Green building

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INTRODUCTION The GRIHA rating has now entered its 8th year since inception. In this time, it has grown in scale and portfolio. Since 2007, GRIHA rating has managed to implement a vision for green buildings in India through a rating system designed for the Indian construction sector. There are currently over 650* projects registered with GRIHA Council totaling to over 230 million sq.ft. 30 projects have been rated so far. These 30 projects have led to a cumulative annual energy consumption reduction of 74,000 MWh and installation of 14.5 MWp of renewable energy. The potential impact of the current 650 projects is expected to lead to a cumulative annual energy consumption reduction of 16,00,000 MWh/annum and installation of 315 MWp of renewable energy. Over the past 8 years, there have been major changes in the field of green buildings in India and the local green building industry has evolved significantly. Therefore, GRIHA rating underwent its fourth revision, to better reflect the current market scenario and create new benchmarks to push the market further. The discussions with various stakeholders, experience from ongoing GRIHA projects as well as market feedback helped the GRIHA Council to develop the next iteration of the GRIHA rating. This new version of GRIHA is called GRIHA V – 2015. This particular document highlights the key updates in the rating as well as describes, in brief, the new rating system. More detailed manuals will be released in the upcoming months.

This new version of GRIHA is a major revision compared to the previous versions. Therefore, the next few pages are dedicated to detailing out the changes made in this version of GRIHA as compared to GRIHA V.3 which was released in 2013. That is subsequently followed by description of the new criteria of the rating.

Abbreviations •

BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards

CEPT - Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology University

CGWB - Central Ground Water Board

CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board

ECBC - Energy Conservation Building Code

EPD - Environmental Product Declarations

EPI - Energy Performance Index

GRIHA - Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standard

NBC - National Building Code 2005

TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute

SUDS - Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems



SECTION BRIEF All sites in their native state sustain various ecological cycles. Construction leads to disruption of various cycles as well as exert demand for resources such as energy, water, etc. Such construction practices have a detrimental impact on the surroundings. Therefore, site selection is the first step to a sustainable habitat and needs to be done appropriately, prior to commencement of the design phase. Green areas are essential for our survival. Trees and shrubs not only help in reducing the global greenhouse gases, they are also essential for providing clean air and water. Urban green areas also help in maintaining the balance between the physical and psychological health of people while simultaneously improving social cohesion amongst the community. Therefore, it becomes important that the project provides optimal green cover for its users. Site selection and analysis should be carried out to create living spaces that are in harmony with the local environment. Development of a project should not cause damage to the natural surrounding of the site but, in fact, try to improve it by restoring its balance. Thus, site selection should be carried out in a holistic manner keeping in view the following aspects: • Contextual design with respect to its surrounding built environment y Preservation and enhancement of natural biodiversity. • Land utilization and development intensity. • Early-stage design optimization for resource efficiency. • Contribution to urban heat phenomenon. This section consists of three criteria as mentioned in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Sustainable site planning criteria Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 1

Site selection


Criteria 2

Low impact design


Criteria 3

Design to Mitigate UHIE


Criteria 4

Site Imperviousness Factor


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 1: Site Selection

Intent: Site selection is the first step to a sustainable habitat and needs to be done prudently. The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the site meets the relevant masterplan/local development plans.

Maximum Points: 1 Appraisals: • 1.1.1: The site plan must be in conformity with the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines (mandatory). This should comply with the provisions of eco-sensitive zone regulations, coastal zone regulations, heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately as specific guidelines), water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the water spread and buffer belt of 30 meter minimum around the FTL), various hazard prone area regulations, and others if the site falls under any such area - Mandatory • 1.1.2: The project site is a brownfield site OR a redevelopment project OR there are at least 5 services (from the list given below) within the campus or within 500m walking distance from main entrance of project – 1 point Services: Grocery store, pharmacy, Bank/ATM, Park, Restaurant, Community Centre, School, Gym, Metro Station/Public transit stop

Compliances: • 1.2.1: Submit documentation to demonstrate conformity to local development plant/master-plan. • 1.2.2: Submit documentation (narrative/site plan/photographs) to demonstrate either: • site was a brownfield site OR • that the project is a redevelopment project OR • at least 5 basic services are located within 500 m walking distance from main entrance of project


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Criterion 1 :Appendix YESHWANTHPUR

Residential zone Residential mixed Mainly residential Commercial access Industrial / Activity zones Industrial area High Tech zone Loosic zone

Image - Bangalore street Map 31 December 2008 (original upload date) Source -

SITE SPECIFICS : • Site Location : Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India • Site Area : 2.54 acres (10296.14 sqm) • Permissible FAR : 3.57 • Maximum Ground Coverage : 45% • NO Height Restriction • Topography : Flat land

NARRATIVE : Yeshwanthpur is a sub locality in the north western part of Bengaluru City in the Indian state of Karnataka. According to the CDP MAP of Bangalore- 2015, Yeshwanthpur has Industrial Zones as well as Residential zone. The biggest wholesale market of agricultural produce in the city, the Yeshwanthpur APMC Yard, is situated in here and also has several other industries and warehouses; creating ample of employment opportunities. The locality also has residential zone; because of which there are several services available here.

GOOGLE EARTH SATELLITE IMAGE: As the image shows, one edge of the site is adjacent to Tumkur Main Road, along which the metro green line runs.The image also shows various services available near by.


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Criterion 1: Appendix

5 basic services are located within 500 m walking distance from main entrance ofproject.

Image. MEI Bus stop

Image. Sparsh Hospital

Image. Goraguntepalya Metro station

Image. ICICI Bank - ATM

Image. Taj Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru

Apart from these 5 services mentioned above, there are several other services available in the 500m proximity of the site. There are several other specialty hospitals, food centers, hotels and restaurants, HP petrol pump, ATMs, Canara Bank and adjacency of the site to Tumkur main road and a metro line creates opportunities of easier ingress and egress of the people in the site. The site lies in a mixed envelopment zone which to some extent helps in the workability of the co-working office spaces.


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Criterion 2: Low- impact design

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote design strategies which enable the project to factor in ways in which the natural site features (topographical/microclimatic) can be protected and/or incorporated into the project design.

Maximum Points: 4 Appraisals: • • 2.1.1: Demonstrate reduction in environmental impact through design by adoption of various passive design and low-impact site planning strategies.

Compliances: • 2.2.1: Submit analysis to demonstrate compliance with the Low-Impact Design strategies mentioned in the Appraisal 2.1.1 • 2.2.2: Submit drawings to highlight the Low-Impact Design strategies integrated into the building design/site planning • 2.2.3: Upload photographs, with descriptions, of the measures incorporated


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Criterion 2: Low- impact design Strategy

Analysis Required

Control annual Heat Gain through favorable Submit analysis demonstrating that the heat orientation and design of facades gain in design case is lower than GRIHA base case. Formula: insolation x window area of specific orientation in the base case, the total window area to be equally distributed on all orientations. Internal zoning/layout of the floor plate Demonstrate that at least 50% of total external wall area on unfavorable orientations like West, are abutting buffer zones/service areas Facilitating cross ventilation in naturally Submit CFD analysis to demonstrate cross ventilated/mixed-mode ventilation spaces ventilation in the naturally ventilated/mixedmode ventilation spaces Building design has been done in a manner Annual sun path/shading analysis to to not obstruct the solar access to the demonstrate compliance neighboring buildings, especially if the neighboring building has solar photovoltaics and solar water heaters installed on the roof Massing of the building/campus done in a manner to reduce insolation

Use of trees to control heat gain

Site planning according to contours

Site plan designed to preserve existing vegetation/ existing water bodies /other topographical features like boulders etc. Implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategies

Conduct insolation analysis for summer months (typically April to June) and demonstrate reduction against the base case (in which there is no mutual shading/effect of massing) Demonstrate, through simulations, that insolation has reduced by at least 25% (as compared to base case of no trees) through planting of dense trees next to critical facades during Summer months (1st April to 30th June) – only in case of up to G+3 structures. Assume tree size at maturity (5 years old) Demonstrate that site planning has been done according to site contours - for contours with slopes equal to or greater than 1:4 Demonstrate at least 50% (by area) of such features on site must be preserved Submit layout to demonstrate incorporation of appropriate SUDS strategies for managing over 90% of the storm water quantity on site

Any other passive design strategy GREEN BUILDING STUDIO

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Criterion 2: Low- impact design NARRATIVE: Low-impact development (LID) is a term used to describe a land planning and engineering design approach to manage storm water runoff as part of green infrastructure. LID emphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural features to protect water quality. The basic principle of LID to use nature as a model and manage rainfall at the source is accomplished through sequenced implementation of runoff prevention strategies, runoff mitigation strategies, and finally, treatment controls to remove pollutants.

Domestic Laundry

DESIGN STRATEGIES: Design using LID principle follows four simple steps: •

• • •

Determine pre-developed conditions and identify the hydrologic goal (some jurisdictions suggest going to wooded conditions). Assess treatment goals, which depend on site use and local keystone pollutants. Identify a process that addresses the specific needs of the site. Implement a practice that utilizes the chosen process and that fits within the site’s constraints. The basic processes used to manage stormwater include pre-treatment, filtration, infiltration, and storage and reuse.

PRINCIPLES: • • • • •

Conserve natural areas wherever possible (don't pave over the whole site if you don't need to). Minimize the development impact on hydrology. Maintain runoff rate and duration from the site (don't let the water leave the site). Scatter integrated management practices (IMPs) throughout your site – IMPs are decentralized, microscale controls that infiltrate, store, evaporate, and/or detain runoff close to the source. Implement pollution prevention, proper maintenance and public education programs.


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Criterion 2 : Appendix STRATEGY 1 This is the design development of the case study (vvip circuit house pune )

STRATEGY 2 Building design has been done in a manner to not obstruct the solar access to the neighbouring buildings, especially if the neighbouring building has solar photovoltaics and solar water heaters installed on the roof.

Existing circuit house without the presence of solar water heaters.


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Criterion 2 : Appendix STRATEGY- 3 Massing of the building/campus done in a manner to reduce insolation.

Massing is done in such a way that there is a mutual shading affect , which reduces the insolation.

STRATEGY - 4 Implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategies

The picture demonstrates the section of the SUDs

The picture shows the cross section of the pathway (pavement is permeable)


The picture demonstrates how permeable sand and soil are helping for the further treatment

This picture is the cross section of the SUDs in a building

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Criterion 3: Design to mitigate UHIE

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure incorporation of site design strategies which assist in reduction of Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE). .

Maximum Points: 2 Appraisals: • 3.1.1: More than 25% of the site surfaces visible to sky (including building roofs but not the landscape area) are either soft paved/covered with high SRI coating (SRI > 0.5)/shaded by trees/shaded by vegetated pergolas/shaded by solar panels or any combination of these strategies – 1 point • 3.1.2: More than 50% of the site surfaces visible to sky (including building roofs but not the landscape area) are either soft paved/covered with high SRI coating (SRI > 0.5)/shaded by trees/shaded by vegetated pergolas/shaded by solar panels or any combination of these strategies – 2 points

Compliances: • 1.2.1: Submit documentation to demonstrate conformity to local development plant/master-plan. • 1.2.2: Submit documentation (narrative/site plan/photographs) to demonstrate either:

Narrative: Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) is a phenomenon in which increase in the area of buildings and roads, and reduction in green cover, causes the microclimate in cities to become warmer than regional temperatures. Observed micro-climate temperature increases have been recorded in the range of 1-3 degree Celsius in the daytime and up to 12degree Celsius at night in cities. Such changes can also have considerable impacts beyond that on the microclimate, including those on energy use, health, and economics, and can become a cause for national concern, if not reduced. It is now recognized that factors related to an increase in the microclimatic temperatures of the city regions compared to the surrounding landscape, characterizing the UHI effect. The current rapid rate urbanisation in India calls for a need to address an observed consequent issue of the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). It is now recognized that factors related to an increase in built up area in urban environments cause an increase in the microclimatic temperatures of the city regions compared to the surrounding landscape. characterising the UHI effect. It is speculated that this effect is amplified as we move towards a high-rise high-density model for urban development, and has significant effects in turn on urban energy use and the environment at large. Cities have less evapotranspiration and the buildings trap solar radiation. Rural regions have larger evapotranspiration rates and open space reflects solar energy out to space.


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Criterion 3: Design to mitigate UHIE DESIGN STRATERGIES: There are some mitigation strategies that have been researched in the development process, yet there needs to be a push in city planning for these strategies to become a reality in the coming years as cities will have to adapt to their changing environment • Change in geometry city structure Four rules of placement for building urban cities are typically as follows • maximize shelter from wind for pedestrian comfort • maximize dispersion of air pollutants • maximize urban warmth to reduce the need for space heating • maximizing solar access • Due to the overlapping needs of the urban geometry objectives, such as conserving heat and dispersing pollutants at the same time, some of these objectives could not be emphasized and thus only a portion of the objectives were accepted • Cool Roof surfaces • Even though cities have been built with structure and function in mind for the growing population, they now are incorporating other ways to reduce the urban heat island such as the use of light color surfaces. Most of the materials used for construction are dark colored surfaces. This decreases the albedo potential which means that more heat is absorbed and thus temperature rises. If a lighter colored surface is applied, there is at least a temperature drop -between 1-4 percent lower than what is originated (USEPA, 2008); thus, it would not only be beneficial to the temperature difference in cities but also in the reduction of energy needed through air conditioning. • Urban Forests and vegetation the vegetated surfaces repeatedly lowered surface temperature by at least seventeen degrees and there was a 20-80% reduction in air conditioning cost (USEPA, 2008)Trees, grasses and shrubs provide much cooling for an urban environment and thus urban planning must take them into account when building or redesigning and urban space.


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Criterion 4 : Site imperviousness factor Intent: High imperviousness on site leads to rapid runoff of rainwater, reduces urban rainwater recharge and contributes to conditions of urban flooding. The intent of this criterion is to ensure implementation of site design measures which assist in reduction of overall site imperviousness factor.

Maximum Points: 1 Appraisals: • 4.1.1: Net Imperviousness factor of site meets the NBC 2005 norms & the site is designed such that postconstruction storm water discharge from the site is zero -1 point

Compliances: • 4.2.1: Submit calculations and drawing demonstrating compliance with Net Imperviousness Factor of NBC 2005 • 4.2.2: Submit calculations demonstrating that post construction, the site does not discharge any storm water outside the site • 4.2.3: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narrative: The idea is to reduce the imperviousness of the site, so that during the rainfall, the imperviousness of the site should not cause any urban flooding. Impervious surfaces add to heat gain and do not let water penetrate through either. Hence it is necessary to reduce them. Providing pervious pavers help recharge ground water. They thus help keep ground cool retaining moisture longer than impervious materials. Rainwater failing on the roof can be stored and utilized for watering landscape within the site area. Few points taken from NBC 2005: • Pervious paving helps in holding rain water, reducing the rate of storm water flow, infiltrating storm water into the ground for reuse and also helps in filtering the rain water. • Besides helping in storm water management, pervious paving helps in reducing the heat Island effect. For sustainable site planning, perviousness in the paved areas of the site may be maximized. However, the rain water harvesting potential of pervious paving is subject to local geomorphological formations and the use of the same should be assessed based on local conditions. For example, in coastal areas, where the water table may be high and the water absorptive capacity is low, pervious paving may not be as effective. • Below table is taken from NBC 2005 standards for imperviousness factor applicable to different types of area. TYPE OF AREA



Commercial & Industrial areas


Residential areas (High Density)


Residential areas (Low Density)


Parks & underdeveloped areas


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Criterion 4 : Site imperviousness factor Calculations

Impervious paved area on-site to include parking, driveways, sidewalks, roads, boundary wall, often plazas walkways, etc. Exclude areas that have pervious paving (grass pavers, open grid pavements, gravel paving, etc.) Total site area is an area of plot used for calculation of floor area ratio/floor space index.

Benefits of pervious paving on the site include: • • • • • • • •

Promotes infiltration of stormwater There are many pervious surface and paving material choices Paver systems are easy to repair or replace Slows stormwater runoff Helps clean the stormwater through filtering it through the base material and soil Beneficial to street trees as roots can have more access to air and water Pavers enhance curb side appeal and increase property value Groundwater recharge where soils and geologic conditions allow.

