long term objectives and plans agreed upon, but sadly for John this will probably need a fair bit of compromise and the fact that some people may not automatically fall in line with the Len Brown – Labour /Green vision is their democratic right and should be applauded. His outburst on the Crown Minerals Bill is full of largely irrelevant emotive references to people who have no expertise in what is actually intended and his negative view on what the benefits could actually be to the average New Zealander is staggering in its simplistic ignorance of everything involved – in keeping with his previous cheap shot at Nikki Kaye he then attempts to discredit Simon Bridges on the basis of his personal view on marriage equality as if somehow because he has a different view this somehow disqualifies him from being able to perform his job as Energy Minister.

Views in Ponsonby News reflect the author’s, and not those of Alchemy Media.

www.twitter.com/Ponsonby_News LETTER OF THE MONTH

GLRA SAYS NO TO BUNNINGS As an organisation representing affected residents of Grey Lynn and Arch Hill, the Grey Lynn Residents Association supports community objections to the application from Bunnings Limited for resource consent to construct and establish a building improvement centre at 272-302 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. At one of last year’s Auckland Conversations evenings, Auckland Council had a planner from Melbourne as guest speaker outlining how Melbourne had successfully undertaken intensification. The two key points were protecting heritage residential homes and concentrating development along key transport routes. Many anticipated that Auckland Council would follow this lead in its new draft Unitary Plan. Giving consent to the Bunnings’ proposal signals the exact opposite. With the Unitary Plan in place in the foreseeable future, now is the time for the Auckland Council to evaluate the 272-302 Great North Road site with a future vision, not via backward evaluations based on an expiring district plan. The proposed land area is half a hectare. Architects estimate that even at mid density, with a landscaped area in the middle and a reduced scale to Dean Street, there would be comfortable space for 48 apartments and at least 17 retail/office spaces. It’s a simple equation. The Unitary Plan’s key premise of intensification is propounded as a way of addressing an impending housing crisis. The draft plan points towards a radical reshaping of the way our communities, especially Arch Hill and Grey Lynn, look and operate. If another million people are to be fitted into Auckland, then planning considerations for re-use of any large area of land must make its residential potential the highest priority. To approve a solely commercial development on such a strategic site which has so much potential for high density residential development, would be to miss a superb opportunity to express the vision contained in the Unitary Plan. The proposed Bunnings development is inappropriate for many reasons, particularly in regard to its effect on traffic, parking, adjacent homes, nearby kindergarten and daycare facilities, and the narrow local streets that would carry Bunnings’ goods delivery vehicles and overflow parking. Local commercial areas should be the first point of focus to achieve the objectives of the Unitary Plan. The residential potential of the top of Great North Road is considerable. It offers views to the Waitakeres and Rangitoto. It is within walking distance of Ponsonby Road, Karangahape Road, Grey Lynn Park and Grey Lynn village. It is well served by public transport, within an easy bus commute of the CBD, and is the only underdeveloped area in or around our suburb. Great North Road (from Ponsonby Road to the Grey Lynn shops) demands multi-level residential development. The Bunnings’ plan is an outdated ‘big box’ approach that has no place in the future of a city fringe suburb. Any large scale commercial development in areas affected by the Unitary Plan should be put on hold until the council has found a comprehensive way forward for the projected residential crisis. DAN SALMON, Chairman, The Grey Lynn Residents Association (GLRA) FROM THE EDITOR: Well said Dan! Your letter wins you a complimentary one-hour treatment, courtesy of Aroha Healing, Grey Lynn. PN

There is no crime in John Elliot having a strong political affiliation with the Labour /Green parties but his personal bias and unwarranted cheap shots at Nikki Kaye and Simon Bridge, both of whom are performing with distinction, is sad and reflects badly on him. Everyone welcomes robust opinions even if we don’t share them but petty personal attacks supported only by his opinion and bias is not what I expect from someone like John Elliott. GORDON FRYKBERG, Ponsonby INCORRECT YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION OF BAYFIELD EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE On page 118 of the May issue of Ponsonby News, an article by Deirdre Tohill states that the orginal Bayfield primary school was opened in 1886. In fact, to my knowledge, I am quite sure it was built in 1896. SHONA HEWITT, Herne Bay DEIRDRE TOHILL RESPONDS: The school was actually opened in 1886 and 272 Jervois Road was built in 1896 to accommodate the increased number of enrollments.

6 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


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“DID SOMEONE SAY MORNING TEA IS ABOUT TO BE SERVED?” WHISPERED Zabulu. The Ponsonby News team fed him carrots, apples and some silverbeet, but as soon as the new zebra walked over, our new giraffe friend was off! He’s just a tad shy, apparently. Auckland Zoo’s theme for World Environment Day last week was ‘Think. Eat. Save’, which inspired us to visit and make some new friends. THE GREY LYNN RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION WAS FORMED RECENTLY, IN PART motivated by Auckland Council’s Draft Unitary Plan. The re-zoning development proposal’s have not met with everyone’s approval, which is why, as we went to press over 10,000 Aucklanders have now had their say - P12. WE LOVE OUR HISTORIC ARCH HILL NEIGHBOURHOOD, WHICH IS WHY WE oppose the Bunnings, big box application, currently before Auckland Council planners. Despite only 94 local properties being notified, a staggering 49 submissions have been received. This sends a very strong and clear message. How is it possible that Auckland Council, which wants population intensification on suitable city fringe sites, could allow this Aussie invader to colonise us? If you feel the same, dear readers, please write to the Mayor and let him know how you feel - P18. THIS MONTH, WE’VE INCLUDED SOME VIEWS ON SUSTAINABILITY, WHICH IS still seen as a greeny ‘hippie’ idea by some. Waitemata Local Board member and Grey Lynn 2030 founder, Pippa Coom sees it as about being able to continue in the long term - P46.

photography: Michael McClintock

VALUE FOR MONEY IS WHAT BARGAIN SHOPPING IS ALL ABOUT, AS IS revealed in our ‘Bargain Shopping’ section this month - P52. LIKE US, GREEN MP MOJO MATHERS IS HORRIFED BY USING ANIMALS FOR testing of psychoactive drugs. The Health Select Committee chair, Paul Hutchinson, last month ruled that issues relating to animal testing are outside the scope of the bill currently being debated - P80. DURING THE CHILLY WINTER MONTHS WE TEND TO SPEND MORE TIME AT home, which is why we often plan any renovations during this time - P92. STOP PRESS: As we went to press, we were informed that a number of locals have been presented with Good Citizen awards by Auckland Council. Congratulations go to Alex Lanning, Audrey Evans, Divesh Kumar, Gary Gotlieb, John Elliott, Leyton Chan, Marcel de Witte and Soala Wilson. Addtionally, awards were presented to Art in the Dark, Grey Lynn CAB and Grey Lynn Park Festival Trust. (MARTIN LEACH) PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

JAY PLATT, JO BARRETT, MARTIN LEACH and ZABULU DON’T MISS OUR NEXT ISSUE! There is an A-Z of local bars, Mid-winter Christmas, Home and Entertaining along with our annual Vive La France feature.



DAVID HARTNELL’S ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH RACHELLE ALEXANDER Grey Lynn resident and businesswoman Rachelle Alexander who is the manager of Auckland Central Ear Health Professional ear care. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE GREY LYNN FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND TO LIVE? Grey Lynn chose me... I moved up to Auckland to start my business and looked at a number of different premises to work from and to live in. I wanted to be on the city fringe. On the same day I found the perfect clinic space and lovely apartment in Grey Lynn. I have loved living and working here ever since. WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD LIKE? I had a brilliant childhood. I had loving parents, three wonderful sisters and a close extended family. WOULD YOU EVER CONSIDER HAVING BOTOX? Only if it kick-starts my modelling career. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE REMEMBERED? As someone who rolled up their sleeves and got on with the job. WHOSE GREATEST HITS WOULD YOU TAKE TO A DESERT ISLAND? The best of Andrew Lloyd Webber. When was the last time you turned off your cell phone? My cell phone is only a business tool; I often forget to switch it on when I am off the clock. WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST FEAR? MacDonald’s goes under.



YOU WORK WITH YOUR LOVELY MOTHER; DO YOU COME FROM A CLOSE KNIT FAMILY? Mum is our rock we call her mission control, as she seems to be able to co-ordinate us from anywhere in the world. My family are a very important and essential part of my life.

IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELF WHAT WOULD IT BE? To spend a little more time smelling the roses.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK? Ken Follet - Pillars of the Earth.


WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE TIME OF DAY? Early morning. It is so peaceful and yet fresh and exhilarating.

DO YOU HAVE A LIFE MOTTO? Never give up.

WHAT ARE YOU INSECURE ABOUT? I do not enjoy being in very large crowds of people.


TELL US SOMETHING VERY FEW PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU? 30 years ago I used to have a part time job selling hot dogs at the Sydney showgrounds.


WHAT IS YOUR IDEA OF PERFECT HAPPINESS? Attending one of our family gatherings.

GREATEST WEAKNESS/ INDULGENCE. My favourite - coconut ice and marshmallow ice cream from Copenhagen Cones in Mount Maunganui.


ARE YOU A HANDSHAKE, HUG OR CHEEK-KISS KIND OF PERSON? Hug. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I believe in ghosts because I believe that our presence on earth creates energy which stays with the people who are close to us in our lifetime.

DO YOU HAVE RECURRING DREAMS? I often dream I am flying. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM GUEST LIST FOR A DINNER PARTY AND WHY? A dinner at Le Gavroche in London with family and friends. It would be excellent food in an amazing city with the people I most care about.

SOMETHING YOU REALLY DISAPPROVE OF? Rudeness. It costs nothing to be civil to each other.

DESCRIBE YOUR FIRST PET. A guinea pig called Joffey. He spent most of his life out of his cage running around our backyard. He was a big hit with the kids in our neighbourhood.

WHAT’S YOUR COMFORT FOOD? Mum’s macaroni cheese.


WHICH PERFORMERS DO YOU MOST ADMIRE AND WHY? Susan Boyle. Not only is she a beautiful singer but she overcame prejudice and disability to realise her dream at a later age in life. I find that very inspirational. Also Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders, for making me laugh for most of my adult life.

WHAT IS THE BEST HOLIDAY YOU’VE EVER HAD? A trip to the Shetland Islands with my grandmother. She showed me the places where my ancestors came from and told me so many wonderful stories about her childhood. She showed me where my parents grew up and introduced me to her sisters and other relatives. It was her last trip home. She has since passed on. I will never forget that amazing journey. (DAVID HARTNELL) PN

WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? I think we learn from our life’s experiences and take them with us to our next incarnation. I also hope that we get to travel again with family and friends.

8 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

EAR HEALTH, 26 Surrey Crescent T: 09 361 3838 www.earhealth.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



CHAIR’S WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD REPORT: SHALE CHAMBERS IT IS ONLY FOUR MONTHS UNTIL THIS FIRST TERM OF THE FIRST ‘SUPERCITY’ draws to a close. It has been a rollercoaster ride with the car speeding up as all the projects that the Waitemata Local Board has championed come to fruition. It is immensely satisfying in the budget round to confirm funding for all those projects in our plan that our communities have told us they want and have made submissions to us on. We came out of the annual plan process with a balanced-10 year budget fully operating within the board’s budget envelope.

We have budgets confirmed for a number of initiatives we have planned over the last two years: • Undertake heritage planning • Promote the original coastline through a heritage foreshore project • Become an accessible local board and area by making community infrastructure and communication to the community more accessible • Renew the Pioneer Women’s Hall to meet community needs • Develop and support events that are locally specific and environmentally responsible through a contestable fund • Begin to develop a village square in Ponsonby • Install a sports field sandcarpet at Auckland Domain • Deliver the first part of a Noise Management Action Plan for the City Centre • Plan and deliver local economic development projects • Develop the Weona Westmere Coastal Walkway • Upgrade Myers Park • Restore Symonds Street Cemetery through an enhanced maintenance programme of gravestones and vegetation • Develop greenways to connect our parks and open spaces. The proposed upgrade of Pioneer Women’s/Ellen Melville Hall in High Street, is a great win for Waitemata. There is at present no community centre serving the ever growing communities of the city centre. We have responded to the changing needs and community voice. We have secured a $3.17m budget over the next two years timed for the Freyberg Square upgrade. It is to become a City Centre community hub. We await feedback over the next months about what type of redevelopment is needed. Myers Park upgrade is another very exciting project that is coming to fruition. Last year the board signed off on a Myers Park plan and a programme of works is scheduled to start over the coming 12 months. With a more compact city we must make the best of all our inner-city parks and this one which is specifically designed for children will be welcomed by those apartment dwellers with children who need safe venues for their children’s imagination to run riot.

10 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

photography: Martin Leach

We responded to the media bombshell last year that one of our suburban libraries might be forced to close by not only putting that firmly to bed, but actually increasing the service levels in three suburban libraries. Leys Institute, Parnell and Grey Lynn will now remain open in the evening for an additional half hour until 6pm from July allowing more use for those inner city people with busy lifestyles. We are one of the first local boards in Auckland to initiate an increase in a specific level of service.

Thank you to all those who have come to local meetings and participated online to tell us your views on the draft Unitary Plan. There were indeed mistakes in the draft that we had not picked up which, once pointed out to us in meetings, we were immediately able to have clarified and changed. One of particular note is Peel Street, Westmere that was wrongly classified as Terrace Housing and Apartments zone instead of Mixed Housing. The clear issues identified from feedback to be addressed include height, transition between residential zones, rural production versus landscape controls, the pre -1944 character overlay, and significant ecological areas. The plan was always a draft able to be changed before notification later this year and we will see those changes coming through to reflect community views. We will not be supporting any weakening of the pre-1944 character overlay rules amongst any changes. The local board has inherited the mantle of civic responsibilities which is always rewarding. As ANZAC day audiences grow around civic squares in New Zealand, it was a privilege to lay a wreath in Grey Lynn RSL along with other people and groups remembering those who had served our communities and paid the ultimate price with their lives. I have found it rewarding to officiate at citizenship ceremonies each three months as our new citizens receive their certificates. Over 500 people come with their families to the town hall, their faces beaming as they are confirmed as new New Zealand citizens. We rewarded ‘Good Citizens’ in Waitemata at the end of May. The wonderful altruistic recipients, who received community acknowledgement for their generous volunteer community work, are true heroes in our community. (SHALE CHAMBERS) Contact me: shale.chambers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



LOCAL NEWS GREY LYNN RESIDENTS MOBILISE Residents of Auckland suburb Grey Lynn met recently to form a Grey Lynn Residents Association, in part motivated by Auckland city Council’s Draft Unitary Plan. “Many local residents were horrified to see the Draft Unitary Plan’s re-zoning development proposed for Grey Lynn, but there was no central organisation to turn to for help or a local response,” says Grey Lynn Residents Association spokesperson Liz Hancock. “So a few residents got together to propose the forming of the association.” Emails, conversations, door knocking and a leaflet drop mobilised the community, garnering 80 Facebook likes within just a few days. At a public meeting attended by nearly 100 people, the motion was passed to form the Grey Lynn Residents Association. In early May the association invited its members to elect a committee of six people, while a further two members were appointed by the committee. “Having two appointed members enables the committee to ensure that the association has the benefit of access to a wider skill set,” says Chris Patterson who drafted the proposed rules for the association. The election saw an incredibly high voter response, and the following Grey Lynn Residents Association committee members were elected: screen director and producer Dan Salmon (chairperson), journalist and trend analyst Liz Hancock (deputy chair), doctor Jamie Hosking (secretary), lawyer Chris Patterson (treasurer), lawyer Jennifer Burns, publisher Nicola Legat, optometrist and business owner Philip Walsh, and senior event manager Simon Keely. The Grey Lynn Residents Association will work with the community on local issues, and most recently the focus has been the Auckland Council’s Draft Unitary Plan, which up-zones some streets close to the West Lynn shops, now deemed a “local centre”, for terraced housing and apartment development up to six stories high. Many other streets are affected by the mixed housing height-to-boundary rules. All of the streets affected predominantly feature pre-1940s wooden villas and bungalows in quiet, low -rise residential streets, many with limited access roads. Meanwhile, other areas such as the busy and mainly industrial Great North Road arterial route, are currently not zoned for such development.

GLRA committee members Chris Patterson (treasurer), Simon Keely, Jennifer Burns, Liz Hancock (deputy chair), Dan Salmon (chairperson) - absent (Nicola Legat, Philip Walsh, Jamie Hosking).

“We understand Auckland Council’s need to plan for a growing population, but we have to fight to protect the heritage and culture of this vibrant community, much of which will be lost if the council goes ahead with plans to redevelop certain streets,” says Liz Hancock. “Intensification is fine, but not at the expense of historical areas that help to make Auckland – and by extension New Zealand – globally unique. There are areas within Grey Lynn that the local community feel are more naturally suited to the council’s planned zoning for terraced housing and apartment development, and the residents association looks forward to working in cooperation with the community, the Waitemata Local Board and Auckland City Council to rethink the Unitary Plan for this area.” According to the Wikipedia page on Ponsonby, Grey Lynn was granted heritage protection in 1990, and has the world’s largest concentration of wooden Victorian buildings (uncited). Grey Lynn Library on Great North Road was built in 1924, and is the oldest purpose-built library still operating in the Auckland area. The building on the corner of Great North Road and Williamson Avenue features a mural by celebrated Niuean artist John Pule. “Unfortunately, because the Auckland Council has yet to define the resource consent process that potential developers would go through to knock down historical buildings, we don’t feel that the pre-1944 protection covenant is enough of a guarantee that we won’t lose important houses and buildings forever,” says Hancock. The population of Grey Lynn is currently 9,171 according to the 2006 census, however the suburb has undergone development and intensification over the past 10 years. The area was originally farmland, which was developed for housing in the late 1800s and early 1900s – reflected in the Victorian building stock. Mid last century the suburb became home to many Tongan, Samoan and Niuean families. Grey Lynn was the birthplace of Auckland’s annual Pasifika festival, hosts the independent Grey Lynn Park Festival (now in its 29th year), and is home to many of New Zealand’s most celebrated names in sports, music, media and the arts. PN www.greylynnresidents.org.nz www.facebook.com/greylynnresidents

12 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



LOCAL NEWS: DEIRDRE TOHILL MAYOR ENCOURAGES AUCKLANDERS TO CHECK OUT EXAMPLE OF “DENSITY DONE WELL” A new report on Vancouver’s experience of urban intensification describes a model of “urban density done well”, says Mayor Len Brown.

LANDMARK BUILDINGS AND THEIR STORY THE CAMPBELL FREE KINDERGARTEN BUILDING HOUSED AUCKLAND’S FIRST free kindergarten and was the first to have been designed and built for this purpose. It’s associated with John Logan Campbell and Martha Washington Myers who espoused the worldwide kindergarten movement, begun in the 1830s by German educator, Friedrich Froebel. The Freemans Bay site was chosen because it was an impoverished area and a new emphasis on education was seen as a means of helping the poor improve their situation. The park location was about connecting education with the healthy aspects of fresh air and open spaces. The New Zealand Herald reported approvingly - ‘In Freemans Bay district, where so many workers live, and where children too young to attend school are frequently badly environed, the excellent teachings and uplifting aims of the kindergarten will have full scope’. The design was drawn up by noted Auckland architect, Charles Le Neve Arnold, who was involved in developing the Arts and Crafts movement in New Zealand and Sir John Campbell wrote to the Auckland Kindergarten Association asking ‘permission to defray the costs of the building as a gift from Lady Campbell and myself’. The brick building was erected at a cost of £1500, contrasting sharply with the surrounding poor-quality timber houses. It incorporated a main classroom in a single-storey section by the main street, and behind it a two-storey section containing further rooms. There was a small outside playground with railings fencing it off from the street frontage. At its opening the building was described as the finest kindergarten in the Southern Hemisphere.

“I would encourage any Aucklanders who are concerned about the impact of greater urban density to check out this report,” Len Brown said. “It shows that, with the right approach, it’s possible to build a more intensified city that is more liveable and affordable, and that residents are proud of. Vancouver has many similarities to Auckland, including a central isthmus and low -rise suburbs spreading out from the central city. “The city faced many of the growth challenges Auckland now faces. They responded with a similar approach to Auckland – planning for more density as well as allowing for staged growth around the edges. The report also includes valuable lessons on how to create more options for affordable housing as density increases.” ‘Learning from Vancouver’ was prepared for Auckland Council by isthmus research. It describes how Vancouver successfully doubled its urban density over a number of decades, while maintaining and enhancing the quality and character of its suburbs and urban areas. The report summarises innovative ways that Vancouver increased density through ‘hidden’, ‘invisible’ and ‘gentle’ density, and discusses lessons on how intensification can promote more affordable housing and greater housing choice. The report can be viewed on shapeauckland.co.nz FROM THE EDITOR: Our research shows that Home Depot big box stores are situated in Vancouver’s outer suburbs, such as Richmond, which is near the international airport. The planners there are clearly smart enough to keep BIG BOX developments out of the central city! Let’s hope Len Brown says NO to Bunnings’ plans on Great North Road. PN

In 1911 the kindergarten held 60 children aged between three and five years old. They were taught for three hours each day with activities that included singing, playing outdoor games, building model railways, and learning the rudiments of architecture by experimenting with bricks. Martha Myers wrote: ‘Here we help them to love order and cleanliness; to be obedient, courteous and truthful; to be helpful and happy, and to develop little fingers in useful work.’ It also served as a training centre for kindergarten teachers, an occupation seen as suitable for respectable single women prior to marriage and did not challenge the proper role of women as wives and mothers! In the late 1930s a weatherboard sun porch and a storeroom were added to the northern side of the building which improved the ventilation and lighting, as well as providing much needed extra space. The playground was also extended in 1945 because Victoria Park’s recreational space was restricted when an American military camp was set up there. Subsequent plans to restore and alter the kindergarten were abandoned in view of the planned approaches to the Auckland Harbour Bridge and the erection of the large viaduct. The Kindergarten Association decided to look for a new site and in 1960 the Campbell Free Kindergarten was closed and a new one opened in Tahuna Street further south in Freemans Bay. Following the closure of the building as a kindergarten, it was used as clubrooms by the Grafton Cricket Club and the Ponsonby Soccer Club. A pipe band also used it for practice, then in the 1980s the clubs vacated the building which fell into disgraceful neglect. An arson attack in 1994 damaged the ground floor wall and ceiling linings. While the historic building deteriorated, the surrounding area flourished. Upmarket townhouses, apartment buildings, commercial offices, a supermarket all a far cry from the poverty that was so evident in the slums of earlier years and the lovely little Arts and Crafts building remained an important reminder of those hard times. Unbelievably the Auckland City Council considered demolishing the building till the Auckland Civic Trust wrote a substantial submission to the council arguing it should be preserved and restored. Herne Bay barrister, Jim Mason launched a campaign to save it and thankfully it’s since been listed as a Category B heritage building. Thanks to Auckland Transport the derelict building has been completely restored and part of it houses the communication systems for the Victoria Park tunell with the rest of the building returned to the Auckland Council. The Waitemata Local Board has funded work for an accessible kitchenette and is considering all lease applications. “The criteria we settled on was largely based on keeping close to its history and using it to benefit children and young people in some way,” says board chair, Shale Chambers. A formal decision will be announced in June. (DEIRDRE TOHILL) PN

14 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


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LOCAL NEWS AIR NEW ZEALAND GOES ABOVE & BEYOND Above & Beyond is Air New Zealand’s way of repaying the loyalty to your business. If your company spends $20,000 or more on air travel each year and not in contract with Air New Zealand you’re eligible to register. Much in the same way Airpoints™ work, every time you purchase an Air New Zealand flight on your Travelcard you accrue Business Travel Points which can then be redeemed for great rewards.

photography: Martin Leach

As a member of Above & Beyond, use your Travelcard to book all your company travel and you’ll start earning Business Travel Points on all your Air New Zealand flights, it doesn’t matter if they are booked online or with your usual travel management provider. For every $100 (excl. GST) spent on Air New Zealand flights using your Travelcard we’ll award your Above & Beyond account 10 Business Travel Points. Redeem these for rewards that best suit your business when you’re ready. Rewards can be shared across your business so everyone can benefit. None of this will affect your travellers earning Airpoints - it’s just an extra benefit for your business and our way of saying thanks.

OUTLINE: A LOCAL SERVICE WITH A NATIONWIDE REACH OUTLine New Zealand is a local organisation, based in the Pompallier Centre in Three Lamps, with a reach across the whole of New Zealand. We began 40 years ago as a local service and now provide the only nationwide telephone counselling and support service for GLBTI (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) people. Our 0800 OUTLINE number is accessed by people throughout New Zealand and provides an essential service to those who can be isolated and alienated because of their sexuality or gender identity. Although the social climate in New Zealand has changed dramatically since the 1970s, the GLBTI population still has unique needs, and our services remain relevant.

Examples of the kind of rewards your business can receive are: • Koru membership or lounge access • Airpoints Dollars™ or Status Points • Air New Zealand Mystery Breaks • Excess baggage waivers • Deluxe valet • Koru Valet parking • Travel insurance Above & Beyond Programme terms and conditions apply. Travelcard terms and conditions apply. Airpoints terms and conditions apply see www.airpoints.co.nz

Our premises house our telephone counselling service, but also serve as a safe environment for GLBTI people to get face-to-face counselling, to borrow books from our library, to meet socially and to hold meetings for other GLBTI groups like Friends of Friends, GenderBridge, Over the Rainbow and The Gay Retirement Association. We will be starting new groups over the winter to talk about issues like spirituality and coming out. The people who volunteer at OUTLine NZ are passionate about making a positive difference to people from our communities and to the general wellbeing of all New Zealanders. We envision a society that celebrates and understands human diversity, whereby people of any sexuality or gender identity can lead full and rewarding lives. We offer training for new volunteers throughout the year. This training qualifies people to answer the phones at OUTLine NZ, but it also provides them with tools to enrich their own lives. Research shows that New Zealand has one of the highest suicide rates in the western world, but levels of mental health distress and suicide among GLBTI people are much higher than those in the general population. We help people in crisis and in need of support, as well as people who need a link to the GLBTI community and people who live in isolated areas where there are no social groups. Some people phone us just to talk to another GLBTI identified person, which eases their loneliness. We are contacted by people from all walks of like. For example, a young woman in a rural South Island community has come out, but knows no other lesbians. We are the only people she can talk to about her sexuality. There is a man who feels an attraction to other men. He isn’t quite sure what to make of these feelings, or whether he can fully admit them to himself. There is the mother who suspects her son is gay and wants to be able to say the right things to support him. There is the woman who is deeply religious, but who wonders how the members of the church community would react if she came out. There is the transwoman who just wants someone to talk to. We provide support for all these people when they phone 0800 OUTLINE. PN STEPHEN L. NEWTON, PhD, T: 0800 688 5463 www.outline.org.nz

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JOHN ELLIOTT: SOAP BOX SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK So said Marcellus to Horatio in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Closer to home we have a Bunnings’ application for a big box retail store in Great North Road which nobody wants, including the Waitemata Local Board. This is an unwanted orphan child - an ugly duckling orphan child. And so, how is it still even a possibility that a monstrous, unwanted business could sprawl all over, and destroy, a vibrant and well-connected local neighbourhood?

We may not be able to cram all of Auckland’s population growth over the next 30 years within the current city boundaries, but in order to limit urban sprawl as much as possible, we must try. Allowing a big box development like Bunnings to proceed would be a huge blow to the council’s aspirations. (JOHN ELLIOTT)

How is it possible that Auckland Council, which wants population intensification on suitable city fringe sites, could allow this Aussie invader to colonise us? Is there something rotten in the city of Auckland that needs rooting out?


After all, the Draft Unitary Plan is taking a hammering from many locals, some of whom have adopted a ‘Not In My Back Yard’ attitude to intensification. The city needs Great North Road for greater population density - it’s on a nice ridge, there is plenty of room once car yards go, it’s on a public transport route, and it’s close to the central city.

LOCAL ARCHITECT AND ARCH HILL RESIDENT DANIEL MARSHALL HAS designed an alternative to the Bunnings plan. His visuals below indicate a potential scheme that addresses the busy urban corridor, while also looking at the scale and proportion of the neighbouring heritage community.

A good mix of retail on the ground floor, offices above, and then maybe two floors of apartments would suit much of Great North Road. So too, would affordable terrace housing. The council cannot afford to lose huge chunks of this prime residential land, particularly to a large big box retailer, who will kill the sense of community which Arch Hill enjoys.

The idea is that it has community ‘shared space’ as a shared courtyard within. A rough calculation based on standard sized 2 -3 bedroom apartments would suggest 48 apartments (housing 150 people), as well as retail and offices - if the density was increased, so would the number of apartments - the development on the corner of Bond Street, where Custom Residential are based, would be a good indicator of High Density - that site is 1/2 the size of the Bunnings’ site. PN

Passionate residents have submitted intelligent, logical, articulate and sensible reasons why the application should be opposed. The council told Ponsonby News that 49 written submissions had been received, from a very limited notification area of only 94 properties, with 27 letters of interest. A giant petition is under way. Ponsonby News knows of no one who supports the proposal. The submissions, some of which we have read, describe traffic chaos, safety and security concerns, noise from hundreds of trucks at all hours, the damage to community and cultural vibe which has occurred around the world where big box rules - especially middle America with Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Target, and many others. So what’s the problem? It seems it’s in the planning. The Auckland Council may just not have robust enough tools to stop this development. Few people would support me if I recommended compulsory acquisition of Bunnings land for housing, but that should not be necessary. Common sense should dictate that such a large scale development cutting into the heart of Arch Hill is just not appropriate, and planning commissioners should be told quite clearly - decline this application. Len Brown bangs on about, “The world’s most liveable city”. Fine words, but if the Auckland Council hasn’t got the legislative and regulatory tools to implement this, it will be empty rhetoric. The best designed cities in the world, including San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, have no big box developments in the heart of their cities. They have well-designed built environments allowing for compact, urban living.

DANIEL MARSHALL, local architect and Arch Hill resident, has designed an alternative to the Bunnings plan showing how the land could be used

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From 6 - 13 June, Jerry Clayton will exhibit at the Dealership, two original art works especially created for BMW by artist Shane Hansen along with two BMW art cars that reflect the New Zealand native birds featured in the works. SHANE HANSEN LIKES A STRONG, CLEAN LINE. HIS CREATIONS spring from a world of bold colours and optimistic clarity, a pop-art invitation to a feel-good New Zealand celebration.

of a car. His primary medium is plywood, as the grains, knots and blemishes have a history, tell a story and bring a special depth to his work. Shane is excited his work will be seen at Jerry Clayton BMW.

BMW shares a similar affinity with innovation and design and found in Shane a NZ artist it could work with to create a visually stunning talking point and an attraction for visitors and customers.

“I want people to engage with my work in more than one way. I want them to touch it and smell it, as well as view it. By doing this they feel more connected to the piece and feel a sense of familiarity with it.” He said.

“Art Car art has been an international focus of BMW, so to see it come alive through Shane’s work in the Dealership is something very special” says Dealer Principle Steve Hilson. Shane is of Maori, Chinese, Danish and Scottish descent, which is reflected in his art, as he navigates his way on a journey of cultural discovery. Shane describes his work as his therapy, kai for the mind and soul. His work celebrates New Zealand’s unique identity and provides a connection between the BMW brand and New Zealand culture.

Visit Jerry Clayton BMW and view the Shane Hansen ‘Native Aotearoa’ Art Cars and go in the draw to win a limited edition Shane Hansen print. Each print produced is individually screen printed by hand then signed and numbered by the artist and is of archival /collectable quality. With a limited print run of each painting, this could mean your visit to our Dealership could see you have a valuable piece of art for the future.

Shane says his work uses many mediums, such as wood, glass and metal and is a reflection of his multi-cultural make-up which was easy to translate on the canvas

New BMW 5 Series Performance Edition introduces unbeatable performance and unbelievable value to premium sedan range BMW has released details of an exciting new, specification-rich model available exclusively for enthusiasts which combines an array of premium vehicle options and the latest BMW M Performance parts into one value-packed limited edition. The restricted production BMW 5 Series Performance Edition is based on the 530d and creates the ideal opportunity to enjoy one of the world’s finest sports sedans, thanks to the perfect balance of driving dynamics, refinement and practicality. Lavished with BMW M Performance equipment, ConnectedDrive and Efficient Dynamics technologies, the new model features a significant level of increased specification for no increase in driveaway price of the comparable model.

445 Lake Road Takapuna, Phone 09 488 2000 www.jcbmw.co.nz

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IT’S NOT OFTEN THAT THE PRICE OF POWER GETS MORE ATTENTION IN some media outlets than power couples, but the release of Labour and the Green’s NZ Power policy seems to have managed just that, and in some cases, with similar levels of sensationalism.

a fair return for generators. A single buyer, NZ Power, will purchase all electricity generated at a fair price, based on the cost of production. This will benefit families as well as the economy. Your average household’s power bill will be brought down between $230 and $330 a year.

The cost of living in New Zealand is just too high. In fact 44% of Kiwi are living pay day to pay day, and the increase in things like electricity is a big part of that. I have visited budget advisors who tell me that some families on the breadline will forgo food so they can pay their latest power bill.

The policy has economist backing, too. Independent economists BERL have said this policy is good for the economy – to the tune of $450 million each year and will lead to the creation of over 5000 jobs.

Since 2008, power prices have increased in Auckland by 23% - that’s an increase to your annual power bill of $421. Power prices are rising faster in New Zealand than in many other countries.

Despite the sometimes rabid commentary from those who are opposed to this policy, this is not an unusual approach to take. Many countries around the world have incorporated a single buyer electricity model such as Canada, South Africa, Brazil and more than half the states in the USA, including Texas.

Since 1997 power bills have been increasing at double the rate of inflation. I don’t think it’s acceptable to sit by while power companies make super-profits at the expense of Kiwi households and New Zealand families. This is where NZ Power comes in.

