They create masterpieces. We help them do it.

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They create masterpieces. We help them do it. Drawing books is not a substitute for the primary way of drawing, which is the use of pencil on paper. The use of pencil on paper is a way of practicing your drawing skills. But drawing books has its benefits in helping children in different ways and building them in track with different information on techniques. Books are regarded as a personal asset and such is the drawing book and sketch pen for your kid. There has been a lot of debate on the issue of the relevance of drawing books in changing the child’s knowledge. The importance for kids, especially those at a tender age is one which can’t be refuted. Remember these children don’t have the verbal ability in communicating their feelings and the perfect way is through the use of the drawing books. Drawing has a vital role in cognitive development in children. It helps them in learning how to think and write on innovations. Apart from this, it helps in developing a hand-eye synchronization, conceptualized ideas and the improved logical skills. The use of drawing book is losing its value because of technology. There are digital drawing books. The normal drawing books are hardly used in most schools as a device for learning. How children learn to draw For your children, the use of drawing books is an external representation of their thinking. When people give the idea that they aren’t able to draw, what they essentially meant is that they can’t graphically depict what something looks at. But, the use of drawing book and sketch pen alleviate this situation. Through this, they are trained to understand concepts. The six Phases to drawing Scrabbling phase (2-4 years): There is a method of understanding which children go through. In this process, their bodily actions can order the marks they make. At first, this is more of a random scribble, which is also known as a kinesthetic activity. As this is done more frequently, it becomes a skillful action. Pre-schematic phase (4-7 years): In this stage, symbols and shapes are used to discover relationships and their atmosphere. Through this, their knowledge is built. Schematic phase (7-9 years):

In this stage, a schema is developed by the child in a consistent way. This portrays how an object or environment is to the child. Their knowledge of things is exhibited through the images on the drawing books. Realistic phase (9-12 years): Children start to concentrate on detail and accurate structures in their drawing books. They are sensitive of their peers and the level of detail in their drawing books. Pseudo-naturalistic stage (12-14 years): Children begin to focus on the final product, on whether the image looks good and is pleasing to peers and parents. Crisis of adolescence/ artistic decision (14-17 years): This is the adolescent stage where a cognizant choice has to be made in order to continue the drawing and a visual thinking process is engaged. Author’s Bio Chris Fish in this articles looks at how drawing books can help in changing the knowledge of your child. He also looked at the use of sketch pen and the different stages through which children go through before finally knowing how to use the drawing book effectively.

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