Type of permeable surfaces • Porous Asphalt is used on highways to remove excess water. • Single-Sized Aggregate contains no binder and is commonly known as loose gravel. It can commonly be seen in very low-speed applications such as driveways or pathways. • Plastic Grids allow for a 100% porous system and are growing in popularity due to LEED project requirements • Porous Turf can be used for areas with occasional parking, such as stadiums or churches. • Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers are individual units that can be laid out in an interlocking grid pattern, with in-between spaces commonly filled with grass or small stones

Green pavers


Reducing the driveway and sidewalk and providing greenspace

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Terrace Gardens



SECTION BRIEF With a rapidly growing urban population, India is on the threshold of massive infrastructure development. This development would create a huge demand for construction activity. Current construction practices in India, however, have an immensely detrimental impact on the environment. Construction activity is responsible for 23% of air pollution in cities, 50% of climate change due to gaseous emissions, 40% of contamination of potable water, 50% of pollution due to the dumping of waste in landfills, and 50% of ozone-depleting processes.1 The construction industry involves resource-intensive processes that engender demand for materials, land, energy, and water. Inefficient practices followed currently will increasingly strain our finite pool of resources if the consumption processes do not become more informed, responsible, efficient, and judicious. The shortage of water from conventional sources has not only affected the construction industry in major Indian cities, such as Bengaluru and Chennai, but has also been exacerbated by it. The intent of this section is to ensure reduced environmental impact of construction activity by introducing sustainable construction practices and measures to reduce harmful emissions, dust generation, contamination and wastage of water, loss of vegetation, loss of fertile soil, and generation of construction waste. To ensure holistic sustainable development, this section promotes preservation of natural site features to maintain healthy ecosystems, better site management practices during construction to curb negative environmental impacts, and efficient management of construction material and waste to minimize dependence on landfills. This section consists of the following three criteria as mentioned in Table 2.1. Section Brief 1 Brandt-Williams, S. L. 2002. Handbook of Energy Evaluation: A Compendium of Data for Energy Computation Issued in a Series of Folios. Center for Environmental Policy Environmental Engineering Science, University of Florida, Gainesville. Details online at;

Table 2.1 Construction management criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 5

Air & water pollution control


Criteria 6

Preserve and protect landscape during construction


Criteria 7

Construction Management Practices


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 5 : Air and water pollution control

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to minimize air and water pollution during construction on site.

Maximum Points: 1 Appraisals: •

5.1.1: Adopt at least 3 measures (from the list given with first being mandatory) on site to curb air pollution during construction – Mandatory • • • • •

Provision of 3 meter high barricading around the construction area - Mandatory Wheel washing facility at the vehicular entrance of the site Covering of fine aggregate and excavated earth on site with plastic/geotextile sheets Water sprinkling on fine aggregate (sand) and excavated earth All diesel gensets on site to have proper chimneys with their outlet facing away from the site

• 5.1.2: Develop and implement a spill prevention plan (to control effects of spill from hazardous materials like bitumen, diesel etc.) on site – 1 point

Compliances: • 5.2.1: Submit relevant sections of tender document showing that air pollution prevention measures are required to be implemented by the contractor during construction on site. • 5.2.2: Submit narrative describing the spill prevention plan, with description of spill control measures, adopted on site. • 5.2.3: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Dust and out door air pollutants can cause respiratory issues. Good construction practices involve major mitigation measures for prevention or minimization of air pollution from construction activities. This criterion aims to reduce air pollution due to on – site construction. The material used to prevent spread of dust and air pollution should be reusable and durable enough, in order to maintain resource economy and reduce expenses of using new material on every new site. The construction industry is a major source of Air, Water and Noise pollution. These lead to a number of Health Hazards such as Stress, Hypertension, and Asthma etc. Pollution also leads to a great level of environmental degradation also, hence it is very important to control these as far as possible.


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Criterion 5 : Air and water pollution control Strategies: Air Pollution control • Provide dust screens to enclose the scaffolding of the building • Enclose material hoist by impervious sheeting • Enclose debris chute and collection chamber by impervious sheeting • Spray water on debris before it is dumped into a debris chute • Spray water on the surface of facade before and during grinding work • Provide hard paving on open area to reduce dust • Not burning anything on site is the key way of preventing the pollution from occurring • Minimize Diesel generator emissions is through using low sulphur diesel in all equipment and engines and improve existing equipment with the latest particle filters and catalytic converters. • Cover trucks loaded with construction materials and continually dampen down with low levels of water • Use non-toxic paints, solvents and other hazardous materials wherever possible • Material hoist enclosed by dust screen • Enclosed debris chute and collection chamber • Grinder equipped with vacuum cleaner

Water Pollution Control • Treat wastewater to meet the conditions of effluent discharge license prior to discharging • Conduct regular self-monitoring checks to ensure the quality of the effluent discharged meet the prescribed standard • minimizing the land disturbance (whilst leaving as much vegetation as possible during the excavation process), • Covering up all drains on a construction site • Using non-toxic chemicals where possible. • Covering building materials so the risk of them being washed away during rain (or other natural conditions) is minimized • Collecting and treating the wastewater before it is discharged as an effluent where the clean water can be discharged and the sediment sludge can be collected and thrown away. • Segregate, tightly cover and monitor toxic substances to prevent spills and possible site contamination. • Collect any wastewater generated from site activities in settlement tanks, screen, discharge the clean water, and dispose of remaining sludge according to environmental regulations.


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Criterion 6 : Preserve and protect landscape during construction Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure preservation of mature trees and fertile top soil on site, thereby minimizing the impact of construction activities on existing landscape. .

Maximum Points: 4 Non-applicability : • If there are no mature trees on site, then project is exempt from 6.1.1 & 6.1.2 • If the top soil is not fertile & can’t be made fertile through organic means, then project is exempt from 6.1.3

Appraisals: •

6.1.1: Ensure that no existing mature tree is cut on site OR transplant mature trees within the site and ensure they survive OR Plant 3 trees for every 1 tree cut of the same native/naturalized species OR any combination of these for all mature trees on site-Mandatory • 6.1.2: Increase total number of trees on site by 25% above the pre-construction phase OR Plant 4 trees for every 1 tree cut of the same native/naturalized species – 2 points • 6.1.3: Preserve top soil during construction, maintain its fertility (during construction phase) and use for landscape post-construction – 2 points

Compliances: • 6.2.1: Submit site plan (drawing) of existing landscape plan highlighting (in different color coding/layer) the following: • Existing trees which have been protected and preserved, along with table listing their species • Existing trees which have been transplanted • Existing trees which have been removed • Area from where top soil has been removed • Location on site (or off-site) where top soil will be preserved • 6.2.2: Submit CAD drawing of proposed landscape plan highlighting (in different colour coding/layer) the following:

• Replantation of new trees in the ratio of 1:3 for each tree which has been cut, with the details about the species that have been planted. • Replantation of tree done in excess of 25% than the minimum requirement, with the details of the species that existed. • Landscape area where top soil has been reapplied. • 6.2.3: Submit soil fertility test reports of site’s top soil from an ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research )-accredited laboratory. • 6.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.:


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Criterion 6 : Preserve and protect landscape during construction Narrative: Why preserve Trees? Existing trees are a great resource to the site and it can contribute greatly to the planning of our project. Existing trees help orient our buildings and create comfortable environments within the building. • Shade trees add to the value of residential and commercial properties. During construction, established, healthy trees can be preserved with minimal effort or expense. Many trees are valuable enough to justify the extra concern. Preventing damage to them is less costly than correcting it. • Preserving native plantings reflects an environmentally sensitive approach to development. Trees and the underlying vegetation intercept and absorb runoff from storm water, reducing erosion and siltation. They filter pollutants like lawn fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals present in the landscape. Tree plantings buffer road noise and mask sounds from neighbours. Existing trees and other forms of vegetation to be preserved by avoiding disturbance/damage due to construction activities. All existing vegetation should be marked on the site survey plan. The tree survey must be carried out and data must be recorded before starting construction activity. Adequate fencing to avoid disturbance/damage to trees and other vegetation to be provided. To compensate the loss of vegetation/mature trees, replant the vegetation/trees in proportion of 1:4.Commitment Proper timing of construction, preserve top soil and existing vegetation, staging and spill prevention and erosion and sedimentation control.

Strategies : • Do not locate construction traffic routes, spoil piles, etc., where significant adverse impact on existing vegetation may occur. Minimize the disturbed areas by locating temporary roadways to avoid stands of trees and shrubs and to follow existing contours to reduce cutting and filling • Define and protect with fencing, signs, etc., a setback area from vegetation to be preserved. Propose • landscaping plans that do not include plant species that compete with the existing vegetation. • Examine trees and barricades at least once a week during construction. • Locate construction materials, equipment storage, and parking areas where they will not cause root compaction. •

Keep equipment away from trees to prevent trunk and root damage.

• Do not allow removed trees to be felled, pushed, or pulled into any retained trees. Prohibit fires within 100ft of the drip line of any retained trees.


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Criterion 6 : Preserve and protect landscape during construction

The above picture showing how the nature and the buildings can coexist.


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Criterion 7 : Construction Management Practices

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure adoption of good construction management practices on site.

Maximum Points: 4

Appraisals: • 7.1.1: Adopt staging during construction on site - 1 point • 7.1.2: Adopt strategies to prevent/reduce movement of soil (not top soil) outside the site through adoption of various strategies (like soil erosion channels, sedimentation control etc.) - 1 point • 7.1.3: Adopt strategies (at least 3 from the list below) to manage water during construction - 1 point • Using gunny bags for curing and using ponding for curing. • Monitoring to avoid leaks and water wastage. • Use of additives to reduce water requirements during curing. • Use of treated waste water/captured storm water. • 7.1.4: A construction waste management plan for segregation of construction waste, its safe storage and on-site/off-site recycling is developed and implemented in the project -1 point

Compliances: • 7.2.1: Submit narrative detailing the following practices on site: • staging practices adopted during construction. • strategies implemented to reduce soil erosion from site. • strategies adopted to reduce potable water during construction. • 7.2.2: Submit a site plan (drawing) highlighting the following: • Site boundary, proposed building footprint and staging boundary on site. • Location of measures to block soil erosion from site. • Construction waste storage locations (primary and secondary) • 7.2.3: Submit narrative highlighting the quantum of waste generated during construction, storage facilities for inert and hazardous wastes and measures employed for its safe disposal/recycling. • 7.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Sustainability on construction sites and its impacts on the environment have become increasingly relevant. Large quantities of materials, water and energy, among other resources of various types and origins, are consumed on construction sites during the production activities and by the temporary facilities. The main aim of this criteria is to ensure good and sustainable construction practices.


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Criterion 7 : Construction Management Practices Strategies: Adopt staging during construction on site ➢ Initiation When starting a building construction project, you will have to determine its feasibility by evaluating its pros and cons. In this phase, you will have to consider the objective of your project as it can be an opportunity or a problem for you as a builder. All the various options and solutions on how to build your project must be considered prior to taking the next steps . ➢ Planning In this phase, the project has to be developed in detail to meet its objectives. The project manager’s team will define the work that needs to be done in order to start construction by identifying the resources and strategies to obtain supplies. An outline of the construction plan along with its timeframe and other activities has to be created in this phase for its execution. ➢ Execution This phase is also known as the implementation phase, since this phase of the project is practically put into performance mode. At each stage of implementation, it is necessary to communicate with the project manager’s team to control its expenses. The heads of all the teams executing the plan will submit their progress report to the project manager so that he can make the necessary adjustments ➢ Monitoring In this phase, the performance and progress of the entire project is measured to ensure that the project is running as per the schedule. All the finishing works including woodwork, metalwork and painting, etc. are also monitored at this stage. ➢ The completion The completion phase is when the project manager has to finalize many things including: stopping the supplies, checking the final touches including planting and landscaping as well as cleaning the surroundings and do final inspection of the project before handing over the building to its owners.

Picture showing gunny bags used for construction

• Adopt strategies to prevent/reduce movement of soil (not top soil) outside the site through adoption of various strategies (like soil erosion channels, sedimentation control etc.)


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• Using gunny bags for curing and using ponding for curing



SECTION BRIEF India’s building energy use accounts for 33% of the nation’s energy use, and is growing by 8% annually.1 The largest floor-space growth is in the commercial (office, hospitality, retail, hospitals) and residential sectors. Given the explosive growth in floor-space, and increased intensity of energy use and service-level requirements in the commercial sector, India must address efficiency concerns in the energy sector too.2 India might have ambitious climate change targets but being the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide3, and in the early stages of economic development, it is poised on the threshold of a staggering increase in emissions in the coming years, if the current projections for economic growth hold true. Lighting and air-conditioning systems consume a significant percentage of energy required by buildings in operation. The section focuses on incentivizing a reduction in energy demand through the three major aspects for energy efficiency in a building: use of passive building design, use of energy-efficient equipment, and integration of renewable energy technologies. Renewable energy is available perpetually from the environment and can be extracted from sources such as the sun and wind, or from thermal energy stored underground in the case of buildings. Systems that capture heat (such as solar water heating systems and passive heating), convert solar energy to electricity (such as the solar photovoltaic panels), and make use of wind to convert kinetic energy to electricity in the form of micro windmills, are largely adopted in the case of buildings. The concept of using renewable energy not only promotes the use of green power but also largely encourages offsetting the dependency of the project on conventional sources of fuel such as coal, diesel, etc. Another threat is the release of synthetic chemicals into the air from refrigerants; emissions from insulation can persist in the environment for decades without immediate visible impacts. Depletion of the ozone layer by such man-made activities has played a major role in causing a spurt in the occurrence of malignant skin ailments besides respiratory and cardiac disorders. These chemicals can also trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute towards rising global temperatures, thus causing global warming. There are numerous alternatives to these chemicals; hence, this section also encourages the shift to materials with lower ODP and GWP values. This section consists of three criteria as mentioned in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Construction management criteria

Criteria No. Criteria 8 Criteria 9 Criteria 10

Criteria Name Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Utilization Zero ODP Material

Total weightage of the section

Maximum Points 13 7 0 20

Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure the energy efficiency of the project.

Maximum Points: 13 Non-applicability: Appraisal 8.1.2 is applicable only for AC buildings (non-residential)

Appraisals: • 8.1.1: Ensure that the project meets the mandatory requirements of ECBC* & all fans must be BEE star rated - Mandatory • 8.1.2: Peak heat gain through building envelope (for each AC building individually) should meet the GRIHA • Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor thresholds – 2 points

Compliances: • 1.2.1: Submit documentation to demonstrate conformity to local development plant/master-plan. • 1.2.2: Submit documentation (narrative/site plan/photographs) to demonstrate either:

• • 8.1.3: Demonstrate that 100% of outdoor lighting fixtures (lamps + lamp housing) meet the luminous efficacy requirements of GRIHA – 1 point All lamps + lamp housing must demonstrate luminous efficacy of at least 75 lumens/watt. • 8.1.4: Demonstrate (through simulations) that project EPI is below GRIHA benchmark Mandatory • 8.1.5: Additional reduction in EPI will be awarded points as mentioned below:


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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency

Compliances: • 8.2.1: Submit documentation (narrative, specification sheets, purchase orders – reflecting full quantities) demonstrating compliance with all mandatory requirements of ECBC. • 8.2.2: Submit specification sheets and purchase orders to demonstrate that all fans being installed in the project at BEE star rated. • 8.2.3: Submit analysis demonstrating that the project complies with the GRIHA Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor thresholds. • 8.2.4: Provide documentation (specification sheets & purchase orders) to demonstrate that all outdoor lamps meet the luminous efficacy levels of 75 lumens/watts. • 8.2.5: Submit narrative and drawings highlighting the various Energy Conservation Measures • incorporated in the project. • 8.2.6: Provide simulation reports (along with I/O file) to demonstrate annual energy consumption and reduction vis-a-vis the GRIHA Benchmarks. • 8.2.7: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: • Energy efficiency can be defined as reduction in the energy used for a given services (heating, lighting, etc ) or level of activity. • The reduction in the energy consumption is usually associated with technological change. • Can also result from better organisation and management. Energy efficiency means, using less amount of energy or power but still getting the same desired results or output. For example, by changing an old incandescent light bulb and replacing it with an efficient fluorescent lamp, you will be using less power input but getting the same amount of lighting in your room.The first step to designing an energy efficient building is to integrate passive design principles. this is done by analyzing the climate, sun, wind, rain, geology and surrounding context and designing the building in response to these parameters. Appropriate building form, orientation, fenestrations, shading devices and materials will ensure that the building is designed to be climate responsive minimizing heat gains reducing cooling requirements. This first step gives the maximum cost and energy benefits to a building.


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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency Strategies for energy efficient building design

Building form and orientation optimization The most basic passive design principle for reducing external loads is to create a building form that is appropriate to the climate. The shape of vernacular buildings is often determined by the specific characteristics of climate typology.


Reduction in lighting load lighting energy

Light fixtures produce large amounts of heat in addition to light. This heat gain attributed to lighting is called lighting load. Good lighting design will first reduce the connected loads using efficient lighting design and high efficacy fixtures such as LED and CFLs. Energy efficient lighting fixtures should be used.Simply turn lights off when they are not needed. Use occupancy sensors. Take advantage of natural daylight. Integrate lighting controls into your facility.

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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency Shading devices to minimize heat gain

Shading Strategies Shading devices are critical in a hot climate in order to block direct solar radiation thereby reducing heat gain. Shading has the biggest impact on the energy saving potential in hot and dry climate followed by warm and humid, temperate, and composite climate. Efficient shading devices prevent noontime glare and summer overheating, while allowing sufficient sunlight to enter during the winter.

The ‘window-to-wall ratio’ (WWR) indicates how much window space there is in relation to wall space on a given façade. This ratio has a major impact on building loads. In general, glass does not insulate as well as a solid wall. The amount of glass used on a building façade affects the solar heat gain in the buildings. In warm climate, a building with a WWR of 95% will have large cooling loads as compared to a similar building with a WWR of 40%. Calculating an appropriate WWR is key to reducing building loads and increasing energy efficiency Maximize daylighting day lighting

Reduce plug loads plug load • Account for about 20%-40% of the building electricity consumption. Efficiency in appliances can go a long way in using energy judiciously in buildings. • It depends on both -appliances the users buy, and the way they are used. Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling (S&L) programs have seen success in bringing about an increase in the supply and quality of energy efficient products. • This star rating scheme is applicable to room air conditioners and refrigerators among many other appliances


Adequate window-to-wall ratios

• Building design strategy to use light from sun. • The lower the SHGC, the less solar radiation transmitted. 4 The rate of heat loss is indicated in terms of U-value. • The lower the U-value, the greater a window’s resistance to heat flow and the better the insulation. awareness of one’s surrounding and also increases energy saving potential with reduced dependence on artificial light. Appropriate use of windows, skylights, clerestories, and other apertures in the building provide means to harvest daylight.