This is probably the most significant move in this area since the 1990s with the Bradford reforms, and it is needed now more than ever given these reforms have failed New Zealanders. I hope the debate continues, but ultimately, I hope we get the change we need. PN

The plan is to bring down power prices for all New Zealanders. NZ Power will regulate power prices and protect consumers from the rapid rises of the past, while ensuring

JACINDA ARDERN, Labour List MP based in Auckland Central www.jacinda.co.nz

JOHN ELLIOTT: LOCAL NEWS NEW UNITARIAN MINISTER FAST WORKER FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES IN THE UNITED STATES, OF PONSONBY UNITARIAN Church’s new minister, Rev Dr Matt Tittle, are in awe of him. They can’t believe that just three months after arriving at his new post in Auckland, Rev Tittle had a same sex marriage act passed in our House of Representatives. Matt and colleagues in the Unitarian Church in the U. S. have long supported same sex marriage, and Matt has performed many of them. Their support in America dates from 1970. But of course, Matt laughs, “the NZ Bill was before Parliament when I arrived in New Zealand, and while I supported it, I can take no credit for its passing.” Nevertherless, the Unitarian Church will be the only church in the Ponsonby area which will perform same sex marriages. Matt Tittle is excited and so is his congregation about the possibilities. There are however, some individuals in the congregation who are opposed to same sex marriages, but because wide differences of opinion are part of the ethos in the church there will not be dissention. The Anglican Church of St Matthews in the City, has always been regarded as the most liberal Christian Church in Auckland City, but as Matt Tittle points out, no matter how personally liberal individual ministers at St Matthews are, they would be quickly defrocked by the Anglican Church if they dared to perform same sex marriages. The Ponsonby Unitarians have had no minister for seven years, relying on lay preachers, or visiting clergy on sabbatical, often from the USA. Matt Tittle has never been to New Zealand before, but is well travelled because of his previous career as a U.S Navy Officer. He has been a Unitarian Minister for 10 years. He has served congregations in New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, and Indiana. Boston is the birthplace of American Unitarianism. A number of founding fathers were Unitarians; also four presidents - the two Adams, Fillmore and Taft. Interestingly, Thomas Jefferson called himself a Unitarian, although he never joined a congregation. Rev Matt married many gay couples in the USA, and will be happy to do so here in New Zealand while he serves here over the next two years. He related an amusing rationale for performing gay marriages, especially in states like Texas, where same sex marriage is banned. “I say, go down to City Hall and ask for a license - you’ll be refused, but I’ll do it even though it isn’t legal because I never ask couples to prove their sex to me. In fact neither does City Hall. They may ask to see your driver’s license but you don’t have to prove your sex for a license either. There is no full body medical test for a driver’s license. I see a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, but I don’t ask them to prove their sex to me before I marry them.”

The Unitarian Church was set up to cater for people whose beliefs failed to fit orthodox Christianity. They were persecuted, even burned at the stake, back in the 1500s. Now, they are free to think and speak outside the square, without fearing retribution. Another bold stance by the Unitarian Church has been gender equality for ministers. There are now equal numbers of women and men as ministers, a situation Matt Tittle applauds. They actively pursue social justice issues, including women’s rights, racial equality, peace and the sticky question of immigration. Unitarians were side by side with Rev Martin Luther King in the 1960s. He famously said, the most racially segregated hour in America is 11 o’clock on a Sunday morning. Matt confirms that the Unitarian Church is largely white, and regarded as fairly intellectual, but insists that doesn’t typecast him personally. The Rev Dr Matt Tittle is an engaging individual, warm and friendly, and I’m sure he will be well received in Auckland. He will appeal to greenies - he has no car, lives in an apartment in the central city, and walks where he can. Like President Obama (they are only five days apart in age), Matt is in between demographic groups - not wanted by baby boomers or generation X. But he doesn’t sit around bemoaning the fact. He’s a strong believer in social justice, and thinks deeply about moral and ethical issues. I’m sure he will always have words of wisdom for couples he marries, whether they are straight or gay. Welcome to Ponsonby Matt Tittle - we like what you stand for. (JOHN ELLIOTT) PN

Dr Tittle points out that there are only about a dozen references to homosexuality in the bible, amongst 30,000 verses, mostly in the old testament book of Leviticus. Jesus is silent on it. And yet as Matt points out, love, kindness and compassion are mentioned on every page.

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UNITARIAN CHURCH, 1a Ponsonby Road T: 09 378 0112 www.aucklandunitarian.org.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




A BUDGET FOR AUCKLAND THIS YEAR’S BUDGET CONFIRMS NEW ZEALAND IS MOVING IN THE RIGHT direction. It provides more support for Auckland families, forecasts more economic growth, more jobs, rising wages, and a return to surplus in 2014/15. The Budget builds on the momentum we have created in responsibly managing the government’s books, building a more competitive and productive economy and delivering better public services. We are on track to return to surplus in 2014/15. This is a significant achievement given the difficult economic conditions the world has faced in recent years. We’re spending $5.1 billion over four years on new initiatives in areas such as science and innovation, health, education, welfare, and housing. And we’re signalling ACC levy reductions for businesses and families. This will be a welcome boost for the huge number of businesses based in Auckland Central, and local families.

KiwiRail. The Budget also outlines reforms to tackle house prices – the Auckland Housing Accord will help address the most urgent housing supply issues while we address wider issues. We are also delivering better public services and more help for vulnerable families. We’re almost doubling funding to tackle rheumatic fever. We’re insulating 46,000 more homes for low-income families. We’re providing $198 million over four years to help beneficiaries find work. And we’re helping at-risk children get quality early childhood education. In health, the Budget is providing $1.6 billion over four years. This includes about $352 million in new funding a year, taking total health spending to $14.7 billion next year, the most ever. We’re investing in skills so young people can fulfil their potential.

We believe New Zealand needs a stronger economy to earn its way in the world, and create more jobs, and opportunities. The Budget builds on our Business Growth Agenda. It includes $100 million-a-year for an internationally-focused growth and innovation package. This will boost investment in science, research and development, and tourism. Auckland receives a huge number of tourists, as the majority of international visitors arrive here. We want more people to visit our city and this funding will help. We’re allocating $1.5 billion raised from the Mighty River Power share sale to rebuild Christchurch’s hospitals, upgrade schools, and invest in irrigation infrastructure and

Spending across education, including tertiary, will increase next year to $12.4 billion. We have also announced funding to fast track school network upgrades by two years and $134 million in school property to help with areas of growth particularly in Auckland, Hamilton and Queenstown. We are increasing momentum in building a stronger and more stable economy. One that can get through global financial storms, while delivering more opportunities, higher incomes, and more jobs, while improving quality of life for Aucklanders. PN HON NIKKI KAYE, MP for Auckland Central www.nikkikaye.co.nz

SAVE THE ST JAMES THEATRE Long time Grey Lynn resident David Hartnell MNZM patron of the Variety Artists Club of New Zealand has been made an ambassador of the trust to save the St James Theatre Auckland alongside actor Sam Neill DCNZM. For decades Bob Kerridge MNZM has dedicated his life to saving abandoned and injured animals at the SPCA in Auckland. He’s also the man behind a trust fighting to save Auckland’s neglected historic St James Theatre. The St James Theatre is a heritage stage theatre and cinema located on Queen Street in Auckland. Built in 1928, it was originally designed for vaudeville acts. Its architect Henry Eli White also designed many other famous theatres in Australia and New Zealand; these include the St James Theatre in Wellington and the State Theatre in Sydney. It has been closed since 2007 after a fire raised concerns about safety and compliance. The building is classified as a ‘Category 1’ (“places of special or outstanding historical or cultural heritage significance or value”) historic place by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. The St James Theatre was commissioned by John Fullers and Sons Limited to replace the Fuller’s Opera House which burned down in 1926. The site on Queen Street opposite the Civic Square was acquired for around £100,000 and construction of the theatre was estimated to cost around £80,000. Upon its completion the eldest brother of the Fuller family, Sir Benjamin Fuller, pronounced the St James to be “the theatre perfect”. The grand opening was on July 5, 1928 with the London Musical Company performing Archie.

Auckland Mayor LEN BROWN Patron of the trust, to save the St James Theatre Auckland and Ambassador of the trust DAVID HARTNELL MNZM

The St James has undergone several major modifications since its construction. Just a year after it was opened cinema projectors were added due to the emerging popularity of cinema over vaudeville. From then on cinema became a major part of the St James, its first film screening was Gold Diggers of Broadway, shown on Boxing Day 1929. In 1953 the building’s façade and vestibule underwent renovation for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II, who attended a cinema premiere screening in December of that year. As part of the renovations the unique facade was hidden behind sheets of metal in an attempt to give the building a more modern look. (DAVID HARTNELL) PN

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THE UNITARY PLAN; THE ST. JAMES THEATRE TEST The hottest topic in Auckland at the moment is the draft Auckland Unitary Plan. Like the Lord of the Rings, it’s the one ring bound document to rule them all. Similar to all best laid schemes of mice and men, plans are only as good as what they have delivered on at the end of the day. The litmus tests for our community might be the Arch Hill’s Bunnings Warehouse for land use, Newmarket’s Station Square for urban design and in the case of heritage saving the St. James Theatre. The St. James Theatre is an iconic category one, heritage building ideally situated in the heart of Auckland’s lively arts, culture and performance quarter. The theatre has played an important part of our city’s rich cultural tapestry and I, like many of you, wish the building continues its key civic duties. The St. James Theatre is at interesting crossroads. After the fire in 2007, the building lay derelict, suffering from a lack of investment and increasing decay. The estimated cost to restore, earthquake strengthen and reopen to its former glory, is tagged at $50 million. I’m sure this is a significant financial burden to the landowner and it is an unsettling feeling for many Aucklanders. Last month one of my favourite heritage heroes and the president of the Civic Trust Auckland, Allan Matson held a community meeting on Karangahape Road to discuss heritage in the Unitary Plan. Allan is a tireless campaigner for heritage and believes there is a lack of carrots and sticks in the draft Unitary Plan to protect our built heritage. Heritage protection can also be a polarising topic with one blogger responded to Allan’s post saying that heritage was a slow death sentence for a building with the burden of restoration, earthquake strengthening and rising cost of insurance.

Thank you to the community for your support during the construction, to the contractors and council staff for all your behind the scenes work and my colleagues on the Waitemata Local Board for your forethought. Last month Auckland Transport confirmed that they have started to undertake scope of a design for a walking and cycling highway that will connect Coxs Bay Reserve to Grey Lynn Park and the Western Cycleway. UPDATE ON SEWAGE FREE BEACHES Following on from my article last month, I met with residents in Coxs Bay, at the newly refurbished Hawke Bay Sea Scout Hall, to discuss Watercare’s 10 year plan to reduce sewage overflow. Long-time resident Christine Davis, I refer to her as our kaumatua of the bay, spoke about her experience swimming in the estuary as a child and watching the natural environment wane. Local residents raised a number of questions which include the duration of the project and looking at solutions to the run off from our road network. Please walk or cycle along the new boardwalk to our next meeting 6pm Wednesday, 5 June at the Hawke Sea Scout Hall in Coxs Bay. PN ROB THOMAS, Waitemata Local Board Member, www.robthomas.co.nz

The draft Auckland Unitary Plan identifies heritage and has a blanket covenant over pre 1944 buildings but this does not prevent heritage listed buildings being demolished by neglect. The true test will be how the Unitary Plan triggers the council mechanism of heritage protection. IT’S MY VIEW AUCKLAND COUNCIL SHOULD LOOK INTO THREE KEY AREAS: Identification - work with the Historic Places Trust to undertake an annual survey to identify the most significant and at risk built, cultural and natural heritage sites. Rules - develop heritage building rules which include regular maintenance. Funding - establish a heritage fund that works as a catalyst to restore and preserve heritage. COXS BAY BOARDWALK RE-OPENS This month the Coxs Bay Boardwalk will re-open for everyone - including cyclists. The former boardwalk was a dilapidated, well-worn and narrow 1.2m wide path that was in urgent need of replacement. The new 2.5m bridge, which will open in early June, will significantly improve access through Coxs Bay and the bridge for future connections.

COX’S BAY BOARDWALK TO DOUBLE FOR GREENWAY’S PROJECT COX’S BAY RESERVE IS SET TO UPGRADE ITS BOARDWALK TO MORE THAN double the size as part of a regional project to get people into natural spaces. The 300m dilapidated boardwalk used to be 1.2m wide and will be completed at 2.6m by mid-June. Marian Woodhouse, a local resident who has been walking through Cox’s Bay for 20 years, is ecstatic to see the path upgrade. “Oh it’s heaps better. It used to be too narrow. You had to stand perilously close to the edge every time someone wanted to pass. We’re ecstatic.” The total cost of the three-month project is $358,250. The boardwalk is part of the Greenways Project - a mission that aims to create constructed and natural pathways interlinked throughout Auckland suburbs for pedestrians and cyclists. The Greenways website states its objectives to be: “As well as reducing fuel consumption, traffic congestion and pollution and making it easier to reach public transport centres, Auckland’s Greenways will make Auckland the most livable place in the world, giving families a healthy, low-cost, stress-free alternative to using their cars.”

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Robert Thomas, a member of the Waitemata Local Board, is very passionate about the boardwalk project. “It’ll provide more access for people, and it’ll encourage more people to use our parks and open spaces. It’ll encourage people to use alternative transport modes and in the long term we aim to have more kids walking and cycling to school.” The project is almost finished with a few more nails and a handrail to be installed. The boardwalk will link up with other western communities like Grey Lynn Park and the North Western Cycleway. The entrance is through Cox’s Bay Reserve and exits through Richmond Road. As noted by Mr Thomas’s blog the concept for this route has been informally dubbed the “Grey Lynn Greenway”. There were concerns with the old boardwalk such as rundown footpaths, potholes, water erosion and uplifting of the track by tree roots, which was brought to the Waitemata Local Board’s attention by the Cox’s Bay Park Advisory Group. (SARAH HARRIS) PN


PONSONBY U3A: MAY 2013 IT WOULDN’T BE SURPRISING TO FIND THE STREETS OF PONSONBY AND surrounds full of purposeful older people walking for their health, following a talk about strokes and brain research given to the May meeting of Ponsonby U3A, by clinical neuroscientist, Dr Cathy Stinear. Dr Stinear is based at Auckland City Hospital, and is deputy director of the Brain Recovery Clinic at the University of Auckland and a principal investigator at the university’s Centre for Brain Research. She is an expert in movement neuroscience and the purpose of her talk was to share the good news of innovative research and clinical practices in recovery and rehabilitation following strokes, as well as impart information about keeping ourselves fit to avoid strokes. She said that time and again it has been shown that the single best way to avoid a stroke is to stay physically active. We should walk at least 30 minutes a day for five days a week. Other ways to reduce risk are blood pressure control, limit alcohol intake, don’t smoke, reduce salt intake, weight control, and treatment for high cholesterol. The risk factors, she said, are all about blood. Fatty blood makes it easier for clots to form and high blood pressure makes it more likely for clots to break off. There have been many advances in the management of strokes, but it is important to get to a hospital quickly if showing any of the symptoms that could be a stroke. Treatment needs to be started within the first four and a half hours to take advantage of powerful clot-busting medication that can reverse most strokes caused by clots. “We would rather see you at the hospital and say we think that you have had a dizzy spell, rather than a stroke,” said Dr Stinear. Dr Stinear emphasised that recovery from stroke depends on our brains. Drugs are there to treat the blood, however recovery is all about the brain. After a stroke comes recovery and rehabilitation, after which a slow decline can be seen in many people. Research shows that it’s not just people getting older it is because people stop working at getting better. It’s not possible to stay fit long term unless people keep working at it. Stroke causes fatigue, weakness, clumsiness, poor memory, loss of confidence and depression in one in two people. Many people stop practising and go slowly backwards. In discussing the work of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, Dr Stinear talked about neural plasticity (how we learn and remember) and techniques, such as non -invasive brain stimulation, to prime the brain to get it into the best possible condition to form new connections and make improvements in the affected hand, rather than compensate with the good hand. Lots of practice is needed. The biggest problem after stroke is fatigue and the time people can work is limited. She talked about prognostic

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

DR CATHY STINEAR with JANE JONES, President Ponsonby U3A tools being developed, the dream to assess the brain’s capacity for recovery of function, increasing the therapy dose for those with good potential, setting realistic goals, selecting appropriate priming techniques, providing ongoing rehabilitation prescriptions and monitoring self directed rehabilitation. And she reiterated that the focus is not treating arms and legs, but changing the brain. Next month’s guest speaker will be Associate Professor Linda Tyler, Director, Centre for Art Studies, Auckland University. She will discuss why in these economically straitened times the university persists in collecting art and the role art collections play in teaching and learning at the University of Auckland. As well there will be a 10 minute talk from a U3A member. U3A meets on the second Friday of the month, between 9.45am and midday. There are two speakers at each meeting, along with reports of the activities of the 12 special interest groups that are the lifeblood of U3A. (PHILIPPA TAIT) PN NEXT MEETING: 9.45am, Friday 14 June. First floor, LEYS INSTITUTE, 20 St Mary’s Road. New members and visitors welcome. ENQUIRIES: Jane Jones, President, Ponsonby U3A T: 09 378 7628.



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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





MORE THAN BOOKS WINTER IS AN IDEAL TIME FOR COLLECTING A PILE OF ITEMS FROM THE library and racing home to enjoy them. We have a fantastic range of books suited to indoor pursuits – cooking, painting, knitting, designing a garden, learning another language, planning your next overseas trip. Don’t limit yourself to books – we have a wide range of magazines, audio books, DVDs and CDs to amuse you during wet weekends and dark winter nights.

WATERFRONT MAGIC “THE WATERFRONT OF AUCKLAND IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST DAZZLING success stories of the Super City,” exclaims Bob Harvey, Chairman of the Waterfront Development Agency. He goes on to say it’s where the city meets the sea and the concept was first developed by Sea+City five years ago but completed by Waterfront Auckland. This was set up with Ports of Auckland money and the policy is to develop the waterfront from the Harbour Bridge right along to Mechanics Bay, which does include the Ports of Auckland even though it is a separate entity. The Ports of Auckland has the container wharf and the wharves back to Captain Cook while Waterfront Auckland is charged with developing the innovation quarter which is behind the ASB and within the next 10 years, Wynyard Point “when we can get rid of the bloody tanks which are difficult to lodge because of contractual agreements,” says Bob. He wants to see them re-located to either Tauranga or Whangarei, and Wynyard Point developed as a base for recreation and residential which would be apartments, not low cost because around the world waterfonts are prime locations - think New York or San Francisco. Silo Park has been a great success as an entertainment centre and opens to a stream of upmarket and middle range restaurants on the North Wharf that have enjoyed continuous patronage. Part of Bob’s job is to create events for Queens Wharf and to this end he works closely with ATEED (Auckland Tourism). In September the Tall Ships will arrive here from Sydney before sailing back to Europe, so that will be a major event. The Cloud is here to stay for 10 to 15 years and presently is hired out most days for concerts, shows, corporate events etc. Shed 10 on Queens Wharf dates back to 1910 and was used as a cargo shed for export and imported goods. The Class 1 heritage structure has had a 20 million facelift and come July it will be used as an event space and Auckland’s primary cruise ship terminal, of which 120 arrivals are planned for next year. Bob and his team have dreams of bringing back its companion, Shed 11, which is in storage. They are looking at the possibilities of locating it on Queens Wharf because they would love to have it as a venue for the APO and the Ballet which would then be re-located down by the waterfront. Bob has just been to China seeking expressions of interest for a five star hotel on the Viaduct. It would be situated on the Emirates Team New Zealand base and if we win the cup they will have a new site on the western side facing West Haven. The present building will be demolished and in its place a glamorous, lavish boutique hotel will be constructed. While in China, Bob visited some fantastic examples. He considers the quirky Indigo Hotel in Bund, Shanghai the perfect model, full of art, sculptures, waterfalls and so on. That’s what the board is looking at, something upmarket, snazzy and smart with maybe good retail included and possibly a residential wing. As for the trams, they are a work in progress. Right now the board is seriously evaluating them because they are trundling around in a circle going nowhere and it has spelt out to the council that they need to get across the Te Wero Bridge to Britomart. They should be mixed with a light rail system sitting on the tram tracks so there would be an old tram like in San Francisco going to the Britomart and then a 20-30 seater following at five minute intervals. The bridge takes three minutes to ascend up then down so there would be no delay. The original intention was to take them further but a tram is 25 tons and the bridge will only carry 12. To widen and strengthen the bridge is not a major and the board is hoping to have this all in place by next summer. Mike Lee has championed the trams from day one and he is behind what the board is trying to accomplish. Sir Bob Harvey is a very busy man and he kindly took time out to give Ponsonby News readers a foretaste of what is in store for the waterfront. He views Ponsonby, Queen Street and Parnell as links to the waterfront but as for the trams, he says his board is a waterfront system and has to stay in that zone. (DEIRDRE TOHILL) PN

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

Our magazine collection includes magazines on design, cooking, craft, gardening, fashion, sport, history and art. Some of our more popular magazines include Country Life, Elle Décor, Vogue Living, Jamie, Australian Gourmet Traveler, Mollie Makes, BBC History, Wallpaper and Uncut. Magazines go out for two weeks and are free to borrow. Some magazines are also available in the “Bestseller” collection and are $2.10 for two weeks. We can order magazines in from any of our 55 libraries for you free of charge. Audio books are becoming increasingly popular. More and more major books by popular authors are being published in this format. You can find all sorts of fiction and non-fiction books including crime, romance, history, biography and literary fiction. Many customers comment on how they the enjoy listening to audio books while cooking, gardening, working out, driving or just when they want to give their eyes a rest. Audio books are free to borrow and go out for four weeks. If we do not have the title you want we can order it for you from any of our 55 libraries free of charge. Our Tales by Twilight series continues this month. The evening storytimes are a great chance for family members who can’t make it during working hours to come along with the kids and enjoy some stories and songs. We have one more session Friday 7 June from 6 to 7 pm. We will close the library as normal at 5.30pm and reopen at 6.00 pm. Kids can come in their pyjamas and bring along a blanket and a teddy bear to snuggle up with. With the shortest day on 21 June, we will be celebrating with Matariki and mid winter displays and story times. Please check our Facebook page for further details. All the best for a cosy winter from the Leys Institute Team – we look forward to recommending a good book for you when you pop in to see us. (NIKI WRIGHT) PN LEYS INSTITUTE LIBRARY, 20 St Marys Road T: 09 374 1315 www.facebook.com/LeysInstituteLibraryPonsonby

OHSO - THE CHOICE OF TWO Is two better than one…Yes it is! That’s why ohSO has opened their new coffee shop and lunch bar in Drake Street at the new Victoria Quarter. Open Monday to Friday 7am – 3.30pm and packed full of their favourite gourmet sandwiches, tarts, salads, soups and an extensive range of sweet treats baked on site daily. The choice of two also carries through to their coffee, with an option of either the well loved Supreme blend or The Origin blend. The Origin blend is 100% Ethiopian, the light roast being designed to showcase what Coffee Supreme truly love and treasure about Ethiopian coffee. The aroma of Jasmine and baking spices followed by the creamy floral citrus flavours is a unique experience in a cup. Although ohSO Drake Street offers a wide range of breakfast, brunch and lunch items to go, there is still plenty of room to sit down and enjoy your food in their light and airy new space.

FREE COFFEE AT ohSO - Let us shout you a second coffee. Bring the advertisement opposite to ohSO Crummer Road or Drake Street and we will give you your second coffee free! This offer is available anytime during June. PN OHSO, 22 Drake Street T: 09 213 9528 and 29 Crummer Road T: 09 360 0070 www.ohso.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY MEAT ON JERVOIS – BRINGING SERVICE AND CONVENIENCE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY THE ULTRA MODERN MEAT ON JERVOIS OFFERS A DIFFERENT TAKE ON AN old tradition. From the moment you enter, it is clear that this is not your average butcher shop! For a start, it doesn’t smell like a butcher shop. Instead, you are greeted by the warm surrounds of a superbly polished concrete floor, exposed beams and earthy tones that guide you effortlessly past display cases filled with perfectly cut and packaged meat. Meat On Jervois is a satellite store of the larger Meat King Albany Butchery – an A grade food registered premises and retail butcher shop that employs old school qualified butchers who skilfully break up the daily deliveries of beef, lamb, pork and mutton on-site as well as producing their own exclusive range of sausages (including the award winning lamb and mint sausage).

FROCKS AND FOOD AT KINGAN-JONES It’s nice to see local businesses working together. A combination of frocks and food! Last month Claire Kingan-Jones held a party after work in her fashion store in Ponsonby to celebrate the launch of Angela Redfern’s new RIPE recipe book, ‘A Fresh Batch’. From Left-right: Daniel Smith, Lisa Clark, Chana Ohlson, Claire Kingan-Jones and Stacy Devot. PN

Owner Jo Cormack has put more than 20 years industry knowledge and experience to use in developing the Meat On Jervois concept. After witnessing the demise of local butcher shops, in favour of larger format destination stores, Jo believed this trend had gone as far as it should and set out to reverse it with the creation of a new generation style of local butcher shops designed with the capability to rival the largest of stores but more importantly reinstating the service and convenience that had been lost by many communities. “The appreciation shown by local residents for our service has been fantastic” says Jo. With modern purpose-designed display cabinets Meat On Jervois stocks and displays a range of products you would expect from a store three times its size. Jo has enjoyed success at Meat King Albany for her efforts in educating her customers to the benefits of Turks Corn Fed Chicken, both cage free/barn raised and free range chicken and relished the opportunity to introduce the full range at Meat On Jervois. The corn feed diet not only alters the colour of the chicken but imparts a unique flavour that satisfies the palate of the most discerning customers and keeps them coming back. All of the products offered for sale at Meat On Jervois are prepared and packed to the highest of standards at Meat King Albany and delivered directly to Meat On Jervois via their dedicated refrigerated delivery truck as many times a day as required to satisfy demand and any special requests or bulk orders. In short, Meat On Jervois is clean, contemporary and makes for a refreshingly quick, relaxing and enjoyable shopping experience. PN MEAT ON JERVOIS, 158 Jervois Road T: 09 378 6328 www.meatonjervois.co.nz

DON’T MISS THE JULY PONSONBY NEWS+ DEADLINE COPY DEADLINE: Thursday 20 June PUBLISHED: Friday 5 July (Please be on time, as any material arriving after deadline may incur a 20% surcharge)

SPECIAL FEATURES: Vive La France + Home & Entertaining + Mid Winter Christmas + A-Z of Bars in Greater Ponsonby TO BOOK ADVERTISING: ask about our special positions!

Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or T: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 E: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz W: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

32 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

New advertisers receive 250 words of editorial when booking a minimum of a quarter page advertisement. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

photography: Sindbad Bulidon


KOKAKO: SO DELICIOUS YOU WON’T KNOW IT’S GOOD FOR YOU I WAS A HUGE FAN OF KOKAKO’S PARNELL CAFÉ FOR YEARS, BUT THE THOUGHT of trekking across town for coffee and cake didn’t always appeal, and therefore it was often weeks between visits to treat myself to their amazing fare. Needless to say, I hit the counter of their Grey Lynn café and roastery pretty much on the day it opened its doors last year, and it is always up there on my list of Top Five Local Dining Destinations. If you haven’t been there before, Kokako is an eclectic and beautiful café in the c.1930 space formerly inhabited by the Grey Lynn Post Office on the corner of Williamson Ave and Great North Road. The interior retains many of its original features as well as some quirkier elements like up-cycled “found” objects in the form of bench seats, kitchen scales and lamps, and there are always cheery looking potted flowers poking out of the doorway to welcome you in. And like their previous Parnell café, there are always thick woollen blankets rolled up near the front door if you’re sitting outside on a cooler day - at Kokako it’s definitely the thought that counts. Kokako is proudly vegetarian - many of its dishes are also vegan or dairy free too – but it’s one of those places where the food is so great that even the most devoted meat fiend wouldn’t bat an eyelid. This means that more often than not the place is teeming with diners, and by choosing to visit one wet Sunday in May around midday we were asking for a wait. However, despite the madness of the Sunday brunch chaos the charming maitre’d was cool, calm and collected, and much more tolerant than I of the sullen looking quartet of 20-somethings who insisted on taking up seats playing cards over a couple of cups of coffee. There is a time and a place for a leisurely round of gin rummy, and that most definitely wasn’t it! Once we were seated I opted for an old favourite - that never disappoints - in the form of the gluten free, dairy free Organic Potato Hash, which comes with braised greens, an organic free range poached egg, hollandaise and home made smoked eggplant relish. I follow neither a gluten or dairy free diet and regularly eat meat but by golly it’s a grand dish, and an absolute riot for the tastebuds. My dining partner - who has a rampant sweet tooth - chose the 100% Buckwheat Flour Pancakes, which come with poached pear, crème fraiche and organic Cathedral Cove macadamias, and wasn’t disappointed. The pancakes themselves were declared amongst the lightest he’d ever eaten, but the addition of a little extra fruit wouldn’t have gone unappreciated. Our son tucked into a kid’s size bowl of Tolaga Bay Polenta Porridge served with Fairtrade Organic caramelised banana and rhubarb and kiwifruit compote (gluten and dairy free once again), which was good and hearty but again, could have done with a little extra fruit. We weren’t too adventurous in our beverage choices by opting for a couple of rounds of their wonderful coffee and a fluffy, but during other visits I’ve become a huge fan of a mid-morning hit of their The Green Goodie smoothie, a mix that includes spirulina, kiwifruit, Sspinach, mint and honey and has to be tried to be believed. They also stock the legendary summer - and winter! - favourites Nice Blocks and Nice Cream, and a selection of tasty juices like Lothlorien Organic Grapefruit Juice and Pete’s Natural Lemonade from Nelson. There is so much on the menu that I’m pretty much gagging to go back and try - Lentil and Pinto Beans with Blue Cheese, for starters - not to mention the colourful array of counter and cabinet options that are just begging to be bagged up and taken home. One visit to Kokako a week really isn’t enough, so I’m off to plan my next! PN (HELENE RAVLICH) KOKAKO, 537 Great North Road T: 09 379 2868 www.kokako.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




EVERYONE WANTS A TABLE AT THE BLUE BREEZE INN OCCASIONALLY A RESTAURANT OPENS THAT IS A GAME CHANGER. WITH a Pacific/Chinese menu, cheerful atmosphere, intriguing décor and snappy service The Blue Breeze Inn fired from the moment it opened the doors on to Ponsonby Road. Everybody wants a table and it doesn’t seem to matter whether they’re young, middle-aged or old, real estate agents, car salesmen or straight from Mad Men. It suits everyone and there’s even a little high chair, for heaven’s sake. Mark Wallbank, fast becoming the most innovative and influential restaurateur in the area, has managed to grab the lead and the limelight again. He was famously involved with the popular café Blake St and Rocco, and then morphed the latter into MooChowChow, introducing diners to an eclectic take on Thai fare. And now his Blue Breeze Inn. If you’re going there, make sure your diction is careful and exact. My friend looked in vain for the “Blueberries” Inn until it dawned on her where she was supposed to meet me! I loved the array of Chinese-influenced appetisers including some pretty smart dumplings. The pork and prawn shumai were tasty, a tad solid perhaps, but I liked that. There are soup dumplings xiao long bao that explode in your mouth with a rush of hot salty soup, some even arriving bathed in a tasty pork and black truffle soup that may be the most comforting thing in the world on a chilly wintry day. The prawn har gau are light and fluffy, and the barbecued pork buns were so good I had to order another; soft silky dough, folded over and stuffed with a piece of marinated pork with crispy, fatty skin that crackled in my mouth with an accompanying smear of sweet spicy sauce, a couple of slices of pickled cucumber and a wisp of lettuce had me swooning. Forget all those oh-so-fashionable sliders round the rest of the city and head for these amazing treats.

photography: Michael McClintock

Other appetisers we’ve tried that stood out were the bang bang chicken - a cold yet spicy plateful of deliciousness; a pile of freshly spiced and smoked fish, redolent of five spice, ginger and shallots; and some extraordinary tea smoked duck breast, arranged in a circle of overlapping pieces with some pickled cabbage and mustard cress to cut the fattiness. You can eat your away through this section of the menu, be perfectly satisfied and not blow the bank.

