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HOROSCOPES: MISS PEARL NECLIS – what your stars hold for March
Aquarius (the Water Carrier)
21 January - 19 February
You might feel like backtracking a little to catch up with yourself this month. However far you go back, make sure that you feel good about anything you change. Do what makes you happy.
Pisces (the Fishes)
20 February - 20 March
Whatever you may think of your close friends, you have to remember that whatever is said comes from a place of love and support. The insecurities you may have felt will have vanished as the year continues. Enjoy yourself - starting from now.
Aries (the Ram)
21 March - 20 April
Staying positive is something you’re good at, so the new chapter that’s about to start in your life will be a breeze. Remember though, not everyone is a morning person, so tread lightly to avoid stepping on any toes.
Taurus (the Bull)
21 April - 21 May
If you feel like you have to change something, then maybe you’ll need to start from within. You’re more than capable. Make sure any communication from your self is clear and to the point. There’s no need to confuse anyone.
Gemini (the Twins)
22 May - 21 June
Drama can follow you around, or it might be that you like to cause conflict. Spending more time with people, instead of working all the time, will vastly improve your social life. If you have a differing opinion from everyone, just try to compromise.
Cancer (the Crab)
22 June - 22 July
Feeling bored is something you’re not used to, so hearing something that you’re not supposed to can be extremely exciting. If you do feel like sharing, make sure all your facts are correct.
Leo (the Lion)
23 July - 21 August
Being ambitious is not a bad thing. You just have to remember to treat everyone the same as you rise to the top. When you do get there, make sure any promises you may have made are kept.
Virgo (the Virgin)
22 August - 23 September
You may have to take the lead in your relationship for a while. Whatever issues you have can be solved, if you dig a little deeper for a solution. Sharing can be a good way to get to a good result.
Libra (the Scales)
24 September - 23 October
Going away somewhere sounds like a good idea at the moment. If the circumstances aren’t quite right, then have faith, as things can change at any time. Being adventurous can be an advantage that you’ve yet to realise.
Scorpio (the Scorpion)
24 October - 22 November
You seem to be very curious at the moment, and your enquiring mind could uncover something that you’re not supposed to be aware of. If you have information that might be beneficial, then use it. If not, bin it and carry on.
Sagittarius (the Archer)
23 November - 22 December
Whatever you might be feeling, it’s up to you to find your way out of a dilemma that you’ve created for yourself. Even you don’t know everything, so getting or asking for help will enable you to move forward with ease.
Capricorn (the Goat)
23 December - 20 January
You can be oversensitive at times and it can often result in you getting the wrong end of the stick. Communicating your feelings and emotions can be truly beneficial. Finding the right outlet though can be tricky. Try what’s right for you first.