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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency


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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency

Energy efficient building materials: 2. Insulating Concrete Forms

1. Recycled Steel It could take as many as 40-50 trees to build an average house. If recycled steel is used, it will take just six scrap cars to serve the same purpose. Steel beams can be used as a replacement for wooden ones and can be ordered to fit a specific design. Steel is a very durable material and particularly useful in areas where there are earthquakes and high winds.

These have been around for more than half a century but are now experiencing a comeback because of their energy saving properties. Concrete is poured between two insulating layers and left in place. It can be used for free-standing walls and building blocks.

3. Plant-Based Polyurethane Foam

6. Structural Insulated Panels

Everyone has heard about fibreglass insulation, but there is an even better option now. It's totally safe and made from natural products. Plant-based polyurethane foam is usually made from natural materials such as bamboo, hemp and kelp. Used as insulation, it offers high resistance to moisture and heat and protects against cold and pests. It insulates better than fibreglass or polystyrene. It's not really a surprise that nature once again has provided us with a better solution to our insulation problems than artificial science

Manufactured from a layer of foam insulation which is sandwiched between plywood or cement panels. It is fire resistant and suitable for floors, basements, foundations as well as load bearing walls. You can choose from a variety of materials but the principle remains the same. This material will help you reduce your energy bill greatly. You can consult a handyman services company if you want to know more about this.


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Criterion 8 : Energy efficiency

Energy efficient building materials: 6. Low-E Windows

5. Cool Roof It will improve the heat dissipation and will considerably lower temperatures in your home during summer. It's also safe for the environment because it lowers heat in the atmosphere. They reflect the sunlight and thus reduce the heat in your home.

Low-E windows, also known as "high performance" windows, are another great substitute for normal glass which will help you reduce heat during summer and block infrared radiation. They have a clear coating of metal oxide. It also helps keep the heat in during the winter. They can reduce heat flow by up to 50%.

7. Insulating concrete forms

8. Vacuum Insulation Panels

Insulating concrete forms are created by pouring concrete between several layers of insulation material. The material is locked into the home structure permanently, resulting in durability and a high level of strength. Its energy efficiency levels are also able to meet high code requirements. This disaster-resistant material also prevents rotting, mold, and mildew.

Vacuum insulation panels, or VIP (even the name sounds important), are a quick glimpse in the future of home building. Currently only used for commercial refrigeration units, they could become available for general home building in the future. They comprise of a textured silver rectangle that encloses a core panel in an airtight envelope. All of this means heat loss will be reduced to a minimum and we'll have much greener homes.


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Criterion 9 : Renewable energy utilization

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure incorporation of renewable energy sources in the project. .

Maximum Points: 7 Appraisals: • 9.1.1: On-site/Off-site renewable energy system installation to offset a part of the annual energy consumption of internal artificial lighting and HVAC systems as mentioned in the table below:

• 9.1.2: Off-site renewable energy system to offset 100% building energy demand (this appraisal is available for only non-residential buildings) – Mandatory +7 points

Compliances: • 9.2.1: Submit calculations/simulations for renewable energy system sizing & on-site annual energy generation potential. • 9.2.2: Submit specification sheets and purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) of the renewable energy system, highlighting the panel performance (as tested under standard test conditions) • 9.2.3: Submit drawings in CAD format to show location of renewable energy systems • 9.2.4: Submit documents supporting off-site generation of energy through renewable energy systems. These may be either: Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for at least 2 years along with a declaration that the RECs are not being used for any other obligatory requirements and will be purchased every year OR Power Purchase Agreement from the utility for purchase of green power. In the agreement, the address of the particular site must be mentioned. • 9.2.5: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.


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Criterion 9 : Renewable energy utilization Narrative Increasing the efficiency of the building by using renewable resources can reduce the waste of building materials By using renewable resources, the maintenance cost of the building can be reduced. Green building reduces energy consumptions in numerous ways. Decrease embodies energy of the building through efficient design, use of recycled and local materials and recycling construction waste. Green building design reduces energy consumption over its lifetime. Strategically placing windows and skylight can eliminate the need for electrical lighting during the day. High quality insulation reduces temperature regulation costs in both summer and winter. Green building consumes less water as compared to conventional building. And from above table that is “All Indian Power supply Position in FY2014-15” we can see that how much energy is required and how much energy we are available with and from that table we can conclude that India is not in a situation to provide energy what is needed so whoever financially strong can make a green building by using renewable energy sources and we can avoid this problem. Main sources for renewable resources are: • Solar energy • Hydropower • Geothermal • Biomass

Wind energy Wind energy is a dynamic if invisible resource—the energy available in a moving mass of air. From grain grinding by simple wind driven machines in ancient cultures to modern electricity-generating devices, the wind has been tapped to work for us. Wind power is extracted from air flow using wind turbines or sails to produce mechanical or electrical power. Windmills are used for their mechanical power, wind pumps for water pumping, and sails to propel ships. If you have enough wind resource in your area and the situation is right, small wind electric systems are one of the most cost-effective home-based renewable energy systems with zero emissions and pollution. Wind is a cubic energy resource. As the wind speed increases, the power available increases cubically. This means that it’s very important to get into higher wind speeds, and the way we do that is with taller towers. Regardless of the turbine or tower type, going higher is the tried-and-true, reliable way to increase performance in a wind generator. And the most common mistake in wind electricity is installing a turbine on a short tower. The swept area of a wind turbine is the second most important factor (after the wind resource itself) that determines energy production


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Criterion 9 : Renewable energy utilization

Solar Power Systems Solar energy is the source of the water cycle and of wind. The plant kingdom, on which the animal kingdom depends, also uses solar energy by transforming it into chemical energy through photosynthesis. In solar systems connected to the electricity grid, the PV (Photovoltaic) system supplies electricity to the building and any daytime excess may be exported to the grid. Batteries are not required because the grid supplies any extra demand. However, to be independent of the grid supply, battery storage is needed to provide power at night. Solar heating systems can be installed in all types of buildings. Using solar power to pre-heat outside air before it is allowed to enter a building can considerably reduce heating costs both in residential buildings and commercial constructions. Solar heating systems are especially efficient for large buildings such as hospitals, hangars, school and gyms, as well as multi-story residential buildings. To make solar electricity available on a large scale, scientists and engineers around the world have been trying to develop a low-cost solar cell for many years. Such cells must be very efficient and easy to manufacture, with a high yield. The vast majority of solar heating systems require the installation of solar walls. Such equipment can be installed on new or existing buildings. Solar walls require very little maintenance, feature no liquids or detachable parts other than the ventilators connected to the ventilation system. Moreover, solar walls can operate under cloudy conditions and at night time, even if their efficiency is much less. The ROI is two years due to the energy savings they produce.

Geothermal Power If you’re looking to cool your home in the summer, for example, one of the uses of geothermal energy technologies is to allow you in hot times to take heat from your house, send it down pipes into the ground (where it naturally cools), and return it to your house (where it helps bring down the temperature inside). The technology typically uses a liquid like antifreeze as a carrier of that heat, which is moved about in a closed-loop piping system. One of the other main uses of geothermal energy is the same concept but in reverse in cold months. Geothermal energy technology is used to bring warmer temperatures into your home without using fossil fuels, just by tapping into a heat exchange deep below the surface of the earth.


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Criterion 10 : Low ODP materials

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure use of materials in building insulation, HVAC & refrigeration equipment and fire fighting systems with low ozone depleting potential.

Maximum Points: No points Appraisals: • 10.1.1 All the insulation used in building should be CFCs and HCFCs free – Mandatory • 10.1.2 All the refrigerant in the HVAC and refrigeration equipment should be CFCs free – Mandatory • 10.1.3 The fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers installed in the building are free of halon – Mandatory

Compliances: • 10.2.1: Submit specification sheets & purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) highlighting that the insulation, HVAC system, refrigeration equipment and fire fighting systems comply with Appraisal 10.1.1 -10.1.3

Extruded polystyrene foam panels Building insulation Insulation is major cornerstone in the world of green building. More than one-third of energy consumed in buildings worldwide, accounting for about 15% of global gas emissions. In cities, buildings can account for up to 80% of CO2 emissions. The built environment is therefore a critical part of the climate change problem. Improving the energy efficiency of the buildings by using insulation is a priority for reducing both gas emissions and energy cost. ISOFOAM, a leader in building materials and energy efficiency solutions, today has started manufacturing zero ozone-depleting Potential (“0” ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP<5),C (XPS) rigid foam insulation. The new blowing agent technology meets the requirements of Green Buildings which requires the phase-out CFC, HCFC & HFC, an ozone-depleting compounds. ISOFOAM’s plant is the first facility in the Middle East to meet the requirements of green building and expands the company’s XPS foam production capabilities by using new blowing agent.


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Criterion 10 : Low ODP materials Polyiso foam / polyisocyanurate Polyisocyanurate, also referred to as PIR, polyiso, or ISO, is a thermoset plastic typically produced as a foam and used as rigid thermal insulation. The starting materials are similar to those used in polyurethane (PUR) except that the proportion of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is higher and a polyester-derived polyol is used in the reaction instead of a polyether polyol. The resulting chemical structure is significantly different, with the isocyanate groups on the MDI trimerising to form isocyanurate groups which the polyols link together, giving a complex polymeric structure. • •

PIR is typically produced as a foam and used as rigid thermal insulation. Its thermal conductivity has a typical value of 0.16 BTU·in/(hr·ft2·°F) (0.023 W/(m·K)) depending on the perimeter : area ratio. PIR foam panels laminated with pure embossed aluminium foil are used for fabrication of preinsulated duct that is used for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Prefabricated PIR sandwich panels are manufactured with corrosion-protected, corrugated steel facings bonded to a core of PIR foam and used extensively as roofing insulation and vertical walls (e.g. for warehousing, factories, office buildings etc.). Other typical uses for PIR foams include industrial and commercial pipe insulation, and carving/machining media (competing with expanded polystyrene and rigid polyurethane foams).

Refrigerants (HVAC) Commonly used Refrigerants in HVAC systems like CFC’s and HCFC’s generally have high ozone depleting potential. These chemicals are now being replaced by more eco friendly and safer alternatives such as, • Difluromethane • Pentafluroethane • Tetrafluroethane • Difluroethane • Pentafluroethane


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Criterion 10 : Low ODP materials Fire suppression systems Fire suppression systems present in buildings such as fire extinguishers, etc, have large amount of halon. This substance is has an extremely high ODP. Therefore it is important to have system free of this substance. Some alternatives are, • CO2 • Inert gas blends • Foams • Halocarbon-based agents The halocarbon-based agents are carbon-based compounds and extinguish fire primarily via the absorption of heat. Inert gas agents are based on the inert gases (i.e., nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide) and extinguish fire via oxygen depletion.


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SECTION BRIEF The provision of a safe and comfortable indoor environment is one of the principal demands required to be met by buildings. Defined by the parameters of thermal, acoustic, and visual comfort as well as the quality of air in interior spaces, the indoor environment is a critical factor to be taken into consideration for the well-being and productivity of building occupants. Natural lighting is an essential factor to consider in the design of interior spaces. Both too little and too much light have the potential to cause discomfort. Sharp contrast, perceived as glare, can cause visual stress while well-lit workspaces have been shown to increase attentiveness, improve sleep patterns, and lower the risk of depression. Optimal design for daylight also generates enormous energy savings by avoiding redundant use of artificial lighting – simulations may be used to arrive at specific requirements in terms of the number and nature of artificial lights required. Part of the intent of this section is to ensure efficiency and visual comfort with utilization of both natural and artificial light. Thermal comfort is a cumulative effect resulting from a series of environmental and personal factors including air temperature and velocity, radiant temperature, relative humidity, metabolic rate, etc. Working in optimal conditions enables us to think and function better. Thermal comfort contributes to an overall well-being and productivity. Part of the intent of this section is to encourage consideration of thermal conditions – designs should provide comfort based on energy-efficient features, such as natural ventilation, solar shading, and intelligent building design. A third major parameter for occupant comfort involves noise. Constant exposure to unwanted noise in indoor spaces has shown a wide range of negative health effects including cardiovascular and psychosomatic illness, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, and general malaise. This section intends to address the issue of acoustic discomfort through implementation of measures to reduce ambient noise levels and penetration of unwanted sound. Indoor air quality refers to the quality of air within buildings, especially in relation to the health and comfort of the building occupants. The WHO estimates that close to 4 million people die every year because of indoor air pollution. The quality of indoor air can be two to five times (and even up to 100 times) more polluted than the outside air owing to the accumulation of smoke, carbon dioxide, or emissions from cleaning products, paint, and adhesives.1 In conditioned buildings that are tightly sealed, these elements tend to circulate and cause respiratory concerns that are difficult to pinpoint and treat. It is imperative that these issues are addressed through regulation of substances used, monitoring of indoor air, and measures to check the ingress of additional pollutants. The overall intent of this section is to encourage the implementation of measures that will ensure optimal performance in the four key areas that influence indoor comfort and environment quality – thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort, and the indoor air quality. This section consists of three criteria as mentioned in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Occupant comfort and well being criteria

Criteria No. Criteria 11

Criteria 12 Criteria 13

Criteria Name Achieving indoor comfort Requirements (visual/thermal/acoustic) Marinating good IAQ Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors

Total weightage of the section

Maximum Points 6

4 2 12

Criterion 11 : Achieving indoor comfort requirements (visual/thermal/acoustic)

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the building spaces are designed to deliver visual, thermal and acoustical comfort to building occupants.

Maximum Points: 6 Appraisals: • 11.1.1: Demonstrate compliance with either of the alternatives mentioned – Partly Mandatory

• 11.1.2: Artificial lighting design to fall within limits (lower and higher range limits) as recommended space/task specific lighting levels as per NBC** and to meet a minimum uniformity ratio of 0.4 – Mandatory • 11.1.3: Demonstrate that project can achieve the thermal comfort requirements# of NBC 2005 OR ASHRAE 55 OR requirement of Indian Adaptive Comfort Model as mentioned in Appendix 1 – Mandatory • 1.1.4: The indoor noise levels should be within the acceptable limits as specified in NBC 2005 and key noise source on site (like DG sets, chiller plants etc.) should have sufficient acoustic insulation as per NBC 2005 norms - 2 points


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Criterion 11 : Achieving indoor comfort requirements (visual/thermal/acoustic)

Compliances: • 11.2.1: Submit drawings (floor plans, relevant elevations and sections and doors-windows schedule) for the project, detailing various shading devices • 11.2.2: Submit narrative providing overview of compliance with all appraisals of the criteria • 11.2.3: Appraisal 11.1.1 – Alternative 1: Submit calculations detailing the WWR and SRR of the project • 11.2.4: Appraisal 11.1.1 – Alternative 1: Submit calculations demonstrating that all fenestrations comply with either SHGC requirements and/or shading requirements • 11.2.5: Appraisal 11.1.1 – Alternative 1: Submit simulation reports demonstrating that at least 25% (or more) of total living area of project meets daylight factor requirements of SP 41 • 11.2.6: Appraisal 11.1.1 – Alternative 2: Submit simulation reports demonstrating that the total living area (time-weighted) achieves the DA requirements as mentioned • 11.2.7: Submit artificial lighting simulation reports demonstrating that the artificial lighting levels meet the NBC 2005 recommended levels and uniformity of 0.4 • 11.2.8: Submit interior artificial lighting layout drawings • 11.2.9: Submit simulation reports to demonstrate that thermal comfort conditions as specified in Appraisal 11.1.3 are met in the project • 11.2.10: Submit drawings and narratives highlighting various measures adopted to meet indoor noise levels of NBC 2005 and to limit noise from noise sources mentioned in Appraisal 11.1.4 • 11.2.11: Submit specification sheets, purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) and BOQ of relevant products used in building to meet Appraisals 11.1.1 – 11.1.4 including but not limited to the following: • Glass specifications • Interior lamps and luminaires • Thermal insulation • Acoustic insulation • 11.2.12: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented NARRATIVEThe provision of a safe and comfortable indoor environment is one of the principal demands required to be met by buildings. Defined by the parameters of thermal, acoustic, and visual comfort as well as the quality of air in interior spaces, the indoor environment is a critical factor to be taken into consideration for the well-being and productivity of building occupants.


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Criterion 11 : Achieving indoor comfort requirements (visual/thermal/acoustic)

Visual comfort Natural lighting is an essential factor to consider in the design of interior spaces. Both too little and too much light have the potential to cause discomfort. Sharp contrast, perceived as glare, can cause visual stress while well-lit workspaces have been shown to increase attentiveness, improve sleep patterns, and lower the risk of depression. Optimal design for daylight also generates enormous energy savings by avoiding redundant use of artificial lighting – simulations may be used to arrive at specific requirements in terms of the number and nature of artificial lights required. Part of the intent of this section is to ensure efficiency and visual comfort with utilization of both natural and artificial light.