However it would be a shame to restrict dining to appetisers only for there are more fancy and wonderful things for those with ‘big appetites’. Che Barrington is the talented chef in charge of the kitchen, and has a veritable army of workers crammed in there. He’s the proud owner of a battery of new kitchen equipment to produce such a varied menu, and in particular one enormous ‘duck oven’ with a shiny hood where the whole roasted Chinese ducks hang and cook until the skin is a deep lacquered brown. This is another not-to-be-missed treat on the menu, along with another duck dish – crispy skinned portions that have been deep-fried and rolled in Sichuan pepper, chillies and cumin. As they say, finger-lickin’ good! I also love the generous portion of steamed fish fillets with black bean and shaoxing wine, the wok fried green beans and chunks of tender eggplant, and a very black peppery pickled cabbage and coriander salad. It’s all great. The wine list takes us around the world, although the husband, with pretty set drinking MELISSA habits (he MORROW knows what he likes – chardonnay most of the time) lamented the lack of local chardys on the list by the glass. Is Ponsonby an ABC zone? Better then to settle for the gorgeous house made ginger beer, or a cooling lager to match the zesty, zingy food. Even perhaps, an exotic cocktail. Occupying a long thin corner site, there’s plenty of natural light, big windows that will allow the blue breeze in on warmer days and some terrific décor that conjures up the Pacific Rim. I especially love the gabion of coconuts, the large solid wooden bar to perch at and the brightly coloured cushions everywhere. And with Mark Wallbank at the helm, rushing all over the place all the time, of course the service was swift and personable. Situated on the corner of Ponsonby Road and Brown Street, The Blue Breeze Inn is officially part of Ponsonby Central, but luckily has its own entrance and balcony. I say luckily, as all the pizzazz of the market place disappears into the evening when those vast spaces feel very empty. I predict it will be months, if ever, that this snazzy restaurant suffers that sort of fate. PN (LAURAINE JACOBS MNZM) www.laurainejacobs.co.nz The Seasoned Palate THE BLUE BREEZE INN, 146 Ponsonby Road T: 09 360 0303 www.thebluebreezeinn.co.nz


34 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


CELIA HAY: NZ SCHOOL OF FOOD & WINE In my Canterbury life, prior to the earthquakes, I owned the Duvauchelle country store and café in Akaroa Harbour. Situated at the head of the harbour, with dramatic panoramic views, there were three things that singled us out from the mainstream – our freshly baked sourdough bread, my range of pies with a lower fat and organic flour pastry and our lemonade and cheese scones. There is something completely compelling about freshly baked food and while the sourdough does take planning to establish the starter, for most people, you already have the ingredients for the scones in your kitchen right now! I prefer these scones made with this fascinating combination of lemonade and cream because they are light and crunchy and not like the traditional scones that can be heavy and dense if not mixed correctly. At the Duvauchelle Store, we would serve the scones with an option of jam but in all honesty, they are best straight from the oven and enjoyed as they are. I have made a Youtube video www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_7K35nxTMY that explains the method and has proved popular with nearly 10,000 views. The good news is that we are also baking the scones at my new pie shop in the Viaduct, Celia’s Pies, adjacent to the Tepid Baths in Custom Street West. Our small shop is open Monday – Friday from 8am - 5pm and we are making the pies on-site. My goal was to create a delicious pie that was not so full of fat, particularly in the pastry, and was completely natural with only real ingredients. To do this, I experimented with different techniques and then settled on a short crust pastry that uses butter along with a kiwifruit product that extends the butter so that you do not need to use so much. We offer a manuka smoked fish pie, vegetarian in a mornay of blanched vegetables, braised beef and mushroom and a range of lamb-based pies using certified organic lamb sourced from our family farm in Canterbury. This includes Moroccan lamb, with fragrant spices, mince and cheese and lamb and rosemary. We have a small area for seating, and now that it is colder, we offer the pies with mushy peas and potatoes for $12.95. In time, we hope to offer the pies at various farmer’s markets around Auckland. In the meantime, try baking the scones! www.celiapies.co.nz

Lemonade and Cheese Scones Ingredients 700g or 3 cups standard flour 2 heaped tablespoons of baking powder 200g or 1 cup of grated cheese

250ml or 1 cup of lemonade 250ml or 1 cup cream

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 C. 2. Sift flour and baking powder in to a bowl. 3. Add cheese and mix through flour with a knife. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture. 4. Pour the cream and lemonade into the well. Fold through. 5. If mixture is too wet, sprinkle in a little more flour. 6. Line a baking tray with baking paper. 7. Using a large spoon, place the scones onto the baking tray – for large scones you will get 8-10 scones from this mixture. They should be high and not pressed flat as traditional scones. 8. Sprinkle extra cheese on the top of the scones. 9. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Optional: Serve with whipped cream and raspberry jam. (CELIA HAY) PN

NEW ZEALAND SCHOOL OF FOOD & WINE, Level 3, 104 Customs Street West www.foodandwine.co.nz Email me: celia@foodandwine.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



WHAT’S HOT AT SABATO ORGANIC PRODUCTS AT SABATO Amongst our gorgeous range of artisan ingredients we are proud to support a number of suppliers committed to organic and sustainable practices. From the rolling countryside of the Marches, Italy comes our Girolomoni range. Previously known as Montebello, the range has been renamed in honour of Gino Girolomoni, the founder of the co-operative and a man who is recognised as a pioneer of the organic movement in Italy. The Girolomoni Co-operative is committed to traditional organic farming methods, producing a range of top quality products including various pastas, farro, lentils and cous cous, flour, pasta sauces and olive oil. Our artisanal Ferron rice is perfect as we slip into winter’s wet and windy grasp. Vialone Nano ‘semi-fino’ is a small oval grain, full of flavour and capable of absorbing more liquid that other grains, making a naturally creamier risotto and fantastic rice pudding! Carnaroli ‘super-fino’ is a larger, longer grain, with a nutty flavour. It absorbs less liquid but contributes its own wonderful flavour to the dish. Amongst our extensive range of olive oils there are several organic picks including those from the Salvagno range, Kowhai Close, Pons organic and Mas Portell organic.

LOCAL CHARITY FUNDRAISER GENERATES $185,000 Grey Lynn charity, the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre (RMTC) held their Gala Evening last month. The black tie event was hugely successful with generous bidders helping to raise almost $185,000 for the charity. Held in the gorgeous Great Room of the Langham Hotel, the evening was highlighted by performances from Anika Moa, Boh Runga, Annabel Fay, Hinewehi Mohi and boy band Titanium. The founder of RMTC, Hinewehi Mohi, delivered an emotional performance. The centre is named after her daughter Hineraukatauri, who is one of the 200 children who participate in music therapy each week. The fundraiser auction saw a Taylor Swift signed banjo sold for $9000, a limited edition set of Pink Floyd prints signed by artist Storm Thorgerson sold for $17,000, a Hello Sailor signed guitar sold for $7000, a Sir Graham Henry pep talk sold for $11,000 and a private Titanium concert sold for $10,000. The highest bid of the night was $24,000 for a MediaWorks advertising package. PN RMTC is a charity that helps children with a wide range of special needs to communicate better through the use of music. www.rmtc.org.nz

Throughout our shelves you will find many other products that use organic ingredients such as J Friend & Co. honey, Cheese Barn cheeses, French chestnut products and award winning Quina Fina tonic water… though bear in mind while many of our products may not be ‘certified’ organic they come from small, artisan businesses committed to traditional methods, sustainability and the production of superior quality products. PN SABATO Limited , 57 Normanby Road T: 09 630 8751 www.sabato.co.nz

Above top: ANNABEL FAY sings at Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre 2013 fundraising auction; Above: ANIKA MOA and BOH RUNGA perform

36 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013



A GUIDE TO ITALIAN WINE This month at Glengarry we’ve devoted our Wineletter to Italy. Over the last two years I have spent some time in Italy, tasting with numerous producers to enhance our range, and for holidays too – I must say I love Italian wine and food. I’m thrilled with the range you’ll find in this month’s Wineletter. Here’s a little about Italian wine to help you along. FIRSTLY CLASSIFICATIONS – IN A SIMILAR STYLE TO THE FRENCH, THE ITALIAN CLASSIFICATIONS CAN BE BROKEN INTO: • Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) - similar to the AOC, wines from the specific area with criteria around the production. • Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) – DOC with a G, a quality indicator – the next level up. • Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT) - similar to Vin de Pays in France, a quality level that is often used for top end wines that for some reason don’t meet the DOC or DOCG criteria. NORTHERN ITALY There are four regions in the north; Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont. The most significant in this area is Piedmont; home to the Nebbiolo grape, which is the grape behind Barolo and Barbaresco. Nebbiolo is a great grape for those who love Pinot Noir; from a growing point of view it has similar characters, the final wine also shares similarities. Top producers in the region include, Gaja, Fontanafredda, Marchesi di Gresy and Gagliardo. NORTH EAST ITALY The main region here is Veneto, home to Soave, Valpolicella and Amarone. Soave is a light fragrant white wine, best drunk young and cold. Valpolicella is a fruity red wine, best with pizza and pasta. Amarone is made from air dried grapes, a concentrated wine that rewards ageing. If Amarone is a little rich for your wallet, Passimento is made in a similar way, with a smaller percentage of air dried grapes retaining a bit more of the primary fruit characters, and Ripasso which is made by passing the red wine over the dried grape skins used to make Amarone. My top wines - Santa Margherita and Pasqua, who make the three delicious wines; Ripasso, Passimento and Amarone. CENTRAL ITALY Home to the region of Tuscany; wines produced here include Chianti, from the Sangiovese grape variety. There are varying levels of quality – Chianti, Chianti Classico and Chianti Classico Superiore. All a step up from each other. Look out for Cecchi and Villa Cerna. SOUTHERN ITALY There’s significant volume produced in the south of Italy. Look out for quality value for money producers like Rivera and Illuminati. (LIZ WHEADON) PN www.glengarrywines.co.nz www.glengarry.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




A FRENCH TOAST! While we owe the majority of New Zealand’s wine making legacy to immigrants from Croatia, there has been a Gallic wine influence here from early days. By 1858, French Catholic missionaries in Hawkes Bay planted vines, the winery now known as Mission Estate. Today we have some French immigrant wine producers, for example Daniel Le Brun, Domaine Georges Michel, and Clos Henri – all from Marlborough. For most of us with a limited wine budget, French wine has been out of reach for many years. Yet while French wine imports are still fairly low volume, we are starting to see some medium priced wines from France on the shelves of our wine specialty stores. This month, I decided to pick three random French wines from my local wine outlet and put them up against three of my favourite New Zealand wines. As I had expected, the French white wines were more mineral and less fruit led. The French red, by comparison stood up well as fruity, ripe and very good value.

LAROCHE DE LA CHEVALIER CHARDONNAY 2011 $18.00 This one is an unpretentious Vin de Pays d’Oc (wine of the country) from the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France. A crisp and mineral style of Chardonnay with some light oak flavours and a hint of quince and apple. Restrained and elegant rather than the in-your-face buttery fruit bomb style that can emerge from Gisborne or Hawkes Bay. BOURILLON L’INDIGENE VOUVRAY 2004 $22.00 A bargain that I picked up in bin-end sale, and standing up very well for a nine year-old wine. Vouvray is an appellation from the Touraine region of the Loire valley in France, and refers to wines made exclusively from Chenin Blanc and as is often oak aged. Still some pineapple fruit flavours with subtle yet integrated oak flavours. Very reminiscent of an aged Chardonnay.

photography: Roberto Maya

It does depend on the individual palate, and to my tastes I’ll stick to New Zealand white wines. On the other hand we should be aware that there are some very good value French reds out there that will give our Pinot Noir and Syrah a run for their money - if you’re keen to hunt them out.

SANTOS RE-OPENS WITH AN AMAZING NEW LOOK WOW! SANTOS HAS JUST RE-OPENED AT 114 PONSONBY ROAD AND IT looks amazing! Once the roof goes over the courtyard and it no longer looks like a construction site... it will be business as usual, says owner Anne Sim. All work should be completed within the next few weeks. We love the beautiful paint finish by Lucinda Harrison... Local florist Kim Farr says, “so much love has been put into that paint and plaster... a true work of art.” We agree.

ST COSME LITTLE JAMES’ BASKET PRESS GRENACHE $22.00 Château de St. Cosme is located in southern France’s Provence region. Another bargain. I took a punt on this one despite the cutesy label that features cartoon characters in the vineyard. This is an NV wine i.e. non-vintage; a blend of different years’ Grenache. Extremely good value. Very soft, and ripe with black berry fruits and savoury flavours. RIMU GROVE BRONTE NELSON PINOT GRIS 2010 $23.00 Winemaker and owner, Patrick Stowe comes from a wine family from Napa USA. One of my favourite wineries to visit in Nelson. This wine is light, elegant and crisp with flavours of mandarin, marzipan and apple. DRY RIVER MARTINBOROUGH CRAIGHALL RIESLING 2009 $45.00 I pulled this one out of my modest cellar, just to see how it was developing. Dry River recommends putting the Craighall 2009 away for five to seven years. Still lots of fruit flavours there – lime, grapefruit and white peach with a strong backbone of minerality and mouth-watering crispness. VALLI BANNOCKBURN CENTRAL OTAGO PINOT NOIR 2011 $65.00 A classic Central Otago Pinot that ticks all the boxes. Very soft ripe tannins, with flavours of tamarillo, ripe black cherry, stewed plum and a hint of vanilla oak. CORRECTION: In last month’s column on the Wine Writers of New Zealand organisation (WWNZ), I failed to mention that founder member and chair is the fabulous Jo Burzynska AIWS. Apologies to Jo. (PHIL PARKER) PN Read Phil’s blog at nzwineblogger.blogspot.co.nz Phil Parker is a wine writer and operates Fine Wine & Food Tours in Auckland. www.insidertouring.co.nz

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY THERE’S A PARTY AT GINA’S! THIS YEAR GINA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF CRAZY Italian hospitality; a great milestone in any language. To mark this occasion, there is a big party planned from 4pm until late on Sunday 30 June at Gina’s Italian Kitchen in Symonds Street. Gina’s would like to reach out to their regular customers, old and new as well as their suppliers and invite them all to come and help celebrate their 40th birthday. As the first ‘Gina’s’ opened in 1973, the party will have a 70s theme to it. Think ‘disco glam’ if you like. A proper dance floor will be installed for those of us who can’t dance on the tables anymore. And there are some great prize hampers on offer for those with the best dance grooves, best 70s hair and best 70s dress. Numbers are limited so it’s essential to get your RSVP in now - Tanti Auguri! PN

photography: Michael McClintock

RSVP by email to 40yrs@ginas.co.nz, text to M: 021 331 1120 or call T: 09 302 2061


Bistro 222 has gone from the Ponsonby strip, in its place Sliders Kitchen & Bar has just opened. It’s a great new place to meet on Ponsonby Road. Enjoy a glass of wine, tap beer, slider burgers and other gourmet simple food (think delicious tapas). Live sport for the big games, plus music from the 70s 80s and 90s. www.facebook.com/Sliderskitchen?fref=ts 1. Aaron Johnston, Angie Jakicevich, Michael Antunovich, Rachael Antunovich, Mark Gilbert; 2. Martin Leach with Shane Crooke.

40 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied









1. JOHN SAVAGE sent the attached photo, which was taken last month in Ko Samui. He tells us he had a fantastic holiday in THAILAND ended by a relaxing week in Ko Samui. 2. Grey Lynn resident ROSS BROWNSON on the SINGAPORE FLYER (the world’s largest Giant Observation Wheel) overlooking Marina Sands. 3. “Here is a picture of my mother, VALDA LONG, reading your news in WHANGAMOMONA on the ‘Forgotten Highway’ between Taumarunui and Stratford,” writes Mt Eden resident Graham Long. 4. RONNY FRANKS of Ponsonby visits Jill Stanton Kavana (formally of Ponsonby) now Rarotongan resident, at her cafe The Mooring, Avana Harbour, RAROTONGA. “We both love our Ponsonby News!” they tell us. 5. Ponsonby resident SALLY JAMES was at Musket Cove in FIJI at the launching of the new Malolo Cat built on the island. 6. No, it ISN’T Tom Selleck reading Ponsonby News! It’s Franklin Road’s ‘Mayor’ ROSS THORBY sending us this shot of himself taken last month in Mondessa, a black township in NAMIBIA. PN Dear readers please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.

42 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013



A DIFFERENT SPAIN By Kate Gohar, World Journeys Although the economic recession has severely impacted Southern Europe, one could argue there has been no better time to visit Spain. Like its neighbour Portugal, Spain benefited in all kinds of ways by joining the EU. Almost overnight major highways emerged and travel times halved. An infrastructure second to none was created with mindful consideration of the surrounding environment providing fast access to the most visited site in Spain, the Alhambra. Entering the Generalife (the gardens of the Alhambra) the senses are awakened by heady perfume and the sound of trickling water flowing gently through carefully considered gardens. Swallows swoop and dive as if to greet everyone individually. Within the palaces, light streams through exquisite latticed windows highlighting intricately carved details. Fantastic arabesque geometric tiles create a visual feast. The magnificent palaces of the Alhambra are perhaps the greatest relic of Islamic architecture. With all of this it is no wonder that the Alhambra could be considered the eighth wonder of the world! One could be forgiven for thinking this would be hard to beat, but heading south east we discover another surprising yet less well travelled area of Andalucía, the Alpujarras. The Alpujarras are a beautiful area of wooded hills and valleys with white -washed stone villages gradually rising in altitude to 1850 metres above sea level. The villages of Pampaneira, Bubión, and Capileira, are famous for their artisan crafts and tranquillity. The highest village in Spain, Trevélez, is most famous for its Jamón Serrano (considered to be the best in Spain) with a renowned restaurant where the food is as memorable as the views. Heading west from Granada into the province of Málaga the diversity of terrain is equally surprising; to the north lies another white village, the town of Ronda, one of the most spectacular towns in Andalucía. Its secluded position in the Serrania de Ronda

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

mountain range, built on a high plateau, is breathtakingly beautiful. The monumental 18th century ‘Puente Nuevo’ bridge spans a narrow but deep gorge with vertical rock faces separating the older Moorish town from the newer area to the west. Our finale of the white villages would have to be the town of Arcos, one of the most picturesque, with breathtaking views. Perched atop a ramp like formation, Arcos from a distance could be described as the icing on the cake. Its labyrinth of narrow streets, where cars are few and far between, make Arcos a perfect pedestrian town. Every alleyway is a delight with the faded grandeur of old facades and peeling painted doorways. At dusk Arcos comes alive with the sound of swallows in frenetic flight accompanied by the ringing of bells from the nearby church of San Pedro. Enjoying the tapas bars, soaking up the atmosphere and watching one of the most spectacular sunsets while drinking Jerez, one is transported to another time. Spain is certainly the same but it is definitely different. PN



TRAVEL BREAKS: THE NEW THERAPY! THE MOST RELAXING OVERSEAS BREAK IS ONLY 45 MINUTES AWAY. SO RELAX! Waking to the sound of the ocean and the smell of hot croissants and coffee, served in the privacy of your own spacious suite is everyone’s idea of heaven in the hectic lives we lead. But spending all our energy on the travel getting there is not relaxing at all. That’s why CLIFFTOPS the luxury retreat on Waiheke Island is so appealing. Take the car and drive onto the Sealink ferry, drive off 45 minutes later and be welcomed at this stunning international property with a glass of The Hay Paddock’s exquisite wine. They’ll arrange dinner for you at the ever-so-chic Oyster Inn (with a complimentary bottle of wine with your meal) or Charley Farleys nearby on the beach. There’s so much to do on Waiheke that vineyards, walking trails and galleries hardly touches it. But the most popular activity of all is doing nothing but breathing the air, relaxing and recharging the batteries. They have great winter and mid-week inclusive packages now on, so give them a call and take a break! Two people in a king sized suite, breakfast included is $400 a night, but that doesn’t take account of the complimentary add-ons. The minimum stay is two nights and mid-week can be cheaper! Phone them and check it out. CLIFFTOPS is hosted by the same people who make The Hay Paddock’s internationally awarded wines. Talk to Chris on T: 09 372 9539 or email enquiries@clifftops.co.nz then relax! PN CLIFFTOPS LUXURY ACCOMMODATION, 338 Seaview Road, Onetangi Waiheke

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SUSAN GIBSON, marketing manager at Heritage Hotels is having a break in Europe and has sent us this great photo of herself taken in the Baroque style Komisch Oper (sic) BERLIN. We’re not sure what concert she was at, but the theatre looks amazing.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



PIPPA COOM GREY LYNN 2030 NEWS: SUSTAINABILITY THE ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATION OF CO2 IN THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE has just reached 400 ppm. The Guardian UK reported that the last time so much greenhouse gas was in the air was several million years ago, when the Arctic was ice -free, savannah spread across the Sahara desert and sea level was up to 40 metres higher than today. 350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide – measured in “Parts Per Million” in our atmosphere. As we quickly head towards 450 ppm, at which point the Earth will warm by 2 degrees, there is now serious debate underway that we may even be close to the point it is too late to take mitigation action and our response needs to be focused on adaptation and defence. So we welcome Ponsonby News focus this month on local sustainability. Sustainability is still seen as a greeny ‘hippie’ idea but I see it is about being able to continue in the long term. Businesses in particular understand this. Businesses want to run a successful, lasting and profitable business model. Therefore it makes economic sense to be sustainable. By the way, it is great to see so many members of the Grey Lynn Business Association featured in Ponsonby News this month. GLBA was an initiative of Grey Lynn 2030 and now operates independently with sustainability in business as a core value. www.glba.co.nz Grey Lynn 2030 is part of the international Transition Town movement that was founded 10 years ago by Rob Hopkins as a response to climate change. Rob gave a video presentation to the recent workshop hosted in partnership with Auckland Council aimed at encouraging and supporting groups in Auckland.

Out of the very dire news about climate change, Transition Towns offers a practical and positive response. We are asking questions about how to be sustainable so that the resources we use today do not jeopardise the living standards or even survival of future generations. We would like our communities to be sustainable and resilient to any crisis - and the Christchurch earthquakes have demonstrated just how important community connectedness and resourcefulness is. Rob Hopkins says “The fact is that at a time in history when we desperately need to cut emissions sharply, we all have a responsibility to re-evaluate behaviour we undertake that normalises, for those around us, ways of acting that generate high levels of emissions.” What Transition promotes – living more simply, using less, reconnecting to our local economy and to more seasonal foods – is what we should be doing ‘anyway’, even if climate change proved to be no longer a problem, or peak oil was ‘solved’. From the workshop we came away in good heart with what we have achieved in Grey Lynn over the last five years with the work of committed volunteers. Positive Vision, Practical Action. For information about our local initiatives visit www.greylynn2030.co.nz or to find out what is happening in wider Auckland www.transitiontowns.org.nz. Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, is coming to Auckland on 11 June on the Do the Maths New Zealand tour. A climate change maths lesson that might just change the world.More details and how to buy tickets at http://maths.350.org/nz (PIPPA COOM)

photography: Michael McClintock

Our hope is that we can spread the idea of Transition Towns across Auckland so we can all live more locally. The human scale of our suburbs - Freemans Bay, Ponsonby, Arch Hill, Grey Lynn, St Mary’s Bay - is a result of how people originally lived in “villages” in our city before we relied on oil to get us around bigger areas. This village scale still resonates with us today and makes our central suburbs more adaptable to localism and a sustainable lifestyle.

PIPPA COOM: a Sunday regular at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market

ENCOURAGING AUCKLANDERS TO INSULATE THEIR HOMES NOW SUMMER IS GIVING WAY TO COOLER CONDITIONS, HOMEOWNERS are invited to explore Auckland Council’s initiatives to prepare their properties for the winter months. Whether upgrading an existing home or building a new one, Auckland homeowners can benefit from council’s free home assessment from trained Eco Design Advisers. Advisers give independent and informed advice on how to create a healthier home and environment and save on household running costs. Auckland Council is also helping people to make their homes warmer through financial assistance packages. The Retrofit Your Home programme offers up to $5,000 towards the cost of insulation and clean heating solutions, with the first $1,300 of insulation upgrades being offered free under the government funded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) Energywise subsidy. “The Retrofit Your Home programme helps more families in Auckland have access to well-insulated, warmer and healthier homes,” she says. “With winter approaching, we’re encouraging people to apply now for the support available. An early application will help ensure the insulation, heating or other solutions homeowners decide on is organised before the cold weather sets in.” Since its regional launch in 2011, over 5,500 Auckland homes have already taken part in the Retrofit Your Home programme. Repayments under the scheme are added to the homeowner’s rates bill over a nine-year period, so the borrowing is attached to the property and not the individual. More information on the programme, and how to apply, is available online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or by calling T: 09 301 0101. To book a consultation with an Eco Design Adviser, or to arrange a presentation at an event, email Eion.scott@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz PN

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SUSTAINABILITY SUZANNE KENDRICK - GREY LYNN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER - EXTRAORDINAIRE Two kids, work and a broken leg, are not enough to slow Suzanne Kendrick down. We met at Suzanne’s favourite new cafe - Bread and Butter - behind Farro Fresh Food in Grey Lynn. While Suzanne is hobbling around on crutches, Bread and Butter suits just fine as it has a disability park right at the door, making it easy for her to get inside for a meeting or just a regular coffee. Brought up in suburban Auckland, with a community oriented mother, Suzanne looks back and can see the importance of a well-connected community and she wanted the same for her family. After moving from Wellington to start her family, she has a boy of 12 and a girl of 10, Suzanne saw the many opportunities to get involved in our community. First Plunket, then Westmere School’s Little Day Out and Parent Net. She then started the cleanup of Edgar’s Creek which runs along the end of her street. “It was a boggy dirty little swamp that I walked with my kids to school across every day. I could see that we could easily make the stream a beautiful part of Wellpark Reserve”. Six years later it’s very much improved.

photography: Michael McClintock

Having been interested in the environment and sustainability for years “I wanted to make a difference to how and where we live”, she tells us. Suzanne knew about Transition Towns’ a worldwide initiative to prepare communities for self sufficiency and sustainability once oil starts to run out. Suzanne joined the newly formed Grey Lynn 2030, a local group based on the Transition Towns ideas. This quote from Transition Towns, Rob Hopkins really struck a chord with Suzanne. ‘What Transition promotes – living more simply, using less, reconnecting to our local economy and to more seasonal foods – is what I would be doing ‘anyway’, even if climate change makes its effect a long time from now, or peak oil was ‘solved’. Suzanne Kendrick’s first role was a tree planting at Edgars Stream. Grey Lynn 2030 had just started the Farmers Market. The Grey Lynn Business Association was a later initiative of Suzanne’s. She could see a local business association could connect up businesses and the many people that work from home in our neighbourhood. Her business name - The Connector - is very appropriate! Suzanne offers digital marketing services to SME’s. Behind the projects under the Grey Lynn 2030 umbrella, as well as being the chair of the trust, Suzanne contributes with digital marketing – websites, social media keeping them up to date, relevant and alive. Part of the Transition Towns philosophy is to start local projects, and then hand them on to keen locals to run. Examples include the Wilton Street Gardens, and more recently the Grey Lynn Community Choir. Suzanne helped a talented musician friend to set up a local choir, and then handed it over to him. The choir is thriving with a committed group of members. No auditions, just turn up, sing, learn and have fun. This indefatigable woman’s latest project is the Grey Lynn 2030 Car Boot Market, held on the last Sunday of the month, which has got the keen support of Grey Lynn RSC committee, especially Don. It is a great partnership. The car boot sale concept suits Suzanne’s green, non-consumerist, re use, move it around, philosophy. It also makes some money that keeps GL2030 afloat for its community projects. The council now see Grey Lynn 2030 as a go-to group for Grey Lynn. Pippa Coom, another member of the GL2030 is Deputy Chair of the Waitemata Local Board, representing Transtion Town values on the Auckland Council. One of Transition Town’s aims is to get local people involved with local government so it was a natural move to support Pippa to get elected. As important stakeholders, Grey Lynn 2030 was invited to make pre draft submissions on the Draft Unitary Plan. They looked at the plan through a Transition Towns, sustainability lens. After much consideration, another new group Suzanne started, Grey Lynn Urban Environment is of the view that we need affordable housing and intensification. GLUE argues that Grey Lynn will not be the same if we lose all its young, or its old, because they can no longer afford to live in Grey Lynn. GLUE sees a need to intensify on the main roads, especially Great North Road. To change the zoning to allow intensification beside and behind existing houses. “Keep the facade of the villa, the street scape but let people have units, flats inside – more people living in the same space.” The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Grey Lynn 2030 is supporting the Arch Hill locals in their fight with the big box Bunnings proposed on Great North Road. Suzanne is not encouraged by the possible Bunnings’ application. “The Waitemata Local Board opposes the development, so does most of the community but has so far been powerless to stop it. We have gone along with the Unitary Plan hearing that Auckland Council will listen to the community. The way this project is going through is raising all sorts of alarm bells about future community engagement.” “This is the central city fringe,” she tells us. “The ridges around Grey Lynn are a great place for people to live, if we build apartments on the ridges many people can live there and enjoy great views and have some retail on the ground level.” Suzanne loves good modern architecture. GLUE is advocating houses have less parking possibilities not more. One parking space per home, not massive, gated and barricaded garages. One of the secrets of successful communities, according to Transition Towns’ philosophy is to work from the bottom up. Let communities develop what they want and have local government support the groups with the resources they need to make things happen. So far Grey Lynn 2030 has not received any funding but operates on the energy of many passionate people in our area. Suzanne is working on Auckland wide Transition Towns coordination, which will make it possible for Grey Lynn 2030 to help other Transition groups to grow all over Auckland. Suzanne presented the vision of the current Auckland Transition Town groups to the Auckland Council, Environment and Sustainability Committee last month. Suzanne Kendrick works and thinks at a hundred miles an hour. Grey Lynn is a lucky community to have her on their side. She has worked in the IT industry in sales and marketing since the internet began, and is utterly community minded. She seeks to bring people together, working with the council and within our community wants, and is not prepared to just accept what is given. In her business too she says she enjoys looking at businesses with fresh eyes. Owners get so close they find it hard to be objective. She hopes the council will take the same fresh eyed approach to what our community’s future is, and the needs of her beloved Grey Lynn. What community do we want to live in, in 2030? Suzanne Kendrick is one strong minded, utterly community-minded individual, not frightened to speak her mind, not suffering fools gladly I would say. She is making a real difference in her community. There aren’t enough around here like her. (JOHN ELLIOTT) PN DEADLINE – 20TH OF THE MONTH June 2013 PONSONBY NEWS+



photography: Adam Baines

VERITY GEORGE REFUSES TO BUY BOTTLED WATER In 2011 I went on a family holiday to Hawaii. My big sister who lives in California was turning 50 and since her best friends live on Kauai half the year we all converged on this magical island with the Jurassic Park waterfalls. Here in tropical heaven we drank Kangen water thanks to the friends owning this particular brand of ionizer, the Rolls Royce of electrolysis machines. A couple of months before -hand, I had decided to listen to the advice of my Doctor - lose 5kg. Owning a café (and living on site) means sugar temptation never sleeps. Repeating the “Cake only on a Sunday” mantra, my self-discipline slowly paid off. Then in Hawaii I got hooked on drinking Kangen water and decided I couldn’t live without it. It doesn’t slosh around inside you like ordinary water, you feel hydrated faster (called micro-clustering) and it’s a great detoxifier that knocks the head on hangovers! I find the combination of healthy eating, regular exercise and alkaline water keeps me in tip-top shape. It was a big decision to invest in this $4000 machine - made in Japan - but the equipment lasts 30 years when looked after properly. All the things humans love, like wine, coffee, chocolate and cheese push acidity levels up in our body. So drinking more alkaline water addresses this imbalance and acts as an antioxidant, ideally slowing down the aging process and assisting with overall wellness. High performance athletes understand about the benefits to recovery time because muscle cramping from excess lactic acid is not such a problem when you have created a more alkaline internal environment. Inside the compact bench top unit are five superior metal plates that tap water flows in-between, this process of electrolysis changes the pH structure of the water molecule. At the touch of a button the machine creates ionized alkaline drinking water from 8.5 -9.5pH (tap water is neutral at 7.0pH); beauty or polishing water at 6.0pH which is great for making windows and stainless steel sparkle; acid water at 2.0ph which smells like bleach, kills 99.9% of bacteria yet can be sprayed in your eye or throat to stop an infection; and strongly alkaline water at 11.5pH which is a de-greaser so can be used like spray and wipe, and for getting pesticides off vegetables. It’s fantastic being able to use a 100% environmentally safe cleaning product in my café that really works, does not smell like chemicals, or leave toxic residuals behind. The machine has effectively paid for itself. A cleaning product with no smell or foaming agent takes a bit of getting used to. Incidentally, good old bicarbonate of soda does the same thing of raising the pH level to act on dirt. I also refuse to buy bottled water (we don’t sell it at Garnet Station) but my customers drink the Kangen water on the house! I am an authorised Kangen machine distributor. (VERITY GEORGE) PN FOR FURTHER DETAILS Call Verity on T: 09 360 3397 or M: 0274 493 953 www.kangendemo.com

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

EVEN PANELBEATERS CAN BE GREEN AND WORK SUSTAINABLY JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT PANELBEATERS SHOULD BE RELEGATED TO an industrial precinct well away from residential areas, new green sustainable practices have evolved. Ponsonby News visited West Lynn Painters and Panelbeaters on the corner of Richmond Road and Surrey Crescent to look at the environmentally friendly innovations. Owner Drago Jujnovich proudly showed us around. They have adopted Envirobase paints - the world’s most advanced waterborne basecoat system, the marketing material maintains. The paint is from PPG Industries, is environmentally sustainable, improves air quality, and reduces waste. Compared to the solvent smell of oil based paints these water based ones have no nasty smell, and drastically reduce the volume of solvent vapours which are released into the environment. West Lynn also have a world rating Central Dust Extraction system, installed by Wyatt Machine Tools NZ Ltd, whose principal Paul Wyatt told Ponsonby News that the aim of the system is to suck up all the dust from sanding and filter it right out of the environment. Up to 99% of dust is removed, and breathable air is returned to the workshop. All around the workshop you can see staff sanding, with the dust disappearing up an aluminium piping system. This is as clean and non-toxic an environment as you could find anywhere in an industrial workplace, and West Lynn Painters & Panelbeaters and owners Barry and Drago Jujnovich are justly proud of the installations which help to make them a genuinely green workshop. We will talk to other industrial businesses in coming months to see what they, too are doing to protect staff, customers and the environment. (JOHN ELLIOTT)

HIGH QUALITY SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING SOLUTIONS AT BIOPAK THEIR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE customers with the highest quality and most sustainable packaging and foodservice disposables. Presently, they meet this goal by manufacturing their products from sustainably sourced, annually renewable resources wherever possible. They also use modern, energy efficient, high speed production lines. BioPak is a carbon neutral business. The CO2 emissions associated with the production, distribution and disposal of their products are independently audited and offset through the purchase of carbon credits. They constantly strive to reduce the environmental impact of their products. By analysing every stage in the life cycle of their products they are able to design and produce more sustainable packaging solutions for businesses who, like them, want to do everything they can to protect the planet for future generations. “Customers choose BioPak when looking for innovative and functional packaging with the lowest environmental impact and continue to deal with us because of our commitment to exceptional quality and customer service.” Their wide range of food service packaging is made from plant based bio plastics, sugar cane pulp and recycled materials. The high quality BioCups are made from food grade paper board produced from pulp sourced from managed plantations. The board is coated with a bio plastic waterproof layer made from plants not oil. And like all BioPak products, the fact that they are compostable, enables them to be diverted from landfill wherever commercial organic recycling infrastructure exists. PN BIOPAK, T: 0800 246 725 www.BioPak.com.au


SUSTAINABILITY PONSONBY BUSINESSES COMING ON BOARD 2013 SUSTAINABLE CITY SHOWCASE The 2013 Sustainable City Showcase is shaping up to be bigger and better than last year, and Ponsonby businesses are already coming on board. The Sustainable City Showcase, which is organised by the Sustainable Business Network, will be held in The Cloud on Auckland’s waterfront from 17-19 October. It will include a buzzing marketplace hosting 110 exhibitors of innovative, sustainable business and lifestyle products, together with a variety of events. “Visitors to the showcase can discover, explore and experience a sustainable city of the future,” says event organiser Alex Williams. “Our marketplace will be arranged into different zones of the city – home and lifestyle, office spaces, fashion, transport and cafés. On top of that there will be a wide range of events, including lifestyle workshops, sustainable business power sessions, live music and entertainment, and family activities. There’s something for everyone!” Businesses in the local area that will be taking part in the 2013 Sustainable City Showcase include Kokako, Ecostore, Envirospec and Ripe Deli. Pippa Coom, Waitemata Local Board member and trustee of Grey Lynn 2030, which will also be taking part in the Showcase, says last year she enjoyed everything that was on offer over the three days. “It was great to see so many sustainability innovators, experts and businesses coming together in one place. It was also a wonderful opportunity for Transition Town groups in Auckland to take part and share their work to create resilient and vibrant neighbourhoods,” she says.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Alex says that last year the Sustainable City Showcase received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with 100% of visitors surveyed saying they would speak positively about the showcase to others. In addition 80% of visitors said attending the showcase had changed their spending habits to become more sustainable, with a further 7% saying their purchasing habits have been reinforced. “With so many sustainable innovators and businesses in the Auckland region, this is an unmissable opportunity for anyone interested in sustainability to see them all under one roof, interact with them and take part in the great line up of sustainable events we’ve got planned,” he says. PN For further information visit their website: www.sustainablecity.org.nz or contact info@sustainablecity.org.nz, T: 09 282 4699




CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT “Sahara” Antique brass lamp with American Ash base $369, Vintage Edison spiral filament bulb $45 @ Weekend Trader www.weekendtrader.net; ‘Segment Clock’ made locally in Muriwai by Nikolai Sorensen $119 @ the Object Room www.theobjectroom.co.nz; Bear hat $29.99 @ Trade Aid www.tradeaid.org.nz; Limited edition handmade using reclaimed materials Trash Footwear $190 a pair @ Ecostore www.ecostore.co.nz; Recycled rubber containers @ Republic www.republichome.com; Eco kit 3D dinosaurs manufactured responsibly with respect for our planet from $35 @ bebabo www.bebabo.co.nz

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013



CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Fresh homegrown vegetables available from Grey Lynn Farmers Market every Sunday @ Grey Lynn Community centre; “Kaisa” Grass’ laundry basket $49.99 @ Trade Aid www.tradeaid.org.nz; From Trash to Treasure & A Foragers Treasury 2 great books from Womens bookshop www.womensbookshop.co.nz; Uni backpack by Soul Shoes handmade in Raglan $367.50 @ Ecostore www.ecostore.co.nz; Recycled metal drum mirror from $179 @ Weekend Trader www.weekendtrader.net; 100% soy candle “Mahina White night” $46.50 @ Republic www.republichome.com PN STYLING: Jay Platt PHOTOGRAPHY: Danilo Santana David, Fisher Santana

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



BARGAIN SHOPPING THE SIREN CALL OF BARGAIN SHOPPING SHOPPING FOR (FASHIONABLE) A bargain, like beauty is really in the eye of the beholder. Some may think a $500 garment is a good deal because it’s BARGAINS IN PONSONBY been reduced down from $1,800 while for others it would be totally beyond their wallet’s reach. Value for money is what bargain shopping is all about.

