4 minute read
Richard Northey: Waitemat a Local Board Chair
We are carrying out a consultation with our local community about our proposed Waitemat a Local Board Plan.
At our 16 June board meeting we were gratified to formally approve and make public our draft plan, which we have been steadily working on since our election last October. This draft identifies six major outcomes: Maori Identity; Connected Communities; High Quality Urban Design; Environmental Protection; Safe and Diverse Transport; and Economic Prosperity.
Throughout it there is an emphasis on recovery and resilience from the impacts of COVID-19 and a commitment to act on combating the climate emergency. Now all those living or working in Waitemat a are being asked to have their say on this plan which sets our proposed strategic direction for the next three years.
Consultation on this plan will continue until 13 August. We board members are making ourselves available in our libraries, markets, schools, and events to hear your views. If you are interested, please join our webinar about it on August 6 at 6pm. Our draft plan is available at akhaveyoursay.co.nz/lovelocal and at Council facilities. Auckland Council’s proposed ‘emergency budget’, its response to the financial impacts of COVID-19, has been decided on by the Governing Body at the end of July. Because COVID-19’s impacts have reduced Council income by $525million, even with a 3.5% rate rise there unfortunately will be substantial cuts to the infrastructure projects, maintenance and community services provided by the Council. At our 3.5% rate rise, which was supported by a two to one majority by public submitters from our local board area. We resolved to urge Council’s governing body not to make most of the proposed cuts to services and projects. We specifically opposed any lengthy postponement or cancellation to the restoration of the Leys Institute buildings which are highly valued by the community and the board, nor of the Ponsonby Park project at 254 Ponsonby Road, and any cuts in valued Council services like the opening hours of libraries and pools. Our board strongly opposed most proposed cuts to community, environmental, climate change and transport safety services and in favour of a temporary increase in Council borrowing to fund them. Fortunately, the Ponsonby and Grey Lynn Community Centres are entering the second year of three-year funding agreements and their grants will not be affected. We are gratified that the governing body finally decided not to cut the hours of our libraries. We are very much aware that some people will find it difficult to pay their rates this year. However, Council has developed and agreed to provision for postponement and rebates to help, and people in this situation should not hesitate to contact Council to apply for this relief. The Ministry of Social Development has finally taken over from Council in providing food parcels and advice for those who have unexpectedly lost their income.
We all need to remind ourselves that the return of the COVID-19 pandemic remains a risk. Because of the drought, we all need to reduce our water use. Auckland Transport is trying to help people stay safe with most of Freeman’s Bay and the city centre now having a 30km/h speed limit because of its high accident rate, and by banning car entry to Collingwood Street from Ponsonby Road.
The Waitemat a Local Board has formally acknowledged retiring MP Nikki Kaye’s fine service to Auckland Central and New Zealand.
Waitemat a Local Board meeting on 7 July we resolved to support the
(RICHARD NORTHEY) PN I can be contacted at 021 534 546 or richard.northey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Seismic performance specialists
Having an earthquake prone building is daunting to say the least.
Along with pressure from banks and insurance companies, there are unforeseen costs such as those associated with the lack of easily accessible information on the methodology used to retrofit earthquake prone buildings.
Seismic Performance Limited is a family owned and operated business. Run by a father/daughter team, it specializes in seismic engineering and retrofitting construction of earthquake prone buildings. SPL are the leaders in the field of seismic engineering and construction. The company’s point of difference is its years of expertise and its ability to save you, the building owner, unnecessary costs.
SPL works predominantly with historic buildings and has seismically retrofitted many of Auckland’s historic landmark buildings, having currently completed 37 buildings in Ponsonby alone. They keep the buildings tenants in place and work around their businesses to ensure both landlord and tenant don’t lose any income during the retrofitting process.
They provide their clients with cost effective, fixed price contracts. The engineering designs are sympathetic to the original architecture of the building, paying focus to the original integrity of the structure. They produce engineering design solutions to retrofit the building to a minimum 34%NBS or 70%NBS level of service.
Seismic Performance Limited can help you remove the earthquake stigma from your building. SPL wants to provide the knowledge, expertise and service to navigate these tough times while providing you with a service that not only helps landlords but tenants alike.
Seismic Performance Limited is available to meet at any time in order to discuss your earthquake prone building and will provide a free site visit and quote to get you started. PN
Contact: M: 021 555 333, www.seismicperformance.co.nz