Design strategies: • Use natural ventilation to improve IAQ. • Increase use of natural light. • Radiant sensible energy handling.

Visual Comfort Natural light comes from three directions: • Direct Sunlight • Diffuse light from the sky, and • Light Reflections from the Environment

Thermal Comfort: Thermal comfort is a cumulative effect resulting from a series of environmental and personal factors including air temperature and velocity, radiant temperature, relative humidity, metabolic rate, etc. Working in optimal conditions enables us to think and function better. Thermal comfort contributes to an overall wellbeing and productivity. Part of the intent of this section is to encourage consideration of thermal conditions – designs should provide comfort based on energy-efficient features, such as natural ventilation, solar shading, and intelligent building design. Design strategies: Passive design strategies use ambient energy sources instead of purchased energy like electricity or natural gas. These strategies include daylighting, natural ventilation, and solar energy. Some ways to keep people comfortable are • Use the sun’s heat to warm them, • Use the wind or ceiling fans to move air when it’s too warm, and keeping surrounding surfaces the correct temperature with good insulation. • HVAC equipment like boilers, fans, and heat exchangers can temper the air temperature and humidity, but surface temperatures and moving air have to be considered too

Opening size

Natural ventilation


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Criterion 11 : Achieving indoor comfort requirements (visual/thermal/acoustic) Active design strategies use purchased energy to keep the building comfortable. These strategies include forced-air HVAC systems, heat pumps, radiant panels or chilled beams, and electric lights. • Adjusting For Seasons • solar Heat Gain Radiation • Convection Natural Ventilation • Convection Opening Size

Adjusting For Seasons Solar heat gain

Acoustic comfort A third major parameter for occupant comfort involves noise. Constant exposure to unwanted noise in indoor spaces has shown a wide range of negative health effects including cardiovascular and psychosomatic illness, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, and general malaise. This section intends to address the issue of acoustic discomfort through implementation of measures to reduce ambient noise levels and penetration of unwanted sound. Design strategies: Creating barriers and sound breaks between sources of noise is important. We can optimize room shape and size to reduce echoes and reverberation. And you can use acoustic tiles on ceilings and walls to dampen the sound. • Interposing buffer zones in building plan • Protection of habitable spaces by introduction of green belts (greater than 30 m with broadleaved evergreen trees), public gardens, etc. • In case of multiple buildings in a project, positioning a less vulnerable building closer to the noise sources than the vulnerable buildings • Shading and screening by providing a solid barrier such as a wall


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Criterion 12 : Maintaining good IAQ

Intent: Maintenance of good indoor air quality is imperative for ensuring healthy living conditions for the building occupants. The intent of this criterion is to ensure design and monitoring of ventilation systems such that indoor air quality meets the minimum requirements, as recommended in the standards..

Maximum Points: 4 Non-applicability: Appraisal 12.1.1 is not applicable for non-AC spaces/residential spaces with operable windows

Appraisals: • 12.1.1: Meet the minimum requirements of • CPCB National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)for quality of fresh air; and • ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2010, Sections 4–7, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (with errata), or a NBC-2005 for quantity of fresh air – 2 points • The clause shall cover treatment of outdoor air for predominantly PM 10 and PM 2.5 • 12.1.2: Monitoring the CO2, temperature and RH at the occupied spaces or at AHUs for the air conditioned spaces – 2 points

Compliances: • 12.2.1: Submit documentation detailing the specifications of the filtration system to demonstrate that fresh air quality meet the minimum requirements of CPCB NAAQS. • 12.2.2: Submit space by space sheet Heat Load Sheet highlighting provision of sufficient fresh air in the HVAC system design as per the ASHRAE 62.1 or NBC 2005 norms. • 12.2.3: Submit drawings (floor plans and/or HVAC system plans) highlighting the location of various CO2, temperature and RH sensors. • 12.2.4: Submit specification sheets and purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for the filters and sensors installed in the project. • 12.2.5: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is the term which refers to air quality within and around the building especially it related to health and comfort of the occupants. IAQ can be affected by gases (including carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic compounds), microbial contaminates etc. Why is there an increase in IAQ problems To improve air quality • More time indoors • Improved ventilation • more chemical pollutants in buildings • Voluntary reduction of pollutant emissions • tighter buildings and reduced ventilation • Improved public education • deferred maintained.


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Criterion 12 : Maintaining good IAQ

Strategies: There are three basic strategies to improve indoor air quality, they are; 1. Source control 2. Improved ventilation 3. Air cleaners 1. Source control It is the most affective way to improve indoor air quality by eliminating sources of pollution and reduce their emission. For example : sources like asbestos, can be sealed or enclosed, others like gas stoves can be adjusted to decrease the amount of emissions. 2. Improved ventilation Ventilation can help control indoor temperatures and also remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming for from indoor sources, this reduces the level of contaminants and improve indoor air quality • introduction of outdoor air is one of the important factor in proofing good air quality, air may enter the space through several ways i. Through natural ventilation by doors and windows ii. Through mechanical means by HAVC system iii. Through infiltration, a process by which outdoor air flows into the house through openings joints and cracks in the wall etc 3. Air cleaners The most effective way to improve indoor air is to reduced or remove the pollutants using a portable air cleanser can help to improve indoor air quality


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote use of low-VOC and lead-free interior paints as well as low-VOC adhesives and sealants in order to maintain good indoor air quality for the project occupants.

Maximum Points: 2 Appraisals: • 13.1.1: Ensure that all interior paints are low-VOC *(as mentioned in the GRIHA manual) and lead-free1 point • 13.1.2: Ensure that all adhesives and sealants used shall be low-VOC *& that interior composite wood products do not use urea-formaldehyde as a bonding resin – 1 point

Compliances: • 13.2.1: Submit specification sheets for the following: • low-VOC and lead-free paints being used in building interiors • low-VOC adhesives, sealants used in building interiors • Composite wood products demonstrating that they do not use urea-formaldehyde as a bonding resin • 13.2.2: Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for the above materials • 13.2.3: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

What are low VOC paints?

• • • • • • • •

Low VOC refers to volatile organic compounds that are not harmful to the environment and humans. Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are carbon-containing substances that easily become vapors or gases. They can be present in paints, coatings and cleaning products. However, Paints labeled “low-VOC” and “ultra low –VOC” should meet the Green Seal standards as mentioned below: ultra low – below 50 g/L low - below 150 g/L Adding pigment to a paint base may also increase its VOC levels up to an additional 10 grams per liter. Paints labeled “zero-VOC” may actually contain a small amount of VOCs—usually fewer than 5 grams per liter. There are also completely natural paints, such as milk paint or chalk paint, that carry no VOCs. High levels of VOC solvents contribute to the formation of pollution and reduce indoor air quality. They can cause respiratory and other health problems for occupants, when used indoors. Their release into the indoor atmosphere is called off-gassing, and it occurs over time, not just during paint application or drying.


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors VOC limit for coatings, adhesives and sealants A detailed list of the products containing VOCs is given in the following tables along with the limits of their VOC content. This list of products is indicative and not exhaustive.

source- Griha manual-v2015


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors Berger paints • •

Berger Paints is another leading paint company that has a broad customer base in India. Berger Paints has removed lead, mercury and chromium from its paints, which are toxic to the human body. The company has also greatly reduced VOCs (8.4 gram per liter in its Breathe Easy Emulsions) and decreased the content of aromatics so that their products have zero negative health impact. Ranges from Rs 290/- to Rs 3000/- per 4 liters.

Dulux india • • •

Dulux is a UK-based multinational company that has several production units in India. The company offers a wide variety of water-base products such as Paint Mixing Kitchen, Endurance Silk, Magic White Silk, Quick Dry Gloss, Water shield Exterior Satin, and many more. Ranges from Rs 570/- to Rs 2100/- per 4 liters.

Kansai nerolac • •

Nerolac is now the second largest player in the paints market in India. The company had switched to lead-free paints years ago due to the several health hazards associated with lead. Ranges from Rs 390/- to Rs 3300/- per 4 liters.

The Eco Mark, conferred by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), has the following standards for water-based coatings: • 5% or less VOC • Absence of metals like Mercury and its compounds, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium VI and their oxides • Less than 10 milligrams per kilogram free formaldehyde • Absence of chemicals like halogenated solvents, benzene, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons and other aromatic hydrocarbons


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Criterion 13 : Use of low-VOC paints and other compounds in building interiors Berger paints • •

Berger Paints is another leading paint company that has a broad customer base in India. Berger Paints has removed lead, mercury and chromium from its paints, which are toxic to the human body. The company has also greatly reduced VOCs (8.4 gram per liter in its Breathe Easy Emulsions) and decreased the content of aromatics so that their products have zero negative health impact. Ranges from Rs 290/- to Rs 3000/- per 4 liters.

Dulux india • • •

Dulux is a UK-based multinational company that has several production units in India. The company offers a wide variety of water-base products such as Paint Mixing Kitchen, Endurance Silk, Magic White Silk, Quick Dry Gloss, Water shield Exterior Satin, and many more. Ranges from Rs 570/- to Rs 2100/- per 4 liters.

Kansai nerolac • •

Nerolac is now the second largest player in the paints market in India. The company had switched to lead-free paints years ago due to the several health hazards associated with lead. Ranges from Rs 390/- to Rs 3300/- per 4 liters.

The Eco Mark, conferred by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), has the following standards for water-based coatings: • 5% or less VOC • Absence of metals like Mercury and its compounds, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium VI and their oxides • Less than 10 milligrams per kilogram free formaldehyde • Absence of chemicals like halogenated solvents, benzene, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons and other aromatic hydrocarbons


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SECTION BRIEF A total of 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, which amounts to 1400 Mkm3. However, 97.5% of this water is saline. The fresh water available is 35 Mkm3 and only 40% of this can be used by human beings. Out of the total fresh water available, 68.7% is frozen in the form of ice caps, 30% is stored underground, and only 0.3% water is available on the earth’s surface such that, 87% is stored in lakes, 11% in swamps, and 2% in rivers.1 Due to scarcity of fresh water, it is imperative to utilize it judiciously. As outcomes of development and rapid urbanization, many illmanaged practices have led to the depletion of water − the source of all life − at a threatening pace across the world. For any resource to be used sustainably, it is important that a balance is created between demand and supply by implementation of water-saving measures. India’s geographical position affects its rainfall regime. Rainfall is one of the free sources available for fresh water. However, if not managed properly, it results in either droughts or floods. In recent times, most natural disasters have been caused due to water mismanagement. Most regions in the country received more than 2000 mm annual rainfall, which, if not managed properly can result in floods. Also, due to urbanization, there is an increase in run-off from the cities, which further results in the rainwater leading to nearby waterbodies like rivers, nallas, etc. The excessive run-off is also a challenge for the growing cities. Once the storm water gets mixed with surface fresh water, it requires secondary treatment before it can be reused. In coastal region, if the rainwater run-off meets the sea, it becomes very expensive to reclaim and reuse it as fresh water. This section focuses on both demand and supply-related strategies to help projects achieve water safety and self-sufficiency with adequate water quality. Additionally, special emphasis has been laid on rainwater management within the project premises. The projects need to show compliance in achieving self sufficiency through reduction in various water demands and then mitigating the reduced demands through sustainable sources, that is, rainwater and treated water. This section consists of four criteria as mentioned in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Waste management criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 14

Use of low-flow fixtures


Criteria 15

Reducing landscape water demand


Criteria 16

Water Quality


Criteria 17

Onsite water usage


Criteria 18

Rainwater Recharge


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 14 : Use of low-flow fixtures and systems

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure reduction in the building water consumption through the use of low flow fixtures.

Maximum Points: 4 Non-applicability: All faucets, which are installed in spaces with water head heights less than 5 m / 17 feet, in a gravity fed systems (without pressure reduction) are exempt from calculations in this criterion

Appraisals: • 14.1.1: Reduce water demand through selection of low-flow fixtures by 30% below the GRIHA base case – Mandatory • 14.1.2: Reduce water demand through selection of low-flow fixtures by 50% below the GRIHA base case – 2 points • 14.1.3: Reduce water demand through selection of low-flow fixtures by 70% below the GRIHA base case – 4 points

Compliances: • 14.2.1: Provide calculations demonstrating compliance with Appraisals 14.1.1 – 14.1.3 • 14.2.2: Submit specification sheets from manufacturers for each fixture indicating the flow rates (at design pressure of 45 psi for faucets) • 14.2.3: Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for the low-flow fixtures used in the project • 14.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented:

Narrative: Today's problems are linked to plumbing infrastructure, namely the size, length and slope of water-supply and waste lines. Low-flow water fixtures are a range of easily implementable technologies that help you save water and money by allowing the user to control how much water is consumed. They use a high-pressure technique to produce a strong and consistent flow that actually uses less water than inefficient traditional fixtures. These clever fittings can be applied to sinks, showers, and toilets. For instance, while normal taps have a usual consumption of 15 to 18 litres per minute, low-flow models can use as little as 2 litres per minute. These can be achieved by following : •

Install faucet flow aerators

Install low-flow pre-rinse spray valves

Flow restrictors

Replace faucets

Install low-flow shower heads

Replace toilets/urinals


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Criterion 14 : Use of low-flow fixtures and systems

SPECIFICATIONS OF LOW FLOW FIXTURES AND SYSTEM INSTALL FAUCET FLOW AERATORS Water Sense faucet aerators deliver a mixture of water and air to reduce flow rates. They can cost less than a dollar each and can be screwed on to most existing sink faucets. The appropriate flow rate for each faucet will depend on the intended use of the faucet •

Handwashing ~ 0.5 gallons per minute (GPM) „

Bathing and Dishwashing ~ 1.5 GPM

Utility - No restrictor necessary, but consider adding a prerinse spray valve if the faucet is used for direct cleaning. INSTALL LOW-FLOW PRE-RINSE SPRAY VALVES •

Food service establishments use roughly 51 billion gallons of water a year rinsing dishes with pre-rinse spray valves.

That is equivalent to one third of the water used in commercial kitchens.

Water Sense labeled pre-rinse spray valves (1.28 GPM) use 20 percent less water than federal standard, with no performance sacrifices.


When replacing faucets, always look for the Water Sense label, ensuring a maximum flow rate of 1.5 GPM. Install Automatic Faucets Automatic faucets are equipped with a battery or solar powered motion sensor that opens the faucet valve in response to the presence of a hand in close proximity. Public bathrooms with high volume hand washing can benefit greatly from motion sensing technologies as they cannot be left on for extended periods.


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Criterion 14 : Use of low-flow fixtures and systems


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Criterion 14 : Use of low-flow fixtures and systems REPLACE TOILETS/URINALS •

Low-Flow Tank Toilets operate using gravity from a raised tank to dispense water and flush out waste.

Water Sense labeled low-flow tank toilets are independently certified to remove at least 350 grams of solid waste while using no more than 1.28 gallons per flush (GPF).


Flushometer toilets operate using water pressure from the supply system rather than gravity from the tank.

Older models use as much as 3-7 gallons of water per flush, while newer Water Sense certified models use between 1.28 and 1.6 GPF.

If all commercial buildings nationwide upgraded their older flushometer toilets to Water Sense certified toilets, it would save an estimated 39 billion gallons of water each year.

Flushometer toilets are also available in dual-flush models, which allow different flow rate options for solid and liquid waste.

Existing toilets can be fitted with a dual flush conversion device.

One drawback to flushometer toilets is they require considerable water pressure to function effectively.

Before installing, determine if your water supply system is equipped to handle the project.


A single employee could flush a urinal 780 times in a year. Water Sense labeled flushing urinals use no more than 0.5 GPF. Replacing just one older, inefficient urinal with a Water Sense certified urinal could result in savings of 4,600 gallons per year in a typical office building. Ultra-efficient urinals have recently entered the marketplace that use a mere pint per flush, resulting in an 87 percent reduction in water use when compared with a federal standard urinal (1.0 gpf ).


Waterless urinals use cartridges filled with a liquid sealant to create a fluid and odor barrier between the sanitary sewage and the bathroom environment, eliminating the need for flush water and reducing operating costs. Most waterless urinals require the cartridges to be replaced four times per year.


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Criterion 15 : Reducing landscape water demand Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote the planting of native/naturalized flora and use of water efficient irrigation system to reduce the demand for landscape water.

