What is the role of Teachers in the country’s development? Right kind of education is the need of the hour, it adds momentum to the growth process and it is the teachers who act as stalwarts to make it possible. Teachers not only act as facilitators of education but also as guide to students directing them towards their life goals. It is the right of the every child to receive education with proper infrastructure and most importantly receive it from trained and motivated teachers. In any country where teachers are neglected, their progress is bound to get deterred. It is only a teacher who influences the immature minds and leads them on the rightful track. So, if the teachers are ignored, the country cannot progress. If any professionals who are worthy of being called as nations –builders are indeed- teachers, who have always lend an important hand in nation building. Their contribution towards development of the society and for the country is totally out and out noteworthy. Their biggest role is that, they not just teach or train but nurture future assets of our nation. They are role models for their students and for the whole society. Multiple Roles of A Teacher Teachers acts as a catalyst, resource, and observer for the students. They have great power to influence over all development of a child. Also, teachers have the greatest impact on a child's social development. Students observe and learn from their teacher's behavioral pattern, therefore, educators need to keep a tab on their attitude and behavior while interacting with students and others. A teacher can help a student improve his social skills by strengthening his communication and other skills. Most importantly, teachers help create a child's attitude. Skillfully directed teachers can alter student's level of thinking and their attitude as a whole. It is normally learned and adopted by children as they see and observe it. Early growing years in child's life are most vital, it is important to be guided by a mentor who understand him well and guide him towards his prosperous future. A teacher's entry into the child's life comes at a very important stage, when the child is learning to adapt to a new change in his life which is 'school'. The introduction of school comes along with the beginning of student-teacher relationship. So, his first step into the school becomes his first point of contact with 'teacher'. Hence, a teacher undoubtly has multiple roles to play in student’s life, thereby making valuable contribution for the nation.
Mother’s pride brings The Knowledge Tree Academy which conducts Teacher courses in delhi which provides extraordinary training to those who seek a Career in Schools. Its various courses include primary teacher training course, secondary school teaching, IT teacher training course, school management and business management courses.