A Critical Analysis of Child Growth and Development in Health Drink

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A Critical Analysis of Child Growth and Development in Health Drink Children undergo different stages of moral development within much input from their parents. Child growth and develop is very essential. To develop into a morally solid person, a child has to be given solid foundation at every stage. In this article, we will explore every stage that the child goes through starting from infancy to preteen and teen. Stage one - infancy The capacity to moralize is not what an infant has, other than having a sense of wrongness or rightness. After nine months of nurturing in the womb, the baby is born with the expectation that the nurturing process will continue. Without the feeling of been hungry, the baby conclusion is that hunger is wrong and this hurts. Never out of touch, the baby recognizes that unresponsiveness is wrong. Being in the arms of the mother, at the breast, and response to the feeling of right. Stage two - toddlerhood When the baby gets to eighteen months, a sense of otherness begins. They begin to learn what other people share their world. They begin to learn that there are rules in the house they live and this becomes frustrating. At this stage, the child doesn’t have the ability to know the different right or wrong. Others direct them and this antagonizes when they want to do what they are driven internally to do. Depending on how parents convey the behavior they expect, the toddler learns obedience to adults is the norm. Stage three- preschoolers This is usually between the ages of three to seven years. It is a major turning point in the child growth and development as they begin to internalize the values of family. The important things of the parents become what is important to them. The six-year-old may say to a friend, “In our family we do…” This becomes the standards of the child. The moment the standards are integrated into the child, their behavior become directed by these internal rules – with continuous reinforcement and reminder by their parents. Later the children in this stage begin to comprehend the concept of the Golden rule and the consideration of how it affects others. At this stage, they perceive the consequences of their action, such as if I misbehave, this will happen.

Stage four This is between the ages of seven to ten. At this stage, they begin to ask the question if teachers and parents are infallible. They will give adults who are fair to them respect. Giving authority in this stage is not threatening to the child because it is necessary for the social living of the child. This strong sense of “should do” and “should not do” sets some children up to tattle. Stage Five - preteens and teens At this stage, the child strives for popularity and becomes vulnerable to peer values and pressure. They may try different value systems as they try to sort out the values they want. This child is more capable of abstract reasoning about moral values and becomes interested in what’s good for society. Children may view parents more as consultants than as powerful authority figures. Author’s Bio Brain Kasich in this article looks at the child growth and development in various stages. He explained the importance of each stage and finally how their values can be shortchanged because of peer pressure.

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