Maximum Points: 4 Appraisals: • 15.1.1: Reduce landscape water demand by at least 30% from the GRIHA base case - 1 point • 15.1.2: Reduce landscape water demand by at least 40% from the GRIHA base case - 2 points • 15.1.3: Reduce landscape water demand by at least 50% from the GRIHA base case - 4 points

Compliances: • 15.2.1: Provide calculations demonstrating compliance with Appraisals 15.1.1 – 15.1.3 • 15.2.2: Submit landscape plan indicating plant list, along with area covered and species • 15.2.3: Submit manufacturer cut-sheets and purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for the irrigation systems installed on site • 15.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narration Water Efficiency Management Guides was developed to help multifamily housing property owners and managers improve their water management, reduce property water use, and subsequently improve their EPA Water Score. However, many of the best practices in this guide can be used by facility managers for nonresidential properties. Landscaping Outdoor water efficiency starts with the landscape itself. The soil, slopes, plantings, and placement of foliage can make the difference between a water-smart landscape and irrigation inefficiency. This section includes tips on how to design and maintain your landscaping to use less water. Site Preparation How the site is prepared has a significant impact on the ability of the landscape to retain moisture and limit the need for supplemental irrigation. Whether designing a new landscape or replacing an existing one, following are some ways to prepare the site for water efficiency: • Limit the removal of native vegetation and soils, because once established, they will require little water beyond normal rainfall • Minimize soil compaction in the construction phase by limiting areas where heavy equipment is used. • Install temporary protective fencing around trees to protect their root zones. • Reduce the potential for runoff from steep slopes in the landscape by either grading appropriately or terracing. If slopes cannot be avoided in landscape design, install plants with deeper root zones to provide stabilization and prevent erosion. • Before the landscape is installed, ensure that the soil is properly amended, tilled, and contoured to hold water. Where turfgrass is used, the area should include at least six inches of well-amended soil capable of easily absorbing and holding water in the root zone.


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Criterion 15 : Reducing landscape water demand Plant Selection Plant selection can make all the difference in a water-efficient landscape. Converting to a water-smart landscape through careful plant selection and design can reduce outdoor water use by 20 to 50 percent. When redesigning a landscape: • Evaluate site conditions and plant species that work best in a particular space. Areas of the same site may vary significantly in soil type or exposure to sun and wind, as well as evaporation rates and moisture levels. • Be mindful of a site’s exposure to the elements and choose plants that will thrive in local climate conditions. Select drought-tolerant or climate-appropriate turfgrass, trees, shrubs, and ground cover when replanting landscaped areas. • Incorporate shade trees into your landscape or plant near large shade trees. Shaded areas typically require less supplemental water than areas exposed to direct sun. Additionally, trees and other vegetation placed strategically to shade the south-facing wall of a building can eventually help to reduce energy costs.

Irrigation System Controllers and Sensors An existing irrigation system can be optimized through retrofits to the control mechanism or other components. Consider replacing existing clock-timer controllers with more advanced control systems that water plants only when needed. • Water Sense labeled irrigation controllers use local weather and landscape conditions to determine when and how much to water. In order to work effectively, these irrigation controllers must be installed and programmed properly, so consider having your controller installed by an irrigation professional who has been certified through a Water Sense labeled program (see box on page 8). • Soil moisture-based control technologies can be inserted into the soil to measure moisture, regulating irrigation so that it only occurs when soil moisture falls below a set threshold. These se controller or be installed in a new system to enable Studies suggest that soil moisture-based control t savings of at least 20 percent. 3 snores can be connected to an existing e irrigation as needed by plants. technologies can result in water


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Criterion 16 : Water Quality Intent: Ensuring quality of water available for use during building operation is important from two perspectives overall hygiene for building occupants as well as longevity of plumbing systems. It is also important to ensure that the water being discharged from the site meets the relevant disposal norms. The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the water being used in the project meets the relevant national standards.

Maximum Points: 2 Non-applicability: If the total waste water generated on site is less than 10 kLD, then the project is exempt from appraisal 16.1.2 and 17.1.1.

Appraisals: • 16.1.1: Water used for various purposes like drinking, irrigation etc. shall conform to the BIS standards Mandatory • 16.1.2: The STP installed on site meets the CPCB norms – 2 points

Compliances: • 16.2.1: Submit potable water quality, treated waste water and captured rainwater quality test reports from various sources before and after treatment (if required) - from an NABL accredited laboratory on the quality of potable water • 16.2.2: Submit narrative (including capacity of water treatment) of the type of treatment plant installed on site along with plumbing drawings of the system • 16.2.3: Submit the specification details indicating the capacity and components of the water treatment plant along with drawings (product details from the manufacturer) • 16.2.4: Submit document indicating the quantum of treated water generated along with the use/disposal steps • 16.2.5: Submit narrative on disposal and reuse of other by-products such as sludge • 16.2.6: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narrative: Minimising water use is achieved by installing greywater and rainwater catchment systems that recycle water for irrigation or toilet flushing; water-efficient appliances, such as low flow showerheads, self-closing or spray taps; low-flush toilets, or waterless composting toilets. Installing point of use hot water systems and lagging pipes saves on water heating. Rainwater Harvesting- It is the principle of collecting and using precipitation from a catchments surface. The advantages of using rain water harvesting structures in urban areas are as follows: • Water harvesting recharges ground water and is an ideal solution to water problems in areas with inadequate water resources. • Increase in ground water aquifer level due to methods enhancing infiltration. • Mitigation of the effect of drought. • Reduction of storm water runoff into the public drainage system. • Reduction of flooding of the roads during monsoons. • Removal of pollutants and soil from the storm water runoff. • Reduction of soil erosion.


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Criterion 16 : Water Quality Methods of ground water recharge maybe as follows: • Recharge pits, • Recharge trenches, • Re-use of abandoned dug wells, • Re-use of abandoned hand pumps, • Recharge shafts, • Lateral shafts with bore wells, and • Spreading techniques like percolation ponds, check dams or gabion structures. Image showing the typical arrangement of RWH system

Sewage treatment plant Suitable design modifications for sedimentation, chemical and biological processes shall be applied to sewage treatment plants for satisfactory functioning • Topsoil or other surface material shall be set aside, turf being carefully rolled and stacked for use in reinstatement. All suitable broken surface material and hard-core shall be set on one side for use in subsequent reinstatement. • Excavated material shall be stacked sufficiently away from the edge of the trench and the size of the spoil bank shall not be allowed to become such as to endanger the stability of the excavation. Spoil maybe carried away and used for filling the trench behind the work. • Excavation shall proceed to within about 75 mm of the finished formation level. This final 75 mm is to be trimmed and removed as a separate operation immediately prior to the laying of the pipes or their foundations. • Unless specified otherwise by the Authority, the width at bottom of trenches for pipes of different diameters laid at different depths shall be as given below: (a)For all diameters, up to an average depth of 1200 mm, width of trench in mm = diameter of pipe + 300 mm; (b)For all diameters for depths above 1200 mm; width of trench in mm = diameter of pipe + 400 W, and Notwithstanding (a) and (b), the total width of trench at the-top should not be less than 750 mm for depths exceeding 900 mm. • All pipes, ducts, cables, mains or other services exposed in the trench shall be effectively supported by timber and/or chain or rope-slings. • All drainage sumps shall be sunk clear of the work outside the trench or at the sides of manholes. After the completion of the work, any pipes or drains leading to such sumps or temporary sub-soil drains under permanent work shall be filled in properly with sand and consolidated.


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Criterion 16 : Water Quality

Conservation and Re-use of Water for Irrigation The following measures shall be followed for design of irrigation systems for landscape works: • Water conserving irrigation systems should differentiate between systems for different water use zones on the site. Supplementary irrigation sources should be used by means of appropriate water harvesting measures. • The irrigation system should be designed considering the prevailing wind direction, slope and proposed grade, type of soil, soil percolation, and the type of vegetation to be watered. • Spray irrigation to be designed to provide total head to head cover to avoid dry spots and spray on to paved areas and unplanted surfaces. • Spray irrigation is to be avoided in areas of width less than 3.00 m. • Sullage recycle systems are ideal for large housing complexes and residential colonies. Sullage (or water from kitchens and bathrooms) is treated and recycled for gardening and toilet flushing reducing fresh water requirement by 60 percent. Irrigation system should be designed keeping sullage recycle in view.

Image indicating reusage of water through various sources


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Criterion 17 : On-site water reuse Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote recycle and reuse of waste water as well as reuse of captured rainwater on site to meet the water demand, thereby reducing the water required from the local municipal supply/groundwater aquifers.

Maximum Points: 5 Appraisals: • 17.1.1: Demonstrate that the project meets the on-site water reuse requirements (through on-site recycle and reuse of waste water and use of on-site harvested rainwater) in its annual water requirements for domestic use, buildings, landscape and utilities as mentioned below:

Compliances: • 17.2.1: Submit calculations (Water Balance) demonstrating the total quantity of water treated and harvested and the amount being used for different applications including use within the building and irrigation and that which is recharged into underground aquifers • 17.2.2: Submit drawings detailing the dual plumbing systems and/or treated waste water storage tanks and/or rainwater capture and storage tanks on site • 17.2.3: Submit site level plumbing drawings indicating delivery lines for treated waste water and captured rainwater to their respective points of use • 17.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Onsite Treatment: Capturing and treating water in close proximity to its collection and next use, for instance in a building or within a district, rather than sending water to the utility plant for treatment. On site water treatment systems are those systems in which the wastes are stored (at least temporarily) at the site of disposal. Typically, some degree of decomposition of the waste material occurs on-site. On-site wastewater disposal systems include latrines and sceptic tank


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Criterion 17 : On-site water reuse On-site wastewater treatment and reuse methods There are two main types of domestic wastewater, blackwater and greywater. Blackwater is the term used to describe wastewater with high concentrations of fecal matter and urine. It is heavily polluted and difficult to treat because of the high concentrations of organic pollution. Greywater refers to all other wastewater generated from domestic processes, such as washing dishes, laundry and bathing. It comprises 50-80% of residential wastewater.

Typical blackwater reuse system

Typical Greywater reuse system

Typical Rainwater/storm reuse system

On-site water Treatment On-site aerated wastewater systems rely on mechanical devices that mix, aerate and pump the effluent. Subject to accelerated aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, these systems use one or two tanks. The treated water can be used for surface or under ground irrigation (the reuse of blackwater inside the home is not advisable, even after treatment and disinfection). A minimum irrigation area of 200m2 is usually required.


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Criterion 18 : Rainwater Recharge Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote the recharge of groundwater aquifers.

Maximum Points: 2 Non-applicability: If the CGWB norms suggest that the ground water table is high and ground water recharging should not be done, then the project is exempt from this criterion .

Appraisals: • 18.1.1: Recharge of surplus rainwater into aquifer (through appropriate filtration measures) – 2 points

Compliances: • 18.2.1: Submit details of rainwater harvesting for ground water recharge and its filtration system to show that adequate preventive measures are being taken to avoid damage to the aquifer by the recharged rainwater • 18.2.2: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narrative: Water is essential for life and place a major role in earth’s climate. By modifying land use, the proportion of the different pathways, evaporation, percolation and run off change. The never ending exchange of water from the atmosphere to the oceans and back again is known Hydrological Cycle.

Ground water recharge Techniques


Indirect or Induced

Surface recharge

Sub-surface recharge


Recharge well

Basins or percolation tanks

Recharge Pit

Stream augmentation

Dug well

Ditch and furrow system


01FA16BAT030 I 69 I


Criterion 18 : Rainwater Recharge What is rainwater harvesting? Rainwater harvesting is the collection of raindrops. In most cases, a roof is used for this purpose. The rainwater then flows through the gutters, into a collection tank. The collected water can be used for small-scale irrigation (of vegetable gardens etc.), clothes washing, bathing and after treatment also for drinking and food preparation. Surface run off harvesting

Why Rainwater? Rainwater offers advantages in water quality for both irrigation and domestic use. Rainwater is naturally soft (unlike well water), contains almost no dissolved minerals or salts, is free of chemical treatment, and is a relatively reliable source of water for households.

Rooftop Harvesting

Methods of rainwater harvesting Basically, the water harvesting methods can be classified into two: 1.Surface run-off harvesting: During heavy downpour, the water flows away as surface runoff. This runoff water can be collected and used for recharging aquifers Recharge through injection well

2.Rooftop harvesting: In this system, the roof itself becomes the catchment and rainwater can be collected from the roof of the building). The water can either be stored for utilization or it can be diverted to an artificial recharge system. In this method, water can be collected without much expense. This method is highly effective and it can also help in the recharge of ground water level. Recharge Pit / Trench

Size of Storage tank (liters) = Annual rainfall (mm) x effective collection area(m2) x drainage coefficient (%) x filter efficiency (%) x 0.05 Where: Annual rainfall (mm) is the average yearly rainfall. Effective collection area is the area of the roof. Drainage coefficient depends on the roof type, Filter efficiency is specified by the manufacturer, commonly 90%. Dividing the answer by 1,000 will give the size of the storage tank in cubic meters Drainage Coefficients: Flat roof with Gravel layer - 0.8


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Criterion 18 :Appendix Benefits of rainwater harvesting for commercial buildings Rainwater harvesting systems enable the collection, conservation and reuse of rainwater that falls onto roofs area of a building and it has significant potential to provide environmental and economic benefits. 1. It can reduce mains water supply by 40-50% 2. It reduces run-off and its harmful impacts 3. RWH promotes both water and energy conservation 4. The system is easy to install, operate and maintain 5. Can be used for several non-drinking purposes 6. It also helps towards a company’s sustainability credentials 7. The ever increasing demand for water can be satisfied 8. It greatly saves money on water bill


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SECTION BRIEF Sustainable spaces may be built with concrete as a key building material; however preference must be given to alternative building materials that have a lesser negative impact on the environment during their production and life cycle. A material that has the potential to be salvaged and reused can reduce the demand for fresh resource extraction and pave the way for a circular economy, wherein the idea of waste is eliminated and materials are continuously cycled back into the system. Discouraging the linear model of production, which is endless resource expenditure, the United Nations’ SDG 12 focuses on responsible consumption and production while seeking a sustainable balance between the two. Debunking the myths about recycling, reusing, and upscaling, the market has also evolved to address the environmental issues taking into account the entire life cycle of construction products and building materials. For instance, recycling aluminum, if compared with the production of primary aluminum products, needs as little as 5% of the energy and emits less than 5% of greenhouse gases. 1 In connection with the recent implementation of sustainability principles, apprehensions might arise amongst designers and developers that a complete life cycle assessment with quantification of embodied impacts could prove too cumbersome a task. Therefore, it is imperative for a green rating system to simplify these concepts and provide a simplified tool that can assess the impact of design decisions, material selection, and system specification on the overall life cycle of a building. Table 6.1 Occupant comfort and well being criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 19

Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure


Criteria 20

Reduction in embodied energy of building structure


Criteria 21

Use of low-environmental impact materials in building interiors


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 19 : Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote use BIS recommended wastes (such as fly ash, blast furnace slag etc.), having properties similar to conventional construction materials for building construction. These being low embodied energy materials as well as waste products, reduce the need for virgin materials in the building structure and help divert waste from landfills.

Maximum Points: 6 Appraisals: • • • • •

19.1.1 Minimum 15% replacement of Ordinary Portland cement with fly ash* by weight of cement used in structural concrete – 1 point If replacement is more than 25% - 2 points 19.1.2 Minimum 40% composition of building blocks/bricks by fly ash* by volume, for 100% load bearing and non-load bearing masonry walls – 2 points 19.1.3 Certify minimum 15% replacement of Ordinary Portland cement with fly ash* in plaster/masonry mortar – 1 point If replacement is more than 25% - 2 points

Compliances: • 19.2.1: Submit documentation (calculations, manufactures cut-sheets & purchase orders – reflecting full quantities) demonstrating 15% (or higher) replacement of OPC in structural concrete by fly ash* • 19.2.2: Submit documentation (calculations, manufactures cut-sheets & purchase orders – reflecting full quantities) demonstrating that fly ash* constitutes at least 40% of load bearing and non-load bearing walls (by volume of materials) • 19.2.3: Submit documentation (calculations, manufactures cut-sheets & purchase orders – reflecting full quantities) demonstrating 15% (or higher) replacement of OPC in plaster and/or masonry mortar by fly ash* • 19.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Fly ash is naturally cementations coal combustion by-product. A fine glass powder recovered from the gases of burning coal during the production of electricity is fly ash. The combustion of powdered coal in thermal power plants produces fly ash. Disposal of high amount of fly ash from thermal power plants absorb huge amount of water, energy and land area by ash ponds. This fly ash has several uses in construction industry like fill material in concrete, additives in road construction, brick making mosaic tile production etc. The paper focuses on the current utilization fly ash in construction industry


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Criterion 19 : Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure Uses of fly ash • Used in the manufacture of Portland cement. • Typically used for embankment construction. • Used as a soil stabilization material. • Used as the filler mineral in asphalt road laying to fill the voids. • Fly ash is used as component in geopolymers. • Used in Roller compacted concrete dams. • Used in the manufacture of fly ash bricks • When fly ash is treated with silicon hydroxide, it acts as a catalyst. Environmental benefits of utilization fly ash in construction materials • Reduction in CO2, PM emissions and embodied energy; • Reduction in resource use; • Reuse of industrial by-products as alternative raw materials; and • Sustainability achieved through efficient design and enhanced durability. • The feasibility of using fly ash as an alternative to activated carbon was examined for color removal from synthetic dye solutions Production of Fly Ash

Fly Ash Brick (FAB) – as the name suggest Brick made of Fly Ash. Now what is Fly Ash? Ash generated from boiler after combustion of Coal in Thermal Power Plant. FAB is an eco-friendly alternate to conventional clay bricks. Fly Ash Brick can easily replace Clay Bricks in all areas of application. Uses of Fly Ash Brick: • Construction of Outer and Partition wall of building • Construction of Wall boundary • Construction of Drain, Septic tank, Water tank • Use in footpath, Sidewalk, Driveway • Use in Garden & Landscaping • Construction of floors • Construction of arches and cornices • Construction of brick retaining wall


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Criterion 19 : Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure Variant Fly-ash bricks

Materials use in production of bricks Ground granulated blast furnace slag: • By product obtained during the manufacturing of pig iron in blast furnace. • This process produces a glassy, homogeneous material that has cementitious properties. • It is off white in color by appearance.


