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ISPSC Code Holds Builders to a Higher Standard
Many states that never before had pool & spa codes, now have included them in their building codes. While most states and municipalities have adopted a version of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC), some have never even heard of the pool & spa code before.
The ISPSC is the only comprehensive swimming pool code that is coordinated with the I-Codes and PHTA Standards. It was developed in conjunction with the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA).
The ISPSC incorporates prescriptive and performance-based minimum requirements for public and residential pools, spas, and hot tubs.
The ISPSC covers both the design and construction of commercial AND residential swimming pools. It also includes and references many APSP codes as well.
Consequently, because of these additional references in the ISPSC, many designers and builders now have a myriad of codes and standards which they must now meet.
Texas Adopts ISPSC
A state that previously had no formal pool and spa codes, Texas, recently adopted the ISPSC statewide. The Texas State Residential Code section R326.1, adopted the 2015 ISPSC.
Many local governments often adopt the codes as well, oftentimes making amendments to the adopted statewide version. Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas have all adopted their own versions of the ISPSC.
Even though a project is being built outside of city limits where there are no permit or formal inspection requirements, the State Building Codes still apply as the minimum design and performance standards. (Residential Code, ISPSC, Electric Code, Fuel Gas Code and Mechanical Code).
In the event of a personal injury or a workmanship dispute, the State Building codes will be compared to the project parameters.
Where Do You Find These Codes?
You can find the codes on the following website: https://up.codes/codes/
Researching the codes in each state will better familiarize you and help you to learn and understand them. It certainly pays to know, after all this is your trade and profession!