Auckland is a city full of rich and varied shopping and when cost is an important consideration there’s a veritable mine of bargain opportunities to explore. Factory outlets, Pop up Shops, clearance stores are so hot now it’s a full time job keeping up with what’s out there. Add to this Hospice shops, recycled clothing, secondhand furniture and produce markets. The fact is, a two tier market exists today, shoppers who prefer convenience whatever the cost and bargain hunters who will go the extra mile to save money. Fortunately Ponsonbyites can access some excellent bargains, with several outlets within reasonable distance and a good number in our area. The French Country Collection is a family owned business that’s been importing French styled home wares for 26 years and its outlet store on 8 Pollen Street has been there for 17 years. It’s great for finding collectables, one-off samples, cookware, ceramics, glassware and a big range of furniture all at knockdown prices. They have recently opened a second outlet on 33 Triton Drive in Albany, selling similar merchandise. Consignment stores are the denier cri in the United States and Brigit Timpson has brought the concept to Grey Lynn. Covet Consignment on 168 Richmond Road opened in September and has gathered old and new fashion items, vintage ornaments and homewares all under one roof. Brigit still has an interest in her former store in California so is able to bring different and interesting stock to mix with the clothes, art and ceramics she sells on behalf of. PN So there are two outstanding examples of where people in our area can find bargains that are practically at their doorstep. (DEIRDRE TOHILL)

One of Ponsonby’s charms is that while shoppers are spoiled for the very best, top of the line merchandise, there’s also a good number of places you can go when the budget is tight. Ponsonby News’ Fashion Editor Julie Roulston went for a drive one recent grey Sunday, and listed 10 hot fashion bargain destinations. 428 RICHMOND 428 Richmond Road, West Lynn Outlet store for Crane Brothers and Gubb & Mackie as well as sole stockist now of Little Brother. Excellent prices for very sharp menswear. 62 PONSONBY VINTAGE AND RETRO This new-to-us store was closed on the Sunday, but noses pressed against the window spied hand-tooled cowboy boots in the $200s and a pretty handknit at $49. Looks like a treasure trove. TATTY’S 159 Ponsonby Road This recycle boutique has a very friendly layout and you can score some amazing bargains, particularly on the ‘Last Chance’ rack. If you know approximately what you are looking for, chances are Tatty’s will have something to fit the bill. THE MERCY HOSPICE SHOP 300 Ponsonby Road Always busy, the Hospice Shop has good quality second hand shoes, clothes and bags. While not quite the Op Shop prices of old, still very, very good value and all for an excellent cause. ENCORE 279 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby’s longest established recycle boutique. *GOOD 2 U B/S 308 Ponsonby Road Never overlook your local $2 shop when fashion bargain hunting. At last visit Good 2 U stocked lingerie, hosiery and jewellery as well as a few accessories. SCOTTIES RECYCLE 2 Blake Street Second hand high fashion bargain heaven. At least three racks of beautiful designer pieces, plus some shoes and accessories. MAUDELLA OUTLET 216 Jervois Road Maudella are the distributors for beautiful Danish labels Day, Birger et Mikkelson and Second Day. The clothing and accessories are stunning but somewhat expensive even at outlet prices. However, Maudella have recently taken over local label Sable & Minx. and if any samples, seconds or ends of lines from that label make the outlet store, they will be great buying. TRELISE COOPER OUTLET 100 Richmond Road So popular that it had to expand recently. Holds stock from all the Trelise Cooper labels and exclusively stocks Trelise Cooper Black label - a price pointed collection created specifically for the outlet store. STEM DISTRIBUTION OUTLET STORE 252 Richmond Road Big store full of well organised fashion streetwear for men and women. Lots of stock, a generous $20 rack, shoes from ecologically aware label Melissa. (JULIE ROULSTON) PN

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WESTGATE OUTLET CENTRE Westgate Outlet Centre is the perfect place for top fashion brands at genuinely discounted prices. The Westgate Outlet Centre has a great range of current and last season, samples, end-of-line and clearance stock and is certainly well worth a visit for all the family.

You can even spend some time having a relaxing manicure or pedicure at Art of Nails as a finishing touch to your retail therapy. Situated directly behind the Westgate Shopping Centre which itself boasts over 70 retail outlets and services, Cafés including Sierra, Starbucks and Robert Harris, Origins Bar & Restaurant and a food hall, Event Cinemas, ten pin bowling & mini-golf, there’s something for everybody for a full day out at Westgate.

Whether you’re looking for top brands in sportswear as in Nike, NFL, NBA, Tapout; or street and surf-wear including Roxy, Billabong, Volcom, Superdry, Hurley, Quiksilver, Bauhaus, Lee, Ed Hardy, Vans, Globe, Electric; for men and women from brands such as Juo, Shouq, Identity, All About Eve and Barkers; and underwear from the Bendon Outlet, it’s all at the Westgate Outlet Centre.

Located 15 minutes from either the City along the North-Western motorway (take Exit 19A), or from the North Shore across the new Upper Harbour highway (take Exit 11), the Westgate Outlet Centre is easily and quickly accessible from anywhere.

Open every day from 10am-5pm (North Beach open until 6pm), with ample easy parking right outside the stores and below the centre.

WESTGATE OUTLET CENTRE, Fernhill Drive, Massey T: 09 831 0200 www.westgateshoppingcentre.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Westgate Outlet Centre – where spending less doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. PN




MY BEST SALE PURCHASE THIS YEAR AREEZ KATKI, DESIGNER One of my favourite recent purchases was a Jil Sander turtleneck sweater, from Tatty’s on Ponsonby Road. I’ve long been an admirer of Raf Simons’ work, especially while he was at Jil Sander, so this was a great find. The knit is slate grey in 100% cashmere with ribbed side panels. It is a very well designed clean and modern garment, which fits mellifluously with my winter wardrobe. DIANNE LUDWIG, NEW ZEALAND FASHION MUSEUM My best sale item this year is the Chaos & Harmony Dreambox sandals (pictured above), bought at half price. I’ve totally thrashed them but they still look like new, in fact I’m packing them as I write for three weeks in Turkey and Italy, as I know I can shop and walk in comfort! ZEENAT WILKINSON, PROCESS PR I purchased this vintage-looking antler necklace from The Yellow Brick Road boutique on Ponsonby Road a couple of months ago. Well-priced and gorgeous! Today, I dressed it with a pencil skirt, a romantic floral blouse and a perfect trench. I’m obsessed with gold accessories this season! I think I bought it for $30...ok, it wasn’t actually on sale, but it was a bargain nonetheless. KRISTEN ALLISON - PUBLICITY PR On the eternal hunt for the most flattering yet versatile dress pants, I happened to stumble upon a pair of Therese Rawsthorne trousers that transcend both casual and sophisticated style. Usually retailing for over $400, I managed to snap them up for a mere $149 at the (soon to relocate) Black Box Boutique outlet on Ponsonby Road during a recent impromptu visit. 100% wool, fully lined and uncannily tailored just right to my silhouette. Perfect! GRAYSON COUTTS, MAKEUP ARTIST My best sale purchase is a little denim MisteR waistcoat I picked up at New Zealand Fashion Week’s Designer Garage Sale for $45 (down from $350). It fits me like a glove and I wear it all the time. PN

54 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

AN APPLIANCE STORE THAT GIVES YOU MORE THAN YOU EXPECT YOU MAY HAVE SEEN THE SMILING FACE OF NEW ZEALAND COMEDIAN and television personality Mike King on one of their television ads or even heard his familiar voice on their radio commercials. But Mike is not the only unique thing about The Appliance Shed. Unlike other appliance retail stores, they specialise in selling famous brand, electronic appliances direct from the manufacturers’. Think of them as an outlet store for household appliances big and small. No matter what you’re looking for, their stores carry a full range of heavily discounted brand new models, seconds, ex-showroom demos, end of lines, ex rental and surplus stock. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll find inside their stores. They’ve got something for everyone and they only stock the world’s best brands. To keep their prices low, they’ve worked hard to keep their overheads low, but they don’t compromise on quality. All their stock is sourced in New Zealand and is factory guaranteed. They don’t stock any parallel imported goods. In May this year, The Appliance Shed celebrated 10 years of trading. Over that time they’ve opened stores in Glenfield, Henderson and Manukau and now they’re pleased to be looking after the needs of the central city suburbs with their fourth store at St Lukes. Their St Lukes store will be their biggest yet, featuring one of Auckland’s largest kitchen display areas. You might not meet Mike while you’re looking around their stores, but you will be able to talk with one of their smiling staff who’ll be able to give you advice on your appliance needs. So pop in and see them. They’re sure you’ll be surprised. PN APPLIANCE SHED, 2 Wagner Place St Lukes www.applianceshed.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



BARGAIN SHOPPING POPULAR FASHION BRANDS AT LOW PRICES Imagine if every time you visited your favourite fashion store, everything was half price! And sometimes, you could take a further 25-50% off that price! Well - for the loyal regular customers of Fashion Direct, that scenario is an everyday reality. Fashion Direct stocks only the best brands at the lowest imaginable prices, in sizes 8-18. For instance, an Artisan or Calico dress retailing at $330 will be priced at $165, and during regular special promotions will be reduced as low as $99! This is why Fashion Direct has become the preferred destination for over 1000 regular fashion shoppers over the past 18 months, and that number continues to grow. So don’t delay, if you have a wedding or special occasion coming up, or you simply need to update your seasonal wardrobe, visit Fashion Direct first. You won’t regret it! As well as the low prices, what makes Fashion Direct the easiest imaginable choice for savvy fashion shoppers is its convenient location on the corner of Boston and Mt Eden Roads with off-street parking right outside. Plus the store is open seven days a week. Visit the Fashion Direct website or check out their Facebook page, and put your name on the mailing list to receive regular special offers. Fashion Direct stock a wide range of labels to include Artisan, Blasé, Calico, Chlorofile, Kohl, plus a growing number of popular fashion labels at low, low, everyday prices. FASHION DIRECT, 14 Mt Eden Road, Eden Terrace T: 09 309 1792 www.fashiondirect.net.nz


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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





MEET SERGEANT PRETTY’S LINDA DAVIDSON SHE DESCRIBES HERSELF AS OBSESSED WITH FASHION, “ALWAYS PORING over Vogue magazines.” Linda Davidson has been a stylist and designed under her own label - starting out reworking vintage - and for other designers, for 45 years. She says “I like to think that despite my age I have a modern edge. You look around at some of the most amazing stylists and designers and they are my age and beyond. I have a lot of really young customers and then I have amazing older women like the one I used in a past Ponsonby News ad - long, grey hair, so stylish! The thing they have in common is that they are mostly people like me who are really interested in fashion – and I mean street fashion, everything. Sergeant Pretty has been in its current premises for two years. Linda is planning a really big show in a little while - the last one proved very good for business but it’s mostly because Linda absolutely loves to put on shows - she’s styled some big New Zealand Fashion Week ones in the past. “I almost always use pure silk, pure wool, pure cotton - as much as I can pure fabrics. I want these clothes to be still pulled out and loved in a couple of years. I wash a lot of them to age them anyway!” Linda’s daughter Phoebe Watt, an AUT fashion graduate, is coming back from London at the end of 2013 and she will add a young edge to the business. Linda also has a line of shirts and a more casual jacket by a young male designer coming in. “It’s menswear but I like the crossover, that androgynous look - and I also have men who come in with their wives.” This season Sergeant Pretty is offering big, soft check shirts; a lot casually elegant pieces in silk and velvet; a beautiful print silk smoking jacket and a tuxedo. Linda says “I’d like to see it worn with the check shirt. There’s a quote from Rick Owens that I love: ‘Indifference is the greatest aphrodisiac.’ I want these clothes to be the sort of thing people can throw on, velvet, silk and all.” A current favourite for Linda is a somewhat luxe Bohemian look: a silk print dress and merino cardi lined in a perfectly clashing silk print. Linda has her merino dyed to her own colours, and this is typical of her approach. “You can’t pander to what people expect. People want to do something exciting. You need to have your own stamp or it becomes ‘me too.’” She adds, “It’s great to stay small because I can be more creative. I’m not trying to pander to wholesale clients and I can put my own stamp on stuff. Clients may not buy it the first time they come in, but they are going to think about it.” (JULIE ROULSTON) PN


Amanda Betts, co-owner of Red 11 models, with jeweller Zora Bell Boyd. Amanda won the auction for a $1500 voucher for a customised Zora Bell Boyd piece, held at Dress for Success Auckland’s ‘Birds with Brains’ networking function in early May. The full amount raised by the auction is going to Dress for Success Auckland. Dress for Success Auckland is a non-profit organisation founded in 1999 to advance the employment prospects and financial independence of women facing tough times but who are determined to get ahead. A trained volunteer provides a fashionable outfit, make-up, styling and confidence boosting tools for her to look great and feel fantastic at her job interview. Once a woman secures a job, she receives ongoing support with a second dressing, and a career development programme that includes mentoring, and networking opportunities. Donations of all kinds of good quality clothes, shoes and handbags are welcome and can be dropped at Herne Bay Drycleaners and any Maxwell Drycleaners across Auckland. Clothes not suitable for interviews are sold to raise funds. Dress for Success is not government funded and relies entirely on cash donations and grants. www.facebook.com/dfsaklnewzealand

SERGEANT PRETTY, 571C Great North Road, T: 09 376 0663

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig.


Dotty [ i]

I think that I spoil him a little too much…I suspect you will soon find this out and only hope that I have left you enough treats. Unfortunately I have created a rod for my own back by giving Tigs a biscuit every time I leave the house for any length of time. And if he does come with me for a walk, woe betide the poor butcher (and his innocent customers) if I pop in for a little something for my supper and Albert[ii] doesn’t come out with a wee cutlet for ‘his highness’. His bark is worse than his bite - not that he bites!

at the wrist. To the inside I’ve applied a dear little ruched pocket with a new sixpence sewn into its lining, for good luck! Nora’s going-away ensemble - a smart afternoon suit - has been quite straightforward in spite of the complex cut of the jacket. It is made up from an exceptional piece of hand woven Harris tweed in a sublime heather green hue, sent to the bride by her grandfather who lives in Edinburgh. Oh that we had such lovely tweeds available to us in Auckland! I had just enough left over from the suit to make Nora’s intended a tie. It will go very nicely with the paua shell tiepin that I purchased for him from Watson’s[vii] before I left. I am permitted to keep the few unusable tweed scraps that remain of this lovely piece of cloth and intend to show them to the local drapers in the hope that I might inspire them to import some lengths of a similar quality. I’m certain that they would be popular. With the wedding this weekend I should be home again by Monday evening. Mother wants me to stay on with her a few more days but I really don’t think I can spare the time. I miss my Tigs and Puss and of course Tom who I hope is fretting for me during this first major separation since we starting going out together. Have you seen him around at all? He promised to extend my vegetable garden by two yards while I am away and to plant my cauliflower seedlings. He was also going to measure up my workroom windows and place my order for kauri blinds.[viii] Isn’t he a treasure!

I completely forgot to tell you that Mr. Antunovich[iii] keeps a bag of hoki trimmings for Puss that needs to be collected on Tuesday afternoons and given to her for her tea. Don’t worry if you forget…he usually gives them away to someone else if I don’t pick them up by five. Not long now before I come home. Saturday is looming and as you can imagine talk of the wedding is dominating all conversations. I am concentrating on my sewing but mother tells me all the gossip each evening. I think that I told you that we’re staying with Mother’s sister Agnes whose capacity for conversation exceeds even mine. I’m so pleased that Nora’s[iv] mother has extended me the use of her sewing room to complete my work otherwise I don’t think I would get anything done. Well the bride is getting very nervous but she loves her dress, which is a huge relief to me. Her mother has given her approval too which is an even bigger relief as she is Mother’s best friend! We are having the final fitting later this afternoon. Nora has lost a little weight since I measured her in March but it doesn’t really matter as the gown is quite loose fitting. It is a tiered affair using the most beautiful lace that I think I’ve ever handled. It is heirloom point de gaze[v] inherited from Nora’s grandmother (on her father’s side). I must say that my heart skipped a beat as I cut the precious length into five carefully measured portions, ensuring I had the blessing of all the family before I dared even open my scissors. It seems such a travesty to ‘chop up’ such a labour of love by an artisan of times past. I have comforted myself by taking exceptional care in the making of the dress, hoping that it will in itself be an heirloom one day. Perhaps Nora will have a daughter who might wear it!

Thank you both again for agreeing to look after the little man and to keep an eye on Puss while I’m away. Tigs and Puss mean the world to me and I can’t wait to see them again. And you two of course! Much love,

Maudie xx [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v]

My gift to the bride is a black velvet opera cloak with vieux rose[vi] silk lining. It is rather like my own, if you can recall it, with a deep ruched collar that can be worn folded back or doubled up and buttoned to form a high luxurious collar (which is how I prefer to wear it). The sleeves are loose fitting and slightly flared


[vi] [vii] [viii]

Dorothy and Jack are close neighbours of Maudie, living a couple of doors away Albert Elmsley, Manager, R & W Hellaby Ltd (butcher shop), 126 Ponsonby Road Tony Antunovich, Fish Shop proprietor, 278 Ponsonby Road The bride Nora is a childhood friend of Maudie, born to Evelyn, a close friend of Maudie’s mother A fine needlepoint lace of Belgian origin in which delicate floral designs are sewn onto a net ground Vieux - old; old rose was a popular 1920s colour George Watson, Jeweller, 200 Ponsonby Road From Fred Brown, Owner, The Blind Co., 147 Ponsonby Road PN

illustration: Michael McClintock

I hope that my letter finds you and Jack in good health and that Tiger is being nothing less than a perfect gentleman while I am away. He quite embarrassed himself with all that barking that started as I left - I trust that it didn’t last long. Hopefully that huge bone you gave him occupied him for most of the afternoon! Just watch that he doesn’t dig up your cabbages if he tries to bury it.


FASHION + STYLE CATCHING UP WITH SHAUN AT SEVENTYSIX DESIGN SeventySix Design shifted to its new premises in September last year and owner Shaun says the time has flown. Seventy Six is getting more foot traffic and Shaun says the shop has more of a presence because of the cars going past, seeing where SeventySix is now located. “Lots of people are coming in saying that they had heard of us before, but now they can come and see us,” says Shaun. The business’ move was driven by a need for more space for the team of four - two jewellers, Shaun himself who wears “all the hats”, and Shaun’s wife Ange who does front of house.

SeventySix Design ring inspired by 1950s vintage with the popular anchor symbol down the sides in white gold, and a white diamond set in each. The band is rose gold and the setting white gold. The centre stone is a red ruby, a very popular colour of the time; it is surrounded by black diamonds. Vintage inspired, but taking a different twist on the classical engagement ring - a better representation for the modern woman.

Since the move, the team have stuck to their knitting doing what they have always done - and getting a broader reception doing it. Shaun says he is finding that Seventy Six Design’s ‘modus operandi’, is new and vibrant and a nice breath of fresh air to the store’s new clients. “We do all the traditional stuff - wedding and engagement rings - but we are very open-minded as to what the client is after,” he says. “We’re always able to develop something fresh and make it ourselves, here on the premises. I believe we can breathe some life into the tired old version of what you can get pre-made.” Seventy Six also remodel old jewellery, and stock an extensive range of silver ‘dress’ pieces the team design and make in-store - everyday pieces that start from $250. An interesting recent commission for Shaun is a remodel. The ‘awesome’ client gave Shaun a bit of free reign with design - she had four rings that needed to be reworked into a new ring. For inspiration she mentioned that she loved Frank Lloyd Wright architecture. “So with that in mind we came up with an idea using intersecting squares from Lloyd Wright’s late 1930s creations, plus the flowing lines from his Guggenheim designs.” Shaun says that the piece is a great example of how a little bit of inspiration can go a long way. “We hardly ever look to existing pieces of jewellery for inspiration - we’re always looking outside the box, really striving to be fresh and innovative with our pieces.” (JULIE ROULSTON) PN

A big black diamond set in white gold.The ring is based on a traditional six claw classic single stone engagement ring, but Shaun developed a unique setting for the diamond to sit in, inspired by art nouveau styling.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

SEVENTYSIX DESIGN, 14 Jervois Rd, Ponsonby T: 09 376 0676 www.seventysixdesign.co.nz





photography: Robert Trathen


photography: Megan Robinson


1. ZAMBESI SPRING 2013 MEDIA EVENT, 9 MAY Liz and Neville Findlay. The pair along with Dayne and team hosted media to their new premises in the Karangahape Road area, to view their Spring|Summer 2013/2014 collection fresh off the runway from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia. Atmosphere was ensured by a kicking Absolut Elyx cocktail on arrival. www.thread.co.nz 2. JOHNSON’S BABY AT PEPPIN, 9 MAY Kathleen Waite and Lulu Wilcox. Peppin Boutique was the venue for the launch of Johnson Baby’s new ‘Mum to Mum’ initiative. An intimate group of media and celebrity mums were thoroughly spoilt with a compelling chat from television presenter Carly Flynn (who sang local acupuncturist David Craddock’s praises), and a standout morning tea from Little Wolf catering. ‘Mum to Mum’ is a Facebook app which allows the public to contribute their slogans of support for fellow mums, to a giant virtual patchwork quilt. www.facebook.com/Johnsonsbabynewzealand/app_138707696312799 3. RUBY AND LIAM AT AMELIA HOLMES STUDIO, 9 MAY Emily Miller-Sharma and Deanna Didovich PN

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♋ Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June You’re one for maintaining a silence when required and you much prefer to get lost in a crowd than to stand out, it’s just that you really need to be part of something bigger to really accomplish your goals.

You seem to be going into overdrive with your imagination this month as you seem to be visiting your mind a lot more than normal. Is it to get lost or not to face up to something that is troubling you. You’ll never escape the past and you can’t let it define you.

Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August You have great ideas that might sound brilliant to you but sometimes they can be overly ambitious. Planning ahead in detail is something that you may have to think about.

Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September Sometimes you have to listen to all the options presented to you before you make your mind up. Just because you have a higher opinion of yourself than everyone else doesn’t always make you right.

Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October You have always been lucky where relationships are concerned, always involved with someone but never too seriously though. The person you are with now may have other plans, it might be best to find out what they want in case it doesn’t suit you.

Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November There isn’t anything you can’t accomplish this month as you seem to have that magic touch that can be put to good use with just about everything. Make sure you’re not taken advantage of.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December You may be tempted to embellish the truth a little bit or even slightly massage the figures to suit the situation, but it’s best not to. You feel overwhelmed at the moment and any pleasurable experiences that come your way are usually pushed aside.

Even though you want to relax and take a step back, you have this fear in the back of your mind that all your hard work and the credit that goes with it will be taken by someone else. This won’t happen if you keep doubting your abilities.

Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February You do have a positive effect on people with your calm and gentle nature and you can often inspire others to do good. However, be aware that you’re not being taken advantage of in some subtle way.

Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March You can be assured this month that nothing will be able to bring you down unless you let it. It is after all, you that have the ability to control how you feel, the trick is not to take things personally and just enjoy all the good that is around you.

Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April You feel like everything is ok in your world right now as you go about your life carrying on with your normal routine, but be ready for a sudden change as you may not be prepared for change when it does come.

Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May It makes sense to enjoy all that you have while you can, as sometimes you can be your own worst enemy in not finding time for yourself. Already it seems that we are almost at the halfway point in the year and you are looking back and thinking ‘where has it gone’.




HEALTHY FOOD GUIDE RECIPE SOUP IS PERFECT FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR, AND THIS SIMPLE, CREAMY SOUP using in-season watercress will warm the cockles of your heart. This recipe is diabetes friendly, gluten-free (if served with gluten-free bread) and vegetarian. NUTRITION PROFILE: Low kilojoules, low fat, high fibre, low sodium, high calcium.

Watercress winter soup

SERVES 4 Time to make: 25 minutes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 leek, green tip removed, chopped 1 medium-sized potato, peeled, diced 3 cloves garlic, chopped 2½ cups trim milk 400g can cannellini beans, drained, rinsed 1 bunch watercress, stringy roots removed, roughly chopped ¼ teaspoon salt STEP 1: Place oil in a large saucepan and heat gently. Wash off any trapped dirt on leek then add to saucepan, cover and gently fry over a medium heat for six minutes. STEP 2: Add potato, garlic and milk to saucepan. Heat up then turn down and simmer for 10 minutes. Try not to let it boil. STEP 3: Meanwhile, to prepare beans remove the outer layer by applying pressure to each bean and it will pop out of the case. Discard cases. Add beans and watercress to saucepan. Cook until watercress starts to wilt. STEP 4: Puree soup in a food processor or with a stick blender. Add salt to season. If soup is too thick, thin down with a little water or trim milk. Serve with crusty wholegrain bread if you prefer. Recipe reprinted from Healthy Food Guide magazine with permission from Healthy Life Media Ltd. Find more winter warmers and other healthy delicious recipes using in-season produce in Healthy Food Guide magazine, on sale in supermarkets and bookstores for only $5.90 or subscribe at www.healthyfood.co.nz. PN

64 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



LANI LOPEZ: HEALTHY LIVING LIVING IN THE RAW ‘RAWISM’ EATING ONLY FRESH UNPROCESSED FOOD THAT HAS NOT BEEN cooked or exposed to temperatures over 48 degrees celsius is a food trend gaining popularity. The fundamental principle is that plant foods in their most natural state are the most wholesome for the body. Raw food benefits many aspects of health and wellbeing and naturopathically has long been prescribed for chronic and acute conditions, to restore homeostasis, our natural and optimal balance, for sustainable weight-loss to managing inflammation, fighting chronic conditions, retaining mid and late-life muscle adults and at this time of year is a great boost to immunity. I use Raw for my own well-being as a short-term dietary plan, much like detox and anti-inflammatory diets. A great way to start with Rawism if you are interested in better health. I notice improved energy, less headaches and lethargy, better eyesight and greater mental clarity and focus. RAW-SEARCH Of the formal studies some results stand out. A review of some 50 studies showed that eating raw vegetables reduces the risk of oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophageal, and gastric cancers. Raw, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale) are particularly associated with reduced risk of bladder cancer. Even a few serves of raw crucifers monthly lowers risk. Long-term rawists show low-levels of cholesterol and triglycerideshealthy levels of vitamin A and dietary carotenoids, powerful protectants against chronic disease. Vitamin D and B12 deficiency is common but primarily in northern hemisphere research where sunlight hours are far-less than we enjoy in New Zealand for natural conversion of vitamin D from sunlight.

66 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

OUT OF THE FIRE Raw foods vitamin is higher than cooked foods, by relatively modest amounts roughly 10-25%. With vegetables like cabbage, crucifers, herbs and fruit, heat impairs many of the vitamins and minerals and destroys most of the enzymes. But fermenting these vegetables retains nutrients and they’re easy to digest. Fermented foods (cultured veges, sauerkraut, kimchi, raw milk, vegan cheeses, coconut cream) provide probiotics (good bacteria) that are crucial to digestion and health, helping our bodies fight off disease, boost our immune system and aid in good health. Legumes are important in any healthy diet and especially in Rawism. Cooking makes legumes easier to digest but diminishes the bio-availability of their nutrients and inactivates enzyme inhibitors. So soak, germinate or ferment. Raw nuts have healthy, essential fats, can help lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein or ‘bad’ cholesterol) reduce blood-clot risk and improve arteries. When nuts are roasted those disease-fighting fats become free radicals actually contributing to plaque and cardiovascular disease. Cooking can increase bioavailability of some nutrients, such as carrots and tomatoes. TAKE THE HEAT OFF Going raw your palate will change. Crisp, fresh veges and fruit will become both desirable and satisfying, making it easy to achieve that optimal 70% raw diet for life. A very healthy life! (LANI LOPEZ BHSc, Adv.Dip. Nat.) PN Lani Lopez BHSc, Adv.Dip.Nat, our favourite naturopath, is a clinical nutritionist, author of ‘A to Z of Natural Health a NZ Guide’, specialist formulator of Naturopathic Supplements and the founder of Lanilopez.com. Email comments or health questions to naturopath@lanilopez.com or find her on facebook/lanilopez.com


PLANET AYURVEDA: ASK DOCTOR AJIT Each month, DR AJIT, Australasia’s most experienced Ayurvedic practitioner answers a reader’s question. Please e-mail yours to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz I have a hectic busy job which involves long hours and life is very stressful. A colleague told me about a procedure where oil is poured over her forehead. She swears by it. Please tell me more about this treatment? TED SMITH, Westmere.

The first step in dealing with stress is to calm the nervous system to bring more lightness and clarity of thought to the mind. The Shirodhara treatment is perfect for these situations as it helps to balance the functioning of Vata, Pitta and Kapha and ease the pressure on the nervous system.

All of us need some form of relaxation to balance our busy, demanding and stressful lives. Some people choose a body massage to help them relax and feel the tension drain away. Other people chose an uplifting facial treatment to bring back that relaxed glow to their faces. But when our stress levels reach crisis point, these treatments fail to do the job effectively. When we are suffering mental and emotional fatigue from stress, sleepless nights and panic attacks, so we tend to reach out for something stronger, a glass of alcohol or the bottle of anti-depressants, to get us through the crisis.

The name Shirodhara is made up two words: Shiro, the Sanskrit word for head and dhara, which means to flow. In this treatment a stream of warm medicated oil is poured continuously over the forehead from a specific height for a specific time. The warm, oily and regular qualities all help to stablise Vata, the principle intelligence that controls the nervous system.

Q: A:

Thankfully, Ayurveda has just the treatment to deal with cases of acute stress and anxiety. Called Shirodhara, it is one of the most profound treatments available and is unique to Ayurveda’s systematic physical and mental de-toxification programme. As you’ve probably read in this column, Ayurveda identifies three primary intelligences that ensure all our bodily systems work harmoniously and efficiently. These three intelligences also control our nervous system function. Vata controls the movement along the neural pathway, Pitta controls the ability to process the information and make correct decisions, while Kapha provides the lubrication to allow the system to operate effortlessly. When the Vata intelligence gets affected, the blood supply and nervous system get constricted and pressure starts building. This affects the normal conductivity through our nervous system and the messages start getting confused. Due to the heat and dryness, it starts impacting on the red blood cells and oxygen supply is reduced, which leads to physical and mental tiredness. This also starts impacting on the endocrine system, particularly the pituitary and pineal glands. Their secretions play a major role in the day to day functioning of the body. When they become stressed, it impedes their ability to produce hormones, which impacts on all the major systems on the body. Hormonal imbalance can result in such symptoms as lack of enthusiasm, lack of joy, impatience and sleeplessness, to name but a few.