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Criterion 19 : Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure

Fly ash cement Fly ash is a pozzolan, a substance containing aluminous and siliceous material that forms cement in the presence of water. When used in concrete mixes, fly ash improves the strength and segregation of the concrete and makes it easier to pump

Benefits of fly ash concrete • • • • •


Improved workability. Decreased water demand. Reduced heat of hydration Increased ultimate strength. Reduced permeability

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Criterion 20 : Reduction in embodied energy of building structure

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote reduction in the embodied energy of the building structure through the use of low-embodied energy materials.

Maximum Points: 4 Appraisals: • 20.1.1: Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of load-bearing structure and masonry walls by at least 10% below the base case – 1 point • 20.1.2: Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of load-bearing structure and masonry walls by at least 20% below the base case – 2 points • 20.1.3: Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of load-bearing structure and masonry walls by at least 30% below the base case – 4 points Base Case: RCC structure with burnt clay brick masonry. The live load, equipment load and spans between the design and the base case should be same. The total length of masonry walls between design and base case should be same.

Compliances: • 20.2.1: Submit calculations (through software output files recommended) demonstrating reduction in embodied energy as per Appraisal 20.1.1 – 20.1.3 • 20.2.2: Submit manufacturer cut-sheets of the low-energy materials used in building structure and masonry walls • 20.2.3: Submit CAD drawings highlighting the use of low embodied energy materials in the relevant floor plans, with clear dimensioning • 20.2.4: Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantity) and relevant sections of the BOQ highlighting the low-energy materials used • 20.2.5: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narrative: It is a critical factor to consider when assessing the lifecycle of a building, and it relates directly to the sustainability of the built environment. Reducing embodied energy to lessen the overall impact of the built environment must become a major priority when you consider that today the proportion of embodied energy in buildings has increased to more than 40% of energy consumption. Every building is a complex combination of many processed materials, each of which contributes to the building’s total embodied energy. In looking at reducing embodied energy in the building process, it is important to keep in mind that more processed materials will generally have higher embodied energy. Hence , using of materials that are renewable , recyclable, naturally available, locally available should be used. Not only this energy in any form be it transport, manufacture , growth should also be less for the material that is to be considered as low embodied material


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Criterion 20 : Reduction in embodied energy of building structure Embodied energy is the total energy required for the extraction, processing, manufacture and delivery of building materials to the building site. Energy consumption produces CO2, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, so embodied energy is considered an indicator of the overall environmental impact of building materials and systems. Unlike the life cycle assessment, which evaluates all of the impacts over the whole life of a material or element, embodied energy only considers the front-end aspect of the impact of a building material. It does not include the operation or disposal of materials.

Construction materials that have low-embodied energy Timber is one of the most environmentally-friendly building materials available. Timber is a renewable resource that has low embodied energy and stores carbon. It can be recycled and put to new use through dismantling and deconstruction. Cement stabilized soil blocks and stabilized rammed earth. The soil blocks can be manufactured as machine molded or hand molded’ Cement stabilized rammed earth is manufactured with laterite soil with high sand content and cement as the stabilizing agent. The soil cement mixture is compacted in a set of steel slip form molds using manual tamping methods. Cork, as a renewable, natural raw material which plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it’s a product with very low embodied energy, representing a safe and environmentallyfriendly choice. Of 100 % natural origin and from a renewable source, it has a number of properties that make it hard to match. It’s light, elastic, fire- and moisture-resistant, hypoallergenic and impermeable to liquids and gases. In construction, it stands out due to its thermal and acoustic insulation capabilities. Sheep’s wool Unlike the commonly used fiberglass insulation or polyurethane spray foam, sheep’s wool is all natural. The material doesn't degrade nearly as quickly as other natural insulation materials, like straw. And compared with some natural insulators like cotton, sheep’s wool is more prevalent, regenerates faster and can be harvested more easily.


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Criterion 21: Use of low-environmental impact materials in building interiors

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote installation of low environmental impact materials in the building interiors.

Maximum Points: 6 Appraisals: • 21.1.1: Project demonstrates that at least 25% of all materials (calculated by surface area) used for building interiors* meets the GRIHA criterion low-impact material requirements -1 point • 21.1.2: Project demonstrates that at least 50% of all materials (calculated by surface area) used for building interiors* meets the GRIHA criterion low-impact material requirements -2 points • 21.1.3: Project demonstrates that at least 75% of all materials (calculated by surface area) used for building interiors* meets the GRIHA criterion low-impact material requirements - 4 points Following materials will be accepted as low-environmental impact: • Stones from India • Composite wood based products • FSC Chain of Custody certified products • Manufactured products with at least 5% recycled content • Products with EPD (cradle to gate) analysed and published as per ISO 14025 / ISO 21930 • Products with water footprint (cradle to gate) analysed and published as per ISO 14046

Compliances: • 21.2.1: Provide manufacturer cut-sheets highlighting specifications of low environmental impact finishes/products used in the building interiors • 21.2.2: Provide CAD drawings demarcating (by highlighting with clear dimensions) the use of aforesaid finishes/products in the interior layouts/plans. • 21.2.3: Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) and relevant sections of the BOQ for the low environmental impact materials used • 21.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented. Narrative : Society is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of environmentally responsible building and interior design. As a result, we must seek to incorporate sustainability principles in their interiors as it has a tremendous impact on the sustainability of an environment because they are the ones deciding which materials and products will be used and how ecologically people will be able to interact with their surrounding spaces. By following these sustainable interior design principles, designers reduce the negative environmental impact of the society and build a better, more sustainable future.


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Criterion 21: Use of low-environmental impact materials in building interiors Permeable materials allow water to infiltrate and recharge aquifers, instead of being sent to combined stormwater and sewer systems. Reflective, "cool" or white materials help reduce air temperatures, particularly in cities dealing with the challenges of the urban heat island effect, and energy costs by minimizing the use of air conditioning to cool buildings. Reflective materials offer high solar reflectance – they have an innate ability to reflect sunlight and reduce solar heat absorption. These materials can stay cool in the sun and also have high thermal emittance – they radiate instead of absorb heat. Roofs with high thermal emittance and solar reflectance can stay up to 50-60°F cooler than roofs with conventional materials. Reflective materials also last longer than conventional materials, which absorb heat and break down faster. Recycled wood can be salvaged from places like old buildings and shipping materials, and restored for a variety of uses, including decking, seating, and fences.


Sustainably harvested

Bio based materials

Reclaimed wood


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Criterion 21: Use of low-environmental impact materials in building interiors 1. Design for energy efficiency Energy consumption is one of the major contributors to climate change. Buildings are responsible for a big share of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, caused by energy consumption. Architects and interior designers can do a lot to improve a building’s energy efficiency, mainly by reducing the amount of energy needed for heating, lighting, running appliances, etc., and by providing renewable, non-carbonbased energy to the building. Heating and lighting are the two most crucial factors interior designers have influence over. Since most of the building’s heat escapes through windows, it’s important that the installed windows are of high quality and provide good insulation. Curtains and drapes keep both cold air and the sun’s heat outside. Window coverings, blinds and shades enable residents to control the building’s temperature in an energy efficient way by opening and shutting them as needed. Carpets are excellent thermal insulators; according to estimations, a carpet retains as much as 10 % of a room’s heat. To save energy spent on lighting, a lot can be done just by picking the right colors. Lighter colors reflect more light, while rooms with darker walls and furnishing need more artificial lighting. Using reflective surfaces increases the amount of light in a room by bouncing it around, decreasing dependency on artificial lighting. Installing home automation and so called ‘’green gadgets’’ makes it possible to control heating and lighting systems remotely. This also help residents and occupants use the building’s energy more efficiently and economically.

2. Design for low environmental impact From a sustainability perspective, it’s very important to pick materials and products with the lowest environmental impact. Organic materials (e.g. wood, wool, natural stone) seem the obvious choice, but we mustn’t forget that natural resources need to be treated responsibly. Choose materials that are quickly renewable (such as fast-growing bamboo), and are extracted in an environmentally responsible way. There are labels, standards and certifications that give credible information about the products’ origin and help you identify eco-friendly products. The environmental impact of materials and products must be evaluated throughout their entire life cycle — from extraction, production, transportation and processing, all the way to how they are discarded after use.


01FA16BAT030 I 82 I

Because ECONYL® nylon yarn used in carpets is made from waste materials, such as abandoned fishing nets, discarded carpets and other discarded plastics, the environmental impact of an ECONYL yarn-made carpet is much lower than one made with nylon from crude oil.



SECTION BRIEF The issue of MSW has been a cause for concern for some time owing to the widespread environmental fallout and aesthetic annoyance that it generates. Given the rapid pace of urban expansion and development, the problem is only poised to increase in magnitude. It has been estimated that the annual increase in the overall quantity of solid waste in Indian cities will be at a rate of 5%, which is expected to touch 260 Mt by 2047.1 In order to ensure that cities remain livable and prevent the possibility of a pandemic outbreak, it is imperative to contain the volume of waste generated and find improved ways of managing the existing waste. The primary method of doing this would involve cultivation of habits that curtail waste generation at the source. An additional step towards this goal would be diversion of waste from landfills and efficient recycling – the basic tenet of a circular economy. A circular economy works on the principle of a closed loop where all materials are reclaimed and reintroduced into the production cycle without the generation of waste that requires disposal. This is in contrast to the linear loops being currently followed, and would eventually act as the prime driver for the transition towards effective waste management. Considering the deleterious impact of waste on the environment, the government has initiated a strong push towards efficient waste management and has devised a newer set of rules catering to all categories of waste. Enhanced responsibility has been placed on the waste generators in terms of management and handling of waste. This section has been developed in alignment with all the national standards, guidelines, policies, and rules devised by the government and its ministries in an effort to aid in effective implementation at the building and site levels. This section aims to address waste management and segregation challenges faced by buildings and eventually municipalities while also providing encouragement to building owners towards enhancing resource recovery. In addition, focus has been placed on the analysis and quantification of organic waste generated within the project premises, and its treatment on site, which would subsequently reduce the quantum of waste sent to landfills. This section consists of two criteria, as mentioned in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 Solid waste management criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 22

Avoided post-construction landfill


Criteria 23

Treat organic waste on site


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 22 : Avoided post-construction landfill

Intent: The intent of this criterion is to provide infrastructure to future occupants of the project so that they can sustainably manage on-site solid waste during operation phase. .

Maximum Points: 4 Appraisals: • 22.1.1: Provide infrastructure (multi-colored dustbins/different garbage chutes) to building occupants to ensure segregation of waste at source • 22.1.2: Provide dedicated, segregated and hygienic storage spaces in the project site to store different wastes before treatment /recycling • 22.1.3: Provide contractual tie-ups with waste recyclers for safe recycling for recyclable wastes like metal, paper, plastic, glass etc.

Compliances: • 22.1.1: Provide infrastructure (multi-colored dustbins/different garbage chutes) to building occupants to ensure segregation of waste at source • 22.1.2: Provide dedicated, segregated and hygienic storage spaces in the project site to store different wastes before treatment /recycling • 22.1.3: Provide contractual tie-ups with waste recyclers for safe recycling for recyclable wastes like metal, paper, plastic, glass etc.

Narrative: Management of building-related waste is expensive and often presents unintended consequences. However, common sense suggests that failure to reduce, reuse and recycle societal wastes is unsustainable. It stands to reason that efficient and effective elimination and minimization of waste, and reuse of materials are essential aspects of design and construction activity. Creativity, persistence, knowledge of available markets and businesses, and understanding of applicable regulations are important skills for design and construction professionals..


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Criterion 22 : Avoided post-construction landfill The management of waste described in this procedure should follow the waste management hierarchy optio ns listed below in order of priority: • Avoid • Reduce • Reuse

Avoid Possible to look for opportunities to avoid unnecessary consumption and generating controlled wastes. Waste avoidance can be achieved through behaviors such as: • Avoiding disposable goods and single use materials; • Avoiding the use of hazardous substances in preference for non‐hazardous substances; • Avoid disturbing contaminated soils where practicable; and • Education of workforce on waste avoidance. For example, avoid putting contaminated materials into recycling bins which could result in the entire contents of the bin becoming contaminated and no longer suitable for recycling.

Reduce Possible opportunities to reduce waste should be identified prior to the procurement of equipment and materials. Waste reduction can be achieved through behaviors such as: • Identification and segregation of re‐usable materials; • Procure products with longer life cycles; • Use products with recyclable or reusable packaging; • Print double sided paper; and • Education of workforce on waste reduction. For example, the purchase of supplies in bulk to minimize packaging waste.

Reuse Possible, reuse materials in preference to purchasing new materials. This can be achieved by behaviors such as: • Reuse excess fill from other projects for your project avoiding purchasing new fill and saving on landfill charges for the other project; • Use rechargeable batteries; • Purchase recycled office materials; and • Education of workforce on waste stream segregation. For example, collect and reuse pallets, form work and concrete boxing

Recycle Possible, waste material suitable for recycling will be collected and segregated. This can be achieved by: • Identification and segregation of recyclable materials; • Placement of designated recycling bins in appropriate locations; and • Education of workforce on recycling. For example, collection of used cardboard packaging, plastics, cans and bottles for recycling.


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Criterion 22: Avoided post-construction landfill Recover Where further recycling is not feasible, it may be possible to recover the energy from the material and feed that back into the economy where this is acceptable to the community. For example, waste insulating oil used in the process of making cement

Landfill Finally, the waste hierarchy recognises that some types of waste, such as hazardous chemicals or asbe stos, cannot be safely recycled and direct treatment or disposal is the most appropriate management option. The general office space recyclables • Use disposable paper/plastic cups • Office Paper • Drinks bottles and cans • Magazines and newspapers • Office Kitchen Recyclables • Packaging and paper towels • Compost bin for waste food • Plastic containers So there you have it, there are lots of things that can be recycled in and around the office. Just make sure you have bins prominently positioned and clearly labelled. If we can reduce the amount of waste produced at home by recycling then we can achieve greater results by doing this in the office as well. It can help reduce your office carbon impact and reduce business costs, this cut downs the amount of waste that needs to go to landfill.






Color coding helps waste disposal companies distinguish different types of wastes, and easily sorts them into different categories. Because proper waste removal is so important, it’s necessary to understand what each of these colors mean.


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Criterion 22 : Avoided post-construction landfill 1.Simple discharge hopper When a door is not required, we provide conical hopper to avoid spoiling of garbage and it is directly connected collection trolley 2. Segregation “Y” hopper • •

It is specially design for separation of wet and dry garbage. Mechanically operated rotating flap is provided to divert Dry garbage.

3. Fire door Sliding type Standard sliding discharge door is mounted on bearing in sloping position and held open with a 79° U.L. approved fusible link. in case of are in garbage room, fusible link melts and door shuts mouth of chute and restricting heat transfer. 4. Top hinger type Top hinge Type discharge door is held horizontally against gravity by 79 C. fusible link in Case of fire, fusible link melts and fire door closes the upward path of chute restricting heat transfer mainly used in Linen Chutes


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Criterion 22 : Avoided post-construction landfill

A garbage chute system is a long vertical space passing by each floor in a building. It includes a door on each floor where residents can dispose of their garbage into the chute. This door is usually contained in a small room on each floor. Garbage placed in the chute drops to a compactor or dumpster at the bottom.

• Use on site demolition and excavated material within landscape design as: drainage base; and mound features. • Reuse or recycle tarmac and asphalt (provided there is on site storage) for paths, car parking, construction storage space and hard standing for plant, etc. • Retain top soil, treat it on site with compost (or other remediation) and use for green roofs, soft landscaping, etc. • Manufacture top soil using surplus excavated soil blended with compost. • Reuse bricks, concrete paving blocks and excavated rock for landscaping finishes feature, etc. • Use existing soft landscape that can’t be retained (trees, shrubs) as: o compost; o soft landscape top mulch; o external furniture; and o large features (e.g. tree stumps for benches). • Reuse existing landscape items by repairing rather than throwing away (e.g. existing fencing, benches etc.).


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Criterion 23: Treat organic waste on site Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote recycling and reuse of organic waste on site.

Maximum Points: 2 Non-applicability: If the total waste generation on site is less than 100 kg/day, then the project is exempt from this criterion.

