Topic: Reduce Your Power Invoice with a Solar Hot Water Heater Nobody will say no if they are given the opportunity to use free hot water for the next 20 years. As this may sound, roughly about 15 to 20 percent of household energy outlay ensures that their tap stays on the “H”. let’s assume that the energy cost multiplies by 6 percent yearly, thousands of dollars would save averagely by families over the next decades through the installation of a solar water heater system, which will supply about 65 percent of hot water needed. When I said free, I literally mean “free”. You will spend money in installing the heating system; however, your home equity will double instantly, at times offsetting the cost of installation. Apart from this, you will also pay a reduced utility bill – thereby saving more money whenever the rates rise. Experts have concluded that the use of a solar water heater system is by far the easiest investment for renewable energy. It is the best because you can enjoy your shower or hot baths with the satisfaction that the energy used is directly from the sun. Solar water heater systemis different in their details, nevertheless, they carry out the same functions: gathering heat in a solar collector, transferring the heat, indirectly or directly to the water supply, and storing the heated water. Aside from this, they use time-tested technology, which is relatively simple thereby making they the best bet in renewable energy. Therefore, it is important for you to understand that solar water heater systems have low or at times zero operational and maintenance cost of about $2 per month. Let us assume you could spend about $7,000 installing a solar water heater when conventionally you could spend less on a gas or electric heater. It is much less expensive in operating the solar heater. When you put all the cost for buying, installation, maintenance, and operation into consideration, the solar water heater systemare usually equal to the electric heater after eight and a half years. It is much cheaper to conserve energy when compared to buying it. So if you want to reduce your cost, consider reducing your hot water need to its minimum. Tips to reduce your invoice when using solar water heater systems
Take short showers instead of baths
Time spent in showers should be reduced
Reduce the temperature on your water heater to 120F
If there is any leak, fix it
Don’t allow the water to run
Install low-flow fixtures
Ensure you use your dishwasher efficiently
Use cold water for laundries
Install a timer to the heater
Insulate the storage tank
Install heat traps on your heater
Author’s Bio Jim Wood in this self-explanatory article informs his reader on ways to reduce their bills when using solar water heater systems and made a comparison between solar geyser heater and electric heater.