The sensation of the oil flowing across the forehead is so strong that it attracts the attention of the mind, to the extent that all the other thoughts that normally keep it occupied and stressed start dropping away. This measured flow of oil across the forehead reminds the mind of its natural state, rather than the scattered and disconnected state we normally experience from the sensory overload we subject ourselves to every day. After the treatment it is important to give the client a head massage, which helps to awaken the energy and also streamline the movement of Vata, which has been brought to balance by this procedure. If this massage is not given the energy can stagnate, resulting in the client feeling heavy and dull in the head. The Shirodhara has become so popular that it is now offered at a number of clinics and spas around the world. While it may seem an innocuous treatment, its benefits are profound, which is why it is important that the treatment be performed by a trained Ayurvedic therapist. When the treatment is given without following the correct procedures it can lead to many problems for the client including headaches, rashes on the face, a heavy and dull feeling, vomiting and nausea. This treatment is one of the most popular offered at my clinic in Newmarket, where the therapists are fully aware of the value and benefit of this treatment, are well-trained and follow all the basic principles and philosophy of Ayurvedic science. (DR AJIT) PN

If readers have any health concerns they are welcome to contact me at my clinic, PLANET AYURVEDA WELLNESS CENTRE, 41 Gillies Avenue T: 09 522 5390 or email info@planetayurveda.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




SERIOUS STYLE: STEPHEN MARR’S HAIR ENHANCEMENT SERVICE I KNOW OF AN AWFUL LOT OF WOMEN OUT THERE WHO REGULARLY complain about thinning, damaged and just plain worn out hair that no amount of volumising products or intensive treatments will fix. They rant, they rave, they despair… and they constantly sport a topknot AKA the universally unflattering Bondi Bun, or a selection of questionable hats. Not a good situation! Hallelujah then for the arrival of Stephen Marr’s new hair enhancement service, which isn’t just a typical hair extension system but rather a veritable life changer and unique to the highly respected salon. For starters, only Remy hair is used – the finest quality human hair where the cuticle alignment has been maintained. This allows the hair to achieve a completely natural, super shiny and soft result and doesn’t have the telltale look of faux locks that so many of us are familiar with. Stephen Marr Creative Director Lauren Gunn discovered Remy whilst working at New York Fashion Week over the years, and fell in love with both its quality and the speed at which it can be attached. “When you’re backstage dealing with 20 models you need to get those babies in there fast,” she says with a smile, “and they were amazing to use and just felt and looked so natural.” She adds that “we had never even dreamed of offering a hair extension service at Stephen Marr, mainly because our style is very natural and has attitude and beauty to it, and we’ve never come across an enhancement product that could work with that until now.” Now they’ve found it and are beyond excited to spread the word, as “it is such a natural fit and great tool to add to our service… it’s something that just can’t be achieved through cutting or colouring”. The additional hair is also different from the usual hair extensions in that it is applied with a specially engineered tape. With this application, the hair sits perfectly against the scalp and looks not only totally natural but also avoids the weight, bulk and damage caused by sewn in extensions. It has multiple benefits - aside from adding hair length - like the ability to be used to add much needed volume in areas where the hair is fine. Texture and highlights can even be added for a natural colour alternative, and your new locks can be dyed, heated, styled – pretty much treated like your own hair. Lauren says that as well as volume and length they are offering what she likes to call a “Hair Edit”, which is where the hair is added into existing styles as opposed to being used to create a whole new one. “It is all about enhancing a look for me rather than using the hair to take someone’s existing cut into a whole new direction,” she says, citing it as a great way to grow out layers or a fringe over time, and as a godsend for people who have very fine hair that they have had to colour to get any kind of texture and fullness. “There is a real trend at the moment for thick, healthy hair,” she says, “and this service is right in line with that.” Last but not least, the process of attaching the wefts takes around 45 minutes – incredible considering that the “weaving” process usually associated with traditional hair extensions can take up to eight hours, damaging the scalp in the process! It certainly ticks all the boxes where I’m concerned, and I think more than a few women out there will wholeheartedly agree. Hair enhancement is offered in all three Stephen Marr salons in Auckland, with the first consultation priced from around $550. After care includes the key advice that hair shouldn’t be washed for the first 48 hours to allow the adhesive to dry, and maintenance sessions are booked in as required at a cost from $150 per appointment, allowing the stylist to adjust, wash and blow-dry the hair. (HELENE RAVLICH) PN www.stephenmarr.co.nz

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Does anyone out there watch the TV series ‘Secret Millionaire’ on Prime? The series evolves around self-made millionaires and multi-millionaires anonymously ingratiating themselves into areas of voluntary workers, either groups or individuals, under the guise of becoming a volunteer themselves and/or filming their particular charity. In every episode we encounter amazing people from all walks of life who work tirelessly to help those less fortunate than themselves, be it financial, medical, or social, seeking nothing in return for themselves. At the end of the programme the millionaire reveals his/her true identity and makes substantial gifts of money to the charities they have worked with and chosen to give ongoing support to. The screening on Saturday 18 May, set in Derby, England, was particularly poignant. Here was a man who thought he had it all: beautiful wife, four lovely kids, large house and effortlessly opulent lifestyle - apparently wanting for nothing. A man who was used to a life of control, emotional detachment and pursuit of material gain, but who as the series progressed, was unexpectedly forced to confront the deficits and emotional aridness within this life he had created – one that was supposedly so idyllic and privileged. Connecting emotionally with his inner self and allowing it expression for the first time was life-changing for him. Through a series of powerfully empathetic encounters and surrounded by the quiet dignity of incredible suffering, he maybe found the safety to begin to reveal himself to himself and begin to re-prioritise the way he lived his life. Whether some of it is contrived or not, the values this series contains are ones I feel should be replacing those found in the majority of mouthy prime time sitcoms, endless cynical animations and violent cop shows we and our families are exposed to every night. Endless acquisition of clothes, cars, shoes, accessories, houses, expensive holidays and make-overs, are projected as a way towards attaining lasting happiness and inner fulfilment. I find it reassuring to see the amazing acts of altruism that are quietly taking place across our planet every day by people who still come from the heart. As this series shows, these acts of selfless giving to others reveal people of kindness and generosity of spirit. Kindness is one of the human values I admire the most. If a person is described as “kind” a whole myriad of other superlatives follow. The dictionary definition of “kindness” is: benevolent, generous and gentle. What a wonderful way to be described! (CLARE CALDWELL) PN Clare (Claudie) Caldwell is a creative arts therapist who runs a small private practice from home. She is voluntary team leader of creative therapies at Mercy Hospice Auckland, College Hill, where she has worked for the last ten years. She is also a freelance artist. Enquiries: T: 09 836 3618; M: 021 293 3171; E: clare.e.caldwell@gmail.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




GETTING YOUR GREENS THE EASY WAY Choosing supplements can be confusing – there are thousands to choose from, so many brands, take once a day, twice a day, pill form, liquid form, gel or powder form… all with different claims of how they can help our bodies and brains function better, work faster and (fingers crossed) last us that much longer. How do we know that what we are taking is going to help us though - let alone be actually good for us? At the moment people seem to be mad for anything “green”, with almost every supplement company known to man offering a variation of “green powder,” which is basically a powder made with dried grass, dried grass juices or dried vegetables and occasionally, algae. Most of these powders are designed to make your body more alkaline and give you nutrition you can’t find elsewhere, because despite our best intentions it’s often hard to stick to a flawless diet every day of our lives, and it’s nice to know there is someone out there watching our backs! I found out about New Zealand made Good Green Stuff from Julia Matthews of the blog juliaandlibby.com that she writes with her sister, and thus far I am loving it. Behind it is local naturopath and author Cliff Harvey, who formulated Good Green Stuff along with renowned naturopath and nutritionist Kira Sutherland. They like to call it “nutritional insurance”, and treat it as a green superfood that effectively replaces a multi-vitamin /multi-mineral as it’s a super blend of all your essential nutrients in one place. Good Green Stuff comes in powder form and you can mix it just with water (the blend of fruits combined with added stevia, pineapple juice and vanilla mean it is pretty

palatable), with milk or throw it in a smoothie - my favourite option. One of the best things about Good Green Stuff is that it is alkalising. When your body is more acidic, it is more susceptible to disease and illness, and alkalising the body can help keep things in check. When people ask me to name one beauty product that will nourish and transform their skin, nine times out of 10 I will direct them to a bottle of Bestow Beauty Oil. One of my favourite beauty discoveries ever, it is rich in nutrients, makes a dramatic difference to my skin and – importantly – is easy to add to almost any meal. Bestow’s creator Janine is always working on something new though, and last year released Bestow Beauty Powder, which she describes as “a delicious, beautifying blend of nutrient-rich plants, designed to bestow health and radiance to your skin.” Like Bestow Beauty Oil, it’s an edible cosmetic, packed full of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, all of which are beneficial for skin, body, hair and nails. The super-nourishing blend of flaxseed fibre, kelp, spirulina, wheatgrass, alfalfa, coconut, blackcurrant extract and pumpkin flour is highly nutritious, leaving skin feeling incredible, and with a mild, slightly sweet flavour, it tastes as beautiful as your skin will look and feel. Alone it provides a source of all of the nutritional building blocks your body needs to produce good quality collagen and elastin - your skin’s natural, anti-ageing fibres – and when combined with Bestow Beauty Oil it can also help support the protective film of the skin. This is great during winter when harsh conditions can really dry out your skin, especially when you are as eczema prone as I am. As a bonus, the vitamins, minerals and amino acids in Bestow Beauty Powder are also beneficial for the growth, maintenance and repair of your hair and nails. Last up, an oldie but a goodie is Solgar Earth Source Greens & More powder, which is a unique blend of over 30 of nature’s most potent plant foods. These ‘super foods’ include spirulina, barley grass, alfalfa and chlorella combined with powdered herbs that provide protective health effects such as milk thistle, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and licorice, and natural fibres and lecithin for digestive health. Give green a go this winter and your body will thank you for it. (HELENE RAVLICH)

FACEDOCTORS SHOWCASE 24 CARAT GOLD FACIAL We love anything that makes us look and feel younger. Medical Director Dr Mark Morunga talks about what makes facedoctors different. “facedoctors represents the perfect blending of appearance medicine, beauty and aesthetics,” says Dr Mark, “our cosmetic treatments such as Botox and fillers are only administered by doctors and all our clinics are overseen by NZCAM Accredited Appearance Medicine Physicians.” Dr Mark has rapidly established himself as an authority in appearance medicine due to his stellar reputation for his craft, regular media interviews and ‘anti -aging’ Facebook page where you can ask him directly all your poignant cosmetic related questions. Recently, the facedoctors Remuera clinic added Ms Jaynie Kemp to the ranks. Jaynie is a very well known dermal therapist in the Ponsonby and Parnell areas, with over 15 years experience. Jaynie specialises in medical grade treatments such as IPL/Laser for hair removal, pigmentation and capillaries; medical grade

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face treatments like peels and infusion facials; has a thorough understanding of prescription level skincare and can help you get the results you are looking for. “I’m all about results,” says Jaynie. “People come to me to get results and I pride myself on delivering those results. facedoctors have best-in-class equipment and I’m getting the best results I’ve ever seen here.” WANT MORE GOOD NEWS? They’re showcasing their incredible new signature treatment the 24ct Gold Facial at their rooms on 9 July from 6pm till 8pm (rsvp essential) and everyone’s invited! You can book online or call. They’ll even give you a $50 voucher for turning up! PN FACEDOCTORS, 89 Greenlane East T: 09 524 5665 www.facedoctorsremuera.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




WINTER MAKE UP WARM UP I don’t need any excuse to go cruising for new makeup, but if you need a good one then a change of season is it. There is always a bewildering collection of beautiful goodies on offer out there once the temperature drops, so I’ve narrowed down some of my favourites if you’re looking to update, refresh or just plain treat yourself to an everyday luxury you never knew you needed! One of my latest discoveries - and one that I’ve fallen in love with for a variety of reasons - is Osmosis Colour, the makeup collection created by the team behind Osmosis skincare. It’s a mineral-based collection, and to say that I’ve tried every mineral formula available would be an understatement, usually with mixed results. This collection however is a winner - virtually seamless with seriously natural looking coverage that never looks heavy or powdery or oxidizes as the day goes on, and packed with ingredients like goji berry and antioxidants to care for your skin as well as making it appear near flawless. Add to that zinc oxide for its soothing benefits and UV protection and the fact that pressed base foundations, eye shadow trios, and blushes come in refillable compacts and you have a serious contender for one of the best ranges out there.

Above from left to right: NARS’ famed Velvet Matte Lip Pencils; SMASHBOX COSMETICS liquid eyeliner; OSMOSIS COLOUR makeup collection

The bismuth-free pressed base is a great place to start if you want to dabble in Osmosis as it was formulated for all skin types and is pretty much foolproof to apply. Natural broad-spectrum UV protection keeps the skin protected from both UVA and UVB rays, and the semi-matte finish suits everyone I know, and it can be layered as needed. You can follow application with the brand’s Mineral Hydration Mist to set it for long lasting wear too, and swipe on their impressive Age Defying Treatment Concealer, which is essentially a concealer and moisture stick in one. The moisture stick hydrates and plumps to soften lines and wrinkles around eye area and lips, whilst the concealer covers dark circles, pigmentation and redness on face and body.

a glossier, slightly shinier look than their matte sisters whilst keeping things elegant, cool and totally NARS. They are available in 13 beautiful shades with Rikugien being my first - and definitely not my last.

To make eye shadow applications last all day, you can also use Age Defying Treatment Concealer as a primer for the eyelids - magic!

The latest collection from Smashbox Cosmetics certainly got my attention too, and as a freak for liquid eyeliner I got very excited about one of its star products. The small -but-perfectly formed collection - called Love Me - is a collaboration with artist Curtis Kulig and thus very reminiscent of his style of street art.

Next up, if you’ve ever tried NARS’ famed Velvet Matte Lip Pencils – Dragon Girl, Walkyrie and Bettina, especially – you’ll know exactly why I’m obsessed with them. They give you the application of a lipstick combined with the convenience of a pencil in a jumbo crayon design. The colours are gorgeous, the pigment density is insane, and the stuff does NOT move. The long-lasting, non-drying formula is enriched with emollients for a creamy texture as well, and they can be used for lining, all-over lip colour, or pairing with another lip product. No handbag should be without them!

Based on Kulig’s signature paint pen, my favourite is a liquid liner with a beautifully matte finish, which makes it a must for creating edgier, statement-making eye looks. Despite its size it is seriously easy to use; and the fact that it is densely pigmented means that it is quick to apply too - one swipe over each lid and you’re well on your way to some high drama of the sultry variety.

Now NARS Satin lip pencils are also in store at the glorious Mecca Cosmetica, and they are equally as flawless, perfectly pigmented and long wearing, but give you

For a fine line use just the tip of the pen, or for a thicker line, lay the pen on its side and gently glide along the lashline. The more pressure applied, the thicker the line you will achieve. Too easy! (HELENE RAVLICH) PN

CHUAN SPA ANNOUNCES WORLDWIDE LAUNCH OF HEAVENLY JING LUO FOOT TREATMENT LANGHAM HOSPITALITY GROUP’S WELLNESS BRAND, CHUAN Spa, will be introducing its first “Heavenly Jing Luo” Foot Treatment globally last month. Specially designed by Dr Gladys Leung, Chuan Spa consultant and a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, the new treatment will help guests restore energy and relieve muscle tension by stimulating circulation along the meridian channels (jing luo) and specific acupressure points. “The human body has 14 meridian channels that supply qi (energy) to the organs and systems” said Dr Leung. “When I created the Jing Luo Foot Treatment, I specifically sourced for an effective way to promote qi, strengthen the immune system and maintain a healthy equilibrium between the mind and body.” Prior to the treatment, the therapist places a herbal stone thermal bag on the lower back to warm the body and facilitate the healing process. The guest will then be wrapped with a TCM herbal mask that consists of ai ye (herbal medicine for conditioning the liver, spleen and kidney channels) and mineral salt.

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The mask will not only regulate the liver and kidney channels, but will also relieve rigidity of the muscles, stimulate the circulation of qi and blood along the meridian channels, as well as nourish the skin and detoxify the body. “The feet are a road map and complete reflection to the body, it is very important to take care of them” said Barry White, Group Director of Spa at Langham Hospitality Group. “We are very focused on developing our treatments by applying TCM principles, so we are not just reducing muscle tension or spasm in the feet but going more deeply to re-energise the body as a whole.” CHUAN HEAVENLY JING LUO FOOT TREATMENT 90 MINUTES Individual – $165 Couple – $310 Bookings can be made on T: 09 300 2960 or tlakl.concierge@chuanspa.com www.langhamhotels.co.nz PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




CANCER LOVES SUGAR ANYONE WHO HAS HAD EVEN BASIC TRAINING IN FIREFIGHTING WILL HAVE learned that the focus when fighting a fire is on removing the fuel. Either removing the heat – access to oxygen or combustible material will do the job. Have you ever considered that the same principles might be applied to the treatment of cancers? What if it were possible to simply cut off the ‘fuel’ supply and literally starve the cancer? This may not be as far-fetched as it sounds and if it weren’t for the strong focus on developing drugs, cancer researchers long ago could have been putting significant resources into the science behind this thinking. Unfortunately an amazing discovery in 1931 by German Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg has never received the recognition that it deserved. While working in the field of cell respiration and particularly cancer cells, Dr Warburg, a brilliant Biochemist discovered that cancer cell metabolism (a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism) is significantly different from that of normal cells. The metabolism of cancer cells is approximately eight times greater than that of a normal cell. Normal cells need oxygen – cancer cells don’t. Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells derive their energy through the fermentation of glucose via a process known as glycolycis. The war on cancer could possibly have been waged on this front but for a number of reasons I can think of, it wasn’t. To put Dr Warburg’s discovery into a simple sentence it is this. Cancer is fuelled by sugar. In Dr Warburg’s words “Cancer above all diseases has countless secondary causes, but even for cancer there is only one primary cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” It is really interesting to note that cancer cells have 10 times the amount of insulin receptors as normal cells. This allows them to ‘gobble’ up glucose at an accelerated rate. Vitamin C as it happens has a very similar molecular structure to glucose and this explains why vitamin C is used so effectively with cancers. Cancer cells ‘think’ it’s glucose and open the ‘doors’. With advanced cancers a ‘wasting’ syndrome called cachexia often takes over the body. Such is the cancer’s demand for ‘sugar’, through a process called ‘glycogenesis’ proteins are converted to ‘sugar’ in order to feed the cancer. The body finally dies of starvation trying to feed the cancer. In some ways it can be seen as a positive that cancer cells meet their energy needs almost exclusively from glucose. Options for treatment can be sharply focused on finding ways to cut off the means by which the cancer cells are able to generate their ‘fuel’ supply. Recently I have been reading about how cancer patients overseas have been using this knowledge to their advantage by embracing the Ketogenic Diet in an attempt to starve their cancers of the ‘fuel’ they need to grow and replicate. The Ketogenic Diet is based on a diet very high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Essentially the body is reprogrammed to burn fats instead of carbohydrates to produce energy. When fats are consumed they are broken down into what are known as ketone bodies which become the fuel used by the cells. Normal cells can freely use ketone bodies but cancer cells are not able to – thus they no longer have a fuel supply. There are a couple of interesting Video Clips one can watch online: Type ‘Starving Cancer Ketogenic Diet Youtube’ and ‘Elaine Cantin Breast Cancer Ketogenic Diet Youtube’ into google. No one is saying that the Ketogenic Diet is a one stop cure for cancer but what is there to lose by investigating it. It’s been around for a long time but as with any treatment option it would be wise to discuss the Ketogenic Diet with a nutritionally oriented doctor prior to implementing it. (JOHN APPLETON) APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362 john@johnappleton.co.nz www.johnappleton.co.nz

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LONG-TIME LOCAL PASSIONATE ABOUT HEALTHY LIFESTYLE An award-winning chiropractor, Dr Harley Klinac has recently established his new practice, Outspoken Chiropractic, in Grey Lynn. Health and wellness are the cornerstones of Harley’s working philosophy and he is passionate about assisting his patients to enhance their lives through chiropractic care. A long-time member of the local community, Harley lives in Grey Lynn with his wife and two children, and has always wanted to establish a practice in his own neighbourhood to work with his local community. An avid surfer, wind-surfer, rugby enthusiast and Tae Kwon Do black belt – he knows first-hand what it takes to keep the body working at its optimum level. “I believe strongly in the ability of the body to live, thrive and repair on its own when it’s free from stored tension and interference. We live in an age where the day-to-day stressors are practically inescapable – work stress, financial stress, relationship stress, physical stress, chemical stress. Simply living in the city as opposed to the country puts you at a higher risk of ill health effects. Harley believes people are not deficient but merely exceeding the ability of the body to accommodate one or more stressors. His objective is to help his client’s body overcome these stressors, be fully equipped for a healthy lifestyle and thrive as it was naturally born to do. PN OUTSPOKEN CHIROPRACTIC, 37 Livingstone Street T: 09 378 9519 or E:harley@outspokenchiropractic.co.nz www.outspokenchiropractic.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



TRISHA MARTIN: INNER DEVELOPMENT & WELLBEING THE HONEYMOON EFFECT – THE SCIENCE OF CREATING HEAVEN ON EARTH Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.; Paper Back $23.00 The Honeymoon Effect: “A state of bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can’t wait to get up to start a new day and thank the universe that you are alive.” If you’ve ever wondered why an exciting, new relationship loses its magic, you’ll want to read this book. In this informative and sometimes humorous book Bruce Lipton describes how the Honeymoon Effect was not a chance event or a coincidence, but a personal creation. He reveals how we manifest the Honeymoon Effect, the reasons why we lose it, and how we can create and maintain the honeymoon experience in our current relationship. Unfortunately there isn’t a magic pill that we can pop… and voila life is bliss! But Lipton does explain how our brain is a “love-potion mixing machine” stocked with an array of neurochemicals and hormones that researchers have linked to the biochemistry of love. So how does it all work?

THE DRY & TEA HIGH TEA! Dry & Tea known for perfect Blow Waves has just launched High Tea! Keeping in the theme of ‘affordable luxury’, for $25 you get perfect scones with jam and cream, Ribbon Sandwiches and incredibly delicious sweet treats served with the perfect pot of tea or your favourite Allpress Coffee! The traditional yet contemporary High Tea is available at both Newmarket and Cityworks. Dry & Tea Cityworks is licensed so you can order the French High Tea for $40 offering a glass of French Champagne as well as High Tea for the lads for $35, offering a Beer or a Whiskey for the boys. There have already been several bookings as it’s such great value for an incredible offer in the beautiful environment designed by Cheshire Architects. PN DRY & TEA, Cityworks Depot, 90 Wellesley Street T: 09 366 1522 E: City@dryandtea.com Corner Kent and York Street, Newmarket T: 09 522 1679 E: Newmarket@dryandtea.com

In this easy to read book, Lipton covers the influence of quantum physics (good vibrations), biochemistry (love potions), and psychology (the conscious and subconscious minds) in creating and sustaining juicy loving relationships. Quantum theory is interwoven with the author’s personal experiences, which also gives us an insight into this charismatic author, teacher and scientist. The book ends with a honeymoon effect ‘checklist’ and a list of resources should you require additional help in sustaining your ‘happily ever after’. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a pioneer in the new biology, is an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit. A cell biologist by training, Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem-cell research at Stanford University. (TRISHA MARTIN) PN PATHFINDER BOOKSHOP, 182 Jervois Road T: 09 378 6269 www.pathfinder.co.nz

THE BENEFITS OF REIKI ARE LIMITLESS ‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.’ – Albert Einstein Everything is energy. Aroha Healing reiki is pure healing energy and the benefits of reiki are limitless. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a very powerful Japanese healing art which can be learned very quickly by anyone. As a holistic practice, reiki can safely restore harmony and balance on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It relieves daily stress and reduces pain, assists in cleansing the body of toxins and allows for a new perspective of life. Everyone and everything can benefit from reiki. Learning reiki can be a profound experience, so simple, yet powerful in application. Being attuned to reiki will change your life. Reiki has a way of accelerating spiritual growth and clarifying your life path. It increases self-confidence and trust in life, and helps a person grow in self-love and love of others, awakening greater compassion and sense of connectedness with all of life. Reiki sharpens your intuition. Aroha Healing in Grey Lynn facilitate regular reiki workshops for individuals, both on and off site. Their next reiki 1 workshop will be held on 29 - 30 June. Aroha Healing also teaches corporate workshops. If your business requires assistance with team building and bonding, resolving of conflicts or preventing negative energy in the workplace then maybe it is time to look outside the square and contact the Aroha Healing team to come and teach reiki 1 to your staff. You can expect a more peaceful, caring and connected team after a reiki 1 workshop with Aroha Healing. PN AROHA HEALING, 3 Maidstone Street, T: 0800 Mindbody www.arohahealing.co.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




‘10’ – A CELEBRATION OF TASTES Andiamo’s Andrew Bell is looking forward to having his staff participate once again in the Mercy Hospice Auckland’s 10 ‘Degustation Brunch’ 2013. This is the fifth year that his iconic Herne Bay restaurant will participate in the event. ‘10’ is a Mercy Hospice Auckland fundraiser where dishes from 10 top Auckland restaurants are matched with wines from 10 top New Zealand vineyards for guests to enjoy. This year’s event at The Pullman is on Sunday 23 June beginning at 11am. “Staff really enjoy a day away from the ‘shop’ to help Mercy Hospice supporters indulge in a fantastic afternoon of superb food and wine,” Andrew says. The restauranteur has worked in the same neighbourhood as Mercy for 14 years. “We all must recognise and support the wonderful work that Mercy Hospice does for the community. This is our small way of making a difference.” Other restaurants offering culinary delights this year include Molten, The French Café, The Commons, The Esplanade Bar and Grill, and wineries include Villa Maria, Coopers Creek, Terra Sancta and Rochfort Rees. Fabulous auction items will be available to bid on. PN Tickets are $200 per person or $2,000 for a table of 10. Tables are selling fast, so book yours today. Call Lesley Dawson on T: 09 376-7571, email lesley.dawson@mercyhospice.org.nz or book online www.mercyhospice.org.nz

VEIN AND LASER TAKING CARE OF YOU The experienced team at Vein & Laser are pleased with their recent move and are enjoying their new premises at Doctors on Jervois which is located in a beautiful villa at the city end of Jervois Road. Dr Elisabeth De Felice and Sonographer Daryl Queenin are now at the clinic every Wednesday and there they’ll take care of you giving advice relating to your specific leg vein problems. All treatments are offered as non-surgical and surgical with no bias except for what is best for you. The main clinic in Sunnynook, only five minutes away on the other side of the bridge, offers laser treatments for facial veins, sunspot and tattoo removal. PN VEIN & LASER, 80 Jervois Road and 95 Sunnynook Road T: 09 410 0993; T: 0800 085 555 www.veinandlaser.co.nz

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LIFE IS SHORT - SMILE WHILE YOU STILL HAVE TEETH DURING A ROUTINE CLINICAL EXAM COPING WITH ROTTEN EGG AROMA breathed, or even worse licked, on to my face has never been my strong point. Being a dentist’s daughter I hoped I’d inherited the gene to overcome the gag reflex associated with severe halitosis, but sadly not. After a couple of decades as a vet and dealing with poor oral health on a regular basis I now understand just how vital dentistry and keeping your teeth clean is for a healthy, happy life. Fainting on a holiday job as a chair side assistant whilst removing a full set of human teeth definitely has something to do my aversion to bad breath. As a vet I wonder if humans can’t keep their own mouth healthy then what hope do we have for our furry friends. Over the years I have identified common obstacles barring the way to decent pet oral health. Owners don’t think animals feel tooth pain. They have the same neurological system as us so why wouldn’t they? Cavities, abscesses, broken teeth and gum disease hurt like hell - they often just hide pain better. Dietary options for pets are getting more and more confusing. Many are not designed to help clean teeth and some of our pets are more at risk than others. Cats especially respond well to diets to help clean teeth, while the shape of different dog breeds mouths can make it more difficult for teeth to be kept clean. Over-bites and under-bites mean no natural wolf-like scissor mastication when eating. It also seems the chewing chip has been removed from many breeds who bury their dental treats rather than bite on them. Teeth brushing is hard. Agreed when it comes to cats. However, 90% of owners can clean their dog’s teeth by following a program which relies on a positive experience focus. This quickly becomes a routine, relaxed, ritual rather than a chore for both pet and owner. There’s fear of the anaesthesia and the bill which follows. Routine dental work for pets does require a general anaesthetic so will indeed cost more than a quick trip to your dentist. We assess, monitor and treat every individual with careful consideration. In the long run a scale and polish, with a preventative care follow up, will cost a whole lot less than removing teeth in your aging or sick pet and entail a whole lot less risk. For the months of June and July call us on T: 09 377 6667 to “Flip the Lip” – a complimentary full assessment of your pet’s oral health (with a $50 voucher towards any dental care necessary). Check out www.thestrandvet.co.nz for details or join us on The Strand Vet Facebook for fun dental facts and a chance to win a new smile for your pet. (DR MEGAN ALDERSON) PN THE STRAND VETERINARIAN, 114 The Strand T: 09 377 6667 www.thestrandvet.co.nz

CAT FOUND - RICHMOND ROAD AREA PENELOPE FLACK, A LOCAL RESIDENT TELLS US, “A FEW MONTHS AGO an emaciated cat turned up at our place (on Richmond Road). We have bought him back to health and he has turned out to be a beautiful fluffy, friendly cat and I am sure much missed by his owners. We took him to the vet to see if he was micro-chipped but unfortunately he wasn’t. On discussing him with the family, we think that some time ago, possibly well over a year ago, we received in our letterbox a notice regarding a missing cat which may well have been this one. I was wondering if you could let your readers know about this cat and remind locals to microchip their pets. It would be great to re-unite this lovely cat with his owners thorough Ponsonby News.” PN If you recognise this lovely man, please email: flackpenelope@gmail.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ANIMAL TESTING OPPONENTS GET SHORT SHRIFT “WE DON’T THINK ANIMALS NEED TO BE HARMED OR KILLED IN ORDER FOR legal highs to be better regulated”, says Green Party MP, Mojo Mathers. “Unfortunately, a bill before Parliament to better protect people from psychoactive substances could see animals harmed or killed under a new testing regime. Animal testing of these recreational substances is both unethical and unnecessary. I have prepared an amendment that would rule out the use of data from new animal tests being used as proof of safety, and I’m looking forward to gaining cross-party support for it.” I am shocked, horrified and just plain disgusted by talk of a bill, which denies submitters the opportunity to discuss animal testing of the psychoactive drugs the Government plans to ban. Does the Health Select Committee think it’s perfectly OK to use poor, defenseless dogs and rats to test these drugs? I didn’t leave the UK to return to New Zealand, after 29 years away, to be in a country where even talk of doing this to animals is contemplated. The Health Select Committee is hearing submissions on the Psychoactive Substances Bill, which puts the onus on manufacturers of synthetic cannabis and party pills to prove their products are safe. “Many New Zealanders find the thought of using animals to test these drugs abhorrent. Some have made submissions on the bill, arguing that experiments on animals are both unnecessary and ethically unacceptable. However, Health Select Committee chair, Paul Hutchinson, ruled that issues relating to animal testing were outside the scope of the bill. While Opposition MPs were happy for those submitters to be heard - given the issue is clearly of great concern - National members vetoed that, saying time constraints didn’t allow for it. That is just disingenuous. The reason for the short time frame lies squarely at the feet of the Government. It has refused to make the issue a priority and has rushed the process through, hoping to dodge controversy. It has backfired.” Mojo Mathers concludes, “We don’t agree with a decision to prevent people opposed to animal testing having their say on the issue. The Green Party will hold its own hearings to allow animal welfare advocates to give their evidence on why we should not test party pills on animals.” (MARTIN LEACH) PN www.safe.org.nz/Campaigns/Animal-testing/Latestnews

OP SHOPS MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR AUCKLAND’S ANIMALS SPCA AUCKLAND OP SHOPS ARE A GREAT WAY FOR PEOPLE ALL OVER Auckland to get involved with SPCA, either by donating, volunteering or shopping at any one of our six stores. Each store provides a vital source of funds to help care for the 19,000 animals that will come into the Village this year. “We have lots of people who want to support the animals, but may not be able to make a cash donation. Donating your used goods or volunteering in one of the Op Shops is a great way to get involved.” says Moana McDowell, SPCA Auckland Retail Operations Manager. “And of course, our shops are a great place to visit if you are looking for a bargain”. VOLUNTEERING Volunteers help out in lots of different ways, sorting through pre-loved items, washing clothes and mending items in need of basic repair. If you have a free morning or

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afternoon once a week, then they would love to have you! To find out more about volunteering in their Op shops visit www.spca.org.nz or call Moana on T: 09 256 7301. HAVING A CLEAN OUT? Moving house? Having a clean out? You can help support Auckland’s animals by donating good quality furniture, bric-a-brac, kitchenware or toys to your local SPCA Op Shop. You can drop the goods into your local store during opening hours. If you have furniture or bulky items you need collected, then please call SPCA on T: 09 537 9456 to arrange collection. VISIT ANY OF THE SPCA STORES AT: Browns Bay: 7/25 Anzac Road, Birkenhead: 231 Hinemoa Street, Glen Innes: 231 Taniwha Street, Howick: 6/15 Cook Street, Henderson: 18 Catherine Street, Onehunga: 204 Onehunga Mall Road. PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


HUMAN MEDICATION NOT ALWAYS HELPFUL FOR PETS When we happen upon something agreeable, or which works well for us, our tendency is to share it with those we keep close. We shower our pets with love, often in the shape of what we enjoy ourselves. Mostly this sharing of common interests works well. For instance, our pets are likely to relish comfort, safety and companionship as much as we do. However, the distinction is not always simple. When we feel sore, or if our children have a fever, we often reach for paracetamol, as it is a highly effective medication with a relatively broad safety margin in humans. It is not surprising then that occasionally pet owners, with the best of intentions, decide to treat their pets with this drug. Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is converted in the liver by various pathways. Dogs can tolerate paracetamol at therapeutic doses, but in cats there is no safe dose, as they have inadequate levels of an essential enzyme. Toxicity causes oxidative liver failure in dogs and humans. In cats, the oxidative process also has a profound effect on their red blood cells, leading to oxygen deprivation and anaemia. Early initiation of treatment may save a life, but generally this is a difficult condition to treat and affected cats often die. Over time anthropomorphism has heralded many positive changes for animals, but there remains a risk of causing great harm by assuming that what is good or safe for us will be so for our pets. Think carefully next time you dose your pet with human medication. PN ANIMAL EMERGENCY CENTRE, 97 Carrington Road, Mt Albert, T: 09 849 2121 www.animalemergency.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Each month Dr Alex Melrose answers readers’ pet related issues. email yours to: alex@vetcare.net.nz I was wondering if I could ask you for some information on incontinence in bitches. We have a one and a half year old golden retriever bitch, who is being trained as a mobility working dog. She became incontinent four months post speying. She didn’t respond to 1mg Ovestin (oestrogen?) daily, but has responded to Propalin (0.75ml bid - 25 kg dog) with the incontinence stopping on this dose of medication. I really wanted to know if you had any stats around incontinence, and any other drug treatments available. What is the incidence of incontinence being uncontrolled with drugs alone? What are the best drugs to use long term, and what is the success of possible surgical treatments? We are thinking of exiting this dog from the training program, and just homing her as a companion, but I would be keen to keep her in work as she is a fantastic dog. KAREN, by email.