Appraisals: • 23.1.1 Implement strategies to treat all organic (kitchen and landscape) waste on-site and to convert it into a resource (manure, biogas etc.) - 2 points

Compliances: • 23.2.1: Submit narrative detailing the design and sizing of the on-site waste treatment strategy and highlight method of reuse on site • 23.2.2: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative • Agricultural recycling of organic wastes can be explored as an eco-friendly and sustainable waste management approach. • Organic wastes are a rich source of beneficial plant nutrients (macro and micro) and organic matter.. • Organic waste amendments improve soil physico-chemical and biological properties and benefit plant productivity. • Organic wastes offer the potential to be used as a valuable resource. On-site Organic Waste Treatment Methods Most organic treatment technologies involve the ‘break down’ of organic wastes, also referred to as decomposition. The decomposition of organic wastes can occur either aerobically (in the presence of oxygen contained within air) or anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen). Technologies that operate aerobically are termed composting and those that occur anaerobically are termed anaerobic digestion. The majority of technologies available are enclosed (i.e. take place within a container) limiting the potentially unpleasant odors created during the decomposition of wastes The objective of utilizing organic wastes in agriculture is to maintain a sustainability cycle where waste’s biodegradable organic fraction is converted into useful organic manure or fertilizer through methods like composting, vermicomposting and anaerobic digestion to produce compost and slurry for agricultural use .Composting involves biological conversion of heterogenous solid organic wastes (e.g., sewage sludge, crop residues, food and kitchen waste, garden)


Food waste composting

01FA16BAT030 I 90 I


Criterion 23: Treat organic waste on site Reasons for Treating Organic Waste There are a wide variety of reasons for improving the management of organic waste through the use of a treatment technology, rather than sending the waste for disposal to landfill, or to sewer. The reasons that could motivate you to treat waste on-site include improved environmental performance, financial benefits and social & educational rewards. Environmental Reasons • •

Environmental benefits of installing an organic waste treatment technology on-site, include: Reducing your organization's carbon/environmental footprint through a reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfill and a reduction in any associated waste transportation. Diverting one ton of food waste from landfill via on-site composting will save approximately 335 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions; Production of compost or digestate for on-site use to improve soil quality resulting in reduced use of non-renewable peat is used to replace a potting compost and environmental impact of producing compost off-site e.g. energy, transportation; Improving sustainability practice by providing a closed-loop solution (i.e. turning your own waste into a product you use on-site);

Financial Reasons • • •

The potential financial benefit may be a key reason for considering on-site treatment. These benefits may occur as a result of: reduction in waste collection and disposal costs;  reduction in fuel or compost expenditure, and; income potential from sale of fuel and electricity from anaerobic digestion technologies. You will need to undertake an overall cost assessment to determine how these potential benefits compare with costs that you would incur in purchasing and managing a technology on an annual basis.

Social and Educational Reasons • • • •

A key motivation for treating waste on-site is often the social and educational benefits it brings to an organization. These may include: Improving environmental credentials and image, which can in turn attract a new, or reinforce an existing customer base, or student intake; Delivering educational curriculum learning outcomes for students and providing purposeful employment for prison inmates; Increasing awareness of food waste problems and encouraging green credentials and ethos, including waste reduction and recycling.


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Criterion 23: Treat organic waste on site


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SECTION BRIEF Sustainability as a practice is incomplete without social cohesion. Social sustainability is considered the third pillar of the triad that constitutes sustainability, the other two are environment and economics. Keeping this in perspective, this section i.e. the socio-economic strategies in GRIHA v.2019 aims at improving livability standards of individuals associated with a project during the construction and post-occupancy phases. Providing livable conditions for construction workers onsite, limiting the use of tobacco smoking on-site, ensuring a healthy living environment for building users and maintenance staff, thereby enhancing the livability index, are included as the focus areas. Further, emphasis is laid on creating a barrier-free built environment for differently abled and elderly persons, in accordance with Harmonized Guidelines and Space Standards issued by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The road to sustainability seems strenuous without raising awareness regarding the environmental concerns and ways to tackle them; therefore, acknowledging and encouraging efforts towards environmental awareness become key aspects of this section. This section consists of the following four criteria as mentioned in Table 8.1 Table 8.1 Solid waste management criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 24

Labour safety and sanitation


Criteria 25

Design for Universal Accessibility


Criteria 26

Dedicated facilities for service staff


Criteria 27

Increase in environmental awareness


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 24 : Labour safety and sanitation Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure safe, healthy and hygienic working & living conditions for construction workers working in the project.

Maximum Points: 2 Non-applicability : If no families are allowed to work and live at construction sites, then appraisal 24.1.3 is not applicable.

Appraisals: • 24.1.1: Ensure compliance with the NBC (2005) safety norms for providing the necessary safety equipment and measures for construction workers – Mandatory • 24.1.2: Ensure provisions for drinking water, hygienic working & living conditions and sanitation facilities shall be provided for the workers – Mandatory • 24.1.3: Provide a crèche facility for children of construction workers – 1 point

Compliances: • 24.2.1: Submit relevant sections of tender document showing that the conditions mentioned in Appraisal • 24.1.1 and 24.1.2 are required to be implemented by the contractor during construction on site. • 24.2.2: Submit test reports demonstrating that the drinking water provided to workers meets the relevant BIS drinking water norms • 24.2.3: Submit narrative on provision of crèche facility for children of construction workers • 24.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented


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Criterion 24 : Labour safety and sanitation Strategies: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Include the installation of a toe board where there is a risk of tools or materials falling from the roof/place of work. Provide guardrails of minimum 900-1100 mm above the working place, also incorporate midrolls Ensure scaffolding is secure. Ensure equipment's used are well maintained and safe for staff to use

Transportation within construction site


• •

No Child labor Separate resting spaces for male and female Ambulance availability for large sites and dangerous construction situations Drinking water and Food catering Transport facilities if project is in a remote area Stay facilities if in remote area Within site transportation for large site areas Personal Protective equipment's to be provided. – Helmets, Safety jackets, Light weight boots etc. Adopt mechanization wherever possible to avoid human fatigue Train staff to adopt to technologies and also train them with new techniques and technologies that can help make their work easy. Proper lighting if working after dark. Working at heights over 3 meters provide - 1.Guarding; 2. Safety nets; or 3. Fall arrest systems.


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Criterion 25 : Design for Universal Accessibility Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote adoption of measures in the project to make it universally accessible.

Maximum Points: 2 Appraisals: • 25.1.1: Compliance with National Building Code norms on Requirements for Planning of Public Buildings Meant for Use of Physically Challenged - 2 points

Compliances: • 25.2.1: Submit drawings demonstrating that the project incorporates design measures for Universal Accessibility as recommended in NBC 2005 • 25.2.2: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Narrative: Universal design is the design of buildings, products or environments to make them accessible to all people, regardless of age, disability or other factors. PRINCIPLES • Equitable use. • Flexibility in use. • Simple and intuitive. • Perceptible information. • Tolerance for error. • Low physical effort. • Size and space for approach and use 1. Non-Ambulatory : Impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes, confine individuals to wheel & chairs 2. Semi-Ambulatory : Impairments that cause individuals to walk with difficulty or insecurity. Individual using braces or crutches, amputees, arthritics, spastics &those with pulmonary & cardiac ills may be semi-ambulatory. 3. Sight : Total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the individual functioning in public areas is insecure or exposed to danger. 4. Hearing : Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in public areas because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals.


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Criterion 25 : Appendix Parking Parking :- For parking of vehicles of handicapped people the following provisions shall be made: • Surface parking for two care spaces shall be provided near entrance for the physically handicapped persons with maximum travel distance of 30 M from building entrance. • The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.60 Meter. The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users shall be conspicuously displayed. • Guiding floor materials shall be provided or a device which guides visually impaired persons with audible signals or other devices which serves the same purpose shall be provided.


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Criterion 25 : Appendix APPROACH TO PLINTH LEVEL Approach to plinth level : Every building should have at least one entrance accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry. Ramped Approach : Ramp shall be finished with non slip material to enter the building. Minimum width or ramp shall be 1800 mm. with maximum gradient 1:12, length of ramp shall not exceed 9.0 M having double handrail at a might of 800 and 900 mm on both sides extending 300 mm. beyond top and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the hand rail shall be 50 mm.

Ramps at the all the entrances for universal accessibility


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Criterion 25 : Appendix

Toilet One special W.C. in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of handicapped with essential provision of wash basin near the entrance for the handicapped. • The minimum size shall be 1500 x 1750 mm. • Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900 mm. and the door shall swing out. • Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50 mm. clearance from wall shall be made in the toilet. • The W.C. seat shall be 500 mm. from the floor.


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Criterion 26 : Dedicated facilities for service staff Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote provision of resting spaces and toilets dedicated for project’s service staff.

Maximum Points: 2 Appraisals: • 26.1.1: Provide dedicated resting rooms for the service staff on site – 1 point • 26.1.2: Provide toilets for the service staff on site – 1 point

Compliances: • 26.2.1: Submit drawings demarcating the location of various toilets and/or resting rooms for service staff • 26.2.2: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Narrative: Everyone, regardless of whether you are the Government, an employer, a service buyer or a concerned citizen, must realize that architects have a part to play in uplifting the lives of our low-wage workers. A cause that all of us could be a part of is ensuring that our companies provide proper rest areas for outsourced workers such as cleaners, security officers and landscape maintenance employees working in our building premises. These workers put in effort and hard work performing their duties, and the fruits of their labor result in a better environment – one which is clean, safe and secure – for everyone at the site. Surely, these workers deserve the dignity of having proper rest areas so that they can carry on doing their work more productively. Most companies provide good, proper rest areas for their permanent employees. Unfortunately, the provision of rest areas by service buyers or building owners for their cleaners, security officers and landscape maintenance workers is uncommon. Many of these outsourced service workers have no choice but to accept whatever nook or corner, albeit undesirable, as their rest areas. Therefore, this office incorporates : • Separate resting rooms and toilets are provided on the site (ground level), in the basement level as well as in all the floors of the building. • The number of toilets, wash basins and urinals provided are in accordance with the given guidance (as mentioned in the GRIHA manual).


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Criterion 26 : Dedicated facilities for service staff

Image. Provision to have a special room for service staff where the cleaners can take breaks, have their meals and keep their belongings safely.

Image. Cleaners having their lunch at the rest area provided. The rest area is air-conditioned and equipped with tables and chairs. Each cleaner has their own personal locker too.


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Criterion 27 : Increase in environmental awareness Intent: The intent of this criterion is to create awareness on sustainability amongst the building users & visitors.

Maximum Points: 1

Appraisals: • 27.1.1: Adopt measures to create environmental awareness – 1 point

Compliances: • 27.2.1: Submit narrative with supporting photographs highlighting strategies implemented, in the project, to create environmental awareness

Narrative The creation of a sustainable future depends on the knowledge as well as participation of the people, as well as an understanding of the consequences of individual behaviour. Construction industry has long been associated with the harmful Construction industry has long been associated with the harmful effects to our mother earth. As concepts of Green building took form in new real trends and planning curriculum, Green building in general continues to have not received much attention with the public. Because the question of techniques the general population perceives Green building concepts may be of ultimate importance, it seems the logical beginning reason behind trying to capture something in regards to the character of support for green building initiatives should be to survey people who may be most likely by having an opinion.

Introduction Building and constructions allow mankind to meet their own social demands regarding shelter Building and constructions allow mankind to meet their own social demands regarding shelter, to meet economic needs for investment and to fulfil corporate goals. Nevertheless, the total satisfaction of these requirements generally comes with a high cost i.e. a permanent damage to our environment. This lead to a growing understanding around the world to alter or perhaps improve our standard way of development into a far more responsible strategy which in turn can satisfy our needs with regard to development without damaging the world we live in. Delivering sustainable construction requires action from all engaged in constructing and maintaining the structure or building including those providing design, consulting and construction services. structure or building including those providing design, consulting and construction services. It requires willingness to explore new territory in construction approach and prepares to adopt new products, ideas and practices. It has been argued that a major obstacle to green building programs is the lack of public awareness.

Concept of Public Awareness Awareness delivers the actual issues relating to biodiversity to the attention of important groups that possess the strength to influence consequences. Awareness is a good plan setting and marketing exercise assisting people to understand exactly what and why this is a crucial issue, the aspirations for the targets, and what is and can be carried out to accomplish all these. The primary meaning of "awareness" in the communication industry is to make a target audience "aware of" a product, service or issue.


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Criterion 27 : Increase in environmental awareness To put it differently, the aim of a public awareness is basically to inform people today. Nearly all public awareness campaigns are usually commissioned by public institutions or perhaps NGOs with the objective of educating the general public about an issue or completely new responsibility, virtually of all of which are regarded to be within the public interest. The decision making process in implementing a public awareness campaign is a constitutional monarchy. While a core team of people, as well as the stakeholders, should offer their opinions, the final decision should belong to one person alone; the project manager. Otherwise, much time will be wasted, momentum will be lost and the public awareness campaign would risk Otherwise, much time will be wasted, momentum will be lost and the public awareness campaign would risk failing. Factors considered for powerful public awareness strategy 1. Media Relations • Create news releases, by-lined articles, letters to the publisher, suggestion sheets as well as additional mass media materials for circulation to qualified editors and journalists in order to reach viewers through “earned” media. 2. Community Relations • Develop “direct-connect” possibilities to reach audiences, such as trade show participation, communicating events with local community organizations, function sponsorship, proper partnerships and much more. 3. Web site Development • Create a Web internet site that provides campaign messages straight to target people, such as interactive tools such as energy efficiency calculators. 4. Advertising • Build effective, key message-based advertisements for print out, TV, radio stations and online media; negotiate additional “runs” through media public support announcement coordinators As more developers, owners, consultants, designers and vendors are participating in the globally green building movement, the action is getting rapid pace. The mixed effort of people and organizations to switch towards green buildings can have a remarkable impact. The humankind has influenced so much on the worldwide natural environment to twist its stability. As a result, nowadays, as the dependents of the environment, at whatever stage in the community you and As a result, nowadays, as the dependents of the environment, at whatever stage in the community you and everyone, this is a timely responsibility of all of us to wide open our sight in the direction of transforming our perceptions and the way of living. Start specific, imagine simple and light but utilize to a great extent, when require one, make use of just one not really two, provide the acquired benefits/losses with the individual next to you and make contributions towards a sustainable environment.


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SECTION BRIEF One of the main objectives of any facility management team is to reduce energy and water consumption within its scope. Use of meters has come a long way in ensuring that this objective of saving energy and water in a building is achieved. Installation of energy and water meters in a building helps facility managers find leakages and take necessary steps towards preventing its wastage. By installing sub-meters, more accurate and instant consumption data can be obtained, which helps in identifying the areas having irregularities in consumption pattern and thus taking necessary corrective actions. With the advent of smart meters, the process of collecting and analyzing the consumption data has become more efficient. Project teams are now able to get instant and real-time data for energy and water being used in the facility. Operation and maintenance are the frontlines of building efficiency. To ensure that the building performs as per owner’s/tenant’s requirement, it is important that regular maintenance activities are carried out for various systems and equipment. Commissioning is the process by which an equipment or a system such as HVAC, running water, waste management and so on is tested to verify if it functions according to its design objectives or specifications. Building commissioning is an attempt to discover any performance issues a system could have and improve its efficiency to guarantee an enhanced experienced for the occupants of the building. Buildings that are not commissioned typically cost about 20% more to run than adequately commissioned buildings (Association, 2011). Therefore, commissioning becomes crucial towards the experience of the occupants with respect to health, safety, and cost, which further makes it an indispensable aspect of any building projects or renovations. A few advantages of commissioning are: • Reduced cost of utility • Improved functioning of building system • Enhanced operations and maintenance of the building • Prolonged life cycle of equipment Thus, an effective commissioning plan when clubbed with smart metering system and efficient maintenance practices results in a building with significantly improved performance. This section focuses on the three essential aspects of building efficiency. This section consists of the following three criteria as mentioned in Table 8.1

Table 8.1 Solid waste management criteria

Criteria No.

Criteria Name

Maximum Points

Criteria 28

Smart metering and monitoring


Criteria 29

Operation, Maintenance Protocols


Criteria 30

Dedicated facilities for service staff


Criteria 31

Performance Assessment for Final Rating


Total weightage of the section


Criterion 28 : Smart metering and monitoring Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote smart metering and monitoring of energy and water consumption on site to analyze the performance of the building.

Maximum Points: 8 Appraisals: • 28.1.1: Comply with following Basic metering requirements of GRIHA – Mandatory

• 28.1.2: Comply with Extended metering requirements as mentioned in the table – 2 points

• 28.1.3: Installation of one-way communicable# Smart metering* and monitoring system capable tracking energy and water consumption through a web hosted portal and also capable of the following, for at least all meters mentioned in 28.1.1 – 3 points • Hourly data reporting in near-real-time (no more than 15 minute delay) • Energy mix breakdown and consumption patterns • Water consumption patterns from various sources • Ability to set energy & water consumption targets, alarms and pricing • Ability to compare historical trends and benchmark data • Real time monitoring with user interface which operates even in mobile devices • 28.1.4: Connect to GRIHA Online Benchmarking platform (linked to smart metering) to allow for two way communication on the following: – 3 point


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Criterion 28 : Smart metering and monitoring Compliances: • • • •

28.2.1: Submit drawings indicating the location of various meters in the project 28.2.2: Submit specification sheets and purchase orders of the various meters installed in the project 28.2.3: Submit details and purchase orders of the Smart Metering system installed in the project 28.2.4: Upload photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

• All Energy meters that are installed to be of at least class 1 with Class 1 CT's/PT's, and should have an active RS-485 port, with industry standard Modbus protocol with publicly available register maps. • All Water/BTU meters should have an RS 485/RS232 port with publicly available/industry standard Protocol (Modbus, etc.) and register maps • All meters/CT should be calibrated by an authorized certified auditor at least every 2 years. • The metering and monitoring hardware and software should support compliance with the relevant requirements of "IS/ISO 50001 - Energy Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use". • Project teams may opt for two-way communicable if they want to enable demand response.

