Espai Montseny The soul of the mountain
A spatial experience of the essence of Montseny A spectacular and enticing visitors’ centre helps visitors delve into the stories and legends of witches and brigands
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
The lush forests of Montseny formed the stage on which were played out the stories of legendary figures, such as the Outlaw Serralonga, of mythical inhabitants like the water women, and of the witches of Viladrau who were persecuted and even executed during the Seventeenth Century.
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
Espai Montseny in Viladrau is an evocative place that plunges us into its magical atmosphere, using effective and exciting sound and image effects. A facility where we see the appaerance and disappearance of brigands and water women, where we enter a magical forest, and where we can take part in witches’ rites...
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
Brigands’ Space: the magical forests of the brigands and water women
In a space that recreates one of the forests of Montseny, we are plunged into a magical setting where we learn the story of Viladrau’s own legendary Outlaw Serralonga, and about the water women or paitides.
Witches’ Space: a spectacular recreation of ancient rites of witchcraft
In this space, a ‘coven’ is recreated and we are reminded of the persecution of these women who were experts in medicinal plants.
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
Natural Park and Viladrau Space
The centre also includes a space dedicated to the Montseny and Viladrau Natural Park and provides information and suggestions for trips and recreational, cultural, and gastronomic activities.
A variety of grasses and native plants related to the world of witches have been cultivated in the Sot dels Vernets.
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
The Espai Montseny also gives you the opportunity of discovering the attractions of Viladrau in different ways:
a Themed packages with a variety of activities: • Witches and brigands • Fountains and water women • Forests and chestnut trees • Montseny Natural Park
a Catered packages based on the excellent Viladrau cuisine. Lots of ideas for couples, families, groups of friends, organizations, schools... Don’t miss out!
Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
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Espai Montseny
The soul of the mountain
Opening times From 1 October to 31 May Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm. Weekends, public holidays, and long weekends from 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm. From 1 June to 30 September Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm. Closed Every Monday of the year, except public holidays and long weekends. 25 and 26 December and all of January. * Group visits can be arrranged outside these times.
Espai Montseny C/ Migdia, 1 • 17406 Viladrau • Tel. 93 884 80 35 •