You do such great work changing people’s lives with your retrievers. The incidence of hormonal incontinence after speying is very low, less than 1%. It rises slightly if bitches are speyed before their first heat, balanced when deciding on timing of surgery by the incidence of mammary tumours (and of course unwanted litters) rising in bitches speyed later.


The Propalin medication you have her on is the best and safest option, avoiding the more serious potential side effects of long term oestrogen treatment. The success rate of this therapy is close to 100%, and typically once we see the desired effect we can titrate the dose down to a low maintenance level. Surgical treatment is available to alter the abdominal supporting ligaments which increases bladder tone, but is complicated and has variable results. I wouldn’t think you need to exit her, this condition is usually easily and safely controlled, and the cost is minimal compared to your training investment already. (DR ALEX MELROSE, BVSC MRCVS) PN VETCARE GREY LYNN, 408 Great North Road T: 09 361 3500 www.vetcare.net.nz




MARC MOORE, ZIGGY AND EDIE Stolen Girlfriends Clubs’ Marc Moore and his girlfriend Ngahuia got their first dog Ziggy about 18 months ago. “We were rookies at first. Our dog owned us and used to make us cry, but we learned how to be the boss pretty quickly” says Marc. Now the couple have a new puppy called Edie, and Marc says they are much better parents. “Dogs have taught us responsibility and unconditional love,” he says. Ziggy is a 21 month old Japanese Spitz, and two month old Edie is a German Spitz. Marc tells “I met a Japanese Spitz puppy called Suzanne at Bondi Beach several years ago. Suzanne’s owner was real hot and my friend Huw was trying to tune her up. While he was chatting up the owner, I was looking after Suzanne. I thought the dog had the best nature ever and it made me want to get one.” A few years later Marc and Ngahuia came across some puppies at a pet store in Newmarket. Emotion overcame them and Marc says they walked out of the pet store much poorer, but richer in other ways. “We chose Edie because she was a similar breed to Ziggy but in black. We wanted our very own ‘Ebony & Ivory’, plus we thought it would be great to have our black coats covered in black hair instead of white hair for a change!” Ziggy is pretty boyish and apparently suits his rock & roll, quite boyish name. “Edie Sedgwick was a babe, so that was an easy one,” says Marc. Asked of their favourite thing to do together, he continues “I dig going to the park and letting them off the lead. Ziggy goes mental and tears these crazy high speed circles. Quite amazing to watch, people always buzz out when they see it. Edie is still getting to grips with the outside world (she only just had her final vaccination shots) so I’m sure she’ll be able to do some cool tricks soon! She just tries to follow Zigs everywhere at the moment. Foodwise, fresh meat is always a treat for Ziggy and Edie. Marc says “They actually love cheese and apples too, but that’s only when we have to trick them into eating a flea pill (we just hide the pill in the cheese - Boom!) (JULIE ROULSTON) PN

LOCAL WRITER IS AUSTRALIAN BOOK AWARDS FINALIST “It’s a children’s story about learning to read”, explains writer Grey Lynn resident Arthur Baysting, of the book that’s made it to the finals of the Australian Book Industry Awards.

photography: Michael McClintock

The Gobbledygook is Eating a Book’ (Viking Penguin) is about a girl who guides her ‘monster’ (who may or may not be her little brother), through the world of reading. Co-written with well-known Australian children’s entertainer Justine Clarke, it started out as a song but Justine thought it would work better as a story. The two of them, with illustrator Tom Jellett, will be at the gala night in Sydney for the announcement of the award winners. The children’s book is a first for Baysting who, with collaborator Peter Dasent, has been writing songs for Justine for many years. She has been a finalist in the Australian music awards on three occasions but each time they’ve lost out to the Wiggles. Baysting says writing for children is not easy, but it’s a great job. “We’re lucky to be working with Justine; she’s a big star among Australian children.” On Sunday 5 May, LUXE & DUKE HAIRDRESSING in West Lynn held a fundraiser for the ROYAL NEW ZEALAND FOUNDATION OF THE BLIND Charity Day. It was a great success and despite a huge down pour of rain, they managed to raise a substantial amount of $2427 for this wonderful charity. Pictured left - right: Matt MacDougall, Jenni Vaile, Hine the guide dog, and Steph Hosking. PN

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Baysting has recently become a grandfather and has advice for new parents and grandparents: “read to your children every day and sing to them too. The gentle sound of your voice is an amazing tool for children’s early development, and it’s fun.” PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

FUTURE GENERATION PLAYCENTRE OFFERS NO OBLIGATION FREE VISITS FOR FAMILIES HAVING A BABY WAS THE START OF A LONELY TIME FOR FREEMANS BAY resident Lucy Green. “Ivy-Rose and I were really lonely at home”, she says. “I didn’t have any friends with children so it was a bit isolating.” Joining her local Playcentre made all the difference. “It was a good way to have social interaction with other adults, many I’d now consider good friends”, she explains. Now three, Ivy-Rose also loves coming to Playcentre. She likes face-painting, imaginative play with dress ups and has built strong relationships with the other children and parents. Playcentre is an early childhood education option for children from birth until school age. Recognised and funded by the Ministry of Education, it differs from other early childhood providers as it values and affirms parents as the first and best educators of their children. This creates the strong whanau atmosphere Playcentre is known for, allowing meaningful bonds to form between all the parent members and children, while the mixed age range allows children to learn from one another. Grey Lynn dad Nigel Collins joined Playcentre with his daughter, one-year-old PJ, following a recommendation from a family member who is an early childhood education specialist. He was attracted by the idea of free play, where children choose how and where they play and adults support and extend their learning while following the child’s lead. “The first five years are really the most important years”, says Nigel. On a typical morning PJ can be found at the carpentry table, in the sandpit or enjoying water play, such as mixing coloured water to create “potions”. One of the bonuses of Playcentre is the ongoing support and training parents receive to help them expand their children’s learning. Training is typically held at night and ranges from play workshops to effective communication to Te Reo. “I’ve found the training interesting and really useful”, says Freemans Bay resident and journalist Emma Page. “I use the things I’ve learnt in both my personal life and while at Playcentre. It’s a commitment, but it’s worth it.” There are two local Playcentres, Freemans Bay and Herne Bay, both of which currently have room for new families. With support from the Auckland Playcentre Association, parents operate each centre as a co-operative. For Victoria Tupou of Arch Hill, joining Playcentre has allowed her to use her professional skills without having to miss out on the early years with her son. “I really wanted to be a stay-at-home-mum but found myself considering returning to work, simply because I needed the stimulation” she says. Knowing she needed to do something, Victoria called and made a time to visit with her now almost three-year-old son Metzger. “I immediately thought it was just an amazing place. Metzger loved it. A year on, we can’t imagine life without Playcentre.” Playcentre offers no obligation free visits for families to come and see what it’s all about. PN FREEMANS BAY PLAYCENTRE, 124 Wellington Street, T: 09 376 1492; HERNE BAY PLAYCENTRE, 211 Jervois Road T: 09 360 0890.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



FUTURE GENERATION CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW Finding Serendipity by A Banks. Allen & Unwin, $19.99 Tuesday McGillycuddy loves stories, which is not entirely surprising as her mother is Serendipity Smith, the most famous author in the world. Everyone is waiting for her to finish writing her next blockbuster when she suddenly vanishes. Tuesday and her dog Baxter set off to find her and are swept up into the magical World of Story, where they must sail a runaway boat, battle pirates and find their way out of the Swamp of Doubt. There are hints of Oz and Alice in Wonderland in this thoroughly engaging novel. PN DOROTHY BUTLER CHILDREN’S BOOKSHOP, 1 Jervois Road T: 09 376 7283 www.childrensbookshop.co.nz

GREEN CO-LEADER SELECTS IMPRESSIVE YOUNG AUCKLANDER AS YOUTH MP GREEN PARTY CO-LEADER DR RUSSEL NORMAN IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE Isabella Lenihan-Ikin as his Youth MP for this year’s Youth Parliament. Isabella is a 16-year-old student at Western Springs College, who is passionate about forming solutions on climate change and ensuring intergenerational justice in Aotearoa. Isabella has been involved in environmental movements from a young age and is very interested in engaging young people in politics. “I’m delighted to welcome Isabella Lenihan-Ikin as my Youth MP,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman. “I was particularly impressed with Isabella’s longstanding involvement in climate activism and her commitment to achieving a democratic and socially just society. Isabella brings to Youth Parliament a desire to help inspire other young people to engage with our democratic process and make politics more relevant to young people. I’m looking forward to seeing her progress this goal over the next eight months,” Dr Norman said. Isabella plans to run civics education workshops at her school before she attends Youth Parliament, to help transform politics into something that is more inviting and exciting, and as a place where youth feel they have a significant voice. “I wanted to become a Youth MP because I am passionate about climatic and environmental issues, as well as engaging young people in society and politics,” said Isabella. “Youth can play a key role in shaping the society we want to live in. We want to see the government respond positively to climate change by addressing the issue now to reduce the impact this global catastrophe will have on Aotearoa. “I’m really excited about the lead up to Youth Parliament and the opportunity to talk with young people about politics. I’m also really keen to meet the other 120 Youth MPs and listen to their aspirations for Aotearoa.” Youth Parliament takes place on 16-17 July this year, when all 121 Youth MPs come to Wellington to take part in select committees and debates in the House. The eight month tenure of the Youth MPs officially started on Wednesday 1 May. Profiles of all Green Youth MPs: www.blog.greens.org.nz/2013/05/01/introducing-our-green-youth-mps

CHE FU’S ‘FADE AWAY’ RECORDED IN A CAR MORE THAN 200 KIWIS APPEAR IN a new music video recorded at TV3’s The X Factor auditions. From ‘Sitting Inside My Head’ to sitting inside my car, Grey Lynn resident Che Fu and Joe Lonie of Supergroove have teamed up with Ford New Zealand to create one of the first songs ever to be recorded from the back seat of a car, namely the Ford All-New Kuga, specifically chosen for its advanced acoustics. The song has been turned into a unique video clip that can be viewed on YouTube or on the link below. While The X Factor NZ auditions were taking place across the country earlier this year Ford, the broadcast sponsor of The X Factor NZ, were there with their All-New Kuga, specially equipped with a recording quality microphone and a karaoke teleprompter. Their mission: to create an all-new version of Che Fu’s hit single ‘Fade Away’ that is in tune with New Zealand. The All-New Kuga mobile recording studio travelled 3,500km around the country, recording friends and families of contestants who hopped inside to have a crack at a few lines of the Che Fu classic. The Kuga garnered a lot of attention with a wide variety of New Zealanders, some quite talented, some not as much, having a go, including the All Blacks and Che Fu himself. In the end approximately 70 hours of footage was recorded, which was used to create an all-new version of the song. Joe Lonie of Supergroove turned the 70 hours of footage recorded in the Kuga, as well as 20 hours of scenic footage of New Zealand recorded while touring the country, into a video that captures the spirit of ‘The Passengers’. The end result is a fantastic three and a half minute video, which Ford Marketing Manager, Chris Masterson says is uniquely Kiwi and uniquely Kuga “With over 200 people featuring in the video there’s everyone from toddlers to great grandparents, from all corners of the country. The All-New Kuga is so fresh and innovative, and has an outstanding audio system, it’s the perfect vehicle to be a part of this first of its kind project.” The Passengers video, as well as all the individual recordings that comprise it can be viewed at www.thepassengers.co.nz PN

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SOME KIDS GET ALL THE BREAKS JONATHON TAYLOR THOMAS SAID THAT SUCCESS IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, but rising every time you fall. One boy who appears to be the living embodiment of that philosophy is 11 year old Grayson Schwalger. At just five years of age, Grayson broke his left collarbone when he was tackled while playing rugby. He wasn’t put off, but four years later, at nine, Grayson broke the same bone again in a tackle with several players. If the first break wasn’t enough to deter him from rugby, the second surely would be, but he was soon back out there doing what he loves. The following year he was playing rugby league in an interschool game when he broke the collarbone for the third time. Time to quit? Grayson’s parents thought so and tried to divert him to soccer, but the brave youngster returned once again to face his fears. It’s this relentless desire to give things a go that Grayson has applied to life. Though he’d already been playing rugby for a year, Grayson started a serious assault on the sports world at age five, taking up athletics, tennis and swimming, and becoming proficient in all of them. This year he started beginner interclub tennis on Sundays, while competitive swimming began last year, though the broken collarbone put that on hold. He’s carried on with his lessons but has struggled to get full range of movement in all the strokes and he has only recently been able to do butterfly again, though he’s still restricted. Surprisingly he managed to win all his races at the Pt Chevalier school swimming trials this year and represented Pt Chev at the interschool meet, where he reached the final in all events. There’s still some distance to a complete recovery, however, with Grayson’s physio saying he has plenty of work to do to regain full range of movement in his shoulder. But those aren’t the only sports Grayson plays. He’s also played softball for three years, and last year switched to cricket. He’s also just taken up recreational running, and has been running in the Domain on Thursday nights as part of the YMCA programme in the summer, and in the Run Kids series every third Sunday in the winter. While not a big fan of distance running, Grayson appreciates the fitness benefits for his main sport, rugby. He’s played for Ponsonby since he was four and has also played touch rugby for Grey Lynn. Readers might be forgiven for thinking that Grayson is just a sports jock with little interest, or time, in the finer things in life. Not so. Grayson loves drama and attends holiday drama programmes. He plays the piano, which he started aged six after his parents bid for a piano on TradeMe and won it for $4.50. He plays with Johanna Marbeck at The Piano Room and does group classes which he enjoys, but with all his commitments, it’s usually the piano that gives way when his timetable, which already looks like something on the wall of the London Underground, gets too tight. Hence, when he asked if he could play the violin and guitar, his parents suggested he hold fire for the time being.

raving about the song “Ave Maria”, his mother decided it was time to tune in the car radio to stations aimed at younger listeners so he’ll at least know what his friends are talking about. Grayson loves art and was one of the six students representing the school in making a mural for the tunnel leading to the Arataki Nature Trail in the Waitakere Ranges. Also, one of his art pieces was selected for the Pt Chevalier Community Centre mural sponsored by the council. And this year he was elected as a school councillor. That’s a schedule which would tire out President Obama, but rather than fill in what little downtime there is with, say, a snooze, Grayson would rather pursue his other hobby as a thrill seeker. He’s jumped off the Sky Tower, done the Sky Tower walk, and rides the scariest, fastest rides in any amusement park he can get to.

Grayson loves musical theatre and musicals, which has its challenges for his family! On a recent trip to Napier he became addicted to The Sound of Music. A friend found him the music book to the Sound of Music and since then his parents have “enjoyed” endless renditions of the songs.

Looks like the troublesome collarbone has done nothing to slow Grayson down, though he has made one concession. He’s told his parents that if he breaks his collarbone again, he’ll give up rugby. Until then, it’s full steam ahead. (BILLY HARRIS) PN

He begged his parents to see Les Miserables, was heartbroken not to be allowed to see “Oh What A Night” and will record and replay anything he can find on TV until he wears out the buttons on the MySky controls. When he came home from school

Do you know of a kid in the community we should write about? He or she might be doing something interesting in academia, the arts, sports or anything else. Drop me a line at billyharris2000@hotmail.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



FUTURE GENERATION AUCKLAND FC HIT THE JACKPOT Look out Morocco, here comes Auckland City FC. Which is where they’re heading after the boys from the big smoke toppled premiership winners Waitakere United in the Oceania Champions League grand final. The boys in blue had struggled all season against their neighbours, but won when it mattered the most, banking a cool $613,000. They will now take their place at the Club World Cup later this year for the third season in a row. Their 2-1 win wasn’t spectacular, but nor did it have to be. As they say ‘a win’s a win’ and the rest is history. Adam Dickinson put City on the board in just the 16th minute before Alex Feneridis followed up to take City to a 2-0 lead just four minutes later. Constant threat Roy Krishna helped Waitakere to 2-1 just before the half time break, but that’s as good as it got for the lads from out west, as the second half remained scoreless. To put things into context, the money about to again be injected into football in the region dwarfs anything that comes within reach of the sport in a normal context. If the Blues were to win the Super Rugby title this year, they’d receive nothing. The Mystics and Breakers paddle the same boat and the Warriors would only get just over $450,000 – however at this rate they’ll struggle to see $450 for gaining the wooden spoon. The money is, without a doubt, a big attraction for international players to turn out for Auckland City, which has obviously been a big help in seeing them through to their 4th final since the competition’s revamp in 2007. But the trickle down to grass roots will also be starting to be felt. New Zealand currently has more players reaching premier competitions around the globe than ever before. Marco Rojas’s signing with German giant Stuttgart is clear evidence of that. The now All White, and A-League player of the year came through the New Zealand Club scene which has thrived on cash windfalls such as this. (GEORGE BERRY) PN



ACG SENIOR COLLEGE MUSIC TEACHER TO RECEIVE TOP AWARD ACG Senior College music teacher Nick Duirs, was surprised and delighted to discover he is to receive an Honours Award for his teaching from the Independent Schools of New Zealand Association. “There was a very important looking envelope waiting for me in the mail at home. I had no idea I’d even been nominated, so it really did come as a complete surprise. It’s a significant honour to receive this award,” says Nick Duirs. “It was particularly humbling to read the testimonials from the ACG Principal Kathy Parker, an ex-student and a parent of a current student,” says Nick. Teaching music is a passion for Nick who actually started out teaching geography with music as a secondary subject. He finds the music classroom an interesting place to be on any given day, “There is always such a mix of students studying music together. Some students are just starting their chosen instruments, while others have been playing since they were four. Some students are into heavy metal, while others enjoy classical. I enjoy working with their existing passions and connecting and extending them as musicians,” he says. ACG Senior College Principal, Kathy Parker says, “Nick is such an inspiring teacher. He really understands what makes our teenagers tick, and works with them to get their best performances and results. He’s across all aspects of music from pulling professional musicians in to give tutorials to the school production. He just takes it in his stride.” Shortly Nick is off to study the International Baccalaureate teaching method at a top school in Oxford, which ACG Senior College will be offering in addition to the Cambridge International Examinations. He is hoping to establish some music connections in Oxford that he can bring back to ACG Senior College to enhance their programme. On his return to New Zealand at the end of June Nick will be flying to Queenstown to receive the Honours Award at the ISNZ Annual Conference. PN ACG SENIOR COLLEGE, www.acgedu.com

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LOOK ... WHO IS IN THE ZOO! PRECIOUS PRIMATE A TEAM PLAYER WITH ITS TRADEMARK SHOCK OF WHITE FUR SPROUTING FROM THE TOP OF its head, there’s a little of the punk rocker about the cotton-top tamarin. This lively pint-sized primate (weighs just 450-500 grams) is native to the tropical rainforests of Columbia in northern South America. Like so many rainforest species, it’s doing it tough. Deforestation of its habitat and also the illegal pet trade have contributed to decimating its numbers. Today there are estimated to be only 300 -1000 individuals left in the wild. No surprise that in recent years the cotton-top tamarin has been listed among the world’s 25 most endangered primates. UP-CLOSE ENCOUNTERS Auckland Zoo is home to six of these endearing creatures. We have two, male Santos and female Neeva in our education area, and four boys – Yari, Garzon, Calamar and Tunja in our extended rainforest, alongside pygmy marmosets. If you’re visiting, come and observe. If really intrigued, you can even book to have an up-close behind-the -scenes encounter with them. While it’s an all boys club for now, these males (part of a regional breeding programme) are genetically valuable, so potentially one or two could be recommended to pair up with other females to breed in future. A well accepted hierarchy has 13-year-old Yari as the leader, and 12-year-old Garzon as his deputy. All four get on well and can often be seen huddling together or grooming each other. Family and teamwork is big in tamarin society. When resting in the day, one member will always stand guard and alarm call if they detect a predator – in the wild this could be anything from a mustelid, to a raptor or snake. Good teamwork requires good communication. Tamarins have it sorted with a very complex repertoire that includes a submission call, an alarm trill, a high pitched whistle (for aerial predators) and also play vocalisations. Primate keeper Emma Thomas says if she or her colleagues are spotted, they’ll usually hear a calm repetitive whistle. “One will be letting the others know we’re coming, and I think it’s generally a welcomed whistle of them knowing they’re about to get something to eat,” says Emma. Keepers ensure Yari and his boys have to work for their bugs and fruit by digging, foraging and problem solving. Locusts, mealworms and galleria are their favourites, but they’ll also occasionally catch sparrows or mynahs and share with each other – something they’d do in the wild when craving protein. To find out about behind-the-scenes encounters with cotton-top tamarins and other animals at Auckland Zoo, visit www.aucklandzoo.co.nz or T: 09 360 4700.

EPIC ADVENTURE THESE JULY HOLIDAYS Have an EPIC adventure at Auckland Zoo these July school holidays (13 – 28 July). Discover the creatures that live in the forest and learn how you can help protect the forest just like the ‘leafmen’ from EPIC, the movie. There will be loads of fun activities and great prizes to be won. Normal Zoo admission prices apply. For full details, visit www.aucklandzoo.co.nz

EMMA THOMAS with the Cotton Topped tamarins

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





I WAS GOING TO TRY AND STAY OUT OF THIS ONE, BUT GIVEN THE WARRIORS record loss to the Penrith Panthers I just couldn’t help my fingers whacking the keys on my keyboard in disgust. There’s no doubt coach Matt Elliott needs to give up his day job! But so too does CEO Wayne Scurrah. If the humiliation to the Panthers hadn’t been evidence enough, the fact that the man Scurrah let go two seasons ago was the orchestrator of that session in humiliation and sitting in the opposite coaches box certainly should make it even clearer.

Unfortunately summers gone and it’s time to pack up your stand up paddle board, surf board and bathing suit. But perhaps with winter comes opportunity rather than just doom and gloom, have you ever considered heading along to a game of ice hockey?

For sure the players need to take a long hard look at themselves, and giggling like a bunch of school girls at the end of the match isn’t overly becoming of them. But perhaps in their defence it was the only option they had left: laugh or cry. God knows I was struggling not to laugh as I sat back in my arm chair in disbelief. And given Penrith aren’t exactly the Melbourne Storm makes it that much more comical. Ivan Cleary had the Warriors humming. NRL runners up and lining up for another crack at the title. With one year left on his contract he was approached by Penrith so he asked Scurrah for some certainty that his contract would be extended by way of signing the actual extension. The Warriors top dog may be able to sit there and say he didn’t object to actually keeping Cleary on board, but he never got the pen out of the draw and signed the contract. And actions speak louder than words Wayne. Scurrah has now overseen the club go from bookies pick to crumbling to certain wooden spooners. There’s also chatter about Junior Warriors coach John Ackland leaving because of differences in management styles with Elliott. Perhaps that’s another glaring example of where the Warriors are going wrong, considering Ackland’s record at the club. If Scurrah’s not right behind Elliott on the way out the door he should give serious consideration to leading the way himself. New Zealand deserves a team they can be proud to support, and at present it surely isn’t the Warriors. (GEORGE BERRY) PN

The Auckland Admirals aren’t too shabby. The introduction of, well-known amongst hockey enthusiasts, Shawn Henry as General Manager means the level of experience and passion for the game will never die in Auckland. Add Henry to the take no prisoners attitude of new coach Karl Peni and the Admirals should be amongst the leading contenders to claim the 2013 title. There’s definitely a buzz about the club both on and off the ice. Former player Alex Luggen has stepped into the coaching breach, providing guidance to the forwards, while the squad looks destined to be fitter than ever with Darren Woodacre taking on the role of head trainer. Woodacre used to be part of the British army and no doubt has a few tricks up his sleeve to get the lads in tip top shape. The Puck Drop (start of the game) is often between four and seven and games are on Saturdays and Sundays, so there’s no real excuse for missing a game this season. The fact they’re about a 10 minute drive away in Avondale helps a fair amount too. Don’t forget to wrap up warm though. (GEORGE BERRY) PN

NEWS FROM THE HERNE BAY HUSTLERS The Under 85 season is now in full swing with the Herne Bay (Ponsonby) Hustlers bursting out of the blocks to top the points table in the Plate division. The team has secured maximum points in their first two games to make an early statement in the grade. The team has enjoyed big wins over the Varsity Babas and Marist OB making a solid start to the season. TEAM PLAYED Ponsonby 2 Teachers Eastern Taniwhas 2 Ardmore Marist 2 Pakuranga Rattlers 2 Eden Lizards 2 Mt Wellington Brothers 2 Pakuranga Cobras 2 College Rifles Shooters 2 Suburbs Mustangs 2 Waiheke Pirates 2 Marist OB 2 Varsity Babas 2

WINS 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

DRAWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LOSSES 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 0

DEFAULTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2

With 100 dozen cans of Speight’s awarded to the overall winner, a good start is crucial in this grade, especially bonus point wins (awarded for scoring four tries or more). We’ve enjoyed excellent sideline support thus far, with a special shout out to Anna, who marked her debut in style by bringing the halftime oranges last weekend – fruit to match her man’s hair colour. We also had a bit of Canadian support until she realised New Zealand was a touch ‘colder’ than she was originally expecting. We have a big game this coming week at home with a top of the table clash against Teachers Eastern. Teachers have also enjoyed two bonus point wins to date, so it should be a good game of footy. Our next home games at Cox’s Bay are against the Eden Lizards on 15 June at 1pm and then at Mt Wellington on 29 June at 1pm. Our brand new training kit arrived mid-week, so we have all been looking the part in our bright orange training jerseys. Our big thanks to Geoff at Kiwi Rugby Limited for hooking these up for us. Ali, from Back Balance, has fixed all of our ‘back issues’ and we are fizzing for the rest of the season. Speaking of backs, we are still on the lookout for a couple of high flying backs. So if you think you can run 100 metres in sub 13 seconds, flick Tim Kerr an email: tim.kerr00@gmail.com. We, sadly, have to announce to all the ladies out there that Dwayne Cleugh (from the May issue) is now taken. Thank you to all the ladies for their texts. So the ‘Bachelor of the Month’ for June is as follows... PN

88 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

BONUS POINTS 2 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Name: Mobile: Age: Height: Drives: Works at: Fruit you resemble: Perfect Date:

Nickname: Motto:

FOR 48 79 40 27 44 12 32 10 16 5 22 0

AGAINST 12 17 10 21 22 39 31 37 36 40 70 0

F/A 36 62 30 6 22 -27 1 -27 -20 -35 -48 0

STANDING POINTS 10 10 8 8 6 5 5 5 1 0 0 0

Jason Ghinis 0275 574 543 26 6ft 2”, wingspan 7ft 3” Honda Accord rolling on 17’s Goodman Fielder Banana – once you peel me back you’ll like me more. We take my dog for a walk, go for a picnic where we enjoy complimentary Goodman Fielder ham and bread, hit the town, smash some Red Bull and Jagers. Take my other dog for a walk, wake up and I’ll scramble you some eggs. The bottler: When Jason tackles you; it’s likely your thigh will be corked. Here for a good time, not a long time. Ladies, form a line.


DAVID MORRIS, ZAC NELLING and SHAUN HINDT heading into Western Park for the first training session with the newly formed NZ FALCONS

photography: Martin Leach


BREAKING THE RUGBY PLAYER MOULD HARD WORK, TRAINING, SWIMMING, FITNESS AND A LITTLE BIT OF SKILL ARE a sure fire recipe for success in rugby, and a group of Aucklanders are out to prove they have what it takes, along with dispelling the myth that rugby’s just a game for “thugs and rugby heads.”

play both competitively and socially. He hoped to be able to play in the B- grade but was cautious about suggesting the team might be better than they are.

David Morris and a bunch of the Ponsonby Heros side have joined together with other Kiwis scattered around the globe to form a new side known as the New Zealand Falcons to contest the Bingham Trophy.

Morris also felt that given the amount of fun he had playing in previous tournaments he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to become involved again. “I just want to show that sport’s great fun and especially rugby. I’ve played in other teams before and just because you’re gay shouldn’t mean you can’t do what you want. There’s a big social element to it too.

The Bingham Trophy is the equivalent of the Rugby World Cup for gay and bisexual men, and will be held in August 2014 in Sydney. It’s the first time since it’s inauguration in 2002 that the international tournament has ventured to this part of the world, and Morris and crew are determined to ensure New Zealand is represented.

“The team will continue to build between now and next year, and I’m sure when a few more people know about us they’ll be keen to come along also. We want to show people that a) rugby’s not just a game for big masculine men and b) that just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be part of a rugby club or team,” said Morris.

The tournament is named after American Mark Bingham, who died in the September 11 attacks on America. Bingham was on board United Airlines Flight 93 and according to Jon Barrett of The Advocate, he is generally accepted to be one of a group of passengers who fought with the hijackers, which eventually led to the plane crashing into a empty field in Pennsylvania instead of targets in Washington, D.C.

Looking deeper and deeper into the type of man Mark Bingham was it’s easy to see how the now biennial tournament has gained so much momentum and interest from all parts of the world. Wikipedia refers to the San Francisco native as someone who smashed the gay stereotype mould and really opened the door to many others that came after him. I can also see why Morris and crew are so determined to follow in his footsteps. (GEORGE BERRY) PN

Morris, who’s an accomplished club rugby player, has undertaken a leadership role putting together a team of odds and sods which so far isn’t doing too badly, often seen with a large group training in Western Springs. “We have about 32 players signed up so far,” said Morris.


“We have a large range of playing abilities from those like me who’ve played mainstream club rugby to others who’ve never picked up a rugby ball,” he went on to say.

The tournament has three levels an A (Trophy), B (Crest) and a C (Spoon) which starts with players who play on a consistent basis down to teams, like Morris’s bunch that The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

photography: Robert Barry

Morris who anchors the front row at hooker and around eight of the other players have started a training regime which has them hitting the gym, pool and park at least three times per week, while many of the other players are fitting in one to two sessions per week. “We’re swimming, some weight sessions, running and some skill sessions also. We have a fair way to go but we’re getting better and better each week,” said Morris as he was shooting out the door (probably for another training session).

The NZ FALCONS now train in Western Springs DEADLINE – 20TH OF THE MONTH June 2013 PONSONBY NEWS+




Email Michael with your question and include PONSONBY NEWS in the subject line. Michael Hemphill, a partner of the firm will answer one topical question each month.

Quiz the agent about the likely price range and try and compare it with recent sales in the area. You also need to be realistic about the top bid. Chances are that if you have fallen in love with a property other people will too.

I am looking at buying in the area and am noticing that a lot of properties are being sold by auction. I understand that buying by auction is usually as is, where is, but what effect does this have when buying a property?

If you win the auction then you need to be able to complete the purchase and if you need finance this generally means that you need to get pre-approval from a bank. You should check the conditions of any pre-approval and make sure that you can satisfy them. For how long is the pre-approval valid? Often the bank will restrict the period of time and if the auction terms call for settlement in three months’ time the pre-approval may have expired.

Q: A:

You have done the right thing by asking questions before bidding at an auction. When buying by auction there is more work for you to do before bidding. The first thing you should do when you have found a property you like is to ask for documentation from the real estate agent, this should include: • the auction particulars and conditions (the contract); • a copy of the title; • a copy of the Land Information Memorandum report; • if it is a unit title pre-contract disclosure documentation from the body corporate. If the real estate agent cannot provide you with these then you may wish to instruct a lawyer to obtain these documents from the primary source. The agent should at the least provide you with the auction terms. The auction contract will usually state that you accept the title of the property and the agreement will usually be unconditional. This means that you will be obligated to complete the purchase even if something is not right with the title. You should also check the terms carefully to see if the usual warranties have been included and whether there are any specific warranties that have been left out or excluded. Where the property is a cross lease or unit title there can be quite a bit of work in checking out the title. Under a standard agreement there is a process to resolve title issues but under most auction terms the onus is on you to check out the title and resolve any issues before you turn up to bid. This can be frustrating where the bidding goes above your limit in the first 5 minutes.

90 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

Banks are reluctant to lend on some properties, if for example they have a monolithic cladding as these are more likely to have weather tightness issues. IN SUMMARY, BEFORE BIDDING, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE: • that the title is correct; • the LIM report is satisfactory; • that the building is in good condition (may require the help of a builder); • with finance for the purchase; • with the terms and conditions of the contract. As there are a range of things to consider even before turning up to an auction it is a good idea to get a solicitor involved early on. I am happy to help people prepare for auctions both by reviewing documents but also by explaining the process so that they are better able to help themselves. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) PN Disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METROLAW, Level 2, 36 Williamson Avenue T: 09 929 0800 www.metrolaw.co.nz



SALE OF BUSINESS – ISSUES TO CONSIDER PRE SALE THE AVERAGE AGE OF A NEW ZEALAND BUSINESS OWNER IS MORE THAN 57 years and most of them expect to exit their business in the next five years. Usually the sale of the business is critical to their retirement plan and in order to get the maximum price for your business it’s important to treat the sale as process rather than an event and plan for it i.e. spend time before the actual sale ensuring your business is ready for sale. Your professional consultants are key to this - your accountant, lawyer, possibly your bank manager and your business sale consultant. ESTABLISH AN AGENDA FOR THE SALE 1. What/who is the market – conceptualising the “future owners” may help you target the sale better ie current employee/management buyout, member of the family, a competitor? 2. What is the expectation of value – there is often a vast difference between expectation and reality and it’s better to find this out before going to market. 3. Are you selling the business/assets or the shares – each of these has different issues to consider. 4. Maximising cashflow/minimising risks – Most prospective purchasers will understand your particular business, therefore they will try to discount the price for extra costs not currently provided for. Therefore look at streamlining your processes to make cash gains ie. minimise the time lag between production and receipt from sales. Maybe you need to increase marketing costs to achieve better sales or increase debt collections costs to get cash in quicker. 5. Consider vendor due diligence - get your financial advisors involved to drive further value by reducing future purchasers risk and getting issues “off the table” before the sale. There is often a reluctance to incur costs – including legal and accounting costs at an early stage but it can be well worth it. • Check your balance sheet to clear items which will not be sold with the business ie family loans and inter entity loans. • Check warranty documentation • Employment contracts – you may need to transition your key employees so they are committed to the move with the new owners.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

• Special sale terms and conditions. • Environmental and statutory compliance, industry specific regulations – are they portable ie able to be transferred to the new owner. • Key suppliers – any special conditions which would need to be formalised prior to the sale, if you want/need to be able to pass these on with the sale. All these issues are better considered fully prior to the sale rather than on the day of settlement as the costs can escalate dramatically when they have to be corrected at the last minute. 6. What type of sale process will suit your business ie use a broker, expressions of interest, tender. This will depend on the type of business. 7. Be careful with any sale indication documents – these are a representation and you can’t back out of them easily after the event. Focus on your terms of sale – these form the “grunty” part of the sale and become part of the agreement for sale - you need to ensure your lawyer has had a chance to review these. Also be aware that your competitors will be able to view these once the sale process has commenced and you will need to consider if confidentiality agreements are required as a safeguard. In summary: • Consider forming a business sale preparation team – this will depend on the size of your business - in a large business this will be a few of your key finance staff but in a smaller business your accountant and lawyer will form part of your key team. • Understand the key value drivers to achieving the optimum sale price. • Perform commercial and legal due diligence. • Put in place an action plan and measures to ensure the business is transferable. Good Luck! If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this matter please do not hesitate to contact Chris Sprott or Logan Granger. (LOGAN GRANGER) Disclaimer – While all care has been taken, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about. JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road T: 09 361 6701 www.jacal.co.nz




photography: Emma Bass for House & Garden

At Mr Sandless almost all the floors are refinished using their Sandless refinishing system. They use a specialised high speed floor machine with an assortment of different abrasive pads along with their own patented non-toxic green certified wet solution to prepare your floors for finishing. Everything that comes off the floor stays contained in the solution, creating no dust or mess and this process won’t damage your floor. Mr Sandless are green certified and are proud to be the only sensitive choice® approved service of the Asthma Foundation of New Zealand for wood floor refinishing. So you know their products are safer for you and all your family including your pets. Mr Sandless seal your floor with their own brand of commercial grade finish which looks like urethane, lasts likes urethane and you clean it like urethane, but unlike urethane there is no odour, no poisons and it dries in about an hour.

