3 minute read
Luke Crockford has been in real estate in the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn area for many years. He has connections with the local community, especially the Richmond Road School where he recently presented them with a $5,000 cheque.
Tell us what your job is. To connect people with property, whether buying or selling, and helping them have a stress-free process while doing it.
What area do you live in and what's the best thing about it? I live on the border of Grey Lynn and Westmere and have been living in the area for 25 years. Over time I have gotten to know everyone by face every time I pop into the dairy or go to one of the bars. I love the community feel with cafes, restaurants and parks. It is just a very cool place to live.
What do you like the most about Ponsonby? I love the diversification of food and people.
How have you survived the pandemic and has it changed your life? Yes, I survived it but it definitely gave me a new insight and a newfound respect for teachers and daycare centres that deal with children day in day out. The first part of the lockdown was incredibly hard having two children ourselves, and trying to work from home was just next level.
What was your childhood like? My childhood with great; I am the eldest of four boys. I was born in Australia and moved to New Zealand when I was 10. In Australia I had all the boy dreams of the beach life - fishing, surfing - which I still carry on today but include my family on my missions.
Complete the sentence: I will die happy if... I don’t see it coming.
Who do you think is the most annoying celebrity today? Kardashians – all of them.
Which TV series would you never miss and why? Magnum PI – just love the character Tom Selleck had to play. He always had his two good friends, one being a helicopter pilot (always good to have) and the other could get anything, anytime, anywhere.
Where would your dream holiday internationally be? I would love to go back to Spain.
What’s on your bucket list? To go and watch all the five major golf tournaments.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Still working in the industry that I love but might be slowing down slightly with a little more time to spend on fishing and surfing with my children (more of a work-life balance).
What job would you do other than your own and why? I would own my own company, not sure what industry yet (probably surfing or fishing industry) but still connecting with people every day and supplying great service.
How would you like to be remembered? Just a genuine guy who had time for people and enjoyed life.
What do you love most about your age? That I made it to 51 so far and I am still learning.
If your life was an ice cream, what would it be called? Rum and raisin.
How do you chill out? Surfing and being in the ocean are some of the key things I have found helps me unwind. Also a good walk on the beach or sometimes even just grabbing the putter and doing some putting practice helps me chill out.
Tell us something very few people know about you. Back in 1998 I went to Spain and ran with the bulls in Pamplona and after surviving the first run I did it again the next day. It was an extremely awesome, scary, and life changing experience. (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM) PN