Narrative: Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy use and contribute towards 30% of the total CO2 emissions. The drive to reduce energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions from buildings has acted as a catalyst in the increasing installation of meters and sensors for monitoring energy use and indoor environmental conditions in buildings. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in building energy metering and monitoring, including their social, economic, environmental and legislative drivers. The integration of meters and sensors with existing building energy management systems (BEMS) is critically appraised. Smart Metering and Monitoring systems or Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) are systems that measure, collect, analyse utilities distribution and consumption, and communicate with metering devices either on a schedule or on request. AMI are becoming a vital part of utilities distribution network and allow the development of Smart Cities. A smart metering system allows the water, electric and gas utilities a continuous consumption reading and recording in time intervals or, at least, daily reporting, monitoring and billing. Smart meters enable two way real-time communication between the meter and the utility central system. This allows the utility to gather interval data, time-based demand data, outage management, service interruption, service restoration, quality of service monitoring, distribution network analysis, distribution planning, peak demand, demand reduction, customer billing and work management. In recent years, the advances in Information and Communication Technologies sector have permitted the evolution from the simplest Automated Meter Reading systems to Advanced Meter Infrastructures (AMI). These allow demand response management, enabling customers to make informed decisions and consumption prediction. AMI are becoming a vital part of the water, electric and gas utilities distribution networks. Regardless of the technology used, it is essential for surveillance, and to monitor and control the distribution and consumption levels. A key element in AMI is the communication between the meters and the utility servers.


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Criterion 28 : Smart metering and monitoring

Energy waste can be eliminated by obtaining location information for individuals while ensuring building security, automatically controlling air conditioning and lighting, and visually representing energy usage. Such measures can also help ensure the security of the entire building. Buildings that make building management more efficient and curb energy consumption, from the building overall down to an individual level - those are Smart Buildings.


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Criterion 29 : Operation & Maintenance Protocols Intent: The intent of this criterion is to ensure implementation of an Operation and Maintenance protocol.

Maximum Points: No points Appraisals: • 29.1.1: Provision for a core facility/service group responsible for the O&M of the building’s systems after installation as per GRIHA requirements. Inclusion of a specific clause in the contract document of the systems supplier for providing training to the core facility/ service group responsible for the O&M of the building systems after installation, on the operating instructions/dos and don’ts/ maintenance requirements for the specific system, as per GRIHA requirements. Development of a fully documented O&M manual/ CD/ Multimedia /information brochure enlisting the best practices for O&M of the building’s systems as per GRIHA requirements – Mandatory O&M protocol should be submitted for • HVAC plant- AHU, Cooling tower, Chillers and pumps , VRF • Electrical- Transformer, DG, HT & LT panels • Energy Systems: Solar PV, wind mill, bio gasifier etc. • STP and/or WTP

Compliances: • 29.2.1: Submit proof of provision for a core facility/service group responsible for the operation and maintenance of the building's systems after installation. This should be supported with the contract(mutually signed between the respective parties) document or supportive documents, verified and signed by the responsible parties). O&M protocol should contain the following: • Provision of inspection as per respective system schedules • Corrective measures to be implemented according to the periodic inspection report. • Records tracking the periodic inspection and maintenance • Provision for training staff members Difference between O&M and Operational Efficiency Operations and Maintenance are the decisions and actions regarding the control and upkeep of property and equipment. These are inclusive, but not limited to, the following: 1) actions focused on scheduling, procedures, and work/systems control and optimization; and 2) performance of routine, preventive, predictive, scheduled and unscheduled actions aimed at preventing equipment failure or decline with the goal of increasing efficiency, reliability, and safety. Operational Efficiency represents the life-cycle, cost-effective mix of preventive, predictive, and reliability-centred maintenance technologies, coupled with equipment calibration, tracking, and computerized maintenance management capabilities all targeting reliability, safety, occupant comfort, and system efficiency.


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Criterion 29 : Operation & Maintenance Protocols

Why is Operation & Maintenance required? Effective operation & management is one of the most cost-effective methods for ensuring reliability, safety, and energy efficiency. Inadequate maintenance of energy-using systems is a major cause of energy waste in both the federal government and the private sector. Energy losses from steam, water and air leaks, uninsulated lines, maladjusted or inoperable controls, and other losses from poor maintenance are often considerable. Good maintenance practices can generate substantial energy savings and should be considered a resource. Moreover, improvements to facility maintenance programs can often be accomplished immediately and at a relatively low cost.

A well-functioning O&M program is a safe O&M program. Equipment is maintained properly mitigating any potential hazard arising from deferred maintenance. • In most federal buildings, the O&M staff are responsible for not only the comfort, but also the health and safety of the occupants. Of increasing productivity (and legal) concern are indoor air quality (IAQ) issues within these buildings. Proper O&M reduces the risks associated with the development of dangerous and costly IAQ situations. • Properly performed O&M ensures that the design life expectancy of equipment will be achieved, and in some cases exceeded. Conversely, the costs associated with early equipment failure are usually not budgeted for and often come at the expense of other planned O&M activities. • A well-functioning O&M program is not always answering complaints, rather, it is proactive in its response and corrects situations before they become problems. This model minimizes call backs and keeps occupants satisfied while allowing more time for scheduled maintenance.

Operation &Maintenance Management O&M management is a critical component of the overall program. The management function should bind the distinct parts of the program into a cohesive entity. The overall program should contain five very distinct functions making up the organization.

Operations, Maintenance, Engineering ,Training, and Administration—OMETA. Beyond establishing and facilitating the OMETA links, O&M managers have the responsibility of interfacing with other department managers and making their case for ever-shrinking budgets. Their roles also include project implementation functions as well as the need to maintain persistence of the program and it goals.

Roles and responsibilities for each of the elements Operations • Administration – To ensure effective implementation and control of operation activities. • Conduct of Operations – To ensure efficient, safe, and reliable process operations. • Equipment Status Control – To be cognizant of status of all equipment. • Operator Knowledge and Performance – To ensure that operator knowledge and performance will support safe and reliable plant operation.


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Criterion 29 : Operation & Maintenance Protocols Maintenance • •

Administration – To ensure effective implementation and control of maintenance activities. Work Control System – To control the performance of maintenance in an efficient and safe manner such that economical, safe, and reliable plant operation is optimized. Conduct of Maintenance – To conduct maintenance in a safe and efficient manner. Preventive Maintenance – To contribute to optimum performance and reliability of plant systems and equipment. Maintenance Procedures and Documentation – To provide directions, when appropriate, for the performance of work and to ensure that maintenance is performed safely and efficiently.

• • •

Engineering Support • • • •

Engineering Support Organization and Administration – To ensure effective implementation and control of technical support. Equipment Modifications – To ensure proper design, review, control, implementation, and documentation of equipment design changes in a timely manner. Equipment Performance Monitoring – To perform monitoring activities that optimize equipment reliability and efficiency. Engineering Support Procedures and Documentation – To ensure that engineer support procedures and documents provide appropriate direction and that they support the efficiency and safe operations of the equipment.

Training • • • • •

Administration – To ensure effective implementation and control of training activities. General Employee Training – To ensure that plant personnel have a basic understanding of their responsibilities and safe work practices and have the knowledge and practical abilities necessary to operate the plant safely and reliably. Training Facilities and Equipment – To ensure the training facilities, equipment, and materials effectively support training activities. Operator Training – To develop and improve the knowledge and skills necessary to perform assigned job functions. Maintenance Training – To develop and improve the knowledge and skills necessary to perform assigned job functions.

Administration • Organization and Administration – To establish and ensure effective implementation of policies and the planning and control of equipment activities. • Management Objectives – To formulate and utilize formal management objectives to improve equipment performance. • Management Assessment – To monitor and assess station activities to improve all aspects of equipment performance. • Personnel Planning and Qualification – To ensure that positions are filled with highly qualified individuals. • Industrial Safety – To achieve a high degree of personnel and public safety.


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Criterion 29 : Operation & Maintenance Protocols Contract Incentives An approach targeting energy savings through mechanical/electrical (energy consuming) O&M contracts is called contract incentives. This approach rewards contractors for energy savings realized for completing actions that are over and above the stated contract requirements. Many contracts for O&M of federal building mechanical/electrical (energy consuming) systems are written in a prescriptive format where the contractor is required to complete specifically noted actions in order to satisfy the contract terms. There are two significant shortcomings to this approach: •


The contractor is required to complete only those actions specifically called out, but is not responsible for actions not included in the contract even if these actions can save energy, improve building operations, extend equipment life, and be accomplished with minimal additional effort. Also, this approach assumes that the building equipment and maintenance lists are complete. The burden to verifying successful completion of work under the contract rests with the contracting officer. While contracts typically contain contractor reporting requirements and methods to randomly verify work.


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Criterion 30: Performance Assessment for Final Rating Intent: The intent of this criterion is to validate the performance of the energy, water and comfort conditions in the building as predicted during the design and development stage.

Maximum Points: No points Appraisals: • 30.1.1 The energy systems, water systems and solid waste management systems of the building are performing as predicted and match the information provided at the time of award of provisional GRIHA rating • 30.1.2: The visual, thermal and acoustic comfort conditions of the building meet the requirements of GRIHA Criterion 11 • 30.1.3 Any improvement in the following 4 parameters can be attempted by the project, post-GRIHA Provisional Rating, in order to improve its overall GRIHA points tally • Hard/soft/shaded paving on site – Criterion 3 • Renewable energy installation – Criterion 9 • Noise levels – Criterion 11 • Innovation – Criterion 31 Please note: Reattempt/fresh attempt of a criterion will not be allowed in this; only improved performance will be evaluated.

Compliances: • 30.2.1: Submit audit report and bills by an independent BEE certified auditor highlighting the following: • Annual energy and water consumption • Compliance with visual, thermal and acoustic comfort conditions in building interiors • Functioning solid waste management strategies • 30.2.2: Submit narrative/drawings/photographs highlighting improved performance in criteria mentioned in 30.1.3

Narrative: Design refers to the decisions made after contemplating about various criteria, strategies and parameters. But the most crucial part is the working and the implementation of the design. In the process of putting a decision or plan into effect lot of inconveniences arise and a lot them are not eradicated even after the completion of the implementation. So, it is essential to assess the building after the completion of construction and the entire implementation of the plan to make sure that it is functioning as per the plan. Evaluation of various criterion mentioned in GRIHA has to be done and ways of implementing the performance of building as per those criteria has to be identified.


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Criterion 31: Innovation Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote adoption and implementation of innovative strategies in improving the sustainability of the project.

Maximum Points: 4 Appraisals: • 31.1.1: 1 point per Innovation strategy up to a maximum of 4. Examples of innovation: • A GRIHA certified professional (Trainer or Evaluator) is involved in the project from beginning to end) • First Mover: Implementation of a technology for the first time in the country. • E-waste recycling • STP technologies which do not use chemicals • Net-Zero Energy/Water

Compliances: • 31.2.1: Submit supporting documentation for each Innovation strategy

Narrative: Various strategies can be adopted and implemented to reduce the environmental impact of the building as per the requirements of GRIHA norms. E-Waste Recycling E -waste refers to electronic waste. E-waste recycling is the reuse and reprocessing of electrical and electronic equipment of any type that has been discarded or regarded as obsolete. Some of the common Ewastes include: home appliances such as televisions, air conditioners, electric cookers and heaters, air condoners, fans, DVDs, Radios and microwaves among others; information technology equipment such as computers, mobile phones, laptops, batteries, circuit boards, hard disks, and monitors among others; and other electronic utilities such as leisure, lighting, and sporting equipment. Recycling of e-waste is a growing trend and was initiated to protect human and environmental health mainly due to the widespread environmental pollution impacts of e-waste. Step-by Step Process of E-waste Recycling The e-waste recycling process is highly labour intensive and goes through several steps. Below is the stepby-step process of how e-waste is recycled, 1. Picking Shed When the e-waste items arrive at the recycling plants, the first step involves sorting all the items manually. Batteries are removed for quality check. 2. Disassembly After sorting by hand, the second step involves a serious labour intensive process of manual dismantling. The e-waste items are taken apart to retrieve all the parts and then categorized into core materials and components. The dismantled items are then separated into various categories into parts that can be re-used or still continue the recycling processes.


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Criterion 31: Innovation 3.





First size reduction process Here, items that cannot be dismantled efficiently are shredded together with the other dismantled parts to pieces less than 2 inches in diameter. It is done in preparation for further categorization of the finer e-waste pieces. Second size reduction process The finer e-waste particles are then evenly spread out through an automated shaking process on a conveyor belt. The well spread out e-waste pieces are then broken down further. At this stage, any dust is extracted and discarded in a way that does not degrade the environmentally. Over-band Magnet At this step, over-band magnet is used to remove all the magnetic materials including steel and iron from the e-waste debris. Non-metallic and metallic components separation The sixth step is the separation of metals and non-metallic components. Copper, aluminium, and brass are separated from the debris to only leave behind non-metallic materials. The metals are either sold as raw materials or re-used for fresh manufacture. Water Separation As the last step, plastic content is separated from glass by use of water. One separated, all the materials retrieved can then be resold as raw materials for re-use. The products sold include plastic, glass, copper, iron, steel, shredded circuit boards, and valuable metal mix.

Sewage Treatment Plants (STP): Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.


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Criterion 31: Innovation Pre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater before they damage or clog the pumps and skimmers of primary treatment clarifiers, for example, trash, tree limbs, leaves, etc., The influent sewage water is strained to remove all large objects carried in the sewage stream. This is most commonly done with an automated mechanically raked bar screen in modern plants serving large populations, whilst in smaller or less modern plants a manually cleaned screen may be used this is called as screening. The raking action of a mechanical bar screen is typically paced according to the accumulation on the bar screens and/or flow rate. The solids are collected and later disposed in a landfill or incinerated. Pre-treatment may include Grit removal in which, a sand or grit channel or chamber where the velocity of the incoming wastewater is carefully controlled to allow sand, grit and stones to settle. Primary Treatment: In the primary sedimentation stage, sewage flows through large tanks, commonly called “primary clarifiers” or “primary sedimentation tanks”. The tanks are large enough that sludge can settle and floating material such as grease and oils can rise to the surface and be skimmed off. The main purpose of the primary sedimentation stage is to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being treated biologically and a sludge that can be separately treated or processed.

Primary settling tanks are usually equipped with mechanically driven scrapers that continually drive the collected sludge towards a hopper in the base of the tank from where it can be pumped to further sludge treatment stages. Grease and oil from the floating material can sometimes be recovered for specifications. Secondary Treatment: Secondary treatment is designed to substantially degrade the biological content of the sewage which is derived from human waste, food waste, soaps and detergent. The majority of municipal plants treat the settled sewage liquor using aerobic biological processes. For this to be effective, the biota requires both oxygen and a substrate on which to live. There are a number of ways in which this is done. In all these methods, the bacteria and protozoa consume bio- degradable soluble organic contaminants (e.g. sugars, fats, organic sort-chain carbon m molecules, etc.) and bind much of the less soluble fractions into floe. Secondary treatment systems are classified as fixed-film or Suspended- growth. Fixed-film or attached growth system treatment process including trickling filter and rotating biological contactors where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface. In suspended-growth systems, such as activated sludge, the biomass is well mixed with the sewage and can be operated in a smaller space than fixed-film systems that treat the same amount of water. However, fixed-film systems are more able to cope with drastic changes in the amount of biological material and can provide higher removal rates for organic material and suspended solids than suspended growth systems. Roughing filters are intended to treat particularly strong or variable organic loads, typically industrial, to allow them to then be treated by conventional secondary treatment processes.


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Criterion 31: Innovation

What Is a Net Zero Water Building? A net zero water building (constructed or renovated) is designed to: Minimize total water consumption Maximize alternative water sources Minimize wastewater discharge from the building and return water to the original water source. Net zero water creates a water-neutral building where the amount of alternative water used and water returned to the original water source is equal to the building's total water consumption. The goal of net zero water is to preserve the quantity and quality of natural water resources with minimal deterioration, depletion, and rerouting of water by utilizing potential alternative water sources and water efficiency measures to minimize the use of supplied freshwater. This principle can be expanded to the campus level. Ultimately, a net zero water building (or campus) completely offsets water use with alternative water plus water returned to the original water source.


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Criterion 31: Innovation Net Zero Energy Building Net zero building is a building with zero net energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site. The "energy harvest" versus "energy conservation" One of the key areas of debate in zero energy building design is over the balance between energy conservation and the distributed point-of-use harvesting of renewable energy (solar energy, wind energy and thermal energy). Most zero energy homes use a combination of these strategies. As a result of significant government subsidies for photovoltaic solar electric systems, wind turbines, etc., there are those who suggest that a ZEB is a conventional house with distributed renewable energy harvesting technologies. Entire additions of such homes have appeared in locations where photovoltaic (PV) subsidies are significant, but many so called "Zero Energy Homes" still have utility bills. This type of energy harvesting without added energy conservation may not be cost effective with the current price of electricity generated with photovoltaic equipment, depending on the local price of power company electricity. The cost, energy and carbon-footprint savings from conservation (e.g., added insulation, triple-glazed windows and heat pumps) compared to those from on-site energy generation (e.g., solar panels) have been published for an upgrade to an existing house here. So, while designing one has to contemplate between the energy saving and harvesting methods and thoroughly analyse the possible results of adopting various methods; and only then the ideal option shall be chosen


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