ME AND MY GARDEN FIONA MACKENZIE IS BASED IN FREEMANS BAY AND HAS BEEN A REAL ESTATE salesperson with Kellands for the last 13 years. When she’s not busy marketing local properties, Fiona enjoys the simple pleasure of getting her hands into the earth, as she tells us. Last month when I was having a particularly hard time making headway on a transaction, I went home, got the electric hedge clippers out and had a good tidy up in the garden. Within an hour my head was clear and I was in a lovely positive space to plough ahead with the work that needed to be done to get a successful outcome.

This is why the floors they refinish look so good and last so long as they can literally seal your floor with multiple coats in just hours and you don’t have to move out of your home! Whereas the traditional sanding and polyurethane method leaves poisonous toxins and odour in your home resulting in you having to move out for at least a week with the odour lasting for up to a month! “We believe Mr Sandless to be the number one and largest wood floor refinishing company in the world” says Auckland Central owner Ian Reid. PN MR SANDLESS AUCKLAND CENTRAL, T: 0800 21 22 54 M: 021 225 4400 E: AKcentral@mrsandless.co.nz www.mrsandless.co.nz

It was the first time I had truly realised the therapeutic benefits of gardening. I am in no way a good gardener. I find the intricacies of tending to plants quite confounding at some times. Mysterious leaf curl, herbs being demolished overnight, lemon tree leaves going yellow, mondo grass that spreads everywhere you don’t want it to. I enthusiastically adopt advice from everyone to the extent that my garage is starting to look like a chemist shop. Then there is the lawn. Who would think that a simple lawn could be so difficult? Harry, the dog, doesn’t help. Over the years I’ve grabbed one of the many bags of grass seed in the garage to try and cure the dead spots, and now I have a lawn resembling a patchwork quilt of at least five different grasses. All of this doesn’t matter though, as the best thing I did when I bought my house was to get professional help in the design and planting of my site. So no matter how many tribulations there are, I have endless pleasure in coming home, pouring a drink and sitting down looking at my beautiful ficus trees, the flowering Chinese star jasmine and the little lemons trying to grow, and somehow it makes the world just right. (FIONA MACKENZIE) PN

92 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




STREET NAMES: BLAKE STREET BLAKE STREET WAS ONCE CALLED DUDLEY STREET then in 1932 was renamed to avoid duplication of the same street name in Mission Bay. Historian, John Davenport surmises it was probably chosen to accompany names of other naval heroes in the locality and Admiral Blake certainly outstrips them in the hero stakes because he is regarded as second only to Nelson in British naval history. In fact according to one biographer, ‘his successes have never been excelled, not even by Nelson’. After the Restoration, attempts were made to eradicate Parliamentarians from history and because Blake was a staunch republican, his achievements did not receive the full recognition they deserved. Blake was born in Bridgewater in Somerset, the eldest of thirteen, only eight of whom survived. He developed strong republican principles while at Wadham Hall, Oxford then returned to Bridgewater when his father died in order to take over the family business. After his mother’s death he decided to stand for Parliament and In 1640 was elected as the MP for Bridgewater. When the English Civil War broke out he lost his seat and began his military career on the side of the Parliamentarians in spite of having no experience of militia or naval matters. By 1644 he was stationed with 500 men at the Lyme garrison in Dorset, which was besieged by the Royalists. Blake was promoted to colonel and undertook a daring march from Lyme to Taunton, the Royalist centre of communications, captured the town and held it for a year against three sieges. He famously declared he had four pairs of boots and would eat three of them before surrendering. These exploits made him a hero in the West Country and he was once again elected MP for Bridgewater but did not take up arms in the Second Civil War, even though he remained a committed republican. Neither did he play a direct part in Charles I’s trial and execution. After the commonwealth was established Blake was appointed General at Sea, a rank that combined the roles of Admiral and Commissioner of the Navy. He is often referred to as the ‘Father of the Royal Navy’ building the fleet from a few tens of ships to well over a hundred and he was the first to keep a fleet at sea over winter.

He also produced the Navy’s first set of rules and regulations ‘The Laws and Ordinances of the Sea’ which was passed by the House of Commons in 1649. While recovering from injury sustained at sea, he wrote ‘Naval Tactics in the Age of Sail’, the first known instructions on battle formation. Blake defeated the Royalists all over the place till countries that supported them such as Portugal and Spain were obliged to recognise the English Commonwealth. When the first Anglo-Dutch War broke out a Dutch fleet of 42 ships appeared off Folkestone and with only 12 ships, Blake forced the enemy to withdraw after a five hour fight. The Commonwealth was also engaged in hostilities against France and in 1652, Blake destroyed a French supply convoy on its way to relieve the siege of Dunkirk. This intervention forced France, along with the Dutch to officially recognise the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth was at odds with most of Europe and Blake was in the thick of every confrontation. He disrupted a French attack on the Spanish province of Naples, he extracted compensation from piratical states that had been attacking English shipping, he bombarded the recalcitrant Bey of Tunis with 15 ships, destroying nine Algerian vessels and two shore batteries then when he returned home the Anglo -Spanish war had broken out. Off he went again to win his greatest victory when he attacked a Spanish treasure fleet in Santa Cruz harbour. His naval bombardment silenced the Spanish gun forts and he destroyed all of the Spanish vessels without the loss of a single English ship. His victory made the Protectorate navy feared and respected everywhere. In 1657 failing health from old wounds obliged him to return home, but when his squadron was within sight of Plymouth, where a hero’s welcome awaited him, he died aboard his flagship ‘George’. He was buried at Westminster Abbey after a state funeral attended by Cromwell and the whole Council of State. After the Restoration Charles II ordered his body be exhumed and dumped in a common grave adjoining the Abbey! Hardly the action of a ‘merry monarch’ in this instance. (DEIRDRE TOHILL) PN

62 PONSONBY IS A GREAT PLACE TO SHOP 62 PONSONBY IS A LOVELY LITTLE HUB OF CREATIVE AND LIKE MINDED but very different home stores. There are four shops under the one roof all with an interesting and unique mix of product and styles, but all very complementary. Here you can find a very interesting collection of things for your home and with the recent addition of Bioattic, 62 Ponsonby is now complete. New arrival Bioattic create wonderful terrariums and Bonsai trees plus have a collection of interesting cacti plants, Japanese pottery and a range of their own Botanic beauty care products. Bob and Friends specialises in English contemporary furniture, home wares plus a beautiful selection of lighting, rugs, soft furnishings, toys, vintage watches as well as a wide range of gifts.

94 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

Endemic World offers a collection of contemporary prints by local and international artists making this a really good source of original art at affordable prices. 62 Ponsonby Vintage & Retro store is packed full of great finds with a big range of clothes, jewellery, pictures and all sorts of other lovely and interesting things. 62 Ponsonby are having a launch evening on 20 June from 5.30 to 8pm so if you haven’t already popped in do come along and have a drink. ALL LOCATED AT 62 PONSONBY ROAD: BIOATTIC, M: 021 887 036 www.facebook.com/bioattic BOB AND FRIENDS, M: 022 021 0455 www.bobandfriends.co.nz ENDEMIC WORLD, T: 09 304 0526 www.endemicworld.com 62 PONSONBY VINTAGE & RETRO, M: 021 332 069 62ponsonby@gmail.com


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: AMANDA JANE TRETHAWAY Amanda manages ASKEW in Ponsonby, and loves it. The brand is 22 this year and will be celebrating in July. She says that not many people know she worked in the design industry for a few years (being involved in the permanent Treaty House exhibitions at Waitangi was a highlight), and she dipped her toes in the film and television industry for a short time. Amanda tells Ponsonby News, “Our team of lovely girls make coming to work so enjoyable. I’m surrounded every day by incredible design pieces that have a story to tell. I’ve always thought that who and what you surround yourself with says a lot about who you are. Planning our store renovation last year was very rewarding. I enjoy creating our window graphics and being a part of selecting new ranges for the store. I have just sourced from the UK a beautiful, but quirky, range of ceramic dog and bird lamps with French taffeta shades on their heads. Being a part of the Askew Family created by Cal, Annette and Paul is very special and unique. Amanda is happily unattached, and ‘proud, mad Aunty’ to Quinn, Eden, Emile, Luca and Ava. “I’m always up for face painting, cake decorating and party themes,” she says. Her cat ‘Buddy Gato’ now resides with her sister Sarah in the Bay of Plenty. Amanda says, “He needed country air to live out his days. Wild venison and fresh snapper are his diet most weeks.” WHERE DO YOU LIVE? On the North Shore. I recently purchased a cute ‘50s bungalow - my home is my sanctuary. I love driving over the bridge each morning, views over the city, Herne Bay and Ponsonby are always stunning. YOUR BEST FRIEND WOULD SAY OF YOU... “You’re never on Facebook!” YOUR MOTHER WOULD SAY OF YOU… I rang her for the answer, it’s a cliche - “You are beautiful on the outside and on the inside, my darling.” I love my Mum. WHAT ARE YOUR VIRTUES? I try to live my life with integrity. AND YOUR VICES? G&Ts, Margaritas and Mexican. WHO’S YOUR ULTIMATE ROCK ICON? I was in love with Michael Hutchence in my teens. WHAT’S YOUR SECRET PASSION? After trips to the US I love Halloween. My family has now caught the bug. My sister Jaime goes mad decorating her garden. I also adore orchids - my beloved Poppa grew them, I continue his fascination with them. WHAT’S YOUR SECRET TALENT? I have green fingers (my herb plants are herb trees). I make a great cashmere chutney. But drawing/graphics is my true (very hidden) talent. WHERE DO YOU SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS? I haven’t had time to take many overseas holidays recently. But Cal, Annette and I have fun on Askew buying trips (a hot air balloon ride last year was breathtaking). Visiting Annette and Paul (Askew2) in Noosa is a slice of heaven. A moment at Lake Taupo and visiting Katikati for fishing, sea biscuiting and bonfires is food for the city soul. WHAT’S YOUR PERFECT SUNDAY? A coffee from my new Nespresso (with George Clooney). WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? I aspired to be a National Geographic photographer in primary school - I studied photography for a couple of years when I was older. HOW DID YOU COME TO BE IN RETAIL? After having a year off from working in the design field, I walked into Askew one day and fell in love with the people and the product. IF YOU WEREN’T IN RETAIL YOU’D BE..? Bored! Many great friendships have been made and hilarious things have happened in the world of Askew over the years. We always have interesting work stories.

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WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PONSONBY CAFE? All the girls at Askew love Isaac’s takeaway coffee at Salta. He draws flowers on the lids. YOUR FAVOURITE PONSONBY RESTAURANT? For lunch, vege rice wraps at Sushi Wasabi over the road and Tank salads. One of our lovely customers has been known to deliver us Best Ugly Bagels too. FAVOURITE PONSONBY STORE? Naturally Askew. But in our little end of Ponsonby there are many great stores and services. I love Three Lamps, not a day goes by without seeing a familiar happy face. Cheeky Bill at the flower store is one of my favourites. FAVOURITE PONSONBY FASHION LABEL? Taylor and Yvonne Bennetti are great stores a few doors down. But Askew now carries limited runs of labels Sancere, Elk and Brave&True. I love my Hunter Wellies, they are now one of our biggest selling winter ranges. WHAT’S INSPIRED YOU RECENTLY? The 100 days project NZ - I’ve signed up. Search Youtube TEDtalks 100 days project. NAME YOUR DESERT ISLAND DISTRACTIONS: Books: Dr Seuss ‘Oh the places you will go’. ‘Travels through the paintbox’ by V. Finlay. Music: Cassandra Wilson, Neil Diamond ‘Hot August Night’ (I’m a ‘70s child) and Miguel Migs ‘Colourful you’. Movies: Any of Peter Greenaways’ -’Prospero Books’, ‘The Cook The Thief...’ always visual overloads. WHAT WEBSITES DO YOU FREQUENT? Not much apart from TED talks. Our lovely girls at Askew are much more computer savvy than I. But I’ve recently completed an e-commerce course so Askew will soon be selling online. “I’D BE LOST WITHOUT MY...” Contact lenses. ONE THING YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIFE IS..? There’s plenty of time for lavender (family joke). PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS “I LOVE MY HOUSE” Says Julie Roulston, fashion scribe on all things stylish. We looked hard for 18 months before we bought our Westmere house in 1999. We knew exactly what elements we wanted (and we definitely wanted the Greater Ponsonby area) but it was a struggle to find them, within our budget.

My partner was adamant that the house be north facing so that it would be light; it’s also dry and warm and the addition of a heat pump has taken the nip off winter mornings. The grown ups’ lounge has a bit of a Balinese feel with doors that open up completely on two sides. A huge luxury is the internal access garage with remote controlled door. Sadly for my partner it only takes one car and the driveway was a bit steep for his previous car, so the luxury is mine. But as the one that does the grocery shopping and mostly carts the children around, that doesn’t seem entirely unfair.

We did it, though! For the first couple of years I had to pinch myself, I couldn’t believe what a beautiful house I was now Street view through the window of the master bedroom. It’s on the first the lady of! Luxuries like carpet (I think floor so has elevation and a lovely leafy view - feels a bit like being in a polished floorboards are over-rated), an The garage has built in shelving and great big tree house ensuite bathroom and walk-in wardrobe, looked wonderfully ordered when we and a ‘designer’ kitchen which was so lost on me that I didn’t even realise the house viewed the house prior to buying it. Despite the fact that we are both tidy, I’m sad to had one until after we moved in. say that it now looks a little mad with the addition of sports equipment, things I can’t bring myself to throw away, clothes and shoes for the kids to grow into, Dress Ups, For me in particular, Westmere is a big part of the house’s attraction. At the time our and the never-diminishing piles of laundry. older daughter was at Westmere Primary, and our son was at Westmere Kindy. I love both institutions and didn’t want to move Gaby, while I wanted Noah to have the same The children love the house. They each have their own room, and they have a kids’ benefits his big sister was enjoying. As it is Noah can now catch the wakawaewae to lounge with their own TV as well as boxes of drawing material and a big bookshelf full school, and Gaby catches the bus to St Mary’s College. It is really easy for them to of reading. I think it’s both the space and the security they enjoy. have friends over as many live in neighbouring streets. The outdoor part of the house isn’t perfect - for some reason Noah is drawn to playing Neighbours are a big drawcard in Westmere, too. We’ve had some lovely ones and street-side instead of in the backyard - but the yard is big enough to hold a trampoline are very lucky that our current neighbour on one side is a police detective, and that which has served us very well over the years. Now if I could just replace it with a lap both sides have people who work from home - it makes the place very secure. pool... (JULIE ROULSTON) PN

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HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS DAVID TRUBRIDGE GROW LIGHTS KITSETS David Trubridge Grow Lights Kitsets are available just over the bridge in Devonport. I WANT A DISTINCTIVE LOOK – WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? The full range of David Trubridge Grow kitset lights are available in nine colours and a wide range of sizes, so you can create an individual look. Custom colours can also be arranged. IS IT HARD TO ASSEMBLE? Each pack comes with full instructions and there is also an on-line video demonstration available. Most people tell us they find it very satisfying to be part of the creative process, but if you prefer, we are happy to put your light together for you. CAN I HAVE THE DAVID TRUBRIDGE SHADE I WANT NOW? In most cases, yes. Firefly keeps a wide range of Grow kitsets in stock and fresh stock is only three days away. WILL IT FIT MY HOME? There will be a size and shape to suit each situation but a few simple spatial rules apply to achieve the best result – Ask our advice. WHAT’S NEW FROM DAVID TRUBRIDGE? David’s well-known light designs have recently been developed into the Adorn jewellery range made in New Zealand of hall-marked sterling silver. The designs of his gem-like pendant lights have been transformed into earrings, pendants and brooches to adorn the body – instead of the home. Also recently published is David’s book So Far, an autobiographical account of his development as a designer, weaving together his personal and creative journey. An exciting new addition to the lighting range is the Manuka – now on display in the Firefly showroom. PN FIREFLY LIGHT & DESIGN, 22 Wynyard Street, Devonport T: 09 446 0934 www.fireflynz.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




BRONWYN WILLIAMS IS A FASHION AND BEAUTY WRITER, STYLIST AND designer. She is the editor of Crazy Chic, an online fashion and beauty magazine which was due to launch as Ponsonby News was going to print. Bronwyn also designs womenswear for streetwear label Thing Thing (stocked at Needles and Threads), is a regular on TVNZ’s Good Morning, and writes fashion and beauty for Wellington’s Dominion Post. “I live in Crummer Road with my partner Mariano, our two flatmates and two dogs: Toby (Jack Russell) and Wolfgang (Dachshund). I moved to Auckland a year ago from Wellington and was living in Franklin Road before shifting right into the middle of Ponsonby. My favourite room is this one, which is officially the bedroom, but the closet dominates the space. We use it for dressing, drinking cups of tea and reading, cuddling with the dogs when they’re lucky enough to hop onto the bed, and sleeping of course. As well as a bedroom it’s also a gallery for my ‘art’. I collect shoes. Beautifully made footwear can be a work of art, and I like to display them that way. This shelving unit

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is specially for my shoes - I used to have a bookshelf but the collection outgrew it. So I love coming in here just to look at them, and my friends love coming in here too. They often pop over to borrow shoes for a night out. Some have never been worn and never will be worn, and there are more under the bed in storage. My winter footwear collection is in the spare room as there’s not enough room for them all in here. I need to rotate them soon as it’s getting colder - the cosy boots will come out. Mariano has developed pretty good taste in footwear over time (I think it’s by osmosis) so his collection is starting to grow a bit too - I have to share the space with him! Everything else in the room sort of comes second to the shoes! Other than the shoes, my favourite thing in the room would have to be Roger. He’s our stuffed rabbit. Mariano has a slight obsession with taxidermy and keeps threatening to buy more - I don’t mind but our flatmates get a bit creeped out by it, so we’ll have to wait till we have our own place. I’m concerned we’ll become one of those creepy couples with dead things all over their house!” (As told to JULIE ROULSTON) PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW... Many of the extensive home renovation projects undertaken on classic villas and bungalows over recent years have sympathetically blended the aesthetic charm of the old with the practicalities of the latest in architectural and spatial design, along with clever interior styling to provide the best of both worlds. The experienced team at Innovative Interiors has also embraced this concept and works with many of the country’s leading architects and interior designers to provide the best in storage solutions to match the quality of any home. They have a full range of superior quality, individually-designed and crafted products for dressing rooms, wardrobes, linen cupboards, home offices, garages, laundries or in fact, anywhere in the home. Special mention should be made of their ability to create products which blend with any era of home including a range of sliding doors in styles which fit in seamlessly to provide practical storage solutions for older bungalows and villas which typically had minimal wardrobe space or other storage facilities. Innovative Interiors’ designers will work with you and your other professional consultants from the inception of your renovation project to develop the very best in storage solutions for your home – this frequently includes the provision or modification of wardrobe and cupboard space if it doesn’t already exist or is inadequate (not an uncommon situation in most older houses). Their fully qualified tradespeople will then install it all to the highest standard ... and they’ll clean up afterwards! PN INNOVATIVE INTERIORS, Unit 4/93 Ellice Road Glenfield T: 09 570 5049 www.innovative-interiors.co.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




These include books us blokes on the Ponsonby News team have recently enjoyed. We love reading in the bath, or in bed. A real stress buster, especially now that winter is finally here!



NOT FOR TURNING The Life of MARGARET THATCHER By Robin Harris (Bantam Press)


I spent almost 30 years in Britain and although I NEVER voted Tory, I still believe that Margaret Thatcher was one of the most significant political figures of the twentieth century. With the possible exception of Winston Churchill, no other Prime Minister has had such an impact on modern British history. Like them or not, her radical policies made Britain the country it is today. Without Margaret Thatcher there could have been no New Labour, no Tony Blair and no David Cameron. Now Robin Harris, for many years Mrs Thatcher’s speechwriter, close adviser and the draftsman of both volumes of her autobiography, has written the definitive book about this indomitable woman. He tells the compelling story of her life, from humble beginnings above her father’s grocer’s shop in Grantham, her early days as one of the first women in Westminster (she became known as ‘Thatcher Milk Snatcher’ during her days in the Ministry of Education) and then on to her groundbreaking career as Prime Minister. We follow Thatcher through hard-fought political battles and experience with her the tribulations of the miners’ strike and the Falklands War. We learn of the intrigue behind the scenes at Number Ten. We sense throughout the passionate intellect which fuelled her ambitions and drove her into the highest office in the land, and out again… This is an unforgettable portrait of Britain’s first woman Prime Minister, written by one of her most trusted advisers, and a fitting tribute to an extraordinary leader.

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Dan brown has done it again, he has written another marvellous page turner. The book is another mystery that features Professor Robert Langdon as our hero. This time we have the professor waking up in a hospital bed in Florence with a wound to his head and no recollection of how he got there. One moment he is trying to figure out what’s happening and the next he is fleeing for his life through the magnificent art galleries and museums of Florence with the nurse who tended to him and is now helping solve what has happened. The mystery has a connection with Dante’s death mask but can the professor figure out what is going on before it’s too late. If you have ever been to Italy, like myself, as I am reading, when artworks are mentioned, the plot becomes more interesting when you know the piece of work the author is talking about. I devoured the book in a couple of days and am disappointed to have finished it so soon. Thoroughly recommend for a thrill ride of a read. PN



The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




Before starting his blog Dubdotdash in 2003, Peter was a freelance magazine journalist for a handful of magazines, including Real Groove, North and South, NZ Musician, Rip It Up, Pavement, Selector, Planet, Lava and Stamp. This collection of interviews draws together some of the articles he wrote and is focussed on local musicians, DJs and artists. There are some interesting threads in these interviews, like Stellar discussing their sizeable album budget and comparing it to what Straitjacket Fits or JPSE got, then Fiona McDonald having a similar conversation round her album budget, citing JPSE and Stellar. There’s Tigilau Ness (Che Fu’s dad) talking about how he got sent to prison after the 1981 Springbok tour protests, which is a pretty heavy story. Tigilau got chucked out of school for refusing to cut his afro, how staunch is that? Or Shayne Carter, explaining why he didn’t want to send out advance copies of his debut album as Dimmer (after making me sit with him in the Sony boardroom and listen to the album in its entirety), and me suggesting that if I’d had the album before the interview, I could’ve written some pertinent questions. To which Shayne replied with words to the effect of “Oh, I didn’t think of that.”

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photography: Grant Apiata

I BELIEVE YOU ARE A STAR is a collection of magazine articles written between 1992 and 2003 by Peter McLennan. He talked to locals just starting their recording careers (P-Money, Stellar, SJD, Black Seeds), through to established artists (Salmonella Dub, Shayne Carter, Bailter Space). They are fascinating insights of where these artists were at, and provide a look into their creative process.

Peter says “I got to meet some fascinating people writing these pieces. I feel very lucky to have met them - that’s part of the reason why I got into magazine writing. I wanted to meet these creative people and find out their process, and they turned out to be people I’d want to meet anyway.” OTHER INTERVIEWS INCLUDE: SJD, Pitch Black, Sola Rosa, HDU, Darcy Clay, Graffiti art in Aotearoa, DLT, Otis Frizzell and Dan Tippett, Roger Perry, Dawn Raid, Kog Transmissions, Subliminals, Solid Gold Hell, Weta, Hinewehi Mohi, Mark de Clive-Lowe, Phase 5, Jakob, DJ Sir-Vere and the ITF DJ champs. PLUS: articles on the Aotearoa Hiphop Summit 2001 (and a New Zealand hiphop timeline), and the state of New Zealand music videos in 1992, and 1999. Peter McLennan is a writer, musician, DJ, graphic designer, blogger and pop culture fiend, based in Auckland, New Zealand. The book is published independently by Dunbar Noon Publishing, through the print on demand service, Createspace (book/e-book). Book design by Peter McLennan. RRP $20.00. PN Ibelieveyouareastar.blogspot.com


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS TAMAKI SPORTS ACADEMY - FREE METAL COLLECTION TAMAKI SPORTS ACADEMY OFFERS MENTORING, COACHING, AND WORK experience to South Auckland youth who have dropped out of the mainstream school system but show some sporting talent. A major fundraiser for the academy, and an excellent source of work experience for our members, is the free metal collection service we offer. We will pick up any old metal - computers, whiteware, roofing iron, metal piping, venetian blinds, batteries, car panels, cars, metal shelving, filing cabinets, machinery, lawnmowers, engines, and so on. If you do have any metal rubbish to get rid of, we are keen to pick it up for you. It is a win-win for both of us. Thank you to everyone in advance, and to those who have donated metal to us previously. PN M: 027 510 5890, or T: 09 276 0328 www.facebook.com/#!/TamakiSportsAcademy

GET A BIT OF DIRT UNDER YOUR NAILS THE TEAM AT RAY WHITE DAMERELL EARWAKER GROUP LOVE A CHANCE TO get a little dirty and muck in to help their local community. Last year they heard about the plight of a small urban creek that needed a little love. So they banded together with the St Luke’s Environmental Protection Society (STEPS) and planted too many trees to keep track of along Meola Creek to help restore this idyllic creek to its former glory. This year they are again joining the team at STEPS to plant another 946 trees along Meola Creek on 20 July from 10.30am – 1pm. Their team of 35 agents will be in and out throughout the day doing their bit where they can to get as many trees in the ground as possible. If you or anybody you know, would be interested in getting a little dirt under your nails alongside the Ray White team, please give them a call on T: 09 376 2186 or email team organiser Nicki: nicki.vanhellemond@raywhite.com www.rwponsonby.co.nz

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Len Brown will take a plan for an average 2.9 per cent rates increase to the Auckland Council, saying he is determined to see rate increases driven down for the third year running.

European design trends for floors in 2013 entice with boldly attractive twists and turns on traditional style. New this year, the beautiful ‘Trail’ tile range from Italy is a very realistic wood-look tile in a range of contemporary colours. Also new from Italy, the ‘Tribeca’ range provides an impressive interpretation of natural stone, combining together five different stones to make a unique floor.

“By cutting costs and driving greater efficiency, Auckland’s rates rises have been lower every year for the past three years, without compromising the services Aucklanders rely on,” says the Mayor. “In 2010, Aucklanders faced a 9% rise in rates. For the previous seven years their rates had gone up nearly 6% a year on average. This was not a credible or sustainable pattern. “From day one I’ve been determined to drive down annual rates increases in Auckland to a more sustainable level. I have also worked hard to make the adjustment to a single rate required in legislation as manageable as possible for Aucklanders by spreading it over a three-year period.” Average rates increases in the Auckland Region 2005 – 2013: 2005 / 06 - 2009 / 10 2010 2011 / 2012 2012 / 2013 2013 / 2014

5.7% 9% forecast rate increase from Auckland Transition Authority 3.9% 3.6% 2.9%

National average rates increasers 2002- 2012 – 6.8% PN

No longer content to blend into the background, wall tiles are making confident textural statements, with 3D waves, diamonds and stacked stone looks in plain and natural colours taking the leap into popularity. New into stock this year and now on display in the Jacobsen showroom is the modern, elegant Venis Whites Collection of 1 metre high wall tiles, featuring Diamond, Laja and Ona. The warmth and beauty of real wood flooring is classically popular and enhances the value of any home. Jacobsen’s three-layer WoodWorks system also makes it more environmentally friendly and easier to install than solid wood. Ash White remains an attractive option for contemporary homes, while traditional Oak, Oak White and Merbau continue to be admired for their timelessness. For a limited time only wood, bamboo and laminate flooring is on sale at 20% off retail. Visit the newly renovated Jacobsen showroom to view displays and samples of all new items. Open Monday-Friday 8.30-5pm and Saturday 9-4pm, come for a visit and allow the experienced design consultants to assist you in making the best floor and wall choices for your home. PN JACOBSEN, 228 Orakei Road, Remuera T: 09 522 5560 www.jacobsens.co.nz

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ASK AN ARCHITECT: PAUL LEUSCHKE Each month Grey Lynn resident and architect Paul Leuschke of Leuschke Kahn answers readers’ property related questions. Email yours to jane@leuschkekahn.co.nz

Q: A:

Now that winter is coming do you have any suggestions on how to get sun and light into my house? In Auckland we try to keep the summer sun out of our houses and want the winter sun in. Lucky for us the winter sun is low in the sky and will penetrate deep into your house if it is allowed. This situation leads to eaves which exclude the high summer sun but allows entry to the low winter sun.

A good start is to trim or shape any trees in your garden that block winter sun. If trees on your north are evergreen maybe replace with deciduous trees which will provide summer shade but allow winter sun penetration when they lose their leaves. If your neighbour has a tree blocking your winter sun maybe a neighbourly chat is a good idea, especially at your house in the shade of their tree.

photography: Michael McClintock

Just seeing the sun in the garden or lawn can make us feel warm. Reflective materials near the house such as a light coloured paved terrace or for the adventurous, a reflective pool will bounce light into the house. Dark colours/materials absorb light. Being an architect I love lots of north facing glass. Increasing the amount of glazing will let more sun and light into your house. You can further increase glazing with bay windows. I wouldn’t recommend north facing conservatories in Auckland but glazing to a verandah roof lets lots of light into the house because it is overhead. Skylights are always useful to bring in light and sun and can be retrofitted easily. I love using them in bathrooms because you are able to have privacy. They are also great in an internal kitchen, which needs good light, as the light is softened as it comes down the light well through the roof space. You can paint the interior of your house a lighter colour or white which helps reflect what light there is. Recently we removed a window in our bedroom and painted the room white. Not only does the room feel brighter but it feels bigger. (PAUL LEUSCHKE) www.leuschkekahn.co.nz

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AUCKLAND UNITARY PLAN DISCUSSIONS Last month, Waitemata Local Board councillors PIPPA COOM and TRICIA READE (pictured above) were at the Grey Lynn Community Centre to listen to residents’ concerns and to ask questions about the Auckland Unitary Plan. Pippa Coom says, “I support the Grey Lynn residents who have concerns about some of the proposed zoning. There is a draft Unitary Plan out for feedback. Just like everyone I am working my way through what proposals I agree with and what I think needs to be changed.”


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




CONTEMPORARY RETAIL DEVELOPMENT PLANNED FOR GREY LYNN Retail space is being offered for lease in a new development planned for a light industrial site on Auckland’s city fringe at 406-428 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. The developer, Redwood Group, aims to undertake a combination of refurbishment and new development to provide a boutique retail and hospitality precinct on the 1ha site. Around 5000sq m of retail space is available through Ash Hira and Peter Gorton of Colliers International’s retail leasing team. “Redwood Group has purchased this light industrial property, which contains a variety of character buildings, and has a vision to create a contemporary, attractive development where the residents of surrounding neighbourhoods can gather for boutique shopping, eating and entertainment,” says Hira. The proposed development, which is featured in Colliers International’s new Top Shelf retail leasing website, will provide a retail and hospitality hub for a large, under -serviced residential catchment, he says. “The site is surrounded by the very popular neighbourhoods of Grey Lynn, Ponsonby, Newton, Eden Terrace, Kingsland and Arch Hill, several of which have experienced significant rises in average house prices over recent years as young and affluent couples and families have moved in. “However retail and hospitality provision in the immediate area hasn’t kept pace with its increasing popularity as a residential location. Therefore there is a significant gap in the market for a carefully-planned boutique development along this stretch of Great North Rd,” says Hira. Architectural concepts and indicative plans are well underway, with designs aiming to refurbish and bring out the best of the existing buildings’ industrial character, alongside new constructions, says Gorton. “The finished development will incorporate exposed brickwork, iron beams and other character features from the existing buildings, with

modern features such as extensive glazing. Central on-site car parking will provide convenience, with surrounding shops, cafes and bars.” Various-sized spaces will be available to suit occupiers’ requirements. Tenants could include ‘concept’ restaurants and bars; cafes; design stores, homeware retailers and office occupiers, Gorton says. “Redwood Group is aiming to provide a contemporary destination with a unique, diverse combination of occupiers that will lead a transformation of the wider surrounding commercial area.” He points to new hospitality, retail and mixed-use precincts around the city, including Pack & Company’s ‘The Commons’ development in Takapuna; as well as Britomart in the Auckland CBD, as examples of successful re-generation projects. “The Commons and Britomart have both proven that with careful planning it is possible to re-vitalise tired, run-down areas of the city and transform old buildings into vibrant new spaces which provide a strong drawcard to the wider neighbouring areas.” The property is located on mixed-use zoned land between Bond Street and the Surrey Hotel, says Hira. “This part of town has traditionally been home to various commercial and light industrial businesses such as panelbeaters and vehicle workshops, but has been undergoing transformation into a mixed-use locality with showroom retail, restaurants and apartments.” A number of properties in the area were redeveloped and upgraded in the mid 1980s to provide for more intensive uses, with more recent developments mostly centred around apartments and showrooms, he says. www.topshelfretail.co.nz PN

FOURTEEN ON THE GREEN - HERNE BAY ON THE RISE While renovations mark many streets of Herne Bay, the construction of new builds is few and far between – so homebuyers are in for a treat with Herne Bay’s latest sophisticated development. Fourteen luxury freehold apartments are about to take position on the site of the historic Ponsonby Bowling Club on Jervois Road. But this is not the end of an era for the club, which is the second oldest sports club in Auckland. Once the development is completed it will receive new club rooms and two new greens. With the hotly debated proposed Unitary Plan closing off large view corridors and creating major shading issues around Auckland, the protected open space created by the new greens in this development, will ensure that the new owners of the apartments will not have a neighbour on their doorstep in the future. Location Group, developers for over 46 years, is working with Kerry Avery of Avery Team Architects on the exciting opportunity, which is called Vert. All the apartments are to be one level and generous in size with large outdoor decks to maximise the outdoor living, north facing aspect and views. Mark Weipers of Location Group comments, “It’s one of those rare projects where we get to put heart and soul into a superb location, a unique design and protecting a heritage site that will benefit many over coming years.”

