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"Difference between ReactJS and NodeJS." Software Development Company
What is ReactJS? ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for developing single-page user interfaces. It is declarative, efficient, flexible, and enables developers to build reusable UI components. A ReactJS application is composed of various components, each capable of rendering a small and reusable piece of HTML. Components can be enclosed within other components to provide complex applications to be created out of simple building blocks.
What is NodeJS? NodeJS is an open-source cross-platform for writing JavaScript code outside a browser. The thing to remember is that NodeJS is not a framework or a programming language. NodeJS is used for developing back-end services like APIs like Web or Mobile Application.
ReactJS vs NodeJS
If you have in mind to build an app using React js development services or NodeJs Development for your next web development project, then contact us at sales@ongraph dot com
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