MISS PEARL NECLIS – what your stars hold for April
Aquarius (the Water Carrier)
Pisces (the Fishes) 20 February - 20 March You might have to find a balance this month between your brain and what you feel is intuition. The reality you’re living in is at odds with what you’re processing what’s going on around you. Think before you speak and don’t put a foot in it.
Aries (the Ram)
21 January - 19 February Pushing can get you a lot but don’t push too hard otherwise it could have the opposite affect of pushing back. You don’t want to burn out. Take things slowly for a while or you could go too fast and become overwhelmed.
Taurus (the Bull)
Gemini (the Twins)
21 April - 21 May Friends of yours could drop a seriously fantastic opportunity in your lap this month. Take a lot of notice and don’t dismiss the idea when you first hear it. Don’t miss what can transpire this month.
22 May - 21 June If you’ve been looking at what direction to take in your life, then this month could be the start of a great journey. The doors that have up until now been closed to you will suddenly be open, if you look hard enough.
Cancer (the Crab) 22 June - 22 July If you were asked to look beyond your scope of vision, would you do it? This month is the time to expand your horizons. You have no need to close yourself off from reality when you have the green light to move forward.
Leo (the Lion) 23 July - 21 August You might feel that this month isn’t going too well for you but you’ll be surprised because the opposite is happening. Your life is about to open up to new experiences. Embrace each day as it comes with those who matter most to you.
Virgo (the Virgin) 22 August - 23 September Someone might be trying to get a message to you this month. Be open and receptive as you don’t know what form the message will take. An opportunity to advance your career will present itself and all you have to do is sign on the dotted line.
Libra (the Scales) 24 September - 23 October You feel like you’re not enjoying yourself at the moment and you have this feeling like you’re on display somehow. If you feel like withdrawing from the scrutiny that is upon you it will be easy for you to retreat and reclaim the spotlight some other time.
Scorpio (the Scorpion)
Sagittarius (the Archer) 23 November - 22 December You feel like you are rushed off your feet and have a million things to do. Prioritise the tasks that require a bit more focus and you’ll find that you’re not treading water anymore.
Capricorn (the Goat) 23 December - 20 January You’re treading a fine line between work and play this month. What you’ll need to do is switch it up a bit. Concentrate more on work and let the bosses see that you are enthusiastic, and then you’ll be able to continue playing.
24 October - 22 November Someone in your life is about to shake it up. Every aspect will change for good. A possible chance encounter from the past could have you changing the way you live your life.
86 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2022
21 March - 20 April The ideas that you are having seem fantastic but be careful about jumping in with your feet first. You could organise your goals and take time on making your first decision.