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Kerry Avery says, “The vision is for this to be an iconic building, but also to house 14 individual homes. Apartments don’t usually offer buyers the level of involvement envisaged here, or the views or location!” Vert will be elevated and in prime positioning for sought after views of the upper harbour, Harbour Bridge, cityscape and Waitakere Ranges. The development has a bespoke nature, allowing owners to customise their apartments during the building process. The sale is being handled exclusively by Custom Residential. Patrick McCarthy, sole agent for this exclusive development comments, “We’re seeking to achieve apartments of the highest standards and have only selected reputable brands for the fit out.” PN Completion is expected to be July 2014. Prices start from $1,250,000. CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL - PATRICK MCCARTHY, T: 09 361 7256 M: 027 233 3988 www.customresidential.co.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS GET RUGGED UP FOR WINTER A quality rug can make all the difference in creating a cosy environment as the owners of Rug Direct tell us. WHAT KIND OF RUGS DO YOU OFFER? Any thing for anyone with any taste in style and fashion! From traditional to modern, flat weave to shaggy pile, kids rugs to party rugs. Rugs for living or luxury! Co-owner of Rug Direct Farah Farahani says, “our home is a reflection of ourselves, our lifestyle and our personality. It’s important that our homes not only look great and feel inviting, but are also practical and functional to suit our individual living requirements. We have Rugs for living or luxury on offer!” WHAT ARE THE MOST POPULAR STYLES? The younger generation go for modern and funkier styles and mature people go for more traditional and classic designs! But, there are always exceptions. DO YOU OFFER AN INTERIOR DESIGN CONSULTATION? At Rug Direct, we offer our interior design service as a means of helping create your perfect home environment. We will work with you to combine your ideas and our expertise into a truly beautiful and inspiring home, that expresses an elegance that defines your individualism. WAIRAU PARK IS A LONG WAY FROM PONSONBY! IS IT WORTH CROSSING THE BRIDGE? Most definitely yes! We have many customers coming to us from Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Herne Bay. Mr. Andy Davis, the founder of Ponsonby Central is one of our best, most loyal customers! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and please mention seeing the advert. We offer Ponsonby News readers a 20% Discount! RUG DIRECT, 6 D Link Drive, Wairau Park T: 09 832 1616, T: 09 444 0085, M: 021 110 7570 www.rugdirect.co.nz rugdirect.co.nz/fb

RUG DIRECT owners’ BAHMAN and FARAH FARAHANI look forward to meeting Ponsonby News readers. Tell them we sent you

INTRODUCING MOMO LIVING Housed in the heart of the Parnell/Newmarket shopping district, in the rustic and charming building that was once home to Trelise Pretty Things, Momo Living has opened its first store in Parnell Road (between Exquisite Laser and Raymond Salon de Coiffure). Approximately 100 square metres in size, this brand new home and giftware store is the brainchild of talented interior designer, Michelle Jiang. The range on offer features sometimes edgy and eclectic, and sometimes favourite and best-loved designs in furniture, lighting, bedding, and a depth of home and gift -wares (including antique, stamped, hand-woven fabrics, amazing mirrors, clocks, wall prints, bamboo towelling, in fact a diversity of refreshingly different pieces). All products on display are united by their enduring design, reasonable prices and the quality of materials used, with most designs exclusively available at Momo Living. Michelle and her business manager, Jacqui, who has worked for many years in the furniture industry, will greet you warmly and provide you with answers to your questions, and any assistance you seek. Momo Living is a must on your to do list, especially if you are at a loss for home or gift ideas. As well as the extensive in-store range, customers will soon have the option to browse the entire collection online. So watch this space for remarkable design at affordable prices. Open Monday to Saturday: 10-6pm Sunday: closed. PN MOMO LIVING, 479 Parnell Road T: 09 377 0388 www.momoliving.co.nz

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WINTER WARMERS WARM THE HEART AND SOUL THIS WINTER WITH HEARTY, HOT MEALS AND liquids that will help make the wintery days seem brighter. Here’s a pick of our favourite winter warmers for the kitchen. ORIGINAL ‘74 JAFFLE MAKER BY BREVILLE, $149 A retake on the original 1974 model the Breville Original ’74 Jaffle Maker features retro styling with modern functionality. It makes two toasted sandwiches at a time and cleverly seals the edges and cuts the sandwich diagonally in half, so that you can fill it with whatever you like without the filling oozing over the edges. MARCEL TEA PRESS BY BODUM, $110 Danish tableware and kitchenware company Bodum is synonymous with great style and quality products. Their Marcel Tea Press is no exception. Perfect for loose-tea lovers, the Bodum Marcel Tea Press uses the plunger press system to guarantee a better tasting cup of tea. ICONA PUMP-DRIVEN ESPRESSO MAKER BY DE’LONGHI, $400 In just three simple steps, this manual espresso machine makes a perfect cup of coffee every time. With the largest water tank in its class, the De’Longhi Icona allows you to produce multiple drinks without immediately refilling, while the milk frother is perfectly matched for those who like their coffee rich and creamy. It is even complete with a handy cup warmer.

KILIM MINI MUG BY JASPER CONRAN FOR WEDGWOOD, $50 Part of design guru Jasper Conran’s collection for Wedgwood, this brilliantly decorated Kilim Mini Mug features a modern adaptation of the traditional Kilim design. Crafted of platinum-banded, fine bone china, this mug is available in black or vibrant orange. PASTA WIZ PASTA MAKING MACHINE BY AVANTI, $80 Impress your dinner guests with home-made pasta, created right in your own kitchen, with the Avanti Pasta Wiz Pasta Making Machine. Manually operated, this stainless steel pasta machine has six pasta thickness options and two removable cutter attachments so that you can make fresh lasagne, fettucini or spaghetti. THERMO JUG BY BODUM, $165 Perfect for eating soup-on-the-go, the Bodum Thermo Jug uses a vacuum to keep hot (and cold) fluids at the ideal temperature for longer. Available in vibrant red or sleek stainless steel your home-made lunch will have never been kept so stylishly. BRILLIANTE TOASTER 4 SLICE BY DE’LONGHI, $150 Boasting chromed details and a stylish faceted finish in high gloss white or black, the Brilliante 4 Slice Toaster will add a special touch to any kitchen, while ensuring your toast is cooked to perfection thanks to its electronic controls and progressive browning function. (MILLY NOLAN) PN

IT PAYS TO FIND THE RIGHT INVESTMENT WITH CASHFLOW PROPERTY DO YOU WANT AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF? WOULD you like extra cash flow in your life? Cashflow Property can save you time and money. Through their years of experience in the industry they have gained extensive market knowledge and have developed a quality network. Cashflow Property is a streamlined organisation that specialises in high yielding investment properties offering a combination of great cashflow, equity and development potential. If you want an investment property that pays for itself, and also pays you each week, and don’t have time to look, then Cashflow Property Director Shane Carruthers (pictured right) and his team can help. “We are property investors ourselves,” explains Shane, “so we understand the requirements of people looking for investment property. We have clients in New Zealand and internationally, and pride ourselves in having the best property deals available in New Zealand.” Cashflow Property operates with transparency and the team will assist you the whole way through the process. They look at hundreds of properties, and each property is personally inspected and vetted so that they can source only the very best deals for you. “There are only a few properties that will meet our criteria” says Shane. Shane lives locally and would love to buy you a coffee to have a chat about how Cashflow Property can help. Be sure to view their customer feedback on their website.

118 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013

CASHFLOW PROPERTY, T: 09 215 6202 or M: 021 182 6547 www.cashflowproperty.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

REAL ESTATE UPDATE: KAREN SPIRES WHY CVS ARE PROBABLY THE LEAST USEFUL FIGURE IN THE HOUSING MARKET It is hard to find properties selling at the council valuation anywhere in Auckland, let alone in the city’s most sought after suburbs around Ponsonby. Yet, this figure is used by the media, and many house hunters, as the measure of a home’s worth. Here’s why that’s not such a great idea: councils use ‘mass appraisal’ techniques to set a CV, a figure that exists to keep rates relatively aligned with the value of the property. Each CV is calculated using broad strokes, so it is no surprise Quotable Value’s figures show that in Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay and St Mary’s Bay properties are selling, on average, 25%, 20%, 7% and 13% above CV (in that order). The problem is it’s not an exact science. The most significant issue - a CV doesn’t reflect any of the market forces at play when a property is listed. Some homes will be less in-demand than others, and it is demand (i.e more than one buyer chasing it) that will result in the price being driven up. Additionally, CVs are now more than two years old. During that time, a home may have been completely refurbished; the owners could have added an internal -access double garage and converted the ceiling space into a stunning loft… Despite this adding significant value to the property, the CV will be the same. I recently sold a Ponsonby villa at auction for $2.03million - $500,000 above the CV. The house was a classic villa at the front, but contemporary and open at the back. It hadn’t undergone renovations since the CV was set, but demand was strong. Another property, on Sentinel Road, sold pre-auction for $2.52million (the CV was $1.71million). The successful buyer took the strategic option of making an early offer, rather than run the risk of it becoming even more sought after by auction day. A different mix of factors apply to the higher-end of the market. Few buyers have $3million to spend, and there are even fewer with more than $5million. I was recently involved in the sale of a property with a CV of $5.5million. Marketing requires a different approach, and it’s about negotiating around the table rather than going to auction. Often, the sales price will be lower than the council’s valuation. I’m very proud to say I was able to negotiate the sale for $7.165million. (KAREN SPIRES) PN Karen Spires is a Bayleys Real Estate ‘Top Achiever’ – placing her sales data among the top five percent of salespeople within the company.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS TWO MINUTES WITH ROBYN FRYKBERG ROBYN FRYKBERG IS VERY KNOWN IN THE PONSONBY/HERNE BAY AREA. This local resident has spent 20 plus years in Ponsonby, after a 25 year career in fashion (23 of those with Marilyn Sainty and Scotties), made a life-changing decision last year to change her focus. She has done her study and has been working as a real estate salesperson since June 2012. PN asked her a few questions. WHY DID YOU MOVE INTO REAL ESTATE? I had left Marilyn Sainty and was working with my husband in his advertising business, which he sold in 2011. I have always been interested in property and have bought and sold a few homes personally - I was pretty much talked into selling real estate by my very good friends Vicki and Gary Wallace who have been working for Bayleys for 10 years. WHAT ARE YOUR SKILLS? I am organised, a people person, and I think I have a really good feel with connecting the right people with the right property. For me, just being honest is important. IS THERE ANYTHING, YOU’RE NOT SO GOOD AT? Think you need to ask my husband that one – he would have a long list!

photography: Michael McClintock

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS? Gosh, probably feeling old as I might have grandchildren in 10 years! Hopefully just having a bit more time for myself. HOW DO YOU SWITCH-OFF WHEN YOU’RE NOT WORKING? I don’t really switch-off. Work is pretty much 24/7 and I’m always busy either working round my own house or catching up with friends and family. We do have a house in the Bay of Islands which is pretty isolated so once I get up there I tend to switch off. E: robyn.frykberg@bayleys.co.nz www.bayleys.co.nz

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Thursday June 6 – Wednesday June 19 Open Tues – Sat 11am-5pm Emma Bass, Tammy Williams, Stuart Broughton, Cathy Carter and Victoria James. Celebrating the Auckland Festival of Photography.

SHOWING AT MOMENTUM GALLERY MOMENTUMS FEATURED ARTIST THIS MONTH IS GREG STRAIGHT. GREG IS a graphic designer and artist living in Auckland. Always doodling, his active imagination was always going to lead to a life of creativity. He has worked in the field of visual arts for over a decade now and has the flexibility of a number of key styles. Along with a great understanding of composition and the importance of good typography, his artwork and illustrations are always approached with the full image in mind. His work has a strong graphic edge that is often humorous, occasionally subversive and always sought after. More recently, Greg (pictured right) has done a number of super secret commissioned works for large Kiwi firms, plenty of illustration work for children’s books and given a little bit back to various charities as well - good keen man indeed. PN www.facebook.com/gregstraightdesign MOMENTUM GALLERY, 1/182 Jervois Road T: 09 376 4749 www.momentumgallery.co.nz Like to win ‘Look & Listen’, a limited edition print by artist Greg Straight? Valued at $650.00, entering is easy. Simply email: hello@momentumgallery.clear.net.nz by Friday, 28 June 2013 and go into Momentum Gallery’s draw. Please don’t forget to tell us your name, contact number and address.

JIM GAUNT: EPISODES 21 June - 3 July Preview: 20 June Jim Gaunt’s paintings are rooted in the now. The vernacular of 21st century living is presented in an assortment of objects that cascade down the canvas. Instances of his own life, some deeply personal and others generally commonplace, combine with the transience of the present. Brightened with graffiti-esque splashes of paint and set off on a white background Gaunt’s works are kaleidoscopic episodes of New Zealand life. The works are made up of loosely drawn lines, crowded imagery, bright primary tones and muddy autumnal hues. The artist develops images of mostly present day icons as metaphors that work together to forge a complex figurative narrative. Some of the works are taken from episodes in his everyday life, but it is up to the viewer to make associations and it is here that the meaning of the work is formed, unique to every person who brings along their own experiences, thoughts, and emotions. PN BLACK ASTERISK GALLERY, 10 Ponsonby Road M: 021 040 1168 www.blackasterisk.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ARTS + CULTURE SONGWRITER FINDS HER VOICE First-year School of Music student Eden Roberts hasn’t always been a singer. The young songwriter and recent X Factor finalist only started singing when, at 16, she developed a repetitive strain injury from playing the guitar. Eden, who is studying a Bachelor of Music majoring in Popular Music at The University of Auckland, says what felt like a disaster at the time, forced her to focus on her voice and use it as her instrument. EDEN ROBERTS The 18-year-old started classical piano lessons at six, going on to also learn guitar, harmonica and cello. She says her family aren’t particularly musical, but are creative in other ways - her father is a poet, and both her parents have been incredibly supportive of her decision to pursue music as a career. The former Western Springs College student says she was really fortunate at high school to have Margaret Robinson as her music teacher. “She was really enthusiastic and encouraging.” Eden, who is an inner city resident, was originally encouraged to audition for X Factor by a family friend. Having made it into the top 13 finalists before being eliminated she was delighted to have got so far in the contest and says “X Factor was an amazing experience. All the contestants, judges and crew were so inspiring. It was a really good journey.” When she finishes her Bachelor of Music degree she hopes to earn a living from her music through song writing.

PINK RIBBON BREAKFAST AT KINGSLAND’S CRAFTERNOON TEA MARKET At this months Crafternoon Tea Market in Kingsland they will be hosting their yearly Pink Ribbon Breakfast for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. The money raised this year will go towards funding community outreach programmes throughout the country. The programmes help to heighten community awareness of breast cancer and provide support that assists to improve the quality of life of people affected by breast cancer in New Zealand. With one in eight woman diagnosed with breast cancer this is such an important cause. Their stallholders fill the cake stall to the brim, where you will find cupcakes, slices, cakes and much more, a silent auction with thanks to one of their regular stall holders Big Little who makes beautiful childrenswear. They have giveaways for the first 30 people through the door, make sure you’re early as these do not last very long. It is free entry although you can help the cause with a gold coin donation at the door. Just when you thought WOW... they also have a live DJ with thanks to George FM and much more. It’s not your Nana’s knitting they are talking about! Craft has evolved over the years, and Crafternoon Tea aims to showcase the diverse range of talented designers and crafters in Auckland. With over 40 stallholders each month there is a good mix of products to choose from, why not tantalise your taste buds with their fantastic food vendors. Crafternoon Tea is held on the third Saturday of each month at the Trinity Hall on the corner New North and Sandringham Roads, Kingsland. Saturday 15 June from 10am - 2pm. (LISA MADDEN) PN CRAFTERNOON TEA, M: 021 300 451 E: crafternoontea@gmail.com

“Eden is one of the new wave of talented songwriters studying in the Popular Music Programme. She is an imaginative and gifted young musician. Her level of commitment and creative depth is unusually high for someone so young” says Lecturer Stephen Matthews, co-ordinator of the Popular Music Programme at the School of Music. The talented singer songwriter had fellow students with her in the competition. John Cabana and Fletcher Mills from the School of Music also took part in X Factor. Fletcher, who is yet to be eliminated, is a first-year Bachelor of Music in Classical Performance (Piano) student and John Cabana is a first-year Bachelor of Music (Popular Music) student. School of Music graduate Grace Ikenasio was also a contestant. Fletcher and Eden were also both finalists in The University of Auckland Songwriter of the Year: Schools Competition in 2012. They both placed second equal on the night. PN The University of Auckland’s National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries comprises the School of Architecture and Planning, Elam School of Fine Arts, the Centre for Art Studies (CAS), the School of Music and the Dance Studies Programme.

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SHOWING AT NOOK GALLERY COLLECT CALL - ERIKA PEARCE, JESS DRIVER, MICHAEL WILLIAM JAMES STEVENSON AND ROBBIE MCMATH 4 - 27 July; Preview: 3 July, 6pm Erika Pearce is a New Zealand based illustrator, artist and graphic designer. She loves creating things by hand, drawing and painting. Erika has a real thing for line work and her creations often have a tattoo look to them. She specialises in pinups, hand drawn typography and custom work. Erika believes that narrative is very important and her work often has many layers of meaning. There exists within Jess Driver’s works a tension between certainty and uncertainty. This occurs both subjectively, through various modes of sensual observation, and objectively, in its dispute of contradictory intentions. Within this there is a fine line between paintings departing from a painterly aspiration into emotive sensuality. Michael Stevenson has an acutely contemporary style. His intricate portraits often take an extra large form and conceptualising a certain social premise that you might feel in the air of an underground New York nightclub in the Bronx. Michael’s drawings are somewhat of a solitary pursuit, drawing simply what he would want on his own walls. Robbie McMath’s work infuses the tradition of Chinese paper cutting with the visual language of popular culture. PN NOOK GALLERY, 54 Ponsonby Road M: 027 522 7710 www.nookgallery.co.nz

SHOWING AT WHITESPACE SCOTT GARDINER - A PIECE OF SKY 11 - 29 June Scott Gardiner’s landscapes appear both familiar and otherworldly; we recognise the motorway overpasses and clouds, yet the monochrome tones and the tilted perspective create an alien scenery. Adding to the strangeness is the desolation of the images; the structures we see are decidedly man-made, however there is no trace of human occupancy or activity within the scenes. The visual appeal of the paintings resides in the contrast between the solid, linear structures of the motorway and the skilfully executed soft forms of the rolling clouds. The juxtaposition of these elements evokes both the timelessness and serenity of nature as well as the rapid change and industrial expansion that is defining of our times. Gardiner’s works are made to last, with the artist using the finest quality paper, acid-free glue and oil-based pencils which will not degrade or fade in sunlight. When finished the works are sprayed with double coats of fixative and varnish, both containing UV filters completely sealing the image and further protecting it from deterioration. Born in 1975 in Auckland, Gardiner received a Master of Visual Arts with Honours in painting from the Auckland University of Technology in 2003. Gardiner’s work has been exhibited in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States of America and is held in several private and corporate collections in New Zealand and Australia and in the James Wallace Art Trust. The artist has been a multiple finalist of the Wallace Art Awards as well as the 2012 New Zealand Painting and Printmaking Award. A Piece of Sky – part II follows on from Scott’s successful Sydney show in May this year. PN WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road T: 09 361 6331 www.whitespace.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




GREY LYNN’S VERY OWN COMMUNITY CHOIR DID YOU KNOW THAT GREY LYNN HAS A COMMUNITY CHOIR? I DIDN’T UNTIL very recently and so I spoke with conductor and leader Philip Griffin to find out more. The choir has been around since late 2011 and performs at local and community events. They are led by Philip, who is a multi-instrumentalist, playing numerous stringed instruments from guitar, bass, lute to mandolin and has lots of experience with community choirs. He tells me about his work in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, in community choirs. He founded the Trades and Workers Council Choir in Adelaide and has prepared choruses for Opera Australia. He writes and arranges music for them, as well as having written a lot of choral style music for theatre. He has been a soloist, conductor and in the chorus of countless choirs worldwide and is an enthusiastic presence at the head of the Grey Lynn Community Choir. He’s very passionate about classical music but insists he has very diverse musical tastes. He has played in a reggae band, a rockabilly group and in a bluegrass band – a few steps removed from choirs and choral music. The diversity of his interests holds him in good stead to provide an interesting repertoire and keep the choir excited about their music. I enquired as to the repertoire that he leads at the Community Choir in Grey Lynn and I was in for an interesting list. They have sung music from 15th century Spain, African folk songs, gospel, and an arrangement of a Don McGlashan song. Philip either accompanies them himself or they perform a cappella. The ages in the choir vary, and they are always interested in growing their numbers. In fact as I spoke to him he told me the choir had just grown by eight bass singers. Philip stressed the importance of fun in the choir and that while he has high expectations and aspirations for the music, he considers enjoying singing the top priority. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings during the school term at the Grey Lynn Community Centre and they are always happy to have new members join. There are no auditions, something I cannot stress enough. The ability to read music is not required and neither is prior experience. Philip believes it is important to ensure there is a group for people who have never sung before, to provide opportunities for individuals to experience singing with others.

‘FOUND...PARTS OVERTURNED’ 120cm x 120cm gouache on canvas

SHOWING AT OREXART ‘FOUND… parts’- PAINTINGS BY REBECCA WALLIS Until 19 JUNE Rebecca Wallis now lives in Grey Lynn but her art practice was cemented with a Masters Degree from Goldsmiths College of Art in London. She brings an international understanding and focus to her work. This is painting that relies on a broad awareness of effects and the thoughts they can illicit. The paintings open themselves up for unearthing, the subjects barely recognisable, resistant to being named or imagined. They grow from within, as a fragile matrix, gradually taking on meaning and form. The beginnings are occluded, like collapsing cells, where time and light disappear, leaving traces of themselves; foreign and yet familiar. This is painting and invention at its highest level. PN OREXART, 15 Putiki Street Arch Hill T: 09 378 0588 For more info visit www.orexart.co.nz or contact: rex@orexart.co.nz


You can follow the choir and find information about rehearsals and contact details and if you are interested in joining Philip’s details are on their website. Keep an ear and eye out for the Grey Lynn Community Choir, I know I will be. www.greylynncommunitychoir.weebly.com The Aotea Youth Symphony returned from an incredibly successful tour of Tahiti at the beginning of May. Having performed for their Admiral of the Fleet, at her residence, and a very well received ANZAC day performance, the symphony was sent home with high praise and respect from the locals. The 10 days spent there forged a bond between the symphony and the Tahiti Conservatoire. The Conservatoire is hoping to send a contingent of their own musicians to Auckland in the middle of next year to perform again with the AYS. This would be a very interesting and exciting event and I will endeavour to monitor the progress of this tour. Next month I will interview a local “feel good” jazz musician Miho Wada. She performs with in her words a “pocket size jazz orchestra” and has recently released a new album, EXIT 621. She plays flute and saxophone and is performing at the Portland Public House in Kingsland on 15 June. Watch this space for my interview and review of the new album. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) PN

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receding, and from far away, a wall of seawater, as high as the clouds, white and grey, came towards them. They didn’t know what it was, but luckily one was a fisherman and sensed something was wrong.”

Rozana Lee photographed wearing the traditional Indonesian Kebaya held her first exhibition, ‘Tsunami Hour’ in the cells at Artstation Ponsonby last month.

The group piled into a van and drove to safety. “I heard the news on Boxing Day. One of my brothers called and said there’d been an earthquake and I thought ‘that’s normal’, we have them all the time there. When we switched on the television there was all this news about the tsunami but no news about Aceh.”

None of the work was for sale but Rozana wanted to create some pieces in memory of her dear mother, a casualty of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, which killed hundreds of thousands of people. In one of Artstation’s cells, visitors were invited to help create the ‘patches of life’ wall with batik cloth squares, as her father ran a batik shop in Indonesia’s Aceh province. She was in Singapore at the time living with her husband and young son. Her father, (who still lives in Aceh), and other family members survived this horrendous ordeal. Mrs Lee’s family were at home when the huge 9.3 magnitude earthquake struck, as she told Ponsonby News, “Nobody knew what was happening. The earthquake lasted for a staggering 10 minutes!” Thirty minutes later, as the family gathered in the street with their neighbours, they were shocked to see a huge wall of water approaching. “People started to run, it was chaos. They weren’t sure what it was. You can’t outrun water but it didn’t stop them trying,” she says. Her family headed to the Grand Mosque Baiturrahman, which was on high ground. Sadly, her mother couldn’t keep up with the others so she and her son clung desperately to a tree as the water rose. “My mum just said ‘let’s start praying’. Then the water got higher, their hands lost grip and they were swept away.” “My Dad on the other hand, was swimming at the beach with his group of friends, like they always do on Sundays, when the earthquake struck and they did not notice anything as they were in the water. As they came in for breakfast, they saw the water

Three days later Rozana arrived in Aceh and helped in the search for her mother, but like so many others her body was never recovered. Because of that, she is not recorded as one of the deceased. “During the clean-up they used huge diggers to move the debris and there was no identification. Many people were just dumped into mass graves,” Mrs Lee says. “She might have been swept into the ocean or she might be in one of those graves. “My mother always believed if you can help people then you should. If I can make people understand more through my exhibition I think she would be happy. In Aceh they didn’t know what it was. There was no warning. If you understand what it is, you have a much better chance of survival. Minutes matter,” she says. Mrs Lee is hoping ‘Tsunami Hour’ helps Aucklanders take tsunami warnings more seriously. Civil Defence tell us that if there is an earthquake in South America we should be very worried. As Rozana says, “When there is a warning here in New Zealand people go to the beach and go swimming. I think ‘how stupid’ but I do understand because if I hadn’t lost my mum in such tragic circumstances, I’d also think ‘oh it’s probably nothing’ as well.” (MARTIN LEACH) PN www.facebook.com/RozanaLeeArt.

UPTOWN ART SCENE Pop-up stores have become a feature of Ponsonby Road, and what a lovely surprise that Tanja Jade’s Misery staged the three day exhibition MOMO at Ponsonby Central last month. Her fantastical, quite twisted, anthromorphic vegetables pursued each other across paper, wood and ceramic supports, delighting the opening-night attendees. Ponsonby Central has further art ventures up its sleeve, and we’re very pleased they recognise the vitality it brings to our community. It was fabulous to see a large crowd for the opening of Nook Gallery at 54 Ponsonby Road last month. Their space is perfectly formed and this month they’re showing photographic works as part of Auckland’s Festival of Photography. Many of the uptown galleries are part of this annual event. One block up Ponsonby Road, Black Asterisk is showing Emma Bass, artist-run Ferari in Crummer Road has self-portraits by MIT students, Toi Ora Live Arts Trust in Putiki Street has the group show Mindfuel, and a few doors down Two Rooms’ great double photographic shows of Neil Pardington and Daniel Crooks has unfortunately just ended – we hope you caught it! The other festival on is the 5th Auckland Triennial “If you were to live here”, across multiple venues and two in walking distance: Artspace and Film Archive, both public galleries opposite each other in Karangahape Road. On the corner of Karangahape Road and Ponsonby Road, another public gallery and art institution Artstation is being re-vamped by the council – we trust it will be for the better! (WILL PAYNT, STUDIO ART SUPPLIES) PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

UFOS SIGHTED IN PONSONBY CENTRAL Spaceships have been seen arriving at Ponsonby Central for an exhibition of original, eclectic lamp art by Grey Lynn artist Andrew Palace, who trades as Metal As Anything. 30 spaceship lamps created from recycled brass, copper and retro or blown glass will be on display from next Friday (14 June). Along with Andrew’s lamps there will also be glass and jewellery on display. This exhibition should not be missed and runs till Sunday 7 July. www.metalas.co.nz DEADLINE – 20TH OF THE MONTH June 2013 PONSONBY NEWS+


photography: Michael McClintock






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photography: Michael McClintock



KRAFTBOMB, GREY LYNN COMMUNITY CENTRE Sunday 28 April Kraftbomb was created by two crafty ladies, City Down and Karla Hansen, fuelled by a shared love of handcrafts and a growing need for a regular craft market. Held on the last Sunday of every month at the Grey Lynn Community Centre, Kraftbomb is an indie, alternative handcraft market and supports all things handmade, encouraging the use of traditional handcrafts with a modern twist and upcycling.

7 The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

1. Corey Johnston’s Vegan Bake Sale; 2. Melissa Charbonneau of Full Flight Adornments; 3. Alicia Warden of Pop That Cassette!; 4. Karen Dennis of Trixie Delicious; 5. Helen Coyte of Uncommon Thread; 6. Kraftbomb organisers Alex Leighton and Karla Hansen, with her handcrafts; 7. Katrina Wesseling of Pietje’s Cupboard; 8. Ruby and Eddie Giesen of Coffin Bros; 9. Tony Graystone of Sneaky Studios; 10. Sue McFadden of Trio Hand Crafted Soy Candles; 11. Grey Lynn locals Toby and Max Morris. PN





photography: Michael McClintock



128 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


MOAN OF THE MONTH #@*! AIR YOUR GRIEVANCES AN AFFECTED PARENT DECLARES THAT THE PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE is in very bad odour with a number of parents who have depended on the OSCAR programme the centre had been running for 21 years. They received a surprising letter from the manager, Rob Matamu on Friday 12 April informing them that the programme was to close because of declining enrolment numbers. The last day of After School Care would be Friday 19 April and the School Holiday Programme would end Friday 3 May. Apparently the OSCAR staff knew about this a little longer but were legally forbidden from saying anything to anyone. This was the only communication the parents received, no valid reason and effectively only one week’s notice considering school holidays started 20 April. Apparently many of the parents and children are quite distressed about this and their ideal is to have these valuable services fully re-instated. This decision is critical for parents who both have to work full-time and especially so for mothers who have no support from a partner. Rob Matamu’s letter provided contact details for some other after-school care and holiday programmes in the local area but the affected parents argue they chose not to use them which is why they were all subscribing to the Ponsonby Community Centre’s OSCAR programme particularly as none of the schools in the area run holiday programmes. So now there’s an additional dilemma - where to go at the end of next term? We’ve been told the parents are convinced there’s more to this than meets the eye because if the board’s reason is financial it doesn’t excuse the appallingly bad management of pulling out the rug so dramatically. Given the chance, the parents would have preferred to discuss an increase in costs if it would save the service. Phew! What a to do! Apparently the Ponsonby Community Centre is not the only one having problems with OSCAR programmes. Similar closures are happening in other centres since the monolith that is the Super City came into being. Funding is always an issue and there are just so many more hoops to jump through when any organisation has to make an application to the council. Robert Matamu re-affirms the closure is due to declining enrolments partly caused by the Ponsonby area schools’ programmes. He adds that the community centre, in an advisory capacity, is assisting OSCAR staff in setting up their own programmes. He also insists that four week’s notice was sufficient and claims that discussions with and feedback from the parents has not resulted in them being resentful but understanding. He has previously consulted staff and families on price and both were not supportive of an increase as most were from middle to low incomes. So there we have it - both sides of the controversy. It is a bit surprising though that the level of income in a very affluent suburb is supposedly so modest. Also the four week’s notice included the school holidays, which doesn’t seem enough time for the parents to make alternative arrangements before the end of term. Also, looking at the calendar 12 April till 3 May is only three weeks. It seems there must be further reasons for the closure than just falling enrolments. After all, a long term tenant must be a better option than the occasional one or is there a better offer on the slate? (DEIRDRE TOHILL) PN Do you have a local grievance you’d like to get off your chest? Email us at: info@ponsonbynews.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Glengarry, Corner Sale and Wellesley Streets Kellands Real Estate, 4 Drake Street New World, Victoria Park Sale St, 7 Sale Street


Barfoot & Thompson, 533 Great North Road Barkley Manor, 400 - 402 Great North Road Grey Lynn Community Centre, 520 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Community Library, 474 Great North Road Raw Essentials, 401B Richmond Road Ripe, 172 Richmond Road Sliced,104 Richmond Road Tapac, 100 Motions Road Vetcare, 408 Great North Road


Herne Bay Post & Stationers, 240 Jervois Road Five Loaves & 2 Fish, 206 Jervois Road Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road Momentum, 182 Jervois Road


Atomic, 420c New North Road


Citta Outlet Store, Corner Enfield & Normanby Road Sabato, 57 Normanby Road

130 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


Planet Ayurveda, 41 Gillies Avenue Studio Italia, 96 Carlton Gore Road Taylor Boutique, 1 Teed Street


Benediction Café, 30 St Benedicts Street Design 55, 55 Upper Queen Street

Ponsonby News is published on the first Friday of each month excluding January. Copies go quickly so be quick to collect yours from any of the following outlets. The issue is also published on our website www.ponsonbynews.co.nz


Jane Daniels, 2 Birdwood Cresent Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road


Artstation, 1 Ponsonby Road Barfoot & Thompson, 184 Ponsonby Road Chapel Bar, 147 Ponsonby Road Fitness Trainer, 36 Jervois Road Harcourts, 89 Ponsonby Road Leys Institute, 20 St Mary’s Road The Longroom, 114 Ponsonby Road Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace Spa Ayurda, 213 Ponsonby Road Whitespace, 12 Crummer Road WORLD, 97 Ponsonby Road


Glengarry, 164 Garnet Road PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



132 PONSONBY NEWS+ June 2013


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